HONâ€"OOMBUSTIBLE & NONCORROSIVE duve 20. per cent in fuol, and steram passes through any length of Piping covered with the Nonâ€"conductor quite dry. * Extensively used in the Eastern and Westorn States and throughont Great Britaip, and by the British Admiraity and American Navy.â€" (Bee circular.) N. B.â€"It saves 30 pet cont ou the Russol! House boiler, and steam is now raised in half ibe time it took before the covering was ap~ m,'llhttuvu a large per cuntage of and Labor at the Water Works of the Parlinment and Departmental Buildings, City Gas Works, Rochester & Co.‘s Steam Milis Al Fieok‘s Foundry &0., 40. y, *‘ + . AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMENS AGENT, AND iGENERAL COMMISSION The "MYR NA ry»® and & H. on plag. uï¬Ã©ï¬‚h t Caldy..s ',‘_‘.J\r "'g’hmb y Biy*Dee T. & B. on cach Plug."Wa Price so low that all can us it eausxminus | /0 COMPOUND SYRUP OF SAR | SAPARILLA ! Is the Great Health Restorer of the Day. | E It strikes at the root cll:u Dnnno‘ \hun-dl.b a bealthy state. _ | ahat DUNCAN‘S C o’u'jru‘ JUND SYRUP UF BARSAPARILLA, and no other, is suppliec to them. s , _ Wholosale agents, EVANS MERCER & 80., Montreal, and to be obtained from all the Ottawa druggists, o sawxnm MYRTLE NAVY tion, Jaundice, Scurry, Bronchial Aitso tions, Chest Complaints, and all other diâ€" seases arising from an impure state of the Mealth Restorer accompany each Bottle, J-iï¬â€œi‘?.‘.w in each box. * Mesers. GABKLEL are particuiarty sudecesful & meir systom or AELLEICLAL TEETHL waich _‘__U&O WUM, without springs, painiessly and h It iss certain remedy for Scrofuis, Rervous and General Debility, all diseases M es proven tm the decajing ca sub. eminiaromn t â€"A_'Tvi_bllfl uy PAsitus and WAskHikS3 LN Mflu. it ve alfect upon those. n AAuient s OURALITYE foolnrasts DAY & MARTIN‘S ruLTurâ€"xï¬ï¬‚Cg'Wbmï¬â€™m" tHQu is THETH ANXV GUbs. _ Is will go half as far again, and give amuch more brilliant and lasting poush than any other paste compound. Can be had of all Grocers. PRICE 10 CTS PER j LB. TIN. It is par excellence the One trial will establish its vast superiâ€" erity in respect of both excelience and ecomomyover any other Paste preépara~ Chancery, Conveyancers, Notaries, Comâ€" mitesioners for taking aftidavits to be used m the Province of Quekec, &c. ANGUS MURRLSON, ~ W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, &. M. W BOBI. C. Jz Office on Eigin Street, opposite Russeli Mouse, fourth door from Sparks Street. Ottawa, Aug. 1, 1872 2037â€"tf. Best Paste Blacking in the W orld. UBALMER® & co,, oilet Pow. Richardson st., Montreal pors. P. 0. Box 8444, Eugene B Bole Manufacturers in the Domiuion | Princess of *UNBROE OLEARKY, Stroct. and Ottawa, March 9, 1872 1918 3m No. 48, Rideau street, Ottawaâ€" Wholssale of C. T. BALE & CU., Uttawa. Otsawa, Sept. 13, 1872 zUT3d Paste Blacking, HAMBERSSPENCE ParENT â€"Conductor for Oceering Steam Boilers "-Jâ€"-Bi-ni"â€"a-u-_ Ottawa. J M Currier, Keq, M P _‘ « A Egleson, Sen‘r, Ruq* ORKISUN, WEKLLS AND CASSELS, To Her Majesty Queen Victoria. PREPARLID oniy ayv NiAVAL AND MIL[TARY SATZ HiLL . LONDONL FOR i GOOD SMOKE, White Guita Percha;Enamel for P fotexeln ; Frige is lid. ; docayed. 2‘riee is dd. Elixis.â€"The Celeâ€" m\Va‘. A tfew drops in water produces a most pleasani, agrecable and , refreshing Mouth lna;qn«- the gums, preâ€" vents the sccumuiation of lartar, |gives tue breath a deiightful perâ€" iume, removing all iraces of tobacco smoke or unpleasant odout amsing |.¢-m-ï¬.u¢ï¬-“_ . cellent derergent, i‘rice ds. @©Szpipa=t," the onlyâ€"real cure for Toothâ€"ache, preparou for generai Mll:.. %> years‘ experience in % femain white and urm as the Looth igelf. This besutifui preâ€" can be casily used; smuu..; stopsix teoth. lPrice 5s. 1% Ludgate Hail, City, London. CAUTION, C. T. BATE & CO. be careful in & stopping. rnna-.:“';b- #° + d.ll'i Regoat * l :‘?':'.\I ‘ in Teliig hee oo x + -.-fl @onlaucts made for advertising in wiiher cerine, the best preparation for the Hair Te as ce n with 6 Dugo:g Oil Soap, perfumed tim-d'lm!