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Ottawa Times (1865), 19 Sep 1872, p. 4

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NONâ€"COMEUSTIBLE & NON â€"CORROS. v % Extensively used in the Eastern and Wes :-"-‘ throughout Great Britgin, ano li-u-nuy-uw N (Bee circular.) y Nomâ€"Conductor tor Covering Steam Bvilers | -""‘“’-'O”p.ctntuq. Bus â€" J r*olh‘“-hu'nbdln teadf the time it took before the covering wa: 1pâ€" Freight loaded with despatch, and No Te guipment when in car loads. Pusiag C moth & Jarge per contege (of iWtt it oo ts rae ptone, o tos waave en es eer4.00% Stom Mille a x~« CHALMERS & oo Comnections made ‘at Sand Point wit Steamers to and from Pembroke, Port ge « Fort, &e. _ _ Trains on Canada Central and Porth Bras miake certain coupections with ali wains« LEAVS SAND FULNTâ€"6:00 am, 11;:4 and 3:30 p m _ COMPOUND SYRUP OF SAR hlf SAPARILLA the Great Health Restorer of the Day. lturii:-lt the root dhdl Disease the blood to a healthy state, _ _ #.40 % 4 .nrvs AT SAXD POINTâ€"l:40 p« 8:10 pm., and 940 pm _ _ _ . § It is a certain remedy for Scrofuis, of the hm nun-un, Mnlndi“ io en en eenen seases nrising from an impure state of the thet 1 UNCAN‘S COMPUUND SYRUP OF SAkoA cARILLA, and uo other, is supplien to thetu. . Wholesale agents, EVANS MERCER & fno':’houc?m' :-da:u.h . Ottawa, March 9, 1872 1918 3m Mail Train at 3:50 pm., arriving at Sa: Point at 9:45 p.m. Through rtaws Express at 3:20 p.m., maki: ® certain coanection with wrand Trun L&@c..3 hestorer accompanyâ€" each Bottle, and ;irchasers should be careful in seeing LEAVE OFLAWA. Through Westeru Express st 10:00 a.w., «: riving at Brockville at 150 p.m., an with Grazd ‘Irguk Day Ex going Rast and West. kxpress at4:20 p. m., arriving » Brockviile at 9:35 p. m‘, and at S«0. Porint at 8:10 p.m. Express at 6 p. m. arriving at @and Pow flflml h#u&flt.-., arriving at Ottawa c 104 p.m., and at Sand Point at 1.4 MUL ARGEST AND BES TA Brackrille and Oftawa (Railways Nats, Bats, Hats. #-hfiu Cars on No T and 8 for berths, 50 cents. Bure connections with all the Grand Trunk =h.l-t-d'd,-fi&-m'l walt their arrival when lase. TMW.MM tion for refreshments. Ttains are run on Montreal time, | THOS REYNOLDS, | Managing Director, Ottawa HaTs, PEACOCK‘% t 33 Rideau Street, Ot+awa. « ?‘l‘h highest price paid for RAW FURS. « 1HaMBERSâ€"3SPENCE ratENt ~." on o4 o 0: Pok Bith .0 P v a H. hh t wonsor ourasy,"" *\ fumtuics _:'.'m; e * On and after | MHONDAY, MAY 20th, 1872 Trains will run as follows : rockville May 20, :873 through any lergth of FPiping cor muo;mm quite ory. Day Express from the Kast and W artiving at Ottawa an 7:20 p a. Buperintendent, Prescott, Ottaws, Jabe 8, 1872 CANADA CBRMNTRAL CAP3, and cent in fuel, and steem pe TO OTTAWA. For Richardson st STRAW GOODS, H. ABBOTT L1 ty 1 paw n'-‘.‘; | be and c Wes .r= | the G 3, and l», , is to sgy : ¢ Navy â€" ‘ri?c.o- and Bus â€" J | u* I dn uaut] .I= '_‘)-.g was up» * tage of l‘ A s uf the LWT ]' ys City Mills A 2% , _ wogn o » Mbo ominton This A ts in ike Aven i Roate w I flo:“of()oog'hfl IT K MILE RICHMOND, A 60 Acres Under Cultivation. LUT KQ. 1, 412 CON. NORBTH GOWER w Eoi "oneny‘y visuington Paile Polay snome Knife Boards. Knives constantly cleaned with it h&ve a brilliant polish equal to ‘new -flx;n‘:-.“..u.ln. C an sach. }-l: in worth $4,008, but will be sold for ~$1,000 cash. balazge secured hy Mortzage 1HE CANADIAN PA1N DESTROYER mm-ummmmmfi time ‘and wherever used is liked, failing in a single instance tc give perâ€" t reliéf when timely used, and we have known a singlo case of‘ disatisfaction w the directions have been properly folâ€" but on the contrary, ul:-au.n-u th its operations, and speak in the highest of its virtues and magical effects, We speak from experience in this matier 6 _tested it thoroughly, and therefore «l 553 mould any person have reason to believe be has been deceived by buying spurious & of these Medicines, he will do well t gond me, in a letter, to the address at foot (w he can do at a cost of six cents in ), one of the books of instructions w are affized to the same, 1 promise to it, and send a reply, stating whether mmm:‘:gnuu he may apply w umu-.unfnzz sts and Druggists who to obâ€" w prices not than £20 worth (for, which remittance must be sent in advance)â€"VÂ¥is., 8s, 64., 22s., 34s, per dozen boxes of Fills or pots ot nett, without discount -lnv;:uunou, so% s | gromt * TuUMAS HOLLOWAY rej Ibeg most respectially to acquaint the of the British North American Proâ€" that in May last 1 caused the business 80 Maiden Lane New York, for the sale of y‘*s Pills and Ohnclmz.lflm to that time prepared by W Brown, w deceased, to pe closed. ‘These Medicines te, l regret to say, from what has lately R to my knowledge, made up of such very ingredients as to