the CcomruUxD sYRUP OF SsAR SAPARILLA UW.| Moutrest am:. to be obtaimed from all the mawa drugz28ts . VA w | w theu MPLARGEST AND BEST | 13 Hais, SPats, Hats. HATS, n . VASUR BuYy,. PURS oo w Ottamwa, May T, 1872 Uttaws, Mareb 9. i8723 .'uh’ll 1z T trains for Sofe Car|10 00 p m| Eastand West THEGT, LAwBREVCE OTTAWA RAILWAY. ‘The old rellable, quickest and best route ; th« shortest line by Q miles from Ottawa to Brockville and all points Wost, and miles 1+ == Tosls potetn ack ALTERATION OP RUNNING Tlus. 0) AND FROM MONDAY, 1loth JUNE 1873, trains will run as follows , Charge for berths, 5+ cents. Sure connections with all the Grand Truns trains buth East and West, as this Company‘ trains wait thâ€"ir «rrival when late. Twoenty minvutes allowed at Prescott Jun: Tra â€" s are run on Montreal time. THO8 REYEOLDS, > Managing Director, Ottawa Notice is bereby given that in pursu« moce of the provisions of 35th Vicioria, Unap, 26« immbiuled : * An Actrespecting Raremts ut laventiuna," His Exceilency the Governur in wourci has been pleased to approve ut certain rules and regulations, anu of such torums prescribe: as huave apâ€" peireuw uecussury iw. lhe purposes of the said Act. Am uouce is friber given that copies of "ules 0s regulstions and of the said furuus may ve Obtuned on applicaâ€" thus office J H POPE, £ Minisier of Agriculture and Commissioner The above bouks sem., post paid, for the rewil prics, with the exception of ) us StaNpaRkD, specimen copies of which will :;quu puid) tor the present for uLIVkR DITS :N & Co., Boston. CHAS. H. piEsUN &« Co, New York. _ GEMS OF STRAUSS! flhrp_pmohlldtbmm Music Â¥rice k € PILGRIM‘S HARP! â€"â€" A perfect Muitum in Purvo. Very large numoer of the vest tunes for Social Relygious Meetings. Price 60 cents. _ 4 LUTTBELL, cuperinteauent, Proscott, Ottawn, June 8, 1872 _ Tm 8 AND CHURISTERS LIST lï¬_â€":m:boqm In beauty variety of music unsurpassed. It should be a familiar friend is every Choir, Convention and Singiog Class. Mu.&flwrm BraAkRKLL RUBLES ! Let all the Sabbath Schools try it Its weâ€"um'flalah;y-‘ Mequ child. * on os Mingine| ar in 2, 3 or4 1 Te " * * " * Med Just published. _ ____ _ ____ _ n td PEACOCK‘S, 33 Rideau Street, O¥‘ awa. R@râ€"The highest price paid for RAW UNUAN‘® (>miortable Sote Cars on No 7 anc ® »be woe ATENT uK®1CE, Oof I‘miemls. ViOlat New and Best Music Books CAP3, and «y _ «o â€"»g iSteam Botlers THE STANDARD! GuING NOBTH. yeas 8\ +N= MRERCER & Ottawa, September 4, 1872 mking cue Czeat «oompany ««ch Bottle, ou‘ld be carefui in seeing t. .. BX d8%4%, _ disecios smeutc ks sls 12â€"0Mien 20, 144 all potnts West dirwok vilic, Jn 4 an uo C P un sman . old Wany STRAW GOODS, saU + d duo Kaptc® vxies * theach U ~D SYRUP OF oth: . i« supplie & LaÂ¥rE®i 11 o i# » Full of the best Mn 015 at 1918 3m 3:45 p o #45 » O iVE 2 50 p o # 4« ugver in a single instance u. give porâ€" reliéf when timely used, and we have nover wn a single case of disatistaction ~nere dirpctions have been properly fo}â€" »wud, but on the contrary, all are delights: with its) operations, and speak in the highos: i+ruas of its virtues and magical effects. We frow experience in this matier having (tested it thoroughly, add therefore hose who are suffering from any of the comâ€" atate -ucw M‘&: wad 3 its nlflv’i gmedy . The llf. i 1 ain a the Dissmzans for v+aich i} is recommended, and ‘its wonderful suuvess| in sabduing the forturthg pains of docums the con yive um xeop it family inï¬ PO PU!HCOI‘TEIBB!TISBPIO{ UF NORTH AMERICA, 1 L most respectially to acquaint the publiclof the British North American Proâ€" vinces in May last 1 caused the business" ut 80 ml;uln!