| & L..M-uhmh*nndw and throughout Greus Britain the British Adumiraity and American Iii (Bee circuiar.) 4 . Connmections made at Sand Point ‘jwith Bteamers to and from Pembroke, P du gulpment when in car loads. LEAVESAND PULNTâ€"6:00 a m, and 3:30 p m * . LEAYVE OFL AWA. Through Westers Express at 10:00 a.p., ar riving at Buockville at 150 p.ml, and connecting with Grand ‘Trunk Day Exâ€" : going Rasi and West. kxpress at4:20 p. m., arrivigg at Brockville at 9:35 p. m., and at Potint at 8:10 p.m. * Express at 6 p. m. arriving at Sand . Point #.45 pm. : ' . ARKRIVE AT SAND POINTâ€"1:40 ip m, 8:10 pm., and 9:45 pm _ _ R. B.â€"I1t suves 30 per cout or the B Hoase builet, aud st«awm is now raimeo in Saii the time it touk beture the cur: ring was r.'w-l.vn a large per centige} at wel and Labor at the Water Works of Purlhument and Depatm:ntai Buildings, Cii) 'hi‘n'fl-y._.... Mail Train at 3.50 pm., arriving Point at 9:45 p.m. iz Through Ottaws Express at 3:30 p.m., a certain coanection with tirand . Day Kxpress from the East sad artiving at Ottaws at 7:20 p m. _ LKAVE BRUCKVILLE. | Express at 8:00 a.m., acriving at O 104 p.m.. and a% Sand Point Uireat Broad Gauge H + TO OTTAWA. SBofa Car|10 00 p m| ERastand West\ Brockville and Ottawa Rai Wholesale j agents, EVAN Ol)-,lflï¬-l.n_dntobo c all the Ottawa druggists. | Ottawa, March 9, 1872 | Comiortable Sofa Cars on No Charge for berths, 50 cents. Bure connections with all the trains both East and West, as this trains wait their arrival when lase. MMM&P!-J Dal dilj hg- the Great Healih R Vik ... -&.i.' u"‘(:. root of all Disease through its wonder{ul power restoring the blood to x healthy state. | _ â€" _ It is a certain remedy for | Scrofuis, o y ie t the , tions, Chest Complaints, and ali| other diâ€" seages arising from an impure sirte of the Esaith Restorer accompany esich Bottle, that, DUNCAN‘S COMPUUND SÂ¥ RUP OF WANLLA, and no other, is supplies ï¬ wITATNA NC nnubbu.nnun hllI-l:'l'D 4 ;! tion for refreshments, Trains are run on Montreal time. THO8 REYNOLDS, # LUTTBELL, Bofa Car| °L ARGEST AND B Hats, Pats, COMPOUND SYRUP qf SAR o . SAPARILLA HATS, prockville May 20, 1873 PEAC( 33 Ridup Street FURS. * paid Ottawa, May 7, 1872. » The old reliable, quickest and mu-ng-nnha to Béockvilie and all pc Bote Mapoinoturers in "a WUNBUE VuLaaby,. Uugeral Wwostern Agont, Ortaws, Nov, 230. 181. THE ST, LAwR OTTAWA RAIL * West, and mile "fnull potoin fast t mevmnmame ALTERATION OF RUNNL O.Aln FROM MONDAY, 1873, trains will run as foll with * MONDAY, MAY 20h, 13712 'lbfll-'-lubn‘x" Ottawa, June 8, 1872 tANADA tBMRA |13 00 noon 10 30 l-_ï¬l'l‘upn:: T 30 a m § 1 _ from West 4;00 pm|Do do Mai from West w-.-lD!"!w- CAP3, and GolNG soUTH HALMER® & Qo, l&em. 64., u..'.u P. 0, Box 8144, |nquu'tu- of steamers oast and West 40 T i;:Tm Kast, STRAW iestorer 0 Dom t WAY. 10th JUNE s NCE flats. ts E 8 T e ()0 for. GOODS, cE‘s, G@ TIME. F3 50 p m 10 00 a m l ajacy‘s pany‘s Arrive att rescot! 1918 3m 1 00 a m Ways 6:15 a » 6:20 pm ke aking Frunk a at 140 itawe, Aptil 14 IMZ _ â€"~ _ ndlâ€"lawkawi 226 Acres of Good Land WITHIN uNs MILE OF RiCHMOND, About 6U Acres Under Cuitivation. §5.0 _ te m 000 cash. ;.‘.7..‘..'.?."' :?n-ldhilcn l"‘ARlNlm A 3 < LUT NO. 1, 4r2 CUN. NORTH GOWER On the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Public W orks, and under the dmnnduuu\mwnm H13 EXCELLENCY, THE ;GOVERNOR knifo. Oakey‘s W Knife Polish should h“vlflï¬omâ€" This farm is worth $4,000, but will be sold for :D.l.‘ Paten: nnite uieanâ€" brilliant polish equal to new uuï¬ uhâ€,ld.oul x-;al’-. #64., h..h. phrying be on 4 cgnitio m fee Prevent friction in Uhomists and Druggists who destre to obâ€" tain the Medicines can be supplied at the lowess wholesale prices in quantities of not less tham £20 worth (for, which remittance must pe sent in advance)â€"vis., 68. 44., 12%, and 344. per dozen boxzes of Fills or pots of Ointment, nott, without discoant< 1 have the honor to 04, * With great respect, TnOMAS HOLLOWAY MW. VU; 5¢p= 1, 1871 Bmould any person have‘reagon to believe that be has been deceived by buying spurious imitations of these Medicines, he will do well to send me, in a loiter, to the address at foot (which he can ao at a cost of sizx cents in postage), one of the books of instructions which are aflized to the same, _1 promite to examine it, and send a repiy, stating whether tne Mcdicines are genuine or not, so that if spurious he may apply to the pefson trow waom he purchased tuem to have is money Bcalds, Frost Bites, _ &o., &c, 1HE CANADIAN PaiX DESTROYER