render them almost aud therefore calculated to damage yood name, > Tuose who do not wish to be deceived ‘by iying spurious medicines, which are now ely to emanate from the States or elseâ€" but to possess themselves of the genuâ€" ike Holloway‘s Pillsâ€"and Ointwent will dc to see that each pot and box bears the tish Government stamp on which is en« ved the words "Holloway‘s Pills and Ointâ€" w and that theaddress on the label is 533, \ street, London, where only they are ‘ : and in no other part of the } id, ‘The retail prices are on the labels ir currency, and uot in dollars and cents No representative of mine will ever trave any part of the British Provinces, o Uniteu btates, cither to sell or to tak rs for my rills and Ointment, and as ubve. reasou tw believe that attempts will ver y be maue to deceive the public in way by persons calling upon medicine ndors, laisely representing that they are for me, and with my knowledge®and o 1 doem it advisable to put the public their guard against any such deceptions, most carnustiy entreat all those who may this advertisement that they be pleased the puvlic interest, to communicate the port ui the same to their frisnds that they mumumryuw o worthiess imitations of the genuine way‘s Filis and Ointment, . , wourd ask, as & great iavour, that shoula ib w the knowlodge of any person that muuicines are veing made or sold in my name, he be pleased to send me sil the Lichiars he can culleut reapecting the same, is w say, the name and addiess of the Â¥ who is selling the spurious mediâ€" and likewise the name and address ./ kouse in the United States, or clsewho o, w may have rupplicd them, #0 . to OB= me, for the protection ot the public, to tuie proceedings against such evil=doors, b engage to remuncrate very handsomely persun who may give me such informa & the informant‘s name nevor being diâ€" os. 'r..(xn‘m-mwum&u eimmediate reliet, All medicine dealers p it, Physicians order and use it ; and no y will be without it after once trying it, Fricg only twentyâ€"fivâ€" cents per bottle. de, Back and Coughs, Colds, T ursen Spraten priuen ovveys io ty * s NOkTHROP & LYMAN. Sold in Ottawa by nJrPI:oo-my,mh“ lortimer, and 11 medicine dealers. ster of Public wwk».a-l-hâ€"lfiâ€"m » 0s See. Of the Act 3i \ * Act respeciing the Public W Canada." Ixcellency has been picased to order, and i by ordered that the following rate of toll be, ind mdtrtel onl ntsonanine tonnet on Tim Slide on the Kiver Dumoine, thas ) THE PUPBLIC OF THE BRITISH PRO VINCES OF NORTH AMERICA. JVERNMENT HOUSE, OTFAWA. Tuesday, 21st day of May, 1812 (EXCELLENCY, THE _GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL a family Remedy it is well and tavourably newn reliéving thousands from pain in the N2 UTIOA upru:zunh Paten:i nnite Liea®â€" t:‘_n‘lhgo.l” a Rubber and Buaf Leather ANADLIANPAIE D&STROYER cleaning and polishing Sitver, Meotro s, Plate Glass, &c. Tablets, 64. cach. L April 10 872. ;Az iWblâ€"lawkaw! Oxtord street, (late 244, Strand Londo®, W, U4»05¢,« 1, 1871 t Stomn ons Ond oo Hetene bymecitory and White Ploe Timber fifteen cents per FUR SALE, lerk. Privy Counell, w i. of Snape ) Contracts made tor advertising in cither \or all of the above papers, No commission »d. Apply to J. M. C. Dmllm.w of Sussex and York streets, or to MORRISON WELLS & CO., Toronto. The Subscribers have received > a sum for investment upon Farm Pro Just Received H. M. ROWE S celebrated to inform the inhabitants of %u“h Beli‘s Block, near I that all commuhications may be made to him there between the hours of 7 a. m. and 6 p° m. _;M_vs_l’o}_l..}m. 18624 _ FLiHE SEAsoON COMYMENCED ~~~ I n-a-auh.m-ufip:lm CORLNT on orâ€"about. . ... Oct. OITAWEul’ 64 . . .. .IÂ¥th * st. pavip «o 00 llll.26th © BT. ANDREW & . .... 2nd Nov. ST. PATRICK 44 «««2« WÂ¥h .# Faresfrom Ottawa, cabin...... .. ... $67 25 Intermediate....... ..., . ... ... $47 or 44 00 Blunco‘.;..............B............uoo WiF" An experienced Surgeon carried on :lv-d. nfin not secured until paid 'ifilflclflmdmm hqom‘nmdbrfl-d* .‘ MeppApant § SF. AVID ‘l‘l .....26th @ gr. PATRICK _« earg from Otta No I ”'I, Chbtu.. .+« .». â€" «x $CY | '-w““,. -.......,.......‘“u“t NMHOUNNG@s a + + 411 6 14 s« 6061 s +83 +8 44 +2 4228 Â¥For further particulars ty _ "_ owoo%,&h â€" Ottawa, May 6, 1871 & boott The steamers of the @lasgow Line (saili e ag from Glasgow every Tucsday, and fm(- Que bec w on or about every Thursday are to be despatched from Quebec se ts Glasgow Line. Bcandinavian...... ... . ++ Rates of Passage from Quebec: _ »/ _ cle Tmes Welli & h‘.~0floo. ngton irccly W # _ Courrier d Outaouais, «k _ _ w ‘&m se i0 u ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS, Which in point of finish and durability, are not surpassed in any market, B&~A)\ work warranted for one year, and all kinds of repairing carefully and ___ _ FROMK QUEBEC. Bcandinavian...... .... .... .... .. Januaty 6 North American .................. 