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Ottawa Times (1865), 6 Dec 1872, p. 4

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Belected, and Shipping Orders executed with care -‘-fila-ufllulw * 31, 33, 124 Southampton Row, Pure Chomicals and New Métitines Medailists and Jurors at all the Great THOS. MORSON & son Are sold . by Chemists and : throughout the world. N Morson‘s â€" Effectual â€" Remediss The Canadian Pala Destroyer never fall«to sive immediate reliet. All medic‘: + dealers keep it. Physicians order and use .. ; and no family will be without it after unce trying it, Price only twonty~@v : cants por bottle. nOBTHROP & LYMAN. Bold in Ott:wa by H F McCarthy, Joseph Bkinner, John Koberts, J £ +atherston, Geo Mortimer, and 11 medicine dealers. $1002950 Pain Destroyer, in curing the Diseases for which it is recommended, and its wonderful anccess in subduing the torturing patus of Rnoumatism, and in relteving Nervous Affeo= lons, entitleâ€" it to a high rank in the list of Bemedies for theso complaints; Orders are coming from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country for furthor supplies, and each test tifying as to the universal satisfaction.i gives. We speak from experience in this matser having tested :t thoroughly, and therefore hose who are suffering from any of the com~ l-hnhv“l.lchnhr:,o-m-yd.. Wl hln‘. wm,_ _-'_l\o_’:_d‘hg efficacy of the Canadiao Back and Sorn "Phronte Soitse Brobce Promie in we wfll.:::."hluq & #o., &o. 1 dE CANADIAN PA1N DESTROYER Has now been before the public for a lengtt s un:h ab hluh-:o;d:i nover ve -udnl“l':u:-nly-d,ud'oz nover known a singlo case of disatisfaction ;hml:;dlnfiu hnh:'.lnmhl- -1 on the contrary, aro delightod with operations, and peak in the highest lc_-ofl-_vl}hu-l-.n‘h!m Asa family Remedy it is woll and :mnrdkvhg\h'mh-m This splendid Hair Dys is the BEST IN THE WORLD. The only True and Porâ€" fect Dye. lol{nbb-dh-- tan ous; no tment ; no ridiculous tints or unpleasant odor. Mh ill effects of bad dyes and washes. Proâ€" dmmmt.-rbhh&wl&- ral Brown, and leaves hair Crzax, Sort and Buavtwor. The genuine W. A. BATCHELOR®S, Scid by all Factory, 16 Bond Street, New York. Uttawa, January 25, 1872, 1879d&1 WHITE WIRE ROPE (,xl)run';f.mis'. Nells readily at every house. Sam free. First comes, first -:30& Addreâ€"s _nn(:nam RIVWIB "ll.ll Co., Street ‘oronto, Ont. mtahfau t+ 200d&w3m Rimmel‘s Giycesine, Honey, Costume and 'unwâ€"un, very amusing for Balls and * "® and Rimmel Vblc:lo-.hfl.‘o, .c.- Eugene Rimmel, «.. to H.B.4. the Princess of Walee â€" ‘1.v d, 128 Regent Btreet, and 34 )w 1 v‘..« ~<~ 17 Boulevard W Brighton. Soid BAWBILOI'S HAIR DYE. n.:j_.'ruui Vinegar, celebrated for Ite Bimmel‘s Extract of Lime Jzice and Glyâ€" cerine, the best preparation for the Hak _ and Beauty, AND DOES NOT SOIL THE SKIN,. JOHN GARDNER, CHEXIST, MONTREEAL, *Sole Manufaaturer and _Proprietor. Restores Grey Hair to its Natural Color Patronized by all the world. Rlmmel‘s Ihang=ibang, Vanda, Henna, Jockey Club, Frangipane, and other perfumes of exquisite fragrance,. Rimmel‘s Lavender Water, distilled fro Mitcham Flowers. â€" 75 sents per bottle ; three bottles for . ;-::5..-. ml:.u-u-.fn-n the .!‘unbinm'm-»ll-l._lmw prumpil, (iollington Street N1AKADIANPAIE d&LATROYER Nlfilb by lh:ru-. -nu-' 'fl&mh or without b:.'-' Utitawa, Sept. 21, 1872 20804 OTICE. RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON, Worksâ€"Hornsey amd Homerton * TOPS ITS FALLING OF AXCELLS ALL OTHERS jaAUSEBS THE HAIR 10 GROW; < â€" & yYIODRATES Ti aibrs clally in warm ciimafes, _ Ee-'i!'_!-.-qw-o.nâ€"u-n BULE MANUFACTURERS IMMEL/S CHOICE PERFUMES CINCALESE SOTLING THE SKIN to Agents every where selling our new seven straod PER â€" MONTH Exhibitions adre $ sA ukss Rupture, Seeioy‘s Hard Ra 'Trl:;.l‘.' Dldol in every desirable pattern," indestructibic, (steel soring veated with hard rubber) ou:‘ibo‘n'r never ru-b: chafe, litmber. break nor soil. Used in bathing. The fbHowinJ Valuable Farm, the pro porty of JUHN MeaAMMOND, Esq., 15. vig:â€" mah’lu LOt * N* Cogees sion " A," Kideaun Front, Nepean, containâ€" ing over One Hundred Acres, of which 1UC are c«hm and in good cultivation. A good F House (24 x 30,) lately erectâ€" d.r'qmwith Ml!:'u'um-T or particu apply to f JOHN loA)lflUS D, Jr., t On the Premises. Nepean, Sept 27, 1872 _ _ 2%; Epearpient sraacp the Skin Diseases, Humors, and all am Blood, excepting Third Stage o umption. Whh-mhu d:cuo:;ll; using the Great Remedy & Pil and containing Testimonials and uonlcu:' S Uuteq, tan "be Obthined by mevering the the Hand Book, ofth | A‘manac and R. M. WELLS _ _ = _‘ MM-’ respectable _ gxistin the KOB P. CASSELS, Jz Do-l:râ€"ha. Uflice on Ligin Street, opposite Ruse Price oj, Remedy in lirye [Â¥~4 ts &1 u6 ’ House, fourth door from Sparks Street, Prtls vebHow 1. se |.2(.0 c .