iring anything i» % Jas Jno w B Juo urst Robs ked, with all the ts are noOw comn y J C Mise the Of ler Major ger t l1 Lewis bberland Mrs J# pmhilwo00 +. ggins Saml 0 Jno M Jas mieson J hnston A ‘hnstoo & »hnso8 Mr LI‘tme k MtaW®, N“" m‘ lssox.vr-!f aor or 18# _ ‘mw‘ JOI‘ Montzeal, Tr8405 1, the M L be Say of Montreak b#"* * M ++ i1 Edwin ‘wa Post Office,. Oct, 31, hrie B o Won RD Miss J kott J B 1 mon TS row David ss Gir NV at Jus A s Jos & to 8 mia A J ostumes tting goods ompot..g ‘ Mrs E A 10 Â¥re Bd# Jas W Ketiles Miss May Emma HKeeloy Darty * Mizs M jering 14 â€"ï¬g‘ ue ‘Lr, _ smith Geo Jos B Louis B Miss M A Stevens H Summerville M s E Sullivan J 804 Sullivan Miss C nowest W at . SPaAREKS Kiemn P J King Horace Kingston Wa of Purvic Urs & Putnam H C w C am"* Kings on LUesunys AiE I’;@y-n.......... see 3 0 Uxiox Fo® aroime & Raiuwar Co. Oftawa at 6 a.m. "b.mi tawa at 6 .am. *..nin Aylmer at 4tn. Steamer **Jessie Casse " .C ‘g'bily 8 30 a m. a Wale tn all voints East Ottaws, May 13 qgRAVELUERA‘$ GUIDE. 86. arrive from Aylmer at 4 p. n e sage* Steamer * Jessie Clfl.t" â€:'hily 8. 30 a m. h â€"Tickets to all points En "â€b. d from a. & A. H. TAYLOR, Age is no better Spring and Summer There the Calecdonia Water. No medicine be without it, for where it h-‘l’wl no Doctor need apply. Gisox & Co., Agents. Fairy"â€" Persons i with Rheumatism, 1ri c aphint or Biidden snoubt send the Skin, ys or , should send tor a supply f the Caledonia Water. | Gmsox & Co., f |â€" Corner Sparks and Elgin. The princif Hotels and Saloons in the dty are supplied with Ne?on'u Spring Water. ssk for it. Gissox & Co., gole Agent Ottawa . Mossy 10 Lexo. â€"App!y to R. A. Brad~ ly, Solicitor, &c corm r of Sparks and Bigin Streets, Uitawa. Remem lho-i.llincry and Mantle Show opening on Tuesday next =! Allan, McK|nnons & McMoran‘s. Call an d cur new styles is "S{llinery and Mantles on luesday neXt. Allan, Iel’-noll" & McMoran. Semoot ?mâ€"'fln Board of Comâ€" mon ‘Trustees will meet to morrow night and disagreeable. The sky was murky and the clouds seemed conspiring to ful minate th¢ir wrath upon us in some shape. Novemag®r Faz. â€"The regular November hir was beld on By Ward Market yesterâ€" day. The attendance was prelty large, but the apim=«ls were generally epizootic. «Famse Arazu.â€"The alarm of fire was sounded sbout seven o‘clock last evening. The nv:nl Fire Comprimies turned out with theit engines, but it was ascertained thit shobuso of the alarm was a chimney $s Laweuxcs & Eartuworx. â€"Notwithstin ling the temâ€" porary suspension in the prosecution of wome logil improvements, a very large wsount 6f earthwork is being done daily .in the city. The business is, however; aninly to the bootblacks. We are to siy, as gently as possible, that the streets are very muddy. Might not the Co. poration keep the crossings 1. 0. 6. T.â€"At the weekly meeting of New burgh Temple, No. 83, on Tues . day, ?S:h inst , the fo lowing officer> were installed : Bro. Robert Clark, T.D , Installipg Uilicer; Bro. Wm M. Some:~ ville, W C.T. : Sister Mary J. Jones, W.V. T.; h; Henry J. Holmes, W.4.;: Bro. R. E. W.F.%.: Bro. R J. Butler, W.C.; Bro. Robert Clazk, W.T.; Bro. Andrew Ritchie, W M.; Sister Maggie Clark, W:A.M. ; Suster Lizzsie Dawson, W uLoulse,"" departs for -"-'wn n Mondays and m'hyn 6 errrrsaresss Weitaze.â€"Yesterday was AS. ; Sister Limie Clurk, W.1.G.; Bro Alex. Miller, W.0.G.; Sister Lissie Bray WRYUS ; Sister Maggie Jones, W.LS H. QrrawA A Sgeousmor.â€"A bright idea M‘ our devil yesterd y, and he submitted it to us in the followi.1gâ€" shape : "Would it not be advisable to utiliza ail the vagrant canine genus in this city during the prevâ€" alence of the horse disease?" We think dog power could be profitably employed, and cartainly there are enough healthy. but worthless, curs in this city to afford relief in this emergency. A few hundred "H-Quuynluomtwuswy tate. | Should the experiment prove satis tactory, Thomas cats could be next tmed. m member of the animal creation d be o‘liged to earn an honest liveli Te vils.. Sl.l Patzix‘s Rz.owwos.