_5 COMPOUND SYRUP OF SAR : 8APARI£LA « Amwn-u’dn of the Day. _ | It ï¬r £ "the root di;u Dm_tu. m. a healthy state. | _ _ ;::::" _mu{m‘f’iug_m; Pallmat Il]’alaca'c ullfl Runuing on ai ow Chest Complaints, 'ud:l‘il'm;n‘:.!o and nalilos Y Nez seants arithe Foly an fmpure pate of the | / ~ Trains wilt teave Mentrear as w ns ep _ Wholesale agents, EVANS MERCER 4| Accommodation CO., Montreal, and %» be obtained from| _ _ Pond,stop -n_h-oa!nm (lxp-lusmq.:‘ L SHP __ ADD es omm At Restorer accompany . Bottia, | D7 4 Mealth ....m.mm oning‘{ ‘\1',:)1: e msmlPUUNDlSYRUP or o l‘o.w that and no other, is supplie , A ~** DAY & MARIIN‘S One trial will establish its yast superiâ€" ority in respect of both excellence an<l economy over any other Paste prepâ€"râ€" It will go balf as far ag«in, and give a much more brilliant and lusting poiwh Can be had of all Grocers. PRICE 10 CTS. PER j LB. TIN. It is par excellence the Best Paste Blacking in the W orld. Barristers, Attorneys, . Solici a bikbig ie spe t 5 Conveyancers, ies, Comâ€" :d of the foll mmgionare for taking attidavigy to be w\‘??,:..“:..,..‘ ~ in the Province of Quebec, SmOTLAND, ANGUS MORRISON, | _ HRBOTOR, | % W, H. LOCKHART GORDON, _ | MEDWAY &!fll-';‘!ul-él a IIL ]‘ l‘u‘m e Ottawa, March 9, 1872 1918 3m GA BitL®L‘S 1TL _ has that the | ing subâ€" | (g { proved \decay ch ‘_|(u,,-|ungnrly out ward fyur passengers) rul"n"}‘ wasites Ts FROM |LONDON,. OraL1t) & too Ei P As i-'i:lw 4 °M and NTALG ... .. ... . Wednesday, Jith Sept. -uhubL-uo ..;‘...'3â€..5 Emperot ........ Y, * 2lat do se sls prossiye fnd beantit tbe | Hactor 4th Oot‘ ND aU u..l__â€â€â€œâ€œ. » m “l. CGABKLELS GABHLEL‘S =â€"_â€" . ANGUS MORRILSON, | _ hBECTOR,â€" * _ NIGE ' W, H. wcmaluonp._»s, | MEDWAY f% : M. WELLS, _ _| | _ THAMES TEVIOT. T. CASSELS, J | EROR. e Office on Elgin Street, Russell | ‘The steamers ot th 21.:'“"" House, fourth door from Sparks Street. \a2,) Weekly as follows during the season of GABRLELS in in mds e n Fad t s mich . _: "â€"â€"â€""â€"~ t rhompden must be ~â€" M Prive so low that all can us it. MYRTLE N AVY. AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘3S AGENT, AaAND GENERAL Co UN MERCHANT Paste Blackinge. Nonmâ€"Conductor tor Covering Stcam Boilers (Bee circular.) NONâ€"COMBUSTIBLE & NON .CORROSIVE wave 30 per cent in fuol, and sttam passes through any length| otf PFiping covered with sae Nonâ€"couductor quite ury. _ N. B.â€"It saves 30 pert coumt oc the Lusseli House botler, and steam & uow raised in half ibe time it took belore tie corering was ap~ m.vflhl-vus ige per coutage ~f wel and Labor at the Water Worss ut the Parliament and D-y-m::w Buildings, City Gas Works, Rochester & Co.‘s Stemsa Miils 4A Fieck‘s Foundry &e., &c, _ _ l’m used in the Eastern suc¢ Wostern and throughout Girest Britain, and by the Briush Admiraity ang American Nayv) .â€" Wholesale of C. T. BATE & CO., Ottawa. Oitawa, Sept. 13, 1872 | 20734 ILVDGCATE HILL .LOonbongt PAR TS â€"OFâ€"THE: ip Infrimgamens vo 4t ‘.'.?.‘f:â€:,.’:'.::‘.'."";:‘. IT. :... is Caddy, and. C The trade can be supplied by | MESsHRS C T. BATE & CO. =| Full directions for use enclosed in ecach box To Her Majesty Queen Victoria. CUHALMERS & Cu., Richardson st., Moatreal P, U, Box B444, Bole Manulacturers in the vouigpion MUNBUE OLkKALX Goneral Westorn h‘ Otaws, Nov. 30, :811 J ORKISON, WELLS AND CASSELS, We See T. & B. on each Plug. e No. 43, Rideau street, Ottaws ICROSCUPICAL INVESTIGATION Hon James Muï¬-m, Ottawa | .ivarmmediate religt. All medicine dealers J M Currier, Keq, M # | zeep it. Phy order and use it ; and no Jl'hga:ll’)}lf # | famatly -ulu-- it after once trying it, K W Scott, ® s Pricg only cents bottle. ns ssm ty 0 2 0| suncounl o P iesns n, Keq. t : _ Sold in wa Edward Mc@iliivray, Eeq, * Skiuner, John J P fl-'..“ Messrs C T Bate & Co, t |â€" Mortimer, and 11 dealors. HAMBERSâ€"SPENXCE PATENT Edward Grifin, Esq. w Edward Mc@iliivray, Eeq, # Messrs C T Bate & Co, # I-m'hgllllm © Alexaader Workman, Keq «* A Egleson, 8 n‘r, Keq # NAVaAaL AND MIL[TARY PREPARED ONLY FOR A GOO0D SMOKE, "*~FEM)S 7 Aug. 1, 1872. ;-A-l.' '::d cure -ol= CJ experience in their own gives immediate !x‘.h IIO.“ destruction of i * k k mosings | paraiion restore$ front teeth, and I...""“"..,..':.','S';"“'....""