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Ottawa Times (1865), 28 Nov 1872, p. 3

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L Y ‘or ive them at her house 44 clock pm Terms made Â¥ Loation. _ Residence Joyee‘t mu Street, Sundy Hill, _ ~â€" itawa, Nov. 23, 1872 '_ nle «lwâ€"7s supplied with all the var “m-â€"nna-e\fl: a choicest brands and ilatama he hest quality, constantly kept pupil of Signor 14« rated teacher of Voe!: ve leasons in Vocalis raWA LITEER HC suciEry useful and go.u_, fi“."’ nighily . ; o + ROYAL MaR: Martin the '-;m TROUP; +. Clare Maztue will #ppent in he OiBes and Dve UV , it «wa, Nov dcrclo@ ® Meals ready as all bours. l1 Nov 2. 187% ® J ood for Sak kiilmx & Hiadwil Swed and Unsawt IEXT Or [UCRSDAY Evening. Â¥ith Ins ast At EIAMHT o‘c‘cek. octâ€"** Woges, Prices and Pixed h â€" ASON‘3 n1 RTIN prepared to aAL MUSIC A. JANGE BOTEL nderful t side of t" # Rioks *« MaIX STkEE®, CLL P q IN THR mz;.,,_ Ic )[u.‘o FIYZE XICHP» an KRS. RURERT3ON, of Signor Leon Corelli, 1 4 NICHP3 o®Lr, IX? TUESDAY pg L V. 8. SIRERIG, #, 1472 ": i4 ccond Sight Reading. Sale DSni“ &o 1872 J. B. MoGUIRE . Canal Bisin, neat AXD sCtemy, D&p. *a Hay _ _ _ "j®A! be coated with mineral or inâ€" ) _ We will give the latest development in combustable paint. > | this direction in a lump. be reacer may e omm ? | Kill up the details for himself: Mre. Tosier, «Ionmiovus.â€"It was most j ii iwus on the | AtbeDs, ilo., oa:hund::id and seven years Part of the e awat* _| old ; knit stockings without spectacies. sembties, m""l'"' C (;“ hfi dn | Joun Boyd, Louismila, Ky, colored, one ifa were no decofuti08® | pun.ird and twelve ; chews and smokes, G.upmy mens by deeonuom!’ | thud set of teeth gqoming. two cords of ...hnung, and Chinese tranâ€"parencies: | wood before dinner. Sarah Fiwumters, one md“onuou. alluded to by us were of| hunured and tive, Macon, Ga, hale and 82 entirely diit»rent kind, such as ou} | bearty, eng.â€"ged to be married to Luke Contem |! Cozens, one bundred and une, of the same e porary may dream of, but c nuo pl w«e; temperance and antiâ€"tobace>. Jas. imlerstand . |\ Iyler, Chicago, ome huadred acd fiu,‘ A mss | lasely whippâ€"d his son. George Tvler, ‘.""‘U atr Davieus‘ Horki â€"Novem ) aged eighiv, for impudence ; fined uvo’ T4 1872â€"â€"Dacr 1 B Marshall. Boston . | doflars. | Mary Walters, Eimira, N. Y., t & Fennock, City ; Â¥â€"s Bacon Covr:“ oo mnootnccge Dible naice a on ons 44 mear, N yY; 1 y s Strebig, A * d \| co epectacics, Bible twice a day, smokes % the W; gen Ul'« a pipe; nrot!y mperance. Thus the a sard ; 1 Matheson, Clarence} centeanrial MJ waves fow on â€"4n Centre ; Wo Allen, Ayimer ; James Mac / £*cA296® n, Buckingham ; & Patton, Moatreal ; | _ AL* o# ‘‘riru*â€"The Chinese immigrants 1 F MceAndrew, Buckingham ; J H acke,, | t the Ewt t*nd 0t London are teaching Buokingbam ; J Mc " "* | the population of thit region to smoke Parland, .Prescott; J opium, <The knowledge of this fact must gaton. make Sirp Wilifrid Lawson and bis associates [ Un Paans q _"U""® 0 4000 redouble their endesvors to destroy the Taz Rer. W. Steruzssox â€"This very) clo quent prewcher and truly able man h« we notice, been delivering a lecture in Mon .. Prasnzo â€" 1t is realty very grotifyug to find that the west end of W.liington l;rrr‘ is being w.dened, and thit vooley‘s bridge is nearly completed. It is to> bs bt?kycd that there will be no toll gve in the yici nity of this structure. * | Jt Pugyr praise to her Bosto® accepts the sympithiâ€"s, hut deâ€" c se t oo n alines the monies of other cities. She -iu}A Physiciin ‘three Days Dead before bear her great mistortune unailed and | Discovered â€"liis Wite Crasen and Inâ€" rise from her ashes unassisted. | All| seusivie Beside Him. _ Mazmws, the Wisird, and the giver away of several cosily presents, nightly, perâ€" forms at the Music Hall for bve niglts, commencing Tuesday next, the 3id of Wires: Aoai®.