â€"The weekly onâ€" 1 tertainments at the St. Patrick‘s Hall, will be commenced in about three week=. hence. ‘The principil feature and a nove! one, | in the entertainments this winter will (‘be interesting scioptic views. . Mr.. Waller having purchuse! an exceliont m Ball for the purgose. . Very in‘ *~ *’ pictures and lan lscupes wi ‘ hibitet accompanied with bri»â€" aus &apâ€" T descriptive sketches, .~» ‘vhole to intersporsed with instramental ic. Under these circunstances we thin k we are safe in anticipating good amuseâ€" ment. CaxADA fire in U, per Town B';ulo Tox â€"This marvel of musical gilent wil appear in the Music Hall on Mond :y night next and the three followâ€" ing nights. He is a negro of about 23 years of age, and has travelled through sAmprica and Europe, astonishing and enâ€" tertaining larze sudien:es in all the prin« cipal cities of these countries . Born blind, he has nevertheless, by strange and almgost cruel means, succeeded in relierâ€" ing himseif from total darkness, so that at present he enj>oys the pleasure and benefit of viâ€"ion, though to a very limâ€" ited extent. His biographer says : "The mere technicalities of music he learned ï¬d&flmlw. Its substance he comâ€"« intuiuvely. â€" To teach him the -'."""L 7 (X) Artives â€" Lear every dy at. . Victorip y, AND \ LOYQAL [ notes, it was necessary only O sound them and tell him their names. With the elements and principles of music he seemed to be familiar, ling before be hew any of the names by which they rind'mud." llis performances are characterized by elegince, tiute ani powor, while his faculty of imitation and his power of memory are extraordinary. He is, in fact, a living miracle. â€" | Poumes Covn:,.â€"_Wzeoseâ€"o.r. â€"Maâ€"y And | for assaul:ing a littie girl, was sent gaol for 1wo months. ; s 9 | Beorge Uowley was charged with As« h& The was remanded ontd this 'JEIS 240 1.10 Rives® Navioatiox Co "PFA W A Otrawa Ran wat TAYLOR, Agents. corner Sussex and NEWS ocz aaes se B0 Foawarpixe Co‘Y 1958if 4.00 The Tea Social of the Juvenile Catholic | Temperance Society came off last night in % _ |the St. Patrick‘s Hall. The tables were well provided with all that w.n'oodin‘ 00 the shape of f:iut and general eatables, o. The Chirese beverage being, of course,. the only one induiged in, excepting, perâ€" | haps, Adam‘s ale. The College band was .eaves | in attendance, and discoursed excellent music, His Lordship Bishop Guiges ocâ€" ® 800 | cupied the chiir, and among the gentle~ mts. men on the plaijorm were the Rev. Dr. x and | V‘Connor, Rev. Father Malloy, Messrs E. MoGillivray, J. W. T. Hannum, â€"â€"â€" Watâ€" t ___ | son, John Heney, W. H. Wallet and Robert U‘Reilly. Mr. Martin B.ttle, alâ€" ways energetic and proficient in whatever m-l:' role he may assume, was the directing :'.†i‘:\'pirit'ln the af ar, and the resu‘t was ply. satisfactory in the extreme,. Addressss ents. | were delivered by His Lordship the musical 'b.ydm Gracious P:wr e a persuasion that 1 Hall on i,.cwp:o the aiy :noes followâ€" prosperity of this Do bout 23 | fejoice in every opportuni t p | ihe apread anc influence “dh'o?._ at us, in devoung ® of wuom we hare t he prin« advancement . of 1« Borna and .:Pvi'""fl ®© nge d mu ab same tiume : relierâ€" '.";v e ‘r eraigant charge of the duties whnic _so that | nauon, in the efforts of are and [ to adapt your energies a»w Yim. Lof those great “A ".. Frede:ick Taylor was charged with being drunk. He was fined $2 and costs or one week in gaol. Joseph Deliâ€"le, drusk and disorderly on the streets, was fined $2 and costs. Hugh Brown and George Carroll were up for disturbing the peace. _ Carroll being the aggressor was (ined $10, costs inclusive. P. Logan was charge i with assaulting a man named Burns, one day last week. The defendant wis fined $5 and costs. Joseph S:yers was charged with selling liqzor on Sunday. The case was laid over. Bishop, and by the other gentlemen on the platorm. The society certainly merits every encouragement, anil list evening we were pleased to «ce so muny gentlemen of inflguence tike