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Ottawa Times (1865), 2 Aug 1872, p. 4

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It ina certain remedy for Ecrofuld, :m&: Mm. Somel won, Ja-d&mv”\m% %ons, Chest Complaints, and all other d: -u-fi.fiongnmpmmhdm Fui directins for: taking this (Feak 24 sbhould be careful in seei mmmfl COMPUUND SYRUP 0’ SA RSA PARILLA, and no Other, is supplier to them. Wholesale agents, EV ANS MERCER & CO., Montreal, and to be obtained from m&bmb‘* Ottawa, March 9, 1812 1918 3m Will be recetved uthhberrmt, at Ottaws, up to noon of MONDA , the THIRâ€" TIETHA day of SEPTEMBER next, for the construction of Light Houses at the underâ€" mentioned places in the Province of Ontario, Sandy Islands, Batchewana Bay, Lake i"‘ perior. Potnt aux Pirs, entrance of River St. Mary, w Georgian Bay. Straits (Cockburn Island) Lake WiXdmill Point, near Prescott, Grenville : s County. Hamilton Island, Glengarry County. Burnt House Point, do . do On Government Fier, ab#t 3 miles above upper entrance of Cynal, Beauharnois County. i Beacon Lights, Upper Ottawa River. Two Light Beacons below Carillon, O:i.“ ver. Plans and‘ specifications of all required works may ve seen on and after the 1st Sepâ€" tember next, at the Department, at Ottawa, and of the Light Houses on Lake Superior and Georgian Bay, at the office of 5. RISLEY, Steamboat Inspector, Torokto, at which places also forms ot tender can be proeured by intending contractors. The Mcvartment does not bind itself to asecept the lowest or any tender. ;P. MITCHBELL, VMinister of Marine and Fisheries Department of Marine and Fisheries, _ This new swing contains the mo= tive power in it 4 ! external impalâ€" '\“‘ P mon . to drive it, CicMie .. aad in it ~Yp 4 sns d cize are exposed to Cl us e é no accident or danger. wm-mm ;â€"';‘-2- incomveniences mot with in ordi %bm-;:ui-hqdludtb Canada Contral t, Mo. 120, dussex Btreet «hu at No. s, 8t. Patrick Suoet. _ _ __ Oss! FIJWER SEEDS4, a large ASSORTMENT ts châ€"l-l-c'l-mdll-m-l) lcundies A. CHRLSTLE & CU,, discovered. Cooking done on a table without Coul, W wod, Of & & i1 Boprds BaiuKB AnD Bimam CUNL s, will cook everything reâ€" in an ordinary family as quick aud as well as cun be dune on a range or cuoking stoke. ‘Ihe builiny, baking. zsod rom»ting is done within the ons Tussel ai the same time by means of a lamp which couns a dinner tor a lfi uf sigh: or tem m;-m-bl‘nm dd‘.!l“'fib vpuking is goung on there steam ummwuufirnn-m.flm uilthe Meats, &6., by it retain ai theiur jmoes, thus rendering them more healthy and nuiriâ€" Cclouse u.u...m-mmuuto kotle, Les pot, wash boiler, and th. ord:nary cookâ€" _’m'u;â€";-_'â€".â€"--â€"â€"â€"â€"-’ I Cal: at, or address A. B. Maocdonaid « Co.‘s, Aucâ€" tion andt Uommussion Kowums Uttawa, near the gld.'hu‘lhw.-h seen in operaâ€"~ Uitaws, June 11, 1872 _ MLHf ingutwre laruiture. Please do not say, CAXNUT BELLEY® mw-n.un it in operation, and than Â¥08 Wil s0o that what wo saAy 18 «Cu®. _ _ _ l,‘utll'\muu.l LIIOUT NO. I,-GJB.HOBTB GOWER ****" _ 22 Aores of Good Land WITHIN UNE MILE UF RICHMOND, About 60 Acres Under Cultivation. " This farm is worth $4,000, but will be sold for M‘r-â€"dbm in annual instailments ngamkh . _ .. . .. Ottawa, April 14 1872 F‘%"-_l Freight and Cartageo Agency e Ne fssiae S K. Carters give Railway Receipts relier PiDâ€" ing ahippers trom all further trouble Just received, a fresh Stock of GARDEN AND F[ELD SEEDS M Py ON REAL ESTATE, Â¥rom $400 to any amount, on appro IRUST AND LWAN COMPANY O# " PPEs CANADA i?: : Apru 23, 187% Ottawa, 18th June, 1872. 2013 lawktd ~ANADA _ NTBAL RAJILWAX Ottaws, Oct. 12 1871 No 11, 5. Ridean stroet, Ottawa. No i, 10th Conosasion, Ougoode, ‘m' anurn se flYA Speceal rates tor furniture. 0R 8A18, " l:«:. schuol secuon No. 2, in the e m e JA M i3 L&Â¥. h 3 ';'s June & 1872 Ottaws, Dac 11. 187) EAUHER WAN| ED GREATEST FUELSHAVER YET L. A GRISOM, , James Bailiff, W. &. JOHNBON, DB. MoDUUOALL, Lake buperior Huron Grenvilie County. wb 3 Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourably 18E CANMNADIAN PA1N DESTROYELH Has now been before the public for a lengtt of time and wherever used is well liked, never failing in a single instance t give perâ€" manent reliéf when timely used, and we have never kuown a single case of disatisfaction where the directions have been properly folâ€" iowed, but on the contrary, all are delighted with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects. _ We speak from experience in this matter having tested :t thoroughly, and therefore hose who are suffering from any of the comâ€"~ laints for which it is recommenaed may de= pend upon its being a Sovereign Ion«dy.h 7 Lul" f ma. EL â€"E Ahox Rhcmacthar CCC n Ee Amal i F4 g" d The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing the Diseases for which it is recommended, and its wonderfui amocess in