oi tn® PE CSAE T oaat ais regitence, MA * 1.. yEn mauvin, Desit a084A4 Jn & Putent opposite . ‘\l ---..._“... DpoUBALL, tosed at i1 39 Fesan P c Ou® ie e â€"aite lz n 3 «480L at Mr Totraa‘t 60 & W por St. L. 4 Legas . iVE, TalLLon4@ AMs @18 eUsLIC. of store _&pt of the above will be kept con n""f ly wetrnite yatty, Prerepaors and Freight for |Migit ..«.». e se nhaiin Sut id vad *"":'w at 2 oolock, Ponoah» .lm.z-a:n.l’n m s «s the down trips, as business â€"yoL VIL NO 2056. wamship Company gtt 364. T Trmagh tickets fi miee. Cortid of . bringi Throt tas contio« Canada, a Mil wauk. tle the West. Nsin s s *Riarter & Darkes. &d&h Lin# are intended to as follo#s daring the segson of wptios af 137 2, to and from . PLANE D LU MBER r:-‘fl%ï¬:’?m'% ocms niiiers Yinbee and. " Picton, arecy 1nd Saver Fares: Prspobiac: Dal. o esnt e ons sarcue 2od Sheiiae. on the Milomo camDp bRIDGE TIMXBER. ‘ Passag» to Temiperâ€" E:m 41 lflmM Lon« & Weeks, Burbican , Ply mouth; C0., Quebec : or London. Queosec, WINGLES X. XX. XXX. lte of Passageâ€"Queboc to Lotrdoaâ€" Mit, $90. Stoorago, $24. Timgh tickets from all points West at -“s Cortificates ‘1â€"saed to # out tacir 18 Bs mt F: Canada, and 1o the United Statee Milwaukes, Chicago snd other Malnthe West, or Passage apoly to Temperâ€" jus U, 1872 Bugh Luamber Woll Seasoned, Mipiieen io Duaus it S a. in o returning xt HO* V _ on ‘same day. ®Wroe hand to suit, parchasers the following or other first class Iron Steamships : NILE $ HECTOR, NIGER, : And with i DE3 PA TC H.€6# EpOrars respectfully solicited. Ciam, ; B. EDWARDS " e daly 22, 1872 2023â€"1m BAÂ¥ 10G cUoT ror sare 4 « _ Oct. 26, 1871 (@erveaxrru®rs and evert Wodnesiay thoreafter, FRVM QUEBEC. way |Lllls Auvmebidatemdat it M â€"rader <pr d dutut /4 wis, Pictou and St. John‘s; NAd., m by Railway connections with a Jobn, N. B., and Halifax, N. 8. Tempeorley‘s Line. mm Paniture Repaired Negty whn, Quebec and Montreal, :ï¬MM utou:nlur passsugers evacy Friday, â€" PROM LUONDON. s & : __ DavIDs#aAw, Montreal «t B CUsNISGHAÂ¥X, A=Farme.s from the County of Carloâ€" MSir the mill pacd by Brow! Stroct, 8 RIDEAU STREET, And Montroal!. AY, & ROBERT.â€"BUTCHER of all descriptions ~NOTICE AND GULF PORTS JOHN ROCHUESTER & Co Next Door to m. same day VICBORLA." q Wednesday, 2 in 1 May Tuesday, do # FAIRY" 7“’ snts, Ottawa. do do Jo o NAVIGATION do SEV ERN TREYVIO C ‘ oman, a situation t.oock Tor a imal 29¢<h _ do 5th June 1ih 19th do, 26th do 30d July l0th de 4th June 18th do 25th do Jad July 9ch .. do 16th ~co 33rd do 80t1 do 1872 ; 1825tt |THROUGH COUPON TICKETS Council Bluffs, 8St. Johns, Fredericton, Local Tickets over the*Canada Central and * o ho ol m whin dyoees in the D MMMI.;: thr "‘vl“ the ozâ€.llch P |â€" W. E. JOHNSON, The CARTAGE bï¬GK.\'CY. ts undersigned begs to inform t mblh that his office has this day been UVED to the rear of the GENERAL OFFICES of the Comï¬gry. on Wellington, Street, where orders foÂ¥ the sollection and dol_inry of Goods will mset with prompt and careful attention. Payment for Freight and Carsage will now be received at the Company‘s Ufice, on Wellington Stre t. * A. J. TAYLOR, c c s c« ___. Cartage Agent. Salt Lake City, San .Francisco, Uttawa, 5th Feb., 1872. ig > 5 P.8. ENTEANTZEBY SIDE DOOR All Points East and West on the y @RAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 8t, Lawrence & Ottawa Railwa Woodstock, CGRAND _ TRUNK With three lots of land highly improved, â€" SITCATED DX + f RIGAUD, COUNTY OF .VAUDRIEUL, good whent growing landâ€"plenty of work, Driven by W.tc!yâ€"nm the Whole ear, f _ Bookbinder, Paperâ€"ruler and Account Book manâ€" dnianr uthdlgollb-()m.olloob. ROBERTS‘ BLOCK. deau street Ottaws, would respectfully call the attention of Merchants, Bankâ€" ors the public generally, tiohol- extensive Stock of Books, lpd:-.Cnh ks and Journa‘s, -‘tn-tho t class of paper, and at prices low, if not lower than at any other house in the so-h'l.; wholesale or retail. Account Books adapted to every variety of bustâ€" ql:.nhnut.nhduuwbmu piainest "’23â€"....1‘.!'