actlive ‘iaterast in it We wish it imcreased prosperity ant «x tended influence. The removal of rem:wns from the old | Catholic burying groun t to the new ons, l has been going on uaiaterruptedly dur« | ing the last six wooeks. Where s> inâ€" “ m« : >4 a »umber of interments hive beea wosefit is natural thit some difiicalty would be experienced in finding the A very grave mistake occurred about a week ago. A gentleman from the: hood of the city undertook to reâ€" the remains of one of his " dear doâ€" " but bhaving no tombstone or m:) guide him, hbe unconsciously exâ€" and reâ€"interred the body of the mr of a citizen. A few days ago the decided to transier his mother‘s dustito the new cemetery, but to bis great -n&mom. he â€" found on _ goirg to |the oli â€" ground _ that . the q:_ tSay, f.f.frem this woâ€"wo (big) mus‘ find (hic) ole ‘coman â€"Y.â€"Yâ€"Yes, (his) say, le‘s go â€"cemtry (hic) J.â€"â€"Whi a woil‘â€"terrble («ic) maun -‘!' been druak â€"scoundrelâ€"shoo% him (hig) by Jove ! , (M.â€"king frantic eff>rts to overturn lamp post) (hic) High! clear de road an‘) (hic) let me at ‘ear ! Uga! Here the two bolted isto the mid ie of the roud, n: having measured thour longsituie in the guter, they arose sepulchral look‘ng but refreshed, an t woent vif on the zgzlg like the course of a priaitive coan‘r} fence. Yesterday afternoon, His Exceliency the Governor General was waited upon by His Lordsphip B shop Lewis, as repreâ€" sentative of the Church of Euglaad Conâ€" ference. The Rev. Mis. Pollard was also present. His Lordship rew! the foll.wing To His Excellency the Earl of Dufterin, wpaveaewe C _ G Governar (ieneral of the Dowainion of |_ C .nada, &e. _ Mar ir Pusise Your Exogun«xor.â€"We, the Biâ€"hops of.the Charca ot Bogi nd4, in Thndea the Eociesiastic.1 Province of Canuda, beg respectfulty to avail oursoives of the occa Evening P sion of our being assemblâ€"d in conference | Commence a :. this city, to approach Your Excellency diately after wi~*~ the sxpression of our congratulations l the vour wpomunormum iho u)vobn- i i i this portion of Her M«jesty‘s Do t We do::;o offer you this mark “g “n B] of our respect uty in anticipation of the time when the members of the Church :::d'd‘::- at large, with ciergy and loy, in our 14 | Right Reve spective dioceses, that at their e«rliest R;f- Ro. T r A /A QUEBE:, T ical meetings will tender to Your A collectic cellency the assurarce of their cordial | the Mission | and their confidence in the rightâ€" | gario. exercise of the authority delegated 10 | _ ();tawa, N by our Gracious Sovereign the Quaen nmmictegseteshcudme e teel a persuasion that while your efforts irected to the aiy .ncement of the tea:» prosperity of this Dominion. you will joice in every opportunity to encourage he spread anc influence of true reiigion Soting aith ts t us, in devoung ourselves with ï¬â€˜â€œâ€˜ limber. of wuom we the owersight, to | / '"ldl"‘_“b'.,: advancement of religion, and to | 1347 n..:l.. mdhsppinoâ€".we-h‘:.:lboooa- Buld by all d tril at‘the same time to the strength | **~~"*" -lll:’ tho‘rinelplu. and to the dis~ BY A. charge of the uties which alone exalt a Uerio: |nation. umm_aon'mxmu.._ny A i to adapt your energies to the promotion ROUND TO FIND TH CLEKICAL TEMPEXANCE SOCIAL ‘l‘o_lbo 1 P ¢ o Bishops of the Church of Englan« ~ Canada : 4 f ‘ m : My Loaps.â€"As the representativa of tuur Most Graciâ€"us Qieen, who is the head of the Chure : of which you are the in this Exlesiastioal Province, I w'flm the address of wel« His Excellency replied as follows : â€" A. MoxtasaL. J. T. Ostam J. W. Quenee. A. N. Togoxro. J. Husow. AD®RE3$s TV DUFFEAIN. His Exsellency d and â€" thit earnestly pray | vyoâ€"u‘s do ous to IRD that I desire to record my satisfaction at receiving so cordial an expression of good will, from the rulers of a re‘ligious com» mumnity, whose influences have been so generally beneficial throughout the counâ€" try. Conciliating and blamele:s to those of your fellowâ€"subjects who are not memâ€" bers of your communion, you faithfully maintain in this new land the faith, dis« | cipline and doctrines of < the mother . | church, while by your efforts to spread | abroad true religion, m}lo inculcate the | truth of the gospel, upon which alone | npational prosperity and the happiness of | a people are founded, you powerfully conâ€" tribute to promote the present and ensure | the future greatness of Canada. 