nao ning. * h Merio., ‘laids. â€"*® hs o Telive nent Cash. Pistribath 3, MN"“[ A FIXED ue Tarer s ty sageg og e o OW OR Reppg in, Cal ED TAE To do #Queen Victoria MextanaL Armiy Umox Forwarome & Rauuwar Co. Ottawa at 6 a. m. Stage leaves Uttawa at 6 .am .‘ Stageâ€" arrive from Aylmer at 4 p. n. wks» Steamer **Jessie C“OE" @ Ay'l;n daily at 8.30 a m. N. B.â€"Tickets to all points East and Wast can be had from | A. & A. H. TAYLOR, Agents. ‘ Mmflm and corner Sussex and . York <treets. b Ottawa, May 13. 1872; 19EEtf medicine than the Calecdonia . WALTOF. . & family should be without it, for 'L" is liberally used, no Doctor need apply. m * Gissox & Co., Agents. l'wE- hâ€";;"'.â€" ' a : s of Liver Com psia, Diseases mwxhpw%,iwm h.nâ€lyonho(hhdom-w.u i Gmsox & Ca., Corner Sparks and El fRAAVELLER‘Ss JGUIDE. seven weeks, Dr. @rant and Mr. Clemow returned to Ottawa last night. s CIry ‘or TTAWA~ AGRICULTURAL sOCIETY‘3 EXALBITION. ~maeirmee Saleof Light Prints, af ALLa®, McKutwoxs & Mo vora®‘s, ’)rpllhm _ The principal Hotels MW.' in the fiieg Waes. Arcjin ie Gueey ces â€" ater. or it. â€" Solc Amm)cm_ a s Wu regret to learn that Mr¢. Clemow met with so seriousâ€" & fracture of the thigh at Caledonia® Springs / tiat she will be obliged to remain there fo: six or A large stock laid in at old pricesâ€" AuLax, McKxzoxe & McMorax. »pPoes the razor go easy," asked 4 bar ber of a victim who was writhing ugder a clumsy instrument. . " Well," rephed the poor fellow. «that depends v what you call the operation. If you‘re skinâ€" -‘., me, it goes tolerably ou{;ibutif you‘re shaving me, it goes rather ) hard." For Cheap Cottons,go to _ | | . Arbax, McKmmxoxs & MoMora®‘s, N) Suparks Street. Fairy Skcvrs your Flanuels for the Faliat once There Frdays at Umox For no.mndtl.nboopontovuiw day from 10 o‘clock, a. m. _ _ 1 The doy and wild auimal show takes place on the last day in the northe: no{ tion of the Floral Hall. Among| the animals will be two large moose, An: ambutious skunk having. it is said, got a sqhint at the prize list in the the coli of an evening contemporary, intends 16 enter the ring in this class. It will have the field to itself, and if justice be shown it will carry of â€"a handsonre pri 1t did not exhibit itsel! yesterday, bug¢ the odour that pervaded the a here demonstrated the fact that Mr. Skunk was ‘not far away. A large number of eftries of the canine genus have been and the exhibition will be a laughabld and interesating one. Express run toâ€"and f the npwdnï¬agmd-yndmioho( misâ€" mflbobdsnhopound‘.‘; Orerawa David Brown, chronic dipsomants, §5 and costs or two weeks in jail Denis O‘Keefe, James Phillips, apd disorderly, fined $3 and costs en Ca%1DA Ellen Quick, a companion in ! with O‘Keefe and Philips, for dis< conduct was fined #5 and costs. Thom»s Wiltons was â€"charged assaulting a policeman in the disc his duty. â€"‘the prisona* was crowd of loafers at a street corner exening. â€" Chief Langrell told them perse, but the prisoner offered refused to go He wis fined L. wasuos & QrpawaiRapwiyr. _ am, : am. mon.{ .m, 7.30 10.30 1200 ll:).ll) 615 845 345) 62 masipa CBSTRAL Rampwar. | l-nhohnnlnhnoymeh_n assaulting and using vile wards Homom Larion. The sase LOUAL NEWsS is, _ 1.00 _ Artives â€"Leaves every day at. . Armives AND (T PULICE CUuURT.â€"MONDAY no better Spring and r in the Caledonia Watet. No d be without it, for where it affiicted with Rheumatism, 1.00° 240 740 | Rivrer Navieatio® Co 10.u0 | 4.20 "rra WA ForwaARrDING CO Y 6.00 l M a , m tho: | unt :): . tmn w it is inmph ma; j i tiring sekr | DL | * | avo LW Atb¢y | 1 rhich P > natare ncl. ces is th$t f any prews | 10 tmths â€" C put toâ€" the | not mer, there| is saf odation. In | . q 1.30 ’.00 MWm T.00 9. 307 id with of a inday to dis and o y rderly trunk wich rge of .own. & lt the here fined Mi Nolan was charged with assaultâ€" ing William Lawson. The evidence showâ€" ed that the row was commenced and the first blow was struck by the plaintiff, The was dismaissed, Lawson paying the ual he les h Saturday evening last Detective Johhson, of Rhode Island, arrived in this â€" city|in search of a man suspécted of the m r, on the 5th inst., of George Favor, ot Providence, R. I. Favor was the pro« prigtor of an establishment on Cove t Providence, dealing in and manuâ€" faci g doors, sashes, blinds, mouldings, He employed a large number of , and among others ove Patrick Den nely alias P. F. Guinoy, who acted as and collector. For sevâ€" toâ€" eral â€" â€" days previous to the da of _ the â€"murder it _ was that Denneby passed much of his i in the basement or cellar of the lishment, where