“’lx:‘.' Honey, Costume and loral Urackers, very amusing for Balls and cerine SAimimel‘s Lavender Water, distilled fro The Subscribers have received a Mitcham Flowers, sum for investment upon Farm Pro Rimme{‘s Tel‘et Vinegaz, celebrated for its | No Apply to useful and sanitary properties, *‘ 10 corner of .l}lmnvrn Extract of u-o.lgloo and Glyâ€" |and York streets or tm MONHR Jockey Club, Frangipane, and other perfames of exquisite fragrance, _ _Rimmel‘s Lavender Water, distilled fro . rties, s io on nne n on xm eenten Rimmel‘s Viclet, Rose, and other ollet Powdone: & ummuaï¬ Remedies for these complaints; Orders are | _ Contractor, wishes to inform t the country for further suppiies, test "m tifying as to the universal satisfaction 1 | =*%‘ o-"u beiwss gives. give immediate reliet, All medicine dealers keep it, Phyddn.oltndl.l;u. ues family will be without it after once trying it, Bma O Pricg only twenty=Gre couts per bottle, NORTHROP & LYMAN. reprged Sold in Ottawa by H F McCarthy, Joseph | Just Received H. M. RO W E S Skinner, John Roberts, J P ‘catherston. Gan Mortimer, and 11 medicine doalers, | GRAND TRUKKL RALWAY, issued on the continent, and in London for all parts of Canada, and in the United States to Detroit, Milwaukes, Chicago and other w it in N ;j_‘-‘__.... success in subduing torturing pains of Rnoumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affec~ lons, entitle it to a high rank in the list of oc cgs e t sn h WuUm I Eugene Rimmel, o. . . to KRK. _ _For Freight or Passage to Tem dohysmr::;r'ko, 11 u'lm’n-u:: lo-’bOo:cQutn?:.' o f a DAVID SHAW, â€" (LATE ST. JAKES,) Corner of Metealfs and Queen Streets. CENTRE TOWN, OTTAWA. Good Sample Rooms and every accom modation for travellers. Thoroughly reâ€" fitted and refurnished throughout. 8. DaANLELA, "evrniierig moumads hom paie in m‘ Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore %nd,spnh., W.P Has now been before the public for a lengtt ul-:.:-d‘wh-z:b-lh-:l.l:“u mflnu B & instance -unuumu-ay-n,.....;':; nover knowA a single case of disatisfaction where the directions hflh.pw: “"k"“'““"‘:’v‘“h-"., with operations, speak highest terms of its virtues and magical effects, _ We speak from experience in this matsor points in the West. hose who are suffering from any of the comâ€" laints t--u.uu" 'if.....;‘......â€"'"".'.,"; ’ ‘. ..*‘M. P‘}R. astonishing efflcacy of the Canadan Pain Destroyer, in curing the Disenses for ON REAL ESTA From $400 to any amount, on -.r.c‘uum IRUST AND LOAK COMPAKY OR UPBERE CANADA _ having taatad 1t DANIELS‘ HOTEL, London, Quebec and Montreal, (Calling at Plymouth outward for pasgengers) FROM LONDON. Thameg. . ... .....Wednesday, 11th Sept. Eup:orm, * 2lst do Hector . ... 4. . . .Friday, 4th Oot‘r. Medway ... *"....Wednésday, 16th do Pond, at all at T.00 a. hm..’ “..,‘. Loap, 8t...................... 830 Am Mail Train for Island Pond, Portâ€" Iand and Boston, at...... .... 2.00 pm Night Mail for Quebec, Island Pond, Portland and Boston.........10.30 p.m A Pullman (Car will be attached to the Through Trains between Montreal and Riviere du Loap triâ€"weekiy, vis. :â€"From Montrea on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdsys _ ;eâ€" turning from Biviere du Loup or Mondays Day Express for Toronto, 4. .. ,... Night Express for Toronte, at. . .. , Mixed Train or Brookville at. . .,, _ EMPEROR. The steamers of this Line are intended to sail Weekly as follows during the season of navigation of 1372, to and from On ans after -onn:lut. 5th JUNXE, Trains will leave treal as m ncer Mail Train for Toronto rad Interâ€" Wodnesdays and Fridays. And Montreal. Composed of the following or other fi1st class LONDON, QUEBEC, Pulaar Polace Cars now Raming on al â€" Day ant Night Trains, SUMMER SERVICE OF TRALINS3 Creat Acceloration of Speed: Powerful Iron Steamships : or to . C. R. CUNNINGHAN, Office over Hope and Co‘s, Sparks streot. #o., &o. _ _ _ 18E CANADILAN PaiX DESTROTaR Tempeorley‘s Line. NTEAR . Ottawa, Sept11, 1872 _ 2076 im â€" C.J. BRY DG Ottawa, June 138, 1871 K IMMELS CHOICK PERFUMES kThe Italian W j | Patronized by all the world, _ _ _ _J. M. C. DELES DERN NA DL AWP A TN MRDW A Y THAMES, of tlion Train for lsland sesqe0 eeedee ##*4 14004 Jamos Bai Â¥Vanda, Heans, TBVI 9.00 p.m 11.00 a m $.090 a.m 5.00 p.2 ’ 0 L ::. killing Rate, Mice, :a':' on Poultry (mtlnuï¬b:‘unwx + L Bugs , Cockroaches, Bootles, Floas | bottle: e my F"The Italian W on%op, Blight and insects on Plu;'m mx.'m un"vellu ever L had been previâ€" ‘ in Fur«, Tick or Scab on Sheep or Goats ; also | ous to my iliness. and tiave been so ever ‘ J. M. C. DELES DERN on Cattle, &0., &c., in loss than Ten Minutes. | since YÂ¥ e Bold in M*â€"“&"Me‘;uflh JOHN BILVER. Packets for One Dollar, #5cts. Bworn before mo at Emithfeld this 6th day rommind . The Pewder is warranted free from all bad , of