BANK ime. 1e , TO 1 P.A. .0 a -b.†ARD . DVERTIS! the in advance, Of " Britain and ard Wunted, M PabaP ts a. "‘.#-.N i o e Fopr :3'""','2 .---b": ations Vacant. Mouses for 34 ayed IE DAILY! Daily Morning Pup®t of ‘Le EY I and ais residence, M i gents per IB®» ; WEEKLY B ioi when not exce0dln8¢ allowed TTA; P & On@®% ow , ate" atchart. douededndgititty n Accatier Pasiis, apawe n PRD Asp ue tatbeaes . eA DEADON, â€" Mouses to Articles Lo#« NTING AND: PUP CUlfm.' "‘: ‘.",'.“'.*39 #{ 6 # a# Capt. R. 8. Nicwor, . Montebeilo for Vitawa on Mond â€"ys a%d at 5:3) un as . Returning leaves Jitiwa a * 1: day. #es: ~eess daily from the ofce on the whart EL . 5 The Steamer " Princo Arthur"\_leives . Portage du Fort daily (Nundays excepted) «t 7 o clock a. m., connecting with Steamer + Jessie Cassels" for Alimor. 5 ‘The Steamer "John Egan" leaves Pemâ€" boke diily (Sundays excepted) at ! e‘clock, p. m., for Des Joachim, returning leaving at 6 o‘clock, a. m., connectin, with Steamer © Jason Gould" which leave : Pembroke Landing at 12 o‘clock p m. Passengers arriving at Portage du For. mme evening. ‘The Steamer "Sir John Young" leaves Havrelock on Tuesdays and lfnthy- for Chapeaun Village ami intermediate ports .1 o‘clock, a. m., returning leaves :-Vilhpnlo'elooi. p. m., same A Connection made with the Brockville #Ottawa Railway on the up and down Ottawa, Sept. 1872 «â€"â€"â€"â€" 104 _ @rriw\ cIfl To MoNTR AiL .. THS SPLKNDID sTRAMERS QUBEN Vicroaly. PabsC2 OF W \LEs, Capt. Bownn. Capt. H. W . Sueeweno. Couris‘s will fAad this a delightf= bwbâ€"w Queen Victoria leaves M’m&wuflï¬-i- Mon ame avary J-"-'-‘.E...m at 7 3::‘" h o to it at bandine wi ‘Prince of Waies calling at at landingsâ€" From to Greavile br Iway, to Join the Queen V.ctoâ€"«s{dinner}, arriving at "ta * Market Seemnre Steamer FPATRYC. f be engagéd for Towage of Ti abor or Excursio® r“.ï¬om&nm 'lvf.' fls U. W. 3 48PMERD. WILLIAY NJ1 & 0J Aadiurite the atton:ion ot 130 and | carefulty. sâ€"loot JaPAX, Â¥ous® i uysoN®, LCOPERLA . and oÂ¥ WY &ad BRASDIR+ oLX . PFinest Boam#ls of ‘OoRP. : Pinest Bomfis of ‘ORP. 3 1=RiY, 136 MeQILL STREET, MoN i Aug 3, 1872. _ $ Fro a Lndon Eiglini; i‘\me Fo.te| P()} Maker and Rapairer, 08g~ larwwe t> i2f9r0l | gp q qy the citisems of Ottawsa an | Viomtisy, BBUb | op y 4 he has commencst the anove !gsness, | | 5w1 494 is prepaured so do all kin is of "rep wurs I Shabne an the most reasonable terms, a~ l havins4 | the nuoe worked for the paâ€"t 15 veurs both in Eag We lind and the United stites. at all branches | ingale of the above, feels contfidant of b>ing «ble | sucress to give genaral satisfiction . medicit Hare removed to thir Now Pr X%; F. t Ottaws, Aug. 21, 1974 Urders miwy be left at Messrs. ()rme & Son‘s Music Store, Spirks Street, or at his Workshop, Rideau Strset, next door to |" lato Full Compass. ¢â€ï¬:“ of. the public is reapect UOttawa, July 26, 1872 2032 3m vlml CuRNWaALL MaNUFACTU &ING Company have pleasure in intimat ng the complete restoration of their works 8t Cornwal!, which are now in full opeia homudn( large quantities of White sad Grey Blankets, and Heary Medium HE UTTAWA RIVER NaVIGATIO i > COMPaANY. They regret. however, having again to draw the attention of the public to the eontinuance of the disreputable practice of importing English Blaukets and selling them as Cunadian. These Blankets are made largely of Shoddy and Cotton Waste, with a small percentage of pure Wool, and though slightly in appearance, closely imitaiing the Cornw «i1 Blankets, and hneketed + Canaiian Manufacture" have neither wirmth or wear, but can be sold at i lower price than the vornwall Blanâ€" kets (which are made of pure Wool) can Toaa. Winsa ani spirit Moerch ints, by ratcert ior The public are caationed against th@| y \R. R. P. LEW!I} attempted deception,. and ru?octfnuy D informed that the nume of the CommwaLi Trinity “"3. P"’: Marvracruame Cowraxt is proied on ie Aa on‘ 2n uts s l ticket of every Blauket mide by thom. | . | }§® Yhane = Chantore be Broten‘s P . Grant. BMOVED. * DoOxtsT>N BJLL 136 Mo il .L 314B Cornwall, Sept. 11, 187i _ W1l in Siz and a Haif Octave Piinos myie Duily (Wandays eLc0pted.) LEXA ORA W HOL E3 A 9, 1372 CaAUVTION. RYANT, R. 83. CASSELS, President A Y LCY + R a i4 1872 at JER ; NORMAL SCHOOL | A biock of not less than | lFour Acres I will be required . Ulors in writing to be deposited with ln little delay as possible © the office of he undersigned, City Hall. t By order of the Commi: | H. J. BORTB ¢! _, t ‘The Normal School Committee is pre Mwncoinoflfllho-mhm To dispose of surtable for ie fTTAWA PA _ AND PRESENT.