â€"ltmul:mmdhubhign through its wondetful power in restoring the vlood to a healthy siate. _ _ It isa certain remedy for Scrotui,, me. sous and General Debility, all diseases dlb&m.floui ~Rheumatism. i tion, Jaundice, urry, &udnlhm tions, Chest Compliints, and all other d â€" seases arising from an impure state of the COMPOUND |3SYRUP OF AAR SAPARILLA € MW#*L A RGEET AND 111T.m Beloction of HATB, ue « PEACOCK‘8, #@"The h:m & i ro"n'Tw FUES. yeise pasd for Ottawa, May 7, 1874 _ _ _ _ ____ Soia Carf Phaigedd Charge for bertha, 50 cents. SBure connections with all the Grand Tronk trains both Kast and West, as this Company‘s trains walt their arrival when lase. Twonty minutes allowed at Prescott June tion for refreshment . Traing are run on Montreal time. THOB REYNOLD8, Minaging Director, Ottawa & LUTTBELL, Buperintendent, Pros Ottaws, June 8, 873 â€"'ï¬â€˜;-'..‘ and at Band M“K.o Mail Trafu at 3:50 pm., arrtving at Sand Point at 9:45 p.m. f Through Ottawa Express at 3:20 p.m., making acertain coanection with (rand Trunk Day Express from the East and West, arriving at Ottawa at 7:20 p m,. LEAYVE OTLAWA. Brockville and Oftawa Railways Express at 8:00 a.m., arriving at Ottawa at UNCAN®S Through Woestern Express at 10:00 a.m., ar« riving at Brockville at 150 p.m., and connecting with Grand Trunk Day Exâ€" press going Rast and West. Boat kxpress at4:20 p. m., arriving at Brockville at 9:35 p. m , and at Sand Point at 8:10. p.m. Exprâ€"ss at $ p. m. arriving at Sand Point 9.45 pm. ARRIVE AT saAND POINTâ€"1:40 pm, #:10 p.m., and 9:45 pm _ _ _ _ _ LEAVsSAnD PULNTâ€"8:00 am, 11:40 and 3:30 p m , ‘Trains ob Canada Central and Perth Bram h makKe certain conmections with all wainsio B. & 0 Bailway _ _ e ez C _ conmpections made at Sand Point with Steamers to and from Pemtroke, Portâ€"ge du For, &0 _ _ s _ Freight loaded with despatch, and No Tranâ€" a.ipmebn. when in cat loads, . . . & x N(‘ m.' with KQOXâ€"COM USTIBLE 2AJjONâ€"CORROSIVE States and thiuuyo0ut Urost Grilaln, and by the Bmitishk Adumniaity aus Aumeriicas NeYy.â€" (Dex ghis uaee.y > * . B. 1t savbe 39 po the On and after MONDAY, XAY 20h, 1812 Trains will run as follows ; _ _ tnookville ob y â€,‘_ .p‘h HamBkksâ€"SEPENCE rarENi Bole AdmotacturbrrM® td um i.ion WUNBOE OLEARY, Gyneral Western Agent. hmz Ottawe, Nov, 20, 181. x Wine 1t 10uRâ€"berote the cov. ring was apâ€" u, While it savce a lmtgs per coutags o4 i mu@ Labus at th w..., Wotke us cs hammons and Lt jae Uibeudnl bublutugs, M Wo.ks, thoubcits : & wm.. e CANADA OBMTRAL 13 00 noon 10 00 p m CAPB8, nnd 10 30 a m 4,00 p m 100 pm Ottawa. T @out ls fuc!, AD> #k & pusse G@olsG souTtH 1@ T Kxpress for 12 50 p m lall potnts Wost.| trom West Do do Expres# of steamers oast and West 4G T Do do Express from West ‘ @ T trains for, M \ “-"dl 1 00 a m G T Exprese tor accommod» t‘on tral o o r Brockvilli® Ing s t o all way t atl o ns Royal mailLine tor the Kast. OTTAWA. sTRAW GOODS, Oars on No 1 and 8 Mail from the with 8 Lo# faisod in haif H. ABBOTT Arrive wbronot unction Artive in Route Â¥3 50 p o 10 80 B:45p m 6:20 p u 845 a m W BQsec.l Botiers | . â€" GENERAL IN COUNCIL OsIVE ; the recommendation of the Honorab!s the nisteraif Public W ork~, an t under the provisions pusses the os see 4 the Act 3| Vic., 'c.t' 14 intivules : W tupr: "‘ .:dmu:-lhl’uhtn Nw.- u(t‘nnd&..“_" f .l-d: veen. peased to order i I | inthereby or -o'ixhtllh tollowing rate of toll be, i the +ame is heceby lin ‘osed ass authurized to y | b¢ ievied and collectes on Timber passing through vetk is Government mlide on the hivsr Dumoin«, that and by | »pay : + ..',__' Red and White flj-o Timber fifteen cents per % R wo W Lkko Sige, Back and Hoa a family Romedv it is # wa relieving thonsan !: The Canadian Pala Destroyet ncver fallrio immediate reliet. All medicine dealers it, Physiciats order and nso it ; a~d no iy will be without it after unce trying it, Pric, only twontyâ€"fiv ceuts per bottle,. beg most respectfully to acquaint the of the British North American Proâ€" that in May last 1 cansed the business 80 Maiden Lane New York, for the sale of Pills and Ointment, which were to that time :.p-au, William Brown, deceased, to be closed, These Medicines I regret to say, from what has lately to my wledge, made up of such very h.m-u as to render them almoit and therefore calculated to damage good name. Those who do not wish to be deceived by ying spurious medicin«s, which are now ely to emanate from the St.tes or elseâ€" h-mt; possess