«t,‘h.o.hd and which were up 10 n-omp-m&-m now to be closed. These Medicines were, l regret to say, from what has lately come tp my knowledge, made up of such very ingredients as to render them almost and therefore calculated to damage ay name. ; who do not wish to be deceived by spurious medicines, which are now ukely!to emanate from the States or elseâ€" where, but to possess themselves of the genuâ€" ie Biinig ‘s Piils and Ointwent will dc ‘::*.. that each pot and box bears the sn G@overnment stamp on which is on yraveil the words "Holloway‘s Pills and Ointâ€" wmâ€"ni;and that the address on the label is 533, J street, London, where only they are coumnin mmum:ldl. wurld. _‘The retail prices are on the labels is sritigh purrency, and not in dollars and conté No|representative of mine will ever trave. h any part ot the British Provinces, o whe Un itea States, cither to sell or to tak 1du $s tor my rills and Ointment, and as 12Â¥o |reasuu to believe that attempts will ve: 4 iy be muue to deceive the public in uis #ay by persons calling upon medicine uing for me, and with my knowledge and t, 1 avem it advisable to put the public »n ;uard against any such decâ€"ptions, 4 vaiuustiy culrcat all those who mA aal suvertizvement Last they be ploaseu w public iDicress, 10 COMMULDICA th «n vi he siile t thoif iTicude that they «p ie ueltmdued of thol: w10ney by pUr worllmicse imitations of the gonuibe ay‘s Fliis a0u VinUBcQE > s ayd, as & gTvalt tavour, that shows & w Lh KuuWlouge of any persgon thas y unoulclites are veing made of sold in * Bs ue pieased w send me all the . . cquiits ue can uuliewt rapucting the saBM, â€" & w s4p, Lhe name agd add.ess of the veude «unich are affized to the same, 1 promise to 1A C L.uftious Of these Medicines, he wili do weil w wme, in a isttur, to the address at foot *n he can do at a cost of six câ€"nts in An 4 _ ui Ahocs‘ & spivdiccediicormtntiren acrmmer c «,)} Lie 1DJormant‘s u-mhq.- w ug any person have reason to believ. _ut be Dus besu Geceiyed by puying »parious mfl::uol@u:'hfl 4 u ml. . % ('n bout 6) Acres muï¬ Ewm same is l 0 same is hereby imposed aod authorized to M ned maroied oe hmker npmine mrvges k&ummmn-.â€"-- I She n the wond ite wring, t9 faniagies : o8 â€" 16â€" & RM FOR SALE, and in rélieving Mervons Aflec» Htle it to a Higt raok is the list of tor these complalnts, ‘ Ordors gre Medicine Dealors tw allâ€"parts of for further supplies, and sach test as to the aniversal M 1 Pain Destropér never fallsio reliet. All medicine.dealers Physicians order and use it ; and no will be without it after unce trying it, only twentyâ€"Ar. cents perâ€"bottle. NXU. 1, ##zx CON. NOBTH GOWER C U ® VERNMENT HOUSEOITAWA. Tuesday, 21st day of May, 1872 _______ NOBTBBOP & LYMAX. in Ottawa by !JIPIM. J.a': t, John ‘Featherston, or, and m-m; l 10, 187%. GENERAL INX COUNCIL oo Finbhr nopmnine ueroges Ctark Privy Gegoat, O‘t’l'AWA STEAM Carriage and Sleigh FACTORY: RIDEAU STREET, OTTAW., * PROPRLIETORS, At this establishment will be found on hand, or made to order, the latest and most approved styles of * _ > Coaches Carmiages, Onaibussts, ROCKAWAYE, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS, Which in of finish wake,. point Ew mnd Aurability, M#®All work warranted for one -ddlkbtdnydfluc-ï¬ny'n P A,m ‘large‘ amount of new and imâ€" W. Stockdale, Brother & Co,, \ or all of the above papers, cheaper than any one else. _ _ ‘The proprietors are practical workmen and personal to all work. March 25, 1872 19311 Royal Mail Line un nection with the ce NOETHKEK RAILWAY OF CANADA i Fort William and . .. o raiate, ‘The Subscribers have received a large &*E Apply to J. fad Tok streets, or to m;‘l.’muu or WMA%T-M * Jan. 22. 1871 mapmare capisn n orist t6., Sior Wiine Sieenâ€" Cumberland, ig‘t . LEAVING COLLLNGWOOD Eveey Tursopar a«@> FrmaiyY, eeond tuienpalent bm Quickest and Uheapesr Route to Fort Garry lmrgo:th- 18724. 