It strikes at U through its worle: the blood to a i s« It is a certain cersecly lor @croivil Rerrous and Generc\ Dotbility, all| disenses of the Skin, Gout, Rbecumatism,| Indiges tion, Jaundice, Scuryy, Hrouch!;l Ailso tions, Cheet Complaints, and all other di seases arising from an impure state of !‘ COMPOUND SYRUP OF SAR SAPARILLA | _ 1 Is the Great Hcali Fuil directions for taking this Great ::llh Restorer .coom“\m b?ny Mo.dh Bottle, sho careful in s _oi ahat guscm"s COMPUUND sY RUm SARSAPARILLA, and no other, is sup _ all the Ottawa druggists. Ottawa, March 9, 1872 DAY & MARLIIN‘S\®: One trial will establish its vast supert Writy in respect of both oxaénoo and sconomy over any other Paste prepar® It will go balf as far again} and give s much more brilliant and lusfing poiwh %an any other paste compound,. Can be had otf all Grocers.| Wholesale agents, EVANS MERCER & ).. Montreal, and to be obtained from ~ _ PRICK 10 CTS. PER } L.B‘ TiN. Is is par excellence the ; Best Paste Blacking in lhg World Whotesaie ot C. T. 6A i K & CQ., UtlaWa Utsawa, sept. 13, 1372 iw‘.&d Barristers, Attorneys, s‘::loim m | PEBEPIBE PPRNE O ER ECCC Chancery, Conveyancers, Notafies, Comâ€" | Composed of the following or other first class * for g attidavite ? be 4800 | powerfal !â€"~o Steamebips : In the Province of Quebes, &a | \ BPOTLAND NILB ANGUS MUKRLSUN, \ _ AECTO 1g /. L. LDokiAnt upsEDos, | Hkpwayr 4y R. M. WELi 1 BUBI. CASSBLS, Jz Office on Elgin Street, opposite Russel: House, fourth door from Sparks Street MXWPICAL INVESTIGATION _ | h has proved that the defuying sub. | (( stances which accumulate botween the te€ia conâ€" wain animai ani vegelable palasiles, waud thal the | TUOLH rOW DEXk5, FAoico agd J aAsllis i. UKENERAL Lo# have no eifect | upon thewe Messrs. GAciiLiL 3 Cuita uls 6 LQO in PAsQi | â€"p nl“ PiBDilriivie and 0UV3iAugiQu & completeiy desuo» and .muvo'mux E UNCAN‘S Paste Blacking. | amumaiqulee al MYRTLE NAVY. w WWW W WO W o MWP Nn ME OBE OE 0P OW CCC FL | aganent relic! whon no 1, w70 wo N&ve | h r never known a gls w of ulsatisfaction | Rey~See T. & B. on séach Flug. W | where the directicr ivs been properly folâ€" i L | 1owed, but on the contrary, all are delighted Price so low that all can us l" | with its operatiors, speak in the highest * CAE’-I‘T'H | terms of its virtu«s a< .-.,wu;l|:d:htn. + | _ We speak from >s,erâ€" nce in mattor -gl.hzud 'IYRTL‘I N }I:b\"" K-En:-:tm' having tested it thorâ€"ughly, and therefore famiat in 0 4 q rroclagpet hose who are sufering from any of the com~ Vy q e S ree t dinain ol ad. ol on yrimines *4 D | wints for which it is oominctiten may deâ€" The tade can be supplied by _ | pend up>» !ts veing a Sovereign Remedy. KES3KS8 C . i‘ R The astâ€"nishing efficacy of the Canadian Heptember 4, 197; BAT ; 92- | Paln Destroyer, in curing the Discases %or â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"Tâ€"â€"â€" whi~. ;* :: recommended, and its wonderfui w.-.vAu.. | su .« o cabduing the torturing pains of f , on :. .1, and in relieving Nervous Affoo. AU(â€"'SJ(::‘BEFK REAL ESTATER AND | .,.. us it te a high rank in the list ot as I'.BXE‘ N 8' A(H'A.\‘l. VA.\D . | G > tor these complaints, . Orders are â€"GENERAL COMMISSEON irira w M â€"iictne Dealers: in all parts of l w hite wutta Perekia Enaime! fos mesers. stopping decayea Lenuos leela CA BkLAL‘ES ‘W.mmaj auy «404 for mastiostion ; Lo Lo« OW i« ; uecayed. . £‘Tice is Jull airestions for use enclosed in h box. * Mesars. tha BHKLRKL are pas 1y successful in their aystem oi ASiL#lCIAL iissTH, which ey hx hrimiy in the mouth by |muans of an KLA®ELQ wU M, without syfi0ge, M and without any operation." 1 A)l sorrespuadenes must be ad.lrepsedâ€" ahcsars. UAbalois Lenti#‘s {____________ 14 Ludgate muu, Yity, London, _ CaAmmdaL® | ... 0, «hh M td ts Ls B To Her Majesty Quee WY C db AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATR Axp "*" LUMBERMEN‘S AGENT} AND . | fe. "GEBNERAL COMMISSfON on MERCHANT th ORKISON, WELLS AND Chss 3 M NXE RS 1 KON.COMBUSTISLE® §‘ Extensively use Juve 10 per cent in ! through any l« with tue Foaâ€"cos the British Aduaisa t"_‘ circular.) _ K. B.