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Ottawa Times (1865), 1 Oct 1872, p. 4

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_ N. B.â€"1t saves 30 per cont on the Russéll House boller, and steam is now raised in half Tiied, vhile mree 1. Infgo pet ctamge io saves a m‘n‘l& at N'fl’-'-n .l; Parlizment and Departmental a.'alql*.“’im A Flook‘s Foundry &c., &6,. _ _ | Extensively used in the Eastern and Western muzmmmu (BSee circular.) _ eporme NONâ€"COMEUSTIBLE & NONâ€"COBROSIYE Buve 20 per cent in fuol, and steam passes through any length of Fiping covered with ae Nonâ€"conductor quite ary. Nomâ€"Conductor tor And notice is further ot such rules and mfi'fim said Forms may be obtained on applica tion to this office. ' Minister of Agriculture and of Patents. Ottaws, September 4, 1872 Notice is hereby given that in pursu= u}eoollb provisions of 35th Victoria, Chap, 26, intitled : . *An Actrespecting Putents of Invention," HisExcellency the has been pleased to of certain rules and regulations, and of such forms prescribed -h-vodq- tor the the pA{rest orrics, s Boie Manufacturers in MJNBOE OLEARY, General Westorn Agont; Ottaws, Nov, 20, 18171 > AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMENS AGENT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION ON REAL ESTA From $400 to any amount, on q?w-lm FRUST AND LOANX COMPAKXY OFf ‘Pull . sed in each box. mg:m. hout springs, painiessly and Messry G@ABBLEL‘S Messrs. _ | 4* a natural redness to the aasiidis | feon, Thrave, s trem miment PP : ;~/@t GABRLBLS 1â€"Conductor tor Covering Steam Bollers that DUNCAN‘S COMPUUND SYRUP OF m&m‘ndnzoflt,b-n&r to them. 3 Wholesale agents, EVANS MERCER & CO., Montreal, and to be obtained from all the Ottawa druggists. â€" No. 43, Rideau streot, Ottawsâ€" L ARGEST AaAND (BE38T@¢ Hats, â€" Bats, Hats. HAT3, tie: Doneane compoonpayaoreg I-On‘l':’tfiq bu J w O W HC | L the Great Healih Restorer of the Day, ‘ _ It strikes at the root d-.n Disease through its wonderful power restoring the blood to a healthy state, certain ‘remedy for Bcrofuia, Nerrous and General Deblity, ail diseases won Ausice Sn ponte! ahye T oomy, Chest ; ‘and all other di !nnllrm‘Mdth Haalth Restorer accompany each Bottle, MWPICAL INVESTIGATION has nunuaAd thak the Azazolus _ R@~The highest price paid for RAW FUES. price yeit , Ottawa, May 7, 1872 * CW mummc P Edward Mc@illivray, Esq, J M Grant, Esq, M D, M P & W Scott, Esq, M P P., Mr Madl, * : yrprâ€"<4â€"â€"a * s senmdnge t TLVDCATE COMPOUND SYRUP OF SAR Ottawa, March 9, 1872 © 1918 $m A Egleson, Sen‘t, Fuil ‘directions for taking this Great Ottawa, 187%; Authorized discount ::‘fll:-hn In & Able and refreshing Mouth l.i!!h“ hardens the gums. vreâ€" CAPS, and | use after %> yoars‘ “-m“""â€"; lrm:‘ and forms a -unh:.‘ 1 Price is 14d. James Bailiff Odontalgiqune Elixir.â€"The Coleâ€" brateu W ash, ‘A fow drops enamel Price is 6d, recipe as used by E ..&‘ P ons 24 Pepesever, the hoe ::rll.v-lhlu.a 4 saesd 1 s P mV OL powder, and gives M:fl. enamel. Price is 64. White Gutta Porcha for 'I.“;tun uâ€":a decayed. g:.' Po i atter how _ Coralite Tooth Paste, cleansâ€" ."_'..'_..“.."'_-_1‘-_.@,-:-& and 44 '- w CHALMERS & Richardson -,wfl--l ~PEACOCK‘3, 33 Rideau Street, Ot‘ awa. J, X. POPE, M ILL ers in the Dominion STRAW . LOND ONEcl 015 Oltaws, April 19 1672 " Wélâ€"lawkawi 226 Acres of Good Land WITHIN ONE MILE OF RICHMOND, About 60 Acres Under Cultivation. Foanu ros saus. & LOT NO. 1, 412 CON. NOBTB GOWER gamsiinee o ns esns n nity hn olsc s (mippiiiee. His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is Crany wioand ther ihe fulioning rame oo wit bnt on the mu.n- of the q:-ubm T t S ol oee ht halh the provisiont mbs,‘{nkm.!.mcr,_m +GovERNOR <_ Y @ENERAL IN COUNCIL ‘ This farm is worth $4,000, but will be soid for June 10, 1873. o Tok refponting thy Pablic it ocks of onadia * Prevent friction to the Eaife: " Oakey‘s Wailingion Rnife Poling sbould huu'flh'm. ing machines, India Rubber and Buf Leathor Knife Boards. Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brilliant polish equal to new cutlery ru::-"n-.u Tublets, 64. cach. J lowest wholesaie prices in quaatities of not less thaun £20 worth (for, which remittance must be seat in advaboo)â€"Vis., 54. 