themeelves of the genuâ€" *s Pills and Ointwent will dc i toosee that each pot and box bears tie tish Government stamp on which is et« wed the words "Holloway‘s Pills and Orintâ€" Pricg only twontyâ€"fiv ceuts per bottle. ° ‘ _NORTBROP & LY MAN. . ‘ Bold in Ottewa by H F McQGarthy, Joseph Enfl, John Roberts, J P F.atherston, G:o , and 11 medicine doalers. . U THE PUPLIC QF THE BRITISIH PRO VINCES OF NORTH AMERICA. ufactured,‘and in no other part of the id, The retail prices are on the labels ip currency, and not in dollars and centé No representative of mine will ever trave h any part of the British Previnces, 0 Un itea Btates, eith r to sell or to tak rs for my rills and Ointment, and as Â¥o reasou to bulleve that attempts will ver. y be maue to deceive th» puviic in way by persons calliny upon medicine taisely represâ€"nting that they ar: for me, and with‘ uy knowledge and t, I deem it advisable to put the public thelr guard against aby such deceptions, 1 mést earuestiy entreut all those who may this advertisement tuat they be pleased‘ whe public imttes, o commuuicate the arport of the same w thoir fricuds that they aiy Bot be deft@@ued of their wouey by purâ€" Worthicss linitativons of the genuiDe 10way‘s rilis and Uiutment, | 1 would ask, as & gTcat favour, that shouwu t come to knuWicuge of any person that are being made or sold in y nmimue, ho be pleascd w send me all the un alars be| can cullect respocting the s ge, is to say, the name. and add ¢ss of the vudor whe is sell‘ug "the sparious wedi. aud lMikeWise the O&Me Aud agurees House in the Unitco States, ur elsewho o, imich may beve upplicd them, so _ to on« . me, for the protection of the publiC, to pioundiugs ageinst #uch cÂ¥iiâ€"«400rs, 1 cugage to remumnerate very banisoimely Phroat, Sprains, Br Stomach, Cholera Bowel â€" Com: J[-t"â€"w:. bmiance secured by Mortgage annual with interest. C persou who may give mo sach inform® the informant‘s usioe nevor being diâ€" iged. should any person have reasou to believe be has been decsived by buying »purious of these Medicines, be wil: do ‘w«ll seuu me, in a lettr, to the address at foot which he can do at a cost of six ¢â€"nts in e), une of the books of instructions nich are aflixed to the same, 1. promiz@ to it, aod sewi a repiy, stating whother Mouicines are genuine or not, 50 that it 10us he may apply to the person iror num be purchased them to have his Louey HIs EXCELLENCY TUE ANADLIANPAIN PE»T 8OYFR uhemists and Druggziste who desire to Ob the Meuicines can be supplica at ihe west wholesale prices in quantitics of nut than £20 worth (for which remittance must be sent in advance)â€"vis., 88. #ol., 228., und 342. per dozens boxes of Fills or pots of Ointment, nott, without discount | . 1 have the honor to 0s, NA U WV N raved the words "Holloway‘s Pills and Cintâ€" iâ€"nt, and that theaddress on the label is 533, xford street, London, where only they are m& Paten, anire u.ean machines, Rubber and Bu# Leather Boards. Knives comstantly cleaned with have a brilliant polish equal to noew ntlo‘r: :l‘.mh; .u'&.. 64., 1s., 2s. 64} 63, Oxford street, (late 244, Strand), Laondon. W. C.,. Bev« L. 1871 _‘ Loadon, W. C., B¢y«= 1, 1871 30 6n | __â€" FROMK QUEBEOC pupgesrmpeusunine Aumenteaitnneneotnngt papmniger 1 + Scandinavian ...... .... .... ... ... January 6 "*¢.*, * Nerth Amerigan ...... .â€"..««....«« 40 13 $ in ‘s: * NCHEVIRR k c+ «ies sirrex sarrres sers 00 20 aryet AUbIEIGH Lsrrrs rersarsrrrr rrrireer G0 B :‘.'“‘ $3 SAEMGBHOH , c «+4 car« 211 cerrrrees PUB | :B ds‘ o)‘ ChBDIn® cuirnl crrre ces se sese q1 Go. 10 -‘m $ 1% SCARAIDAVIAR .. .. .. ....+« .« +014 :+++ 40 â€" 10 "¢ h us i whens V" HIDONRIKG si,1«¢vrere +r6s 1st seeer 00 B6 or and hing Sitver, Electro And succeeding Saturday. mmmmrh hfllll.-‘ 64. each. | | Rates (;:l Pwmm-wm:‘“b:.o rayâ€" i * D 2ees cesaes seee e#+® Cl >> Cld .: . r:-w«mo?' [ UPIMIY DL N3A gH ENJE | | ie e CTiarme o0 or acout every Iharedas _ & ; b:::v-nusmm'llmm "’-‘-Fï¬â€˜..ï¬l Paten. anite viean | *** “"wmwh ng machines, Rubber and Bu# Leather lasgow Line. aife Boards: Knives constantly cleaned with | _ D2tes of Sailing are as follows : : have a brilliant polish equal to now ntl-.r‘y CORINTHILAN, --m.-..ag:o«. ‘mckets, 34. each ; nd.&u. 64., is., 2s. 64) | QOTTAWA &4 {xasel w ud 45. 26. |SP. DaVID in .. ... d6th «* revent friction in and injury to the nife. ‘Qukey‘s 'd“‘.