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Ottawa Times (1865), 5 Nov 1872, p. 4

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CHALMERS & Co., st., Montreal P. Q, Box 8444, Bole Mannfacturers in the Dominioc *UNBOK OLEARY, | . General Wostern Aqwu‘ ‘._ J Miaws, Nov. 20, 1%7%. | .. Ts the Heaith Hes AIt &ral the rpc through its wonde:iul |c the blood to a h ailthy |s: Wholesale agents, ZVANS MERCER & CO., Montreal, and to be obtained from all the Ottawa druggists, Fuil directions for taking this Great Health Restorer pany each Bottle, and gnch--l should be careful in seein that DUNCAN‘S COMPUUND sY RU P US BARSAPARILLA, and 30 other, is supplie« It wa certain n-fi-ly for Serotul., | Rervous and Gereral Detility, all disenses | of the Skin, Gout,: Rhqumatism, indiges | ion, Jaundice, Scurvy, Bronchial Aflse | tions, Chest Complaints, «nd al! other d: seases arising from an.kupure state of the ' The "MYRILK N A ; Y" is registerod, and any &m on it -nll'bo pnneuufl"llo ro & Biltings is on each Caddy, and L 3. on each plug. | The trade can be supplied by wm'ummu::k mm and Western and throughou, Griat Britain, aBd by the Britist Admiraity and Amorican Navy.â€" (Boe circular.) _ P e C P N. B.â€"It saves 30 por cput on the Russel; | CCUO¢, the « l-hlh,nm-n:u w raised in hait | C9P<Ci«Dy in the time it took betore the| covâ€"ring was lp-l Rimmei‘s L m,'lbh-m a large percentage ef| U#tralian E: and Labor at the Witer Works ut tne | Rimwel‘s Purlinment and D+ Buildings, City loral Cracke Gas Works, Rochester & Steam Milis a | i4* Â¥ieck‘s Foundry &c., &¢. | : Riamel*s V wOoNâ€"Cox®U;: jave 230 per c AUCTIONEER, REAL| ESTATE AaND LUMBERMEN‘S AGENT, AND ;GENERAL Cu: uNX MERCHANT DAY & MARIIN‘S directions for use i in each box. * GABRLEL are ul«rty successful system of Agux Alb TEETIL which hw hm moukh by moans of an ky M, piq.ou sirings, painlessly and bflm AJl correspondenes must be addressodâ€"_ Messrs. GABItLEL, Dentisis, 12 Hill, City, Loudon., â€" One trial will establigh its vast suporiâ€" ority in respect of excellence and economy over any Paste preparaâ€" It will go half as again, and give a much more brilliant and lasting polish than any other paste pound. Can be had of all Grocers. PRICE 10 CTS. PER j LB. TIN. It is par excellence @ABitiisL‘S ] #rice is igd. | _ == _ â€"â€" j White Enamel Im Pfi'u.m lmu.l): .m' the sound and usciul lfi-m ; no mattor how iar | decaged. : 18 Oc Coralite Topth Paste, for cleansâ€" : ‘‘* ing ana the weth, and Masers. . | UDPArting a natur«l reduess to the mamirer»s | guins, whitess the teoth without dABKLmzLS Best Paste Blackit in the World. Wholesale of C. T. BATE & CO., Ottawa. Ottawa, Sept. 13, 1872 20734 Barristers, At ys, Solicitors 1 Chancery, Couve Notaries, Comâ€" missioners for taking vits to be used in the Province of Que &e,. ANGUS Mo N, :. :.WI.UL #I GORDON, Office ”%’..r?':fi es on Elgi opposite Russeli House, fourth door Sparks Street, Ottawa, Aug. 1, 187: 2037â€"tf. e is t A 33 48 4 i8 L B MWPICAL t.h]: ESTIGATION has proved the decaying subâ€" stances which accumuiate ll:.sna conâ€" animal and vegetable ites, that the @a‘hl& PAsif»s and WAsliK3 LN UsH have eifect _ upon these. GASKLEL S CORALLFE LOOFH PAsTE mbnnhucu QDgNTALGIQU is e Regre gnl A To ues Destitly the TEETH AND GUMS. ,. ___, T Sâ€"OF â€"THEâ€" wori_b] Ottawa, March 9, 1872 1918 3m ILUb Paste Blackinge. ~HAMBEBR: Mr Sherifi Powel!, Edward Griffin, Esq. Edward McQillivray, p Mesers C T Bate & C Thomas Runtos, Esq, Mesers Fingland & Drupor Alexander Workman, EKsj A Egleson, 3.u‘t, i'.‘.o...,‘;.':,“'»i"o nu; B W Scott, Esq, M P P, through any with toe Hou Hon James Skead, Sexmator, Ottawa UNCANS To Her Majesty Q*oon V ORKISON, WELLS|AND CASSELS, PREPARED QNLY NAVAL AND MILITARY °"‘71‘E’ ce d h LATE Ki on O N.Z¢ Odontalgique Elixir.â€"The Coleâ€" |hm.u W asin, A fow drops im water a most pleasan , enoran isnn ; uns, se en ds c Woiinige ves & +d lrâ€".u-ov anxr.:xo(wb::o sihoke or ur arsing trom teeth, and is an exâ€" QM& Frice os. | enamel. i‘rige is 0d. Osteo Stopping, warranted to remain white and urm as the Tooth iwelf. | This beautilui preâ€" paralion l-fi‘u front teeth, and l-n be casily used. Suticient to | stopsix teeth.