872. q a Tums Wellington Stroot, Apint R+ the Obere Phaak The Italian Warehouse. BULK AND CAN OYsSTERS, Liverpool Londonderry and picoton, Nipi= it Ste. Marie, Michipicoton, Nipi Sault Ste. A. @MABOMy, LAKE SUPBRIOR J. K. C. DELES DERNIERS Chicora, BUMMER SERYVIC E. Courriee d Outacuais, Francis Smith, 1274 tremely efficacious in a mild continuous form on shock or unpleasant sensation being eX~ perienced, whereby 1t becomes a true fountain w p.:, io Antninting torpid lim reviving the slugzish functions of llbm: rmparting renews cnorgy and vitality to constitutions entecbled ty whatever canse, ‘Medicines and their deleterious consequences are thus entirely dispensed with, The daily increasing number of cures effected by PULYEnMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GALYANâ€" IO SY8TEM is so extensive and varied, that € forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. . N.B.â€"Thefollowing testimony from the elite of the English medical faculty has beeb wdmw;u ed, ha h pl " We, m ve muc! omâ€" @sure in testifying that Mr. J. L. Poovi® # wiower‘s recent improvemeuts in his Voltaic # Batteries and | walvanic Arplhnou for * Medical Purposes are of great importance to * Scientific Medicine, and that he is entitled " to the consideration and .â€.‘ of. every * one dizposed to further the advancement of # real and useful progress, *# Dated the 9th day of Marob, 1866. 'lllOl‘lL-LOOOOK.M’l.I‘)..,OP » SIB HENBY aonwn,nm.*rn,“ * sIBR WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., 6. R. 8. EDWp. H. SIEYEAING, M. D., M.R.0.8. + 811 J. RANALD MARTiN. ®. 8. 0. 8." 1 ULYEBMACAER®S SYSTEM is also ap 1ov :« of by an officiat Imoltholu Fprinmnice, Lnramier uie the inpariat Pout of Vieuna, and its curative virtues are conâ€" z..‘by thousands of private testimonials of cureseffected. â€" (Bee pamphlet gratis). These facts appeal to the good sense of every tvamale affisanians in a -Ifl nâ€"ï¬:'n:n“-’: _ _ PULVEBCACHERS PATENXT GALY ANIC OHAIN-B% BELTS AND POCKET Ba‘ _ These highly improved inventions rendet °"n..."';"’;.."7 S..“E,‘}‘E":‘:,M{;, T 2 apnmnaanns twmte whule an sense ofevery | > warranted 1e white wipiiir in in bimaectt ut tiis sotentite ‘ap) | MBSSHS. (| ing sethe ‘Tooth ImolL This rrowed e nioviins U ney aas fetoute s us devoted a of study and labour, m an ardent dnlz of that great benefactor 0: mankind . late illustrious electricia. Mionass Fargor. PULYVERMACHER‘8 MEDICOâ€"GALYAXNâ€" mmamm«m th loast derangement of the patient‘s ano daily occupations, in the following maladies Rhoumatism Femaie Complaints IC CHAINS are exceedingly effective withou Lumbago Sluggish Circulation Neuralgie Urinmary Disorders * Head .on.d. Tmlo Paralysic Tic Dolorear Nervous Debility . wniin,of re9¢ pontore numervns Femigromae n,‘;'m: Btovena, Sign on u:. s;.:da w- W. P."~'C‘(h.; tor Ayime:, Ese ie e mt‘ e on ‘m m omm wl ly on &c., in less than Ten Min Packets for One Doillar, $5cte. ‘The Pewder is warraated free froom all bad u"....n""‘-z:â€"'m T withous tak aeit in gone &« m‘ to or Dogs, as they will not cat Directions for use on each Packet. Maxvractuarâ€"â€"Gravel Lane Houndsditch, City of Lundou, Engiand The above discovery bas gained for P0 fessor Harmsu a Silver Prise wodal at the The effects of the application ot| Puilv«: macher‘s Chaing in any of the above disorde: is immediately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pa: PROF. HERMAN‘S veaauy DRsTROUIR, Far Superior to m -v- yet Dise Take Buge Ovenioccinn, bfack Hectice, Fiew in Pan Th o Sinb on Sherp n dinks, aibo PBICE LIbT OP PULYVERBMACHEE CHAIN BANDE AND BATTERLES B. CHAINâ€" BANDS for Neryous Deaines Head, Tooth, and Face Ache,and Noi»; in the Heao, 218. tc 308. iX B. uHAIN BANDS for loss of Voice :. other affections of the Throat, 108. 60. 