44., 128., und 348. per dosen boxes of Fills or potw of Vintmens, nott, without discount 7 1 have the honor to 0s, R With great respect, 4 TuOMAS H0uLQOWAY GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Tuesday, 2lst day of May, 1872. .. buould any person have reason to believe that be has been deceived by buying spurious imitations of these Medicines, he will do well to send me, in & lotter, to the address at foot (which ne can do at a cost of six conts in postage), one of the books of instructions which are aftized to the same, 1 promise to examine it, and send a repiy, stating whether the Medicines are gonuine or not, so that it spurious he may apply to the person trow whom he purchased tuein to have his mouey ords rs tor my tilis and Ointment, and as have reason to believe that attempts will ver poh_uyh-mtodndnthpubueh shis way by persons calling upon medicine vendors, imisely representing: that they aré acting for me, and with my knowledge and consent, I deem it advidable to put the public on their guard against any such deceptions, I most earnestiy entreat all those who may read this advertisement that they be pleased in the public interest, to communicate the parport of the same to their friends that they may not be defrauded of their money by purâ€" ohusing .worthless imitations ‘ot the genuine Holloway‘s Fills and Ointurent, + 1 wouid ask, as a great favour, that shoula it come to the knowledge of any person that spurious medicines are being made or sold in my name, he be pleasedto send me all the particulars he can collect respecting the same, tha. is two say, the fhme and addiess of the Â¥Frador who .1s selling the spuriqus mudi. clues, and iikewisq the name and ‘address . the lHouse in he United States, or elsewheo 0, which may i ve:uppiied them, so _ to on« able me, luc tue prowection of the public, to astitate procecdings against such ovil=doors, aud 1 cugage to remuanerate very handsoinely any persun who may give me such informa tion, the informaut‘s name nevor being di~ fld the British North American Proâ€" f that in May last I caused the business 80 Maiden Lane New York, for the sale of y*s Pills and Ohc-emhvhlchm ap to that time prepared by William Brown, now"deceased, to be closed. ‘These Medicines weré, l regret to:say, from what has lately come to my knowledge, made up of such very ordinary ingredients as to render them aluiost mmummmwm my good name, § Those who do not wish to be deceived by ouying spurious , medicines, which are now Ukely to emanate from the=States or elseâ€" where, but to possess themselves of the genuâ€" ime Hoilowny‘s Pills and Ointwent will d¢ well to see that each pot and box bears the British Government stamp on which is en« graved the wordas "Holloway‘s Pills and Ointâ€" wment, and that theaddress on the label is 533, Offord street, London, where only they are manufactured, and in no other part of the world, â€" The retail prices are on the labels ip ‘British ourrency, and not in dollars and cent/ lonmdnd-ho.’uvmom trave through any part of the Provinces, o the Un ited iStates, cither to sell or to tak "'l.\.'. Canadian Pain Destroyer never fail»to ‘lnl-:hu reliot, M:u nodkm:o dealers it. sicians o and use it ; and no h.:fiy -m.L without it after once trying it, Price only twentyâ€"fivâ€" cents r bottle, , NOBTHBOP & LYMAX. Siteem Tob Reprm J € Progectione ons 8, d Mortimer, and 11 medicine dealers. M l%“:‘ck and Head, Cougbs, Colds, Sore 8 Bfll’m,, Cnnps in the ‘ ufléfim Morbus Dysenter; , a Com: hl-1 Burna, Bcalds, lProd ites, . > &o., &c. e 18E CANADIAN PA1N DESTROYE&R & Has now been before the public for a linztt of time and wherever used is well liked never failing in a single instancde to give perâ€" -.tnua'hnumlynud,udnluu never known a single case of disatisfaction where the directions have been properiy fol» lovcd,huonmoo.tnry, all are delightuq with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects, | We speak from experience in this matter , Raving tested it thoroughly, and therefore hose who are suffering from ary of the com~ Nmfiv;kfihh?;'onmmeumydo- pend upon its being a ereign Remedy. ’::.m in lflu::?ha-ubr c mn: recommended., m’mnnden:: success the torturing pains M.mnlhflulmlm lons, entitle it to a high rank in the list of Remedies for these complaints. Orders are coming from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country for further supplies, and each test tifying as to the universal satisfaction i W LV THE PUPBLIC OF THE BRITISH PRO VINCES OF NORTH AMERICA, _I beg most respectfully to acquaint the Asa family Remedy it is well and tavourably k Remedy it is well and tavourabl; Mfl-flnm@.«mwnhm NADLIANPAIN DESTROYER for the Patem mnite uiean WA s C N% | or all of the above papers, Th;;hm‘hfindvo(lmhp Nommfi:m. Apply to J. M. C. DELESDERN] corner of Sussex asund York streets, or to MORRISON WELLS & CO., Toronto. Just Received H. M. RO WE S celebrated BULKX AND CAN _ OYsTERS, Contractor, wishes to inform the in of Oh'.fiuhh-nl.:u ‘J.W ;hg_-‘*‘gfi-mfimlh g of 1 ’.l‘-u&onomvt, cabin...... ..