N G terest allowed at the rate of Â¥., 104 Px on i0 + m to 4 pm ionki and Butintts A« MARA, Architeot. Buildings, Rideaaâ€"st., 0 t P..“-‘ inter. .“~~“ ‘;‘ ‘hhh‘ ;'.ao..‘.‘ wam * _ priitek ve closed 112390 py the ally v Wim, aty im Notarie (Nemgeres Sulldiaett Accouchour, Ofcoin Mr. Kust ond of Supper‘s B uw all -r-.;m ourts ver I *asynand Â¥ridays and Suturdays...... e _5 mserted M~~'.. aadl w snted. y‘m **2ge same oo at Mr Tetma® " ) 1 nâ€"rear of ll‘“.i * * actonded in OHant 40 DVERTISING * oo PS AMI & Pn tio h CV RLES MA c WEEKLT AkY PUBLIC s Post Offics, _ ag DAILY 235 when > , ea6B anadas C # a. m. to 4 p. M« »uily Morning PaPSC advance, Of O'I'F- A &. P. BAKEZ, R®; ne, 8« tha be cngzaged foc Towage of Timber or Excucsion y iy spplying w che Agout on the = hast. , U. W.3m48RPUERD *>*, per C% Ranil w L shiuld, Maile A rticles Lo#» iÂ¥ Lex ah. #p vit 22. % supemees # 0.R as vieamship Company go 009 ses, ts ies C Un and after THURSDAY, the 12th instant, the Stcamer| «* Josse Ciusels" will learse Aplmar (Faodéys excepted) at 7:30 1 m, counecting with Steamers of the lime for Deux i and interme= “,.â€-' ENP ® 00 & as & The Steamer * Arthar‘‘ leaves Portage du Fort daily (Sundays excepted) «t 7 o clook a. on., with Steamer + Jassie Cassols" for! Al + | The Steammer *J m" leaves Pomâ€" Iroke duily . (> excepted) at 1 mp ma., for Joachim, returning at 6 o‘c a. m., connectin g with sccamer «* J Gould" which leave : Pembroke Linding| at 12 o‘clâ€"ck p. m. W‘fl""flq st Portage dua For. ame eveniny. The Steumer "Sit John Young" leaves Harelock ou Tuegisys»â€"and Erulays for w‘m\'ulsp AT‘ intermedimte ports : o‘clock, a. in., returning leaves w Village at!l o‘cloc, p. ul., 200 day _A Counection wayio with the Brockville I‘Xtawa Kaiway on the up sad aown Witawa, Sept. 9. 1372 lm: ormw‘flawsa NAVIGATION MeaANY. fas WriWwa citV 10 MONTKE..AL Neace 4 : WE SPLEAXDID STEAMERS wmmmis Pall aCZ OR WILES Cipt Bowin. _ | Capt. H. W . Sweratuo. Touns<s wil fiad this a donghttu Breasia Breasia ROYAL MA LINE WiLLLA a #0J14 & C RS JA N Â¥N m Co-mnniasttn between Monâ€" weal, Quebes, Father Point, Gaspe, Peree, Paspebiag, Dalhousie, Chatâ€" ham, Newcastle, Shediac, Charlotteâ€" town, Pieaou m‘ 8t. John‘s, N#4., and ailway connections with C J:?h?n. N. B:’n'vl Halifax, N. 8. Up® s Aatkel 3â€"oamer qUEBs JA J p. f 1\ €.2oG RYANT, Fro u_ Lpa fa Siglao 1 Miker an i K+â€"pqr0r, o0g+ la: tus citizens of Qitiws an i be hu co.nmpise: the ad and is prop «red to d> all kin on tie amost »aibls ter.a worked for ths put 15 vears worked Jag t an i &f us at to give ; steamers Urders Sou‘s Mu Worksho lato Ful vÂ¥OL VÂ¥I NO 8008. Tea W The p mgb of the fully soucited. * Vitaws, J.uyLs, 1872 sad + itl SMVED Â¥@> six and a Half Octave Pianos mwie The N“E cautioned against this attempted ption, and pectfully laformed that the name of t.l;.couvul. MaNCractuzisg Coxraxy is printed on the tickes ot lhnhu-rbyth.-. 0--:1'1,-4,; 11, 1872 _ Â¥7l im CHANGE |OF TIME. Daily (sundays excepted MAILIYX. LOud uoaq‘-ot the public is respect cited. & â€" aAND GULF PORTS ffu;ninw. of Canada and Newfoundiaud, are intended to his Line, under contract with LEX a DRA â€"Ste mor uesn Visoria leaves a. 1, passonges arriving in Mon W HOLES A LE Y 10.9 t NW ALL MANUFACTURING ~ny have pleasure io intrmat ng ere restorution of their works i. whica are now in full opeâ€"a aciog large quantities of W hite uluikets, aud Heary Mediym ï¬wuw. H. Howland, real, C 0K % Cnroxere, Marchints CAaAV ri0N. daily from the oifise on the whart ad 4 ;\u.t.-.o‘n':s.“"u ~o ctou every in Peoiangiincon, n tce, Paspebiac = :: e and Storn. on the i 1%» :‘l}h‘m lu-v:‘u?nsflt ‘ s ;m 0 *Tth Steamer Prince m diferent lindings. From ille be RHailway, to join the ora (dinaer)}, artiving at JtA dora Sigliol, ciano Forte rar, oogs leave t> tafuorur stawe and vichaity, that use : the adrve ousiness, i ko do all kin is of repairs »naible teras, aod baving » piet 15 vears souh in Eag apted stites, at all branches sels conilieat of being »ble 1 battsfaGdt9® . â€" 5 + a" to leave Pictou ESDAY, JULY d0d. and Y at 2 o‘clock, p. m. quabra,"* ~m-t-1-: jarly during the season al, touching at Shediac ) down trips, as business s- Uâ€"tawa on *Wonadsys a0d4 "Roo irmayg learee Jitawa al lefs at Mossrs. Orme & a, Spars Street, or at his sureet, nexi door to K. 8. CaASSELS, rrésident. Axents, Ottawa. in l Spirit ERKY; ®o. MuN LR 8 11 1038 2032 3m 1872 thoi EB Bogwm:umthnlorthoo:ming;: in stock| the j lebraâ€" ty e uioi stock the justly c« MORNINCG sSTAR. H. Meadows & Co. (X)AL:'I'UVIS of six difl’o:f.thliau, suitable for every description ivate and Public Building. ® II which we are prepar. d to furniâ€"h complete in Churches and Private Dwellings. Ali our work guaranteed; beside a lurge isâ€" sortment of Cook Stoves, Parlos Grates, Parior Cook Stoves, Duuble Stoves, &s. Boin’ at present located in the British Hotel Barracks, corner of Sussex ani ï¬:p Streets, we hbave the lirges=s Stove in Canada. th p.l.:rcdnn of our stock iavited. _A specialhty m«le of heating churchas and puavlic buildings. j Lamps, Chimnies, Wicks, Busners ï¬ Lamp Fittings, Lumps aired on shortest notice. e #ay* Goods sent to any distance. Being the sole agents of Mr. JUiUN MOuUNsY, of Prescoss, ma«mulicturer of Karthenw=re, wo are prepared to supply trade with milk Pans, Liquor Jars Molasses Jags, Buiter Crocks, Preserve Jurs, Spittoons, Drain h:‘?