-uinito P‘:{h\ should e used with the ...'3 J une ; the recommendation of the Honorab!s the nisteraif Public W ork~, an t under the provisions the +s see 4 the Aot 3) Vic., Coz. i4 intivules : .:ou-.-.-u‘ the Public b\'nr“- of t‘un-.l:"j is nay has n-..-«n‘ order it hereby -td that the tollowing rate of toll be, _ ARM FOk GOVERNMENT KK N. 1, 41@ i Ked and White PDve Timber tifteen cents per his farm is worth $40°, but will be sold for THiN uNe MLLB | About 6U Aures L ace we, Aprll 13, 1673 GENERAL IN COUNCIL Puesday, 21st day of May, 1872 &o. & With great respect, THOMAS HOLLOW aY PRESENT w vr_v:'“ 4 "_â€"_7& __ | just Becelved H. M. BO wE S celebrated HOUSE, OTTAWA. ’ BULK AND CA N H GOVELN rrabl te t that are not sur in any market. > C ’ -Eâ€-.dmmud for one year, \ and all kinds of repairing carefully and Carriage and Nleigh F â€"CT _~RY: + RIDEAU STREET, OTTAW . U) 108 and all kinds of repairing carefully and | ‘‘ promptly done.. > i A very large amount of new and im [ , proved machinery has lately been adided, | ,, and as the whole is driven by steam (m.onlyuhblhmnnompplhdgthh £ section of country){ we are in a position ROCKAWAY®, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS, Which in point of finish and< durability, proved machinery has lately been adided, and as the whole is driven by steam (thoonlyuhblhmnnompplhdgthh section of ooq::‘)f we are in .'fo-iuon to produce ‘k more prompty and cheaper than any. one elsé. | _ J _ ‘The proprietors are practical workmen and give personal su to all work. .__ Ottawa, March 1872. 1931 \or all of the above paper=. NORTHERN RAILWAY OF, CANADA LAKE SUPERIOR ~~â€" _ Royat Mail Line Calling at Owen Sound, Bruce Mines, . Sault Ste. Marie, Michipicoton, Nipi« gon, Silver Islet, Prince Arthur‘s Landing and Intermediate Ports, Cumberland, This Line comprises the m magnificent 'llll"-Cl.:;. Uresz Cam», Stpn Ware, Sreawâ€" leaving City: o'd'.‘:. :-‘: LEAVING COLLINGWOOD â€" Everr Turspar a«p FRripiy, On > Rxpress® Train Quickest and Ohe?w Route to ' Fort Garry and Northâ€" Feigh t ouund- Toronto i‘. Merchants hl.o'.‘\.mnno mhï¬nflw& ontreal, &o Daily passenger connection at Toronto for Hamilâ€" ton, Montreal, and nu'cnul‘..u and West. Smemo l2 Bllls Ls in Rafhoaw â€"soud ‘ Dasin _ Z" Parlor alace Cars on Kailway, and Parior 5.;: m“de:ou and State to m se s Shk f* Oflnm i7, fl‘fl. and York streats, or W ELLS & CU., Toronto. Jan. 22, 1874 ihe subscribers have received a large sum for investment upon Farm Property. .\)oomn'-iolohrm. Apply to J. M. . DELESDERNIE corner of Sussex und York streeats, or to MURRISON 1872 Central 1 50 Front Sireet, I oronâ€" mnflum City Hall an~ Brock Street. . A. & A. H. TAY ADAM ROLP (oan aver Tarkn. ase * urmical apoeu, Roturn Tickets granted at reduced rates. j h-nm‘nddtornlndm wmmn,.-m.-...lc: Oct | ___ QTTaAWA «t saâ€"ssd * 14 S$I. DAVID th :s / 520290 6 C 8T. ANDREW to ... ;.‘ Snd Nov. ST. PATRICK _ © _ cl... 9th " ) |pyp Fares from Ottawsa, cabin.. ... . .. .. .. $67 35 | 5* Intermediate....... «+. .+ .+« ««. $47 OF 44 00 wu.n [*3 -_. - m-'l’u on each v-.nlm secured until paid | ¥¥ ST. PATRICK 4 ..... ob |4 Fares from Ottaws, cabin...... ... .. $87 235 Intermediate....... «+. .+ .»«««. $47 Of 44 00 lt--coh.n co wÂ¥ Surgson carried on each Mm secured until paid each vessel for. MUNTRELAL ~0OC6AN â€" sSTEAMSHIP COMPANY. JHANGE OF BAILIN G _ CGlasgow. _ _ The steamers of the Mail. Lane -m:. lw piges from Quebec every Saturday, calling at Loch royupmdnuwll““‘ Passengers to and from Bootland are intended to be despatched from Quebec : Calling at 8t. Jobn‘s, N. F. _ _ _ " _ ©1.90...1......0. ... PEB GALLOR "ollingwood, Fort William and _ Duluth, M 1871 SUMYMEKR SERVIC E. ;871. passxosas Booked to and from _ Liverpool Londonderry and trrawa StRaAy : * â€" & Opinion Publiqus . ote., oto,, ota. t Contracts made tor advertming in ither aAgent for the Ottawa Times. ' Fivening Mail. Courriee d Ouiacuois, 6 Minerve, Montreal. The Italian Warehouse, J. M. C. DELES DERNIERS mt tisuns " *‘ sutem Liaiwa, aaches, Carmages, Onsibussos, > Stockdals, Brother & Ct this est. blishment will be fountt on or made to order, the latest and »pproved «tyles of _ _ vasmt TO L0aM®. A. GH1S0%, oYsSTER®S, Tuxs Offic., welti Chicora, nection with the BETWEEN * ncnhnn&plyto 2 D W COWaABD & CO., Agonts _ "Bparksâ€"st AÂ¥ Francis Smith, 50 Front S&reet, Toron the inhabitants of YSTEKS, 1811 1872 YV1} | These highly improved inventions ‘sender Kiectricity pertectly selfiipplicable, and exâ€" tremely efficaciont in & miild obntinuous form gu shock or