Meg N4 mc Y® 4 Drug Store MUGL A8 8# yâ€"at Law, do NGEXMEyya_ VOL VI NO 20382 . and 9 2000rs . is FRARAV nBoe of m E.."»u'cuww 0M .‘â€M .“J"A h, D“"“‘ :‘\l“-l Fridays NGROVE, Tt blhe over Duric‘s % in C cnovak es * inarks, OMlGGs , apgant HOUSEKEEPING UTENSILq mm " rets and 8M HA YOOCK, . sÂ¥ PUBLIC Fosk utfice. iO #1 ‘1.1 VEA in A & #13, Dosts ns â€"stvant, OOntKal BBE _ Ter A MA CHAMBAUVULT d 3pe51 ai une ***"" _ _ ataiihs ‘-‘.‘~ ARD B RU0RKAL a 4 18 90M Tand y0rveyO fee, Unin 1 6 it 121200 Yan, hy "heot and y C O ol tho 8Y Bant opposite Britain and e Au.h:: a2d County 1&#, allowed : Y 9 Ar as # 3 Pret comts M-NI i9C 1, ® @4 at Oilice, whins * * uze 3 Pnysicimg, & CLLMKOw, 6. Taumsos., Ayimer, P. @ 'tll" 181 Aly *** u04 wp S Wcy res OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION COMPANY. will oc the W arenouso DOU Tian which may be 1 wy * :‘:’:’..“f.‘{ An the Tone i9 had t cm ?hi Bames t e , stall be deducted from the gross weight of goods, E.uq:m adopting the result as the *4 U BOEEHET Phcctome Wu.lfl CA e s ie tare according to the original invoice, the corâ€" o. Bie es t en en ie , and in the absence of or the smismion of lare in the involosm the mediam tare smess alistof all " Customs Warehouses," contain« mnae and situation, to be prepared and the Long Room, or in some public part uâ€"mw&-m That duty ez on the -33:3\-@:“0‘-'"5‘-"5'; %wg -h_io.h.’m have :Iu- J * Aï¬ _:uw-‘q*‘mm HUILDING AND LRIDGE TIMBER. Mails, Puurlud -â€..:l“.‘- tat Mav. at 7 m. mm quea® t A large stock of the above will be kept conâ€" Séantly on hand to suit parchasers. sHINGLES X. XX, XXX. We make a speciality of these English made Bedsteads, and import them direct. Hotels, Convents, Hospitals, and families -bnym:iï¬ any number I-z or umail. mnï¬:flï¬â€œ aarly spring delivery do well to wler at oncse. . B.â€"Farme.s from the County of Carle tou can enter the mill yard by Broad Streot, Chaudiere, Oct. 26, 1871 1805¢ ï¬:ï¬ï¬‚o ARRIVALTT _ | HT IRON BEDSTEADS, 2 K. din., 3ft., 3ft. Gin., 4ft. and 4ft. 6 The Sieamér Cusrons Deraigztruse®t, « Ottaws, 10th June, 1872 and Reâ€"warehousing of Tea and Coffee. Public notice is hereby given that all the Customs duties, whether specific or #i nslorom, now payable on Tea or Coffese imported into Canada, shall be repealed upon, from and after the lst Jnli‘mt. And notice is further given that TEA and To Sate hare bros pold hy bacde wach duties hare paid may be reâ€" bonded and reâ€"warehoused at I:I time mmrw:mu-a:gm day of JUNE t year, that on s0 mnm mm of the specific duties paid on such Tea and Coflee, shall be repaid to the owner thereâ€" pusuc sorce. MHAVDLAERW m #HmaA MALLES and sign & mi other articles, and the very best. ITRACT from Regulations, sanctiened ."mthM Bonding of Goods, still in force. & and a drawback by the Collestor of Customs at the Port where they are so reâ€" bonded and reâ€"warehoused or by the her trips on Suturday, the ith May 51. m., -ï¬*:{n“:ln"u.l.- returning Receiver _ (ieneral. By command COOKING STOVES3 x witable for the farmer, city resident, lum or CE C ® ‘l"hub--nl. wholesale and re H. MEADOWS & Co., u&-nwt (Mtaws, March 4, 1872 1 Non Conductor for Vovering Steam Boilers Bave 10 per cent in fuc!, and stoam passes through any length of Piping covered with tae Nonâ€"conductor quite dry. e eernineg by 1ooniny mos wornlt 52 the |lh-d‘voly used in the Eastern and 'x States Gromt ie Brttid ponice e q udbrmmeg t us se circular.) 4. B.â€"It saves 30 per cent on the Russell Honge botler, and steam is now raised in haif while it ce of E... Lator at the Water Works of the i atlimment and Departmental Buildings, City s Works, Kochester & Co.‘s Steam Mills A Flock‘s Foundry &¢., &¢. THE STEAMER " FAIRY" HamnBiEkisâ€"sPENUCE rFALEN L furnish the Collector '.!.a!h. 23. 