“‘ S.ove Pipe Tubes, Clhinmimey Tops and every size in Flower Pots ma«de from dusigns by the best gardâ€" eners in the Dowiminmwa, at prices thit wil} ensure ready sale, _ _ _ â€"__ > _ | . _ H. MEADOWS & Co.. _ | _ uen q e c 000 0_ 100 Lord & Kelley, 100 Importers of China, Glass, Earthâ€" enware, Cntl;x and Fancy | Goods, L‘ WHULESALE AND RETAIL, 63 sUSS Street, and Lower Town Market, rrawW a. i t)lldmlpu:n.n always on hind, and to & ddsors slge by a Sompetont pasker.! . _ Crockery and Glassware for hire at very low rares. N. FAULLNER‘s, York Street Have pleasure in sanouncing that they will ope: Il-ur store, 1/ Sparks Street, carly in MA\l with a fall and ovinplete assortinent of Carpets All of the newest designs for this season purchased previous to the advancein Engiaud, and which for exent, bemuty of design and goud vilue, will surâ€" Ts taything ever offared in this city. â€"â€" *â€" _ _ _ Kioor Onimoths, _ Curtains aod Ourtain Material Cornices and Cornice Poiws, â€" and a Full Aswortm at of House Fursising PR e O O O ourseives entirely to M»Ust "ï¬wal!?w will thas be enabled to give wl atteation to the waats of our frieads, and to give their satisfaction to ail who may favor as with catire.rdecs Ottaune Wee i 1872 1980 by. ENGINE<4RS, CONTR&CTO PORATIQNS TO THELR W Patent Dredge Docks, Canals, Rivors, &'&J,flwumm";": to dorty fuet in soil »at spoed and economy. The MH& :a :r'.-u u,plnd to the Hiver C the «wovernment o-an at Carâ€" ma felen oc. the Uhnidian t4s Nonh basiers Mtuiway 0 To Capht ber ie to B pamer ipriaren pas :" n m‘ ‘fl_nm«hfl; mw‘h oxâ€" puo.l“oedifl-. can be deiivered in any past of the world. W. SIMONS & Co.. A ___ LORN & KELLEY, Manufacturers Agents, 63 Sussex Street, Uctawa. Aug 27, 1872. 2059 NOR SALE _ Ottawa, Sept 7, Jaas 16. 18 American Coal istove, Orlental do _ do Dominion do do ‘hat the Guma# Saoszoness 1%o P11L8, of the emigieut udiam ‘“W:..’ Lox toc LEWTS JJ8K*HUS, of the Great Tribs .( Shosuone«s, British Colinmbia, is workia: milk Pans, Molasses J ugs, Presorve Jurs, Drain Fipes, the most marveliou« and astoatshlag Ou: the World\ nas ever hoard of. _ Never ia t innuals of han M wlical History has sw 1100 de nded the introtuction of * ue ticine »ore j 4 W H Y |. S§d0da44} AYJ C3 stmpty bocanse ime nu * vaillable actlrs n«dicinal vegetable i tm, . (s0mc ol which we wili meation, h as the Exwacts »#f Wild Cherty Bark, Potophyiium, Janiper, Quassia, Smartweed, Dandelion, Hyoscysmus, Compound Extract ot Colocyuth, Jaiap, H0vo, wine Aloes, Capsicum, &c., &0,) which eater tnto the composition of the combined med4iâ€" cine, are such and so harmoniously classiried and compounded, that it is made the most searching cusative in the known world, an< wonot help bat act on the system in a very satisfactory and desirable manger. No matâ€" ter what your allment may be, or of how long standing, it wi‘l find the spst abd sstouish you by the rapid manmer | io wnich you .« tostovred to peifect healtn tull vigos. Tunis Medicine is and gafe to teke, and is warranted, and may positively be reâ€" lied upoo to wake a pertaanent ; cure of ali discasos of the Turoat, Langs, Liver, Kidneys Digustive Organs, &c. #0., 46 well as Rcrofuia the varous Skin Diseases, Humors, and all disoases arising frow Iampucity of the Blood, excepting the Third Siage of Consumptiou. Further tnformation, with full directions is using the Gteat Shushbuoes Romudy & Piiis, ?â€"A3lai n the .Glad Tidings TFaWA CARPsT §OUSE ‘The subscribers beg to call the attontion of Ducks‘ Cotton r.-.t., _ Bags and ots of Cures, can be obtained by secutring ths Treatise, the Hand Bouk, or th* A‘manac and (ireuilars from any respectable ./ igyistin the Price 0j Remedy in large Pint hmnll..........:‘ REDGLNG : Accouchear '} consuited as Bis © Capt. Youns‘s B&. P. LEWIS, Engineers and Shipbuilders. London Works, Renfrew, Seoti=nd. y NA mkes 4 m it C Physician, Surgeon, n-m:n Aay next, may his residence| Lioyd Street, next to Chaudiere, Lp Breton‘s Plats. \_ 1873 1874 RS & 2063 if Plani, tles . .$1 06 AAIUE 1872. Ex Ships Nioes, Trur, Lapy Lov®, Mary Ava, City or Quzeso, Cuaxa Knuax, A*D CaROLINA. Tht The following goods from the producers l »p 4>a SCONCH _ MaARKRMALADE, * fresh from the maker, try i. ALSI, BLAVK TEAS8, The finest ever offered in this mar ket, takes »three witers," used by the nobility in Britaun. 