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Ottawa Times (1865), 5 Sep 1872, p. 3

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)PEN e souwg, Ifln“ [‘T pTguBRR OX * _ will “:4‘ YRTLE 00 in sIH1B1"!! with the orders 10 the m paarafndinds SaLg 4 Grand gig e Do f the United POR 4 8TH CENTBAL neut T. # 3: 0t uy 1B3 18U Sare or Virca zxor.â€"Tosday a$ ncon Mr. Amos Rowe will ofter for sale at the Union House, the ing villa resi= dence of Mr. Jas. Conroy, situated on the Apyimer Roid a short. distance from the city. + f Prorustaxr Hosrtrarlâ€"A. meeting of the directors of the Prot{stant Hospital, to consider plans for the daw building, will be beld at three o‘clockithi« afternoon in the Mechanic‘s Institut C# row or Exoraxp |.aoues‘ Somoouâ€" ‘The Church of England {adies‘ School on Weilington Street ened yesterday, This is an excellent elycational instituâ€" tion, and we are glad to ‘know that it is meeting with a liberal deagree of support asd encouragement. Miss Fuller has susceeded Miss Machin, |and we have no doubt that under so talegted a lady prinâ€" sipal the school will maintain its reputaâ€" Sargeuses Fax.â€"ihd Ottawa quarterly fair took place yesterdhy on the Lower Town market. The att>ndance was very smeil and sales were f¢w. Cows sold at from $25 to $4u. A Fowir.1 â€"The funetal of the late Capt. Forsyth took plage yeskerday. ‘The deepâ€" Iy !.mented wis buried with military honure. . Omo Stowz â€"We regret that Mr. Goodâ€" win lost heavily ‘by| the wreck of a schooner on the lake/s recently, having had a lauge quâ€"ntity| of Ohio stone on Frozart â€"We hope jo see the Floml Exhibition in Gowan‘« Hall numerously visited this afte u and eveni A band of music will pe xn:l(h.;fi’- the evening Arroutwext â€"AMr. Meicer has been aps pointed organi+t to the Bishop‘s Châ€"pel. It affords us pleasure to ehronicle the fact, believing that Mr Mesper‘s i mg and valâ€" mable services in the |ci‘y werited such resognition Pouics Coukr.â€"â€"A woman was fined $20 and costs for assaulting 4 neighbor. A young man was finred $5 and costs for assanit. i f John Pitzpatrick was sefat to gao} for one month on charge of assault. Mrs. Costello up on a charge of using abusive language was di harged. Black berry Carminative is a a vfe effectual and prompt remedy for Disrrbce, dys. entery, & , in chil i )Mflmp‘m W.IHEARN, 20582 _ Diuggist, Nappers‘ Bridge. Youths Linen Col 10 .ents each, in w1es 10 to 13 inch. _ Base B i1 â€"A ed nne from the Ottaw» Base Bail Clul leave for Ugliensâ€" burg toâ€"night, where{they will pluy the " Pastimes " to w . Nuew Cexerery Groysv â€"We understand it has bâ€"on suggeste<| to purchase the :fly property aboye |he Kidean Rifle Runge as a new cemetery| for the various Protestant denominations of the ‘city. 1# is certainly high tim> a locality > was Gecided upon since the law prohibits inâ€" Kerments on Sindy thill after the 1st of December next. There «e many elegible :hlhlouthaundolthdty, and ?‘H“h:rm itle difficulty in the city, having placed our orders early last autumn, we are enabled to sell much unda. present prices. RUSSELL & WATSON. i Persons‘.d with Rheumatism, iver Complaint, apepsia, Diseases of the Skin, Kidneys or der, should send for a supply of the Cgledonia Water. Gissox & Co., Sparks and Elgin. There is no better Spring and Summer medicine than the Caledonia Water. No family should be with>ut it, for where it is liberally used, no Dctor need apply. Our stock of |Carpets is now somplete, and is one of thel;rxeot and best assorted | ever oftered in paking the cshors, â€" ArLa®, McKuwoys & Mo #orax‘s â€" J) > parks Street: The principal Hotels and Saloons in the city, are noflA::p kdwithandmu‘co i Spring Water. it. Gisson R ~ke gents for Ottawa. Sz â€"vaz your Flannells for the Fall at once A largestock laid in ait old pricesâ€" â€" Arna®, McKiumnxoss & McMora®. ‘4) Sparks Street. Lt‘whm-:’h. itwo splendid Lots. l":‘ < stands. on mr.sum: also, a sptend ,.::....un--vo.n-h-y and ln:n-. one Kxpress wageon, a firdtâ€"class shanty horve, for solor ; one new lumber cirt, iron axleâ€"tree, and new harnees for cart _ _ _ _ | _ _ _ T ‘ Russell House and York ‘treets. | Uttawa, May 13. 18‘42 Leaves Kingston of faeedays and _ Fridays &t...3... ... . 