" EXG EC seA AnccromcrmendP e uP o aw; sach additional word evef 24 meerearst. BRA T may be s000 » Offies, or our Agent a £ CHA M 8 A OLT,) «t Law momapngat *A /â€"â€" HR VERTISINC RATER _ _ "CO 0 Ay ANTEn i end of Sapper‘s Bridee, Oe »l..:.h".& c ttk .'cm.inl-nm At night sat se veatdnnan, Nourrky samet. ______ LIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Offce + rsâ€"strect, Contral Ottawa. Siutl advance, or «34 conts DBr MAU par o teccc Drugâ€"Store « HA Y COCK, l * use Apply to ES maBRCOIL â€"Adâ€"ocste, fflce, lï¬â€œ'fl“'} AwWaAi CaRPEZT u suuce 2o se ereae (it they w store, 49 f i and complate «... 1 900g sur.. On sad aft ‘ï¬""ï¬q" K A R A, : at Mr Tetraa‘s, 8 E; PRTOA CCC â€"d'r“(““‘ * ; attended in Ortaws and the Disâ€". zdmzfl‘,mâ€â€"_.fl" PRinrimg AND PUBLISHING COMPANY.â€" 549 0R in until £ sed 4« 0 seq 4o D YÂ¥ PUSLI 5 CENTS 2 DAILY TIMES, â€" ents per line €ry FRIDAY MORNLINO l8; 4 mail, 052 00 per annulte P" 50 if paad the year> _ _ P at Joliefsor C WEEKLY mfa every ALSTIK, _ lg-_q_bl-.t‘...‘m‘ #uS oxnxï¬.l-j. is printed and P"*""* _ »'hhw' Jouwrany, at ~m &w_-#i. sty‘s s neaure), Contr® JAMES BALLLYY, M# advertisoments in Fab %,. 18173 __% incortion. 0 ds t P.dr.wb‘ Â¥ $AMk» BALLIFE, aa acant rties getting ap CISD" HeLY. ‘ ff:'A‘v.w: * * "hacrtion, 9 cente . _ )j ) h s &. $ M sements, such 4# itns end Curtain # and Carnl.. ‘!fl @s. L.O8. 6 ths D > --‘M 1 PA ‘l. ABROAp * oto smgrvige | Je . :1 ant, xX FREE CORY P 4* 19r \P Countess of Dufferin and under the auspices of the Oom-imo.wiubobdd-rlyh& of MARCH next, the proceeds to be devoâ€" ted towards the reduction of the debt on the St. Albans Free Church. = The following Lalies have kindly conâ€" sented to receivedonations of work, money or otherwise, nflammm. Lady Macdonald, _ Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Bliss, Mrg. Perty, Mrs. Bate, Mrs. Langton, Mrs. Dewe, Mrs. Meredith, Mrs. Patrick Mrs. Grant Powell, Mrs. Feathe: ~on, . Mrs. Whitcher, Mre. Bucke, _ Nrs. H. Wicksteed. Subscript~â€" :s may also be sent toâ€" FUNOS of St. ALBANS CHURCH flon_ovd&..l'h'lnh-‘tl, A Bazsar under the patronage of Her The Brand "MYRTL® NA 6 Y" is registared, any infringement on it will be name Tuckett & Billings is on cach , and & B. on each ploe., _ _ _ | MmMYRTLE NAVY NarSec T. & B. on cach Plug. We BA Z2AAXKLE DANIELS‘® HOTEL, O‘H‘AWA STEAM Carriage and Sleigh FACTORY: RIDEAU STREET, OTTAW , most approved styles of promptly done. ) 5 A very large amount of new and imâ€" proved machinery has lately been aided, ndunowhloi-dm-byn-r (the only establishment so supplied in this section of country) weare in a pdï¬n W. Stockdale, Brother ~& Co. ROCKAW AYS, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS, Which in point of finish and durability, are not surpassed in any market. #%@Zâ€"All work warranted for one year, 5 (LAaTE ST. JAMES,) Corner of Metcalfe and Queen Streets. . _ CENTRE TOWN, OTTAWA. Good Sample Rooms and every accotm: modation tor travellers. Thoroughly reâ€" cheaper than any one else. . ‘The proprietors are | practical and give personal supervision t #MOKERS And invite the#@ zion of Buyers to theh JAPAX, YOUX 1Â¥80N GUNPOowW DER, 1Â¥ PERIA!. and TWANKAY TEAS, And BBANDIZs, GINS, KUMS. and the Finest Brand: of PORT, SHERRY, &c. 136 MeGILL STREET, MONTREAL WLuas un & 0. CcaUTION. ‘The Brand "MYRTL® NA ¢ Y" is registared, A MORTIMER, 1 % Bookbinder, Pzper.â€"ruler and account Book Manufacturer, at the of the Group of Books, Roberta‘ ‘ :\::Md T B 10 hi i Mdh'm Cash: Books and Journals made up from the best class .(m,u-inptha-bv,lmbâ€"' than at any other house in the Dominion ; wholesale or retail. Aeeonnsloohnd-phdtoomyvuiuy of business ; if not in stock, ruled and The trade can be supplied by Ottawa, N bound to pattern, on the shortest notice. Book birding executed in any style from the plainest and cheapest to the most eleâ€" Ruling, perforating or ml:uhccuo- fully and M M to, and at hpcmhdu-is‘u-‘ M=ps mounted. orders executed on the very shortest notice. Uttawa, June 22. 