10 10 30 £LOO JAPAN3 ani GUINPO N DER3, COFFEE3 Very fine. Fresh grount dsily and roasted on the premises. PICKLE3, Suices and F:iench Peas, No 1," in variety. PARZI3 CIFFEE POTs3, Every house should have on». The above goods are the finest to be had in market, and a variety of others in stock, well worthy of trmial, every satistactin in using thein. _ A call solicited. For sile it £0 Th : foll )win# Vrluable Firm. the proâ€" perty of JUHN McaMMUND, E«q., Jr., viz: â€"The south h«if ot Lot " N‘ Conces sion " A, ‘ Kideau Front, Nepean, containâ€" ing ovar One Hun ired Aores, of rhich 10¢ are clea ed, and in good cultivation. A good Fram« House (24 x 30,) lately erectâ€" vd, ther with outbuildings. F:‘l:Funt parti nlanm:::; to JOHN McoAMMUND, Jr., On the Premises. Nevein. Seot 27. 1812 2087 10 IRECT 1MPORTATIONS ibhe west half of Lot 13, 4th Concession Ottiaw. Froaot, with fifty cords of maple and brch wood, 25 coris of hemlock in (Giloucester ; also, stock anli implements, Nerms reasonable. Apply to _ _ _ 'l‘lll 8C. LaWRKENCE AND OTTAWA RA‘LWAY COMPANY. NOTCE Notice is hereby given that the underâ€" mentioned articles, being Freight and Buggage, which have remained unclaimed Cw . Cl ad Aihinirneireliindadtds db riasmnnrecdiniirent m "comdre on the premises of the Company for a period of upwards of six months, and the treight charges and warehouse rent on which remain unpaid. will be sold at the Company‘s Station, at the foot of Sussex Street, in the City of Uttawa by Public Auction, on MONDAY, the 28th OCTOâ€" BEK next, at ten o‘clock in the morning, YE :â€"â€" Ottaws. July 18, 1872 () ~do _ POKT WINE, for family use * well known," . 1®63. â€"November, George Hay, 1 Stove ; 1>69.â€"June, Besserer & Cowan 8 Boxes Hardware, 1 ‘Bunile Forks; Augast, Usuer, 2 Cultiyators; 1870â€"January, Lieu:, Perry, 1 Lot Household Effects : ustover, J. Bourgette, 1 Lot Iron Doors ; D. £ Buist, 1 Package Rent stuf ; 1871.â€" Jun«, wner, 1 Boat; wueorge Offto:d, 1 Box Bâ€"o*s; Williim Mosgrove, 1 Wheel . i869.â€"December, W. Aillen, 1 P.m Almanacs ; Ociober, H. McKiroy, 1 age Alm nws; December, W. MoArthur, 1 Brx 21l0, the following articles in Bom t dos««; W. MeCuliey, 1 thâ€"k G. Ware; Uoo » c *. N. srown, 1 Package Mould â€" in.s; 1$.vâ€"Jin, & Esxton, 1 pkg Mouldâ€" ing»; August J S«inner, 3 Bozes Drugs ; no atdress, 1 sma l Hand Valise, contents unknowu; aud 1 fruak, contents un. known ; »ud sundry empty packages. _ Nepoin, Sept 27, 1872 _ FaARM FUX SALE. _ ‘The whoie will be sold by Mi. H. Moâ€" LEAN, Aucuoneer, without reserve, at the wime und place above stated. .. Oct 1. 1872 ALUABLe FARM FUR SALE, The Â¥4DICAL l::::ULrY of m;‘.vr.;s- ‘ AL uoubarl i e lica) -ionno‘:'nn: --Ln m Peltier, Aunro, David, Girdwood, MacDonell, Rot tot, Brosse:u, Robillurd, Leprobon, Besâ€" sey, McUallum, Thompson and Turgeon, w whom " DK. BLIRNBAUM‘S RHEU MAâ€" (ISM aad GOUT REMEDY‘ has beep sucmitted for wial, have, with a rare disâ€" interestednoss cknowledged its invaluable ments and given certiticates to that eifect, copies of whick oun be obtained on appliâ€" cation to the undersigned or any druggist in the Dominion. "DR. BIGKNBAUM‘3 RHEUMATISM and GOUT REMEDY" is recommended for Rhoumatism, Gout, Neuraigia, Lamba wandering aad other Pains, Stiftness ot f?nb-. Joits or Joints, Sprains, Numbness pweulinss, &o., &o., and is the most effecâ€" uinndnl::hmm tor these diseases . cuA:{.m uZ‘RFw. Sole Age. ° 17 and the Uz *4 April 3. 1»s. ° y‘lTuâ€"xxeusB“%ï¬m RESLDENT " Yomn cannot imagine with what floxlml look forward u&nunbudï¬o "@HaAPHIC every week. it me Just as much news of whit i. pn‘o--nmuh-&. know, and its pietures are not only looked at with pleasare en its arrival, are not only looked at with en its arri tot tos rnanen td u_ age y worn tnreadvace ut Gopiedeicenteâ€"iâ€"l a.& postage, Christ and all extra numâ€" ui‘ i C .‘M @ gï¬â€œ&. St Thomas, Sues, West Indies. 34e, or 3+# paper. Whrremin ouiys Arntartnerte dodks, ragen T90 STRANXD, LOKDuN. __ °_ _ hhds. BRANDY, finest Pale and Dark, genuine, s Uttawa, 23rd Sept., 1872 ENTE MAS SPURK .N eases SPARKLING MOSRLLTS, « pints and quarts," butts. SHER@Y WINE, V.P., Â¥arious prices, extra value, d= GUINNESSES POREER, pte and qts., per order. io GIN, J hn de Kayper & Son dou.ble berried, % do CLARET, rarious brands, a few cases of the celebrated vintage of 1864, $:2 a cise. Or Four Miles from Oltawa. Always on hand. July 18, 194 O THO3, PATTER3ON‘S, Rileau Street. Very ftine, give them a trial 30 Vistort1 Square, Montreal. â€" for thes Dyu‘.ion of Canada Rideau Hsn;a Ortawa. JA ES DUGGAN, (Jwner, on the premises. SiLE OF UNCLAIMED GUuUDS. THOS EKEYNOLDY Minaging Director. U. McLAREN, 1872, Lonlon, 1 Case 2088 2md&w 2082 yawid oTTAaWA& THURSDAiY MILLS' FOR SAEOB TO LET. Grist Carding and Milling With three lots of land higLiy improved. SITUATED IX RIGAUD, coumquop VaUDRIEUL DRIVEN BY WATER RUSS 14; W:OLE VBA4. All in prime order, mostly new, buil‘ eight years ago. RBarcoNpITiINs Easy.