â€"It savos 30 pes | sell House botler, and steam i8 : §0 sa tslf ibetime it took beiure the 0: [ . 0 a6 ape m,'hllo it saves & is; «> [ cuge of and Labor at the W Lm- of tae Parlisment and Depaitses > . Quiagy City was Works, Rochestor & C=â€"‘s sieain Milis A Fleek‘s Founory &c., &¢ NAVAL AND MIL[FARY No. 438, Rideoau stroot, bttawc Hon James Skead, S<uator, 3 M Ourrier, Eaq, M P 4 M Grant, Esq, M D, M P R W Scott, Esq, M P P, Mr Sheif Powel!l, Kdward urnifin, Esq. Kdward Mcowisivray, Keq, Meusisa C T Bate a Co, Thoma» huntou, Esq, Mosâ€"rs Fingland & Draper Alexander Workman, Keq A Egleson. S n‘t, Eaq HAMBEBYâ€"SPENCE PATENT ChHALMER® & CO, Richardson st., Montreal P. 0. Box|8444, Bole Manufacturers in QL Daminion lun.op OLEARY, | â€" Aug FOR i Goup SMOKE | guias, woitens the without iewving between then} auy Wace of I powder, and gives br w the mlutl Da‘l:‘ln. pared fro a a A % l o mrigus and wA e thhe aolk CENTRE TOWN, OTTAWA. ( n earan ioi | . o e in To < ~ a tor traveliers. y ‘reâ€" | satace Freeu"a |*******_** | fitted and refurnished throughout, . a rog ) t « 31 _; h 7‘._“"_ â€" “ > anreal c eigs Proprietor in Watef broduces a lnost pieasan , Ottawa. Sepnt 17. 1872 076 3m smume of ubpleasant I;M decayou leell, ; Oublent desesgent, 4 l Osteo Knamel Stopping, warranted to remain while urum as the i0oth itell. . 1nis ulius preâ€" pafmiiug reslores i wetn, and lou be easily usou.| Suimcient o | ssopsix teouh. . i Se. . Coralite Tooth P for creansâ€" ing anu unpsoving fae weth, aud iumparting a natucal Fedncss t the Udon‘algique E:ixig.â€"The Cel brate« uvuia W aso} A tew di« in water produces a inost pleasa ugreeable maud . itligshing . Mus« veouus throuy ho 1. ‘191% REFERENCEA ves Tu» the a and 4‘Tice 18 94. 4 lurusf a s 1918 3m auu 1s an oa 1gu os. o guins, p BLS ut â€"GBAN? ThekE | @n and after MONDAYÂ¥ aert, 5th JUXE,: ;4 * Trains will leave Montroal as «_ cs> ] â€" mail Train for Toronto and laterâ€" SUMMER SFRVCE 0O3 _. _ mediate Stations, at....... . ... $.00 a.m Day Express for Toronto, Mt. .. .... 9.00 .m N‘ght Express for Torom:e, 8t..... 9.0% p L Mixed Train or Brockville at., ..11.00 a m Accommodation Train for Brock WUllOy . .22 ., k06 66e se 0. Accommodation Train for lsland Ll Pond, stopping at all Stations , 4t press for Quebec and hiviere du P C e e Mail Train for Island Poud, Portâ€" land and Boston, at.......... on Tuesdays, Tha turaing from Rivi Wednesdays and " LONDON, QUKBEC, 4 Eon nad R. The steamers ot this Line are intended to sail Weekly as follows during the season of navigation of 1372, to and from London, Quebec and Montreal, â€" (Calling at Plymouth out ward for passengots) Ottawa, June 13, 1811 I Otltawa, L‘lo: # l From $18¢ Thames. Emperor Hecior .. Medway . Seotland . NTEA M DANIELS‘ HOTEL, LRUST AND LOAN COMPANY oF JPFLHE CANADA Asa Remedy it is well and tavourably n-::gllfllu thousands from pain in the Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sor: Throat, Sprains, Bruises, ‘Cramps in the Btomach, Cholera Morbas Dysentery, ® Bowel Oon'Pu n#\ Burcs, Bcalds, Frost ï¬lm, 10E CANADIAN PAiN DESTROYER Has now been befors the pubilic for a lengtt of time and wherevor nsed is well : liked never failiny In a single inst»nee to give por: Offige over Hope and On‘s, Sparks streot. (LATE 8T. JAMES,) Corner of Mcteaifs and Queen Streais. CENTRE TOWN, OTTAWA. keep i. I.te «Tior ®AC Use it; Aod uo fie a > witoo :t it aftoer once trying it, Pits us wenty~Av ceuts per bottle, NQHTHROP & LY MAN. Beliia U a by H F Mcuarthy, Josept Sktuoss, Juba Boberts, J P ‘eathorston, Ge> Mort‘mer, and l1 medicine deaiers. AL Jocksy Limmel‘s Giycerine, Honey, Costume and loral Urackers, very amusing for Balls and rties. Rimme!‘s Viciet, Rose.Lea{, Rice, an i other ollet Powders, A liberal allowasoe to ship» pors. Eugene Rimmel, «. .>.! to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales » .1\ 4, 138 Regent Btreet, and 34 im 1 v‘.