40 18 MCHOAIMG sarx «er« «crsser ratsreic++ 00 20 BRUBEIRD .y200« carccrrrere cccn 66. 00 27 SETAMHEL e cersiucterast suesrerese PUB . B RLLIRDS & WV Jan. 22, 1872 promptly done. and as the whole is driven by steam power (the only establishment so supplied in this section of country), we are in a position proved machinery has lately been added, mhing Tow Livapect niny Thomaing, aot every from Quebec every Saturday, calling at Loch Foyle to receive on board, and land Mail and Passengers to and from Ireland and Scotland are intended to be despatched from Quebec: Liverpool Line. Calling at 8t: John‘s, N. F. _ _ At this establishment will be found on Mand, or made to order, the latest and most approved styles of _ _ cheaper than any one else. ‘The proprietors are practical workmen and give personal su; ion to all work. om-.,mfi;sn ; 191 NORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANAD. PA-lanuutf- ©rtrawa StEax : LAKE â€" SUPERIOR Royal Mail Line Central Agenay, 50 Front Sireet, Toronâ€" a and Northern h way btations, cn:"?uu an A. & A. H. TAYLON ADAM ROLPH, Local %-d. and A dnl. .Gounl gents, Ortawa. Toronto. Ottawa, May 17, 1872. _ WT2tf MONTREAL _ OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY Carriage and Sleigh FACTORY: W. Stockdale, Brother & Co. 0HANG E 1871 * The Italian Warehouse. ___ _‘ J. K. C. DELES DERNIERS Feight connection at:‘Toronto with Merchants‘ Lake, Outario Line for Hamilton, Montreal, «o. _ _ Daily passenger connection at Toronto for Hamilâ€" ton, Montreal, and lllyoinlt?h;ux ud. W:rg cline _ & Â¥ariot |‘alsce Cars on kailway, and Parior State Kooms on ~teamers. Â¥For passage tickets and State Kooms, apply to Calling at Owen Sound, Bruce Mines, Sault Ste. Marie, Michipicoton, Nipi« MVQ Islet, Prince Arthur‘s and Intermediate Ports. On the arrival of the Steambont, Express Train leaving City Hail Station, Toronto, at seven Collingwood, Fort William and Duluth, Quickest and Cheapest Route to Fort G-sn% and Northâ€" est. mmmm‘wwl t Fiasrâ€"Onass, Urrez Can», Sip® Wueu sam- Cumberland, LEAVING COLLINGWOOD Every Turspay asp> FRraiYy, B ULKX AND CA N 1872. vass TO LOAM. RIDEAU STREET, OTTAW s, Liverpool,; Londonderry and Aâ€" GMASON), Coaches, Carriages, Omuibtsses, nebess as a 6« oYsSTERS, a _ nection with the retbraster etks +« +409 MWP IOO BUMMER SERVICE: Chicora, PROPRIETORS, Clasgow. BETWEEN OF SAILIN G. â€" «.. PEB GALLON. more promptly and Francis Smith, CAPT. PERKY, YSTERS. 187L 1872. 10 10 24 ‘The above discovery has gained rx Pro fessor Harman a Silver Prise Medal at the [Molo-hllxhlflth-olvm Augâ€" tralia, of 1866, besides numerous Testimonials. #.ujormâ€"Jou Inw'am’ W-i-’“ll!‘“.!‘-bt,md-‘- st,; blocombe & Btevens, Sign of the Sugar Loaf, corner of Cumberland.â€"st.; for New xdiabargh J. W. Proctor & Co. ; for Aylmer, Mr. N. o«-hr-m' tha.'nhnl'nv‘nqm:.hmt&_, No. 1 “‘W“‘I. May 22 1871 ® 1611 1y ___ Directions for use on each Packet. Maxcracrosyâ€"Gravel Lane Houndsditch, City of London, England on Cattle, &0., &¢., in less than Ten Minutes. wu:}n-'-umpurm;m& Packets for One Dollar, 45cte. m::awm““cfilrmmu smell, any Climate, It may be spread anywhere without risk, as it 14 quite harmless to Cate or Dogs, as they will not eat it ’PROF. HERMAN‘S wEWLYâ€"DI80OYERED VERMIN DESTROYER, Which is known to be Far Superior to anythin ever yet Dis= dnta, Boge: Overronchee, Black Bestlee, iess _ Homesopathic Physician, Surgeon & Ac couciver. . Residenceâ€"Albert stroct: Offic‘ hours from 9 tu 11 a.m., and 2 to 4 p.m. a1 dianlacements of the nterns. | Mecicines and their deleterious con | wre thus eatitely dispecs{d with, | immcremeing number of coros â€"ef PULYEsMACH EKS MEDicOâ€"C IC SYSTEM is ro extensive and v: t jurcibly pornts to this invents emoryo of a antverss) rmedy. B@¢â€"Orders promptly attended to. C. C B&~R. Carters give Railway Receipts reliey. Bay~ing shippers trom all further trouble W. K. JOHNSON, A;n?. Ottawa, Oct. 12, 1871 1192 This Swing may be n?'hopemlonlnh Canada Central Hotel, No. 120,Sussex Street amiat No, 8, 8t. Patrick Sureet. _l% ... LA CRISON, _ 530 Freight and Cartage Agencty 4 We, the andersign=d, have imuch plea #@ sure in testifying that Yr, J. L POLYEL @ wack®®‘s recent iiproveraâ€"nts to his Voltaic 4# Battcries aud y usirani . Appliaaced fo: 4 Medical Purposos ar> of s.cot n . itance to 4# Scientific Medicin, and that oo in eatitiou # to the concideratton aud s=pport of every # omne diaposed to curther th < wo anc._:~At of 4 real and useiul‘vio«w (64, © clse are exposed to no accifent or danger, Ladies perticularly can enjoy themselveson this Swing without having to contend with any of the inconvenierces met with in ordi nary Swings, _ is \ This new swing contains the mo~ tive power in it« self, requiring no external impul sion to drive it, and in it persons indulging in that _ N. B.