‘Why does the T o Globe labour so assiduously to the prospects of this country aud. to| drive immigration from our shores ? Wa know that the imâ€" pression very generally prevails that that journal‘¢ hostility the Grand Trunk Railway is consequent| upon its having been subsidized by American comâ€" panio:, However this may be we cannot believe that our Grit temporary has been "bribed and ht " by. the Amerâ€" ican Government to di emigration to Canada. Yot why will it insist, when Canada is so and its future prospects apparently so bright, in continâ€" ually prophesying di r? Weali know that taxation in has, of lite years, been growing lighter lighter, that great public works havg at the same time been constructed, and |\the cost of their construction has been {leiived from the public revenue. Yet spite of this satisfactory condition of aft«irs, the Grit organ insists that it canpot laist, and tells us that a time of incr taxation and general commercial disagter is looming in the not fir distant future. Gems of Straussâ€"O{iver Ditson We have received some alditional inforâ€" mation respecting th¢e movements of the Adjutant Gener»l, which we know will be of interest to very y ol our readers. It appears that he went by way of Forts Eillis, Carleton, Pitt, Victoria, arriving mt Fort Edmonton on the 6th of Septemâ€" ber after twenty one |days of actual traâ€" velling from Fort (Garry. Colonel Ross left Fort Edmonton on the 9th for Rocky Mountain House, through the Slackâ€" feet country by the therly route to Kedionias in British Coluambia. He czrossâ€" ed the Rocky by the St. Clair or "Vermillion‘" pass, ing Wallawalla on the 21st inst. as dy announced. We are glad to hear both the Adju tant General and Mis son, who accomâ€" panied him the whole distance/are in good Early Closingâ€"C T\Bate & Normal * cho Masons, Laborers, IJ Cormuck. Public Notice health, and in no the worse for their arduous and adventurous journey. | Notice to Contracigrsâ€"F Houble. Mr morning. The Globe says Licuton« Archibald was in T to on : which will be ne to the The Ottawa Tiuzs informs its readers, r what it calls 1 though not offiâ€" authority, that the smperor William of Germany has deciled the Nun Juan m favor of Britain: We fear this is p ture, although the Trcs is usually very careful in its asserâ€" tions.â€"Loadon Herakl. 'l'bllolcehniï¬ot I may~ See first page for intere: ing matter and Ottava Markeip Honble. Mr yesterday. Governor We possibly may have been misinformed in reference to this matter, aithough the information was gives us on good authoâ€" rity. The despatches which we publish toâ€"day, and which ap in our extra of yesterday, indi that the award has been made in fivor of the United States, but they are |evidently written from an American stpndpoint. Our conâ€" temporary only does us justice when he says that we are "uspually very eareful in our assertions‘" concepning matters of this kind. * ~â€" The Globe contends thit our annual exâ€" penditure is continuaily increasing. In order to prove this it includes in the estiâ€" mates for 1372 and 1373, \ charges for the taking of the census, for| the buildiag of ‘Toronto, Quebec, and on Post Offi~ ees, together with other public works, and calls them items of * annual exâ€" penditure." The charge of ex brought against the Dominion Government may be answered very by pointing to this fact, that while the aunual expentiâ€" ture since 1867 has inc: only at the rate of thirty perâ€" cent., we have added nearly half a continent to the Dowinion, our imports hive doubled, and we have spent twenty millions of dollars in the construction of public ks, which will tend st:!l more to promotie the prosperity of the coun*‘ry. If the Giove will parsis} in these utterly uncalled for and | unjustifiable Jeremiads, the public will be justi; in supporing that it has some ulterior|object in view in thus misrepresenting and doing all it can to check immigra to this counâ€" try. The Honble. Mr. Magkez aring his eloquence at Sgafo: was huled by his Grit frignds tuture ruler." . He respive gratulations with that pecu which is so characteristic|of i gentleman. lHe admi in he was destined to be| Ca ruler, and informed. his |he: could count upon a relfabl over twonty dive membprs ‘ session of the Dominion Par If Mr. Mackenzie res believes ‘what { to ;hg'evi)a;;.;;.;;‘-;m;hï¬ | he says, ho must have a femarkally poor | tion of any site for a mm, so ini i vatuci ; ; distant from the extreme city limits. Will mollun boneb:ty nd \.:u [,;-Co | 3ou, Mr. Editor, kiedly assivt us, in ord those gentlomen whom he peopies of C« | to have a subject of such il-m.u to nada have chosen as theif representatives. | the whole puvlic laid before in ite All that the Grits have ventured to claim ltrue character ? T th before has been that the| House would be Cou:s, with thanks, neatly equaliy divided, (the myjority, as a Pooust CAÂ¥ eqraley yorr‘ y ® Ottax®a, 22nd: Oct., 1872 they themselves have admitted, being in Sfeamtemss favor of the Goverhment, We know, and | â€" There cannot be a doubt that the Cemeâ€" it is a fact susceptible of proof, that a con. | tery Joint Stock Company intend to be. siderable majority of the members of the | nefit themselves, Joint Stock new House of Commions| are pledged to | however, are not innlhfly: ::yon &homt Ads mn::unon. Yf" Som-:o!imos stockholders come to grief. . Mackenzio claims ese men, in is certiin grave yards or cometries the face of promises and| assurances which | are excellent paying stock. Peopile die they have given to th¢ electors and to } duily and mast be buried, a «1 lOts, in ex, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. | o THURSDAY, O€LOBER MISREPRESENTING CANADA MR. MACKENZIE.AT SEAF i g THE ADJUTART &ttarma CMS, | @â€"â€"â€" J H Jortd w oJ MCGECLE §C CLSIII [ouse would be he majority, as nitted, being in We know, and roof, that a conâ€" members of the are pledged to nistration. . Y et t these men, in la‘s fu w here 0 town TS, | others, wintumrondn'l pursue a poâ€" , Ltical course utterly at ratiance with that mâ€"Jp which they have under@ken to follow. 