Has now been before the public for a lengtk of time and wherever used is well liked, never falling in a single instance tc give perâ€" manent reliéf when timely used, and we have pever known a single case of disatisfaction where the directions have been properly foiâ€" lowed, but on the contrary, all are delightva with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects, We speak from experience in this matier having tested it thoroughly, and therefore to e who are suffering from any of the comâ€"~ imints for which it is recommenaed may de~ pend upon its being a Sovereign Remedy. The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Painâ€" Destroyer, in curing ‘the Diseases for which it is mm.-od.nd its wondérful success in su the torturing pains of Rneumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affeo~ lons, entitle it to a high rank in the list ot Remedies for these complaints; Orders are coming from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country for further supplies, and each test tifying as to the universal satisfaction i gives. ; . The Pain Destroyer never fallsto uln;mmnlut. All medicine dealers keeyp it. Physicians order and use it ; and no family will be without it after once trying it, Price only twontyâ€"fAve cents per bottle, NORTRBOP & LYMAN. Bold in Ottaws by. H F McCarthy, Joseph Skianer, John Roberts, J P Featherston, Geo Mortimer, and 11 medicine dealers. U 1 would ask, as a great favour, that shoula it come to the knowledge of any person that spurious medicines are being made or sold in my name, he be pleasedto send me all the particulars he can collect respecting the same, uusa. is w say, the name and addicss of the yeudor who is selling the spurious medi. cluys, and likewise the came and address . / the kouse in the United States, or elsewho e, which may baverupplied them, so . to en« a«bi+ me, lor the protection ot the public, to nstitate procuedings against such evil=doors, aud 1 engage to remunerate very handsouely «2y persou who may give me such informa wou, the informant‘s name never being diâ€" vulged. % GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. M) 2lst dlvdl'l. 1872 1 most earnestly entreat all those who may readthis advertisement that they be pleased in the pavlic interest, to communicate the purport of the same to their friends that they may noi be defrauded of their money by purâ€" causing worthiess imitations ot the genuine Holioway‘s F‘ills and Ointment, LV THE PUPBLIC OF THE BRITISH PRO, VINCKS OF NORTY AMERICA. I beg most respectially to sequaint the public of the British North American Proâ€" vinces that in May last 1\ caused the business t 80 Maiden Lane New York, for the sale of moiloway‘s Pills and Ointment, which were ap to that time prepared by William Brown, nuw deceased, to be closed. ‘These Medicines were, l regret to say, from what has lately come to my knowledge, made up of such very ordinary ingredients as to render them almost worthless, and therefore calculated to damage miy good name, ® Asa family Remedy it is well and iavourably u:n-nunhgwho-yd-hh No represcutative of mine will ever travre through any part of the British Provinces, o the Unitecu States, eith=r to sell or to tak orde rs lor my rilis and Ointment, and as have reason to believe that attempts will ver probably be mace to deceive the public in «his way by persons calling upon medicine vendors, laiscly repressnting that they are acting fur me, and with my knowledge and consent, 1 deem it advisable to put the pablic on their ;uard against any such déceptions, Those who do not wish to be deceived by puying spurious medicines, which are now likely to emanate from the States or else~ where, but to possess themselves of the genu~ ine Holloway‘s Pills and Ointment will dc well to.see that each pot and box bears the British Government stamp on which is en« mmm-m~mmruwm ment, and that theaddress on the is 833, Oxford street, Loudon, where only they are manufactured, and in uo other part of the world, ‘The retail prices are on the labels ir British currency, and uot in dollars and cents de, Back and Co Colds, Sore w‘?