‘ than Lord & Kelley, WHUOLESALE AND RETAIL, 63 3USSEX Street, and Lower Town Market, OTTAW A. J oo ofpod:l ni.pnrfl:‘i any quantity to t p.&odbynmz“&tpuhu.. Crockery and (Glassware for hire at very low rates. Importers of China, Glass, Earth enware, Cutlery and Fancy Lamps, Chimnies, Wicks, Burners and Lamp Fittings, Lamps repaired on the shortest notice. #ay* Goods sent to any disuance. Being the sole agents of Mr. JOHN MOONEY, of Prescott, manufacturer of Earthenware, we are prepared to supply trade with Liquer J Milk Pans, uor Jars, Molasses Jugs, _ Butter Crocks, Preserve Jurs, Spittoons, Drain ï¬I‘â€â€˜. Stove Pipe Tubes, Chimney Tops and every size in Flower Pots made from designs by the best gard~â€" eners in the Dominion, at prices that will ensure ready sale. LORD & KELLEY, Manufacturers Agents, 63 Sussex Streot, Uttawa. Blocks of Land Uttawa, Uct 24, 1872 N. FAVLLNE®‘s, York Streoet ANY INFORMATION Ottawa, Oct 22, 1872. 3006 3 0 pleasure in anoouncing that they will ..:f.?... uw:. “*.ub‘.mmh m with a ful! and complete assortment of Carpets, All newest season Pnpriaty io the Advanie in Tingined T64 Ottaws Wew i 1972 1960â€"ly. #u _ YISILIN we‘ will thes be enabled to givg personal attention to the wants of our friends, Fall Asssortment of House Furvishings, NORYAL SCHOOL PURPO®ES, -‘-’dï¬w-hu-hm‘c t:%ld‘:d"‘fl nc ts foo eaprenern, luiuw&ulurng.:o«uâ€"d ‘mr'ébl COOC uflf-d-m mw!-':;-‘:.-‘-thxm na ae Cardiff Docks, the Harbours of Hartlepool, Dun f‘:.o. Aberdsen, Mhï¬; m‘n tol and eisewhere. Is ï¬l oxâ€" posed localities, and can be delivered in any part of the worlds | medicine heretofor Aug 27, 1872. NOR SALE (ttawa, Sept 7, 1872. Th it the Gusar Suosszowses Kewsot aso Pruns, of the omiuent Indian Medicine Yan Doctor LEWIS J NEPHUS, of the Great Tribe of Shoshones, British Onlumnia, is working the most marvelious and as:Bnishing Cur» the: World has ever heard of. _ Never in th nnales of Csnatian Meiival History has sur success atteaded th> l@émtuction of * OTTA;WA. NOTICE Peoslai n the G@lal Tilia sumply Lecause tne hamerogs valusble active l m«idicinal vegetable {ngredients, (rome of which we will mention, such as the Extracts # Wild Oherry Bark, Potophylium, Juaiper, Quassia, Smartweed, Dandelion, Hvoscyamus, Core pound Extract ot Colocynth, Jaiap, 80co, trine Aloes, Capsicam, &¢ , &c,) which enter tnto the composition of the combined mediâ€" cinw, are sach and so harmoniousiy ciasstded «ad compounted, that it is made the most sear~hing curative in the known world, and monot help but act on the system in a very satistactory and desirable manmer. No matâ€" u-mmm-fl-yh.cdm standing, it will find the spot and you by the rapid manmer in which you m restored to perfoct health and full vigos. ‘This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, and is warranted, and may positively be re= lied upou to make a permanent oure of all dissases of the Taroat, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys Digestive Organs, &c. &c., as well as Rorofuia the various Skin Discases, H-nmn‘ all discases arising from Impurity of Biood, excâ€" pting the Stage of Consumption. Furthor informat with full directions for actug th. ‘"Hroat Shothouses Romedy & Plils, ami coutstsoay Lesitmootals and Cert fcoates of Jures, can be wd by securing the Ttoause, the Hand , or th + A"manac and (ireulars from any respectable . «ggissin the Dominionâ€" trge. Price oj Remedy in large Pint _ tles $1 00 | PAtls per Bou.........._.... 0 ~.... _ 2% SWJladit) ATJ 64. TrAWA CARPE®T HoUSE. Qlark . ApHi 14, 1974 The subscribers beg to call the attention of REDGLNQG Kloor Oilcioth«, Curtainsand Curtain Materials tonfind ‘ontint W. Bll.l:‘m..l Co.. Engineers pbuilders, ‘lafl-!. Worlkss, m*fl..ï¬_ the Nor Jotton Tents, Bags and Blankets. W H Y ? in# er. 5 08 a SPECIAL NOTICHES., The â€"md Johnson‘s Anodyn« Liniment, Pills, and -u-mmm have published a readable and instructive pame phist, which may be at the sto res are compo~aded so as to reach directly th seat of the ifissame and give almost instan The Trmches are offered with the fullest confidence in their efficacy ; they‘ have boet reputation they have justly scquired _ F« Public Speakers, Singers, Military Oficers and those who ovortar the rolce they arc useful in relteving an Irritatoo Throat, aud will render articulatton casy. Buing an articl of true merit, and t avic. . proved their efficacy by a test otf many yea: ~ y mar nds then in now localitive to ris of the world an * the Tw .