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Ottawa Times (1865), 14 Sep 1872, p. 4

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3, ©yimers, dd. 2, 104. EONâ€"LOMLUSTIBLE a KONâ€"COBRO tave 30 per ceut in fuel, ant steam treugh »uy lepgta of Piping c with the Fonâ€"cubduCIOt quite ury. ut h..m:«.mau*m !M’u-mh&xnmw a80 Uuuugbout Gnat Briinln, th. Bnuso aAGmuainty «oo aAmencss N Ldee hi uim 9 > 5 B, D.â€"11 saves 30 put cout oG the “c“fl,’“ stcmi 18 fuW rained The Wikk 1t wai vemsic the ouÂ¥ ty # pBbou, wuns ut savcb a imge yol «on Bui ue Latus ar ip Web t Works Trains on Ounaca Oentral and Porth B make ouftain connections with all wa B. & 0_ Baillway _ _ 75 i=. «ounections made at SBand Point Bteamers to aud from Pembroke, Portsg For, &4 s Â¥reignt loaded with despatch, and No Relpmen. WBcB 14 CBf lunds, a«ma 3:30 pm Hl"l‘ at 3:50 ving 8 Tr'? ‘rmiq :50 pam,, amt at Sand ' Poine as 9:45 pm ‘ lflv{ahâ€" Through yiawa Express at 3:20 p.m., InG | provent £ x;& mmuun‘h“-‘vnm ".“h vr progs, ftom aud (West, autving at Ottâ€"wa a 7:20 p m. 7| 1 sst * LEAYE OTiLAWA. | Through Wester» Express at 10:00 a.., ars| riving as Brockville at 150 p. ladf» connvcting with Wrund Trunk Dag Exâ€" going Bast ana West. ‘ :bqn- at4:30 p. m., at BmuckÂ¥iie at 9:35 p, m., and at |Sand Puint at B:10 p.m. Exprss at 6 p. m. arriving at Sand iPoint 9.45 pm. . & akkIVE AT SAND POLINTâ€"1:10| pm, | #:lo pu., and %15 p m | LKAVE SAn~D #ULNTâ€"6:00 1 m, #1:4| briAy B BitvKVILLE. Express at 800 aiu., airi¢ing at Ottai 100 p.w., s10 at Manu Point at Bots Oar!.b 00)p m| Hestand West| 1 ULUrent : Lrond Gunge i Oâ€"miertable Bota Cars ue No 1 & .;-,...._..4-......,_ j t” . Bure «on ctions witi «ll the Grand rugh tralus betb Eabit »10 Wost, ag this s Â¥* paibe walt thiir »rmval #ben isto. T w. Lty allowed at Preacott (Jus tuz for hq e Trams «re OL Mortreal tme, a 1Bu8 &k1 rOLU®, \|; ! Munug‘ug Dit. otot, ‘ Wholesue agputs, EVANS ME UU,, Monweal. lins to be obtai all the ~tmews druggists Ti wrm, Â¥. «»12 I SEame in ons y t w thousands from l ARILLA y + knewn rolioving da pair in the 24s the Great Restorer of .__} Side, Back and Head, Congbs, Colds, Sort It strikes ue roor of . MI Throat, Spraine, Brulses, cmpn:un through its power in toring Stomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, the oluod to a thy state. . f Powcl _ Complaints, Burn« ; 1t is a 4 remedy . for * t\dd-, Frost Bita« me, zous and Debility, all {di l &c., #&0. ot the Skin, Rheumastiem, ndiges 1uU8 CANADIAN PA1N DEStROYERR tion, Jaundice, Y, it Attes Has now buen before the public for a |« aatt tions, Chest laints, and alt er :( |of time and wherever used ts wall likeq, seases arising 1a umpure of the | uever failing in a single instance w give perâ€" Bloow. manent rolioi waen timely used, &0 we have Fut tor taking tUrea; | 29veF knowoa a single case of disatisfaction . \akth 6 accompany Botile, | There the directions have been property tolâ€" Fut tor taking Ureat â€"‘saltb i) accompany Bottle, and parchasers iInou}d be careful uf seeing thar DL NuaN‘$ Cuxm P=UND SY BUP oF SARsAi a aund uo Other, is gupplie Sota Car N@~L A RG & HATS, t I PEACOCE . Rideau street, U M The bizhest price pard {or PUFS The old relfabl}, quicaâ€"» and bost ; the shortust lita by Q mtes from Ot to Bre and ali pofuts '1!.0-‘.’”-&- [luall points Kust A4LTEBRATIQN OF RUNNING |Tixs AND I MONDAY, 1loth JUN® ()‘un.m rum as follows THE 8]‘, LAwBL& 16E OTTAWA _ RAanway. Brockville May 10. :871 MHONDAF, â€"MAY 20th, 1872 Trams wllâ€" run as {otiOws 1 B w an 3 16 643309 P 16 N C K No, ‘OMPOUNI) SYRUP OJ )UNUAN'B als, salle and uttema taila DiBub GLE tA Vib A |12 00 10 39 T 30)a m 2:00 ‘a m Ottaira 4,00|p m CA'b, and To O)taWa W vaicsk dguub. I' il’n'.&?.i ::'u 8 T aND B5 Bats, 1 lelact For es wil was @ T Exyres» tor ’nqd mu-r’ of steate mm wiet | 10 and> West 44 T\ trala _1lor Brock vilie, STRAaW â€"G tBI AlENL with H. ABBO M ML‘ J a Â¥3 o hew 918 3n | suus, ebQlie it i a bigt rmAuk io the list or * ouedivs tor ‘those complainte, Orders.are % | cumming trom Mculcine Dealers in all parta o ‘lts. | it cuamiry lot Lurther Supplies, and each tes: | «lyiuy as to the quiversal sstisfaction i e VE )ODs BWB KA W SAR clue B ouvuld any persun hbave reason to believe ‘ suak be Bas boou uouclÂ¥ud by buyiug <pUr0Us nudltabivue wi Lhose Mouichhes, be wik du «w sous umo, it a iollci, U the addresss at fJuul 0 p n ;\flun.uuomuu al m ugst Ol sik C. ule JD yoous,s), uue ul lhe duvuks ol lusituctious auicl tio allazcd w the saiuo, 1 proumic® bo ‘ â€"Amuutue lt, auu sc o 1epiy, elaling WDolhot 0 & & | .00 acrcuiciuos wt9 gouqils U6 .uuh, sy that i â€" syuimulUe e may epply W Uis poub itut GC * | wuuin me puigussct moth W L&AYQ uls 1Ouey ction 0 p a 1:4 bs | LGULT NQ,. |, 411 CUN Ottere, April J3 178 i pared axpressly lor the Paten. musme «688 n-mmo, Indis Rabber und Baf ~Leather * Kuite Boards. Knives constantly cleaned | with | it nave a brilliznt polish equal to new cuth I Pascks:s, 34. each ; and .Ju. 84., Us,, 2s fl, | anu 46. vach. s _ 1e msâ€"@1,.00 uash. beiatue secured by Aortgage in annuat instemuepte wilh atecest â€" \ â€"‘UB ied and White Flue Timber fifteen cents per proce. D ibodi t is turin in@uUF q400 bat will_be soid 7 @»iam. ¢ % _ Z4 Acres ol Guou Land J WILHiN uic dlicus ob aid4MUNL, avout OV Auce i ader iaiveuut Mixiste: of Public w orks», ans under thy pIVÂ¥isivhs otf the uo see. 4 the Act 4i ho..