T C800 Labes at the Water Works of the Falaement aud Dejatwental Udhhm'm, sius Wouks, Rochoste, & Co.‘s Steam Mills A Flock‘s Â¥nobdve k2 _ NONâ€"CO%8USTIBLE a XONâ€"CORROSIYE Eaten:lvely used in the Eastern and 'n-: the Britie»s Admitaity «nd Americas NaÂ¥ry â€" Non â€" Conductor tor Covering Steam Botlers mb-l:m‘;'â€"; u)“muu:“... Have 30 pet cent in fmel, and steam passes through length of Fiping corered -mmgo:-m quite ary. © ( Se â€" whrs whake.) C § t . .â€"â€"1t snÂ¥08,â€"30 pese cout un the Busseil BHouse uuiler, a0d steam i4 now raisou in haif the time it took beiore the .‘*-?‘ pliva, while 1t saves a large per: centage !"‘_‘“l&n 2t the Water Works ot tha Brockville May 20. 187% _ _ Cmmnrmum Express at 3:00 am.; arriving st Ottews at tGreat Broad CGaugo Route 2 _ TO.OTTAWA. Brockville and Oftawa Railways Comfertable Sota Cars on No T and 8 Charge for berths, 50 cents. Bure comnections with all the Grand ‘ *:h-fl'ï¬h&t# .:'r-h-:mdumm Traibe are Tun on Heubeent fhise . 4 J 4 %. "inggringtech, tm Ottaira, . is1 -m‘ io T -b: Sofe Car|1€ 00 > m| Eastand West}~ i 00 a m MUNBOE OLEARYT, _ ou. s i55} ie Aacch tions, Chest, Coms | ull other di “m~cb Fmt ~arections tor m'ï¬w is m and that gu!«:m oonp :%sv'i&"&l SA RNAP A RILLA, and no , is supplie to them e Wholorsie m. EV ANS MRRCER & CO., lr:nu-e«?‘i:i w be obmined from all the Uttawa druggiste. . Trains will run as follows> . ~ Ou and after Hats; ~Bats, Hats. MPLARGEST ANXD 328T41 t isna of the Siktn, HAT3, Is the Qrért Hiaith Restorer of the Day, imrettaitiiaee i wlereg Te mioed o x hantlly: miegs.. COMPOUND SYRUP OF 8SAR e x« 33 Ridean Street, Ortawa. "m'rpwpumr.nw Ottems, May T. 10Tk | â€"~ . THE 87. LA wRLVCE OTTAWA RAILWAY The old reliable, quickest and best route ; the **wiogpmamaces Weost, and by 36 ALTERATION OP RUNNING MMXZ Ottawm, March 9. 1872 _ 1918 im No. 4. }12 00 noon MONDAZ, MAYX Wth, 1212 P avk taks witl ras mt aftony s * C Bole io 36 o-fli;;-:‘;::,!’ 50 p m Ottawa. Manufactur r» in the Dormtaton 4;00 p m CAP3, and CHALMERS & qo o. P Reprode un trala _ to t Kingsiton and all wuy st ari o-lJ _ wom West Do do Expres rha s STRAW TB £3 50 p® #45 1am LOT NO. 1, 4#2 CONX, NORBTH GOWER HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL 1N CoOUNCIL. Jung 10, 1873. JARM FOR BALAR. pastoul 56 wain y aat ns B l GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Tuesday, 21st day of May, 1972 ~â€" sepinlnin HWMMEL\ «*‘ Wfl 228 Acres of Good. Land THIN ONE MILE OF RICHMOND, About 60 Acres Under Cultivation. !.‘Dfl.; but w1 be sold for n-u-znmnu o-a en :TC-"- &“wnbmâ€halm were, I regret to say, from what has intely ~meh~:_roqL~m -’h-. who do not wish to be degaived (by where, but to possess themselves of the gonuâ€" ine Holloway‘s Pills ‘and Ointwent will dc well to see that each pot and box bears the Erevve thy wouls Abiotiniar‘s Praaac Ofe wont, and that the address on the labe! is 533, which may hi ve : applied | 'h to OA= engage to reg m ptrend ton, the! iffortjagt‘s . nathe: mevor being diâ€" Tinose that in May Tsew i censed tme busicpal at 60 Maidon Lale frow York, tos the mic af Has now been befere