frames, glass, putty, were stowed away, and whither the workmen went ouly when requiring some of |these articles. Un the 5th instant, all thé men were absent from the building pt one, a glasier who #as employed on upper floor. Taking advantage of so an opportunity, the murderer aplishe1 bis premeditated deed ; of avor was knctked into eternity. the evening, Denneby entered thom‘ though returning from a collecting tour, informed the bookkeeper that Mr. wor had told him he was going "someâ€" ; he did not understand where" and t ‘ho would not be back for three four days. The two subsequent ys Dennehy remained almost constantly ih the cellar, being generally engaged at mething when any person went down, d on one occasion a man having enterâ€" ‘dd by a trap door unexpectedly D. came rriedly from the corner of the cellar here Favor‘s body was afterwards found. l =© This is my first attempt to make.a key to #%. â€" ko n Je the 7th inst. D. left and the bookeeper going to the safe found the key hole Alugged with wood. The safe was broken and a piece of paper bearing the following words found inside :â€" Favor in the . meantime pearance and his having evidently had access to the safe gare rise to immediate suspicion. Detective Johnson took the mautter in bhand, ani in searching D‘s truifk came across a letter of which th following is a copy :â€" Friends, you who may read these may ca l me a hypocrite or .onnm thief or a burglar, but the assertions are talse, in heart 1 am neither. 1 am «iok of life, the ftuture is a blank unwritten. The woman I took to wife has done all this The bright hopes of tbonnï¬arnd tuture has faded away. and the dark clouds 0‘ death, nay worse than death, has succeed~ ed them. I now leaâ€"e. trends and kind red never more to behold them. The bot tom ‘of the sea shall soon be my resting place Ab, that 1 had never me: or seen the one who h«s caused this misâ€" ery. But what is life to me now ; regrets ure now useless, | hive no »ympathy. neither have I any sympathizng friend>. ‘ l’.hw :ldrou to di-:::uon. my thoughts are all on the past t I have meditated over all that E:::p peoed ; it seems Itke a dream. But, alas it is a cursed reality. Gporge Favor you )mybothonmnu-dthb,i!ubv‘ivo me ; I am an outlaw cast heyond the pale IB.; 4 EURY P PNTPTTOC NC DP mE of society, a wreck u}and LOh. SE i msC kn had died in infancy, how much should I avoid. > To the Help of Favor‘s shop : * Boys, one and all, forgive me, pray for me, rather than curse me L now take my leave, ummm where, L don‘t; but the waters skall soon divide _ George H. F“ul:?lnmflmm norlnfwthil mischief, i. ¢, robbing your sai@, _ e ue * . This letter, almost acknowledging the murder, convi ced the detective that D. hid been guilty <f toul play and that Favor was bis viotim. ‘The last sentence Â¥ the letter betrays in a remark«ble anmer his state of mind. He says, "but blame none for this mischief"â€"and then as though more than one crime had been :)’IIII'?M wids «(ie.) robbimy your e About the same time he wrote a letter somewhat similar to the ab_re t®his wife. uUn the evening of the 11th inst. Favor‘s bodywufou.dinth.ootwdtboflb behind an old aleigh and cov. red over to a considerable depth with straw. It was muchdeoonpudpnndlbboh had been eaten from the face shd hands by rats. There was nothing whatsoever on the feet nndahrppo\'wnoh.hobninpmudod where the skull ha i been brohminb{’. blow from some blunt instrument e w.s a man of family, and about 40 years of ase. ols NURBSEREZ ARRESTED AT GRENYVILLB. No word having been received from ï¬â€˜ c rathe‘ tones F ’og:e-’.;.!;hmul ldL"llnt wi j at rom tive we learn Tonece us wba s26,""23 a14 | besides the $113 which he took out of the a Lemon. . " fined nlohoeoll;ddumntof‘w,which . * amount he kKapt. if his wife is to be be thael Nolan was charged with assaultâ€" | lieved his statement about domestic trouâ€" Villiam Lawson. . The evidence showâ€" b&:‘i'::;- She to:d Deâ€"tective Johmol: were only about iwo mont ntthomwuwg-dtho married ; that about a month ago they blow was struck by the plaintiff, l;:: went on a pleasure trip, and that her conâ€" was dismaissed, Lawson paying duct on that occasion caused him jealousy. f ®® : They quarreled and he left her. ol C oE R® All doubt as to Dennehy‘s gwit being now dispelled enquiry and search were immediatâ€"ly made for him. $1,500 was offered for his apprebension. Haring learned that he came to Canada Detectire Johneon set out on â€" his _ track ; and _ arrived in Uttawa on Friday last. Un enquiry, be ascertained that on Wednesday evening previous & man m!fmdmunndpnupnm Albion