\;lp.:i_-llub.l'z * An actrespecting the Publie W orks of Canada." this baceuecucy has veen preased $# oraer, and it ul‘"mm&um totlbwnug rateot toll be, wuu \be mune is beibby . i. used dus aULDOTEed to be tevied aud culiected on Tuuber pmssing through Lhe uÂ¥grmment oude on the jnirer Dumuins that HIS â€"EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR Prevent friction in cleaning and injury to the knife. Qakey‘s Woeilington Knife Polish should be ased with the B«u?n We spe«® ttom siperience in this matier baving tested it «BurougBly, ana therâ€"fore guse who are suffering from sny of the com. mints tor whico it is recommenued@ may de. pouu Upus its being a Soverergu Rem»dy lue astumshiug effcayy of the C@nadia« ‘ wlb Distruyer, in curing the Disemses fo: | .uich it is recomwmenued, and its wondertus I uvuess in subouimy the torturinm pains 0‘ | GucGumetiaw, aud io reiloving Nervous Affer, 1 beg most respectiaily to scquaint the l , Ubik of tue British North American Proâ€" riuute thet in Muy lust 1 caused the business al 80 iAuiven Lane New York, for the sale of l uviluway‘s Pills and Qintment, which wer t â€", to Lust Uize propated by Willizm Brown, uuw uouresvu, w pe cluged. â€" These Medicincs | wore, l regiet t say, from WBAE bas iately sume to imy kuowlouge, sraie up of sach ver Aulumy inytvdienls as to (chder them _-I-o-‘ #uilDices, aud Lusrélote valcuiated to damage y guud Lsine,. June 10, 187% ‘or sleaning aad Sitver, Eleeto Prg Faare? 20. Pabictn 94. tach." . | On the recommendation of the Honorable the , Adill BUiA vuuiste and Utugyisls Why duBite to Ob ie bus sicuitiues uan bo. suppri0d mt ue wosee WBuicoaic piites 14 qualllitice ul uut see buse AIV worlk . (JOF â€" w@wivu fomiMiMuce ullse du sous 14 asÂ¥euC.)â€"VÂ¥i%, 38, "4., 448,, sunk 340. pos uuiek bviue ul Fills Of pule us orutamciny, uouk, witiOut diotuuls 1 uay® sue Louuk L 08, w ith giuat tcoputh A calancd -uu.o\vq e ons omare ns t < Has now buen betfore of tims and whereve uever failling in a sing manent rolisi waen tin gever knowa a singl where the directions i «wed, but on the cont with its operations, an tortns of its virtaes and We spesk trom sip baving tested it iBor buse who are suffering 1 wouusu ask, as & glosl layuur, that shous «4 Oullie W Lhs KuuWiouge ul auy persoun thai »puiipue umcuiclues afe uviuy made uf sold in «4y umiue, ho be pleased w souu M¢ all the yoilh uiate Lo cad uuilewt ccapuCtiDy the 5 i8kc, ue is 1w s9y, Luo usite auy #id use uf the youdut why 18 scil‘uy the upurivls wedu» Aued, ABU K; Wine tuo umiic tud addross Bs Houe. in ue Uuitcu Diécs, of clsewhe o, wulcd IMay is Â¥o cuppricd Uhew, s#0 _ tw ou» able imo, lut buo prvioutive of the public, W uslibuie ppuroudiuge ageiusl sliuh oviiâ€"dOofs, ud 1 cuyago tw fuuuctule Â¥ory D imusvancly 4y persumn wiu mey giye 1@ sutue iMucms wim, buo luiimmuby usiie LsvQq being C1 Â¥ w uggou (o¢ Bide, Back and Head, Congbs, Colde, Bo Throat, Spraine, Brulses, Crampe in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, Bowsl Qi)c'nnphilmi Burn« A.ddn, Frost Bita« dbu teprcsoutatlye ut wine will ever "trare uyugu auy part ol the British Erurinces, o ue bu ltow Dtates, with r to sell or to tak side Io fof y Eis aud Ointwent, and &4 ueÂ¥e . somsue bw belll Â¥o that attetmpte wili ver wvumbly be mace Ww douelÂ¥e e puuilt iL ue way Uy peisous Callliy | UPub revi¢ific is uttveey seigea) io plug iliuy tuel they at svaiug lut wo, auu with uy Auv#ficuge and «uuseut, 1 ucein it advisable 1Q put the publh vi Uhicit gusud agmilst aby such JeCopHivias, 1 must qaiucaliy cultvabali (Buse Why way wau Lhls auyeillecumcnt Lhat Uhcy Do plcasou us the pUuiG inlcfuss 10 «vidiuuluicat the pil pull of mo smine tw Lholf iflcuds thaÂ¥ they 10y ut bu uslimuued ol luslf wohey by purâ€" uasing Wuilliicss HinitaUivus Ol the §¥00LD quiveay‘s £llis auu VicUunekt, \ Jy cudand, «64 Â¥44, Qasate Wuok, u a adut 04, V tu IH®E PUPLIC OF THE BRITISH PBRO VINCES OÂ¥ NORTH AMEKICA, Asa family Remedy it is knewn rolloving thousan y 008 usine, luvse wuu do not wish to be ceceived by vuyltgz spurmtous mudicines, which are now iaciy be ommaumie from the States or ciseâ€" #uoio, DLL lw pOsec88 UiciugeiÂ¥es of the gunuâ€" e Houowey‘s i‘lils and Otntment will do woli Ww see Lhit euch put and bux bears the ofitise UuÂ¥efuimmcni stawp on which is one gravou too «01u8 "Hoilioway‘s Pulls «nd Vintâ€" weuy, and that the sdioss on the label is 533, Uxiuru"strot, Lungon, where only they are wmmuule turod, «hd‘ in ho Other part ‘of .the «uild, . Lhe ulail prices are on the labels is ostush curroucy, aBu upt in dollars and ceaw NACADIANPAIN PESTROYER YERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. u084 Wo Vap GENERAL IX CuUNCIL.