400098 i0 w 2y Eic s s that such piace or W archouse is and otherwise At for Ih.url'm Rg Collector of Customs will cause r or cccupant to place over the gate or door "=~a RILA. vICTO «QUEEN May . es R. & M. BOUCHETTE, 2006 3 Commissioner of Customs. CHALMERS & Cu,, Ric hardson st., Montreal P. 0. Box 8444, Bols Manufacturers in the Dom{nion MUKROE OLEARY, Gonersal Wostern Agent. Mitaws, Nov. 20, 181% Â¥ â€"COUEU3TIBSLE & NON LCORROSLIVE Customs Warehouse." lat NKoOTICE Bird Nests, JOHN ROCHESTER & Co. with the same letâ€" That the Collecter PBititee Platters, 1872 CcAaANiADA cCaianB cou®ry. (LLMTITED.) Capital $500,000, in 5,000 shares of $100 2. _ r.CeC. «B hi‘ Toronie. .._____ .. The ll_ngJ_A!.m Bemmtar (Director of The &a‘y‘mt'! (Viceâ€"President _ _ Canada CentralRailway), Ottawa, _ _ . L. BLATK Binikle & Niexandior), LEW ATT, Esq., (Mo@ait, Brothers,) c. J.m:l.l..zq,,mpa & Cussels), nuounnin.-t.:. E., Toronto. ABCORIT A RY TERASURERE : * iiniasloit Hovat Cannattinn Hanks "tor "mis mi_'nga&'â€"mhn w. wu&m. c% To be incorporated under " The Joint Stock Compamies Letters Patent Act, 1869. hel soLICITOR® : Messea, m‘lmul WEKLLS & GORDON, Colâ€" borue M‘ï¬-h. consuLrtN® rouyuEt : The Hon. JOHNX PIII.LYAIDCAIEIU N, q. ., Toronto. _ | 1-;..:‘(3.-;‘-’: u=|wnmo porâ€" pose « Adar w ie | Olmmmes P .Nm&)ufl to lease sell th‘sul-. xo to contract ftor bailding to the specifica~ tions of Railway Companies, and to manufacture completion, vIt ; Axles, u-aa:up' ‘oa-n.m&rhlm panies Coammete are at present purchasing axles, wheoels and >» there works for C o p e ty . for making axies for qur Rallromds is daily parâ€" im and C tw paying duty and tbxbtin amemting in the hh‘ per «or thereabouts . T lron, and taxzes are cach onzï¬‚ï¬ than in the United Btuaten, it in known a largeo namber of ces aver or-uo Amerioni Mtn;hï¬ 1m > ng to their being no car butlding shops ty hvx.-nd conâ€" Auuatad oo sertmeining w lbaln 11 mnsaak enmenaut oo . ducted on jminciples w 11 moet the requireâ€" "inaisdoniat apreirieres on n ann n e k o mipemen anoaiior day ariner To in hefuamaded io thaair pnilnation. they can be forwarded L T Gewn ualor. T‘o of the Car Com * hï¬mn tiots, m\'«nr':& the car mannfact uring ty of Canade was mnnxd utiiized. that the oar shops were iate the present requireâ€" ments of the lpaving aside what must be the de from the Railways in vi€ ; )reanie, Intercolonial, Pacific Untarto an,t (Quebec, with many Te manpre Mss Bakir® corofartin or an on k ex» Ro favorubly has the of establishing a WC in Toronto been reâ€" by some of out wealthy andinfiuenâ€" tal meno of business, a% Mur themseives, that the of inception is sn well ch sen, and that t dmflm& cerâ€" tain to accrue to the locality of its m:ulmn Dominion st v h ..a:_:&. ‘of a few days from *3 o h al was promised to be verting their ‘ wl W hool am W’“fl‘:m. to n“-ihnho.l‘ znha in the Company. The Company has whe services of an soendeiins nttnoa o arnl onl eenareamet matie m AlM ean be had on application to the Broker sor to JAMES PEPLER, comvas + 65 secretary and Treasuror. MANAGING DIRECTOR, ~HUGH [BAINES, Exg., 6 K. “lt: Messrs. CAMHBELL & CASSELL®, Toronto, Canada Car Com: x hy rym N. B.â€"stock l-=m now open at Mesars, Campbell & Cassells Offices, Toronto. _ 2017 3 And Monceai. Comapoud â€"f the following or other Arst class Powâ€"r(a) lron Steamebips : 8COTLAND, NILE u-m).y NIGER, j faA THAMES, ADALIA, TEVIO T. The steamers of this Lins are intended to sail Weekly as follows during the seasonâ€"of aavigation of 1872, to and from _ London, Quebec and Montreal, (Calling at Piymouth outward for passengere anud loaving that port every Friday ) FROMK LONDON, And every Tusd y thereafter. Rates of Parsageâ€"Quoebec: to Londomaâ€" Cabin, $60. Stsâ€"erage, $24. Through ticketse from all polats West a reduced ratos, Corti@cates: lâ€"snâ€"d to petson desirons