314. « N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciat__ Rheumati Neuraigia, and Gouty Pai®* Local Pars mnmon-k:e..m.»:"-um B BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestio Functional Disorders, â€"&c., 30s to 508. A cmld- Bet of CQOMBINED UHAl» D8,BELTS, and CHAILIN BATTERY for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £1. ‘The public are most earnestly caugoned to mdl’uflz:.:b:duuwm sham Doctors, W purposes, and so severely stigmatiszed by Vice Qhauoel~ lor Maline in the suit Pulvermacher vs Hamâ€" m'qnunhlz,.n- to 40s and 55 B 0 BANDsS Writer‘s | Cramp Trembling, Nervousness, &c, 22s to 40 and 408. e B COMBINED CHAIN BAND for Can t _ No Gaivanic Belts are genuine but those bearing the fac simile of M. Puivermacher‘s signature on the label. Amâ€"uï¬â€˜:’nm-@ :oh‘ at the Drug of A, Ohristic, *‘ 3. L. PULVERMACHER, ° j Galvanic Estabiishmen ., 24 200 Regent Street, London, W _ Full particulars may be had from â€"the Sole mond, alls J alins O. T, kaphey, wek 8t in hhouy Bovore is e Ottawa, septemper 6, 1870 _ 1455 is LBCTRLCITY 18 LLFE * BabGuigie s ©°" Paralysis, ‘Epilepsy, General Debilit) w x C AWA 'rlMEs Constipation F unctional Disorder> 3ABI !mm!'l TOOTH PABTE 20F C1OAD&NDx â€" and nm ME38) « the Teoth. .mparts « '*wdu.toï¬ognu,ndgm GABRILk 3 | brilliancy to the Enamel: Price { Teeth a pearlâ€"like whiteness GABRIEL‘S | and imparts a delicious fraâ€" GABRIEL‘S GABRIEL‘3 ODONTALGIQUE ELIXIiE This celebrated Mouth Wash is MES most refreshing, it strengthene sas .fllllo(un, eradicates tartar and injurious secretion, sweatens GABRMELS the breath, and for cleansing arâ€" tificial teeth is invaluable Price 5s F il1 directions for use encloYd in each boz PTMPOBTANT TO BRESIDENTS ABROA! _ Parties at a distance may have Artificia\ Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, b\ Meserrs. Gabrijel‘s n«« system, on serfding parâ€" loulars oftheir oases, with a remittance o‘ Ten Shillings, whep the &pparatus for takiny WONDERFUL CUEE OF LUNG DISEASE 1ooum io at ie 'thl-y q_uvcï¬:vvlï¬l.n.m.un. hae un 4n t iast rigort 1 parshmbce » boitis . As a a d&o an:wum‘ At the expiration ys sym| were so rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was sble to sit up, By the continuâ€" anog o1 % _ You may publich the facts for the benefit of tw * * o BROWNX _; fBROYAL DENTIFIOE frum a recipe as used MESSRS . E Hor Majesty ; l:m the # 0 a pearl=like whiteness ~ Bwors before me at Smitiiboin this 6h & me of April, A D 1870. _ ____ ______ M MESSRS, GABRIEL remodel on their im proved system, and at a moderate cost, \rtifâ€" wial Teeth supplied by other dentists whic} hav not proved satisfactory to the wearer, * A CHRISTIE & Co., Smithfield. J C Cha..berlain, Req=â€"This is to certify that about three years ago J became affliicteo with Bronchitis, which lasted about cighteev months, 1 wss so affiicted for the waut of vreath that it was very difficult tor me to lp-;: and in the night time. frequently th the clothes of and raising in the bed to kéep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent pbysicians in the County f Nortbumberland for sabout a year, without reociving any benefit, in fact I continued getâ€" tingâ€"worse all theâ€" time. At last I was ad~ vised to try the Great Shoshoneer Remedy. 1 mnmmmummnm finished I began to feel a little better. lcau-udb:-inndllu-u?m bottles, w to my satisfaction, I founc that I was as well as ever I had been previâ€" ous to my iliness and have been so ever . model of the mouth will be forwarded with all neceasary instructions Agents for Ottawn Wholesale Agents for Canadaâ€"Messrs Brusell &Bu-nt.lis Front Stereet ‘West ind 463 St. Paul Street. Montral. Restores Grey Hair to its| NaturalZColor . For sale in Ottawa by H. F. M acd privagn Walindlon Stres. AND DUES NOT SOIL THE SKIN. JOHN ‘ GARDNEE, CHEMIST, MONTREAL, Bole Manufaaturer and Proprietor. 