-‘... o | stopsix tooth. iee 5s. White Gutta Porcha Enamel for kenders the sound and usetul for mastication ; matter how far decayed. Price is 6d. ;..E;_r’ horuhud lu-da‘:- 1 redness to the mhtn- -ytnul: and gi to powder and gives onlilancy io Tieoee Lprin aries flmu.mhw.::t mmm;uh m.puz enamei. rnul‘-: e ‘al mevanenewann s a Tor Glose in water a most pleasan , mihu ghl Mooth n-.'lh.: him ves the a aelightful â€" removing uu-dhct smoie or odour arsing trom decayea and is an exâ€" DENTIS TS 12, Ludgate CcaAUTIO®. il, City, WORLD] this Groai 2037â€"th. _ | navigation of 1372, to and from of â€" LONDON, QUEBEC, ‘SUNMMER sn':wx:'_& OF TRALINS ? Great Accole of Speed> |Palmar Palacs c% uÂ¥w Runuing on as | Day and Nicht Trains. ‘ GRAND TRUKKL RAILWAY, | VMIy UE, veaese eccpes +++*«««». 5.00 p.®m ‘.\ccommohflo. Traty 1or lsland Pond, stopping at all Stations, at 1.00 a . E1press for Quebee Rivioredu LOUD, lhe s ay o . soch s +« s »oei ++ $,30 Am9 ‘ Mail Train for Pond, Portâ€" Mail Train for T and Inter» moediate Statio2s,4t.,..... . .. $.00 a.m Day Express for at. ...... 900 m Night Express for to, at. .... 9.00 pm Mired Train or Broc 88. . ..11.00 a m Aâ€"commodation ‘Fâ€"air for Brock VYA vikio h .e i reansevs â€" i Dik m m land and Boston, iat...... .... Night Mail for Quebec, Is‘and Pond, Portland and lo*-.........‘ A Pullman (Car be. attached to the Through Trains bet Montreal and Riviete du Loup triâ€"woekly, wis :=â€"From Montra on Tuesdays, Tharsd«ys and Saturdays . reâ€" turning from kiviere du Loup o« Mondsys \ Thames. Emperot Hector .. Medway . Seotland . Wodnesdays and Fridgys. Composed of the follawing or other first class FROM |QUEBEC. Medway..... ... .Thursday, 19th ‘r. Scotland.... .... | do _ 2th "3:' 'l:‘l':mu Y, 1% Ozr. Heot@e. . . .. . ... . , Slst .‘(de . Rates of P. ; to Ldudeaâ€" Through tickets .“dl ï¬.'flll reduced fares. iasued to persons desirous of bringing out thâ€"ir friends issued on the and in â€" London for all parts of Canada, in the United States to Detroit, lg , Chicago and other ntain the West. | e ’d’u Freight or ‘w-h: ley‘s, vaâ€"ter & Darke/21 Bil Streot, dou ; Wilcocks & Wedks, Barbican, Piymonth; Rows & Co., Quebec ; Cermmgee nnlerrindes 1 (LATE SY. JAMES,) § Corner of Metcolf$ and Queen Streets CENTRE TOWN, OTTAWA. Good Sample and every modation: for vra 1&-&1 fitted and t Â¥> + I C O90 DANIELS‘ HOTEL, * T vouk Spratace Iootien ‘Oramge 4n the * From $109 to «ay Asa family Remedv it is well and N vbnregse Ahes map id nbuhoty enb 4 e w 7 ko. T in ies Has now been of time and used is well liked IRUSIT AND "PP never failing in a ls instance to give per= manent reliof when used, and we hare never snown a case of disatistaction where the have been folâ€" «wwed, but on the cq , all .~m with its operations,) and speak in terus of Its virtues magical effecte. 'l‘nnall--ol. @ . t to H.R.H. the Pringess of Wale® .+ .L y d.ll# Btreoet, and 34 )* 1 v‘/«**>~ U dee (Atalions, t t og‘s Boad Brighton. sold v u@11 . +. * enders, We speak from :‘ in this matser having tested it , and therefore noseâ€" who are from any of the com= inints for which it is recommended de. poend upon its being a Sovereign g_.‘ Bi.ome!‘s Extract of Lime J rsice and Glyâ€" cerine, the best preparation for the Hair especially in warm cinmates. 0 hn dn _ _ _/ Patron{sed by all the world. > Rimme!i‘s Inang~lbang, Vands, Henne, Jockey Club, Frangipane, and other perfumes of exquisite fragrance. _ t*r _ Rimmel‘s Lavender Water, distilled fro Mitcham Flowers. Rimme!‘s Tollet Vinegar, célobrated tor its useful and sanitary properties, . s __ YTEA 4 Rimmel‘s Dugo=g Ot! Soap, perfumed with & ustralian Eucilyptus. _ _ f Rimwel‘s Giycerine, Honey, Costume and loral Utrackers, very amusing for Balls and tties. Rimme!‘s Viclet, Rose, Loaf, Rice, and other oilet Powders. A liberal allowance to ship. pers; e : n en e as uwtying as to the juniversal satisfaction i1 Tho Canadian hL Destroyer never falleto _ The astonishing |eflicacy of .l;.-(\-uh. Pain Destroyer, curing the which it is recom: and its wonderful success in subdu/ the torturing pains of Racumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affoo= lons, entitle it to a hign mank in the list of Bumedies tor compiaints. Orders are comming from Dealors in all parts of lhe gountry tor supplies, and sach test l{:l al \:!’ Olice over Hope and Co‘s, Sparks streot, (Ottawa, Sept 17, 1872 tawa, June 13, 1811 ANADLIANPAIN PeSTROYER UsEY To LkA0W London, Temperley‘s Line. And Montreal. L‘® CHOICE PEBFUMES Quebee and Montreal, C. 4| CU»NINGHAM, ednesday, Jl1th Sept. y,° â€" 2l2t do iday, 4th Oct‘r. ednesday, 16th do Â¥, 2th do BBYDO!