of brivging out thâ€"ir trien is to Cauuda, Through Bills: of Lading *TEA U Issued on the continent, and in London tor all parts of Canada, and in the Vaited Statee to Detroit, Milwaukes, Chicago and otha points in the West, Fo Fwight or m'whw un menk bun ds divmatpacen, ; s & Weeks, Barbican, Piymonth; Rowus & Co., Quebec ; or DayID sHAW, rr E COXING CHURCH MUSIC BOOK C To be ready July lst. F H E 8 T 4A N D 4 & D, By L 0. Emerson, dllllt h'.?.hb of Chicago. | the ':b‘c‘l‘ har ipirin nkedystpmenct it dhos fnagincts London. Queoec, THE ROYAL CANADILAN BANK., L’â€"W“*lum Fringed, Mottses, Horas «f Plaiy. en ooment somgouets, in the pemites o | Orgaginta‘ Supplion in Slock and. made to mï¬ teptopen, ; 387 & 391 NOTRE DAME STREET, wid ce 29 Bat hane Pnnapat ty deefng pevorre ( 0‘ 1 0 ; 000AE ay cng 3. JAMBES PEPLER, Esq., Toronto. Ofice over Hope and Co‘s, Sparks street. and every Wedneniay thereafter. FRUOMK QUEBEC. . PECTVU®S, Temperlioy‘s Line. Oitawn, June 3. 172 PROYVISIONAL DIRECTOR® % &R CUaXINGHAM, . Wednesday, fint May do , Ath Jane 18th co 15th do ud July 5th J une 12 h Bd Jaly l0th de sar=. |91, 33, 124 Southampton Row, 16th 2 trd nto, do The Ad reliable, quickest and best route ; the abhortest line by Q mlles from O:tsws to Brock ville and all points THE 8T. LAwREVCE OTTAWA RAILWAY. ALTERATION OF RUNNING THIML with Sote Car with l , u> T tains for, s»hu.ooop-! Eastand Wost| 1 00 a m CQomtertable Sota Cars on No 1 an‘ § Charge for berths, 50 cents. _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ SBure connections with all the Grand Trank truins both East and West, as this Company‘s trains walit"their arrtval when lase. Twenty minvtes allowed at Presoott Juna= tivne for râ€"freebmentme. Trains are run on Montreal time., & LUTTBELL, nuperintendent, Pregott. Ottaws. Jane 8. 1872 Brockville and Ottawa Railways Uireat Broad Ganuge Route \__ _ To OTTiWi. 108 pm., saad at NHand Point at 1:40 p m. Mail Train at 3:50 pm, arriving at Sand Point at 945 p.m. Through Ottaws Express at 3:20 p.m., zaking a certain cooanection with (irand Trumk Day Express from the Kast and West, arriving at Ottaws at 7:20 p m. LEAVE OTl AWA. Through Westera hrdlbfl.t-..- riving at Brockville at 150 aad connecting with Grand Mm‘h- B at Expr '.:4.-.1:" arri wt wat ce t p. m Brockville at mop.-,‘nd:th‘u Putat at 0:10 p.m. Exprasat 6 p. m. arriving at Sand Polat #.45 p.o. ARRLVE: AT SAND POINTâ€"1:40 pm, ulw.d’:“l&- ' VYES8SAND POINTâ€"L8:00 am, 1140 and 3:30 p m LEAVE BROCKVILLE, Express at 8 00 a.m., arriving at Ottawa at â€" Conmmections made at Sanl Polat with Steamers to and from Pembroke, Port go du _ Freight loaded mw,uuom a_lpment when in car H. ABBOTT, : M.1 agor Trains on Canada Central and Porth Bram b make certain counections with all trains ca B. & 0O Rallway . n ath Hhare we« No. | THOS. MORSON & 80N | Medailists and Jurors at all the Great Exhibitions, Marson‘s Effectual Remedies o iedneee. % W daak‘s Pamem dhe ie ma-'ï¬.g-'g;l;’-rt * $at Parsin End repwae ass ot this vaiuable medl» nenenioing mm faveioernanentâ€" n en i t Thdr ie compititioe, belgesheamp, io nsee foaud their preveration." Sol1 in Fom 1 and @BLATIN®EThe parest proparation of this sateiâ€" On and after x aAND FROM MONDAT, l6th JUNE 1873, trains will run as follows , MONDAY, MXAY 20th, 1812 Trains will run as follows : Oebpetert e vippren theteer «uncuted witk ase SREUL, Kame and Mark registered. Brockville May 20, :#71i A CBARLES ALBEIAMIER AXD $01$, MKANUFACTURERS OF Steam Refined Confectione:s, Losen Q‘Mganlhl-,(h- uml-_hdqa-.h waomu 8TE AM CONFECT £RY, ESTABLISHED INX 1842 MARRIAGE CAKE ORNAMENTS W reaths, Learye, Paney Bozas of Engtish, CAVIDA CBNTRAL RUSSELL LINDON, Wabâ€"fl&%.flo.fl‘. 11 00 noon |@t a t I o n#a| \ West. 10 94 «m 0 T Exapr as for 11 50 pm |all potnts Wost.