3 O Uwiox Foawazbrto & Rairwar Co. Stage leaves Ottawi at 7 30 a. m. Stages arrive from Aylmer at 4.!)?. u. was~ Steamer "*Jessie Cassels‘ .ca Ayimer daily at 8.10 a m. ‘ N. B.â€"Tickets t» all points East and West can be had I-oln A. & A. 8. TAYLOR, Agents. Steamer "Louise," | de for Kingston ol::‘lomx‘y?.lnd ‘Fuuredays st.i.}........... MoxtasaL # Queen \lfl”fl.‘ Depart Arrive ( Learine Sale of Light Prints, at Ottawa. July 31. 172 popart Armve For fus Ottawn Sept 3, 1871 For Chenp Cottons, go to Arrax, M ns & MoYMora®‘s, :3) Sparks Street peparts, . 17. 00 â€"Arrives Fairy"‘â€" Leaves Ievery day at. . TRAVELL! INsSMITH WAATED, A1 once. Good |wages. Apply at . )% SALE St. !.Awnml& Ortawa Rarwar l.m. am. noou. orrawa Rivke Navioatio® Go 10CAD| NEW3 ther particular® call at CaNaA®A Arriv«::'..,.:. iA traxs §00 i~p Orawa Foawarpme Co Gupox & Co., Agents. 30 10.30 12.00 10. 1J 845 345 6 ‘¢xtikar Ramwar. m. _ p.m. In. 1.00 _ 4 30 .00 .m. puoi _ p.m. o0 240 _ 1.10 ENARISTE DORION, 1;:-_-. Rochestervilie, n 284 lun €c, P.‘o DORION‘% @7 2064 tf 3R‘3 GUIDE. corner 1958tf udn cessit ammer | for the r. No | pne in L here it ad one ply. p ents. tho chine ratism, y be ises of | t the J ; ta me Igin. o#ing g W. Scott ""’:“l v. Mr :na’:: arrett, Sueur ridge. edl. *b in | dod Rew . | d to act Each : now | Neott in gessity t :fe." on of t #r in Hon. 1 ers pleas abled ;:"‘ riGes.! that \the N. I.. cial | m the “ sy plensâ€"| uind & * *** [ if that in peoj on show Capt. | cise befo deep â€" 4 ': no with Tant ait . Th be sent t Foodâ€" expl of a . L nving | agpoint . e on o bs r. : M okal mer ‘" °P | 1. 2 them h»pel. m the e fact, hers d val. ) mgeung t was such uied mitee, c Relw. Vor. Florm1 Feat m’, a d@ircular & A)FI h dar i Ea to take p rterlyâ€"| object, â€" Lower srcish M s very |\ ‘ old at ‘th 01.. 7 30 4.00 1.00 4* [g to read aloud for halt an hour US | be breakfast every morning with a ty. cork between his front teeth. .Of rame | this did not cultivate his enuncia + tion 4 his words were euriously prono«nced *" i _ it strengthere?® the larynx and of , 1 ausl prevented his over exertion of by referring to that of a gentle & lnncdlyoxprlodn‘ no smile, and no emotional expression. Some s requie a small cork of the thickâ€" nees lof a litile finger, or the little finger i tobophart:otmthob-okmth durug the earlier exercises. We havre a i who, to improve bis voice for speakâ€" the | ng'othntbooouldnpqt'inm- lio the greatest of ease, and wi t $s at IJ exa How to Propuce a Goop Nots â€"To. proâ€" ducd a good nowe the singer should be in an yuromnq with his bead upright and his dere back, so as to allow the muy cles bf the chest and the larynx (that little box in the throat which we can feel with our ) to have free movement. His should be moderately open. His uhddlnm& of the lower teeth ; and his lips h have the position most easily exâ€" . May inquired whether there was g done towards the ‘erection of a ing for a High School. ‘The chairman â€"aid that the ground had purchaâ€"ed and plans submitted, but as yet no particulir plan hwi been adopt are PA kin Mr | Mr. Featherston was called to the chair, Rev. i. J. Borthwick, A M., request« to act as Secretary. Each member present explaingd to Mr. in strong langua, e the existing ne~ ity for such an institution in this secs of the Province. * s tion. Mr. Scott said he was glad to have pleasu;e of meeting such a numter of tleman so earaestly interested in edu~ ion. He was alâ€"o happy to assure them t the OUntario Goveroment takes a «becial interest in the education of all He thought it likely that the hole system of educa«tion will be brought diâ€"cu sion during the next nemooi the duty of grawing up a memoria id that interest would devolve upon him., people of the counties east of King» should then be prepared to lay their before the iegislature, setting forth wants plainly and forcibly, and he no doubt that the Government would t all reasonable demands. nt to all School Boards Rast of Kings® sent to all East of Kings explaining the object in view. _ A meeting favorable to the estallish ment of a Normsl School for the benefit teachers in Central Caneada was held in the City Hall yesterday afternoon. 