1i is not only one or two 6f the members ol the House whom Mr. kenzie intiâ€" thets. | mates can thus be ind to play a | treacherous part. Tbo‘ Domuinion Govâ€" | ernment have in the new! House a majorâ€" | ity of either pledged supporters or of men 1 Mc |who have promised to) give them and their policy a fair tri of not less | than msvao that if M-:; Mackenzie obâ€" s tained a Working majority of twenty five, labout oneâ€"fourth of the members of â€"â€" the _ Canadian _ Parliament _ would | prove themselves di-hcfl.t and corrupt â€" \ men inasmuch as their political course ‘z~~ |would be diametrically opposed t> that ï¬â€˜ | which they were pledged to pursus. _ ernor IH been that be « bought and bribed,"" with the exception of course, of Mr. Madkenzie and a few *incorruptibles" like Rimself. The experience wh‘f:h Mr. Mackenzic and his friends have since their acâ€" cession to oflice in Ontario has without doubt tended : to > them believe in the depravity of ind, and to enâ€" courage the idea, they evidently hold, that every polai can be purâ€" chased at a ceitain They have undoubtedly met with success in the bribery line. Mr. E. B. Wood, a person who had occupied a prominont position before the public, w they had inâ€" sulted and abused so, persistently that it might well have supposed that, had he been possessed of pne spark of man~ hood, he would ve declined their aivances and refi to be bought, he yielaed to their uctive influences and was purchased by the Grit leaders. Then is Proton and wheie, although in the former place | they did not effect much, they have zo |doubt found that their efforts at corru have met with some success, ard, having determined upon makiog it thuir thn! political weaâ€" pou, cr.as the G. delicately puts it, ~fightung Sir John with kis own weapons," lir. Mackenzie evide@tly thinks that he can induce a suilicignt number.of the members of the & Parliament of the Dominion to become Hars and traitors for a certain consideration. There is in reality uo other meaning to attached to Mr,: Mackenz‘e‘s foolsh {boast. Let that gentlieman, or any else who is disâ€" posed to take the ble, read over the addresses of the v&m&u elected during the recerit t, and we will enâ€" gage that those who god themselves ‘ to ally themselves wilh the Grit leaders and to follow them opposition to the present Administration were very few in deed, More than this, we are well asâ€" sured that those who promised the efecâ€" tors, in terms more or less direct, to give Sir John Macdonald his colleagues a fair and liberal sup; constitute a large majority. This being the case then, and we know that it is case, Mr. Mackenâ€" zie‘s only hope in being able to make a large p ion of the new memâ€" bers prove false to pledges and their plighted words. did not say how he intended to effect but we presume that he imagines th & the members of the Canadian House of t‘ommons are for the most part to be j by Mr. Wood‘s standard, and that, by means of certain iaducements they tan be persuaded to "speak now"" and "vote now" just as he may choose to direct them. But we are well assured that he is mistaken. This pre~ cious "future ruler," after all, evidently knows but little of the character of the people whom he aspires to govern. The members _ ot. the new _ Parliament are not likely to be induced to disgrace and degrade themselves quite so easily as Mr. Mackenzie imagines. They will, we have no doubt, for the most part, pursue that course in Parliament which they promised those who elected them that they wou‘!d do, and will not bedisposed to oppo e a Government whose policy hith» erto has been attended with such excelâ€" lent results, at the bidding of men who, like Mr. Mickenzie, have within the past few months been implicated in so many transactions of a moâ€"t questionable charâ€" acter. ernment were bribed to do so, and that Sir John Macdonald‘s chief strength lay in his ability to purchase and * corrupt" the members of the House. They have made these assertions so persistently that perhaps they hive really come to believe them, al hough they geem to have forâ€" gotten that while they have been so conâ€" stantly charging Sir J*h ‘with bribery, they haveâ€"really cast a reflection upon the character of the an people, who, according to the Grit t ies, can all be have a very low opinion of the character of Canadian politicians, and should have but a very fiint idea of what political honor and honesty mean. Forâ€" years past they have been declaring that all those who supported the Dominion Gov» | To the Elitor of the TIMES3 : | _ Nix,â€"Can you inform the poorer classes of this community, if the Committee who appear so anxious to becoms a Joint swek Company, under the pretence of puarchising a public cemetery at Thompâ€" â€"om‘s (three miles west of this city), are | really and truly desirous to become bene i~ctor« to the community at h‘:r, or are they on a speculation ? So little is known of their doings that we (the poorer class) must l.ok on them with some suspicion If we had been invited to a public meet. ' ing on this very important question, then we could in some way have expressed our ‘ views in relation to a I‘rotestant cemetery ; as it is, we must protest egxinst being put | to the expense so sure to follow the u.