'm-plumuur Monmsmrm "tttt WORLD. Tho tt Tu. and Put “anâ€. um l'nblond Inn-n Im- loam . t..ttoricasautms FGTiipaiaTG or kGiiiiiiCiii Mom or had Map-ad when. Pro 1"t't,"JtTtnvg1t1"L'lhttt',t . v- Son s"fh"ga,r,,"c' httt2tlNrg w. A.BKI‘CBIUUI'8 why-11ml. “any, 154mm 130' York. - A The “In. the sent I", *hqrirrmt In Din- van-I I: b m- . and a. â€when. new. ll 1etnut, locum-g pull- a Mush-pm In yin. law-- A†was, â€at nwh‘lhmum M a: than at“ Oran-ctr whim In. Icahn-o Links In ntl pm- 0. the country In: mm “who. and “I (or In,“ a. to up Indian-l muo- I l" . Ty 'aqqr$tam l‘nln I’d-non: In" “no “at...“ um. All â€Ma-M - u. thy-kin. â€do: and In In.“ In by", an! I. It“! it Mue a.“ lab. It. rn. . only t-uty-Iv.' out. p: We. NUBTHIUP l LYIAI.’ and a. on". by u . 'ttx,,urthr, Ju-ph run-ct, John Bob-nu. J t' mutant... uoo Morn-or. and II .ouG. “on Smell-ml. o V ulna. a. Idle-d Wuh- 4 6,". - magnum“ r'. . . "lo-lulu r. Inna-gr». L .' m u I“ In“ ' undid.†B"""u"'t' HAIR DYE. "an...“ ulna-p, in. my, 000mm as which“, very #3:... In: nun. no a"... l “Qua: *or gun. um and. J0!!! 0530119, CHEIIBT, . . . mun. tre uni-(arm... J m. “a on, on It. .- - pm ion " the " vaeuuVr.ran' 'ITS.' 7 --- kind“ has. on th " pan-1 "' Iteue EWWL - 1;llltl/liiil Han-hulbulonl bull-bra. ’n on. I. Ila-do a all Ibo pnuwdo‘llllm in In: "Mtntttet, by II ir. Inc-nu. (“Inl- m h'etft, â€winte- bait Jun ' tBU. § rum- "roy "at (o Ill N-tunl Colon " - that â€My, -- - Pin-lad by t tho mid. t Usual" 1.3%., (not. up“. ' GI. . I 00:01 f tltWdth I... i ' w . r um Nun-I'- livunlu gun... dumb! tro llityn- Flown. Iu-or- Toll-n Fin u, alum-ml lot a. will in] Inn-t] lt - ___ wumwun itoht' 614113:ng Emmy-tony“ . Eamon-gum“. Addre- 1ttMtgt9t' mm WIRE 00., 16 In, and Want», Tatum. Unt- m-WJ 872. , Peee, t \USTOIS BREE _- FL ---.- do. to. , " cumin WI burnout Hun-hum mirth-(1| a use an â€In“ I. tell um -_eo-t-btn-ot- te.trt.'teteSeete'ett1e?e an Inn'- nigh â€claw.“ ,.-th.dtmeugt. "MM-t‘ magnum ' “llmmw until-m Op.- I wuunummwm U out; at Dec, ttWA Antioch-d di n Anni†In voic- until Lfllr.1ki1'lc. n par out. In human: am, - an Mime», tttdt" Tr. Opt-l tita up. “you“: 1mm“, - _(b-_pl_uau, Buns, nun-u, my!“ '01]th luv-mmm-pdlucb my..." on." -t.d 'ritt an to-After- huh-Ital haw-(mu Una-1W MINI-r...“ nyolmcou. nab-u Mullenâ€. may“ nuns-bungmw’. 'dl, M, 1)14, 8optl1yptt.tyl Jiom PKHINI â€II. - If unit-loud Idiom. tue, mum n W's runny“. an" mum": It. and. nu “h- as“! “Tu - "thi. "tun. nus- .. «and... m 2'tit'rg1et,'tt. M VI on. - W. " /,'t,tt'il,2iFtS'iei'a? “I u Wm. "' t, t -'srtt" tummy!“ in "Maul-d ugh ll.“ wan-I Mybqouuuandnuod- any. â€Muc- h“. no" to out nmyuuqmn- In, announ- u3u " â€no". not but“ a nun-:- t,ig.ttiPp, uducd_ Mm a 50. to m- y.“ pug-um»; no“ " run. 1 Hal d MW _ I Tho III-c at an um- '.1t(iitiitiii'iitii'iiii'ii',; m... VI"! " - a fh"d “In. Id M DI“ I. rt. - ttMB. _ AI a. M an My.“ and b nun that tff.1rM'l."atttfrh'tttet. Mama’s Jltttal Remedies are nu _tt, M“ Ind mqgtbt. At-ttutr and JIM a all no“ nun- rm cum]: all In lam III-0P- vuu. Managua other oald Mon A “ht-Idiom loony iiei,'itlS WILLA. ........ uvxuuu'nsu Tux sums rum; rm numb or.: luv mm. " IRVI'UKIS “0838'st mm In (mow (may Jung, 725,581: 187% 116w ALL â€rum. (HOS. MORSON t SON .‘IBKLHHHID AND 1. 1.. Is“ \AIADI'AIIAII nut-ova: , "a sum came; PRBPUti GAIN, To rm Mirth“. mun; "r :IDUJNU TBS SKIN Solo '"nunntarorhod Propnotor KAviNtt IT 38M," “FULLY “I. Wort: -Moe-g um] um mum. mu Au mum. GINCALESE ll)“ 'gANurACrtnuuttt it. would. PER io Apat- â€on when usual; on: m Iona-(nod nrol Culin- I05 - r"-v* .__. -- - - 1.39001“ nun-um. bot-m Iho not! - up Ida-l Nora-mu. man tt tiiEri'é' “a as m mutual .V tMPs ' IINIOOMIIIIIN at...“ asap“ comm . E Mr“ “an ttheh IN 1 1,'tttl ".ey22,el"il s I“. curl-Col, tiny and "no" t our nun-darl. Ind Ibo were!" um! tteautrty a. 3mm Lw urn». ‘K _ --.