pablic for a le d-.o-hwwgan is well "1‘,: never failing in a single instaece â€" «ive por» manent relié( when timely used, aos we hare never known a single case of !!satisfaction "":M" have l:l-pwwr') folâ€" 10wed, on the contrary, are tolightug with its operations, and apeax in the bighest terms of its virtues and magical effects, IO THE PUBLIC OF THE BRITISAH PRO VINCES OF_NORTH AMERICA; most respectfally to q-l-t‘ the ph}:‘g the British North American Proâ€" ewnnlioving ihoeages ho y feigh Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sove "*NM’ ingeaks im NOR CEJSZIE rbngett o0 nyure Goong mnl w i. n )s h th w 18E CaNADIAN Pais® o€sr®oygn A UTION ANADIANPAIN daAstRoYER Buras, \or all of the aboye papere. $1.50............ . ... PEB GALLONK Just Recetred H. M. RO W E 8 celobrated BULK AND CA N Contnats made it aiverighes in cithes + _ Bates of Sailing are as follows : â€" : â€" CORINTHIAN, on or about. . . .. 1ith Oc% F oo o Lollc39%h n ts > u5A Loh 0 ST. PATRICK « ve«e, Vike i : Fures from Ottarts, cabin...... .. â€"..$67 35 Cabin ...., ...... ... , . .. $10 10880 mh...-a& .-..c.-.w(a‘ trom Glasgow every Tuesday, and from Que bec for Glasgow on or about every 1harsday The Italian Warehouse. ______ J K. C. DELE® pEeRrNntEEA lll-g‘::â€"p m-‘m-nn' y n ef 1871, GERS Booked to and from ard ts Abandonaeny -un.nnur coogflgr LEKAKGO®ER OF siaILIX e Freed en fl ooo o ete o ofpee fot Hanllâ€" and all East and West. %ru."":u.. Cahen Antivay, uad Parlce passage tickets and State Rooms, apply to â€" Uollingwood, Fo ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS, Which in poing of finish and durability Ti i ie 5 e y R warranted for one yéatr and all kinds of nphh‘mdhuyd Fm&p-:'m «nuh and whole is driven by steam wel dine oumpozes ns homigs mustifcent MOBTHEBN {RAILWAY OF CANADA. Calling at Owen Sound, Bruce Mines, en n P LAKE SUPERIOQ® _ _ Royal : Mail Line most approved styles of f PROPRIETORS, | | At this establishmebt will bé found on hand, or made to order, the latest and W. Stockdale, Brother 5& Co,, OTTAWA STEAM % Carriage and Sleigh FaACToORY, RIDEAU STREET,OTTAW «. 1872. The proprietors are practical workmen d personal to all work. Gz-;mzmx 1931tf oOYSTERS, Coaches, Carriages, Onmibusses, LEAYING OOLLINGWOOD s use 6 u0 bude 6 ww 4*b SUMXMKR SERVIOE, « â€" nection with the to be despatched from Quebec Ohicora, :-'--ogto‘ou'.c-.o wee+ ,_ Fort " Duluth, Ahe . hours of 1 47 onmes $0 1871. 12 ol O i â€" S ks esn uhkirs, June 11, 1672 i~R. Carters give Railway Hecsipts relierâ€" :t;-hln.g"tm- dlfnnhcwmblo . Hpecial rates for furniture. _ > and at No, 8, 8t. Patrick wc-it.' kn > M < Aâ€" | 096 ~Bole n!'-'c mom'-'.'