% | tion of any site for a eomom, so | distant from the extreme city limits. Will l you, Mr. Editor, kt')u;uly assist us, in order | to have a subject such lnm.. to | the whole puvlic laid before in ite | true character ? It may be gratifying to the Grits to know that in the course of his speech Mr. Macâ€" kenzie, alluded to the charges of wrongâ€" doing brought agriinst him and his colâ€" leagues. He deciared in the words of the immortal Dominie Sampson that they were © prod:;gious ‘‘ calumnies, but did not venture upon any further Jexplanations concerning Protm, the Isolatel Risk afuir, Mr. McKoilar‘s alleged dishonesty, or any of those other instances of corrupâ€" tion and nepotism which have been proved against the members of the Oatario Govâ€" ernment. 1t is perhaps not to be wondered at hat Mr. Mackenzie and his friends should 11 E PUBIC CEMETERY. upper gates, and thus prevented the water in a five mile level from | sweeping all before it. Such a body of water sudâ€" denly released would have carried all the craft below over into the fields, submerged Cote St. Paul, and inundated the lower parts of the city itself, It is suggested that the great danger existing to the suburbs from such an accident should be provided ag:inst by placing a guard, lock a little above Cote St. Paul. This would always be closed when craft were changing their level, and would sustain a portion of the pressure which has this mornieg so ruthlessly swept away its enclosures. By Friday or Saturd :y all will be all right. pensely laid out grounds are costly. It is the obj ct of all enterprises to make money, and money is made at the °xâ€" pense of the rich and poor alike. A Cemetery Company wiil te no exception to the general rule. There should, howâ€" ever _ be some buriak ground, . if the present Sandy Hill burial plaâ€" ces .are rea‘ly to be closed up, within essy reach of the poorest among us. It would be a case‘of great hardship to compel people of any class to go a distance of three miles outside of the city limits with their dead. The cost of going so f«r, and the trouble and expense atâ€" tndunt upon the selection of a grave would be very grievous to many persons, If any body of people desire a Pere la Chaise, Greenwood, Kensil Green . or Mount Hermon in which to have Mauso â€" lems, and chapelâ€"like resting places for their dead, by all manuer of me.ins let them linvoc in Thompson‘s land. A grand howft" will surely pay,Sbut there should be some Potter‘s Field. some free, or, at least very cheap bus weil tended burial place for the multitude at some conveniâ€" ent dis:ance from the city limits. er‘s headway, and betore the engine could be reversed the steamboat struck the gates. ‘lhe suction through the upper ones forced these apart and drove theâ€"Picâ€" tou across the lock, where she jammed and sustained minor injuries. Fortunateâ€" ly, the pressure from above closed the [Special by Montreal Line ] Moxtegar, Vct. 23. The Herald publishes a statement that Sir Geo. Cartier has been given over by his London physiciins, and that death is immediate. The Hon. Juige Bâ€"rthelot contradict: the siitement in to night‘s Witness, stiting the report is @n private information and without foundation. The honorable baronet will return in perfect ‘s«lib. The Cote St. Paul locks became a total wreck this morning, one of the gates being carried off by the steamr Pictou. This evenings advices say: From a statemaent of Mr.|{Jobn‘s, lockmaster, it appears the Pictow entered the lock in charge of the mate, and, as usual, her snubbing line was thrown over a spile. This slipped off while checking the steam Weather fine but cloudy, with rain last night. The horse plaguse is gradually declining. _ Trade very brisk, St. Paul istreet full of W estern buyers Hauwax, Oct. 23. Frederick Clapperson, who was arrested here yesterday for forgery of the London & County Bank, has been sentenced in London to five years penal servitude. Letters from the Hon. Wm. Garrie, Commissioner of Works and Mines, now at Hastings, states that his health has im~ proved after his sojourntin France. The residences of Â¥r. Wm. Trider and Capt. Grant, were seriously damaged yesâ€" terday by the explosion of a blast not proâ€" perly covered. Siz,â€"in reply to your question, asking it «JobnSmith his registered his last born" I say,: No! but John Smith is hourly expected. letters, 20 cents per annum for weekly newspapers, and for postal cirds 1 cent. Transient newspapers 2 cents each. Each of these rates is to be in full for Dominion and Newfoundland postage. Two of the Autumn fruit vessels have arrived here from Malag .. The Newfoundland mails contains little of interest. _ _ From the lst of November the rate of postage between Newfoundland and places in the Dominion will be only 6 cents for