-- -_-_ Jr V - ArgtujiitaUt.rti.teEeEy1titioh mini: s’fo F.F'iii:rim n w, in! In a. night “no Mandy than!†In clothe. cl and ruin. tnthr but» â€who. mil“. [mum dune-hon: phydchulntboOounty 1'd'g2:eeg1ltAtg't,'gg,gPgt.t not!“ ,biat,ttitremstttrmrf pt- Iummm “no. “In: Inn-d .Munmommm. Doubt-bum. “(than and who. It In. ab.emt"iidib-tto (all “th Ltehtleettpy"1U2theei1et AntMq _ to I] MI, I In: “I'll-It‘ll“ curl had burnt a.†I, "2m and bare, but: I. â€or Dom “hi.“ Cl! an... If.“ heal-purity of t ~Blood, W“. Bug. ot (hmumptbu. In with an Atrmttie- lo: “9'?! ready t PM, Fm“ fid- tpt 0mm "bdi, out ï¬nd new“. the Twin, an 61-! Doug"!!- Fund Ohm-kn "a. my unpack“. nut-slum Dt-tnov-ttte. Dino} Hand; In bar.,elint an tt u- “Hitch ... 25 on be no " WM. J c ennui-u, Bsq-Thu In to can“, an - am- you: Mo I he... We.“ with much, thick hated About night.- .olthn. In.) Amend toe mun» M that it m very ditBcuit foe no to B-ro-tUA-th,"". . Joan-5.:umuu. J,tht,NQ Int-1m : WW..- M- fume“! [In-haw. In.“ In In... mm ttrb_,-trrotthsh" could-I tau-ham! rem-w. ttl (but 'at1'/leT,l.e'ltrt At tha We! two by: In syn-pm "I inside-{I’m an. mammal-m 'trmphdirtutbrthsqti-hitt-t. mum's-mumâ€. Brthqmmtt- no.9 tt your? at "sport-31y“ by“, ___ - - - . WONDERFULCURI op LUNG I)“ .Yu-iypuuhMumu-u:u thet-ado-tA' I' l, - . _ ' HAM-Ant} V for iialara. Fitiaui' _ iarei. , lj'ies,i,i'j,i,tei' m" ""23 tye,T2','lut I] " in» 'O- W b (iiiii,"ii.1F - unwound tho - HM I†O I.“ l the. h upl- HAD!“ 5U. nub." "rtot" on Allllh Lu. “1m. In. .5†In um, an tbc mu: by was " tt.a.'sgtb' on M, mm: “In... yum “thou-sonata..." ANCIIMI.‘ um~ . .... ' F ‘ucmuMsulu. with“. mum-unnumm H A114 " -tt-tg-atg- I-m mm d a. an... 1-:- loam, IN,'t'fg urn; Joule-m a up that a 'ttrAqnqtq Add“ W I- mm t?te ,tfiier!lue ii! $95M 0- I . . Illia; a which I. will union, "iiit an. "ttu.' o! Ind My But, Popryltnn, haunt, M nun-(wood, Melton, Hymns, Canyon-d hunt at (Macy-h, J-up,Soco. ttt mom\u..¢co me- an: n moon-pedun- out. (ac-NM mu- do..." out. Ind no Istanbul, ell-Med Ind cut-pom that It in un- the - anâ€. and" In the known wuld, Ind who") htmnth,qdon In a at, M7 at.“ â€not. a. 'ttab. urwhu muslin-I my to. orofho. long “in. “will In] the spot Ind-Ionian "riiGNiViirGriu'i"i In which you a. Ma whet Mulch an full m. T“ u plum and at. in an. at In mid, m my positively be u- nun-unno- If“: an “In “M no. Ne We†, ym acid-h 9- - - 7 - anon M an tttttm. IL uloty Ind nlioffot tiesrt nt I MI I lhnl - . ilieiirl?itii?.', 2t"2 on" “I... a. - n "oot evatod ',u1"d,i";,A= cool. el'l'a/,t. 2',d'pd'tf, lumber. in“ not on“ Luod In hang. a to the fun. Nun-l. 'ttte “I co.- Bulb not but m- hon. - taheuht--. 1,M7 (Mn-£50.. PM... All ral Inn-1'1. NJ. no“ u all - a: c I. Tho not half of hot 13, 4:1 Locos-ion oun- Front, with tiity curd. oi wk nature]: wood,'.’5 coni- of unlocki- UM; duo. gtoctr ml implolnonll. 76m. mug. Apply to to 'rdiu Inn-i “of. Non: In W WNW!“ tTktoerlr' new. Mteqd.d the -cthm a r- “mm W ll Y? Paul 1i 11 the .0131 Tidings has". Maud» M-... JAMhALL a tiiiEEEriie.tuu-aEirEEEEar1 - In- In luv loan (M I, 1872 Mo Guam Bronchitis FA“ Nu Mimi. PREPARFtvANLr B I Hummus. iudle,r,1d,.',",'l1,o, M, M MN ft8yylf, "" " I it“. than Fuel. bun-cl " My «an and tom but. lunar. um but In.“ an â€and Ilirlit1ro'lru7d"; in “In It! Id “new“, In“ ad yumuuu Mum-Ibo _ 0‘0- ‘bum Luna I an. A In. amp . In. pun-.- A not Tttet ' NM Guilt-Ow a.“ "rep, t Gatii I. lull. pu- vuu “I. “cu-nun». 0t "star, gun-Ln. bum . Mud-A w- ant. uncut; .u at... “how , an...“ -e' don: "no!“ J =trlu'tttaN, U.t-at.ititop.i-- to nau- luh nu u. a... luvll we“. Aha mum-4 yu- wmm trun- in“ has at ha " unt: not out“ w ||~|uu but but. - _ may“. loom Pun. lo! unin- ld and â€up was. In “It...