.‘.’.-“..’.‘& * lnlm‘ï¬l'fl-u numbering, carefully and prou: m.u at most reasonible rates. Te niiraed "ATceirrs executed on the vers Wv\’nfl‘fl.m R 2004 All in prime orderâ€"mostly newâ€"built cight years The %m prepared to furnish Bridge Building and Frame Timber at short notice; also, Shingles, Nos, X No‘rlcn XX, XXX. Sparks Road, West End. â€" WM. MA om!_\'!llv "L_‘E’, i__ 2 AATfawWA CcasPsT HoUSsEK. Have pleasure in r-uluthnhy will ope their store, 40 Sparks Street carly in MA .m.fl.nmmw& Carpets, exent, beauty of design and good value, will sur Apply to the jpwoprieter, All of the newest designs for this season purchased previous to the advance in England, and which for pass ar ever offered in this city. _ ourselves o‘dnz to HOUSE NISHILNG we will thas r enabled to give m-nl t on to the wants of our friends, and to give their satisfaction to ail who may favor as with eatire.rdors. * . Uttama. Mev i. 1873 1960â€"1y. Tfll WORLD‘S PEACK JUBILEE Ottawa, 15th July, 1872. ‘¥Ficor Oilcioths, * * Curtains aod Curtain Materials Cornices and Co:nice Poles, and a * Full Asssortment of Hoase Eurviâ€"hings, UNIONS, LASTINGS AND SERGES, Oltawa, Aug 6, 1872 w1 (;o- flno..:rmu.&-mu hthl““‘-: om a popular a useful book tor use in all musical socletics, and should be in the hands of all in the audienc : at the % hhmvuyn%du-mu. 115 ve pages. Price, te b :u-musuwcho:uâ€"m Boautifal Days that are Past.â€"Howard,. $3 CANADA CENTRAL Is the book to be used at the comi at Fostiâ€" nl.“l:hmi-th hands of the um-h‘lrl ‘who are to compose the choir. _ _ .__ _ __ .. By L. 0. EMERSON and W. 8. TILDEN. Has been ad:r-d promptiy, on éxam‘nation, by & large number of teachers of %‘Qr£'m T PBÂ¥ migh wifeirably adapt ‘‘Capital 31‘_& Young Singers, i | ol Te Seaar had bongs sent peit paid, on soeipt of retall diiftep Dxrso&cd. Bostopâ€" CHAS. H. DITSON & CQO., New York. ________ " You cannot imagine with what pleasure I look Muih-yâ€"-h-dlh:xltl’ll:"m week. llulh-olut81 news of what is going on at home as I care to , and its piotures m.uodyholnduvillpw-i-udv* uzmmwuh.:“fl'vmm t by turning over aver, f from Private Letter.â€"The "Graphic? can “ml%p‘:::l the following rates} ,fl.&â€m and all extra numâ€" bers supplements :â€"â€" Australia, Brasil, w O-S.e( Good Hope, ibraitar, Jamaica, ta, Mex %olb‘hiâ€- M&wbdaq‘.s;ho-u ues, West ies, 36 ".i‘.‘ '.l.-» We , 0. ulc rucunl vekan WM. & lIIENRY FOSTER, a Cavion. China, Constant C ina, C We ConensChint conta B0 ols thin paper: m!{llub. LONDUN. | . Fuly t 5 20BoaGm % Savings Bank I allowing five per cont int« Ottaws, June % 1877 $800LB183 ANJ CJ. E#~ CoONDIIIONS EASY. "@q 0 ENGLISH FAMILLES RESIDENT ABROARD. < _ â€""> _ A BANQUE NATIONALE, TICKET â€" OFFICE MORTIMEE. Chorus Book. The Hour of Singing, DENHOLM, ENCLAND. 