An immense cuttle fish aad 200 flat heads, a small specimen of whale, were captured in Bona Vista by the people of Barrow Harbor. To the Editor of the OTTAW A T MZS Those wishing to see the latest novelties in new Fall Goods, can do so by attending the Grand Opening on Thursday, 10th inst., «t RusseErt & Warsox‘s. All the leading materials for Costumes now forward, besides a splendid stock of all the new materials for Ladies® dresses. Chriltorht Goodwin, was sentenced at the Hiamilton Assizes to 10 years in the Penitentiary, tor arson. _ _ â€" 8 Rogers & Co., Gananoque, and robbed the owners of a cash box, containing between $8,000 and $10,000 in money, notes, etc. Not even a strong suspicion is attached to anyone, and the authorities therefore are not working on good vantage ground. in short the robbery was committed with such an amount of care and exactitude that the perpetrators thereof are evident~ _ No clue whatever has been traced of the burglars who entered the stores of ly, nay, beyond question of doubt adepts tn the business, The shipment of cheese from Believille p Liverpool continues to be large. . _ . _ _A policeman named Murphy, was tatal~ ly stabbed in Hal.fax by a liquor dealer on Sunday. t agext 5 s f A Napanee young lady boasts of a waist only 16 inches in circumference. S A Hamilton girl recently slapped the face of her lover for kissing another girl during a game of forfeits, _ The horse disesse has broken out at Port Hope. Home of the expatriated Alsitians have already arrived in Montreil. The total shipment of coal oil from Petrolia from July I2th to October 18th amounts to 126,000 barrels of crude oil, 1,170 barreis of refined, and 18,760 barrels of distilled oil. The Picton Gazeile says that Dr. Wood, of that town, raised fiom one seed 211 wï¬d l.-l:. squish, there -h.... ‘ -gab- viue, varying in weight from 3) to 11 pounds. it is desirous of }m'b-lb-uhnnll-q. Ottawa, Oct 23rd 1372 The Bothwell fall show was a failure this (Special to the Ortawa TixzEs.) RY TELEGRAPAH Youts truly, DOMINION NUTES MONTREAL HALIFAX W.P. Lett, PR B D. & M Liiss? BY TEVEGAPZ Petitions have been presented to the Cortes requesting the government to enter into negotiations with the Government of Gr¢ Britain for the cession of Gibraltar to Sp in. SPAIN. rid, Oct. 23.â€"At.the Fession of the yesterday, the Deputy said the Carlist prisoners held by the government badly treated, and he protested against it. General Cordia, Ministar of War, dionied the assertion of the Deputy, and stated that all prisoners were properly taken care of. | RU sSI A. St, Petersburg, Oct. 23 â€"â€"Ufficial adâ€" vices report the discovery of a conspiracy in the C.ucasus for the overthrow of the Ruséian authorities in that province of the Em];:n. A genersl rising of the‘tribes was intended, but the leaders who contemâ€" plated the revo‘!t were secured and thrown into prison. Quiet now prevails. ' :ï¬ Uct. 23.â€"M Fournier, the Yrench re miative at the ltalian Court, will resurn to Paris to day. > Shreveport, Sa., Oct. 23.â€"Work has been commenced on three divisions of the Texas Pacific Railroad from Dallas East, g;xn Sherman East, and from Longview ctu’l'hn Company‘s office at Marshall has completed, and work on shops there has been commenced. Ko*in‘ in favor of Fenikn Prisoners at Manchesterâ€"Towa of Northwich parâ€" ‘thlly floodedâ€"Carlist Prisoners badly |troatedâ€"Petitions to the English Govâ€" ‘ernment for the gession of Gibraliar | to Spainâ€"Conspiracy in the Caucasus lto overthrow the Russian Authorities The market town of Northwich, in the County of Cbester, was partially flooded yesterday by the overflow of the banks of the river Weaver, which occasioned conâ€" siderable damage to property. The waters have now subsided, and the danger of a disaster is over. Liverpool, Uct. 23.â€"Arrived, a. s. Cancâ€" da, New York. thampton, Oct. 23. â€"Arrived, the FRANCE. is, Oct. 23.â€"J. R. Partridge, U.S8. inister to Brazil, now on leave of wbsence, has arrived in Paris. + * Texas Pacihc Railroad commencedâ€"Seven thousand horses said to have been ‘attacked within twentyâ€"four hoursâ€" [Disease spreading in Brooklynâ€"Henry \Rogers to be hung for killing a poâ€" licemanâ€"Mayor Hall again hefore the Courtâ€"An Anonymous Burglar offers ito produce the murderer of Mr. N» _ \thanâ€"Official return of the late \Electionâ€"No horses alloxed to be ___ brought into the United Statesâ€"Adâ€" _ (vices from Mexicoâ€"Fight between ‘Diag and the insurgents. ndon Oct. 23.â€"A large meeting, in favaor of amnesty to the Fenian prisoners, was held last evening in Manchester, at whigh Isaac Butt, M P., leader of the Irish Home Rule party, was the principal speaker. Butt, in the course of his reâ€" marks, said that Ireland never could welâ€" come (iladstone to her soil unless the ammnesty to her zons was made complete. He ‘&o spoke in terms of vigorous gensure of treatment. accorded the prisoners who, he alleged, have suffâ€"red during their eon&nomem gross cruelties at the hands of their jailor«. Ne lcd _ 4 p.m â€"Comsols account 92} y 92; bonds 65, sold at 91; 88} } Enme 40. alle o_ SS Donan, f.om New York Artistic, of Newport, while in latitude 29 ° aom and longitude 63 © west, which had tered a hurri:ane, and was in a New York, Oct. 23.â€"1t is compu*ed: by ope of the papers thai seven thousand horses in city have been attacked by the horse disease within twentyâ€" four 1t is reported that 22 animals hdmn" Kuickerbocker died during .