1 can | assure you that nofofl‘t;r.u shall bowls.ntmg | on my to further your religious ‘ on'ionot':..nln conclusion 1 beg to 'lfnnk | you on Lady Dulhrin'n’b.ohdf,..m.i on my duties of my delegated office. But it is not solely as representative of our Queen in relationship to the Church of En#md, but rather as the Chief Governor of this kind wishes. _ Government House, (ttawa, Nov. 6th, 1872 La:t evening at the regular monthy meeting of the " Ottawa ‘" Fire Company, after roll call, Captain Wm. McCatfrey, in a few appropriate remarks, introduced the incidental business of the evening, which was the presentation of a goldâ€" headed wilking stick to Mr. A. Lof)lgo, Engmeer City Fire Depirtment, who was présent. Captain McCaffrey read the fol« lowing ADDR €83 : ‘ Mr. A. Lepage, Engineer City Fire De . partment. Ste, â€"We, the ofh:sers and members of the "Ottawa‘" Fire Company, avail ourâ€" selves of this opl;oflunily of testifying our appreciation of the canner in which you performed the duties of your oftice as engineer of this W’ on the occaâ€" sion otf the recent c nge contest beâ€" tween the " Ottama" and "Chaudiere ‘‘ Fire Engines, and beg your acceptance of this walking stick as a slight memento of that event. With best wishâ€"s for Mrs Lepage and family. o2 is w\’V-o.'u;-sn, on behalf "Ottawa Fire Company. ie to C Wax MoCarrary, Capt. R:casiro Devits, Lieus. Mr. Lopage made a neat little speech in acknowledgment, and said that it wouli always be his prime objcott:»‘ keep the city fire apparatus in the % ble condition, at the conclusion of vmm regular business was resumed. The stick was from the establishment of Messrs. Young & Radtord, and is very handsome, bearing on the panels an engine, branchâ€" pipes, maple leaves and shamrocks, At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the County of Carleton General Protesâ€" tant Hospital, the following re~!stion, moved by Mr. Durie, andsecâ€"nue« _ Mr. Workman, was_adopted : â€" ©That this Board is gmeved to hear of the desth of W. J. Henry, Esq , M. D., for several years a member of the Medial Bward, and one ot the Attending Medical Officers of this Hospital. i * With a deep sense of the loss which his removal occasions, it would record its high appreciation of his character as a man, and his worth as a medical pracâ€" titioner â€" In the midst of a career, which promised to be one of increasing usefulâ€" ness, he has been, in the Providence of an Allwise God, taken away, and his loss will be generally felt. _ L4 M * The Board would especia‘ly note, the kind, gentle and earnest spirit with which he rendered his services to the indigent -':.ik, and suffe:ing inmates of the Hoâ€"piâ€" « Deeply sympathizing with Mrs Henry in her sore amicpt:)n nz eomnzndin‘ her to the God of all comfort, and consola tion, the BHoard hereby instructs the secretary, to forward to her a copy of this resolution." A Cheque for FIFTY DOLLAR3 on the Untar 10 B-%zoumn. Payment has been -l.of‘p:t finader will oblige the owner by leaving it at this office. + (Ottawa, Nov 5, 1872.; 3018 NOTICI TO CONTRACTORS. signed, and endorsed "Tender for Iron Roof," will be received at this office, until MONDAY, the l1th instant, at noon, for the erection and completion of the Iron Koof of the Library, Parliament Buildings in this city, in accordance with plans and specitications to be seen at this oflice. . _ ‘the signatures of tw> solvent and reâ€" sponsible persons willing to become secu rities for the due fultilment of the contract must be attached to said tender. . _ [LGO2J BLSKOP OF O8TA+LI) -Tl;o'b:;;t;;n‘t’ will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender. By order F. BRAUN, â€" for your prayerful aspirations and Department