* po., '-uu‘.:, ewsk y _ uy it Tâ€" 189 with 046 tm which only °* SHINGLES X »XX. XxXX. â€" Furnitare Repaired Neatly Alarge stock of the above t/ill be kept conâ€" Saatly on hand to sait purché sâ€"rs. P L A N ED LU MBER Kile .. Medway BUILDING AND bRIDGE TIMBER. w we a1oove, foels cunlided; of bsing «ble b&n‘on-nl satisfaction A \l:- maiy be left at glmUmo & s Music ~tore, Sparks Stireet, or at his ghhg Rudeau. Sireet, next door to _ K. B.â€"Farme.s from the Cuanty of Oarle le% can enter the mill yard by Broad Stroet. Opposite Brewory gate. â€" From Logwion Englatd, Piano Forte t-,_"‘m-hfl““wm aitiseas of â€" Jttaws anil vicinity, that be: his co amsace: the «bore business, aad is prop wred to d> all Kinids of ‘repairs 0n the in st ressonsbl« tetms, aod having wotkad for ta« prâ€"t 15 veirs voth in Eng lint an i the United <t:tes, at all branches . maadiere, Oct. 36, 1871 (CBBar roaxcrurs Thame«s ..... Edpâ€"tor .... And with J [ t@D ES P A T C H.â€"<4$ Wï¬%w;m e n in Medwâ€"y 2 lDll...... Sobtlund ...... ... And overy Tussdry |hereafter. Bates of Pussagsâ€"Qusbeo to Londouâ€" Cubin, $60. Strorage, $24. * # ~ Ruroagh tickets from all points West at rutes. Cortificutes | suâ€"d to persous ofâ€" brivging ° 04% tuelt trienis Kasada. _ Tarvugh Bills of Ladiag Imasda too contineant, aoi} in Lomloa for al prts of Juaada, and is tt= United States IP Ustroit, Mitwaukes, Chilago aud uthor poiots in she Wost. r Bc Frehtnt or Pasago allolv us Taninar * Freignt or Passag» -'u"ly to Temper: Uuewine Thcen balman eifnents “:.00.,00-0-0; or | * UUALON WaXx (£D. 1% % aged_Worisa; a, iiuacic * k’{,â€".‘-‘ï¬.- Composed of the following ot other first class {roo Stsammsaips : ~ ' SCOTLAND, NILE |â€" HEUTUR, NIG | MEDWAY TWEE ~ â€"‘ THAMEs, SE A _ ADALLA, TEVIQ . The steamets of this Line are intended to sil Weexly as follows duritg the season of savrigation ot 1872, to and fram |_Lomdon, Quebec and Montreal, (Cailing at Piymouth outwarl} for passengers and leaving that port every Eriday. 'mf»'u LONDON. #2 Hough Lumber Woll Seasoned, x and a Haif Octaire Pianos made Futl Jompasse. i prtrousge of the ptiblic is respect. soucited . t s, Jaly 26, 1872 | 2032 3m Ferouss; Gen. Reomeet® HRi s s T k aec uroo k ammer‘ s o it na & ... ds id qvery altâ€"ruate TUEsD4Y at 21clock, p. m. | The steamships * \llubrx’i * * " Pictou" to run regularly duting the season Pict a and Montreal, ?nnum «nd C en the down frips, as business te "£ 3uun‘s «in m TUpeba] \ The steamars of ‘.u..a.-nnm g.zorrâ€"aï¬n’:.& Dour .:.c“.: [ The Steel_suilt Paddle sStemtners *Secret" or * i i"«?luv-an-uu Pictou every eoterespien o. ts > g.:..chzhn .Vow-m Shed:ao. on the dp asd dow= wrips. _ . _ _ [ _ _ hy Rteam Commanigation between Monâ€" _ treal, Quebes, Fathes Point, Gaspe, Parce, Paspebiae, Dalhousie, Chatâ€" ham. Newsastle, mhellise, Charlottsâ€" town. Pictou and 8t. John‘s, N#4., and by Railway cotnsetions with 8t John, N B.. and Halifar, N. 8. Nteamship Company Ha U WA thet m o 8@ wl | itsdens London. Quesec, 1OF .... ........ . Wedursday, 2°n4 RODOEeé+ x <++rre c do _ 9b 5:' Mie «xvererierer+s do â€" Sth June Nh rereee srerrere * to 13 h E arrvcerses rr+s ,‘u 19th do Mc rcarrrses tlo _ #6th do lund ...... A... to _ 300 Jaly M w«k i2 .0s ci++ io loth de and . evers W ‘_thoremiter, FROM QUHI!. . m## ............ .Fugsiay, 4th Jub« K ~sxeusers.... © /J# m do 2. . #OOOPRERNLS Ho do 89 RIDEAU STREET FAQt June 17, 1872 » qver | DAVID sHAW, or to _ C. B CUsNISGHax, HE 1 3. 59 EN [ QUEBEC aND GUCLF PORrS Temporloy‘s Line, &. ROBERT, BUTCHILER pp voL Y NO 2074. And Montroal. MANXUFACTURERS . OÂ¥ of all descriptions. Hope and On‘s, Sparks street Next JOHN ROCHIISTER & Co RY ANT B. IIDW ARD®. 203%.1 m u'-indtor 4. i CK & CROMBIE, Ajents, Ottawa. Ho Ho = in o ied 18058t Howland, | vai. Et is pow in the :': who afe to dompose the + was oare and the st tor use it ME ald be in the hands » It is the ve L3 Jt | sepopranme | that Past.