& 0 on ab >!)“ closed 5o Wilhaned ... C , TOF PE ndO‘._‘z CEXEyq of Of rt 8. L. 4 huh‘ . Apimer, 2. \ st81!* tn‘s 3" ..‘ ~HH! Vork azothâ€" o in all 1* : Cmabet. 8 Sxig wek ortawa RIVER NAVIGATION COMPANY. 1911 , s Bon Ordet in Connol! of 2ith Maroh, 187% as to eecaome / w.“. E ’z gfï¬g’&?z‘& m’ï¬&wvmm q PLANED LU MBER of all duscriptions. HUILDING AND bLRIDGE TIMXBER. eotion 12. â€"And be it furthered erdered, That whenerer a place or warchouse is offered tw the Colâ€" E*EA E$ â€"AM ten inA onl dpa mork i cacretly® ieevnot ns ramse d Sulrtain that such »lace or Warchouse is sufict~ houser : + <p ) ~ y e SHINGLES X. XX, XXX. s Bedsteads, and import them direct. or small. . Parties requiring quantities zncun. Â¥. B..â€"Farme.s from the Conunty of Oarleâ€" ton can enter the mill yard by Broad Htreot. and a large stock oft & lwge stock of the above will he kept con Mantly on hand to suit purcha.~rs. YOL. VI NO 2026. Reâ€"bonding and Reâ€"warehousing of g’u and Colffeqo. wl Public notice is hereby given that all the Customs duties, whether specific or ad valorem, mmau.a‘l'uott:o&. imported into Canada, be repealed upou, from and, after the 1st Jui:nt And notice is further given that TEA and OWFFEE in the nal packages on which “mmphm be reâ€" hfldudn-mnl’ time i-lt':thoTwml:mdq JUNE 1 pear, on being so »h-m‘::dnmm“ of the specitic duties paid on such Tes and Coffee, shall be repaid to the owner thereâ€" of and a drawback by the Collector of Customs at the Port where they are so reâ€" bonded and reâ€"warehoused or by the Receiver (General. POnuc uut_ncr; MOUSEKEEKPLNG UTENMLLS, ad other nnnl-, and the very besk. MAUDALRKA im o 8 maR MiLL®s wU£KING TOVES “h&o“.dy*sl- crujan or h toils. Pusweoâ€"ss wuoal, wholieale and 1e Non Conductor for Covering Steam Boilers a id Pipes. HQN.â€"COMLUSTIBLE & NON C~RROSIYE Bave 30 per cent in fuel, and stâ€"am passes through any leogth of <Piping covered with the Nonâ€"conductor quite dry. We make a speciality of these Fnglish bintes and throughout Great Britain, and by tes and i the British Admiraity and American i-vyf * (Bee circuiar ) XTRACT from Regulations, «snotiened »&mmo.cdiru on J0th March, lflh relation 1 Bonding of Goods, still in forcse. .. 8. Bâ€"It saves 30 yor cont on the Russel! Honse botler, and steam :s auw rained in haif the tim: it wpâ€"k vesore the covâ€"ring was -z . wulle it saves a large centage m.u.... at h.'.n'.'wu-nh Fuslameut aud Dopa:â€"tmoutal Baildiags, City mnï¬s'y ieA e THE STEAMER "FARY" Mieintels t buses it 5+. ms returniill Bae 6 Aast, dupbesitor & o.s Heam Milis A VPlock‘s Fouoty &u., 40. antntei camane or etherpien $ M s Sm ‘ â€"aAad be h~ ordered, ‘?‘ .-‘ . MAEKADOWI4 Co., > uu-nw VAMteawa, durch & 187X 1 s .. 109 L.-.....t *B.* Ertensively used in the Kastern and W« storn Miawa, Nov. 10, 181 Hanpsoansâ€"BPENUE va iEX i 1 EALMEES & CuU., Rubanisos st., Mvateal Note Wikihectienre l::.‘b?'.u- NUNBROEK O LEARY, __ Geners! Westâ€"in Ag nt. "=tPa YÂ¥ICTORILA. «QUEEN By command Customs Warshouse." NoOTICE. JOH® ROOCHEBSTER & Co. & & M. BOUCHETTE, UVawe, 10Oin June, 1872. Woell Beasonad, 1872‘ m-ld-ï¬; 6 invention qummuï¬â€œ"&-“ discovered, and adids immensely b'l.-‘ WORDERFUL + IMPAOVENMtAT NNHIH PNO! hdlaul-hhï¬oaoum in that ment pleasure “&m hhqdhw h.