n Chaneery, Office, Uni n S HA Y Jntaric aad Queb ever Dutie‘s Book s Drag ShO®® . TT * i Enc grrmcamnetn 1200AaMBa0LT, â€" and Suturdaye, NCEX Egn y ‘time. Leg on SGROVE, TaiLLoNX and Prtent h’ 7.’ .. _ _ CTCeit» -'-»--"‘..g Ls IE DAILY @ BaNE a and prrioegs Saitre ille, perSt. L. 402 “.:--w:] â€"»»Ootl, J opposite 18 weskiy 1ME v eR TisiNng 8#A >e closed 24 11.39 puy 5 CENT® _ -;O‘MU‘ 1 Es «480L » ut Mr Terag‘ sar of Prtach C PRINTING ANR **" oulfl‘la‘ s mm = _ ’ 2 printed 5 5 L of the Morning Pap4® PUOPLIC allowed at the rate of ~~‘; t Oe t tw ww Atâ€" Law +0 mneneungl **+ !‘- N. B.â€"Farme.s from the County of Carleâ€" ton can enter the rill yard by Broad Stroot, ovenes Broweet gace A .Oct. 36, 1871 1805tt . â€" SHINGLES X XX., XXX. P Bathan Rewsrcite aod Sbcd‘aa® t the /+ Asigpaireings. se s en is ht "rcknististown on the down trips, as businoss e Steal Built Paddle Steamers "Secret" A c t sSDAY during the season of navigation, touchâ€" The steamers of this Line, under o< with ï¬.--.“d. the Dominion .:m:l-.lfl Qz._.. u‘-‘n' Wos e ie imenet sntiol im s _London, Quebec and Montreal, > rumm for ')--q-n FROM ~LONDON. Wector..... ........ . Weduesday, ind May Emperor.... ... ... . do _ 29th do yhile .... .. ...« <<. do _ 5th June ME ecesarcesre es L (o 1ith foret; (toeo. Heabac QUEBEC AND GULF PORrS §teamship Company "Kie Preight or Prssage, apply to W. H. Howland, Â¥ile ln:‘lm %M!‘m Maker and Repairer, begs leave to inform the citizeas of Uttama and vicinity, that be his commencei the above business, and is prepared to do all kinds of repairs en the most reasonable terms, aod having watked for the pa«t 15 years both in Eng hiad and the United States, at all branches «f the above, feels confident of bsing,able to give genaral satisfaction. o. § And every Tuesty thoreafter. Bates of Passageâ€"Quebec to Londouâ€" Casin, $60, Stcorage, $24. r wm-fl poluts West at Cortificates i=sucd to porsoos desross of bringing © oat tacir tricnds to Gamés. Through Biils of Lading lssued on the continent, and in London for all parts of Caunada, and in the United States io Vetreit, Milwaukee, Chicago and uthe: poiatsin the West. Pot Freight or Passage apply to Temporâ€" by‘s Caster & Darke, 31 Billiter Lon» don; Wikcocks & 'un,wmmh; Tus & Co., Quebec ; or J 9p * fis‘s Husia Slors, upirks dwweet, on mt his ® ks or at Workshop, lnlu:’:not, next door to Dr. Grant. . q&anMOohan lnto Full Compase. â€" _ _ __ _ _ PLAN ED LU MB ER The pitronage of - c g.publbbuqnot- UVitaws, July 26, 1872 2032 3m â€" BUILDING AND bRIDGE TIMBER Alarge stock of the above will be kept conâ€" Staatly on hand to sait parchasers. %TEAM London, Queosec, Cm FURMTURE, June 17, 1872 and every Wednesday thoreafter, â€" FROM QUEBEC. _ WWa UVAAA t @K mha t MibLL +s D ES P A TC H.4$ KipUrders respectfully solicited. â€" o u.:;wums. Ottama, July 22, 1872. 2023.10i. maw Loe cUT FOR saLs n co-nuiaa;iou b}tm Monâ€" treal, Q'*"i ather Point, Gaspe, Perce, Paspebise, Dalhousie, Chatâ€" ham, Newosstle, Shediaq, Charlotteâ€" twwn, Pictou and 8t. John‘s, NA4., ud by Railway connections with #t. John, N. B., and Halifax, N. 8. W anted by a middle Woman, a siturtica &“luh:‘- .rou-o:.::.un ® l--.s ® j# «* se from duty, The cut of over One Thousand Acres patented (mnttmber fands irieg on bies on ie Uprchgs hud Larg oole ob on blgct on the Ovecnen Furniture Repaired Neatly YOL. VI NO © Temporley‘s Line. ITULTION WANTED. 