subduing the torturing pains of Rneumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affoc= lons, entitle it to a higt rank in the list o+ Remedies for these compliaints, Orders are coming from Medicine Deslers in all parta ot bmmmm.upplm.ndflm titvinsc as to the universal satisfaction i 'l'â€"O The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fellei> «ive immediate reliet, All medicine dealers keep it. Physicians crder and use it ; and no family will be without it after once tryir g it, Pricg only twentyâ€"fiv cents per bottle. NORTHROP & LYMAN. SBold in Ottâ€"wa by H F Mcoarthy, Joseph Skianer, Jobn Roberts, J P ¥« atherston, Geo Mortimer, and «11 medicizne dealers. mounths, 1 was so affiicted for the want of breath that it was very dificult tor me to m in the night time frequently the clothes off and raising in the bed to keep from ‘strangling. 1 tried three of the most eminent pbysicians in the County , Smithf@eld. J C Cha.wberlain, Eeqâ€"â€"This is to certity that about three years ago J became affiicted with Bronchitis, which lasted about eightsen »f Northumberland for about a year, without receiving any benefit, in fact I contiouned getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was ad~ vised to try the Great Shoshoneer Remedy. 1 bougbt a bottle and took it and when it was about fnished I began to feel a little betier. I continued to use it until I had taken three bottles, when, to my I that I was as well as ever L had been previâ€" ous to my iliness and have been so ever o JOHN SILVER. Bworn before me at Smithfield this 6th day of April, A D 1870. J Â¥ WELLINXGTON, J P WONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASE Baoo_kir®, April 5th, 1870,. J O Chamb=rlain, Bte. This is to certi that my wife was very low with Lung Disease. The Doctor bad given her up. He said her w-'uh-_lcld,m'-dlduouldn?t enme@ee e eee CAE ic. c on 9 hdphc.unlnmuflcnh.l.bflk of the Great Shoshonees Remedy. At the expiration of two days her symptoms were decidedly better She continued to improve se rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was able to sit up. By the continuâ€" ance a * ryemae? ol wa sperfectly restored to heaisn. l You may publi«h the facts for the benefit of those similarly affiicted. T 0. BROWXNX That the uuBat SnuveB0NBus HEMBDY a8D PILLS, of the eminâ€"ut indian Medicine ."*:'“"' LEWIS JOSEPHUS, of the Great Tribe of Shoshone«s, British Jolumbia, is working the most marvellous and astonishing Curef the World has ever beard of. _ Never in the imnnals of Canadtian Medical History has suc} mâ€"‘."m'_'*â€"mâ€". introduction of ary medicine beretofore, sim piy because une numerous valuable active | medivinal vexetable ingredients, (some of which we will mention, such as the Extracts of Wild Oherry Bark, Podophylium, Juniper, Quassia, Smartweood, D:’mxeuon, Hyoscyamus, Compound Extract or Colocynth, Jalup, Soco, trine Aloes, Capsicum, &c., «c,) which enter into the composition of the combined mediâ€" ' mu,mmmnh.modoulyohdfid and compounded, that it is made the most searching curative in the known world, and monut help but act on the system in a very . satistactory and desirable manner. No matâ€" ter what your ailment may be, or of how long standing, it will find the spot and astonish you by the rapid manmer in which you are testored to purfect health and full vigor. This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, and is warrunted, and may positively be reâ€" Mud upou to make a perimaucht cure of all diseases of th« Taroat, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys Digestive Organs, #o., #0., as well as Rcrofula the vurious Skin Diuases, Hâ€"uh.nld all m-n-nr‘l%h::l-mu Biood, exc. pting the SQ\:J Consumption. rmufiw::m directions for using the Greoat Remedy & Pills, anu containing Pestimonials and Cert ficates of Uures, can be obtained by securing the Treatise, the Hand Book, or the Almanac and mmb-uywmhm Btomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, ELIH‘RICITY. THOMASY EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIC OIL. _ Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. _ Pain cannot stay where it is used." | It is the CHEAPESTC MEDICINE EYVEL MADEK, ‘One dose cures commeon sore that or uns bottle has cured Bronchitis, Fifty cents‘ innn-_unmm Cough. It Prociaim the Glad Tidings KADLIANPAINE DESTROYER Frice 0; Remedy in large Pint Bottles . $1 00 hmnhii__z_s Fifty cents‘ worth has cured Crick in the Back, and the same quantity Lame Back of eight years‘ stanuin . 1t curâ€"sASwelleus Neck, Tumurs, shumatisw, Ahearsigta, Joutraction ut the Musci~s, 3tif Joiuts, sptual Liticalâ€" U s, a«nd Fain ana 3>â€"reness in any part, ow maiter whure it may be, ue hom WUAL Culse it mey Afise, i1 ARiWAJS dues yuu g004 IFwentyâ€"Avo couts‘ wourtu has cured bad cusee ol Unrouic aud Blowsy Uysentery, UBe temâ€" spounful cures vullec in 15 miuates. lt will van. any case ol Plics thas it is impossible to viue, . DIX oft eighe nppduug.