â€" 1 e (r Ne pioagie, in the Untaris Bank | _ Rad Bere adog ; ay® .‘: j B |.l=.:cli has | is Phace §1 00. | Cagital Song ! | "Tud avade Te it :t' cb l,::..n.‘w m’- 1 C# ; . Lm Meuirhan the tray Bifg. t ... dackinton 30 -L‘:E:u Nufaamaboan e r D Bosteu. CHAR g. pxrso! g.?o.. Tew Tork! 4 Plans and sp« may be seen on ber gext, at the De % at be also con . Plas the in (Gaspe o inchad seen at H & H of br. Rot I‘Be Vepartm t lowe Dep i ab Ray, Newfoandlan., dings at Cape is Plgns and i of all the works may mm~ ist septem ber gext, at the oftice of the Agent of the De % at Quebec, where forms of e also be obtained by intending con P the Light Houses and Buildâ€" i in (Gaspe uounty, and the Light :’ Kn:mn Point may also be seen|at the ottce of Joseph sden. E=q , For t Gasp Bay CUnpe Mag: Fort at Ot Mat: ME | N B‘x:‘? The area to be offered as Timbei very extensive. em»racing all unso d un icensed lands of the ‘‘:rown north of Huron and north of French River, west of the Indian Reserve on Lake Nipisâ€"ing, to the eastern boundary of ips of Aweres and Van P‘#fl“qijmmw ludool:na moukt Depustment 0 authofized to : of th overnr All|Bérths s tion with respe clausd of the C c@nses tor subjedt to the tivns‘! one mo payment. of b o semson. No Heductior for n ha Departo to grai P ci Berth h 3 A thip! show po d F # ve@ on th [ i. 0 The a Berth _ very un Is t ships, lesti at anâ€"area each of thirty six miles where the outlines are re ; each Township to be put up as o o and sold as such, and to be ad Dcputmontol&o"nlmdn, Toronto, Ist August, 1872 A Shie, by Public Auction, of Timber ont-Lm&acdhbHu‘m. and North of French will be held at the of crown Toronto, at tweilve, noon, on TUESDAY, the Fift «day of Ustober next. The Berthe to be bfiered for sale are projected Town. All of the newest designs for this season previogs to theâ€"advance in _‘mï¬ Frevig. of design and good tulug, will surâ€" pas ever in this city: _ a 1’ ourseives entirely to HOUSE RNES HLN 'onnï¬u.,n-.&‘o. attention to the wante car friends, give z&:‘m.u all who may Ju '“‘"‘7:‘.“ Yhan. 1. P July 13, 1874 0; EMERSON and W. 8. TILDEN E:Lm.:y. on examination, b; e D to be used at the great cu.“ ull-h“-d“wm to pose the choir. was by A and the be a ar tor use in.all masical soceties, be is the hands of all in audiencs at the 3‘“‘“"73.."%... hask and Chorusâ€"The Beautiful Days Pï¬mu , Gaspe ; an 1 for the Light Wacquereau Point, also at‘ the of .flouuiflqh.?.,fln&&:lo. partment does not bind 1 w t lowest or :{m P. MUTCH ELL, jim i of Marine and Fisheries. â€" of Marine ani Fuberies, 15th June, 1872. 2051 & WUORLD‘S PEACE JUBILEE BANQUE NATIUVNALE, he construction of F. Whittle, Labrador. of Metis, Rimoaski Cvunty. Islands, Magdalens. g Gaspe County. Saguenay County. 5t. P1ul, Charlevoix County, lespair, waspe County, The Hour of Singing, Ghorus Book. ENGLISR FAMILLES Enm j ABROAD. ‘ull be received at this Departmeni aw«, ‘up uo noon of MuNuaAY, e ber next, for the consiruction ht at the undermanmonad cannot imagine with what plaasure I look (DKi}t8 l S NNoy ol "na aodk Suge $ 198 TICE. _ Curtainsand Curtaia® M ornices and Cornice Pol. sssortment of House Flu'lhbi-p, NB t a HIGH SCHOOLS, ware in ng that they will store, J A -"1 i mmm MA L.ke Nipmsing an estimated 24 mile», thence due west to east angle o(\h‘lomh.p of person bidding the R, W. 8 0T°C, are for mle by mber Re _Material Poles, by & TD UI. K. P. l:l'll Trinity Coilege Toronto, P=ynciam gemoeesss" < € t ras «aik? ‘ve! of Augast prok Plaus sud specificativns to be â€"qhndmlfl. Mougior . o UWeusi@W, J oL. July 1 AMZdâ€" _ wik 0 ‘This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, a@d is warraated, and may positively vbe reâ€" lied upon to make a permauent gure of ali diseases of e Torcat, Laugs, Livter, Kidurys Digeetive Omngu.. 