â€"Yesterday there was quite wintry weather. ulâ€"o@y all day, it snowed heavily in the afternoon, froze a night, and sleighs are once more in juse. Â¥Faxcunsion.â€"There is to be an excursion to Renfrew on the 4th proximo by the Caâ€" nada Central R«ilway. to which the Pireeâ€" tors of the road have issued invit.ticns. Dr. Robillard who has for some tino;';ou,,‘ been absent on profession«l business. has | ity o agun resumed the duties of his ctfiao,’ Me where he cin be consulted at the hours | runn specified is a Card in anotber u-luifn. The | Shut Doetor is ready to attend on all wlo may | _ M want bis services, and fully prepired to | cont: meet the wants of all cases in bis specialâ€" | week ity, (Treatment of Diseases of the Bye n« Ca Bar), even to tha supplying of artisciâ€"l. down Eyes, he having juast brought «ith him, a | _ Mr full supply of instruments and spplisaces | work of the most modern .nd..pyzowdt style, ; week for all operstions, and the successfal trestâ€" | ur ment of the afflicted. 508; 2 | duv â€" A Coxtnuromazt has di-aonng that women bave rignts. Many of them havre lefts also. . , Am immense Bankrupt Stock |will be effered for sale on lhursday, the 28th lestant; at half price. At No. 68, E.ox S‘reat. a0 3. CaaBo® 8135 Successor to P. i<. /‘ .l:quette & Co Moxtrâ€"to Lexp. â€"Apply to R. A Bra« ley, Solicitor, &o, coruer of Sparks an Bigin Streets, Uttawa. The principal Hotels and Saioons in the eity areâ€" now suppled with Céledonia Bpring Water. ask for it. Gim:sof & Co., Bole Agent for Ottawa. | Persons affiicted with Rheumatism. Liver Complaint, Dfipopch, Diseases of the Skin, Kidneys or Bladder, should send for a supply of the Caledonia Water. Gissox & Co., Corner Sparks and Elgia. A. & A. H. TAYLOR, Agents. Russell House and corner Sussex and York Streets. y Ottawa, May 13. 1872. 1958tf Leaves Kingston on Cuesdays and _ Frdays st.......... : 3 Uxion Foawarorso & Rainwir Co. Ottawa at 6 a m. Etage leaves Uttawa at 6 .am. Stageâ€" arrive from Aylimer at 4 p. u. paey~ Steamer *"Jessie Casse Ayimer daily at 8 3 a m. N. B.â€"Tickets to all points West can be had from Bteamer "Louise,‘" departs for Kingston on Mondays and Thursdays at.... ......... Arriven... : ... .. â€" . : «/ . . 930 Mowtamil a8D «‘ttawa Fogwarpmoe Co Depart Arriv pepart 1.30 10.30 Amve 6.15 0 8.45 +Queen Victoria‘ . H peparte, 7.00 Arrices Fairy""â€"Leaves every day at... TRAVELLER‘S F7IDY% Ir. Lawrexos & Orraw . Ranwar j t 1.0 240 T.Jo Orrawa Rivea Navicatio® C LOCAL NEW s am. a.m. noon. ; 130 10.30 12.00 6.15 0 8.45 0 3.45 CaxaDa Cext®at RainWar. r.m. am. pm. 7.00 10.00 4220 essie Cassels‘ .e eop, | taken an ovâ€"iduse, ur had blindly rushed “‘ | upon the ftate its use w a sure o bring is |_ | unknown The ouly writing of any sig~ ° 58 | miicâ€"nce founs in the room was a letter 20 | .inted on Siturdsy evening, which Mrs uch | Sradley hod wrutn w cher sister, but which cout.ned nuethiog which could be | | const.ued us in tioating a purpore of se f y | desâ€"uction on the part of either. | Ur. biadley hw been a pracuicing phyâ€" 4*‘ | lioan in this city for anout nin» years. jid | ijJere aiso be mwrried his wife, whom he sard | ‘eft to mourn his untimely ‘fate, upon wil | who b _ tinancial _ emburrasâ€"meits" apd ; bregular habits may have had a greater * 9 | ind@uence even than his friends beligve. _ st 7 30 4 00 10.00 6.20 | moruing about nine o‘clock he notified | Pawoiman Nobl of his suspicions, and that | officer at once procee«ied to the rooms. ‘ H» tsuod the wife lying upon the fr of | the buck roo:a in ao msensiole condition, while in a closet miiw.y between the two | Jepartments lay the boâ€"tv of her husran« | streiched upon a pallet which rested upon the Hsor, ile had probats, been doad some three dâ€"ys. ; M s. Bo«iley when di câ€"vered was to» | mgon crazed by the shgex and subsequent p Wwotiona which she had endure i to give a y rati m«l a c_unt of the circumst +nces nd to all enquir.