of Public Works, Uttawa, Nov 4, 1872. â€" A meeting in aid ot the Domestic Misâ€" sions of the Diocese of Ontario, will be held in the BSBOF$ CHBL, SSE SNBDT Evening Prayer (shortened form) will commence at hlf-:.t SEVEN. Immeâ€" diately after the Chair will be taken by And addresses delivered by the Most Revâ€" erend the METRUPOLITAN, and the RiJit Reverend the Lord Pishops oi QUEBE.:, TORONTU ana HURON. _ _ _ _ A collection will be taken up in aid of the Mission Funds of the Diocese of Onâ€" Cutters, mrr’f"m Sleighs, oue twoâ€" horse Tread Mill, 1 oneâ€"horse do, one lron Plough, several Harrows, one Potato Digâ€" ger, a quantity of â€"Double and Single Harâ€" n.u,ï¬o?oulllxotuu.n\d.hrpnun- ber of other articies not enumerated. Terms of Sale:â€"All sums under $25, eih : and over that amount siz months‘ Sealed tenders addressed to the underâ€" h-lnbo'rm indestructible, (8! coated with hard rubber) cool. claan‘r g“ limber. break nor soil. Useu ited to the form. Neatest, Il&’.M Wt'nus‘“ St.. hu:.m T07 B!:N t a 1 L. Suld by all dealâ€"rs. UOsT en SA Mg i o ies dn ts s credit will be given by giving satisiactory endorsed paper. Sale to commence at 11 a. m. _ _ PROTESTANT HOSPITAb HURCH MIiSSIONS. Uttawa, Nov 2, 1872 PRESEN LATION. UCTION SALE BY A. ROWE, AUCTIONEER, rsday, Nov. Tih, Inst. : Chief Governor of this and her civil Minister, 'l‘ R U S 8 £ 8,â€" Comfort, safety and relief for | Hâ€"rnia, Rupture, Sectev‘s Hard Kubber Tru=ses, made in every and 707 Broa iway. N.X and 707 Broa a.n{lh A. RUWE, 30173 * ste~! «oprings » "usts, 3016 td Purchasinge SPEGIAL THE OPPAWA TIMES, NOVEMBER 1, 187z GREAT SAVING! RFEGENT P. Baskerville & Brothers, PEOPLE‘S TEA STORES We are now offering the following goods :â€"A ‘%e ieral assortment of fine Groceries, Wines, RBrandies, Gin, Rum, Irish and Scotch kies at prices that cannot. be equalled ; Teas in particular. _ Our goods are our agents, try them all, will be guaran« teed. â€" Also on hand, Pork. Flour, Cheese, Butter, H and Eeg- at the lowest marâ€" ket prices. Highwines, ()1d Rye, Proof and Malt, the best in Canada, on hand. Our direct importations of Wines. Brandies and Teas ena les us to sell at the very lowest. Our direct purchasers from the Dominion manufactu; and the States also allows us to sell at prices not to be rivaled. â€"Fish, of all descriptions, now on hand and will be sold at lower prices than small lots can be laid down. Every attention will be paid to those favouring us with their patronage, and a re& ble accoramodation given to ustomers. . (yâ€"Remember our motto: Speedy ret‘t;rm. i P BASKEKVILLE & BROTHERS SPARKSâ€"ST. About nine acres of land, oomgmm; DEY‘S GARDEN, and that part of lot beâ€" tween the garden and Curricr & Batson‘s Mills. Liberal con ditions. f Ap.]' w 22y mwsneee a +9 A F‘ine Mill Site. THE pairtnership heretofore existing be tween C. H.CARRIERE and WILLIA M CL CE cae sal masrreante ... l 4 tween C. H.CARRIERE and WILLIA M R. THISTLE, under the name of Carriere and Thistle, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. The liabilities will be discharged, and the assets assumed by W. R. Thistle. » (Signed), C. H. CARRIERE, WM. R. THISTLE, DR. BROWN has great pleasure in re» commending his successor, PATBONIZE HIM. to his muny frisnds and patrons as thorough practical Deveaist, well versed in all the mo t difficult branches of the ~0OR SALE A small sum of money. The owner can have the same by piying for advertiseâ€" ment and proving property. Apply at the Timzs office. Ottawa. Nov 5 1872. 