ï¬fï¬p-m Bowel Complaints, Burne, _ NA UT iA ANADIANPAIN DESTROYER GENERAL IN COUNCHL Lo mu__ and injury to the The have received a large -hmt-po-hm,hm. &eflum Apply to J. M. C. DELESDERN corner of Susser and York streets, or to MORRISUN willhd y ®e MhBUsecrrserrces â€" v sesrhh GALLMOKIL Just Received H. M. ROWE S celebrated BULK AND CAN oYsSTERS, Ohem'l&hl:: ol"-‘l'- Belt‘s Bloe:‘. an near Sappors‘ and that all communications may be thade to there between the hours of 7 "uvadornmin.. ~~~â€" HHr Return Tickets granted at reduced rates. Passage certificates granted bfuï¬u desir. "Tor To hn portioaiar npply ts 1. * ‘or & to a‘s D W Oomn & CO., . Agents : "Bparksâ€"st , Ottawa, May 6, 1871 599tf e Surgeon carried :h-.n::l.um ucnud.l.:ul p:: Dates of Sailing are as follows : CURINTHILAN, on or about.....112th Oct. OTTAWA 64 «+4 006 it ST. DAVID . w «+1 . 6t â€" 6 ST. ANDREW & .. ... 2nd Nov, 8T. PATRICK 6 «+«».| We 44 Fares from Ottawa, cabin...... ... .. $67 25 Intermediate......, ... . » ... ... $4T Of 44 00 SOUOGWe c a x s «rt 1x seor 61 ras s +1286 8 1+ 20 00 o Turms Office, Wellt Struot, «s 4# _ Kvening Mail. &4 4# _ Courrie d Outaoucis, a4 4 _ Ninerve, Montreal. "1:.'3_,. ..-‘:'nd th.luv.’od e mm-‘ Liverpool every Thursday, from every Saturday, calling ‘Loch Mbbm‘vvn%â€"hfll‘:n-l Passengers to and from I and Scotland are intended to be despatched from Quebec: :.m....u.:...»..n.‘?""" j _ _ FROMK QUEBEC. _ R The Italian Warehouse. J. K. C. DELES DERNIERS Pl-llflm Booked to and from Ottawa, May 17, 1872. 872. CHANGE OF SAILING. A. & A, H. nr}.on. ADAM ROLPH, f orkâ€"st. and Hfl. .onuu Agents, FaF «w Toronto. _ ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS, Which in point of finish and durability, are not surpassed in any market. c BPrvoar Pratrisinn®@ stantsions ntâ€"tnliiccaihe w PB hrased and all kinds of repairing carefull and promptly done. us ’- j _ _A very large amount «of new im proved machinery has htelyboon.:?dod, and as the whole is driven by steam power (ï¬ooflyuhflhhnentnluppï¬cd&oth'u section of country), we are in a position Feight at Toronto‘ with Merchants‘ Untamo hm-mua Montreal, «o. connection at Toronto for Hamilâ€" m-n.-lâ€"ulwt‘ ts u.~| '.“2-.... ... Patâ€"Parior Palace Cars on Kailway, and Parior For ..-.'3-':.- and State M to ‘oCAP‘L m,}{ ‘m. Front Street, Toronâ€" cheaper than any one else. a (C The proprietors are practical workmen and give personal ion to all work. Ottawa, March E 1872 1931 learing" C1 Hail ‘Btation" Foronis, at" seven o‘clock, a. m» At this establishment will be found on hand, or made to order, the latest and most approved styles of _ Quickest and Chea Route to Fort Garry mtfel.it orthâ€" NORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA. Evezy Turspay asp FzRraiy Calling at Owen Sound, Bruce Mines, Sault Ste. Marie, Michipicoton, Nipi= m‘n&lm Islet, Prince Arthur‘s g and Intermediate Ports. !l_-r-&}‘-. PPER CA‘-‘I.I. Slos W aures Srnl'-' LAKE â€" SUPERIOR Royat Mail Line Collingwood, Fort William and Duluth, Cumberland, W. Stockdale, Brother & Co,, Carriage and Sleigh FACTORY: RIDEAU STREET, OTTAW a, 1872. VaKY TV 10AR. Liverpool. Londonderry and Ao WiMADO®qQ TTAWA STEAX Coaches, Carriages, Omzibusses, MONTREAL OCEAN | EKAMSHIP COMPANY. LKAVING COLLINGWOOD i nection with the BUMMER SERVICE sheits €¥irsres «erses08BUAEY & Chicora, 7 Oparion Pabioge PROPRIETORS, more promptly and Francis Smith, YETERS. for 972 do 18272. 13 ‘"'u...{."“i. W. Proctur & 0o,; tor Ayimer, Mr. N. K. Oormier ; the Wholssaic Agents foi the Canadian PfSl‘n;z, me J Smith & Co, Westerm Buildiags, Montmeal, “l:. 22 1811 ..“1!"1 Maxuracrosyrâ€"Gravel Lane Houndeditcb; City of London, England The above discovery has grined for Pro fessor m.l.x:‘::u:“ wedul at the Interâ€"Cotlonial a of Victoria, Aus traiin, of 1866 besides numerous Tostimonials for Gmâ€"!m&l4w Groce: a.m..u..,s.‘; J‘on ,.;:.. m‘m;... ; slocombe & S:evens, O th. Sagm :‘2.’!". corner of Camberlans.st ; for Now harmless to Cate or ont it. For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Poultry Ants, Bugs, Cockroaches, Black Bectles, Flea® onn“l:l*!.mndhmonfluu, Motbs ts Cattie ns ho7th fose thak Tox aiguice on a ‘en Minutes. Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cts. por Packet ; or 8z Packets for Dollar, 45ote. ‘I\O.P:"du “"l‘l.uglrmurtlw smell, ep in any Climate, It may uq-u-m--um as it ts quite bharmless to or Dogs, .:h'k.," will uot ce ce y 0 Homesopsthic Physician, surgeon & Ao coucher. Rew iâ€"ncoâ€"Albert street. OM( mï¬guot l.“lz,!ud_a to 4 p.m. BE&F" Speci«! s(tention given to discase 24 diznlacem â€"~+« of the "terng, 1753 mnmm“hndodh. C.C #@~R. Carters give Railway Receipts reliey. Â¥ay~ing shippers from all further trouble Epecial rates for furniture. W, k. JOHNSON, * Arnt. Ottaws, Oct. 12 1871 1792 s30 I’l- external impul. _ 6 sion to driveâ€"it, * ,*.