- is walrtadles to ureauy ase I Lavoriated Nipples or luâ€" Aumed preast. â€" For Brutses, it applisd often ud voun« up, there 1# geÂ¥er tas slizhiwsi Mscuiccution to the skin. ltstope the pain uf a Baru as soâ€"u as applied, Cure Frosmd Koet, Buils, Warts, and vurns, ans WuuRrus Of eÂ¥ouy Geguliption ou wahn Of Deasg., ». A, 1HUMA8, Pueljs, â€". Y Ano NOBRL HLOP a LY 4AN. Nowcastle ‘ONTARIO JOHN,/‘ This tirstâ€"class animalâ€"the purest brea Bul: in Canadaâ€"â€"for sale. tiis tull pedigree Cure otf Bronchitis *~~ Bpiscopal Methodist Minister. * C M YX1 on application t. the At this establishment will be found on hand, or made to order, the latest and most approved styles of s ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS, Which in point of finish and durability, are not surpassed in any market. RB@®All work warranted for one year, and all kinds of nydriumuyd W. Stockdale, Brother & Co,, promptly done. A very large amount of new and imâ€" proved machinery has lately been aided, and as the whole is driven by steam power (the only establishment so supplied in this sartion of country) we are in a position cheaper than any one else. |_ _ . n"x’\. proprietors are practical :firkmen ive M su on to work. &uw., March E 1872 1931tf , _ LAKE SLPERIOR Royat Mail Line aorrux;m 1::::? OF CANADaA. Collingwood, This comprises wm‘ Trkgr oen Carar Caat, Rins Waek" Brriamâ€" LEAVING COLLINGWOOD Everty Turspay a«p> FrwaYy, es i : ho y Th: us > B ratter ul Soee On o‘clock, a. m * Fort Gany and Norts Feight connection at Toronto with Merchants‘ Lake. OnunoUnofotlh-mon* Montreal, &oâ€" Dnlymm.n on at m“‘ "“' Hamilâ€" *m }‘.'a‘.-&’.'-"-'-'fiu-. : Parior ( passsxosas Booked to and from Liverpool Londonderry and \ Glasgow. 1872. State Kooms on Stea For passage tickets â€" MuUNTREAL UUbnAN STEAMSHMIP COMPANY. 60 Front 8.reet, Toronâ€" City Hall asa Brock street. A. & A. H. TAYLOR, _ _ ADAM ROLPH, . _ Ottawa _ __ Ottawa, May 17, 187%. * and Sleigh e CTORY: RIDEAU STREET, QOTTAW 4, CHKANGE OF SAILING. The steamers of the Liverpool Mail Line sailing from Liverpool every Thursday, and from Quebec every Saturday, calling at Lock Fovie to receive on board, and land Mail and Passâ€"ngere to and from Ireland and Bootland are intended to be despatched from Quebec : 1811, Calling at 8t. John‘s, N M-mo-ooon a a o a ## '.'.‘.I.l.“ HIDCURAENH «... .« cceore cerrrr‘val.. "U0 Andmm&mdly. Rates of Passage from Quebec : M. less resess .....l.."obm Mc um berland, ‘m.oonoccoo o-.o..lo-ol.l”s The steamers of the Glasgow Line (sailiong from Glasgow every Tuesday, and from Qué mw'olumt every Tharsday are to be despatched from Quebec G@lasgow Line. Dates of Sailing are as follows : oumsrnun, Oct. OTTawW A she «1. trth * YT. DAVID at ... â€"@oth 8T. ANDREW ts ..... Snd Nov. 8T. PATRICK i. ~< / se«y« Wakh 4 '“MO‘N'I, d‘oooouc o-".!“’ u lnm..-..-. ...QC......“’ “ “ fi W’-_::: :::'o.o‘c'a'-'o‘o-o '.'.'.'.'.-.'. a a #* * ” » WiZ* An experienced Surgeon carried on :!ln-ll- Berths not secured until paid i.u-m.'-tdumm Passage certificates granted to parties desir. "Tas reriben pertinetaet ageny to . or nwoomn & CO., Ageonts â€" "Bparkeâ€"st Coaches, Carriages, Omnibusscs, Contractor, wishes to inform the inhabitants of Ottawa that he has taken an office in Bel:‘s Block, lutBO"""L"““. and that all communicatiuns muqa‘do_toh-mmmnnnd'l * Saizve MaF i 174. just Received H. M. RO W E S celebrated The Subscribers have received a large sum for investment upon Farm Property. C. DELENDERNIERS, corner and York streets, or to A WELLS & +x., Toronto. Jan. 22, 1872 N No co ng at Owen Sound, Brucée MiDOS, Sault Ste. Marie, Michipicoton, Nipi« Silver Islet, Prince Artbur‘s Poniting and Intermediate Ports. Ottawa, May 6, 1871 k 3KAzsuN COMMENCED BULK AND CA ONYSTER®S, The Italian Warehouseé. J. . C. DELES DERNIRRS * Tmas Office, W ellingtor *ttugl, Agent for the Ottawa Limes. Osnlt TV i1val. a a e e e es a a a # a 64 44 *4 A. @MASON, * PROPRIETORS, BUOMMXEKR SERVICE, _ _ â€"._ Liverpool Line. t. John‘s, N. F. FROMK QUEBEO. | | Ohicora, q.ot ADAM RO ced LPH, i88, Northern Kailway, Duluth, etc., ote., Cormne d Quiacuu.s, Minerve, Montreai. State Hooms APRIY 1° Francis Smith, to MURKLSUVN Apply to J. M. PER GALLON. YETERS,. 1871. 