| Price 5s. |leaving between them aay trace of [fewdes and gives AHiitfaticy to the "Sepapzxt," the only real cure for C + piepared for general use after years‘ experience in their own tice gives inmediate relie! by the destruction of the nerve . forms a stopping. CBJPATENT $ C k »‘:of Te Duy SUMMER SERVICE OF TRAINS _a‘,‘ m‘",,,mg tGreat Accoioration of Speed» or Scrotat> | Pullman Palace Cars now Ranting 07 al diewn DWs Iy , w34 6\i ~ 0 isw ie bo> 3 *‘ s ,:' \»‘ I | _ The Canadian Pain Desccop or never falleto | yive unmediate reliet, All p.edicine dealers | heep it. Physicians order gse it ; and no | famuly will be without it t uace trying it, | _ Frice only twonty»fiv per bottle, | it :wu’rura P & LYMANM. > ld ig Ottewa by HA jaithy, Joseph | sxtm, Joha Roberis, J P Geo | Mortimer, and 11 medicizne ers. Eugene Rimmel, ¢ Princess of Wares & Btreet, and 34 Jw 1 des ItalHcns i . Rimmei‘s luaogâ€"ltaog, |Vauda, Henna, Jockey Club, Frangipave, and othor perfumes of exquisite fragrance. _ s e Ass family Romedy it is welf and tavourably nuwnmumwiupdlhh v\ll-.ll...... we ns n t es s s en s Accommotation. Train for lsland Pond, stop ptug at a‘! Stations, at Express fot Quebec and Riviero du Mail n for Island P s land and Boston, “o-.l,“&)n Night Mail for Quebec, I«‘and Poad, Portland and Boston....7....] Good Sample‘ Rooms and every 20c0t1« modation tor travellers. ‘Thoroughly reâ€" fitted and refurnished throughout. A Pullman (Car will be attached to the Through Trains between Montrcal and Riviere du Loup triâ€"weekly, viz :â€"â€"From Montres on Tuesdays, Thursi«ys and Saturdays _ reâ€" turuing from Riviore du Loup ot Mouduys Wodnesdays and Fridays. s From $400 to any -ons.â€"n_;;;;mm.fll, URUST AND LOAN 3{"‘“ UR "*IPPERR CAN Jamos Iilm, to Canada, Through Bills of Lading issued on the continent, in London for all parts of Canada, and in the United States to Detroit, Milwaukee, Chiv and other points in the West. | â€" DAMNiZL tb LONDON, QUEBEC, Composed of the following or other first clase Powerful Iron Stsamshipe : w l . For Freight or Passoge spply to ley"8, Cacter & Darke, 21 Bitliter Stmm don ; Wilco ks & Weeks, Burbican, Plymouth; KHoss & Co., Quebec ; or 6 Thames..........Wednesday, 11th Sept. Emperor...... ... Suturday, _ Z2lst do Hector ....... .. .Friday, 4th Uct‘r. Medway ......... Wednesday, 16th do Scotland. . ... .. .. Monday, "8th do Rimmel‘s Viclet, Rose.1 Rice, and other ollet Powders, A Liberal to ship« Klbumtmed s iif col loral Omckers, v rtios. (Calling at Plymouth outward for The steamers ot this Line are intended to sail Weekly as follows during the season of navigation of 1372, to and from Rimmei‘s Totlet V eful and sanitary ; Rlmmei‘s Lavender Watgr, distllled fro GRAND (TRVH yA K A i a X P ALR OWSBpOYER Oitawa, June 13, 1871 Corner of Metcalfe and Queen Streets. *TEA U SCOTLAND, HECTOR, aLRDW A Y TH AMiS, _ London, Quebec and Montreal, or to C. 3 CU.VI!INOBAI. Ottawa. e over .pe and Co’-,]!ipnh streot. Temperiey‘s Line. CENTRE TOoWN, OTTAWA. mizLs‘ HC (LATE ST. JAME toid And Montreal. sCHOITE PEBFUuES FROM QUEBEC. FROM LONDON UA EMPEROR. BETWERLX C.J. BR\ DG lhnngln:%hm. 1871 1690t «, Honeéy, Costume and ; amusihg for Balls and Tmem Suap, perfumed with L RAILWAY, DaVID sHAW, Montreal. t to H.B.H. the i 17 Boulevard J J rice and Glyâ€" *‘vlnbl‘“‘ tor its ?' E 1_ _ dgem, &*,) Kiugn, G TWKE[} TEVIO . rietor. 2076 3m passengers) 5.09 2.09 p m 1 00 30 P ; Contracts made for adveitising in cither or all of the above papers. The Subscribers have received a large nnforinm&nnntupuhrnhogc\y. Nomm Apply to J. M. C. DELESDERN corner of Sussex and York streets, or to MURRISON WELLS & CO., Toronto. Jan. 22, 1872 â€"The Italian Warehouse. $1.80........... Contractor, wishes to inform the nts om»mnmamz“umnw-w :::h-_-“-_.hhg.nmm hours of 7 Just Received H. M. ROW E S colebrated BULK AND CAN oOYsSTERS, Comfortable Sofa Cars on No 1 and 8 Charge for berths, 50 cents. _ . _ Sure connections with ail the Grind Trunk trains both East and West, as this Company‘s trains walit their arrival when lase. * Glrave Har k UH Twonty minutes allowed at Prescott June tion for refreshments. Trains are run on Montreal time, THOS REYNOLDS, Managing Director, Ottawa Sofa Car & LUTTBELL, 6‘:-; Bept 80. 1872. Which i t of lnish and durability, Néqrct:s mm ds t hewelive dhe ‘ B@~All work warranied for one year and all kinds of repairing carefully and promptly done. A very large amount of new and imâ€" proved machinery h«s !«tely been asded, and as the whole is Jriven by u-nrt (the only establishment so supplied in this section of mtri). we ars in a i to produce work more and cheaper than any one eise. _ _ At this establishmert will be found on hand, or made _ order tus latest and most approved sijles of Coaches, Carnicg:s, Onaiiusses, ROCKAWAYS, BUGGLES AND SLEIGHS, ‘The proprietors are practical workmen and give personal supervision to all work. Ottawa, March 25, 1872. 