( ; 0. 35| Uttama, Aug. 1, 1872 _" _ 2037â€"4. vutfliu FaRM Foi saus, |â€"=| 430%°3%° . This Medicine is pleasant and safo to taie, and is wartanted, and may positively be reâ€" lied upgn to make a permanent cure of all diseases of mhr:t,:.:ap, Liver, Kidueys Digesti as well as Scrofula the '-&msm.. H-on.. and al &‘ne, are such and so harmoniously classisied and compounded, that if is made the most searching curative in the known world, and monot help but act on the system in a vety witisfactory and desirable manuet. No mutâ€" ter what your allment may be, or of how long standing, it will find the spot and astonish you by the rapid mammer in which you ::, restored to perfect health and full vicor aof Wild Cherry Bark, Potophylinm, Juniper, Smartweed, Dn-:ri:o. Hyoscyamus, Com Extract or Colocynth, Jaiap, Soco, trine Aloes, Capsicum, &¢, &c,) which euter Into the composition of the combined mediâ€" Simpty because tne numerous valuable activ the World has ever heard of. Nover in th To Her Majesty Queen Victoria. sessmrei=s=s" DAY & MARTIN‘3 l ..:-“..:- CÂ¥ n ' NIVAL i\n uinrmibu That the Grzar Saoszonuzs Rexsor aso Puis, | of the eminent Indian Medicine Man, Doctor LE JOSEPHUS, of the Wreat Tribe of British Columbia, is workine the most marvellous and astonishing Cur» | WUNDERFULCURE OF LUNG DIsEAsSE L Brooxirs, April 5th, 1870 J O Chamburlain, Bts. This is to cert! that wife was very low with Lang Discase The & had given her up. lie said ho lungs 1 tubetcled, and medicine could nct help her. Ao.hlmofllx:::hmflnbome of the| Great Shoshonees edy. _ At the of two days het symptoins were better, . She contlaued to improve so y that by the time she had taken éne Wr was able to sit up. By the cousinuâ€" ance 4 t* #GW#3 ol racperfectly mator: You may publich the facts lor the i» zol;y ot those stmilarty aflicted. _ _ . _ _ Projlaim the Glad Tidings r BmithG@eld. §J O Cha..beriain, Esqâ€"This is to certity wite Srow M Tonch Mula nb deniees ~w about cightsen & I was so affiicted for the want o‘ that it was very difficult tor me to w TA ‘the night time frequently k the elothes off and raising in the keep strangling. I tried three of lh.:-.d czt physiciacs in the County of Notthumberland for about & year, without receiving any benefi, in fect I continued g«tâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was ad~ viged to try the Great Shoshonser Remody, 1 bought a bottle and took it and when it wa» Mpd“l)T-b feel a little botter. I continued to use it until I had taken three huukf,-'h-.h my satisfaction, I found that I was as well as ever L had beea provi ous to my iliness and have boen so eve: GABRIEL‘S » o must be â€" ?{.t uAIIE‘ _1 luopsix teoth. _ Price 5s. _ _ _ . «bull airections for use enclosed in each box. _** Mossrs. GABKLEL are particuiariy success(y in their system of ARILFICLAL TEETH. which JAgulb‘L‘fl [ JOHN SILYKE., m before me at Syaithfeld this $th day fm A D 1870. / Cure ot Bronchitis Four Miles from Oltmea iL3 W H Y ? _ T. C. BROWS Episcopal Methodist Ministo T R U 88E 8.â€" Comfort 4 saiety and relief for Her me Eltxir.â€"The Celeâ€" bratediMouth W ash, A fow d ope in water produces a most pleasan , IYEne Encun eane i ar gums, preâ€" vents the uuu..:lnnon oi _ lartar, lnv-wg breath a delightful perâ€" tume, removing all traces of tobacco I'-.u' or W'“. od:ui'; trom decayea and is ud-lduu-us.%i«a. $ | Price is lid. Royal Dentrifice, prepared from a mnzuuflhuu Majosty. s u':lumu lhomg. and impa ts a fragrance to mh::h. 'l'.: teeth 2 peas~! like whitences, protects lLs enamet. . Price is 6d, . White gum“r:fl;; .iin:'.-’.x for stopping tender teeth. Renders the toth sound and usetul for mastication ; no matter how ias decayed. Price is dd. . _Corali:e Tooth Pu::.. fos :iom‘; ing and unprovic weth, an i-mn‘p m:r‘-l redness to the whitems the teeth without fl:'."-. n.oul'-- them aay Um\'o‘.ul powder, gives brillianey to the enamel. Frige is 6d» "Szp.pext," the only real cute for Toothâ€"ache, p epared for general use after zo years‘ experience in their own practice gives unmediate relie! by the painless destruction of the nerve aad furms a stopping Osteo Ename! Stopping, warrante 1 to in white and firm as th Teoth 1t "/ . This beautitur pre" parg:l~. *~"~res front teeth, and can be eus..s used. Sullivient to Odontalgique Elixir.