% ‘ DaAYVID sHAW, Montreal NILE .1080 pm 1.00 p.m Ond | h‘“ M‘ cithey k i f ve ant D 487 '-nduu-‘:q- L RUCKAW A Y8, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS, Which in t of finish and durability, Te oyt rarpmnned in Euy smashos. i lall stt himm of To promptly done. § _ â€" A very large amount of new and imâ€" proved machinery has lately been a(ded, and as the whole is driven by steam power (the only establishment so supplied in this netio-dm::{), wemhnro-ition to produce more promptly and cheaper than any one else. _ * (rtrawa stzax Carriage and Sleigh At this establishment will be found on hand, or made to order, the latest and most approved styles of C Coaches Carriages, Omaibusses, ‘The proprietors are practical workmen and &v;punml ion to all work. ‘ Sutats, March 25, 1812 _ _ 19311 W. Stockdale, Brother & Co,, NORTHEKRN RAILWAY OF CANADA. Royatl Mail Line Collingwood, Fort William and nh:h- Islet, Prince Arthur‘s and Intermediate Ports. ie doie, Urrar beks, blor Waen brek : LBAVING COLLINGWOOD ¢ BEvesr Tursoay asp> Faraimaity, t Pnenfionie isnn se ie ds Un en rnerares uon ied ravs S‘Fet passses mckets aod State Itooms, apply to siol S icore _..~ JOAPT. PERRY, ponimeeninnden is io: THE ST. LA«wRL "CE OTTAWA RAILWAY. The old reliable, quickest and boest route ; the muutyug-n-ho-om'- * to Brockville and all points West, and riles ‘wall potais Sast ALTBRATION OPF RUNNING TIME. Ol AND FROMX TUESDAY, iss OCT., 1871, trains will run as follows : The Subscribers have received a large sum for investment upon Farm Property. No commission charged. Apply to J. M. and York streets, or to MURKISUN WELLA & %m â€" Jan. 22. 1871 1872 Sure comnections with .uu.?.nu'rnn trains both East and West, as this Company‘s trains walt their arrival when late. Twonty minutes allowed at Prescott Juac tion for refresbments. Trains are run on Montreal time, THO8 REYNOLDS, Managing Director, Ottawa the Rours i k 144 a. m Just Recetved H. M. RO w E 8 celebrated BULK AND CAN * oYSTERS, & LUOTTBELL, On the arrival of the Steamboat, Express Train FACTORY, RIDEAU STREET, QTTAW., Arnh“moui-r.i:f. a a 'cou-u. .. ...m* ;s Ppfimeni futiogns The Italian Warehouse. J. . C. DELES DERNIKRS . O';Dnlaonnd,nth‘ Br Mincs, at uce Sich Sto. Rarie: Aichipicoren, Nipe. & SEAsSON COMMENCED. rcesecttsee ns seerih CGALLOUTs 10 30 s m 13 50 noon in conection with the 410 p m 18 p m LAKE SLPERIOR RISON, _ Tmms Office, Wellingior r the Ottawa Times. * ~_ AÂ¥ening Mail *# z:couâ€" la Montrea 4# _ Semaine .,nu.hm Ohicora, PROPRIETORS, e iï¬; offce in Beli‘sâ€"Block, L&u that all communications to him between the hours of 7 To LOAR, @oIxG NORBTh Goixg soUTH o ths W 1ep Do do Expres _ from West ' G T Express to: trom West Do do Expres: train tos Mail from the Francis Smith, with. sidons, City Mall an* ADAM ROLPB, uies with Toronto, at seven 1 1272 YESTERS, Arrive in J unction. itrg~t 13 50 a u 3:50 p m 9.20 a m 8:16 a u Armve These highly improved inventions render | Electricity perfectly selfâ€"applicable, and exâ€" tremely efficacious is a mild continuous form on shock or unpleasant sensation being cxâ€" | perienced, whereby 1t becomss a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily sonthing agonising peins, reâ€"animating torpid limbs, reviving the sluggish fanctions of life, and rmparting renewe energy and vitality to constitutions enteebled ty whatever cause, Medicines and their deleterious consequences are thus entirely dispensed with,. The daily increasing number of cures effected by PULYEbMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GALVANâ€" IC SYSTEM is so extensive and varied, that t forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. N.B.â€"Thefollowing testimony from the elite of the English medical faculty has been received " We, the undersigned, have much pleaâ€" « sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Poivaa # wacmw»n‘s recent improvementsin his Voltaic ©# Batteries and talyanic Appliances fot " Medical Purposes are of great importance to * Scientific Medicine, and that he is entitled " to the consideration and support of every " one disposed to further the advancement of " real and useful progress, j t " Dated the 9th day of March, 1866. © SIR CH 4BLKS LOCOCK, Bart., M. D., _ __ PULYERMAUHER® PaATENXT GaALVANIC _ UHAINâ€"BANDS, BELTS AND POCKET BATTERIES These facts lrpetho the good sense of every sufferer to avail himself of this scientitic and curative progress, to which the inventor has devoted a lifeâ€"time of study and labour, a: an ardent deciple of that great benefactor of mankind, the late illustrious electrician PULYEBRMACHEB‘S MEDLCOâ€"GALYANâ€" IC CHAINS are exceedingly effective without the aid of medicine, restriction o(dmot the :wast derangement