19316 West, and milos Wall poinie bast ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIME. On AND FROM TUESDAY, ist OCT., 1873, trains will ruo as follows : _ For passage tickets and State m" x e .o Ottawi Hag i. 17. itc The old reliable, quickest and best route ; the shortest line by Q miles from Ottawa to Brockvilie and all points Carriage and Sicigh FACTORY, RJDEAU STREET, OTTAW., n, Montreal, and all points East and West. _ _ o Pacin‘ Prings Curr on haiiway, ‘nhd Patior State Rooms on Steamers. THE ST,. LAwRALk"CE OTTAWA RAILWAY. NORTHERN RAJLWAY OF CANADA. stig Ci9) lall Statiom Fortaics o seven Quickest and Ohea‘feut Route to Fort Garry and North > Feigh t u-ng‘- at Toronto with Merchants‘ _ Daily passenger connection at Toronto for Hamilâ€" Collingwood, Fort William and â€" Duluth, â€" Culling at Owen Sound, Bruce Mincs, Seult Ste. Marie, Michipicoton, Nipi= Silver Islet, Pr&co Arthur‘s ff.’&i.. and Intermediate Ports. Royal Mail Line ?phu hlla'v magnificent gg?-fiu:n. Pf-CAlul’I. Btos Waexe Sruamâ€" Cumberland, LEAVING COLLLNGWOOD â€" Everr TursDay a«<D FRIDAY, W. Stockdale, Brother & Co,, o Tmms Office, Wellington Str ot Agent for the Otfawa Timas. with 1872 No. 1HK SEASON COMMENCED vsasy TO LOAR: TTAWA STEAY A. GRISON, | ' |0'l'lxpn-h 1250 noon‘Kast aud do 10 00 pm| Rastadd West| 110 a m 10 30 a m ‘G " I for 8 10 s-l.o“'rpl‘x‘m“,u 15 pm 4;10 p m 1:15 p w,@raut _ Truok ! Mail from the J. M. C. DELES DERNIRRS in conection with the LAKE â€" SUPER:OR G@OoING XORTh. Chicora, G@oLnC soUTH PROPRIETORS, Courriee d Quizouais, Atinerve, Montreal. E.caing Mcil. BETWEEN . . ... PEB GALLON. _ Grand Trunk tor the West, mmle.i Kingston a-‘nllw‘ st at! o ns traia _ for Do do Exprcss from West _ Do do Mail trom Wert Do do Express from East with "~unocting lw in with. WA Francis Smith, YSTERS, 1871 13 50 a m 3 50 pm 3:50 p m 6:50 p m 6:15 a n 9.20 a m 1872. ’ Directions for use on each Packet, Maxcracroayâ€"Gravel Lane Houndsditch, City of London, England _ Theabove discovery has gained for Proâ€" fessor Harman a Silver Prize Modal st the Interâ€"Colonial Exhibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866 besides numerous Testimonials. #flafivwmh“h'om_ ellingtonâ€"st. ; John Tes Pot. Rideau st,; Slocombe & Steyens, Bign of the Sugar corner of Cumberlandâ€"st.; for New m-!g:.w.muo..;&m-. Mr, N. m‘fimwh No: 1 Wesgre Buiiding?, Montcest"" * * 1 lnm 6. o nc l y .. The Powder is warranted free smell, and will k«ep in any CIln::. ;:l::u be tpth:d‘:n(y;:m-lmuhk,uuhqutd d;.."- or Do _ as they will not on Dop! , Blight and insects on Plants, Moths in Fur. kotsenbonshnpot&:u;.ho u_t‘pq;ie, &o., &¢,, in less than Teu Minutes, Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cte. per Packet ; or 8iz Packets for One Dollar, Â¥5cta. o For kil Rats, Mice, Insects on Poul e beee Coveiohiget, Biack Sertion oc VERMIN _ DESTROYER, PROF. HERMAN‘S Homesopathic Physician, burgeon & Ac coucher, Residenceâ€"Albert street. Ofic hours from 9‘tu 11 a.w., and 2 to 4 p.m. B&Z" Special attention given to disea a4 disnlacements of the 1terus. 1752 w but certain, ....ui‘ ly and almost painiess proâ€" “:"?;::!.‘m given to parties .m&".u',"m".t m' treet, Centre _wâ€"fi-fil"m- ce at his residence, Street, Centre Town. _ Caneers cured without the use of the knife, by a Physician, "on and Accoucheut, O00 Pay GiBle sppreits the "Toimte vieen Sparks pr o« weop These facts sfiul to the good sense of every sufferer to avail himself of this scientific and curative progress, to which the inventor has devoted a lifeâ€"time of study and labour, a an ardent deciple of that great benefactor of This Swing may be seen in operation at the Canada Contral lflncl, No, 120, Sussex stroot and at No, 8, St. Patrick Streot, " Dated the 9th day of March, 1866. * SIR CH 4RLES LOCOCK, Bart., M. D., F. R.C.P. 8IB BENEY AOLLAND, Bast., M. D A F,. K.8. * SIB Wx. FE3GUSSON, Bart., E. B. 8. EDWp. 5. SIRYEARING, M. D., M.R.C.8. «#11 J BANALD MARTIN, P. R. 0.8." JLVERMACAER‘3 sYSTEM is also ap lov«« of by an official report of the Aca 4* i. de Medicine, Parts, Royal College o Physicians, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Vienna, and its curative virtues are con« firmed by thousands of private testimonials of curesoffected. (Bee pamphlet gratis). I.B.O.l,nlhlfloumeo'l,hoL:o'. ts No Galyanic Belts are genuiue but those bearing the fac simile of M. Puilvermacher‘s signature on the label, JA signed inâ€" vites the public to examine the of E. LAVIGKE, (Quebec.) This new swing contains the mo«~ tive power in it, self, requiring no external impul sion to drive it, and in it persons indulging in that cise are exposed to no accident or danger, Ladies perticularly can enjoy themselves on this Swing without having to contend with any of the inconveniences met with in ordi nary Swings, _ â€" ie _1 #éyâ€"ing shippers from all further trouble " cpooe) reas Ir Jrullure, . . . * * " sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Pours» ® wacwEr‘s recent improvementsin his Voltaic " Batteries and . Galvanic Aglhu:- tor * Medical Purposes ar~ of great importance to * Bcientific Medicine, uod that he is entitled " to the cousideration and support of every " one disposed to further the advancement of " real and useful progress, s mankind, the late illustrious electrician Mionase Fariapy. &e. &vom as a helz,'fll to 40s and 55s, B OHAIN BANDs Writer‘s Cramp, Trembling, Nervousness, &c, 22s to 308 and 40s. c B oohl::msn‘oaux mm D?