* Tuesday, 2lst day of May, 1872. Cianxjizn FPain Destroyer never fiM!*« l wiceuiaite I. liOl, All medicine dealers t. _ Physicisns «rder and us it ; a d.uo wili bu «itaout it after unce trying it. e vuly twontyaAv cen(s per bottle, | AuuTuiROP & LÂ¥ iAN. | i in Ott wa uy H F Mc acthy, Joseph ’ ot, Jogu buibsrts, J P Fâ€" atherston, weo | nof, aud | l1 modicine dokier®. ‘. e en t 11 ‘ Remedv it is well and tavourably leving thousands from pain in the 4 EM FRC TCl entrary, all are delighteo , and speak in the hicheet and mastcal etffects. / [MIH Clerk Privy vouneil. «) a, 1@71 sustE ou#E» * _ Yer all of the above papess, [ Pssy id | Turms Offic., Welitug 0¢ .1s Agent r vae Ottawa limes. } es * _/ Kvening Mail. s * _ Courriae d Quraoucs, ' : : Mimerve, Montreal. ‘ PR t6 ’_m * U. DELESDERNIE The Subscribers have received a large sum for investment upon Farm Property and York steets, or to MURRISUN WELLS & UU., Toronto. No $1.80,. ....m«..«« ... FEB GALLOB. may be made to him therce between the hours of 7 a m and6p‘ m. Ottaws, May 4, 1878 . ]86Af Contractor, wishes to {nform the Wm‘d Pemerh Sbat BA had nERt an ofbcs in Melt® Dlook, Just Beceived H. M. RO W E S celebrated seandinavian .......»..... . . ._... JaDW ScRh AUGHOMG .rrcrre scressrisses G Wt IEVINE susccrre srrcriccrrrscces 90 AUBUMH ...... .20 sierrerreere++02 00 SATORUHKD. . s 2e c anrs. cors rerrsrres l‘;: UR . . c i%% cerrre asrere ofer arr SomudfhvIMt . s t ree arr ¢ee ce tkrr +i s s D0 MHIDORMCK L..222 rssere resseh io D And every succeeding Saturday. Rates of Passage from Quebec : CmDMe . .++ scrrrs caar c++ +BIULO BBO 4* _ } "__ Evening Mail. t _ Courriae d Quraouces, *t * _ Mmerve, Montreal. w4 4 _ bemaing. % «s & M”'am y ere., oto., oto. Contracts made tor advertsing in ¢ithe WM&NM Liverpool Londonderry and CGlasgow. The mrof the Liverpool Mail Line sailing from Liverpool every Thursday, and from Quebec every Saturday, calling uioch Fovle to receive on board, and land Mail and Passâ€"ngers to aod from Ireland and Scotland are 1ntended to be despatcued h_:,_Quooc: Calling at 8t. Jobn‘s, N. F. _ ts 0 __"_ FROM QUÂ¥BEOC. _ Jan.x;. i's‘?l Ottawsa, May 17, 1878. MUNTRtLAL â€" uUnAu STEAMSIHIP _ COMPANX. R@~All work warranted for one year, rand all kinds of repairing carefully and promptly done. s _ Daily pussenger sonnectiun at Torunto for Hamil tom, Montreal. and ail points cast and W est Te on es o PB OnECOCOOOR mol) The Italian Warehouse. J. M. C. DKLES DERNIERS _RA Â¥acior l‘alace Cars un Kailway, and Parior % Kooms on Mu::io. t Central i Agency, wcfil'“t‘.u 1Â¥' reet, T oronâ€" to» .yym-u ptations, City Hall an Un the arrival of the Steambome Express Train leaving Vity Hall Station, Toromio, at seven e‘alock, a. m Feigh “T‘ st% Foronto with Merchants‘ Lake. Vstame Line for tamiltou, Montreal, «0. _ CHANGOE OF SsAILIN e A very large amount of new and imâ€" proved machinery has lately been aded, and as the whole is driven by steam power (the only establishment so supplied in this section of country), we are in a itioc to produce work more pmmmf;u and cheaper than auy one elso.â€" _ Quickest and Cheapesr Route to Fort Garry and Northâ€" A. & A, H. Tt!m.* uLDAI ROLPR, Hussoli House, Northern EKailway, ‘The proprietors are practical workmen and give persoual superv.sion to ail work. __ Ottawa, March 25, 1872 191 :« Cumberland, ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS, Which in point of finish and durability, are not surpassed in any market. NORTHEKRN RAILWAY OF CANADA., Calling at Owen Sound, Bruce Mines, Sault Ste. Marie, Michipicoton, Nipi« gon, Silver lslet, Prince Arthur‘s This iprises following masnificent !