+ Ally pronounced BNRE THROAT, COUGH, CULD, S eoedl Elor poutae Af aellered to prok line w uk -n,-onbyli--u?on o-rwlm.. nothiug like BROWN‘B ONCAIAL ThiwJHEKS which are sold only in boxes with /acâ€"simile of the proprieturs, JOHN L BROWN & SUN, en outsice wrapper of bor, snd private Wors I‘his cars in patting ip the Trochee is is portunt as a seonrity to the purchaser in ord to be sure of obtaining the gouainâ€" Brow o Two Qusstio®s Easicv A xswexen.â€"Why font) 'tho m':fl are a great protection to lungs, ndu:'d.’-nyh to their p;mnnl should we use " Byron‘s m.r-r- Because when used Ministers and lawyers use public speakers say they are thvvh.t medicine in existence for the cure of such complaints. Sold by all medicine dealers at Rouar axp Wreoxe.â€"It is wrong to jest withymwih:’u a subject in which there is danger of wounding her feelings, and it is wrong to speak of great virtues in another man‘s wife, to remind your own of Iault; but it is not m“tr& the "Canadian Pain Destroyer‘ and ing its wonderful effects, to recommend it to your neighbors for the cure of rheumaâ€" tism, neuralgia, cramps, cholic, &o., it has no equal. For saile by Druggists and country dealers. Price 25 cts. per bottle. @nuar Conpirion Mreoroumm.â€"As a «oaditi medicine for horses "Dariley‘s Condition Pow ders and Arabian Heare Remedy®" has no equal [ts effects in this respectare astonishing ; many horses that were supposed to be broken deown and almost worthless have, by the use of a few packages, been restored to a healthy an! l-u‘uwd..dl.u.dhomicmi htâ€"ubfllmmu would pre mhnwt; when want a hcrse a-wo.flnmuu Arabian e Remedy." We know you will be perfectly satisfied with the result. Remember :::-o.ndno“ï¬o:‘m:lufll‘ on each package. Northrop &. Lyns. Newcastle, Ont., or Canade. frld by all -dmur"m. TAIETY YÂ¥rA4«@ EXPEBIENCER OF A8 uLD NUBSE. mas. Warsu w‘t doorgine Syaur is the pre« scription of on » of the best Female Phyicians and Narsea in the United States, and has beet used for thiry ysars with never failing safeey and success by -l]l!ou?-oflmu-d children, fras. the troble of one wrek Idto the wiult. 1t corrects acidity «f the ‘each, miloves wind colic, regulates t x â€" ..u,--m.n-‘uuumu other aad child. e believe it the hest und surest remedy in the world, in all cases of : Dysentery and â€"Dintrtime : in : chiidren waether 1t aurises trom toething, or from any »~" ‘han oc s‘ l ooly 1 io 208 accompany each bottle, None gengine unicss the facâ€"simnile of CORTIS & ":l‘lm.. «o the ontsiste wrapper, Soid medici ¢ dâ€"alers, 15 cante s bottle, Ozyiuhnn Bureet, No# York, aad 93 Oxford Streot, Loz â€" don _ Be sure aud call for MHK3, WINSLUW*3 s00THING SYkUP Having ts fac simile ( "Ourtis & Park io oa the on:side wrapper: All others ars be BROWN‘S BRONCHILAL TROCHES yeua rhoamatism in sny form _ Have you st». neck, or bunches caused by rheumatic pains? f1 so, Jonnson‘s Anodyn« Liniment is a speci fio remedy . and.i# also the bast pain k{ller io No toilet table should ve with out CO0Oâ€"GLYCERNE, %6 «at CO0O0â€"GLYOERINE â€" Someâ€" thing new for the hait., per bottJe plete in every department, containing every kind i-nnlmï¬o-ibli‘h est priced to such as suit the taste aed mean» of alls Ladies® Jackets in South Sea Seal. ladies‘ Jackets in Persian Lamb, Ladies‘ Jackets in Grey Lamb. ‘ Ladies® Jacket« in Reaver, Ladies‘ Jackets in Russian Lamb. Ladies‘ Jackets in E:mine. Ladies, by, leaving their orders w th measure for any of the above fashionable Furs, can have them made in any style required, either as respects trimmings or rpriger Bays &f.’."'x.m.a’ aeg * * perior to s Gentlemen‘s Buffalo, , Kacoon and Wolf Coats and Robes. _The highest cash price paid for Raw m ay > _ Mi* Remember the Bign of the nnmr.qm-ï¬: , Uttawa, Oot 22. 