3018 business Notice is hereby given, that in con eâ€" quence of the men lately in' the Lo.mgloy uSss in ied c . La a FUUND. of J. H. Bray, contractor for the Free Presbyterian Church, not having been paid, the members of the various Trades Unions in this city have resolved not to work on said church until all men who have been employed on said work have receivedl their pay in tull, and they would ask that all good Union men do assist them in maintaining their rights s By Order, pUuNALD ROBERTSON, Secy. otf Committee. Free Pes, Citizen and Gourier please HOUSE:, (MEARA & Co. De Wish to ind the public a complete FALL Oitawa Sept 25, 1872. Consisting of Trowserings, Vestings, Overcoatâ€" ings, also a large supply of Beavers, Pilots, Doeskins. Venetian Meltons, &c., Tweeds, Scotch, Eunglish and Canadian, and splendid stock of Readymade Clothing, all of which will be sold cheap for cash. We do pot pretend to sell our poz und "r cost price, but we certainly goll them at a very smail advance We are always selling of and at smlu to dofy comâ€" petitian. We have no s time in the year to sell our goods .c.n,‘",m.x- erder to reâ€" duce them afterwards, we soll cheap all the ;fl:o. By calling and examining our d:k ore purchasi clsewhere, Plnl‘..ll L Notlvl:leol oln-‘\n we say that we have the largest and chempest stock of Readymade Clothing to be found in the city. All being pur chased carly in the season enables us to offer great indacements. Oar Readymade Clothing Department will be foand complete in the foliowing articlesâ€": Overcosts, SM Jackets, Sack Coats, Shooting Coats, Boy‘s Overcoats, Posa Jackets, and Twoed Costs, also ala‘ge stock of Pants, Vests, Shi nunnï¬lhdor- shirts, White D.ess snim’.“la. &o. We have also on hand a large lot of "White and Grey Blankets, thant> Blankets, Horse Blanket:, Corto® and Linen Bag», all of which wili be sold cbeap for cash. ‘Inspection invited. > ‘ Our Cailoring Dep «râ€"ment is 48 usual, comâ€" w 10e CA Rne & 3y .A en eminagr Amgy‘ Ottawa, Nov 5, 1872 se 67 SPARKS STREKLT. Uttawa, Oct 15, 1872. 3000 3m ebsap for onch. . Anspection intlteh Uffers in writing to be deposited with pruls 18 siL to mmke "'::',‘;..‘.'.."."..‘l’.: °mâ€" |as little delay as possible in the office of .-P"r' of & first .:l.. (Cuttor, gentlemen M&qnfll may rely on getting a good fitting garment. order r. ; O‘MEARA 4 CO. H. J. BORTEWICK, Ne Rdnrvays Aike. Audtasacse GT plete in all its oranches, api boing under Uitawa, Oct. 24, 1872 AT THE 28, 1872. THE MECHANICS OF THE O MILNION,. BY Mmaue C Wholesale and Retail Grocers: 3 LIQuoRs AND | PROVisIONS, pxa9 STREET, AND DUKE STREET, CERAUDIERX, sP14K5 sT., OlTAW3, . Dry Goods, Readyâ€" uc Clothing, &e., &c. furm their numerous customers +81 generally that they have recoived . ELW HELIL, & WINTER GOODS, ?roclamation of the Notary Public, Hull. 3011 N TETREAU, of land, comprising is â€"pt Reduced. ‘Reduced. Reduced. 3014 a .\,1‘5‘?’“" | 138 w"â€&ï¬& «*", cF" «9Â¥ J. R. STITT & Co. We blmult received per Express, from a celebrated grower in Holland, a large and choice a:lonmnt of the folloning : Hyacinths, 1) Narcissus, A ~lirge oonlimfmï¬nt of the purest VIV"LN and SPIRITS have just arrived at ‘ & "MEDICAL HALL," 61, Sparks Street, Centre Tewn. Mr. ELWELL is exflee ing some of the best ALE and PURTEK, which he always inf keeping on hand. Ottewa, Oct 31, 1872. â€" 3015 Pmix-i WINES AND SPIRITS. and birch wood, 25 cords of hemlock in Gloucester ; also, stock and implements. Terms reasonable. A; pl{“to ~ c l;) LAREN, = Rideau 8&063 Ottawa. Or . _ JAMES DUGGAN, _ The west half of Lot 13, 4th Concession Ottawa . Front, with fifty oords of maple A pmt FOR SALE. « flm P 5. ad Preseat," y C. ROGER. past kdi nng Oct | , 1872. as low as possible. _ 11, 1872. N, B.â€"The fullest attention will be paid sanfing to rgreement: bo ambellnhed or ing to agreement, embe or pri h’ in varied colored inks. lress please copy. e )TTAWA PA _ AND PRESENT! To dispese of suitable for : IKU“\I: $CROOL PU&POSES, UTCH BULBS, &c. A biock of not less than _ Four Acres "{'_""'_qum, 3 $o w . hok sw"‘w HORTLY TO BE PUBLILSHED, ) A SEOOND EDiITION OF ;1: Normal School Committee is pre to receive offers from parties having ttawa, Cot 22, 18712 _ _ 3006 3 Eel the information already publishâ€" proposed Second Edition will be ILLVSTR ATED, x much %W:&t& meny present be a. I6 is lhommbhd this ion in cloth, with the necessary out» gilding, and the price will be made $3.65 3.85 4.20 4.65 5155 JBRMAL SCHOUL, kfully received by 25 cts. usual price 33 cts. 28 66 40 33 ce 45 37 ® 50 43 [ =n%€ 55 4g3 «. _ 60 1, 1872. OTTAW A. ossessed by residents of the city, or itants of the Ottawa Valley, will be %cu usual price 14 cts. «e 20 19 66. 