&%.g freight and Cartage Agonty 2 1 Novtr Hhdutee ce c Ladies perticularly can enjoy themselves this Bwing wichout having to content vlm any of the incoavenibuces mit with in crur bary Swings. Ro . cise are exposed to no accident or danger. l.o:‘x,llz.. Ridesu stroet, Ottawn, C aog ag 0 oo 0400 0h o W. £. JOHNSON, *g> n’n Uttewas, Oct 12 187] 11792 A. CHRISTIE & CO., DRUVGGISTS, _ oTraAwW A. Ottawa, teptemner 6, 1870 1455 1a _ No Galranic Bolts are genuine but th bessing m is shuths of M Fuirecmacipii be had at the of A.tlmz' J. L PULVERMACHER, _ 1ANADA _ NTBAL BAJILWaAY Head and Toothache Paralysis ... Liver Complaints lplu;fy' Tic Doloreuz | _ Nervous Debility Indigestion . |â€" Functional Disorders These facts .fpul to the good sense of every safferer to avail himself of this sciâ€"otific aud curative progtese, to which the invento: has devoted a lifeâ€"time of study and iabour, a» an ardent deciple o;“ m:“ great benefuctor of mankind, the ustrious electrician Ronase Faraoy. * wrm.n:xuogn-a xfngaouvn‘u. CHAINS are exceeding cflvovltnm the aid of mmflc&u of diet, or ieast derangement of the patient‘s habits daily occupations, in the following -hdta Rhoumatism : .â€" _ > Female Complaints Gout _ Constipation @ : 1 de Medicine, Paris, Royal Coltege o Physiciang, London, and the Imperial Facul ty of Vieuna, and its curative virtues are con= firmed by thousands of private testimonials of cureséffected. (Bee pampalet gratis). ds owts ‘DB. " Ottawa, Dec 21, 1811 'm ,': Galvanic Establishment, ~~ 200 Regent Streot, London, W Full particalars may be had from the Sole Medical Purposes are v«ULYVERMACHERS SYSTEM is also ap 10v «+ of by an â€"official report of the‘Ace be seen im‘operation at the 1, No. 120, sussex btreet Blaggish Uirculation Urinary Disorders x 2 A W A ,TI"‘H ES’ . &0., &o. : Broogtts, April 5th, 18170. || i paon t Sirint it Hme in e ce #WBUD G8n| 4 ‘BIL of â€Anu'z:.“"""‘"“ "‘“"a" f.“' *~*~_~ TK WELLINGTONX, J P WONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DIS&ASN ved to k: from , ‘ap & three " in piripaimst iob min ignuy mmum-m c rece!ving any in faot ‘get» *ing: worte all the . «At Inst: D wis ad» vised to try the Great Shoshondee Reinady;â€" 1 WMWI'd'_Rm IT& feol a little botter. â€" Lo-fl.'-a:uo nflllhlhuw‘ eyx Firofi es xmh'x was as as ever, â€" + Bah h mas anreoll as erer L had been previâ€" thit «@ â€"years ago J became affiictei months, I was so, afflicted for the want ot breath that it was very difficult tor me to that | Toh at methaice 19 da uds J1s | > AND pUES ;NOT SOIL:THE sSkiN. JOHKN® GARDNER OnRXTs £yToPS 478 FALLiNG‘OP; RHHS AlS, ons .. ‘OINCALEsSE EPRTCOOTYL J O Cha.sberlain, Keqâ€"â€"This is to certity (aUsB Tas Harr 10 erow pyor somme rex sn _ ({REY HanR, IT RESrOREs mAAwWOnee etciteh OoLon | EAVING IT BEAUTIFULLY GABBLEYS «*T n 2ghb~ mparte a natural dutgjea | eter erogae Pre ~ _¢~ . warranted t» remain white ADG MESSRS. i!kl;:‘n:.':o %90th itself. | This n u prcparation restores GABALZEL‘8 ‘}nh::t Leotb, and can_he casily model j BROYAL DEXTIFIOER C L :s Yed & m*flhâ€" Cure ot Bronchitis { OSTEOâ€"KNAM £L |ige tefreshi ".*i.'_'i ;â€"- ??a-q‘&mu-'-u and the breath, and for cleansing ar» This ce COBALITE 7 ebrated Mouth Wask is TOOTH PABTE t" to btop six n.|_~.m. lu # ". i Bas‘4, 44y iA * + * ArHasts, . BE~Near Sappor‘s Bridge. Jenny Lind bedsteads..$3 00, formerly Oommon Bedsteads .. . “l g,-‘- ‘: l': Complete Bedroom Sots : $10 54 and ap. Purior Sets in x Block Weingt Bide is Tables, and s of care chair GREAT: REDUCTION IN FPUENITURE ~"~ROWE & ANNABLKES8, 1s only relingquishing it on account of assumâ€" E‘A‘:m._ perintendence 0f his brother‘s Manp» 'hq"d’r:tmn.omnn, _ _H. B..