3?*“;â€%&& m can be fllr‘ wholesale at all the ‘1:10 zln,luumu s$reet, Ottawa. o 1, Concession, Ongoode, o ppy t " *A hynts LVD GA 0B SALE, ts DR s MoDOUSALL, ‘Olfuine, Ded 27. 1071 1ag04¢ Cure ot Bronchitis i remoningnes l SEFYREREcAERATIONS\ vtfl! a n'q.ï¬dyw { beautirul preparati~« tooth, and forms a temporary stopping. ?dooll.ud coliof grance to the breath. Price 1s wHITE GUTTA PERCHA Enamel, for stopping decave Teoth, renders +*~*" â€"tq goy»* fron+ 3EDADENT" O BR C UR E * Toothache. ‘This extraorâ€" EN TiSTS HILL . LOND ONEC] J M WELLINGTON , 4 P 0. ONLY B8Â¥ Fâ€"THEâ€"WORLD| 'z'-"" gives O’K'I'AWA HOTEL, St: James Street Mon treal. â€"The undersigned having assum» ed the management of this popular fevorite, respectfully informs the travelling public and its former patrons, that the house has undergone many improvements, and that he intends by constant attention to the wants of nis patrons, to make this the most comfortable Hotel in the city of Montreal. At Junction Depot of Grand Trunk ano Ottawa & Prescott R. &. All the facilities of a First Class House, | Passengers refreshment O'I'I‘AWA HOTEL, â€" Prescott Junction, J. FRANCIS, Pâ€".etor. _ Meals at all times. Table and liqu cannot be surpassed. â€" 1878â€"3m. rOOL\ u3e General Agent. SBole sgont for Read‘s andProof # hiskey ; ‘also, Dawes* Laâ€" mflm.''- .'lâ€"'.'-li'!r-"‘o-,' the Kusel case, Oitampcity, 0. W â€" Derartrext or Crows Laxps, Toronto, 25th of July, 1872. Under an Order in Council passed the 20th ultimo, mm Titmber on pa tented, sold, an d lands on the North Shore of Lake Superior, the absoâ€" lute right to the Pine trees growing or baing on said hfp may be ncqmroz on > yment being made to the Department ~ Crown Lands atï¬ the rate uc: fifty cents per acre, in addition to price, one dollar per rcre paid or to be paid for such lands. ~ del; Thos FuNoT, S2Q, VCE m’ A‘nfl.l p.,o‘un; Thos Be M‘Cm.p.lfl-l‘l\.& Provincial Land surveyor Uwners of patentedâ€"lands, and purâ€" chasers of lands, (the sales of which pm 7 being carried out) who are desirous cquiring the right to the pine timber ...«creon, are required to apply for such right, and make payments as n‘on, withâ€" in six months from date of this notice. Jn an: stser MUXNX) a u%.m 1st 0: MAY, it is intendes i a Pullmar Palace Uars throught â€" «c m Montreal anc Sarnia. on..zonamp.: hi sent coaches wil} be attac: «: to each Day 1.s « s itrainloaring Montrea: <or Toronto, and | * 111 through to Sarpis, as a Drawing Ro n 't‘m Car, There wiil also be on. stt‘ to each %‘lxpxe;n frou. Totouto to Mc «#réal Bam:sor runuing %.& awwil. come into «peration about the In: ‘of JtBe, ot which dae â€"cice will be given. _ _ 7 1nd Ontacio. Applicants to purchase lands after date of this notice, are required to apply for the right to the pine trees thereon. at the time of application to purchase the hli& and .to pay for such right at the time application fifty cents per acre as above specified, in addition to the one dollar per acre payable for the lands. §_ 54 EAST END SAPPERS BRIDGE, * \ BOWK & ANNASBLE, wa.«~,. consisting of six pleces. Farior S« *u Hair Cloth, Bliack Wainat, ‘ puards, }3u:: «.8, Wasbstands, Centre Side Tuu!*, â€"md a groat variety of cane at equa o ; |. w. privés, Should the owners of patented lands, or purchasers of lands (the sales of which are being carried out) fail to apply for, and acquire the right to the pine trees on such lands, within six months from the date of this notice ; or purchasers of lands after this date decline at the time of application to Eurclnue to apply for and acquire the right to the pine trees on the lands 3- plied for, the pige trees on such s Sey~ Near sapper‘s Bridge: Jenuy i~:+: bedsteads..$3 00, formerty $3 50 Uomuâ€"» Sudsteads... 