-hl 3 ysis, Epilepsy, bility _ Functional Disorders, &0., 308 to 505. A completeâ€"Bet of COMBINED UBfil BANDS,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTEBY for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £7, | The public are most earnestly cautioned to beware ol'hnd:o llo::to 1:0"' advertised by sham Doctors, &c., PITI' purposes, and so severely stigmatized by Vice Chancelâ€" lor Malins IP the suit Pulvermacher vs Ham» mond, alias Henry James, alias C. T, Raphey, A pamphlet containing full particulars may be had at the Drug Store of A. Christie, Sparks Street. | J. L. â€" PULVERMACHER, > oTEaAWA Ottawa, boptempor 6, 1870. 144 N.B.â€"Thefollowing testimony from the uu.':‘m:uumutwt’_-m been rece PULYERMACHER‘S MEDICOâ€"GALYAN. IC CHAINS are exceodingly effective without the aid of medicine, restriction of diet, or the ieast derangement of the patient‘s habits and daily occupations, in the following maladies Bhoumatism Fumale Complaints Gout Constipation Sciaticn Cramp Lambago Bluggish Circulation Neuralgia Urinary Disorders Hoad and Toothache Paralysis Liver Complaints Epilepsy Tic Doloreuz Nervous Debility Indigestion Functional Disorders FTMHE Underâ€" PULVERMACHER‘8 PATENT GALVANIC _ CHAINâ€"BANDS, BELTS# AND POCKET BATTEBIES These highly improved inventions render Electricity perfectly solfâ€"applicable, and exâ€" tremely efficacious in a mild continuous form on shock or unpleasant sensation being eXx~ perienced, whereby 1t becomes a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily soothing | agonizing poins, resanfmating torpid limbs, | reviving the slugzish functions of life, and rmparting ronewe energy and vitality to | constitutions entecbled ty whatever cause, | Medicines and their deleterious consequences | wre thus entirely dispensed with, The daily | Hoad and Toothache Liver Complaints Tic Doloreuz Indigestion Deafness Bpasms | â€" Patent sWing, increasing unumber of cures effected by PULYEAMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GALYANâ€" IC SYSTEM is so extensive and varied, that t forcibly potats to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. â€" The effects of the application of Pulverâ€" macher‘s Chaing in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain instantancous. PRICE LIDT OFf PULVERMACHEKRS 318. N. OHAIN BAKDS lor Sciae â€"Rhâ€"umatic Neuraigia, and Gouty Pai‘® Local Paraâ€" Iyl& Cramp, &c., 188. to 23® and 408. B CHA BANEH for Lumbago, Indigestion Liver, Ohest, and Functional Disorders, CHAIN BAND® AND BATTERLES. B. OHAIN _ BANDS for Neryous Deafness Head, Tooth, and Face Ache, and Noiser in the Head, 218. to 308. B CHAIN BANDS for loss oi Volce and other affections of the Throst, 108. 64. to Ottawa, May 9, 1870 a W. K. JOHNSON, Ottawa, Oct. 12, 1871 1498 MPORTANY NOTICEK. 200 Regent Street, London, W Full particulars may be had from the Sole jr + cullxmlg;l'o}% «& C€O., + ~ OTTAWA. " We, the aadersigned, have much plesâ€" $ L. A: CRISON O9tf Sole Agent for Ottawa and Viini ANADA _ NTBAL BAILWAY K. LOGAN, LECTRLCITY 13 LIFE ight and Cartage Agency _â€" _ @2 Awa TlM Es Galvanic Kgtablishmen:, ite the Trites office, Sparks é«u......m'?..-fl: 1455 l8 _ You may publish the facts for the benefit ot ":"’"’ T. 0. BROWX Episcopal Methedist Minister, JOHN SILYVER. Bworn befors me at Smithficld this 6th day of April, A Dâ€"1870. ‘ J XWELLINGTON,) P WONDERFULCUCRE OF LUNG DISEASE Bawoxurs, April 5th, 1870. JOMJIAll,Bt.; .'T‘nil is to certi that wife was very low with Lung Discase. The ;:cht bad given her up, He said her tungs were tubercled, and medicine cou!d not her. Mlh‘Mlmmhtsuuboflle :‘L Great Shoshonees Remedy. At the sxpiration of two days her symptorms were decidedly better. . She continued wo improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was able to sit up, By the continuâ€" ance 3 tt germe$ ol raaperiectly reswred % ~ Emithfield, J C Cha.aberlain, KEeq~â€"This is to ceitify that about three years ago I became afflicted with Bronchitis, which lasted about eigziteen months, I was so affiicted for the want of breath that it was very difficult tor me to m.:ld in the night time frequently 1 the clothes off and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent pbhysicians in the County of Northumberland for about a year, without receiving any benefit, in fact 1 continusd getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last 1 was adâ€" vised to try the Great Shoshoncer Remedy. 