80., as well as Rerofuia the vrarious n Discasés, Humors, and ail pting the Thirs $ .!,go::-ipn-' @EQr 3 O . Further information, -"sf full dimctiuges fo: using the Great Souâ€"bonges Bomâ€"dy & Pills, ad containing Festtmounlals and Cort foute» of Jures, can be oDtaincd by secusin« the Preavs», the Han«: Bows, or the Alma«nac ane Jhreulare trowm suy rowpectable Drugy is: in tnâ€" D. antaionâ€" fre. PFrice o; Remedy in large Pini Hottics $1 00 trile per Som . ... s fl' slALlD'rB.\Dm 4 fulh-o.moll:homw R C.J stone Church, inepirew, L. wit o receive! the Rev. Mr iHougior, l’-::‘ Prest, until the sx sumply because toe Dumer0us valusble active edicinal vegetable ingredients, (rome of "Nol' '?."lll -.y-.’mhn,-nhn&o Jlnnrb x# Wild Oherry Po tophyiium, Juniper, Quassia, Smartwewd, Dandelion, u..-ou-'?.'.. Compound Extract or Colocyath, Juiap, Socu, trine Aloes, Capsicum, &0 , «¢,) which enter Into the composition of the combined medi cige, are such abd so hirmoniously classinted «nd compounded, that it is made the most searching curative in the known world, ans monot belp but sct on the system in % very satistactory and desirabl= manner. No matâ€" ter what your alimâ€"nt m«y be, or of how tony standing, it will fAnd the spot sud astonizh, you by the raptd mamner inâ€" which you tic restored to perfect health and full vigor. That the Ganat Suvegviess keweoy axo Pruus, of we emineut indian Medicine Man, Doctor LEWIS JOSEPHUS, of the Great Tribe af shoshone>s, British Columbia, is working the most marye»llous snd astonishing Curs the World has ever beard of, _ Never.in to nnals of Canadian Mulical History nas sor «u0câ€"sx sattended the intrâ€"fuction of > medicine beretnfore. . Eogese Rimmel, + t to H.8.A . th Princess of Walse ++ > d, 124 Regen: dtreet, and 44 )% \ v‘, . ; 11 Boglevar __â€" _ _ Patrontzed b{ all the world, Rlemâ€"l‘s ‘Thang+Ibaog, Vaods, Henns, Jockâ€"y Club, Fringipmoe, sud other perfumes of exquisite fragrance. kï¬l‘. Largnder Water, distilled fro Mitcham Flowers, _ Rimmei‘s Tollet Vinegar, celebrated for it u-'!nl and sanitary ‘properties . Bi.nme!‘s Extract of Lime J 10e and az cerine, the best prepuration for the especially in warm citimats. Prosclaim the Hlad Tidinzs hamd the snn g 2 y 2P ie W mâ€"-. the ‘‘anadian m the Nor h ‘m m'u&-rm the Cardiff Docks, the Harbours of Hartiepool. Dunâ€" l‘-l..' Aberd .:.&?‘[:.‘ Bu-IIvY l)mnuot’ Brisâ€" 0 sow marticu lar + .‘-:JM‘M -l.‘.h"“ign:i‘!n u.‘y"p.:t wos Ww. SIMONS & C0., l-dr-n .n sShipbuilders, Jude 14, yyy Chhh "I Tk» Ronfrom, Seurlaad. Harbours, Docks, Canais, B Rivers, .,'&:-lcu‘r d‘.pomdweulfrv:'-: to forty «uiun“uud E-u»vdndow.o-y. The Ilm"bd;wti* -‘wwu‘ ao‘:n‘:b'* lingford. treladd: the great \orth Sem ship Canal, ENGINErR3, CONTRACIORS & CORâ€" PORA MIONS TO chBlk NEW Paient Dredge Plant, Price $1.%; Per Doz $1350 F. 1.25 imen copice -?us.-uu.:u'ug presensd es iheifan "I fl commend Sparkt s S Cun) fory Saboath â€" somon, " pre iak, Mubles “-w.unq and Hoar of Singing, (1) for _OLLVER DITON & CJ , Boâ€"ton. cHaAs u. progiy §¢, PV ON,& CJ ) Boston. The following grnt 11 kn g&nh.omht.o"}u::,.-!io::onuuo:rn A e H K l)‘ivor. L H Southar1, C P W Wh cler, Nathae oa ker, M ; ? H Tanner, A C Gut‘ersen, @ M H s 4 F°C Cushian, L 3 F rl». W P vale. V te D MJ Manger, 8 Wesley 3 The Edi.o~» are L. U. EMERY )N, of Bostâ€"n, . H. R PALMER ot Chicago, Offha-w publications, 1,500,000 c _ Waile d igned to , Choirs, difiging ® «elloofeRm Are invited to i oft o.-".'.u‘... “.m'.‘!‘u no our new oollnï¬u Rimme!‘s V&.lot,jpu.l..n’,lloo,n‘:ofll < otlet Powders _ A liberal aliowace to shipâ€" € ITMIACNO Cat will be attached to the Through Traing between Wontreal and Riviere du Loap triâ€"wuekliy, vig :â€"From Montra on Tuesdays, Tharsd :ys and Saturdeys _ reâ€" turuing from #iviere du Loup or Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. 0. J. BRY DGES, Managing Dtrector, Ottawa, June 13, 1871 1690t Bimme!