unpleasant se being exâ€" perienced, whert by 1t. becomes a truefountain of health and vigour, speedily soothing agonising psins, reanimating torpid Il-.: reviving the sluggish functions of life, rmparting renéwo energy and vitality: to constitutions emtocbled ty whatever cause, Mediciges an« their deleterious consequences Are thus on.hxrly dispensed with, The daily Incressing mumber of eures effected by PULYEBpMACKEIS MEDrCOâ€"GALVANâ€" 10 SYSTEM is »o cxteusive and varied, that t forcibiy peints to this invention as the @eTLYERV aQLENS PATENT, , . ° GALV ANIC _ OHAINâ€"BANDB, BXLT3S â€" AND â€" POCKET BATTEBIES # We, the ugdersigued, base much plea " sureâ€"ip teatifying twr. J. L. Poovee © waom#r‘s reeent im pro ntein his Voltaic " Datteries ‘and walyanic* Appliances tor " Medical Parposes are of great importance to " Scientific Medicine, and that be is entitled " to the consideration and â€"suppo® of overy. " one dispoged to furtber the advancement of " real and useful progress, s & "# Dated the 9th day of March, 1866. t 81BR CHARLES LOCOCK, But.,'l‘. D,, £ 4J ># . R..0.P. 8IR EKNRY/HOLLAND, Bart , M. P A â€" S B. * sIR Wa..FERGUSSON, Bait., i. R 8. EDWD. H. SIEYVERING, M. D., M.8.0.8 t bll J RANALD MARTIN, F. R.C.8." ULVERMAUAER‘S SYSTEM is also ap uy / of by :n official report o(l):lh,o Aca i + 1. de Medicine, J ege o Physiclas, Lohk[:', m lspd-hl Faculâ€" ty of Vienna, and nsmrtlvo virtues are con» firmed by thousands of private testimonials of cureseffected. |(Soe pamphlet gratis). _ These faots appeal to the good sense of avety sufferer to avail himself of this scientific asd curative progress, to which the inventor has devoted a lif=â€"time of study and labour, a1 an ardent deciple of that great benefactor of mankind, 1&:» late illustrious electri¢ian Mionase Fasaoy. o PCLVIB%ACHEB’S MEDiCOâ€"GALYAN» IC CHAINS exceedingly eff@ctive without the aid of mofl:flno, restriction of diet, or the least derangement of the patient‘s babits and daily ogcupations, in the following maladies Hheumatism Female Complaints * Gout A Constipation _‘ Sciatica Cramp § Lumbeco , gish Cirgulation tm ,.. Nenaps Uead and Toothacte Paraiysle . Liver Complaints Epilepey Tic Duloroux Nervous Debility Indigestio®gâ€"«s F unctional Disorders l Deatnuess * &c., &0. Bpasina .. © : h s * Y * kÂ¥ ga. & .AWA' T;l'm E§ Th« effects of the application ot Pulver macher‘s Chaing in apy of the above disorders is +mmnediately pér¢épUibleâ€"th« relief of pain instantaneou8. | PRICE Li»T O@ . PULVEBRMACHEKR® __| Directions for use on cach Packet, â€" Maxcractosyâ€"Gravel Lane Houndsditch, City of London, Kugland yihira * For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Poaltry Ants, Bugs. Cockroa bes, Black Bectlies, Fleas on Dogs, Blight and insects on Plants, Moths hm‘l\ckotwonswpnflm;dn on Cattle, &c., &c., in loss than ‘Ten Minutes. Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cte. per Packet or Siz Packets for One Dollar, #5ote. â€" ~ ~~~~\ The Powder is wartantad free froatiall bad swell, and will kâ€"ep in any Climate. [ It may be spread any where without risk, agitisquite .“h-hh.w Cats or Dogs, as they.â€"will not lit. ~ _ CHAIN BANDS AND BATTERIES, B. cgun BANDS for Neryous D# T ‘@niFace Ache,and * in?h‘hflw,'.u w 308. C _ ; B uHAIN BANL» for loss of Voice ant 418. $ a N. UHALN BANDSâ€"los Sgiat _ Rheumatio Neuraigia, ng-(}onty Pai®® Local Parsâ€" lysis, Cramp, &¢., 188. to 2** and 408. B CHATN BAND3 for ambago Indigestion Liver, Chest, apd Fuuctional Disorders, &o ;um as a belt), 22s to 408 and 55s. B CHATN® ‘BANDs | for Writer‘s | Cramp, Which is known to be . ; Far Supcrior to anythin . ever yet covered f A complete Het of â€"COMBINED UHALN BANDS8,BELTB, and.CHAIN BATTEBY for resturing vitalonergy, £5 to £17. The public are most earuestly caurioned to beware of RPssugo. Rlactric Belts advertised by sham Docters,, &¢., for tlpns- . purposes, and ï¬nmug:dcnuu by Vice Chanoel» lor llluhl nq}t mv:lrnn%ho; vs Hams mond, alias Henry Jam ias C. T, Eaphey, M.B.‘C. 8, al_luslew?"m'!-ï¬ï¬ #o. ‘.u. 10G A Ny * f Homesopathic Physictan, surgeon & Ac coucher. .. Residenceâ€"Albert street. . Offct hours frow 9 to 11 a m., and 8 to 4 p.m. SW Special attention given to dissase _ No Gaivanic Belts are rnï¬u but these bearing the fac simile of M. Pulrermacher‘s signature on the label, _« _ 3 PROF. HERMAN‘S _ A pamphlet don full particulars may be had at the Dur'l':ghe of A. Ohristle, Bparks Streot. J. L. PULVERMACHER, Galvanic Establishmen‘ 2 200 Regent Street, London, w This Swing n:o:o-un in operation at the Canada Central 1, No, 120, Sussex str6et and at No. 8, 8t. Patrick Street. .. . . :?