1872. Janu«ry 6 Feb and 13 20 47 10 10 24 3A BBRIEL‘S mELpouo. +« the looth. .Mparts * naturil ‘ redness to the gums, and gives GABRIEL‘S | brilliancy to the Enamel: Price GABRIKL‘S GABRIEL‘S | warranted to remain white ane MESSRS. !lr--.un Tooth itself. This beautitrul preparation restores GABRIEL‘B8 | front ‘teeth, and can be easily ‘udq. Sufficient to stop six GABRIEL‘S ! Price 5s F i1 direc for use enclosed in gach box IMPORTANT TO REKSIDENES ABROAL Parties at a distance may have Artificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Mesats. Gabriel‘s new system, on sending parâ€" ticulars oftheir cases, with a remittance of Ten SBhillings, when the lptnl- for taking a model 0i the mouth will be forwarded with MESSRS. GA:‘Bllemlolu their imâ€" proved s at a moderate cost, Artifiâ€" ohl'l‘ox‘:bpldhy other dentists which hay not preved satisfactory to the wearer:; A CHRISTIE 4& Co,, . Drucgiste, Agents for Ottaws, whou-wa for Canadaâ€"Messrs. Brunell & 15 Front Stereet West, and 463 St. Pau! Street. Montral. MESSRBS (Avses TH® HaIR 10 GROW lmaomme THE ROOTS & oT SoILING THE SKIN ([®EY Halr, iT REsTORES A camy, To ITs NATURAL COLOR, Lmvms IT BEAUTIFULLY _ MseLushis» anp GLossy. gy TOPS ITS FALLING OF. g‘xomus aLut orakrs . > _ CINCALESE JOHN GARDNER, CHEMIST, MONTREAL, Sole Manufaaturer and Proprietor. Restores Grey Hair to its Natural Color and Beauty, innud Herp hS for cleaning and polishing Silver, Electroâ€" Plate, Plate m.-.a!.d Tablets, 64. each. e i o o V C aml ing machines, India Rubber and Bus Leather in rectoitea, & m ual to new outl Packets, 34. each ; .u'zh. 64., h-ofi-a and 42. each. 75 cents per bottle ; three bottles for $2. rg'nm be purchased wholesale at all the fo mole i oronee ty 44 ." HacCerthy, Chentist W B â€" E. ad Druggist, Wellington Street. * C# AND DUES NOT SOIL THE SKIN. P the Public W ork: ‘I&tho vn:tz an v P ons oo the eP ho worl o canatle . “fi;‘.";‘.‘..u...‘-i? to order. and it His iâ€"acellency has been ro-n to order Fe is hereby orde: ed that the following mdt:nm. m&cmohm l-fl:o‘ndu&.i-l" be levied ai d e Mlected on Timber patsing thr ough the Governsen: Slide on the. Kiver Dumqins, "&'fl'-iumum Timber ffteen cents pSF In solid blocksâ€"1d4., 24., 44., and GovERNMENT HuUsE, uIliWA. Tuesday, 21st day of May, 1872. LAT T i~ *as ." ‘J.") + w ies : ?' ’6" xvag.b hi. ith: ~ Bz {BOYAL DENTIFIOE | prepared frum a rectpe as used XCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL (| O8STEOâ€"ENAM EL _ P IX " BEDADENT® O R Câ€"U B E for Toothache. This extraorâ€" dinary application, marvellous in its effects, gives immediate relief without injuring the tooth, and forms a temporary stopping. Price is 1}4. COBALITE TOOTRH PA8STE 1of * fi{%{np:: ?m B e@icaLn 1s. 64. by Her Majesty ; gives the Teeth a pearlâ€"like whiteness and imparts a delicious fraâ€" grance to the breath. Price 1s. WHITE GUPTA PEBOHA Enamel!, for stopping decayed Teeth, renders the Tooth sound and useful for mastication, no matter how far decayed. Price 1s. 64. the breath, and for cleansing arâ€" tiflcial teoth is invaluahle: Price 5s UDOFQUE EL IXIB. brated Mouth Wash is most refreshing, it strengtheuns the gums, eradicates tartar and all injurious secretion, sweatens »1%4 1 At â€" _‘:5 & , ie n d i L ax Pagpr uies BELTS AND POCKET P ANATiSNS\ kc g2n>: * d These highly improved inven y .« mpta Electricity perfectly selfâ€"applica bek a_; tremely efficacious in a mild cont ~ '{;-/_-/:u,'»,‘ oncbocko;:lplu?‘nt sensatio ky P AY 4 m ereby becomes a c actha of health and vigour, speed! agonizing peins, reâ€"animating t Clack Privy SSLb} W. L. LEK _ These highly improved inventions render Electricity perfectly selfâ€"applicable, and exâ€" tremely efficacious in a mild continuous form on shock or unpleasant sensation being ex~ perienced, whereby 1t becomes a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily soothing agonising peins, reâ€"animating torpid limbs, reviving the sluggish functions of life, and rmparting renewe energy and vitality to | constitutions enteebled ty whatever cause, Medicines and their deleterious consequences are thus entirely dispensed with, The daily tncreasing number of cures effected by PULVEHKRMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GALVANâ€" [0 SY8TEM is so extensive and varied, that t forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. _ _ _ _ N. B.â€"The following testimony from the | elite of the English medieal faculty has been | received . | " We, the undersigned, have much pleaâ€" 4 sure in testifying that‘ 4 uack»ar‘s recent improvementsin his Voltaic * Batteries and UGalvanic Aglhno. tor u Medical Purposes are of great importance to 1 « Scientific Medicine, and that he is entitled " to the consideration and support of every # one disposed to further the advancement of 4 real and useful progress, # Dated the 9th day of Marcb, 1866. t BIR CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart., ,l IB):' p ; K. 0. P. , BIB HENRBRY HOLLAND, Bart., l.'D e +« sIR WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. R. 8. * EKDWD. H. SIEKYERAING, M. D., M.R.0.8. < Bl1J RANALD MARTIN, F. B. 0. 8." i ULVERMACHERS SYSTEM is also ap ;1ov .