1t was unfortunate that so few were aske@ to parâ€" icipate in a meeting of so important a . The meeting, however, was y of an informal nature, but it may, in doing something towards attaining object in view. All must admit the ity of two additional Nomimschooh the growing Province of Ontamo,:â€"fay in London for the Western peninsula one in ()ttawa for the Eastern +ection the Province. _ However perfect the Seakoitt or Waree x Carizto® Prace. â€"The great scarcity of spring water in Carleton Place during the summer has been a source of trouble and expenrse to almost every family in the village. The Mississippi River runs hardâ€" by, but the Caritonians entertain a horror of drinking river water. To obtain spring water it is necessary to blast to a greac depth through solid rock, and hence the fact that there are only a‘few wells in the village, the owners of which charge a cash rate per annun for the privilege of taking wator. lt will hardly be believed in this age of civiliz«tion, but it is nevertheless a fact that workmen panting with heat and thirst were recently refused a drink from a wel! a few weeks ago., The traveler over the arid desert would share his last pint with a fellow being, but in Carleton Pince a Christian athir=t begs in vain for a glass of water. ' machinery for lecal Board of Examiners may be made, they will still prove futile or the purposes of qualifying teachers for ir important professions. j © ta meetwng hbel i in the City Hall the f‘= #ing gentlemen were present : Hon. R. . Scott, M P.P., Rev. H. J. Borthwick, . Mr. Moore, Rev. Mr. May, kev. Mr. arrett, and Meesrs. ‘I horburn, McMillan, ur, Featherston, Pratt, and Eath» Musicar.â€"The U B.G A.‘Band will play on Parliament Square, this evening. The Band has now attained a degree of pro« ficiency that is a credit to the perseverâ€" ance of its members and to the corps to which it belonigs. . The, following proâ€" gramme will be performed :â€" s Uvertureâ€"Tancrediâ€" Rossini. . Galopâ€"Dufferinâ€"T. Blenning. .__ Waltzâ€"Blue Danubeâ€"Strauss. Quadrilleâ€"Village Festivalâ€"â€"Bonner. Selectionâ€"Belisarioâ€"Donizetti. Quickstepâ€"Medley â€"Riviere. & God Save the Queen. { Vocar axp Isstrcyextar Mosic.â€"Prof: G. 11. Tepke informs the public by adver. tisement in another column that be is prepared to receive pupils for irstruction in vocal and instrumental music. /This gentleman is possessed of superior musical talent and efficiency and we heartily adâ€" vise all persons wishing to take lessons in that line of accomplishment to call at Messrs. Nordheimer‘s Music Storercoms and effect arrangements. ‘ r. May explained that the ohject of | .),UUU FPleces Oof iimbet, oquir, w s to know, in the event of | made by Austin and Grabam during the itting a Norm«l school, whether it | Seasons of 1870 1 and 1871â€"2, now in the t not be câ€"rried on in the same build | Kiyer Madawask», on the way down, toâ€" with the High school ‘ _ | gether with all the Farm Stock and|Imâ€" ter tendering a vote of thanks to Hon. | plements and Lumbering material and Suott, the meeting adjourned supplies belonging to the business of| the ~I | l'bml sls of uil the sbote Ful iou abov be 39‘1’ and Brussels Carpets bl’nh':!nin a future advertisement, and now offered at from 10c to 20¢ fl'.a.. information may be u,nT-n vard under present vdue.'flmonwmw_“_m fls + spaty and Brussels Carpets now loffered at from 10c to 20¢ yard under greoent vfdne. requiring Carpets of an would go well to loo{ ugh the stock now shown by _ RUSSELL & WATSON â€" xtensivre stock of Woo! Car, in two and three ply ; alsoâ€" uper, which we are ofl'uing t season‘s prices. Call an ne. RUNSELL & WATSON‘3 A NEW NORMAL §CHUOOL Y ioi aalls 4 do.a‘tt â€" Perfect Dive. WORLL. The only T.ue wl Rerfect Dve. Hurmless, Reliable and lostantaneous; no dis w tment ; ao rhienious tints or onpleasant q'm“'« vae llu eftects t( h-lJynm ashgt uces IMMEDIATELY & .fi. ack & Naviai: Brown, and leares the in n moderate terms, a hslx- uantity of the,choicest GREE~HOU PIAN at the Manor House, Montevello, the k« dence of the late Honble. L, T. Papineau. Apply to | F. 8 McKAY, Esq., ETe PPPRCCCT MRRC PCOM MTRUUUUCU U, MBR JAMES CONRUY, to offer for sale by Public Auction, at the Union House, in the City of Ottawa, on o_ [Provare axo Seuzor ) Daly Street, Corner of Ottawa. PRINCIPAL .. . .MR. C. F. STREET, M.A Vacation ends on September !