“_ * ht. R kess a t 0 oge. 16ih the brig Antilles, of this port, ed the baptain 164 ow of the Anglsh Uak It is apprehended that most of the stage and car lines will cease running in‘ a few dsyq&l The disease is reported as ~preadâ€" ing in Brooklyn. _ ~ To t .. AÂ¥ merican News ‘Notwithstanding the panicky fecling, appears to be as many horses as ever‘in the streets of New Yorkthis a. m. Henry Rogers, last evening, confessed to having struck Donohue, the Brookâ€" lyn policeman, with a stick, but did intend to kill him. He, Rogers, was drunk at the time ; he stated thit after he struck Donohue once, another rough named Dernar took the stick and beat Donohue on the head ; two others named ‘Riche and Flint struck him on the bead with bottles and stones, and kicked him while he laid on the ground.. ‘The jary returnâ€" ed a vardict of murder in the tist degree, and Judge Galbert sentenced Rogers to be hung on the 6th of December. His oonnuf_ will apply for a writ of error. Newark, N J., Oct. 23.â€"A fire caught last night in Draper‘s Chapel of our Lady, in 8t. John‘s Catholic Church at Orange, of which Rev. Father Hickey is pastor. Loss, $15,000. Insured. _ Boston, Mass., Jct 23.â€"The loss of ®, 8. Houghton & Co. by the burning of their dry goods store on Tremont street last night is estimated at $:50.000. Insuâ€" rance, $75,0)0, mostly .Baston oftices, The Iyceum build‘ng in ‘the mrï¬ the Pavillion was also destroyed. involÂ¥ing a loss of $60 000. Insured in Boston ofâ€" fices. The Pavillion is saved Chicago, Oot.23~â€"'l‘boju?ln the case of Thomas Cullen, on triat for murdering Jas. McWilliams, haveâ€"returned a verdict of sfnilty. Sentenced to transportation for life. « New York, Oct. 23.â€"On la-vini the Court of Uyer and 'l‘;“-miner, Tweed to _ ths istrict _ Attorâ€" mddcfloo. attended by Sherift Judson Jarvis, exâ€"Judge Fullerton, and John E. Butrell, of counsel tor the accused, Providence, R. L, Oc‘, 23.â€"Wm. H Boyden‘s jewellery store, in Rockland, was destroyed by <fire last eveniag. Losa $5,000. . s 7**% Edward CKearney apd Alfred B. Sands.and were followed by a crowd of gazers, who would have stared the fallen chief out of countenance if is were possible Tweed seemed quite unmoved, and chatte i freeâ€" ly with the Sheriff and those near him After a fow minutes delay Col, Fa:lows, Assistant District Attorney, mide His ap. ance, and after a hearty shake o! the hands with the Boss, set to wock and drew bonds for $5,000 on eachindictmeat. Messrs. Edward Kearney & Aifrei B. Sands, 136 East 26th s‘reet, became his bondsmen. THE OTTAWA TIMES, OCTOBERâ€" 24. 1872. New York, Oct. ‘.B.E).hyor Hall apâ€" ed unexpectedly in Court ot Oyer m'l‘orminorndmnmne.d that h.uggd received a note from the District Attorâ€" ney ordering him to attend court and renew his bail. He said he had been inâ€" formed that new indictments covering the old ones had been found. He offered to renew his bail, and said he was the third hmmdv!b_hdmvim-b em of the District Attorney for alâ€" leged neglect of official dutly, After a short discussion between Hail and the District Attorney in regard to quashing of old indictments and furnishi i1g bai ou new ones, the Districe Autorney fixed his surety at $50,000. _ _ * MIDNIGHT DEsPATOCHE Portland, Me., Oct. 23. â€"On Septemer The c se of Phos. C. Fields was called up â€" English and New York Markets, &e., &e. QABâ€"_E NXEW s [By Monueal Line ] GREAT BRIIAIN to 921 ; new 3‘s to day in the Court of Oyer and Termines. The accused was not forthcoming, and his counsel declared himself unable to proâ€" duce him. Judfe Brady ordered that the sureties should be forfeited. Victor‘s grocery, Bergenâ€" street, and the oil works ot Denslow & Botush, on 3rd street, Brooklyn, were burned this morn« ing. _ Loss, $20,000. _ New York, Oct. 23 â€"â€"Patrick Clifford, convicted for masslaughter in the first degree for killing Mary Aun Galagher, was s nte.tanced to singâ€"sing for two years. Iudianapolis, Ind., Oct. 23.â€"A complete ofticinl return of the late election, show the foilowing majoities tor State officers : flendricks, Deâ€"mocratic, for Governor, 1,148; sexton Reâ€"«p, for Lieut. Governor, 330 ; Curry, Repubhcan, for Secretary of State, 184; Wildmin, iv p« lican, for Auditor, 215; Glo.s, kepuvlisan, for Treasurer, 783; Lenu«, stepublican, for Attorney General, 6,644 ; ilopkins, Demoâ€" cratic, for Ruperintendaot of Public Inâ€" tution, 957 ; Black, Republican, Reporter for Supreme Court, 427 ; Shell, Republiâ€" can, for Clerk of Supreme Court, 1,503 ; Congressmen at:â€"large, Coth, Repubiioan. 