« ~. ¢r 17 Boulevard Tempericy‘a Line. pecially in ware chiuat e Bimmei‘s Dugo & ui o4 ustralian Eucalypits. o And Mor~iroal. Patr nd NICOl Fi James Bailiff, re du L Mays. C. &. CUANINGHAM, REAL ESTATE, ° amount, 0n approve J. BRT DGES, Managing Divector 11 16901 i4 by all the world. m . â€"Ihang, Vands, . H‘fluu, Wehes Nonday, Ad ED 4400 w 26 t lluai DaVID sliAW, Nontreal, t AULWA!, PERFUMES v of uisatls‘actioa been properly folâ€" all are delighted ak in the highest ap, porfrrmed with lies, and o al sutisfa 1 NIG rwgb TBvIOT. $ e onenop m h hss ‘Ist do â€" Quickest and Cheapest Route to 4th Oect‘r. Fort Garry and Northâ€" , lith do t 253th do F Feight comnection at Toronto with Merchants‘ ; Lake. Ontamoe Line for lh‘m\ltma. Montreal, &c. % ; Daily passenger connection at Toronto for Hamilâ€" tem la:tnd.l,ni dl{mnu n.r.tuu‘ W::: P 19th Sept‘r. : state Rooms on Stoamers, s & o4z aprtendty: Rreeveme y SW VC PPEA PPPTC TT 5.00 p.» 1.00 a M AINS ova>» OTTAWA RELWAY. fume® |â€" _ ¢J _3 "W. Stockdal., Brother & Co,,! At this establishment will be fourd on hand, or made _ urder, the latest and most approved styles of . Royai Mail Line Ha â€" Coaches Carmages, Cunmittsies, | ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS, I Which in point 0‘ Snish and durability, are not surpassed in any mar‘â€"et. â€" Ray~All work wrrinic.. ior one year, proved machinery _ > lslo‘y ‘een a ded, and as the whole is mriven by sweim power (the only establis.uuer.t so supplied in this section of country), we ara ‘n a J)ociuon to produce work lnoyo promptly and cheaper than any one else . _ _ _ ‘The proprietors are practical workmen and give pugnd‘-qmon to all work. ‘arriace and Nleigh KORTHEKRN RAILWAY OF CANADA Collingwood, Fort William and Puluth, Calling at Owen Sound, Bruce Mines, Sault Ste. Marie, Michipicoton, Nipiâ€" Poev oeoois en 6 s, Ts Wine Pracm COumberland, LEAVLING COLLINGWOOD * Every Turspay Aa®<p FRIDAY, T"AWA STEAY Ottawa, May 17, 1872. M cnaroginpadyniiegs .. > ... soonlnemes tretta io hi c astrger, . Aqperien. ALTERATION : OZ RUNNDL.G TIME. Tt with ‘ Sofa Car] :0 90 p m 70ulllnmble Bota Cars on No 1 Charge for berths, 50 cents. “TJGW&J;«:. «i! the Graad Truok trains both bEast and West, as this Company‘s trains wait their errival when lase. _ â€"Tl‘â€""o;â€"y'-'lâ€";:l; allowed at Prescott Jum~ tioudbr refreab ments. Trains are run on Montreal tme. THOS REYTNOLDS, Managing Direotor, Ottawa THE ST. LAwRLVCE Contractor, wishes to Inform the inhabitants of Ottawa that hoghas taken an office in Bell‘s Block, near Sappers‘ Bridgo, and that all communications may be made to him thore between the hours of 7 % LUTTBBLL, Buperintendent, Prescotk Ottawna, Sept 80. 1873. 8140 The Subscribers have received a large sutm for investmest upon Farm laopeny. No con.mission chiry. a _ Appiy 8 J. M. Ko: | Leare | Comnecting WELLS & CO., T Jan. 22, 1872 S‘m.l 0\'.1‘ wIl® jJust Received H. H.Ei-wts celebrated . DELESDERN. "!s, of Sussex ind York streeu: oo to «)RKi30N gou, Silver Islet, Prince Arthur‘s mh‘ and Intermediate Ports. the arrival of ng City ball .The Italian Warehouse. J. M. C. DEKLES DERNIERA Aille & F eaicr n Aataiiean on C abortest line . to Broc« m aAND FROA TusgsDat, ist OCT., 1871, trains will run as follows : whh(ï¬lfl' Times. * *# _ Boening M # * _ Courriee d Jutaoueuse, U 4# _ Minerse, Montreal, B ULK AND CAN *H K OsEY TO LOAK. wa, May in cenection with the LAKLE â€" SLPERIOR A. GRISO®N, 18 6# noon PROPRIETOR~ 118 p m Ottawa. oOYSTERS, Chicora, GoIxg NOBTh Ts Ofic«, W ellineton «t: e BK | WEEN made for advermsing in cithor he Steam Grand _ Truok â€" Mail from the Do 4 fro: Grand Trank tor the Woest, tral n _ for Brockvilie, Kingston ® and all way at a t l o ns |West. I G T hxpress tor 12 18 p «a @ T Bxpress tor OrOLt all p + T trains for; Kastand Wefl‘ 1 10 a m 1872 Tap en Francis Smlt-h, with. with tnts West {ENCED one year, efully and Expross Train Y8TZmS. 19311( nd im Arrive in â€" Arrive lunuoon J anction. 