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Ottawa Times (1865), 23 Jul 1872, p. 1

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VUNGBROV BR T, ,. . _ Barriztars * Â¥e Closed 8t 1139 py sulldings, hagkt 00 "~aenvam tm mss I ET H & LGQG a *+ Nes parge, 3. to d O, Raiis._ WULA® 82 % Customs Warehouse." arded Kast ang: kilidhiaiviges is 0 s uts aciached iharaie, gith :â€": ..â€"â€"â€"-.fl": an L*Â¥ nu-d!l".!fi ou ab Mc . sear of 1 Tétitry) tiâ€" MA I GGCBK, tets jap C jap tC PMice, U al m ) op posite . * Meo . ApDHBMAE E -lv‘”_@. â€"~RQ*% P.4. 18 v m to 4 # a. &. it 4 p. &« ; MRAL 6818 12g4 ban"" o %â€"£C L# ags o€ tBe & ERCIAL Of and *** yop P4s ue * . Ju ,,‘}.‘b-w- "mevees s1R8!8 iusited odw 0# w@# at the migy P‘. 3Â¥ qfHE SIEAMER " FAIRY" commenee har rips on Saturciar. the tth M g-"m'!‘;.‘ e‘ y DeUsnttt CH TT 7/A whenever a place or warehoase is lector of Customs at any rt «u1 m&fi‘d;-.‘ in ;“â€"; ‘::';a the #‘....a. Mfifi"‘; a n t ooo haveet t tame gard mifraio n uol bajnncte t for the faspiss io. Saled 2 The Sarreotor of Customs will cause the "rooristor or occupant to place over the gate or door 1872. jeading into, or in some Castoms Warehouse so with the following paint e o " o9 (Ktawa, May Lfi' P on ‘er s io E.“ -t f 7 4 b i rveard to fErionecene ~ XTRACT from Regulations, sanctiened L by the Governor General in Council, _on 30th March, lfih. reerrbes Bonding of Goods, and still in force. lection 1#.â€"And be it furthered orjered That I‘.â€"-Ahlw ered, ZBaL LDeit .-.-.-r.m“-@h' "': metness of the inyoice to declared the priniems c erapess te by weighing a , yoOL. VI ND m neeceterce eb emerey ommR ftrem natural causes or othorwise. itinn 14.â€"A nd be it further ordered, Thal thare }EM.(â€"“ 187%, as to Customs Department, PLANED LU ‘BER of all descriptions. BUILDING AND bRIDGE TIMBER. Â¥. B.â€"â€"Farme:s from the County of Carleâ€" ton can enter the mill yard by (Broad Street, l audioen Uol. mt Oct. 36, 1811 1805tt SHINGL ES A large stook of the above will be kapt e« stantly an hand to suit purcha. +* ~wWROUGHT IRON BEDSTEADS8, 2 #t. Cin., 3ft., 3f%. Gin., 4ft. and: 4ft. 6 made Bedsteads, and import | i nerneges :â€"d?mumlmfl‘ or small,. Parties req early spring delivery «der at once. MaUVIRs® a e % maA ie ky and a large stock of HOUSEKEEPING UTENXILS, ud other articles, and the very best. Reâ€"bonding and Reâ€"warehousing of Tesa and Coffee. * We make a speciality of these. English Pnblionofiooiobonby‘guudl the Customs duties, whe specific or ad vulorem, m&:bo-'l‘muco&o importei into , shall be repealed “homudmrdnlflJul“mt. And notice is further given that TEA and CUFFEE in the original packages on which .ehduuahmpum be reâ€" \.ddnndn-wfll” rime Wce on mea m td thiae in t year, «o nbam.:dn--rm.o“ dmwmmuzrn-i Coffee, shall be repaid to the thereâ€" of and a drawback by the Collector of Uustoms at the Port where they are so reâ€" bonded and reâ€"warehoused or by the uitable for the farmer, city resident, lum erman or hotels, râ€". wual, whoimale and reâ€" K. XEADOWS& Co., 35 Sussex Street. UAtaws. March & 1872 1914 ist of all * Customs W arehouses," «itnation, | (Atawsa, Marck 4, 1872 Cluazm â€"sPENUE rakENXs _ Nonâ€"Conductor for Vovering Steam Botlers Â¥ICTORLA." U « QUEEN NONâ€"COMBUSTIBLE & NONâ€"CORBRROSIVE Bave 20 per cent in fuel, and steam passes through any length ot Piping covered with the Nonâ€"condactor quite dry. In-dm-‘hmhnnd'“] States and througheut Great Britain, and by the British Admiraity and American Navy.