10 W&/\HF HIGH SCHOOLS, Detroit, Milwaukee, g:oon Bay, punizue C. e a w l:bib. carily in ises forâ€" dueies, in the Uniario Bank partment will be kept open, terest on Sa D. MeDONELL, *‘ Box 356, Ottawa Ci c ABNOLT: Maogger WM. MAS JN 2024 â€" GRAN) CFZ CONCRT By in the sct of the corporating the PUBLIO LiBH will be given to the tribution by lot of ) N follows : . One Grand Gift, Cash. One Grand Gift, Cash TQC SECOND ERAKD GIET CONCERT lntlquflhllld in Loaisville, Ky., will be issued at $10 each; half tickets, $5; quarter tlekets, u.z;; 11 whole tickets m;&lw: tor $25%; 56 ‘for $5300; 113 for $1,000 ; 1or "‘ ; 575 for $5,000. No discount on less than of tickets at a time. the concert the sum of â€" Saturday, September 28, 1872 $1,000,000 + The Hon. Thos, ‘E. Bramiette, late Governor of Kentucky, has consented to nm.dqln the Trustees in the managemect of t second Grand Gift Concert, and he Jm personally see that the money from the e of tickets is deâ€" posited with the Treasurer, that lhodn'h.a‘l‘. fairty conducted and the gifts Justly awa and promptly paid, _ _ _‘ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The drawing will take place in public, in full view of the andience, and under the ‘manediâ€" mte supervision and direction of the officers and Trustees of the Public Library otf Kentucky mdmmi’-umlmsmm- ested citizens who have consented to be preâ€" Hon M B Ha age Cours Appants, Ny on A io af prnapasstes Gen El H Marray, Uslfld,l)l-ly. Hon T 8 Cochran. Uhaneelior Lou. Chan. Court, Hon E D Standiford, President Farmers‘ and Drovers Bafk. y Hon Jno Barbee, Manager Royal Insarance Com , Liverpool, f Col Phil 1:,“&,-_1\“,, Ninth Judicial Dis. Dr 0 Graham, founder C.Nndllhor. ColJu:nonPfolmm. lulr.r(hl House. Dr T l:m:!:‘lllkl’mhnu edicut University OFFICERS OF THELIBRARY, ) R T Burrett, President. t rrg@ W N Haideman, V coâ€"President Johun 8 C:'lul;. m.H" Addâ€"ess THVMAS K. A*.gï¬l Ageut Public Library of Kentaky, e Lib rary Building, Loaisville, Ky. > > â€" _ _ . _ _ _ chant. s maidle) s Dr Norvin G President L. & X Vol Rose, Agent Adams Express Co. __ _: an & Co. wb o Henry Deppen, President German Bank. Audrew (Grabam, Tobacco and Cotton Mep _Cireniars, giving {ull particulars, sent on a u(.'z-uo:.'f' llthe ‘&s‘u: That the Gzaar Suosnonuss Kexzot axo Prics, of the eminent Indian Medicine W LEWIS JOSEPHUS, of the Grest be of Shoshonees, British Columbis, is working the World has ever heard of. _ Never in aunais of Canadian Medical History has suc! succ=ss attended the introduction of ? medicine beretofore. ® & Y HYXL! ....:.::: simpty because tne numerous valuable active medicinal vegetable ingredients, (some of whiich we will mention, such as the Extracts of Wild Cherry Bark, Po brhylh-, Juniper, Quassia, Smartweed, Dandelion, Hyoscysmus, Compound Extract ot Cohcynth,m,&»o, trine Aloes, Capsicum, &c¢., &¢,) enter tnto the composition of the combined: mediâ€" cina, are such and so harmoniously classired and compounded, that it is made the most searching curative in the known world, and munot help but act on the system in a yery satisfactory u:“d-hbh -::lc.d::'w tor what your allment may or standing, it wi‘l find the spot udma you by the rapid.mammer in which you sw restored to perfect health and full vigor. | . i Gifts of $2,000 each 5 do 1000 do ) doâ€" w0 do Prociaim the .Glad Tidings ‘Tuis Medicine is pleasant and safe toâ€"{ake, and is warranted, and may positively be lisd apon to make a p-n-ufl':u o(m‘ dissases of th= Taroat, Lungs, , Kidneys Digeasiv= Organs, &o., &o., as well as Rerofula the vamous Skin Discases, Hamors, and all dis .»