â€"â€"_â€"& 918. Un the (Ipeongo Branch of the Kivet Ma dawâ€"ska (known as Alexander F 1 Limit of License, No. 271 of t871â€"2) Area 34 square miles. ALSO, ABOUT I There will be solid by Public Augtion, at the City of Utu';ron WEDNESDAY, th.o 18th dty ol Sk l'-.BIR, 1873, the Timber Limit of Austin and Graiam FO.R SAum B_‘ LICENSE NO. 9, of 1871â€"72, . â€" Situated on Madawaska, in the Fownship ot Bigot, concess:on 123 and 4, containing about 144 squ=re miles and is oumtqu known as the Hilliird & Dickison Limit. The sale will take place immediately after the sale of the Auscin and Graham Limit. â€" | The subscriber has been favored with i i lnullr. James McCuan, to sell # Public Auction, at the Union House, in the City of Ottawa, on WED~ NESDAY, Sept., 18th, 1872 . FUMBLER LLMi Manufactured Timber and Lumâ€" berer‘s Supplies for salé by Public Auction. Terms and conditions will be made known at the time and place of sale. _ Terms and conditions will be: made known at time of sale. - FENHMBER LLMIT SALE Terms, one half cash, balance in three annupl &’mnu with 7 per cent interest. SALE TAKE PLACK AT 12 NOON. At same time and piace, Lot No. 10, East â€"1de Gloucester Street, Lower iown, being large, viz: 66 x 198. | THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1872, His residence and grounds attached, conâ€" sisting of about seven acres of excellent landâ€"under cultivation. The grounds are well stocked l‘v,ith Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Gra ines, Shrubbery, &o, An excellent nf:.-., good Outbunginp,, with all conveniences., ‘lMitle freehold . The undâ€"rsigned has been instructed t> sell at the Union House, in this city, on Wodne-d:{, September 18th, 1872, license No. 243, of 1871 2, on the Kiver Petewawa North Branch, and now in the possession of Allan Fraser, Esq. Area about ten square miles. .. a* Villa be idence on the Aylmer 4 .:l‘o # There will also be sold at the same time Licenses Nos. 2|4,0E;5 and 216, of fifty square miles each, the Keepawa, all ru timbered, and on which nothing has been cut. 1 Terms and condiions of sale mule known at the time of sale. Attached to these limits is a Splendil Farm, with a clearance of about One Hun dred Acres, and on which there is a large quantity of Hay, Oats, Potatoes, &c., be sides Pork, Flour and other supplies for the coming season‘s operations. | The Farm and each of the Licenses will be sold separat«ly, and Provisions at a valuation. » j Ur to _ ROBT. GILMOUR,; Un the premises. Montebello, Aug 26, 1872. _ 2061 12 Licenses Nos. 436 and 437, of ‘71â€"72, Du Moine and Black Rivers, Province of Queâ€" teo, 11} and 43} square miles respectively. Timber has been taken uff the Licenses only during three years, always reaches Quebec in one year, and comminds the highest price pud there. _ â€" _ JOHN FAIR, | _ | Accountant, Montreal,; Assignee of the Estate of W. W. A f A. R )WE, | Aucti & +4 Montreal. 30th July. 1872. tf | The pupils are requested to assemble in At the Union House, in this city, on the 18tb September, after the sale of the Ausâ€" tin and Graham limite. August 28th ATCHELOR‘S HALR DY® Ottawa, Aug. 21 5,000 Pieces of Timbet, Mirue®ary Cmurrszatio® ay Nonway â€" The Norwegians have been celebrating the thousandth anniversary of the union of the various petty States which comrowd Norway into one kingdom under Harald Harfager. This event occurred in 872, and the feie was celebrated on the 18th inst. in the little town of Hangesund, where Har. t any be required, on the lith. Mr. S. Blackburn has been appointed returning officer. e The subscriber has been instructed by The nomination‘of the candidlates for the Local Legislature in West Middlesex will take place at Mount Bryages on Tuesday, September 10th, and Hn polling, should Ottawa, Sept. 4y 1872 CADEYY FOR BOYS. IMIT SALE UCTION SALE UCTION SaLE LICENSE NO. 9, of 1871â€"72. A. RWE, Auctioneer. wa, Sept 4 1872. 2065 â€"OFâ€" TIMBER LIMITsS. BY A. ROWE, AUCTIONEER and conditions made known at A,. ROWE, Auctionéer. OWE 2060 BEING THUE OTTAW» TIMbs. SEPTEMBER 5, 1872. OF A A. ROWE Papineauville â€" Sold by all drug se is Auctioneer A. ROWE, Auctione or 2054td t 2005 | GQAND â€"TRUXK RAILWAY, ‘ sUMXM SR stnfln OF TRAINS 5 Rreat iecoleration of Speoed: |Poiman Palacs Cats now Ranuing on d | Day and Night Trains. j t B Rivers, | id abaaithants .".