25 2B «6 30 38 is 35 3 ue 45 Y INFORMATION concerning Otta~ &¢., &¢., â€" &c. A. CORILSTIE & CO., Druggists, Sparks Street, Ottawa. 6165 locks of Land 50 cts. usual price $ 60 g-’ «c 80 [ 7 «e 90 85 « 1.00 071 «e 1.25 8 cts. usual price cts. usual price 13 cts «O _ 16 # 22 se 25 «o _ 30 NOTICE. usual price $4.25 $s 4.15 * 5.25 8 ..« 5.16 s 6.175 «e 8.00 Tulips, Lilies, Gladioli, C. ROGER, T mss Or#icE. Crocus, 10 cts 13 15 17 18 N Metropolitan Life Insurance C 0 M P aA N Y, of New York, ENTITLED RESERV E ENDOWMXENT RESERVE DIVIDEND PLANS Claizing advantages not hitherto offered, originated and published by W. P. STEWART, Actuary of the Metropoâ€" litan, and Copyrighted by him in 1869. â€"__ OFFICERS: Joseph F. Knapp, President; J. R Heseman, Viceâ€"Preâ€"ident ; R. A. Granniss, Secretary. The Reserve Endowment is in every essential ; articular an origical endowment policy, but at whole life rates, is a paid up Policy in ten years, and is therefore a uniâ€" versal plan coverin? ble toals coudiizo: a This Cooâ€"nany i. deposit with the G and is now prepared popular plans. â€" :\genc'ies in the Dominionâ€"THOS. A. TEMPLE & SON, Gen. Supt. for Maritime Provinces. â€" Office, St John, N.B. _ _ _ â€"-f 'Aâ€" l_lï¬',-l.:'é;nor'nr A'gant for Central Canada. Office, Kemptville, Ontario. _ F A MOORE & SN, Gen Supt for Qnâ€" tario and Quebec. OUffice, Toronto. ROB Aï¬Â«?(?é,?r'.i‘gm for Ottawa and vicinity. Office, 38 Sparks Street. Ottawo, Oct 26, 1872. 30104 U Ottawa, l1th Oct., 1872 Authorized discuunt on American In voices until further notice: 11 per cent. R. 8. M. BOUCKHETTE, Four Miles from Ottawa. The follamt'ï¬s Valuable Farm. the proâ€" perty of JO McAMMOND, Eeq., Jr., viz:â€"The south half ot Lot " N" Conces sion "A," Rideau Front, Nepean, containâ€" ing over One Hundred Acres, of which 10C are cleared, and in good cultivation. A good Frame House (24 x 30,) lately erectâ€" ed, to?et.her with outbuildi For further parti ulars y to JOHN Mo OND, Jr., » On the Premises. VALUABu. FARM FOR SALE, EW PLANS OF INSURANCE DErartMeEXt or AoR:10vLTUREB, Uttawa, 11th October, 1872. VIENNA EXHIBITION. In pursuance of an Order in Council dated 2nd Uctober, 1872, notice is hereby given to Companies, Firms, or Individuals who ma«y desire, to send on their own ac count articles to the fortbhcoming Vienna Exhibition of the f\,-.'n-wing abstracts of‘ rules furnished, and the ofier of services tendered by the Committee of Her Majesâ€" | ty‘s Commission entrusted with the management of the Exhibition of Colonial “ productions. _ _ __ _ _ _ _ | PU BLIC NOTICE. ~ _ The Vienna Exhibition programme | refers to objects coming under a classifiâ€". cation comprising twenty six groups, viz : 1 Group 1. Mining, Quarrying and Metalâ€" urgy. Group 2. Agriculture, Horticulture and Forrestry. Group 3. Chemicsl industry. Group 4 Substances of Food, as proâ€" ducts of industry. . Group 5. Textile Industry and Clothing. _ Group 6. Leather and India rubber industry. Group 7. Metal industry. Group 8. Wood industry. Group 9. Stone, Earthenware and Glass Industry. > Group 10. Sma‘ll Ware and Fancy Goods. Group 11. Paper Industry and Stationâ€" Nepean, Sept 27, 1872. _ Group 12. Graphic Arts .ng Industrial Drawing. Grou;»p 13. Machinery and means of struments. i } Group 15 Musical Instruments. Group 16. The Art of War. Group 17. The N"EI Group 18 Tiv‘! gineering, Public Works, inc *rchitacture. Group 9. The Private Dwelling House, its inner arrangement and decoration. USTOMS DEPARTMENT, Group 20. The Farm House, its arrange~â€" ments, furniture and utensile. Group 21. National domestic industry. Group 22. Exhibition showing the orâ€" ization and influence of Museums of fi‘:b Art, as applied to Industry. G:oup 23. Art applied to religion. Group 24 Otbjects of Fine Arts of the Past, exhibited by Am#teurs and Owners of Collections (Exposition des amateurs.) Group 25 Fine Arts of the present time, Works &:dmod since the seconi London Ershibition of 1862. Group 26. Education, Teaching and Inâ€" struction. To the exhibition of articles coming unâ€" der the above mentioned titles, are added what is called Apptmo®ar Exmaions, and Texroriry Exaistrioss, the formsar having reference to _ 1. The History of Inventions. $ ’ 2. The History of Industry. 