â€" (Bee circular.) N. B.â€"It saves 30 per cont on the Russeli House boller, and steam is now raised in hailf the time it took before the covering was ap~ n Sots Dnspioupes Shiee on eroey mnm. or sign No. NOTICE. ) NUMCE, &8 "o o ie o ualoms, JOEK® ROOHEST s« & nhours i ctherd to the onl m ME Ww Esigetee hmes wise t for the purpose inâ€" adopting the result as the ARRIVALTT ~â€"~ FEOM 3 AMEMSE !y muw:-l'mhu. 187%. Well Heasoned, , the 4th May quantities 1872 X XX I Pwms. | CAKADA CABR Capital. â€" $500,000, in 5,000 shares of $100 Presidentâ€"JOHN m%-& Mm'?. Esq.. m?.';fi.dmw“m in ieeaoatee J. 8. u%;' Ezq., (MeMurray, 4& x.:v%’fi ATT, Esq., (Moffait, Brothers,) c. :."'.‘:?g-n.:.-...o...u & Cassels), HVGH nnl-:" Eeq., 0. E., Toronto. . JAMES PEPLER, Esq., Toronto. To be incorporated under " The Joint Stock Companica Letters Patent Act, 1869. Mossare. * , Colâ€" Ilw WELLS & GORDON â€"“ couwa®kL : The Hon. JOHN HILLYARDCAMERON, 9.C., pose of co m.nolill'r i p--x' # and freight) and to lease and u-i.-. Emm iependa eroos from the raw requisites for their completion, vis ; Axles, Wheels andsw Ans rale Car Building Companies Canada are at present purchasing their axies, wheels and # ® %J“%M no works for axle ® in the Ontario ; serap tron for for our i# daily parâ€" chased in and paying duty ~‘ both C amoanting in the mnwm-lmmm .v-‘nzdxu Canads than in the United Buates, it is known alarge number of "eln spowelkarzowe thar supriaettage i It is that at present the freight ma-'...,.."""“':'.:.":.:‘ &-K."'m a . The Canais C Tok -‘5 the above facts, Texcivad inni the %wdc-um noun%:l! w m~> ”ad‘.thuh car shops noms of E' Toads, "‘"‘11-.' n aide what % visz : Interâ€"Oceante mlm’ ‘mn.:‘v'flhm‘" o no mmpotnd on out of the country, if Oar Buildi ”‘(:‘g,_[n_gl-du exâ€" This Company has been projected for the purâ€" Mesars. CAMPHELL & CAASELLA, Toronto. the country, if Oar Building Compani ons Sanumaterine Contar in dpreaty roh s well chnsen, ‘and that great \ y Tt the -Q-MPM%S‘_Q Homip ies at ares Ram tbe J omotine yar goon mabrapcon cA Aurugh ceptia.wan Prombet to be taiy under the = Soint Stook Act," and tosecure :'mo.--”n w or inâ€" e e GHAmeP T10 C C L OC uathrad he Pram and the same valued Frank ..g'l.-,'hlmn. w ls “‘:Mhly lu-ldlrz orcecd oy abio racks to the Railwey System ymfisbm ?m“ . subscribe for additional stock in Company. mo.m“ z-ne-dn "oovv o pnnd to apply Tor‘a Specia! Act next ':r::'w"'f;-:u_}'- m L auniind E ~:¢“ â€"Of which ten per M Tâ€"r k on xc n t _ enbndl umu-?no-m. .