38 BAXE terest allowe} URXE sad Saturdays office. Also Postage 1@ SGROVE, TALLL Barristers and s in Chancery, Notar aDVERTI8ING Â¥4., 1O T P a m :0& m to 4 pmy aky L. oonmmeigrrn P ty v Kast «nd of Sappar‘® ipom $ a. t« 40 4 p. t IFQ““.‘-"‘: ,~‘ul‘l‘ a at als residence, MA & K M 3Ri‘ .4 evsuy Yaintin ssert and i NY3 and B4 OLIVEA losed at 1 :. 3) 1 Kast ..m.. afte THURSDAY, the 12th & the Steamer * Jassie Cn_.h"_w_i_!! G. P. BAKZR, e a% T roms of E *. per Al.-“ â€"Br mb y be vondon Dtorme. udseat DuPal , 1day w# & dhih .. > ails and weey ame *a, &1 the rate of P § D*. is Bum PORWARDING & RAILWAY COMPANY. June Tie Steamer "Prince Arthur‘ leaves da Fort daily (»undays excepted) ‘clock a. m., connecting with Steamer Cassels" for Al‘w. Steamer "John Egan" leaves Pemâ€" dily (Sundays excepted) at 1 p m., for Des Joachim, revurning t 6 o‘clock, a. m., connectin s Seamer * Jason "Gould‘" which leave : n Landing at 12 o‘clock p. m. arriving at Portage du For. , i 4 Steamer "Sir John Young"* leaves on Tuesdays and ‘Fridays for Village ani intermediate ports _o‘clock, a. m., returning leaves Vilhqo“lo%luoc, p. w , same ROYAL MAIL LINE E-dan made with the Brockville ( Kuilway on the up and down Dowawards â€" k Communication between Monâ€" yoal, Father Point, Gaspe, qmaq Dilhousie, Chatâ€" mn-ul‘, Shediac, Charlotteâ€" town, ï¬snd 8t. John‘s, NA4., ud by Bailway comnections with . John, Steamer "Georgia" to leare Pictou in 240 oo TUBESV 1 Â¥, J U LY 2nd. and »vmpats1 at 2 O‘clock, p. m. ie Aitmi t o 4 Mnravervath" w season mml. b.e:- at Shediac su the down trips, as business ae - to W. H. Howland, es qu Rors & CROMBIE, rtl,nu.u HYB)N, GUC +*OWJER UZERIA , and CWAN<AaY Té€as, BRANDLEY, GINS, %UMS.~aad th Branis of PVRT 3 1ESRRY, &c. Aug 3. 13 ...d.itl.hs whder contract with En ment of the Domirto®n of Canada and ©@ W HOLES &A LE Tsa Wins and Spirit Mearchants, â€" hpte gouaral +1 Urders imnwy bo ‘tyr Deur Rivierss and. interme~ "*DOMUXINLION (BUTILOING3," MA AIL & Cl WRakawsn 2 L C .‘_M of tb puvlic is respectâ€" m‘: l'"w“a‘l.:lm or Bxcursion Agent prech m _ 23R W. 3 U EPHEH D. vyOL VI NO 8009 VWame, July 26, 1B7Z 2032 3m Froa Loation Eaglinai, Piino Forte ker an 1 Heparer, oo4+ loiwve t> iafocur Sitizeus of Otoifs and viciaity, tait bw cou usuce the ab»ws buâ€"uadss, “mmn sa d ) all kia ts of _ rop urs lke most rewsousibl> tor as, aad Baving lnvite t Hed lor tha. tant the Un -.m. however, having again to the attention of the public to the Numï¬rw practice of -‘( English kets and selling > §# Canaai.n.. These Blankets are ‘.hll! o«»ony and Cotton Waste, -ï¬l percentaze of pure Wool, and slightly in appearance, closely litnting the Corpw.il Biankets, and = U Manufacture " have e Warmth or wear, but can be sold Miower price than the cornwall Bilanâ€" k m: of pure Wool) can : Dubics .'.. t DsE t hk .. s 4d w‘w w at 7:30 comnecting with Suona: of the * Music ~tore 8B CorxWaLL HaNUFAC CU iING l. Company hvy‘bum in intimat ng tampietro m\o:um of ‘their works M.M are now in full opera ’:â€"-; large quantities of W hite " 9907 Hlankets, and Heary Medium Capt. &. 8, Nicwo, urstmie dor oilives oo Mondore ind flzw@mu«-mm A LEX A N DR A zoi Built Paddle "Secret" or es erarcn her Poi o it chobien it the Wwa CITVY TO MONVTR AL lraw a ll‘l‘n NAVIGATIO®N COMPANY. »Tant mship Company MeQLILL â€"ST Bept. 9, 13 R®oved to thâ€"ir New Premises, UVED 9/ E. i$"" CHANGE OF, TIME. Six and a Half )ctave Pianos made Aug. 21, 137 Daily (Sundays excepted.) Â¥e, focl public are cautioned against this Med decâ€"pti and . respectfully @d that the of the Comnmwarc aoturame T is prnted on the ot every Blanket mwlo by thom. FATUR YCâ€" of Newfoundland, are intended to 8 Mc jliut sCKEE 6 the atteniipn ot Baye: carefally selected a«s AND GULF PORTS CaAVTION. N. B., and Halifix, N. 8 y bo lefe at Mosars. Urme ‘tore, Sjir«s Streot, Or at Ilduumtms. next door , Sept. 11, 1874 _ NW1IL 2 1ible tor as, aod daving t L: vears voth in Eag d Stites. at all branches \l’lï¬â€˜ lo is has b4sk R, 8. CASSELS, | President. 't'i-' 8T,. MONCRE | 3033 A NT Agents, Ottawa. Buyers to th tod assoitment Maosers. Urme & Sueet, or at his it of bsing «ble 1872 11 Beg to announce that for the coming seaâ€" son m have in stock the justly celebraâ€" ted reliable MORNINC SsSTAR. H. Meadows & Co. COAL STOVES of six different sizes, suitsble for every description of Private and Public Building. Lawson‘s Patent Diamond Coal and Weod HOT â€" AM PVRNACE ! which we are pre urni h complete in Churches nndP.P':iv Daolhng:p Alt our work guaranteed ; ide a large asâ€" sortment of Cook Stovds, Parlor Grates, Parlor Cook stoves ble stoves, & 3. Boing at present loca! in the Britsh Hotel Buarracks, cornet ot Sussex an i George Streets, wo hbave lirgest Stove Suleroom in Canada. T Inspection of