1872 Ottawa, Sept 17, 1872. _ 2076 im Astronomy and Geology, Lord Ormathwaite. > N“W James Walker, D. D. Broadus on Preparation and Delivery of Fermons. Brooks‘ 5)) Plans of Sermons. Business Success, by John Macdonald. Florence Marryats‘ Novels, English edition. uabrdn.nl:lll.l H Eliza E. Pollard. lzl.dm,hl.n_m_ At ‘Tea. Wine and Spirit MX crchants, ie f~TTAWAa PA . AND PRESENT, Aug 2, 1872 KESSRS. C. T BATE & CO. thankfuily received by " DOMIN® >N BUILDING3S3," 136 X .‘UL STBREET, _ _ September 4, 1572 UMBSY & 0S YOL. VÂ¥I NO. 2148, â€" give personal supervision to all work. Suave. March B, 1872. _ 19814( ANY INFORMATION concerning Otta~ ., possessed by residents of the city, or paitrrpakes: : ... Ottaws, Oct 22, 1872. 3006 3 FO A GuuP SMOKE, W®oLBSALE JUHN LaNGTON, 1872 ‘will ‘be found on No. 39, Sparks St. 2038 Lord & Kelley, nomumnnu.’um Street, and Lower Town ou.nm‘u"' hand, and ways on oikee by a sompetent pasior. . ons hoahqamnnhflnnm rates . h-ï¬ Chimnies, Wicks, Burners and Iamp Fittings, Lamps repaired on the shortest notice. :‘mibu-um ing the agents of Mr. JOHN MOONEY, of Prescott, manufacturer of Importers of China, Glass, Earth enware, Cutlery and Fancy Earthenware, we are prepared to supply Pots made from designs by the best mh““:,ï¬-dzâ€˜ï¬ ensure ready saie. LOBD & KELLEY, Manufacturers Agents, 63 Sussex Street, Uttawa. Begs respectfully to intimate that his. Stock of FURS this season is very com~ plete in every department,â€" containing every kind in general use, from the high est priced to such as will suit the taate aed means of all. F2 Ladies‘ Jackets in South Sea Seal. lflmhmm Ladies® Jackets in Grey Lamb. + Ladies‘ Jacket« in Beaver, Ladies‘ Jackets in Russian Lamb. Ladies‘ Jackets in Ermine. Luwlies, by leaving their orders w.th measure for any of the above fashionable Furs, can have made in any style required, either y$ respects trimmings or otherwise, and Amay.rely on getting a suâ€" Purs! Purs! PFu _ Gentlemen‘s / Buffalo, Bear, Kacoonâ€"and Wolf Coats and kobes. _ ‘The highest cash price puid for Raw Furs. « #* Remember the place, Sign of the RED HAT, 33, Ridean Streoet. Ottawa, Uoe: 22 1872. 3106 ; 7 ufliedâ€" MAIN SEPREET, HULL _ #N. B.â€"Specil sttention paid to Collecâ€" tions in the County of Ottawa, P. Q., and in the County of Carleton, Ontario. Cases us:dl.hh?hdm&mcm&-; z. br, Joury is SpdllArI for the Courrier d‘ Outaouais, in the Proâ€" vince of Quebec. hss J T. Be. JULIEN, , Advocate, Barrister, &c., &¢., For the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario, IN AID ORâ€"THER RiBRAAKA osTA+HE ~RPA1} ASY L V Mâ€" To be drawn in public, DEC, 30th, 1872. Tickets $1 Kach or Siz for $5. Tickets sent by Express C. U. D., if deâ€" 1 Grand Cash Prize. . ... .. :. . . . .$175,000 1 Grand Cash Prize.............. 15,000 1 Grand Caâ€"h Prize. .......... . .. 10,000 1 Cash Prize.................. ..~5,000 OMAHAâ€" LOTTIERY 2 Cash Prizes, $3,000 each ...... â€" 6.000 4 Cash Przos, $2000 each....... 8 000 2 Cash Prizes, $1,000 each....... 2000 Far balance of Prizes send for Circular. "Ihis Legal Enterpr:s» . is endorsed by the: highest authority in .ths State, and best business men. * Te hmited number of Tickets on hand ï¬nuwmmmym All prises will be paid in full. ~Agents wanted. hrfdlrhhnddn- ; 17 J. M. PATTEE, that he has recently opened and refitted that large and commodiâ€" ous in Main Street, Huall Village, known as EXCHANGE HOTEL, and is pnow prepared to accommodate on rea sonable terms, regular boardars and the travelling public. Table always supplied with «l the varieâ€" of the choicest brands and Havana vigars of the best quality, constantly kept on %@y* Meals ready as all hours. Hull, Nov 26, 1874 3036 5m B"lmuuvlnqmth new Toni ne Savings Fund Asâ€"urance, just intro tuced by the Kquitable Lite Asâ€" surance Soc ety. by which an Endowment rwmuu-aâ€"qmm ‘ Rewling Ro m, Rassell House. h R.C, W. MaoCO AIG, General Agent for Eastern Untario. \Uttawn, Uctobar 5, 1872 2002y Pans, Liquor J :u*k‘.