| 100 a m 100 p m|Grand h‘:l.j + Mail from 400 p m Ot ta w t hy o *n +A Sor throughout the world GOoING KORTh. THO8 REYTHOLDS, Managing Director, Ottaws golxG soUTH Do do hpn-i from West of steamern cast and West 40 T trom West Do do RKxprew tar the Kaskt, ! O T Express tor imt.uh&-n‘ trala for Royal MaiiLine Tan on way Brock ville, andt HKew Heticines on Iotectiatagenre Artive in 10 004 m 245 p m #45 â€" m 6:20 pm t 6.16 a 1 Artive C Anishing the instructive course. __ _ _ . _ se baprrne onl oi DOoLLY VARDEN Walte." Bash piace 50 conts. Enaton‘s New Method for the Cornet, Is now in season. All who make a noise in bisTor t Ti To ates Instromegiimith the ald G-QIOM%.‘ jegr > 473A ~: Wmnu-. The above of Vocal Gems contain cach g-.z::-:""u..?:.'-"""'*- en "Feness. g?.m: 52 in vioin ; 4 ful sit. “m and :;:o ::. postâ€"paid, on ri\h » 0 4: brma'." Tuk LYON ac%.t‘:ï¬ OITAWL FERIDAYC,. . JULY® 26,.. 1572. : The Government of British Columbia are prepared to receive Tenders for the construction of a Graring Dock, st the Naval Station, Requimait Harbor muwwhumtaa of the Terms of Union of this Province with Dominion of Canada, which section is in the follow= Ing words : * The Dominion Government shall guw aatee the interest for ton years from the date of the completion of the work, at the rate of Ave per cent per sanum on such sums, not exceeding £100,000 sterling, as may be required for the construction of a frst ¢lass Graving Dock at Kequimait." The Dook to be of masonry, and of not less than the following dimensions :â€" Length on foor 370 foet, Do. . over all 400 feet, Width between copings 20 feet, s ESQUIMALT GRAVING DOCK Do efentrance... ... . 83 feet, / To afford a depth of water on the sill of not les than 24 feet athigh water springs, ad to be subâ€" stantially constructed to the approval of Government upon a site to be provided by the person whose tenâ€" Purther particulars as to site, borings, &As., may be obtained from L. A. Boususr, Req., Chisf Bnâ€" gineer to Government, apon spplication in writing to the Chief Comm{ssioner of Lands and Works. Tenders must specify the time within which the Dock will be completed, and must be accompanied y drawings and desoriptions showing exact dimenâ€" sions, materials, and mode of construction of proâ€" der may be accepted. Tenders are to be sealod, superseribed “MJ for Kequimait Graving Dock," addressed to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, Victoria, British Columbia, and delivered at his office before noon of the 15th day of November, 1872. Persons who may consider the above guarant be insufficient, are at !iberty to tender on the basis t such supplemental guarantee by the Provincial Gorernment, or upon such other financial induceâ€" ments, as they may suggest. The Government do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. * Bach Tender mast be accompanied by a Bond from the Contractor, and two sufficiect sureties for the payment of £10,000 to Her Majesty, her heirs and successors, conditioned upon the due fulflment of the Tender which it accompanies, provided it be soccepted within three months from the said Wth PRICE ©$15, STANPARD ME â€D.m npdo:u ‘b o?. .':._O miadtt t Ahe ons to m sitepetinn thar ie ate, s GEO. A. WALXLEK, mol-. of Lands and Works. Lands and Works v':u.mnt.v; 1967 2m ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS & CORâ€" PORATIONS Patent Dredge Plant, us iet Water i the ptowinys seiue mnle ol h4 M0t TORONTO TO FORT WILLLAM. ie i Hpimedsinete FORT WILLILAM TO FORT GARRY. NOll‘fl-m ‘‘ERRITORILES, Emigrants, $15; Children under 12 years y ofnbetee es eea e LaRKE‘3 NEW MFTHOD %%M&w&m 0s J ' l-gï¬-'nn- Ceared in i nienay ran Bago, aee aon Can hhfl'urwgmlfl- L“ to notioe k« agoes are H-i.h“_h 1® ibe. 