13 80 a m 3:50 p m 9.2) a m LE wir d 15 | Fâ€" p i of health an| _« â€" 1 agonis ug peft o cce t 1 reviving t‘ ui tuacticus on (Â¥9.® rmaparting tole ul obcloy and os toasity N constitutions ie tecbled by whaw voer CANâ€"®, Medicines and | neir deleterfous consequence® are thus entir iy dispenaâ€"d with. The Gally Increasing number of cures eGected by PULYVEbMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GAL\V1Nâ€" IC SYS8TEM is so extensive ard varied, tat t forcibly points to this iuvention as the embryo of a universal remedy. I & GRITOISR ACGy Poers P n en se N. B.â€"Thefollowing testimony from the elite of the English medieal facult) has beer received â€" o 4* We, the undersizned, have mnch pleaâ€" # sure in fertifyiog that \Ur,iJ. L. Pouysae 4 wacarw‘s recent to:proverm iiâ€"in his Volink + SIB WM. FERGUSSON, Bait., . R. ‘. EDWp. H. SIKYVEARING, M. D., M 4.C.8. ; ‘ bll J BANALD MARTIN, F. R.C.8." ULYVERMACAER‘S $YSTEM is also ap iov <â€" of by an official teport of the Aca a + 4. de Medicine, Paris, gyd College 0 Physicians, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Vienna, and its curative virtuos are con» fAirmed by thousands of private testimonials of cureseflected. (Bee pamphlet gratic). These facts appeal to the good sense of aver? suffere; to avail himself of this scienttic aut curative progress, to which thâ€" inventor has NLECTRICITY 19 LI th lge t derangem ul ol in > pal.eul @ baUilS AD J y occypations, In the following maladie «bhoucmatiâ€"m Female Complainis Gout Coustipation Scintica Cramp Lumbugo Sluggish Circulation Neuralgia Urigeary Disorders Head and Toethache Pamiycss Liver Complainte _ Epilepsy Tic Doloreuzs Nervous Debility Indigestion Fuanctional Disorders Deafness &o., &e. _ Indigestion Deafness Spasms _ The effects of the application of Pulverâ€" macher‘s Chaing in any of tho above diso~ders is immediately perceptitlieâ€"the relief of pain instantaneous. 81b CH 4 iiI BIB BEKNGY AQLLAND Dart., M BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion Liver, Chest, avd Functional Disorderm, â€"_ &e. &vorn as a belt), 228 to 405 and 555. B OHAIN BANDS for Writer‘s Cramp, Trembling, Nervousness, &c, 22s to 306 and 408. B COMBINED CHAIN BAND for Cantrl Paralysis, Epilepsy, General Debility Functional Disorders, &¢., 308 to 508. A complete Bet of COMBINED UAALN BANDS,BELTS, and CHAILIN BATTERY . for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £7. The public are most eaiaestly caucioned to beware of Pseado Electric Belts advertised by sham Doctors, &c., for linproper purposcs, siguature Ob t c labei, A pampble cousstuing full pa be bad at us Drug Store of Sparks Stree Full particulars may be had from the Eole Agents, _ â€" A. CMRISTIE & €0., DRUGGISTS, â€" oTTaAW A Ottawa, beptemner 6, 1870 14! FÂ¥NHE â€" Under vites t of E. LaVIGNE, (Quebec.) This new swing contains the mo= tive power in itâ€" self, requiring 80 0_ hakicscell | Lore us Lalle external impulâ€" .4* xT 2;1 drivs 1t (:-I\.l‘é §£. 1(}2 *STOPS ITS FALLING OF. : it persons . <* S * . _ | CELLS OTHERS, indulging in that \‘3“ B ',Ex A14 * agrecable exer~ mz cise are exposed to no accident or danger. â€" | l" * Ladies perticularly can enjoy themselves on | c GALESE this Swing without having to contend with | Restores Grey Hair to its],Natural2Color any of the inconveniences met with in ordi | and Beauty, & nary Swings. _ This Swing may be seen in operation at the â€" ANDJDYQES NOT SOIL THEJSKIN. Canaca Central Hotc! and at No. 8, 8t. Patri ET eight Pbysician, Surgrom and Accouchenr, Ottawa, Ont. Day Uffice opposite the Trxss office, Sparks Street, Centre Town. Night office at his residence, Maria Street. Centre Town. oo 2l Directions for use on each Pack L Maxcractory â€"Gravel Lane Housdeditcb, City of Londor Eugland The above « scovery has “‘.an for Proâ€" fessor Harms . a Silver Prize MoCal at the Interâ€"Colonial ®xhibition of Victor!s, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866 â€"b sides numerous Testimonials. #@rUniers promptuy attended w, C. C %@y~R. Carters give Railway heceipts