“" mcï¬m Preserve Jars, Spittoons, Drain Stove Pipe Tubes, Cmouey Top: 124 rary se in Tt Aug 27, 1812 50, sPirks sT., O TAWA,. Dealers in Dry Goods, Read made Clothing, &e., &¢.. Wish to inform their numotous customers and the public generally that they haye reseived UMEARA & Co. the public lfl‘fl:; -_-!:v'.* stock of _ ‘IGN uF THE RED FALL & WINTER GOODS, petition. . We have no time in th onl wet grode t a high Wrice in onder to 1oâ€" duce them afterwards, wo soll cheap all the time. By tailing and examining our stock RSCACCECER 23 1 zud cheapest. stock of Readymade to be found in the city. All being purâ€" chased carly in the seasop enables us to offer great indecements. Our Readymade Clothing W will be found n.‘lo. in the articles ; Overconts, Pos Jackets, Back Coats, Conts, Boy‘s Oyercoats, h.lunh.“::h"ud Coats, also a large uddldu.'ml:h. Drawers, Underâ€" shirts, Whise.Dress &o., &o. We hare also on hand a lot of White and Grey Blankets, Shantr Horse Bisakets, o;.-:‘l-hltm will be sold ‘ o-lmwhnuld.u- jghd’m&dhfl'.‘.vh THRee URDY n uk irchasers will Arooavlseed of What we 1e7 that we have the Jct 19, 187 November 29, 1872. supervision of a Arst :. slass Onttor, gentiomen may rely on getting a good Giting garmeat. OUMEARA & CO, J. B. Grenier respectfully begs to inf wm XCHANGE HOTEL NOBLE CHARITY. JAMES PEAUCOCK Souaaly Oot. 36, 1608 MAIN STREEr, HOLL, P. Q. and the public at HAT #2 â€" _« SORE TRROAT, CUUGH, CULD, and similar m..umhrm result in serious Puimonary, Brouch{s!, and Asthmatic affections, oftentimes inourabls. IBOWK'BWTBOCBB are compornded so as to reach directly th seat of the ilasase and wivc almost instan The Troches are offeres with the fullest confidence in their efficacy ; they hare boet thoroughiy tested and maintain the goo reputation they have justly acquired Fo: Public Spoakers, Singers, Military Officers and those who ovartaz the voice, they ar« useful in relieving an Irritated Throat, and will tender articulation easy. Being an articl of true merit, and i aving proved their efficacy by atest ot many years, each year finds then in new locslities in various partsof the world and the Troches are universally provounced better than other articles. Obtain only «Brown‘s Bronchial Trochs, mnd do not take any of the Worth/ess Imitation: that may b~ offarad. t * roonss," so called, soid by the are & pour imitation and nothing like SRO WN + Sheridan‘s mm m BRONCHILAL TROCHES which are sold only in boxes with facâ€"simile of the proprieturs, JOHN L BROWN & SUN, en outside wrapper of â€"box, and private Gove ernment stamp attached to each box. This cars in puatting 1p the Troches is in portant as & security to the purchaser in ord to be sure ot obtaining the genaia« Srow : Bronghisl FProches. Two Quzst®s Easicx Arswexeno.â€"Why should men wear bu:dnu:eam tm are a great protection to throat lungs, and add much to their personal Why should we use * Byron‘s m&&-?†Because when used for coughs, colds, tickling in the throat, Ministers and Lawyers use them, physiâ€" (ule sponkine m thay o the Sory hn speakers say are medicine in existence for the mn':?mb Thh. Sold by all medicine dealers at 25 cents per box. Riout ax» Wroxe.â€"It is wrong to jest 'inyourwifo:‘pon a subject in which :::-m.« '“'“do‘,""“â€â€œâ€œâ€œâ€˜f'h t is wrong to speak of great virtues mcï¬n’;wdg. to remind your own t; but it 1s not wrong after tryi ï¬h“(h'udhnhinm"nde ing its wonderful effects, to recommend it to your neighbors for the cure of rheumaâ€" &n,mnlgs,mpo,aoue,h..itm no equal. For sale by Druggists and country dealers. Price 25 cts. per bottle. for from $50 to $75 more than they would pre m:nnhcqh; when want s horse cnw&-flum:fl Armabian Remedy." We know you will be perfectly satisfed with the result. Remember :r&u‘mï¬um:pmrm & on each pack R.9.‘ Neweastle, Ont., Jn'p"'mwmm" He 1 by aii medicine deaiers. @azar Coxprriox Mrorctxr.