â€"The J M WELLINGTON,) P &D ex Wholesuic agouts, LEVANS MERCER & CU., Monireal, and to be Obtrined from all the utsews druggists, Fu.! @tTeclians lof baking this Greai «‘s«lib ticsisrer sccompany each Bottle, and purcusso:rs should be careful in “’ saai Du NC A N\ 8 COMPUUND SYRUP 0 SAlLNA r A it] 1.1.A, and no other, is supplien to them. Wholesuie io the <rrcué Health Restorer of the Day. 11 satrikes s1 the root of all Disea hroug» ie wouderful power in restori the blodd to a healthy state. 1t is a certain remedy for Scrofui,, me. fous and,,.u disensos 0t lhe ~kin, Gou umatism, Indiges tion, J-u:'lm :-rv. Bronchial Atteo uous, Chest Complaints, and all other d scuses Arising from aa impure state of the Blowke. " uriawa, March 9, 1872 Bartisters, Aua-uy-h!olkim n Chancery, Conveyancers, otaries, Comâ€" missioners for taking aflidavits to be used htb!‘lvvinooofqm“ ANGUS'IU___ N, | h Une trial will establish its vast superiâ€" ority in respect of both excellence and economy over any other Paste prepareâ€" tion. v0+ It will balf as far again, and give a much mf)oro brilliant and lasting polish thin any other paste compound. Can be had of all Grocers. r PRICE 10 CTS. PER | LB TLN. _ It is par excellence the ' Best Paste Blacking in the World. Wholesale of C. T. BATE & CO., Ottawa. Uttawa, Sept. 13, 1872 2073d pj viuason, weLus anDd CassELs awellmj\‘&. &c., and is the most e#ecâ€" wre an ld::hnmynhw- for these lispases. sale h Chazbes Rakine 8 Victoria Square, Montreal. Bole Age. t for the Do:w‘.ion of Canada and the Un *ert @@:z*~ * MroUnD sYRUP OF sSaAR BAPARILLA l':‘he MEDICAL FACULTY of MONTREâ€" A tiguiarly the “h: Medical S um i ru,â€"()sul:wood, MaoDonelh how. unro, Davi i > tot, iro.o.u. B;blllud, l?“éon, Besâ€" sey, McCaill hompson to whom «# vul:'munwl's Rum TISM and GOUF REMEDY" has beep submitted for trial, have, 'a ; rare disâ€" merits and given certificates to that effect, [ VC â€"â€"> ponthoune +/ copies of which can be obtained on appliâ€" cation to the or any i o ts e undersigned druggist "DH. BIBNBAUM‘S RHEUMATISM «ad GUUT REMEDY*" is recommended for Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lamba inglord, Ireland; the great North Sea Ship Canal, I‘-Im.:d.‘.mul the great North h&.u%po-l. !hvumo.hmgwdom"‘% ac:nhl »eks, the Harbours of E umr‘. particularty tor exâ€" :I‘:.lloc ities, wm:t w W. m&xsma ©Co.. s fary M, 1720000 ek o stt f‘)!,n'fl. Jo-‘h O:TIomh, § t-hs. ':-nbn: mmaitimer Ton " he nmd To ho mabes nomst W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, . M. WELLS ROBF. CASSELS, Jz. Uflice on Ligin Street, opposite Russeu ich Harbotirs, Docks, Cana ?l"{fi‘;"l*lul‘:e‘:‘duc in soil w an ,'l;-hl‘.l!u-l has n m Patent Dredge ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS & PORATIONS â€" TO THER NEW Every house should have one. The ibove goods are the finest to be had in market, and a variety of others in stock, well worthy of, every satisfaction in using them. _ A call solicited.. For sale at N. FAUVLLXNER‘S, York Street PICKLES, PARIS COFFEE POT3, Suuces and Frenc Peas, "No. 1," in variety. * Very fine. Fresh ground daily and rousted on the premises. ket, taRes mobility in The tollowing goods from the producers : 10 thds. BRANDY, finest Pale and Dak, genuine, 10 «o rout win®, for family use, " well known," ,10 do GIN, John de Kuyper & Son double berried, 10 buits. SHERRY WINE, V.P, various prices, extra value, 5() «s searkumme MOSELLES, «* pints and quarts," IOJ do GUINNESSES POREER, pts. and qts., per order. 100 do CLARET, various brands, a faw cases of tha calabratad COFFEES, JAP&NS and GUNPOA DER3, «) d SCOTCH _ MARMALA 13 2t huhto-tbmkor,t?& AL80, BLACK TEAS, I 1CIENCE HAS SPOKEN, NOR SALE Ducks‘ Cotton Tents, Bags and Blankets. Ottawa, Sept 7, 1872. 2068 if ‘aste . Blacking. Ottawa, July 18, 1872 The subscribers beg to call the attention of Nhips N oee, Trmt, Lapy Love, Mart Auva, Ciry or Quesso, Cuaka KuLnax, aAxD CaROLINA. REDGING NAVAL AND MILITARY yde Trust, the Government Works at Carâ€" Ireland; the great North Sea Ship Canal, The 15 Ru C EIVED 444 4s 0a8 No 26, Rideau Street finest ever offered in this mar "three waters," used by the Britain. ofrs, Docks, Canals, l-n‘lh-u. in be dee or cut from 5 to forty Td grad apood aa eoooace Th THOS, PATTERSON‘S, Rideaun Street. CLARET, various brands, a lew cases of the celebrated vintago of 1864, $22 a case. Very fine, give them a trial ) UH AcTRRSDY E. iswdfacti you want any firstâ€" ines and the best Family Groâ€" vy» on band IONS 147°2,| E the Canadian 1918 3m Plant, m.l.!o&-fic-u'u-:um.’h' the Canadian Provinces, are J. Smith & Co, Mo. 1 ‘Western Buildings, Montreal, May s2:1871 16M y ‘The above discovery has gained for Proâ€" fessor Harman a Silver Prize Modal at the m-o.u-nuuwâ€"«vuum, Ause tralia, of 1866 . besides numerous Testimonials. #-ahou-.