our stock invited. A opou'trx.t; mwde of heating churches and puvlic buildings. H. MEADOWS & Co., __ Corner of tieorge and Sussex Sts. Lord & Kelley, 100 Importers of China, Glass, Earthâ€" enware, Cutlery and Fancy WHOULESALE AND RETALMWL, 63 SUSSEX Street, and Lower Town Market, OTraAW aA. Original packages always on hand, and any quantity of goods to suit purchasers packed by a competent packer. . _ Crockery and Glassware for hire at very lo#w rates . Lamps, Chimnies, Wicks; Burners and | Iamp Fittings, Lamps repaired on l.bo‘ shortest notice. :‘M sent to any distance. | & the sole agents of Mr. JUHN MOUNGY, of Prescors, manufscturer tl)( Earthenware, we are ired to su T ate Wilk prep: PP‘J Milk Pans, Liquor Jars. Molasses Jugs, _ Butter Crocks, Preserve Jars, : Spittoons, l Drain l'}lpeo. Stove Pipe Tubes, Chimney Tops and every size in Flower Pots made from designs by the best gardâ€" eners in the Dominion, at prices thit will ensure ready sale. _ _ >, ‘ Ottawa, Sept 19, 1872 Have pleasure in announcing that they ‘will oper their new store,. 4 Sparks Street, early in MA\ with a ful and complete assortineat of N. FAViLLNER‘s, York Street Uarpeis All of the newest designs for this season purchased previous to the advance in Engiaad, and which for exent, bemuty of design and good vulue, will surâ€" pass omu“:dlu this city . 3 ourselves entireiy to HUS) RN NG we will this be enabled to give attention to the wants of our frieads, and to give their satisfastion to all who may favor as nr eutire. rders Ottawa. We i. 1872 1980 1 y., and a | Fall A««ortm=at of flo*-: Farnisl ENGIN&K§$ CONTRACTIURS & COkâ€" PORATIONS To TUELR NEW Patent Dredga Plant, By which Harbours, Docks, Canais, Burs, Rivers, o tipeg e pena c sou ‘al # M ‘.I‘nu has Ln :n-.b -"'vlid to the Hiver Clyde Trust, the wovernment Works at Carâ€" lingford, Ireland; the great North Sea ship Canal, mfl,. Kgyptian wovernment. the t::w““ ooo duniih Daoks, the Harpmare or thacch o.;s_.é i eentiecmarens w. smg‘.‘}s:*c‘ou.;‘ Jan® 14. lflgw‘m Im Jan> 14, 1572 That the Guzar Suoszorzss Kzwsoy axo Pruus, «mmmmw LEWIs JOSEPHUS, of the Great of inoskonees, British Columbia, is workins the most marvellous and astonishing Ourer the World has ever heard of. Never in th inuals of Canadian Medical History has suc‘ mocess attended the introduction of ¢‘ : u««icine heretofore, ___ LORO & KELLEY, â€" Manuafacturers Agents, 63 Sussex Street, Uitaws. Aug 27, 1872. 2059 ~OR SALE . Quassia, Smartwood, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, Compound Extract of Culocy:l, Jaiap, 80c0, wine Aloes, Capsicum, &¢ , which eater into the composition of the bined mediâ€" cine, are such and so h y classidâ€"d and compounded, that it is the most searching curative in the k world, and monot help but act on the in a very satisfactory and desirable . No matâ€" ter what your allment may be, or of how long standing, it wi‘l And the aod astonish you by the rapid manner in which yor .1. restored to petfect health and full vigoc. This Modicine is pleassat safe to take, and is warranted, and may wely be re= Hed upon tw make a cure of all diseasos of the Turoat, Langs, Liver, Kiineys Digestive Organs, &o. #&0., as 11 as Rcrofula 7 * n To iss _.4 .n im piy necabse tae gumerous valuable act);+ au«ticinal vegetable tugredients, (:we. «+ vaich we will mention, such as the Extracts »f Wild Chetry Bark, Potophylium, Juniper, ha. ahncttaling» xoi > oi mn the vartons Skin Diseases, Hu?«u‘ and all Hiseases arising from Impurity‘of the Blood, «xcepting the Third Stage of Consum ption Wurther infrmation, with full directions fo; using the Groxt Suoshonees Remedy & Pills, a0d containing Testimonials and Cert Acates of Jures, cau be obtained by securing the Treatise, the Hand Mfl.lh“'wld weulars from any respectable _ gyissin the &lJtuuhnllo-ll!"'v“““‘ gxiss OR ;-â€" ril 1o, 1674 Ottawa, Sept 7, 1872 “mo&-nr-mhvdn Surgeon, and Accouchour n and after ist ll:-n.m consuited at his cesidence. Lioyd Street, next io Capt Toang‘s, Chagdiare, Le Broton‘s Flats. _ Dominionâ€"free. Price of Remedy in large Pint _ lles. $1 00 Pritle per BOM. . «> »~««« ~>> 25 ‘rocslai a the .Glad Tidings sWIdaBi¢| A1J OJ American Coal Stove, Oriental _ ao _ do Dominion do . ao TTAWA CARP®ST HOUSS The subscribers beg tocall the actenti REDGLNG Ducks‘ Cotton Tents, _ Bags ani Blaakets Cartains and Cartain Vat oraiges aud Cornice Poles P. LEW1S 2063 tf Plal e ainindiniiie THD ATTRRSONE â€" 1872. Ex Ships Niowr, Tsut, Laoy Love®, Mazrt Ava, City or Quzseoc, Ciama KuLcax, Arp CaROLINA. The foliowing goods from the producers 12 * 8SCOICH _ MARMALADE, * fresh from the m iker, try it ALS . BLAJK TEAS, The finest ever oftered in this mar ket, takes "three wters," used by the novility in Britain. JAPAN3 ani GUNPOXDER3, 10 10 t 