«s «he rorlnod in Facant looks an : incouerent menniagless sounds, What hut piussed as she lay p:iso0ec in what termote room, struggling between life and deatb, wh le the sounds from the busy bustling »treet came f mting in at the { peu window, no mortal can tell, no mortal may ever know till that tinal day in which ail »om ats shall be revealed. It transpires that Dr. Bradley had been for .ome uune suvject to »pilep ic attacks. aud had been in tue hab: u: tâ€"king doses pf sirychnine to comniâ€"rict the effects of the disease, . Whether ne b d by accident in Fuison County _ Oa S +*‘y they rg-l Piano Fo turned anud occupied i« uns which pt af they had recent‘y secured be We .0 . .,-'f° Mr. Theodore Bu.low 00 â€"upic» coms ;‘ the opposite side of the A>>r, and bar noticeq that the rooms bhad been unusuw.; quit during yesterday and Tuesiay, | :,*NXGL‘ Rustly began to be slirmed and this , 42 (From the Toledo Blade. J s<ome two weeks »go, Dr. E. C, Bradley, a this city, engaged rooms for mi.gsoif and femily in the third story 0 And»rsm.‘s block, Ha also rented an office on the flor Lel »w, designing to use it in s practice. _ The doctor and his wife were wituout children. about the Mn of Oewrber, they lef: the city for a visit to the cocror‘s prureats, who ‘esde at Delta, rirstâ€"cilass Tailorng Departâ€" ment now in full operation, under the superintefidence of a firstâ€" class Cutier. ~All work and perâ€" fect lit guaranteed. _ j Late styles otf Pams and London Millinery now forward,and shown at the Millinery Room of RUssE&LL & WaTtsux. {‘hose wishing can now sece the very latest in the above goods. Messrs. Pattie & Perley, two mil‘s, mostly day work, 28 ‘millien Stopped two weeks »g> > Mr. Juhn Rochester, one mill, mostly day work, ten millions. Shut on 1 hursday last. & â€" Mr. A. B. B@aldwin, two mills, running contmusl!ly, 20 million. _ Stopped last Capt. Young, one mill, 16 million. Shut down on Monday. The saw wi:ls around the Chaudiere have all sbut down for the season, with the ex« ception of M . E. B Eddy‘s which will probably quit running this week,. The following is a rough estimte of the qual= ity of lumber sawn in eich. Messrs. Bronson & Watson, two mills. running night and day. 37 million feet. Shut down on Frilay. Mr. J. R Booth, two mills, moetiy day work, z22 mullion. Quit running last the course of a few weeks to thi;nufnl Tne Gcrarps‘ Aseexouyr â€"In noticing the Guards‘ Assembly in the previous issue of thi: paper we inadvertently mentivned C apparentiy, be more than ordinarily in~ teresting this winter. In addition to readings, singing and instrumental muâ€" sic, there are to be transparencies repreâ€" senting noted places at home and abroad, and noted people everywhere. These transparencies are denominated * Seeopâ€" ticans,"‘ or some such «cientific appelâ€" lation. ‘ . 0.OSE OP THE §Ei80O¢‘s OPER.TIONS. L0 VDLEDUY‘S TRaG®DY THE LUMsEX TRADE RussELL & WaTtsox and -duihonqh.olthluufifl ling Committee, will be held ewriyjn the mon oo mds ht reddane 9 the dood is e : t "Toe menee Tnin Sir se m vng have kindly conâ€" seuted to receirg donations of work ::ooq or otherwi«e, in aid of the object in view. Lady Macdonald, !n Rber son Ross, Mre, Dowe, Mrs. Patriok, Countess of Dufferin, Mrs, Bliss, A Bamar under the ludl-q’:‘bom FUXOS of St, ALBAS CHUACH COAL STUOVE, the hest and most econo. mical heating Stove in the market. . Call and see. For Coal or Wool. Pullic and private buildings heated in the most modern and improved method, and astisfaction guarâ€" anteed . .hlo ;c{:‘“ required till after a thorough test been applied BTUV £8 ot all kinds as usual TINWARE, Wholesale and Retail, Direct from Engl ind all size«, single and double. Oriers from Publie Institutions or private fumilis #l‘cited. Also, 0P Air FERNACES! BAZT A A L. Hubscriptions may also be seas toâ€" * vavale | | BKG TO ANNOUNCE Having jist reveirel ansther 1>t of the Patent Wrought Lo1 Bed:teads, H. Meadows & Co. Voeal ouly.