of the patient‘s its and daily occupations, in the following maladies Rhoumatism Female Complaints Gout Constipation * Sciatica Oramp Lumbago Bluggish Circulation Neuraigin Urinary Disorders Head and Toothache Paralysis Liver Complaints Epilepey Tic Doloreuz Nervous Debility Mionast Farapy Indigestion Th» effects of the application of Puilyer macher‘s Chaing in any of the above dhorn is immediately perceptibloâ€"the relief of pain instantancous. PBICE LIsT OFf PULYEBRMACHERS CHAIN BANDS AND BATTERIES. B. CHAIN BANDS for Neryous Desfncss Head, Tooth, and Face Ache,and Noiser in the Head, 218. to 308. B, UHAIN BANDS for loss ot Voice and 318. N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciat . Bbeumatic Neuraigia, and Gouty Pai‘®‘ Local Pare/ ly-l.rj Cramp, &¢., 18s. to 2** and 408. BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbago, Ladigestion * Liver, Chest, and Functional Disurders, “ï¬'fl As & hulz,'†to 10s and 55s. B CHALIK BANDs Writ»r‘s Cramp, Doctors, .,bhptv. 8, ::.oornulyl.l‘wn lnm and so severely stigmatized by Vice bhg:‘: lor Malins in the suit Pulvermacher vs mond, alias Henry James, alias C. T, Raphey, M. . C. 8, altas Honry Burrows, &¢, &0. ; blocombe & Btevens, Sign of the Sugar "la'd, corner of &-khmg, for New m.ur.:. W. Proctor & Co:; for Ayimer; Mr. N. K. Cormior ; the Whulesale Agents for the Canadian Provinces, &re J. Smith & Oo., -‘i.-'fl_=l 1611 1y Paralysis, Epilepsy, General Debility Functional Disorders, &0., 308 to 508. A complets Bet of COMBINED UHALN BAND8,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for mhg vital energy, £5 to £7. The public are most earnestly cautioped beware of Pseaudo Klectric Belts advertised g No Gaivanic Belts are gonuine but those bearing the fac simile of M. Puivermacher‘s signature on the label, «_ < ... _ m.,nq".m,lmm..,ne.'. ‘onbop. light and insects on Plants, Moths is Cisiio hoe tee ie lea tiek Tha Hrovce on m en Minutes wur&pâ€"ump«m.c;.,. Packets for One Dollar, 45cts. The Pewder is warranted free from ail bas 5o Sfrend any where Withoul ie ar it i gune be as it is quite harmless to Oats or Dep,-t-y'mqm oat it. i mf-rmn-u:un. Maxcracroarâ€"Gravel Lang oundsditch, City of London, England v The above discovery has gained for Proâ€" fessor Harman a Silver Priss Medal at the Interâ€"Colonial Exhibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866, besides numerous Testimonials. m-‘:l.u. Nervousness, &0, 22s to 308 B COMBINED CHAIN _ BAND for Cantrl A pamphiet containing fall partidulars may be bad at the Drog Store of, A. Christi«, Bparks Strout. J. L PULYERMACHEK, Galvanic Egtablishmen 200 Regent‘Strecet, London, W E« E. LaAYVIGNE (Quebec.) Agents for Ot F0E RErmme mm-;mm.‘;-m' C Rirhnnire Ottawa, septemoor 6,.1 810 Tlll Underâ€" signed in â€" vites the public to examine the Patent SWIg, This new swing f contains the mo» a tive power in it~ ) ib Y self, requiring no § | NS < external impalâ€" ... ho To L‘l sion to drive it, i SM CH and in it pertons ! M CMARM induiging in that . â€"<=*$ > â€" Thayt DL A. + cise are exposed to no accident or danger. Ladies perticularly gan enjoy themsetves on this Swing without having to contead with any of the inconveniences met with in ordi -;"hhsvh( bmho!:nduddn Mgug!-iz@«_l,_lq. 120, Sussex istreot For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Poultry SIB BKNBHY HOLLAND Bart., M. D and at No, 8, 8t. Patrick hours frow 9 to 11 a. m., and 2 to 4 p.m. _ NEZ* Special attention given to discase a1 dis~lacements of the Atarng. 1T43 Freight and Cartage Agency D 630 Full particuiars may to had from the Sule Uttawa, Oct. 12, 1871 LECTRLCUITY 19 LIFE Homoopathic Physician, murgeon & Ac MPORTANT KOTICEK. ‘HAIN BANDB for loss ot YVoice and other affections of toe Thruat, 10s. 64. t d9tf Eole A-«L-"fo} &!‘.'.'.9.’4{“..1 A. COMRBRLSTLE 4 C€O., DRUGGISTS, ANADA _ NTBAL BAILWAY R. LOGAN, â€" & A W A T IM ES Epilepey Nervous Debility Functional Disorders OTE A W A«s ( 145b OfMfle O‘I‘T_AWA HOTEL, St: James Street Mon treal. ‘The undersigned having assum» ed the management of this popular favorite, respectfully informs the travelling public and its former putrons, that the house has undergone many improvements, and that he intâ€"nd# by constant attention to the wants of his patrons, to make this the most con fortable Hotal in the city of Montieal. pr.etor. â€" â€" Meals at all times. Table and liqu cannot be surpassed. 