“ unyunul . nu-.n..| "an.“ an. |.uuu. IMHO-O m to“. (“but but. - I... an m cl Iva-w. udunn rum-u to an _ “wit In In: boo-VJnek-onl'ii out - Y. 0.3301" BMBrtotml In†“that luau â€COMM yup-nu no. I w nun-M by "r.'d't:tl'c tt I not... In. which... an in“). on: a. mu up: like nun-nu. “Wynn-cu a. 0"\:u Pneotmmt, tumour." in nu_nd one II' It U§SE_S.:- 1'arnty?rt, J I WILLINOTOH,J r 13 IchAREN, Nile-m tueeet, mun but: DIMNHN, In". In the pan-o... JOHN SILVIB Sahib“ u Ch an m... wan-u. I... "wanna: ii, ft), A; b; neutron-5 Nutty be 0W 'f,t,'f bo pull)“. nit a. mall?“ L' . m up“! l “an“ i. m . . In". "In“. It'll" I'd-ruin in: U’MEARA & OMB. Dairts' in Dry lldodis, made Clothing, &c., lama-1h Ptiar lGnnd (hath-i“ lanai (huhPriu. lCuh Pri10..... Wi-h to inform their Inmarnun rune-on uld the public run", tttat In, h". received soon-plus â€ml qt ' , _ FALL & M' mm: 00023; cumming of Trnvurinp, Yum-p. l- irsrs, the I lug. liq-ply of Inn". rum. Davin“ tutsetiatt helloâ€. in. Tin-h. Seoul. [ugh-h Ind Gun-din. and nplndnl More of “only-uh Cluthll‘. all of which liu be wld cho- for cut. '0 do not. It“. Lull 2'/i'J2 Ind r only“; but In “a - in. ot . 'v‘ I... “an. If 'f.u't'mtti2T in u 'AN/e.", puma. W. in. I“ M time in you to ull our rod.- att " prieo in - n- duu than aftoroardr. Io loll than, " II. “no. a, failing .and "nailing a! I†boron lmrchuin‘ alto-hero. pinch-nu bttt henna-oi or that I. ny an I. have the lug." nil chap": "out of lamina-do Clam-g to be found in tho city. All being pur- l summon» sump m- 8Ail f _ "BAPARPLLA‘J ' I: a. m than Md'of"h man-gr: tiiiriiiiiii?'Y to thng to “guilty "ata. . By Illch auburn. been. cm. 'en II at Gianna-pug ho dawned " out {an t,'.'/Ei, ta'e.nrgtiTieeurtMttrgrii 2aet, but in . - Petit.' t', tho " V Jlt'gttmt.'"a Sign ',iiijiit, tit; {on jei'lhttfW"t,'ait ammo-B" _ _ _ ‘RN huh“! W the-Nil ",'2,"tauttt'2i,'h1ilttt.tr.ttft frae.tttt'.'re, guano-oak set trqoqdkaeNltiea, nude-Ibo mu: Lu: = cubic-14 . " W. SIXONS‘CO» '.M_-Rr96ahioMi1de _ _ nmwmw‘hw Palem Dredge Plant, ENGINEERS, 1r'fhirlltliif1ill't', ' 003- ---.d 3.09.- f3liti, L “.4- " Gonorll Unmet, Omaha, Nob. November 29, 1872. 3038 _ ______,__.,.__._ ._ ------_- 331mm: “0qu we, “madam new Toni. no Suing Fund Arumco. ill“ lamina! by the nluimguun; W W. b! 'tSNt8ttt." Potter in ruled a o t 00. (Mice, {bunny Regalia-ell Home. a. ,Atmtye.-h-iedlitrdgtiist chum] only in the - oublu In to blot you indictment... Ihre B-tra.-" .aothh. Dayan-on In! In [out 'ire." in tho loll-ch; Illicln: Overcast... a halo“, "" can. bhdolil; Cod-I. jar. Onto-nu. In tuba. “a I'M Coon. Moo ttT. umk of Pulls. You, Shun. â€Dr-won, mid rt "irta, While Dun shirts. to ' to. We have glue on It“. In lot of White nd (in, Bunion. lint! frdl"dd, Bun. Ill-aha. Cotton In»! “In Be, I {which will be sold "ypee on} in . on Wit". t L lav u. "ti ttdggtttl"iTttgtttetat,thttt taeoaylAhy-t.iBey.te" g, new!!!†rn.tte meh: and. l Grad Cull Prim "re Wm“: trt 1htt"ttltisthin, nm,,¢. . a, r,'.1k'elsel, !.lt,Siiitot.tliti,i, ii'iiiiiiii! or ,nt.deMritpii' him, . ot P,,,1,'t “05“.th firtg'N, but. wan. “an a. MOE.- 12lf.',' /"it'.tf.'rgtdg"a" tfp"" , AFiix'ar.' “'1’“, Mb ".,ti',htt.td'i,t'dM',tt= atadthfUPedt'.st'-r.. r' .u. ...V V,. rAFiI‘Ib?“ _..‘-vr" r-', 'OMA lfh" _ TOrff, KY 4 on 'pat)ti')8 51...... 3.011) 2 0-5 Pris-o, 0U " uu.. 2,wu Fur huh“ of Prim and for Circular. This up! Enterprise is endorsed by the highs“ mums, in an Sun, and but bulim- men. The [mind number of hotel: on hand will be farm-M those who Rt.' timt. All [aria-will ho paid in l. Agni: mud. Fad " mull- may... _ a'; new}. ,iej,5dijii:k, LGU; Colin plot. In sll In which“. n being “Jot tho nuporv'u'lon of . It“ also. Cutter. pull...- uy "I, on getting I good can; gaunt. (he am will awn-U run-t aueri: ority in mp0“ or â€new.