‘s Dugo g Oil Suap, perfuned with ustralian Eacaly ptus. ** Rimibel‘s Giycâ€"tine, Honey, Costame anc lq_\lvnchn, very amusing for B«lls an/ Usicat pBoguk EveErYwHERE TDUTCY se sae ssese ces .++. 5.00 pâ€"> Accommodation Train for island Pond, stopping at all Stations, at 7.00 a . Express for Quebes and Riviere du TGGDy K cksa ~srrer <+v irress ©.30 a.m Mail Train for Island Pond, Port. lana and Buston, at...... .... 2.00 p.in Night Mail for Qubec, Is and Pond, _ Portiand and Boston.........10 30 n m o.y:M Stations, at. ..,., . .. xpress for Torouto, at. ...... Night Express for Toronte, at. . .. , Mixed Train or Brockville at. . ._ On and after MONO â€" y Wext, 5th JUNXE, . Trains will teave Montreal se under K. B: P. LBEWiLs JUMMER SERVICE OF TRAIN3 Great teeolc:nâ€"(â€"lur of Speed: Willman Palace Cars ow Running on al â€"â€"â€" Dey ant Night Trams. Mail Train for Torouto ana A Pullman Car will bs GRAND IMÂ¥ELS CHOICE PERFUMES ; former publications, 1,500,0.0 copies hate ho elaprile topnly dhe, mons o Chore : ven of hew Sentoudhe, Motst: and "aetpaitt it an exce laut subscribers beg to call the attention of T H E 8 T A N D 4 &R D FoR QUARTEITE cHOIR~ m Irain for Brock TRUXK RAlLWAY, d, C P Morrison, ker, M Slason, en, @ M Monroe a, L W sal ard, t‘tto Lob>, 8 Wesley starin. interâ€" wn in musical or Anthems io +« 9.00 pm .,.11.00 a.m ..10.30 p.m U TLE w4y . 6.00 .m ‘and the U1 f Ap'm 3. 1 | § J RIZE C FONXTA TIQ JOAR, in Cagadaâ€"for sale and GUVT KEMEKDY* is recommendéed Ehlhn-,eou,w Lambs "l,“-c-doo.?h-,woa flm;n-um.mm â€'“‘.:Nh' &o., and is the dvost erfécâ€" uve ";&mhm:u these diseases. . For io dragguite. > CBa thes MajaiN, . _ | 83 Vietoria Souws . Montreal. * DR. BinNBAUWMS© RHEUMATISM and GUUT REMEDY* is recommended merits and given certiicutes to that erféct, mph-d::d can be obtained on appli Cation to undersigned or in tite Dominion. any drugg |xg TBNCK HAS §PUx EN. 1 émm wEpicar racdity or woyTR®: ie D-vid,: â€"UM ‘mm{fl&" Munro, tâ€" 104 Blmo.u. h;bflhrd, Leprohon, Besâ€" wey, McCall pompson and 1 o whom " DW BLink rOM S RHEUasA" |FISM med GOUT.KEEMEDY" has been sutuaitted for tmal, bave, with a rate disâ€" interestednecs :cknowledged its invaluable me bottle bas cnm:‘ Bronchitia, fifty mz;' #orth hes cured so ol« Stauding Cough,. It vositivrely cures Catacrh, Astbma, and Group, | Cifty cents‘ worth has anm Crick in . the Back, and thâ€" s«me quantity Lawme Back of | ight yoars‘ standid . It curss Swelled Neck, | Tamors, kbaumWtisw, Nellfalikia, Joutractioe § t the Musoics, Stiif Jornts, Sptu«l ‘ Difficalâ€" \u s, and Pain and 3yreness in any part, oo uatter where it may be,. yor from what cause t may arige, it always dues you good . | Ewentyâ€"fve cents‘ wortn has cured bad cuses | t Oprout;aud Blooty Dysentery. One temâ€" | ipounfal cures colic in 15 minutes It will sare any case of Pilcs thavit is impossible to ‘ue, . Six or eight applicatious is warrantes to ureauy case I Excotiated Nipples or Inâ€" O@umed Breast. For Bratses, it wpplfcd Oftâ€"u «ud boun! ap, thete i# ‘Gevet tho Blightes Aucoloration to the stin.‘ ‘It stops (the pain. of a Burn as so n sw appMed," Oun‘® Frosted Post, Boils, Warts, and Cors®, and: Wouna» 'qud.uipfluuh.whu. a â€" f * _. ..8. N. 1 BO0MaA8, Pocips @. Y. _ And NORTHROP a LYYUAN . Newoastle Terms Liberai, Selected, and Shipping @rders executed with care Te es Pn Shipping Orders expchted with gare Medallists and Jurors at all the Gréat : Exhibitions, 31, 83, 124 southampton Row, Pure Chemicalts and ~New Meditines Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. 