1878â€"3m. which will be carried on under the style and firm of H. McCODRMICK & SON. hi Hereby gives notice that he has taken is son ALEXANDER GEORGE, Into partnership with him in the Milling, Elour and gain Business At Junction Depot of Graud Truma ana Ottawa & Prescort k R _ Ali the facilitiss of a First Class House. Passeugets refrâ€"sbment A large stock of the above will be kept conâ€" stantly on hand to suit purchasers. P LA N ED LU MB ER WUNDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASE M Brooxirx, April 5th, 1870. 4 C Chamb rlain, Bts. Tuis is to certi that my wife was very low with Lung Discase. The ‘Doctor bad giv: m her up. He said her tangs were tubercled, and :>@ilcine could not help her, As a last reso:t | ~~rchased a bottle of the Great Shoshonser >:~medy, At the of two days her symptoms . were m; bottet, Bhe continued to improve so rapidly tuat by the time she had taken one bottle she, was able to sit up. By the continuâ€" ande a :** v saet t wa sperfoctly restored to BOMIUAE s ® 1 c slree ... BUILDING AND bRIDGE TIMBER. N. B.â€"Farme.s from the County of Carle= tou can enter the mill yard by Broud Street, »pposite Browery gate. _ e .. _ Â¥3u may publish the facts for the benedt of -:“A:L'ly affiicted. * T. 0. BROWN Apiscopal Methodist Ministor. SHINGLES X. XX, XXX. NYT soxlulm THE SKIN G®ey a», 1r essrorss A SA To s NATURAL COLOR, T EAVING IT BEAUTIFULLY ous to my iliness and have Restores :Greay Hair to its]} NaturalZColor *.lan in the ;sc time frequently throwlsig Ahe clothes ef and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent physicians in the County » Northumberiaud for about a year, without reogiving anyâ€"bene8t, in fact I continu=d getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was ad~ vised to try the Great Shoshoneer Remedy. 1 bougbt x bottle and took it and when it was about finisbed I beguu to feel & little better. I continued to use it until I had taken three boitl wheno, to my satisfaction, I n that 'l‘"- as well‘us ever I had been m â€" _ _ _ _ and Beauty, . ~ _ _ AND,DUES NOT SOIL THE SKIN. JOHN GARDNEE, CHEMIST, & MONTREAL, $° "h":.'i':"‘i;iï¬igoi wholesale st all the in ï¬%w.s!“"{m. Chemist Bmithfield. J C Cha.aberlain, Eeqâ€"This is to certity that about three years ago J became affiicted with Bronchitis, witich lasted about cighteen months, I was so affiicted for the want of breath that it was very difficult tor me to H. MeCORMICK Ottawa, August 13, 1872. 2047 uf 1606 Rough Lumber Woll Seasoned, %AA UOLK at is @8 is a M MLLLE, Chaudiere, Oct. 2641871 T5 cents per bottle ; three bottles for T io iek on parchared vhoigate at all the || MBELLISHED AND GLOSSY, rops ITs FALLING or. qxomuus aLt orgERrs. CINCALESE HE UNDERSIGNED "AUSES THE HAIRZLO GROW NVIGORATING THE ROOTS TTAWA HOTEL, Prescott Junction, J. FRANCIS, 11 « Bole Manufaaturer and Proprietor. Cure otf Bronchitis Moareus, &c. NANUPACTURKA® OP 6( all descriptions. NCPIO® i. p 72 JOHN ROCHESTER & Co J M WELLINGTON, ; P D. WILEKINSON, Proprietor U W NE, Manager, 1805tt |Eo"â€"vm~mr_uï¬uéif i ' Ottawa, Monday, 30th day of Septemâ€" | ber, 1872 His Excellency the Governor General in Council. On the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Cu«toms, and under the proviâ€" sions of the 8th Section of the Act 31st Victdria, Chapter 6, intituled : " An Act pecting the Customs," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the Town of Sherbrooke, in the Province of Quebec, be and the same is hereby constituted and erected into an Out Port of Customs, and placed under the survey of the Port of Coaticook. W, A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk Privy Council. 1 â€" OURISTIE, Comausson Marshant an4 M9e ‘general Agent. Soln agont for Road ; 2'“.-‘“'“’; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" Ales and Portet, Pork, Fiour, &0.,for sale _ Qrvion: Ho. 5, Sparks Stree:, near the Rassell cuse, Ottawa city, 0. W His Excellency the Governo: General in Council. Un the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Customs, and under the proâ€" visions of the 8th Section of the Act 31s: Victoria, Cap. 6, intituled : © An Act re specting the Customâ€"," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is berety ordered, that Bay St. Paul, in the i10» vince of Quebec, be and the same i hereby constituted and erected into an Uut Port of Customs, and placed under the survey of the Port of Quebec. JOS. U. COTE, Assistant Clerk, Privy Council. Ottawa, Monday, 7th day of October, 1872, Provincial Land Surveyor and Dreughtsiasn, commissioned for the Provinces of Quebec His Excellency the Governor General in Council. Un the recommendation of the Honoraâ€" ble