1874. _ 3006 _ THREE SCHOOL TEACHERI~One T nicafiney tTiher Feathers 1 »IGN uF THE Have yoi a sgvere wrench or sprata t th‘ LC " YKRINE removes ico KiR Qg\'l‘, Curs! Furs! E: rn.g! JAMES PEAUOUCK cents per box. pmen School Teachers muhd to ch both Whh French. Apply to JOHN WILLIAMS, Secretary Treasurer, Kast Templeton, 3002a Uttawa County, P.Q. ) ENGLISH FAMILIES RESIDENT F ABROAD. Worthiess |m**‘ion TB uourish UOne of the required to OTTAaAW & 1HURSU:Y. NuVEUBE rmHE Bole proprictors and manutacturers of th« cetobrated Victoria Carbolic "r parstion« Labority and Works, Victorin Hall, Malinds btr=et, Toronto, Ont. 4 VICTORIA CH&MIC\ C0 The following genuine preparations ar sold by all druggists. Be sure and a«k tut be Victoria Prefparations, and see that you get the m, N e . Cabolated _ blycer ng This Jeily is highly r« commend d to | adic# as a most agreeable prejaration for the toiict For beautifying the complexion and reu iet ing the skin soft, white, cleat, t d free from dryness, it is usrivalied. it will quickly remove all redness, roughness, tan, freckies, pimples and other impertections _ kor chap fl‘d Lnï¬, ‘chillblaing, frost bites and sore ps, it cannot be surpassed _ Brice 35 cents Carbolic Toilet Soap. ‘This tollet somp possesses all the woll known antiseptic and disinfecting properties of carbolic acid, is agreeably scented, hgs a healthy action on the skin, prevents irrita tion, removes the effects of perspiration, and should be regularly used by families. Choâ€" m--fllpox and fever patients should ba ed with this soap ; and its use by persons lisble to infection will matcrially prevent the spread of disease. Price 15 cents per tablet. This Salve is a rapid cure for all skin dis. eases, cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, sores, ulcers, ringworm, tetter, ecsema, scald head, ulcers, wormm, tetter, ecmoing, scaid head h earyy, [abrcssacs, bflil:.:hnplu, &o. It possesses all the cl ng and healing virtues of carbolic acid, which has been found by physicians everywhere to possess curative qu‘l’:ï¬- not discovered in any other cher.i cal preparation. Price 25 conts. Victoria Carbolic Gargary Sma. ‘This Gargle is the most reliable and effica. clo@r remedy in all cases‘ of sors throat, hoarseness, diptheria, bronchitis, irritation of the bonchial tubes so common in this le â€" climate. . Asth offensive ulcerated gums md-:l diseases otf the mouth. For public speakers and singers it is invaluable.. The ingredlents entering into this gargle are used by all physicians, and for the cure of the above disorders are now, undoubtedly, the most popular in the materia medica, Price 25 conts. Garbolic Disinfectant por and all E-Tv;'m'h' cattle, It is also valuable . for disinfecting water closets, &c., and for destroying nauseous effiuvia from whatever cause arising.. It will drive whatever cause arising.. It will drive away -otho‘&:lothl, files, cockroaches, &c. Moai, fish, can ne preserved from putrification by its use. Carbolic acid was selected by Hor Majesty‘s ~Royal Commise sioners, in preference to all other products, as the best disinfectant for the prevention of infectious discases. Price 25 cents. VICTORIA CARBOLIG Victoria Sharpening and Polishâ€" â€" ing Paste. _ ‘This preparation is unequailed in its rapis dity for sharpening and polishing cutlery. cbis aink pookel Enirel) reapre, suraivel ‘Teble and pocket knives, , surgical and: chisels, &o.. Nothing has ever ,,;M,,.A,, discovered which has sprung mr'-n mwmdn- vlluz every and werkshop for gener@t usefulness. Price 25 cents. * James Walker, D. D. > a ue Broadus on Preparation and Delivery of Eermons. Brooks‘ 500 Plans of Sermons. Dudn.&,u unhm-.nlâ€"m.‘ j mdm,ln"in.m‘ No. 39, Sparks 8. For the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, _ Ufficeâ€" MALN STREET, HULL _ N. B. â€"Special attention paid to Collecâ€" th.hmcm&w‘l’.q..ud in the County of Ontario. Cases attended to in both of the above Counties. _ Say* Ma. 8t. Jours h_fluflpoddA?nt for the Courrier d‘ Outaouais, in the Proâ€" vince of Quebesc. Oct 19, 1872. 3004 T 1 BANQUE NiaTIONILE â€"~â€"â€" This Disinfectant is a sure preventative of Tho mas‘ Eclectric Oil wWORTA TEN TIME iT3 WEIGHT 1N ive withstood the impartial judgment of the peoâ€" on Tor hy preak feagih of tm ‘Tae of thore is Do You Kyow Axtrume or It? ly Notr, it is Tixs You D. of some of the best possessing virt ""d'ls.ï¬;-.' _Scientific physicians i o n tiet power, and producing effects which could never -nhâ€"ï¬-':-dazmdhchd&r:t combinations. ‘Thusin the prepara‘ton of this Oil & w Four Miles from Ottawa. Tbohllflw Valuable Farm, the proâ€" perty of JO l.oAIKOUD.I-&.;!:, yia:â€" The south haif of L0b SX -M { afl’*flgn(l‘!‘!?-)‘m:"‘* HMBMON & 0 Vâ€"AETHB FARM FOR SALE, ‘There are butfew preparations of medicine which EW BUOADL BU Lord Ormathwaite. T, Sr. JULLEN, S ALV E. VYICTORiA VICTORLA It by l | large music pages,) 5| German Hearts, Aquarellen, 1001 ® | Manhatten, m%hmr, Artist 7 | Love w-. Bng:ninn. * Women and Song, and many other ; Waltses. _ <| P.