relievâ€" S@zâ€"ing shippers trom ail further trouble Special rates for furniture. .0 dunAidubatcdarcn in fiui ie C ncers cured wich wut the use of the kn‘fe, by a new but certin, speedy ani almost pain ess proâ€" cese. â€" Reference given to partio= successfully treatâ€" ed if required. Octawa, May 0, 1870 Â¥For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Poultry Ants, Bugs Cockroahes, Black Booties, Fleas on Dogs, Blight and insects on Plants, Moths in Far«, Tick or Scab on Sheep or Go#ts; also on Cattle, &c., &c., in loss than Ten Minutes. har for Ottawaâ€"Joseph Kavanagh, Grocer. ’-mw. / John Hill, Tea Pot. Rideanâ€" st,; Slocombe & Stevens, Sign of the Sugar Loaf, coruer of Cumberlandâ€"st.; for Now "l‘hhrsh J. W. Proctor & Co.; for Ayimer, . K. E. Cormier ; the Wholesale Agonts tor CHAIN BANKPDS lo _ Nouraigia, and G« _ lysis, Cramp, &c., a Which is known to be Far Superiot to anythin . ever Bold in Packetsâ€"25 Packets for One Dol!ar The Powdetr is warm PROF. HERMAN‘S3 Uttawa, Oct. 12, 187) MPORTANYT NOTIHC TBRMIN â€" DESTROVER, k. 0. C, WoOOn, i. LQG _ @ AWaA _TIM ES Galvanic Extabiisnmen:, 200 Regent Street, London, W LC XEWL Yâ€"DISCOYERED PULVERMACHER, W. K. JOHNSON, 4 Acgent ever yet Dis* J. Smiti & Co, 1456 !s aud 408 D D Chriatic, 31 19y gency 1792 x Street At Junction Depot of Grand Tronk and Ottawa & Prescoit B. &. All the facilities of a Kirst Clsas House, â€" Passengers refreshment rovi. In‘o partnership with him in the Milling, Elour and urain vusiness which will be carried on under the style and firm of HUILDING AND bRIDGE PIMBER SHINGLES X. XX, XXX. A large stock of the above will be kept corâ€" itantly on hand to suit purchasers. & *JO0HN; GARDNY", CYEMIST H. MeCORMICK Ottawa, August 13, 1872. 2047 yuHAUDIEAEK ST & aM MILLS. D k «CCARCMION NSPEL,*! Conccsee Nee N. B.â€"Tarme«s from the Coun 1 can eater the mill yard by I |usite Brewery gate. Chaudiere, Oct. 26, 1811 J C Charab rlain, Bts. _ Tois is to certi that ty wile was very low with Lung Discase, ue Doctor had giv n ber up. He said her Jungs were tub«rcled, and medicineâ€"could not nelp her. As a last resort I purchased a bottle of the Great Shoshonees Remedy. At th« szpiration of two days her symptoms were decidedly better, She continued to improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was able to sit up. By the continuâ€" ance > ** s eme? ol nqu‘otly restored to heartn. You may publish the faots for the benefit of those similarty adiicted. _ _ _ _ _ =5 cents per bottle ; three bot"as for $2. yoo~lt can go purchased wholesale at all the principal drug houses in Canada. %‘oi)nle in m#ï¬â€™n:t’ag suucm. Chemist an r\ufl olli June “\07?. Smith feld. J C Cha..berlain, Esqâ€"This is to certify that abowt three years ago J became afflicted with Brouchitis, which lasted about eizhteen months, I was so afflicted for the want of breath that it was very difficult tor me to speak, and in the night time frequently throwin« the clothes off and raising in the bed to keep from stranglin«. I tried three of the most eminent physiâ€" Jams in the County of Northumberland for ab ut a year, without teceiving any benefit, in fact { continued getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was ad~ vised to try the Great Shoshoneer Remedy. 1 bougbt a bottle and took it and when it was about finished I began to feel a little better. [ continue! to use it until I had takem thrse bottles, when, to my sattsfaction, I found that I was as well as ever I had been previâ€" ons to my !liness and have been so ever H. McCORMICK & SON. PAWA HUTEL, ~AUSES THE HAIR 10 GROW NVIGORATING THE ROOTS U ‘MBELLISHED AND GLOSS). GAIN, TO ITS NATURAL COLOPR EAVING IT BEAUTIFULLY REY HAIR, IT RESTORES gho Lumber Well Seasoned, t Sole Manufaature [ SOILING THE SKIN A THIOTEL, 8t: James Stroot Mon The un Jersigned baving assum. yement of this popular favorite, GOnre of Bronchitis. Iloiceus, &c. t Junction, J. FRANCIS t, of Montrcal W A NCP JOHN ROCHESTER & Co D. WILKINSON 8. BROYF fable and liqu Al i Proprictor JOHN SILYVER. nRold this €th day he has t Manager nty of C: D°cn: Bt t rietor. 