<a Apply to the proprietor, _ _ rrfl; VIUS0HKHH CiisÂ¥IE 1: o bole propri. tors and maut eerebrated â€" Victoria Carboiic Labority and Works, Victoria sStreet, Toronto, Unt. Tue following genume preparations it sold by all drugyists. Be sure aud ask iv he Victoria Preparations, and see that y> get them, . VICTORIA Carbolated â€" Glycerng ~ Jâ€"lly. Tuas Jily is highly recommended to ladies as a most agreeavle preparafibo for the torlet. For beautifying the complexion and render» ing the skin soft, white, clear, ard free from d yuess, it is usrivalled. It will quickly remove all reduness, roughnss, tan, freckles, pimples and other imperfections, . Eor chap« ped hands, chillblains, frost bites and sore lips, it caunot be surpassed _ Brice 2& cents. remove all h pimples and ped hands, c lins. it camnc I~is toilst soup possesses all the well known antiseptic and disinfecting properties of carbolic acid, is agreeably scented, has a healthy action on the skin, prevents irritaâ€" tion, removes the effects of perspiration, and shou}d be regularly used by families. Choâ€" lera, smailpox and fever patients should be 'am with this soap ; and its use by persons liable to infection will materially prevent the spread of disease. Price 15 cents per tablet. VlC‘l‘Ul{l\ Carbolic Toilet Soap. wile __ D. MeDUNELL Box 356, O tawa City Ottawa, July 15. 172 20220 wit This Salve is a rapid cure for all skin dis. cases, cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, soref, ulcers, ringworm, tetter, eczema, scald head, scurvy, abscesses, boils, pimples, &c. It possesses all the cleausing and bealing virtues of carbolic acid, which has been found by physicians everywhere to possess eurative qualities not discovered in any other chemi, cal preparation,. Price 25 cents, Victoria Carbolic Gargary Sma. Tuis Gargle is the most reliable and effiâ€"a. clous remedy in all cases of sore throat, hoarseness, diptharia, bronchitis, irritation of the bronchial tubes so common in this changeable climate. Auhunl offensive breath, uicerated gums and all diseases of the mouth, . For public speakers and singers it is invaluable, The ingredlents entering into this gargle are used by all physicians, and for.the cure of the above disorders are now, undoubtedly, the most popular in the materia medica. â€" Price 25 cents, _‘ VICTORIA CARBOLIG, Carbolic Disinfectant ‘This Disinfoctant is a sure preventative of typhos and _ typhoid f«:v«a cholera, smallâ€" pox and ali infectious discases. It will prevent contagion in cattle. It is also invaluable for disinfecting water closets, draing, cesspools, nm:ummhur houses, &c¢., and for destroying t eMluvia from whatever cause arising. It will drive away mosquitoes, moths, files, cockroaches, &¢. Meat, ush, &c., can o6 prescrved from putrication by its use. Carbolic acid was welected by Her Majesty‘s Royal Commiss sioners, in preterence to all other products, as the best disinfectant for the prevention of infectious discases, Price 25 cents, Victoria Sharpening and Polishâ€" | ing Paste. This preparation is anequalled in its rapis dity for sharpening and polishing cutlery, Table and pocket kuives, rasors, surgical instruments, shoemakers‘ knives, plane bits, and chiscls, &c, Nothing has ever been discovered which has sprung into popumrity more quickly or become of so much value in every household and werkshop for general usefulness. Price 25 ceats. ‘This splendid Hair Dye is the BEST IN THE WUORLD. ‘The ml'l‘mo and Porâ€" fect Dye, Harm!ess, Reliable and Instan taneous; no disappointment ; no ridiculous tints or unpleasant odor. Remedies ths 'r.m of bad dyes and washes Pro uces IÂ¥MEDLATELY & ngb Black or Natuâ€" ral Brown, and leaves hair Gizas, Sort and Beicrirve. The genuine signed W. B A. BATCHEQR‘S. Scid by all druggists Factory, 16 Boad Street, New York. Uttawa, Janu«ry 25, 1872, 18794&1 \Lord Ormathwaite. _ k Scoftish Theology and Theologiins, by Astronomy and Geclogy, compared by \James Walker, D. D. kh . B.:oadus on Preparation and Delivery of ‘ 500 Plans of Sermons. b{:',':moï¬m Marryats‘ Nov Y Little Foiks, volume [IL, U Deterred, by Eliza E. Pollard. of Aker, by R. D. Blackmore. | No. 39, Sparks St. j | T. St. JULUEN, vocate, Barrister, &e., &¢. Fot the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, &X. B. â€"Special atten:ion paid to Collecâ€" in the Coun‘y «f Ortawa, P. Q. abd in the County of Carleton, Untario. Cases attâ€"nded to in both of the above countiés. Ma. bt. Jours is the Special & loflb.m Courrier d‘Oul:uzia. in dl:m vimol Quebes. 