2 25, * ... £,50 Uommes Cira...... ___ 40 and upwards Compi=te :i~irowmâ€"Sets for $10 50 and up. will be disposed of by the Department of Crown Lands to nzn- mnkg applica tlon therefor at S; rate of fifty cents per acre; but should there be more than one «pplication for any space, 6 Oo~«lity, the right to the pine trees sh : warded to the applicant tendering, s« : the highest amount per acre over â€"u 1 above fifty cents. &. W. SCOT1, August 3rd, 1872 â€" â€" 2042 [ OYAL INSURANCE oonlsv, IN MONTRBEAL, :ho A do’!'"hh M}m“ well ta City. 6 «nown to require any :Jfllb morite. l'cmdflo Merchants and others dine daily in the Restaurant. . The Proprietor is only | it on account: of assum» tng the of his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United States, ‘Address GUISEPPE M. GIARAELLL, N. B.â€"The Bar can be readily let f $200 GREA! RKDUCTION '49' FURNITURE & [ ROWE & ANNABLE‘S, ;. * 41 al. GLAAIR. 9 Ne OrFI SCee l ons es k ~ N.Biâ€"The firisncial position of the Royal lhbwz'mw:h‘pc:tmu‘ s cng Sanmress in thet o. ® HOTEL â€"RESTAURANT, AXND BAR surers have additional security in the UKLLKW LIABILITY of a Wealthy K:Iuor'mmrwumu information can be on application to the undersigned. )tte wa T606 UJ BRYDGES, ° _‘ Montr«al. April 26th, 1871. ~~ | :fl†¥ ~« RSIPXBUTH, «HAD@ DUUDK 4 oTiCr HE «JUNCTIUON HOTEL," A. PERWY; wontreal, Masor i. 1871 e -lon-'_;ï¬:l:llifl'" ’"m THE â€"COSMOPOLITAN, URKITURE, PURKITURE. CHRISTIE, Commleston Merchant asd FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A TERM OF YEARS. RARK CHANCE: BILLISGS,. Jr,,. Arohi Bell‘s Blook, Sappors‘ Bri Office . Aylmer, P. Q. 122 t \â€"mâ€" the place for the Provinces ofâ€"Quebéc ~ | .M L RO K F. Beboal, » Chief Agents for Canada. D. WILKINSON, t Proprietor C. 8. BROWNE, 1872 A. J CHRISTIE _ HAMNET BPHILL & A A AUCTIONEER, REAL %An AND LUMBERMEN‘H AGENT, AND package the same night. n Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, Great Britain and [reland, Newfounda «nd Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at this office. Also Postage Stamps, and P Beacon Lights, Upper Ottawas River. Two Light Beacons below Carillon, Ottawa : t River. Plans and specifications of all required works may be seen on ard after the 1st Sepâ€" tember next, atâ€"the Department, at Ottaws, ..‘of-ï¬.ugllou. on Lake Superior w y, at the office of 5. RISLEY, Inkpector, ‘Toronto, at which unnudn“d-l-‘ can be procured Department does not bind itself to nogï¬olondw_uz_m;" +03 ON EEAL ESTATE, From $400 to any amount, on approved secarity C197 ain 3i 7 0° y». ‘WITCHELL, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Department of Marine and Fisheries, _ LRUST AND LOAN COMPANY OFf Hamilton island, Glengarry County. Burnt House Point, . do _ do Qnâ€"Government Fier, about 2 miles above NAE Bandy ‘slands, ‘Batchewana Bay, Lake es Polint auk Pink, nttance of Aiver t Mary, Owen Sound, Georgian Bay. e Mississaga Straits (Oockg-n M)H‘I;:n wugxyun. near Prescott, Ounvm; And 50 head of Western Sheep. ‘ Pork Stall will be as usual found with Fresh and Sait. CON, BAUBAGE, ETC., ETC. Mhe whole of which will be on exhibition at their â€"Stails Nos. 3, 5, 7 and 8, Lower Town %M WEDNESDAY, THUBSDAY, AY and SATURDAY, able to see the finest stall of Meat in the Will be received at this Department, at m 2,» noon of MONDAY, the THIRâ€" of BSEPTEMBER next, for the construction of Light Houses at the underâ€" mentionéd places‘in the Provinee of Ontario, BEF* Deposite will be received atthis Office. Interest allowed at the rate of Four sent per annum, and Deposits can be withdrawn at any time. o QFFICE HuUHKs FROM 8 A.M., TO T P.M respectfully tender the public their since thanks for the very liberal patronage b: stowed on them during t: last seven years. While soliciting a continuance of hq%mflwflym:&m weight of â€"4,525 POUNDS, T.30 1872 . .