_!u-&.u:...'u-n- c.':'u. Blow W waek â€"STRiâ€" L1871; BULK AND CAN LEAVING COLLINGWOOD Evertr Tursoar a«p> Fripay, At this establishment will be found on hand, or made to order, the latest and most approved «tyles of . Coacaes, Carnages, Omaibusses, Collingwood, Fort William and Duluth, LAKE . SUPERIOR Royat Mail Line Carriage and SNleigh FACTORY, RIDXK4U STREET, OTTAW., #. : Stockdsle, Brother & o 1872. * TTAWA STEAYX Muver lslet, Prince Arth m'm. and Intermediate Ports. oYsTERS, wishes to {nform oo Ramei ds l form the Inhabltants of TV Lua®. BUMMER SERVIC E, Chicera, PROPRIETORS COMWENCED ~~~~~ BETWEEN â€"py4 Apply to J, M. Franois Smith, l..:-....m YSTEEKS® ‘ 1871 1877 1?72 10 10 24 viJ No i« The above discovery nas gained for Proâ€" fessor Harmau a Silver Prisc ~edai at the Interâ€"Colonial | Kxhibition of Victorla, Aus tralia, of 1866 besidâ€" s numerous Destimoniais aAgents for Utta®aâ€"Jogept Kevauagh,; Groce: Weilington~st.; Joun Hill Tea Prot Ridesuâ€" st,; slocombe & dotevens Sign of the 3ugat Luaf, oorI-: ; ~for New udinbarge J. W» Procipe & 00. ; for Aytmer, Mr. N. o«::‘;:wum bovel the Canagisn Provinces; ase J, J.:lb. 6 for use on each Packet. Masuracturyâ€"Gravel Lane Hounudsditch, City of Lundon, Euginna . 1 VERMIN DESTROYER, \ Which is known to be Far Superiot to anythin ever yot Disâ€" For killing Rate, :hu. Insects on Poultr» or Ants, Bugs Cockros hes, Ilnklozn,l'les on Dogs, Blight and insects on Plants, Mothé to Furâ€" Tick or Scab ou Sheâ€"p or. Goate ; also on vattle, &0., &c., in leas than Ten Mifktes, Bold in Packetsâ€"35 cte. per Packet ; or Siz mhouwu,mr The Powder ie wartantud ‘free from all bac swell, and 'ul:\ ep in any Climate, (1t may be spread anywhere without risk. as it is quit harmives to Qats or Dogys, ag they will no! eat it Homaso Physician, purgeon & Ac couchér: mw.«-um stroet. > Offic uvure frow 9 tJ 11 » w., and 3 to 4 p.m. PROF. â€" HKERMAN‘S Weé¥Z" Special attention given to disease 14 n--\mu.fifi' tha ~tarmm. 1783 530 Froight and Cartage Agency This Swing nay bol'l;l in operation at the Cansda Ceutral Hotel, No 120 Susger btregt lndu!lo.s.BLP“flckuumt:.\â€"* . L. A: CGRI80 O9tf : Sole Agent for Ottawa Mgfohl of E. LaVIGNE, i (Quebec.) r" | i ’ © This now gwing a vohtains the mo ~ * 1 . NP tive power in itâ€" " Pa $ 3 sulf, requiring n> ‘W J 104 external impal. |__, _ & .f‘f"'_'? sion to drive it, «... bo/ <<aa and in it persons . *<~AB\ * «t induiging in that . <â€" K; s agrecable e&ers ~ * ~ S â€" cise are exposed to no accident or danger, Ladies perticularly can enjoy themselveson this Swing | without having to gonfend with agy of the incomveniences met with in ord} uary Swing« ~ C " *** s : .0 Pateat Swing, L. signed in vites the public to examine the ".* +0 OrLAWEK. Ottawa, septemocr 6, 1870 > 445518 FENHE Underâ€" btsrandity <flin? 3 amdintives taie Act scatedbith tnuay Th as 4 No Gaivani« Beits are genuine but thos pearing the fao simileof M. Puivermacher signature ou the label, p “l'.n:l. particulars may be had from the Sole D 1 A. CHRISTIE & Co., DBUGuIST3, . A t coun: tal} 4 pe‘ va n "the Brug Stove 9F a. Vmiag Sparks Streot. J. L. «PULVERMACHER, 418. N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciat _ Bbeamatic . Nourmigiu, and Gouty Pai‘® Local Par» lysis, Crumyp, &c0., 188. to 2** ana 408 â€" B CHAIN BANDS for 1 umbago Indigestio Liver, Chest, and Ruuctivnal Disufde». &u., (wourh , 42» w 408 and 55. g CHAaIN BANDs for Writers sram, Trowblitg, Netvousness, &., 22s to 40â€" and 400 B CUMBiNED OHAIN BAND tor van. Puralysts, Epitepsy, General Debilit Functiona: Disoraurs, &¢., 308 to 508 & comipicte Set of CUMBINED UHAL: BaNV8,BELT3S, ana CHALN BATTERBY for restoring vitaloencergy, £5 to £7. The publicare must earnestly caurioned & be ware D:: Pssuuo Electric Boits advertised b; «btum *ore, &u., tor "”"3" purposes «100 su severely stigmatized by Vice Ohancel: lor Maiing nflm -njt l’; ve Ham wond, alias Henry alias 0. T, taphey M. B. O. 8, alins go::?m-,u,' ac. These facts appeal to the good sense ofevery suflerer to avail himself of this scientific An curative progress, to which the inventor ha‘ devoted & lifeâ€"time of study and labour, a an ardent deciple of that great benefactor o aPouTam® SOTICE. mankind, the> late illustrions. electriciac Mionam, Famaoy. » t PULYEKMACHER‘S ME DICOâ€"GALYANâ€" IC CHAINS are exceedingly effective withow the aid of medicine, restriction of diet, or th lcast derangement of the patient‘s habits anc duily occupations, un:. following maladies Bhoumatism Complaints Gout 0:;.001 * $ Sciaticn Cramp Lumbago . Sluggish Circulation Nema!gin Urinary Disorders Head and ‘Tuothache Paralysis Liver Complaints Epilepsy Tic Doloreut | Nervous Debility Indigestion Functivnal Disorders Deafuess * #¢., &c. Spasms | V . , 8In EKNBY HOLLAND, M,I,l.),l' < =IB WM,.FERGUSSON, Bart., i. R. 8. / EDW1. H. SIEKYEAING, M. D., MR.C.8 t bli J BANALD MARTIN. F. R. C.8." i ULVEAMACHAER‘S SYX8TEM is also ap .iUv« of by an official report of the Aca 4 + i. de Medicine, Paris, Royal College « Physiciang, London, and the Imperial Facul ty of Vieupa, and its curative virtues are con. firmed by thousands of privatetestimonials of cureseffected. (Bee pampblet gratis). s The effects of the application of Pulver macher‘s Chaing in any of the above disorden is immediately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pair instantaneous. PRICEK LIibT OF® PULYVERMACHER*® CHAIN BANDE AND BATTERIES. B. CHaAIN BANDS for Neryous Deafmes Head, Tooth, and #u0e Asche,and Noise» in the Heas, 218. tc 308. B, UHAIN BAWDS for logs of Volce anâ€" other affoctiun» of the Throat, 10s. 64. 