19 18172. % 3004 | A BANQUE NATIONALE, ¢ * ie %mmm:mru "al voxties Bank Dopartment witi be kost ore8â€" ATCHELOR‘S HAIR DYE. BMN43HA & 0+ TEW BOOKS Ottawa, June 2 1878 Officeâ€" MAIN STREET, BULL tors and mauntactucers of t VICTORIA Propasaptel Hall, Malin STOVES, STOVES, ) T1 O V . S, CHFAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, Fâ€"or Cash. Also, Stove Pipe Elbows, T Pipes, Dumb Stoves, Gallows Pipes, and an endless quantisy of Tinware, Lamps, Cliimneys, Coal Oil, Oil Cans, any size, always on hand. Will execute all orders which we may be favoured with for putting up Stove Pipes, Furnaces, &c., &c., &¢. see to it in time. We have on hand the oelog)ntod FLPNK ELBOW all in one piece: |Call and see it. C. P., DORION. e t > 2 Large Importations O‘MEARA & CO., beg most respectfully to inform their customers and the public generally, that they have now ready and open ‘for lmrcï¬on one of the largest and best assorted ‘stocks of Dry Goods ever mt into this city. Having purenased two earlier, than usual, and before the late adâ€" vance on Woolen oods, we are prepared to sell at the old r‘lw All woolen suits made up to order on the shortest possible notice fr m $10 UPWAKDS Our Tailering Department is more complete than usual, having secured the services of a firstâ€"class Uutter. _ Gentlemen may rely on nuh:g m good fit. Call and leave your orders at once. as the goods wil be fifty per cent higherin a few weeks. in our ublcinting of Coaiey Pania ind Vare. c 0 * Sack Coats all Wool, $3 Sack Coats all Wool, Shooti.:ï¬ Coats do Pants all Wool Striped and Plain do do V ests do do Hate, Caps, Bhirts, Drawers, Carpet Bags, Trunks, Church of England Ladies Schaol, Re ?onl 4th SEPTEMBER, 1872. â€" Lady Principalâ€"Miss £uuuerR, Asssstant Teachersâ€"Miss Hart Davies, Miss Sinclair, Miss Forster, Miss Humphrys. _ Professorsâ€"French, Monsieur Ami; German, (Rev.) M. Kaapke; Drawing, Mr. Forster. t seip e °C ;;ï¬ï¬hï¬mwhmdet) the Lady Prinâ€" on the premises, or to the Fecretary or Chairman: or any of the Committee of kev. J. 8. Lauder, Cbairman ; Rev. H. Pollard, Secretary; W. R. Wright, Trea: surer. & Committeeâ€"Mossrs J. D. Slater; J. A. Torrance ; W. W;G. P. Baker ; J, B. Lewis; G. A. Wicksteed ; W. R. Wright; A. C. Kelty Ottawa. Aug 17. 1872. 2051 3m Management. In the matter of JOHN ROLLS, of Sherâ€" brooke, an Insolvent. I, the undersigned, J. A. ARCIAMâ€" BAULT, of the Town of Sborbrook‘:& Official i.nee, have been oin! Acgn@oAi:lflmmnter. _ lpp ts _ Creditors are requested to file their claims before mib within one month J. A. ARCHANVBAULT, MORTIMER, A. Bookbinder, Paperâ€"raler and Account Bâ€"ok Manufacturer, at the Sign of the Group of Books, Ruberts‘ Block, Rideau Street, Ottawa, would mmt{ufly ©:ll the attention of Merchants, en 8, and the public geuérally, to his extensive Stock of Day Books, Ledgers, Cash Books and Journals made up from the best cluss of paper, and at prices as low, if not lower than ut any other house in the Dominion ; wholessle or retail. $ Ottawa, September 11, 1872 A« DUFP. Ottawa, June 12 1872 Account Books «iapted to every variety of business; if not in stock. ruled and bound to pittern, on the shortest notice. Bookâ€"bicding execused in any style from the plainest ani cheapest to the most eleâ€" McDONALD AND MONGENAIS. Ruling, perforating or numbering cate» fully and promptly attended to, and at most reasonable rates â€" Papor ruled to any p ttern. M«ps moonted. .All orders executed on the very shortest notice. . Ottawae, June 22, 1872 200 We..ingion Stroot O TTCTAWV A. UOttawa, Aug 17, 1872 NSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. Skerbrocke, 11th Sept, 1872 A Number of P¢ ctieal Tinsmiths Ottawa, Aug. 30, 1872 FEQUAL TO BRANDY. O‘MEARA & CO $1.25. Assignes. A wistf 8 50 50 50 «|31, 33, 124 Southampton Row, | NU’[‘ICE. Wovene \aMurson's Effectual â€" Remedies Are soid by Chemists and Druggists throughout the world. PEPSINEâ€" ar and professional medicine for IM is Morson‘s Psrsix®, the mctive principle of the gastric juice. The careful nnlrz:lu use of this valuable mediâ€" cine restores the natural functions of the stoâ€" __ mach, gi once more strength to the body. In Powder, Lo â€"Globules; and as Wino ry oo Gtan CHLORODYNE has now obtained such universal celebrity it can scarcely be considered a speciâ€" ality, its composition being known to most European practitioners. M any ofthe Chloroâ€" dynes of commerce not being of !:i!onn nnï¬:u induced Morson & Son to comâ€" son ir preparation. Sold in jâ€"os 1 and â€"oz bottles. GELATINEâ€"The purest preparation of this nutriâ€" ____ tious agent extant is Morson‘s. _ _ _ _ PTIC FOOD for invalids and Infants, digestiâ€" o hn natritidus add puintable." Solé is 7 44 All the above are carefully packed and shi orders, which must be made wnbhinl‘!nd Medallists and Jurors at all the Great Exhibitions Selected, and