100 COFFEE3 Very fine. Fresh ground daily and rousted on the premises. PICKLE3, S:iuces and Fienc: Peas, "No 1," in variety. . Every house should have one. The above goods are the finest to be had in market, and a variety of others in stock, well worthy of trial, every satisfacti in usiog them. _ A call solicited. For sale at PARL3 COFFEE POT3, Th: followins Valuable F«arm. the proâ€" perty of JUHN McaMMUND, Esq., Jr., viz:â€"The south haif ot Lot * N" Conces sion "A, ‘ Kideau Front, Nepean, containâ€" ing over One Hundired Acres, of which 10C are cleared, and in good cultivation. A good Frame House (24 x 30,) lately erectâ€" «d, together with outbuildin For turther parti ulare lp]!;lo JOHN MoAMMUOND, Jr., 10 lhe west half of Lot 13, 4th Concession Ottaw« Front, with fifty cords of maple and brch wood, 25 cor.is of hemlock in Gloucester ; ailso, stock and implements. Terus reasonable. Apply to _ _ _ _ No. 26, Rideau Street. USIT RECEIVED, Notice is bereby given that the underâ€" mentioned articles, being Freight and Baggage, which have remained unclaimed on the premises of the Company for a period of upwards of six months, and the freight charges and warehouse rent on which rewmain unpaid. will be s 1d at the Company‘s Station, at the foot of Sussex Street, in the City of Uttawa by Public Auction, on MUONDAY, the 28th OCTOâ€" BEK next, at ten o‘cl>ck in the morning, WiZ :â€" 140 Tus 8T. LaWRENCE AND OTTAWA RALILWAY COMPANY, > NuNIcE uF SsaiLE OF UNCLAIMED guuDs. 1®63.â€"Nowember, George Hay, } Stove ; 1869.â€"June, Besserer & Cowan 8 Boxes Hardware 1 Bunile Forks; August, t)wner, 3 Cultivators ; 1870â€"January, Lieut. Perty, 1 Lot Household Effects : Uctober, J. Bourgette, 1 Lot: Iron Doors ; D. £. Buist, 1 Package Bent Stu@ ; 1871.â€" Juna, Uwner, 1 Boat; George bflofd, 1 Box Boo‘s ; William Mosgrove, 1 Wheel . 1869.â€"December, W. Allen, T hm Almanacs ; ctober, H. Iellrvn 1 ago Aim nws; December, W. McAghur, IRECT 1MPORTATIONS Bom‘d :â€" 1§69,.â€"Jan. K. B. J.. London, 1 Case Bor<; W, McCalioy, 1 Uaâ€"k G. Ware; Ucw . & . N. srowu, 1 Packsge Mould â€" in s; 1$.vâ€"Jam, R Eston, 1 pkg Mouldâ€" iogs; August J Skinuer, 2 Boxes Drugs ; no widress, l sma‘l HHand Valise, contents unknowa; and 1 Frunk, contents un. known ; »nd sundry empty packages. _ ‘The whole will be sold by MiK. H. Moâ€" LEAN, Aucuonâ€"er, without reserve, at the time «nd plws above stated. # » THS3. KEYNULDY Mwagzing Director. (Unia«a, 27rd Sept., 1872 2082 ?awtd The -i&.'l:;\lu FAUU:‘ll'Y of ll)lNTK. AL â€" parmcuiarly the t e lical Gentiomes : â€" Drs :lnflln'l'o:i Peltier, thuuro, David, Girdwood, MacDonell, Rot tort Brssseâ€"u_ Robillard, Leprobon, Besâ€" sey, McCallum, Thompson and Tn?.oq to whom «"{)#. BLRNBAUM‘S RHEUMAâ€" TISM a«? GOUT REMEDY" has beep surcitted for trial, have, with a rare disâ€" intarsstednaos cknowledged its invaluable uon&a‘nl «ivea certilicates to that effect, copiesef whick can be obtained on appliâ€" qation to the undersigned or any druggist in the "DR. BIKNBAUM‘sS RHEUMATISM ard GOUT REMEDY" is recommended for Rhoumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lamba E, wandsring and othor Pains, Stiftness otf imbe, Joinws or Joints, Jprains, Numbness m‘flshp.. be..nndï¬th most effecâ€" tive reliable comedy known for these dissases. â€" For sale by all druggists. 30 Victoria Squarsa, Montreal. Sole Age. ~ "wha Dow.son of Canada and the Uz ~=!W«***. " You cannot imagine with w .l.n-nlh-i fucuard w uy nuubke af the "ï¬ï¬ 10 " every Eo t P m 2 2E d S weck. itteils me just as much news of whit i & care , and its ures Ire totraly looked at with 1 en b’.‘.“m.a b:x::t“ Pflvw lnu:‘tâ€"lh * Gravphic " Ts “M:â€" is. Boasil, of Good. ooo teah Siori morito, Moots Video Ottawa. Jaly 13, 1872 _ April 3, In _ â€" o ENGLISH FAMILIES RESLDENT ABROAD. FALUABLS FARM FUR SALE, liseases . ru‘-&l:n;lm RHT"_Zâ€""â€":{ St. _ Indies. .&..'.rjll in paper EMEoh Oe WR CR T To Ceylon. China, Const «ntinople, why Bois® CtiPh momeartmets sls tate papor: ï¬uuu DuN. _ July 18 IplSoaCiin Ne Oct 1. 187 nhds. BRANDY, finest Pale and Dark, genuine, pein, Sept 21, 1974 FARY FOR SALE. cases SPARKLING MOSRLL‘S « pints and quarts," buits. SHER:iY WINE, V.P,, Or de do CLARET, various brands, a few cases of the celebrated vintaga of 1864, $22 a case. Four Miles from. Ottawa Always on hand. GIN, J ha de Kuyper & son double berried, § HAs 32Um .N POKT WINE, for funily use, * well known,." various prices, extra value, GUINNESSES POREER, pte and qts., per order. PHO3. PATTERIVN‘S, Rideau Street. Very fin=, give them a trial Rideau Sunoua Ortawa. JaMEs DUGGAN, (Uwner, on the premises. the following articles in D. MoLAREN, On the Premises. 