Hotel, and registering his name as P. F. Graham, remained there over Thurs day, leaving early on Friday mornâ€"ng, in company with a friend. Yesterday Consâ€" ‘nblohnndwok passage on the Queen Fictoria, with Detective Johnsor, and on reaching Grenville they mei. with the cb» ject of their search. He was on the cars. Pinard tapped hm on the shoulder and asked him out. Taking a picture from bis pocket, he asked Denneby if it was bis photograph, to which the litter replied «* yes." He hesitated a tew miniite® to go wmih PM, “’m‘ that he wouid su)n«i die than go back to the 3 «les, add ties is would die before doing so. He ackuo«â€" leged that he robbed the safe of #113. but said hbe did so with a key he *ad m «1o, «ud thit _ be bad afterwards thr>o+n i away. He informed his friend that he intended, on reaching Ottawa, to take the tain immediately &n for Chicago. He was brought to “:"‘l'."."fl PRISONER INTARYVIEW ED locked up in the stavion, @20 I5 proaie w;wy Mhil.z e besides y were on n m wat cb chain, wEioh he badn‘t when working in Providence. He had two travelling v â€"in one of which was found a atri cotton shirt, stained with biood below bosom, on the right wristâ€" hand and the elibow on the left sleeve MURDER IN THE U. 8 Manufacturers and Dealers in Doors, Sash, nlinds Mouldings, &0 . ‘__» _ Nos. 23 & 24 Cove Street, Providence, R. L, . Hept 3, 1872 , aYOr But P F Dsx«sat station. $25 in Dennehy is about 24 yearâ€" ot age, 5 feet 74 imches in height, dark compiexion, dark brown bushy hair. long moustache,and weightsé 135 pounds,. He will probsbly be brought before the police court this morning Drs. Grant and Church, who were present at the time the prisoner wus ciptured, examined the sisins on the shirt, and expressed their opinion that they were blood stain«. Thus through the vigilince of the police force, »ssisted by the telegriph and photograph a notorious ch â€"racter is likely to be speedily brought to justicg. us Tapestry and Brussels Carpets are now offered at from 10c to 20¢ per yard under present value. Those requiring Carpets of an kind would go well to loo{ through the stock now shown by RUSSELL & WATSON Our stock of Carpets is now complete, and is one of the largest ind best assorted ever oftered in the city, having placed our orders early last autumn, we are enabled to sell much unde. present prices. 4 RUSSELL & WATSON. Le Mouceau Mondse says that Sit J. A. Macdonald, G. E. Cartier and Hon. Mr. Langevin had a long conference in this city last Wednesday, when the following nominations were, it is reported, made : Attormey General Ouinot is to be imnieâ€" dinfelyA made a Judge of the Superior: Court, Montreal ; Hon. Mr Chauveau to . take the Ministry of Justice, leaving that| of Provincixz’ Secretary, _ | but retaining that of Education ; Mr. Blanchet to be Clerk of the House of Commons and Mr. Chapleau to be the Govâ€" ernment candidate for the Speakership. Le Nouveau Monde also states that Si: Geo. E. Cartier was to proceed to Ottawa toâ€"day in order to procure the ratification of these nomirations by the Executivre Counâ€" This morning it was announced that the jadgments upon the cases en delibre would ve rendered un Thursday nexs the 19th instant. 1 Two young boys named Joseph Despatic and Louis Aliard, aged iwâ€"lve years, last night broke into a fruit stand «t the foot of Jueques Cartier Squ«re, belonging to James (Gilbert, an« stole therefrom about two pounds of tobacco, 1 hey immediately came to the police station and gare themâ€" selves up, stating that they wished to be sent to the reformatory . prison in order that they might learn a trade. They will be tried betore the police court. Twelve seaâ€"going vessols are new in port from Liverpool. three trom Glasgow amd two from London. _ lattle gener«l news. Cold and wet. The Nhanghai ourier has been favored | with the m-ï¬ctm ot a Mongolian praying Z"’M“ »Hu lun.â€"vuny," recently reâ€" ived by Mr. Geo. Stent, nlonqkwim other lterary . treasures, from Pekin. | The meaning of the name "Hu«â€"lungâ€"tung" is said to be "Mongolian Dra.on Cave,‘! the ide« appearing to be that the use of the machine is to g»in access for +h* aspiraâ€" tions of the sacred (ragon. The mact ine itself is a red copper cylinder: about tive inches long »nd thiee inches in diameter, The bottom and top, of the same machâ€" ine, are ooth removable ; in the centre of the bottom is a hole through which a copâ€" per %ln. about seven inches long, passes, «nd fite into a socket in the centre of the mner surfsce of the lid. Holding this pin in the left hand,and giving to the machine & revoiving motion with the