“%3.“*&.'@"4 P eet in i e 1 1 Rivitt qs hant, ho borg Riaibnnaprien do use T iver * | nm«c.’n&fl':‘n‘.': North Sea ship Canal, go and, the th‘ygi.. ment, '5:, anadian vernment, t N "the Cardif! Docks. the L m"‘"‘fi dee, .:db:,nhg. swelim Barrow, ".‘.fi.‘"""}. 5. ‘sow posed localities, and can be ‘deiivered in any part ‘the Cardiff D dee, Aberdec tol lndl .!:;z If the warkg On and after YOND +Â¥ Next, 5th JUONE, Trains will ieave Montreal as under Mail Train for Toronto sad Ioterâ€" . A Pullman (Car 1 be attached to the Through Trains b«tween Montreal and Riviere du Loup triâ€"weekly, vis. :~â€"From Moutrea on Tuesdays, Thursd:ys and Saturdsys â€" reâ€" turaing from Riviere Loup o: Hoahyp Wednesdays and F 8. C. BBYD(I‘%h jacbuk. Ojtawa, June 13, ‘"L ©1690t The subscribers beg to call the attention of ENGINEKRS, CONTRACTORS & oo PORATIONS To w EW Patent Dredge Plan m«liate hh l lilikv e css Day Express for Bb, se ces Night Express for to, at. . ... Mixed Train or Broc K6. . +. _ |_WIMO, Mbriyyxq , »+}+« e+rrr++« 6.00 pus A Pond, at :;lulflffl stopping » 90 a, Express for Quebec Riviere du LOUD, 86. ... . .0..4. .... ....++ 830 any Mail Train for Island| Pond, Port» land and Boston, at....,, .... 2.00 p.m Night Mail for Quebec, [s‘and Pond, Portland and Boston , ... . ....10.30 »m Dn:xnum& ‘The following gent‘e well known in musical _c‘i.rehl. contribute I “hclu.ou or Anthems to i : H m-r. L H Southard, C P Morrison, W Wheeler, N sarker, _ M Slason, H Tanner, C Guttersen, G g Monroe J H T.l{- C hman, . L W Baliard, 8 F Merrill, W P Dale, Utto Lobb, D MJ T) 8 Wesley Martin. . The Editors are _ | _. _ _ _ . While desizned to mv the wants of Chorus Choirs, Singing School Conventions, its large lupafly of new . Motets and Anthems, r it an exceilent Of whose former fnhlie*fiau. 1,500,000 copies have been soide . .. | ceud â€" & 8 °0K F0R QvARTE!TE CHOIRS. Are invited to exnmine our new collection of Church Music, enti Warranted to ::rl the mostâ€"straight or stifft _ hair _ in wary _ ringlets, or massive cur!s, if used according to direcâ€" tions. Money re ed it they fail to acâ€" câ€"mplish what i« above st.ted. $1 MCV Public notice is hereby given. that an l?nc.- tion will be made to ‘he Corporation of the Town ship of Nepean, to a 't’!;h' to authorize the closing n.ns.l'owll} up of that portiun of the old travelled road leadi iw St. Lours Da‘n, from the Concgssion Line which cro«ses the Eas: half of lot number forty, in the) first coucession, Ottawa front, of the Township of 3 oB;nAn. The above named i]y-l;'. will be introduced at a session of the Cou to be holdenin the Town Halt, Be‘wl.'- ‘h‘:";?nri Algtzn ob'eeloek ?. mM. on Thursâ€" day, September 19 72, where and when son whose land might be prejudicially Alo.m’ the proposed closing stopping up of said portion i of read will be Reaba O" * 0C And invite tlie attention of Buyers to their large and cérefully selected assortment of JAPAN, YOUNG RHYSON, GUNrOWDER, IÂ¥PERIA|, and TWANKAY TEASY, And BRANDIES,|GINS, RUMS. and the Finest Bmfiu of PORT, SHERRY, &c. 136 MeGILL S REET, MONTREAL Aug 2, 1872. 2038 | _ The largest and choicest assortment the city | | | _A T Have removed to t’:uir New Premises, beits Coronie s Smuke ILLIAM Tuwssulp UF NEPEAN es LCrockery ud Glasâ€"ware for hire at vers low rates. ‘ Lamps, Chitmnies, Wicks Burners «na Lamp , Fittings, Luops. repaired on the sLortest noti« B@"~ (joods|sent to any distance. Being lthe ole agents otf Mr. doOH _ MOON&Y, of |Prescots, manufic urer of l-hnhenjure. e ure prepired to supply the trade with â€" Nilk Pans Liquor Jars Molasses Jugs, _ Buiter Crocks, Preserve Jars, Spittoons, Drain Pipas, Stove Pipe Tubes, Chimney Tops and every size in Flower Pots made from designs by the best gardâ€" eners inntzf minion, at prices that will ensure y % LORD & KELLEY, . anufacturers Agents, â€" ___ 63| Sussex Street, Ottawa. 