1872, M 2083 2md&w OTAWA FRIDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1272. Grist, Carding and Milling With three lots of land higLUly improved § siTUATED I® RIGAUD, COUNTY OF VaAUDRIEUL DRIVEN BV WATER, RUXS 10 WIOLE THAL All in prime order, mostly new, baist eight years ago. RH@rCcoNDITIUNs EASY. @a VICEORL CilbMIC \t C0, ole propriâ€"tors and manutacturers of the cercbrated â€" Victoria Carbolic Prepa:ations,. Labority and Works, Victoria Hall, Malinda btc=«t, Toronto, Out. The following genuine preparations are sold by all druggists. Be sure and ask tor he Victoria Preparations, and see that you get the m, VICTORIA This J«ily is highly recommended to ladies as a inost agreeable preparation for the toilet. For beautifying the complexion and rendet~ ing the skin soft, white, clear, and free from d.yness, it is urrivalled. It will quickly remove all reduess, roughness, hn'l:x:ckln, pimples and other im perfections. chap« ped hands, chillblains, frost bites and sore lips, it caunot be surpassed . Brice 25 cents. Carbolated _ Glycering â€" Jelly. Ihis toilet soap possesses all the well known antiseptic and disinfecting properties of carbolic acid, is agreeably scented, has a healthy action on the skin, prevents frritaâ€" tion, removes the effects of perspiration, and should be regularly used by families. Choâ€" lera, smallpox and fever patients should be washed with this soap ; and its use by:persons liable to infection will materially prevent the spread of disease. Price 15 cents per tablet. Carbolic Toilet Soap. ‘This Sailve is a rapid cure for all skin dis. eases, cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, sores, ulcers, ringworm, tetter, eczema, scald head, scurvy, abscesses, boils, pimples, &c. It possesses all the cleansing and healing virtues of carbolic acid, which has been found by physicians everywhere to possess eurative qualities not discovered in any other chemk wal preparation. Price 25 cents, UOttawa, July 15. 1872 Apply to the proprietor, Victoria Carbolic Gargary Sma, This Gargle is the most reliable and effics. cious remedy in all cases of sore throat, hoarseness, diptheria, bronchitis, irritation of the bronchial tubes so common in this changeable climate. MW offensive breath, ulcerated gums and diseases ot the mouth, â€" For public speakers and singers it is invaluable. The ingredlents entering into this gargle are used by all physicians, and for the cure of the above disorders are now, undoubtedly, the most popular in the matcria medica. Price 25 cents, This ?.:lnluch-t is ': sure preventative .I: typhus ty phoid cholera, smal pox and ali lnbcflo-"'am It will prevent contagion in cattle. It Is also invaluable for disinfecting water closets, druing, cesspools, stables, siaughter houses, &c., and for destroying nauseous efuvia from M oay mgeens "u«f‘m away mosquitoes, muths, &c. Meat, nsh, &0., can .co"mnd from putrification by its use. acid was selected by Her Majesty‘s Royal Commisa sioners, in preference to all other pndlez as the best disinfectant for the prevention infectious discases. Price 25 cents, Carbolic Disinfectant ‘This preparation is unequalled in its rapis dity for sharpening and polishing cutlery, Table and pocket knives, rasors, ‘Iï¬ instruments, shoemakers‘ knives, plane and chisels, &c. Nothing has ever been discovered which has sprung into gopn-rlty more quickly or become of so much value in every Loquhold and werkshop for general usefulness. Price 25 cents. VICTORIA CARBOLIG Victoria Sharpening and Polishâ€" ing Paste. Astronomy and Geology, compared by Lord Ormathwaite. Soottish Theology and Theologisns, by James Walker, D. D. Bâ€"oadus on Preparation and Delivery of Fermons. Brooks‘ 500 Plans of Sermouns. Business Success, by John Macdonald. Florence Marryats‘ Novels, English edition. Little Folks, volume IIL, Hope Detcrred, by Eliza E. Pollard. Maid of Aker, by R. D. Blackmore. ILLS FOR SALE OR TO LET. Ginger Ale, Potash Water, Vichy Water, Seltzer Water, Congress Water, Carratraca W:cr. ol Salt, ish Citrate, gnesia, Selizer &m, made Seidlits and Soda Powâ€" ders. & A. CHRISTIE & CO., Drnf‘xm Sparks Street Uttawa, July 13. 1%72 2020 r‘x‘.’ Sr. JULIEN, Advocate, Barrister, &c., &¢., For the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, Ufficeâ€" MAIN STREET, BULL N. B. â€"Special attention paid_to Gollec: o hP in n Snimcs d ie indnCountyof&rldfl,OMM Mw:%ï¬d?