(« of by an official report of the Aca A + 4. de Medicine, Paris, Royal College o | Physielang, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Vienna, and its curative virtues are con« firmed by thousands of private testimonials of cureseffected. (Bee pamphlet gratis). These facts appeal to the good sense of every sufferer to ovdthlnulf of this scientific and curative progress, to which the inventos has devoted a lifeâ€"time of study and labour, a1 an ardent deciple of that great benefactor of mankind, ‘the late . illustrious electrician Mionase Farapt. 10 ofbaiNS8 igly oh oure withons are ve out the atd dnodlclmwd of diet, or the least derangement of the patient‘s habits and daily occupations, in the following maladies Rheoumatism Female Complaints Gout Lumbago Bluggish Ciroulat Neuraigle Urinary Disorderi Head and Toothache yeie Liver Complaints _ Epilepsy Ti Doloreuzx Noervous Debility aabvanio . on AmicBan m.TSA â€" AKD â€"POCKET m: The effects of the spplication of Pulver= macher‘s Chaing in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain instantaneous. PRICE LlbT OF PULYVERMACHEKRS CHAIN BANDS AND BATTERIES. B. OHAIX BANDS for Neryous Deafness Head, Tooth, and Face Ache,and Noiser â€" . B, LUHAIN DS for loss of Volce and ;n‘;ofiumofm'x\mt, 10s. 64. to N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciat __ Rheumatic Nounraigia, and Gouty Pai"®: Local Paraâ€" lyda m&u.. 185. to 2** and 408. BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion o (wore at a bel H40tand 50e. 7 as a belt), 228 55s. non“nm hx Writers Cramp, Mmfi. Nervousness, &c¢, 22s to 308 .B COMBINED CHAIN BAND for Cantrl Paralysis, Kpilepsy, General Debility Wnfiuqu,mum A complete Bet of COMBINED UHAIN BANDB,BELTS, and OHAILIN BATTERY for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £1. The public are most earnestly cautioned to beware of Peeudo Klectric Beilts advertised by sham Dootors, &c., for I-o-v- purposes, and so severely stigmatized by Vice Ohancel~ lor Malins in the suit Pulvermacher vs Ham« mond, alias Henry James, alias O. T, Raphey, M. R. 0. 8, alias Henry Burrows, &0, &c. No Gailvanic Beits are innlno imt those bearing the faco simile of Pulvermacher‘s signature on the label. A pamphlet containing full particulars may be had at the Drug Store of A. Christie, Sparks Stroot. J. L PULVERMACHER, LECTRLCLTY 18 LIF3 Ottawa, Heoptemper 6, 1870 I beg most respectfully â€"to acquaint the public of the British North American Proâ€" vinces that in May last 1 caused the business at 80 Maiden Lane New York, for the sale of nolloway‘s Pills and Olnumnlt which were u.ututu-mpndbyw Brown, now geceased, to be closed. ~These Medicines were, I regret to say, from what has lately come to my knowledge, made up of such very ordinary ingredients as to render them almost worthless, and therefore calculated to damage my good name. Those who do not wish to be deceived by TO THE PNPLIC OF THE BRITISH PRO VINCEKS OF NORTH AMERICA. vuying spurions medicines, which are now likely to emanate from the States or elseâ€" whon,mmmmdfie{uu- ine Holloway‘s Pills and Ointment will dc well to see that each pot and box bears the British Government stamp on which is en« graved the words "Holloway‘s Pills and Ointâ€" ment, and that theaddress on the label is 533, Orford street, London, where only they are manufactared, and in no other part of. the world. The retail prices are on the labels ir British currency, and not in dollars and cent( No representative of mine will ever trave through any part of the British Provinces, o the Un ited m-. either to sell or to tak orde rs for my +ills and Ointment, and as have reason to believe that attempts will ver probably be made to deceivs the public in .hhmz‘snu celling upon medicine vendors, representing that they are acting for me, and with wy knowledge and consent, I deem it advisable to put the public onMgMz;hnnymhdaoopw I most y entreat all those who may read this advertisement that they be pleased in the publi¢ interest, to communicate the mflm&‘iu that they may not be of their money by purâ€" ohasing worthless iniitations of the gonuine Ialm'-rmhulon“ s 1 ask, as a gtvat favour, that shoula it come to the knowledge of any person that epurious medicines are being made or sold in my name, he be pleased to send me all the particulars he can collect respecting the same, tha is to say, the name and add:ess of the wendor who is belling the spurious medi. dnoandllhvbmmud address /‘ the in the United States, or elsewhe e, which may have+upplied them, so sto onâ€" abi me, for the protection of the public, to nstitute procuedings against such evil=doors, and I engage to remunerate very handsoinely any person who may give me ualnbrn} tion, the informant‘s nsme mevor being diâ€" Bhould any person _hvob;“tohllflo\ that be has been spurioas mdm-.muwu‘ to send me, in a letter, to the address at foot (whicn be can do at a cost" of ‘sizx câ€"nts in pustace«), une. of : the books~ of Instructions which are affized to the same.