89 RIDEAU STREET, W after thats date, Address Hopefield Post h_:ï¬-cl those lands being of course 8. ROBERT, BUTCHER. MANUFAOTUR®NS OFf of all descriptions. umber Woll Seasoaed, HERRICK 'fl%‘ ) &R. CUsNISGHAX Next JOHN ROCHESTER & Co RYANT And with DaVID sHAW, Montreal I uesiay, do do Co do do 26th ‘ de do 3rd Jaly ago 10th de do 08 L. with a full and complete assortment of Have plessure in announcing that they will Carpets, Full Asssortment of House Fu?'irfln"‘“"&‘.' hope to give M-ga All of the newsest designs for this previous to the advance in ï¬?: m#dhau“ #arâ€" fuver us woh Saurerdees. Au;’mib“bhï¬- E.d n-yhon-ut‘h'“.d Mml&hbm is very extensive, embracing all T and uniicensed lands of the Crown of Lake Huron and north of French iver, and west of the Indian Reserve on No deduction, from afiiz sold, allowed hr:“" t f the right to artment reserves mhd?:oï¬m;-‘nbhlt o grant ial licenses to out fuel on Berths for the supply of comsting teamers. A map showing the Berths to be disâ€" Will be received at this Department (ttawa, up to noon of MUNLAY, the September next, for the construction f Light Houses at the undermentioned teserve on Like Nipissing an estimated listance of 24 miles, thence due west to he north esst angle of the Township of Vankoughnet .. ‘ Maps of the territory are for sale by Messrs. Copp, Clark & Co., No. 17, King treet East, Toronto. 4 August 9, 1872. 2051 agdalen Islands, Magdalons. ; Port, O-p‘C«_nt’. , Saguena% County. y St. Paul, Charlevoix County, Jupe l)Jespair, Waspe County. © ake Nipissing, to the eastern boundary f the Townships of Aweres and Vanâ€" oughnet, extending north from the Indiar Dape Whittle, Labrador. Matane or Metis, Rimouski County. Aacquereau Point, Bonaveature County SEOOLRK) ANJ J Nors.â€"The area to be offered as Timber Flans and specifications of all the works y be seen on and after the ist Septemâ€" next, at the office of the Agent of the partment at Quabec, where forms of nder can also be obtained by intending tractors. 4 Plans for the‘ Light Houses and Bulld« in Gaspe County, and the It ouse at lmu-n Point may also at the of Joseph mn : Master, Gaspe ; and for the & ouse at Macquereau Pï¬tb:'bu the of Dr. Ropitaille, M.P., Carlisle. The Department does not bind itself to pt the lowest or any tender. r.xfmusu. Minister of Marine and Fisheries. partment of Marine and Fisherics, Uttawa, 15th June, 1872. 2051° ‘or the truction of Fog Whistles and “'huumn&phyw. Iuhmolluh-duhc-l’. g'fl- ..1; namin Q‘.udm singers are compose choir. muasio selected . echins" ant ts hoof it be arpopater and ul book tor use in all = be in the hands of all in ak 'o.l,io.u-â€llhmmlt%‘ lu-h&usuh:‘cw-â€"‘mndflnql are Pasrâ€" ard, 35. > TTAWA CARPET HousE, o itd bha ns t partconge sdmintly stt :Lm&.gilih-m ;o:u“n‘:wd Songs sent un-'xq k:mn,mum&-?i-!-imâ€, The Hour of Singing, By L. 0. EMERSONX and W. 8. TILDEN. xw.?‘-?.-m*fluho merty oscupi¢d bDF * geu eA £5 A * av.ago Baok Â¥Floor Oilcioths, Curtains and Curtain Materials Cornices and Cormice Poles, 4HE WUORKLDS PEACE JUBLLEE -â€"".'T '..' e AMEIRMM CCCR CCC %o“’m i--n-h""" India, Japan, ,“"’h“k‘mï¬â€"‘r papar .s Pon S TRHAN S . MA mt JuiyW 0K â€"_______:_=__ Ntoatim_ [‘Tï¬fqï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬)m Giice opened temporarity in the promiset for Qm *# NDERS \=____â€"__... ABROAD: You cannot imagine with what pleasare, vnawa, June # wt® o UE AtrwepP en t / ...