__ Toront., l9th Jane, 117% se ougei Borks are se Cam,bell & . And"__onu'nl. MdOOMudulaoh- Powerfu\ [ron Steamehips : / Nes BR THE ROYAL CANADLAN RANXK, SR CU‘y ADALLA, TEVIO T. The steamers of this L in« are intended to sail Weekly as follows during the season of navigation of 1872, to and ”‘,"u s * TEAM London, _ and every Tuesdry fter. Rates of P weageâ€"Quabec to Loadouâ€" Cubin, $60. Stoorage, $24. Through tickets from all points West at MANAGING DIRECTOR, HUGH BAINES, Esg., C. E. reduced rates, Certificates iâ€"sued to persons desirous of trirging oot thelr IUemne to Canada, . Through, Bills of “‘z lssued on the continent, and in London all parts of Canads, and in the United States to Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago and other points in the West. | For Freight or râ€"c-m""""' toy‘s, Carter & Darke, 31 Street, Lona don; Wilcocks & Weeks, Barbican, Plymoath; Rous & Co., Quebec ; or gâ€"HE CcoxiNG CHURCH MUSIC BuOK RCQCiMG T coxiNnG CcHU mgfl ant _ new HOUISMIG To be ready July 1st. =“fi.l-um“ T‘H E S T A N D 4A BR D, By L. 0. ABmerson, dl-!“_ of Chicage. Puice, $1.80. _ As the previous works of these gentlemen hay Â¥aB En ermale it bn reins n oi iicse py omcs receipt of rotail qHAs. H. DIT: wor ty F , JAMEKA PEPLER, ---!|‘-"'" it ‘ _ pavID sHAW, 4 Montreal, or to ° C. B. CUNNINGHAM, .. Ottawa. Office over Hope and Oo‘s, Sparks street, Temporley‘s Line. narming Song. .... . T‘he @ates Ajar . ... Thomas. 4) Qttaws, June %, UK GCGlad Tidings, »n oi iven przon a co â€"Keoretary and Treasurer paper, 3 sents b‘ds.) is one of the MB W y _ Ti & s ad eâ€".l-Ea the anderâ€" L& stock for the value of THE 8T, LA wRht "CH OTTAWA RAILWAY. The old reliable, quickes and best route ; the sabhortest line by Q miles from O:tiwa ALTERATION OF BRUNNING TIML. m !31, as.“mi*mmfov. «. | * avesent seuare, roxpor, Charge for bertha, 50 cents l-';m-.n all the Grand Tronk trains both Eastâ€"and Weet, as this Company‘s trains walt theâ€"ir arrival when lase. Twonty minrtes allowed at Prescott June ton for refresbm. nts. Trains are runm on Montreal time, THOS8 REYNOLDS, Managing Director, Ottawas * Huperinteadent, Prâ€" mott. with Brockrille and Ottawa Railways COnmilertable Sâ€"ta Cars on No 1 an* ’I aAND FROM MONDAYT, loth JUNB 1871, trailns will run as follows , Mall Train at 3:50 pm., artiving. al Sano Point at 9:45 pm. Through Ottawa Express at 3:20 p.m., making a certain connection with »trand Trunk Day Express from the East and West, arriving st Ott«wa a 7:30 p a. LEAVE UFLAWA. Through Wostern Express at 10:00 a.m., ar» riving at Brockville at 150 pm., and connecting with Grand Trunk Day Exâ€" ”'dflufl W estk. ‘ “.:rl‘.- sat4:20 p. m., agriving at Brockville at 9:35 p. m , and at Sand Point at 8:10 p.m. Express at 6 p. m. «rriving at Saod Point '.“ ".‘ .ml-:‘!"..a.tlb POLNTâ€"1:4#0 pa®m, #:10 pm. :45 p m IMIMND &)mâ€"&fl a m, "11:40 | and 3:30 p m N-QMMMMM. make certain counsctions with all trainsca B.% 0. Raillway Comnections made at Sani Point with Steamers to and from Pembroke, Porttage da MW“ loaded with and No Tmaâ€" o u'-.'h-h‘m H. ABBOTT, On and after Trains will run as follows : N(fl'l(fl. Ottawn, June 8, 1813 | t 1 4 h s uoh. tth bâ€"drkr P r e O «o Nnl m.fl:w.‘_““m Au the abore ast tormind? Popsth in aiealad. s BOLE MANUFACTURERS : THOS. MORSON & 8sON I |tor the Kaâ€"t, l | ‘orlxmou |1% 90 mnoon‘ Rast and a\au,- m : LI.II to r MKONDAY, XAY 20th, 1912 CBHARLES ALEIAAXE& AXD $08$, wn’oumu STE AX ERY, ESTABLISHED IN Steam Refined Con CAMADA OBNTRAL Prescott,| 100 p m 4;00 p m ‘01‘ train* for, .0 00 | m lfl.l"d‘ 1 00 a m o_ Wiiman andfreach make. g::hfi’h!