April, A D 1870. The Subscribers have received a | large | smell, and will kcep in any Climato, It may | J M WELLILNGTON, ) P sum for investment upon Farm P . | be spread anywhere without risk, as it is quite | & w _ _ , No Apply to J. M. | harmless to Onts or Do _ as they will not | WONDERFULCURROF LUNG DISEASE C. corner of eat it _ , Bauorir®, April 5th, 1870. and York streets, or to MORRISON Directions for use on cach Packet, 4 0 Chamt siain, Btg. This is to certi WELLS & CO., Toronto,. Maxuracroarâ€"Gravel L&ne . Houndsditch, | that my wif. was very low with Lung Discase. J-.nll‘li IR? City of London, England The Doctor had given her up,. He said hor A. @Riso®, ~â€"+â€"â€" | The above discovery has gained for Proâ€" | jungs were tubcr¢led, thd musicine could not E | lessor Harman a Silver Prize Medal at the help her, A« * last resort I purchâ€"sod a Lottle Thms Office, Wellinzicn oi Interâ€"Colonial Exhibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" | of the Great Sbh0=b94¢08 Eo weuy, _ At the ‘f for the Ottewa Times. T‘* tralia, of 1866, besides numerous Test!imonials, #Xpiration of t«0 dary her syimptome wore 4# _ Keening Mail. | #-llfn Mâ€"-Jcmhnqh,m decidedly better _ Sby continusd to iinprov io " _ Qurrie d ellingtonâ€"st. ; John , Tea Pot, Rideatiâ€" so rapidly that by the time she had taken on ue "* _ Minerve ho-m st,; Slocombe & Stevens, m of the Sugar | bottle she «»=~ #‘1° !0 Sit up. By the contiouâ€" H# «* @ ° Sumaine Moricots. | Loaf, corner of Onimbetlandâ€"st.; for New |awe~ " l + 7**>*rfectly restored $1.80.. trains both l-num-nuuï¬-gun trains wait their arrival when lase. r-uy-h-uub-uumm?o Juse tion for refresbments. West, and by miles i ALTERATION OFP RUNNING TIML. O’ AND FROM TUESDAY, t OCT., ©1871, trains will run as follows : The old reliable, quickest and best shortest line :{12 miles from to Brockville and all poin wrsle au ul euee ib s Yota Car| OTTAWA RAILVW .www Tess Quickest and Cheapest Route to . LEAVING oou.uowooq | BEvery Turspay amp BEriniay NORTHKRN RAILWAY OF C and as the whole is driven by s &ow,oE (the ::IL establishment so suppli this section of mtr{). we are in a ition to produce work more promplly and cheaper than any one elsé. J‘hpoptbwnm practical workmen personal su to All work. &n. March E 1872 19311 Collingwood, Fort WM This comprises HI.'W ficent !Ign-&ua-. Urrem 0A=. Brom IHIAI- Oumberland, ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS, Which in point of finish and dyrability, are not surpassed in any market, B&@~All work warranted for year, and all kinds of repairing care! lynri promptly done. P A very large amount of new | and imâ€" proved machinery has lately aided, Royat Mail ’ PROPRIETORS, _ | \ At this establishment will bo#::nd on hand, or made _ order, the t and most approved styles ofâ€" . _ O'I'I'AWA STEAM p Carrlage and Noi FACTCALY: ;’ RIDEAU STREET, OTTAW BULK AND CAN IPROF;MW’ oYsSTERS,)â€" | yerouiy nrstroavrr W, Stockdale, Brother 1872 Feight connection at Toronto with Merchants‘ Traing are run on Montreal time THOS REYNOLDS, Mo. THE ST. LAwBRL Sault Ste. Coaches Carriages, Omuitdsss, aBves sease Fort Garry and No 410 p m L156 p m in conection with the LAKE SUPEBIOR Nipi« T Arthur‘s Sew Tha Prat Chicora, G@olxG soUTH and Intermediate Ports. Managing Director Grand Traok tor the Wost., G T Express for Brockvilie, Kingston a all way 8t atlio ns trai n â€"for Do de Expr _ from West _ from West â€" Do do Ex 16 a n AÂ¥ â€" +«.PEK A{.wx. Francis|Smith, YSTE 3 50 pm ‘CO€ 9.20 a m 3 50 a us AY. 8:50 p m ute ; the unction. Arrive Ottawa igh Inge NADA. 1872.j «4y The above discovery has gained for Proâ€" lessor Harman a Silver Prize Moda! at the Interâ€"Colonial Exhibition of M Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866, besides numerous Test!imonials, #-ufu Mâ€"Jomlhn.gh, Grocer, ; Slocombe C T eret P mssn Lanen e J. W. ; for Ay Mr. N. K. Cormier ; the Wholesale Agents for Which is known to be * Far Suptrior to anythin ever yet Dis« Homesopathic Physician, purgeon & Ac coucher. Residenceâ€"Albert street. Oc hours frow 9 ty 11 a.w., and 3 to 4 p.m. H&Z" Special attention given to dises a i diznlacements of the uterns. ~ysician, Saurg:on and Accouchour, Ottew Ont. Day flce Tixus ne.., 8 hwa Street, Centre Town. t office at hi Maria Street, Contre Town. Cancers cured with vut the use of the knife, by s new but certaim, speedy and almost pain‘ess proâ€" Teag. Haferense aivan io partice shosapatally