â€"dcfi'nn-p,m, ellingtonâ€"st, ; John ‘Tea Pot, Rideau. st,; Slocombe & Btevens, Signâ€"of the Sugar Loaf, corner of Cumberlandâ€"st.; for New For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Pouitry ’hh, Bugs, Cockrom ‘hes, Black Bootles, Flcas on Dogs, Blight and insects on Plants, Moths in Fur Tick or Scab on Sheep or Goats; also oncuao,u.,tc,lnl-th.‘l‘n Minutes. Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cts. per Packst ; or Siz Packets for One Dollar, Â¥5cte. â€" " The Powder is warranted free from all bad smel!l, and will k:ep in any Olimato. It may be spread any where without risk, as it is quite harmless to Cate or De â€" 28 they will uot ont it. Directions for use on each Packet, ~â€" Maxcractoarâ€"Gravel Lane, Houndsditch, City of London, England _ _‘ _ _ _ *‘ PROF. HERMAN‘ ieauly""oesmnorgh hours frow 9 tw 1i a w., and 2 to 4 p.m. 2t se opposite the ‘TiMzs office, Sparks Sitst Sooits Jone, «j iht offes at bis resldence, o oo o e animalk s ". Reference given to partios successfully hz mlmind.‘ _Ottawa, May 9, 1870. _____< _ ____ W&Â¥" Special attention. given. to disea 11 disnlacements of the atarus. 1783 B@F~Orders promptly attended to. C. C s@rR. &rmmnympumw Â¥ayâ€"ing shippers trom all further trouble ‘Special rates for furniture. _ _ and in it persons _ .>. tes else are exposed to no accident or danger. Ladies perticularly can enjoy themselves on this Swing without having to coutend with uyo;tho inconveniences met with in ordi nary Swings. This Swing may be seon in operation at the Canada Contral Hotel, No. 120,8ussex istroot and at No, 8, 8t. Patrick Street, _ . W. K. JQOHNSON, Agent. Ottawa, Oct. 12, 1871 1792 d * tC hy se on on ols Hnk oTrraw a. Otta wa, W €, 1810 1458 is Homcopathic Physictan, purgeon & Ao ucher. Residenceâ€"Albert street, . Ofir: MPORTANT NOTICE. mond, allas He Jn-n,.lhno.'r,l.”. M. R. 0. lll.“‘ryllflov., $ No N".nlo Bolts are NII:L::M bearing the fac simile of M. Pu}rermacher‘s s ”‘.“.Mlh.hhl' full partioulars . A pamphlot be h‘ Store of A. cm.u.,-" 8 . m J. L PULVERMACHER, wmm“ 200 Regent Street, London, Falil particalare be had from luki v cCn l:ll'.' 02 ~~ . CHR «& Co., DRUGGISTS, _ The effects of the application of Pulver macher‘s Chaing in any of the above disorders hhâ€"dl-dypnwpflbhâ€"uonucfolp-h instantancous. PRIQCE LIsT OFf PULYVERMACHEKR®S CHAIN BANDE AND BATTERIES. B. CHAIN BANDS for Neryous Deafuess Head, Tooth, and Face Ache, and Noiser in the Head, 218. to 308. B UHAIN BANDS for Voige and i other affections of the t, 105. 6d. to 3ls. t N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciat .. Rhe amatie Neursigia, and Gouty Pai‘* Local Para~ lyua OnuBsho., 188. to 2**â€" and 408. BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorders, Uc.,gvon u.hlz,'mblo'nd“l. B CHAIN BANDs Writer‘s Cramp, Those high!y improved invoutions render Electricity pertuctly «wifâ€"applicable, and exâ€" tremeoly .fle-cwu:.i-.'-l Id continuous form on shock or un pl sensation boing er~ porienced, whercby 1t becomes a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily soothing agonising peing, resaniwating torpid limbs, reviving the slugxish functions of life, and rmparting renewe onergy and vitality to constitutions enteebled ty whagover cause, Medicines and their deleterious conseqrences are thus efntirely dispensed with, ‘The daily increasing number of cures effected by PULYEEMACHER‘8 MEDiCO GALVANâ€" IC SYBTEM is so extensive and varied, that t forcibly points to this invention ss the embryo of a universal remedy. elite of the English mediecal faculty has beeu received " We, the undersigned, have much pleaâ€" " sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Pouvar " wacHun‘srecent improvementsin his Voltaiq Hoad and Toothache Liver Complaints Tic Doloreuz " Medical Purposes are of great importance to * Scientific Medicine, and that he is entitled " to the consideration and support of every " one disposed to further the advancement of # real and useful progress, 4« Dated the 9th day of Marcb, 1866. © BIR CHARLES LOCOCK, a-c.,'u D, . R.OC. P. , 8IB HKNRBY HOLLAND, Bart., M. D , F. B. 8. © BIR WM. FERGUSSDN, Bart., F. R. 6. EDWD. H. SIEYVERING, M. D., M.B.C.8. ‘ bli J RANALD MARTIN, F. 8. 