â€"The following t elite of the English mds rmoived , 8IB HKXN :Y Ho: * BIB WM. FALRGUCSSON, bacc., < . & 8. EDWD. H. SikVEARAING, b. D., M.X t SlBJ. BASALD MARIIN.F. R. C.3 FULVEBMACHER‘3 $Y8STEM is also ap prov e« of by an official report ot the Aca der Je deé Medicine, Paris, hoyal College o Physiciang, London, and the Imperisl Feculâ€" ty of Viemna, and its curstive viriuos are con firmed by thousands of private costumoniais of cureseffected. (See pampaict 2 :Li>). curative to which the inventoo i wm of study and labous, a ardent deciple of that great bencfluct: mankind, the late iilusisious cisctric} Miorare Famaoy. PULVEBMACHER‘s ji ® Di Oâ€"GaA LVA N IC CHAINS are exceeding!y «ilc«cive withou the aid of medicine, restriction «i Jict, or tt least derangement of tod paticit‘s habits 2i daily occupations, in the followibg mai®dic Rhoumatism Female Complam Gout Constipation 3 Sciaticn Ormmp > Lumbago Blgggish Citcalation Neuralgin Uifhary Disorgera Head and Toothache FPsia‘:; s> Liver Complaints Eptlepay Tic Doloreuzx Nervous Dobility Indigestion . Fancyivual Digordrcs of E. LaVIGNE, (Quebec.) Thuse bhighly improved inventions rendeér Electricity perfoctly selfâ€"applicable, and °xâ€" tremely efMcacious in a mild continuous form on sbock or unpleagant sensation being ©X~ perienced, whercby it becomes a true fountain of health and v‘zour, specdily soothing agonizing peins, resanimating torpid limbs, reviving the sluggish functions of life, and tmoortiag renewe Conergy amaod vitality to covstituticns cxteeblâ€"> iv whatever cause, Emmu 18 LLIFE Patent â€" Swing, PULYERMAOCHER‘8 PATENT GALVYVANIC _ CHAINâ€"BANDS, BELTS AND POCKET BATTERIES and so severely stigmatized by Vice Chaucel~ lor Malins in the ln‘l‘.t Pllv:l'::chu;‘" hiam» -M,tlhlolri ames, alisis C. T, Haphey, M. B. C. 8, alias Henry Burtows, &¢, &c. â€" vites the public # Dated the 8th 4 © 8IB CHARLES i The effects of the application of Pulver macher‘s Chaing in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"th« relici of pain No Galvanic Esits are genuige but those bearing the fac simile of M. Pulrermacher‘s A pamphlet contai aing full particulars may be had at the Drug Store of A. Christic, Bparks Street. J. L PULVERMACHER, Galvanic Egtablishmont 200 Regent Street, Lor xon,h ~ Full particulars may be had from the Sole A. CHRISTIE & CO., e c rawi.| n h AWA. Ottawa, Heptemper 6, 1870 in ata PBRICE LIbT OF PULYERMACHKER® CHAIN BANDS AND BATTERIES B. CHAIN BANDS for Netvous Deaines Head, Tooth, and Hface Ache and Nois» _ in the Head, 218. to 308. N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciat _ Rheumatic lNounl‘Il, and Gouty Pai®" Local Paraâ€" Cramp, &¢., 188. to 2*° and 408. B CB.’A.'& MRDS.:N Lumbago, Indigestion Liver, Ohest, and Functional Nisurdors, Mi&m as a belt), 228 to 404 hnd 558. B QHAIN BANDH for Writer‘s Cramp, Paralysis, Epilepgy, General Dotility Functional Disorders, &¢., 308 to us A complete Bet of COMBINED uHALN BAND8,BELTS, and CHALN BaTUK&Y for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £17. The public are most earnestly cautionsd to beware of Pseudo Electric Beits advertised by sham Doctors, &c., for improper purposes, B, CHAIN BANDS for loss otf Voice ans other affections of the Throat, 10s. 64. to 318. N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sc Trembling, Nervousness, &v, 22« to 308 and 408. B COMBINED CHAIN BAND ior Can ul R&y* Special attention â€"given to discase mron TAaANT NOTICK. O9tf â€" Sole Agent for Ottawa and Vicini ANADA â€" NTBAL BAILWAY &. LOGAN, We wastan igioul ts ¢v8ry counct . «* Fivst come, first served."" One agent made $170 in 11 days. Address Hudson River Wire Co., 80 King Bt. West, Toronto, Out., or 130 Maiden Lane, New York. PER WEEBN soe of eterious consequences wd with, The daily f curos effected by MEDiCOâ€"C# LYANâ€" L811 1y 1455 11 aried, Chat op «s the rom the 1753 You may publish the facts 1. m those similarly afflioned. â€" Baooxix®, April 5th, 1870. J O Chamb«siain, RPs, This is to certi that niy wife was very low with Lung Discase. The Doctor had gi=iu her ap. â€" He said her tungs were tubercled, apd mewicine could not holp her. As a last râ€"soi# I purclinsed a bottle of the Great Shoshonees Remedy. At the expiration of two days her ayOpHm6 wer. decidedly better. _ She couiiuaed 0 itprov so rapidly that by the tims +1« hai «aYen Oue bottle she was able 19 wit up. By the con:‘z2â€" ance o Y o orend a .. sa Gpesfectiy searnn‘" to heaitn. h i JOHN SILVER. Bworn before me at Smithfield this 6th day WONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASE r Bmithfield. J C Cha..berlain, Esqâ€"This is to cext‘:? that about three years ago J became afflicte with Bronchitis, which lasted about eighteon months. 