right, it can be kept sp.nning rapidly round by the same rotary «ction of toe ene hind, as an acro bat uses in supporting bowls, saucers,. #¢ , on the top of a wand. The outer surface of the cylinder is divided by chased serallwork into flvocz::‘oh on each of which is a Sapekrit cter standing out in basâ€" ielief, the whole forming the Buddhist »jaculatory prayer, ‘ U my pat ma hom." tf course, the icea is that the more fre quently the revolutions of the machine the greater the merit of the revolutonist. Accompanying the machine are an immense number of paper slips, on which m.mmod prayers in Sanskrit, There are two volumes, which are fillâ€"d with a o«tâ€"logue of various titles and attribut s of Buddba, printed in Sanskrit, Mongolian and Chinese. Uf these whe following may serve as speciâ€" Mr. Edmund Yates has arrived on a visit to the States. Thnis gentleman enâ€" joys the enviable repute of being one of the most popular novelists and br llint essayists in bngland, and if, with these gifts, we sbould find combined a genial and symparhatic del very, we predict an ummerse success to the course of lectures he intends to give in the principal cities of the country during the season. mens : Pearly bright BndhluBf'-lionj;wod Buddha; goiden mountsin ; pesscocks« voiced B. ; lightning‘s onl uneoh. peachy moon B ; oxâ€"king B., &0. & Great dfficulties have been expermenced in the San Francisco Court, in empan el« ling a jury in the case of Laura g‘m Six hundred and fifty persons have already been examined, and only one juror obâ€" Price so low that all can us CcaUTD®. _/ The Brand "MYRTL®R Y 4 / Y" is registered, and ufrimesment qs it wl be Progecnies The ns Fuckett & Pilings is on sack Chody and 1 & :A. on each plue _______. *u‘i::'d-:n':ouvflidh MYRTLE NAVY. WILMIAM FOOTE & C0,, â€"â€" 136 Mo#IUL STREEr, And invite the attention of Buyers to their large and carefully selected assortment of JAPAN, FOUNu HYSON, GUN OWDER, | IWPERIA . and rWAN«AY TEAs, And BRANDIES, GINS, RUVS. and the Fipest Brands of PORT, SHERRY, &c. Have removed to their New Premisos, MOKERS| Aug 3, 1 Tera Wine and Spirit . Merchants Rey~See T. & B. on each Plug. is = DOMINION BUILNING3,." KESSRS C T. BAVE 4 CO EMUVED. September 4,/187 RY TELEGRAPH A PRAYING MACHINE. FOR i GOUD SMOKE, MONIREAL W HOLEKALE OTTAWA TIMESs, SEPTEMBER 17, 1872 Mortzzir, Sept. 19. BSTREET, MONEREAL it. At the Union House, in this city. 0n the 18tb September, after the sale of the Au~ tin and Graham litcits. Ca 2l _ _ _Licenses Nos. 436 and 437. of ‘71â€"7* Moine and Black kKivers, Province 0t tec, 11} and 43} «quare miles respectively. Timber has been taken off the Licenses only during three ‘l!eau, alw ays reaches Quebec in one ye«r, und commaunds the highest price puid there. i xi ata eole cce e nelneran ts i Attached to these limits is a Splendid Farm, with a clearance of about Oue tHun dred Acres. and on which there is & large quantity of +ay. Yat«, Potstoes, & , be sides Pork, Flour and other supplies for the coming season‘s operations; _ The Farm and each of the Licenses will be sold sepurately, and Proviâ€"lOns at a valuation § Lhere will also be sold at the <ame time Licenses Nos 214, 215 and 216. of tifty square miles each, on the KeepAWa, all well timbered, and on which nothing has been cut. Terms and conditions of sale made known at the time of sale. y Ottawa, Sept. 4, 1872. 2000 « puase® LLMIT. _ \ Manufactured Timber and Lumâ€" berer‘s Supplies for sale by Public Auction. ; There will be sold by Publc Auction, at the City of Ottawa, on WEDNESâ€"AY, the 18th day of SEPTEMBER, |1=72, the (n the Opeongo Branch of the River Maâ€" dawaska (known as Alexander Fraser‘s Limit of License, No. 271 of 1871 2), Area 34 square miles. * ALSO, ABOUT 5,000 PIECES OF TIMBER, made by Austin and Graham during the Seasons of 1870.1 and 1871â€"2, now in the River Madawaska, on the way down, toâ€" gether with all the Firm Stock and Imâ€" plements and Lumbering material and supplies belonging to the business of the above named copartneiship. limber Limit of Austin and &raham Full pamcuh?u of all the above will be published in a future advertisement, and further information may be hid, mean tirfle, on application to The subscriber has been favored with jostructions rom wr. James McCuar, to sell by Public Auctos, st the Union House, in the City of Utt:wa, on WED~ NEsUVAY, sept., lsth, 1872 HINMMBER Limit SALE! LICENSE No 96, of 1871â€"72, | Situated on Madawasks, in ‘he Cownship of Bagot concess ou 123 and 4, contaiming about 144 »qu«re miles, and is commonly known as the Hutiar i & Dickson uimit ’ _ The sale will