w 'm’m Onl-n\uoe-udvnluu Trade Name and Mark registeredâ€" Purs: Chemicals ant New Medicines j wqxw_tfhâ€"cmxms: THOS. MORSON & sON 81. Lawreuce & Oitana saiiwa flla;blio that his office has this day been MOVED to the rear of the GENERAI UFFICES of the Company, on Wellington Street, where orders for the collection and delivery,of Goods will meet with promp! and careful attention. Payment fo: Fre‘ï¬:t. and Car:age will now be receiveo at Company‘s Office, on Wellingtor Strect. A. J, TAYLOR, Rt es Cartage Agen! Uttawa, 5th Feu., 1872. ol 35 P.S. ENTRANTZEBY SIDLE DOOR China‘ Waprchouse the encouragement receive mmflmhmnmm us . to our stook. is Spring‘s Imporâ€" tation has with much care and in the best markets. Partioular attention has been givec o fratomipteit Tess qiee,daies af te ie rnalag 3 ground ““{.‘.‘ &'." :Â¥~ mz Liquors of the brands quality always on eneaerionc afoonns prices to dely omm. MaDONELL & MOY" ka a1S The cut of over One Thousand Acres patented ine timber lands lying ‘* en bloc" on the Opeongo it hes af chg s lam on d hevand and which a quantity of logs boom timber may be and the cut secured for a term of three or five 'ill’:ldim uns 5 us Damy 4 n D. tat Uaiedome Houl ouvmud'n-. T irees Hopoert u: ghhflr- those lands being of tee from duty. «# * â€E sAW LOG CUT FOR SALE The undersigned begs to inform the UNIONS, LASTINGS AND SERCGES. WM. & KENKY FUAi! Uttawsa, Oct. l1th, 1872. w mdlflnhcud::ll flhh tents B.S.I.BOUC&I. _RUSSELL SQUARE, LUuNDON, Worksâ€"Hornsey and Homerton. Ottawa. May 11. 1872. UsTOMS DEPARUMENL. b nutriti0 1â€"lb tins. OW IS THE TIME TO CALL CARTAGE AGENCY. , C LLNHRXL PJDiLA DENHOLM, EXCLAND. TRADE MARK. W&/AHF No. OmmMiICS AÂ¥ 2011 2081 The proprietors @f Johnson‘s Anodyne Liniment, Parson‘s Purgative Pills, acd Sheridan‘s Cavalry Oondition Powders, have published a readable and instructive pamd phiet, which may be had free at the stores, SUKE THROAT, CuUGH, COLD, and simi}ar troubles, if saffered to progress resalt in serious Pulmonary, Bronchial, and Asthmatic affections, oftentime«s incurable. | ©Trocmss," so called, soid by the ounce, are | | a poor imitation and nothiug like BROW N‘b BRUNCLIAL TAOCHES which are sold only in boxes with facâ€"simile of the proprieture, > are cuompotunded so as to reach directiy th« seat of the dimmma and give almost instan relied. lhe Precoes are offered with the fullest couildence in their efficacy ; they have beep thuroughiy tested «1nd maintain the gooc \ purstion they bave justly acquired _ For Puplic Sposkers, Singers, Milliacy Oficers, ud those who overtax the voice . they arc usâ€"ful in relteving an Jrritatea ‘Fhroat, aud will repder articulation easy. Being an article of true moerit, and having proved their efficacy by a test of nauy years, each year flads thon in new loc«lities in various parts of the world and the Troches are universally pronounced baetter than other aiticles, (otain ouly «Browu‘s Bronchial Trochcs, 12d do not take way of the Worthless /mitatsons that may be oftered eu outside wrappe: of box, and private Gove erument stimp attached to each box. Tuis care in patting p the Trovhes is 11 portant as & security to the purchaser in or 4 to be sure oft obtaining the genuine Brow o Bropchia) Prochss. A Want Supplied.â€"Lhe public have long felt the want of something that could be depended upon for the cure ot rheumatis »1, sprains, bruises, neuralgia, bowel com plaints, &c., and we are happy to say that want is now supplied in the shape of the Canadian Pain Destroyer. It is truly a most wonderful medicine, and one that effects an immediate and permanent cure in cases for which it is recommended. Sold by all Medicine Dealers. Garar Coxprrto® Meprorxaâ€"As a «onditi medicine for horses "Darley‘s Condition Pow ders and Arabian Heave kemedy" has no equa‘ Its effects in this respectare astonishing ; many horses that were supposed to be broken dowr and almost worthless have, by the use of a fet packages, been restored to a healithy an i sound condition, all traces of the disease having seen completely removed, and have been scld for from &0 to $75 more than they would pre viously have brought; when you want s hors« medicine get "Dariey‘s Condition Powders ano Arubian Heare Remedy." We know you will be perfectly satisfied with the result. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lyns.