1 bougbt a bottle and took it and when it was about finish: d I begsu to feel a litile better. I continued to use it until I had taken three bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I foun that I was as well as ever L bad been previâ€" ons to my illuess and have been so ovu] nane ;/3 + :o Restores Grey Hair to its] Natural:Color 2.75 cents bottle ; three bottles f« . * T If sn ‘be phrchaccd wholocals at all the th fi" @"It can be purchased wh« h in Canada. For -’3.%&'::'»,'114 F. Ma 1aU0sEs THaE HalrR;10 GrROW Imoonu'me THE,ROOTS | : yor somine ThE skin . (REY HaR, IT REstoREs AGAm To ITS NATURAL COLOR, Lmvme IT BEAUTIFULLY Fozmuseas» anp cuossy, | @roPs ITs FaLLING or. y romurs arr orekrs . . CINCALESE JOHN GARDNER, CHEMIST, MONTREAL, Bole Manufaaturer and Proprietor. which will be carried on under the style and firm of | H. McCORMICK & SON. O‘rrun HOTEL,. _ _ Prescott Junction, J. FRANCIS, pr.etor. Meals at all times. Table and liqu cannot be surpassed. 1878â€"3m. Into partnership With him in the Milling, Elour and grain Business A large stock of the above will be kept conâ€" stamtly on hand to suit purchasers. N. B.â€"Farmeis from the County of Carleâ€" ton can enter the mill yard . by Broad Street, opposite Brewery gate. OTTAWA HOTEL, Stâ€" James Street Mon treal, The undersigned having assum. ed the management of this popular favorite, respectfully informs the travelliog public and its former patrous, that the bouse bas undergone many improvements, and that he Intends by constant attention to the wants of his patrons, to make this the most coâ€"vfort«ble Hotil in the city of Montreal. At Junction Depot of Grand Trerk and Oftawa & Prescoti R. &. All the facilities of a Fitst Class House, Passengers refreshment BUILDING AND LRIDGE TIMBER SHINGLES For sale in Ottawa by Hâ€" F. AMacCarthy, Chemist AND;DUES NOT SOIL THE SKIN. IL. MeCORMICK Ottawa, August 13, 1872. _ 2047if Rough Lumber Weli Seasonct, Chaudiere, Oct. 26, 1871 1HAUDIEAE sD&aAaM MIiLLS, 4606 HE UNDERSIGNED LANED LU MBE R HK @JUNMCRION NoTE Cure of Bronchitis Wellington Street. MANUFACTURERS OF of all deseriptions Hoews, &c. JOHN ROCHESTER & Oo. D. WILKIXSON, ol _ Proprictor U. §. BRCW NE, L Manager, XXX. 1805tt [ £ihe Geminl agrel ‘Sale pent it headt t ot m.mumwuq 2i2o, Daver‘ Laâ€" “Al-;u:cht. M,'l::uh Orricn : No. 5, Sparks Streot, ReSE Rassell + cuse, Ottawa city, C. W Managing Director 0. & St. L. R. R. delphia; Thos Fuller, Eeq, Architect, Aib T cJ a dremiyit protiaws ; Tuce Rayserteriing Provincial Land Surveyor and Draughtsman, commissioned for the Provinces of Quebec and Ootario. t8. . © knife. Oakey‘s W Knife Polish should be used with the lw. Prevent friction in cleaning and injury to the ing machines, India Rubber and Buf Leather Knife Boards. Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brilliant polish equal to now cutlery Packets, 34. each ;h‘ud:_qa, 6d., 1s., 25. 64; and 45. each. ‘Be Boil‘s Biock, Sappers‘ Bricge. 4 Rurezzxoxs.â€"H ASims, Hsq, Architect, Philaâ€" Losses promptly settled without refer, ence to the Home Office. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and unquestionable security is hrM to pohc.ymh:fld:;. CoBond‘ es the go up capl mpany, asâ€" |urenp‘l.l:vop additional security in the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a Wealthy Proprietary. f Tables of Rates, Proposal Forms and ful information can be obtained on application to the undersigned. f For cleaning and ishi Silver, Electro Plate, Piate Glass, bl:.d !“. each. J RUYAL IN8SUBANCK COMPANY, . _ FIRE and LIFE, CABITAL............. .. . .. . $10,000,000 ANNUAL INCOME, over..... 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over. ... _. 9,500,000 SPECIAL LIFE ASSURANCE FUND..................... _ 6,603, 210 _There having been added $736,200 to the Life Fund as a result of the business of the past year. against Loss or Damage by Fire at moderâ€" A. PERRY; Fire Inspector. * § T. M. CLARK , Agent. OFFICEâ€"Bang‘s Block, corner Sparks and Elgin streets. 17607 N.B.