&mwu Nay* Ma. 81. Jourx Special for the Courrier d‘ Outaouais, in th‘g vince of Quebes. Oct 19, 1872. % 3004 LA BANQUE NATIONALE, é‘{iï¬' aaned io uie Sureue, in ts Uninile Bank 1 s ricd the but col iniorant on duvicys Sepeagh Wiuï¬lr & CLEMOW, Barristers, Atâ€" rorneysâ€"at Law, Solicitors in Chanâ€" cery, Conveyancers, Aotaries Public, &. &o., for the Provinces of Untamo and Office over Durie‘s Book Store, Spark Streot, Ottawa. ® ‘ountaim," Soda Water, cold as Ise, combined with ire Yyrups, drawn from the * Arctic IMRSON & 04 uDA WATER, MINERAL WATERS, Ottews, June 36 1873 EW BOOKS SA LV E. VICIORiLA ALBO FIR SALB : VICTORILA D. MeDUNEKLL Box 356. O: tawa City. No. 39, Sparks St. STOVES, STOVES, Also, Stove Pipe Elbows, T Pipes, Dumb Stoves, Gallows Pipes, and an endless quantity of Tinware, Lamps, Chimneys, Coal Oil, Oil Cans, any size, always on hand. CHFAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, EFor Cash.. Will execute all orders which we may be favoured with for putting up Stove Pipes, Furnaces, &¢., &o., &o. tee to it in time. We have on hand the ELBOW all in ono'pioee: Call and see it. oeleiraud lerK C. P. DORION. 1i C â€"AmwTk. . Large Importations O‘MEARA & 00 most to inf thol apatonet hed wereblinprentiy) shno bnt hnu'ndr.-.a. for u\:rocï¬on one of the m"t‘-u Tuls to. . frories porskrent ns vance on Woolen 000‘-.‘“-‘1' ::cd “5.'.’:"&'“1:“2 soll a the old prices. All woolen _.--xgmm up to order o tep thwiae pourinramaites it 4 on the shortest posstble noti« 'e'EnE' Our Department is mo th i use harieg Hovuree the merviged 5o. t loblâ€"slank CUutter. Gentlemen may rely on getiing a good fit. c.n‘.;a leave y:nr fl-::l'lll:.l{. ::s‘:-h‘: lo.i;?ld wil onnineien mn i in nein 1P 10 ts onl L Shootn‘\ï¬ Coats do â€" Pants all Wool Smsed and Plain do o V ests do do Plain do do 2 50 V ests do â€" do 1 50 " To Ee mentieg, a . We pere sire on Bend a Sunplete wook of Cotâ€" Men‘s Plain and C Golgured Merico Under Shirts and (uou::.". colen and Sill§) Men‘s Silk Mflk do-'h C the prices and quality the Eid maice ioi es mfang. fesenel a ate ies 'ï¬h th order at any time. m will uk':n“:it.hon _. Professorsâ€"French, Monsieur Ami ; German, (Rev.) M. Kaapke ; Drawing, Mr. Forster. Q:.‘: to be made to t;o Lady Prinâ€" on premises, or to the Fecretary or or any of the Committee of Church of England Ladies School, Re 4th SEPTEMBER, 1872. Lady mplâ€"lm EouueE, Asssstant Teachersâ€"Miss Hart Davies, Miss Sinclair, Miss Forster, Miss Humphrys. Lewis; G. &. Wicksteed ; W. R. Wrigh A.C. k.lly + f ia Ottawas, Aug 17, 1872 _ 2051 3m claims before me within one month J. A. ARCHAMBAULT, BAULT, of the Town of Sherbrooke, Official Assiznes, have been appointed A MORTLIMER, * * Bookbinder, Paperâ€"ruler and Account Book Munufacturer, at the Sign e(thGnup:&us,BM'slo;hk, call the uh-shmmmz and the public geuerally, to his extensive In the matter of JOHN ROLLY, of Sherâ€" brooke, an Insolvent. 1, the undersigned, J. A. ARCHUAMâ€" c 9 O‘MEARA & CO. m% 14 1872. 1995â€"3m NSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. Ottawa, September 11, 1872 200 Woe..ington Stroot, TLA W A. Creditors are requested to file their Bherbrooke, l1ith Sept., 1872 _ 2073tf McDONALD AND MONGENAIS. A Number of Pc ctical Tinsmiths Uttawa, Aug. 30, 1872. CA TA W BA ! ens, Ehg."""boï¬â€˜ , Btriped Cotton all Wool Shirting, lm.ll ..ad Fancy ._ We have ‘a complete stock of i uo mmike Wiiie unitis ul stean fanoy EQUAL TO BRANDY. td Sorine Beokn Susth ind Paoey bry Fa e h:'. Firily ud ‘ants and Vests $1.25. $3 Coloured 8 50 This splendid Hair Dye is the BESTC IN THE WORLD. The only True and Perâ€" fect Dye. l?iruml;ul, Reliable -nr;ld Instanâ€" taneous; no intment ; no ridiculous tints or'nnplunn‘:?m odor, homedm the ill effects of bad dyes and washes Proâ€" duces tmweniareLy a superb Black or Natuâ€" ral Brown, and leaves the hair GLeax, Sort and BzavriruL. The genuine signed W. A. BATCHELOR‘S. Scld by all druggiste. Factory, 16 Bond Street, New York. Ottawa, Janu«ry 25, 1872, 1879141 | erecting in the, said City, by borrowing such sum of monsy as miy be necessary for that pur; cse. ! Ottewas, Ociober 8th, 1872. _ w46 6 BAICHEDOR'S HAIR DYE. WHITE WIRE kUPE CLOTHES LINES. Sells readily at every house. Samples free. First come. first served. â€" Addreâ€"s HUDSONR RIVER WIRE CO., 1002950 8t, Lawreuce & sicawa Rhalilwa CARTAGE AGENCY. The undersigned to inform the blic that his omoob‘h'a'o this day. been Cnmuan on n on ot e anlne n 0 , on Street, where orders for the collection and delivery of Goods will meet with prmz: and careful attention. _ Payment Fn:ct and Carsage will now be receiveo at Company‘s Uffice, on Wellington $°+ : J, TAYLOR, A. J. Cartage Agen\ Ottawa, 5th Feb., 1872. * P.3. ENTEKANTEBY SID& DOUR rom the citizens and public hr\lithuund us . to umt our stock. is Spring‘s 1mporâ€" tation has bought with much m and in the best markets. Particular attention been giver to goods suitable for city business andfamily trade hmda-iuflcbrdvbuin- flfw trade A heavy stock of Tea, also Coffee of the qul!g ndn-ndulu the premises. A large Liquors of the brands and quality always on hand . Alnhtdmlwoï¬yrnhmnfl on draft, the best in the Dominion. All the above prices to defy: comp»tition. McDNRLL & MOYU@EnAIS NOTICEiohmbypmMOPplm will be made to the Legislature of Onâ€" mni,u ensuing session, for an Act to the Incumbent and Churchwardens of Christ Church, in the City of Uttawa, to complete the new building they are now ‘The out of over One Thousand Acres patented ne timber lands lying ‘ en bloc" on the Opeongo id n make eate es which a quantity of logs boom timber may be obtained, and the cut fcr;:.dlhmalnnuulll’rfldu. iniranaffac Prad hm saedne feat %v.du\'«aum. Alarées Hopebeld‘ Post of rea uflu‘uum"m’ Authorized discount on American . voices, until further notice, 11 gm& R. $ M BOUCHETTE, 16 Klnf Street West, Toronto, Ont. (Ustober 3, 1872. 