Sday, October Iof orto B CUXNX or 35 C work '-_-uu:-r'u.n' IM. * Co., Qugbec ; or | go Streets, We 1 of the following or omperiey‘y at Plymouth outward tor Ortama, Sept 24 / ~OMs TV LET._ adian J omroPA‘} 1 AVE PROVED. ewer Hope and Co‘s, Meadow: O% -;:n“l uns A Nx m L STOVESs American® Coal btove, dricnial â€" a # Domisiee d ~# Sept 24. 197 W A Y And i at hets of this Line um ollows C :flm,...";_ 2 Fite (in s Patent Dismond tion of our stock ty made of beating < mee 46 o o olg E tawa, Ropt atrick'. FROX Loxpox, FROX quramo: TIA =§ # * AÂ¥B~.. DAYVI n 94 ge it arif a Pair? -. ie . > «* * * L n iÂ¥ CO f u’ Co. Ottawa at 6 a. m. -â€U‘ï¬â€œâ€œâ€˜.m. mmAylmfl'n«lp. n. 1" u Jessie Cassels" .caves rhflyn 8.30 a m. 4 _ Tickets to all points East and 1aree Kingst ak _ ht ».â€"Tickets West can be h« guse! ped gaaVELLER‘$ liver Complaint, the Skin, Kidneys or e C o & hnfl"’,"“hc Pos aq’oflm go to I MX ik shat nlaik + Snw anang t M/lcl{moms MoMora®‘s, id met that night ; tew ware p #) Sparks Street. . | ® the blessings they had en wnmmnseam gratulated them that throu u-p-i'hnnol-fonhohunoueo martied hife they had been ‘"“hidinuoldprics- n a deportment that bad | Aucax®, MoK:ixxose & McMora®, mi:mb’m J U) Sparks Street. to be to bac Sale of Ligh n-:-d &qâ€"i‘?'- "LeaRING & te, at . as f Mlcwmion-'s. a N--ld th-in.hï¬â€˜- f 2#) : parks Street. . it was a cof en hes ul en wore The principal Hotels and Saloons in the with their characters u diy, are now supplied with Caledonia | $1Y% dishonorable. U §pring Wator. A;‘aril. Gissox & Co., instruction and 4 Agents tor Ottawa, >u had not degraded them. sn ‘ 1 honorable positions in ! 7 h ao mane aniorrine nenseartioe. _ Tus Towsz.â€"the work ww tow«r of the Partiamer teen commenced and is J mw?ï¬" isa srfe effectual and prompt remedy for Diarrheea, dysâ€" in children and persons, entery, &8 , ! w. umfls. i §hmmr,'hichh.m'hef0“ the locks every half hour for her at Messrs, Wright and Batson‘s, is a great convenience to the public. ‘crosses in five minutes, and is cleanly and otherwise in nice order. A Hitle jmint would veryemuach add to her appearâ€" idly ‘Aws foundation of the wall upon which the iron railings to encompass the Parliaâ€" mentary buildings is to rest is now comâ€" visted to the inten ied lovel of Wellicgâ€" teastreet.‘© The superstracture is to conâ€" wkt of a wull _built of Uhio â€" sandâ€" steas, four foot in height, upon which is to :.- railing of four feet in height, are to be a wide flight of stona steps, opposite the chief entrance to the Watarm Devartmental Building. Tas Weiruzs has been very{peculiar for the season. On MondaÂ¥@veniog was vivid lightning, which continued d h&'hltw\th\hn-dfl increasâ€" mg in loudness about the *wee kours syont the twal,‘" and the rain in torrents. Yesterday the air so from being cooler, had become as as that of a day in Jaly, and the sccasionally shone brightly, and gave forth intense heat . Awgvats at Damizus® Horsi.â€"T Clurke. and wife, Pembroke; P Miller, City ; John. (hompâ€"on, Nepean ; A Rog New York; C Chapman, Prescott, Lester Bracside, J Levy, Montreal , P sil wenton do;, 3 A Crans, Sherbrook ; Maedonald, Arnprior; A D Fox, Pres éolt; Dr Gaylord, Boston ; D B Benedic Ugiensbairg ; F Norton, Now York ; G Rerguson. Montreal; J Falerdesu, â€"V gennes, V t. Hurr.â€"‘1t is astonistung the pro is now : being made in this thrivin Whole rows of new stons edi 4e in course of erection, and everyw there are signs of life. Mr. Poulin, for ly of this city, has in course of constr a row of new shops with d wellings them, three storiss in height, in on® the | principal streets ; and othe equally enterprising. | There 'uullotm &lhdlld-nhhcwryinooumo(ï¬eti for that indefatigabie enterprising 3 Mr. Eddy, M.P, for the County of Otta) Trursdays at ell House & !..m\l sn May 13. ) For Mï¬m h ALLA®, INNONs & Tus Srazets in the neighborhood of Chaudiere and all over the Flats are in most terrible® condition. ‘The »mud knee deep and the bridges ovér the slid are in the most deplorable state of di dation. There are holes in the brid large enough to swallow up a horse, holes in the sideâ€"walks sufticient to pera W A buman legs to any extent. So Or something called a Corporation whi Lord Elden described as a thing withou! ’lhbdâ€"â€"d,\u:body to be kick will yet come to grief, unless these hol be properly repaired, instead of the wor being only temporarily boarded over .. 