â€"» +« $87 25 Intermediate.... .. . ... . » ... ... $47 Of 44 00 ‘w'fi.............m.m: :ivfl.m secured until paid _ Return Tickets granted at reduced rates. certificates granted to desirs For further particulars apply to ; _ _ #1" Tmoss Office, Wollington otr: Agent for the Ottawa Times, â€" es A 4# _ Keening Mail. s «* * _ Qourrier d Ouiaouaig, 4* a4 :‘ i Minerve, Montreal. "_ * {Ges fakm mâ€"‘:m&“ Jan, 22, 1874 ST. PATRICK « *s Dates of Sailing are as follows : CORINTHILAN, on or about. .. ..1 OTTAWA 66 «e+sei ST. DAVID 66 Fpoik s ‘The steamers of the Glasgow Line (sailiag Line :hfllaqwn:y.'l‘w,flh(- Que &re hhu to be despatched b:ihoh: ce C e @lasgow Line. The Italian Warehouse. _____ J. K. C. DELES DERNIERS lu-;-?_;â€".o’ Tok quable ‘a _l_' For further particulars £ ® nwom&’oo., Agents © "Spark Ottawa, May 6, 18171 b99t Ptunens Booked to and . from Liverpool, Londonderry â€" 872. _ Ottawa. _ _ Ottawa, May 17, 1872. A. & A. H. TA Jist TO LOAE. Feight connection Toronto with Merchants‘ LakaiOntane Line bor Hemilos, Monirestone, « HE SEASON COMMENCED LHAVING COLLINGWOOD â€" Evesr TyEspar asp FRrmaiy, 1280 °e° srornl of the Ateambeat_Express Irain o‘slock, a. m. Quickest and Ohurlt Route to : Fort Garry and Northâ€" A, GRISO8;, e sescessssss _ â€" ... PEB GALLON Fmsrâ€"Cuass, Urren Cumberland, Collingwood," Fort William Duluth, â€" a nection with the . . NORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA. _ _A very large amount of new and imâ€" proved machinery has lately been aided, mduthowhulohdfimby.ltumpm (tbe_onlz‘uhb&hmentnmypliodq& section we are in a to mm)'m p‘romm.r-d For passage tickets and State nocx;wus,figoummmm Which in point of finish and durability, are not surpassed in any market, A B@~All work warranted for one year, and all kinds of repairing carefully and promptly done. to uce work ) ehupcwthq any ou-m proiply *ed The proprietors areâ€" practical workmen Royat : Mail Line At this establishment will be found on band, or made to order, the latest and most approved styles of _ ; 1872. A OTTAWL STEAM Carriage and Sleigh FACTORY,) * > RIDE AUâ€"STRERT, OTTAWa, â€" #. Stockdale, Brother & Co,, ng at Owen Bruce Mines, Shuit Sto. Imario, Michipicome, Mipg. Coaches, Carriages, Omuibusses, e personal Tv-ian upervision to all work. tawa, March.25, 1872 1981tt LAKE â€" SUPERIOR CGlasgow. PROPRIETORS ADAM ROLPE, Francis Smith, TeTktnHs. ...lith Oot. 1272. .h h 10E CCmTE ’m.;mml.hht‘,l&.: st,; Slocombe & Stevens, of the Sugar corner of Cum! ‘:." urgh, J. W. Prostor & Co.; for Ayimer, Mr, N. ® o-d--mwu-n.u_... fioulhu‘-qml.ugo., kl"lmlfi' h”.w *4 1 ll' _ Theabove discovery has gained for Proâ€" :hâ€"-ifllmh::. Medal at the Interâ€"Colonial Exhibition Victoria A tralia, of 1866. besides numerous Testimoniais: Which is known to be _‘ wbpl se covered ie For killing RBates, Mice, Insects on Pou! iRantionant in m Inmenguns hffihflmo'lmpwo:h;d. on &c., &c., in less than Ten Minutes, Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cts. per Packet ; or Six Mu:o.wh,m $ The is warranted free from all bad smell, and will keep in‘any Climate, It may uwwm:mk,uuh.m. :T&Hb Qateor Dogs, as they will not: Directions for use on each Packet, ‘ PROF. HERMAN TERMIN DESTROYER, i diasnlacements of the nterus. Homesopathic Physictan, murgeon & Ao coucher. Residenceâ€"Albert stroet. Office hours from 9 tu 11 a.w., and 2 to 4 p.m. S&" Special attention given to diseasa | 10 Freight and Cartage Agency B@F~Orders attended to. C. 0 S@~R. Carters homesman o rates for furniture. , _ W. K. JOHNSON, Ottawa, Oct. 12, 1871 W 630 This Swing may be seen in operation at the MOcunmul,lo. uoo.m-um and at No, 8, 8t. Patrick Stroot. '::.'::“,L‘E t 210\ Induiging in that . =@*~ \QM. agrecable : exer« â€"‘" «3+ ue eise are exposed to no accident or danger, Ladies can â€"themselves ummmm“’z! any of the inconveniences met with in ordi MPORTANT NOTICE. 200 Regent Street, London, W I‘IAll particulars -,:Ehld‘fion the Sole * nwoolg{:. § * 5 AWaA. Ottawa, Septemper 0, 1870 1455 ln â€" No Galvanic uu'-fii-iii’-;'h'z"m bearing the fac simile of M. Puivermacher‘s llg‘uhnuflnhhl. l :o :d-u the Drug Store of A.Ohrh-flz J. L PULVERMACHER, Lo ie e n P C ht duraidsdcss d Cramp, &0., 188. to 2*** and 408. nom BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion Liver, Ohest, and Functional Disorders, Mvmu.wz;iu to 40s and 55s. B OH. BANDS Writer‘s Cramp, f wfa‘, Nervousness, &o, 22s to 30s B oonulnl%%Am mb&mm Paralysis, epey, bility Functional Disorders, &0., 308 to 508. A complete Bet of COMBINED UHAIN s B&N,BILT!,MOHAIN BATTEBY bcmflhlmu.ago.fl. The public are most earnestly cautioned to lh.