1 was so affliicted for the want of breath that it was very difficult tor me to speak, and in the night time frequently throwinz the clothes off and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent physicians in the County of Northumberiand for about a year, without receiving any benefit, in fact I continued getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was ad~ viged to try the Great Shoshoneer Remedy. 1 bought a bottle and_took it and when it was about finished I began to feel a little better. I continued to use it until I had taken t bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I fou that I was as well as ever I had been previ~ ous to my iliness and have been so ever â€"l. 21, 8. Ridean SBr0¢1, 1)tom=a No 1, 10th Concession, Orgo «10 Apply to t /. ANDPUES NOT SOIL THE SKIN: JOHN GARDNER, CHEMIST, MONTREAL, . â€" f Bole Manufaaturer and Proprietor. NOR SALE, SABI GABRIEL® Restores Grey Hair to its; NaturalZColor _ and Beauty, GARRM EL IÂ¥P VLYÂ¥A83 Patiles of a distance may have Artificial Toecth sapplied in partial or cowplete sete, by Moessrs, Gabriel‘s n system, on sending parâ€" vculars ofthcir cuses, with a tremittance of Too Shillings, when the apparatus for taking a wict 0: the mouth will be forwarded with all necersary instructions. _, 1 @>SHS, GABRIEL remodel on their im prove d systum, and at & moderate cost, Artifiâ€" cial Iâ€"cth sapplied by‘ other dentists which hay aot proved satisfactory to the wearer: A CHRISTIE & Co., . Druggists, Agents for Ottawa, Wholesale Agents for Canadaâ€"Messrs Bruuoll&Rum{els Front Stereet West and 463 St. Paul Street. Montral. (AUsss THE HalIR 10 GrROW "TNVIGUORATING THE ROOTS HABLE iABRIEL‘ M WSSES * Rideosa «o o * Ortawa, Deo 31, l1eTL . _ _ (®hau _. _ NSR3 Cure otf Bronchitis CINCALESE Episcopal Me { Price 58 â€" â€" ons for use eaclosod ip eath box Â¥ 'l'_O REgIDENI‘~ ABEOAL OsTEOâ€"ENAM EL PIN ~ warranted to remain white as0c UDONTALGIQUE KLIXIR ThigweleBrated AMonth Wash is most refresbing, it strengtheus the gums, eradicates tartar and all injurious secretion, sweatens the breath, and for cleansing ar« tiflcial | teath ts invaluable Ortu ye the Tooth it« besautisnt preparati~â€" wuils GUrTA PESCHA Euamel, for stopping decaved Teoth, renders +*~‘" ealaan MedicaLl. J M WELZLINGTON,) P 3EDADENT" 0 B C UR E * Toothache. This extraorâ€" wmry spplication, amrvellous ite effects, gites immediate D.: MoDUU*ALL f withont injuring the h, and forme a temporary plug. Price is 14¢ ALIIT& 100TH FASTE Ausiqe and moroving leeth copast® + natural ‘as to the «nms, ubd gives anew to the Ruamel: Price ced tfrum a recipe as rsed ler Majesty ; cives the i a pearlâ€"lis~ whitencem imparts a delicions frm. v to the breath. Price la: L3 PmE aL DENTIFIOQE ce 18 This oo ; Lamned, Ire, ArOMtosi, thoeoâ€"â€" â€" Boll» sioos, Jajpers‘ Briage, «x»zascous.â€"â€"H Asims, Keg, Arcmiteot, Philaâ€" asipmi=; Inoe #uller, Eeq, Architect, Alban Ur J A Greut, Â¥ P., Ottews ; hu&.,..“..“ Managing Director 0. & St. L. R.A. T406 : OMRISTFIEKE, Commission Mercnant and â€" e General Agent. SBolo sgent for Head‘s wighwines undProof W biakey ; also, Dawes‘ Leâ€" ““y!fiL?tLM,i:.M“ GuMua r'l:-n:fimd surveyor and Draughtsrann, cuMe ud iof the Provinces of Quebec Cn and after MON) 2 1 next, the 1st 0: MAY, it is intended 1 n the Pulima Palace Cars throught _ «< ‘m Montreal anc Barnia. One of these u. _ 1i sent coaches will be attached to each Day us m trainleaving Montreal for Toronto, and i. 1 + through tc Sernia, as a Drawing Ro u ud Sleeping Car, _ Thore will also .be on. att sued to each Day Express frow. Toronto to M( treai* The Summer running arrang ments wil} come into operation about the 1s. of June, 1 which dae notice will be given. & C J BRYDGES, 4x EAST END SAPPER JIDGE. wards, consisting of six pieces. Parlor Sets in Hair Cloth, Biuck Walnut Side» boards, Burcaus, Washstands, Centre Tables Side Tables, and a great variety of cane chair at equally low prices. Oftawaâ€"Des 1%, 13 1 â€"At= ROWE & ANNABLES, . #éyr Near Sapper‘s Bridge. Jonny Lind bedsteads..$3 00, formerly $3 50 Common Bedsteads... 2 25, iss 2 50 Common Chairs. ..... 40 and upwards Complete Bedroom Bcets for $10 50 and up. q Vitacdo cuse, Ortav® tity, GREAT RKDUCTION IN FURXNITURE Furnished or Unfurnished. ‘Thelowestrent la the City. This establishment is too well known to require any comments upon its merits. Upwards of 200 Merchantsand others dine daily in the Restaurant. ‘The Proprietor is only relinquishing it on account of assum» tng the Superintendence of his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United States. . Address _ GUISEPPE M. GIANELLL, N. B.