â€"As a «ondit medicine for horses "Darley‘s Condition Pow ders and Arabisn Heare Remedy®" has no equa‘ Its offects in this respectare astonishing ; many horses that were supposed to be broken dowr and almost worthless have, by the use of a fot: packages, been restored to h 1 THIRTY YRAaRR REXPERIENOE OF a8 OLD NUBSE o maes. Wirsu w‘s Scoruime Syuvr is the pre. seription of on» of the best Female Phyriciant and Nurses in the United States, and has beot used for thirty ysars. with never failing safesy and success by ot mothers a nd children, from th“mmdou week 1d to the. adult....Jt corrects acidity «f tht and surestâ€"remedy in the world, in all casee of Dysentery and Diatrhma in chilidren w:;mmmumm other cause. Full directions for using will sccompany each bottle. None genuine uniess the facâ€"stmile of CURTIS & PERKINS is n -l-\'z.l:-..bmlo. Office, 215 Fuito 1 Stroot, York, and 93 Oxford Street, Lox â€" don. â€" Be sure and call for MHS, WINSLOW‘3 s00THING SYRUP Having the fac simile {"Cartis & Pork in on the ontside wrapper® . All others ars | be imitation« Have you a severe wrench or sprain? H¢ you rhenmatism in any form _ Have you sh aeck, or bunches caused by rheumatic paius : {I so, Jonnson‘s Anodyne Liviment is a speoi fic remed; . and.is also the bost pain killet 1 the world the outside wrapper, Bold by all medicire _COCOâ€"GLYCERINE â€" Someâ€" thing new for the hair. ‘ No toilet table should ve with out COCOâ€"GLYCERQNE, 26 «at per bottle es : COC(RGI.YCERINE nourish the hair Metropolitaa Life Insurance 3 O M P A N Y, # Claiming advantages not hitherto oftered oviginwed wod published by W . P. STEWART, Actuary of the otmgo- litan, and Copyrighted by him in 1869. OFFICERS : ENTIPLED RESERV & ENDOWMEN1 Joseph F. Knapp, President; J. R Hegeman, Viceâ€"Pro. ident ; R. A. Granniss, The Reserve Endowment is in every essential j articular an origi..al endowment , but t whole life rates, is a paid up n n in bie to all conditions. sn T&Oo-tz-y h«s made the necessary anasl+r with tha QGnvarnmant of Canada zdtwh‘unummont of Canada, and is now prepared to take risks on their ï¬l‘ the Dominionâ€"THOS. A. & SUN, Gen. Supt. for Maritime Provinces. ul?r-lola,!l.& * F A MOURE & SIN, Gen Supt for Onâ€" tario and Quebec. Office, Toronto. 1 A mo-nl‘-":mt for Central s Onlart Bo: ANGUaJr,Apt for Ottawa and vicinity, Office, 38 Sparks Street. _ _ We have just received per Express, from a celebrated grower in Hn‘i’l,l:nt a large and choice assortment of the follo@ing : _ . »mach, relleves wind colic,, regulates tx --.h,m;'lv-n%mudoo-hni other and child. e believe it the Nest Hyacintbs, DUTCH BULB3, ï¬ "EW PLANS OF 1NSURANCE COCO GT.YUOERINE removes REsERVE DIVIDEND PLANS SPECIAL NOTICES. Ottawo, PRESENTED BY THE of New York, A. CBRINTIE & CU. Of Johuson‘s Anodyn« Tulips, A N D , and have been sold 1872 Gladioli, Crocus, OTTAWA THURSDAY. DECEMBER 19. 1872. 30104 t 8 oh. oE é mm.hwlrh fls * â€" W.EJ N, Ottawa, Sept. 18, 1872. ] io y R@yâ€"Parties at a distance can obtain list of rates information of routes by * dressing Agent, Bor 474, Post Office, Ottawa. WATERTOWI & OGDENSBURG RAILROAD. ll%‘. :: after MONDAY, November 25th, until further notice, passenger trains will run on this road as follows, (sundays excepted ) . . mutmlq-. e Leaves & wiare im n oi oate at Rome 1.25 p m, mnocnn:‘ ew York Central Express train all points East and West, arriving at Utica 2.CO p m, Albany 5 20 p m, New York 10.00 p m, Springiela 1.30 a Boston 6.00 a m, Syracuse 2.15 p m, kochutu 6'2 p.a Buftalo 9.00 a m, connecting at Suspension Bridge for all points West. 6 KEW YORK EXPRESS. o 1872 â€" 1873. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Oswego 9.15 p m, Rome 9.50 p m, moup-. Al&- 2 20 lï¬,;fl York'l.30.h.