__ _ 1872 EASTER. Which took the prize at Gueiph Fair. 30 head of splendid Western Cattle. A Magnificent Calf, _ 11 weeks old, bred and fed by John West, «10 l‘r\fl_"‘_.b'-‘;’ L ouma. Seban. 112 â€" Om 9l Ottawa, June 10, 1872 Ho 43; Ridean street. Ottawaâ€" Ottawa, March 27, 1872. SATCHELL BROS., Vis NewYork closeevery Monday at 8 P.M Rer Canadian Line, close every Friday at 10 15 A.M, A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be closed a unregistored matter can be sent. Oftawa, 18th June, 1872. 2013 lawktd For Money Orders and Savings Bank business from 0 a m to 4 pm vaky TV Lmay Matter &« §UMMER ARRANGEMENT ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE o H. FALA $ Post Office, posted up to 9.30 P.M., will be forwarded Kast and West in Supplemen ©.00 James Bailiff. Halifax, N.S., and 5t. John. N.B dos. $ B WORRGER, U . S.â€"â€"+1. cersrecce stcaore: s seuvenes Fort Garry and other places in the Province ef Manitobaâ€"Mails dutlwhod daily via Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich. British Columbis (and Vancouver Islend) Mails despatched daily via Windsor, Ont., Detroit and San Francisco, U.S. Rates.of Postage same as to other of the Deminios United spz:::. via OROOREDLTG ++â€"«ss.ssrreeer serrs nc antere jlâ€";w le, Zerrickville, Orford Mills, per St. L. & 0.R North Gower, Kars, &0., per St. L. & 0. Railway ........ Osgoode, Russell, & per _ do _ do _ ................ The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway North of Carleton Place Junction, â€"Bristol Clarendon Centre, Packenham, Pembroke Porthge, du FOt, £6..............cccrrrstes sersre sieee: March and Opslow, via Aylmer.......,.................... March, Huntley, Carp,&c., by stage.... Templeton, T uesd Thursd lN“ 7 bnr(h."' ays, n(fsnnmyu CUOMMISSION Westernâ€"Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Bell‘s Corners, Richmond, &c. per Canada Central } r,“w esnt O Perth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carleton Place, per Ca:} mada COntrAl RAilWAY....... .ccsccsc se se s se § Lowes Ottawa, by Steamer, Buckingham, Cumberâ€" lsa ad, L‘Orignal® Grenvilie, t:‘“ ; Chelsea, W akefield,North W akeficld,Low & intermeâ€" dinte Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and interâ€" mediate Offlces, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays OE POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK Lake buperior MBA I LS. FICOE, OTTUTAWA. MONEY ORDERS BRITISH MAILS , _A limited number of Advertisements are 0_ in the Weekly Times at 1W cents per line, 1st TIkkKs, prepaid, and if co e dghp hss "Aihs BADLAFF, _ IHE TIMES is printed and Tus Ormwva Timzs Prow â€"'â€"'I ual encouragement (ONE FRKE C U -iHn unm-' Clubs whe hyï¬quvuï¬Ã©,'"’,,___ for the morning mail, ai §1 90 per anpum, tion at the Office, or with our . MIR. & i.lo 0:- th our Agent umâ€"-.x-um»uwnâ€"-wt advance ; or $1.80 if pmd during the year Published EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, is &mm;-flmnï¬ over & Contracts for definite term M y nc rv‘s * d h fooag oapiwniy d C'mh-."ï¬f d Advertisements, such 46 Situations Wanted, . â€" Situations Vacant, . Cattle Strayed. (The only Daily Morning Paper in Central Csf is published every morning at M-:x ypayable in advauce, or /) cents per in the city. t is mailed o «ubscribers in ted Stated, at $â€".94 free of Canadian postage» Rooms Wanted Board W &nted. For ordinary advertisements in Daily _ Paragraphs among reading matter, IJ gj, hB:mnc- Nand Attorneysâ€"at icitors ‘h-v-r‘. otaries, &o. . Officeâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, Kideau Wa. Mosorove. _ .G. Taimuox, _ Fâ€"M. July 2 1872. ‘ * _ RIGHT & cu@A>w, 61 mmp t Amn-‘u-u-m'. voltortore tn Jaw »mveymucers, Notames Pablic >, &o, «* vâ€"a0es _ Untaricand Quebec Mhce over Durie‘s Wook stors sp«r _ 0 tawa. Cnuu.u M a RCIL, _ Advocoste, 1 Oumce at Mr Terrau‘s, N P ; private dence in rear of French vathedral, Hull, . Business attended in Ottaws and the trics Courts of the County of Ottawa, NOTAEY PUBLIC. _ Resigente « ® nekt the tost Office. 