uest. ed if required. _ _ ___ â€"Ottawa, May 9,.1870 1 DB. O, ?5 'FOUD. w33i0l) ed) antarw o sls ~ *J o N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciat© . Sboumatic Neuraigia, and Gouty Pai‘" Local Paraâ€" ly.u;3 Cramp, &c., 188. to 2**> and 408. BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorders, #&c., &vorn as a belt), 22s to 40s and 558. B CHAIN BANDS for Writer‘s Cramp, . Trembling, Nervousness, &c, 22s to 308 and 408, & B COMBINED CHAIN BAND for Cantrl Paralysis, Epilepsy, General Debility Functional Disorders, &0., 308 to 508. A complete Bet of COMBINED UHAIN BANDS,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £17. The public are most earnestly cautioned to beware of Pseudo lle;:trloun.eltl advertised by sham Doctors, &c., for proj purposes, and so severely stigmatized by si.:o Chancel~ lor Malins I-atho n}t Pnlnr-ngn; vs Hamâ€" mond, alias ames, alias C. nm: M. B. C. 8, dhn%uy Burrows, &¢, &c. No Galvanic Belts are genuine Lut those bearing the fac simile of M. Pulvermacher‘s signature on the label, A pamphiet containing full particulars may be had at the Drug Store of A. Christie, Bparks Street. J, L PULVERMACHER, Galvanic Eoublhhnon‘,w 200 Rogent Streot, London, clse are to no accident or danger, WMM‘!“‘MMW on this Bwing without having to contend with any of the inconveniences met with in ordi nary Swings. This Swing be seen in operabton at the o-mo.mu-zml, No. 140, Sussex street and at NMo, 8, St. Patrick Stroet. Freight d Cartage en .i_loma.n tly nuendod‘é C% S@°R. &rmmflwny Recsipts relievâ€" #ey~ing shippers from all further trouble &o&l rates for furniture. sion to drive it, and in it persons indulging in that A‘:uu particulars may be had from the Sole nte, $ A. CMRISTIE & C€O,., DBUGGIST8, Ottawa, septemper 6, 1870 of E. LAVIGNE, (Quebec.) This new swing contains the mo= tive power in itâ€" men mau: These facts -fpul to the good sense of every sufferer to avail himself of this scientific and curative to which the inventor has evoled i Ineâ€"lime of study and labour, at an ardent Mï¬ of that great benefuctor of mankind, late illustrious electrician Mionase Faraoy. PCLYERMACHER‘S XED1COâ€"GALYAN»~ IC CHALINS are exceedingly effective without the aid of medicine, restriction of dl::hot the teast derangement of the patient‘s ts and vites the public Pateat Swing, Sciatica Cram Lambage llu;xth Circulation Noursigin Urinary Disordors aud and Toothache Paralysis ver C nte e ® m Indigestion ~, Functional Digorders cureseffocted. (Bee pamphlet gratis). . * Â¥, B. 0. P. , 8IB HKNBY HOLLAND, Bart., l.'l? ,& +Â¥. B. 8. + SIB Wat. FERGUSSON, Bart., i‘. B. 8. KDWv. H. SIEYVEARING, M. D., M.R.O0.8. ‘ Bll J RANALD MARTIN, . 8. 0.8." UiVERMACAER® SYSTEM is also ap icv + of by an oflchl-»nmdï¬lu }â€" de Medicine, Paris, College o Physiviang, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Viemna, and its curative virtues are con. firmed by thousands of private testimonials of The effects of" the application of Pulver macher‘s Chaing in any of the above digorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain PRICE LINT OF PULYVERMACHEKRs CHAIN BANDE AND BATTERIES. B. CHAIN BANDS for Neryous Deafness Head, Tooth, and Face A he, and Noises in the Head, 218. to 303. B. UHAIN BANDS for loss of Volce and other affections of the Throat, 108. 64. to " sure in testifying that Mr, J. L, Pouvseâ€" ® wacg®®‘s recent improvementsin his Voltaic it mk‘hud Galvanic Appliances tor " Medical are of great importance to * Bcientific lm.no. and that he is entitled " to the consideration and support of every " one disposed to further the advancement of " real and useful progress, + " Dated the 9th dgcoolollnb, 1866, * SLR CHARLES L K, Bart., M. D., daily occupations, in the following maladies Lheamatism Femals Complaints Joat Constipation _ CALVYVANIC _ CHAINâ€"BAN»S, ; O"“WA.ROTtb. St: James Street Mon PELT® AND POCKET BAT'l'!BIlS’ treal, The undersigned having assum. --_; \ io ts ‘edtho management of this popular favorite, These highly tmproved Invontloes render ily. Isforms Electricity pertectly «e!{â€".appHMcable, and exâ€" | '“mor’mr iÂ¥ ‘h°t :flvdfln: vnh‘l: tremely efficactous ip a wil4 continvous form | 81 patrons, that the house on shock or umpleasont sonvation being ex«| undergone many improvements, and that he perienced, wher by 1t becomes a truc fountaiD | jnpnds by consiant atteniion to the wants of +d hea'llh .'nds flgoxu‘r-' a'{?:dtg!"ir‘:&';s‘ bis patrons, to make this the most cor:fortable « UNNbUZdUD f I y :f:inv‘llnggtb::’ :I‘l,':rdsh turctions of life, and | Hotal io the city of Montreal, rmparting renowe . enorgy and vitality to . 