â€"Ihe financial position of the Royal linnowg:fimdby:. recent Fire at Chicago, Company no Agent doin(bmnu‘int.hltdt".h‘ On the recommendation of the Hon. the ] Minister of Customs, and under the proviâ€" ’ sions of the Sth Section of the Act 31st Victoria, Chapter 6, intituled : "An Act respecting the Customs," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the Town of Sherbrooke, in the Province of Quebec, be and the same is hereby constituted and erected into an Out Port of Customs, and placed under the survey of the Port of Coaticook. W. A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk Privy Council. Un the recommendation of the HBon. the Minister of Customs, and under the proâ€" visions of the 8th Section of the Act 3lst Victoria, Cap. 6, intituled : ©"An Act re« specting the Customâ€"," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that Bay St. Paul, in the Proâ€" vince of Quebec, be and the same is hereby constituted and erected into an Out Port of Customs, and placed under the survey of the Port of Quebec. JOs. 0. COTE, _ Un the recommendation of the Honora ble the Minister of Customs, and under the g)mviaionu of the 8th Section of the Act 31, Vic. Cap. 6, intituled,; " An Act respecting the Customs," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that Lardoise, in the Prâ€"vince of Nova Scotia, be and the same is hereby constituted and erected into an Out Port of Customs, and placed under the survey of the Coliector of Customs, at the Port of Arichat. His Excellency the Governor General in Council. Un the recommendation of the Honoraâ€" ble the Minister of Customs, and under the provisions of the 8th Section of the Act 31 Vic, Cap. 6, intituled: " An Act respecting the Customs,"‘ His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby orJered, that South Bar, Cape Breton, Nova »tia, be and the same is hereby constiâ€" tuied and erected into an Out Port of Cusâ€" toms, and placed under the survey of the Collector of Customs, at the Port of Sydâ€" ney. W. A. HIMSWORTH, _ His Excellency the Governor General in Council. (itawa, Monday, 7th day of October, 1872, Ottawa, Monday, 30th day of Septem» ber, 1872. His Excellency the Governor General in Council. His Excellency ;the Governor General in Council. repared expressly tor the Pateni mnue vieanâ€" No 21, 5. Rideau street, Ottawa. No 1, 10th Concession, Osgoode, Apply to abea y oE OR SALE, FIRE DEPARTMENT. All descriptions of property Ottawa, Wednesday, ?nd October, 1872 OVERNMENT HOUSE, VERNMENT HOUSE, OVERNMENT HCUSE BILLINGS, Ir., Architect. «ificeâ€" OVERNMENT HOUSE, Ottewa, Dec 217. 1871 Monday, 7th day of October, 1872 RAINBOTH, *4 5 â€" OAE Y S 3 Misrelanceous,. Assistant Clerk, Privy Council. Office. Aylmer, P. Q W. A. HIMSWORTH, + Clerk,;Privy Council. PRESEAT PRESENT ; PRESENT PRESENT H. L. ROUT K.F.BEDDELI, Chief Agents for Canada, _ Clerk Privy Council. DB. MoDOUSALL, Bideau streot. L871 18M5tf L a» 22 tf T40; A.J. CHRISTIE _ KAMNET P. HILL N. B.â€"Money to lend. Uitawsé, Fob 20, 1812 _ . 6m 191 citors, Conv Blank forms for the above returns may be had on application to the Department or any of its agents. THOS. H.JOHNSON, . 2074 Assistant Commissioner. Attention 1s called to the 16th and 17th clauses of the "Crown Timber Regulaâ€" tions" which make it imperative that every facility, assisiance and information be afforded to the Department and its agents, by all parties operating in timber or saw logs, &c., in the investigaton of the extent and nature of such operations, and the examination of book: and verification of returns. or for him or them, or acquired from others, during the season of operation for which returns are made, will be required to be jurnished to the Department or its agents : the Department or agents should be advised when final returns have been furnished. o Â¥e establisnment have been sen‘: in and W.thafldsfitdth&fiowra proprietors of the logs and timber, or bis or their manager or principal bookâ€" keeper, as to the total number of pisces of logs, and pieces of boom timber, cut by cut. Separate returns must be made of the operstions of each Chantier, and of each Jobber ; and where it is intended to pass logs or boom timber as cut on private lands, or on lands under settler‘s license, separate returus, under oath, must be made in each case, showing the number of pieces of logs and boom timher, and their respective dimensions, ans <!.e in or part lot on which the sam« | ns , All return of saw logs and boom timber to be made to the Department of Crown Lands or its -{:m, must in future be sent in on or before the FIKRST day of JUNE, in each year, and must be sworn to by the person who superintended the cuttring of such logs and boom timber, and also by the Culler who measured the same; the returns must give the number of pieces of logs and their respective lengths and diameters, and the number of pieces of boom timber, the length of u&piooe, with the diameter of each from barkwba-bubnttndtofiundahothe locality where the same have been cut : the number of feet, board measure, of each quantity of logs of