- :o\ou, “ll for :‘l““"pnwb’ udn.mlyd:-ui-dby ?bo Chanoel» lor Malins in the suit Pulvermacher vs Ham» mond, alias Henry James, alias 0. T, Raphey,," L200 O Eol C3 â€"Cop OBR HUARE V, £, HApLE M. B. 0. B, alias Henry Burrows, &0, &o. _ No Galvanic Belts are ;..u:hsm instantancous. . _‘ t PBICE LIsT OF PULYERMACHKR® ‘ CHAIN BANDS AND BATTERIES. ; B. OHAIN BANDS for Neryous Deafness Head, Tooth, and #ace Ache, and Noiser lllhoflmfill.b 308. 4 B UHAIN D8 for loss of Voice ‘and ’ummdmmg 108. 64. to N. YHAIN BANDS lor Sciat _ Rheumatic Neuraigia, and Gouty Pai®® Local Paraâ€" The effects of the application of Puive:â€" macher‘s Chaing in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain O9tf Sole AcoLn‘en &A‘..'.‘.s'kc,.. Mionasy ‘Faraor. PULYVEBMACHER‘S MEDICOâ€"GALYAN» IC CHAINS are exceedingly effective without the aid of lu}l:;hu, restriction of diet, or th« least derangement of the patient‘s habits and daily occupations, in the following maladies Rhoumatism. Female Complaints Gout 3 Constipation § Lumbago 2 Neuralgin Head and Toothache Liver Complaints ty of Vienna, and its curative virtues are con. firmed by thousands of private testimonials of cureseffected. © (Bee pamphlet gratis). Mm"llfpd to the good sense of every sufferer to avail himself of this scientifie and curative which the inventor ha devoted a of study and iabour, as an ardent deciple of that great benefuctor o! mankind, the â€"late illustrious electriclan ANADA _ NTBAL BAILWAT ..uv «+ of by an official re of the Aca «* i+ de Medicine, Paris, ml College o mdmm-.dmlmpefld Faculâ€" ty of Y and its curative virtnes ara ann . N. B.â€"The following testimony from the elite of the English medical faculty has been mgd the pl " We, theâ€"undersigned, have uch plesâ€" «sgure in testifying that Mr, J. L, Pouvse «! wacu»2‘s recent improvements in his Voltaic t i‘“h. and (hlv:‘nlo Appliances tor # Medical Purposes are of great importance to * Sclentific Medicine, and that he is entitled " to the consideration and support of every " one disposed to further the advancement o# " real and useful progress, # Dated the 9th day of March, 1866. © BIR CHARBLES LOCOCK; Bart., M. Py p Es F. B. 0.P. , 8IB HKNEY HOLLAND, Bart., M. D , ~ â€" [_ 12 C OCPRS © sIR WM. FERGUSSON, Bart, F. R. 8. EDWD. H. SIREYVEAING, M. D. M.E.C.8 © 811 J. RANALD MARTIN, F. 8. 0.8." + ULVERMACAER®S SYSTEM is also ap ‘ ll.ctflclu‘m’ lnpmvle‘i ng b'nnd ty perfectly selfâ€"applicabl ex~ mulykefld-clou in a nildoonunet'w;; form on shock or unpleasant sensation being °X~ perionced, whereby 1t becomes a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily -otlfiha agonizing peins, re«animating torpid reviving the sluggish functions ?l‘ llfi.I:‘ rmparting renewe enmergy and vitality to Constitutions enteebled ty whatever cause, Medicines and their deleterious conseqtuiences are thus entirely dispensed with, The daily: increasing number . of cures effected by PULVEKMACHER‘S MEDi0OOâ€"GALYVANâ€" IC BYSTEM is so extensive and varied, that t forcibly points to this invention as the c-!!o of fa universal remedy. s Ai"v‘lfi‘{é‘ om B\ANDB 0. a BELTS AND POCOKET BATTEBIES FpuomoeorsLu: «* Pirst come, first served,"" One agent made $170 in 11 ho’:.. Address Huda«on River Wire 80 Bt. West, Toronto, Ont., .‘mhh-l-t.l-xn per_ WEEK ER WEEK and ec;enses paid. @Waat anagent is erery county. Galvanic Establishment, oz & A W A TIMES Bluggish Circulation Urinary Disorders l;anlydl 3 3 pilepsy j Nervous Debility Functional Disorders 1152 > F _â€"__JOHN SILVER, Bworn before me at Smithficld this 6th day of April, A D 1870. 7 § ' JXWILLI!GTOI,JP ‘WONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASE i Brooxur®, April 5th, 1870. â€" J 0 Chamburlain, Bts. ‘This is to certi that my wife was very low with Lung Disease. The Doctor had given her up. He said her tungs were tubercled, and medicine could not help her. As a last resort I purchased a bottle of the G?: tmd. h:n.ody. At the expiration of two days symptoms were «ecidedly better. Bhe continued to improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken one Mhlhmbbletodtnp. By the continuâ€" ance 9 1% yemet c wa sperfectly restored to heaitn. ~!-â€"yp-bll-bmu-)hmmma those similarly affiicted. 