â€"Silver Coni. Wreath of Gems. Gems of German Song. Gems of Scouish song. Gems of Sacred 8 ng. Shower of Pearls, Duets. Uperatic Pearls. MORNINC STAR Instrumental. _ {Home C;rdo, Vol. L Home Circle. V ‘! Pianist‘s Album. Piano Forise G+~ Comer ofih-ox-dum.i e Ste. Ottawa, Nov 16. 1872 $4.00. The price would be at retail, tor the pieces separately, about $400. In this form, all the books, including the new and forite Gex» or Sraavss (now having a splen did sale,) may ve had for $32 50 tal Price of each book in Boards, $2.50 Cloth, $3.00; Full Gilt, for Presents. The whole et is one of the most valuâ€" able Musical Libraries that could be devisâ€" ed, as each contains from 200 to 250 pages of the most popular music of the dar. are busy, as usual, in attendiog to their extensive orlers. The, now c«ll attention, also, to their STANDARD CULLECTION l,l. y +R DLE3O \ & CO , Announce that they were !nH)lly un â€" touched by the recent GRE \T FIRE, and FOCiaL & INSTRUOMENTAL MUSIC. § ITUATION WaANTED, .\ As a GROOM, Div=~. &o Good reâ€" fer: nces given. Addreas X, Tiw»s Uffice. Uttaws, Nov 23, 1872. 3033 3 liberal patronage ex‘ended to the late tirm, and hopes by nriurwul atten. tion to business, and by ways havring in stock the newest and best styles of Ja velâ€" lery, and by employing the best Watchâ€" makers and working Jewellers, to merit a continuince of past tavors, O _ _ WILLIAM YOUNG. in reference to the above. the subscriber would beg leave to return bis mo;s sinâ€" cere thanks to the punl.o generally for the liberal patronage er‘ended to the lata is bereby® ziren that the partnership lately subsisting between us, the under:â€" tigned, WILLIAM YuUNG and JAMES JuHN RADFURD, as Watchmakers and Jewellaers, at the City of Uttawa, in the County of Carleton, under the firm of YUUNG & KADFURD, was on the First diuy of November, immetant, dissolved by mutusal consent; and that all debts due udowingtoor.:!th late firm, will be receired and jaid by the said WILLIAM YuUNG. A« witness our hinds this Iwentieth Day of November, A (*., 1872 Witness, WAH. Warese. Musical Trei=ure, Vocal and Instrumenâ€" points West _ _ _Sleeping Car attached to this trsin at Watertown and run through to New York ‘ KE!URN:NQ. } Leavre New York 6 U p m Albany 11 40 p m, arrive at Watertown 7.15 a m (fifteen winutes for breskfast), arriving at Ugdensâ€" burg 11 15 a m. Lâ€"ave New York 8 00 a m, Albany 1 25 p m, Rome 5 25 p M; arrive at Water town 8 45 p m, ();densburg 12 15 a m H. T. FRAY, ue . @a7a UOgdenso ~ 5+ p m, arrive at Wauno-ng‘ai â€" en minutes for pper) © khnos.wfim, * 1044 y 2 23) a m, New 1~*K + 3 «d 6 50 a m, Bosâ€" n !f t !0 25 p m Hochesâ€" 1.13 )0 1+ \ m, Suspeos m B idge 6 40 a ; ase connectiions miwâ€" at Bux&lo_-ml n::penâ€"ion B.idge for all w uies |WaTEATOWA & OGDENSBORK _ RAILROAD Leara Ogdenso W.\urtowngzi pper) 0 â€" t*~ 1044 BSPECIAL DaY FXPRBss, Leaves Ogdensburg 7 00 a m. arrive at Watertown 10.(8 a m, Oswego 1.00 p m, Rome 1.‘5 p m, connec:uing with New York Central Express train for all \goinu East and West, arriving at Utica 2 C p m, Albany 5 20 p m, New York 10 00 p m, Springield 1.30 a m, Boston 6.00 a m, Syracuse 215 p m, RKechester 6.05 p m, Buft.lo 9 UU a m connecting at Buffalo and Suspension Bridge for a!i points West. AEW YoAY EXPRESS (sundays exceptc i) O tawa,.Nov 20, 1872 Un and sfter MONDA Y, November 25th, 1*72, and until turther notice, passenger trains will run on this road as follows, Fanastatasat2nilsk Gener>1 Nicket Agent Nov °6 1873 1872° 1873. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Bernard, | _ Building Grant Powell, _ } Comuittee. White, 1 L VR DIPSU \ & CO , Wickstc ed JudlX LaNGTON, Uhairma U A. WKEKSTEED, H. MEADOWS & Co., WILLIAY YOUNO, JAMESJ. RA DFOKD TBALS!1H! Mrs. Perry, Mrs. Langton, Mrs. Meredith, Mrs. Grant Powell, Mrs. Whitcher, Mrs. H. Wicksteed. N & Co., Boston. +)‘ « Co., NewYork. I. W. MOAK,, Superintendent ks mauiled, postâ€" sell them at a very smail adrance We are always selling of and at a to ‘mnl- petition. We have no al time in the yéar to sell our goods at a h prige in order to reâ€" duce them afterwards, we sell cheap all the time. tyullih. and examining our uulll hefore rnlu ng elsowhere, purchasers wi beconvinced of what we say tha: we hare the largest and cheapest stook of Readymade Clothing to be found in the city. All being par chased early in the semcon enables us to offer great indzscements. Our Readymade Clothing Department will be foand mplm in the foliowing articles : . Oversonts, Fes Jsokets, Kack Conts, Bhooting Coate, Boy‘s Orercoats, Pos Juckets, and Eweed Coats, also a large stock of Pants, Verts, Shirts, Drawers, Underâ€" | shirte, Whice Deess Shirte, &o, &o. We hare also on hand a large lot of White and Grey Bianksts, shant; Blunkets, Horse Blankets, Coâ€"ten sad Linen Bags, all of which will he sold etleap for caah. Inspection invited. Our "W M’rwh. usual, comâ€" plete in all a: branches, and being under u} suparricion of a Srey clase Outtor, --v---.-...u.-gâ€" Oonsisting of Trowseri Vertings, Oversoat "fll u“:!. large'y of Beavers, Pilots, “*‘t-lu'vu anl_Seuidine tor lendid 4 i mamuhwg.& w ill he sold cheap for cash. We do not pretend to dAll out guode und 1 sest price, bus wo eariainly xhl |=lh,hrn their :;m c‘n:b-m i:: * public generally that th ve rese! a complete stuok of hid $ FALL & WINTER 50, SPARKS ST., OrTAW3A, Dealers in Dry Goods, Readyâ€" made Clothing, &0., &6. O‘MEARA & Co. on TURSDAY. the 3rd day of DECRM. BER vexs addressed to J. |‘. FEA vHER. 5"()!‘, Chsirman of the Bfl“dilld Come :'uoo and endorsed Tender for Hospital ilding Each Contractor will have to provide sureties to enter into a joint and several bond in a sum to bo.‘ned_npo.’t;y the Directors for the due performance of their contract, > The Durect rs do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender, Â¥. i J P. rEitarrston®. Chairm@n, Building Commuttee. Ottawas, November Tta, 1872. 3)22td The Directors 0f the County of Carleton General Proteâ€"tant Hospital. are prepared to receive u.;-m. or Bulk Tenders for the MASNRY and BRICKWORK, CAR, PENTER and JOINER WURK, PLUMâ€" BERKR and GASâ€"FICTER, &o.. PAINâ€" TERend GLAZILER. also for the HEATING OF CHE BUILDING, and the noâ€" w-r& work n‘:ind for the erection of a new Hospital Building, nsar the site of the present Hospital on Rideau Street. The Drawings, Specifications and condiâ€" tions of contract can be seen at the office of the Secretary, GEORGE MAY, Sussex btreat, between the hours of 9 a.m, and bJ fm.. on and after Monday, November: Ith. Sealed Tenders to be delivered to the undersigned betore 12 o‘clook. nson, / F10 BCILDERS AND CONTRACTORS tohh:mny fuh.