“"‘“-‘ made to s1 & 391 NOTRE DAME STREET, m&lfl'l . 1008 â€"Jm 1 30 a m Ottea wa. MCAIIOIlm st 8 0V «.m . acriving at gGoxd XoRBTh. LrAVB BBRUuUKVILLE. Broad Gaugo Route ised Fruits, Marmalade, Jams, golso soUTtH 1«lb tins. Brockville, Kingas:ton and all way jm 4 atle as WeaL. s m{iG T EKxpr ss for 11 50 pm TO OTTAaWA MANUFACTURERS OF May 20, 1872 Dobltp-‘ from West trom West Do do Expres ,”’a MeiiLine of ateamers -d‘ and West k40 T all potnts West. Mail from the unc Point at 1A) 10004 m #45 . n C156 a 1 mm egeeeeeeeeaeteeeeiaieeeniaeiie e encansscuges se es en D | alihs oTTaAwWA TUESDAY. JULY 28. Is72. : * AT Sold in iâ€" of this nutriâ€" CON FECT !Cums NEW METHOD um (tnrrtnnrs." sgerie, bractive t Ti Mavinating lnstrumentito the of this excellient PRICE $14, Is now in season. All who wish to m Gems of German Song, Gemes of Sacred Song, O.d&uflfi Wreath 0. H. DITSO ESQUIMALT GRAVING DOCK â€" The Government of British Columbia are prepared to receive Tenders for the construction of a Graving Dosk, at the Naval Station, Requimait Harber under the guarantes provided in the Twelfth Bection of the Terms of Union of this Province with the Dominion of Canada, which section is in the followâ€" ing words :â€" * The Dominion Government shall guarantee the interest for ten years from the date of the completion of the work, at the rate of Ave per cent per annum on such sums, not exceeding £100,000 sterling, as ,mhnuln‘hnhmaduofl first class Graving Dock at Requimait." ‘The Dock to be of masonry, and of not less than the following dimensions :â€" Length on foor 370 feet, . Do. over all 400 feet, Width between copings 90 feot, To afferd a depth of water on the sill of not les than 34 feet athigh water springs, aud to besubâ€" étantialiy constructed to the approvai of Government upon a site to be provided by the person whose tonâ€" der may be accepted. * Â¥urther particulars as to site, borings, &6., may be obtained from K. A. Boucusr, Ksq., Chisf Enâ€" muom-“- in writing to the Chief Cor of Lands and Worksâ€" Tenders wust specify the time within which the Dosk will be completed, and must be accompanied 3 drawings and descriptions showing exact dimenâ€" fer Esquimait Graving Dock," addressed to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, Vistoria, British Columbia, and delivered at his office before noon of the 15th day of November, 1872. Persons who may consider the above guarant be insufficient, are at liberty to tender on the basis { such supplemental guarantee by the ‘Provincial Qovernment, or upon »+uch other financial induceâ€" ments, as they may suggos!. The Government do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tendc.â€" _ Bach Tender must be accompanied by a Bond from the Contractor, und two sufficie t sureties for the payment of £10,000 to Her Majesty, her heirs and successors, conditioned upon th» due fulfilment of the Tender which it accompanies, provided it be accepted within three months from the said 15th November Tenders are to be sealoed, supersoribed qomnn, CONTRACTORS & CORâ€" PORATIONS Patent <Dredge Plant, RITISH COLUMBIA Nâ€"um.m "ERRITORILES. . â€" M ther t the Ratonding en l e t TORONTO TO FORT WILLLAM. sdiun t odiie is t tecve "honrp wiuuzam 10 yort carny. _ _ i yeare i Toroal lieiaie .,done, tartinn jaie‘ REED ORGANYS June 14, 192. _‘ quRrouGE TICK®TS TO FoORT GARZEY YA FoRt o.uu.