take place immediately after the sale of the Ausiin and Graham Limit. â€" _ Terms and condit ons . will be made known at the ume «nd place of s«le. The undersigned has been instructed to sell at the Union House, in this city, on Wednesday, September 18th, 1872. license No. 243, of 1871 2, on the isiver Petewawa Nortn Branch, and now in the possession of allan Fraser, Esq. Area about ten square miles. [ . ‘Ferms and conditions made known at time of sale â€" â€" All return of saw logs and boom timber to be made to the Department of Crown Lands or its .f:“' must in future be sent in on or béfore the FAKâ€"I day of w«UNE, in each year, and must be sworn to by the person who superintended the of such logs and boon timber, and «lso by the Culler who njeasured the same; the returns must give the number of pieces of logs and th reâ€"pective lengths and diameters, and the number of pieces ‘of boom timber, the lengih ol each piece, with the diameter of éach from bark to bark at butt and top ; and also the locality w the same Lvo been cut : the num?nor feet, board me«eure, of each quantity of logs of the same lengths and diameters, «Scribner‘s Ready neckoner‘ to be entered in the returns. f UCTION SALE Separate returns must be made of the ?nnï¬ouof each Chantier, and of each obber ; and where it is intended to pass logs or boom timber as cut on private lands, or un lands under settler s liceuse, separate returns, under osth, must be made in each caâ€"e, showing the number of pieces of logs and boom timber, and their respective dimensions, and the lot or part lot on which the same have been cut. « When all returns of any lumbering establishment have been sent in »and checked, the affidavit of the propri=tor or proprietors of the logs and boom timber, or his or their marager or princip«l book â€" keeper, as to the total number of pieces of logs, and pieses of boom timber, cut by or for him or them, or acquired from others, during the season of operation for which returos are made, will be requirea to be lur‘lhi:hod to the Depmmen::; ilu te : De mt or agents should .b?:lviaed wm returns have been furnished. a Attention is called to the 16th and 17th clauses,of the "Crown Timber Regulaâ€" tions" which make it imperative that every facility, assistance and informition be affonied to the Department and its agents, by all parties operating in timber or sawâ€"logs, &c , in the investigation of the extent «nd nature of such operations, and the examination of book: and verification of retuns, â€" i JOHA FAIR, Accountant, Montreal, Aseignee of the Ketate of W. W Austin + A. ROWE, / Auctiouneer. Blank forms for the above retuins may be had on application to the Department or any of its agents. _ . _ _ _ 20742 We beg to notify our numerous custom. ers, that since the late fire, we have secur ed temporary premises through the kind, ness of the Hon. JAS SKEAD, at the 5t A. KOWE, Auctioneer August 28, 18172. : _ 2w10 Corner of Sussex and M!f‘ Streets. A NEW AND COMPLE® STUCK HaS BEEN UORDE«ED. > We would also respectfully requeâ€"t our customers who are indebted to us, 10 settle their accounts at an early deie, and verify the old adage, that ; "A friend in need is a friend indeed." _In about a week our new stock will arâ€" A. RoOWE, Auctionéer Ottawa, Sept 4 1872. 2065 Brish Rotel Barrack Buiâ€"dings, SNOVE3 _ _ & ‘‘_ AOUSEFURNISBLNG 6GOOD&. TIN, 8SHEEi IRON, and _ f CUPPER WARE, &0., &o. . H. MEkADUWS & Co., °© â€"orâ€" TIMBEAR LIMITS. rIve »aAW _ MILL â€"OWNERS AND LUMBERMEN. IMIT SALE. BY A. ROWE, 4 1 USSEX STRERT FIRE!!! Montreal, 30ih July, 1872 * Capital" Stove Depot. ®, Aug 3 OGTICE TO BEING LICENSE NO. 96 of 1871â€"72. consisting of â€" Department of Crown Lands, Toronto, 28th August, 1872 THOS: H.JOHNSON, Assistnt Commissioner AUCTIVUAEER A. ROWE, Auciioneer and Sussex Ste. , Du Queâ€" 2037 B&@yâ€"Parties at a distance can obtain list of rates and information of routes by ad dressing Agent, Box 474, Post Office, Otiawa. REGENT HOUSHE. DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT Of the Lliï¬ts.e'Stylu R@~ AT ONE PRICE @§ that must command a " RERADY Woollens, Drees Goods, Ntuffs, Silks, Flannels. Prints, Cottons,. Linen. Haberdashery, and small Wares. Fancy Wool Blankets Muslin and Lace Curtains, Carpets, &c &c Ml, LINERYâ€"Comprising the latest Novelties of the Season, Huts, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Capes, Velvets and Velveteens, Prench Corsets, Shawls ana Mantles &c. * The Tailoring Departmentâ€"Comprises the greatest variety of Cloths and Tweeds of the Latest Styles. An experienced Tailor will, if required, make all kinds of Suits according to the Latest Fashions. : I respectfully invite an inspection of my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Attentive and obliging Salesmen will be found in all tga departments. Ottawa. Sent. 2 1872. 