â€" 1 prowise to examine it, and saaid & repiy, utating : whether the Medicines are genalns br mot, soâ€"that if sperious he may apply to the person> tror whom be purchased them to have is money re! y few‘t _ mu Draggists who desire to ob tain the Medicines can be supplied &t the lowest wholesale prices in quantities of not less than £20 worth (for which remittance mast w‘mthwm)â€"vuami:. Ad., 2%8., and 348. per Gdozer boxes of or pots of Qintment, nett, without discount Lhn;\::mtou, great deves se oo on o “s'lnlhl.' a 82.« 1. 1871 » 39 6n Full particulars may be had from the Bole gents A. CHRISTIE 4& C0,, DBUGGI‘B)% * AW A. in extent, sttached, on ‘thpdy. Hill, near & John A. M:.-dn::' B AUTIONK _‘ Gaivanic Establishmen t‘ 200 Regent Street, London, Bluggish (irculation Urinary Disorders Functional Disorders OUSEK *9 14565 1a The St. James‘ Hotel, Having been rebuilt and furnished in first «lass style, and with good Sample Roome, will be opened by the subscriber on WEDNESDAY, 13th DECEMBER, for the accommodation of the travelling public The above Hotel, so favorably known, being situated in the immediate vicinity of the Parâ€" Hament Buildings, Banks and other Public Offices, will be conducted in the best style which the wants of the public require. The table will be supplied with all the Delicacies of the Season, and the BALG with the choicest brands of Liquors, Stabling attached, with good attendance. WILLIAM POWLEY, O'l"l‘A WA HOTEL, 8t James Street Mon treal, The undersigned having assums ed the management of this popular favorite, respectfully informs the travelling public and its former patrons, that the house has undergone many improvements, and that he intends by constant attention to the wants of bis patrons, to make this the most comfortable Hotul in the city of Montreal. * At Junction Depot of Grand Trunk and Ottawa & Prescott R. &. All the facilities of a First Class House,. Passengers refreshment "WAHE «JUONCTION HOTEL,"! O'rrun HOTEL, f Prescott Junction, J. FRANCIS, r".etor. , & Meals at all times. Table and liqu cannot ‘be surpassed. 1878â€"3m. PROF. HERMAN‘S VERMIX â€" DESTROYER, Which is kznown to be 3 Â¥Har Superiot to anythin ever yet Dis« covered Â¥For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Poultry Ants, Bugs, Oockroaches, Black E."““' _!'l:u on Mll&:‘“"‘ insects on Plants, Moths in For», or Bceab on Sheep or Goate ; also on Cattle; &0., &¢., in less than Ten Minutes, Bold in Packetsâ€"35 cte per Packet ; or Siz Packets for One Dollar, 45cts. The Pewder is warranted free from all bad smell, and will keep in any Climate, It may be lprodngaen without risk, as It is quite harmless to or Dogs, as they will not eat it _ Directions for use on each Packet. Maxuracroryâ€"Gravel Lane Houndsditch, City of London, England faiorea 292 The above discovery bas gained for Proâ€" fessor Harman a Silver Prize Medal at the Interâ€"Colognial Exhibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866 besides numerous Testimonials. gamfor auucâ€"Joquu Kavanugh, Grocer, ellingtonâ€"st . ; John Hill, Tes Pot. Ridean. st,; slocombe & btevens, Bign of the Bugar Loaf, corner of Qumberland.â€"st.; for New Bdinburgh, J. W. Proctor & Oo.; for Aylmer, Mr. N. K. Cormier ; the Wholesal« Agents for the Canadian Provinces, are J. Smith & Co,, No. 1 Western Buildings, Montreal, May 32 187) 1671 ivy There is also Commodious k ard Room and FIRE and LIFE, CABITAL......... . ... .. . . . . $10,000,000 ANNUAL INCOME, over....,. 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over. ... _. 9,500,000 SPECIAL LIFE ASSURANCE FUND, .x« «« «+nxortâ€" a« 4s« . CG000,/0L There having been added $736,200 to the Life Fund as a result of the business of the past year. All descriptions of my insured against Loss or Damage by Fi at moderâ€" ate rates. Losses promptly settled without refer ence to the Home Office. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, ard unquestionable securit; is offered to policy holders. Besides large paid up capital of the Company, Proprietary. _ Jables of Rates, Proposal Forms and fui information can be obtained on application to the undersigned. c S surers have additional security in the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a Wealthy A. PER&Y; Fire Inspector. T. M. CLARK , Agont. OFFICEâ€"Bang‘s Block, corner Spacks and Elgin streets. 17607 N.B.â€"The financial position of the Royal s in no way aftected by the recent Fire at Chicago, the Company having no Agent deing busiegy in that city, HOTEL â€"RESTAURAXNT AXD BA2 METCALFE STREET, OTTAW A, 1606 Furnished or Unfurnished. Thelowestrent ta the City. This establishment is too well known to require any comments :Ion ite merite. l'r-udnofm Merchants and others mdd:‘yunthemt. Tbo‘l:'npflm v y uishing it on account assum» umu,flmawmm-â€" factory in the United States. Address GUIsSEPPE M. GIASELLL, K. B.â€"â€"The Bar cano be readily let for $200 MPORTANT NOTIOEK. per month, montreal, March 2, 1871 =â€"â€"Ate ROWE & ANNABLES, f N@y~Near Sapper‘s Bridge. Jenny Lind bedsteads..