0. 8. BBOWNE, constitutions entechles ty whatover mu,l I Modicines and their delot:lous consegquences \w are thus entirely dispensed with,. ‘The daily i,u‘ «JUVNÂ¥CTMON Horeny increasing number of cures effected by : PULVEKMACHER‘S3 MEDiCOâ€"GALVANâ€" | a; Junction jpot of Grand o und IC SY8TEM is so extensive and varied, that | Ottawa & p,wcmm &. â€" All the fnolhullflaol t forcibly points to this invention as the | a First Class Hours, P nBSre refreshmem embryo of a universal remedy. room, N. B.â€"The following testimony from the elite of the English medieal faculty has been recoived . _ "We, the undersigned, have much pleaâ€" â€"__ PULTFERA4AQHER® PATENT CALVANIC | CHAINâ€"BAND3, PELT® AXD POCKET BATTERIESs MPORTANT SOTICE. â€" W. E. JOHNBON, § A Ottiiwa, Oct. 12, 1871 t + VBERMIN â€" DESTROYER, HR. 1L0OGAN, 09tf Sole A(epn.i en au.w'l.npd‘fdnl *LECTRLCITY 18 LLF® ANADA _ NTBAL BAILWAY â€" _ 2 A W oA ’l‘lMES OTTAWA. 1455 la 1751 to hoaren _ You may p"‘ SmithGeld. J C Cha..berlaih, Reqâ€"â€"This is to certity that about three years ago 1 became afflicted with Bronchitis, which lasted about eighteen months, I was so affijicted for the want of breath that it was very difficult tor me to m.:nd in the night time frequently the clothes off and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent physicians in the County of Morthpmberland for about a year, without receiving any beneft, in fact I continued getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last J was adâ€" viged to try the Great Shoshoneer Remedy. 1 bought & bottle and took it and when it was about Snished | began to feel a little betier. loonunu:!hlowuuuï¬llhdhk?thu- bottle: en, to my satisfaction, I found Ml"mn'ellu ever L had been previ~ ous to my iliness. and tiave been so ever and Druggist, Wellington Street. Restores Grey Hair to its Natural Celor JOHN GARDNERE, CHEKIST, MONTREAL, Sole Manufaaturer and Proprietor. (A08Es THE HalR 10 GBROW; [xvicomatme tax roors yor somixe Th® skin Te Hereby gives notice that he has taken son ALEXANDER GEORGE, Into partnership with him in the which will be carried on under the style and firm of H. McCORMICK & SON. H. MeCORMICK. Ottawa, August 13, 1872. 20470 A large stock of the above will be kept conâ€" staritly on hand to suit purchasers. N. B.â€"Zarme«s from the County of Carleâ€" ton can enter the mill yard by Broad Strect, opposite Brewery gate. . T606 000 _ _ Proprietor OTT[W Presoott Junction, J. FRANCIS, pr.i6tor. Meals at all times. Table and liqu cannot be surpassed. 1878â€"3m. PLANED LU MBER Milling, Elour and Grain Business BUILUING AND bRIDGE TIMBER. SsSHINGLES X. XX, XXX. At Junction Depot Ottawa & Proscott H. 1 a First Class Houes, P room, mit I} can be porghased gholssale at all the Tw inls in Ottare bf 1. 4. MacCarthy, Chomist AND DUES NOT SOIL THE S£KIN, Chaudiere, Oct. 26, 1871 Rough Lumber Well Seasoned, HE UNDERSIGNED UAUDIEZAE STKAM MILLS, Cure otf Bronchitis: wuaÂ¥ wh dnc Un MABUFACTURERS OF of all descriptions. Houess, &c. JOHN ROCHESTER & Co. T. C. BHO W N D. WILKINSON t= sor the boneit of 1805t1 deiphie; Thos Fuller, Eeq, Architect, Al bDr rA‘é‘mjr:gâ€"&r;.x‘!rM h;rï¬md“ub t Tor esd‘ Highwines sadir0di fli-bn.!i:-w Lme shine Alos aiid Posteb: @ork , Fiour, &0., for sale. Provincial Land Surreyor snd Draughtsman, commisstoned. {or: the Provinces of, Juebec «aAd OQntarlo y 1 w SE . ; ‘i“l‘.‘l’lu., drey ll’::“ Moeâ€" » | Botl‘s Blook, 52q C s i nvabiwors «B A imey Bepp ‘:'g"-"_!" Provent friction in and y to the Ens OOrkar‘s wouington ufls Polive should and 4s. eacil prepared ior the Paten: auuse «104B M-MW and Buf Leather Knife Boards. Knives constantly cleaned with Jt have a brilliant polish equal to new uda Packets, 3d. each ;+ ud_qu. 64., Us, 2s i _ C,. KALKSOTH, For d polishing : Silver, El T hime, Piaks Winti/An rastieindaaancte s . information can be Chicago, the Company ha: Agent ddu-mh“dtv'.b‘r On the recommendation of the Hon. the | â€" Minister of Customs, and under the proviâ€" . gions of the 8th Section of the Act 3ist Victoria, Uh&;;ur 6, lntltn}):d: #An Aot | â€" respecting Customs," His Excellency lhu been pléased to order, and it is hereby A.l ordered, that" the Town of Sherbrooke, in the Province of Quebec, be and the same | â€" is hereby constituted and erected into an Out Port of Customs, and/placed under the survey of the Port of Coatisoak, W, A, 41a23W us ii, Clerk Privy (cuncil. ROYAL INSUBANCK COMPANY, _ FIRE and LIFK, CAPITAL....................810,(1!),(!!) ANNUAL INCOME, over..... â€" 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over...... 9,500,000 SPECIAL LIFE ASSUBRANCE P NJ« + x« necs car ste ns on abie C,%XI‘. There having been added $736, to g:h'hh;ndulnnltoflhbm' of year,. 