‘Iflfl"-l r ut ) ENGLISH FAMILIES RESIDENT Chorus ~Book. HIGH SCHOOLS, P ts so inoct howp of whan o) be kept open, Tht A Pullman Car will be atinched to the Through Traing betwcen Montreal and Riviete dn Loap triâ€"woekiy, via ;:â€"From Montr«a on Tuesdays, Thorsd«ys and Siturdeys . rsâ€" turaing from Biviere du Loup ow Mondays Wodnewiays and Fridays. _ On and after MOSDAY Next, 5th JUNE, Wrains will leave Montreal as under MWail Train for Toronto sad [uterâ€" madints Stations, at. ....., . ... $.00 a.m D.,lm-mu....... 9.00 .m Night for Toronte, at. .... 9.00 p.m Mixed Train or Brockvillo #t.. ,.11.00 a.m Accommodation Train for laland _ Pond, stoppoing at all Station«, 1t 7.00 1. Expross for Quebec and Riviers do KOGQy, &6 cck« ccccrr cirr crcce+ 830 i in Mail Train for Inmand Pood, Portâ€" land and Boston, at...... ... 2.00 p.m Night Mail for Quebec, Island Posd, Are invited to examine collection of cures wonio y oï¬ ae w ut m Ei lanisvatribaty Panos: Semtsoues o° Anthoms to ;W..-.;. foun ie » w U m t M J Munger, 8 Wosley Martinâ€" Editors a L. 0. EMERSON, of Boston, H. R. PALMER, of Chicago, u'l:‘h-cm 1,500,000 gopies have .’ifl. wants of Chorus BUMMER SERVICE OF THALNS Great Acceleration of Speed: Pultman Palace Cars now Running on al Day and Night Trains. Mmou. PEOPLE EVERYWHERE . 48. ._;-fl-’:&' J&“lzï¬n’-&‘Mb oqcâ€"-â€"lmml‘uflqm g‘:,hV“-l&udï¬uu'&m ITSON & 0O., Boston. CHAS. H. DITGUN a 60. New youy." *** BNOK FOR QUARTEYTE CHOIRs. ENG CONTRACTORS & CORâ€" (Meres PORATIONS | TO THELR NEW L Patent Dredge Plant, By which Harbours, Docks, Canals, Barg Rivers, and Chaunei can be deepened or cut from 5 <o forty fost in any soil wi fivel ":‘3"«'1*'-'-'1 Uinffeed, Itninga dn ectors horts 0st ols Ongal; & asey en araeh ahamn ied y W. ax:)“ss & CO.. « Juné 14, w'fm ""zl'i'in"l"n'.'-‘s GRAND TRUXKK RAILWAY, That the Gznar Sucszonuss kswusoy aso Prura, dhu-hqthl-l-ldulnhg::u LEWIS JOSEPHUS, of the Great of Shoshonees, British Columbia, is working the most marvellous and astonishing Curer the World has ever heard of. _ Never in th annale of Oanaiian Medical History has suc success attended the introduction of 2* | Selected, and Shipping Orders execute medicine heretofore, lz "‘"é'l--cmm W H Y amnrnnomneneameeiaemaes o m-’--m'% "'u:,'?†mmlm&cm.flm Quassia, Smartweed, Dand __flm-:‘a‘hthuzâ€"& m _ Managing Director, Ottawa, June 13, 1871 1690t W KEX L. :: mmmwmmm il vegetable ingredients, (some of which we will such as the Extracts of Wild Cherty Bark, lam, Juniper, Quassia, Smartweed, Hyoscyamus, Compound Extract or Colocynth, Jaiap, S0co, trine Aloes, Oapsicum, &c., &c,) which enter into the composition of the combined mediâ€" cing, are such and so harmonriously classttied and compounded, that it is made the most searching curative in the known world, and monot help but sct on the system in a very satisfactoryâ€"and destrable manner. No matâ€" tor what your allment may be, or 6f how long -u-muuu- the spot and astonish you by rapid mamner in which you w â€" ‘Thie is pleasant and safe to take, and is warranted, and may positively be reâ€" Proclaim the .Glad Tidings Ned upon to make a permanent cure of ali diseases of the Turoat, Langs, Liver, Kidneys Viguntive Organs, &c. &0., as well as Scrofuis the vartous Skin Discascs, !h--a.ql all iiseases arising from Impurity of Blood, excepting the Third Stage of Consumption. rmm«u directions for using the Great Remedy & Pills, and containing Testimonials and Cort ficates of Uures, can be obtained by securing the Treatise, the Hand Book, or th A‘-n..:-: Uireuiars from any respectable agiss Dominionâ€" free. Y Price of Remedy in large Pint _ (aa. $1 00 Auilk per Bon. ... ... . »â€" «.. Revigh â€"| Rmumouowlrmum Patroniszed by all the world. lh-l'nn-.