2063 12 ~ Ginger Ale, Potash Water, * Vichy Warer, â€" â€" . Selizer W&wr. | Congress Water, Carratraca Water. â€" English ciatrate, M ignesia, Seltzer Salt, &e. i‘reshly made Seialits and Soda Powâ€" ders & 7OR lonfloo‘omhlinhed as Wine Merchant at Tours, Indre et Loire, France, having united the Wine Business of the late Mr. Alex. Campbeli, Tours, with his own ; and being consequently Mr _ Oampbell‘s sule successor, begs 10 u{ that he continu«s to export to America Eni}ud. nd:a and ‘ other countries, the fine wines of Tourain and other pa.t« of France, inâ€" cluding the celebrated Chm jaghe. Vourray, Mousâ€" seux, mti l and Sparkling White Wines, a varie. y of Clarets, such as Bourpueil. Chinon, mu'»ï¬' #c., &0 , all war:anted sound and standing â€" ling well either in Cask or Pottled. M Câ€" D. also exports excelient BRANDIES AND LIQU+ URS. Notice is bereby given that in pursuâ€" acte of the provisions of 35th Victoria, Chap, 26 â€" inutled : * An Actrespecting P«tents of Invention,‘} His Excellency the Governor in Counsil has been pleased to approve of certain rules and regulations, «nd of such form« prescribed as have apâ€" peared necessary tor the purposes of the said Act. Te $ Lb f And notice is frtber given of such rules and regul«tions said Forms may be obtained tion to this office. _ __ _ 4 sGp toe +0 mc i §E RPOPK mdwmuw of Patents, _ M FANCY DRY GOODS, M Soda Water. cold as Ice, combined with ure Yyrups,. drawn from the * Arctic ‘ ‘ountain." s 1 10DaA WATEKER, MINERAL WATERS, Has the honor of informini his friends and the public in general, that he has made all the necessariy repairs in the Store © lately occupied by Messrs. Dufresne & McGarity, C Ottawa, July 13. 1872 JATENT OFFICE, Ottawa, September 9, 1872. (Ottawa, Rept. 2, 1872 McDONALD AND MONGENAIS. UN â€"IEURCHB&EVEAU DUCHESNEU # 18, 1972 Ottawa, Aug. 30, 1872. staple and Fancy Dry Goods, oo _ f(MMes ies k EQUaAaAL ‘ TO BRaANDY. ~â€" $1.25. Ott.wa, September 4, ALSO FIR SALB : In which will always be found a complete assortment of A . CHRISTIE & CO., Drugg ste, Sparks Street 13 1%72. 2020 . STITT & COY, P. CGHENET: ‘pther given that copies regulations aud of the be obtained on applicaâ€" TRROUGH COUPON TICKETS CANADA CENTRAL arRAND â€" TRUNK Chicago, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, St. Johns, Fredericton, Woodstock, Boston. . All Points East and West on the P"Local Tickets over the Canada Central and Brockville & Ottawa Railway. 75e Had at no other Annc{ in the Cix. Baggage chocked lhroufl»h rom the office, Elgin Street, opposite the Russell House W. E. JOHNSON, â€" F000 o Agont. Ottawa, Sept.13, 1872 LIS T OF DEPARTMhENTS. 30 Sparks Street. NEW FANCY AND STAPLE . 47 Sussex Street, I K P O RT ERS OF GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. TICKET â€" OFFICE 050 lawlim 1872 Cincinnati, Detroit, Milwaukee, Green Bay, St. Paul, Minneapolis New Orleans, Mobile. 'I‘HE CORNW ALL MANUFACTURING Company have pleasure in intimat ng the complete restoration of their works at Cornwail. which are now in full opera: tion, producing large quantities of W hite Class Tweeds. They regret. however, having again to draw the attention of the public to the continuance‘of the disreputable practice of importing® English Blaukets and selling them as Canadin. These Blankets are made largely of Shoddy and Cotton Waste, with a small percentage of pure Wool, and though slightly in appearance, closely imitating the Cornwall Blankets, and ticketed ©Canadian Manufacture" have neither warmth or wear, but can be sold at a lower price than the Cornwall Blanâ€" kets (which are made of pure Wool) .can be produced for. 3 4 M 2 The public are cautioned against this attempted deception. and ‘respectfully informed that the name of the Cornwaui MaxUuracrurme Coxra®t is pr nted on the ticket of every Blanket made by them. Sealed Tenders addressed to the unâ€" dersigned and endorsed, «Tender for Post Office, Ottawa,‘" will be received at this : ffice until SATURDAY, the 5th day of October next, at noon, for the erection and completion of a new Post Office, at Oitawa, Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of Walter Chesterton, Eq , Architect, Ottawa, on and after Wednesâ€" day, the 18th instant. J The signatures of two solvent and reâ€" sponsible persons wiliing to become sureâ€" ties for the due fulfilment of the contract must be attached to each tender. I‘he Department will not be bound to accept the lowest or any 1ender, By order, R _ _ _ _*~ F. BR&UK Department of Public Works, . Ottaws, 12th Sopt, 1872. 