2090d&wim UNIONS, LASTINGS AND SERGES. WM. & HENkY FOSThL, Through the very 1 Ottaws, May 11. 1872. aAwW LOG CUT FOR SALE USTOMS DEPARTMENL. hina‘ W aprchouse No. 66, Sussex Street. OW i8 THE TIME TO CALL DENHOLM, ENCLAND. W&/\HF Uttawa, Oct. l1th, 1872 At ~? @, _"‘-'A’ E & l: i\ J\ /1 .: ". *3 PER MONTH gusranteed sure to Agents every where sell.ng our new seven straod 2071 2081 receive The proprietors of Johnson‘s Anodyne Liniment, Parson‘s Purgative Pills, ‘ard Sheridan‘s Cavairy Condition Powders, have published a readable and instructive pamd phiet, which may be had free at the stores. SUKRE THROAT, CUuUGH, CULD, and similar troubles, if saffered to progress tesult in serious Pulmonary, Bronchial, and Asthmatic affections, oftentimas incurable. BROWN‘S BRONCHIAL TROCHES are compounded so as to reach directly th seat of th« diromas and «ivo almost instan relief. The Troches are ofered with the fullest cuufidence in their efficacy ; they bave been thoroughly tested and maintain the goo¢ reputation they have justly mcquire® _ Fo: Public Speakers, Singers, Military Officers, «ud those who overtar the voice . they arc uscful in relteving &n Jrritated Throat, aud will render articulation easy. Being an article of true merit, and having proved their e€icacy by a test ot many yc:ao:'cn year finds thom in new locslities in parts of the world. and the Troches are universally pronouaced better than other articles Obtain only «Brown‘s Bronchial Troches, and dolra take any of the Worthless Imiisiions y bes offered «Troogss," so called, soid by the ounce, are & poor imitation and nothing like B&O W N‘S BRONCBIAL TROCHES which are sold only in boxes with facâ€"simile of the proprieturs, JOHN L BROWN & SON, _ &n outside wrapper of bor, and private Govs ernment stimp attached to each box. This cam in putting mp the Troches is is portant as a security to the purchaser in ord to be sure of obtaining the genuine Br. w n Bronchial Froches. Two Questio®s Easicr Asxsweuen. â€"Why. should men wear beards? Because they are a great protection to the throat and luogs, and add much to their personal appearance. Why shoutd we use " Byron‘s Puilmonic Wafers?"‘ Because when used for coughs, colds, tickling in the throat, hoarseness, &0., they act like a charm. Ministers and lLawyers use them, physiâ€" cians recommend them, and singers and public speakers say they are the very best medicine in existence for the cure of such complaints. Sold by all medicine dealers at 25 cents per box. Rout axp Wroxe.â€"It is wrong to jest with your wife n{pon a subject in which there is danger of wounding her feelings, and it is wrong to speak of great virtues in another man‘s wife, to remind your own of fault; but it is not: wrong after trying the "Canadiin Pain Destroyer‘". and feelâ€" ing its wonderful effects, to recommend it to your :::thou for the cure of rheumaâ€" tism, peuralgia, cramps, cholic, &c., it has no equal. For sale by Druggists and country dealers. Price 25 cts. per bottle. Garar Coxprrio® Mrotorsa.â€"As a «ondit! medicine for horses "Darley‘s Condition Pow ders and Arabian Hoave Remedy®" has uo equa‘ Its effects in this respect are astonishing ; many horses that were supposed to be broken down and almost worthless have, by the use of a fet packages, been restored to & hul'.ll{ an | sound condition, all traces of the diseas« having ween oo-g:w removed, and have been sold for from $50 to $75 more than they would pre m.h‘nwz; when you want s horse Jfl "Dariey‘s Condition Powders and Arubian Heave Remedy." We know you will be perfectly satisaed with the result. Rememben o i vevelh paskege.. Rirtbrep & Igue.! . is on n.s.‘ Newocnstle, Olt..m&du Canade. â€" Hrld by all medicine THIBTY YÂ¥RARR EXPERIENCE OF an OLD NUBSE. scription of ons of the best Female Phy.icians and Nurses in the United States, and has beer. used for thirty ysars with never failing safeiy and success by millions ot mothers and children, frem the tosble infant of one wiek !