-{\-.. Vanda, Henns, Jockey Club, Frangipane, and other perfumes of exquisite fragrance, * Rimmel‘s Lavender Water, distilled fro Mitcham Flowers. Rimmei‘s Tollet Vinegar, celobrated for its useful and sanitary propertios. Rimmel‘s Extract of Lime J 1ice and Glyâ€" cerine, the best proparation for the Hair fl-. y perfumed with especia -m-.whp, is ï¬m ‘The subscribers beg to call the attention of bo consulted at yioes "Tecak Prisst. anull we ioh E mad specifcatons to be 'fl rime. * â€"! uen ville, at...... Portiand and Boston.........10.30 p.m . on o en wpooe for the erection of .« new R. C. Rimmel‘s Giycetine, Honey, Costume and loral Urackers, very amusing for Balls and Rimmel‘s Viciet, Rose.Lea{, Rice, and other ollet Powders., A liberal allowauce to shipâ€" TH E S TA N D 4 BR D. C. J. BRY DGKA, and after lst May next, may jdence, Lioyd Street; next to Motets and Anthems, 5.00 pz OrTawWA MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1s72. ‘PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE __ We will guarantee that no one can sell the eame articles cheaper, guch a» TEAb, 8UGARS, TOBACCOS and GENERAL Gz0CERIES, also WINES and all ibmported Liquors, Cansdian “:plrlu,ol the bes: description, always on hand at prices as low 1s small lots can be down. We care not for competition, all we require is a trial given to our goods, ‘The ecconomist will profit byâ€" calling to us, g@#~Our motto is light profits, Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial. P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHERS A COMPLEUE ASsSORTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS aALWAYS We are now prepared to offer to the Farming Commnunity and to the trade inducements that has not been given heretofore by any OD¢ in ou: jine of businessâ€"being now tmportâ€" Ing the chief part of our Stock, such as TEAS, WINES and BRAxDIES, enables us to reduce prices turther., We claim already to bave brought th« enormouns profits haretofore existing to a moderate rate, and trust in future to contiuue so. % r s‘ : WKO. 36 RIDEAU mb 'ï¬DADW STREET, CHAUDIERK, wholesale and Retail Grocers Wine and ‘ spirit Merchants. Chickering‘s Pianos, Steinway‘s Pianos, . Dunham‘s Piano‘s, e Haine‘s Pianos, Mason & Hamlin‘s Organs, In good repair, by celebrated makers, on hand, from $100 to $250, Terms liberal. â€" Pianos to Rent. :; Secondâ€"hand PIANUS and ORGANS taken in exchange, ; . Just received a large number of NEW and POPULAR MUSIC. Inspection invited. . A. & 8. NORDHEIMER. _ A. PETERSKEN, General Agent. ~ A. & S, NORDHEIMER‘S â€" Pianoâ€"Forte $ Music Warerooms 26 SPARKS STREET, . _ P. Baskerville & Brothers, N OTICEK. Morson‘s Effectual Remedies in 4. 4 and !â€"pint bottles. . _ _ _ °“‘°.:-_‘£'E'z‘-‘-' menvsoly be rpuridurcdn Spook »Mikeaho am serpiully pecked en i poapand . io f SOLE MANUFACTURERS : GELATINEâ€"The purest of this nutriâ€" PEPTIC FO0D tor Inval digesti vbnï¬fd- and in {â€"ib L ME AANHR®E :o oo Lo oo 1 oc 1 9D t pul Medallists and Jurors st all the Great Exhibitions, 31, 33, 124 Southampton Row, Pure Chemicals and New Meticines -3.5“- , and Shipping Orders executed with care ï¬' Name and Mark registered. _ THOS. MORSON & sON Smmsrom. &mmxmx.r&cmnanw W:â€"&l m Poltier, lm,n-vu.mupmn.m :y.' McCallum, Thompson and o to whom * DR. nmunwwsnarm TISM and GOUT REMEDY" has been submitted for trial, have, with a rare disâ€" merite and giveu certificates to that effect, of which can be obtained