1 N.Bâ€"Thefollowing teetimony from tb elito of the English medieal taculty has bee received " We, the undersigned, have much ples "#eure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Pourm " wacksa‘s recent improvements in his Voltab " Batteriee and uslvenic Appliances to: " Medical Purposes ars of great importance t« " Bcientific Medicine, and that be is entitlec " to the congideration and support of ever; " one disposed to further the advancement of " real and useful progtess, " Dated the 9th day of Marcb, 1866. t EIR CHABLES3 LOCOCK, Bart., M. D., t forcibly t)omnr to this tuvent on as th embryo of a iniversal mmedy. _ 4 tremely efficacious in a mild continuous form on shock or nrpleasant seneation being exâ€"~ perienced, wherâ€"by 1t becomes a trué fountain of health snd vigour, speedily soothing agonising psins, reâ€"animating torpid limbs, reviving the| sluggish functions 0f life, and rmparting tenewe*, onergy and vitality t constitutions entferbled ty whatever cause Medicines and their deloterioue consequence are thus entirely dispensed with The dail incressing mumber ‘of cures effected . b PULYEbMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GALVAN I0 SYSTEM is â€"o extensiv« and \arlâ€"d, tha _ _ PULVERMAUHERS PATENT GALVANIC _ OHaINâ€"BANDS8, BELTS8 AND POCKET BATTEBIES These highly improved tnventions ‘render Electricity perfâ€"ctly selfâ€"applicable, and exâ€" ANADA _ NTBAL BAILWAY R. 10GAN; ALECTKLOUTY 1s LLFB FEWL Yâ€"DI80OYÂ¥ERED Galvanic/Eytabiishmen :, 200 Regent Street, London, W Wownuianagentineâ€" ery couuty. «* Miret come, jirst served." ‘0:. qm;:h- $170 in 11 deys. Addreas son River Oe. so ipmalo, oct. or New York. !fl WSEX & owasl an ad i ( â€" ¢ § _ 3 . & . i | h : [Â¥ . TB i Aâ€" (eeâ€" " 4 sls ,.: e ( ul * Eitef Y [ tal -'.-.:" 5‘?’; yecy ‘"f E+ 1‘-,?33' **> molocldolt’otâ€", A. I.A'WA 'P IM ES nd exrenses 161 1y F. R.C.P that about three ygars ago J ‘became affiicted with Bronchitis, which lasted about eighteen months, the want ot breath that it weas difficult tor me to w in tha"might time frequently the clothes off and raising in the bed â€"to keep from â€"vtrangling. I tried three of the most eminent physicians in the Oounty »f Northumbeér{and for about a year, without receiving any benefit,in fact I coutingrd getâ€" SHing worse all the time. : At isst 1 was adâ€" vised to try the Great Shoshoneer Remedy. 1 bought a bottle and took it and when it was about finished I began to feel a little better Loontinued to use it until I bad taken three bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I founc that I was as well as ever I had been previâ€" ous to my iliness and have been so evor ::‘l.:--lll'--ugoisn ile AND DUES NOT SOIL THE S8KIN. JOHN emnn,,’; CHEMIS‘! Restores Grey Hair to its Natural Color 0R SALE, l::gsns.’ GABRIEL remodel on their im proved system, and at a moderate cost, Artifiâ€" cial Teoth ui;;u.a by other dentists which har not pre satisfactory to the wonrer. A OHBISTIE &Â¥0., ustas GABRIELS > &P” bs F ill directiqns for use enclosed in each box IMPOBTANT TO BESIDENUS ABROAL Parties at a distance may have Artificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Messts. Gabriel‘s ne« system, on sending parâ€" ticulars ofthâ€"ir cases, with s remittance of Ten Shillings, when the apparatus for taking a model 0t the mouth wili be forwarded with all necersary instructions Wivea, Oue 97. Ter: GABRIEL‘s iABBIEL 4 44B MESSRs Cure otf Bronchitis T C. BROWN Rpiscopal Metnixtist Minister [ O8STEOâ€"ENAM EL PIN ~ ' warranted to remain white anc fArm‘se the Tooth itself. This { beautifrul preparati~~ . ... O3BALITE 100TAH PASTE tot eieansmin: and mproving | 4a0 Teoth .mparte «a nsturil ifadnnuothvaun, and ‘qm | Orilliancy to the Enatmel: Pric t 1s. ea. s a QDONTALGIQUE ELiXIG This celebrated Mouth Wash is anost reftreshing, it strengthone the gums, eradicates tartar and all injurious secration . awa â€"n: tbe%&h and for cleanaing ar. the breath, and for cleansing ar» tificial teeth is itivaluable: from> <av of without injorie jo0‘h, and forms a tem stopping. Price lse 1j¢ â€" * 30 NLQ 3EDADENT"® 0 B c UB? : Toothache. pu““u"rm m.l.a ‘. \iry ap marvellon «. its eflocts, gites immediate <a\of without ininrine th. Mediacasr JOHN SILYER. F‘mlp- is to certify YCRLD] 4y BILLINGES, Jr., Architect, es :# « Beil‘s Blook,!' B_n'.‘. Aurzaswoss.