â€"The Bar can be readily lot for $300 Furnished or Unfurnished. ‘The lowestrent l-thoul:.y. This â€"establishment hno':: t.'. comments a userits. EW‘:‘MJ’&Q dine daily in the Restsurant . The Proprietor HOTEL " LBHURAMT ~imD Ba ith ut ralnpinten and Elgin streots.:© .: Hentreal, March 2, 1871. BAYXD RRUXK All descriptions of property Insured against Loss ‘or Damage m-m " 0 sz~~ CC FRBE id LIPX, onrru....;....»............no,mo,% ANNUAL INCOME, @ver..... 4,000, FUNDS ON HAND, over. ... 9,500,000 in ... Sbou Pyaace cl&‘ 3, 210 c hevink bren addef 2 %†the Life Fund as a result of the business of the past year. : :: |â€"© R For kil Mice, T Poul Aote! Buat Oootioniten; Blac Bestion,Flowe uWï¬ï¬‚Mu?ï¬M 'hm or Boab on Sheep or ; also on e, &c., &0,, in l6ss than Ton : Minutes, ~: Sold in Packetsâ€"25 ote. por Packet ; or Six. ‘h*thmhovu.m,m†nenivined en dtn old acd :;‘Ifllflioww Togk, ms hy is und URNITURE, PURRIYUVRE, ‘The above discovery has fot Preâ€" fnfooe Heiman s Siizee Prist vatednl® m The Inter=Colonial Exhibition of â€"Victoria, Ausâ€" twalin, of 1966 besides numerous Testimoniais. ellington«st. ; John Tea Pot. Rideauâ€" st, ; Slocombe & M.&Ionhar :T B baranr ) the Wholoans Agonte for ps ‘ Provinces, are J.; Smith & Oo., :"ig_u}m s 1671 it f Détrections for use on each Packet, Maxvraororyâ€"Gravel. Lane Houndsditch, City of London, England 4 n t THE ~OPSMOPOLITAN, > . Which is known to be &Mu anythin . ever yet O‘l"!‘A'A HOTEL, 7*â€"*'_‘_'â€" Prescett Junction, J. FRANCIS;: ©.etor,) . _‘ Meals at all times. Table and Higu cannot ba sturpassed. 1878â€"3m. PROF. _HEBMAN’ VBRMIN â€" DRSTROYER, Stabling attached, with good stteniiance, The 8t.â€" James‘ : Hotel, KETCALFE STREET, OTTAWA, â€"" dvtng bean rebullt and furnlahed in frst _ . lsM oftLdls * * wius AJUZ . AZH% gvus Worcvyior uorkL,» MPORTAN®Y NOTIOE. ‘There is also Commodious kard Room and OYaAL INSURANGROOMPAST, IN HONTHEAL, Ouees, doo 1L, 171 :.2 * sppif â€"ON REAL BSTATE, From $600 to any amount, on approved secarity Ofeamboat ‘Inspector, ‘Toronto, at which :-u--huu-uu’a- can ‘be procured !':- w“ does‘‘not bind ftgeif to accept the lowest or any tender, | . P. MITCBELL, :‘ Ministef Of Marine and Fisheries, Department:of grine and Fisheries, / _ Un Governtment Pier, about>9 <mile # I Mw.nï¬-oo, ‘ Of Canal, l.mg_ : Beacon Lights, Uppor Ottawn River. Two Light n-nzruuo-m. giln : s ‘ «T. Plans: and specifications ot all required :o-r::‘myu“u:.--l dhï¬only- . at hn o Ti tuitkt Rewe n take e and Georglan Say, at the offer of 6. RIELEE, Njonst ro tnad Burnt nmh*:’ot" PptieAnedtingg Nor gere drv: Sandy Islands, Batchewana Bay, Lake Buâ€" Point anx Pins, entrance of Rivet 8t Mary, Will be recerved at ‘at Tete 2:"’5‘:‘&'-% T arâ€"xccrs WKo. 48, Ridesu street, Ottews rrapaae _ ~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" elbmsed at Guelph Fair. Which took the prise at Gueiph Fair. fegrepin o tos Aiaing ie Phao Ottaws, 18th June, 1872. 2018lawiktd * (U" Depetits will be received at ouunm-nnuuu-*«m, eproily tas baraiporane at hay than ues ces OFFiCE Houas FRon s a.