1 50 cents per bux}; full sett of three boxes Ad ireas *‘ Mclxtosn & Co., Wholesale Dealers Novelues, ville, Ont. Aug 21, 1872 | 2057 lyd&w Importers |of China, Glass, Earthâ€" _ _enware} Cutlery and Fancy o (Goods. WHOLESALE aND RETAIL, 63 sUssEX STREET, an 1 Lower Town Market. OTTaWA. Original patkages always on hind, «n i any ql_llu:‘lil.y f goodls to suit purchasers packed Uy a competent packer. | W HOL ES A L E f Tea, Wiine and Spirit Merchants, Lord & Kelley, h Douxmofiv BUILOING3," ° 136 McGILL STREET, 116 GREATEST BEAUTIFIER OF } THE AGE. j Ladies Magle Hair Curlers! ~HUxCH SERVICES AND ‘ PRAYER L. V. EME N, of Boston, H. R. PALMER, of Chicago, Aug 27, 1872, EMOVED. BJOKSâ€"New Lectionary OMAN CATNHOLIC Preyer Books | French and English. IBLESâ€"Fanjily, Pew and Pocket. SICAL PEOPLE EVERYWHERE By order of the|Council T H B S T A N D 4A R D. W. SIMONS & CO.. FOOTE & [0, F. W. HARx â€"R. Township Clerk No, 39, Sparks St, 205) im 1df Plant, 10.30, p.m o 0C K 4s P p A to be r ht | crthan ue mm 690t or ‘onqy Rev. J. 8. Leude: ntion of m"" °"".""" & opr.| . Committieoâ€"Mess + Torrance ; W. Lowis ; G" &. m 9.00 pm 11.00 a.m 6.00 a.m 2059 i &#~ COTTONS, in frh t mageisies us at the to $9 a week, mmtorerane abesrene d m’;° Lflâ€"AtOdd:hMlfl -G&Dmno- !flm- late‘y connected '3:‘.!‘,943 Re ?em 4th SEPTEMBER, 1872. Lady Principalâ€"Miss FurLe®, Asssstant Teachersâ€"Miss Hart Davies, Miss Sinclair, Miss Forster, Miss Humphrys. Professorsâ€" French, Monsieur Ami ; Gmrm (Rev.) M. Kaapke ; ; Drawing, Mr. mt aces on or to or or any of the Committee of Torrance ; W. Spragge ; G. P. Baker ; J, B. Lowis ; G° i. m&d;y. R. Wright ; A. C. Kelty _ Ottawa, Aug 17, 1872 2051 3m We have also on hand a complete stock of Cotâ€" tonas ols Hogee doteg d Pait ie Pss dmnntion en ienss Pas en paan Condament pap aulee We bal in ie ts Drawers, ( otton, Woolen and Silk,) Men‘s Silk :l.:r !hnnnnfiom%‘d‘:? ies on tat" Heman s ie en ne in the old 'm' o. All woolen suits m on the shortest possible/notiee frim Shood:fl Coats do â€" Pants all Wool Strigod and Plain do 0 Our Mwfi tment is mo complete th. mtm- secured the u:.t::cl .I:f‘gla.-: h use have roue wdeer al onl Ar the ciote wil O‘MEARA & CO, most respectfully to inform thobomfltbublh m-.u}fm they have now ready for lw« one of the En e m o e any m n‘;lhr. usual, and m‘l:::u nk vance on Woolen Goods, are prepared the old prices," All woolen suits made up to ordat Rm CH ANCE C 18789,. 6 0_ Large Importations Church of England Ladies School, | * THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT â€"Comprises the greatest variety of Cloths and i w““‘““"'m‘ if required, make all kinds of Sui ing An re ite accord to the latest Fashions. with * . , l respectfully mvite an Inspection of my Stock before purchasing elsewhere. &e., Re,d&e =_I o C 1 0 n | 0 . CfO 0 0 k 0 1, T F O XILLINEB‘Y-CompanG the latest Novelties of the Season, Hats, Bonnets, m :‘oeub‘n, Crapes, Velvets and Velreteens. French Corsets, Shawls and _: O‘MEARA & CO. ,o-ng-nm 1995â€"3m Committeoâ€"Messrs J. D. Slater; J. A. DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT a and heary 12 m::mh from ‘c.“to Zgof 200 We..ington Etreet, OTTTAW A. CLEARING SALE OF PRINTS, 4 invite an inspection of my Stock before pur Mhaflnudohllcin,&lmwiflbol‘onndhdhho%o] _ Uttawas, Sept. 2, 1872 Woollens, Dress Goods, Staffs, Kilks, Flann Prints, Cottons, Linen, Haberdashe ld":m}.l. Vz:xu, Fancy . Weol, Bhnkau,d'finflin ‘and Lace Gurt’ain-, Carpet?, BOARDING HOUSE KEEPER Has the honor of informing his friends and the public in general that he has made all tiev necemrg- repairs in the Store > , lately occupied by Messrs. Dufresne & McGarity, In which will always be found a complete assortment of Htaple and Fancy Dry Goods, Of the t:o:t"s_cbylu RN@r 4T ONE PRICEâ€"@@that must commend a © READY McDONNELL & MONGENAIS, They areoselling off their entire stock of Ottawe, Aug 80, 1872. EQUAL TO BRANDY. s‘ Outâ€"fitting White Shirts all sizes, (anoy irts wi Rl and Coloured and Fancy, and Shirts and ( otton, Woolen and ) Men‘s Silk CATAW BA ! ai, Melunsons & McMoran do do No.: 47 Sussex Street, W hite Cottons LIS§T OF DEPARTMENTS: 36 Inch Cotton P. CHENET: ool, > |~> §8 Which are Splendid V alue. HAaVE OX HAND A LARGE STOCK oF NKW FANCY AND STAPLE Fime and heavy, without dressing, at 12%c Allain, McKinnons & McMoran, - 20 SPARKS STREE] 8 50 2 50 1 50 in our Four or five good Tinsmiths and Plumbers. Good ”m w a t awonnwna ‘ Ottawa, July 18, 1872 _ Very fine. Fresh ground daily and roasted on the premises. PICOKL &mm‘dl’e-, " No. 1," in