1805tt ble | Mir n Ottawma Hi respecting the:Customs," His Excelliency has been pleaed to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the Town of Sherbrooke, in the Province of Quebec be and the same is hereby constitutd and erected into an Out Port of Customs, and placed under the survey of the Port of Coaticook. W. A. d aas w orl) 4, 9 h2 ffelgh im of the Uon. the Â¥ini ier of Cus oms, and under the proâ€" visions of the ®th ~section of the Act 31st Victoria, Cap.®©, intituled : © An Act re. specting the ‘Custom ," His Excellency has been pleas | to order, and it is hereby ordered, that Liy St. Paul, in the Pro vince of Quebec, be and the same is her:by constituted and efected into an Uut Port of Customs, and placed under the survey of the Port of Quebec. JOs. 0. COTE, 11 *QOVERNMEN On the r on of the Honoraâ€" ble the minister ol Crstoms, and under the provision=~" the &th Nection of the Act 31 Vic., Cip C, intituled: "An Act reepecting the Cuâ€"toms,"" His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that touth Bar, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, be and the same is hereby constiâ€" tuted and erected into an Out Port of Cusâ€" toms, and pl:ced under the survey of the Collector of Customs, at the Port of Sydâ€" ney. l o vi ns C ctor ~OVERNMENT Ltaw Un the récommen Lation of the Honora ble the Miniâ€"ter of Customs, and under the proviions of the ®th Nection of the Act 31, Vic. Cap.6, intituled ; "An Act reepecting the Customs," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that Lardoise, in the Province of Nova Scotia, be and the same is hereby constituted and erected into an Out Port of Customs, and placed under the survey of the Collector of Customs, at the Port of Arichat. | LIFE DEPARTMENT. |\ _ Assurances on Lives granted on favorable \terms, and unduestionabie security is \ offered io policy holders. Besides the large paid up capital of tue Company, asâ€" | surers have additional security in the ‘UNLXMHM} LiABILITY of a Wealthy Proprietary. . i oo Cl CAFITAL:.:. . ..... . >« +» â€" â€"»â€"10,000,000 ANNUAL INCOME, over.. ... â€" 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over. . . . _ _ _ 9,500,000 SPECIAL LIFE ASSURANCE FUNKD........ ... .. .... .. . _ 6,003, 24 There having been added $736,200 . to the Life Fund as a result of the business of N OV the past year. â€"__ FIRE DEPARTMENT. All descriptions of property insured against Loss or Damage by Fire at moderâ€" 1{‘;na‘u 1 Losses promptly settled without rcter. ence to the Home Oflice. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Assurances on Laves granted on favorable terms, and unduestionable security is LTOpHIC MAE ) +« © i ables of Rates, Proposal Forms and ful information can be obtained on application to the undersi,. ced. : A. PER@Y; Fire Inspector. T. M. CLARK , Agent. OFFICEâ€"Bang‘s Block, corner Sparks and Elgin streets. , 17607 N.B.â€"Lhe financial position of the Royal s in no way aftected by the recent Fire at Chicago, the Company having no Agent doing business in that city. * OÂ¥ % SILLLNG®, Jr., Architect, «aiceâ€" Uka Boi‘s Siock, Sappors‘ Bridge. Rursersozs.â€"B ASims, ©sq, Aschitect, Philaâ€" usu; Thos Fullor, Esq, Architect, Alb: Dr J A Grant, Â¥ P., Ottewa ; n..;.,..u.?fl. Managing Director 0. & 8t. L. R, R. 140« « CHRISTIE, Commisston Merchant and S. General Agont. Sole agent for Read‘s wines andProof Mhiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Leâ€" &A]flu‘l’m. Nk.!l-c,h..hull' : Su 6, ï¬tlo Susoct, near the Russe m't‘dv. @ Kor cleaning ani nolishing Silver, Electro Plate, Plate Glass, &0. Tablets, 64. each. No rnpmd expressiy tor the Faten« ng machines, lndia Rubber and I'P-“.. EVEM Eomm o on n ing machines, India Rubber and Buf â€"Leathet Knife Board.. Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brili.