†all move: my aha-fun proper- F It will In" a. . ma . tsl,ir'i,':'e!ie tt.,rduu't2)l,rp,'lu't1 l Mt “m paeoqqmmd. an?“ at algl'apg- _ macs to are. airi.ih LB. Til. . It in par "xteiuoeqt tber ', , - - Best Paste Bin-Mun the World; Whole-uh of C. Tuba“ CO., on“... on“... an»~ 18, .1811 an“ in I t At I ti . d LMLhuyunm honing with} Mic all-tui- to be; mod i" the 'it'iiiiiiiii'iiii'iiii V 1'.ulM1'fiflu, Wham. A t,.'li1,'glidtii'ttl :9" It in can mind] toe mu hum-MOON Wyn" a»... '?.1Po.t81hfto_ Aitrm.etae,. Nia- gang'- "high... In linpuro otato HG. am “SPOKEN m wan- In an». in" 'ste, ',tii?i,i',i'k'ii9'i, _ magnum“ C1WPo M) a e 95 t1eey"uLi","t"oois,i,iu+u'r To be drum in public, use. limb, 18T2, " hell .1 Earl ortlix for " Ticket; out by 3x165: C. "..D , it dt. and}, an. dad: an: s'rltlli.i,tii2t. f. (M Aug. J. _18" .. ti1ahtr. DAY ir -fffj'tft"fili'ti I' In tli a l -- mun-wanna on l tur a l/ll. GALVANIC i,'iii,irc,thvs, Ao, SPARKS 51.. 1t1'11_ was f'" CPP" mun ls mourn]: , KIRMII STAIN Hill’lll" ASYLUM. oeatet,fotgyiM't, WWW- . . Lia2uicrcg male L W". Edna-m on. M. Ian likh‘N‘b _’astc Bkacking. 0W, way; Mo gm NW3 CHAN " To Hot - qyrin f7l!etie Yttsq.................. PM â€Alpaca .... hug-tug 6...... Pmâ€. 01.‘ .ou,, NAVAL Ahttr3ttgrMty WIN“ A 4lu., -, POM», -.) !rtil,l?ii,jr!,i',iiift'. ".11 11 gin-1d _ 'h'ruhfl'tsMr'a't T,." Whig“)... a . -t.tShtos du. u. 'ti?iil'i'i'iSiit':'is â€an“ Oct, Pm ma} $5,000 my 15,000 mum 5,011) 4.000 Tho-o hlghly improved Invade“ - no. we", perfectly "nt-ap-tttes, and - tau-My sale-clam II I mild communal form on short or “plea-u! con-(lo- being ox- peMtmmtrt, whereby " bacon“ “no fountain ttd mm “d vigour, Wily nothing “on!“ pull», mun-ting - 1% -ivi.tr the “ml-h lunch-_ of We. _ Input!†"new. - not! vitality to oonnltutlou onlooblcd ty 'rut-e all... lamina-and than dokllrbll tN3-q8ttmo" no that “may dupe-ad with. The daily luau-II; Int-bu of cum M by P.U1/r?t"N'rt2Btt't5 IIDIOO-OALVAN. 10 “was o “and vared,ttmt" t hilly plat all; lingual Mug -hryo of. “hit-l randy. - oieatiui. kid- on and his , I I‘lumpnl I“ no. Itch, NI" og lam†. ' 1-. m.--_r- It In. an Ian-um PM man no Jtg'dttttYtdthtp4tl,l','ttt Au win. - '-qr .w, ..4 =%'a't's'.tt,tlt, (',,1'ledl',e'J. ugh am Te Pot am. My; New“. Now-I: I:- 'tether Ind, 6090.! 13"“ . nu New Mini-ugh: but: r?it'i'tii'!iti"e?ii, It; I.L(1~H'a I... F “in! Ar“. hub-s m. a. h 00. tpr,3rrrff"l"fftt%? Mill"! .. . . .. . t. " N.h.-Th.tottowt teatuton hum an " W9". ttatt trrmt p all. inro- .m. out. It‘ll-h :o‘dlul faculty, u. has EWWDW moon-6r. h, i, w., received . F M EU. EL W SELL. " We, the under-tuned, In" much plug “an In unifying that II. J. L. Pawn-Ho his army Mend: and patrons " " month recon: Improvement“ huVolt-lo thomugh practical Damon-r, well versed “mun. um ugly-pic Applhnoa ,.'t'/e all the mort diaeult branch. of the I I“ Pups-u. “ml-pom to business . Jt1'd,1tfatt,t'S1t', t,J'rttfi wa...' ' .-. . J ';rgiPatahtrtiltoir. I . 30U0 . “0-.th to ("an the 'h1"lUdu'rl I _etyy "1lt, I/l". _ _ _ 33?: H In! lg! 'teftirprogrtibi, _ " I DIKSF-RA'I‘E HANNA} F'i)R-h'ALP, itifttt ' 35-37171“ by»: 25, "iiiiii ",iil)!itiitllli?,,fiti,l,if,iiie.' I 'i',(tls'jt!i':,i'iiiiii"ii2'iiiet has m was“ to (In good can clear, when to "I" lull-null of an sch-(lb and and" 'me., to which the ittTmttttb In denied . Illa-Nun of study and labour, at u and.“ My“ ot “at you bum ot mound, the Into mm memen- Inuit. Punt. ' runeaoul Mon; to..300lo tk .. A eon-pm. Bet a counmxn * â€be, . CHAIN BAIT 7.; so; ' " to Ar. The pa lo In My amino-ad to m of Pin-do BUtrtNt Bette tgttmrtitt by gill _ to, for Improper puma. warmly “(and by We. Ohm!- 1or1rAlhrittq on}. Paint-sch: u an. a papilotmtllnllg Mil pun-lulu, to had at the Drug Mo! Loom», spun t8mee.. l" . T _...' - LjUtdlMtfiigii,tput, «I t . mmm-..., no tl-ttFt, Manon, w te punk-Wynn»- an Hole 'lor..