‘Ho exery u~ â€"â€" Avemadl are exposed to no accident or danger, | Ladies particularly can enjoy themselves on this Swing without having to contend with any of the incouvemiouces met with in ord! lhey Swlukh ) 49 9if C U 09080 ~ (| n Trenbllnq, Nervousuess, &¢, 22s to 308 and 408 s t*2 T B COMBINED CHAIN BAND for Gantrl Paralysig, Epilepsy, General Debility _ Functional Disorders, &0 , 308 to 508. This new swing contains the mo~ tive power in itâ€" self, requiring no exterpal impals sion to drive it, and in it persons indulging in‘that *LECPEICITY is LLFE Freight and UVartage Agency of E. LaYIGNE, (Quebec.). .4 _ 'J-\UE Under signed in > vites the publlc to examine . the Patent Swing, s Iproy tartra) oo ©Us03 j «td ce wan mm agoht io ery county: . ®~ Pipst come, first served."" % Yye agent made $:70 ip 11 days. JI ie @ ‘or 1 Waideo Labe, ow Fodk 4 Ata~iacemants af the ~terna. s PO it t A ~FP~BOTICE, VBERMIN â€" DESTROER, 09M â€" Sole uh’c ~« 3&'&‘@. ANADA NTBAL BAILWAY other affcttior‘s of the Throat, 108. 64. to © x gWTL * â€"DisC0Y B&zD I n medy.. C ng tustimony from ‘the itrdisal faculty has been 17823 [JZEETpeSr® :®*AAgifin C . fBOTaAL niltnx&: ‘nropared from a recipe as MESSRS {knu Majesty ; gives the t a ‘pearlâ€"like whiteness GABEIEL 9 { and â€"imparte a deli¢iows fraâ€" GABRILEL‘S GABRIEL‘B opo®TaLaiqus RLriE _ | This celebrated Stouth Waush is a most refreshing, it strengthous mt glog;xm,endhï¬ tartar and ‘allinjurious secretion, sweatens GABRIEUS the breath, and Yor clo«nsing ar« tificial . teoth As tnvaiuable Price 6s & F l ons fur use enclosed in each box IMPORTANT TO BESIDENITS ABROAL Purties at a distance may ‘have Artificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Messrs. Gabriel‘s new system, on sending parâ€" tkmlaoflh«h c::u,hvmn a remittance of Ten Shillings, when t a:‘n‘nl_ for t ateing a model of & mouth be forwarded with all necersary instructions qo niu.u.hnn-u adod a bottle of Great Shoshonees â€" « . «At the expiration of two days her sym were decidedly better‘ ~Bhe continued to imprové 16 rapidly that by the time she had taken one MESSRS bottle she was able to sit ooutinuâ€" en You may publi<h the facts for the b nefit of those.#lmilarty afficted. + R & 1 + _ 0. BROWKX 2 @piscopal Methodist Minister, f C JOHN SILYER.: Bworn before me at Smithficld this 6th day # April, A D 1870. J M WELLINGTON, J P wosP uP Motlb‘pn ith, 1870 xB, k in i. snn was I l‘lo;:m-‘d'wnhtup. He said ‘her This certity J 0 Cha..berlain, : Eeqâ€"‘ to that about three years ago I Ina&an“ with Bronchitis, which lasted about cightson months, 1 wasso affiicted for the want of breath that it was very difficult t me to ’:h:.‘ id the night time frequently th the clothes off and raising in the vbed to keep from strangling. . I tried three of the most eminent pbhysicians in the County dxmmuhor:l.mm m-lflu-yhuï¬ continued getâ€" ting worse all the ®. â€" At lest â€"I was ad« vized to try the Great 8i oghoneer Remedy. 1 bougbt a bottle and took it and when it was MWIT& feel a little betier. lot:rdnudh::'u- until ll-lhl.l w&m bot! w to my satisfaction, an;.'munnu ever L had been previâ€" ous to my ilindss and have been so ever‘ AND pUuES NOT SOIL THE AKIN. JOHN, GARDNER, ~CHEMIST, BsY HalR, IT. RESTORW AGAl® To Ts KaTURAL CO%OR, y Avme it smavrzrony L )Gzusemp axp cLossr4 @ToPS ITS FALLING + Ae gromus arr orantia: } A Restores Grey Hair to its, Natural Oolor (Avsss THs HalB 10 GBOW Imeonmo THE ROOTS Nm‘ BOILING THE SKIN No 11, 5. Rideau street, O+tawa. l.o l‘,'lq&iflâ€"m OQOngoode, Apply to e 9 Bole Manufaaturer and Proprietor. e t oo s ie ns n L. _, NOR SALE, o-.uï¬;lm -“ Cure otf Bronchitis OCINCALESE ; Enamel!, for stopping decaved ! ‘Pooth, retiders * â€" Pote rouprc { OBTEOâ€"ENAM &L zr iN | such lande. | : warranted to remato white #ae | Owners of patented lands, an4 purâ€" 3!11....