% .. To r P.4. | _ ~For Motiey Orders and Savings Bunk business from i0 a m to 4 pm ’ and Prince Rdward Island, can be obtained at this On Money Mmhhfl““fl pl,!flm.l::-dlï¬-l,mhm at offlice. “Mlnu Epecwon of the following catile purâ€" KKE & 4 1872 4,525 POUNDS, Ottawas, June 10, 1872 H. PAbL: 4 Vis NewYork close evory Monday at 8 P.M â€" â€" | Fer Canadian Line, close ¢very Friday at 10.15 A.M, mmmum“-mhmmw p matter can be sent. * UPPER CANADA James Baillff. «_ SUMMER Arraxor:xrEzxrt. 1872 ABRRIVAL and DEPARTURE oruui, Usiied fhaiet, wie Dtentbirg w.o.»..... .....o...... Kemptt He, Merrickvilie, Oxford Mills, por Bt. L. & 0.R. ‘Gower, Kare, &o., pet Bt. L. & 0. Raliway......... (Ongoblic, ubbitl, te por | 40 60 ~ cunlllcs... | € _\ Mtey BJ RMUIWBY ce eepeesenevennere senvnmene secrermne ionnf ‘l-lllu. X4B., and Bt. Jokn. N.B........................... . w-n-.-nr.., Toronto, Hamilton, ‘ z-...‘.‘:m Western, U.8...... ......... :'*-x:‘-? Ont, sad Detreiy yisp" " *4 481 i6 Windns _ British Colum! ‘“(M Vancourer Lslend) Maile dbespoiohedt datly vie Windsor, Ont, Detroit and to $.30 P.M., Will be forwarded Kast and West in Buppiementery OFFIOE, OTTAW aA. POST OFFICE SAVINGB8 BAXNC Quebes, Montreal, MA ILLS. THE TIMES i jand published by ,r-o-u:.'“t-r-â€".tr» rusm»e Cowpart, at the Ofice, Lo# Number u'c*“ï¬.‘ uwmmt Ottowsa, ~JAMBS BAJLJIYT, THE COMMERCIAL MOVSE and sarried on under the menagoment | of F. Py â€" ge whaer s m qy Pery k %, Thursdays, and Saturdays........|1 1 Lours fromw 0 tw 14 am., A0d 3 to 4 p.th. 1 ts »lame ies at ie e » Aone Good Wines and Liquore warraniod. O tews, Fobroary 14, 1691 sreua esn Ran oi en oed e d oiede e ue ienss y 7 O LRALKBUTES,| . * 530 «ad Qatario Wt ie â€" se / Business attéided in Ottews and the Disâ€" ienss es helr 5/ Py e therton s Drug Store Reyide ouss from 92. m. to 4 p. &â€" Dl.m*«'_â€"jâ€"â€" .__._°.9_"o_“"'m- Btreet, opposite F s I avie en atiee Sie es ieste M ues en ramer apet + bANGEy "Jire, Artiitect. * be. Bel‘h Biowks sepgent Betege,) ; ***~ Sodie aiBelistior. . Ofler in Motels and Salcons. 0. AROHANBAULT, DWARD T.; DAR*AbiA Batrimes S4LALB A TR 38 t in the JMasscellancorus. OfMce. Aylmer, P.Q. | 1tss u G. P. BAKERB, Pystmaster Addreas ) River Cé., 80 Ont., Hippptouiner,oe Jrax sipty Tinde BHG in 11 mys Pâ€"* WEIK » w in# of pu fighrwl dn a un y powit the 84. Jiung thoru. es Amien‘ts of Ottava. 11287 ps, and Pos which only 11,00 <a6 bec *.99 ';.~-â€"l'dmn Lin wail Weokly as follows u: t 1872, to and £ e Quebec an at Plymouth outw! Juane 3. PLANED London. C SHING.Lr‘s t YA ons ‘bam, B"""“" tows, Proton and B1 Rod ‘by Raiway 0 Bt Jobn, N B., «24 vyOL V! Rough Lumber (Oommuni? ‘hï¬ndmu hend to sutt . $80. diteotage, #$24 Edo W est. C:c::;:l 4# kn L* raton. of . bringing adn, â€" Through ) the contineDt, of Oanada, and in it, Milwaukee, 89 RIDEA of the following ron Steameblpt luu-m &. a every ‘Fucsde of Passageâ€"Qu 1Â¥PD E s AP FURS .:“.?."-“&‘J ienss LOG COT 8 ROBEE r dJduly 26, 187 Hope an rip C of all Paddle Ovt; 26 , 1 BSTW EBE AND Wert JO N N £000 ley‘ Quebec of And m