on appliâ€" m»*w«.wdm“u in the Dominion. «DR. BIENBAUM‘S RHEUMATISM and GOUT REMEDY" is recommended for Rheumatism. â€"“' Neuraigia, Lumbe Ts wandering and other Pains, Stiffuess of &MJanuaJdnh. sE-i-,Nflnlm- L n _2 k2 ka and is the mast affans pwellings, &c., &c., and is the most effecâ€" ï¬nh. reliable romedy® known for these CHARLES MARELIN, °. _ 30 Victoria Square, Montreal.. Sole Age~t for the Domiion of Canada and the Un ‘ted Statec. April 8, 1»"° i gisomorry. _ * THOMAS EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIC OIL. Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. 6 Puke cannet say sthare U is uatd." > aeoony) s It is the CHEAPEST MEDIOINE EVEL MADE, . Oune dose cures common sore that or One bottle has cured Bronchitis, Fifty cents‘ worth has cured an old Standing Cough. It 1i toik woalh bat" dured Ork is uis Fifty cents‘ worth has cured Crick in the Back, and the same quantity Lame Back of sight years‘ standiny. it cures Swelled Neck, ‘Tumors, Rhumatism, Neuraigia, Contraction of the Muscles, Stiff Joints, Spinal Difficulâ€" tivs, and Puin and Soreness in any part, RO matter where it may be, nor from what csuse it may arise, it always does you g004. Twentyâ€"fAve cents‘ worth has cured bad cases of Ohroni; and Bloody Dysentery, One toaâ€" spoonful cures Colic in 15 minutes., It will cure any case of Piles that it is impossible to cure, < Six or eight applications is warranted to cure any case f Excoriated Nipples or Inâ€" flimed Breast. For Bruises, if applied often and bound up, there is never the slightest discoloration to the skin. It stops the pain of a Burn as soon as applied, Cures Feet, Boils, Warts, and Uorns, ana ‘Wounds ‘mvwxepï¬-!e_m. h This firstâ€"class anima} umï¬,w Bull in Canadaâ€"for sale. His full pedigre® g:g&umwbï¬! ol . ; 1. J. & W., THOMBON, _ Fob. ists 1885 da&w t Neyean Secondâ€"Hand Pianos, Ottawa, April 8, 1872 ONTARIO JOHN,/‘ Terms liberal, __â€" 8. N. TRBOMASB, Phelpa}4. 1. And NORTHROP & LYMANX, Newcastle active principle of the gastric juice. ‘The To Prvdor Locengon" Globules; and as Wike ality, its composition being known to most S.‘...,,..,._ practitioners. Many of the Chloroâ€" dynes of c mlflbd,dlm nnw:-hdndlm Son to comâ€" pouud their preparation. Sold in $â€"0% 1 and RUSSELL SQUARE, LUuNDON, throughout the world. CATTLE, ledged its invaluable Prince & Co.‘s Organs. IN STOCK A LOF OFâ€"â€" VICTORH CHBMICAL €0. Bole proprietors and manu‘jacturers otf the geiebrated Victoria Carbolic fPreparations. Labority and Works, Victoria Hall, Malinda btreet, Toronto, Ont. 5 _ ‘The following genuine preparations are sold by all druggists.. Be sure and ask for the Vbi'ctorh Preparations, and see that you get theimm, . s s h 2 03â€" VICTORIA Carbolated Clycering This Jeily is hlfhly recommended to ladies as a most agreeable preparation for the. toilet. For beautifying the complexion and render» ing the skin soft, white, clear, and free from dryness, it is aarivalled. It will quickly remove all redness, roughness, hnb:oaha, pimples and other lnperfecflonf. chap« Bcd hands, chillblains, frost bites and sore ips, it cannot be surpassed, Brice 25 cents. ‘This toilet somp possesses all the well known antiseptic and disinfecting properties of carbolic acid, is agrecably ‘ scented, has a healthy action on the skin, prevents irritaâ€" tion, removes the effects of perspiration, and should be regularly used by families.