6 fflï¬l DEI;A‘BTIINI'. sguinat Lon ce Dntuage A7 Pire‘ss moice Lesses promptly : settied without refer ence to the Home Office. LIFE DEPARTMENT. | Amuflmu.hdnbvanbh' terms, and unquestionable: security© :is Aé~ mm have, asiitional secdrity h'ï¬ol UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a Wealthy and Klgin streots. & 1760y _ N.B.â€"She financial position of the Royal gfmnowwby_ï¬qml‘::'u the ytovisiom of the 8th Section of the Act 31, Vic. Cap. 6, intituled : " An Act respecting the Customs," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that Lardoise, in the Province of Nova Scotia, be and the same is heroby constituted and erected into an Out Port of Customs, and placed under the survey of the Collector of Customs, at the Port of Arichat, W. aA. HIMSWORTH, Clerk, Privy Council. Un the recommendation of the Honoraâ€" ble the Minister of. Customs, and under the ;rovmom of the 8th Section of the Act 31 Vic., Cap. 6, intituled: " An Act respecting the Customs,"‘ His Excellency has beéen pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that South Bar, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, be and the same is hereby constiâ€" tuted and erected into an Out Port of Cus. toms, and placed under the survey of the Collector of Customs, at the Port of Bydâ€" ney. , W. aA. HIMSWORTH, .: Clerk Privy Council. Un the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Customs, and under the proâ€" visions of the 8th Section of the Act gln Victoria, Cap. 6, intituled : © An Act re« specting the Custom:â€"," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that Bay St. Paul, in the Proâ€" vince of Quebec, be and the same is hereby constituted and erected into an Out Port of Customs, and placed under the survey of the Port of Quebec. _JO8. 0. COT®E, _ c ovsRnxent HOUSE, $ Ottawa, Monday, Tth day of October, 1872 Un the recommendation of the Honoraâ€" ble the Minister of Cuttoms, and under His Excellency the Governor General in Council. His Exrcellency the Governor General in Council. His Excellency the Governor General in His Excellency:.the Governor General in Ottawa, Monday, 30th day of Septem» 10| 4 ber, 1872. GOVKRNBNT HOUSE, Ottawa, Wednesday, Pnd October, 1872 A. PBRKY; No 21, 8. Rideau street, Ottawa. No 1, 10th Concession, Osgoods. NOR SALE, UVE&NMENT HOUSE, Monday, Tth day of October, 1872 Apply to OVERNMENT HOUSE, Ottawa, Dec 21. 1871 1855tf «> Office . Aylmwer, P.Q.~ | 1274 of Rates, Eroponal| Assistant Clerk, Privy Council T. M. CLARK PRESENT : H. L. ROUTBH, E: F Boboxia, Chief Agents for Canada. DB. MoDOUGALL, BRideau street. Forms and ful , Agent. citors, Conyey K. & CHRISITIK . . HAMNE L B. HiLLL » &lâ€"* to lend, » 29. 1872 ; Om _ 191 or any of its HRIZTEâ€"& HILL, (late Lo (.,JUUM) l.'n-&b-.(‘m: o > ~ THDS. H.JOHNSON] ~ 'â€"m-:‘-';-xu to the 10cpand 17h ic <â€"â€"â€" clauses Grown Tiumber r @ # r 9 t tions"" which make it h,...&“fl: THV‘ s WEEKLY fiMk3, every facility, assistance and i " f R be nflorded, to oJ Depurmen Adles :ï¬â€˜::')'ï¬::;é?‘.:u' M qraate s Snhent m W wï¬a |."£ v ; .90 if pard during the year. :"â€"-:.h'o &o., in thomvaï¬â€˜iï¬noi u..' :.lw‘:-u'v: to partios lag ap 1+ “":fl extent and nature of such operations, and "“"A‘{‘-'E‘:“""““lfï¬ï¬‚fl-l.‘ * * the examination of books aud verificatiogh, | in the W eckiy ?xb'l P Dse Fac en iteads Blank forms for the above reiurns, may be ‘had on spplication to the Department t Phe) Jor en whice the mme have beer When all returns ‘of any lumbering madd in aiith _ case, showing the niumber of pisces of logs amif=bO0m timber, and thels. respoctive dimonsiong. And, By 5{,° ?u-uh'd each Chantier, and of each Obber ; and where it is intended to pass lags ‘or boom mumum lands, or on lands under settler‘s se, Orriczs â€"Lang‘s Elglin street; each quantity of logs of the same lengths diameters, computed by «Seribner‘ Taxty meshoner\ 10 "bo Aif Nee pg :A :.tguu of boom timber, uu:zm of .pisce, with thediameter