7 . [' zun, Eeqâ€"This .o'awu'q' J C Cha.a â€"â€" is to that about three years ago 1 became affiicted 'lfillon?lfil, which lasted about cighteen months, I was so affiicted for the want of breath that it wasâ€"very difficult tor me to and in the night time frequently ‘ the clothes off and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent physicians in the County of Northumberland for about a year, without teceiving -abeneflt, in fact I continued getâ€" ting worse the time. At last I was ad~ vised to try the Great Shoshoneer Remedy, 1 wtlboctl.udlookltlnd;benltlw about finished I began to feel & little better. I continued to use it until I had" taken three bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I found Mlmu'wellu ever I had been previâ€" 3 Te Witih Smmention, tigis No 1, l“:. Osgoode, Arei !* .* __. oik MeboDeaLt, . Bideau str ot. Ostawa, Dec 27, 1871 1855tf N0R SALE, / T5 cents per bottle ; three bottles for $2. gn San be. p{.?:.a.a wholssals at jall the 7-_*%--”3. F. ll?Qu&y. Ohnm AND DOES NOT SOIL THE SKIN JOHN GARDNEE, (HEMIS . ___ MONTREAL . Restores Grey Hair to its, Natural:Color V; $ . |\ Nore.â€"The area to be offered as Timber | Berths ‘ is very extensive, embpracing. all | m:i and uniicensed lands of â€"the ‘Jrown / of Lake Huron aud north of French River, and west of the Indian; Reserve on Lake Nipissing, to, the eastern boundary of the lfownsfxipu-'of Aweres and. Vanâ€" steamers. tions" one month after date of sale, and payment of bonus and ground rent for current season. ols d L ‘ Department of Crown Lands, Toronuxlu August, 1872. . A Sale, lz;Public uction, of Timber Berths, on the North Shore of Lake Huron, and North of French River, will be held at the D:r-mnent of Crown fa.nds, Totont? at twelve, noon, on TUESDAY, the Fift teenth day of October next. ; The Berths to be offéred for sale are projected Town. ships, estimated at an area each of thirty 81x square miles where the outlines are ieguflr; each Township to be put up as ooe Berth and sold as such, and,to be ad {:dged to .the person ‘bidding the 5.hut amount of ‘bonus per square mile therefor ; payment for the same to be made on the day of sdle, by depositing the amount of purchase toâ€"the credit of the Do'g;mnent' of Crown Lands, in a bank authorized to receive deposits on account of the Government of Untario, n":llBehrflu sold to be subject toeoré':'c ion wit t to area, under t clause of trl::p&c-own Tine;ter Ragul?t?om. ‘ Licenses for Berths sold will be issued subject to the "Urown Timber Regula my Cure ot Bronchitis iliness and, have been so ever OTICE, J T. 0. BROWX Episcopal Methodist Minister hlshh Lhos Fuller, Msq, ATORINDOL AlDi Dr A‘nfl.ll..o&'t;h-lqnla. Managing Director 0. & St. L. R.A. antnieg Fue puis 2y Ahtin aitep 1¢ 4 4 Sramtrtr Pivuitans ; Phes SeFeoideriny commissioned for the Provinces of Qub.c and Ontario, + â€" Barnia. One of these m _ 1 sent coaches will be attached to each Day 1.s r: sitrain leaving Montreal ll'lbwnnuto,..dl. n‘ndwllnfl: as a RBo n ~ E&yflh&\mflmw& :::lto-ob from, Toronto to Mc : > mkfl:'.. running arrang ments wil. come into operation about the 1s1 of June, of which due notice will be given. â€" s CHRISTIE, Commission Mercshant and e General Agent. Sole agont for Road‘s mmmm; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" Ales and Porter. Pork, Flour, &0.,for sale Orrice : No. 5, Sparks Streot, near the Russell ouse, Oitawa city, C. W \ On and after MONY A°¥ next, the 1st oi MAY, it is intended _ rin the Pullma Palace Cars throught «c mâ€"Montreal anc Remember the place EAST END SAPPERS BRIDGE â€" . p BOWE & ANNABLE Ottawa Dec 12, 18 1 at equally low prices. wards, consisting of six pleces, =â€" _ Plflorflehlnnll;(}lnfll, Bl.lock.WIMBld.- Bureaus, ntré Tables mn_?le_c,nd_u::mzyolmcur ... R@rNear Sapper‘ s Bridge, Jenny Lind bedsteais..$3 00, formerly $3 50 Common Bedsteads... . 2 25, * 2 50 Common Chairs...... 40 and upwards Complete Bedroom Sets for $10 50 and up. GREAT REDUCTION IN FUBNITURE work ffwme + 4 .â€"â€" ROWE & ANNABLE‘S, CJ ni!nol;,‘ Mantreal, April 26th, u'n' A Furnished or Unfurnished. ‘Thelowestrent ta the City. This establishment is too well known to require any comments upon its imerits, ,Urdulm lomhuum(rootban dine daily in the Restaurant. . The Proprietor is only relinguishing it on sccount of assum~ ing the Superintendence‘of his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United States. Address GUISEPPE M..GIANELLLI, é l.B.â€":ThB-unbor-duyloH $200 NRAND TRUBK 4 BILLINGS, Ir}p Architect. «ficeâ€" a Bell‘s Blook, Sappors‘ Bridge. _ __ _ A RARK OHANCE» _ . n EOTEL â€" RESTAORLKNT AND BaAR and Kigin streets. ._â€" .