â€"H Adsims, Hey, a.chitect, Phil uts.u Ehos Fuller, Esq, Architect, u“i DrJ A dran;, Â¥ P., Jitaws , Thos Keypolds, dunaging Director 0. & 6t. LeR, A. T4 L* P Provincial Land survsyor and Drangbteman COmwisgivned for the Provinors of Queber 2d Qutario. â€" The Sammer running srrang ment wil come iuto operation sbont the 1s. of Juns, 0: which dae potice will be given. C J BUYDGES, ~| (i ng Director . IM&DQI. Aoril m..ul:l‘»‘ TT3 0 On and after MON) : 1 nert, the ist 0 MAY, it is intendeG : n the Pollma Palace Cars through « m Montreal sm Sarnia. One of these m _ i seat coaches wil be attached to each Day us r: trainleaving Montreal for Toronto, and i 11 through t hrfi,r::n. Drawing Ro n <nd Sleeping Oar, will also be on ati shed to each Day Express fro... Toronto to Mc trea!* EAST END SAPPER IDGE. R@y*Near Sapper‘s Bridge. Jenny Lind betisteade..$3 00, formerly $3 50 CJommon Bedstemds... 2 25, # 2 50 Common Chairs...... 40 and upwards Complete Bedroomâ€"Bets for $10 50 and up. wards, consisting of six pieces. Parior Sets in Hair Cloth, Btuck Walnut Sideâ€" boards, Bureaus, Washstands,.Centre Tablâ€"# Bide Tables, and a great ruriety of caue chair at equally low prices. GREAT REKDUCTIUN IN FURNITURE â€"Arâ€" . _ ROWE & ANNABLE‘S, Jttewa Dac 12. 18 1 Furnished or Unfurnished. The lowest rent la the City. .This establishment is too wel! known to â€"require any comments upon its merits. Upwards of 200 Merchantsand others dine daily in the Restaurant. . The Proprietor is ouly relinguishing it on account of assum» ing the Superintendence of his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United States. Address * GUISEPPE M. GIARELLL, N. B.â€"The Bar can be readily let f â€" $200 per month, . montreal, March 2. 1871. BOTEL RESTAURANT AXND BAR and Eigin streets.â€" â€" _ 17607 ~â€" â€" N.B.â€"The financial position of the Royal s in no way aftected by the recent Fire at Chigago, the Company having no Agent doing busmess in that city. N RAKD TRUSA lables of Rates, Proposal Forms and tui information can be obtained on application o the undersigned. U dl"lBE DEPARTMENT. . All . descriptions of pr y insurea »gainst Loss or Damage tla;o F:: at moder ‘.“IM tl tied without refer k promptly settied wi t ence to the Home Uffice. f ; LIFE DEFARTMENT. Assurances on L« ves granted on favorable terms, and. unquestonable securit; _ is &ted wt!o policy ho;deu. Besides the ge paid up capital of the Company, as surers have additional security in ‘ the UNLIMITED LILaBILITY of a Wealthy Proprietary. CAFITAL.. ............ .. .. $£10,000,00u ANNUAL INCOME, over.. ... â€" 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over. . . . _ 9,500,0¢ SPHCIAL LIFE AsSURANCE FUXD.:;..:.............,.. 6,608,#i There having been added $736,200 to the Life Fund as a result of the business of the past year. mgut to the pine trees sh» i to the applicant tendering, »« i bhighest amount per sore ove, _ fifty cents, B, W ScuUt, Should the owners of patented lands, or purchasers of lands (the sales of which are being carried out) fail to apply for, and scquire the right to the pine irees on such lands, within six months from the date of this notice; or purchasers of lands after this date decline at the time of application to fiunchue. to spply for and acquire the right to the pine es on the lands apâ€" plied for, the pioe trees on such lands will be disposed of by the Department of Crown Lands to persons making applica tlon therefor at the rate of fifty cents per acre; but should there be mure than one application tor any spice, 6 _ o~slity. the ~NDRXIT URE, FUKNITUR E. August 3rd, 1872. _ : [{‘OYAL INSUEANCE OOMPANY, Sf FIRE and LIFK OHRISTIE, Commusrion Merchant as4 General Agont. Sole agent for Read : wines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" !Q'!.'!‘.’!!';__"‘JA Nour, &io., for saie N oriCs. Derarraent or Czows Laxps, Toronto, 25th of July, 18 72. Under an Order in Council paseed the 29th uitimo, respecting Timber on pÂ¥ tented, sold, and unsuld lands en, the North Shore of Lake Superior, the absoâ€" lute right to the Pine trees growing or baing on said lands may be acquired on p yment being made to the Department & Crown Lands at the rate of ffty cents Wer acre, in addition to the price, one dollar per acre paid or to be paid for such lands, . Uwners of patented lands, ana purâ€" chasers of hn<£, (the sales of which are t being carried out) who are desirous cquiring the right to the pine timber â€"â€"ereon, are required to apply for such right, and make payments as above, withâ€" in six months fron date of this notice. Applicants to purchase lands after date of this notice, ui required to apply for the right to the pine trees thereon. at the time of application to purchase the lands, and to pay for such right at the time of application fifty cents per acre as ubove specified, in addition to the one dollar per acre payable for the lands. O'rruu HOTEL, Prescott Junction, J. FRANCIS, ®".etor. Meals at all times. Table and liqu cannot ba surpassed. 