¢to the mdult, 1t corrects acidity «f the mach, ralieves wind colic, regulates t x wels, and pives renhhâ€"llh and comfort t« other and child. e belicve it the Lert and surest remedy in the world, in all cass of Dvsentery and Diarrhm« in childres whother it arises trom teething, or from anj other cause. Full cirections for using wili acoompany each bottle. None genuine unics the facâ€"simile of CORTIS & PERKINS is «n the outside wrapper, Bold by all medici¢ denlers, 25 cents a bottle, Ofice, 215 Fulto : Street, New York, aad 93 Orford Street, Lor don _ Ba sure and call for MHB WINSLOW‘3$ sOOTILNT sYKRUP Having the fac stmile f ~Cartis & Pork in on the outside #â€"ipp=t _ All otaors ars s Have you a sevete wrehch or spraia? A,~ ou theumatism in soy form ~ Have you stv meck, or bunches caused by rheamatic painsi If so, Jonnson‘s Anodyne Liniment is a speci fic remedy «nd is also the bast pain killor in the world COCOâ€"GLYCERINE â€" Someâ€" thing new fer the hair. No toilet table should be with out COCOâ€"GLYCERNE, 22 «at the hair Farmers‘ mess,$13 to $15 do Prime mess, $13.00. l-: smoked, $15 00 to $16.00 per]t30 Do green, $10 do Bacon do _ $9 to 12 do Bacon dry saited, $8 00 9 00 _ is Frorsâ€"Retail prices. Double extra, $6 7? to 7.00 par vaâ€"rel , Extra, $7.00 to $7.25 _ do No. 1, $6.15 to 1.00 a0 Oatmeal, $5.25 40 :â€" * Cornmeal, $3.25 to 3.50 do â€" Cracked wheat, $1.00 to 7 50 Wheat meal, $7.00 do Provender, $1.50 per 100 lbs. Bran, 70 cte. Gram. Buckwheat, 55 to 60cts per bushe Oats, 45: to 5J0 do Poas, 6ve to 65¢ do Beans $1 50 to #1.75 Barley 60cts to 65¢. Corn, none. Fall wheat, $1.30 to $1.40 do _ Bpring wheat, $1.20 to 1.30 do mas. Wimsucw‘s B >orgime Svaur is the preâ€" Dry God fish. $5 50 per ewt. Herring. $5.00 to $5.25 per bbl. Calf skins, 12 ote per is.* -::-uu;':-&. Haddock, 7c per ib moo to 7 00 per 100 bs | 8o to 1Us per ib. Fowls, 69 to 15 per couple I\Irbya $1.50 to 1.60 each. Geese, 65¢ to 75¢ each. Rome spun yarn, $)¢ per ib. Home made woollien socks, 45¢ per pall Wool 50 cts. to 6Uc per 1b. Hay $22 per ton. BRye straw, $6 00 to 6 50 Oat straw, $Â¥ to $10 UO do. »8 Dress d [logs, $6.50. Mess Pork, $16. _ _ COC(HGHI.YÂ¥CRRINE nourishk COCO GIT.YCUKRINE removs SPEIAL NOTICES iPRICEâ€"3 CEYN 3 [Pall Mall Gazette, Oct. 4) The local papers of th« conquered pro* vinces give a very diferent r=presentation of the aspect of the c»untry from the Times correspond ui. Wriuag as the lat» ter does, from S shburg, he has never, perhaps, been brow. :: into direct contact with the stream > -.m‘mnh‘-d has posâ€" sibly had n> â€" .»»â€"inity of judging for himself. It1â€" +| ...ural to suppose that many sad s ~u 1ve been witnessed of late in Alsace ..crame. and the infar. himself. 11. .«| ...ural to suppose that many sad s 1ve been witnessed of late in Alsace ... calne, and the inferâ€" ence is fully borue vut by the descriptions of of the local press. Eclaireur of the 2nd inst, published in Luneville, says the roads, especially from Mets to Nanoy, these last few days have been such as to recall the great popular emigrations of olden times. ©Conveyances of all sorts loaded with furni and inl-'-iw with pedestrians fougwod each other with« out interraption. ‘ greater portion, pressei by the fatal date, and lacking the means of tra rt, have only taken part of their beloms with them, while not a few have been‘only able to bear away as much as the wheelbarrow could contain which they trundled be\:: them. A still larger number hare left their bearths and homes with some clothes hung on the end of a stick, the wife carryi the {M‘d of the children, and tbeurle“nm ging beâ€" hind. Iln Met:, it is said there are only seventeen recruits remaining, all unfit for service ;â€" and at Obernai, in Alsace, a town of 6,U0U inhabitants, there are only three, of whom one alone is qualified for ser« vice." A letter from ‘hulnomo of the 29th ult. in the Courrier du Basâ€"Rhin gays : «‘‘The word of option went on till a late hour last night, and toâ€"morrow therewill prov«bly be still more seeking to make up for iost time at the last hour." The toxn of Metz if the statistics published are at all trustworthy, must be absolutely depopulated. No fewer than 18,000 are l alleged to have left during the last fort» night, reducing the population of the town to 19,00©, exclusive of the 25,000 German troops who keep watch and ward over them. Even in Havre, which does not seem a very likely place to have any large number of Alsatiaos and Lorrainers, the number who hure chosen the French nationality resches 1,400. These facts are evidently making an impression upon the Germans by re* vealing to them the difticulties of the task they have undertaken. The North Gerâ€" man Gazcite, putting the best face on the matiter, says : * The condition of Kleassâ€" Lothringen now will be the {foundation of its further development, the seed of its future prosperity.