&0 Tooth itmif. Tiile}obasers ofllnff: (the sales of which are boautjrul prepera®e* _ â€"~ _ | _ ; being carried out) who are desirous fe»> * | oquiring the right to the pine timber I ) ‘~_ ) _sreon, are required to apply for such l4 l right, and make payments as above, withâ€" ( ODOKTaTGTonwe ET TYT% | in siz months from date of this notice. grance to the breath. Price 1s. WuUITE GUITA PEBCHA Medrsas ____ | North Shore of Lake Superior, the absoâ€" 10HA ‘lnto right to the d;’ine trees growing or B""" ‘ msing on said lands may be sacquired on ’“’"‘_‘ } n yment being made to the Department #®*" ; c Orown Lands at the rate of fifty cents **iperacre, in addition to the price, one | ‘ddlnperm paid or to .be paid for * | such lande. | O'I'I'AWL HOTEL, 8t James Street Mon treal. The undersigned having assum~ ed the management of this popular favorite, respectfully informs the travelling public und its former patrons, that the house has undergone many improvements, and that he Antends by constant attention to the wants of his patrons, to make this the most comfortable Hotal in the city of Montreal. At Junction Depot of Grand Trunk and Ottawa & Prescott R. R. All the facilitias of a First Class House. | Passengers refreshment O'l'l‘A'A B(fl'lL, Presoott Junction, J. FRANCIS, Pâ€"»etor. | Meals at all times. Table and liqu exnnot be surpassed. 1878â€"3m. ‘vome into oppration about the 1st of June, of Lhee Funel, S CC S 0t u7 3 A drante P Ouawn‘s Thee oynoite hay larnia, as a Drawing Room and Sleeping &.‘hh-'flltho be one attached to each Provincial Land surrsyor and Draughtsman, commissioned for the Provinces of Quebec Applicants to purchasé lands after date ef this notice, are required to apply for the right to the pine trees thereon. at the time of applicatign to purchase the lands, and to pay for such right at the time of application fifty cents per acro as above specified, in addition to the one dollar per acre payable for theé lands. ~ Bhould the owners of patented lands, or Eir:nn‘on of lands (the sales of which are g carried out) fail to apply for, and moquire the right to the pine trees on such lands, within six months from the date of this notice; or purchasers of lands after this date decline at the time of application to purchase, to apply for and acquire the Om and after MON) â€" Â¥ next, the lst 0‘ MAY, it is intended run the Pullma Palace Cars through en Montreal anc Sarnia. One of thes: a _ ifcent coaches will be attached to each Day . apresstrain leaving Montreal for. Toronto, and be run through tc which dae notice will be given. * oJ BRYDORS, ROWE & ANNABLE®S, / Réy~ Near Sapper‘s Bridge. Jenuy Lind bedsteade..$3 00, formerly $3 50 Common Bedsteads... 2 25, * 2 50 Uommon Chairs...... â€"© 40 and upwards Complete Bedroom Bets for $10 50 and up. wards, consisting of six pieces. Poards, Bummee:, ‘Weabstzods, Contrs Tavise ce mfl.pflmdufl at equally low prices. flg&wwe pine trees on the lands apâ€" gm for, the pine trees on such lands be dhpolof of by the: Department of Crown Lands to S:nn- making applica tion therefor at rate of fifty cents per mwuhml_dthp. be moré than one application for any space, or llgu'icy..‘ the 1nd Ontario. :ho daily h’,tu.xnl;umt- The :‘mvrlw" .‘I' lm oraccount assum» um% of his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United Htates. Address + ~ ‘GUI8SEPPE K. GIANELLLI, H. B.â€"The Bar can be readily let f $200 Ftlllv URE, FUAELTUK £. GREAT REDUCTION IN FURNITURE 1z the City. ‘This establishment is too well knowns to requireâ€"any: comments upon its ‘ _ A. PERAYT; Fire Inspector. : OrFICBâ€"B T'..X.CLAB.K , Agevt. and Elgin streets. f moy' N.B.â€"The financial position of the Royal s in no way affected by the recent Fire at Uiurti'mn LIABJILITY of a Wealthy P:;p" tary. t ‘ables of Rates, Proposal Forms and ful hï¬nu'ï¬ona:t:’oobï¬mdon:ppliuï¬m to the undersigned. Ohicago, the Company doing Posmen in tial ao, _ _ 0_ known to require any oo-uu“?on ite merite. l'r:“_ of 200 Merchants and others dine daily in the Restaurant. ‘The Proprietor A LARB OHAKC®: HOTEL O RESTAURAKT AKD BaR s COHRISTIE, Commicsgion Morezar as j m @eneral Agent. Bole agont for Read‘s lekwines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dewes‘ Laâ€" YRAKD TRUBK xÂ¥ . C,. RAINBOTH, Mantradl, Apri! 26th, 1871 _ > 1657+ UE «JUNCTION HOTEL," Wontreal, March 3, 1871 THE COSMOPOLITAN, IN MONTBEAL, FOR ORâ€" TO LET, FOR A s%fm( OF YEARE. EILLINGS, Ir., Architoct. Officeâ€" «Mascelitanecous Morets,. &c. Office. Aylmer, P.Q. _ 1722 t from, Toronto to Montreal* D. WILKINSON, H. L. BOUT& k. F. BEDD. Chief Agents for Canada. 0. 8. BROWKE, Commicston Moresar as J Proprietor EGM ABLE The lowest rent 1872. svarmEr arraxoryenxt. 1872 9,50 9,50 |...... 11:00 6100 * Matter posted up to 9.30 P.M., will be W*“’W and West ho package the same night. . * | Bupplementary On _ Money order Offices throughout the .Domlnlon, Great Brldln and [re Newfoundls and Prince Ecward Island, can be obtained at this office. ‘1‘“‘0 Pos MH.