-uï¬oi' New Annen, Tritach T 4 and other Polkas, with a y n of first rate Quadrilles, Ma &o. in Boards, $250; Clo Sent postâ€"paid for retail price. Also, Stove Pipe Elbows, T Pipes, Dumb Stoves, Gallows Pipes, ana an endiess quantity of Tinware, Lamps, Chimneys, Coal Oil, Oil Cans, any size, always on hand, STOVES, STOVES, CHFAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, BF‘or Cash. Will exeoute all orders which we may be favoured with for putting up Stove f‘ipu Furnaces, &0., &0., &o. #ee to it in time. We have on hand th lebra INE ELBOW all in one piece: Call and see it. andithe celebiated 1 C\ / se C. P, DORION. GEMS OF STRAUSS!! This fine aolio::od, now ! ;lil Lhoï¬:l-:l\g:,s'(; contains Gems, (which * Targe mushs pages,) German Hearts, A%unllen, 1001 Nights, lnh:::, Morgen hgor, Artist ‘[fl“' Love urgersinn, Blue conn ho Aharinge Saile Aopures Wine, Comulm%nnu.umr SUCCSS OF DITSON‘8 & Co.‘s Women and Hong, and many other popular w * Pâ€"’ub&mhm,l‘rihch Tratsch, and other with a y number of first rate Quadrilles, Mazurkas, &o. in Boards, $2 50; Cloth, $3. Sent postâ€"paid for retail price. The nreat new Church Music Book, THE~ STANDARD still " waves," and is on the point of being introduced to a multitude of singing schools now to commence. The authors are L. «. Emerson, of Boston, and H. R. Paimer, d“fldï¬u of whom will be satisfied than tirice the ordiâ€" lm“ï¬ndu Music Books. Do not fail to send $1.25, for which, for the present, specimen copies will be sent. CHAS. H. DITSON & Co., Ne Church of England Ladies School, |"#7" _ . Professorsâ€"French, Monsieur Ami; German, (Rev.) M. Kaapke; Drawing, Mr. Bo?-l4th SEPTEMBER,; 1872. Lady Principalâ€"Miss Kouuer, | Asssstant Teachersâ€"Miss Hart Davies, Miss Sinclair, Miss Forster, Miss Humphrys. ;ï¬wumw?wypm. on premises, or to the Fecretary or or any of the Committee of Management. Rev. J. 8. Leudér, Chairman; Rev. H. Pollard, Secretary; W. R. Wright, Trea: surer. W“Vâ€"M J. D. Slater; J. A. Torrance ; W. Spragge ; G. P. Baker ; J, B. Torrance ; W. Spragge ; G. P. Baker ; J, B. Lowe; 0. &. %mmd"’; W. R. Wright; A.C. Kelty UOtinma Aug 17 18742 2051 3m In the matter of JOHN ROLLS, of Sherâ€" brooke, an Insolvent. _ â€" 1, the undersigned, J. A. ARCAAMâ€" 3;21..1‘1‘,- of the Town I:-Shorbm::& i nee, have appoin! u....‘::ï¬.- matter. Creditors are requested to tile their claims before me within one month. J. A. ARCHAMBAULT, 4A o | . DOqR ETTE . AmENRINIAITSR TOCT Account Book Manufacturer, at the Sign of the Group of Books, Roberts‘ Block, Rideau Stroet, O would rei uu&ouhlï¬olmmu. and fln;lblio geuerally, to his extensive Stock of Day Books, Ledgers, Cash Books and Journals made up from the best class of paper, and at prices as low, if not lower than at any other house in the Dominion ; wholesale or retail. 5 Rideau Street, O of busingss; if not in stock, ruled and pattern, on the shortest notice. executed in any style from the ; and cheapest to the most eleâ€" _ Re m g berin flmw “m':‘ Ottawa, September 11, 1872. 200 Wo..ington CGtreat, OTTAWV A. Ottawa, Aug 17, 1872 McDONALD AND MONGENAIS. NSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. Sherbrooke, 11th Sept , 1872 . 2073tf 20 00 zm m m w to every var lot’ CHAS. H. DITSON & A Number of Pr ctical Tinsmiths Ottawa, Aug. 30, 1872. ANTED by/three gentlemen within CA CA W BA ! ive nundtes wa‘k from w:gpon' rooms with é-' ;l“ s pse, Oflice. nn,mfl, 1872 . 2080uf MUORTIMER, EQUAL TO BRANDY. .. 8#1.295. 'Afluhn executed on 7 O V . JS 15. Paperâ€"ruler and 25 @1 8, This splendid Hair Dye is the BESL IN THE WORLD. The only True and Perâ€" fect Dye. Harmless, Reliable and Instanâ€" taneous; no disappointment ; no ridicalous tints or unpleasant odor. ko’med'p- the ill effects of bad dyes and washes. Proâ€" duces imxEpiareLy a superb Black or Natuâ€" ral Brown, and leaves the hair G1rax, Sort and Beavrror. The genuine l(i!y-d W. A. BATCHELOR‘S. Scld by all druggists. Factory, 16 Bond Street, New York. |« ;. Ottawa, January 25, 1872, _ 18794&» | . **DR M‘3 . RHEUMATISRE Pnmnrrnnt 9e ncumimennnerecondeincvecnendle cars aas ! incld and GO YÂ¥ " is recommended PER : MONTH | for Rhoumatiem, Gout, Nenuralgia, Lumbe: O guaranteed sure wandering and other Pains, Stiffmess 0t to Agents every | E'm‘n Joints or Joints, Sprains, Numbness H where selling our | pweli &c., &o., and ï¬ the most effec= new seven sit\ d | ive and seliable «emedy known for these WHITE WIRE ROPE CLOTHES LINES.