1878â€"3m. AOTTAWA HOTEL, St: James Street Mon treal. The undersigned having assum. ed the mauagement of this popular favorite, respecttully informs the travelling public and its former patrons, that the house bas undergone many improvements, and what he intends by constant attention :o the wants of ‘As patrons, to make this the most comfortable Hotel in the city of Montrcal. _. T. M. CLARK , 2 ® H. L. ROUT LF.BEDDELL R Chief Agents for Canada. A. PERKY; Fire Inspector. â€" THE COSMOPOLITAN, M U, KAINSUVTHA, FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR a ‘TERM OF YEARS. 1606 HRARK OHANXCE: ‘*HE #JC. CTION HOTEL,! â€"«Masctet:@nev us IN MONTEEAL, Office. Aylmer, P. Q Remember the place e1ees. &¢. D. WILKINSON, C. 8. BROWNE, near the RusseD Commissioner & aANNABLE Proprietor Phils 122 t qâ€"nrd« a ng the L avove U_M_._gmr.m AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE AND LOMBERMEN‘® AGENT, AXD " _ GENERAL COMMISSIONX * The Department does not bind Itrelf to accept‘ the lowest or any tender . â€"P. WITCBELL, Et w«_ Marine and Fisheries. Depgrtment of Marine and Fisherics, Ottawa, Téth Jane, 1872. 2013 lawktd i * â€" ON REEAL ESTATE, From $100to any amount, on approved secarity IRUST AND LOAN ~OOUÂ¥PAKY O# "IPPER CANADA | . _ Will be received nntho‘,nn-Qnt. at Ottawa, up to noon of MUNDAX, the THIRâ€" TIETH day of SEPTEMBER next, for the construction of Light Houses at the underâ€" zendmdphouhfiu?mvmoodm CB Sandy Islands, Batchewana Bay, m;.fl.b § « or. Point aux Pins, entrance of Biver St. Mary, w val Lake buperior, Owen Bound, Georgian Bay. ‘ Mississaga ‘Btraits (Cockbtrn lclud)uhb uron. Windmill Point, neer Presoott, Grenvilie + County, Hamiltonâ€" island, @lengarry Oounty. Burnt House Point, â€" do do Un Government â€"Pier, about 2 miles above upper entrance of Canal, Beauh@#nois _ County. Beacon Lights, Upper Ottawa River. Two Light Beacons below Carilion, OGawa r‘lans spocifications of all required works pe seen on and after the 1st Sapâ€" tember next, at the Department, at Ottaws, and of the Light.Houses on Lake Bupgrior and Georgian Buy, at the office of 5. RISLEY, Streamboat ‘ inspector, ‘Toronto, st which plgces aiso forms ot tender can be procured by intending contractore.. â€" _ _ _ _ _ . _ NL n m aus _ m on Mhe whole of which will be on exhitition at their Stails Nos. 3, 5, 7 nnds1 Lower Town : Market, this WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and sATURDAY, when they rest sssured the public will be sblomuthoflnunullorlul in the HIiNSLLK & HilL, (ste Keanedy & mm BSoliâ€" Conveyancers. &e, â€" a . _ 0 _ 80 head of splendid Western Cattile. A Magnificent Calf, gq mrh old, bred and fed ‘hb.y John W st, of Guel 'Ol‘hln' s wnwnfrb' OF / 350 Pom And 50 head of Western Sheep. ~ ‘The Pork Stall will be asual found fully supplied with Frest 5!*&!1.. PORK, BACON, SAUSAGES, ETC., ETC. Lisgar Gov. General of Canadaâ€" respectfully tender the public théir sincere thanks for the very liveral auonuo beâ€" stowed mkll.hem during last seven years. While soliciting a continuance of the same they would earnestly request an inspection of the following caittie purâ€" chased at Guelph Fauwr. â€" No. 48, Rideau stroot, Ottaws. | PRPIOHE_ | PoOoOST â€" Omrr 10H, Which took the prise at Gueiph Fair 1 pair of Steers weighing the enormous weight of â€"4,525 POUNDS, On Money ordcr Offices throughout the Dom ho and Prince Edward Island, obtain td o O Rrale and rwels 1 can be ed at this office. Also p: SHF* Deperits will be received atthis Office. Interest allowed vent per armur, and Depâ€"sits can be withdrawn at auy time, ( OFFICE HOURs FBOM 8 aA.M., TO 1 Pm Butchers to His Exceiiency Lord Hon Jumes Szead, Senator, Ottawn J M Oxrrier, Eeq, M P, *t J.~.Grant, Beq, M D, M P â€"" R W Soott, Eng, M P P, * as Supi® Powell _ # ward \mfltfi r * Edwarg Metiii vrar, Eoqg, * * essrs CET Bate & Co#, #* Te ho ‘Alexmnder Work mas, * _ Matter posted up to 9.30 P.M., will be package the same night. 11,.30 872. 0 _ +1872.) EASTER. Ottawa, March 27, 1872. L1:00! C:.uu | 9,50â€" ) ..... NENDERS. 1872 9,50 |..... I v.00 .. VnE iE EV LBBL .30 9.00 #50 11.10).., ... Kemptr lis, Merrickvillie, Oxford Mills, per St. L. & OR | .u'.........‘:....... \North Gower, Kars, &0., per St. L. & 0. Railway ........ 9.50!-.......'1..........‘0-¢°°¢-. Russell, &o per _ do _ do ...... _‘ Post Office, Ottawa, June 10, 1878 A Egleson 8 n‘r. R«q SATCHELL BROS., «10 For Money Orde:s and Savings Bank businoss from 0 a -tocpnl Via NewYork close every Monday at 8 P.M Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at 10 15 a.y. A Suppiementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be ciosed as unregistored matter can be sent. CLOS E | ( Chelsen, Wakefeld, North Wakefeld,Le term .........1 werersers | g diate Offices, Daily ; and River %fl:(‘n:: |...: i i (mediate Offices, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ) 1 sesse=| ... ...