__â€" 17607 N.B.â€"fhe financial position of the Royal lhmmmw:\o recent Fire at Chicago, the Company no . Agent dohghnn-hthtdty'.b‘ # RY; Fire Inspector. â€" _ § ::8 ' o yo etet ol " Shouk . cortier fFre ‘al aFIBE’ DEPARTMENT.. '.t.:m.t Loss or Damage mn moderâ€" ate rates. . Losses promptly ‘settled without refer. ence to the Homo’Ofloe’. LIFE DEPARTMENT. , Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and unquestionable securit;y is large e > ltnlo{ the Co: § No m asâ€" moon tare adtined seoanly C ths UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a Wealthy Tables of Forms and ful information l:::.t:'o:h",m“'lobtnimdon application NURKITURE, FUREITUER&. Montreal. Marob 2, 187) Applicants to purchase lands anexl' date of this notice, are required to apply Tor the right to the pinr:qtreu tboreo'x):?at the time of application to purchase the lands, and to pay for such right at the time of application fifty cents per acre as above specified, in addition to the one dollar per acre payable for the lands. _z s&cro payabie Tor the lands. § Sbgldtboomnofpaun;&lmdn, or purchasers of lands (the sales of which are THE COBSMOPOLITAN, ‘IN MONTEHEEAL, C. RKAINBOTH, purchasers of lands gl;o_gllel'of which are being carried out) fail to apply for, and 29glndler an Order in Council passed the 29th u 'fl-fllg ::reo(m g Timber on paâ€" tented, sol unsold lands on the North Shore of L&ake.Supemor, the absoâ€" lute right to the: Pine trees growing or boing on said lands may be ‘wquiregon pryment being made to the Departnient MA Crown Lands at the rate ‘of tifty cents per acre, in addition. to the price, one dollar per.acre paid or to be paid for such lands. _ 19 + w â€" Owners of ‘patented lands, ana‘ purâ€" chasers of hmfi: (the sales of which pare 7 being carried out) who. are desirous â€" equiring the right to the pine â€"timber ....@reon, are required to apply for such right, and make payments as above, withâ€" in six months from date of this notice. O'I‘TAWA HOTEL, Prescott Junction, J. FRANCIS, pr.etor. Meals at all times. Table and liqu cannot be surpassed. 1878â€"3m. N’G‘I’IUTE Ottawa & Prm::“ t R. R. All the facilities of @kKirst Class Hotse, Passengers refreshment O'!'I'AWA HOTEL, St: James Street Mon treal. ‘The undersigned having assum. ed the management ‘ of this popular favorite, respectfully informs the travelling public and its former patrons, that the house has undergone many improvements, and that he intends by constant attention to the wants of his patrons, to make this the most comfortable Hotel in the city of Montreal. FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A ‘TERM OF YEARS; [\nl wJUNCTION HOTEL, â€" At Junction Depot of Grand Trunk and 1606 Misceltancous. Office . Aylmer, P. Q. 122 t Derartaext or Caows Toron!o, 25th of July, 1872 Moers. &c. Chief Agents for Canada. H. L. ROUT D. WILKINSON, C. 8. BROWNE, 1687t Propristor 1406 Manager, A.J. CHRISTIE _ HAMNET P. HILL N. B.â€"Money to lend. & Ottamsé, Feb 29, 1372 6m 2191 When all returns of any lnmbci:‘: establishment have been sent in checked, the affidavit of the proprietor or pmpfiod:anthologl and boom timber, or his or their manager or principal bookâ€" keeper, as to the total number of pisces of logs, and pieces of boom timber, cut by or for him or. them, or acquired from others, during the season of operation for which returns are made, will be required bbotm‘:'::hodtothonop-mn;mwiu] agents : Department or agents should be advised when final returns have been. furnished. _: Attention is called to the 16th and 17th clauses of the "Crown Timber Regulsaâ€" tions" which make it imperative that every facility, assistance and information be affordei to the Department lndbn‘t: agents, by all parties operating in timber. or saw logs, &¢., in the investigation of the | omt-ndmndwnhopoumpn,gnd the examination of books nndnnficho., of returns, * of pieces of logs and their respective ugmmwmm :.f&bou of boom timber, the length of piece, with the diameter of each from bwblobalcflbuttlndto&:ndnholho locality where the same have been cut : the number of feet, board measure, of each quantity of logs of the same lengths and diameters, computed by" "Scribner‘s Ready Reckoner" to be entered in the returns, Beparate returns must be made of the }ycruionro! each Chantier, and of each Jobber ; and where it is intended to pass logs or boom timber as cut on private lands, or on lands under settler‘s license, separate returns, under outh, must be made in each case, showing the number of pieces of logs and boom timber, and their respective dimensions, and the lot Oor part lot on which the same have been Lands or its te, must in future be sent in on or.filfon the FIKYST day of JU%&&.