~m Wfli ï¬ï¬‚hm ton 11.00 a use 10 25 p m, ter 3.15 nm,hnnlomnn&up-dol Bridge 6 40 a m. Close connections made at Buffalo and Suspensionâ€" Bridge for all points Woek, / : ~ c :02 adlg. s iacs _ Sleeping Car attached to this train at Watertown and run through to New York:â€" RETURNIXG. Leave New York 6 00 p m. Albany 11 40 p m, arrive at Watertown 7.45 a m, (fifteen ‘n_inutlal-ll;r breakfast), arriving at Ogdensâ€" burg & Leave Nowm\('ork S(nun,Albln‘%l% pm, Rome 5.25 pm, arrive at Water town 8.45 p m, Ogdensburg 12.15 a m. Liave Osdamr_w burg 2 50 p m, arrive at Watertown .wz_I_l,(flflo_-p minutes for H.. T. FRAY, General ‘l‘i’&nt Agent The old reliable, quickest and bost route; the shortest line by Q miles from Ottawa THE 8T. LAwwBE&VCE> OTTAWA RAILWAY: ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIME. Sote Car Charge for berths, 5) cents. Bure connections with: all the Grand Trank trains buth East and Wust, as this Company‘s trains wait their arrival when late, Twonty minutes allowed at Prescott Jun« tion for refresbments. ‘Trains are ron 0B Montreal time, « TYOS REYNOLDS, & LUTTRELL Buporinteadont, Prâ€"scott, Ottawa, Sept 80, 1872. swa.ooWmesu.l. Enevssentestet o eren Eemceorie e ts Nov 26, 1872 he: l P::t:;t‘ with. n aND FROM TOESDAY, ist OCT., 1872, trains will run as followe : |12 50 noon tost line F:yug-nnmou to Brockvilie and all points 10 30 a m 10 00 p ..i"-'-"-'-"wfl 110 am 1:15 p m 410 p m Ottawa. 8 10 a m‘d T Exprâ€"ss for,13 156 p «e jall potute '-&'_ * To ull potuiy hank uoING NORTh. Goindg souTH of those lands being of Managing Dirsctor, Ottawa k&ud Trauk Mail from the from Wess Do do _ Maill 6:50 pm wom West Do do E 6:186 a n Grand Trunk tor the West., Do 40 Exrpress 9.20 am GQ T Exprese for accommodaticn |n-l a ; for Brockvilie, |l£l-(-lon and aill way |nl atbe as THROUGEH COU PON TICK ET3 GRAND â€" TRUNK All Points East and West on the \___ GRAND TRUNK RiILWAy. Oonnecting Cars on . No T and 8 J. W. MOAK, Superintendent. CANADA CENTRAL TIOKET â€" OFFICE Arrive in actk rescott 13 50 n 3:50 p m Construction of the Intercolonial Railway, hereby Public Notice that they are u‘o receive T-g:ubr'lh%‘: Ballasting on the following visions, viz:â€" e £ No, 1, on Sections 3, 6, 9 and 15,â€"a disâ€" tance of about 78 miles. No.: 2, on Sections 16, 10 and 2D, â€"adisâ€" Ko‘ K on Siclions P1 24 and 28, . from 0. 3, on y 4« mmmn» Moncton, a AHMMM in the Proâ€" viace of New Brunswick. 4 Specifications and forms of Tender can be obtained at the office of the Chief Kaâ€" gineer at Ottawa, and at the offices of the rpo SuNTRACTOR® INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY Castle and Moncton. Sealed Tenders marked "Tenders" and addressed to the Commissioners, will be received at their office in Ottawa, up to 12 o‘clock noon, on FRIDAY, the 31st of January, 1818 . ! Jo 5.325 1*) CONTEACTORS. The Commissioners appointed for the Pmnmuumm g"nuinr-hn for the erection of Passenger: and Refreshment Building, mder may beâ€"reen at the office of the Chist Rugter, Uvien®; and the Einginoors Campbeliton,. N. B., and for ) oo emumbam Puboick M Semmiin less number of these Buildings, and will en t ings," at the: %OM nrtou“mc. on AY, the 3ist January, m:. Wirkk: ED. B. CHANDLER, C.J.BBY&B;. A. W. MoL N, Ottawa, Deo. 4th, mz; 2134 4 z-“'?:.mtmu ml’?xf"&:? Rideau Nepean, containâ€" n.mo*l-.,m.-,dmlw are cleared, and in good‘ cultivation. A good Frame House (24 x 30,) lately erectâ€" VAhUAm FARM FOR SALE, Four Miles from Ottawa. St, Lawreuce & Ottawa Raliwa okgovxymhn-:t‘:gmnu Sitet mierearienntn le mbecuntien delivery of Goods will meet with at .'-u-p-y'-ouu, on Wellingtor A., J, TAYLOR, 5 ““Aâ€"'- P.%. ENTKkANGE BY SiDE poor mmdï¬n::g;m =mu-u stock. mporâ€" e ioh it Seon broght with musk cige and in the feficns Ham M hi ee mlmnit ctoone China W aprechouse Nepean, Sept 27, 1872. ue aaimimer n t M rolyrang < ger thy iir c g wieg bo nwmuu.n-amgflml ouamon s 19M * _‘ . Tok Ottaws May 11. 1874 INTERCOLONIAL RALLWAY. OW 18 TAX TIME TO CALL MeDONELL & MON@ENAIS may be for the whole, or any sppointed for the AMMOND, Jr Un the Preémises. Ir. | $955,000 200 400 Geld watches 275 Kewing Machines ... . 