~ Cho. l::zlnfllpox and fever pationts should bs ed with this soap ; and its use by persons liable to infection will materially prevent the spread of dispase, Price 15 cents per tablet. ‘This Sailve is a rapid cure for all skin ‘dis. eases, cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, sores, ulcers, ringWworm, tetter, oumuld head, scurvy, m ‘:;“'l. pim ; &e. It eansing &" Wflm carbolic acid, whlcnh‘h. “:7-“: by physiciand everywhere to possess eurativd qualities not discovered in any other chemi; cal preparation. Price 25 c n‘s. 5‘ Carbolic Toilet Soap. This Gargle is the most reliable and effica. cious remedy in all cases of sore throat, hbboarseness, dipthcria, bronchitis, frritation ofthe bronchial tubs so common in this changeable â€"climate. > Aï¬h-.h offensive breath, ulcerated gums and discases of the mouth, â€"For public speakers and singers it is invaluable. The ingredlents entering into this gargle are used by all physicians, and for the cure of the above disorders are now, undoubtedly, the most popular in the materia medica. â€" Price 25 cents. f Victoria Carbolic Gargary Sma, ol VICTOBRIA . f Carbolic Disinfectant ‘This Disinfectant is a sure preventative of typhas and typhoid fevers, cholera, small» pox and all infectiouk discases. It will prevent contagion‘ in cattle. . It is also invaluable for disinfecting water closets, drains, cesspoo!s, stables, slaughter houses, &c., and for destroying nauseous efluvia from whatever causo ariring. _ It will drive away mosquitoes, moths, fiies, cockromches, rie Brcclons Gewags: Tiooartcs: Papts 4 RDerIeK, P &c. Meat, fish, &¢., can ve preserved from p!lï¬lï¬c.t.i:n by its :x;e Carbolic acid was sélected by Her Majesty‘s pommiés sioners, in prefâ€"rence to all m P"'d‘ca as the best disinfectant for the prevention infectious diseases. Price 25 cents. e This preparation is uncqualled in its rapis dity for sharpening and polishing cutlery. ‘Table and pocket knives, rasors, -uï¬: ln&une-u,;hoemlken'qu'pllu and chisels, &c, Nothing has ever discovered which has sprung into fFity more quickly or become of so much yalue in ov«yLnu{old and workshop for general usefulness, Price 25 cents. * Victoria . ing and Polishâ€" T 'ing‘ Pfle‘ §q .t VICTORIA CARBOLIG: DP T0 N. 8. BLASDELL & CO., Nistoria Foundry, Octawa. Ctiaws, June T7, 1972 qv4â€"4m Pï¬: GREATEST INYENTION OF THE AGE, 5 ORTON WUEEL TIRE TiGHTENEE * f PATENTE. § VÂ¥ e w e hi w d «Pn C + ts se /A g A LV E. VICIORIA Will execute all orders which we may be favoured with for puttin Stove Pi ‘Furnaces, &¢., &o., &c. kee to it in time. ‘We have on hand o L‘M ‘ ELBOW all in one piece: . Call and see it. n nand the colebrated FU ‘ sata stazt C. P, DORION. Also, Stove Pipe Klbows, T Pipes, Dumb Stoves, Gallows Pipes, and an endless quantisy of Tinware, Lamps, Chimneys, Coal Oil, Oil Cans, any size, always on hand. STOVES, STOVES, CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, For Cash. inonten eiot css it yonr aes Ingnliiv eattind. u"&n":u'-wflm thetate Ni. w&m l:l-t! made lpmw.:lbt" on the shortest possiblemotion Mramm ss. . 0)( ooo . adikiaa tortee, Jt ob s ubd e godkh e iess 5e | CC *** Large Importations Sack Coats all Wool, Sho;&':ï¬Oocth' ‘4 Pants all Wool Striped and /~~ Plain >do>~> ‘do" " Y asts â€" > ~do **do ** ~ Ts Chme ns ts Log o duiped. abd Piaie tor Paohs, ‘ me, Suiped Coten (eepednand iescs Mc Soev i en pelooved Mevice Undes Shirt anl Munts Pate and Oobourey Marico Unie: Shire and ‘(:"“ " . m&‘:baz quality ;..; c S Cioths: Linens w A~ 4n the cite. â€" Gentleme Eoftamonad recd on Uinthn nomes and acmaos, ..