3. Exhibition of Musical Instruments of rials ani their products. _ 5. The History of prices. 6. The representrtion of the Commerce and Trade of the World, and the latter hflnflnfomeo‘to 1. Live animals (horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs,fow!s, game, fish, &c¢.) ‘ h? Butchers moat, venison, poulty, pork,, _ 8. Dairy produce. 4. Garaen produce (fresh fruits, fresh vot-hbl_u. flowers, plants, &c.) )» Living plants injurious to agricultare The Imwb;d Committee above menâ€" tioned of & mwm is uoder the presidency of the uis of Ripon. The Secretary of Her M:jesty s Commisâ€" sioners for the Vienna Exhibition is Philip Cunliff Uwen, Eq, who is to be addressed "Vienma Exhibition Offices, 41, Parliament Street, London, 8 W." The following is an abstract of the rules :.hh as it may consern private individuâ€" ie. a. Her‘: Majesty‘s Commission is apâ€" E::it:d to represent British and Colonial itors. b. Exhibitors will have to defray all owmmw e. The Austrian Commuttee cominuâ€" niqate solely through Her Majesty‘s Comâ€" missioners. & . d. The Exhibition will open at Viepna on the lst May, and close on the 3lst October, 1872. fr the e Axhivitors are responsible packing, forwarding, receiving and un â€" pfldmir(aodl both for the open« ing and after the close of the Exnibition. f. The objects will be submitted to the jadgment of an International Jury. _ _ Group 13. Machinery and means of Group 14. Philosophical, Surgical Inâ€" £70000 on received at Vienna from the Ist February until the 15th day of April, 1873. _ _ n;;l;(; iâ€"n'“ i mlm' itc Mdm omm & no time in_phcingthmnlv. i"°°"“'."‘ Ottawa, Sept. 13, 1878. m::m T . * B@"Parties at a distance can obtain list 0 _ _ J.H.Popg, _ | dressing Agent, Box 474, Post Oflice, Otiama; A. The objecis exlibited will be mw against piracy of invention or L‘Ellibnou and their Agents will receive tickets entitling them to free admission to the Exhibion. (n account of the limited space of time reâ€" i.â€"xxâ€"inï¬m of the use of waste mateâ€" :’-::f-: at z‘ mn:; PRESEXNTED BY THE Commissioner of Customs A N D s made the necessary overnment of Canada, to take risks on their all wants, and applica wil be uks HiCh, G@&~House Furnishing Goods PARIS, LONION & OTTAWA. their B L A NK E T S will prove Ottawa, Octt 22, 1872 «HOW ROOM OPENING. Allan, McKinnons & McMoran _ Tuesday October 8th.. HATS AND EONNETS, RaAQ A0U NeJs LWn M And a large stock of $@"~NEW MANTLE CLOTHS "@g in all the new materiale. N.B. â€"MADAME DUBOIS, Mentle Cutter, late of F «ris and London, takes charge of the making up of orders in this department. Satistaction guaranteed . * Ottawa, Octoler, 5, 1872. Last Season‘s Prices, Ladies will secure The firm are at present showing their LONDON NOV EL/Z"* Call and examine their new Dress Polanase, * Seal, Astrachan and Cloth Jackets, Skirts in Silk, Satin, Ohamoise, &¢., j Striped Velveteen, not to be found elsewhere in Canada . H. PATTERSCON‘S Our DRESSâ€"MAKING arrangements are complete, T. FHIunton, Son Ottawa, Oct 8, 182. attern _ Jackets, VWaterâ€"proof â€" Mantles, HUNTON, SON & CO‘S. Grand Show Day Latest Paris Importations. Ottawa, Sept. 13, 1872. a B@"Parties at a distance can obtain list of rates and information of routes by & Costumes, &c., &c¢., &c. FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMEFâ€"CAN PATTERN WILL TAKE PLACE NEXT WEEK. ill secure the greatest NOVELTIES by waiting for CANADIAN AND IMPORTED AXD ALL THE LATEST NOVLLTIT With a largeTassortment of , /4 ORNAMENTS, &c. GRAND TICKET OFFICE, TBREOUGH COU PON TICKETS All Points East and West on the rriveaicies ww o2 000 5* â€" bepe d oi e ie ho en * CANADA CENTRAL GRAXp TRUNK RAILWAY. Allian, McKinnons & McMoran, _ 20 SPARKS STREET â€"â€"WILL SHOW ONâ€" AT ATâ€" T /ZDIESK 73 Sparks Streot #5