&’M'I",.:M mnltbo-wz.n to by person superintended cuttring of such logs and boom timber, and also ‘by® the Culler who measured the same; the returns must give the number 30 head of splendid Weetern Cattle. . _ | [Â¥ . A Magnificent Calf, ‘;“' uw.:flfi:;:sl, h.dndfodu:yJohant, -?‘9â€" T Wwasich op® 350 rotfunfi‘s, | !:if And 50 head of Western Sheep. ‘ The Pork Stall will be as usual found | + * * Polon tacon; eaveagies 210. atc. |..= Al ; BIG.1. 4 * :Mhe whole of which will be ow exhibruon $9% st their Stalls Nos. 3, 5, 7 nndshsnlawer! Bur Town %mu WEDNESDAY, | looh, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, | _ when Shey rest assured the public will be P able to see the finest stall of Meat in the | scorse. Norl"lcn TO thanks for the very liberal patronage beâ€" stowed :1 the:qdunn; & last seven years. ‘While soliciting a continuance of nsl in oineyg ul pos ins on e ch;;’:; u:‘ Ggolph Fair. ts i teers weighing enormous woig'l‘:r of \ _ 4,525 POUNDS, Which took the prize at Gueiph Fair. 1872. >_.;) . 1872 EAXSTER. Butchers to His Excellency Lord Lisgar Gov. General of Canada. respectfully tender the public their sincere #@y~ Deposits will be received atthis Office. Interest allowed cent per annum, and Deposits can be withdrawn at any time. OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A.M., TO 1 P .m Qn Money order Offices throughout the Domihion, G: and Prinée Edward Island, can be obtained at this Cards, Ottawa, March 27, 1872. Matter posted up to package the same Ajght. 11.30 8:00 11:00 6100 1872 1.30 9,50 2#,00 6.00 Post Office, ( Ottawa, June 10, 1§732 ©.00â€" 9.50 9.00 0â€"50 9â€"50 SATCHELL BROS,, §50 For,Money Orders and Savings Bank business from 10 a Via NewYork close éyery Monday at 8 P.M . . Per Canadian Line, c)g:e every Friday at 10.15 A.M A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be c unregistered matter can be sent. PoOST â€" _ or CLOS EK 11,10}... 11.10 «& SUMMER AR RANG EM ENT ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE of The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway North of Garleton Place Junction, â€"Bristol l gluudo- C;ntn. Packenham, Pembroke orkkge Hu FOFly £&D.111+: sescretse cerccuers eveus soress m‘ AYIMBF MBQ HUINyserererert) sysercest ervecuose ceccocn o coccn .. _....\Templeton, Tuesdays, Thursda s 4.30/New Edinburgh ye aué PSUT oi Aingh®~Avrag fhcotsmates" totn A woiniccast n A t &o.} and West@TD, U. S...... ....cccseesmeuseee........ Fort Garry and other places in the Province ef Manitobaâ€"Mails ‘.T“' hed daily via Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich. 9.:00)} British Columbia (and Vancourer Islend) Maile > despatohed daily‘via Windsor, Ont., Detroit and San Francisco, U.S. Rates of Postage same as to other parts of the Deminio > o.oo‘Unitod States, via Ogdonsbury ............................. Lower Ottawa, by Steametr, Buckingham, Cumberâ€" z lend, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, &0...................... z March, Huntley, Carp,&0., by WSR@Dsrrerrers erecssses ui vesuree Choln;,'tk.lcld,'ufl'shfiold.l.ov & intermeâ€" diate Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and inhr-% smediate Offices, londnyn.WodnudAy- and Fridays March and Onslow, via Ayimer Kempty lie, Merrickvilie, Oxford Mills, per St. L. & 0.R North Gower, Kars, &0., pet St. L. & 0. Raliway .. ..... Orgoode, Russel!, &s pér _ do _ do _ ................ i Euie o se Sancton Plave, per On 1 Halifax, N.S., and St. John. Bell‘s Corners, Richmond, &c. RbUWABY iccssurses eesire verves se un Wosternâ€"Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, London Easternâ€"Quebec, Montreal, Cornwall | _ &s., by RailWay........................ POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK 9.30 P.M., will be forwarded Eaét and West in Suppi M A I LS. 20 Eq FICOE, OTTAW MONEY ORDELS BRITISH MAILS Domihion, Great Britain and Ireland, Newt 208 Ct> ...IAN,...B u!h d Irelaud, Newtound THE TIMES is printed and published by Tes Omwvi Truzs Puwnm=e asp Pu» msem»xe Comrixy, at the Office, Lot Number 12, Wellington Stzeet, (lste , A limited number of Advertisements are inserted i.n.\v::_z-%uumm Ter line, 161 inserâ€" 3‘!.?‘ i epalt.oand if corlaiting Moner M“I‘B:{.wiu, n-i:ele-:?h'rz will be at the """Lflfifi'nuun. A .. 