2¢ADA 1LOG4 Truly, this is the age of invention, aBd | passed a alightly COD men are beginning to understand that }â€" | thanks to Mr. Ellis bour, time and money saving machines valuable services rep mvented for the general good. No lon vative party. do we hear of the destruction of n WE rvemnmeryt mills and machinery by the & lwfl“‘ <lasses; they now accept substantial in. | 8TO NOW ered : veations, as a gift to themselves and to| per yard unde society generally. ‘ T_hooo roqn.l.rmi . Hood‘s "Song of the Shirt" gave impeâ€"\ kind woald d tus to the inventive genius otf men, and | through the stoc thousands, aye, tens of thousands of poor RUSSEL needle women have been redeemed from a life of slavery, by the invention of the Hearth Rugs sewing machine. Thus it is that invenâ€"| Mats, of every tions lead to general improvementy and|to great vari , at the elevation of a people. The touch of|~ â€" RUSS ““W‘thbrmp us into i t ::-w w:;h_ distant climes The I natrs of * 1 hlddhm:o.. is noges w.i‘l.:u noFetund uo ing »opecianation of thit | inffnediote attpe *X vin and e uh:‘u:uf:sotm yalue of an n â€" lm‘\l‘“d her being bmitted * -du-usu:: St. Jun-.,r or | â€" Lowmton Kingstor Hotel, on Metcalfo street. ‘This | have put is their Cl : is called he = Tire Tigh " erament of Yatario and it is most efficacious -d& in |it hes decided to . its application. It is indeed a labor, Brantford stops fort Victoria i 7.0 Leaves every Arrives 1XD (‘T Louis® -;‘ P‘-' ylfl- 1.00 240 710 mNAmfloICO had tr + A. H ‘AL NEWS 10.00 Pruggist, Sap pers nt, i%, Diseases Of mwmmw the Caledonia Water. Gâ€â€˜(‘ow Corner Sparks and Eigin. PRA WA P AD on uesdays and C ondays and 41) SpaFrRs ORMOGL oo o e zt uzh 50 wmmmnecmmase gratulated them that through 50 years ioi da pricse * ie i Seportmich tust tar dinkta them Fohakang) 4l00°% oser together by It was a foon dMniowes . . | dottiiremiet w hn beai uen tes pngs ie aou hn en y u.MPr“'“ P ?u-u l:-“i:'un*b [ mmwoxs & Mo Yora®‘s, _ * t ol , #) : parks Street. » t'm congratulation ce ce see their grown up -|, Hotels lnd:‘hloau'unh.. "illllhdr“ns!“ ry* esd il, instruction and Q-:““ sk for it. Gizson & Co., t or So{oApu tor Ottawa. * degraded them. ‘l'hy.“-‘ ceubracrcice ‘ ied honorable positions in society, The work of ‘slating the Mmmmv:on- ; Partiament Building 548 | ped many :d their old aoq int hut ..‘“" d i ling r® contin‘ 1 and is proceeding rap L ho io h.d':- ’.mh"' h“.* than ns |\ bt God their faith in M'm“. mer, which leaves the foot The lhnrndb .-nmu.- concluded rery haif hour for ber | As"e"Wovit for ie cusnsion : 1. Wright and Batson‘s, |iy, M+. and Mrs. P. Pennock, on the (G1zs0oN m 8.45 1NVENTION® [AYLOR, Agents. corner Nussex and with : Rheumatism, uecrs‘c‘s‘s SMO0 rRwARDING Co‘Y GUIDE. at and Summer &. M 1958tf 1 00 71. 30 4.00 3 00 Bridge which Penno« er from ( No T y ear, ) it 1 ptuous : C address 1 henson. of of hours in a few minttbs niost of fectually. Forall who use a dattiagd, a ew are permitted to live together in ied bliss for so long a period as haif a tury, Many marry twice, some thrice, but they are few indeed who go down the il} together like good old "John Ander~ my jo." The following account of a o,,-nhw-.d, take from the Cifizen, and trust that the hy couple may yet live to attain their h th year, when all their friends ill again meet together and rejoice with in their rejoicings : 4 evening Mr. and Mrs. Philomen Pgunock celebrated their golding wedding inn.nrypl-'ulndhmth"h?