-hm and in doing so respectfully Dohqulln-d.:-'-thdthn-fl- OUR SHOW ROOM. ORME & SON _ Srd. in uk Power, Purity and wflm has no compeer. i mow quite ite ovigited ogst. * .‘ -&n iW warranted in the most satis~ :mw-‘-. be hd-u:» Messre. Orme & Son are also agents for the following Piance, vis : KoCAMXMKON & C0O. Ahflm KMLABON & HAMK« * f and ESTEY & 00.‘h ORGANS§, alaagt Stutaaet 6 thide ie h ce« | J. L ORME & S0N, ADALLA | TEVIQ c. Th steam=rs of this Line are inteaded. to aail Woâ€"okly as follows dering the srason of m'tufl,.w London, Quebec l';-bul, «Oallt -!zu.m passooger» -fl:"'-c hat port ewery Friiag.) . ..> _: ... And Montreai. wdbflhflquoï¬ulflh rfa! Iroo Stsamsehips : oo § vaune, . gou, Onoe! Ghee Through tickets from all points Woet at rates, Cortifican s tssuaâ€"d to: m of _ brivging . mar ~cnelir :tb to Gauade. m:u‘-d l.fl: lssued on tbe continaent, lemreson .nmdo.-duuhu..o.uu-. to .Sl'““‘, CW“M points io the West. yaerta _ Bows & # Tradbate‘6 Pikect HpdrdCnrbousted 3t. Lawreonsce & Ottawa Ralw3, The unde ie the BOLE MANUFACTURERS : ;-:."-.,.'*'.-.'T'.?..?.:-:E.“.-Em‘ruo-. MORsON & s o~ OFFICES of tbo-ry,-w.-... Medallists and Jurors at ail the Exhibitions, Street, where orders for the collection and 31 33, 124 southamptod tow, es ze dor n pparr dn‘ "'",v.."" pro®pl| * RUSSELLSQUARE, LONDON and » ï¬mmm ndndt Worksâ€"Horusey and Homerton. Mmm'. Uffice, on Wellington » sns 3 k Stre t. \Pure Chemicals and New Medicines A. J. TAYIOU®BR, ‘ Belected, and Shipping Orders expcuted with care l } t 0 o o +o y t â€" Carmge Agrak (Kak CRRREE! n ul., ung mark reftusrered. “llrlu'tdth-l:nh-m-o: M “lmb. And. In workmanship it cannot be surâ€" (ttaws, 5th Feb., r1â€"HE G MUSIC BOOK URCH e Ist. & UOaING w Ta To be ready By L 0. i As m-‘ :'.}E"-m Eo iâ€"~â€"~eâ€"~ y $.3oa‘rd oa--.:-'nnug' Wesi. the coming book cannot fail gzâ€":,zï¬.."f' a piprradids updert w and Plece, seit pestâ€"paid, on wl 4 med i Pegn prmept a co Bnm London. Quesec, OMlice over Hope and O8‘«, Sparks stieak. Â¥KBDWAY, Temperliey‘s Line. C HA E 5 T 4A N D AR D, Clad Tidings, 0 cents paper, 5 cents b‘ds.) is onecf the ENTKANTE BY ALDE DOOL.. PIANO8 and HOOD, # t * R 3 -‘ 8 '}:" ®\%, " | 2y s it P k ywele w ::.Nxmcx. ALTERATION OR RUNNING 11M OTTAWA RAILWAY The old reliable, qutcuest Ldb-n route ; shortwet line Uyzl.llu.ï¬o- C t iwa to Brockvilie and all points Bure connections with all the Grand Trunk trains both Kast and W\st, as this Company‘s traius walt their arrtval when lao Comlertable Sote Cars oa. No 1 anc # Oharge for berths, 50 cents _ _ *> M t®lnotes allowed at Pregoott Junc ton for refresbmenw. % Trains are run on Montreal time, THO8 REYHOLDSA, _ LEAYV 2s 384A AD PULNTâ€"O:0 +o. 114 ana $ W pm Uireat Broad Gauge Route TO OTlAiWA. B:l0 ami 9: 186 p m Lm.& »D g:ou Mail Train at 3580 p.m., artiving st sand Poin: at 945 pam. Through itawa Eapress at 3:20 p.m., making certain consection with «rans Truok Ly Lkxaxprâ€"ss from the EKasm and Wost, artiving «t Ott â€"we a T:230 » a LEAVE UTi aAW A. Through Westers Exyters st 1000 a.m., ar> l.‘.