\ Templeton, Tuesdays, Thursdiys, | ~430/New Edimburgh y», aud Saturdays....., « SU MMER ‘ARRANG EM Ex ARRIVAL ana DEPARTURE James Bailiff n wo|‘u.uru. N.B., and St. Jobhn. N. secl oo ’Won_nnâ€"llpgun. Toronto, «»«»«»... March, Huntiey, CarpAe, by stage 4.30 3100 P UV lt enlihony o â€"btsire diiirte/ Arnw is Mhctniemzpad.. 1 Wl‘“, | ‘ &o. ; and Woestern, U.8............ ...... hecck Fort Garry and other places in the Province ef | | Manitobaâ€"Mails geepstched daily via Windsor, | | Ont., and Detroit, Mich. 9.90/| Bri.ish Columbis «and Vancourer Istrnd) Wan, f deepatched.daily via Windsor, Ont., Detroit and Ban Francisco, U S. Rates of Postage same as to | | other parts of the Deminio. ©. 00 ‘United States, via Ogdensbury ............... reeseasen l us â€" ; The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway { North of Carieton Place Junction, â€"Bristol \| Clarendon Centre, Packenham, Pembroke | Portage 40 FOrt &B...... :sassr9ee rersnfves rverrnane, Faylmer ®BG KDQL ....<:oos ersresers seeversst e88805+ seupe Tumh and Opslow, via Aylmer........;........__}" * Perth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carleton P mada Central Railway............... Bell‘s Corners, Rischmond, &¢. per Canada Central Lower Ottawa, by Steamer, Buckingh le ad, L‘Orignal‘ Grenvilie, tc..' Easternâ€"Quebes, Montreal &o., by Railway ......... Oftvâ€" Offaca POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK dgens, M A I LS. MONEY ORDERS BBITISH MAILS â€"] y ox~sos pubsa TiE TIMES is printed and pu Tus uies Toom jasuime Gouraxy, «t the 0 Kumber 12 W & â€"1he usad) epcous s 'r'-”*’ will 'rtn. to for the DALLY u* W 1. & ‘th [3 Ti-.-uAu: wb:! l:n. oul-:gqn pt infertion, ""4__. _ ~®T LiKS, propaid / »nd if po us onl es ced se d A l is " Published FEVERY ‘ _ Professional and mr' #4 wordsâ€"are inserted in the Timé# GiniSuN 25 C | E.:h.ntm;... word ore Contracts jom ® Peca he4fi maibinen be m **"bour $towmé . . ._| Juneary 1, 1872 nthice :A *4 26008 ADVErtisinc a# For pa perda e e ul o ‘_l’.w among resding matter .A radtneed Ravrathomwsalif back as oi‘ ckks r:::flmi'n‘%_.! tod Stated, at * . # free of y OIABLII MA. Adv oottt Omoe at Mr Touna‘y, N P;‘ dence in rear of French Business attended© in e and tricw Courts ef the Oonaty of Otta® IMES PRINTING AxD r COMPANY. t SOTAkY PUBLIC. [ Residence next the tost Office. [ Soli in Chencery, 66. dn lcllo? n w:r‘. Wa. 1\'0.0\! G. Tas g uly 2 872. 3 yieur & Ci.= MIW, % M‘--u-u;; lonveyancers , Sovaries vingss Ona'lluu l flce over Durie‘s Book \dte O:tawe. £mo Druy Store m K. HOHILLABD M U Ascoucheur, A4r. dtore, Must end of Brik hours from # a. 2. 40 4 p. sn #l. B.â€"â€"s, mi olauuno';:fllll fl:‘a be seen ai als residence, sire UPuas MHaRi» WOR, . 2» ‘vorsity i:.’““' homâ€"‘ O.I‘uduu. #W&. He: Majeer‘s \COHOLAI BP A M 4 3 1 C neyâ€"atâ€" Law, ancer, &o. Oficeâ€" Be ?puih the Post Uflce, & B As MA BRA; ® Buildings, 0 THE WEEKLY LKA & GKHAR lllq lJ Soiicitors, Convey . e . ourt House, Octawa, Rosaut Luss. _ tosat ;uug ‘::nwlnn T. Dan / AML 4 * Jounties ot Pressott and 1 Jourt House, L‘vrignal. f ‘ublic, and Pesent mfn::' .og pediaiely opposite Kbussell sreot. Office, Union Builé §$ forwarded Kast and West in Bu TAE DAILY TI R. oL1VER M a , D : Bparkeâ€"srect, Oenu al Onere. B. MoDOUGSALL, fiifi'u.lfi‘h © Â¥ince of tohc. 0. AmOH aMBa®Lt, Miscellaneous W an O*COEROR , At fl: H‘A '_“c.. 4 Houses for sale, G. P. BAKER, 10e , Camberâ€" } per Ca } of u*! 11.30 po., in 1@ & M# ne are in dmuld'.-rl-‘m : M to and from ‘nu * ..“. p Quebec and Mont W anted & 11.30 #.00} $.00 0c _ vOL (i _ e EC _ Curl “Mq or othe NED Lg _of all desoriptions FROM QUEBEC by Bailway LEB Xx, x x urmmyenay cror e .‘n'fl'“‘"“ SPC en the down Wipt / P eysDaAY a 4ND LbrirDer Jors ROoEesTe "TaHaF e Of the above will be *o sult purchnsere . SAtisfaction be defi at Mesers T6, Spariks Street, C B OUnKLSGH a Half Octave P outh outward for WM Friday LONDON. .... , Wodnesday, Mesert do m **% do Rdbw do hde i the above o do all kinds « sonable teros, a :l.’ovunw Stites. at al & the Oou will pasg Do en Newos Woeks, Barbican a*« do kn« _ _ "C# a%% do Wednesiay th Repaired Tucsd: y # t im a 06 . KB aWK, and Oo‘s, Sparks , 1872 ip Com y 487 4 pâ€"Quebec to a, $24. from all n Ilen-lrd ing out the England, P , begs leave U STRRE a "_to _k 1emsbay 2ui , BU rougre Btreet, next 4 TC 4 sage 1 21 Billihs RG the public DAaVID sH Au tands %, VJ Duesday do do l.â€"! % hicag 41OBE the ~4 Halif of t NIC TW SE TE mt H

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