varioty . > Paris CorreE® Pors, Every house should have one. The above goods are the finest to be had in market, and a variety of others in stock, well worthy of trial, every satisfaction in using them. .A call solicited. For sale at > THOX. PATTERSON‘8. C 2 Rideau Stree Japans and Ganpowders, WAN TED IMMEDIATELY market, takes "3 waters," nobility in Britain. tere . ysed by the Coffees. Black Toas, The followingâ€" goods from the producers Ex N Teut, Lapt Marr T el Uhet on qprint ceoss Rnugs AXD CaROLISA. Jt is now am established facti you want any firstâ€" class Brandies or Wines and the best Family Groâ€" ceries, you must go to ) 0 1872. 12 doz SCOTCH _ MARMALADE, fresh ftrom the maker, try i. NO 5i. aeoue‘s fhet Phiean 10 4 PQKT WINB, for family use, 10 * gfidmxum&sfn 10 . sgemey | wine, vop, IRECT 1MPORTATIONS LIGHT PRINTS at reduced prices cases* SPARKLING MOSELLES, 64 m M qm" The finest ever offered in this No. 26, Rideau Street. CLARET, various brands, a few cases of the celebrated vintage of 1864, $22 a case, Always on hand. GUINNESSES PORTER. pts. Very fine, give them a trial. assortment, including alli the 1872 per yard 2061 2063 12 Giflfl Ale, mm ~ se o en o< knvuned Potash Water, ; HE SCHOOL YOR BOYS, Vichy Water, i m"&m’ ¢ § ater, â€" Carratraca Water. REV. G. JEMMETT, X. 4., Inglish Citrate, Maignesia, Selizer Salt, @%,m&wummpw. WILL RE ASSEMBLE ON y pire 2llith dam which will be carried on under the style and firm of A heary stock of Toa, also Coffee of the best quality and ground the premises. â€"A 1 t ‘ &-1 dmm and quality :-\';:;.oz‘ hand. _A fine lot of new Maple Syrup in hottles and nand. / line lot of new Maple in Mottles and -dntahnhh nuu.”{'flnm»m at MoDONELL & MONAEnAIS Through the hrmm t i rom eo citisens ::7.- l0 hmnh.:?:u::a us o o :d tation mfi.m-fi ennn:n'd linn':;o M%’umflum has been giver to goods suitab‘e f»r city business andfamily trade Tu UNDERSIGNED hn _ Hereby gives notice thit he hi taken China Waprechouse lmfldnuubl‘uhd as Wine Merchant at Tours, Indré et , France, having united the Wine Businers of thelate Mr. Alex. Campbell, Tours, with his own ; and being e-gun{y zr. Campbell‘s sule nm.h---{“ub- inues to export to America. l%- mmofiu countries, the fine wines of n&- pa.ts of France, inâ€" cluding the celebrated '.ros Vouvray, Mousâ€" seusz, btill and Sparkling te Wines, a variery of Clarets, such um-ofl. Chinon, Cham vin{, &o., &o , all war sound and standing travelâ€" ling well either in Cask or Bottied. M Câ€" D. also exports excellent A BRANDIES AND LIQULEURS. . Aug 16, 1872 4050 lawlm MILLINC& FLOUR : (= STOVES, _ HOUSEFURNISHING GOODS TIN, SHEET IRON, and _ . We would also respectfully request our customers who are indebted to us, to settle their sccounts at an early date, and verify the old adage, that # A friend in need is a friend indeed." In about a week our new stock will arâ€" rive, consisting of â€" Corner of Sussex and George Streets. A NEW AND COMPLE!E STOCK HAS BEEN ORDERED. . Alexander George, We beg to notify our numerous custom~ ers, that since the late fire, we have securâ€" ed temporary premises through the kind, ness of the Hon. JAS. SKEAD, at the Leaves Havelock f ‘ a Friday -o'r.nini“{ r?' :.'..'l.'.‘.: Noi Mevg ® R. 6. CASSELLS, President Ottawa, May 2, 1872 _ 960 _ @USSEX STRERT FIRE!:: _ British RHotel Barrack Buildings, Leaves Aylmer daily (Gundays excepted) at 8.%) a m., connecting with steamers to Boe“o Capitaine. The Steamer Sogda Water, cold as Ice, combined with Oltawa, August 13 The inauguration of the rew Convent and blessing of the Bell, will take place on Sunday, Ist September, at 4 o‘clock p.m. in the St. Andrew‘s Church, Sparks Street, by His Lordship the Bishop of Uttawa. The friends and patrons of l-ld‘ucation are cordially invited to attend. Ottawa, Aug 24, 1872. 2057 6 The School term opens on the FOURTH of SiTEMBER. * FoPterms arfi particulars, apply to the Lady Superior. They are now prepared to admit pupils as BOARDERS AND DAY SCOLARS. ODa WaATER, MINERAL WATERS, H. MEADOWS & Co., Corner of George and Sussex Sts Ottawa, Aug 2 1872. 