~~ ariging from Impurity of the Blood, excâ€"pu«; the Thirs Siage of Consumption. Furfinec turorwatloo, with fall directions for :2“‘ thw Gteat snushonees R&â€"mâ€"dy & Pills, a )'ohhuulng Uvstimonials aud Cert fcates of Vures, can be obtained ‘by securing the Iratis», the Hancd Book, or the Almanac and Jireubars from any respectable Drugziss in the Jumlaionâ€"itée, Price of Remedy in large Pint Boitles $1 0 x am or tm *\ PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KENTUCKY, At Louisville, Kentucky. Price of Reme Prtis yer Soz ap l’uroni-db{ «ll the world. * > Rhnmel*s Insng«lbang, Vaods, Hoana, Jockey Club, Frangipans, #uA other pâ€"rfumes of exquisite fragrance> _ Btrest, and 44 }> des Italiens, t . RBrichton. sold D Rimmel‘s Extract of Lime J 1i0e and Glyâ€" cerine,, the best preparation for the Hair especially in warm ciiniates, Bimmel‘s Dugo g Oil Soap, perfumed with ustralian lnc-lyr-. â€" Rimme!‘s Giycetine, Hoaey, Costame and loral Utackors, very amusing for B.lls hnd rties * Rimmo!*s Viclet, 8ose.Leaf, Bice, and othet vilet Powd=rs â€" A liberalallownsoe to ship. SEAu:D TENDERS c for the oneg: ï¬b:.l::.: R. C. io hasfyrres, rretyadien, o en penne, Renfrew, Out.. J 173. hataed KRimmel‘s Lavender Water, distilled fro Mitcham Flowers. Rimmel‘s Tollet Vinegar, celobrated for its aseful and sanitary propertios. . As _ Bugune Rinm~l Primooss of (Walo® ifariainpienthe, 100,000 TICKETS OF ADMISSION mung‘dm PUBLIC LLBRARKY of KE Nâ€" KY, the Trustees will give their al, 1,000 Gifts, all Cash. . .. .. .$500,000 [M WELS CHOICE PERFV 1 E3 $500,000 IN CURRENCY 38. 1872 00 50) 300 300 210 100 > the holders of tickets by d fuNETHOUSAND .‘"l’{"' LIST oF QLFTS * 8SECO N D do do do do do do blis Library Building, to HB.H. the $25,000 Cash hm 4o OTTAWA FRIDAY. ATGUST 283. 1s72. slaturs in« 14000 do 14000 do )?t_ID do 17,00 do 21,000 do 24800 do 20,000 . do 18000 do 20,000 . do 61,200 do 10,000 do is £ fum do 6000 do 8000 do 4,000 ao 11 Boulevard 8, 000 $100,00 w4y do do do do do K0. 86 RIDEAU STB.EE'I‘O ï¬ DADYIVIKAE STREET, JHAUDIER}], wholesals and Retail Grocers Wine and spirit Merchants. s We are now prepared to offer to the Farming Co®mmunity and to the trade indusements that has not been given beretofore by any one in 0@( line of businessâ€"being now *mportâ€" Ing the chief part of our Stock, such as T&AS, WINESâ€"and BRANDIES, enablâ€"sâ€"us to reduce prices. turther, We claim alreaidly to have brought the enormous profits heretufore existing to a moderate rate, and trust in future to continue so, ... Ik ‘| We will gusarantes that no ove can sell the same articles cheaper, such a» TEA», BUGARS, TOBACCO® and GENERAL G«OCERIE$, also WINE3 and all iimported Liquors, Cansiian Sptrite, of the bes‘ ‘description, always on hand at prices as low :s small lots can be latd down. We care not for competition, all we require is a tri«l given to our goods. ‘The economist will profit by calling to us. §@#*Our motto is light profits, A COMPLRIE ASSORTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING [N‘-TRUMENI‘S ALWAYS . IN STOCK : . Baskerville & Brothers, Chickering‘s Pianos, . â€"_ _ Steinway‘s Pianos, ~ Dunham‘s Pianos, Mason & Hamlin‘s Organs, °_ _ _ Prince & Co.‘s Organs. In @ood repair, by celebrated makers, on hand, ffom $100 to $250. Terms liberal. | Pianos to Rent. Secondâ€"hand PIANUS and ORGANSY taken in exchange. Just received a large number of NEW and POPULAR MUSIC. | Inspection invited. § 2009c ul A‘ & 8. NORDHEIMEER A. PETERSEN, General :Im iWtawa Anvil ® 1879 | 1941 3m A. & S. NORDHEIMER‘S Pianoâ€"Forte $ Music W arerooms NU’l‘lQK. Morson‘s â€" Effectual â€" Remedigs PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE . cul.si&&'i‘l h'n.numouel.