-l’ at their residence, Daly street. were ummas’n-w, 1823, in wardsburgh, by the . Robort Bakey, Giky years ago. They have had four \imd&m daughters, all of whom were present at the anniversary last evenâ€" inig, except one daughter and her husâ€" Prof. A, Hurd, of Knox College, Galesburg, Il1. There were also present Pennock‘s ng sister, Mre. Mary () from Canton, N. Y., who is in her T year, and a ? number of the ildren of the old couple. After a ther under such circumstances -uthy id met that night ; tew ware permit to share the blessings they had enjoyed. He Side by side, w:’n.umw,d-, Side by side, Sometimes in the sunshine bright, So natumes through the shades of night, _ bide by side. _ Fiftieth Anniversary of their Marriage : We‘ve travelled long together, dear, We‘ve went, wasn . Jherss w us no*, Side by side, â€" But still bore onâ€"whate‘er our 10t, Side by side, Ourjoyn-lgriof.o-nirlhlfl“ ‘Through fifty years, still leare us one, Sidle by side: f We siat and saw our children play, ___ Side by side. s We sit among them here toâ€"day, Suiobyfldo,w 1 That pieased our our lives to spareâ€"â€" Tomrubothua-dounah-lq And what a light is this we share, Side by side ; mm:].sm'sum,.qm Side by side.\‘ Our Father‘s homeâ€"and there b Our songs to Himâ€"our truest friend. Site by side. :l ThOnnnmï¬nOamï¬ï¬‚‘ held here ‘g‘bdnyumimlymhlh‘ Mr. James Cairns as their candidate, in opposition to Mr. and Mrs. Pennock were hoR ©ONâ€" ducted to a table which had been screened by a heavy window curtain, and a number of costly and very Wua"llifl' “;" their friends were presented to them. Mr. Pennock loo«ed halé utm-dh will no doubt be an active of soâ€" . ciety for several years to come. Mrs. Pennock is also an active woman for her years and looked remarkably well. Her amom.dlnrmdlkï¬-d'& velvet and fringe same shade. She also wore a white lace headâ€"dress. The woddin(ohvuumbaï¬ï¬‚lfl artistic affair, and 1t was much admired by the company before its fair proportions were destroyed by the liberal use of a carving knife. Lord Duferin arrived this morning en route for Toronto. A salute from St. Helen‘s lsland being fired as the party landed. His Excellency, with his numerâ€" ous suite, left Bonaventure station for the West at 8 o‘clock. f A little longer here, my love, Hon. Joha Young and Mr. Jette re» ooind‘\dmn‘rhl'm“"hwh CJlub, about thirty being present. The affiir was tendered . by a joint committee of those gentlemen. No change in the money market. ‘There was a severe thunder storm durâ€" ing last night and it was very Warm to day lr.C.F.Fnur.thGfltu-hu. writ artived to day. Mr. Ellis was nated. but declined. The Conv passed a alightly complimentary vote of thanks to Mr. Ellis for his devotion and valuable services rendered to the Conserâ€" vative party. To and Brussels Carpets are now ï¬ at from 106 ::l 200 c iâ€"£" Those requiri of an kind ;:q.l.ld o well . to, l°°l through the stock. now shown by RUSSELL & WATSON. Hearth Rugs, Coca and Wool Mats, of every kind, shown in Side by side. mmda-:dâ€" have been discovered in a field Port Hope. A fragment of the jaw which was found ',ï¬.-ic-dm :..‘..Mnm-dowwh engib. Lomton Ki have put ;K.:'{:""m fr To the thit dore M_ Vnatario Normal Sshools m R ..".nsbmo«. : rngkt : 4 to claim = -“I: I GOLDEN WEDDING t variety, at RUSS&L & WATSON‘8, RY 'rï¬.ienzfn. °_ MONTREA PRESCUTT. Mo: & WATSON‘8, General in Council. & INGING CLaSsEs, + mastadon | hare been on e on canouts aod uerer the | _ UK 1. bErR the ve Minister of under the G. TISPKR to inform & Port Hops. A ‘tho of the 8th section of the Act 31 | public~ of (;.tiwa ;::‘:. elementary jaw which was found )cu., cap. 6. intituled ; "An Actrespectâ€" SINGING TLASS for GRNTLEMEN will ounds, and one of the ing the Customs" His Exoallency has | be organizsed, next, Frigsy Evenia® Nept ren and a halfinches in been pleased to order and it i+ hareby 13th, at 8 ‘o‘ciock, the Piapo forte ordered, that the Outâ€"Port of ‘rterhoro‘, | Warerooms of Mess A. & 8 Rordhci. n, Ottawsa and Napanee m-‘tmmfli'ï¬ol"n mere. 1. * e laims . to the Grit Gov» wh-flhfl-’hbï¬v Timely notice will| be given Of the ,.wg“ and erected into a Port of of ladies‘| Classes. l s p and pow “-“ of the said Ast. | _ .