\'ur-:‘uum%«q- *‘Buslarente nre reungated to sake netiee Shat Recks The subscribers beg to callâ€"the attention of Shorgnn must a0t exseed 45) ibe. for any one emi CXiter me bot day of A ey: Rver ma{a:'.; BOARDING HOUSE KEEPER\ a%:"w‘.‘:'.%" t ie dman: %&éfi.‘“â€":&%fififi io nncran Ti hnd M vall n mooli9im orreor & 00, Berton. ts Warbieghien Treciy s "s y OW READY. â€" JÂ¥ KWilk : :.« Cansdian Monthly for May Ottawa, May 10, 1872; Peo GEO A. WALLEN, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. ( C oS A. FON W N Haldeman, V iC taea, ase m udn . Ceirmndtige | P d O Metas Dep‘t of Pul ARE CH ANCE ew York ~W, u&uuoo.. x o Enienn e maniien and mode of construction of proâ€" songs. Very TO THBER NEW of Voeal Geme contain each cltn Maysrere. to un a nols it umiyg_' and that baggage and UN, PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE P. Baskerville & Brothers, KO,. 88 RIDEAU STREET 1P â€". ataee + _. «_ yared to offer to the Farming Community and to the trade inducements that «» *‘ a given beretofore by any one in our line of businessâ€"being now *mportâ€" ing th .mm Stock, such as TEAS, WINES and BRANDIES, enablâ€"s us :0 tedune . tiges . We claim already to have brought the enormous profits heretufore m-.»a.ownu.mmh future to contiuue so. We will gusrantee that no one can sell the same articles cheaper," such a TEA», 8UGARS, TOBAOCOS and GENEBAL Gd.OOEBlES‘ also WINES avd all finported sUUABES, TUOUPAUUU W _f tha bas‘ Gescription,. always on hand at prices as low is W Oanadian Spirits, of the bes: dcscription, always on hand ?t prices as 104 small lots can be latd down. We care not for competition, all we require is a trial gi to our goods, The cconomist will profit by calling to us. R@y_~Our motto is light proft Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial. P BASKERVILLE & BROTHERS A. & S. NORDHEIMER‘S Pianoâ€"Forte 2 Music W arervoms A COMPLEIE®ASSORTMENT Chickering‘s Pianos, Steinway‘s Pianos, _ Dunham‘s Pianos, Haine‘s Pianos, Mason & Hamlin‘s Organs, | . | Prince & Co.‘s Organs. | ; % Secondâ€"Hand Pianos, hpun{r.yw-mnmm $100 to $250. Terms liberal. _ Pianos to Rent. , ?m?fi‘:.”u".fi&“&%‘fw?&’p‘&%‘fii‘fimc. Inspection invited. A. & S. NORDHEIMEE. $1,000,000 id 6P CMCHIT By in the act of mlfl-“'_‘; m‘i&m”ww&fi‘w peoie® SECOXD GRAKD GIET CONCERT {: m h.‘ll'd os:o Public Library Building, Saturday, September 28, 1872. 100,000 TICKETS OF ADMISSION â€" will be issued at $10 each; half tiskets, $5 ; oo en T hoib R B PiiOGa nE 5 af PIB, as PDBLIC LIBRARY.OF KBNTUCKY At Louisville, Kentucky. Truste08 CHEC To Sm i onn&?u‘{'Ooum, and he will personally see that money from the sale 0f tickets is deâ€" posited with the Treasurer, that the drawing is puriy conducted and the giits justly Awarded and promptly pald. The drawing will take place in pubhe, in full ‘.‘3"‘ muulo.l‘cdo. and mb:‘w:u:_dl- m:..&__"'““%w..u‘?m‘:‘fi.. modtucky n hamed eminentand disinterâ€" Ottawa, April 8, 1872. TZL a m o Ese ED0 MeRREE NRTBICTC ‘:E‘dfi."