-d such universa :fl' iziteu scarcely %.m x.gi.:‘-m&'-. l:gy amg’u':: strength, hm rfln‘.:sg m Prund tbait preparmtion." Sold in Foy‘ 1 and em%x:ï¬ï¬o purest preparation of this nutr}â€" oc cr t I nflï¬i :. arefully and hh i t t traly Packple in snelund. BOLE MANUFACTURERS : [ THOS. MORSON & SsON Medallists and Jurors at all the Great Exhibitions, 31, 33, 124 Southampton Row, Pure ©Chemicals . and : New Medicines Sergntint Stipmne enter mm w o Emcrmcm % THOMASY EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIC OLL Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold., | . 4# Pain cannot mlh“" \| It is the CHEAPEST MEDLCINE EVER MADE. One dose cures common sore that.or One bottle has cured Bronchitis, Fifty cents‘ worth has cured au old Standing It W cures Catarrh, Mhm y. céuts‘ worth has cured I and the same quantity Lame &a ‘of oight years‘ ‘standin/, It cures Swelléd Neck, Tamors, Rhumatism, Nevralgiu, Oonmc:fo- of the Muscles, Stiff Joints, Spinal Dificat. tiis, and Pain and Soreness in any part, no atter whote 1t may be, nor from what cause 1t may : arise, it: always does | yougood, Twentyâ€"Ave cents‘ wortn has cured : buid cnses of Ohrouic and Bloody Dysentery, ~One teaâ€" spoonfal cures Golic is 15 minutes. it will chire any ease of Piles thac it is impOugible to cure,. Six or eight Applications is wartranted to care any case _ f Excoriatâ€"d Nippes or Inâ€" flamed Breast, For Bioniscs, if appli«d often and boun:t up, &bore is osver th. slightest ?colomtlon to the skio. lt stop« the pain of a Burn as soon se apylied, â€" Cu‘sâ€"" Frosted Foct, Boils, ; Warts, and Corns, a J:ve-y d scription on wan er t | s. N. TAU M 18, Pne Aa1 NORTHEKOP s LÂ¥ kX Munio, David, Girdwood, MacDone|!, Rotâ€" sey, McCail Thompson b’whom * [;IB-.' BLRNBAUM‘S B-BBU‘&T- TISM . sad GOULT REMEDY * has been sutmitted for trial, : have, with a rare disâ€" interestedness rcknowledged its invaluable merits nd@n certificates to that éffect, feikes in the Sndemighanitt doy apphh .Cn to ‘or any j in the Dominion. A"Lm MEDICAL I::.GUL'IY of uu:‘m.:.l parti i e 1i Pohithmeie > Tree ritlninont »rinens «~ LENCE HAS SQURA N i COUT RBMBDY® is recommended and GO " is recommended for Rheumatism, Gout, Na%m wandering and other Pains, ot fl;hg Jounts or Joints, Sgn_hl. Numbness udrh.. 4&0., and is the most effec= tive and reliable somedy known for these Sole Age.~t for ths Brn‘â€"1on of Canada and the Uz *A« ~*a‘>< ; â€" April 3, 15. * 53 J. & w. tHoxBon, Fob. Ist. _ ~}1885 d&w t _ _ Nené ‘ONTARIO JOonn,/ Secondâ€"Hand Pianos, Ottawa, April 8, 1872 in apen Argprnct., careful l-l‘l% ase d:h vdl‘nmn cine restbres the natural functions of the RUSSELL SQUARE, LUNDON wmâ€"nm% Flomerton, RIZE CATTLE. Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial. P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHERS throughout the world. 26 sPARKS STREET, O T TA W A. ‘s« * Frosted 1« Wounds w : a«tle A LOT OFâ€"â€" B Y rpa® 0 > !Vlfl‘l‘(ll{l;\ CHEMICAL €0. Bolé proprietors and manthifacturers ot the cerebrated Victoria Carbolic Preparations. Labotity and Works, Victoria Hall,: Malinda street, Toronto, Ont.. ... e The following gemuine preparations, gre sold by all druggists. Be sure and ask for the Victoria Preparations, and see that ypu got them, } ) VICTORIA $ } This Jeily is highly recommended to ladies as a most agreeable preparation for the toilet. For beautifying the complexion and rendér« ing the skin soft, white, clear, and free from dryness, it is uarivalled. It will quickly remove all redness, roughness, mh:'om pimples and other imperfections. . Kor chap« Carbolated Glycerine â€" Jelly, ‘This toilet soap possesses all the well known Andlefï¬c and disinfecting propertios of carbolic acid, is agreeably scented, has a healthy action on the skin, prevents irritaâ€" tion, removes the effects of perspiration, &nd should be regularly used by ftmue-. Cho. lormlm.ll