-; oo_"Yatra. on". mun-94.1!“ I“. In dI.LAVIOII. (M) ' " “ll-I'M“ cont-Inna no. Hum " B. no 'dfgrttf,,,t don b the it, nun-ll , signed In- ettig. 'he Prrttlte to who use an; miiiik I‘Mt' having-Ii) Ttttet, - Inn-unkno- not with on! "al'l'l,% be I mino- L,,,. no on n “‘0.“ Jam, no. 11mm mm: "ri_ttt.Pu6soetb, - - in???" aaiiia 10;; tl,'!i'aiiil'(itfll.'s)l.tattlti, " Dated use 0th day of Inch, 1366. nun Gamma; LOUOCK,Bnn., WD., P. B. c. P, ' an "an! HOLLAND, up, I. D, , f . . , l' . P. la. ' .33 " "30033031 new. a. 3. WD. H. alumnus!) I. D., [3.0.3 ' tsn.g 998“!) Fiiiiif. r. 3.0.8.- r V “ACHBB'B I EEO-GALVAN- lc gags u- man-J, ‘wmnhont the Aldon-dicing, '-trttrtttt. ttetnat, " tho new dertaet-ttt ot “to â€than nut. and an, p1 trtTrtioeto, In (In MW who Rheum-dun". Paulo (la-Mt- Oou: _ Mimi: Sch-tn l ' . _ (M9 Lh c, ' Thy: IR!' "a but“ . ' Span:- . Ttu. rtUctn of the tppllutlon ot Valvu- mnchor'l Ch."- In any of the above (Inukt- u 1..me p-ttbio-tho undo! put iuunm _ “no! up! 7 qt autumn- Mtl 8mg, cit-Em" --e “was" be. f)'g'gttaht'4'.'a.ttf//l'dlgta,, ifi'LiihEf ' 'tr" an “admin... but College tt Punishing, Minion, and tho Impala] Mul- ty of “not, tad it: 'trrmttre, with“ an con. W tt"retu.Mr+ M- ot N. CHAIN “NM lot Sol-l". Khalil-uh "In ad - Pd ' Loud Pun- _.. gummy. to" In... a“ and 40-. B C' AIN BANDB for Lamb-co, [Min-ano- leot, Cling Ind Functional Dina-Ion, OIL. group u . bolt), 21. to ‘0- III 551. a It._af Bulbs lot wane. M " gt I I tt 0 ma (gran Ifntl 'rr:,.',';,')',,',','?)',"?,',' may... “bk spec-I iit% for www._ I." my P, ’ . V ii-iruat anymmtl m.;W-umm 0a; 'rahti'd"l'.utauiy,'p,h'ts 'i,e'.,itge, nun gunman "dtgnt mmMFhee"---t8" u. uurnttitrat um macho-n magnum in PurnT'tck at Beth on shay ',"dnti, an on uwo,§c.,_tp.. lg}.- th- Tog _ “99. The POIQIII’ in Istanbul 1m (to. NI bed Imrll, “d um hop In n1 Cit-nu. " my be Ipnld “at." Inna" rink. at!“ b “It. tunic-tn fave may will no: an! In thim-s/su. ttt sh. . - . B. LEAH BANDS (qt Jom ol Vole. out ' _ ‘09.! fP.rue 'tsttrea'1lhrotst, mm“. b - was. -. . . -"°°m "' - , ram _ Fi;ir.0jrito' we Ii tshi-- pr Panama: Pit-k." " oe DolurAlsee _ A - PRPF- ci,.i,tiT,i,gi,tipp" _ niiifii'i, _ iiiiii'iihu, 2-, Which“ kuwntob _ . I rm " I. o In -u ttP" - . (a _ t-rar,P* - Por killing an... Nico. [M on Pool", 1-9. Buss-.W'! "P's Mtg-“M312" 1;me " 2 ‘Smnh 01mm“ b.u.“;il _ Udn-ry War. “on: "r" {um-ho 1:"!!th _ , LIO‘I’MOITY " In". - - _ W.B. manual, 'a man. Out. It um I ' nuances.“ "an! I. may Tr"ytPret 009-! "Tort_otttraem hum n, Burn-ant ..r .. In. mgmsrimm-“Ea 3&ng 3 9, 1m “I Iron-us: log-9’3 m a... “22.903393 ANADA _ FHA]? RAILWAY A. cumin"! a' mu, 080001913. TTia iriauiiai", "52: Gdi'"'l'l'l A c. Wow, trt, jgayoommy iii!" C, s-' wsAW.A1r:'d'I3ritiltgx, "-t "orb9trteiay L, ' Mom bid,"nm, to: one: _ 99W“! New I CARTAGE AGENCY. _ The undersigned begs to mform the Mic the. " oitiee by: this d3; been 1it'iii'r)',,'il, to the rear (1 the GE ERA] e as or mumpmyxm Wellington T ghee!“ where orders for the collection ind l delivery of Goods will meet with prompt ' and careful attention. Payment, Jos l. Freight 'and Garage mil now be received st the Company’s (Mice, on Wellington . Sue. t. ' 10mm, 5th rem, 1872, I mun tjcOS, nif2r"""uiiirii J--------- --_---- -- - _ .-‘ I FIRST-RATE MARBLE F'olt-8ALE, M. Lane.“ & Ottawa Railwa ilGOVWMVT’HOUSE u-turs-Utd-i-true ink“. aratotttr'tnttrir.o "tctr". . ON BILL ISTATI, ' h!- M to any but», on â€pm“ sum, " M. 