11987 â€wr:,nul’lnnuu.ol. | Mowili vore sician, burgeon and A0008 % m Dr. s Aorntees = R 1*; ROBILLARD, Physician, But S Accoucheur, vilcein Mr. Hearn‘s Btore, Kast end of Supper‘s Bridge, . hours from Â¥ a. m. to 4 p. m. _ _ _ : N. B.â€"Speciai atuention given to the treal ofnlnuu'o??u!!!n‘h At night â€l. OLIVER MA K TLN, Dentist. dpuh«_tr_'. Conu al Oitaws. 3 Dl. MoDOUGALL, Office, Ridean Swect, opposite thertons Dray store Regide F \ 1CBROLASB S P A M K.8, Harrister and LW neyâ€"utâ€"Law, Soiicitorâ€"inâ€"Ohancery , O ancer, &o. Oficeâ€"Lang‘s Buildings, ’ pposite the Post Office, Ottawn. _ January 1, 1872 be seun al ois residence, Murray sireet “ t« HA YCOCUCK, Auoraeyâ€"atâ€"Law, 3 © citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Convreysuser, Not cublic, and Patent RigniSolicieor. Ofceâ€"1 mediately opposite IKusseli souse, Elginâ€"st 44 ED'A.D T. DAR"AWLL, Batt Bolicite: Attorney and Nutary «tthe Posce and County Attorney, forthe Counties of Presoott and Russel} ~â€" Court House, L‘Urignai. . ; _ 4 U*CON NOR , Artorneyâ€"atâ€"Law â€on Chancery, Conveyancer, &o troot. Office, Unizn Buildings, Ottawa Bpecial Notices, 12} cents per line KEKS & GEMMNLILL, Bartutore, Attore l.l Soticitors, Conveyanoers : to, Oficeâ€"I8 ourt House, Octaw&. Rosezt Laxe. doutt _ JuRk J. wxx® THE WEEKLY TIMES, * _A« MARA, Architect. Officeâ€" 4@ Buildings, Hideauâ€"st., Ottews. .~ ~TETHEAU, i‘&"‘ Public for the i « vince of Quebec, , nssr the Number 12 | Hor Majesty‘s IMES3 PRINTING AND #UBLL QMPANY. ADVERTISING RATELE TAE DAILY TIME$, s o d.a. 7'40.07.‘ f OSGROVE, TAILLON & CHRYS 0. AnCtansaULT, 25 CEN TS iscellancous ‘uï¬. what sot w:llfll'_.. exceeding 24 words, Houses for sale, > Mouses to Hent, G. P. BAKER, Primas wa Tmus PriwtiNg AxD * owuraxy, at the Ofbce, . 12, Wellington Strsou, O sty‘s . ceatre) Centre ‘To" JAMES BAJLIYF, Mana@# *A d Prithe gage of MAIL 1.3 Managieg Us. ector Houses Wanted. ©,00 DUR Por ) uty <ay £.00 (11,00 11,30 800 in which 187 2.00 Ottawie ho /1 Jdly 26, 1872. z:: logs and hoon, timbe | of Crow io boine the m":;‘;‘:'.;': F, and must be m-p-m-b? tb Ridess Street, Jurns must the numbe diameters, : and the numbe boom timber, the length < ith the diameter of each fror lbnu-ndwnandd-ow the same have been cut .I&L 0 z .N ERS LJ LU MBE ‘*‘-fl“!&u Â¥. B., which the same have bee AND @GULF PORTS ‘ v" B '-"-I--q m BOOEESTER a the season beâ€" touching at Shedin« Ts trips, as busines: to W. H. Howland 2% brom & BIE, Awents, Ottewa. 2 Half Octave Pianos made 4 +4 6 hn a gamer s the returns :"‘2" ‘m Depart: E8 x. xx. of the public is respect pan} m p Co p t mt Messrs. Orme & v Sï¬ut,ol“.uhh and 8t »i the abore business, do all kinis of repairs trom ‘the E.... i We d + 26, 1871 180 BP ato g the above will be kep! , showing the numbe and boom timber, an« 6 it is intended to pass iber as ous on privat under settier‘s license under oath, must b And with ; between M w Point, G“o;‘ ‘as. Dalbousie, Chatâ€" b‘::.-n in an a =|cpd-nip.lbpoi number of pisce of boom timber, cut t em, c:q-ind. ï¬: made, will: be require Hfemt ut agonte spout or inal returns have be« "Repaired Neat] n , 28th Axtgust, 1872 ble terms, and bhaving years both in Eng at all branches t of bsing; t of Crown lands Emgland, iAr begs leave t VÂ¥I NO Bt. John‘s, + Mfl‘ U STREET to the 16th and 17 wna Timber it ve th i impenure i , BUTCn®Er LbERIDGE TIXB L.JOHN8OXN RE, of any board messure Well Semnso solicited mext door to wicinity, that EDW AR 2028.] 1 Charliott