60 to 150 75 Elegant Pianos.......each 250 to 700 50 Melodeons . ... «© _ 50 to 200 Cash Gifts, Silver Ware, etc., valued at . ‘..... $1,500,000 A chance to draw auy of the: above m for 25 cents. Ticket d.afl:tfl rizes sre sealed in Envelopes and well mixed.: Oun receipt of 25 cents a Sealed TFicket is drawn without chice, and sent by mail to any address. The prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticketâ€" holder on payment of One Dollar. Prizes are immaediately sent to any address by ucunortuurnnuil. ou ‘will know what your prize is before Youimill know what your prize is before you pay for it. Any Prize exchanged for another of the same value. No blanks. Jur patrons can depend on fair dealing. Urimioxs or 14e Press:â€"Fair Dealing can be relied uponâ€"N.Y. Herald, Auz. 23. Algenuine distributionâ€"Worid, Sept. 9. Not one of the humbugs of the dayâ€" Weekly Tribwne, July 7. They give general satisfactionâ€"Staatsâ€"Zeitung, Aug. 5. Rersrgxcoss:â€"By kind permission we refer to the following :â€"Krankiin 8. Lane, Louisville, drew $13.000; Miss Battie Banker, Charleston, $9,000; Mrs. Louisa T. Blake, St. Paul, Piano, $700; Samuel V. Raymond, Boston, $5,500 ; &ro P. Brackett, Pittsburg, Watch, $300 ; Miss Parties intending to make application to Psrlh::l‘;l:ior 5rivgta Bills, oiu;;’ tor gran: ive privileges, or erâ€" na.':‘bporm powers for commercial or m ofpmm.orfor‘dvny- to aftect the rights of proâ€" m Other parties, are hereby notified ‘ Mmtymnd by the Sist and following Rules of the House of Commons (which are published in full in the Crnadea Gazelte), to TWO MONTHS NOTICE of the ap (clearly and distinctly ?odfyingiulntmuxi object), in the Cansada Gazette," and also in a newsâ€" PRlVA'l‘E BILLS AALVE BW | EPSEA PPRTCCG ln-ymw-nhu,ouqfl,m. One Casz Girr in every package of 150 tickets gnaramtced.. 5 tickets for $1.00 ; 11 for $2.00; 25 for $3.00 ; 50 for $5.00 ; 150 for $15.00. yc akle Agents wanted, to whom we offer liberal iflimhmdgm&uï¬cfaï¬u. iper published in the County or Union mmu- affected, such noï¬{)u»to have one or more sighatures attached. _ _ OKF NEW YORK, DAILY DHRAWINGS®!1!! A PRIZE FUREVERY TICKET. 1 Cash Gifé...... ........ ... . $100,000 6 Cash tGiits, each...... ..... â€" 50,000 1404 o [ (Dllll.l.l.. 25,000 10 prgaied within the jht tree weake of the Seesion. t Chf Clk. Commitiess and Privaie Bills, YÂ¥ _â€"___ H. of Commons. â€" |_ wNCaSsH GIFTS! _ . , To BE DISTRIBUTED BY THE Mercantite Prize (Association Locks, Weirs and other works, on the new portion of . the Welland Cinal, between and Port Dilhousie, will not be ready for inspection before FRIDAY, the Department of Public W AGB!TS WANTED. $150 per month. To sell the TINKER, the most useful Household article ever invented. Address H. K. Aupzzsox, P. 0. Box 360, Montreal, H. Meadows & Co Emm BEDSTEADS !! ! BEG TO ANNOUNCE Having! yust received another lot of the Direct from England, all sizes, si and double. mï¬omhbï¬o[n.:zuou or private fumilies solicited. Also, For Coal or Wood. Public and private buildings heated in the most modern and improved ‘method, and satisiaction guarâ€" nh-flg been applied. STOV K8 of all kinds as usual Patent Wrought Tron Bedsteads, HQOT AlBR FURNACES! (:‘o:{.smvt.tbu-d most econo~ y heating Stove its the market. _ Uall norees : l.nm'uo-& Corner of Sussex and teorge Ottawas, Nov 16, 1872. All dsbts dué the estate of P, R. VALI QUETTE & CU., are requ«sted to be paid without delay, to P. H. CHABOT, { Me:chant, Sussex Street. Ottawa, Nov 23, 1872 B03 receive them at her house, between 2 and 6 o‘cleck pm. Terms made known on A il of hl“d!dh, the icationt Residence Joyce‘s Sandy Hill, ihhont Strew e fouk 0 " to give lessons in Vocalization. She will NOEL & CHARLLIKR, 17,.and 19 Broadway, New York Nov. 30, 1876. > 30: Welland Canal Enlsrgement, Ottawa, Dec. 3, 1872 _ 2133â€"9â€"law MORNING STAR Des 9, 1872. Notice to Coutractors. «OUGHS AND CULD3 UNIONS, LASTINGS AND SERGES, Anpaxss OTICE. WW.