the same lengths and diameters, computed by «Scribner‘s Ready keckoner" to be entered in the returns. respectfully tender the public their sincere thmhforthovorylibepr:.l tronage beâ€" mgdont.bemduring'fihnuvon years. While soliciting a continuance of tbemthoywouldr:fimuuy na:utm inspection of the owing cat purâ€" chased at Guelph Fair. _ whonthoyréltn-undthorublin will be able to see the finest stall of Meat in the 1872. autTrUmu® argRaxok:kE®r PORK, BACON, SAUSAGES, ETC., ETC. _Mhe whole of which will be on exhibition at their Stalls Nos. 3, 5, 7 and 8, Lower Town _ Market, . this WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Matter posted up to 9.30 P.M., will be forwarded Kast package the same night. On Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, Great Britain and Ireland and Prince Edwaird lsland, can be obtained at this office. Also Postara * POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK B@" Deposits will be received at tl.lfl Office. Interest allowed t per ann and Deposits can be withdraw.. ~: .ur time, ts s orFFICK HOTLS P20 * &.M., TO T P.M Butchers to His Excellency Lord Lisgar Gov. General of Canada. 1 pair of Steers weighing the enormous weight of . _4,525 POUNDS, fully supplied with Fresh and Sait. Which took the prize at Guelph Fair. Esq., of Guelph, weighing the great "wmetfi'h’ OF 350 Pounps And 5G head of Western Sheep. â€" _ The Pork Stall will be as usual found 11.30 Cards, A Magnificent Calf, 11 weeks old, bred and fed by John Wast, 1872 .. _ : 1812 EEASTER. ©,50 11:00 6:00 9,50 9,00 When all /returns of any . mverin 9.50|....... #.00 380 |"~"‘*~/ 9.90,} British Columbia (and Vancouver Islend) Maile | I despatched daily via Windsor, Ont., Detroit and San Francisco, U.S. Rates of Postage same as to l | | other parts of the Deminio: 9 50 1219( g.oo United States, via Ogdensburg ............... .............. 950 9.00 Post Office, Ottawas, Oct 4, 1872 30 head of splendid Western Cattle. Ottawa, March 27, 1872 1RISTIE & HILL, (late Keon Christie) Barristers, Attornies, «50 »AW MILL OWNERS AND LUMBERMEN. SATCHELL BROS,, PosT OFFIOE, OTTAWA Via NewYork close every Monday at 8 P.M . Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at 11.10 A.M. A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be closed at 1 2.20 w unregistered matter can be sert. eOs For Money Orders and 8« CTICE TO CLOsE. | P M. |P. M. 1210 F210 Department of Crown Lands, ‘Toronto, 28th August, 1872. ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE of MALTL 31c 0 } Chelsea, W akeficld,North W akeficld,Low & intermeâ€" .......| 4 dinte Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and interâ€" ‘ mediate Oflices, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ......I‘Templo!op, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays...... 4.30 New Edinburgh Osgoode. Russell, &¢ rer The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway. North of Carieton Place Junction, â€"Bristol Clarendon Centre, Packenham, Pembroke PortAge 40 FOTt, &0........cccoeee coossrres reverrerer Aplmer | &nd (MUIL ...â€". :o.3 +»/sresee revercess cereste m svoup March and Opslow, via Aylmer........................... Kemptr lie, Merrickville, Oxford Mills, per St. L. & 0.R North Gowor, Kars, &0., per St. L. & 0. Railway Halifax, N.S., and St. John. N.B Bell‘s Corners, Richmond, &o. per Canada Central DailWAY :ssrreeces resuss rerebe seberrebe aerserere secerobne sobrel Perth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carleton Piace, per Ca BaAGb CORENRE RAIWBY.. .c..sseortipterrrete serensacves &o.; And WOSLETN, U . S...... ......oss sesersens reserves Fort Garry and other placer in the Province ef Manitobaâ€"Mails du{lwhod daily via Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich. Westarnâ€"Kingston, Toronte, Hamilton, London, Lowe: Ottawa, by Steamer, Buckingham, Cumber lind, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, &e............... ... Easternâ€"Quebes, Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster, Tetâ€", DY RAILWEY :câ€"â€"â€"â€".+â€" ssrssege revercens se ovsers sevess M A I LS . MONEY ORDERS BBITISH MAILS THE TIMES is printed and published by A lim:ted number of Advertisements are inserted hhwmflunumrfinmu ‘.Hlslahy‘nnfl. and fl Ml.z l.lmisl{:u ,;n-hsun:uhvnlhd ruak «/ under may be aduressed, ® Jfl_&r BALLAFE, _ Published EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, :fl (uuh-.aniT mail, ai 1 00 per anoum, , wivance ; or $ .Ulllvu‘:ah the yearâ€" ‘ Tor the batiÂ¥or W igxtY."* wers Each, rexram ; each additional word over 24, 99# uguu Contracts for any definite term are at SCALE LATEs, which may be seen on maxnthohc with our Agent, MHK. L« 4 Professional and Business Cardsâ€"not ¢x 24 wordsâ€"are inserted in the Daily Times s 1# Rooms Wanted, Board W anted, _ Bpecial Notices, !2} cents per line. ‘..'