“‘ Brockville at i 50 ».m., «+0 sovnecting with JAraod i: uk Day K« press going Kast and W.at. B as baprâ€"ss at# 30 .. m, ars chrew at ~Brwarmule 4t #358 ) m / ind at Bond «P mt at Gr10 /. CKapr o« at 6 p. m. sqmrBg & $3an c Pnd #.4 gam. ~ARBRIVEL AT SAND PULN EC â€"440 p ue LKAYE BRUUKVILLE.: Baxpress at 8 00 am., acrtving at Oitawa al 108 pi.. and at Nand Point at :.4 .onngecthiâ€"ne . .d-o;: Sanl Point with | 4 Â¥ s % Ateamets to aud from Pemvrok», Port g« ¢u _ After the Sth of June next, emigrants e +0 M“' ' ie A & wl'u.nt‘l.:rryulhomumnm-' = 'm““ Froignt loaded with despatoh, and N« Trs . | ToRJATO To PORKT WILLLAM.!© > U._t wh a in car loads, 1 ‘Adultâ€" $)+; Cuildren under .2 years, $2 8)} 150104 paess . AbBb rip~ *A f puosusl bacunge free Nxtiw‘bligeadis Siconte per i M nage | PORF W ILLLAM To FuRL GARKY. Brovartile Â¥ey 20, ‘47. |~_ Emigrants. $15, Childreo ymig 12 years $8 .* w o Inr toe" Ctk igene ohem ues Of bepente ep contsrmmmmmmemmmsmmesicacmmnenercmmenencmmenmmmncmasn s« emenmam nc mmimamce : oo w m > aos w JÂ¥ T 48 C ~â€" | ing ’uuyl.‘u_l,,nlp,m m! m . v Â¥if N\ ' Noron‘s Effectwal Remacies Brockville and Ottawa Railways : KTraius on Canadga Contral and Porth Bom:> © . June 14, 1822 rnaa-um-m all craing «a | + & O Rallway _ Cns t ap |. & URLH M Are solid by Chemists and Druggists | ~â€" _ throughout the world. | No No. cuarLts ALBIANIE8 AXD sons â€"* RaNUrACTURERS or Ateaim Reféaed Confectionery, Lozeng Gum Drops. Cream Bon Bons, Crystal Trains will run as follows : On and after WUOLBALI 8TE AM ERY. Uette Papers Pringed, Mottoes, Horus of Pleaty. uxmhud-hi 387 & 301 NOTBE DAME STREET, m‘flflw 1947â€"8m iA AND FROM MONDAY, i06 JU 1871, trains will run as tollows . B and professional medicine e &.-uon'ol PEPRIXE #o ot ga trie juice. e ase of this valuabie mediâ€" w netural functions of che stoâ€" h, giving onse more strength to the hody. MONDAYÂ¥, MXAÂ¥ 200, 1813 ised Fruits, Marmalade, Jams &o. tAVIPA CBNTHAL l ll!O)l‘ -ui.i;lm! T 30 a m ofsteamets ca«t 10 00 * n ..nw.u.n‘r| accomm ~dat! n tot tm Kat. * *Q'l'hmr-m' 9090 nson Kast and do! 3 50 pm * m i trai o t o : Brook ville. h iag«ston R d wall way @1 a t 1 o ns \West. 10 34" ag, + T +xpress tor ,13 50 p m | |all potnts West,| iT trains for‘ . 10 00 p m| Eastand Wost| 1 00 a m 1100 a m 400 p m Otta wa and by miles '.=.dl pd.egm 'W.:?: of English. ESTABLISWHED INX 1842 dGolrno soc td Do 30 Expr a« trom West CAKEB OR\AMENT3, e vazrms yA &1‘ _ _ '":.. J npetion. +Ty OB iB a To cCO Artive in Ottawa. ~o~"~=â€" | _ The abov#s &@Iloctions of Vocal tiems contain each | IW to 3>* pages fuli of the choisest werman m 8:45 p M ° ti h. sasce4 o miscel ancous songs Vory TA | and ve y m«lerate :n price, * _ a25 in board«: #« in cloth : $4 full gilt . The above bosk« and pieces s¢ut. postâ€"paid. on © 46 <BB | receipt of ret , Ottawa apt loung‘s, Chaadi Mn // fln‘ ts c(flf K FLKC) (E ‘ in OFTAW > FRWAY.:u:JViC> 49,; 1s72. C The GQovernment of B:itish Co‘lumbia M I to receive Tenders for the construction of a Graving Dook: at the ‘Nuval Station. h-l-.;\& nnde: the guarunto= provided in the Tw oi the Ferms) â€"# Union ‘of this" Province ‘ the + dDomin:om of Camaia. which sectien is in the followâ€" |_‘Width between copings 90 feet, | Do‘ on foor ... ...... .45 feet, | ~ Do "ofentrance‘..... ,.Efeet, | _ To afurd a depth of water on" the sill of not les | thaw Â¥} foot at hich water‘springs, and to be subâ€" | stantialty cunmetructed to the apprcvas of Government | upon a site to be provided ‘by the pertion whose hf | der may be