‘H Cards. . â€" 9,00 AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUOMBERMEN‘S AGENT, AND GENERAL COUMMISSION B Deposits will be reccived at this Office. Interest allowed at Feur cent per annum, and Depnsits can be withdrawn at any time. rale S % CFFICE HOURsS FROM 8 A.M., TO ? P.4. Plans and specifications of all required works may be seen on and after the 1st Sepâ€" tember next, at the Department, at Ottawa, and of the Light Houses on Lake Buperior and Gcorgian Bay, at the office of 5. RISLEY, Steamboat Inspector, Toronto, at which places also forms ot tender can be procured by intending contractors. * The Department does not bind itscif to accept the lowest or any tender., 4 jP. MITCHELL, Minister of Marine and Fisheries. Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, 18th June, 1872. 2013 lawktd Ottawa. A.J. CHRISTIE P 1. â€"~olarey w y ;. Ottawi # M, ho o ® 50 Cummi & HILL, ( Christie) Barristers, citors, Conveyancers, &6. Hamilton 1sland, Glengarry County . Burnt House Point, _ do _ do. On Government Pier, about 2 miles above upper entrance of Canal, Beaub@®@bois County. â€" Beacon ‘Lights, Upper Ottawa River. Two Light Beacons below Carilion, &n 0â€"50 #.50| leul ON REAL ESTATE, s From $100 to any amount, on approved secarity 9 00 Bandy Islands, Batchewana Bay, Lake 8u IRUST AND LOAN COMPANY OF ‘JPPER CANADA James Bailiff, _ T.30 thanks for the very liberal nm-;o DC | Eh e citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, mnoet, Rotar stowed on them during last seven ,».m..,.u Patent Rignt € years. While soliciting a ‘ï¬nm“t z\f wediately opposite Russeli Siginâ€"s. db the same they would earnestly ues rrer o e e n dn teantt se inepection ‘of, the following: cnttie. pur | §J ) ue perapreatiel to 28e Bd chased at Guelph Fair. Jourt House, Oltawa&, & 1 pair of Steers weighing the enormous vumu-.“_‘!afn_-..u.__. weight of Towarvb #. pan"a, li l.‘l Solicitor Attorney and u?-lh. 4,525 POUNDS, utm::‘uullk-.z‘ ,lulhlld. Which took the prise at Gueliph Fair. O“Mn nuu.ml.'u & » Mu .,ofGn?h,w-'ddnlunymt es WEIGHT OF 350 POUNDS, And 50 head of Western Sheep. The Pork Stall will be as usual found mlkxi'nppllodwithh-hudfldt. PO. BACON, SAUSAGES, ETC., ETC. Mhe whole of which will be on exhibition at their Stalls Nos. 3, 5, 7 -nd&l Lower Town _ Market, _ this. WEDNESDAY, TflUBS%:Y, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, when th mtl.mdtbeorubï¬o will be able to see the finest stall of Mest in the Will be received at this Department,.at Ottawa, up to noon of MONDAY, the THIRâ€" TIETH day of SEPTEMBER next, for the construction of Light Houses at the underâ€" mentioned places in the Province of Ontario, wor o hss en ___ _ .perior. Point aux Pins, entrance of River Bt. Mary, Lake buperior. Owen Sound, Georgian Bay. I':-ap' Btraits (Oo:gm Ilhld).me Windmil! Point, Presoott, Grenvilie Pss County; ® 00 W. respectfully tender the public their sincere | _ _â€" t onubs for the very beral patsonage boâ€" | IL 10 1872. _ .__. 1872 EASTER. Butchers to H:s Excellency Lord Lisgar Gov. Genoral of Canadaâ€" FENYENDERS. 30 head of splendid We«tern Cattle. A Magnificent Calf, 11 weeks old, bred and fed by John W est, »50 20 e JA â€"â€"â€"46e _ S Caiied POST OFFICOE, OTTAWaA. Post Office, Ottawa, June :0, 1872 Ottawa, March 27, 1872. No. 43, Rideau stroot, CLOSE SATCHELL BROS,, Via NewYork close every Monday at 8 P.M Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at 10 15 A.M A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be o unregistered matter can be sent. J m Ontrics, Keg, M P, J i Grant, Eeq, M D, M | B W Scott, Keq, M P P, Mr Shecif Powel! Edward OGriffin, Eeq Edward MoGillivray, Eg, Messrs C T Bate a C, Thomes huntos, Eq Messrs Fingland & Drapor Alerander Workman, E2q A Egleson. 8 n‘r. B=q _ Hon Jamos Skead, Senator, For Monâ€"y Ori« s ind Savings Bank business from :0 a m to 4 pm UBK Y TV LMASL »«+».... ®.90/} British Columbie (and Vancouver Islend) Mails | despatchea daily via Windsor, Ont., Detroit and [ "| San Francisco, U.S. Rates of Postage rame as to ( other partsof the Deminioa 1I.10| 0.09 United States, via Ogd@nSbarg ............... .2sssm.ss... ARRIVAL and DEPARTU H. FALL ; 9.00 9 00 9.00 9â€"00 Halifar, N.S., and St. John. N.B 3100 .. .....