'u“_'_ ~.J of transport on the nngnu-u?uu _ After Rmvt Pn be in‘Z soatiifion m adadt of the use Rootsk e C e porcol z:m ic own supplies. . Prov l nnleged oo en mioick Rm CHANCE ~~â€" THE MODE OF ConyEsYvAKOs. By Railroad frem Toronto to Collingwood or sarâ€" @M_W or Barnia to Fort 45 by waggon from Fort William to Shobamâ€" LETâ€"At a Goop Hoaroâ€" mo Houth sontaining is Rocius: Aite the" Amaseâ€" uset Buidiag (ate o cmntoind wiih the Capane Toand atihe Sorings from o is ty o wook. 1nd nil epaifgA: RITISH COLIUMBILA The subscribers beg to call the attention of 1» d Rereiee Dctrine of the Rule of Faith examâ€" . 100 fLomish Doctrine of the Rule of Faith ined " wite reply to Rev: Pather Damen and Ur. O‘Tennor. Forsaleby _ '_â€"." Ottawa, May 10, 187% Wapans REED ORGANX â€" taws, April 21, 1873. A Canadian Monthly for MsY Tt contaiiis Impertant articles an uRovGE TIOKETS To FPORT GARZYT YÂ¥1i Fokt Dep‘t of Public W orks, "a Jn Ottaws, Sth May, 1874 WlM BOARDING HOUSE KEEPER~ W READY. PRICE $1%, aoncf in tbe Tat ang e siale Also ready the ‘PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE Â¥O, 88 RIDEAU BTBEETO 'ï¬DA%IKA,B STREET, CHAUDIERE®, «* ~~â€"~~â€" â€"=~* Retail Grocers Wineâ€"and _pirit Merchants. * + ~ .. Â¥ _ pared to offer tq the Farming Community and to the trade inducements that ... + .«sa given heretufore by any one in our line of businessâ€"being now tmportâ€" ing th . part of our Stxtk, such ‘as TEAS, WINES and BRANDIES, enables us to redu~e .rices tuither. We claim already to have brought the enormous profits h=retofore existing to a moderate rate, and trust in futnr_o't?conflunooo.‘ > « . P. Baskerville & Brothers, hiwcntrinr in i ulir nB t Snia n s s SnPSG LC PC ucss anint We will gnarantes that no one can sell the same articles cheaper, such a» TEAs, SUGARS, TOBACCOS aad GENERAL GBOCERIES, also WINES and all imported Liquers, Oansadian Spirits, of the best description, always on hand at pfleuur:wu emall lots can be lalid down. We care not for competition, all we require is a trial given to our goods. The dconomist will profit by calling to us, $@F"Our motto is light profits, A. & S. NORDHEIMER‘S Pianoâ€"Forte 2 Music Warerooms WING INSTRUMENTS ALWAYS A COMPLEIRZASSORTMENT OF THE FOLLOWIN 3 Chickering‘s Pianos, Steinway‘s Pianos, Dunham‘s Pianos, Mason & Hamlin‘s Organs, : : Prince & Co.‘s Organs. Secondâ€"Hand Pianos, In goud repair, by celebrated makers, on band, from $100 to $250. Terms liberal. DPianos to KRent. $ 1,000,000 ‘ L e +o T E] 91.} F d1TO ) 24 920 Building, roheseentmeitor en PovieLibrary Bulldin TU SECOND GRANO GIET CONCERT One Grand Giit, Cash . One Grand Gift, Cash mam K. Bramilette, late Governor of Ker v, has consented to nn.-ent the Mg in the -.z.nout of t second Grand Gift Concert, he wiil personally see that the money from the sale of tickets is deâ€" with the Treasurer, that the drawing is an-;ac‘ and the gilts Justly ownsod The drawing will take place in public, in full view of the audience, and under the ‘mmediâ€" 1 l o â€"@hnamp be tss ' PoBLIC LIBRaRY OF KESTUCKY At Loulsyille, Kentuicky. Vol Rose, Agent Adams Express Co. OFFICERS OF THE LIBRARY. R T Burrett, President. _ _ _ ce onntd 4 4 t munl _ Cos A PEVIBRIR C 39% CBP Agent Public Library of Kentuky, Publi¢ Libâ€" c Srodace Srvod bnll qarticulars, sent on _apâ€" SA' LOG CUT FOR BALL, beom ppystesy | SflUAflDl WANTED. Secondâ€"hand NUS .ORGANS taken in ex e A Just m?x‘-m m..:bi ‘of NEW and POPULAR Mosic. Inspection invited. A. & 8. NORDHEIMEER. A. PETERSEN, General AIm. illews« kust & Heke 1941 3m Ottawa, April 8, 1812 Total, 1,000 Gifts, all Cash. . . . .. .