accepted. * e | . Further purticalars as to «ite, borings, &¢,, may | be chtained from C A. BuLKLET, h.flfl‘-‘ s0 ugivecs regarded as a STaAXDAR. ME hmb that -:“:Jnrtlnnut is only needses 8e » remmiuder; The musigls #o attracuire that the ato geat will retain it as a book of Organ Pigces, aile: nn:ahm: tnlo i-‘;tn ~«uve mmnâ€. y it on th A nny colgred pictuse of iy YÂ¥ e on tites of D LL.Y VARDEN hong, DOLLY VA DEX tialop, DJ L\ VARDEN Sehottische, and bDOLL\, \ ARDENX Waitz. Eachâ€" plecedd ooBi#s ¢ Gems of CermimSoug, â€"/â€" « es of Sacied P \}ew‘ol &:omsuq Is now in <er on. â€" Ail who wi ke a notse in the world? may easi y ..~-|~otnpmn &M“‘ vrastige of this Fascinttaog ibetratfenou. with the Ai 4. © 4. DiTSON Lu C [ 1| wIGÂ¥OL | ':g.::-vam Volling rood or Sarnia to #oqt Mak c in [ 4+ mile« by waggon from Fort William to Shet@m Pe No: Aimgpat mbing uen nimpid L L a C sd..:'ï¬.‘.:@t._-:';"mm the Northâ€" W eit MJ the ' t».mu--:yc.-cc W aggon from -...w.‘.u | gle, Lake of he Woods to Fort Garry. _ _ °_ ESQUIMALT GRAVING DOCK Li We d® im . |r & d ~ *Lb e Daminion Government shall guarsntes® the inteirsi bor ton years trom the date of the cotipletion of the work. at th : .rat : wf Ave per cent per‘@hnom on siuich sum=. not exgeoding £190,000 sterling, as may be required for the construction of a first class Graving Dock at Esquimait." ; . The Dock to be of masoury, and of not less than the following dimengions ;â€" * s 4 Len«th on floor 370 feet, gineer to Governiment, . upon application laâ€"writifig to the Chiel ommissioner of Lands and Works.~ Tendors must speci(y‘the time within which the Dock will be comp‘gted, and must be accompanied y drawings an 1 descriptions showing exact dimen« sions, materials, and mode of construction of proâ€" posed Dock % Persons wh may consider the above guarant be insuflicient, are at liberty to tender on the basis 1 such supplemental guarantee by the Provincial (Q,rerninent, or upon . uch other fnancial toduce wents, as they may suggest. â€" Tenders are to be sealod, supersoribed . "Tends for Esquimait Graving Dock," addressed to the Chief ommissioncr.of Lands and Works, Victoria, British Columbia, and delivered at his office before noon of the 15th day of November, 1872. The Gove:rzment do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tenderâ€" Each LenJer must be accompanied by a Bond from the Contrnotor, «ad two sullcie t sureties for the paymen of £]}\0» to Her Majesty, her heire and successors, condittoned upon th» dus fulllment of the Tender which it sgcompanies provided it be avce, ted within three imonths from the said Aith Novâ€"ember. 4 "e t *4 . 1} - "CGEO A. WALKEM, _ â€" _ ChiefCommissioner of Lands and Works. Lands and Works uftion _ =. Victoria Apsil Â¥ith. 1872 1007 wun Hulland. the rgyp iaa «@overnment. the ; anadiap tovernment, «b> Nor h Kaste u Kailway the Card:d Doeks, the Hacbware of Ha&stle um» dee. 1bord on..uuuiu Ba. row . tol and e sewhor@. 