ï¬â€œ\ and in it persons s ;;\M‘, A indulging in that _ . =\<};~;<‘‘â€"} agreeable . exer~ 41 â€"â€"* sÂ¥ eize are exposed to no accident or danger, Ladies particularly can enjoy themselves on this Swing without having to contend with any of the inconveniences met with in ord! nary Swings, This Swing -azdm in opetation at the Canada Central k!o.no.t!ï¬ubm and at No, 8, Bt. Btroct. Freight and Cartage Agency This new swing contains the mo« tive power in it, self, requiring no of E. LaYVIGNE, (Quebec.) Ottawa, septemper 6, 1870 â€" _ Head, Tooth, and Face Ache,and Noiser in the Head, g;. to 308. B, UHAIN BAN for loss of Yoice and other affections of the Throat, 10s. 6d. to 318. | > N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciat _ Rheumatio Neuraigia, and Gouty Pai®®» Local Paraâ€" lyll;&Onn , &o., 188. to 2*** and 408. BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorders, &e. ;won as n belt), 22s to 40s and 55s. B CHAIN BANDS for Writer‘s Cramp, Trembling, Nervousness, &c, 22s to 308 and 408. | B COMBINED CHAIN® BAND for Cantrl Paralysis, Epilepsy, General Debility Functional D ers, &c., 308 to 508. A complete Bet of. COMBINED UHALN BAND8,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £7. _ The public are earnestly cautioned to i-m-. D‘:oton, &c,, for hpn; pnrmb’ and so severely ized by Vice Chancel~ lor Malins in nt..ho t Pnlvcn%hgr vs Ham» mond, alias ames, alias C. T, Raphey M.B.‘0. 8, alias H Burrows, “Im“' * bearh etdboho dfl:.?l‘-l"l'l“ B ue bearing of M. vermacher‘s signature ;. the label. hall A pam t containing particulars may be had at the Iï¬"n Btore of A. Christie, Bparks Streot. | J. L PULVERMACHER, vanic Egtablishment, 200 Btfeet, London, W dsc ~ _ Full particalars may be had from the Solol mPORTA®T SOTICE. These facts »pr to the good sense of every sufferer to avail himself of this scientific and curative to which the inventor has devoted a of study and labour, at an ardent deciple of that great benefactor of mankind, the illustrious electrician N. B.â€"The ï¬ofl.owing testimony from the elite of the English medical faculty bas been received $ a «" We, the undersigned, have much pleaâ€" "sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Puuver " wacuEr‘s recent improvements in his Voltaic # Batteries and | Galvanic Appliances tor " Medical Purpoges are of great importance to “!lcl:::flc Medicine, and that he is entitled " to consideration and su of every " one disposed to further the :dpov;oomt of 4 real and useful progress, IC CHAINB are exceedingly effective without the aid of restriction of diet, or the least t of the patient‘g habits and daily occupations, in the following maladies Rhoumatism | _ Female Complaints . Gout | â€"_ Constipation § Sciatica |\ _ Cramp 8 Lumbago | Sluggish Circulation Neuralgia Urinary Disorders Head and Toothache Paralysis ©1 Liver Complaints _‘ Epilepsy Tic Doloreux _| â€" Nervous Debility Indigestion |* _ Runctional Disorders sR CHaRtes Locook, fangg D. . i8 M. | _ J a°0.p , SIR HKENRY gomn,nm.,u.np.ns + SIR WM. nn:mssou, Bart., F. B. 8. _ _ EDW D. H. SI&KVERING, M.‘D., M.R.C.8 © BJl J BANALD MARTiIN. F. &. C.8." i ULVEBRMA ‘B BYSTEM is also ap , lov «: of by official report of the Aca dâ€"r is de Med , Paris, Royal College o Physicifang, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Vienna, and its curative virtues are con= firmed by tho of private testimonials of cureseffected. e pamphlet gratis). | These highly improved inventions render Electricity perfectly selfâ€"applicable, and exâ€" tremely efficacious in a mild continuous form on shock or unpleasant sensation being °x~ perienced, whereby 1t becomes a true fountain of ‘health and vigour, speedily soothing agonizing peins, reanimating torpid limbs, reviving the sluggish functions of life, and rmparting renewe energy and vitality to constitutions entecbled ty whatever cause, Medicines and their deleterious consequences are thus entirely dispensed with. The daily increasing number of cures effected by PULYEEMACHER‘S : MEDi0Oâ€"GALYANâ€" IC SYSTEM is so extensive and varied, that t forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. â€" e Lumbago | Neuralgia Head and Tooch‘fho Liver Complain ‘ Tic Doloreux _ | > Indigestion d Deafness | The effects of the application of Pulver~ macher‘s Chaing in any of the above disorders is immediately mpduhme reliof of pain instantancous. _ | PBRICE LIbT |OF PULYERMACHKRS CHAIN BANDS AND BATTERILES. . B. CHAIN BANDS for Neryous Deafness _ _ PULYVERUMACKHKERS PATENT GALVANIC _ CHAINâ€"BANDS, BELTS. AND POCKET BATTERBIES 08tf Sole A(h‘t ton gt’w'n.n"dnvfdnl Directions for use on each Packet. ANADA _ NTBAL BAILWAY lcun'l‘nniï¬ â€˜ PULVERMACHEB‘S MEDICOâ€"GALYAN~ A. c%w # co., | l(’)gAWA. LECTRLCITY 13 LIFE 10GAN, PR \ym an "\v e was t an age ** First come, first served."" One made $170 in 11 days. mwm River Wire Oo., 80 King St. West, Toronto, Ont., or 130 Maiden Lane, New York. « a AWA TILM ES 1671 iy 1455 12 | JOKN SILVER. | _ Bworn before me at Smithfield this 6th day ’0‘ A D 1870. : | J M WELLINGTON,) P | Stovsscomm wo CUREOF LUNG DISEASE Bsooxir®, April 5th, 1870. a:¢° Bts. "l;l:htocuu my wife was very low : Lung Disease. Phe Doctor bad given her up. He said her lungs were tubercled, and medicine could not hx.h. As a last resort I a bottle en t en ie ys symptoms were decidedly better Bhe continued to improve so rapi/ly that by the time she had taken one vottle she was able to sit up. By the continuâ€" unce 9 *** /x faart â€"wa sperfectly restore s r“. ol ‘rn sperfectly restores wa may publiâ€"h the facts nefit those slimilarly affiicted. for the be * ous to my iliness and have been so ever bott] when, to my satisfaction, I found 9‘_‘.;."?",'.-.."-“- ever I had been previâ€" Mfudint e us Snperinta rase m ricp iB cintiri n hrowed Ssistamndired receiving any in fact I continued getâ€" ting worse ullm-o. At last I was ad« vised to try the Great Shoshoneer Remedy. 1 bougbt a bottle and took it and when it was about finished I began to feel a little better. I continued to use it until I had taken three No 11, 8. Ridean street, Ottawa, Ko 1, 10th Cuhcsssion, Qagoode Apply to § DB. MoDOUSALL, _ O mwe, Des 37. 1871 m _ parit Pts hels .z.a".;,';‘_gg:..'::..“.. all the â€d“&t-' h!l- . MacCarthy, Chemist For saie in sod provgin, Welinplon Btrest. . â€" â€" AND _ PDOES NOT SOIL THE SKIN. JOHN‘ GARDNEE, CHEMIST, MONTREAL, Bole Manufaaturer and Proprietor. Restores Grey Hair to its Natural;Color â€" md&mty,“ + 0R SALE, (REY HaIR, IT RESTORES AcAm To is NaTURAL cOLOR, y avoe it seavrpeunuy Ficzusas» anp c1ossy, ToPS ITS FALLING OF. _ > g[xcmums aut orgErs . â€"â€" 9 M ZZ/PLZ (CAUVsEs THs HarR 10 erow Imeomme Tas roors pyor soume Ttas skim > GABAIEL‘S QDONTALGIQUE ELIXIR This celebrated Mouth Wash is most tefreshing, it strengthens MESSRS the gums, vradicates tartar and all injurious secration, sweatens GABRIELS . the breath, and for cle:.nulng are tificial teeth is invaluable: Price 62 F ill directions for use enclosed in each box IMPORTANT TO RESIDENIS ABROAL GABRIL . ) GABRIEL S GABRIEL‘S Parties at a distance may have Artificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sete, by Mesers. Gabriel‘s new system, on sending parâ€" ticulars oftheir cases, with a remittance of Ten Shillings, when the apparatus for taking a model of the mouth will be forwarded with all necessary instructions. 3ABI warranted to remain white anc MESSRS, ‘_flru ws.the Tooth itself. This MESSRS MESSERs LWR C Cure otf Bronchitis "Fi CINCALESE T. C. BROWXN Eplscopal Methodiat Miniater { beautitul preparati~~ [ OSTEOâ€"ENAM £iL PIN 3EDADENT® 0 R C UR x\l * Toothache. ‘This extraorâ€" + nry?pllc-tlon, mmelloul! ~: ita effects, gives lmmedllu' rolef without injuring the nuth, and forms a temporary Sâ€"pping. Price le 1j¢ l' COBALITE ToOTh PaAsSTE ior mieansin= and mproving t>a Toeth. .mparte « natural riiness to the gums, and gives Ixilliancy to the Enamel: Price 13. 64. ‘ EOYAL DENTIFIOE| _frum a recipe as used . g; Her Majesty ; gives the Teeth a pearlâ€"like whitences . and imparts a delicious fra. grance to the breath. Price 1s. wHITE GUiTA PEECHA Enamel, for stopping decaved Teoth, rend=ra +*~~ _ o ~~=ad fron* ol wa sperfectly restorea Medicai. tin i B glg'hu andProof Whiskey ; aiso, Dawes‘ Laâ€" -n.(;'oqy, w 8 B BILLIEGB, Jr., Architect. . foeâ€" « |Boli‘s Block, Sappors‘ Briage. Rarzzzxors.â€"E ASims, $sq. A:chitect â€" Philsâ€" ushh Thos Fuller, Eeq, Architect, Ai Dr A‘nl,l P.,Ocsu;‘l'mlqtud::zq Managing Director 0. & 8t. L. R. 4. 1 40; Provincial Land surveyor and Draughtsiaan comatssionsd for the Provinces of Quebec sud Untacto, i s 5. and after MON) 2 1. next, the lst oi MAY, it is intended â€" r‘n the Pullma Cars throught _ v¢ m Montreal anc One of these m _ 1i seunt coaches will be to each Day 1.s m sitrainleaving M for Toronto, and ) 171 through to as a Drawing Ro n ~ud Sleeping Car, © will also be on. att shed to each Day frou, Toronto to Mo: treal* '1'51 Bummer running arrang wents wil come into operation about the 1e of June,/oi whict) due notice will be given. | «d _ CJ BRYDGES, | _ ... Managing Director. ouse, Ortawa city, | *Be acmber the place EAST END SAPPER â€" IDGE wards, consisting of six pieces. Parlor Sete in Hair Cloth, Black Walnut Sideâ€" boards, Burcaus, Washstands, Centre Tables Bide Tables, and a great variety of came chair at equally low prices,. | R@y~ Near Sapper‘s Bridge. | Jenuy Lind bedsteads..