‘ll;lndp‘:l:luu thorough practical Devoctst, versed im all the mo t difficult branches of the commending his suecessor, lnrnoluzl HIM. â€" _ M __DR. BROWN has great pleasure in re» All persons out of employment. or deâ€" sirous of getting into a better paying busiâ€" ness than they are now in. should send $2 for fail lars, &0., &0., of a business at 'hnz.:;:; can unquestionably make from $2000 to $59)) per annuam. _ Address, HENRY F. LEMONT & CO., 234 and 286 St. Ja mes Street, â€" We are now offering the following goods :â€"A mnl assortment of fine Groceries, Wines, Brandies, Gin,. Rum, Irish and Scotch kies at price« that cannot be equalled ; Teas in particular Umqood-mournmn.mtbomdl,wiube;mn- teed. Also on hand, Pork Flour, Cheese, Butter, Hams and Eggs at the lowest mar â€" ket prices. Highwine«. Old itye, Proof and Malt, the best in C«nada, on hand. (ur Mirect importations of Wines ‘nndiuud'l‘m enables us to sell at the very lowest Our direct purchasers from the Dominion manufactures and the States also allows us to sell at prices not to be rivaled. Fish, ‘of all descriptions, now on hand and will be sold at lower prices than small lots can be laid down. Every attention will be paid blhcohmdnm:h their e, and & reasonable accoramodation given to ustomers. . ¢%â€" bormmm;; s Wholesale and Retail Grocers, _ wiNESs LIQUORS AND PROWiIsioNs, €O. 38 RIDEAU STREET, AND DUKE STREET, CHAUDIER} 67 SPARKS STREEKT. Uttawa, Oot 15, 1872. 3000 3m P. Baskerville & Brothers, Nov 30, 18172 M R. HBLWHKLL, PEOPLE‘S TEA STORES SPECIAL Purchasing SPARKSâ€"ST. REGENT ARE CHANCE FUR BUSINE3&. $5,000 Per Year. GREAT SAVING N HA 0 1# SE 14 fl.\“fi‘ $ 3 C aAT THE Proclamation of the OTTAWA TIMFES, NOVEMBE Montreal. 3080!mw a1F <Â¥â€" P BRaskK ERVILLE & RROTHERS Reduced. Reduced. Reduced. «+Â¥ «( 18 oÂ¥ N. B.â€"The full to advertisers / eording to agreen P"‘l:::ln varied . "I mik 4 ‘“f‘“‘ Besides the information already pubjishâ€" od, the proposed Second Edition will be ILLUBTRATED,.3 and very much additional news of the Mlnd--nyvionolthopmutwmoo given. It is also intended to bind this rdition in cloth. with the necesâ€"ary outâ€" side gilding, and the price will be made Hb'um]bl.. Oct 11, 1872, N. B.â€"The fallest attention will be paid to advertisers Advertisemens will. ac« ‘"‘:’b agreement, be embellisbed cr printed in raried colored inks. Pree i ress please copy. ‘ "Otani Ps and Presen‘" By O. ROGER. The weet half of Lot 18, 4th Concession Ottawa Front, with fifty cords of maple and birch wood, 25 cords of hemlock in Gloucester ; also, stock and implements, Terws reasonsable. A ply to 5) MoLAREN, Narcissus, We hare just rscsived per Express, from a cele brated grower in Holiand a !: rge and choice assortment of tha folloa ing : Hyacinths, _A dar, ment of the purest &MI:GWIB have jast ufi':od at "MEDICAL HALL" 67, Aparke Street, Centre Town. Mr. SLWELL is O:Fflllll some of the best ALE and PORTER, which he always intends hophf on hand . Ottawa, Oct 31, 1871. 8015 r ;' JAMES ANGUS, - or 8 years Kulter to the principal c EcA Srek To: Spuchs Srrewt te‘ Bi rks Street. (kor) Metcalfe. hes te* ‘ _Ottawa, Norv 20, 1872 Dl’l"mfl BULB3, &c. Oct 1, 1872 |tUMBERVEN ! LUMBERMEN! pvn‘wmn AND SPIRIT3. HORTLY TU BBR PUBLILSHKD, A SEOOND sDitON eg Oot â€", 137L Shanty Blankets! THE "CORNWALL MANUFACTURING . CuMPANY‘83" J, R. STITT <1"* ALL _ WOOL. All weights constantly on hand. MAGEK & RUSSELL, 8008¢ _ Agents for Ottawa. FARM FOR SALE. <Bâ€" h" &oq &C. A. CRRIsTIE & cu., 9 Drugsists, _____ Bparks Streoet, Ottawa. .‘.V""‘ * 1g* KR U S S E 8&.â€" Comfort, 'rdflyodnh'dforflob a _ «svP Rideau Sâ€"reet, Oitawa, JAMES DUGG aN, Owner, on the premises. 2088 2md&w 50 ote. usual price $ 60 67 * 80 TT a 90 85 * 1.00 97 a 1.25 Lilies, 8 cts. usual price ]fl «6 12 id 1‘ w 15 w Talips, 11 cts usual price 150 > is 19 $ 23 sls 28 «s 83 w 25 10 cte. usual price ]8 ‘ax 16 se 20 i 25 cts. usual price 33 cts 28 (a 40 38 t€ 45 87â€" * 50 43 & 55 48 « 60 $3.65 usual price $4 8.85 *4 4 4.20 # 5 4.65 & 5 5.55 * G 6.65 6 g Gladioli, Crocus, wstecl sorings | 1 A MILL General A Chirt Store «y 10 cts 13 15 11 18 80 85 45 14 cts 20 80 13 cts 16 F A MOOBE & SIN. Gen supt f; tario and Quebec. Uffice, Torontsa. d h F. gnq'p Pl';.