x and fever patients should! be was eiwl&pmlmp;udlu use by persons liable to infection will materially prevent the spread of disease. Price 15 cents per tablet. mcm, DL AiAren Sritonde Artina BURTT MPTC souryy, abscesses; boils, pimples, &c. It poskceses all the ~cleansing: and ~hdali virtues of carbolic acid, which has bocnbu:: by pbysicians everywhere to possess eurative qualities not discovered . in any other chemi cal preparation... Price 25 cents. Carbolic Toilet Soap. This Sailve is a rapid cure for all skin‘ dis. eases, cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, soref, ulcers, ringworm, tetter, eczema, scald head, Victoria Carbolic Gargary: Sma This Gargle is the most reliable and effica. cious remedy in all cases of sore throat, hoarseness, diptheria, bronchitis, irritation of the bmnchhil tubes so common o;wthh c ble â€" climate. _ Asthm engive bl;:tn‘h‘:‘nlcented gums and J‘ dhe-:-ot the mouth,. _ For public speakers and singers it is invaluable, The ingredients entering into this gargle are used by all physicians, and for the cure of the above disorders are now,â€" undoubtedly, ‘the most popular in the matertia medica, . Prige 25 cent«, rd'mu, chillblains, frost bites and sore ips, it cannot be surpassed. Brice 25 cents. t’:‘hhh ,P.i;lnfecnnt is a sure preventative of as typhoid fevers, cholera, smallâ€" pox and all infectious ‘disoases.. "It . will prevent contagion in cattle. . It is | also invaluable for disinfecting water closets, drains, cesspools, strbles, ‘slaughter houses, #&c., and for destroying nauseous effluvia from whatever cause arising. â€" It will drive away mosquitoes, moths, fiies, cockroaches, &c, Meat, tish, &c., can nc preserved from putrification by its use. Carbolic acid was selected by Her Majesty‘s Royal Commise sioners, in preference to. all other products, as the best disinfectant for the prevention of infectious ciwases. Price 25 cents. Victoria Sharpening and Polishâ€" This‘ preparation is unequalled in its rapis dity for sharpening and polishing cutlery. Table and pocket ‘knives, rasors, surgical fnstruments, shoemakers‘ knives, plane bits, and chisels, &c, © Nothing has â€"ever been discovered which has sprung into popusrity more quickly or become of so much valus in every household and workshop for general usefulness, Price 25 cents. Carbolic Disinfectant VICTORIA ©CARBOLIG Oitaws, June T, 1972 [\ll‘BGg.RBATHfl‘ INVENTION OF THE THE * wORToN wuEEL Tisk TIGHTENE®" * PATENTED. Haine‘s Pianos, G A LV HJ. VICIORIA VICPOGIA * ing Paste. REGENT HOUSE TIULXYX SA tims. Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, dc., «c., Enormous Reduction from Ordinary Selling Prices SINCLAIR,â€" STITT & CO. Lot 4.â€"WHITE BRIULIANTS 1,000 "00 YDS.â€"A beautiful variety of patâ€" terns, in Damask and other NO# oants mue Lmow. bimce | ~Lot 19â€"JAPANESE SIDKS, s Do Eï¬ï¬‚ï¬%‘:ggg;lem" will be cleared at cost price. MILLINEY, ~MANILES, CostUMEs, CAILDREN‘ Wear and Ladies‘ Underclothing, &c. The perishable nature of these goods mark them at an enormous sacrifice. A 1,500 Being far below present prices, in view to reduce stock which is ve and in good order before remoying to new pmhal.m"hlilwill be mlmm lmlddnvthogï¬enlnsttontion of Farmers to the goods below set forth. %@J~ Remember old Stock at the old Price, in the very best orderâ€"and best ity ; names wilttell for themselves. s ‘ BEST SCYTHS, sta.mgued on both sides of the hoel, HTRGATINS! dihes ats do do ® i':â€"w'i’ ';.. 'ooh nndd?