0.8." ULVERMAUCAERS SYSTEM is also ap iwv «« of by an official re of the Aca u : i. de Medicine, Paris, College o Physiciang, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Vienpa, and its curative virtues are con= firmed by thousands of private testimonials of cureseffected. (Bee pamphlet gratis). curative progress, to which the inventor has devoted a lifcitime of study aud iabour, as an ardent deciple of that great benefactor of mankind, the late illustrious electrician Mionase Farapy. PULVEBMACHER‘8 MEDLCOâ€"GALVAN» 10 CHALNS are exceedingly effective without the aid of medicine, restriction of diet, or the Jcast deraugement of the patient‘s habits and «laily occupations, in the following maladies Rhoumatisin Fomale Complaints GJout Constipation scintica Cramp Luinbago SBlaggish Circulation These facts appeal to the good sense of every sufferer to .vller of this scientific and f â€" A« O9tf Sole nhx m&-’.‘&"fin R. LOGAN, ANADA . NTBAL BAILWAY PULVEBRMAUQAER‘S PATENT JALVANIC _ CHAINâ€"BAND8, «uT8 _ AND _ POCKET â€" BATTEBIES »LROTRLOITY 193 LLFE ight Uartage gom%uy .w‘t’.‘%% N.B.â€"Thefollowing testimouny from the 0. C, WoOunb, _ 2 aAwa TL M ES Sluggish Circulation Urinary Disorders Paralysis Epilepsy Norvous Debility Functional Disorders OTI‘A'A HOTEL, Prescott Junction, J. FRANCIS s..8l0r. Meals at all timss. Tsble and liqu cannot be surpassed. 1878â€"3m. At Junction Depot of Grand Trunk and Ottawa & Prescott R. &. Ail the facilities of a First Class House, Passengers refreshment OT‘I'A'A HOTEL, 8t James Street Mon treal, The undersigned having assum»~ ed the management of this popular favorite, respectfully informs the travelling public and its former patrons, that the house has undergone many improvements, and that he intends by constant attention to the wants of his patrons, to make this the most comfortable Hotel In the city of Montreal,. _ â€" _ NONâ€"COMBUSTIBLE & NONâ€"CORROSIYVE #mve 20 per centin fuel, and steam passes through any length of Piping covered with the Nonâ€"conductor quite dry. Extensively used in the Eastern and Wostoern States and throughout Great Brlhl-kud by the British Admiraity and American Navy.â€" . {Bee circular.) N. B.â€"It saves 30 per cent on the Russeli Honsge bofler, and steam is now raised in half the time it took before the covering was apâ€" plied, while it saves a large per centage nf ::;lh:.d“hboc“ at the Water Wuholc::; Departmental Buildingy, Gas Works, Rocbester & Co.‘s Steam Mills A Fleck‘s Foundry &c., &0. | {nauskss Srenck PATEST f Non â€"Conductor for Oovering Steam Boilers eta., oto., otc, _ C Uontracts made for advertising in : ither ar #M of tha ahove panern UN REAL ESTATE, From $100 to any amount, on approved secarity IRVUSE! AND LOAN COMPANY oK "JPPER CANADA M | GANO TRURL Ratway, |C No jssi »d. Apply to J. M C. MW of Sn}x and York streets, or to MURRISON WELLS & CO., Toronto. Jan, 22, 1874 J871 The Subscribers have received a large sum for investment upon Farm Property. mwK dJUNCTIOS HOTEL,*! P ow Proger 9. Fasngt apply to Tomper om, l-r":cm-ug.m, Pn mmmm don ; Wilcocks & Woeks, Barbican, Plymouth; luhCo.,Quhc;ocy ie t s Through tickets from all points West at reduced fares. Certificates iâ€"sued to persons desirons of â€" bringing out thsir friends to Canada, Through Bills of Lading issued on the continent, and in London for all parts of Canada,and in the United States '0__% Milwaukee, Chicago and other f P. 0. Box 8444, Bole Manufacturers in the Dominion ‘UNROE O‘LEARY, General Western Agent: Dtiawa. Nov. 20. 187. v Medway .. ... . ... Wednesday, Sgotland. . ..... . .. Monday, Hector..........Thursday, 3l1st do _ Rates of Passageâ€"Quebec to Lordoaâ€" On and after MONDAY Nert, 5th JUNF, U rains will leave Montreal as u ncer Mail Traia for Toronto mud Interâ€" Medway . . London, Quebec and Montreal, (Calling at Plymouth outward for passengers) BUMMER SERVICE OF TRAINS breat Accoleration of Speed® | And Montreal. Composed of the following or other first class Powerful Iron Steamehips : _ BCOTLAND, â€" _ NILBE DHM‘()B.& NIGER, MEDWA TWEED, THAMES, TEVIO . 5 EMPEROR. ' The steamers of this Line are intended to sail Wookly as follows during the scason of navigation of 1872, to and from Pullman Palace Cars now Running on al Day and Night Trans, LONDON, QUEBEC, medisate Stations,at ...... . .. €.00 a.m Day Express for Toronto, at. ...... 