'k-at In. so put an: on tho Bum" Ion. both. and an in now who In In" INN- " took baton the cowrlng w my pllod, Uh“. It an. I [up pm ttht at Ptst-$utrorntthoWatortr {attic (Pull-nun and Dopartsmrutal Building“ on, (II-Worn, locked“: Gof- Stun " A rm'n I'm-dry km, to. . F iEii,tu,zeptttitgy it shimmy]: BY sum: om}: [Mammals mu. _s' ' _ " show: was new» in:1 @quwgumir. . x. 2 Me, - In rule!" or Plunge apply “Tm!" _ 10:5. can" a Date, 21 Buumutmg I: don; Wilcockl b Weeks, Bublm, Plrtwhtttt Ion-600.,Quoboc;ort ' "i" friiiriiiiarc' :77 ii; 3 (ailing " Plymouth outnrd for may"). Emperor Hector . loamy ' Scotland: 1todfmr..--...'l'hurudar, 19th 80pm: Nttothtnd.i.. .... do 26th All: Thum- ..-.-Thesdar, 8th Oett'r. lt*tpeeor....-..iarxtdi, 19th do. Hector..........'l‘hunduy, Slut thr..' u. I-‘AIJLILNER'S. York 81er 1uutrr AND LOAN WUANYaUP _ UPPER CANADA Etta-duly and In!» “an nod Wm Mud throughout and Maw-Id by the British Admiralty ml Amt-Ian lt-r.--, (300 circular.) . _ Ct OTTAWA HOTEL. tit. June. and“ Hon _ “I. Tho undersigned Inning Mn. " the “than! of MI popular and“, WI] futon! the 1"tl1u':tl', III “I {and patrons, that tho h his law may Improvements, uni but In - by who Bttmttiogt to the wt ot in [admin mo cm: the madman no“! In the any at looked. I u. B. new“. t'to, “nun-n "I nu: Lille we intended to ml Weekly u foliow. during Hum of lung-nun ot 1872,!» Ind from “Mn? of Imag‘ut‘ ilrif Mud- to (bunk. Through Bills of "tine Won the continent, and in um». alt pun-cl 1Nnnda, lid in the United 8hâ€. to 1Mtroit, Immune, Chlmgo Ind other 901nm. an Wert. Rain-M brim Ska-I o)aai" Ion-converts“ n ON combat“ - pa ouch (no Ind lie-tip...- through my length of Piping coated um “I. Ion-conductor quite an. Conn-mud at tha, following Ot other In: cl.- l'ownluI Imuriifumnhlw; Bum of P---OMsbotr to London-'- Ouun. too. Steer-5a. tu. _ -. w am new no... N â€swan At Jul-ao- "opt" 4 Grind Trans - Mnt PM B. B. All the lull-um o- "uaot.- me. Mon hafniumâ€! “mum, (mum, j TEA I Duch’ Cotton Tents, , 7 BMs and Ill-aha. Intmm, Sept t, 1872. about; Tn:- once, Wellington bum, tteto c. a c1Jmmsarsati,s/ onâ€: We": Hope Mid 0ou, t5prtr" like“. Corner of Nelson and ttiuaaisti. "ttom Oct 23. I372. 3007 I "utMttttttbtu'trNCtt PATENT nu: “Jo-camp: wimp.» {rum HOTEL, t mGata Junction, J. random, ’u u Eni wii'L%Tir""= mn'LAND, “scrum MEDWAY Tu Anus, T ORAL-Elm. GU mun-aw At., Intrud- P. 05 Box .44 ' this luau-mum In tho “halo: UNI“)! O'LIABY, _ London, Qlubec and Manual]; A. O‘IIOI'. 00w Wooten “all N... Nov. M. "" Temperley‘. LI no. Apply to And Montrea‘l. u u u u PM)! QUEBEC. FROM LONDON. 7731‘ch ac. June. “In"; _ .' Tul- MIm mt; EM PE!“ DR. But-whit. ontretureotrtamstn6 Mlonuul. “at .f /t'lrt'.ftlltt ', .Wodnooday, ml: Sept. Piturdly, 2153 do Friday, 4th Oct'r. Wednesday, mu do Monday, Wth do, D, WILKINSON, Ptopthtm A.0.'l'AYVnt, , Outage Again. MRS. FUIiBEi, DAVID 1ryarrr'- mm; mum; nun-:0. Tavnu'. Month“. who tho'ri inmrotttdi J. tdGit 16.53.; i it Why mmmniicvdédjnmdm nurl’on of Custom. 1 "pl-cal ‘un er 1 the survey of the Pore oiH3tiky.oo0k. _ q . q W. A. Hagsw Vt“ rt, , . _ . thare Pttifrttmsil. Ottawa, Monday; sou: dag “septum. bet-.1812. His Excellency the Govirnor _ ' General in Council. - m- . s'gg,Ugte,'geg1- _ ram... "EMF ir7t.fs.1t';'ll,"; . r? “In“ . " in T an. , . _ LIFE 2te,i22tt; . , a.", , r.aaittmiuyhtup.ai - _ t8itbhetesttt6 Un the recommendation of its Honor» his the Minister of (human, and uruier' the gunman of the 8th Section oCths Act I, Vie. n; 6, intitead.. J‘ An not Wag the woman," Hi: Ileana»: a.. been pleased border, with 2,'t't “of“, mm, min-Primed o Mom Mhm the Just inercby committed Ind'W into ~13 Baum otCu"oenni and placed _ and“ the “no, "ttte WWI-01701:“ It to Pond, -‘ '. _ . W. A.BIK8W08TH, F . .' . _ Mirth, (bun-'1. tt rue I. am. vu- atrl/liitd'tt' f,"tt 'iiin'ii . . a " m the “accumulation of the Momma Minister of Canton“, an! Marthe provi- siW‘the 8th Section of the Act. 31st Victoria, Chaptar. tr, mmpha: I'4tt Act 'rtoetittttiis1Utitirii" at Ext-shone, has been pleased toqrdvr whit-brow ordered, pm. tte Tym- 'ikririi/iiirabC in ", m I I i"iniitit . or- aiggeqa Lenhtt1pWatlltt: l = ‘ ,r" .' will any?