Â¥ -qw“lb.“ul ward to claim one as itq | &A« * ,+ #UG & Priry Vounell tamws, Sept. 12, 1872 ce , Sept. 24. FALL RACES, | _ When the following Will take place over Mutchmor‘s Driving Park Uttawa Valley Stakes. . ... . 19 SECOND DA Y â€"WEDNESDAY, Gor Hlash Stakes. .. .. ... ... .. 320 The Track is now and FREE to all wmwgwmmm All permits for driving are withdrawn until after the Races. Fall particulars in programms, ':hich â€"inu iculars in Pmflmm.' W niC can Nm trom the undoflirod- EDWA iD C. BARBE © becretary â€"Treas. fulaws Cankt ts Itts 20TBHf CAMBA CBATIL Brockville and Ottawa Railways CGreat Broad Gauge HRoule To OTTAWA. F*CZ Mix:d Train at 3:15 p.m., artiving . at Sand Point at 8:00 p.m. Through Ottawa Express connectiag at 3:20 with :itand Trunk Day Express from the Rast and West, and arriving at Ottawa at , T1:25 p n * LEAVE QrILAWA. Through Wostera Express at 10:00 a.m., ars riving at Brockville at 150 p.m., and connecting with Graod ‘Trunk Dasy Exâ€" J fiwie it £90 D. 8 j 4:20 p. m., arriving: at Mm 9:00 p. m, and at Sand Putat at 8:20 p.m. ARRIVE A‘tT SAND POINTâ€"1:20 pm, 12:10 pm., 12:50 p m and 8:20 p m. LEAVE SanD POINTâ€"2:00 a m. 6:00 a m, 9. 10 a m, 1. 0) p m and 3:45 p m. ‘Trains on Canada Central and Perth Brancb make certain conmections with all trains on B. & O Railway Connections made at Sand Point with Steamers to and from Pembroke, Portsge du Fort, &c. Freight loaded with despatch, and No Tmoâ€" aipmen: when in car loads. f H. ABBOTT, TTAW A TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAT, NONDAY. SEPTEMBER 16 1812 Trains will run as follows : LEAVE BRUCKVILLE Ottawa, Sept. 18, 1872 FIRST DaYâ€"TUESDAY, Oor On and after In the matter of JOHN ROLLS, of Sherâ€" brooke, an Insolvent. BALUI'."I‘. of the To'-"'ot"ah-rhwa"wa“- # Official ‘ Assi.nee, have been appoin! Assignes in this matter. Creditors are requested to filo their claims before me within one month. J A. ARCHAMBAULT, J UST, on last night, a*PUR® L/ Wints cow. . Tiktle out ab ut the butts of the horus. Please give informaâ€" CUS’NII DEPARTMENT. Carleton Plate.. I~nl CORNWALL MANUFACTURING Company have pleasure in intimat ng the complete restoration. of their works at Cornwail, which are now in full opera tion, &:odu large quantities of W hite and Grey Hlankets, and Heary Medium ‘They regret. however, having again to draw the u:?‘hï¬:n of the public to the them as Canadian. These Blankets are ‘_‘.u.u,awymcuuwn Tooagh nigitty "in. appestance, "cloonly ance, imitatime m-m-hh. and prockrille Sept 14 1974 NSOLYENT ACT OF 1869. neither warmth or ‘wgar, but can be sold at a lower price than the vornwall Blanâ€" kets (which are made of pure Wool) can Sherbrooke, 11th Sept , 1872 _ 2073f "'ï¬.';iï¬ï¬- geutiened against 3"1, informed that the name of the oouv!‘u.l. Maxvractorme Coxraxy is pr nted on the ticket of every Blanket PJ.A e by them. ;"M;"é'm‘i?i ACRES, Wellington Ottawa, Sért. 20, 1872 . 20774w3 . UOttawa, Aug. 21st, 1812. Authorised discount on American I In this city, on the 10thof October. The following limits known as J. CULTON square miles. 407 of 1871â€"2, Black River, 35 square miles. â€" 403 of 1871â€"2, Coulonge, 38 equare miles. _ 404 of 1871â€"2, Oulou-.'lu square 405 of 1871 2%, Coulonge. 324 square ‘The above Limits will be sold on liberal terms, which will be made known at the time of sale. (ccovsasxsxt 8008K, | Oitaws, Tuesday, 10th day of Sep., 1872. Cornwall, Sept. 11, 1872 _ 2071 2m His Exrcelleney the Governor General in Council. the Minister of Customs and under the C â€"fiâ€"oapirials ing :o' Customs flh‘dlx{ulbnoy has u. H:‘ .ls Dase J‘.!O:.m Entzy for all Ye Licenses in name of A. Fraser. ‘l:: 406 of 187[â€"2, Black River, 32 square N. E put 397 of 1871â€"2, Black River, 21 October 8th and 9th, TIMBER LIMITS UCTION SALE Ottawa, Sept. 21, 1872 until further s n.s.n.nobz:m_l;“ BY A. ROWE, AUCTIONEER. CcaVTION. UNION HOUSE. OX Purses will be run PVE . Aw 150 150 350 100 [E UIf{fF f Orford Shirte with two 0‘ I 8 'R' lars $1.175. 