1he neual encouragement (onr ruke cory 1x Tz8) ven for the DATLY of W EERE "2"!. np Clubs whethot Published EFVERY FRIDAY MORNING, in time w ivaes or e ol oo i P Oe ey aeneeem vald in Fach, rexram ; each additional word over 24, on# Contracts for any definite term are made “%“‘ hick r 8«: l‘&:l.h%c m-’.-. =LEA- Professional and Business Cardsâ€"not exceeding 24 wordsâ€"are inserted in the Daily Times at pi6 pef January 1, 1872. Cattle Strayed Rooms Wanted, . Board W anted. For advertisements * Bs among reading matter, 2 conts PE Bpocial No cents [ ty siieend en in‘ llnnulows.lin‘“.'~ * Mouses to Re r.hood.vbdlylanlu?lur in Central Canada) published every morning at $).0, .fi cubhuunnqonxqmnr'.r‘fl the city. It is mailed to subscribers in the Un ted Stated, at $7.3 free of Canadian postage. Cnlu.u zMaBRCIL, Advooute, Hull Omce at Mr Tetraa‘s, N P ; private roml« dence in rear 6f French, Huil. Basiness attended in Ottaws and the Dis trict Courts of the County of Ottawa. Her Majésty‘s 1 Seatre), Centre Town! Ottawa, JAMES BAILIVF, Managing NOTAEY PUBLIO. . Resid Hiext the Post Pifice. THE WEEKLY TIMES, therton s Drug Store: Regide I KES & GEMMILLL, Barmsters, Attbruy Lm Conveyansers . %o. -);n-â€"uz Court House, Ottawa. Roseet Lexs. touts â€" Joun J. @mame R. ROBILLAR sican, ‘E‘, ‘::-“oum& oll::-:"m. lun.':q, ® end Buppeor‘s Bridge,. hours ftom $ a. m. to 4 p. m. _ _ N. l.â€"dpoafiw;gm to the troame of aiseases of the KY & and At night e ”l. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Offce Aparksâ€"streot, Contral Ottaw a. Séut! "'W‘I':I:.lll‘:blml. [Megin U versity | Physician, Surgeon and Accouche B ‘â€"That recently occe by Dr. M lum n.onuam.onu':.“ 1 86%0 N 1CBHOLAS SF A B isB, Surrister and Al neyâ€"4tâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery , Copy ancer, &o. Ofceâ€"Lang‘s Buildings, r pposite the Post Ofice, Ottown. _ mt E As« MARA, Architect. Oflicoâ€"Aumo @ Buildings, Kidenuâ€"st., Oiun: . ”’ & T & tuniflfii&i’rihmtnm P iW viace cf Quebec, Huli, somr the P Enwunn T. DARZAWLL, Barrin i"...ldlllt« Attorney and luqm: Peace and Oounty Attorney Counties of Prescott and Russell." Oficeâ€"In i Gourt House, L‘vrignai; 34â€"6m Mossaovn, TAILLON & CHRYE ste uBTi'm Nnnd A ttorneysâ€"at icitors in C , Notaries, &o. Officeâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buil i Street, Wlal,mv‘!_._ s .6 rm.“"‘fifh. Oy Office over Durie‘s Hook Oxewa. * wum-! & CLCMOW , Bar ragr & Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law. soliontors in Obag Jonveyancers .‘umu Pablic, «o , &o, Fopth vinces â€" Onturioand Quebes. . H. HAYCODCHK, ~6iâ€"Lanw Ro MIIM,‘:N.’,'“, N Public, and Psetent RigntSolisicr. Ufhce -o#nnly Opposite Mgssell ilouse, Eiginâ€"st. IMES PR{NTING AND PUBLUSHI» <COMPANY. g;, conNOn;atioinerent Law, * in , Conveyanger, - treot. “mq_ Buldiighuhare.‘ ADVERTISINC RATEs. THE DAILY TIMES, B. MoDOUGALL, 0. ARCHAMNEAULT, 25 CENTS July 2, 1872. _, _ ___,__ Money Wanted or to Loas 'h-utunn.:’fl-t.' per Canada Central t office.‘ Also Postag closed at 11.30 p.w., in which G. P. BAKEB, Pystmaetor b A!m::Ionl. Saturdays , Lancaster, m to 4 pm Managing Director W ants, Leg at Btroct at the rat ntunige | ooA i+g + P00 MAXjp Store e Stamps, and 11,.30 ©.00 ‘11,00 6. upposite Fe 2,00 8.00 Ottawa ouUr Siginâ€"st. €3 Spetts a 1 T287 K "or Iv‘. 18 34 0t 1 \ _ _ . MeCORMICK Rupurss, 18620 °°° 20ive A CARPET HOUSE imbip with him in the. Eiour and Grain Busing I be carried on ‘under the st gfizn LU M B bw Well Seaso in ‘anncancing that they w1l re, 40 Sparks Street early in gommplote assortinent of b-h-Ooucyn: E‘:'-‘“'wlbv Br & RoBEeRrT, BuronEr gives notice that he ANDER GEOR Ble are cautioned agains L defeption. and that thshame of the Com vrise CoxraXyr is printed C mâ€"uu& by the 11, 1872 20171 w‘ WB K 400 HCILIL%. GLESs ‘Wanadian Manufacture," imith or wear, but can be price than the vornwall hare made oi pure Wool " Â¥I NO a Half 0 #%, 1872. o MGNED “1 frllet 26, 1811 PURKSITURE RYANT AUTION. RDEAU 371 Aesigns for this season purch of Shoddy 1J AVD CJ p Compan) | DES P a MANCFAOTORens or otlhe, insaod Curtain Ma zod â€" Cornice Poles ~ jand a s ut of House Fursis! WALL MANUF have pleasure i restoration of hich are now | § large quantit of: the pu RMICK &§80N respect{ully AND bLbRIDGE T1 JOHNE ROUCHESTER Next Door CUT ® in appesrtance wever, having aga lol‘th:.moliow_ . Blaukets and sel i. These Blanket oLr‘P ontreal Aud with t> on 3. nabpfed & to BO bled 4o 18 and Heary Repair between tave Pianos mÂ¥ tion to ® and ORTS he has tak m. Monâ€" t. Gaspe KA LE is respec th t iL Mater 1960â€"1y H W

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