†'.' a.",. 1U',',',T','et1, 1m- _ 'ltd'Ge't r... . n..." A'l'ds .5. a tlt) 1tetiftt hm Pl up .' I “iwyf _ was tt manual“: A . tit 1'll1"l'.t/l)'th mwvr {wt-1w ham-m...- -m~ . Ami: A -...... t W. JET-{mu WW9, the aPRtatr, PM In we! t Frans-aw 11Q"d'2,%'.','eiL"riltt.."ffr= in. mun-crush an. . -._. "on no - , 'lf,'t',ttl'll'i'tSr1'tt.u'r, “a 13.35, nth“. .".'re 1%,ng . “mum Port"";. "A81TAV,,,e,r,,,-c-,.M0o0,00it ANNUALINOOII, ".... we» FtJNDt'0NreANDio-.ss _ gm HPECIAL LIFE Assumes _ ....1 .1FUND...............‘...... gamut. th.ufertamt_qtttefth.tmiin-t shop-(yum. Ct . .. 'r. '.' w’éua’uswwï¬fgwr-W‘E; 1 man-r.- tit 'llth/lFh mwvr 1'.-,t'll2tt 11'tg;ll1h',hu,,, V . limit!" or... a..." 'ttdi when tl'ti'ltt2iit-l'dtol w." ‘0'.†I, ' 'a'"rrdtsat a'tttMtgidt"" ()n the reoommenduion of the up... an Minister of Guam, Ind pads}, the gro- yisiona of the Ith Section of the [pt lat Victoria, Cap. 6, initialed: " Aes.4et re. trpoctiug the (In-tony," Hits Exogllonry ha: beep planned to order, and " inheroby ordered. that Bay St. Pull, in the Pro rinee. qt ngboc. be sad the pm Is he“? manhunt] 3nd greeted into m out Lon of Customs; 61:91th under the survey of “a. Port of Que . q . . JOt1 v, 00F!» A,th Clerk, Privy Council. withâ€. in'm'c qitr. no the rucortttmsodtstion of the Honors- hle the Minister of Caliban, an under the ymvmom of the 8th Section of the Act ‘I Vic, Cap 6, intitulod: “An Act repacun‘ the Guam" Hit Emllcncy has been leaned to order, not! “in hot/shy ordered, an: South Bar, (1:me- Nrotia, be and the name in - con-li- tulod and cracked into In Out Port of Cu.- tom sud placed under the survey of the Uollocwr of Utmtouu, at the Port of Syd- ney. . His Excellency the Governor. General in Council. â€than, Mommy, 7th day oroctoher, 1812. His Excellency the Governor Genoa! in Ilin Excellmcy the Gonmor Canard in hours-WM“ '_. 18:1, 2't/'r"'"tet 01min; a . PP! V . .~' sa' . ",' __ DB. lo‘DOUGA'LL, V‘Omawmmt _ lama! was sum, 2 UX'EKVMEN'I‘ HOUSE, LBIMH ciittiti? i'f?'it,t.: “than Wednesday, Nd October, Ist.'., zuvsuxm'r nous; L7; uvmommr wuss. Monday, Tth any of October. 181: W. A. HIMSWURTH, Clerk Privy Ooungit. PM“ t rm PINES? "a"! ,m. 7‘ W' Begs rupoctfully to manna um Su, s'utok ot runs chi- ueum: in very Com- plete iri every_ department, ennuining I every kind in general use, (ram the high on priced '{o' tu'rh as will hull the um I nod ms of Ill. ' T _ l Idiot Junkets in Mouth Son Seal. l mb'chm in Benin bulb. V I Udim' Junkets in Grey? lamb. - [died Jacket: isi Beaver. . ' {Adiot'Jockeu in Radian lab. ladiu'Jukou in hisâ€. ladies, by having their onion in; l measure for nny of the shove fashionable 's Furl, can have them nude in,lny style required, either " respect- tnmm'mp or ) other-wine, 'md my not, a: gutting a nu. l parlor mick mum imported: mu‘ â€wont. Mum thyo ifiriiiitr1ai; . . , odd-of “Ema 'i":,':?,"..;':"')',,;'!';")),,]',.!'))';':',' 1tttr1ttl'j',2'.ttl'dllyJ'd of.trei' Lord .& Kelley,[ - clocks}, and itusoGrxs for hire at very low mot. . - . Lou". Chin-ins, Wicks, Burnerl and in“. 9iUTa"t.h'ut I WP..ҤWL Lamps repaired on the iiiiiiiSiEt3lEi5 shortest notice. a: u 'ati. 'lli;ta"2tl: .-tutrtnettttdttrtrditrta-r, “in“... . m . Being the acne agonu at Mr. .IUIIN 'r,tiiJi'riiiiiiiitllf? MOONEY, of Franco“, pttsnufiutuprer of In- 'strtad.e.Fa KAI-(Munro, m; are [lupin-d to supply 1A,'tt52iiiii, $ttt trade'with '..ttat.te. b"ff,U air 1 Milk Pans, . . Liquor .Im. "ttdftyiiiritl, AV Molasses .Iogl, l uptown w5'lfi1'lt2,Si MIT, Dream-vs Jun, Spnmons, , 'iiiihrilri Drain Pip“. mu l'lpofl‘ubes. _- {W3 PL.] ' â€Chin-o]. 