â€"The Bar can be readily let f $200 per month. : vontres!, March 3, 1371. \ O‘rrnu HOTEL, Stâ€" James Street Mon | treal. ‘The undersigned having assum. ed the management of this popular favorite, respectfully informs the travelling public and its former patrons, that the house has undergone many improvements, and that he Antends by constant attention to the wants of his patrons, to make this the most comfortable Hotel in the city of Montrcal. OTTAWA HOTEL, _ _ > | Preseott Junction, J. FRANCIS, r..etor. Meals at all times. Table and liqu cannot be surpassed. 1878â€"3m. Jurartas®t or Crowns LaxDs, ‘Toronto, 25th of July, 1872. Under an.Order in Council passed the 29th ultimo, respecting Timber on paâ€" tented, sold, and unsold lands on the North Shore of Lake Superior, the abso~ lute right to the Pine trees growing or Daing on said lands may / be acquired on r yment being made to the Department and Elgin streets. 5 1760y N.B.â€"The financial position of the Royal s in no way affected by the recent Fire at Chicago, the Company having no Agent doing busimmess in that city. HEOTEL â€" RESTAURAKT AKD BAR ._ At Junction Depot of Grand Trunk and Ottawa & Prescott E. R. All the facilities of a First Class House, Passengers refreshment CAYITAL...... . .â€" . : > . :â€" â€" â€" . . €10,000,000 ANNUAL INCOME, over..... 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over. . .. 9,500, 000 SPECIAL LIFE ASSURANCE FUND....2.2220202222222220 6,603,210 and Elgin streets. .+ Crown Lands at the rate of fifty cents peracre, in addition to the price, one dollar per acre puid or to be paid for such lands. Should the owners of patented lands, or gurchuon of lands (the sales of which are eing carried Out) fail to apply for, and acquire the right to the pine trees on such lands, within six months from the date of this notice ; or purchasers of lands after this date decline at the time of application to purchase, to apply for and acquire the right to the pine trees on the lands apâ€" plied for, the pine trees on such lands will be disposed of by the Department of Crown Lands to persons making, applicaâ€" tlon therefor at the rate of fifty cents per acre; but should there be more than one application for any space, 0; osality, the right to the pme trees sha. i+ 2 warded to the applicant tendering, am 1 ;>ying the highest amount per acre over 1u. above fifty cents. * R, W. SCOT7, Commissioner. FUND.................... .. ©,008, 24L There having been aided $736,200 to the Life Fund as a result of the business of the pasi year. + «_ RIRE DEPARTMENT. All descriptions . of rorerty insured againsi Loss or Damage k‘-)y ‘ire at moderâ€" si6 rates. Losses promptly settled without vefer ence to tl'?o Home’Uflioe. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and unquestionable security °. is offered to policy holders. Besides the large paid up capital of the Company, asâ€" surers have additional security in the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a Wealthy Proprietary. _ ._ _ _ o N’oncn Tables of Rates, Proposal Forms and ful information can be obtained on application to the undersigned. Uwners of patented lands, and purâ€" chasers of lands, (the sales of which are 7 being carried out) who are desirous equiring the right to the pine timber ...«reon, are required to appliofor such right, and make payments as above, withâ€" in six months from date of this notice. Managing Drector Mountral, April 26th, 1871. 16571 â€"Applicants to purchase lands after date of this notice, are required to apply for the right to the pine trees thereon, at the time of application to purchase the lands, and to pay for such right at the time of application fifty cents per acre as above specified, in addition to the one dollar per acre payable for the lands. ~ *RAND TRUSK . UVRNITUKE, FURSNITUR®E. 7606 August 3rd, 1872. A. PEAKT; Fire Inspector: T. M. CLABRK , Agept. OFFICKEâ€"Bang‘s Biock, cornar Spacks [‘EI wJUNXCTION HOTEL,* THE : COSMOPOLITAN, 1N MONTHREAL, FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR a ‘TERM OF YEARS. OYAL INSUBANCK COMPANY, Dursartwe®t or Caows RARYK CHANCE: R A LN T i »Haxcelisne *Lemember the place fce. Ayimer, P.Q Mosuers, &c. FIRE and L1F, ‘H. L ROUT K. F. BEDD&:. Chief Agents for Canada.; D. WILKINSON, . Proprietor C. 8. BROWNE, & 4A . next, the 1st 0: n the Polima m Montreal anc sent coaches will te trainleaving 1 i through tc & ANNABLE ‘22 1 citors, Conveyancers, &o. _ __ . _ _ . CCEA TE A. J. CHRISTIE. | _ qAn.lrr.m “' o H. FALL 3 wcrll;mn& REAL ESTATE _4 LUMBERMEN‘S AGENT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION The Department docs not bind itself to accept the lowest or any. tender. P. MITCBELL, Minister of ‘Marine and Fisheries. Department of Marine and Fisheric#, * Ottawa, 18th June, 1872. 