$500,000 Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial. P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHERS. 8 EC O N D LIST OF GIFT4 26 sSPARKS STREET, O T T A W A. the act of the slatura Inâ€" ?UBLIC uum of KENâ€" tees wiil give their V iceâ€"President. off those lands being of course ... $000 do * Tap To $25,000C A LOT OFâ€"â€" Will be received by the undersigned until THURSDAY, lst AUGUST, from persons desirous ot leasing the glvxl..o of ferryâ€" h&lm the Uttawa River between the V qoofBuckinHinthoPmim.d Quebec, and Lot No. 14 in the Township of Cumberland, in the Province of Ontario, in accordance with the terms of the Order in Counsil of the 17th June, 1872, and under the conditions therein establhshed which are as follows, viz: to a distance of one mile above and one mile below the wharf at the Village of Buckingham, in the Province of Quebes, and to a similar distance above and beâ€" low some point on or: adjacent to Lot No. 14 in the Township of Cumberland, in the Province of Ontario, Suitable landing stages or wharves serviceable at all states of the water in the river must be constructed: on both sides, subject to the approval of the Department of Inland Revenue. The lessee shall provide and mainâ€" tain a vessel propelied either by steam, horse power or cars suitable for the conâ€" veyance of passengers, horses, cattle, and all ordinary vehicles with safety and reaâ€" ho regert to thy sppromms of the Sepeer subject to approv ment of Inland Revenue. side each h o‘clock p. m. the ferry voat shall commence ru! daily, Sundays excepted, at six 0‘ the route fully completed and structed on or before the 1st day of Sep« tember, 1872. T tD. The lease will be granted for a period of ï¬n_{ufl from the 1st day of Septemâ€" ber, 1872. i 6th two sureties satisiactory to un.mnrb ment of Inland Bonnlm who be held jointly and severally in the sum of 31, nnï¬ltboumsouhgom e The right is reserved to the = ment o?‘hlnhnd Revenue ofmm ing the Ferry Boat or Landing stages, or either of them,should any of them be deem.â€" ed unsuitable for the service, or unsafe to m&;bl'u, or inadequate to meet the public wants. _ The right is also reserved to the Governor in Council, to modify<the The limits of the ferry shall extend A notice "of the rates of fares and tolls to be charged for ferryage shall be Ferry Landing on both ut up in‘a conspicu0t OTICE. PROPOSALS Haine‘s Pianos, TL 5th â€"Tariff of Charges. lessee will be 4th.â€"Number of Trips. REGULATIONS: 3“‘.“’†Mc 1st.â€"Limits. continue to cross from each ides, and also on w23 14 to give Hats, Bats, Hats. R@PLA RGEST AND BES T.A HATS, e ao . PEACOCK‘B, â€" 33 Rideau Street, Ot*awa. mï¬Ã©â€™l‘ha highest price paid for RAW rmHE VICTORIA CBEMICA C€0. Sole proprietors and manufacturers of the cerebrated Victoria Carbolic Preparations. Labority and Works, Victoria Hall, Malindsa Street, Toronto, Ont. The following genuine preparations are sold by all druggists. Be surs and ask for the Victoria Preparations, and see that you get the m, VICTORIA: as a most agreeable preparation for the to!=t. For beautifying the complexion and render. ing the skin soft, white, clear, and free from dryness, it is uarivalled. It will q=i.‘‘y remove all redness, roughness, tan, freckles, pimples and other imperfections. . Eor chanâ€" ped hands, chillblains, frost bites and sore lips, it cannot be surpassed, Brice 25 ceits. Corbolated Glycerine This toilet soap posseres all the well known antiseptic and disinfecting properties of carbolic wfd, is agreeably scented, has a healthy action on the skin, prevents irritaâ€" tion, removes the effects of perspiration, end should be regularly used by families. Choâ€" msll&ox and fever patieats shuuld be with this mf; and its u. by persous liable to infection will materially prevent the spread of diseage. Price 15 cents per tablet. Carbolic ToiletSocap. This Salve is a rapid cure for all »%in dis. cases, ®uts, wounds, . bruises, burns, sores, ulcers, ringworm, tetter, czema, scald h..d, scurry, abscesses, boils, pimples, &c. It possesses all the cleansing