“"u ”:“‘o enuonl&:: be P on 38 '3"“"'0"‘.':.,:‘;..:.,*& % Bm.l %em , KY» Huvton ifr Marrar, 0 3 Marshal, Dis Ky, _ Gen K4 H Marray, U on 4 oc snn Eresdent Farmers and D w President Farmers‘ and neeifee. On qiage a mss Ubiramir, as 4, President 2nd N Bank. 10 0 Whis Ertrictorstiierd boae J %J..--. Traders‘ Bank K b:‘lé:co.b.MdBoveo-b. Buchanâ€" Henry Deppen, President German Bork. Andrew «raham, Tobacco and Cotton Mer he N* *.__on President L. & C. Shortâ€"line “nm,., PresidGent L. & V. Vol Rose, Agent Adams Express Co. 'VI-.?&'-"‘" _v,a. mu-. ' .Y. i s on i oo "President. AARS Boire LAvrary of Ken id se S ECV N D 26 sPARKS STREET, o [ T AaA w A. U STREET, AND DUKE STREET, CHAUDIERY, O T T A W A, s â€" â€"»* Retail Grocers Wine and snoirit Merchants. OF THE FOLLOWING&INSTRUMENTS _ Meqe at s mmal | ted to be preâ€" A LOT OFâ€"â€"â€" sent on apâ€" “l' A, & 8. NOKDHIKIMEIA A. PETERSEN, General Agent, 1941 3m Village of Bufiinfihlmv in the Frovince Of Quebes, and Lot No. 14 n the Township .of.: Cumberiand, .. the. Ontario, in accordance with: the thae Alwiar in‘ Ammail of the 17th Juné, Will be received by the undersigned until THURsDAY, Ist AUGUsT, from Tm. desirous of leasing the privilege of, ferryâ€" hfi across the Uttawa River between the Uillaca . f Rucki~ngham, in the Province of the Order in Council of the 17th Juné, 1872, and under the conditions therein establ.shed which are as follows, viz: REGULATIQNS: « to a distance of one muoe suoYE TH"* "T" mile below the wharf at the Village of Buckingham, in the Province of Quebec, .I:'lto ..;:n:nuue:‘mmm some t on or w” h No. 14 in the Township of Cumberland, in the Province of Ontario. ‘Woth siden, subjecs to the appromal of the es, su Devnartment Inland Revenue. The limits of the ferry shall extend blMdm-n.M_ma'. The Femlm shall be placed on the route ymphududg:ym umw&m#flb con structed on or before the 1st day of Sep« The lease will be granted for a perioc of five years frantholnfil!“;'l""‘ OTICE. ber, 1872. two sureties satisfactory to thm"‘" ment of Inland Revenue, who be held jointly and severally in the sum of gl,oOofort.bhlloompli-moflbl.'et unult.hehermouhomlun- The right is reserved to the m ment of lnland Revenue of ing the Ferry Boat or Landing stages, or either of them,should any of them be deemâ€" ed un>uitable for the service, or unsafe to the public, or inadequate to meet the ons meanenees to maximum tariff, should it h-;-;@- @mnuts Huitable A notice a&;mdm-:./ tolls to be charged ferryage up ina m‘r -:ntho board the Ferry Boat employed . C ’A.mux, PROPOSALS U , 1872. at all states of the 1st.â€" 8th. will be required to give ALWAYB w# 14 Hats, Vats, Hats. s@°LaARGEsT aAnp BEST.@@ Nelection of HATS, es PEACOCK‘S, _ ie Wighest crive pobd for RAW R@The highest price paid for FUFS. 4 i% Ottawa, May 7, 1872. * PMV[Ti LESSONS Ladies desirous of hiiu lessons in the French language, can secure the services of a competent W,whohutlobouotudo‘nfi-h_mdo( this city references Ottawa, April 11, 1872. Rimmel‘s Thang*Ihang, Yabda, DOnBs, Jockey Club, Frangipane, and other perfumes of exquisite fragrance. ‘ Rlmmel‘s Lavender Water, distilled fro Mitcham Flowers. Rimmel‘s Tollet Vinegar, celebrated for its useful and sanitary properties. Rimme!