$3â€" 00, formerly $3 50 mon Bedsteads... 2 25, * 2 50 on Chairs...... _ 40 and npwards > Complete Bedroom Sets for $10 50 and up. GREAT REDUCTION IN FURNITURE wâ€"Areâ€" | ROWE & ANNABLES, #urnished or Unfurnished. Thelowestrent in the City. This establishment is too well known to require any oon-tl“l!o- its merits. Urwmuof 200 Merchants others dine daily in the Restaurant, ‘The Proprietor is only relinquishing it on socount of assum. img the Superintendence‘of his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United States, Address GUISEPPE M, GIANELLL, N. B.â€"The Bar can he readily let f $200 per month, ontreal. March 3, 1871. 1 Montreal, April 26th, 1871 4 IMAII cm-o_l.- t . EQOTEL RESTAURANT AKD BA si. H. L. RO t K. F. BEDUEELL, | Chief Agents for Canade. [A. PERRY; Fire Inspector. g OFFICEâ€"Bang‘a gio&, e 'sp..-h" | 8 corner and Elgin streets, 17607 |N.B.â€"Ihe financial position of the Royal lhnn‘z‘wby:b‘mtmn no GBioago, the Company haring no Agent | i ,dI"IRE DEPARTMENT. | All: descriptions of M’ insured zm' tla-grDum‘e y Fire at moderâ€" rates. ® | Losses promptly settled without referâ€" ence to the Home Office. | LIFE DEPARTMENT. Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and unquestionable security is i uf seplinl of the Company, as u; ital ‘Com; asâ€" e Pï¬up:fliumn security in‘ the Nl.gmm LIABILITY of a Wealthy tary. | Tables of Rates, Proposal Forms and ful information can be obtained on application Bovu IN8SUKRANCE COMPANY, FIRE and LIFE, NNUAL INCOME, over. ... 2000000 AL IN over..... UNDS ON lg&n, over.... . 9,500,000 JPECIAL LIFE ADSURANCE . | FUND..................... â€" 6,608, 214 AURNIT URE, FURNITURK. Should the owners of patented lands, or g:rchuen of lands (the sales of which are ing carried out) fail to apply for, and acquire the right to the pine trees on such lands, within six months from the date. of this notice; or purchasers of lands after this date decline at the time of application to Eurchne to apply for and acquire the right to the pine trees on the lands apâ€" plied for, the pine trees on such lands will be disposed of by the Department of Crown Lands to persons making applicaâ€" tlon therefor at & rate of fifty cents per acre: but should there be more than one application for any space, a owlity, the right to the pine trees she, i gmwarded to the applicant tendering, as i1};>â€"y.ng the highest amount per acre over <nd above Ffly cents. R. W. SCOT1, | Commissioner. ubero having been added $736,200 to Life Fund as a result of the business of the past year. CHRISTIE, Commisston Merchant ast @General Agent. Bole agont for Read s wines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" ) Ales and Porter. .Pork, Vlour, &0.,for sale P..etor. . â€" â€" Meals at all times. Table and liqu cannot be surpassed. 1878â€"3m. O'I'I‘AWA HOTEL, St: James Street Mon treal, The undersigned having assum. ed the management of this popular favorite, respectfully informs the travelling public and its former patrons, that the house has undergone many improvements, and that he intends by constant attention to the wants of his patrons, to make this the most comfortable Hotel in the city of Montreal. _ Under an Order in Council passed the 29th ultimo, resdpecting Timber on paâ€" tented, sold, and unsold lands on the North Shore of Lake Superior, the absoâ€" lute right to the Pine trees growing or b3ing on said lands may be acquired on At Junction Depot of Grand Trunk and Ottawa & Prescott R. R. All the facilities of a First Class House, Passengers refreshment ~yment being made to the Department i# Crown Lands at the rate of fifty cents per acre, in addition to the price, one dollar per acre paid or to be paid for such lands. N‘o’mer Owners of patented lands, ana purâ€" chasers of lands, (the sales of which . are â€"t beingâ€"carried out) who are . desirous cquiring the right to the pine . timber ...creon, are required to apply for such right, and make payments as above, withâ€" in six months from date of this notice. Applicants to purchase lands after date of this notice, are required to apply for the right to the pine trees thereon. at the time of application to purchase the lands, and to pay for such right at the time of application fifty cents per acre as above specified, in addition to the one dollar per acre payable for the lands. w RANKD TRURK + THE COSMOPOLITAN, August 3rd, 1872 4606 C. AALNXBOTHA, HE #JUNCTION HOTEL,! FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A ‘TERM OF YEARS. TTAWA LOTEL Prescott Junction, J. FRANCIS; Derartxext or Crowxs Laxps Des 11, 18 1 Mtsceltancous. 