1s puuouh«m or ex= posed losalities, and ean be « any part of the wo. id. rsg aB ( > ENGINE ®s, CONTRACTORS & CORâ€" PORA PLONS + Patent â€" Dredge . Plant, inROPGE TICOLETS To PoRT GikRY vli FORT WILLILAM., Can he had at Toronto, at the station* of the North= oru, tireat Westetn, aud tGrand Trunk Railways. himigramts ace requested to t i~e notic < chat = »ge« are limited to 3+ lbs«. w:jt fog uf transpe t on the porthges, that baggage supplâ€"cs must nut exooed +4.lbe. for any one emiâ€" t. "x:'ur!hg ist day of Augu«t next, the Rxo Rivka® MOu s Acw â€" Atterthe ist dayot Augu«t next. the Lkp Arykp koutrs wOl be in a cop litionmto M‘&M port of m‘,m ALARKES KEW MFTHOD TO LETâ€"At Caledonia Springs, aGo0D yoaroâ€" 1%e House». conth:uing !~ Hooms *: ‘-r meut Building late y cunnceted wi CaNAD 4 bHous«. com aining 4 Bal: Alleys, Bar mllr g‘d Roowm aud 4> exoelient h?n* of »ard at the >prin‘s frowm > to 3) a w and last «eason â€"he nnl.‘u-nmu Aot -flL o Amd a goud Harm containing about: &C1O8y, cear, -u: .P'.;‘:"M lLacu and 3,abl0e P P > "A. MA Â¥ELTON, _ | 13 Otaw«, May 10. 1873 b.lvlc_u}u Capt You [he Wastington Treâ€"ts, and By Kailroad from Toronto to Collingwood or~ ar 1J The subscribers beg to call the attention of tawa, Aprit 24 1'-1‘!.‘ | OW RC\DÂ¥. A Canadian~ Monthly ‘for May Abso ready the # g 8R ¢@ \r MclL.uro‘s L ewre Romist fr examâ€" Te Te t t ie anetian h t Oivours~ Fucasicbp s p ‘Vâ€", ol Popy o uon Cld i# mm wuRIH WEST PERKRTORL 8. RELGING., DVIS(T COLUMBIA Tri Collags. Torento, Whmn. “’"“« On and after |st May nekt may REL‘.D ORG AX PRICE "gn%, _ ARE CHANCE BOARDIN»«! HuUsSE KEEFERn B. L. £. L&W{!~ THE SuDE â€"F CONYVEYANCE, By Command ver all 4 tains icaportunt articlei OB Engineers and ww londo:“ Works, nenfrew, Scotiam Â¥ath al sp «d and en hlf«nl‘rw m,hz «t. th» : +oveinment w o ks abL‘arâ€" : â€"the great . ~uuth mwm yp ian «overnment. the ; Nor h Kaste u Kailway s, the tluz:ndlu-lh r.; u«x’m raw .. «hreghoo @. is particular or ex= and ean be Lm pert MNethod for ite. Cornet, PRICE 81. Â¥ Rat Y ork to 11E18 NEW ioi be ‘de ivered in any part w. sIMOsa$8 & Ccu.." Fos loth : $4 full gilt pioces sgat. posiâ€"paid. on DITSON & Cu., Boston. ; LÂ¥ uN a BKAX. FOR 1955â€"3zw k /w k64 Â¥. BRAUN, =‘"=s«‘= Chickering‘s Pianos, s 14 ,Chicago =t» | awe lt q F [PEOPLE‘» TEA STORE _ We will coatanths z:‘t ‘no one can sell the rame articles‘cheaper, such a* TEA», RUGAhs, ‘FOBAVOOY aid ORNERAL G;coonmu‘ also WINES and all hromq Uiqdora, ~OansMuan Hptrits, of ‘the "be# : drsortption, always on hand at ptices as low 14 Â¥O. B@ &IWDEAT stasku, ï¬n‘nï¬m UHAUDIERY, W‘ho‘*~~",; ¢r~® KRetail Grocers Wine and ~pirit Merchants. § _« * ___. jared to off 1 to th= Farmirg Gommunitty and to the trade inducements that _ â€" _: _ n givyen bet. tofore by auy one in our Jine of businessâ€"being now tmportâ€" log to ___â€" . part 0t our Btixck, such as TSAS, WINKS and BRAxDIBS, enable«s us to t vnce mg#s turther, W« clsim alrmaiy to hare brought the enormous profits hetetufore ‘rtatin‘g to a moliâ€"ats rath abd truat in "fature to contiuue so. _ _ NE «mall Tots ces bi IatFdowni ‘W» care not for competition, all we require is a trial given to‘our goodk, 'l‘h(w‘.flll proft hy.cnmn_' to us. -"Oln;uo is light profites, Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial. f 1 P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHERS A COMPLEIB®ASSORTMENT OF THE, FOLLOWING;: INETRUMENTS gALWAYS Secondâ€"Hand Pianos, [qpodm;b'ymml,m bhand, from $100 to $250. Terms liberal. A. & S. NORDHEIMER‘S Pianoâ€"Forte & Music W arerooms Mason & Hamlin‘s Organs, â€" M > ‘Prince & Co.