9.00 m Night Express for Toronte, at..... 9.00 p m Mixed Train or Brockville at.. ..11.00 a m Accommodstion ‘Prain for Brock T‘mess Office, Wellington utreot, 3 ___ DavID sHAW, Montreal. or to C. k. CUaNISGHaAxÂ¥, Ottawa. Office over Hope and Co‘s, Sparks street. C. J. BRY DGE3, Managing Director Ottawa, June 13, 1811 1690t O8KY TO LEKED OBEY TO LOAK. A. GRISON, sA *A Temperiey‘s Line. Mose:s, &c. 6t «6 dames Ballifi. FROM QUEBEC. â€"~.....Thursday, 19th Sept‘r. FROM LONDON. CRHALMERS & 0O., D. WILKINSON, Courrier d Outacuais, . .Wednesday, . . Saturday, | U, 8. BROWNE, 11th Sept. 2lst do 4th Oot‘r. 16th do do Q OHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and +"%e Foners! Agent. Sole agent for Read‘s Highwines «ndProof Whiskey; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" «elphia ; Thos #ullet, Heq, ur 3 a drastrur P..Ohaue‘ Thee Rayselds teq 10d Ontario; Provincial Land Surveyor and Draughtersan, hine Ales and . â€" Pork, Flour, &0.,for sale No Orrion : s%l&nfl.ufl fiohml‘ F'Pm‘oxprmu the Paten: nnue viean ing machines, Rubber and Buf Leather Knife Boards. Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brilliant polish equal to new cutiory rnn«.una,..u_?.., 84., 1s., 2s. 64, and 4s. each. #or cleaning and sb Silver, Electro Plate, ’l.:‘m ‘-.“’ll.‘“.“a each. 4 ddngbu‘:.-inthtdu. Ts * 1 _ C,. KAINBOTH, and Elgin streets. is 17607 N.B.â€"The financial position of the Royal 8 in no way aftected by the recent Fire at and Elgin streets. large paid up capital of: the Company, asâ€" surers hvoP:';ifiom.l security in ‘ the UNIJ.KE"‘KD LIABILITY of a Wealthy ables of Rat Forms and tal . hesied of hiateg Propteat rerme ond tat to the undersigned. k d:':flxl DEPARTMENT. ptions of y insured wm«mMnm “lnuu tl tiled without refer. P promptly se wi enutotboflo‘:nooflbe. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Amnouonl.lvqmbdmbyonblo terms, and unquestionablé securit;y is a Toh Sivbkrteppiur Bridge, > 4* FUND.................. .. . _ 6,608,214 There having been added $736,200 to the Life Fund as a result of the business of the past year. KE FIRE and LLFE, CAPITAL............... . ... $10,000,000 ANNUAL INCOME, over.. ... â€" 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over. . . . _ 9,500,000 SPECIAL LIFE ASSURANCK Un the recommendation of the Honoraâ€" ble the Minister of Customs, and under the ;rovi-iom of the 8th Section of the Act 31, Vic. Cap. 6, intituled : " An Act respecting the Customs," His Excellency has beauLh:nd to order, and it is hereby ordered, Lardoise, in the Province of Nova Scotia, be and the same is hereby constituted and erected into an Out Port of Customs, and placed under the survey of the Coliector of Customs, at the Port of Arichat, _ W. A. HIMSWORBTH, Clerk,;Privy Council. Un the recommendation of the Honoraâ€" ble the Minister of Customs, and under the s’rovmoml of the 8th Section of the Act 31 Vic., Cap 6, intituled: " An Act respecting the Customs," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that South Bar, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, be and the same is hereby constiâ€" tuted and erected into an Out Port of Cusâ€" toms, and placed under the survey of the Collector of Customs, at the Port of Sydâ€" ney. His Excellency the Governor General in On the recommendation of the Uon.thol Minister of Cu«toms, and under the proviâ€" sions of the Sth Section of the Act 31st‘ Victoria, Chapter 6, intituled : " An Act respecting the Customs," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordéred, that the Town of Sherbrooke, in the Province of Quebec, be and the same is hereby constituted and erected into an ut Port of Customs, and placed under the survey of the Port of Coaticook, W. A. t asw uriH, Clarz Prive (cuncil. Ottawa, Monday, 30th day of Septem» LE ber, 1872. His Excellency the Governor General in Council. oVvEsNMENT HoUsE, Ottawa, Monday, Tth day of October, 1872 Un the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Customs, and under the proâ€" visions of the 8th Section of the Act glsc Victoria, Cap. 6, intituled : ©" An Act re« specting the Customâ€"," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that Bay St. Paul, in the Proâ€" vince of Quebec, be and the same is her:by constituted and erected into an Uut Port of Customs, and placed under the survey of the Port of Quebec. JOS, 0. COTB, Assistant Clerk, Privy Council. His Excellency the Governor General in L4 IM NTRA 4 2 OFFICEâ€"Bang‘s Block, corner * Chief Agents for Canada A. PKRH#Y, Fire Inspector. . His Excellency the Governor General in Council. No 21, 8. Rideau street, Ottawa. No l,p:oth Conosssion, Osgoode, Apply to DB. MoDUVUGALL, Bidean str: ot. Ottawa, Dec 21 1271 1A55tf NOR SALE, ayons.â€"BH ASizs, 1“ ;uin..s' , Philsâ€" inn-:.'.'