\Templeton, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and 5 4.30 New Edinburgh ‘ Te Abd SatHAYh Kempty le, Merrickville, Oxford Mills, per St. L. & O.R. North Gower, Kars, &0., per 5t. L. & 0. Railway Osgoode, Russell, &6 per _ do _ do The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway. North of Carieton Place Junction, +â€"Bristol Clarendon Centre,. Packenham, Pembroke, Portag® 4 FoIty £0...... 120020000 2e errreefenrers seaps AyIMOF _ &NQ Hully ..... .000 cemesen s rvemmemmeesprcm covcges March and Gaslow, via A:lnort.. March, Huntley, Carp,&c., by S Westernâ€"Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, ‘London #o.; mnd WAOBLBTD, U . B.......ccccocss snrrihrss sesenles Fort Garry and other places in the Province ef Manitobaâ€"Mails dutnchod daily via Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich. _ 0 Easternâ€"Quebes, Montreal, Cornwall, Luouur,z tw DY RALIWERY :â€"»11â€"0:+ ressrrese erelsecras shoses seures Porth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carieton Place, per Caâ€" neds Conttal RalIWBY,. ....:ccooccrssrrcrchnnrrenssess z Bell‘s Corners, Richmond, &c. per Canads Central z Trwe (Ofhice. Ofttews Lowe: Oitawa, by Stcamer, Buckingham, Cumber le nd, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, &6.,......,............ Cholsea, W akefield,North W akeficld,Leow & intermeâ€" diate Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and interâ€" mpdiate Offices, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays HAMNET P. HILL (late Keunedy & POST OFFICK SAVING8 BANEK Ottewa M .A T LS . Agent, MONEY ORDELS BR‘TISH MAILS 191 THE TIMES is printed and Tus Oreawa Toms A%D LC Â¥ Eu:a. rexrai» ; each additional word over% cen al Contracts for definite term aft Al?CdALI EATES, 'hi;-d’w -:4 ie albnaee aalglt sik i and SniMamiai and periness Cordeâ€"not extt Clflhkm (The only Daily Morning Paper in Central O# is published every morping at payable in advance, or I:Lm in the city. It h;‘“ bere ted Stated, at $7.9# free of C postage . For ordinary advertisements # Daily :‘um;:\..::m per line ; _ On, | Bpecial Notices, 1% conts 1 sicm‘nvcu'#- tuations "‘!*' j Bituations Vacanmt, . ‘ MosuuuVE, TALLLON & CHRY Barrjsters and Bolicitors in C , Notarids, &0. " ons Massroye s ol dinpn t Spun mveet “ AiLor t a Ourt uw , 5arribee Attornoysâ€"atâ€"Law, »oficizors in Chast 'Jul"ynoon.‘:unu Publip, &o , &0, fortke Â¥ ases â€" Ontarioand que flce over utic‘s Book o T2 *.: ie s}-‘. Bparks gpod CHAILI! .lllwll;r I Ofhce at Tetran‘s, private dence in rear of French + Hall. Business attended in 0 and the trict Courts of the Oounty of IMES PRINTING AND PUBLISE COMPANY., Rooms Wanted, Board W anted., _NOTAbY PUBLIG. lTu- w R next the Fost Office. 1 Tasr therton s Drag Storo: Regide l’vormyl Physician, sad Accén 6 recently by Dr. tock, Date 11 Uhaudiarey 18 D... ROBILLARD, But Accoucheur, Officein Mr. Hearn‘s Store, Kasi end of Bridge, : hours from $ a. m. to 4 p. m. N. B.â€"Special atrention to the trea of aisenses of the £Y & and A: nigh be seen at ais residence, streol ‘ 1CHOLASSFPARKS®, aad 1U neyâ€"atâ€"Law, , O «ncer, &o. Olooâ€"h-g; ’ pposite the Post Office, Ortawh. _______ 48 \ A« MARA »f l.'J. Bv:fldh', I'uou-n.. wen. _ t# D o'oolion.oz:uu‘ -.-u.:.: «in Chancery vey: treot. Offce, Unin Buildings, Oere. January 1, 1872 A THE WEEKLY TIMES, Number 12, Wellington : Her Majesty‘s s heatrey Ohave, > JAMIM , omnip® t ADVERTISINCG RATECL cen at ais residence, streok. _____ L. OLIVER MKART: Dentist: an B. MoDOUGALL, Office, Rideau Stredt, opporite Ft TAE DAILY TIMES, July 2, 1872 0. ARCHAMBAULT, JRE of MAIL i. I1A YOOCK, Attorieyâ€"siâ€"Law , Bot! Miscdllancous Wants, _| â€" Money ï¬â€œ.. when not exceeding 2 25 OCENTS caly which in 1.3¢ p.rl., all1. "“"‘1 Houses for tale, G. P. BAKELR, Prstmastet ouree t inke ie n thane +; ~~] 4 A Lezs at t6° ®,80 ,00) .00 |11,00 LY" of the tollowing or ‘other first rdon Queo “wl. LONDUON. â€"_ 'c‘::lq,’un y« s do . bth J e * *R / 9e Â¥. B #+#% â€"~â€"VI so and from tbee and Montreal th ontward for puseâ€" rt overy Friday ) Toke: Point, G: b € bise, Daibousie, C de, Shediac, Obarl and 8t. Jobn‘s, A m QUEBEC. Tuesday 16 vears both it Btites, at all bri Quebec ven *o L» QU s NING H a ; BUToRrr above wili ; & parchas +s the public is A T C Lb&RIDGE BOOERESTER and Hali sai in Lonw in toe United : DAYID s# A W LU X B Comp t MLiL the County of w y to Tou lu.z'«n...., B arbican Ply all STREET ‘“ do do do do do do do do KX. x Line. pol uts â€" W thor DOXt the seas NILE NIGER, TWEEL SEV ERI TEVIO of be ks aad 2032 26th inO# 18th 25th 2ad 9th 4th 30th JUTL