4« Pain cannot ;-‘i'fll'ia used." It is the CHEAPEST ME DiOINE &vEL MADE, One doge cures commoa sore that or & (krprat botbl®s. ,..;gzup cuic co.); 0 _ cnnondoys t ths sow ..'b:u.:i:en aniversat celebrity it can searcely be dered a speciâ€" ality, its composition Aeing known to most Europeas priacutiuners. â€" »taoy of the Chloroâ€" dyneâ€" of commerce‘ bot being of anifort nnaï¬ has induced Morson, & Son to comâ€" ré their preparation. Sold in jâ€"oz J and ELATLN isâ€" of > unoinerpgmae «aume Qn}fluï¬:fl u‘:'hnm Bold in jâ€"ib All the ab »re are carefuily and to orders, 'ih:. must be made m hm HOMAS EXCELSAIOR BECLECTRIC OIL. cnroidby BQLE MANUFACTURERS; THOS. MORSsON 48 0N In good repair, by celebrated makers, on kand, from $100 to $250, © Terms liberal, > Pianos to Rent. Morson‘s Effectual â€" Remaciss Chickering‘s Pianos, | Bteinway‘s Pianos, | s | _ Dunham‘s Pianos/ | t * . Haine‘s Pianos, Mason & Hamlin‘s Organs, ' _ Prince & Co.‘s Organs. *LECHRICITY. A. & S, NORDHEIMER‘S Pianoâ€"Forte $ Music Warerooms | _ We are now prepated to ofer to the Farming Ceeam intty and to the trad ncom x 1 7 at hes not bwn giveg herâ€"tofore by any one in our iine of business -boln: ::v 'mp:l:-: the chiâ€"f part ot our Stoek, such es T4€A8, WINES and, BRA NDIBS enablâ€"s us o luce prices tarther, â€" We claim alreadv to bave bromght the enormons pr'afltc heretofore xlt}:x ï¬:: modâ€"rate tate. and trust in faturs to contizue so. * " I flnn:fl"'r:mvs\e:' ih_:‘ :gnon A?nn.:':'\..“l....ï¬,o I.P"Clfl_-ckc_lper, .'f' L mh. KO, 88 ZIDEAUY smm‘b %“%DAU&HEE‘ STREET, enwnmï¬i,; | s wholesale and Hetail Grocers Wine and‘ | . spirit Merchants. | We will guarantee that no one can sell the same articles cheaper, such UGARS,° TOBACCOS and GENERAL G<400RERIRS, also WINES and all Iquore. Cansélan Spirits, of _sbo ,b"',' Gesoription, always on hand at price wA SvtURVDAY. SEPIEMUMBER 14. 1s72 . Baskerville & Brothers, COMPLELIE ASSORTMENT OF '&.8 l&)&.wwm IN@TRUMENTS ALWAYS PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE, RUSSELL SQUARE, LUNDON, Worksâ€"Horusey and Homerton. Secondâ€"HMand Pianos, iall lots can be laid duwn. We care not for competition, @il our goods, ‘The economist will profit by calling to as. §@»~j UTICH, Secondâ€"hand PIAN(US and ORGANS taken in exchange. _ _ Just received.a large number of NEW and POPULAR MUSIC. Inspection invited {aâ€"i > * A. & S. NURDHEIMER. | â€" A. PEJERSEN, General Alau. Ottawa, April 8, 1872. f 1941 3m aolive. principle of ‘the ga ‘tric Jarce. ‘The S ertlib pal n this valuable mediâ€" cine restores :. n'umr‘fun;iou of ..ho stoâ€" much, :nvi-t:u more stren;th to the budy. In r‘owder, Lotenges. @lobules; and as Wine Trade Name and Murk registered. Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial. â€" P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHERS </4 £/ yA 26 SPARKS STREET, * O T T A W aA. f * 4 ' C Â¥taP & ‘? * > 4e C a 9 _: es “u u‘;;"\., PP9, "L. ,,t_‘Q C & inual â€" 20 :’\‘\ ‘1:?;‘%‘\\‘ : \ "? ‘ * },5‘ Z "t,;,: ‘l’: © asi/ ® e e se s f 4 \2©O io w anluh roge | . SE § s u"‘r:ruup-’d‘:’m application to the , Montreal. n . of. hn seA LOT QOFâ€"â€" This preparation js uncqualled in its rapis dity for sharpening and polisbing eutlery. Euble â€"and. pocket. knives,. msers, surgical lastruments, sbhocmakera® knices, . plane bits, whd chisclse, &¢, Nothing has ever been discovered which bas «pruag into popwarity mote quiakly or necome of so much value is ev«Ty housebo!d and worksbop for general usefaluess, Price 25 cents. sulected by Hor Majesty‘s ‘Royal Commis« -ï¬:;m i:, m:u;:â€w all other products, as the bost disinfoctant for the prevention of infeétious discascs. Price 38 conts. Victoria Sharpening and Polishâ€" ing Paste. arming Cereamintty and to the trade inducements _ano in our i1ne of business â€"being now ‘mportâ€" T&AS8, WINES and, BRA NDIBS, enablâ€"s us o dr »This Gargle is the most reliable and effiâ€"a. cious remedy in. all cases of sore throat, hoarseness, diptheria, bronchitis, irfitation uf the bronchisl tubcs so common in this changeable climate. ‘Asthma, . offensive breath, ulcerated zums and all diseases of the mouth. | For