-_";_@_“nfi‘z‘.zi 3 OVERNMENT HOUSE, Ottawa, Wednesday, Pnd October, 1872 OYAL INSUEANCE COMPANY, UVEKNMENT HOUSE, â€" Monday, 7th day of October, 1872 OVERNMENT HOUSE, #4 44 Office ; Ay‘mor, P.Q d ‘for the Provinces of Queber W. A. HIMSWORTH, PRESEME : , Clerk Privy Council. H. L. RO , Agent. Da "22 t & & Hild, {late Kounedy & Obristse) . Bwristers._. A tiormies, â€" Solâ€" mfir &e with I i0 T tmaine for, Sofa Car|10 00 p m| EKantand Wrost, & LUTTBELL, Bure connections with all the Gran4 Truuk wrains both East and Woest, «s this ompauy‘s trains wait their arrival when lase. Twonty minntes allowed at Proscott Juns tion for refresoments. Traing are ran on Moutreal tims. THOB BEYNORDs. Unnlo:tatl® Sotm Cars on N Charge fo: berths, 50 cents . J. CHBRLST LK HAMNEI 2 N. B.â€"Money to lend. with I 2:00 a m Sote Car j Ottawa, Feb 29, 1872 _ ,6m 19] The old reliable, quickest and best route ; the shortest line by Q miles from Ottawa b:::.t:l“lfob’nd all points bdlpdneb A4LTERATION OF RUNNING TiMk, O. AND FROM TUJESDAY?® ist OUT., 1872, trains will run as follow: : Keq., of Guelph, weighing the great wmahfi‘h'ov 350 PodNDs, And 50 head of Western Sheep. The Pork Stall will be as usual found fully supplied with Fresh and Sait. ro‘x, BACON, SAUSAGES, ETC., ETC. Mhe whole of which will be on exhibition at their Stalls Nos. 3, 5, 7 Mflth Town _ Market, _ this WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and BATURDAY, when they rest assured the public will be gbb_iqmflnflulnhuor.lut in the OTTAWA RAILWAY. Buperintondert, Prescost, Ottzwwa, Bept 80. 18972. Butchers to His Excellency Lord Lisgar Gov. General of Cansada respectfully tender the public their sincere thanks for the very libop‘r:.l ‘nt.romge be â€" stowed on them during last seven years. While soliciting a continuance of the same &hzgmld el-‘nmuuy ulv:a:ut an inspection the following purâ€" chased at Guelph Fair. Which took the prize at Gueiph Fair. * ALSO 30 head of splendid Weetern Cattie. _ _ A Magnificent Caif, 11 weeks old, bred and fed by John Waest, 1 pair of Steers weichi ml’:-‘lro?f Steers weighing the enormous "*" i rrawonl. * "Wik. " I oueve POBT OFFICEK SAVINGS GAnk REF" Deposits will be received at this Office. Intercst »);. cent per annum, and Deposits can be withdrawn at any time OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 a . M , TOQ For Money Orders and Savings Bank businese fow ‘0% n On Money order Offices throughout the . Dolu_iuivn-i';_vl-i' and Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at this 1872. _ _ _ 1872 EASTER. B@Â¥~ All Mails are closed by Montreal time, which i time. Matter posted up to 9.30 P.M., wi package the same aizbt. 1872 11.30 Ottawa, March 27. 1872 11:00 600 THE ST. LAwRL CE ©,50 9.50 0 00 Post Office, Ottawa, «o: 4, 1872 9 50 9 50 950 SATCHELL BROs, Via NewYork closs every Monday at 8 P.Â¥ Per Canadian Line, close every Frid=y at A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Stoani« unregistored matter can be sent. POST OFFIOE, o1 12 50 noon 10 30 a m| Grand Trank for the West, West. 1 8 10 a miG T Rxpr ss tor ,12 15 p a 'ulpd-u Wu&.‘ . CLOSKE. Ottawa 410 p m 1;16 p m Lang‘s 1%.10 12.10 12.1% es y \2aAaA22+A & AUTUMN ARRANG M iEN P ]?\'(2, ga;iupurfl ARRIVAL and DEPaAaREL I GoIx@ NOBTh. GolN@ soUTH .l'll‘il‘mlsu 1 , Quiaw .. , , Komp r He. Merrickvilis Oxf Brockritlc, Kingsteon and all way |n1 a 11 o --‘1 5,30 G T Express for train for 3:30 4.30 â€". ......\Templeton, Tueséays, Thursdays 4.30 New Edinburgh v.00 , Easternâ€"Quebes, M | 1 _ &o., by Railway "*~~/ 4 Brirish Columbia (and Vancouver despatched daily via Windor, unt San Francisco, U.S. Rates of Posts other parts of the Deminio» 9. 00 United States, via Ogdensbury .. . 9 00 900 Halifar, N.8., and 8t. Jtb Do do Express _ from West Do do Mail irom West Do do Expres Connerting Mail from the Osgoode. Rassell, &* ner The Uppor Ottawa, Piace: on the North of Carleton Pface J 2 Clarendon Centre, â€" Packer Portage du Fort, &o........... Aylmer and Hull, .. ... ....... March and Onslow, via Aylmer.... North Gower, £ars, &0., per St Cheloea, W akefield, NorthW akefeld,Low diste Offices, Daily ; and River Desert mediate Offices, Mondays. Wodnasisw. .. Bell‘s Corners, Richmord, & RAUWBY .c2200 000 0e0c0sse00se .. Porth, Smith‘s Falls, and C nads Contral Railway . Lowes Ottewa, by Stoge, Buckir 1; ad, L‘Vrignal‘ Grenville, &e Westernâ€"Kingston, Toronts, &c.; and Wostern, U.8.. Fort Garry and other places Manitobaâ€"Mails cespatched Ont., and Detroit, MicL‘. | Armive &tE rescot! Junction. 13 5u A n $ 50 p m Hdid. 6:50 p m 8:50 p m 6:16 a 1 9 20 a m MONXEY ORDELS BB! l83 "z 2 ;1 272, > "Cr Pesert and interâ€" 5 londlyl.WodnudAyl and Fridays \ LE&TIEKS, prepaid. and il cotaining M u:com'fi’ulf,‘g‘fl which e.:°¢"u will ve at the us ® * ""u'h"’uuuér'. * } Managiug Un ector, _ HE TIMES is printed and published by Tos Ortawa Tuuzs Pruxune axp Pom will be given to parties m&u up Clubs whether for the fl.ul,}"u WEEKLY .