@ LGNHLâ€"ILuoiGi DENWHOLM, ENCLAND. By order, W&/\HF F. BRAUN Fecretary. * 100 $75 to 300 60 to 150 51 Imw 3020 4 2134 2 The undersigned has received instruc tions to offer for sale by Public Auction at the OTTFAWA HUTEL, in the ‘Town of PEMBROKE, on FRIDAY, the 20th day of December next, at the hour of T‘welve U‘Cleck noon, the following lands in one Block, viz:â€" Lot 3 in 3 Con. Pembroke 172 acres © / 4 in 3 6+ 4T * Water Privileges and Lands, Lot B. (Peninsula) Beckwith Island adjaâ€" cent to Lot No. 6 in 4th Con. Pembroke Containing about 916 acres These lands hrn.;rcn_h lying beâ€" tween the Upper Lower Allumette Lakes and aftord exocllent mill sites. There is a good mill site ftormed by the stream between Lot 6 in 4th and the Island adjacent thereto, where a saw mill ence stood. % The deepening of the natural channel on Lot 4 in the 3rd Con. between the Lakes would give extensive additional mill sites and a supply of water practiâ€" caliy unliiaited. I he Bay above this called Hazely‘s pay affords the best meens of keeping saw logs on the Ottawa River. Also there will be offered for sale at the saroe time ard place, Lot No. 4 in the »nd Con. 200 sores. A good hardwood Lot, (reserving a righto(n&:)dfou in width from the present tra road, passing through the Lot to Lot 4 in 3rd, and situate where th'lcohinpm'ht:.nd. is tale properties w offered -pjootwn_r-‘unxl&i‘. mates $ 1 . _ Terms.â€"A deposit of $250 at time of sale, a further sum so as to amount with the depost to }, to be paid in one month when the deed will be given, sue balance in two yearly instalments with interest secured by mortgage. _ ° 5 For further particulars apply to C. Gamble, Eeq., Toronto ; J. H. Morrie, Keq., ‘Toronto; Mr. W. . Raverhurst, Solici tor ; or 10 e .. sc __ HUN. A. MURRIS AND OTHERS, Luction: at CYON‘S: HOTEL: Amprion, on A at t on THURSDAY, the 19th day of December next, at the hour of Tweive o‘clock, noon, the underâ€"mentioned lands, situated near the mouth of the Mississippi River, in the Township of Fitsroy, containing over Two Thousand Acres, vis :.â€" N E part of Lot 25, in 5th Con. 100 acres N W do do _ in _ do 15 Broken Lots 2%% & 27 m _ do 28 NE } 23 in 6th Con. 109 * 8W 4. HZin do _ do llz M in do _ do 8W i in do _ do N. E. parts 26 & 27 in K. W. do % & 27 in i Blr' :tutiu,o“:l; Ottawa River on and 7th CoRs... . »»»» »»»« . »»« 60 * Nlt 23 in {th Con. 100 & W 23 in 8th Con. do Broken Lots 25 & 2 in . do _ 121 The above lots, with the exception of two of them, are at present unoccupied. There is a small water power on the 8. W. { 23, in 8th Con., through which the South Branch of the Mis«issippi runs. pia and E::um ie par e & an water can io vepmangaehs The Lots will bonddunlhly, , and put up subject to a reserved Terms of Saleâ€"A mit of 10 cent. at the sale; (hd-; the deposits) to bflhm“ zhhanï¬h&d two years with interest. . â€" .. _ _ The subscriber has been instructed to nlluhnouéskucumul-- dq,l‘l'n-bu. rd inst., the following 7 qr. dasks Saperior Martelio‘s Brandy. 7q'do Bï¬ do 11000 Cigire, bost prundat .. ~ !Qy-?ï¬yfl-fl.h _ For further particulars to Mr. W. H. Radenhurst, mï¬mn; Hamilton, Pailmer‘s . Island, ~or to the TRADE SALE OF GRUCERIEY, WINES 4 LIQUORS &c, eitiee Tith i Page qBE ‘f ather & yognttee w s Frgs: quantity T-JH-.â€"U“&M,.‘.M that amount 3 months eredit, on farnishing "lele fmkes place at 2 o ciock. : * AMOS ROWE, rro utmxlirï¬â€™smornm OJn Sunday, on Sussex Street, a RACOON The finder will be rewarded by n-ï¬ it to J. B:Gerard comer of Church diately adjacent to Lot 6 in 4th..... .. 1 for with Chronic W tions, as it combines everything necessary to periect dru. Nutrition, and the formation of Healthy Blood, and to vital ize the organs and tissues of the body. Sold «t $1.00 per bottle. Ottawa, 21st Nov., 1872 Under instructions recgived from the BELONGING TO HON. A. MURRIS AND OTHERS. Ottawa, 12th Des., 1872. _ ... AMOS ROWE, Auctionser. Ottawa, Nov, 21. 1872. 30 31 50 bf. chests Twankay To« X. *A INX XD E3 . Ottarm, Dee 11, 1872. UCTION SaiLe UCTIONX SALE BY A. F YOU HAVE BEES AN INVALID A RARE OPPORTUNITY . FOR BARGAINS! % OsT â€"yply at this office. AMOS ROWE, AUCTIONEEE. Auctioncer. 