55: * \ 1 /9 Regaite thirts, $1 50. * &; Gents three i’ly all Linen Collars, 20 cents. | Youths Linen Collars, 10 Ct4â€" Three Ply Linen Cuffs. 30 cents. ~ Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Fronts, Dickey®, &c., made to order, at the oTTtawA SsHIRT STORE JAMES ANGUS The only practical Shirt and Collar Cub ter and manufacturer in Ottawa. _ Merchants‘ Bank Block, Sparks Steett orner Metcalf. â€" _ | _ Utawa, duly 13, INTS __ || _ _ 0_ MU.\' 4EURCH&VEAU DUCHESNEU tablished as Wine Merc! Indre z.’.o.&.u. 'r-eo..h.nvl: lniudhlro.&m‘m petetcs s c oi i Un PenE hi that he continucs to export to TAE OTTAWA TIMES._SEPTEMBER 2. 182. successor, America successor, begs to say that he. mes to ex America ll*l:ï¬..!n‘m n.:i‘m ï¬::“ fine wines of na:t-hr paits of > cluding the celebrated C! mAtaste, Vourray seux, bti‘l and Sparkling ines, a variet; Clarets, such as ueil. Cham pig &o., &o , all war sound standing tra: ling well either in or Bottled. M C. D.« exports excellent BRANDIES AND LIQUEURS. Aug 16, 1974 1050 lawlm Ottawn, Sept 7, 1872. Outrulmhumh its vast superiâ€" ority in respect of both excellence and mh over any other Paste prepara&â€" It will balf as far again, and give unmn:o brilliant and lastingâ€"polish than any other paste compound, Can be had of all Grocers. PRICE 10 CTS. PER J LB, TIN. | It is par excellence the DAY & MARIIN‘S ____neaeeeee 000 u. ODA WATER, MINERAL WATERS, Best Paste Blacking in the World. TIMBER BERTHS * COULUNGE : _ No. 446 of 1871â€"2, containing about fifty No. 445 mmx"a.* containing about fifty qfll’.lï¬h. extensive improvements have been made this Limit can be worked ‘There se good and sufficient Storehouses built thereon containing a sufficient supply of Pork, Flour, , Onts, &o., for uce Chantres 'xmgm -h m # by mflm- at a fair valuation. | GATINEAU : | Licenise No. 443 of 1871â€"2, containing 24 square miles. | License No. 444 of 1871â€"2, containing 274 square miles. j ‘These Limits together would afford a mly of hxfor years to m mills situâ€" below Chaudiere, are easy of 1-nubon1'tuu will be sold together or separately, to suit purchasers. For terms MGMIMH’P‘L“’ Paste _ Blacking. Wholesale of C. T. BATE & CO., Ottawa, Ottawa, Sept. 13, 1872. . ~20734 NOR SALEK, MYRTLE NAVY. %@y~See T. & B. on each Plug. Ww« Price so low that all can us it. ; catmos. . °0 £W0 PETC -.-AT ;‘ï¬'ï¬ â€"â€"v'â€"var'i fr'ru.n:z""z"m'l'u-:- is on cach Caddy, and * ns rade uhk ie suppiied by 3 A MORTIMER, R % Bookbinder, Paperâ€"ruler and oo tho‘Gmp of Books, lo'b:h"h;l:: Hideau Street, would J mmmmm-. and the public geuerally, to his extensive Stock of Day Books, Ledgers, Cash Books »MOKERS! and Journals made up from the best class of paper, and at prices as low, if not lower than at any other house in the Dorginion ; wholesale or retail. 1 5i t Aceonntnoohadaï¬odtoenq variety of business ; if not in stock, ruled and bound to pattern, on the shortest notice. Bookâ€"birding executed in any style from the plainest and cheapest to the most eleâ€" gant. â€" | Ruling, perforating or numbering cate» fully and promptly attended to, and at most reasonable rates Papoer ruled to any prttern. _ _ __ Ottawa., Sept. 3, 1872 the very shortest notice. OQE\ June 22, 1872. To Her Majesty Queen Victoria The Brand "MYRTL® N A / Y is registered, and Beltser | us UNDERSIGNED | Heroby gives -o'-‘ that he has taken his son : ALEXANDER GEORGE, Into pastnership with hitmn in the Milling, Etour and Grain Business which will be urrhdo*u under the style and firm of + $ H. MoCORMICK & SON. % H. MeCORMICK. Ottawa, August 13, 1872.. _ JMTH TRE rmc_n_}/l,ueuu Ladies desirous of taking lessons in the French Ianguage can secure the services of a competent tewcher who has bad the best of credentisls and of this city referâ€" ences. For terms ani particulars address by post, Papor ruled to »tern. Maps MMWAKMMM on MESSRS C. T. BAYE & CO. Beptember 4, 1872. Ottawa, Aug. 2, hi n Riuaist en B0 3 us _ 1 w o« T _b â€"pail FOR A GOOD SMOKB, THE FOLLOWING fhog s ube : 7 V%{: n..m!ll'rll \_X? x that he continues to export to ie met on pornntes, the wapaie camoteit;_, or Gatineau Rivers. 