‘ Newcastle, Ont., :mpriotonl or Canade. . trld by ail medicine deaiers. of Dysentery and Diarrhma in chiidren whethor it arises trom tecthing, or from any other cause. Full directions for using wili accompany each bottle. None genuine unices the facâ€"simile of CURTIS & PELKLNS is cn the outside wrapper, Bold by all medich e demlers, 25 cents a bottle, Office, 2156 Fulto : iStreet, New York, and $3 Oxford Strcet, Loz don. . Be sure and call for MHKS, WINSLOW‘s s0O0OTHING SYRUP Having the fac simile â€" f " Ourtis & Pork in on the outside wrapport All others are be imitation® THIRTY YRARRS EXPERIENCE OF AN QLD NURBSE. mas. Wixsu w‘s BSoreine Syzur is the preâ€" scription of on s of the best Female Phyriciane and Nurses in the United States, and has beet. ussa for thirty ysars with never tailing safery and sucress by millions ot mothers ano children, frem the tosbie intant of one wiek ldto the aduit, Jt corrects acidity «f the «»mach, relieves wind colic, regulates t â€"»wels, and pives nnwhulth and comfort t other and child. We believe it the Neet and surest remedy in the world, in all cases BROWN‘S BRONCHIAL TROCHES Have you a severe wrench or spraiu? Hr you rheumatism in any form _ Have you sti. meck, or bmiches caused by rheamatic paing( If so, Jonnson‘s Anodyne Liviment is a speoi fic remedy, and Js also the best pain killer in tneworld COC(HGLYCERINE nourish the hair COCO GLYOERINE removes dandruff COCOâ€"GLYCERINE â€" Someâ€" thing new for the hair. out COCUâ€"GLYCERNE, 22 per bottla. J Onious, $1.50. Celery, 4UÂ¥c to per doz Cabbages, 5o to 10c each.} Beets 25¢ to 30c per bushel. mapuund.“ï¬to“.w. e spuan yarn, 9J¢ per it. Home made woolien socks, 45¢ per p ut ‘Wool 5U cts. to 6Uc per lb. Hay $21 10 $22 per ton. kye straw, $5 U to 5 50 JUst straw, $7 to $8 uy do. Pork. f Dress d Hogs, $7 to $1.59. Mess Pork, 316. Farmers‘ mess, $13 to $15 do Prime mess, $13.00. Hn:-obc, $154 00 to $16.00 par{tI0 Do green, $10 do Bacon do _ $9 to 12 do Bacon dry salted, $8 U0 9 0J _ ds Froceâ€"Retail pFices. _ _ SPE°IAL NOTICES. Dry Cod fish, $5 50 per ewt. Huriu.“.ww.ï¬rspabbl. Hiozs axp Learase. The latest quotations are as follow No. 1, Sole, Zic to 296 _ â€"peor it. No. 2 do 23c 10 25¢ do â€"Siaugnter, Zlots 4o Harness leather, 30 to 336 40 Upper . do .4 w 45¢ do iinglish kipp, _ Tocis do French do $1.2J¢ do Boel, $6 00 to 7 0J per 1090,bs :flol:vh. sso u;{oc P:o;:h U to $1 per ‘Turkeys, $1.50 to 1.60 sach. Geese, 65¢ to 75c each. mmwm&ermpu. Feathers, 60c to 70c per lb. _ Eegs 20 to 22 per dozen. Buiter 15 to 20 cte perib. Cl ts Hae i to 15 cts. mm,wwunf Honey, 15 to 20 do. Potatoes, 25¢ to 350 per bushel. No tollet table should ue with Bweaish Tarnips, 40c to 50c Cariote 250. Parsnips 50c. do. Double extra, $6. 72 to 7.09 per barrel j Extra, $1.00 1w $1.25 â€" do No. 1, $6.15 to 7.00 ao Uatmeal, $5.25 do Cornmeal, $3.25 to 3.50 do Cracked whnï¬_’fl.w to 750 Wheat meal, $7.00 do Provender, $1.50 per 100 lbs, Bran, TV ous. Gram. Buckwheat, 55 to 60 :ts per Lushe Uats, 45¢ to 5J¢ do Uats, 45¢ to 5J¢ 6 Peas, 6uc to 65c Beans $2 0J to #2.50 Barley 6Ucts to 65c. Corn, none. Fail wheat, $1.30 to $1.40 JOHN L BROWN & SUN, French â€" do $1.25 wm. TSete ao Hides. No. 1. 945 per 1b. Cod oil 58 to 6U cts per galloL. ,, Calf skins, 12 cts per ls. theep peits 75 cents each. Haddock, 7c per 1b whest, $1.2v to 1.30 _ as THE MARKET, $PRICEâ€"3 CEYN "s ~ do w at | SR PETER‘S N: vMEMT brought with her 10 be gentleman dressed in t seemed, w * Dorothea.‘ with a white there with did little bu did little jewelled enamell: Iwo Necks, aud the Blue Boar ?‘ His lordsbhip» was credited by fond friends with ine possession of a pretty wit, â€" Lady Bembri@ige found his re. marks em nentiy entestaining. She joined him in laughing at the monument she had planned to erect to the memory of her lite busband. The sculpter was speechle *1 tear +Tt we whole town, a standing subject TOF lampoons, a mise of wesaith to the witâ€" iings. Why a monumeht at all? It seems to me‘â€" ‘Well, L thought,‘ she interposed, ‘ that reâ€"poct lor poor Nir Peter‘â€" the spoke with hesitation : there was no affectation now of grief tor the departed. ‘There al. most seeimed some shame that she bad ever been wesk enough to lament him. +1 owe him so much,‘ she resumed. ‘But how deeply he was indebted to your ladysaftp. tie had the bhonor aull- ing you his wife. Common > quired him to expire as soon as he could. 1t was the only wny"ih:whioh bo.uld& coguize and repay obligation you conterred upon hbim. _ You sull wish something suould be done ? Most persis« ’lflu Dorovhea! Well, say a little nï¬ two feet square, with a black hud% a neat inscription; any mason would manage the thing for a few shil« hlla !-' Ese 7 ie ooo 4 t c aneatte COd * And, without another word to the nt tor, they quitted the studio. 1t was to undersiood, of course, that Mr. Kempe‘s services were no longer required, that his labors were endcd. pu se in He was white as a sheet, shivering, fainting almost. ‘The room seemed 1o swim round him; he staggered like a diunken man; he pressed ns tremulous hands upon bis burning forehead. Then an angry moan escaped him, a ory of sufâ€" ierilg ; and he,svized his mallet, and beat to powder every portion of his model. The room was filied with a choking cloud of dust ; the design for Hir Poter‘s monuâ€" mm: m;u.lsbcolul d-m..