public speakersand singers :fl- jnvuluable < The inyredientd ontering nto this gargle sre used by all E:piel and for the cure of ‘the above ..:'E now, , the most. popular: in w eqpisien, ‘ Carbolic Disinfectant virtues of carbolic acid, which has been found by physicians everywhere to possess eurative qualities not discovered in any other chemi cal preparation. Price 25 cents, Victors Carbolic Gargary Smi. "This Saive is a rapid cure for all skin dis. emses, ¢uts, wounds, : bruises, burns, sores, ulcors, ringworm, tester, ecsema, scaid bead, scurvy, abscesses, boils, pimples, &c. It possesses all the clesnsing and healing \u‘E gmrm INVENTION OF THE . AG This toilet somp possesses all the well known antiseptic and disinfecting properties of carbolic acid, is agrecably scented, has a healthy attion on the skin, prevents irritaâ€" tion, removes the effects of perspiration, and sbould be regularly used by families. Cho lunLunullpox and fever patients slould be washed with this soap ; and its use by persons liable to infection will materially rirevent the spread of disease. ‘ Price 15 conts per tablet. | pH® o us VICEORL CHEMICA Co, "This Jeily is highly recommended to ladies &s a mostagreeable préparation for the torlet. For beautifying the complextion and renderâ€" ing the skin soft, white,: clear, ard free from dâ€"yness, it is uarivalled. It will: quickly remove all redness, rsughness; hnh,ï¬:eklu, pimples and 0 ther.imperfections, chap» rdhnuh, chillblains, frost: bites and sure ps, it cannot be surpessed. Brice 25 cents. Carbolic Toilet Soap. The following genuine preparations |are sold by all druggists: Be sure and ask tor the Victwria Preparations, and see that you get the m, & R ‘ * â€" VICTORIA Catbolated + Clycerine â€" J.ly. Bole proprietors and manufactnrers of the octebrated Victoria Carbolic Preparations,. Labority and Works, Victoria Hall, Malinda btr=et, Toronto, Ont. VICTORIA CARBOLIG O ALVHL. PATENTR. VICTORIA iys on hand at pn;. ae fowv:; , @ll we require is a trial given B Pur motto is light peofits, VICIORIA L & en oo ced tre ported Lewis; G A. Wicusteed ; W . is Wrigh A. C Kelty oT f "Otatte, Aug1T, 1872‘ 361 3m ‘Committeeâ€"Meisrs J. D. Slater ; J A. Torrance ; W. Spragge ; G. P. Buker ; J, B kev. J. 8. Lauder, Chairman ; Rev. H. Pollard, Secretary; W. K. Wright, Trea Application to be made t3 the Lady Prin. cipal, on the premises, or to ‘he ~ecretary or Chairman or any of the Committee of Management. | _ _ _ =_ O Professorsâ€" French, y Monsigur Aumi; Gertan, (Rer.) M. Kaapke; Drawing, Mr. orster. 200 We.ington Etreet â€" ~OTCTAWA.â€" bmcm SEPTEMBER, 1872 | Lady palâ€"Miss: FULL«R, 6 _ Asssstant Teachersâ€"Miss Hart Davies, Miss Sinclair, Miss Forster, iss Humphrys, Church ‘of England Ladies School, of our that we nave the largest, cheapest and bmnm-lmk nl.‘CIothb. Linens and Headyâ€" made C othing to be found in the city. Gentiemen from a.distance should call on . us when in Uttawa, and leave their measures from which they can order at ahy time. ‘ Messures will be taken without Wincey.shirting. We have a complete stock o Yontignnt Gotniting White Suirie ut ciews, rahay and Linen Hankerchiefs, Sitk, do., &0. °_ _ _ ‘-!Hmhw-w:""wb prices and quality Regatta Shirts with Collurs, White apd: Coloured fissercie Miule 1 en‘s bi Riasth Bedectaber‘s ds cBeckHes, Collats: Cotion _ ‘MEARA & O0., beg most respectfully to inform their c :ï¬â€œâ€™"fli‘ generally, that they huve now open ln:roouon une of the urgest best assorted stocks of Dry Goods ever mz into this city. . Having. pursnased two earlier, than usual, «and befv.s the iate adâ€" vance on Woolen Gouds, we ‘are prepdred to sell at the old .flu-. Ail woolensuits made up to order on the test possible notice fr m $10 UPW A kDs Our Tailering Department is more complete than usual, having secured the services of a.firstâ€"class Cutter. wentlemen