1N MONTRHREAL, Office . Aylmer, P. Q. 32 t Toronto, 25th of July, 1872 Houeus. &c. D. WILKINSON, C. S. BROWNE, & ANNABLE. Proprietor 16574 CL:,‘:â€L & HilL, (h‘““ ‘hnstie) Ezristers, A.J. CHRISTIEK _ HAMNET P. HILL AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND _ LIUMBERMEN‘S AGENT, AND + GENERAL COMMISSION *i6. ON REAL ESTATE, * From $400 to any amount, on approved segarity Point aux Pins, entrance of River Bt. Mary, x Lake buperior. Owen Sound, Georgian * Mississaga Straits llhï¬)xlab uron. Windmill Point, near Prescott, omo“:q: Mhnulnd,ohtryamuy. Burnt House Point, do On Government Pier, about 2 miles above upper entrance of Canal, Beaubhaiucis County, Beacon Lights, Upper Ottawa River, Two Light Beacons below Carillon, Oiun ‘ L + i ver, Plans and specifications of all required "i:my“ seen on and after the 1st Bepâ€" tember next, at the Department, at Ottawa, and of the Light Houses on Lake Superior and Georgian Bay, at the office of 5. RISLEY, Bteamboat Inspector, ‘Toronto, at which places also forms of tender can be procured by intending contractors. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. |P. MITCHELL, Minister of Marine and Fisheries. D’p-rhemolm and Fisheries, Ottawa, 18th June, 1872. 2013 lawktd LRUST AND LOAN mfl}\\' UPPER CANADA y NJ1 °K. B.â€"Money to lead. Ottawé, Fob 29, 1872 Sm "191 Bandy Islands, Batchewana Bay, Lake Suâ€" Will be received at this D?umm., at om-a up to noon of MONDAY, the THIRâ€" TIETH\ay of SEPTEMBER next, for the construction of Light Houses at the underâ€" mentioned places in the Province of Ontario, 30 head of splendid Western Cattle. A Magnificent Calf, Eqwo::oh, bndmdfodï¬:yJohnW-', " Wsiash" OP 350 rom And 50 head of Western Sheep. ml'fho?ork&l}t:mbo ::‘ml found supplied with Fresh PO‘K, BACON, SAUSAGES, ETC., ETC. “mmaw‘mrsm Town Iflkï¬mflï¬l‘, WIDI&DAY, THURSDAY, AY and SATURDAY, whonthqrun-uodtheo’ublh will be able to see the finest stall of Meat in the respectfully tender the public their sincere thnnhfortheverylibeul&w beâ€" stowed on them during last seven years. While soliciting a continuance of pre d n miprag athiye Mm:p.cfl{Gth FairM:h P wei&r of _4,525 POUNDS, | Which took the prize at Guelph Fair, POBT OFFIOK SAVINGS BANE B&@" Deposits will be received atthis Office. Interest allowed cent per annum, and Deposits can be withdrawn at *~y time, â€" OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A.M., TO t P x 1872«svarxurr On Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, Grea Ireland andPrince Edward Islan / U Silipinyy d ande. Island, can be obtained at this office. Also Postage 8 Butchers to His Excellency Lord Lisgar Gov. General of Canada. JlOunlu.lfl.‘ P, J M Grant, Keq, M D, M B W Scott, Esq, M P P, Mr Sherif Edward McQillivray, Eeq, Kessrs C T Bate & Co, Thomas Eunton, Eq. mw.m Work man, Leq 11.30 Matter posted up to 9.30 P.M., will be forwarded Kast mmw...u:.I package the same night. 1872. _ __ _ 1872 EASTER. Hon James 9,50 Ottawa, March 27, 1872. *ENDERS, T.30 UVBKEY TV LERW 950 Post Office, Ottawa, June 10, 1872 A Eglâ€"son 8 a‘t, Eâ€"4 SATCHELL BROS,, POST â€" OFEFIOE, For Money Orde‘s and Savings Bank business from 10 a m to 4 pm Via NewYork close every Monday at 8 P.M Per Oanadian Line, close every Friday at 10 15 a.y, A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Stcamer will be closed at unregistered â€" matter can be sent. CLOS E IL.10 ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE of MaAry, James Bailiff * $s s use 9â€"00 Halifar, N.S., and St. John. N.B __| ( Chelsea, Wakefeld,North W akefield,Low & intermeâ€" .......| 4 dinte Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and interâ€" mediate Offices, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays .. .....\Templeton, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays........ 4.30!New Edinburgh _ * Trun Offine. Ortmers. Senator, Ottawa. ‘IC-W He, Merrickvilie, Oxford Mills, per St. L. & 0.R North Gower, Kars, &0., per St. L. & 0. Railway ........ Osgoode, Russell, &6 per do 6O ecrererrsrecnc t &o. ; and Western, U. S...... _? Fort Garry and other places in the Province of Manitobaâ€"Mails dutmm daily vie Windeor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich. British Columbis (and Vancouver Islend) Mails despatched daily via Windsor, Ont., Detroit and Ban Francisco, U.8. Rates of Postage same as to other parts of the Deminio: United States, via Ogdensburg ...