the Minister of Customs, and under the ;tonsmm of the 8th Section of the Act 31 Vic, Cap. 6, intituled: " An Act respecting the Customs,‘‘ His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that South Bar, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, be and the same is hereby constiâ€" tuted and erected into an Out Port of Cusâ€" toms, and placed under the survey of the Collector of Customs, at the Port of Sydâ€" ney. W. A. HIMSWORTH, Un the recommendation of the Honoraâ€" ble the Minister of Customs. and under the grovi-ions of the 8th Section of the Act 31, Vie. Cap. 6, intituled ; " An Act reepecting the Customs," His Excellency has been&h’ned to order, and it is hereby ordered, that Lardoise, in the Province of Novs Scotia, be and: the same is hereby cons«tituted and erected into an Out Port of Customs and placed under the survey of the Collector of Customs, at the Port of Aricbhat W. A. HELIMSWORTH, [{OYAL INSUBEANCE COMPANY, FIRE and EIFE, CABITAL............. .. . . . . $10,000,000 ANNUAL INCOME, over.. ... 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over. ... _ 9,500,000 SPECIAL LIFE ASSURANCE f FUND............»: «.. .. . â€" 6,008,@0L There having been added $736,200 to the Life Fund as a result of the business of the past year. râ€" All descriptions of perty insured qnhnlmamgoruontmoder- ate rates. large paid up capital of the Company, asâ€" ind Ontario #% â€" BILLINGS, Ir., Architect. ..:iceâ€" ence to the Home Office. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and unquestionable securit;y is surers have additional security in the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a Wealthy Proprietary. ; Tables of Rates, Proposal Forms and ful information can be obtained on application to the undersigned. His Excellency the Governor General in Council. H. L. ROUT ; i. F. BEDD. Chief Agents for Canada. A. PEKHY Fire Inspector. T. M. CLARK , Agent. OFFICEâ€"Bang‘s Block, corner Sparks and Elgin streets. 2 1760y N.B.â€"The financial position of the Royal nhmwwm:y::h‘mtflnn Chicago, the no Agent doing business in that city. mpndqmfl.:c the Paten: nniie u1ieane machines, Rubber and Buf Leather Knife Boards. Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brillisat polish equal to now uuo‘? Packets, 3d. each ; nd.&u. 64., 1s., 25. 64, and 45. each. Hor cleaning and polishing Silver, Electro Plate, Plate Glass, &o. Tablets, ¢d. each. ; Ottawa, Wednesday, Pnd October, 1872 No 21, 5. Rideau street, Ottaws. No 1, 10th Concession, Osgoode. A pply to t isens Losses promptly settled without referâ€" NOR SALE, § a dranteat VERNMENT HOUSE, OVERNMENT HOUSE, (VERNMENT HOUSE, (itawa D 21 1271 Mond:y, Tth day of October, 1872 C. RAINBOTH, 44 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Miscellanecous. Office ; Aylmer, P. Q. *22 t -»: ".â€"" Tibabtrsed s 9. ;»,\15‘ ' “'é:."; n V Pords ffr ind t a‘rs PRESEXT PRESENT PRBEENT 1 Clerk Privy Council Clerk, Privy Council DB. Â¥eDOUGALL Bidean street. 1RA5t 1872. avruary Cumr,'x'u: a HILL, (lat Keunedy & Christie) B=rristers, Attornies, Soliâ€" citors, Conveyancers, &¢. Urricesâ€"Luang‘s Block, Eigin street, Ottâ€"wa. f A. J. CHRLSTLEK. HAYÂ¥NET P. HILL N. B.â€"Money to lend. Uttaws, Fob 29, 1818 , bm ,l! 9,50 Attention is called to the 16th and 17th clauses of the "Crown Timber Regulaâ€" tions" which make it imperative that every fucil:ty, assistance and inform«tion be -Ma.luw the Department -ndl:: agents, by parties operating in tim or saw logs, &c., in the investigation of the extent and nature of such operations, and the examination of books and verification of returns, â€" or any 11.30 8:00 Matter posted up to 9.30 P.M., will be torwarded Kast and West in package the same night. When all returns of any lnmb-;l:: establishment have â€"been sent in eheoked.tho-fldzvitoflbmh‘ow proprietors of the logs and timber, or his or their manager or principal bookâ€" keeper, as to the total number of pieces of logs, and pieces of boom timber, out by or for him or them, or acquired from others, during the season of operation for which returns are made, will be required to be jurnished to the Department or its agents : the Department or agents should be advised when final returns have been furnisbed. r Separate returns must be made of the operstions of each Chantier, and of each Jobber ; and where it is intended to pass logs or boom timber as cut on private lands, or on lands under settler‘s license, sepzrate returns, under osth, must be made in each case, showing the number offrieonoflopudbmï¬mbc,nd their respective dimensions, and the lot or part lot on which the same have been 11:00 600 On Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, Great Britain and [reiand, Newfoundla and Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at this office. Also Postage Stamns and P 9,50 of pieces of logs and their respective lengths and diame! ""Yb.