‘..w “:r-hhuw- m in Ssn m io aolme ts wonbiheasit OMEABA & co. Chuich of England Ladies School, Committeeâ€"Mesers J. D. Siater; J. A. Torrance ; W,W;G. P. Baker ; J, B. Lewis; G. &. Wicksteed; W. R. Wright ; A. C. Kelty Ottawa, Aug 17, 1872. _ 2051 3m Ottews, June 12 1872 200 Wei.ington Stroot, OTCTAW A. Ottawa, September 11, 1872. x0 A Number of Practical Tipsmiths inemeene esns aecey leave ':«':-.'“-‘-'3.: ....;";‘flf'.' a fow weeks. in our %%mrw > all Wool, $3 & CO, | 8 50 2 50 1 50 wouics To CoNTRACToOR& { Bealed Tenders addressed to the unâ€" dersigned and endoreed *Tender for Gatinesu Work," will be received at this office until MONDAY, the Twenty Third day of September instant, at noon, for the mtldm&nh-kcht mA cA ic erly side of the River, opposite to the Government Boom, about a mile ï¬oa:homï¬ofï¬om /Â¥ Pli plesnt, material ap pliâ€" Pline Specifications of the work to be performed can be seen at the office of w-flnwm-dmd the Ottawa River orks, at Ottawa, on and after FRIDAY, the 13th instant, where printed forms of OL WO , responsible. persons willing to J for d ï¬f‘“’i‘!l the due performance â€" Theclowest or any tender may not be Depariment of Public Works, _ ___ _ Ottawa, Tth Sept., 1872. â€" 2072 3 Ptrï¬-&.d-flz to furnish the names of° two . resnonsi narsons willine in China W apehouse Mbfld:wm h.n-.-h.th.-:.-!-‘ uk o ae0teent pur flook, Able Spring‘s Jmoore TOLEN OR YED, misesâ€" of James Slack, Canal Basin, an ITALIAN GREY HOUND BITCH, heary "Saigp.." Anf yorson harvormg her ahver dn:.nut.eo m{I be prosecuted according to law. ) JAMES SLACK Ottaws, Sept. 10, 1872 OW 18 THE TLME TO CALL 22 o 5i 24W m i ;iï¬! P 92 a 1 & es:lp 4 . Eo_ B . #2°!( F. BRAUKN, iA 2071 {PRICEâ€"3 CEN 8 NK °* SORE THRUATL, uUGH, COLD, and similar troubles, it saflered to progress result in serious Paimonary, Bmchï¬:fl Asthmatic affections, ofteutimes incurable, / BROW XN‘S BRONCHILAL TROCHES are compounded so as to reach directly the seat of the dircases and wive almost instan The of Johfson‘s Anodyne u-m- Purgative Pills,, ard Sheridan‘s Cavairy Oondition Powders, have published a readable and instructive pamd vwhiet, which may be had free at the sto res, The Trmches are ofered with the fullest confidence in their eficacy ; they have boch thoroughly tested sud muintain ‘the g004 reputation they lisve justly moquired _ Fot Public Speskers, Singers, Military Officers, and those who overtax the voice . they are useful in relieving an Irritated Throat, aud will render articulation easy. Being an article of true merit, and having proved their eflcacy Wluaâ€"nyymymm thom in new locslities in parts of the world. and the Troches are universally pronounced better than other articles. & Obtain only «Brown‘s Bronchial Troches, and do not take any of the Worthliess Jmitations that may be offered «Troog»s," so called, soid by the ounce, are & poor imitation and nothing like BBOWN‘B BRONCHIAL TROCHES which are sold ouly in boxes with facâ€"simale of the propri¢Wwif, _____ JOHN L BROWN & SON, _ en outside wrappe: of box, and private Govg! eroament stimp attached to each box. . ; This care in putting 1p the Troches is 1t portant as a security to the purchaser in ord to be sure of obtaining the genuine Brow e Bropchial Proches. . Ozrorzz axp Srarex,â€"In every branch of ori« tivationâ€"whether in the feld, the orchard, the vineyard or the garden, there must be orde: and system to insure successful results, and this truth is firmly established by actual experiénce. Another great truth has also been establisi<4 by the same means, which is : That as a pie« ventative medicine ~. .. medicine for the oure of solds, coughs, rheumatism, and summe complaints, the "Canadian Pain Destroyer," i the mostreliable. For sale by all Pruggist and country dealers, Price, 25 cents per Grxar Coxprrio® Meniorsa.