‘” J & osep. A ® ent; J. Hegeman, Viceâ€"Pre ident ; 8. a 6nuhq Becretiry. * s _ The Reserve Endowment is in every esâ€"ential ) artioula> an origi al endowment policy, but 1t whole life rates, is a pard up Policy in ten years, »nd is therefore a uniâ€" versal plan coveringall wauts, and appiicaâ€" bie to al! conditions. This Company his made the necemsary deposic with the Government of Canada, and is now prepared to take risks on their popular plans. & A}nnc'iu in the Dominionâ€"THOS. A. TEMPLE& SUN. Gen Supt. for Mantime Provinces. uUffice. St John, N.K. \ RESERYE DITVIDENO PLAiNS Claiming advantages not hitherto offered ohl'n:vns-od and published by W. P STEWART, Actuary of the la.x litan, and Copyrigbted by him in 1 of Ne# York, ENTITLED RESERY E BENDOWXENT Monday, 9th December, 1872 GILMOUK & Cu. Nov. 28t 4 1872 _ o L _ N EW £uaxB CF INYURANCE Metropolitan Life Insarancs . 3 0 M P a N Y, The time for Wl;in; Tenders as sbove is EXTENDED »me week. till 0.10 6.75 8.( 0 to be erected by them in the Township of Hu!!. edjoming the Villa.e of Hauil Plans and specificitions in charge of \r Stevens, the Millwright, can be seen on the ~pot, on and afier Monday, the 25th lost@Ant. Pirties tendering must give the names of two resvonsible pirtie» willing to heâ€" come senurity for the proper performance. of the work, GILMOUE & Co Ottawa, Nov 20, 1872 303041 : The undersigned will receive Tenders to the 1st DECEMBER eng:.. for / _ _ Materials and Building the Founâ€" dations of a Saw Mill, Engine and Boiler Houses and Chimney, For further particulars apply to (. inmble, Eq , Toronto ; J. H. Morris, Eeq., Toronto; Mr. W. H; Rarecharst, Soliciâ€" tor ; or to ‘lerms.â€"â€"A deposit of $250 at time of sale a further sum +0 as to amount with the depost to $, to be piid in one month when the dead will be given, tas balince in two yearly instalments with iuterest u%nrod_by mortgage. _ bere is a vood mill site formed by the stieim between Lot 6 in 4th and the Iâ€"l ind adjisent thereto, where a saw mill vuce stood. The/deepening of the naturil channel on Lot 4 in the 3rd Con. betweerf the Likes would give exrensive addition «1 milt sires and a eupply of water precti ol y unlimited. ‘ 1 he B :y above this calied Hazely‘s Bay »ffords the best me«ns of keeping saw %- on the Ottawa River. Also there will be offered for saie at the same time and place, | Lot No. Ginthohdl(:: 200 ncres. A good hardwood (reserving a right of wly)llo feet in width from the resent travelled road, pasgi throuzh 5;. Low to Lot 4 in 3rd, and cit:‘sto where there is a present winter road The properties will be offered for sale su‘ject to a reserved bid. fil-)'uli & §-JN. P'On’l Containing ab ut 916 aores These linds form a peninsula 1ving be. ¢ween the Upper and Lower Allumeite Lakes and attora exoâ€"llent mili sites " 9 in 4 « Lot B (Peninsali) Beckwith Island adjiâ€" * cent :0 Lot No 6 in 4th Con. Pembroke. Morris Island immeâ€" diately adjicent to Lot 6 in 4th..... ... â€"__ AMO8 ROWE, Auot! Ottawa, Alst Kov., 1872 NENDERS WaANTED. The undersigned has received inatrucâ€" vions to offer tor sale by Publis «+uction at the OT : AWA HOTEL, 10 the ‘Town.of esMBRORKE on FRIDAY tae 2)th d 1y of December next 1t the hour of I‘wâ€"ive UClock noon, the foliowing lnds in one Block, via:â€" For further particulars apply to Mr. W H Radenburst, Solicitor. Perth; Mr, A Hamilton, Pailmer‘s Island, or to the undersigned. AMOS ROWE, Auctionear. Ottawa, Nov. 21, 1872. _ W1 Water Privileges and Lands ; 8 Ej 23 in do do . N Eq 25 in do _ do ’ 8 W 4 25 in â€" do do N E 4 26 in _ do do 8 W 4 +6 in do _ do Lot lettered F. in front of the Ottawa River butting, on 6th ard Tth Cons.......... ..... 