.a-u:u.'w.nnv, Houses for =ale, inary advertisements in Daily i::t‘::wmnlin:“m “ L0 January 1, 1872 Mosanuvn. TALLLON & CHRY 8SLB Barristers and Attorneysatâ€"l4 i it Te es sge Was. Mosonovk,." °0. Lambon. ‘ 2. i. Garre is published every morning st $4.9¢ per s008% payabie in advance, or -flnuur'nrlq in the city. It is mailed to subscribers in the tod Stated, at $7.99 free of Canadian postage. .« versity â€" Fhat recently o00n Dr. hmnghm.m’:“ & 134 K. ROBILLARD, Physician, D Accoucheur, Oficein Mr, l-n.'.:i Btore, Basi end of Bupper‘s Bridge, hours from $ a. im. to 4 p. m. _ © _ N. B.â€"Special atrention given to the dnm’&ol!ln‘h At a be seon at ais residence, idene 77.7.1._â€"â€"’ stroot, RIGHT & OLMKMOW, SBarroief “ Mm‘l-n-uv. solicitors in Ohas Conveyancers,Notaries Public, &o, &c, torth winces +« Ontaricand Quebes. Dl. MoDOUGALL, _ a Rideau ¢ w:mlku Btore Mlda ”‘n-* , 8 Cxum.u MARCIL, Advocate, Hall Oince at Mr Tetrau‘s, N P ; private reil« dence in rear of French Osthedral, Hall. _ _ Business attended in Ottaws and the D# trict Courts ofduOg..tydO&'l. Office over Durie‘s Book Store Ottawa. y NOTAbY PUBLIC. . Residence â€"â€" Hull next the Post Office. 17237 "heser: base."~Gon __Jon d omm 1DwWARD T. Dar» Barrige b fldhh itor Attorney and ld.qh‘- Cl ithe Peace and County Attorney, &uumu Presoott and Russell." Oficeâ€"In t Court House, L‘Orignal. 344m ‘ 1CBROLAS 5PA RKB, Eurrister and Alte 1 uy-wléo:...; m""‘hfl. ancer, &c. pporite the Poss OBee, Guawa. E A« MARA, Architect. Officeâ€"Aunch @ Buildings, Rideanâ€"st., Ottawa. _ 909y R H. HAYOOCK, Attorney â€"atâ€" Li © citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer a Public, and Patent RightBolichor. od.: wediately opposite Russell touse, Kiginâ€"st % N Public for the Pro PM a vince ‘of quebee, Hati, mear tos Pm Office. 3900 0*CONNOR, Law MJ s in Obansery: Getirernzent 2n% paaa treot. Offce, Union Buildings, Ottawa. 66 l‘lll & GEMM LLL, Bermaters, Attorn THE WEEKLY TIMES, mmemxe Couraxy, at the Office, 10 Number 12 Wellingion Bueet, @1# Her Majesty‘s 1 aeatre), Contre Ottewa. unnmhm do Tes Ortawia IMES PRINTING AND PUBLISMIS COMPANY. s ADVERTISINC RATES. R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist o-'-{ Sparksâ€"strect, Central Ottawa. Séatf _ July 2, 1872. TAE DAILY TIMES, 0. ARCHAMBAULT»; Migcolinne®st TREI w anred or ht zigflmr,!w'. 25 CHIN TS3 do 10 a m to 4 pm %M in and Ireland, Newfoundla Also Postage Btamps, and P BAKERB, P3stmaster Les ut and Woest in Suppiement Managieg i Houses Wanted, at the rate of Four . 1130 Soard and Lodgt® 10,00 £.00 |11,00 187 *‘ tag $.00 UTAWE® *\ag 139 Tal ?*'flox.n &A LE W.ho and .. Merchants, W&M Pret RORWARDING "_ COMPANY. g RailwaJ K. 3. AND @ULF pOki» AWA RIVER NAVIGAT OOMPANY. i Paddie Steamers Cl m_l 'y“hn” leaves P r'- excepted) at § Des Joachim, returni w‘elocok, a m., conneoti 4# Jason Gould" which leat ading at 12 o‘clock p. | wiving at Portage du â€"F ¢ 4 Prince Arthar‘ wt daily (dundays e J Te ul_,,_:‘_'““ CIfl To »MoNTi: t 4Sir John Young" lea Tuesdays and Fridays â€" ze andi intermediate po 9; 1872 (Sundays excepted hm ation b;"“nGMw. Father oint, Gas bise, Dalhousie, Oha tle, Shediac, Charlotte aod 8t. Johu‘s;, N84 '., m”fidu. wit h _ and Halifax, N. & daily from the office KXITRYC â€" made with the i on the up CAUT:ON. MAIL LINE iE OF TIME. THURSDAY, the 1 rer # Joasie Cisels" 1 ‘nou-pwl) at 7 p Steamers of : . m., returning st l:o‘clock, p. 4 Mn prvachigers artiving in mence 1 the above t red to do all kinds of reasonable terms, an: ihe past 15 vears both EXAN DR A Bltm. ;,m.,l.:'j Ottaws ani vi vÂ¥I NO © (fmimice of United States, 4t all feels confident of b al satisfaction ;I‘tu Mesers. te, Sparks Street, w.l Timber or E on the wharf. U W.8HEP senuon of the pu Of the disreputable Buglish Blaukets E'_“Mlz * HYSON, GUs»®O sad rWaN«ay TZ $s, GINS, U 48. « : of PORT, SHCRRY, g:m.w t. &. 8. Nromor., s Oitawa r.lfltd:m A PR ACE OF W\ Company leares Bonaventure :_.h‘»fd."" it diferent Innding e br Railway, to < 14 (dinner)}, arriving of Shoddy and STREET, MON WALL KANOFAC have pleasure in in a Half Octare P 28, 18172 L. 8, CASSELS, Mn & teamers _"Seoret" 0 e and Pictou even peaPmnieiine Dat is ac, 224 Sheiine: on th ::ou-iu ets, and Heary Of the public is Or wear, but o ) than the vorn &" to leave Fiok AY, JULY 20d. «i 3 olelock, p. m. »# * Flam! borin un rmaue," ng at Shedi ZB-iblbxl. ts, Otcawa. STEAMERS BUILILOIN ; STREEE, Street, next cautioned W. H. Howlan of of the baving of m 1so8 W A the

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