and hcsling virtues of carbolic acid, which has been ic ind by physicians everywhere to possess eurative qualitres not discovered in any other chergi cal preparation. Price 25 cents. ‘ Ottawa, May 7, 1872. This Gargle is the most reliable and effiâ€"a. cious remedy in all casese of sore throat, hoarseness, diptheria, bronchitis, frritation of the bronchial tubes so common in this changeable climate. Ad-hn offensive breath, ulcerated gums fand diseases of the mouth,. . For public speakers and singers it is invaluable. The ingredlents entering finto this gargle are used by all physicians, and for the cure of the above disorders are now, undoubtedly, the most popular in the materia medica. â€"Price 25 cents, Victoria Carbolic Gargary Sma. Carbolic Disinfectant This Disinfectant is a sure preventative of typhus and t]fhotd fevers, cholera, smallâ€" pox and all infections diséases, It will mnt con::ion in cattle, It is also uable disinfecting water closets, &c aï¬d“t:mh' unmu::nvhï¬on whatever enm It will ‘drive &c, Meai, fish, &c m:“ t from putrification gu-"uo. ols ormgiarecred i em ns ho iants fant mb “ 4 as the best disinfectant for the prevention of infectious diseases, Price 25 cents. This preparation is unequailed in its rapis di:g for sharpening and polishing cutlery. Table and pocket knives, rasors, surgical instruments, shoemakers‘ kunives, plare bits, and chisels, &o. Nothing has over been discovered which has sprung l:t::opnurny more mm of so : value in every * and workshop for general nsefulness . © Price 25‘cent:. % Victoria Sharpening and Polishâ€" ing Paste. * _ Patronized by all the world. Rimmel!‘s Ihangâ€"Ibang, Vauda, Henn*, Jockey Club, Frangipane, s4 other perfumes of exquisite fragrance, Rimmel‘s Leavender Water, distilled 1:0 Mitcham Flowers. Rimmel‘s Tollet celebrated for its Extract J rice and Giyâ€" "Su# best: preparation for the Hair RSuamng 00 Wep, porton s with .‘-Ihm"y:. ( : Rimmel!‘s Giycetine, Honey, Costams« and This Jeily is highly recommended to lagi«s VICTORIA CARBOL!! ° Eugene Rimmel, + _ to KK.G. h« Princess o# Walee . + ~ 4,128 Regont Btreet, and24 Ja 1 +. â€" ~ â€" : 17 Boulevar® des Italiens, sand GOUT.â€"HREMEDY" is recommended for Rbenmatism, Gout, Neuraigia, Lumbe o m‘ndohhm %ih"'“ &g-:.. Tomie Spraink Numboes s maani ho ie Rimmiél‘s Viciet, Rose. Leaf;Rloe, and other oilet Powders. : A Mberal allowanos to anipâ€" ;cxncx HAS SPOKEN. The MEDICAL FACULTY of MONTREâ€" Aprl 3, J»*"&% IMMEL/S CHOICE PERFUMES CAPS, and 26, 1872; I.'T&"-iï¬â€"z' all m nrh-h m of Canada SALV E. Helection of For the YICTORIA VICTORRA STRAW GOODS {PRICEâ€"3 CE] # 4* Medical Peitier, Sheridan‘s Cavalry PonCi:sion ? owCers, beve published a readsble and instructive pamd pud.vhlchmbeudï¬unfln stores . SORE, THRUAT, CUUGH, COLD, and similat troubles, if saffered to progress result in serious Pulmouwary, Bronchial, 1nd Asthmatic affections, oit: utimes incursble, BROWN‘3 BRONCHIAL TROCH Es are compounded so as to‘reach direct!iy . D: seat of the dircame and give almost in=«n relief. % * fiti" The Troches aro offered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy ; they have been thoroughly tested and maintain the good reputation they have justly mcquired _ Fas Public Spoakere, Singers, Military Officers, sand those who overtax the volce they #re useful in relieving an Irritated ‘Throat, and will render articulation easy. Being an article of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by.tatot-nyy-u.