1‘0meâ€er 'ii,htu'lt','uel' A IQiQUI iihi, S4i'ti'r,1td"ei'itte.r, [tum QM]; kd s' '.'.'s- ".. cumin: t 6 tummy: _ t t m I: “screwy mit. ll" _"1_'1 lt" i'i"i'iitrh'nras importers of Chia.a,.Glaaa, Earth. 1 enwue, Cutlery and Fancy V Goods. WHOLESALE ANDRETAllg, " wswx Street, 1nd Wer'lfowu Market. l . _oTl'A)VA. I , .Urigipt pacing!» slimy- on hand, and my qtmistitr of goods to suit purchmru 1 packed, by a comma-m packer! . . _ . I ik My but may! 'littt,tit sub-mull.“ an mitt kWh» pa, . Bin-mu. M “an! â€up fig-1 with} s.iGtAai.vus:.ieisr.to - or-c-tri-tos ther, Dunn "trAit.'WANt' WEEKLY. 1'rt"roFtr?"'"m mum m [Central Canada. ind "a much “dim nevi of Ibo part'" may View ttttho put-n will!» tlltla It in tho inwwund this inoloth. with an mout- Iido gliding. And tho print will bq m a low a pol-ibis. A Oct 11, 1872. -- ' B. A-Aho mum ntlonliou will In pad grandma. Adunhemouu will, ne- . to win. In emanated- 'lfr"i'lWl'd%1"lg2dlu'l't'". ., lbw 10. - our. 3 Wi, bu tmt received par'Expn'u, from locum grower in Hound, [lime and Join. when: on!†Mimi"! . Hwimhl. -1 - ..__ .. " f“ rid-Lina bras-chm! imam. it"s: 1xttutruuuiaurapiuetsy " are? INII‘S! 1*‘urs! The highest cub price paid for Rum Fun. q - Bomber the Mm sign ol the RID “AI, " We“ 61:00- . UM.“ Om w, 1872; 3a 6 _ . Gentleman) Butralo, has. moon) and Wolf Otnta and Robes. “Ottawa Pest and bivt/ By c. 110mm.†Narcissus, 2lilh' “F Il ll. “.Elllllll mum." r 63 Aug 27. 1572.. M: the inturtttation this], publinh. I. the mono-dd Second Edition mll In mun. Dot 1941372. 0d ' “$72 PM_“P°W _ puUt RED MARIOTH POSTER HORrLY Ttt " PtJtstue4tf KO, 1tttettiotoPdetett".tter' .’."" LAUREL“; (men mm, M 303131110 IN HULL r. a. ILLUSTRATED. I ADI as I’EAIIHVK his small-t0.- a} le., CAUTION. A SW!) IDITIOI o. I'ii'litiit'ilii!j':,ii It' ' 0.4.9,qu ilhetitStl 5-9†Jissia, $20.. t'eos W. A, uwimfrit, 7 &o., . rte, A. cums": a w... ~LUR0JLWY‘ Maruthr6qmtit “99% t Sum Street, â€wan '.. 'tP- . . 3153 Tulijis, Lilies, madioli, Crocus, H AT. “It. '..ssas +oin "w 7mm fun-ado. 'dare"'""'""",, . Tan wasn't can-m out. _..s-we. -L- ji't,ttatt)ttta= u ',Aha _ “ t'd'c.AN.%'tu'teS. 'ei/telites":? 'ttfists'.'.' I.,', 3331â€" 'rt I "51E: as...» out: _ 'iiiiiiii'iiiii'iiii, idPaSi,l'9mlt',legt T ' ITT., , 'tt 'ill?! _,ii)fielt"i,'i1i,ttei Demon 3610011,?“ l 'd'l'i','ltl,t,tutie! W n a... riilC, “BTW"; PM - “IDA! M aiiriii9cis'i. (pfi' __ NI [la-Cm“- “Ibo-null. - = pug-pay... - - , out "tt “JV-I lit!“ . ,- 9-91-53": I'..! - . IUDOUOALL, ' _ D 0‘00, Ill.- and, M m. [Jr-gluon MO V A, -. . . 1'EirElEiiii:iti,Eiii, at «an I. In: ht any. n and: bond C'eee, J'h'd,'le '. . ' d I out“. "ae-tr, n- u Ina "‘ W Business M in [not (Jo-m at a. Oct-(y d I IVES PRINTING AID _ WIPAIY. a "t%Rovtk Tatcuii - -.-. - . ' I m. " trp/ip,'..',.': 1l.Yafegt.' IT, MW, IOTAIY PM. - to I. (b. Dacron-osmium- run. In. on“... m â€mum? I... " OI "a. it? ttr a: tr,testutsi.i m ql - - run “I... - Tu - n- Owe-9 5W“ iaGrFaqard) 1ttt,1 'ttttt tth"" 3.0010. mm M 1ettyteeeii.i nun-1.37.»... and: munch-mu- - --"i" _.... . on“; II If A. J. CHRISTII lug _ . n. B.---, an.“ (la-ll than was " um 10 an...“ F""' Gi “had a“ an I “MINI“. " 1'"pettyotted: o a M, w ttqqt. W‘Ud-W OWPA.“ N with“. ia"'iral W "-r-/iairc" -' a t; 'atttettt . '/ 3-51.01.“ ii""ivi,iiitjj,iiiJi?Jiit"t) , Pygn. go.- but ' SEWâ€! ll “can. “'99 Trhtra CARP“ not. â€vac not“ TEE DAILY , 77... .i,eEiiiiriaui r"iHr1uiaaiiiir.. I. and...“ at M. a... I 99am- than Jiiriiét L.‘ E. mum " TED. o. 1‘0“ " -, Floor custom, Cami-ad , . Conical 3...] can“. Id I Among-.1 .f no.“ - - "' a"d'Pttfle"etrl tutti-Zia] In. of his "ii'aiaut12gtlaeEiil"i who: “mm“: mu. MI I-U-LOI‘ tiny-5:65 be: at 'l1'tiititH-. i/iroV b“ IttTL ttgrtoar I " tuana; l I ma â€\ch WHERE Olga.“ 5‘00"! r - an...†EM . M - (I: Edd U11 " 131 " h Ci H E] "