â€"As a «ondit medicine for horses *Darley‘s Condition Pow ders and Arabian Heave Remedy® has no equal Its effects in this respect are astonishing ; many horses that were llppo..vaw be broken dowe and almost worthless have) by the use of a few packages, been resto to a h an i sound condition, all of the ovh: speen m&w removed, have a0% for from to $75 more than they would pre m.hnmw; when you want a horse x "Darley‘s Condition Powders and Arabian ve Remedy." We know you will be perfectly satisfied with the result. Remember :::-o.ndmlhnth;m: :’ud & . is on each package. orthrop n a.* Newcastle, Ont., mm or Canade. HeAd by all medicine THIBTY YÂ¥EARR EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NUBSK. mus. Wissu w‘s Boorumme Erzur is the pre« soription of on » of the best Female Phyrloians and Nurses in the United States, and has beet. used for thirty ysars with nover tailing safeey and by millions ot mothers «id children, the tooble inient of one wiok 1d to the gdult, 1t corrects acidity «4 the mach, wind colic, regulates®t af wels, and pives nnhh-lth and comfort t Oother and child. e bolieve it the Lest and surest remedy in the world, in all cases of Dysentery and Diarthma in chlidren muuum-uuu.un-fl other cause. Full directions for using accompany each bottle. Kone genuine uniess the fac«simile of CURTIS & PEKRKLNS is on the outside wrapper, Bold by all medicine dnl-xllo.hc bottle. Office, 215 Fuiton ‘M, ew York, and 93 Oxford Street, Lon« MKS, WINSLOW‘8, SOOTHING SYBRUP Having the fac simild 1 Ourtis & Porkio on the outside wrapper: All others are bp l.nyaumw:'\nn-drt Brâ€" you rhenmatism in aoy form ve you stax. meck, or buwnches caused by rheumatic pains? Un,JM'ameht†fic remedy and.is also the best pain killer in Cod oil 58 to 60 ots gallon . to ° Calf uoupu’z. * Bheep 75 cents each. No toilet table should be with out COOOâ€"GLYOELNZE, 2 «at Do green, $10 â€" cdo ~ Bacon do . $9 to 12 do *A Bacon dry salted, $8 0J 9 00 do Froceaâ€"Retail prices. Double extra, $7.50 to 8.00 per barrai , Extra, $1.25 to $1.15 _ do y No. 1, #.15 to 7.00 ao Oatmeal, $5.25 do h Cornmeal, $3.25 to 3.50 do w'hâ€"g‘,fl.ww'lï¬ Wheat meal, $7.00 do Provender, $1 .50 per 100 ibs, Beetf, [ 50 per 10 bs m“(:w lb. ‘Turkeys, $1.50 to 1.00 Sach M’G&b'&.’:a‘. Ducks, 40¢ to omlo. lhï¬l-;‘ou:’bs&.;c Butter 15 »3:. per ib. > C©OOCHPGL YORRINE nourisk Bwedish Turnips, 20c. h m’:&«. Onions, $1.0) to $1.25 do. f Celery, 40c to per doz. Cabbages, 5¢ to 10c each. lu.to.-l:t- bushel. Apples per $3 75. Home spun yarn, 9)¢ per ib, Home made woolien socks, 45¢ per p ut Wool 5U cts; to 6c per lb Hay $16,00 son * Bp“,‘!:) to 5 50 Ont straw, $5 to $6 5v ao, Lard, 12 to 14 ots Tallow, Oc to Je Buckwheat, 60to 65cts per bushel Onts, 81¢ do Peas, 55¢ to 60¢ do Beans $1.50 to $1.15 Barley 50cts. Corn, 70 ets. Fall wheat, $1.40 _ 4 0000 GLYOERINE removes Honey, 15 to 20 do. Potatoss, 25¢ per vusbetl. Mess Pork, $16. Farmers‘ mess, $14 50 do _ Prime mess, $13.00. Hams smoked, $15 00 to $16.00)per 134 English ki French do Common do Canadian calt No. Hides, o. 1, 9J¢ per ib, SPECIAL NOTiLCKS. , 70 cte. eat, $1.40 do wheat, $1.35 to 1.40 > go 22 to 25¢. THE MARK KT lb $1.25 lb t wy Aot