1872 a variety of Ottawa. ult inâ€" FLANNELS AND TWEEDS. A very large Stock laid In before the rise. Lace Collars, /~&~ Lace Sets, | yi0_ Lace Lappets, ~~/ Linen and Muslin, Sets and Real Laces, in great variety. > | â€" FANCY â€"WOOLLEN GOODS, all the latest Novelties CARPBTS AND HOUSEFURNISKINGS. See eur new patterns in Carpets and Floor |Oil Cloths. 4 Ottawa, Sept. 13, 1872. § 02 'Puï¬enhilmunobhin list of rates and information dressing Agent, Box 474, Post Office, Ottawa. _ â€" $:; pf routes VY ad REGENT HOUSE. J. R. STITT & CO., DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT Goods, Ntufts, Silks, Flannels, Prints, Cottons, !jnen, Habardashery, Il: ““-nlleu\'V.m.MFuoy Wool Blankets, Muslin and : Lace Curtains, Carpets, &s , &c. MILLINERYâ€"Comprising the latest Novelties of the M, Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, Feathers, Capes, Velvets and Velveteens, Prench Corsets, Shawls. ena les, &c. _ â€". m ie o i n i aF Paathe ahnd "Roxsmude * ‘l'bof;;.llcing Department â€"Comprises the greatest of the Lateat Stytess: sds 1e O 2c o. ut + EANCY DRY GOODS, T willed Poplins, W orsted Twills, Wool Repps, Empress Cloths, French Merinos, Fancy Dreéss Goods, Plaids, Lustres, &c, &c. , specially choice assortment. _ Has the honor of informin&his friends and the public in general that he has made all the necec;)s;z repairs in the Store * lately occupied by Messrs. esne & McGarity, | | ‘ : :N o. 4.7 Sussex Street, Ottawa,â€" September 9, 1872. JUST OPENED ! uy donmtromidr yuApag s s P & â€" l::wnz:.d Tailor mm:d, mabmd:‘::dl of Suits as -,ar:f'u.g t , y ‘nvite an t my K:rchnn‘ elsewhere. Amun..n.wth.w'mmm in all the departments. Ottawa, Kept. 2, 1872. 2063 12. MeDONALD AND . MONGENAIS. â€"In which wmamy-b.gound-mpbumot' stiaple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ottaws, Aug. 30, 1872 gcgAaATCTAW BA ! EQUaAL GRAND TRROUVGEH COUPON TICKETS Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Bt. Johns, All Points Bast and Woest on the @RAND TRUNK RAILWAY. CANADA CENTRAL fl‘w&hï¬w‘r the Canada Central and gf.ï¬u:&n Ap:x':ï¬&.mx mdhlhmnm. » W. E. JOHNSON, 830 Sparks Street. NEW FANCY AND STAPLE I M P C RT ERS) OF Allan, McKinnons & McMeran, 20 SPARKS STREET . CHENET: TIOKET OFFIOE $8, $1.205. variety of Cloths and Tweeds of Suits according t« the # READY TI'HE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KEX TUCKY. ; _ Ihe Trustees of the Public Library of |. Kentucky being satisfied from the hrie 'i' sale of tickets already made, and the daily |‘ increasing demand‘for them, that there will ; be no occasion for postponing the sebond a drawing in the Gift Concert in aid of the Public Library of Kencucky, have instructâ€" ed me, as their agent and manager of the 1 Gift Concert, to say to the public and ticket |® holders that the drawing will positively l take place on September 28 prox , and will not be postponed. Auactive demand |! for tickets come from every State and |© Territory of the ,United States, and from | the Canadas, giving assurance to the Trusâ€" | tees that no circumstances can prevent a | drawing at the appointed time. c To tss Posiic _ A sufficient clerical force is engaged to |‘ keep up with the orders for tickets, and in order that this office may be relieved of the immense pressure incident to the | business for the week or two immediately preceding the drawing, agents especially, and those desiring of procuring tickets, | are requested to send in their orders im« mediately, as sales will have to be closed in time to make the necessary preparâ€" ations for the drawing. It is the wish of the management to till every order for a |ï¬cket.. as we‘l as to sell all the tickets, l but those who apply first must be first supplied ; and, if those who put off buy« ‘ ing until sales are closed, have their money | returned, instead of the tickets ordered, | as in the first Gift uoncert in December last, when thousands of dollars that came too late were sent back, they will have none to blame but themselves. THOS. E. BRAMLETTE, _« ' Agent Public Library Kentucky. _ { Louisville, Ky., Auz 29, 1872. 