‘s Organs. $1,000,000 ui: iot chcart Yihang uon #aidllPortiontie L % Sor in leact ol PabMe Lt Bu To the ental e on aee Eim o Lioray . Sulllint Jne ue Arand oin, Guak By anthority in the act of alatur« Inâ€" wmxo t 424C LLBRARY of KEn. TVCKY, Trusteos wili give their » > ianring tas concert the sam of | * \.. + /: $500,000 IN CURRRENCY l sc 2s o uPS as SECOND GRAKD GIET CUNCERI of Kenthckr, has copsented to represent the Trustees in ‘the h.i:xz-t ‘or this secand g:u m..ul of uiokets is t xone e e nu& th m’.m-um, that the drawin« is riy aonducted: and the giits justly awarded .n‘l"’ho dup'“uyn’.'“l'l‘l tmphao‘ in public, in full view of the armilence, and under the ‘minediâ€" Saturday, September ©28, 1873. 100,000 Ti3KETs‘ OF apwissrO® ate anverviaion and dtrection of the .officers ndgu“onb.l’tbatu of vwicky and wonmm‘. emine: terâ€" ested citisens who have to be preâ€" sont and ~06@ tratâ€"ailde:tairly done: _ _ 58 _ â€" an & Co. * C Henrt .: Deppen, Pnf‘at German B=â€"r.k. Andrew ‘{iranam, Teobaceo and Cotton Merâ€" i)r Nor\.i.s jreen, Prévident L. &C. Shortâ€"line Â¥ol M.Mmu“{flï¬l Co OFFICERA OF tgmlflm R T Burrett, President . W N Bum‘:'n.n, V ceâ€"President. Jahn# Cailn, decretiry. Aceut Public Library of Kentuky, Public Libâ€" rary Bullding, Lowsvilis, Ky. Â¥ '..“ o - Cliremlars, givipg full partipalare, aent on 8p« o S c t da d accwn / Raimaaiadr t W "a0 ns shdicks t AeAsLS TE Ago HJMAS U coputut :mm tibrary of Kentuky. ‘ oum-u'v.b eaich . /.. iC shm d + AOD. db 022 I% Aw o® TWs ..‘ p PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KBNTUCKY, At Loulsville, Kentucky. ~Baskerville & Brothers, Total, 1,000 Gifts, all Oast... . . . ©500,000 t ‘ # $ ht Pianos to KRent. Second ummuommmnm-g. Just received a large number of NEW and POPULAR MUSIC, Inspection invited. _â€" A. & 8. NORDHEIMEER. Ottawa, April 8, 1872 y Buillding, Lomsvilie, Ky.. ~. * ~5. | ahiim~â€"stants. ©The F6 ' coul Tull t ’wfo’ub.; The mght is also reserved . ~aalnite d "***"Sizh tw@n |1, the Governor in Coundll, cce pea Aw cog cut) o K1 m-:pb:u:nbw' ie it ienss inteopomnernfapigimess e | The cut of over One Thoasandâ€"Aores talented 1128 [ODPD_ ; 0_ ourily shown that the lessce LIUATION WAKTED. W anted by a .. BECOA D. , & h «6 puiee mat s 64 m ooo + 1 1 se n n e en n g in n n Steinway‘s Pi1anos, © Dunham‘s Pianos, cify 3 Haine‘s Pianos, 1498 OF GTÂ¥TA 26 sPARKS STREET, C a«tO0 TT KW A. â€" 12 "ortk hestus | +%40 1on less than late Governor $25,000(‘ash 150 do 9,0 0 do 6,000 do 50 0â€" do 400 «o do The limits of the ferry shall extend to ‘a distance of one mile above and one mile below s:;.h-f at tluo;nlhco of o ear on is ow some on No. 14 in m‘l'ow::%:p of" Cumberland, in the Province of Ontario. |* in the river must both sides, subject to the approval of the Department of Iniand Revenue. on be placed Boatâ€" shall d 4 ‘l:ne,-fly completed u%ï¬:: “.Twwmothldhy \hp - ® . tember, 1872. Tth. in 4 lease will be granted t period T m from the 1st day of Septemâ€" of five years heid jointly and: severally in the sum of #1,000 for the full compliance of the lessee until the terms of the lease. WÂ¥ 8th. The lessee will be required to give iwo sureties â€"atisfactory to the m ment of Inland Revenue, who be fuls to «comply A notice of the rates of Tares and tolls to be charged for ferryage shull be gllâ€"x?