2037 On Gloucester St., Upper Town, Ottawa, May 11, 1872 ~ * #apt. R.S. N;l“l“l? Leaves Montebello forOitawa on Mo: Saturdays at 0:3) a.m. Returning leave: 4 p.m same day. ;ml Express daily l‘rou’the office on The Steamer â€"=â€"_ eLEXANDRA Can be engaged for Towage of Timbe by applying to the Agent on the ® ba ine _nisters ol the "Congregation de i().ttl'oih]lza}me," beg to inform the public t ir . NEW CONVENT,. Ufi;nnfs â€"A Train every mourning (Sunda. Steamer (Queen } wa sime evening. Ottawa Cit treal at 6 j Capt. Bowir Tourists will QCEEN VICTORLS, PRIVCE OP W LES, 1872. _ _‘ 1872. oTTiAWA CITY To <MOXTRY%AL YOU.\‘G . L&ADIES #EMINARY TuE OTTAWA RIVER NAVI COMPANY. omnect at Lacl breakfast), ca A Branch of the The Steamer * Capital" Stove Depot: JNION FORWARDING AND RAIL | With thr wAY COMPANY. | Into partnership with him in the Ottawa, Aug. 21, 1872 H. McCORMICK & 8OX Market Steamer OW ISs THE TIME TO CALL The Sisters of the "( GRAIN BUSINESS, ww ard No. 66, Bussex Street. "JESYIE CASSELLS BIR JOHN YOUNG FAIRY, ALSO FIR SALE _ of the Villa Maria Esta ment from Montreil ) COPPER WARE, &c , &c A. CHR AÂ¥F Capt. H.W. Sgeracep find this a delightful Trip. unda 1872 H. MeCORMICK. from the * Arctic. by J H. W.8HEPHERT B if AT whar l PBIVATR LESSONS ast 'Ailbtrilofi dhr;ut- American us â€" _‘ _ % M. BOU: Commissioner of o . o Hohnq Conveyancers, i e for taking »flidavits to be used in the Province of Quebe:z, &c. Axors Morrsox, k M. W 5 W.H. Locknarrt Gorpox, Rost. C. Ju. Office on Elgin Street, opposite Russell House, fourth door from Sparks Ottawa, Aug 1, 1872 tf language, can secure the services of a teacher, who has the best of credentials this ugw(m ‘or terms and MA iss 100 _ ____ _ St. Patrick m Ottaws A‘g 2, 1872 The Worker is an en tirely new making a perfect guide, for so that noh;&gsfmfl‘& work as perfect a button hole with it, as the most ecxperienced Button hole maker|oan work wihout it. NOTRE DANME DU SACRE UR, Under the direction of the GKREY NUNS, * Rideau Street," The classes of this I will re. open on MUNDAY, 2nd » Â¥" . Ottawa, Aug 1, 1872. ' 1m2aw Buflux HOLE ii(grsu D BUTâ€" TOXN {IOLE WORKER. The purchaser euhutho-Tldfi M made up from the best class of . , |and mt as low, if not lower than at :a.v.m' house ;‘: Dominion; wholesule or retail. Accouiut Books adapted to every of bust ne#s; if not in #tock, ruled and bound ko pattern, on the shortest notice. Bookâ€"binding excouted ll: from the plainest and cheapest, to the Kuling, Perforating or numbering. and promptly attended to, m»d mi most Taies. Paper r=lou to any rn-n Mape mounted< Ali orders on the very shortest notic«. Ottawa, June 22, 1872 % 20046 The nndouig::lold is now p: to furnish Bridge Building and Frame Timber at short notice; aiso, Nos. X xx' Xxx' ”";_-V ntrintcadlh . Eparks Road, West End. ' WM. MAS JN. Ottawa, July 17. 1872 2@ YOUNG" LADIES RA APDYT | RIGAUD, COUNTY OF tHtook binder, Paperâ€"ruler and A ufmoturer, at the of the of ROBERTS® BLOC o respectfully call the of e ers and the public zenerally, to his e ve of l{ny Books, l:odpu. Cash Books J * N UTIcE 0I’I‘A\|'A{_lnll'l‘ STORE JAMES AN\ Mercharts‘ Bank Block, 8. Ottawa, Aug 2, 1872. 2038 good wheat growing land of Driven by Waterâ€"Runs Year, All in prime orderâ€"mostly new & adies desirous of taking lessons in the French UFFICES of the Con;ptny. Welli Ntreet, where orders for the a delivery of Goods will meet Wwith and eu-o%'l atterition. % Freight and Cariage will at the Company‘s Office, Welli Stre t, A. J. TAYLOR, 8St, Laqreu’:e& Omw* Rallw M All Points East and West on t Stre Ottawa, Aug 6. 1872. A MORTIMEK St. Johns Fredericton, Woodstock, Boston. BP Local Fickets over the Brockville & Ottawa Railwa: ‘maha, Salt Lake ( THROUGH COUPORN TICKE ttawa, 5th Feb 1872 4 awa, {th Feb., s P. 8. ENTRANCE BY ul: DOOR CANADA E%:"m GRAND â€" TRUN UNIONS, LASTINGS AND SERGES, WM. & HENRY FOSTEK, ORRISON, WELLS AND CASSELS, ttawa, April 6, 1872 TUTE A uMs DEPARTMENT rancisoo GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY FRKNCH LANGUAGE 11 P] DENHOLM, ENCLAND TIOKETâ€" OFFICE __ styles, 20 cents WHITE DRESS from $1.25 Carding W&/\~HE COLLARS, six diffierent HREE PLY ALL | LINEN TRADE MARK AT ; also, Shingies, Nos. X, Ottawa, 2nd August, 1672 {/land highly im ALE OR To LET Age p. Ci b, New (Jricans, Mobilé Detroljt, Mil Green Bay, St. !‘*l; n H W . K JORNBOR, Cannda Central ¢ VAUDRIEU e O e Who Fulli

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