3031 157 81 {) PRICEâ€"3 CEN : ~ collected from the rehearsal of one but, at the sam« time, they are by ® put together, so the â€"«u* «yeous misreadâ€" ings and mistake« .« (i.e «otors of ‘Puft‘s‘ itragedy‘ are too nw..: rous to have been means withou ample precedent within the memory 0i .nyonevboh:“ been present at the rehearsals plays. and witnessed the unfortunate unrehearsed effects of ‘first nights.‘ . Even the ewallowâ€" ing the moustache by ‘Whiskerandos,‘ which bas so often been denounced as w y happened on night of Leigh a-:':%o.t’u Legend of Pracipel Staier in 10 moar wbe me Sbuged" to ‘leare the siage fore some to some with his part. . A of Miss Joanns Baillie on the subject of ‘Mary, Queen â€"of au,'muu-l,uw‘hhpiddh representation, by another unreâ€" hearsed effect. Miss Macaulay, as ‘Mary,‘ in one _ of ber most _ affecting scenes, sought hber lace bandketr« chief to stem ber tears, (your white hand» kerchief here, . you please, ma‘am !") but having no pockets in‘her black velvet dress, the handkerchief had been placed ’inwtnt,lbum., is called the "pooket hoh."inhervn'lawwï¬dhq effect, anud the roars of the audience, who quite mistook the meaning of so eqvivocal and unqueenly an action. Can passed ber hand up and down several times behind her back with most ladicrous ~iilburnia‘ go beyond this ?â€" But it mumm‘;.mlm% cedents. 1 can only safely assert there is not one "gag‘" introduced that 1 cannot,. from my own 6X ï¬mmmmnh.u-‘v.- Charles Mathews. Armt&ornlnworkfv-tb result of the author‘s analysis some of the mést widely known patent medicines of the present time. 1t appears that the famous Morrison‘s pills, 24 grains oo*"t/dnhqmoflu-rd cyntir?; another kind of this pill the same ingredients, besides Holloway'opil: about equally are composed aloe, myrrh and r Brandreth‘s pills showed resin of * pbyllum, thickened juice of poke saffron, cloves und oul of ; epermint, _ The Pars papers tell of a duel on piano, between two musicisns. played for fortyâ€"cight hours without fos or drink. Having commenced with of a sedute character, they passed on Ir'lwm' -‘:l.u.hqg the st h-nkb!h:.-m ?r ‘ s being despaired of, and 3 four seconds are suflering from mental aberration. a A placard attached to a milliner‘s «hop, i-omammhu-:.u. a a Germ«n town, and the shutters of were closed, created no small lntely. unnosu-mm-'m l ness will be closed to: winter count of the owner‘s marringe." . a Une had played the Miserere in * d mrape, inkine the moser Snd A Western paper itemuzes 4 ‘f‘ln._.lch-h_".d‘m% public, that his annual sale of Books conâ€" signed to him by the well known * lisher, Mr. EKDWARD LUMLE*Y , | m'itlmu&A“' Street, on . SBATURDAY Evening, December l4th, 1872, and will be continuâ€" d-“‘mflm Catalogues of Books can on | ‘-;gh-h_“flh-ï¬.u: Bnlzdd,m 00 to $16.00 per Do green, $10 * â€" h-h-l::giiz :‘ Froceâ€"Retail prices. t Double extra, $6.7¢ to 7.00 per bas Brtra, $1 0 to $1.2> _ do § No. 1, .15 to 100 ao P Oatmeal, $5.25 do 7 Cornmenl, $3.25 to $.50 do : w-ï¬'ï¬ï¬‚h‘lfl rm.lr‘l.nn l.‘h Grnam. a puckwheat, 55 to 60sts per buskel fnurk | oR lt . # mhnh-unouucu Te Ib. Dryouhrw'z;-l. bores Mp0e t yer ie .-m‘u;-ï¬. ‘l'b‘l:-tpu-â€" follows are as No. 1, Sole, Zi6 to e !o.kb 2c to 25e ':-" uwncu:m_u Mu Te to 26 per Fowis, wnNr-* |urieys, $1.00 to 1.25 each,. P U d e Percouple !-ï¬e-_fl!!r-: P Parsnips 50c. do. s omian B M&u.:’ .x.xsuu..‘ s l Boois bushel. 3 mn-[.‘llflb..u. £4 is maonaidepe m Home made sockn 4 pi Wool 60 ct«. h‘hn: i miauta®ars | z.‘....“"":... $9 u) 16. i ORK : PDressed Hogs, $5.50, to $6 % Mess Pork, $16. s Kggs 30 to 35 per dozsen. Butter 14 'Ll_n_! per ib. Carrots 40e to 45¢. Prime --:fl:n.m Ottawe, Dec 11, 1872. 2136 Hides, No. 1, 9}c perib. _ â€" Cod oil 38 16 60 ols per gxtloc Fall wheat, $1.30 to $1.40 Spring wheat, $1.20 to 1.30 s Terms cash, UCTION SALE OF BOOK®. UTTAW A KARKETS, MISCELLAN EOUS m. * "aue. vho plaged the i) is io proseed i Miss J-'v >A Q-dg o grie!l at its another unre» ,. w.-«-y."’.{ st _ aftecting _ 4s