\.......... ............... The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway, North of Carleton Place Junction, â€"Bristol, Clarendon Centre, Packenham, Pémbroke, * Portage 41 FOrl, £B:ze.2s crermrrrs rnsusre88 shores servey ApmO® BG: HUILâ€"câ€"ecâ€"5e, sesessore berrerscsmsorens $Â¥spreer March and Omslow, via Aylmer................. ... 0 ~" March, Huntley, Carp,&0., by stage Beli‘s Corners, Richmond, &c. per Canada c..wf luunâ€"Qneb:‘lonm.l. Cornwall, Teb DY RAILWRY .+â€"â€"â€"++â€"r cerecusts bssvrce Perth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carleton Place nada Central Railway.................... Westernâ€"Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, Lowes Ottawas, by Steamer, Buckingbam lead, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, &o......... Kennedy & M A I LS. MONEY ORDEES ARRANG EMEX BRITISH MAILS risk fthe undersigned,, may be #00f IHE TIMES 1 privted Tuas Oreawa Trms _ A limited nuwber of Aaversisements are ‘i::.&nkly ft- at w-â€"bw dhae, * " 34 LRRS: popaid . and if ¢o inining REdGioTaRkD, (in wh.en case they «ill i E:g:u lfll:hllflfl;lofllfl m;.flun.&'ï¬-ï¬'ï¬onâ€"- wikhorgn ttrmentamniden uy Sloie for the m?q WwEEKLY. _~____ cent. ts “ rfl Contracts for any definite term # JALE which may be seen 5‘- ulï¬-‘sï¬c with our Aa.&. 'p,.a...s..n'"" ie Business Cardsâ€"not um:‘uuuamflâ€"i Cattle Strayed Rooms Wanted Board W anted, January 1, 18 Mlm cents per line “udangtn-la-â€"-.-‘l Houses fer Ic-::__‘d.‘ For ordinary advertisements in Ds insertion, iv cents per line; cach subs tion, 5 cents. i mmm.m'.’%u 2‘ nho‘ilnlvn-s.«mo-:n- moel_sy. It is mailed to subscribers Cuuu.u M a KCIL, ~Adrocstt Omoe at Mr Tewau‘s, N P ; pd® dence in rear of French Cathedral, 8# Business attended in Ottaws and ! trict Courts of the County of IMES PRINTING AND wi CUMPANY. . NOTAkY PUBLIC. Retéa® next the"Post Office. 1 D.- MKOBLLLARD, Physician, Btore, Kast end «m&"ina: hours from Â¥ a. m.to 4 p. m. _ _ I-W“*m"' of aissases of the £Y & and Ai bâ€"-_n:-g_unhm Murray siree Dl.. OLIVER MARTINE, Doald 1P sparkeâ€"stre«t, Qeniral OSHE 0 T\E. MoDOUGALL, J THE WEEKLY T (JthB We Hie: Majosty‘s 1 40utre) E"AID d o::'n-u cithe Pesce and w T cen o-:‘u-q + Court House, L‘Origna!. ‘ 1CHOLAS 5P A & i6.8, £arrim 1 ny.-.-wlao', Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chance «DT. Mhoeâ€" m Pposte the Post Onee, Guare. * E A+ MARA, Architect. Ofe # Buildings, Ridesuâ€"st., Ottaws Office over Durie‘s Book Store, eaps rie‘s Book mm 2 mss dn m Mosanovr. TALLLON & h&rrinan ;nd A Ohu:luam'l ;'-iw-. nâ€œï¬ Wa. Mosorove. _ G. Tamcox, July 137!.‘__ i “r .‘uo--l 4& ‘:_:t.uwa-.'i torneysâ€" W. outom J-wyunn.“ounu Public, &o,4 vinces <â€" Ontaricand Quebse. R B« HA Y COOK, Amornéyâ€"aiâ€"i, citorâ€"inâ€"Chansery, Convey nn:o..u Putent ltpmf-:! wediately opposite Russeli wouse, Rlgi Llll 4& cllllu.l..u::-J Rosuet Lase. doatt _ Jorn4 D O*OON NO R, Attor ney â€"aiâ€"Law, tteet. â€" Ofkow Uning Seufige Pary: ADVERTISINC RA TAE DAILY TI OCTOA HKLADEKSOR, | versity | Physician, Burgeos and & chery â€" Thas resuthlymtiapied § 0. ARCOHARBAULT, il-n.-.-w-'-n.' g w when not exceeding 26 words 25 CENTS CouraA®¥, 84 JiMIEX ba LLJPE, MB® oTTAW * riicles Fount, . , Lancaster m:rm..g » Ol-hp.( London, per Caâ€"} Leg at 11.30 par at the 11480 sek 800 £.00 a 8P "mondon, Que Jume D. 87 is gaipation . DUOVW TS -ï¬t.fll‘ POifltv ing, Dalhousie, sastle, shediac, Ch/ '“.:l and Bt. John‘s; M way eonnection r& N. B., and Halifar woL VLI_N &A NED LU m g_m:c othe meere en + do Cgrerx>>> do evory Wodnesday thoi f$xio: k TWE e SEVI ‘ ®* TIV ol this Line are inte ‘as follows during the se of 1872, to and from GLEs E‘dm for p every Friday. csOX LoKbox." * And Montreal. wate +o+ go . B0 Tussdr y theremft: assugeâ€"Quebec to L» ®, $24. < from ail polnts 1 sued to BIDEAU strrr FROM QUEBEC Eaglani, Pian , begs laave to Uttews and vicini imence i the above b ied to do ail kin is of ressonsble term:, and EBP a To g 5":†Bro Mgufl & PrRxtore, ““‘- C in irraimon M alBT2. â€" _ _ ; CUT Fror sang be left at Messrs. ‘hmun JOEE ROOREsTE Anp th #W m a at Of the above will be to sult purcihnsâ€"rs. 26, 18172 And with ip Comp of the public is B CUsK and Oo‘s. Soarks Repaired N ey‘s TLine T, BUTCHER 15 years both Btates. at all t Woednesday, 2 de 29 Ao do 1 bRIDGE GULF P W eli DA V Tuesday do )otave P B. EDW Age M Lizks #« RLrE E 16t 18