162; Williams, Republican, 533. The foliowing are the majorities tor Congressâ€" men :\lst district, Niblack, Democratic, 132; 2nd district, Wolfe, Democratic, 5 634; 3rd district, Hullman,‘ Democratic, 1 328 ; 4th district, Wilson, :Republican, 38V; 5:h district, Colburn, Republican, 193 ; 6th glistrict, Hunter, kepublican, 657; Tth "district, Carâ€"on, Kepublican, 197 ; sth district, Gyner, Republican, 2937 ; Oih district, Neft, Liberal, 24; 10th istrict, Siyler, Republioon, 2,185; l1th district, Packard, hepublican, 9% 5 Total number of votes cast for Governor was 377,7(0, being an increase in four years of over 36,000. > Chicago, Oct. 23 â€"A fire broke out last evening in a large barn on 29th street, be« longing to J. Young Scamman,and spread to a warehc use used f.r storing agricuituâ€" ral implements. Both were entirely desâ€" troyed with their conten‘s , twelve horses were burned to death. Lss, $15,000. No insurance. ; The. insurgents under Diag attacked the village of Cano one league from Manzinsile. The fighting was severe, but m reinforcement of Catalons arrived, and the insurgents were compelled to retire. Six rebels and three Spaniards ware killed. Another bo iy of Diaz‘s forces made an at~ tt::lsk upin Lasal, but is proved unsuccess~ An «nonymous burglar offers to come to N. w York city, and produce the murder= er of Nathin the banker, and prove the s«id murderer guilty, provided he is giveh icomunity for requisitions from other States aud paid $5,000 af.er the conviction of the murderer. Beriin, Oct. 23.â€"To the Hon. Hamilton Fish: The three experts to whom the American memori@l on the Canal De Hars and the British case were referred have made each for himself a very elaborate report on the question, supporting their opinions by reasons stated with technical precision f&nd exactness,. The Emperor has also, with the highest sense of official duty, given his personal attention to the subject, and after the most careful study and deliberation he has arrived at a conâ€" clusion satisfactory to our gense of justice. The reports ofâ€" the expem, with reason, have not been communicated to us. The decree of the Imperial arbitrator, which has been communicated, has the form, not so much of a decree in counsel as of a cabinet order. It doss not enter into any elaborate exposition of the decision, but without diverging in the least from the point presented for arbitration, decrees that the claim of the United States of America is most in accordance with the true interpretation of the treaty of June l5th, 18 16. :1 shall forward the official copy of thie decree by a special messenâ€" ger. It is reported that Governor Riva has returned to Spain. _ _ phas a o London, Oct. 23.â€"A written jnmn on the San Juan arbi‘â€"=ation has y been given by the jui..s to whom the case whs submitted. it only wants the signature of the Emperor, It decides in fayor of the United States,‘and of making Canal da Haro the boundary. The cause of the delay in communicating the Jn:lrf ment is thit an English diplomatic intri~ gue is on fout, the object, of which is to modify the Emperor‘s judgment as to cause the arbitration to become a failâ€" Washington, Oct. 23.â€"The Secretary of the Treasury has. issued the following instructions to the collectors at Rochester, Burlington, Cape Vincent, and Port Huron: You are directed, so long as the existing horse disease prevails in Canada, to aliow no horses to be brought into your port or distrist from that country, unless you are perfectly satisfied that they are free from contagious cliseases. The correspondence of the Havana journals indicate an excited state of af fairs at Porto Rico and a disturbance beâ€" tween the Liberals and Conservatives is thought probable. _ C s The following dispatch was to night received from Minister Bincroft :â€" j Havana, Oct. 23.â€"Late advices from the City of Mexico have been received. The Mexican Congress has created a Senâ€" ate. the Emperor acting on the judgment ren~ dered by the jarists, and is endeavoring to raise a false issue. ure. Mr. Udo Russell, the English Minisâ€" ter at berlin, therefore strives to prevent The articlefin t was impoome_tr by represents the view the Government urges at Berlin,maying that the Emperor may decile upon any one of three channels, and falsifies the words of the ireaty. The judgment is required onâ€"two speciâ€" fied points. Should Mr, Russell faml to get a declaration favou ing an intermediâ€" ate channel for the boundary, he is to laâ€" bor ‘for the negrtive yidgment, that 1s, that neither â€"De Haro nor Rosairo is the chinnel deseribed in the Treaty. Thus the Arbitration will fail like that submitted, previously to the King of the _ Netherlands, . who instead of giving a defnite decision reâ€" commended a compromise. . ‘I he efforts of Princess Victoria, the wife of the Crown Prince, have been enlisted â€" by those enâ€" ï¬.ged in the intrigue. M. Birebroder, a ew banker and an intimate associate of Bism «rck, is very useful in the matter with Russell, and| has just been appointed British Consul General at Berlin. Madrid, Oct. 2ird.â€"Meetings bave lately been heid in several Spanish proâ€" vinces, at which resolutions were aiopted demanding the abolitio3 of the conscripâ€" tion system. y New Yoik, Oot. 23rd.â€"War. M. Tweed delivered himself to Sheriff Brennan this morning <nd is now in his custody. Morning Despatches. Rye Flourâ€"Unchanged. fe Wheatâ€"Quiet and firmer. . Receipts 103,000 bushels. Salsea 51,000 at $1.50 to 1.58, No. 2 Spring afloat $1.62 to 1.64 ; No. 1 do $1.58 to 1.66;, Winter Red Western $1.58 to 1.75 Amber Western, $1.75 to 2.05 White do. Yesterday Afternaan s Despatches, NEW YORK MARKET3. New York, Oct. 23rnd.â€"Gold 13]. Cotton.â€"19}. : Flourâ€"Steady and in moderate demand. Receipts 12,000 buls. Siles 11,000 bbls. Corn.