ï¬;kl nu“m ndd:um, cm..,“m F H os, t ‘or Grind Stones, Scyth Stones; also, one Marble and Moulenette. . _ _ _ _ _ ,,.:f HIGGINS‘ MOORES‘ F. & W. _â€" Alsoâ€"1 m’"‘ï¬&u;d'migxm,muï¬mm Ingzot Tin, which will be sold as cheap as any other house in the Capi ‘Also, a gre«t variety of Tinware, Lamps Burners, Chimney Wicks, and COAL Oll, at a small advance on cost. B@y* Come one and all and see for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. Remember C, P, DORION, . uins: yas l ~â€" C0, Bparks Street, Ottame. the undersigned, beg lewe to announce thit being :m to build on No. 3, ) Sparks St., old DESBARAT‘S BLOCK, Queen‘s Printing I propose to have a to Lot 6.â€"WHITE COTTUONS. Will sell during July the balance 6f their valuaole and well assorted stock of Great Clearing SHale PIECES CHOICE GOODs, Sprig Stripe, and other beautifal de rigns, will be cleared at 13¢, â€" lbcasdlio.. 1 | . ;i.c_ .. Lot 5. â€"W HITE PIQUES. Ottawa, June 18, 1872. Lot 2.â€"PRINTS. Lot 3.â€"PRINTS. 'YDS.WBITE GROUNDS, all choice patterns, will be offered , at 150 and 16c.. These goods are usually sold at â€" 20c and @niunto YD3, HOYLE‘S and other well known Cloths, worth 170, will be cleared at 130. new designs, commencin io per yhegs *T cce OF THE OLD STOCK AT OLD PRICES, N O JFPC H. do , do do Sinclair. Stitt do do do at l.hp&mpelul in order to effect a clearance to All other goods proportionately reduced in 109 i eeler Harea to &n 100 :;;.:,t marked at a great reâ€" on from mgnl \ o:mmendn( at 15¢ a !gd?. BLACK GBUUtilzs,d Rich &ï¬;:‘Sh'ipo ; Tice 1?2 & yudortl.!ls full Hn. Lot Lot 8 â€"BATISTES. OR COSTUMES, Petticoates and clï¬n Dresses, olce ll;:femh Goods, ls:’. yard, all Lot 10. â€"POPLINETTS. OO YDS. MARL POPLINETTS, wirey, durable and cool ‘ for summer wear, will be cleared at the ridiculous price of 11c a yard. e k 1 Lot 9.â€"GRENADINES. do do do colours. do do do {PRICEâ€"3 CEN TS NB Asthmatic affections, oftentimes incu ABUIIRRRIC M e mamm a a d BROWN‘S BRONCHILAL ‘mOCKl? 4 seat of the direame and d“flll"“‘*' relief. % The Troches are offered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy ; they bave thoroughly tested and maintain the T as reputation they have justly moquired Public ‘Spoakers, Singers, Military 4 and those who overtax the voice are usofal in relieving an Irritated and will render articulation easy. Being an of true merit, and having proved their by a test 01 many years, each year finds in new locslities in various parts of the and the Troches are universally better than other articles. _ +. | _ â€" SPECIAL NOTJICES: | u-ln‘!hc Wpfloeoli ot Johnso n‘s yus s a Pills, |anâ€" shmd::‘icavnnomgwu\ \vad published a readable and instructive Phiet, which may be had free at the stores. BORE THROAT, COUUGH, 4 and similar troubles, if saffered m"“‘ result in serious Pulmonary, Bronchial, POUIDI MR UTOD ATCICOCC [ Obtaiu only «Brown‘s Bronchial Trodht and do not take any of the Worthless J # that may h offered L tspGcone: d dn ie d ©Troga®s," so called, soid by the are a poor imitition and nothing like BBO °B BRUNCiHIAL TROCHES which are sold only 1n boxes with facâ€"simile of the pro JOHN L BROWN & &!N.A en outside mp;el.;(.;o!:l-l; F"‘“ # ernment stiump attached to each box. . _| _ l i cdurmees: Aerirvamaibaciy w‘ ‘This care in putting up the Troches is in portant as a security to the purchaser ord to be sure of obtaining the zesuine in Bronchial Froches. P | Orprar axp Sretzu..