2064 6d&2w | _ It is now an established facti you want any firstâ€" | class Brandies or Wines and the bost Family Groâ€" | ceries, you mustgo to | M ATBON 1HYS Phi | ® SECOND _ GRAND GIFT CONCERT. DAY OF THE DRAWING FIXEDP 1872. Ex Ships Nicer, Teut, Lapy Love, Mart â€" _ Apa, Ciry or Quzszo, Cuara Kuia®, AXD CAROLINA. The following goods from the producers No Postponment from September 28. 100 100 ‘COFFEES, BLAOCK TEAS, The finest ‘ever offered in this taar ket, takes "three waters," used by the nobility in Britain. JAPANS and GUNPOWDERS, Very fine. Fresh ground «aily and roasted on the premisee. PICKLES, Savces and French ‘Peas, ©"o. 1," in variety, PARIS COFFEE POTsS, 10 io 10 Every house should have one. The above goods are the finest to be had in market, nnd‘ variety of others in stock, well worthy Of trial, every satisfaction in ruinï¬'them. A call solicited. ‘or sale at . ; THOS,. PATTERSON‘8, P Rideau Street. No. 26, Rideau Street. UST RECEIVED, 10 butts. SHERRY WINE, V.P,, â€" . _ various prices, extra value, 3( cases SPARKLING _ MOSELLE " pints and quarts," Lord & Kelley, Importers of China, Glass, Earthâ€" enware, Cutlery and Fancy IRECT IMPORTATIONS WHOLESALE AND RETAILL, 63 8USSEX _. Street, and Lower Town Market, OTI'A.IWA. Original packages always on hand, end nyqu-‘:’myof goods to suit purchasers packed by a com| t packer. h‘?oehqmd mvmlorhireu very rates. C e o. â€" Lamps, Chimwnies, Wicks, Burners and Lamp Fittings, Lamps repaired on the shortest notice. ie P g Goodaxt to any distance. ing the agents of Mr. JOHN MOONEY, of Prescott, manufacturer of trade with Drain f Stove Pipe Tubes, | â€"â€", Chimney and every size in Flower !< Pots made from designs by the best gardâ€"| 2 * eners in the Dominion, at piou'.m'rilllL | _ Public notice is horeby given. tha‘ an ap‘ licaâ€" k:u&hmmwme- of m,‘l'@.n. ship an, to pass & â€"I to authorize .oh-in .f.m.& portiun of the old St. Louis Da‘n, from the Concession Line w crosses tplut‘ulfdm -n-b?totv.unho first coucession, Uttawa front, ot the n'lllï¬po‘fl?“l. P S io ar ME TE SOF 10 IoBrcnnell at ensure ready sale Ottawa, July 18, 1872. 12 FIUWNSHIP UF NEPEAN â€"‘The above uamed B,â€"law, will be introduced at a session of theCouncil to be holdenin the Town Tey, Coppembn Tnk. iD aimbure and Whin m “rr"" day, * w when any perâ€" uMd-iu u.mï¬n:idm:lu‘nfl: e 3 oo mt op h soove ) onncutne on en ol e Oene t mss WAI TED IMMEDIATEKLY, hhds. BRANDY, finest Pale and m‘wmmmmu mun‘t _ » o LAVERDURE _ Dark, genuine, Milk Pans, Liquor Jars, Molasses Jugs, Butter Crocl Preserve Jars, Spittoons, . do do GUINNESSES POREER, pte. and qts., per order. doz.. SCOTCH â€" MARMALADE, fresh from the maker, (ry it. lo do. CLARET, various brands, & ; fg cases of the celebrated intage of 1864, $22 a case. By order of the Council Always on hand. "well known, POKT WINE, for family use, GIN, John de Kuyper & Son double berried, Very fine, give them a trial LORD & KELLEY, Manufacturers Agents, 63 Sussex Stroet, (ttawa ALSO, 1872, waship Cler 2050 lm 1df to supply ( ROYAL MAIL LINE CHANGE OF TIME. ,f‘ n and after THURSDAY, the 12th 2 | instant, the Steamer " Jessie Caisdis" will y |leave Aylmer tBupdays excepted) at 7:30 1| m connecting with Steamers of the q ‘Linme for Roche Capitaine and intermes ie ‘diate ports. ; L The Steamer "Prince Arthur‘" leaves yxo*® PORWARDIN© &,RAILWAY COMPANY. ° Portage du Fort daily (Sundays excepted) at 7 o‘clock a. m., connecting with Steamer © Jessie Cassels" for Alymer. The Steamer ©"John Egan" leaves Pemâ€" broke daily (Sundays excepted) at 1 o‘clock, p. m., for Des Joachim, returning leaving at 6 o‘clock. a m., connecting with Steamer © Jason CGould" which leaves Pembroke Landing at 2 o‘clook p m. Passengers arriving at Portage du Fort same evening. The Steamer "Sir John Young"* leaves Havrelock on Tuesdays and Fridays for Cha‘re:u Village and intermediate ports st o‘clock, a. m., returning leaves Cnapeau Village at l o‘clock, p. m., same day. M A Connection mads with the Brockville & Ottawa Railway on the up and down trips Otltawa, Sept. 9, 1872. 