â€"Decidedly firmer. Receipts 24,â€" 000 bus. Sales 65,000 bus. at 64 to 644¢; on steamer; Woestern Mixed at 650 un sail do. f Rye. â€"Nominal at 82¢ for Western in store. | Barleyâ€"Quiet 1000 La-. and steady. Receipts ulet steady, ~Resei â€" oob bus. e-qu,.';:_ooo Pushols 21 35 is s\fri !for new #white; 47 to 48%c for old e ern,»mfx.d store and afloas at 44 to rorkâ€"Quiet. @1445 to 15 50 for new mC$* . .. * t THE SA N JUAN BOUNDARY, (Signed), CUBA. Baxororr. vo donis t snA i t t 3 MB 24A i 9c for kettle. Butterâ€"24 to 280. Cheeseâ€"11 to 14ic. Petroleumâ€"Crude at 14 :: refined LONXDUN MARKETs. London, Oct ©3â€"1.30 p.m.~Co 91 for money, 921 to 923 for account new fives, 884 ; Erie, 40}. . o LIVERPOOL MARKETS. Liverpool, Oct 23â€"11 a.m.â€"Cotton, quiet and steady ; Uplands, 9] to 9] ; Urâ€" leans, 10} to 10}. Breadstuffs, quiet. Cheese at 33s. THE ©"CORNWALL MANUFACTURING COMPANY‘sS" Bonds, ‘63, 9i; ‘67, 923 ; 10â€"40‘s, 8 new fives, 881 ; Erie, 401. The work of completion on St. James‘s Cathedral, Toronto, is being carried forâ€" ward with vigour. Work sheds have been erected, and a considerable quantity of stone is now in the cathedral yard. The transepts will be the first portion of the building touchei. The regular Semiâ€"Annual Show Room opening takes place at RussELL & WatTtsoN‘s, on Thursâ€" day, the 10th inst., when all that is new will be shown. Noveltics .. 2y be looked for. Are the best and most profitable to use being LUM3ERMEN! LUMBE: Shanty Blankets! Notice is hereby given, that in con eâ€" quence o| the men lately in the employ of J. H. Bruy, contractor for the Free Presbyterian Church, not having been paid, the members of the various Trades Unions in this city have resolved not to work on said church until all men who have been employed on sarid work have received their pay in tull, and they would ask that all gord Union men do as:ist them in maintaining their rights By Order, DNALD ROBERTSIN, Necy. otf Committee. Free Pics, Citizen and Corrier please The employees of the various W holesale Houses in this city, have much pleasme in informing customers and the putlic generâ€" ally, that tne following firms bave agreed to close their respective places of business at . T() THE M MINION copy ONE O‘CLOCK P. M , ON SATURPAYS, ‘The Normal School Committee is preâ€" pared to receive offers from parties having To dispose of suitable for will be required Offers in writing to be deposited with as little delay as possible in the office of A biock of not less than To commence work immediately at the new Presbyterian Church City Hali Square. Liberalâ€"wages given. _ _ _ the undersigned, City Hall. worvuas ssaoon VV ANTED. _ 10 Good Stone Masons, All weights constantly on hand. MAGEK & RUSSELL, 30054 Agents for Ottawa. HUMPHREYS HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS yE proyz», rox TBE MoSTt AMPL® al:dn' tandm.b'l'hqmthu&lfll- as to be “wmgn‘nï¬"mmï¬ To rommoniation um sik and will alwaye on der satisfaction. Nos. Cures. C. T. Bate & Co. Ahgoo & Russell. | Dufresne & McGarity. f Garland â€" Mutchmor & Co. Edward McGillivray, Ottawa, Oct 24, 1872 _ 3008 1 Of 35 targe vimis, containing 5 specifc ' a hma&%nmfly eubâ€" ject to, with of directians... .. ...... $10 gl.l..vhh,vflm(.l‘o‘dr:eogud 6 :mammm-nh,flm 1 Uttawa, Oct. 24 1872 Ottawa, Oct 24, 1872 Blocks of Land Uttawa, Oct 24, 1872. c.-u';‘l':t:c-u.wlï¬hacln-nl 10 Large lu:;vood Case Moo vl:'lst: containing all our Specifics, e mmmmm&%m 35 ~ _ PONXD‘S EXTRACT Cures Burns, Bruises, Lameness, Kore« mess, MWTMQ. Ts mantae. Rheumatism, Commencing 2nd NOVEMBER e borem _ .. . . ... Price, 6 or., 50 cotsâ€"; Quarts, $1.75+ Tm'l\-n Remedics, efC , and single vials of Ve ts ooo Pos o cpucgace o Address, *‘ n $ ï¬$'ï¬ Me Office and Depot, No. 562 Bnoa â€"sinnd be en >°°9"0 .x.-"" o ml&-u Sore ny-."fl.a-: ‘of the‘ Lunge, Nose, W or Piles; Corns, lnbe d Price, :‘.’ot;: 50 cts.; Pints, $1.50; C These Remedics, except POND‘S EX, Tm,uwmhavmldkha are sent by the ns Crono, hos of charge on recelptof the price. »EIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTUR *® NORMAL SCHOOL PURPOSES, OJ By order of the Committee. H. J. BORTHEWICK, OTrTVF AÂ¥ w A. NOTICE. ALL â€" WOOL. 20 Good Laborers, Four Acres 5?9'."‘" at ®} to 81c for steam ':"im_liw T)El 6 mee Boxes;" with one $ viai of Powder, very necessary in serious :gm'm-ufluw. : ~u-h¢-uannonz.....llho " C y,Spaeme, St. Vitus‘ Dance..1 00 *# ulcerated sore throat.. 5# $ Good Stone Cutters Honerpt ricp cosen Raw a d Depot, 0. 562 Broapwar, New Yonxz, For Sale by all Druggists. Nos. 13 and 28. M sCiHd A NT H. McCORMICK, Chairman, _ Building Committee. p.m.â€" ~â€"Consol OF THE PO Convener. 3008 a Druggist, 3008 3 303'!- next Cents BLANKETS, We are now offering the fo‘lowing goods :â€" A gener«l assortment of fine Grosrie Wines, Brandies, Gin, Rum, Irish and Scotch Whiskies at prices that dunnot b equalled ; Teas in particular. _ Our goods are our agents. try them all, will be guary teed. Also on hand, Pork. Flour, Cheese, Butter, Hiams and Eggs at the lowest ket prices. Highwine«. Oid Rye, Proof and Malt, the best. in Canada, on hand. T directimportum;:Winu. Brandies and Teas enables us to sell at the very lowe Our direct purchasers from the Dominion manufactures and the States also allows to sell at prices not to be rivaled. Fish, of all descriptions, now on hand and will â€" sold at lower prices than small lots can be laid down. Every attention will be ps to those favouring us with their patronage, and & reasonable accoramodation given us tomers. (~yâ€"Remember our motto : Speedy returns. P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHERS New Tenders addressed to the under: signed and endorsed "Tender for Canal Basin Ottawa," will be received until TAHURSDA Y, the 31st instant, for p«m improvements in the Rideau Canal in this city. Plans and Specifications way be seen at the Rideau Canal Office, Wellington Street. (*HNouse Furnishing Goods Wholesale and Retail Crocers, wINES LIQUORs AND PRovisions, KC. 36 RIDEAU STREET, AND DUKKE STREET, CHBAUDIER: GEMS OF STRAUSS!! This fine collection, now " all the rage," contains among its Gems, [which fill 250 large music pages,) German Hearts, Aquarellen, 1001 Nights, Manhatten, Morgenblatter, Artist Life, Love and Pleasure, Burgersinn, Blue Danube, Marriage Belis, Bonbons, Wine, Pizzicato, New Anpen, Tritech Tratech, and other Polkas, with a y number of first rate Quadrilles, Mazarkas, &oc. Price, in Boards, $250; Cloth, $3. Bent postâ€"paid for retail price. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Oct 23, 1872. Women and Song, and many other popular Waltzes. 4 still " waves," and is on the point of being introduced to a multitude of singing schools now to commence. ‘The suthors are L. U. Emerson, of Boston, and H. R. Palmer, of Chicago, neither of whom will be satisfied with less than twice the ordiâ€" nary circulation of Church Music Books. Do not fail to send $1.25, for which, for the present, specimen copies will be sent. Price $1.50. OLIVER DITSON & Co., Bostor. . P. Baskerville & Brothers es d A BAY HORKSE. aged, with white face and one white foot ; also, « Brown Horse, seven years old, svnnodin both le: Were iest from the Village of Hull, on 14th instant. The finder is requested to send them to ANY INFORMATION concerning Otta~ wa, possessed by residepnts of the city, or inhahbitints of the Uitawsa Va‘ley, will be thankfully received by C. ROGER, (CONTINUZD BRLLLIANT SUoukss op | Netural Leaf DITSON‘S & Co.‘s e fYTTAWA: PAST AND PRESENT, PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE Ottawa, Octt 22, 1872 JOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. The nreat new Church Music Book, THE STANDARD O:tawa, Uct 22, Oct 23. 1872 J. H. PATTERSON‘$ B L A NK ETs O3] 14 CHAS. H. DITSUN & Co., New York Last Season‘s Proclamation of the 1872 WM. GATUDEY, Eull CANADIAN ANXD IMPORTED Millinery, Mantles, â€" Costume®& and Costume Skirts, &c. 29 SPARKS STREET. Ottawa, Oct 8, 1872. 2094 THMBIAY, I0T8 MST, When the latest French and English NOV ELTIHEE®=. RUSSELL & WATSON‘S., ~IRST DISPLAY With a lar NEASON WILL TAKE PLACE ON J imus UPPIOR, WILL BE SHOW® iN sR a OF AT FPIRADE SALE OF TEAS k e l Exchange Court. * ON s14TUORDAY, %th OCT, ‘Wfllb‘M about will be n1' on Frday. . SHale at NINE o‘clock SS( Toconduct a Select Private School Cirls ; must be thoroughly competent, superior musical mu-z-hhâ€" mdiplo-m.lm.o $40 $500 per annum. Aprymthouonfl Grenville, vet 19, 1872 3007 70 LETâ€"PURNISBED OR UNFU e uon ouse, «l good gurden. Apply to H. MeL$4 Auctioneer, Sparks ~peet, |__ _ , Plain ard Ornamental Prisl From the smallest Carp to & es MRS. FORBES, Corner of Nelson and Rideau Ottaws, Uet 23, 1872, 3007 yy Aanreo a rexaLs TEACHER 5,000 Packages cuglcxoum & BLAC MESSRS. DAVID TORRASCE & At the of offices of NIRSTâ€"RATE MANGLE FUR SaALE U <mun KuTanS Catalogues will be prepared and Sam| (Oitawa, Oct 19, Particular attention paid to MAaMMOTH POsSTZEER THE ONLY FRENCH PAPER IN Translations made with accwR L. A. GKISUN, â€" Agent Jentral Canadg PUBLISHED IN HULL, P. Q tioneer, ks ~ueel Mm 21, 1siZ rtm AILY AND WEEKLYâ€" Orpioe â€"W sruxoros Srazetr, OTT Apply to Young Hyson, nt « Japan Pekoe, By Calalogue, CONSI=TING CF Pricesg, , 1872 Gunpowder JOHN LEEMING parks Stre Rouchong Auctionéer. 3495 3 3004 1 1# l e our new ® Macties, 08. T uesday AN, oK ixxo‘ 'Qfl Rar®. _ at the corner of \noon kpd obsery‘ _ ominl popul L-l-“' a sign Umox Assin®L gisl Assembly of might next. 2Â¥ “w B.0* Ph"h'uw hope to see a good at with being * Porios CoOURT.â€" Hors® 'W'â€"â€"A‘l eing put down at th Nee MHT, 3 .-'.""’ I |ilnl-".‘ vxora Dwrioc and gentieman were last sauntering «l ilf Street, and apparel ing conversation, 1 rain which was . Evd persopns. Th must be few and «ux Sraiwse.â€"The Tr of Mr. Bra Church, have of the payment of end to wait upon Mr. A lay their case before } porse BusiiCAl pe "CompleiPt Bm Ey of ie ly of the Four little | kying ball roperly let ¢ JnconpoRatioX.â€" ) € mm of Porresters, 4 f Rowns Kiizp.â€"On 1 four valusble horses. t how to proceed n of the ancien Desmcr Aocc.pexr unense piace of scharge of nitro id of the wall i M C i Dominion. hl Ccu;. *, and Edward . ed on Saturdays lock in the afterr on s week « establishmne» ul.esl . ='ï¬h crossin £ Jndrems, to i1 h is being placed over on whith the intende yocal_"f" ation by the weig t mey be sail to h to the plice from es Kews.â€"Police: appointed Mr. «N ttive of the Ottar ant Brown bas been botor ; Sergeant M betor, snd Policen lidge have been nrot sl having been ng of the axletree railway track at ti y use came to grie! yes Westher } pmsas® Carletor for the â€" Parlic , the derrick was than the Parliamentary outright : the . . $t is suppo @k through t t‘MdM BM b h‘bw 808 Store .. 10 the t Rer x Bexarpown.â€"( by Mr. Good win ®, Bate & drunk ag ly ‘ the Uni in the Music the be W made his wh 1t w reach 8D0 preseno and uove| h be heard (Ga stree mme pm â€"A gent a street ing the DQ Ni t anviw new «ty th BA Y este usual] on i Mo‘ Sn@Fr re edon rock the fr part etu ht y #8 , en no € b hie da t H