may n.I{ on -u.n:g a good rit. Call and leave your orders at once. as the goods wil bolmy:o:‘.cut higher in a fei: _wook;.rll.:-r e ' i ‘l)gp.n.nn is to ound a Mx'h stock flc:n. ‘ants and Vosts. Sack Coats all Wool, §3 °00 .B O‘MEARA & CO. Large Importations Will execute all orders which we may be favoured with for putti Furna es, &¢, &o., &c. ree to it in time. We bave on hand the ELBUW ali in one piece: Call and see it, Also, Stove Pipe Elbows, T Pipes, Dumb Stoves, Gallows quanti y of Tinware, Lamps, Chimmeys, Coal Oil, Oil Cans, ar CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEsT, | For Cash. STOVES, STOVES, xo Ottawa, September 11, 1872 A Number of Practical 'l‘insniths iousteed ; W. is Wright ; oo ete reap it S'l‘ou;N UK STRAYED, . __._Un Suturday last from the pre mises of James Slack, Canal Basin, an ITALIAN GKkEY HOUND BLICH, heary with pu;a, she answers. to the name of "© Saipp. u‘flprnmw-uhum uu:s:.,m' be prosecuted according to Liw. us JAÂ¥E+i SLACK hand. A'.;a'as:â€"m'.‘mz‘â€"a: ttles and Prices to dely competitions 4 MoDUNELL & MON@EnAIRX to â€" hur ataale WLi uL '.'â€""-" ptnmetnle ns bras aie AAutrz:‘ drï¬.‘ml:“xm T quars o ues Gost breuds mnt quaity afoaph ie Depariment of Public Wor Ottawa, 7th Sept., 131:" All neces lant,â€" material and appliâ€" r.uou m-:’uhed' by the Uonm.,pl. .. Plaos and Speciticstions of the work to be performed can be seen at the office of the Superintendent 0: the Ottawa River Works, at Uuttawa, on and after FRIDAY, the 13th instant, where printed forms of tznd.u_dnd other information may be obtained. 4 “P::Eu hndnrinzto furnish wul.l.ll::.. résponsible persons toâ€" become security for the due pertormance i. Mn or, may Ottawa, Hept. 10,‘1872. ~ ~!~ 20694 ... Bealed Tenders addreed to the unâ€" dersigned and endored *Tender for Gatineau. Work," will be received at this office until MUNDAY, the Twenty Third day of September instant. at noon, fof the removal by dredging of a bank or bar obstructing the navigation on the northâ€" erly side of the Ga:ineau River, opposite to the Government Boom, about a mile from the mouth of the stream ‘ |N VtcE To CoNTRACTORS. O:tawas. May i1, 1872, J OW i8 TAE TIME TO CALp cp hina Waprechouse . _P, DORIoNw. (Higned), ce J : U 532‘ Y <5>£‘. a Yi0Q public in general it has causes putting up Stove Pl"yn. the celebrated FUNK Â¥. BRAUN, 2011 2012 8 + iPRICEâ€"3 CEN S Fal whoat, $140 de m-f-uwgl.w do l mi’rw:hm prfankes prauoss yalgn No. 2 do 28s 10 ts do i hm“'%om h. Lard, 12 to 15 otm. mb'.!hwuhr Honey, 15 to 20 do. g Powioes, 83c to 40c per bushel. Bwouish Purmips, 2)c. mz:l“ Omons, $1.50 to #1 T5 do, Celery, 4¥¢ to per dosz. Cabbuges, 5o to 100 each. Beem 25¢ to 30s per bushel, Appies per burrel, #6 50. home spun yarn, 9J¢ per ib. fln.'n-d.wwu.oodn,uo’. ae Wool 50 cts. w 64e per lb . Hay $14,0J per on 1yer‘raw, $5 ) to 5 50 """".“wtï¬wco. »uk. f Mess Pork, $16, Farmers‘ mess, $14 50 ao Prime mess, $13.00. s l-l:'-'hnmooumm;- 3 Do green, $10 . . do Bacon do _ $9 to 12 . do Bacott dry salted, $8 00 9 00 do Â¥1 caâ€"Rerail pmces. vouble exitra, $1.15 to 8.00 per § Exire, $1.50 10 #1. 15 do Ho.l.fl.?:“t;'l.w :: » Oun-nl,m #e.15 to 8.50 do Uraeled whe t, $7.00 to T 50 . Wheat meal, 47.00 do Cod ol 53 to 60 c« per gallon Call skins, 12 cte per is sheop poite 73 . ents each, Hides, ho. 1, #jc per ib, Buckwheat, 60to 65cts per bushei Sn in we oo _ & n-wnu:u un,"tom.' Fall wheat, $140 â€"â€"â€" â€" _ d Bran, 70 ote. No toilet table should be h out OOOUâ€"GLYUOEB Li NZ, 28 |. at per bottle ©00OCO GLYOERINE uflnm dandruf ©O0O(+GLYORRINE nol*rhh the hair Have you a severe wrench or sprain? B,/» you rhoumatism in sny form _ Have ygu stx, neck, o: bunches caused by rhenmatic t If so, Johnson‘s Anudyne Liviment is a speci. fic xemedy and.is alss the best pain 40 New ‘York, and 93 Oztord Street, Lon» Ton. ‘By sere aod oalf os MKS, WINSLOW‘8 