$3 00, formerly $3 50 Common Bedsteads... 2 35, _ " 3 50 Common Chairs...... _ _ 40 and upwards Complete Bedroom Sets for $10 50 and up. wards, consisting of six pieces. Parlor Setes in Hair Cloth, Bluck Wainat Sideâ€" boards, Bureaus, Washstands, Centre Tables suo‘l‘.bln,nd-pdmdcnoehlr at equally low prices. + @Romemver the place EAST END SAPPEKS seIDG 1 J 19 a« & . Ottaws Deo 12, 1871; % Ottawas, Dec 11, 1871 1842%y MAY, it is intended to run the Pullimai Palace Cars through between Montreal anc BP o. c ns ME sns Gnbnaadcclss 1. d smpaue SE D 00 Sarnia. (n« of thess magnificent coaches wil} .wmmwlwmmm Wh'l‘omnto,mdbe run through to Sarnia, as a Drawing Room and Bleeping mnh,nl:". rawrag . seqsmEHE _ qunl _ i0 CERRde uL. will also be on« attached to each fuy EKxpross fro... Foronto t HUAADAE The Summer ruoning . arrangements wil which dae notice will be given. U J BRYDGES, â€"| THE COSMOPOLITAN, OYaAL IN8UEANCE COMPANY, (n and after MONDAY next, the lst o URNIT URE, FURKITUE K. Montreal, April 26th, FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A ‘TERM OF YEARS. LARKE CHANCE: RAXD TRUNK 4 HKIRE DEPARTMENT. Motels, &c. LN MONTHREAL, REDUCTION IN D. WILKIN8ON, Proprietor k. F. BEDD. Chief Agents tor Canade. U. 8. BROWNE, Row. & ANNABLE. 1"1. 1067t 1872 11 package the same night On, Money order ‘Offices throughout the Dominion, Great Britain and Irciaud, Newfoundls and Prince Edwaid Island, can be obtained at this office, Alzyo Postage Stamps, and Ryp #@" Deposits will be received at this Office. Interest allowed cent per annum, and Deposits can be withdrawn at any time. CFFICE HOURS FROM 8 aA.M., TO T P.M 872. . > 1$12 EASTER. Butchers to Hiw Excelilency LOrG Lisgar Gov. General of Canadaâ€" respectfully tender the public their sincere thanks for the very liveral S;tmnzo beâ€" stowed on them during last seven years. While soliciting a .continuance of the same they would earnestly request an chased at Guelph Fair. _ _ 1 pair of Steers weighing the enorm weight of 4,525 POUNDS, Which took the prize at Gueiph Fair. A Magnificent Calf, 11 weeks old, bred and fed by John West, PoOST OFFIOE, OTTUTAW A, SUMMER SERVICE OF TRALINS Pullman Palace Cars row Runuing on a) Day and Night Trains. Mail Train for Torento and Interâ€" mediste Stations, at....;.. ...« $.00 a. m Day Express for Toronto, at. .. .... 900 m Night Express for Toronte, at. ... . 9.00 pm Mixed Train or Brockville at. .. ..11.00 a m A Pullman Car will be attached to the ‘Through Trains between Montreal and Riviere du Loup triâ€"weekly, vis.:â€"From Montrea on Tuesdays, Thursd«ys and Saturdsys _ reâ€" turning from Riviere du Loup oi Mondays WM!MHIIA:”. s C.J. BRY DGE8, Pond, stopping at all Stations, at 7.00 a. Express for Quebec and Riviere du Mail Train for Island Pond, Portâ€" land and Boston, at...... .... 2.00 p.m Night Mail for Quebec, Isiand Pond, Portland and Boston.........10.30 pm AUCTIONEER, EBEAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘S AGENT, AND Ottawa. HAXNET P. KILL A. J. CHRISTIE. r l e To m un â€" s J, CLOS E GRAXD TRUKL RALWAY, Ottawa, March 27, 1872 SATCHELL BROS., For Money Orde s and Savings Bank business from 0 a m to 4 pm G. P. BAKEL, Prtmaster Ottewa, June 18, 1871 Great Acceleration of Speed: No â€"~‘ §U MMER ARRANXNG LM EN. Hon James Bkea0, Semator, Otta J M Currier, Beqg, M P x J M Grant, Eeg, M D, M P _‘ R W Seott, Esq, M P P, * Mr Sherif Powell, Ao Edward wrifin, Eeq a Edward McGillivray, Reg, _ ! messre O T Bate & Co, n Thomes hunton, E9. £ lu-l-,#wi papet Alexander Workman, Esq _ !! ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE of MAIL nd after MONDAY Next, 5th JUXE, rains will leave Montreal as under Post Office, r, June 10, 1872 H. FALL ; GENERA L CUMMISSION of the following caitle purâ€" Chelsea, W akefeld,North W akefiecld,Low & intermeâ€" w........| 4 dinte Offices,> Daily ; and River Desert and interâ€" mediate Offices, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays neess ..._“ro-plom. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays..... 4.30!New Bdimburgh â€"â€" _ :â€"| _â€" _ _ 9.00 ~â€"â€"on, 8 a‘t, zluunâ€"Qubu, Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster, &6., bYy RBilWRY sseescens seaecnens on wnener seaees Kfll!n. N.B., and St. Jobhn. N.B ...................} ...« Brivish Columbia (and Vancouver Islend) Mails } despatchea daily via Windsor, Ont., Detroit and | San Francisco, U.S. Rates of Postage same as to | other parts of the Deminion, J United Btates, Pia OFOODBDUTE ..=»»»s»ssss s sesnenen s sene Kempty le, Merrickville, Oxford Mills, per St. L. & o.n.;---------l uo;.. North Gewer, Kars, &0., per St. L. & 0. Railway .......... «â€"â€" . % &4 Osgoode, Russell, &6 per _ do _ â€"do ... ... Inrrruprert 0...! { Perth, Smith‘s Patle, and Carteton Piace, per C# { / , ) ___| . i 1 North of Carleton Place Junction, â€"Bristol, Clarendon â€"Centre, Packenham, Pembroke, Portmge du FOIt, &0...... ssecceees sevnnenms sennes eneres AyIM@T &D& â€"HUlly ....s .20« sxsersees erssssens nessom o seress March and Onslow, ViA AFYINIOT....