of from bhnhhdm-iun::id-om locality where the same been out : the numberâ€"of feet, board measure, of ;l- -ot"fllllln l;v &;-â€" lul-?cl on phom ol jom sus ther umpettine HRIZSTLE & HILL, (late Kemnedy & _BAW _ MILL _ OWNERS AND LUMBERMEN. Do?rwdcmums. ‘oronto, 28th August, 1872. All return of saw logs and boom timber to be made to the Department of Crown Lands or its mm in future be sent in on or the FIKST day of oo G7 ths porath whs suparintzader the m" of wioh loge and Poom timber, and ‘ the who measured the same; the returns must give the number THURSDAY, mmar and SATURDAY, when they rest choornblio will be able to see the finest stall of Meat in the PORK, BACON, SAUSAGES, ETC., ETC. * ‘Mhe whole of which will Sl.s'on exhibition at their Stalls Nos. 3, 5, 7 and 8, Lower at their Stalls Nos. 3, 5, 7 and 8, Lower Town l-rkamum wxnnismy, FHURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, mw with Fresh and Salt. PORK, BACON, SAUSAGES, ETC 50 head of splendid Western Cattle. _ | y roaveia A Magnificent Calf, i tag * &n:{heï¬, bnd.lndfod‘hb.y.lohnww-m, | «pooite the Lo " Wwsiath® or 354 PouhD3, $ ske And 50 head of Western Sheep. l C k _ The Pork Stall will be as usual found | A _ "*®T4 tender the public their sincere | . HXYOOTK, im zomm lvospocï¬;:;llllym° T y ubepr:.l .e e | g] , m; HA YOOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law , Boit thanks on un 'E’“Omms‘ c even & oxlur-‘:n-(.hncn;,. Contuy uncor, ‘Q-l) stowed _tbem' during _ | rubs‘c, and Putent RigntSolicitor. _ Otesâ€"Imâ€" ’u:n. While soliciting a ognunumoet of | urdiv ely opposite Kussoll Hocse, Riginâ€"st. «Bak same they would earnestly uest an 4 â€"â€"~ ; Kn wi. Afrenegr mssy 5 s o _ J | #*®s « vensiun l.rru\on,ml ooo ay Uneiph pay,. _ * catile pur l .»l..‘..’?’;‘o’;'.‘.‘:’.'?:.i“.“."““‘:‘ ko, diiseâ€"Is 1 pair of Steers weighing the on« _pt:rof rs weighing the enormous 4,525 POUNDS, Which took the prise at Gueiph Fair. «PO8BT OQOFFICE SAVINGS 1 B&@F" Deposits will be received at this Office. Intor~ cent per annum, and Deposits can be withdrawn at any t; j OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A .M For Money Orders and Savings Bank busineseâ€"fro0 B@" All Mails are closed by Montreal time, which is time. Mattor posted up to 9.30 P.M., wili package the same night. 1872. ; Separate returns must be made of the 11.30 182. _ __;_ 1872 EASTER. 9,50 Ottawas, March 27, 1872 Post Office, Ottawa, Oc: 4, 1872 itGhers to His Excellency LorC Lisgar Gov. General of Canada. Via NewYork closc every Monday at 8 P.M Per Canadian Lino, close every Friday at 11.10 A.M A Bupplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be c unregistored matter can be sent. PoOST OrFFICOTE CLOSE ATCHELL BROS,, ARLKILV A U T U MN 9.00 Chelsea, W akefield,Netth Wakefield,Low & intormeâ€" diate Offices, Daily.; and River Desert and interâ€" mediate Offices, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ‘T.-plohl.'rl.ldlyl, Thursdays, and caiur d : Ne# miabagk wlurdage..... North Gower, Kars, &0., per St. L & 0 F Osgoode, Russell, Ao per _« The Uppor Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Kailwa North of Carleton Place Junction, â€"Lrist. 2 Clarendon Centre, Packenham, Pembrok Portage du Fort, &0.................2.. .0. ... Aylmer and Hull, ... ... ............ ... _ March and Omslow, via Aylmer............ ... ... . _ Halifax, N.8., and 6t. Jobn. N ® Kemj; r lHe, Merrickville, Oxford \ill 1 _ _ &s.; and Wobtorn, U.$.......cse0000creeese se c meecens, 1 * Fort Garry and other places in the Province ef | Manitobaâ€"Mails despatched daily via W iudeor, Ont., and Detroit, Miot. | British Columbia (and Vancouver Islind) Mails #*%9* despatched daily via Windsor, Ont., Detrcl: ang || San Francisco, U.S. Rates of Postage same as ; other parts of the Deminio: | United States, via Ogdensburg ..... d | Bell‘s Corners, Richmond, &c. per Canada Perth, Smith‘s Falls, and Caricton i nada Central Railway.... a% Lower Ottawa, by Steamer, Buckingham 1~ad, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, &o......... Westernâ€"Kingston, Toronto, liamilton Easternâ€"Quebes, M &c., by Railway AL nud i ft MONEY ORDELS BB!‘UISH MAILS Each, rexram;"each additional word evef 24, Bbeciat tracts for any defini‘e term are nï¬ucï¬ru -bi‘xm be n--ni m:m-‘zmu’uune..u with our Agent, MB _ Professional and Bas‘inoss Cardsâ€"not ©x<« :':;EZ'; ..'.'f‘.'n;/?k : the Duily Times u: THIFS WEEKLY FiMES, Cattle Strayed R optlre s _ LETVERS, prepmii. and if containing réo 145&.