«nt polish equal to new cutlery Packets, 34. each ; and_tins, 6d., ls., 2s._64, and 45. each. Prevent friction in knife. QaÂ¥ey‘s We be used w e« tA Lolaiy Ar t} nbcchndh scb acnter‘ H ONâ€"ME F)RE and LIFA, nt Clerk, Privy Council. W. A. HLIMSWORT H, Clerk Privy Council i:srciiluncou®. W. A. HTMSWORTH, Clerk. Privy Council ol ols Coriten _2 H. L. BOUTE[ k. F. BEDD. Chief Agents for Canadea. nder the proviâ€" 1 the Act 3lst led :; " An Act His Excellency wH:{f ing and injury to the n hknife Polish should mtR ; «runcil ber, 1872 em» ernor 1872 n. the nBue va08B» ALl 4» o« bisto on r: et. mof "22 t 9,50 11100 6100 9 50 sas~ 4H Mails are closed by Montrcal tame, which is 8 minutes fulu:i time. 950 11.30 Hew 0 .50 #,00 § Matter posted up to 930 P.M., will hâ€" forwarded Kamt und Woest in ® package the same night. i #.00 On Mon»y order Offices throng and Prince Edward Jsland, cat Card#. 6 .50 PoOST OQOEFFICE, oOTT 1872. _ _ _ 1872 EASTEER. Butchers to His Excellency .o Lisgar Gov. Ge‘eral of Canada respectfully tender the public their sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage beâ€" stowed on them during the last seven years. While soliciting a continuance of the same they would earnestly reaueot an inspection of the following cattle purâ€" chased at Guelph Fair. 1 pair of Steers weighing the erormous weight of Which took the prize at Gueiph Fair. 80 head of splendid Western Cattle. A Magnificent Calf, 11 weeks old, bred and fed by John Wast Esq., of Guelph, weighing the great The Pork Stall will be as usual found fully supplied with Fresh and Salt. PORK, BACON, SAUSAGES, ETC., ETC. Mhe whole of which will be on exhibition at their Stalls Nos. 3, 5, 7 and 8, Lower Town â€" Market, this WEDNESDAY, FHURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, when they rest assured the public will be sblowleothoï¬mnltsflorlut in the CLO#8 K JUNE, in each year, and must be aworn to by the person‘/who superintended the cutiing of such logs and boom timber, and also by the Culiér who measured the same; the returns must give the number of pieces of logs} and their respective lengths and di mmd the number of preces of 4 , the length of each piece, with the diamerer of each from bark to bark at butt and tonunidn the locality where the same have been cut : * e m O e All.return of saw logs and boom timber to be made to the Department of Crown Lands orits agents, must in future be sent in on or before the FIKST day of teturns. Separate returns musi m +. tas operations of each Chantier, an ‘ o en :. Jobber ; and where it is intenu, i «J pass logs or boom timber as cut c‘u private lands, or ‘on lands under settler‘s license, separate returns, under osth, must be made in each ca«e, showing the number of pieces of logs and boom timber, and their respective dimensions, and the lot or part lot on which the same have been cut. C s Port Ofiics, Ottawa, Oc: 4, 1872 the number of feet, board measure, of each quantity of logs of the same length« and diameters, computed by * Scribner . When all returns of any lumbering establishment have been sent in and checked, the affidavit of the proprietor or proprietors of the logs and boom timber, or his or their manager Or prmapd book â€" A.% KAW _ MILL _ OWNBRS AND LUMBERMEN. Department of Crown Lands, Toronto, 28th August, 1872 Blank forms for the above returns may be had on application to the Department or any of its agents. THUs. A.JOHSSON, ANTAa Assistant Commissioner. m 0 Cnmsru & HILL, (late K-nnodg): Cmo":,) B.mnu;.. Attornies, citors, Conveyancert, / Orricas â€"Lang‘s Block, Eigin street, 1.J. chmistmm __ MAVWET P. HILL Â¥. B..â€"Money to land. Cimawi. Feb 29, 1298 , bm 1M 20748 § BBUTI8L Vis NewTork close every Menday at 8 P 4 Per Canadian Line, close every Prider ar A Bupplementary Bag for ~ > kA aas unregistered matter ~~~ ~ ~ C SATCHELL BROS,, Ottawa, March 27. 1874 pex* Dcj â€" CFFICK HoOUKS Kil0 M 8 For Movey Ord~s sand Savings Bank businese 18.10 1%.10 12 Attention ARHIMILYVAI: : QTiCE TO 10 Reckoner‘ to be eutnr“‘ «w ++ A U TL MX 0.00 o oo, g Weosternâ€"Kingston, To: &o.; and Wee«tern, l 900 Halifax, N.S., and 8t. Joba. N.B 8100 4.30 Orgoode. Rassell, &: ret The Uppor Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway, North of Carleton Place Junction, â€"Bristol, Clarendon Centre, Packenbam, Pembroke, Portage du Fort, &e¢.......