20754 Cornwall, Sept. 11, 1872 2071 2m FOTICE TO CONTRAC PORS. rey Blankets, and Heavy Medium CcaVTLON. JS To tss Prsuic The Trustees of the Public Library of ‘ Kentucky bei%g satisfied from the large sale of tickets already made, and the daily increasing demand for them, that there w.1l be no occasion for postponing the second drawing in the Gift Concert in aid of the Pablic Library of Kencucky, have instructâ€" ed me, as their agent and manager of the Gift Concert, to say to the public and ticket holders that the drawing will positively take place on September 28 prox, and will not pe postponed. Anactive demand for tickets come from every State and Territory of the United States, and from the Canadas, giving assurance to the Trusâ€" tees that no cireumstances can prevent a drawing at the appointed time. _s A sutfficient clerical force is engaged to keep up with the orders for tickets, and in order that this office may be relieved of the imme pressure incident to the business fo:gm week or two immediately preceding the drawing, agents especi«lly, and those desiring of procuring tickets, are requested to senpd in their orders im» mediately; as sales will have to be closed in time to make the necessary preparâ€" ations for the drawing. It is the wish of the ‘ fill every order for a ticket, as we l as to sell all the tickets, but those who apply first must be first supplied ; and, if those who put off buy« ing until sales are closed, have their money returned, instead of the tickets ordered, as in the first Gift uoncert in December list. when thousands of aollars that came too late were sent back, they will have none to blame but themselvos. THOS. E BRANMLETTE, Agent Public Library Kentucky. Louisville, Ky., Aug 20 1872. 2064 64&2w class Brandies or W i ceries, you must go to 1872. â€" 1872, Ex Ships Nioer, Trct, Lapy Love, Mazrt ‘Avpa, City or Qursso, Cuara Kuuax, ‘AND CAROLINA. The following goods from the producers SsECOND _GRAND GIFT £ CONCERT. BLACK TEAS, ‘The finest ever offered in this mar ket, takes "three waters," used by the nobility in Britain. _ JAPANS and GUNPOWDERS, DAY OF THE DRAWING FIXED Very fine. Fresh ground daily and roasted on the premises. PICKLES, THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KEX TUCKY. COFFEES, 10 10 10 10 50 100 Sauces and French Peas, "No.1," in variety. â€" Every house should have one. The above goods are the finest to be badâ€"in market and a variety of others in stock, well worthy of trial, every satisfactin in using them. _ A call solicited. For sale at * Lord & Kelley, PARIS COFFEE POTs, Importers of China, Glass, Earthâ€" enware, Cutlery and Fancy WHULESALE AND RETAIL, 63 <USSEX _. Street, and Lower Town Market UTTaAwW A. Original packsges always on hand, and any quantity of goods to suit purchasers packed by a competent packer. . Lamps, Chimnies, Wicks, Burners and Lamp Fittings, Lamps repaired on the suortest notice. way~ Goods sent to any distance. Being the sole agents of Mr. JOHN MOUNEY, of Prescott, manufacturer of Earthenware, we are prepared to supply trade with wilk Pans, Liquor Jars, Molasses Jugs, Bu Crocks, . * Preserve Jars, §P"'::°_-_~ "wa _ Crockery and Glassware for hire at very low raves. Public notice is given. that .an $ inmmmmen sns nc s e pass a Byâ€"law to au a1 ..rn'wan....uh portiâ€"n of the old a road leading to Stâ€" laqu:"u.fn-ï¬ ion Line which crosses the : half ot 0t nm{cm‘iimh first coucession, Uttaws front, ot t own oi Nepean, The sbuv‘: u':mod B,â€"law, will be introduced at as@ssion of the Council to be holdenin the Town :lnll. Bcl'-lb‘:;mmh.n’lmo::m, -â€".u Thuséâ€" ay, heptem woh, 1872, wi w any perâ€" son whoseland might be prejudicially afected by mmdduiumw-pdwdm of road will be hearaâ€" _ n Four or five good Tinsmiths and Plumbers. Goo wages given. e e it No Postponment from September 28 TOW.\'SHIP_Oï¬fPEAN ‘ Beit‘s Corpofe, 1 theatw wuz . ED IMMEDIATELY. M PAUTEBOSE UST RECEIVED, xz LG L4 flâ€"h‘m&.