‘s Extract of Lime J 1ice and Glyâ€" cerine, the best preparation for the Hair mh warm ciimates. ‘s Dugong Oil Soap, perfumed with ustralian Eocalyptus. Rimmel‘s Glycerine, Honey, Costume and lallm()uom, very amusing for Balls and Rimmel‘s Viclet, Rose.Lea{,Rice, and ogut olletâ€"Powders â€" A liberal allowaace to ship» Eugene Rimmel, * © * to H.R.H. the Princess .‘: Wale® d, 128 Regent mfl\ *"*s 17 Boulevard das tb t . ng‘s Road Bole hfideton end Manufacturer brated Victoria Carbolic Pre: t tory and Works, Victoria B:lr‘l Toronto, Ont. * _ o_ tas Vreanseatl ‘or terms and particulars, address b Go to Pigants Brofennt n tin oa,o uns actpenia Ens ognayt hoii vienatet un n wl all discases of the lua \For Public Bpeakers -lm‘n.h Jo u Th'o,iardluu e =7a¢o care o(& sbove disorders are now, ) * uy (Ny +â€"â€" Amenniinainod nraeg This Ganau® is the most relisble and eMescious IMMEL‘S8 CHOICE PERFUMES irf”n‘io'â€"-mnhcs JUBILEE 43 ALASOLS mutstrdicerctr "ut se 'S...‘.nuucfi selected by the Music Pm omd suue t ues and for use in musical , and should be in the hands of all in the audience at the Caliseum _ It is the very best of Libretto. © Wpdottitn gont and Cborusâ€"The Boautiful Days that are Past.â€"Howard, %. By L. 0. EMERSON and W. 8. TILDEN. been s zaminati Has d:hl nu-':v on e: on, by a HIGH SCHOOLS, for which its happy arrangement of Theory, Fxerâ€" %dl.‘rufllm ongs, admirably adapt C for Young Hingers, Maudie and Blueâ€"bird. .. .. .. .. .» â€" Hackle 39 &7}.‘-‘ Songs sent .fli&n "all PMfYer nrpsQN & CO., Bostoti. u;un%‘i‘;&fmo; MYRTLE NAVY. RGJ~See T. & B. on each Plug. We Price so low that all can us it. o capmos. i Fas e i o iepes, fig Patronized by all the world. CAPS, and FRKNCH L&NGUAGE. MUKERS ! _ It is now in the hands are to compose the choir 26. 1872. Chorus Book. The Hour of Singing, hook to be used at the i .. nc m on 25000 ringers For the FOER A GOOD SMOKE, M« DaMs LaMOUCHE, St. Patrick Street, Ottaws. STRâ€"W GOODS, {PRICEâ€"3 CEN S â€" M wiay Liniment, Parson‘s Porgstive Fil® ®0° Sheridan‘s Cavairy Condition Povg‘en, have es‘ P TIL d . vem apenmadl Seqerami®s eCetd 1 0 a .: published a readable and instructive pamd result in serious Pulmouary, Bronchial, and Asthmatic affections, oftentimes incurable, BROWN‘S BRONCHIAL TROCHES are compounded so as to reach directly the t e se o t coniii c on ooo on im dn t t seat of the discase POLNCE The Tmches are offered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy ; they have been thoroughly tested and maintain the £00¢ reputation they have justly moquired _ Fo: Public Sposakers, Bingers, Military Officers , and those who overtax the voice . they are useful in relieving an Irritated Throat, aud will render articulation easy. Being an article of true merit, and having proved their efficacy bynud-nyy:l::hymnnd- them in new locslities in parts of the world. and the Troches are universally pronounced 5 22 2 t s 20 h t cocrrtianictonetnctatd Obtain only «Brown‘s Bronchial Trocohcs, and do not take any of the Worthless Imitation s that may b» offered. «©Trock®e," so called, sold by the ounce, are a poor imitation and nothing like BROW N‘S BRONCAIAL TROCHES which are sold only in boxes with facâ€"simele of the proprioturs. _____ JOHN L BROWN & SUN, en outside wrapper of box, and private erument stimp attached to each box. ‘This cars in putting "p the Troches is in portant as a security to the purchaser in ord to be sure of obtaining the genuine Brow » Bronchial Troches. Orper 1axp Srerex.