â€". Aplmer and Hull, fe) ie ereransen es es March and Opslow, via Ay!mer ... pigerieceige ,‘ Kasternâ€"Queber, Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster, ue BY RallWEBY :sâ€"rssse: vise00000 vronruns nevarbent seorne z M Perth, Bell‘s Corpers, Richmend, &s. per Canada Central Lowe: Ottawa, by Steamer, Pucki 1: ed, L‘Orignal‘ Gremvilie, & rth, Bmith‘s Falls, and Curieton Pimee, per Ca made Contral Rallway. .. .lclccccleeg slsn . : »rs) L Li GL h l) Th ARTCTULYJS eg Majpp to, Hamilton, Lonlu,( Bolicitors in Chucor‘. Notaries is Officeâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, Wa. Mosorove. _ G. Pamwuox, r July x, 1§72. Ae M rl\lxx.s PRINTING AN CUMPANL trics Courts of t (The only Daily Morning Paff is published every morning # vayable in advance, or 12 cenfll â€"NOTAbY PUBUI next the Post Office. at dOonE® Ra Th whice mar uo5 ie ,fhe Oe o mt * .'::..-:.“;.-:,.:-.*::.i THE WEEKL THE TIMES is tion. each subsequent i LETIERS, prepad. and nafoinp . ooed © inigngd ; maid Caitie Berayed wivance line in the W eekly 1 tion. each subse For ordinary Mnruq' imsertion, iv cents per line; ## t.on, 6 cents. y _ Paragraphs among readinf Epecial Notices, 12} cents PM C<ndensed Advertisements * Situations Wanted, Situations V acfint, . Rooms Wanted, soard W anted January,}, 1873 yHARLES _A a KCH ) Ollice at Mr Tetra noe in rear of Fronch UL® OSGROVE, uuw‘ufl _Barristers and wromuuu.numnzi ® in Chancery, Cunvey . Ofiee, Unize Buil/ings, 4 and Saturdays Ja)# a ecity. It is mailed to Kumber 12, W Her Majpoty‘s 1 a0* & Tuy Ortawa T m 1100106 On-n!!._ TIE DAILY +. t V ER TISIN at T 0. â€" A BCHA M & a ULT, PREF 4JD G P. BAEth, Py NG Afn a VERY FRIDA A lso Ptillv N. at12.80 pÂ¥. i L¢ s us days Eid ounty A avel 10460 19,00 ® 09 0Ur rtio® iteamship Co E:‘ï¬uh‘d‘“' w The patronige © _"?nfl_]-:uiud. of FW.'c-u‘ue and “': grip6. _ . - SraRe! pAY at * .‘M.l.:‘br:.‘ # " to run ree!. y dn U _ WlstO® and .!f‘:«l‘;': * wyOL VJ OB ®CC zs mal instant, the Steamer * Jes “u (suoduyl ex & M, M III‘ with 53 tma Yor DeUuLr Rivieres t e 250 aass «" Prince . w Fort daily (Sun ".“ a.m., connecli .“0“" for Alyms« The Steamer « John Ega twoke daily (Supdays e eclock, p. m., for Des Jos< learing at 6 o‘clock, a. with Steamer * Jason Gou! Pembroke Landing at 1: Pausengers arriving at P wae evening. The Steamer "Sir John wvon Tuesdays : illage and int M 1 o‘ciock, a. m, 1 i*Viu..‘. at 1 o‘ol â€" A Connection made wi #Uttawa Ruilway on th 1872. oank oTriawi CIfY To Uitaws«, Sept. 9. 1872 June 1. ROYAL MAI P“ oruw&,l:lpv :‘a NJON s Communisation _ "! lres. Q‘ML Father Pm ilï¬, Dl†:“g,.-,..ue. Shed Sjus: Pictou and St. . sed_ by Batiway 800 ‘Join. N. B., and | e has mmll is prepwed to 4 ;:ï¬t“ reasi>n a «worked for ths piâ€"t Jan i an i the United M the above, fecks © ..:'n geonaral exntis a may be 1e »Blon‘s Music Storée. 3; Snd carctally l"_‘fl.r w8b x Heave remured to th 4 IÂ¥CPERI A . . aAed Baas ols : Pinest Brand« And invit k. Mllnqlqu Makerna d fnbal s pei t e tA to frow _ LEX A Teana. Wins l Company have t Cornwali, -&": ‘Hoen, produciog is 6 â€" MeGILL STH Aug 2, 1872. “â€"â€"A(Trdl leares morning (Sundays exce «t Lachine with Stes E'"' calling at diffe to Grenvilie br | er Queen V.etoria {din sontinuance of the them as Canadi made largely of_ with a small imllating the C tioketed *Canad :l:hrml_.hou pu(-uu'u.u " DoOxL®L > 136 Mo i1 : d invils the w44 + luformed that M «rup aore ame tioket 0f every . Grant. Oitaw&, July 26 @uring the r Point, O# CH ANGE BE UORNW A rs of this Line, und mt of the Domin:o at of ".'(o-mllunt ""...m Paddle Stea: ‘to leare Quebec & PORW ARDLN( COMPANY Daily.(Sundays he ï¬nn."é- Aug. 21, 1874 in the Aigoenton {'ï¬. season Of n &0"". Porce, ewcastle and es the down HERRICK 4& Capt. K. 8 W 01 Mearcl TAHURS Rideau ‘;KY gGULF apply t OR Bepi.