2013 lawktd Plans and specifications of all required works may be seen on and after the 1st Sepâ€" tembernext, at the Department, at Ottawa, and of the Light Houses on Lake Superior and Georgian Bay,, at the office of ». RISLEY, Steamboat Inspector, Toronto, at which places also forms ot tender can be procured by intending contractors. _ _ Â¥rom $400 to any amouut, on approved secarity IKUST AND LOAN CUMPANY OFf JPPER CANADA NA Hamilton island, Glengarry County . Burnt House Point, _ do _ do On Government Fier, about 2 miles #*« upper entrance of Canal, Beaubka» County. Beacon Lights, Uppet Ottawa Blver.’ Two Light Beacons below Carilion, (~ a construction of Light Houses at the underâ€" mentioned places in the Province of Ontario, viz: T Sandy Islands, Batchewana Bay, Lake Buâ€" F M perior. Point sux Pins, entrance of River 8t. Mary, Lake buperior. Owen Sound, Georgian Bay. $ Mississaga Straits (Cockburn hhlli)__l‘ke 5 * Kuron Windmill Point, near Prescott, Grenvilie > * * County. Ottawa, up to noon of MONDAY, the THIRâ€" TIETH day of SEPTEMBER next, for the Mhe whole of which will be on exhibition at their Stalls Nos. 3, 5,1.mdfii Lower Town _ Market, _this WEDN AY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, whonthoymtnnndthejnblio will be able to see the finest stall of Meat in the N. B.â€"Money to lend. â€" UOtiawaA, Feb 29, 1872 tm 291 1879. suryy®Er Canmra®gmxu Ext A Magnificent Calf, es of Seeipy weguine the goak _ _ _ o i t "wmerfi‘h' OF 350 mlfuns, And 50 head of Western Sheep. ‘ _ ‘The Pork Stall will be as usual found fully supplied with Fresh and Sait. PORK, BACON, SAUSAGES, ETC., ETC. B@" Depesits will be reccived at this Office. Interest allow cent peranuum, and Depasits fan be wit.h(‘l_nwn at any time. Lisgar Gov. General of Cansda respectfully tender the public their sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage beâ€" stowed on them during the last seven years. While soliciting a continuance of the same they would earnestly request an inspection of the following cattle purâ€" chased at Guelph Fair. _ O# Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, Great Britain aad irci w land, Newfe :;(:d{‘dnoe Edward Island, can be obtained at this office. Also Postage Stumps, 1 pair of Steers weighing the enormous weight or L _4,525 POUNDS, Matter posted up to 9.30 P.M., will be jorwarded East and West in package the same night. Which took the prize at GuelpH Fair 9,50 11.30 1§12.° . "mo . J812 EASTER. Butchers to His Excellency: Lord 9,50 No. 43, Rideau streot, Qttawaâ€" T.30 9â€"50 9.50 950 Ottawa, March 27, 1872. INENDERS. J +1 Currier, Keq, M P, _ J Grant, Eeq, M D, M U W Bcott, Keqg, M P P, My Sherifi Powell, Edward Griffin, Eeq. Edward McGillivray, Eeq, #essrs C T Bate & Co, MEI“,:‘. Mesers Fingland m Alexapdér 'ollfi A Eeleson. 8 n‘r, § 6.00 30 head of splendid Western Cattle. 10 *_ Post Offic», Ottawa, Jupe 10. 873 «50 w t t N l us us ts tA# SATCHELL BROS,, A Egleson. 8 n‘r, POSTâ€" ow Will be received at this Department, at Vis NewYork closeevery Monday at 8 P.M Per Canadian Line, close every Friduy at 10 15 / A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer wiil i unregistered matter can be sent. For Money Orios and Savings Bonk business from 0 a m t CLOSE 11.10 ,,, . Kewptr De, Merrickville, Oxford Mills, per St. L. & 0.R m«««.... 990 | British Columbis (and Vancouver Islend) Muails despatched daily via Windsor, Ont., Detroit and San Framcisco, U.S. Rates of Postage same as to | ( other parts of the Deminior s JI.10 9.90 United States, via Ogdensburg .............................. UN REAL ESTATE, ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE of MAXQL. James Bailiff, 9.00 9 00 9#â€"00 Halifar, N.S., and 6t. John. N.B .. ...\ Templeton, Tuesdrys, Thursdays, and Saturd 4.30|New Edinburgh* o e e ons Osgoode, Russell, &0 per do do The Upper Ottatra, Places on the B. & 0. Railway. . North of Carleton Place Junction, â€"Bristol, Clarendon Centre) Packenham, Pembroke, Portage du Fort, &\ Aylmer and Knll.‘ seveerens eesssepes sessem un nonso o March and Onslow, via Aylmer.......................... . North Gower, Kars, &c., per St. L. & 0. Railway March, Huntley, Carp,&c., by Stage o. ; nnd WOrKE®R, U . §.....â€" +â€"â€"1+0â€"+ »revesers cvenss Fort Garry and other places in the Province ef Manitobaâ€"Mails durnchod daily via Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich. Emsternâ€"Quebes, Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster, #8., DJ RaIWRY ..