‘d the number of pieces of boom timber, mmfll of each piece, with thediameter of from bwkwbak-sbutnndtoï¬ndahotb locality where the same have been cut : the number of feet, board measure, of each quantity of logs of the same lengths and diameters, computed by "Scribner‘s Ready keckoner" to be entered in the returns. Cards Butchers to His Excellency Lord Lisgar Gov. General of Canadaâ€" respectfully tender the public their sincere thanks for the very liberal £tmm¢o beâ€" stowed on them during last seven years. While soliciting a continuance of the same they l;g:kd :ï¬rnutly “I:a:ut an inspection of following purâ€" chased at Guelph Fair. _ #&Z~ Deposits will be reccived atthis Office. Interest all sent per anuum, and Deposits can be withdrawn at any time. Lands or its must sent in on or‘gf:'o the â€" sent in on or before the FIKST day of JUNE, in each year, and must be sworn to by the person who superintended the cutring of such logs and boom timber, and also by the Culler who measured the same; the returns must give the number {;:ir?tswinweighh;m enormous weight o _4,525 POUNDS, 1872. _ __ â€" 1872 LASTEER. Which took the prise at Gueiph Fair, _ J Al Â¥ »AW _ MILL _ OWNERS AND LUMBERMEN, Depu'm} :fOnwnhndl. Toronto, 28th August, 1872. All return of saw logs and boom timber to be made to the Department of Crown 30 head of splendid Weetern Cattle. l *A Auuu.:: BP A liB a, Surrister and AKOE A Magnificent Calf, S even, 25. vilseâ€"Leags “M‘Mm"? 11 weeks old, bred and fed by John Wast, | pposite the Post Office, Uttawa, 9,00 9 50 9.00 6.00 Post Office, Ottawn, Cc 4 1872 Ottawa, March 27. 1872. PosSsT OFFICOE, OTTAWA d 50 SATCHELL BROS., Via NewYork close every Monday at 8 P.M Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at 11 10 A.M, A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be closed at ] ?.2 unregistered matter can be sent. C CLO8® i â€" CFFICE HOUkS FBOM 8 A.M., TO 1 P .x Kor Money Orde s ind Savings Bavk business from 0 a i to 4 pm wiIUGE TV 1% 10 12%â€"10 12.10 ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE »f MaAIL 9.00 9.00 9 00 0. 00 3100 ‘.†#â€"00 Halifar, N.8., and St. Jobu. N.b .. ......\Templeton, Tuesdays, Thursdays, 4.301New Edinburgh ye andOsturdays i Briisb Colu despatcbed ds | San Frane‘se { other parts c United Staies r The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway North of Carieton Place Junction, â€"Bristol Clarendon Centre, Packenham, Pembroke Porthge 44 Fort, £6.........0..... occrreersssrsirnss, Aplmet | mBE Mully.......cos lorrrecolrevveesspnntorme c ssees March and Opslow, via Aylmer............................ Westernâ€"Kingston, Toror: &o.; and Western, U.S Fort Garry and other plac Manitobsâ€"Mails despatche Ont., and Detroit, Mich Bell‘s Corpers, Kickmond. &o. per Canada Central SA ilW MY. onl c ies en onl Phriecovars | Cenhsvense bebermane rovees brocaville a d I romo, ver Canada C. U &\ 5.. HBUW #Y .+srereeâ€"coor sysrercerserses Ferth, Smith‘s Faiis, and Carieton Piace nads Central Railway...... ......... Easternâ€"Quebes, Montreal &c., by Railway..... . Lowe: Ottawa, by Steamer, Buckingham, Cumber 1> ad, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, &e............... ...... Chelsea, Wakefeld,North Wakefield,Low & intermeâ€" diate Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and interâ€" mediate Offices, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays J POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK MONEY ORDEKLhs A BR R A N BBITISH MAILS denebur _ A limited number of Advertisements are in the W eekly Times at V cents per line, «8t en gecaigle ::l.o“n‘ui.%ku, (in wheh case they will be it ( the undersigned), may be addressed. ;;}A'E'"'" ;‘W; ragement (UNE PREE oofl.= ve Tur the BaiiFor WERKLY: * ** d Each, rexrai» ; each additional word over 2 Cantracts for definite term are ® at SCALE 1.A T BsS, -hiq-u'-u be -’u---f suumoiu.u with our Agent, MK. P rstemlonk! and Busintss o-hâ€"u.-ï¬ 24 wordsâ€"are inserted in the Daily Times at [HE TIMES is prinied and published 5J Tas Oreawa Timzs Prwmmnxeo asp Po® Lismxe Comrany, at the Office, 1 ob Numter iz Wellingion Street, (181# u.l.m’u-m),(h-ho'l‘fl'“ Ottaws. JAMES BAILIFF, Managit$) Cattle Strayed Bolicitors in Chmuz. Notaries, &o. Ofliceâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, Kideau Street, Wa. .'407!» 