‘p in a conspicuous r ho tas racly Bost amployed. Every. 100 los. of freight, wCintcd REGULATIONS 1st.â€" Rr? Ay w and also on Hats, Hats, Hats. mMFL &A RG EST AND BE5S TA â€"â€" Nelection of RAR A JA HATS, y s PEACOCK‘S, _ ‘ “m&nn.‘_ovm 'mwpï¬nï¬d or RAW Ottems, May T T. .. _ > Pm ®TFor terms and partionts ud nersigptemcatterm It forig ." Ottawa, April 11, 1873, Rnnlws OHOICEK PERFU®ES Patronised by all the world. Rinmmel‘s ML(, Â¥anda, (Henne, Jockey m Â¥Frangipane, and other perfun.es of exq h'.unu. Rimmel‘s Levender Water, distilled fro Mitchatmn Flowers. “g?nf'- Tollet Vinegar, celebrated for its a sani properties. Rimmel‘s lx%t of Lime J 1ice and UÂ¥â€" ceripe, the best preparstion f®# the Yair -mllly in warm olimates. mel‘s Dugong Oil Soap, porfamed with ustralian KEocalyptus, & Rimmel‘s Glyu’tL, Homey, Costume and loral Urackers, very arausing for Balls sud rties, 4 Rimme!‘s Viclet, Rose.Lea‘!,Rice, and other ollet Powders. A liberal allowaace to ship» , Eugene Rimmel, * : * ‘to H.BR.H. the Princess of Wale: . : €6, lm Streat. and 34 1+ >~. 11 Sole Pronrtctors and Manuts~t w bul Works Vicorda Hall, i i +ng Hour of Cing¢1 By L, 0. EMERSON and w. a.néx':nxg -t..m..m m, b HIGH BCHOOLS, This Gaznoun is the Remody in ail cases %. nhas wokLD‘s PEACE JUBILEE that are Past.â€"Howard, 3. _ . The Hour of Sizai MYRTLE N AVY. Ladies desirous of lessons in the French nguage, can Secure e us vrogs of ‘ a compoetent Price so low that all can us CcaUTI®. MUKELRS! Ult in se in ahe bauds t ns Woin coke e .“‘ Mld'l'z; who has the best of credentials and of this Chorus . Book. FRENCH LA&NGUAGE. CAPS, and FOR i GOOD SMOKE, For the & B. on each Plug. "wa STRAW |GOODS, pe:iion each Do §00° Pams selected by the Y sic will be a popular and «¥"As The Lasatifal Da; «SHackle tou 30 1P RICEâ€"}3 CEN TS 1940â€"im w 47 SPECIAL XOTIOES. The t Johnso o‘*s en mssn n en Sheridan‘s Oavairy Condition Powders, heve published a readabi#~and instroctive pamé phict, which may be had free at the stores troubles, if o‘nl(:’m and similar result in serious Pulmounary, mfl":. Asthmatic affections, oftenotimes incurable BROWN‘8 BRONCHILAL TROCHES are compounded so as to reach directiy & seat of the diseame and give almost ins~â€" The Tmches are offered with the fuilest confidence in their efficacy ; they bave b«+m reputation they have justly acquired PA Public Spoakers, Singers, Militery OMâ€"ers, and those who ovartax the voipe the;y «t useful in relieving an Irritated Throst and will render articulation casy. Being an artiok of true merit, and beaving proved their «Mcacy by.tlflu-myy-:a::ly.l.th weyhdg e " ulnnuy.;::o.-‘ and the Tr are Wï¬-x:m Obtain only "Brown‘s Bromchisl Trook » and do not take any of the Worthiess Jait~ on that may h afferad *«Troowss," so called, sold by the coumc: , <~ & poor imitation and notbing like BRO@ + BRONCHIAL TROCHES which are * in boxes with facâ€"eemale of the provricc JOHN L. BRUWN & SUN. en outsioâ€" wrappe: of box, and prtveb® +«rameat stiump attachâ€"d to cach boxr. Oneun axp» Svevaz.. â€" In every branchk ~ tivationâ€"whether in the Oeic, the orch« â€" vineyard or the garden, there must be ot system :-unu successfal results «~ truth is 1y established by sctual ez,;+ Another great truth has also been e6t»~~ by the same means, which is: That =â€" ventative medic+~. . . .edisine for * This car in puttivg ip the Troch=â€" :t-t as ameâ€"curity to the parchaser i be sure ot+ obtaining th« geauin : Bronchia) â€" Procbes complaints, the "Caneadian Paln Dests, > the most reliable. For sale h_._llin..