| gisoases,. For salé b: Aum. Selis readily at every house. famples free, l (‘-IIAELB, + First come. first served. _ Addreâ€"s | 20 Victoria Square, Montreal. HUDSON RIVER WIRE CO., Sole Agert forthe Dowtâ€"ion of Canada 76 King Street West, Toronto, Ont. | and the Uz "*a4ftrt~*. October 3 1872. 2000d&wim April 3, 15.3 bt. Lawreote & stiswa HKaiiwa The undersigned begs to inform the blio that ln-oï¬ooh‘:l dnldl;‘ been E&g%&:h:homrofthoa’ ERA] Company, on Wellington Street, where orwleu&rnl the collection and delivery of Goods will meet with nnz and careful attention. Pnym:n Aon: l'nl'flt apd Car:age will now "be received ?&mt Coqp-ny'- Office, on Wellingtor 2 A. J. TAYLOR, . Through the n?l?mn receive rom go eitinnstn '::oe‘k‘ hmznl;.u FM:;J us ment our a is s Imporâ€" tation hmm& with much care and in the best markcts. Particular attention has been givet to mdl suitable for city business and family trade. A heary stock of Tea, atto Coffe® of the b-null: umww the premises. A large Liquors of the brands and quality always on hand. _ A fine lot of new Maple Syrup in Fottles and on draft, the best in the Dominion. All the above â€" 1t prices to defy competition. MoDONELL & MON@ENAIS en C £. . 4n 4 m o s 1 g + and from of which o. larse, apanitr of Ne aed boom timber may be obtained, snd the out eecared To 2 rarm o ikrpe or ho youreo ib us aiidengeng for eash. \ , A pplication 2064 theâ€" Uth Pnsty aiige$ SAWLOGWT!’OBSALI. made to Mr: Henry Y. RE .D. at Caledonts Hotel Ottawa, after that date. Adiress Hopeheld Post &:ï¬ after that date. Adiress Hopeheld Abet ‘The timber from off those lands beir« of course ree from daty. is mmusth : Uttawa, Oct. lith, T872 ° Authorized discount on American In voices, until further notice, 11 Er cent, R. $ M. BQOUCHETTE, +* will be made to the Legislature of Onâ€" uï¬oi“i“ ensuing session, for an Act to enable the Incumbent and Churchwardens of Christ Church, in the City of (Jttawa, to cormlete the new builling they are now erecting in the said City, by borrowing such sum of money as may be necessary, lonhtpm ts To | 5190 2s Ottaws, October 8th, 1872. .__ w64 Noucx is hereby given that application will ha made to the Lagislature of On. tawa, 5th Feb., 1872. * w4 P.3. ENTERANTEBY SID® DuUUR UNIONS, LASTINGS AND SERGES, ATCHELOR‘S HAIR DYE WM. & HENKY FOsXta, The out of over One Thousand Acroas patented ine timber lands lying * en bloc" on the Dgsongo ‘UsTOMS DEPARTMEN C Ottawa. May 11. 1872. hinn W aprehouse OW 18 THE TIME TO CALL uun:l:nv,a‘, uf::l.uo. W&/\HF CARTAGE AGENCY. No. 66, Susser Street, AT 7omty ?,‘ ,__i,/‘ ‘.: s <% \{\':g , 4ANILD . eam® ie 2011 Cartage Agent, 2081 1873. | Ex miups Noga, Txuc, L.oy Love, Mary \| Ava, Ciry or QUze®o, Claga KirLax, | AXD CaROLINA. P i ) am established facti you w int any firstâ€" aln ;.B’::d':oo' Wines and the best Family Groâ€" 6omes, you must go to "MTAd T 4 51 ® +) d SUCO l J °e fre(a)h BLAOK TEAS, 30 100 101 ‘The finest ever offered in this marâ€" ket, takes "three waters," used by the nobility in Britain. JAPANS and GUNPOWDERS, COFFEES, "Very fine. Fresh groundj daily and roasted on the premises. PICKLES, Siuces and Fienc‘ Pess, "No.1," in variety. PARIS COFFEE POT3, Every house should have one. Tho above goods are the finest to be had in market, and a variety of others in stock, well worthy of trial, every satisfaction in using thert. . A call solicited. * fHi08, PATTERSONS, â€" A Rideau ana- Ottawa, July 18, 1872. 42 new Tonime Savings Fund Asâ€"urance, just introduced by .the: Equitable Life Asâ€" surance Soc ety, by which an Endowment Policy is granted at ordicary Life Raiss. Oiflice, Reading Rom, Russell House. » R. C. W, MacCUAIG, « General Agent for Eastern Ontario. . (itawa, October 5, 1872. 2002y AL, particularly the tollo::i:i Medical Gentlemen : â€" Bfl- Small Peltier, Munro, David, Gi:dm MacDonell, Rot tot, Brosseau, B,?b' h.p.r:bon. Besâ€" sey, McCallum, Thompson to whom «" DB. BLRNBAUM‘8 Bm TISM asd GOULI REMEDY * has beevp submitted for trial, have, with a rare disâ€" --v~'~~ï¬â€™; -n’ "l e “Mm‘, oq‘‘ can be obtained on appliâ€" on to undersigned or any druggist in this LIOMHINON... .. o ds nas ociid UV c 10 10 10 IRECT 1MPORTATIONS 1CIENCE HAS SPOKEN. The MEDICAL FACULTY of MONTRE Dressâ€"d Hogs, $6 to $6.50. Mess Pork, $16. * . Farmers‘ mess, 813 to $15 do ie H-.h semoked, $15 00 to $16.00 per 1J3 :Do green, $10 ao Bacon .do _ $9 w12 do Bacon dry salted, $8 0O 9 OJ do Frocuâ€"â€"Retail prices. Double extra, 36.7© to 7.00 per barrel j Extra, $1.0U uo $7.25 _ do No. 1, £6.15 to 1.00 ao Oarmeal, $5.25 do Cornmeal, $3.25 to 3.50 do Cracked wheat, $7.00 to 7 50« Wheat meal, $7.00 do Provender, $1.50 per 100 ibs. Bran, T0 ote. > Gram. ¢ Buckwheat, 50 to 55 ts per bushe â€" Qate; 4teâ€"to 450 do . Poas, 1006 do Beans $1.50 to $1.6 ) : «Barley 60 to 650. »Cormn, none, » Fall wheat, $1,30 to $1.40 do . Bpring whext, $1.2) to 1.30 a~ Mapdocik, Tc per lb. DryUodfl-h.