0. Tamcox, _ F. M. Cuars July!2, 1872. RIGAT & OLKAuUw, Barring" “ m‘c-n-htt. solicitors in Cnes Conveyancers, Notaries Pablic, «0, &6, forth winces _ Ontariound Quebes. â€"B:iodd!ldh-, 12} cents per line. ied fteleatinieit‘ss rizes whtest, *~ o. t ic s ome. ’Poolli Daily Morning Paper in Central Cansé#) published every morning at $60% rlï¬hu.dvnu.c:‘.nmnvur n the city. It is mailed to subscribers in the ted Stated, at $7.39 free of Canadian postage. For ordinary advertisements in Daily Tet®, lp:ua-.uuu- per line ; udmi tion, 5 cents. k _ Paragraphs among reading matter, 25 cent# & ;ocron HaNDEKR®ON, [ MoGill i nnkyl’:lymm":‘.c" y & â€"That recently oc0n; + mm st, Chaudiore, Ottawa. 1388y K. ROBILLARD, Physician u Accoucheut. Office in Mr. Heara‘s Store, Kast end of Supper‘s Bridge, hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m N. l.â€"dpmummgn-bho- of aisenses of the EY E and KAK. A: night be seen al als residence, Murrâ€" y street. Clunl.ls MARCIL, Advocate, HuB Oiice at Mr Tetrau‘s, N P ; private ress dence in rear of French Cathedral, Hull, Business attended ugn-uu the Dis trict Courts of the Count? of Ottawa. LIEI & un;--u.n.,umn-’-c" Lapt. LW . S soiicitors, Couveyancert %o. Oficeâ€"ls find this a de Jourt House, Uctaw a, U3 4 Tp p. toa & . i. Hosert Lxme, t vER ie â€"8 uen ‘1\DW'AMD #. DAI’AI-I.I.;: l-u: 1a.m., passengecs arrivil .4 Bolicitor Atturpey and Nutary Pul ithe Perce and County Attorney, for the Unizes leaves Bonavents Jounties or Prescott and Iussoli. Oficeâ€"In h oaingr Pijud Jourt HLouse, L‘Urigna). 34â€"61 . ar }'.“..‘::.f Aomdid M D* MeDOUGALL, Office, Rideau Street, opposite therton s Drug Store: Regide 1« _ NOTAkY PUBLIC. â€" Residence â€" Bull next the Post Office. 11237 «) A. MARKA, Architect. Ofliceâ€"Aumendt & 1% Buildings, Kideauâ€"st., Ottaws. ~ _ #03y % ‘_menï¬;ic&? ‘Public for the Pré: .‘ovl-oo of Quebce, Hull, neer the Pos }fllce. 300 Office over Durie‘s Book store, Spark: # Ottawa. i{ H. HA Â¥OQCH, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law , Sofl © citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, iflfl) Public, and Patent RigniSoliciior. Oficeâ€"imâ€" mediately opposite Kussoli souse, Elginâ€"st 63u% January 1, 1872 D Q*CON NO It , Atsos ney â€"atâ€"Law , Solicitor #©in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c., Sussex treet. Office, Union Buildings, Ottawa. bby KLE8 & ul:llu,lqlmï¬ Lm,o.'nynnn to. dficeâ€"ls Jourt House, Uctaw a. Homeat Lxme. outt _ JoRXK J. @HMKKLL WMES PRINTING AND PUBLISHIN Te COMPANY. THE WEEKLY [IMES, ADVERTISINC RATES. R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Offce» Bparksâ€"streot; Contral Ottawa. déat! TAE DAILY TIMES, Ha USGROVE, TAILLON & CHRY SLER, , Barristers and Attorneysâ€"at lay, rDw 0. ARCHAMNBAULAT, Mitesiinnt#1# TCSS uviested or to 0 «en bot exctouinp e monly, _ * i ; M G. P. BAKER, Py« ton, London, } 10,00 Province ef via Windsor, slrnd) Mails Detroit and e same #s to Lancaster, Also Postage Stunpa, and Por E‘O‘“ a m., 6 *# Jason Gould" wh wed at the rate of Fou 24 4 @64 *"***Coue lor 866 us Managing [ ector Houses Wanted, p.m., in which valy and published by A, M . A+ M. Py 10,00 11.3v ® 00 Soard and Lodgas We o 9 * Half () £.00 8.00 oUk ror ho uV € a y .00 Suppiemâ€"ptary naster 1872 1009 11,00 Uttew® 439 Ai'.tl vi â€"â€" 1 us at «t *3 T 19 «1¢ Fs ROYAL B * Prince Arthur Port daily (Sundays e «. m., coanscting w.iu ‘ for Alymer. %ujm Lm" leas ~{Sundays exceple m m.. for Des Joachiua, 1 'PCID L oys ‘ALEX A N DR PATIRY, sction made with the Mauilway on the ap &A CITY To ®RON Daily (Sundays excepted.) ie Stube .. # £, nlu‘-l.d Buayers m' select [ hmso oUN4 HÂ¥808, our . HA . and Awasga y p NDIES, GTX®S | pry ag mer "Sir John Youn, on Tuesdays and Ex illage an i â€" intermedi pok, &. m, returnit Milaze at 1 o‘cliocs, p. oL V! ;‘#ï¬mq ;*1; "' « A Jb 4 * to rap regularty d landing ut 1 PRWARDING & CUxXPANY. »WHKOLES a L E P‘Xu and Merchants, H0 40 their New Pren arriving at Portag 0 for Towage of Timbe ‘:Ac-s?-g.h.':: AWa RIVER NAV COMPANY. 1 AnD 0 9. 18 daily from the offce the name o hip Com ion & VWikteawa â€" an i noe i the ab> »“‘.}“ kio i # CORT, 8 i« SPREZETL y UTIONX ALL M ANQrp EY AXT for Oitawa 4 1872 11 Sparige 8 A PA \C€ OF id [dinner), arriv MAIL L sat100 M DID SIT%A Father Poin Georg) a diffe the py R. 8. CaAS A d l w éotl imadt by H. W. 3448 AD tave Pia Messra Lreel housi rew d £v@ t w C ViCi BB hed