60 N E j 23 in Tth Con. 100 8 W 4 23 in 8thCon. de Broken Lots 25 & 26 in do _ 121 <lhe above lots, with the exception of two of them, are at present uncccupied. There is a small water power on the 5 W. 4 23, in 8th Con;, through which the south Branch of the Misâ€"issippi runs, Lot lettered F is situated on the Chit‘s Rapids, and an exceilent warer power ean be made available therefrom. The Lots will be sold s«parately, and put up subjeot to a reserved bid. Terms of Sele.â€"L& deposit of 10 per cent. at the sale; oneâ€"third (inclading he deposits) to be pâ€"id in one month, when deeds will be given and mortg iges «ken for the balance, payaule in one and Lwo years with interest. 1 __Under instructions reseived from the , ! proprietora, : | _ HJN. A> MORRIS axND OTHERS, l The unden igned will offer for sale by Public | | Auction, at LYON‘S HOTEL, Amprior, on | : THURSDAY, the 19th day of December j next, at the hour of Twelve o‘clock, noon, ’ ' the underâ€"mentioned lands, rituated near o 2o e n es d enn e ee t ol mss n W do â€" do in do Broken Lots 26 & 27 in â€" do N E j 23 in 6th Con SW 4 _ 23 in do N E 4 24 in _ do BW 4 . 24 in do ;\ 8 W 4 25 in do N. E. pirts :6 & 27 in do 3. W. do 2% &2 in do N E 4 22 in Tth Con ~_ _ sW q 32‘n â€" do 8 Ej 23 in â€" do N Eq 25 in â€" do 8 W 4 25 in â€" do N E 4 26 in _ do ND iBRPODnfirmn hnd Wlsnc a t 115218 the mouth of the M.iuinip;')i River, in the lownâ€"hip of Fitzroy, containing over Two Thousand Acrés, viz :;â€" N E part of Lot 25, in 5th Con. 100 aocres BELOXGI®G To HON. a. MORRIS AND OTHER3, POSTPONEMENT. UCTION Gaus 1872. L. /\ XNTJYJO &# . UCTIOX SALE PRESENTED BT THB BY A. ROWE, AUCTPNXEER A N D Con. Pembroke o# OK 100 do do do do do 100 do do do do 100 15 74 will prove. «.. Direct from the their T. HUNTON, SON & CoO‘s PARIS, LONDON & OTTAW very LATEST STYL shortest possible notice making to order. This Department is now goods of the season Our . Fall and Winter Wear! To their stock in this Departmont Beg to draw the aitention ef those requiring Russell Dress Goods Dress Goods. Shirts made to ft, T. FTunton, £ Ottawa, Oct 8, 1872. Our DRESSâ€"MAKING n;;ngemenu are complele Call and examine their new Dress Polanase, Beal, Astrachan and Cloth Jackets, Skirts in Silk, Natin, Ohamoise, &c., Btriped Velveteen, not to be found elsewhere in Canada. Costumes, &c., &c., &c. The firm are at present showing their LONDON NOVELTITC Ottawa, Kor 2, 1872 Latest Paris Importations. Dress GooOds ! Grand Show Day Pink, Yellorw, Blue, White Nazony EFlannels«. Scarlet, Green and HWhite Flannels. ' 3â€"4 and 6â€"4 White Electoral Flannnels. â€" . â€"ALSOâ€" A rery large Stock of Scotch and Canadian F White, éFrPey and Scar TWILLED AND PLAIK. Mantles and ~Costumes ENGLISH FLANNELS Fanoy antle Departme ;I‘heu goods we can recommend leaving orders can rely on WILL TAKE PLACE NEXT WEEK f?nuuuc&i]bie‘:h&m‘ P ht “'i==“°"f';iouupt._ Ortaws, Sept. 18, 1873. Brockville & Ottewa Railway TS Ting on on wan Lpone All Points East and West on the CRAND TRUKK RAILWAY. TBROUGSE COU POXNX TICKETS GRAND _ TRUNK SA Local Tickets ove: the Canads Oontral and irtment is now fully stocked, with all the leading season. Our arrangements are now complete for P . secure the CANAJA CENTRAL measure on the shortest nâ€"c;ti; Flannel Shirtings in great variety. ARE NOW â€"FORWARD TICKET OFFICE. __ 60 5 O CC0 S70020 IRBUC IN YLE by thoroughly competent hands, in i0e. â€" Russell & Watson, ®, SPARKS STREET. *4 Ali=n, McKinnons & McMoran, > 20 SPARKS STREET ALB greatest NOVELTIES by waiting fc , as all Manufacturers. getting goods made in the Watson . anadian FLANNELS®, in HWhite Lancashire White and Scarlet the newest materials fer specially good vilue. 0e, and guaranteed to arything in let, & and Welch hands, in the , as a"tria nt: *#

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