% Ottawt, Beps 5, 162 2066 Ottawa, July 18, 1872 IRECT IMPORTATIONS Drain Pij __ Btove Pipe Tubes, Chimngy_‘flopo_lnfl every size in Flower 12 By order of the Council bhds. BRANDY, finest Pale and Dark, genuine, cases SPARKLING MOSELLES, © pints and quarts," buits. SHERRY WINE, V.P,, various prices, extra value, do do doz. SCOTCH _ MARMALADE, fresh from the maker, try it. do GUINNESSES POREER, pts and â€"qts., per order. do CLARET, various brands, a few cases of the celebrated vintage of 1864, $22 a case. No. 26, Rideau Street, n established facti you want any first es or Wines and the best Family Gro Always on hand. GIN, John de«Kuyper & Son double berried, K POKT WINE, for family use, "well known," THOS, PATTFERSON‘S, Rideau Street Very fine, give them a trial LORD Â¥. W. HARX â€"R. Tow nship Clerk 206) lm 1df CHANGE OF T (On and after T‘IURSDAY), the 12th Instant, the Steamer * Jessie " will leave Aylmer (Sundays excepipd) at 7:30 a m., copnecting with Stea of the Line for Roche Capitaine interme= diate port®. B The Steamer "Prince Arthur‘ leaves Portage du Fort dsily (Sund y$ excepted) at 7 o‘clock &a. m., connecting with Steamer © Jessie Cassels" for Alymer.‘ . The Steamer "John Egan" lpaves Pemâ€" broke daily. (Sundays excepted) ‘at 1 o‘clock, p. m., tor Des Joachim| returning leaving at 6 o‘clock. a." m., & with Steamer * Jason Gould‘ which leaves Pembroke Landing at 2 0‘ p m. Passengers arriving at P du Forkt same evening. The Steamer "Sir John Young"* leaves Havelock on Tuesdays and Fridays for Chn")eau Village and in iate ports st o‘clock,. a. m., returging leaves Chapeau Village at l o‘clook, p. m., same day. â€" â€" A Connection made with Brockville & Ottawa Railway on the up and down trips. f R. S. CAKBSELS, _ ident. Ottawa, Sept oTriawWi CITV TO MONTREAL 18 THE SPLKNDID ST 1 U QUEEA VICIORTA PRIL VCE OF WALES, Capt. Bowir. Capt H. W. Suzraum» 'roymu will find this a delightful Trip. s D ds â€" Stea veen 2:(.13'."{'.'1',' n: 7 a. m-n:n‘-)mrn iving hfl a6 A l"p:anflln,\ Train leaves ure Station every murning (Sungays excepted) 7 o‘clock to comnect at Lachine with Ateamer P of Wales (breakfast). calling at different lapdings. From Cariilion to Grenvile by ‘Railway, join the Steamer Queen Victoria {dinner}, v& at Oï¬ Capt. R. 8. Nicmor, j flovee io se n on ce ‘f":v:l.g;)::.ddbh-m on the whart. The Steamer LEXA * DRA E,u W i.: Tov:fl -‘f:x-q“--n- A on w »ppiying to the Agent on 164 5 bOFf o o 0 10000), The largest and choicest agsortment in the city | A T | j ROYAL MAIL LINE MADAME DE KOERBER begs to in form parents and guardians it 1 her intention to ‘};roaud in a fey weeks Canada to Vieunsa, Austria, Germany to establish there an EDUCATIUNAL IK»+ STITUTIUN for YOUNG LES, every advantage which be by the help of the best and proâ€" Hâ€"ving been a ‘re«ident of Canada for upwards of fifteen years »he bopes that her proposed establishment will be patronized by parties intending to their d«ugh» ters abroad for their educ« * sq.. Rector of the School, &boc; The Honorable lm Quebec; Thomas C, Keefer, Esg., *tuawa,. $ Communmuoca- to be w Box 68, Post Uffice, Quebec, P m Bepi. 5. 1872 2066if mvanie at uhhopor Eroghen p. wHLE CARTAGE AG Â¥. The andersigned hbeg» inform the ï¬-lic that ts otfice nâ€" Ihm een ?Ui:Dw the rear of :d*m UFFICES of the Company, on Street, where orders tor thg collectson and delivery otf Goots will with r1 and careful attention | Payment Freight «nd Carsage will be recerved at the Company‘s Uilice, on Wellingron Strect. Barâ€"isters, Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery, Couveyancers, Notaries JOm Muhwuu tused in the Province ot &e. ANGUS Mo N, 4 W. H LWCKHAKLE GURDON, | R M. WE 123, Râ€"BIT. CASSELS, Jz. Office on Elgis street, dpposite Rassell House, fourih door from Hurook. M, Lawresce a ‘uâ€"#a «sal wa Ottawa, Aug. 21, 1872 (Uttawa, 5th Feu., 1872 i s«me evening. Market Steamer bels: mm:(hog n-'.l.- ty and variety of musie It should be a familiar friend i. every Choir, (b‘zunlt‘io:b and | Singieg Class, Price, $1.50, $13.50 per . BPARKLLAG BLES! Let all the Sabbath wy it Its Sparkling Gemse of Songs be «ppreciâ€" atea by every chiid _ P 35 couts HOUR OF ~INGING! For High Schools. of ‘the best music, arranged in 2, $ or 4 parts. Widely ME OTFAWA RIVER NA{VIGATIUI d COMPANY. [ . l n _ Price $1 I ue +oi m ust published. a GEMS of:!ld US8! 225 large vest Strauss Music, m‘ T , A perfect Muitum in P. V .' nnmz of the vest n:"-n Religious Meetings. Pric¢ 60 cents,. _ . The :above books sen ,| post pail, for the retail price, with the e ion of ze Ntiaxpazp, specimen copies of which will :;.Mawpnd) jor present for Tncau'u AND cmflurnl 1I8T UNIONS. LASTINGS AND SERGES, WM. & Hounrx £ #)um, DENHOLM, ENC ND. TRADE MARK. HUnCH SERVICES AND â€" PRAYER BOOKSâ€"New s OMAN CATHOLIC Books in French nn:,m IBLESâ€"Family, Pew and fPocket. â€" P.8. ENTKRANTE BY TDE DOOR Ottawa, Aug. 1, 1872. OTICE. URKISUN, WELLS AND CASSELS, OLIVER DITS N & CHAS i ulfsUN & New and Best Music Books FPATIRYU. Daily (Bundays m.n-‘-) W&/\HE THE STANDARD\! PILGRIM‘S HARP A. J, TAYLUR, No. 39, Sparks 8. af i 14