â€"In every branch of oriâ€" tivationâ€"whether in the field, the orchard. the vluyulcflhogud-.thon-uthodu 1nd system to insure successful results, and this truth is firmly established by actual experi¢nce Another great truth has also been establisl. : 4 by the same means, which is : That as a pieâ€" ventative mediciney. . medicine for the oure of colds, coughs, rheumatism, and summe complaints, the "Canadian Pain Destroyer," i the most reliable. For sale by all Druggist and ‘country dealere. Price, 25 cents per SORE THRUAT, COUGH, by all medicine dealers. TRBIETY YEARS _ EXPERIENCE OF As OLD NURSEL, mas. Wixew w‘s Boorams ; Sravr is the pre« firduodbummw and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirly© yaars with never falling safety and success by millions ormothers and chlldn&:mn the toeble infant of one wiek ‘d to wiult, Jt corrects acidity «f the wach, relleves wind colic, regulates t i« «els, and gives u.hh-lfi and comfort t« other and child. We believe it the leet and surest remody in the world, in all cases of Dyvsentery and Diarrhesa in chiidren whether it arises trom teething, or from any other cause. Full Cirections for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unloes the fac«simile of CURTIS & PERKINS is on the outside wrapper. Bold by all medicine dulcnhzl centsa bottle. Oflice, 216 Fulton Street, New York, and 93 Oxford Stroct, Lon» don Be sure and callfor _ _____. _______ COO0(Hâ€"GLYORRINE nourish the hair No toilet table shonld be with out COCOâ€"GLYOERINE, 22. , 0 4t SPECIAL NOTICES. c n e io 15e . huh:b 4c to 160 ; in rolls, 20¢. Lard, blzeh.zrb. * Tallow, Vc to 00c Mo?fi‘:' bushel. mnâ€"‘:m Carrote 25¢ to 306 do. Parsnuips 506. do. Qnious, $1.50 to $2.00 do. . 40c to per doz. be to 12%c each. APpiSe pos masvel, 4100 ve t Aome span. pam: 1ho to Byo per 1b;‘rfl pW Wool 57 cts. to 63¢ per lb. Hay $12 to 14,00 per ton Ryoe straw, #6. Oat straw, $6 40 $8 do. Po x. Mess Pork, $16 25 to 16 S per barre! Farmers‘ mess, $14 50 ao Prime mess, $13.00. Mams smokpd, $12 00 to $14.00 per 1U. po %7 00 Bason do _ $5 0 to $10 0 Bacon dry saited, $9 00 F1 >oranâ€"Retail prices. Double exira, $1.00 per barrel. $6.50 to $7 50 per 100 Ibs "Te to 106 per Ib. > Fowis, 75 to $1.00 per couple. Turkeys, 1.00 each. t t n Bepersoghs Mflbnw’o.;c Rgegs 17 to 20 per dozen. Buiter 15 to D ots perib. 00CO GLYUOERINE : removes pus aAxp L&x T The latest quotations are as follows No. 1, Bole, d0cts por lb. Extra, §6.7 Extra, $6.15 1 e _ ., No. 1, &‘.fl? : 7?:0 ao m&?‘ to 3.50 : Cracked 'h.:.fl-w do Whest meal, $7.00 â€" . do i»'.;v';-.hib&fmlb-. Oracked corn, $0.00 _ 4e m‘lm{om 3 m' mwpflwo Qats, 30¢ to 350 do Peas, 60c to 650 do Beans $1.50 to #1.75 * Barley 55cte. 10 G5ot6. mtas in . on 6 to bo per i Herring. .175 to ) per bbl. Cod oil 60 to 70 cts per galion _ Ciracion, 12 ou poiis, Hides , ho. 1, § each. ot Johnson‘s Anodyne and give almost instan §8 0 to #10 0 _ do Gov # 1J Us f

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