“w.K;cfl. Herring,. $5.00 to per bb!. Calf skins. 12 cts per i=. sheep peits 75 cents each. Hroms axp L&itg®ss. The latest quoiitions are as follows No. 1, Sole, Zic to 2%¢ per ib. No. 2 do 23c to 25¢ do EFURE assuring your lite, examine tho Beof, §5 50 to 6 00 per 100 be Mutton, To to 9c par ib. Fowls, 45 to 50 per couple | Turkeys, $1.50 to. 1 .75 each. Geese, 5c to 550 each. _ Ducks, 60e to 150. per couple. Ie.ï¬-.-flhpclt." Rgega 2560 30 per dosen. Butter 15 to 17 cts perib. in prings, 20 to 23¢, Lard, 9 to 11â€" ote. per Ib, Tallow, Oe to.00c do. Honey,| 15 to 20 do, Potatioes, 350 per bushel. Bweaish Turmps, 50s. Cariote 50c. Parsnips 450. do. Onions, $1.25. Celery, 351 to per dos. Cabbages, 100 to 15¢ each. Beets 20e to 25: per bushel. Apples per barrel, $3 50 10 +3.75. Home spun yarn, QJ¢ per ib. Home made woolien socks, 45¢ per [p ut Wool 84 ot«. to 9Jc per lb. Hay #18 to $20 per ton. hye a*raw, 86 O to 700 Jat straw, $8 w $9 u0 do. , bhits. BRANDY, finest Pale and * Da k, genuine, im e 1g)s perts. _ * 5 per Nofll‘w_l&fll-l‘""-i'.-,; Harness leather, 30 to 336 do Upper _ do 4u w 4520 do Cases butts.. SHERRY WINE, V.P., various prices, extra value, KE ‘RIVED, do (i1N, Juhn de Kuyper & Son double berried, siazg goods from ‘the producers No 26, Rideau Stree‘. 1o TOKT WINE, for family use, doz, SCOTCH _ MARMALADE, fresh from the maker, try it. do GUINNESSES POREER, pt« «nd qts., per order. do CLARET, various brands, a few cases of the celebrated viniage of 1864, $22 a case. Always on hand. SPARKLING MOSELLESY, @ pints and quarts," es ocknowledged its invaluable well known Very fine, give them a trial THE MARKET. 1872, PRICEâ€"3 CEX 3 do The rectior of Rivin«s on s .: in his study. He was a venerable 1 â€" i.: m n, on whis>s pale face some dâ€"»p ~.~.â€"»= had Is:. its trace. As he sar | cong Q.h*.flully back in his chair, h â€" .«k eyes on the glowing on~! u_ 1..e grate, his counâ€" tenance wo:« .. . «"~led, anxious expres« sion. He was not his daughter, a girl of eighteen, w.» «... him, and her face, too, was clou is, . As she tossâ€" ed back her mm curls, and raised her eyes lovingly and trustingly to he: father, w20 bad so tenderly supplied her mother‘s place, proving that men, too, have a deep iount of tenderness in their natures, which, at times, can even be maternal, the parent‘s heart smote him for the pain he was inflicting. © Bat the rector of .Rivington never paused when he had a duty to periorm ; however pain{al the duty was, he walked up unfiinchingly to it, even as the brave soldier walks up unflinchingly to the eannon‘s mouth. Turning his sad eyes to his daughter, he said, _ _ . ‘My child, you know that your happiâ€" ness is as dear, even dearer to me than my life, and I cannot willingly consent to your throwing it away.‘ _ <‘Yes, father,‘ she ï¬ while the tears gathered in her eyes, fell slowly down in great drops on her lap, ‘I know how tenderly you love me, how you have been iather, mother, nursegand friend to me, throwing only sunshine around my way, and shielding me from every sorrow, and,‘ *Yes, yes, my child, interrupted the rector with emouion, ‘and will continue to do so, if you will only permit me. My child, my cluld, 1 cannot stand quetly by and see you throw the jewel nappiness away, and not put forth my hands to stey you, my voice to implore you.‘ . h _ His tones were full of emotion, while his frame trembled with the intensity of his feelings. _ era, *My child,‘ he continued, ‘if ever a pa rent‘s heart is stirred to its deepest depths, it is when he sees the d.uznw he has tenderly nurtured, link her fate with that of a drunkard. I cannot stand by and see the sacrifice without crying out, ‘My God, my God, give me the strength to bar out from my home this tercible evil; give me the power to shield and to save my child trom this gigantic miseryâ€"a misery so deep that no plummet can sound its depthsâ€"its teartul deptus.