- Garar Coxvorrion Muprouwranâ€"â€"As a sendi@ medicine for horses "Darley‘s COonditics Pew ders and Arabian Heave Remedy® has us oegaen Its effects in this respect are astonishing ; mesy horses that were supposed to be broken down and almost worthless have, by the use of a oi packages, been restored to . a an i sound condition, all traces of the disease peen completely removed, and hare been se! for th-&. to $75 more than they would preé. fously have brought; when want a be News 6 eneentare DP e e Wtaaiik : tP0 TBIBTY YAARR _ EXPERIEEO â€"Re â€"\ |â€" omppbctainns Atubian Heave Remedy." Ne know yo o8 be perfectly satisfed with the result. Remembes the name, and see that the signature of Hursd & Co. is on each package. Neorthrop 4 Lgna‘ Mgmduodhhfllâ€"bm and Nurses in the United States, and has been safeey and suocess by millions ot mothors and chlldren, from the toeble infant of ons week dto the wiult, 1t corrects acidity «4 the wach, relleves wind oolic, reguiates tw No toilet table should be wuh out COCUâ€"GLYOEBL NE, 26 ces.t uh.nuin--lhm.nn-hnl other and child. We believe it the last and surest remedy in the world, in all nsm of Dysentery and Diarrhms in chilidres whether it arises trom tecthing, or from other cause. Full directions for using ï¬ msccompany each bottle. None genuine uniess the facâ€"simile of OCURTIS & PERKINE is ca the outside wrapper. W‘z:'ll med:icing dnlu‘uuuubwh. 116 Fultws Btreet, New York, and 93 Oxford Bueet. Lonâ€" gon Be sure and oall for MKBS, WINSLOW*B 8O0OTHING sYÂ¥ i Having tao simile T @"Ourtis & P u&u‘t:‘o'nm All othe: Rome spun , 15e to 800 per ib Hm.ï¬ï¬‚b*‘r’. pyt Wool 57 cts. to 63¢ per 1b Hay $12 to 14,00 per ton Rye straw, §6. JQat straw, $6 to $8 do. Mess Pork, $16 25 to 16 K Dparral Farmers‘ mess, $14 50 Fdo Prime messe, $18.00. u.-h-nâ€",uznnm,. iWJ Becka "%o"" is o to 210 0 4e Bacon dry salted, $9 00 _ de Frocae~ Rstail prices. Double extra, $1.00 per barrel. you rheamatism in aoy form _ HMayvâ€" meck, 0: bunches caused by rheumati If sq, Jobnson‘s Anuoyne lLiviment : fo remed; and s also the bast peip C0OO(â€"MGHI.YORRINE the hair kwmlw“’um&. 306 w 35¢ do Peas, 60e to 65e do Beans $1.50 to #115 Barley S5ote, to 65cte. Mwbu,tl.“nl.dli‘â€do -L l alke i4 ** * to 8e per Jb. T nrced lith, 25 15 pa out. .. The iates\ quowtions are as ftolls No, 1, soie, dÂ¥ete yper © Cornmenal, $3.25 to 3.50 do wnâ€":qn.oo do Wheat meal, $1.00 _ do mss. WirewsBGoorame Sraor is the ptin Te rEWw Tt © & Bran, 75 ote to 8Uc. Beof, $6.50 w #] 50 par 100 it Mutton, To 10 100 per ib. Fowlsa, 75 10 $1.00 per couple. n oran s irrens Cavhnesrceam Srow iot a 16 i Siska Apples per barrel, #7 00 to $7.50 Go.o.'s;o)c.w 1::-‘ Ducks, 40¢ tw couple hlh:;t‘â€w’c’w 0\:.;. It, Eeg» aosen Buiter 15 orurfl‘: per 1b . In prints, 16e 10 2o In 1%¢ w 160 ; i Im’hl-‘loh j» Lard, 10 to 12 ocm pet ib Tullow. Oc 1o We do Honey . ) w« Pomioee, 2c per nuabel Have you a severs wrach or apts= COCO (+i.YDOERINE remoyss 151 wÂ¥ _ & 5 to .80 per 100 Ibs. Bou tb