«&5?{3 hick -':. they wili b t uudersignod. may -hlrr‘. â€" -:hi)“-. BALGiFF, _ PHE TIMES is Tax OTrA® For ordinary ad isemonts in Datly Tadk ‘.l"fl‘ifllv"mu::rn‘lho:onrm seee Paragruphs ‘among reading matier, % 6004 . Bpocial Notices, 12} cents per line. ied wei 5 N,-'uu‘,. y k e & Bituations Vacant, Houses for nale, mmb ily Morn aper in Central ("w’:hb in :3,::;’. :::Lm" M g thecity. It i 4 h ted Brated, as 4) p P00 P oieett pere it ht j.) _ A+ MALA, Architaot / OHceâ€" Aumontt ll. Bulldings, Kideadâ€"st., Citawa. l!, a â€" TETAkav, hotty #cblic forthe Pro NOTAbBY PUBLIO. , Bes‘d mve â€"â€" Aull next the Post Office. 1 198y HARLES MABCIL, Adocate, BHull C Omce at Mr Totrau‘s, N P ; privute real. denpein rear of French whduh!alull. Business attended in Ottava the Disâ€" trict Courts of the Connty of Ottaws, January,1, 1873 In t:;rlcn lvD-:u:v' $ t . uuuu.l.uu). + ay sicumm, .’ Accoucheur, (fice m.i::. ï¬-.'f: store, Kust ond of Sepper‘ Bridge. OMés luntro-';.n.lolp.-. N. B.â€"8poora! atrention givon to the trexmen ::ctuuut:fu.olll-u ARB. At nigh ous kuni at afe sesrac c e y VCTOR itmnADKiLSON, {MoGil Un UÂ¥ vrersity | pbystcian, burgeon u‘d:m Sor â€"â€" That recently cccu a look, ï¬?‘ st, Oh .udwn.m":.“ j 3u#y iY _ Burtisters a St:l’i;l‘:'m.in Uhu«w‘;, \Il Ds rove‘s ‘ Wa. Mosurork."" .4\ _ TETAEAU, Notery #oble fe «w e vicoeo oi Quobec, Buil, sear Ofise. * UOttaw 410 VC MA D To AAR / Abskiey ..-= L Bolicito: Atterney and Nutary vm‘ o1 the Posce and County orney , for Jounties ot Prescott anc . »seli Othceâ€"Ln the Court ouse, L/Omgnal. 34â€"0m 7;LHGLA;VSP‘A“K‘| Larrister and Attor ‘% cey â€"miâ€"Law, solicitor inâ€"Ul.uncery, Oompeyp ancor, &¢. OHooâ€"Leng‘ 1 pooile the Post Ofler: vat M }, . DVUODNAOR, Attoneyâ€"st Law &;Gil Oluwry,:.‘ounyluu. #&o troot. Ofice, Union Buildings, Ottaw a. L " Ee Ao tds ds ul KCM 36 Mss llrl'l\-,‘.q ll Soiigitors, Conveyanct‘s &o. Jissâ€"I8 Jourt House, Octaw a , Komust Lers. bouti _ JoRn J. ttamkL. Nwtu 4w *d&,’ig â€" v.â€â€œ ‘- He: Mâ€"jesty‘s . «. ite), Cenke Townl Obteaws. â€" JAMBs JAILIFZ Menaging LiEB1NG (% en n ns ugh m mmn on IMES PRINTING AND PUBLISHIAG COMPANY. mummuï¬;. i DW P W w as 2 forwarnd ADVERTISIXZ RATES. & RiGib‘k ive B. MeDOUGALL, _ 0 __ Office, Ridesu Str.ot, opposite Fe R. OLIVER MARTTN, Dentist. Officeâ€"â€" Bparkeâ€"stroe., Cent: a} Oitaws. PTI birises * T ones W sated or 4o Loare when not exceeding 24 words, 25 CENTPS 0. ARCH MBEA ULT July 2, 1372 OsgGROVE, I "Wors ... Tost 5 DAILY TIMES, ti Articles Los. lo: Houses to Rent tain Aud Also PC Btoroe: Regide i, and 1Â¥ CCOMBMINE 7 wh:ch case u..,'mp:z‘ Cumber it Ut Aoanegnag U gnge Arér y J Po PC n 1j urray sbroot. , B 4+ oulidings, Iâ€"qgs #tag Cardsâ€"not ..1- b:n, Times at $# 99 s faster than Uttaws 108, dro. )N & CRY sLBR Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law . te Meamer "Prince, Ari T. in WM“ MM, (Sunnh} & m,, coansciling i h .'l“ Alymer. c W " John Egan" ud, Nowftonndia “ (m * e Mamps, and Pos i n m. for Du’:ou:‘.;m All, Jumd J lideau Stroeg, . ‘r.u.c..,.,, 10,00 Ki .34 ) {rvescosse I * 6+ &. MoPa published by in 8u 8.00;11,00 #.00 w 44, (8¢ Ob Oparika a # ar ruster € For V tak y (lLaW#â€" 1 6« ,..._'l“ V dn O wur *\ tukg \2.00 6,80 T4 bby #¢ RW ARDING Il]“ T ROMPANY. m agimer (Gunday® exon a, conpecting with Ste a lo Dour Rivieres s June 1", 8 ROYAL MAIL Connection made with t tla#s Rallway on the u LWA ATT To i# grial, Quobet, “' New oastle, tawa, Piotou and and bJ Rail w ay ‘m N. B'v ock on Tuesdays and sn Village and intern a‘slook, a. m., vebu su Village at 1 0‘clook, woparer, hegs lo of Utu':.‘ml 1 the ab to do all kin wble term 15 yeurs Btites, a conlident satisfaction . to Mpone m Btr Strooet, OPPAWA RIVER N UMP A N Y . vyOL. VI * (Jommunioat 100 CHANGE OF T A uk X A N D IBPLENDID ETEAN DTORLA PRINCE win. OQapt. H.Â¥ will find this a Trip. Â¥â€"BSteumer Quen 1 â€" . . _4 11000 Of 16« Oe iss HY8OX, G and TW A NK A E3, GINs, #u of PORT, 8i ® S8TREET | i KBHOLE® a L Wine and KWerchant: after THURSDA Of the diar C P M l).“l b'-‘d" Rhedi Katan and Bt. J *# Jason Gould nding at 12 « wiving at Por dall¥€com the 0% A_ TT of this Line, unde , of the Dominson 9, 1872 Tow An-:: WALL «aw ©Sir John ) with Stommer / Ns didertss 4 _ B4 lflo‘z “l‘.': a Half Ootav. for Oltawa â€"on RY A NT large q ip Co of the pu leaves Bohs ys exceptod) , 1672 TE Father # Jessie BUITL 8 DWA Now Pr GULF igian &n