â€"In every branch of onl ï¬nï¬olâ€"vh&ï¬u in the feld, the the vineyard or the garden, there must be and system to insure successful results, th L trath is firmly established by actual : Another great truth has also been e c 4 by the same means, which is : That as & pie ventative mediciue ©. .. medioine for the cur of colds, coughs, rheumatism, and me complaints, the "Canadian Pain Destroyer," i the mostreliable.. For sale by all at and ‘country dealore. Price, 25 pet bottle. Grzar Coxprtio® Mepiom®iâ€"As a ‘mlm medicine for horses «‘Dariey‘s Condi Pou ders and Arabian Heave Kemedy® has noequal Its effects in this respect are astonishing ; \ many horses that were supposed to be broken dowe and aimost worthless have, by the use ef a few packages, been restored to & huuhi.ul sound condition, all traces of the disease vb’ seen m&:uly removed, and have sel for from to $15 more than they would pre vhn;l{"hsn brought; when you want 8 horse mod lf“ "Du-lcy‘oOuthl Powders ind Arublan Heare Remedy." We know, you wil be perfectly satisfied with the result. Remem be a t&o‘l:-wudmmï¬o;klm:m‘ & . is on each package. orthrop Liyna.* Newoastle, Ont., :nprlohuf or Oanade. (Fld by all medicine deaiers. THEIBTY YRARA EXPERIENCE OF A8 NLD NUBSE~â€" mus . Wiwex w‘s Boorems Sravr is the pre« scription of on » of the best #emale Phyrlcians and Nurses tu the United States, and has been usea for thirivy vaars withâ€" never failing used ior thirly ysare WIMA BOVI! "6 safeey and success by millions m-olb;:u children, frem the ftooble infant of one woek i to the adult, 1t corrects acidity i4 the mach, relieves wind colic, t at wels, and gives nlwuthnd t other and child. e believe it leat and surest remedy in the world, in all omses of Dysenter; and Dikrrhma ‘inâ€" cblidren whether it arises trom teething, or :{ other cause. Full directions for L accompany each bottle. None genuine the facâ€"simile of CURTIS & PRBKINS is on the outside wrappet, Woz:“ de.hn,uuoonhq bottle. 218 Fulton Street, New York, and 93 Orford Street, Lon« don. Be sure and oall for | \ks. WINSLOW‘3 SOOTHING SYRUP Have you a severo wremoh or z;ll Sro you rhou:matism in any form sto : heck, or bunches caused by rheumatio pains? Having the fac simile 1 "Ourtis & Porkls on the outside wrapper: All others ba imitatione If so, Jonnson‘s Anodyne Linviment is a speol« fc remedy and.is also the best pain killer is theworld No toilet table should be with out COCOâ€"GLYOERINE, 25 | «at los % Ad Do Â¥10 m"“:‘. $9 to 12 . do Bacon dry saited, $8 U) 9 J Fuxceaâ€"Retil prices.. . : £ voubie extra, $7.175 to 8.)0 per fxtra, #1. 50 10 $1.15 do io. 1, $6.15 to 1.00 uo Ounno-\,‘:l‘.ï¬ 3.50 : 2+ to Cracked whear, $1.00 do Wheat meal, $7.00 do Provender, Ol.so‘w 100 lbs.‘ Cracked corn, $0. do , Bran, 65 ots to T5¢. COC()â€"GI.YORRINE nourish the hair per bottle Herring. $4.25 to $5.75 per bbi, Hmzs axp Laara®s. The latest quotations are as follows No. 1, Sole, Zic to 226 _ per Ib. #$6 50 per 100 bs Mu lz;c&’r'lb. Fowls, 70 to couple . Turbncl.%m.bomh. Geese, 60¢ to T0¢ each. Dch.d)uoolbo&um Feathers, 55¢ to 60c per lb. m;ï¬hmun.m do do 60c to 706. | Cod oil 58 to 60 cts per gallon w"%ï¬'&’; 100ibs, Eades, o. 1,9fo per io. " Farmers‘ mess, $14 50 do! Prime mess, $13.00. Â¥<+4 Hams sa»ke1, $12 00 to $14.0) per 190 Buckwheat, 55to 60cte per bushe!, Oate, 356 to 400 do _ Peas, 55¢ to 6uc to~ Beans $1.50 to $1.15 | Fall wheat, $1.45 to 1.50 do Eegs 20 pe Butter 17 to 19 cts perlb. Ee Tite Th e fre i to 15 ots. !‘u"o(.’!â€@.: Honey, 15 to 20 do. Potatoes, 45¢ to 60c per bushe‘. Mess Pork, $16 C0OCO GLYOERINE removes Te THE MARKET w.~â€"In every branch of onl« n the field, the the den, there must be and successful results, this lished by actual â€" : has also been . s 4 . which is : That as a pieâ€" . . medicine for the curé rheumatism, and me inadian Pain Destroyegr," i For sale by all at lore. Price, 25 cents per 4+