- C A limited number o Advertisements are inerted in the Weekly Times at 10 conts per liue, 1st ins@f> tiom, each subsequ>nt insertion, 6 cente. _ _ _ Published EVERYFRIDAY MORNING, h_fi‘ for the morning mail, utl 00 per anmum, paid advance ; or $1.50 if pard during the yearâ€" _ _ _Professional and Businees Cardsâ€"not excecding ::“(:?â€"‘ll. inscrted in the Daily Times at$16 péf THE WEEKLY TIMFS, Each, rezram;"each additional word over 24, 090 Spec!al f definite term Coutope o ennirinet on ‘"}IS,U# Ullice, or with our Agent, Uattle Strayed January 1, 1872 . For ordinary advertisements in Daily Twr® mll:rzwn. W cents per line; cach subsequent ##f" n.l’.:nawh among reading matter, 2 cents Bpecial Noti 1 line. Ubmtenad ols id on rer line , Situations \ynnv. Bituations Vacant, Liouses for male, Mouses to Kent, _ _ _ Rooms Wanted, Board W anted, The only Daily Morn: (The only Daily Morning Paper in Central Cansda) hasad YanCe, cents por week, delivered l'n.:luei:..‘ll is -:L?.w uhfin.."h-n in the Om tod Stated, at $7.59 free of Canadian postage . RAJ I es is published every morning at $5.99 p« payable in advance, or 12 cents .fi-..t 1he usual encouragement (oxr rexe cory tm THK) NOTAlY PUBLIC. , Residence â€" Hull next the Post Oflice. 1723y CBARLIS MABCIL, Advocate, Hull Oiice at Mr Toetrau‘s, N P ; private reaiâ€" dence in rear of French Cathedral, Hull, Business attended in Ottaws and the Dis trict Courts of the County of Otigwa, =~ FFNMES PRINTING AND PUBLUSHIAG Iu COMPANY, un. OLIVIER MARTIN» Dentist. < Bwh-cmc, Oou.ul (r.. 8 DB. MeDOUG ALL, Office, Ridegn Street, qpposite therton s Drn.g' Bloreâ€" Regide P o l‘ K. i1A YCOGOK, Atvorneyâ€"ntâ€"1. ©@ siturâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Convey ancer Public, und Patent Higot molici or. _ Of @edia®eiy upposite Kneseli Houg3, Elgin go EKS & GEMMIELL,Barristors. 4 soliciors in ( .h“(‘z‘ Ofliceâ€"Mosgrove‘s Wa. Moscorove. _ G, July 2, 172. 4 7 °0 SAV T. ;DAR / Aaid.Dy Bartise: ‘4 Solicito Auom‘) and Nutery l'flhbh 1the Pezce and Couuty Attorney , tor the Unite. jountres of Prescott and itusseil â€" OMiceâ€"1P the Jouri ilouse, L‘Urignai, 44 6n wmoet, &0. Olceâ€" P â€"*+* the Post Of onvey a0 sers , 3 «10008 Jatir Offics orer a Vtta w a ) 0e Lismixg Cour«xy, st the VQIMOG, A4® Number 1z. waollington Btreet, (lsté Her Mxjosty‘» . seatre), Centre Town§ M {p, consou, au #©in Chancory, Vony Me#t"" Ofice, Union Buil Nowaauy r. 15 Solicito Attorn ithe Penxce and Cou Oubti0s of Prescott Packenham, | Pembr K4 soiio.tore,;-' * ourt Mouse, (kiaw a . Romus» taus, bout: s« Â¥% ADVERTISING RATEs. will be ciox 4CB U kA & is 4P OsdRoV i Miscellancous Wants, Meney Wanted or to LO#® when not exceeding 24 words, ud 25 CENTS 840 ut a J Mâ€"L®W holl“-ll-t‘hlflq 0“- &o. OMoeâ€"Langh Buildings, 4 > the Post Oftice, vee» m. " A« 8 A it A , Arshitect. "Omceâ€" Aumen# buildingn, Witeauâ€"st . , vsiaw a HUP $#ke:o K# P U KA D, Not A .M and Saturds at B DAILY TIMES, nghamw, Cumber er Islend BL,®Detr Tage sau Barristers and Q. P. BAK & O. Raiway IU¢ e MA : , Unizn Buildings Artivles Los. . Cutile for Sale, .. 1 at @ry, Noturics Jusn ie w ay intormse minute L. _7 887 â€"44â€" La®w, Boliciter , Vonveyancer; do.; Busoan AdlBL®s Gurrister and Attor boutt _ vour J. @hiins, â€"# & #8+* Houses Wanted M ui [M 43 ke aley B ar I.‘ 4& ‘v A‘ LN .ucum'ai 1 Attorney wric®, dre. 88 liide «4 8 "ot, onl 4.L Cuarsy 8 faster lhu; y Pabice fo jull, seeay (|11,00 , OME t m 11430 10 0+ 10.0u ®40 0 | ®.00 / 11,00 #.0u! ®. Oparts 4 ®.GO + 5 ar rustor cork 10 Criaa ". ©6, tor ta Ubha®® IpPplomonts 1®, and 1 or 10,09 FPJRr OUtawa +P.a I" ‘wa;cy ib 6,30 vnly qyiys of St, ALSAK: ® & Albans Free © we MR lad ’,‘Ayl'!‘"o dons #YRTLE PANIELS® Pinest Brands of PORT: S 186 AeGILL STREKRT, us 2, 1072. . ___ 136 MoGILL ST W ant maauins on 9 y select« 4 uf‘!fll HYsON, And BRA wad W A No 8 BEANDIES, orxs, pric so low that all can u Wine an * Merchan: V M â€"BUT {(LATE ST. JA Cruer of Meicalfe and : wrade can be eupplied by «pasrs. C. T. BA vOL VI & aundd?: "AU percentage 0 MAG(’UD ;b nl“ Ol uty will be held earl M next, the procee 5. she reduction « dor®s w aLns, mpany have p CAUTION. "MYRTLE N A «6X ment on it will be i & Bilings is on © plue. Si8t the name hi e yO Blankets, and g Free Church. ng ladies hay ive donations 0 in aid of the o Of the d & large 1872. juoHN 1 Blwket : . 11, 18 CONP am y however ion of 1 of D A. WIK Mre. 4 also be Mrs Mrs Mre of

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