sOOTHING 8 P Having tha fad itmile "I " Oartis & P «in on the outside wrapper: All others be scription of ons of the best #‘emale Phyjicians and Narsestn the United States, and bugt. usea for thiry ysars with pever fuiling safeey and success by millions ot m and children,#frem the toeble intant of wiek loto the mdult, 1t corrects acidity).1 the reach, relieves wind colic, & ar ooh,uflflmnï¬ boalth and & t other and child. e believe it besat" und surest rempedy in the world, in all casos of D+sentery and Viarchma io whether it arises trom teething, or any other causa. Full cirections s tor wiil accoompany each bottle. None genuine unioes the facmimile of CURTIS & PERKLIN® is on the outside wrappes. Buid by all denlers, 28 cents a bottle.. Gfice, 216 Fulton Newcmatie, Ont., propr or Canadea.! i id Pn ts es [ THIBTY YLKARN EXPERIENOE <1r AN OLD NUBSK. Arublan Heavre Remedy." .e ktow yee will be perfectly sutisted with the result. bea the nameé, and see thai the signature of Hurd & Co. is on euch packuge. Northrop & éys».‘ Gzrzar Coxortio® Muotorxnâ€"As a dita medicine for borses‘"Dariey‘s Conditio® Pow ders and Arabian Hoave Remedy® has ad equal Its effects in this respect are astontshing ; me ny horses that were supposed to be broken dows and aimost worthiess buve, by the use # a few packages, been reswored to a bem! an i sound condition, all truces of the discare v'n= scen w-g:uq removed, and havre #or for from tw $16 more than they woud pre 'buYnh“ brought; when you want # biorse medicine get "Dariey‘s Condition Pow and Ducks, AJc to 6uc. per couple. r-uthun loï¬s?p'.m. EKgg» 18 to 2) yer dosen. 5 ___!1 ‘.‘:.‘6; "“‘ Beef, $5 50 to 6 O per 100 bs Mutton, 12¢ per 1b Fowis, 60 w 80 per couple Tlurkeys, $1.50 to 1.60 e«ch. Geose, 65¢ w 15 ench Oxper axp Svereu.â€"In every branch & o}â€" tivationâ€"whether in the feld, the the vineyard or the garden, there must be «nd system to tnsure successful results, this truth is firmly established by actual Another great truth has also been establis .4 by the same means, which is: That as & preâ€" ventative medicin® «. . ..edicine tor wure of colds, coughs, rheumatism, and wamme complaints, the "Canadian Pain Des ," & the mostreliable. KFor saie by all and country dealers. i‘rice, 26 per bottle. ( This car» in puttiug 1p the Trovhosiis is portant as a seourity to the purchaser is ord to be sure of obtaining the genaine # i Bronchial Proches. en outsiae wTappe! uf buz, and private| Gorg ernment stimp attached to vach buX. The Truches are offered with the fullert confidence in their efficacy ; they uwh‘ thoroughtv tested and maintain the goou reputation they have justly acquired | Fu: Public Spoakers, Singors, Military y aud those who ovsrtazr the voios they are usâ€"ful in reffeving an frritateg ‘ , aud will render articulation easy. Being an le of true merit, and baving proved their «f by a tost or many years, each year Aods thom in new locelitics in various parts of the world. an | the Troches are universa!l}y proaoknced better than other articles. | + is +Ubtain only «Brown‘s Bronchial C#, and do not take any of the Worthless / a that may hs offerd ©Troog®e," so called, soid by the are & poor imitition aud nothiug like B NB BBUNCHIAL TBOCHES which are only in boxes with facâ€"umule of the JON L BRUWN & sSUN, and similar trouviles, if saffered to resalt in serious Puimonary, Brouch and Asthmatic affections, oftcutimas inou " BROUWN‘S BRKONCHIAL THUOCH are compounded so as io reach .unmnl tds seat of the dircasa and give almost ‘The proprietore ai Johuson‘s yae Liniment, Parsoc‘s Porgative Pills,, aud SBhertdan‘s Cavairy Condition Powders, have published a readsbie and tnstructive pama Phiet, which may be had freâ€" ab the etGres, mss, Wirsu w‘s B>urgine Svravr is the preâ€" BORE THKUAT, uuUGH, CULD, , $1.50 per 100 lbe, SPEIAL NOTICES. TBE MARKET, ao do do ds do € > 4 4