-chyflm them in new locslities in various parts of the world. and the Troches are universally pronounced better than other articles. . ts Obtain only "Brown‘s Bronchial Trock«s, and do not take any of the Worthless Imétaisons that may hs offered _ xt "Trocg®s," so called, soid by the ounc«, are & poor imitation and nothiug like BROW NB BRONCHIAL TROCHES which are sold only in boxes with fucâ€"simaele of th<â€"Â¥propriewrs â€"___ JOHN L BROWN & S0N, en outsige wrappe: of box, and private ‘Gets mzm-pmdwqch_hocl ale This car» in putting ip the Trowhes is is portant as asecurity to the purchaser in ard to be sure of obtaining the genuine Browa Bropchial LProches. Orbezr ax> Srevex.â€"In every branch of or i tivationâ€"whether in the feld, the orchard. ‘be vineyard or the garden, there must be erde. .nC system to insure successful results, and this truth is firmly established by actual experi¢nce Another great truth has also been establis. .4 by the same means, which is : That as a preâ€" ventative medicine ~. .. wedicine for the cure of colds, coughs, rhoumatism, and sswmt complaints, the "Canadian Pain Destroyer," ° the most reliable. For sale by all Druggist and country dealersr. Price, 25 cents per bottle. by all medicine dealors. THIRTY YEARRN EXPERIENOCE OF AZ oLD NURSE. f mus. W musu w‘s Booraumse Snwhï¬ohc soription of on » of the best Female Phyr and Nursesin the Unitéd States, and has been used for thirty ysars with never taililug n(u“ludmby-llllou, o1 mothers and children, frem the toeble infant of one wiek 1dto the mdult, 1t corrects acidity «f the mach, relleves wind colic, regulates t i * els, and $ives ndhhllthuoo-ht- other and child. e believe it the lest and surest remedy in the world, in all cases of Dysentery: and Diarthma in chlidren whether it arises trom tecthing, or from any other cause. Full Cirections for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine uniess the fac«simile of CURTIS & PERKINS is on the outside wrapper. Bold all medicine d-l‘nhupon&u bottle. Ozoe.llb Fullon Street, New York, and 93 Oxford Street, Lon» don.‘ Be sure and call for MKB, WIN8SLOW B 8OOTHING SYuUP Having the fac simile 4 " Ourtis & Perki» on the outside wrapper: All others ar« «« Have you a severs wrâ€"hncb Of spia. «: you rheumatism in any torm _ HMarâ€" )40« «1 neck, 0o: bunches caused by rheumauic .l If so, Jonnsoun‘s Anodyn« lA4viment 16 a «,â€" Cl« Bc remed; also the best pain «in :1# theworld > _ ~sâ€"commmr s Houai . COC()â€"GLYCKRINE nourish the hair i £ No toilet table should be with out C©OCOâ€"GLYCOERNE, 250 at per bottle In prints, 166 10 200. » huw;buow 16¢, in rolls, 206. Lard, toltw.rll. Tallow}; U 10 UUe do, ; Honey, UJ do. Potatoes, 20c per bushel. Bwedish Turnips, 20c. CUarsote 256 to 306 do. *. Parsnips 50c. do. Onions, $1.50 to $2.00 do. s Ouhq,m: p‘r’:s. â€" COnbbages, be to each. Mfloto-â€-c.[c bushel, : Apples per #1.00 «o $7.50. .. Home spun muw“rd. Hn-oufbnhndk par pu Wool 57 cts. to 63¢ per Ib., Hay $12 to 14,00 per ton Rye straw, $6. Oat straw, $6 to $8 do. Posk. } Mess Pork, $16 25 to 16 5 per varrei Farmers‘ mess, $14 50 ao f #Prime mess, $13.00. lhl:-bd, $12 00 to $14.00 per 10J Do green, $7 00 do Bacon do .0&;100 . oo Ilu-dq-ltd.fl do »crâ€"Retail prices. Double extra, $7.00 per barrel. Extra, $6.15 to €1 do No, 1, #6.50 to 1.0 : + Cornmeal, $3.25 to 3.50 do Cracked wheat, $1.00 do Cracked corn, $0.00 _ do lam.':snwaoa. Mo ‘Buckwheat, 5Cto 55cte per busdiies Onts, 306 to 350 do Peas, 60c to 65¢ do Beans $1.50 to $1.175 Barley 55cte. to 65cts. mmfl.‘?gl.lls‘odo Jo q.h"un, to 1. . 60 to Bo per,lb per }b. WMH“‘I&, owt. mwsml:u-w- Hmw#zs 1xp Lx.rexz. C The latest quotations are as follows No. 1, Sole, 30ote per lb. Bool, $6.50 to $7 50 per 100 be Mutton, 7¢ 10 10c per ib. Fowls, 75 to $1.0u per couple, Turkeys, 1.00 each. Geese, b0c to 70c each. Ducks, 40¢ to 6uc per couple. Feathers, 50c 10 6uc per Ib, Kegs 17 to 3) per dozen. Burter 15 to 20 cts per ib, C0OCO (GL.YIERINE removos esd o / Pak ~ PV H Cod oil 60 to 70 ots gallon O-Ilti-,.l’,?'_'_l"rp“'- <32 SPECIAL NOTICHES. ohnso n‘s Anodyne Miimed Pagaemt Tike is Arett £B§e»: 3130 per 100 os. ts $1.35109 per