«»«»»»»»»»»»»â€"ssseseee + s March, Huntley, Carp,&s, up to 9.30 P.M.,. will be forwarded Kast and West in Supplementary Westernâ€"Kingeton, Toronto, Hamilton, London, &o.; and WORBtOFD, U . 8...... sâ€"»s000» se vnnenes seneenes Fort Garry and other places in the Province ef Manitobaâ€"Mails ‘.‘E“ch.d daily via Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich. _ * e & The Upper Ottaws, Places on the B. & 0. Railway. & &‘ e Aou oo o tmel ooo treccabus t .1 24.28 Bell‘s Corners, Rischmond, &6. per Canada Central see s es 6 o+ 6 * 6# 6 Lower Ottaws, by Steamer, Buckingham, Cumberâ€" le od, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, &0.....................« POsT OFFIOE SAVINGS BANK Kigin street, Kesnedy & MONEY ORDELKS . 5.00 p.> BRITISH MAILS 8.30 am by Stage.... x J OsSGROVE, TAILLON & CHRYALERL, _ Buarristers and Attorneysatâ€"las, Solicitors in Chancery, Notaries, &o. y Officeâ€"Mosgrove‘s znudn-n. Hideau Street Ww Mosozrovk._ G. Lailuox, _ FÂ¥. 4 Omtam July 2, 1872. * & RIGHLE & CLEM Dw, Barristem a é‘ Actorasysâ€" Atâ€"Law, ~sirgis0re in Casatt Joln’.loern.‘ ): sries avine, &1, #o,forthe f yinges _ YulaIiGand Quebec. Jflice over Duric‘s Hook otore, HpafKs Wws CÂ¥ W m * *% _ a. HA YOUORK, Actorneyraiâ€"Lan, Bol MR e sitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery , Convey wublic, and Psatent M‘ntddhucm-ll wediately opposite tussoli 1: 0use, mq i;' U*CON NO h , Artor 207 â€"atâ€"Laow, Boliciter #in Chancery, VYonveyancer, &As,, dumes> treoot: Ofice, Unizn Buildings, Otews _ by â€" qurnuin â€"MaediniRUR, $ % » voreity] njysician, burgoon a£4 2 00088 purgeryâ€"That rocentiy vccapies by br. loca, Duze »â€"t, Unaudiore, Viiawa. 4 wl 1CHULAB BP A LBKE, Burrister a88 ~\ neyâ€"utâ€" Law, Sotrcitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, O «noot, &o. Mzeâ€"Lmng‘s Buildings, = ppusile the #ost Uinoe, JHeRR. _ DWARb T. PARZA e #‘1 soimcite Attorney and lm.‘)‘h ithe Ponce ane Jouut» w.uflfi Jounties of Presocott «84 Office~ Jour: tHouse, L‘umghai. d4â€" aEP B PEPRRE CE OBR NBE C WR C N. B.â€"3Speciai atuention given to the tre of aiseases oi tue KÂ¥ K and KA _ Al night uw-ummnmqqnfifl_‘ Ckuu.u M a RCIL, . Ads oonte,. . Umoe at Mr Tetrau‘s, N P ; pd* donce in rear of French cathedral, Wall. _ Business sttend=d in Ottaws und | trict Courts of the County bt Ottews. therton s Vrus 3101 â€" NOTAbLYX PUBLILO. _ Residence next the Host Office. 3 Provincial Land surveyor aod Dra cominisgivued for the Provinces . d Qutarto, % & ‘add LKB & uEKMMiLL, Sextsert, hA sorcitors, Convey ancers te,. Jiceâ€"l8 vurt Hhouse, Litawa,. BHOBERT L&ke. Aoati Jultk a+ C_q: geiphis;, Thos Fuller, Keq, Archite® Dr J A yjrant, Â¥ P., Ottawa ; Thes o) Managing Virector 0. & B. L. K. A CHMLIBSTIE, Communion Me §99e youners: Agoni. Sole sgeont | Highwines andProof Whiskey ; Al86â€"4 chine Ales and Porter. Fork., Â¥iour, # OQrrion : No. 6, Sparks Surect, nest | suse, Ottawa city, C. W . ;_>_ As MAM Ay Architeot. #1a Surldings, Kidenuâ€"st., Ottaws _ DK URmAGy Motery «@00 LOf <be Pn 4 4 *h e rinee of quebes, Hubl, «*4 the r® ‘ . K. OLIIVER N A KTLN, Dentist OBee P sperkeâ€"stroet, Conual Otawa. . Seat! a # Homesopathic . Physician, purgeon & * oucher. . Residunce â€"Alvert streck. vBné uours frow 9 1/ 1. . w., and 3 to 4 p WÂ¥" Special atteudos gires W disat . 4 sns slacsemenis of the 116706 " Having sow changed bhan i8 for a tire .class VNOUBRYVZ will be callod and carricd on under the ©#U7# EV a NB.lute propriccor of the 81. «4* mmu"l“"" uied Gu04 Wines and Liquore wa** Lfv UILLALRGE, It», u::‘m‘ D e Bell‘s Hlook, Sappors‘ HEPERANORS.â€"â€" B A.uln_a. .\,@ THE COQHGROIAL 1 i i g o A uns 4 memer udrnslnd"'"“"'“c mEn.LVS(Wfi.W or 13 Maiden Lane, 30Â¥ [HE TIMES is printed Tas Orme.wa Tmxs » j uis rleacemeaw of the Ot _‘iifeotels ant SE Pll is RUKAL * lAm s L O L1X l!lll'o R&. MeDOUGALL, _ * Olfce, Hideau Stroct, opposite k. L,OGAS;, Numve 12 He: Majest) * Quaws JA1 0. ARCHASRBRAULT, tawa, KFebruary 14 â€"Vaiscelianmto us MALXRBOEA, allowed at the rate of Four p Qifice. Aylmer, P. 3 Conra®t L. a * 1z. Weilingw= * y ® . weutt 0) Contt® JAMES BAaLLNF, M me ageut made €1"" 70 Aadress W‘"w #0 King 61. Weost, or 13 Maiden Lane, 30Â¥ and uh G084: UE ror DEKLLYVERy bhouhd ©,00 £.00 11,00 sA ds i U a L and & ....‘“ » wie , J ce 4h€ , unid beos 1872. Bridge 200 tz e â€" Bal 1197 iss se | 200¢h Lomber Srep | 42 US8 L&®E® 3y i€ ®; £ «. _DAVID i: ‘. Wl'lll AND GUOLF ### * And with and in the trom all P A to w 4 ME 21 U 8t Line are Auring ! , BU t shediac RBu. Jol and i4 TuesGa y do u FAJIB out NA o do do red )N by

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