‘"‘ But when it adds that "Germsny sees without regret those long trains of exiles who in the last days have turned their backs on the Empire and set their faces towards France, wcht' their interest and sympathies lead them,‘ the assertion is belied by its own words. It consoles itself with a gli imto the far off future, when the ‘rm of those who to day still perhaps % with sorrow the change in their life will some time gratefully bless the | day of the Versaillies preliniinaries, and | this very let of Uctober on which they | have veen delivered from foreign rule | and from foreign agitation.‘" In the meanâ€" | time, we are told, Germany does not exâ€" § «â€"sympathy‘‘ with the new relations 4 m the imhabitants; but the Govern« ment may claim their confidence, which will increase from year to year flllll.: | last © from fmun to generation ||ndtrult ill grow more and more." All ‘ this, however, is only viâ€"ible to the eye : | of faith and not to that of sight. Another | German paper, the Strasb Gaw â€" | fesses that it never exrfl the t | lation of Elsassâ€"Lothringen with the ‘| German mother country (Mutterland] ® | would be instantancous, that a populsâ€" © | tion of 1,500,000 should in a year or two | lay aside ‘h“ohn.:bd.do t:ud have been on it ucation training, € mnnd :'éL personal â€œï¬ â€˜ | and by living historical memories." | rel however, upon a section of the A pomlï¬on that has never lost 1ts German ; | senciments, which forms the nucleus of a , | German party, not numerous hh* but ; | exemplifying the best elements of our 1 | national party. Nevertheless the Strasâ€" burg Gazcite acknowledges that the ma» jority still remains in a passive or even hostile attitude to Germany, a fact which neither u\uui'n m nor :-.‘? Germans, it is evi are events, deceiving themselves, as in like circumstances the French would '*ï¬ do, regardingâ€"the immense difficulties the task now before them. 6 madman could be stayed she was dead. At the trial jaâ€"iconcluded Cobalion‘s tears and the advocate‘s skilful allusion to the Dubourg case saved him from the guiiloâ€" tine, but condemned him to Cayenne, Dr. io Lewis tells of an experiment of cheap living which he lately tried. By a very moderate indulgence EMJ- ridge and beans he got through & at an expense of 54}¢ for food. On oneday, however, he ate half a small lobster which he says cost three cents. Now, we protest l.hstwemnotvifl.i‘:awnfli.“d tion as as & to be "hankered" for. * The Chinese and Japanese are rapiily preparing for war, to determine by battle to which nation the sovereignty of Corea belongs. The latter for a long period Soitcond by ‘the prominnd seppart fof iden by f China, refuse to do so any longer. Japan has organized hunvyucm“ able fooring. The crews have been in seamanâ€"hip by Amdw offisers, ‘They have also been the man of war discipline in the use of guns and small arous. ltirdlï¬d“m will prove the victor in this contest, und will become the maritime power of the Asiatic netions. Sbe will likely carry out the policy of annerstion by the congquest of Cores x land rich in mineral resources, and which containsâ€"a 1 estimated at fr m w,mom»}lm CeFeeaeie eeel e e e named Adsie Lelong, with whom he lhad lived for sever»l yâ€"arâ€", but who was not his wife. In1867? be tried to kill her with a carving knife, and still liter made an :’uenptw muw.d-&::" ter bore unwiliing i 31 2 dincired mintk sbou8 Recaace ts umlmdmhuud‘m accomplished what he had long Adele had come home late in the evening, and wus entering the parlor behind the barber‘s shop which she and Cobalion had hired, when he knocked her down with h curl ng irons, and then setâ€"to to saw her head from ber body. The concierge Win(lnudh.rmnl"-,.‘ mwu:croon'bcuth‘lw:-lfll-. perpetrated. in seei pn?.:dflminmbuo:fmm off the gas The girl Lelong, who was not yet dead, rose from the pool of blood inwhiehlbow-lyh‘.undnmï¬h the thop window. y the light of the street lamp Coballion was seen rushing after her. When he reached her she made a supreme efftort to ward off the thrusts of the ca«rving knife, with which he bvridently winted to finish her. A curtain wis torn down, a pia‘e glass window broken, and a piercing scream uttered. Another cut had THE EXODUS F=oM aLSACE. A narrow strait separsutes the Corean peninsula from ~Japun on the south, and on the north the shores of the Saghalien irl«nd nearly touch the opposite mainâ€" land, sorming sn inland sea 1,400 miles long, with numerous cpm the North Pacific. Japan has en« vered upon a careerof conquest, and seeme determined to foliow out the policy. The +parsely pepulated region of Maneksoria could be easily conquered and annexed, and ronder Japin a great territorial power. â€"A French jury his found4 one Cobalion, a hair dresser, guilty, with extenusting circumstances; of murdering a woman ¢! t ¢ i\ #