1872. â€"â€"â€" 1872. OoTTiWA CITY TO MONTREAL TILE QTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION COMPANY. QUEEN VICTORLA, PRIMCE OF WALES, Capt. Bowm. Capt. H.W . Saxrwams. ‘Tourists will find this a delightful f rip. Downwards â€"Steamer Queen Victoria loaves Ottawa City at 7 a. m., passengers arriving in Monâ€" treal at 6 p.m. > _ _ _ lt N eares 3 Capt. R. 8. Niomor, ontebello for Ottawa Mondaye wyéflsl.w:“m * BipBepfn: dally from the ofice on the whark ALEXANDRA Can be engaged for Towage of Timber or plying Agen the wharf. by applying to the Agent on the " BeTfw o o4. The largest and choicest assortment is the city A T HMBMO & 0 L TBE GREATEST BEAUTIPIER OF â€" THE AGE. Warrantod to cure the most straight or stiff hair into wavy ringlets, or "massive Money refunded if they ‘cannot fail to aoâ€" complith whit is above stated. . â€" .. .. $1.25. _ Addressâ€"Molxross® & Co, Wholessle Dealers in Novelties, Nvflm Aug 24, 1872. < . 4 Ottawa, Aug. 21, 1872 THE WURLD. The ou'z True and Por fect Dye. Harmless, ! ble and Instan taneous; no disappointment ; no ridicalous tints or unpleasant odor. hemedics the ill effects of had dyes and wahes Proâ€" duces mmurnuarauy a superb Black or Natu« ral Brown, and leaves the hair Ci£®a~, SOPT and Beacrror. 'lhohsnuino signed W. A. BATCHE UR‘B â€" Ncld by all druggists. Factory, 16 Bond Street, New York ____ BA‘!‘WB HAIR DYE MADA MG DE KUI’.RBILI::‘. to : form parents and guardians 18 munn‘ontoproceodin- few weeks from Canada to .Viennsa, Austria, Germany to establish there an EDUCATIUNAL IN. STITUTIUN for YOUNG LADIE®, every advintage which can be by the hclp of the best teachers and proâ€" | Barristers, Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery, Conveyancers, Notaries Comâ€" missioners for affidavits to be used in the Province of L&e.â€" ANGUS MO N, W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, ; R. M. WELLA, ROBT. CASSELS, Jz. ; Office on Elgin Street, opposite Russen House, fourth door. from Sparks Street, Uitama, Aug. 1, 1872. 20314 Bnm‘dbm. nddu.t.d (h:: upwards of fifteen years she hopes proposed establishment will be patronized by parties lnhndhgb“““‘- ters abroad for their education. Beferences kindl r-lï¬l hie lmdnmxtbonhbop'd mh.,-h Keq.. of the Grammar:. Kchool, Quebec; The Honorable George Irving, Quebes ; Fhomas C. Kcofer, Esg., Uttawa, _ Communications to be addressed to Box 364, Post Office, Quebec. Sept. 5, 1872 ~~ 2060 _ 50 cents per box ; full sett of three boxes HURCH SERVICES AND PRAYER Ladies Magic Hair Curlers ! This splendid Hair Dye is the BEST IN BOOKSâ€"New ML OMAN CATHOLIC Prayer Books i} French and English. IBLESâ€"Family, Pew and Pocket. Uttawa, Janu«ry 25, 1872, 1810d&w *»0MINION BUILDINGS," 136 MoGILL STREET, Avd invite the attention of Buyers to thek jare: and carcfully selected assortmentet JAP:X, YOUNG BYSON, GUN»OWDEZ i /+ERIA:, and TWANKAY peas; And BRAXDIES, GINS, KUMS the Finest Brands of PORT, SHEREY, &c. 1%6 Mâ€"GILL STREET, MONTREAL } 4; URKISON, WELLG AND CASSELA, With three lots of land higlly improved RlsAU sit Carding and Milling DRIVEN BV WATER, £0a8 M WOLd TiA All in prime order mostly new, built _ Sight years ugo. We&rcoNDITIonNs £15Y «e Apply to the proprietor ... . t OTICE .uu.x.s FUX# SALE OR TO LET C P Aug 2, 1872 Ten. Wine and Epirit ~ YM{erchants, EMOVED Paily (Sundays ercepteé.) moved to their New Premises p, COUNTY OF VAaUDRIEUL PAQ, W HNOLESALE R. 8. CASSELS President SITUCATED IX * No. 39, Sparks 8t. Box. 850, Vitawsa Caty, D McoiUNELL (H wh