‘ “;I;o vi;a;inkm'o‘t'm grow deadly pale as her jather spoke, and she cried out, in tones of agony, â€" _ :(), father, spare me all this ; I have not the strength to send from me the only man I love, save my father. â€" 1t is a dreary thing, dear iather, for a womin to tear out trom her heart the love of her girl~ hood and her womanhood, and to walk forevermore alone, How can my lips say to the man I love, ‘Go, 1 caunot 4 iove him, father.‘ ‘Te.«r your love out of your heart, be fore it rends your heart," he said bit, terly. *Jh, father,‘ she moaned. ‘Better that, my child, than hug an affection which can only bring you sorâ€" rowâ€"a giief whose talon claws can only rend â€":Fn your very body and soul, Alive, ice, you know not what it is to be a arunkard‘s wife.‘ . £ 0 i _ <] will reform him alter we are married, she said eagerly. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ George Granvilie loves me, father ; and you know where there is love on the husâ€" band‘s part, there is influence on that of the wite‘s. ‘The rector shook his head, and sadly replied : _ * My child, where the vices of men are ‘Reform nim dirst, and marry him afterâ€" wards, my daughter; but a woman sadly overrates her strength whenp she marries a drunkard to reform bim.‘ _ sensitive heart shrin id at uuiduofbduadnnhd'cm; with yourignorance of men you think that love U onl ks can accomplish miracles with them, and that the Crunkard lover will prove a sober husband. Ab! my child, many a poor, foolish woman has wrecked her hopes of hppimuonjmcmduhnny-mr ‘lhe tears that had been siowly falling from the girl‘s eyes, now came down in torrente. She lad her head on the tables beside her, and sobbed passionately, Her able ; but one terrible failure orershadewed those qualities; he was a drunkard. He could plunge a woman into misery, but he could add nothing to ber happiness. THE RECTOR > «1 YiNGTON. nifafyweder Witt ies seil tyot Hiked upen her. ï¬oh.wllubu:’l.‘rhrn comfort ; he might even seem, in her eyes, hkov.bauluï¬npdhrz.u;bm with the bitter remembrance of the past still ‘nl'h‘uhhiflt,bflltthuho had a stern duty to perform, and with the help of his Heavenly Father, perform it he Mfl. e Af m': pn.M t # t itself ; Sur and parting aside her ourls, kissed her lovingly on her wet cheek. He drew her ‘My child, you must to a chair near him, and said, with deep emotion thrilling in his tones, " My child, let me tell you the history of a man‘s life and a woman‘s death, and then answer me, if I do any wrong in oryâ€" ing out from the very depths of my heart, My Father in heavon, save my child, my drunkard‘s wile!" Alice Carringtion looked with wondering eyes at her father ; she had neverseen him so deepiy moved, and ‘there was a tone o{wnmbuni-m that told of some hi wos. The rector of Rivington leaned back in his arm chair and closed his eyes for a moâ€" ment, as if looking inwardly, " His face was pale, and it evidently cost him a sevore effort to unearth the sad «story that had been buried so long At lengih, opening his eyes and fixing them flxï¬f' with that peculiar gaze which we times see hu...,..uuoummmm dim recesses of the past, the rector com» menced, in low earnest Lones, his story, while his daughter fixei ner mournfal .y.pnbrfumruhlpw: # Clarence Medway was the son of an retinement. Be his chiidren every dmvmmml:l:lw,lfl nw-fl&% one exâ€" m,...p.uu most loving parents could wish. â€" Bat this oneâ€"this voy Clarenceâ€"was a) wild, dusipated felâ€" e n GTTOe s t L m,,l.:eqh_n-up-hlan.-,u wasting the precious hours of youth in the haunts of folly and the homes of crime.â€" u.’nhhpmm-mho.r, as such boys always do, Fortunate, most o ihnccmeie Rriandrnia eP P Pe aLes: S EL L PARP 3A the quiet sleep of the grave before this boy, dishonored and degraded, brought untold misery to the hearts that loved * There lived on the next place to Med~ wey Manor a lovely girl, named Alice Kichmond, whom Clureace Meday loved. She was young, younger by a year than you, my dau,uter, for she was only seven« teen. the was a swoet, doreâ€"like girl, pb_dbv-‘thlddht’uu- and friends, and righ in eyery bleesing thaty The good rector‘s voice trembled with emotion, but recovering himself, he conâ€" tinued .â€"â€" © This boy, tenderly beloved by his parents, and who had been so carefully reared, grew {rom bad to worse ; and whea he reached man‘s estate he was a confirmâ€" He was handsome, intelligent and amiâ€" A 1RUW e#oRY was it for them that they slept a man of wealth, culture and the rector of