+â€" 000 sescserts sescecsrs se resoove seaver Westernâ€"Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Perth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carleton Place, per Ca ~Hada Central RailWBY.......................s......... Bell‘s Corners, Richmond, &0. per Canada Central Lower Ottawa, by Steamer, Buckingham, Camberâ€" Eu0) L "Orighat @remviline Apic .ls . uns t Chelsea, W akefield,North W akeficld,Low & intermeâ€" diate Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and inur~( mediate Offices, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays § CFFICE HOURsS FROM 8 A.M., TO 1 P.m POST OFFICEK SAVINGS BANE Agent, _ MA I LS . FICE, OTTAWA MONEY ORDELS <* BR!TISH MAJILS January 1, 1§72. THE TIMES is printed and published Tus Ortawa Tmxs Puwxri=e asp P _ LETTERS, prepaid, und if coutaining Mot wike n Fait it T t eate uy wittiye i on n an t LA FY, FibiPt BIN 1,ripgeg, Aptine ap Clube whe w Tor the DALLY of WEERLY..* _ A limited number of Advertisements are inf€ in the Weekly Times ut 10 conts per line, 1st i# tion, each subsequent insertion, 5 cents. _ _, _ for the morning mail, ai $1 00 per annum, qyp-;qtl.“ilnd,gi. the year. . 24 wordsâ€"are inserted in the Daily Times at Published EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, is wmm;hfiwmml Bfiddmlu definite term aft at Alfl.utufigmhâ€"fi ao- u. Office, or with our Agent ic eotiona! And HBusiness Candeâ€"not «Kon Cattle Strayed. For ordinary advertisements in Daily “i::gnlvo:ptlu;odo “;m*“wml ial N. 1: xi imeniy. &u-n.--'auv. Houses for male, Mouses to Hent, _ _ Rooms Wanted, Board W anted. (The only Daily Morning Paper in Central O# is published every morning at fl.:a.r yayabie in advance, or 17; cents per in the city. It is mailed to subscribers in ted Stated, at $7.3 free of Canadian postage» CHABLIGS M a BRCIL, â€" Advocnte, 1 U:mce at Mr Tetrau‘s, N P ; privatt dence in reat of French Cathedral, Hall, fullueu attended in Oitaws and the trict Courts of the County of Ottawa, | 02 _ SOTADY PUBLIC. _ Residence :: next the Fost Office. 1 'DB. MmcDOoUGALL, therton e Uru' Store: Regide .+ ‘)l. wÂ¥ 4t4 .A n O, Cbysiciac, B# Assoucheur, vhoein Mt. earhi Btore, Must end ¢f Supper‘s Bridge, . hours from # a. 1. to 4 p, m. N. lâ€"ém-umilmum of aiscases ol twe EY Â¥ und KAK. Ai : be seen at ais residence, Murray street. Burgeryâ€"Lnat recentiy vccupled by Dt loch, Dake st, Ohaudiere, Ottar=, K OMce 16‘ ‘ 1CHOLA® s# 1W neyâ€"utâ€"Lun, 5¢ #no6r, &0. Oliceâ€" pposite the #ost vil Solicitors in Chrvr‘. Notarics, ae. Ufliceâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, Kide Wa. Mogorove. _ G. Tamuos. .E July 2 1372. ‘.“\DWAID T. UAR‘ AllLA, Bt Solicite® Artorney and Nutary Publi oithe Peace and Jouut; Astorney, for the Counties of Presout: «ud mwussel) OfGet Gourt House, L‘UTigna: 44â€" . rOUWu i. dbA narkidedUA, | dbt P versityj Abysician, purgeon and A M ‘HIEâ€"oot d llo Bailo: " t1. HA YCOUUCRH, Attorbeyâ€"atâ€"Law ‘ # citorâ€"inâ€"Ohanccory, Conveysnoor, a rublic.and Putent Migatsolicitor. Otfceâ€" rdiately opposite Kueseli iouse; Blginâ€"st. THE WEEKLY TIMES, We iree L&l‘-l & G 10 M 0 i i.L,, burrumers, Soticitors, Convey ancers . %c. Jfc Jourt House, Uctaws.. _Komeur Lake. houl! _ aurh ¢. W $3 Number 12, Wellington Atreet, Hor Majesty‘s 1 acatre), ‘Centre ! Ottawa. â€"JAMES BALLLIE, Ma® cavey & IMES PRINTING AND PUBL CUOMPANY. ADVERTISINC RATEL & MIGHUT & OLKMQ w , TAE DAILY TIMES, © vinse K.. OLIVER MARTLN, Dentis Sparksâ€"streot, Central Ottewa. F ;l W*CON N O K , Attorney â€"atâ€"Low,f «in Chancery, Conveysncer, &s., :. Ofice, Univyn Buildings, Oitewe. 0. ARCHAMBAULT, OsSgGROVE, TAJLLON & CHRY 2 4. Qg-risw- and Attorneysa A .M 25 CEN TS when not exceeding 2 words, @. P. BAKER, Pystmaster Articles Lost, ,__ Articles Found, _ ... A C o kublic for Jum,“'auh, metp a iL is B , 4 ATTISLON & liciorâ€"inâ€"Ubsnoery, Leug‘ Buildings, / Areaitoot. Officeâ€" W ants, Money W anted or to d al the rate of if 4 pm Houses Wanted, 11.30 OUr ron Dlu.("‘ 8.00 £.00 (11,00 ® 00 | 40 m "l .~‘ Sparke M 18 which The steamers of this Weekly as follows during muu,,unum Quebec and . Rflm out ward that port every F\ FROM LONDU m....__.}..... Wedue ""~TErmecs h- the C ®hter the mill yarg r Aod every Tuced y th e of Passageâ€"Quebec ©60, Stsomye, 424. tickets from all â€" UJortificutes i= _i bringing . out Tarvagds B# A N E y iloocks & We Uo., Quenec ; £ ROoserr p jum, Newsastic, " town, Pictou and 8t snd _ by Railway © ‘ John, . fl "i an«< l“' ofthis Line, t avermment of the Dowi n Lommanisation treal, Quebec, Fatl Perce, Paspebis®, | Remporley‘s ©00k 0( the & GLEs x, x RIDEAU s1tg coatiagul, E:mdq w80 / Mii w aukes, W ost, r.:‘.. #1 2. > 46, 18171 PORXIPGRE daly 2, 18 "’. folt Irop Bteain W A Y VYOL. t 96 tss + Lumper 22, i1872 " CUT Fog E8 p And Mont Hope and LÂ¥ RY iN o h 0 U a c FROM QU of «il a Next Door to WaAXTEp, 7 4ND Lir; ».&u JOH® Roo Repaired ul peround ol the hip € W ednesiay ully s AND BEFT W 68 N A To with ie . B arbi rOxmas BA AVIL (G Bic by d D

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