‘ castings, utely tie had been faise to his rhillis, to his art, to himselt. in all the frenzy of his suffering and his despair, he could yet wimit that his punishment was well deserved. But that it should come from her hand ! At least, her hroo-lï¬ bring no charge agaiost him. had not sinned aguinst her. It could be no crime in her eyes to love her as he had loved her. Her ladyship, however, was but the instrument calied on to inflict a merited chastisement. That was the character in which se had to be regarded. The exeouâ€" tioner does not ply bis lash, or knot his sord, or wield lhis axe because of sins against h'untellé“:n the : of OJliver Kempe, lady bridge performed the crael duties of the most ignoble officer of justice. Ed S c ds ut i ons She bad befooied and betrayed Oliver Kempe, as a chirid tears a fiy to pieves for pastime. mhe had used him as a markeman a target; she had tested wpon him her accuracy of aim, riddled him with the keea shafts of her glanseâ€", and then fang nim aside as worthiess and done with, the married Lord Lockeridge, of course, who wasted hber fortune, and personally maltreated ber in the most shameful way. The Lockeriage divorce case occupied the iaw courts aud the upper House of Par: liament, and was a great ‘public scandal during many years of the last century. But with that notorious matter we have no concern here. Oliver Kempe had falleri senseless upon the huge block of marble provided for Bir Peter‘s monument. When consciousness remmodwmmnoeoun-.-n: he was so oumved by the severe cold his stane bed. His every limbs seemed frozen, while yet his forenead ached and burned with fever, _ â€"_____ _ Re He prayed for desth. The thought of existence was intolerable to him. How could he bear to lead a shameful life? He had been false in all. He a worshipper of Art! unwmuuwflhm- a taith*ul devotee, but as arpetty to ï¬la@mojow.h_nnd‘o“lh_ï¬rfl» He prayed for desthk ; but life came, Warm, soft arms circled his neck, and sweet kisses were pressed upon his parched lips, *Come back to me, my own," whispered Philiis He wept upon her tender bosom, and was saved; not to be iamous, but to bpmy. He was pardoned, of course. ilks was one Of those women rich in Heaven‘s own gifts of pity and mercy, anid swift to forgive. _ _ _ Ee e e en Pn t P A leg:cy had come to her from a wealthy godmother litely deceased. She carried home ber frail «nd ailing lover; enriched und restored him. He hsiped in her father‘s school ; by and by he occupied al« together the schooimaster‘s desk. He pladhhl_uwary'l :-ph‘..ba'd then, but he cannot be said to have ever uchieved any work of great importance. in his native viliage, bowever, he was al« ways accounted f«mous a; carving the handles of walking sticks, Hi school boasted many pupiis, whose numbers, as the years passed away, were frequently inâ€" creased by the enrolment of recruts who called Uiiver father and Piullis mother No monument was ever erected to hi memory, save only a simple tablet in his parish church, iStill, in that respect he was better cared for than Sir Poter ;\whose widow forgot at last to provide even the chupunormo{t::'d'- sione of the virtues (supposi to have possessed .n,)ndmopw;cmieu(ilh“lb ever performed such) of her nusband, the rich nabob, A man‘s boot was found with his foot and haif a leg in it, on a railroad near Hartord, Connecticut, last Baturday morning. Some yards away, the owner himseli, George A. Fielding, was presentâ€" iy discovered, and, strange to say, in first rate spirits. He held is boot and the section of his leg while he was hauled to 4& hbospital, untruubled by the fact that there wis a blvody chasm between hi knee and the top of uis boot. He was kardly sober when he lay down on the railroad track to sleep, perhaps, . _ lio waâ€" of attenuated figure, ite, wor: {1ce, spotted here and h black sticking plaster. He but g.pe behind his thin, sallow, :;’na, and take souffâ€"from an ox. it will never do,‘ she saud. M uld be the laughing.stock of the »wn, a standing subject tor . a miae of weaith to the wit. hy a monumneht at all? It seems diverting, said his iOrGOSMIP, aâ€"aâ€"monument, is it, Mr.â€" your name? Monstrous! abâ€" phant and castle, and a camel prayers. Gad‘s bud! quite a snow, . And little boys without dâ€"what! more tavern signs ! and lrumpet, and the Wheat« â€"1 beg paidon; I see it‘s the â€"â€" But where‘s the Swan with (Concluded ladâ€"lup‘s invitation, he in= model for the monument i to ctiticise, even to ridiâ€" rhad heart or strength for or he would have knocked ent nobleman down with & ige bowed slightly to the beart sank within him 1 Lockeridge turned on hat a grave yard?" he he siudio through hs H‘lenty otf stuf to make d, hard, merciless said his lordship VL she said to his of 1* Ih it ® i