The fools and the knaves are not all dead yet. (Onmeof the New York bagus money Jlealers bas been poring over an Uttawa directory and picking ~â€"t+ names upon which to operate ; and wil. that instinc tive capacity for judging hnmain nature which is essential t> the successfui pracâ€" tice of scoundre‘ism he selectedâ€"whom do you think?â€"a City â€" Wderman! Of course, this fellowâ€"the swindler, not the Aldermanâ€"must have heard all about the city cheques, the " commussion," &c , and «> he imagined thit an (ttawa Alderman would buy bogus currency at ten per cent and float it among the capitolians at par. We have nevar thought so meanly of our civic represeritatives, and beg to tell the tilented minufacturer of the exact imita tion of Uncle Sim‘s shinplasters that in this particular case he certainly hit u, on the wrong name. . © The engraver engaged in this b=siness is a terrible fellow. His circular is directâ€" ed to be burned as soon as read, and its contents are not to be "breathed to a living soul." He gives one very sensible advice, however, which might be followed without any necessary association with the circulation of forged notes ; It is this SGovernment Houseâ€"W A Himsworth Our friends at the ancient Capital are amusing themselres with a variety of rumors con.c :‘ ; changes in the Local abinet and the appointment of the pre~ sont Premier, Hon. Mr. Chauveau, to sw ~â€" ceed Sir N. F. Bellean as Lt. Governor. Rumor is always busy, but very frequently incorrect. A Sauriol & Pruneauâ€"Dealers in Paints, &¢ Buflalo Robe Lost «* You should always abstain from the use " of strong drink, for in that‘‘ (he means the drink not the abstaining) * there is « great danger, as a person knows not « what he might say when drunk." _ He is mighty in his wrath, too, for he menacâ€" ingly says : *Should you betray me, 1 The Ottawa Cimes Notice to Contractorsâ€"F Braun The Hon. Minister of Agriculture turned to the city yesterday. * will find means to be avenged in a way ®" perhaps you woul 1 not dream of." We hanpurpadyuoh-m& the hope that the bogus‘money man may go for that Alderman. There are several parlies in . the spurious currency business and their terms are usually very tempting. The ewrcular before us offers $400 tor $4), and only asks $12 cash, the remaining $33 to be paid when the bogus money is passed. ‘Ten thousand dollars may be had at the same rate, with only $200 down, balance to be remitted when the money is passed. ‘The beauty of this plan is that the operâ€" ator never sends the counterfeits; he is kighly moral, and contents himself with pocketing the first instalment. The anâ€" tharities have their eye on a scoundrel of "this stamp, who is not unknown in Cana~ da, and who operates sometimes in New York, und cccasionally in the New Engâ€" land States. Those whom he dupes are genéerally very caretul about telling, as they would expose themselves. The »money‘" is suppose.i to be sent by exâ€" press, with collection‘ on delivery, and for a package of old newspapers, or someâ€" thing of the sort, this United States Govâ€" ernment engraver of ten years standing is willing to accept any sum from twelve dollars up to two bundred, We charge him nothing for this notice. aution â€"Jonathap Wats Ihe Toronto Mail, which is supposed to he very favorably disposed towards the Dominion Government, and the Toronto tGlobe, which is not suspected of any such ieaning, have both been making a mess of it in regard to the Welland Canal imâ€" provements. The Mail of the 28th ult. spoke as if the Gorernment had already decided upon the route of the new porâ€" tion to De built, and the Globe of the 31st represents that a "powerful ring" to faâ€" vyour the Thorold route has been formed, and is composed of some local men, ard *one or two wealthy Ottawa Government oflicials."" ‘The Thorold route, the Gl»A, concludes, . will like‘y be . adopted, "whether the most feasible or not." The M«il assails the "Grenvil‘e‘" project with extraordinary bitterness, and a city conâ€" temporary recently represented that the Thorold deputation had been assured that the (Government had no intention of wlopting it. All these statâ€"ments are wide of the mark, It is said to be true that a local capitalist has bought up some sixteen or eighteen farms along the lime of the proâ€" posed Thorold route. It has also been said that the same gentleman purposes charging $1.25 royalty on every yard of stone taken from his quarries, and as proâ€" bably five or six bundred thousand yards will be required for the work, it is evident there would be a plum to suck ot more than half a million of dollars over and above reasonable value, besiles the amount to be received for right of way. â€" All this is conditional on the adoption of the Thoruld route, and if this gent‘eman chooses to speculate in lands and stone quarries, running his own chances of makâ€" ing a * good ‘thing," the Government ofight not therefore to lose sight of the public interest, in selecting the route. As to any "(Ottawa oflicial" being conâ€" cerned in the "ring," the idea is absurd. Few of them have the means of entering upon such vast speculations, and it is well known that there are keen men with big i .lances at their bankers in the neighborâ€" nood of the Welland Canal, who can do all the speculating without assistance from 0s tawie. The Privy Council sat yesterday alter= way~ SEE FIRST PAGE EW ADVERTISEMENTS it is not true, as represented by the "«l that the rouie had been settled ; ar was it correct on the part ol the C.:iâ€" ar io have said that Government had dis~ â€"owed any imtenation of entertaining the maidér:.i n of the other route suggest, J. _ The fact is as we_monkionedt n*‘Fow FRIDA N THE WELLAND CANAL re mitted the whole matter to the examinaâ€" tion of some eminent engineers, whose conclusions will receive the e*rnest con. sideration cf the Privy Council. | The Government would have been re» miss in its duty had it adopted, or inâ€" temded to wmlopt, either of the courses indicated by our three oontemporazies alâ€" ready named. The work is one of vast importance, not undertaken.for the beneâ€" lit of Thorol!, â€"or for the profit of the owner of the farms and quarries, nor even for the enrichment of a powertul ring," but to subserve the general inter~ ests of the trade of the country. Under these circumstances it is folly to take udes on the merits of routes, until these | have been set forth by the eminent Eng â€" , | neers to whom the whole subject his bee n 'wi-"y referred by the Government. The jdeiay in letting the contracts may be a It reported that Mr. Angus Morrison, the respected representative of the ancient Borough, is just waiting to see which route will be chosen; and should it hapâ€" pen to be the Thorold route, then he is ready to pounce upon it at the ten mile creek, and make the â€"" Lateral Cut" a verity. This wouldl delight the hearts of the Niagara people, and perhaps enable the town to win back some of its faded glories. As yog however, no choice has been made, sou.ce of disappointment to some, the uncertainty ag to the route, may seriously uï¬ctthov:roluono and farming lands for a week or two ; but as the work is one preâ€"eminently national, national interests should Qfl‘i‘ly be studied in completing it. This is -1!:.‘& the Government are en â€" dervoring to do, and they have availed themselves of the best assistance in order to reach a gorrect conclusion. As yet, Ministers aré not committed to any route, nor will they be suntil they have before them the report of the Engineers now in~ vestigating the subject. |â€" The discussion of this Welland Canal question, reminds us of days long gone by when id Niagara® was enthusiastic in its zoal for the building of the + Lateral Cut." and Mr, Morrison and his friendsâ€"must preserve their souls in patience. LATEST BY THLAGMIL Russiin C:ampaign in Central Asiaâ€"1,000 â€" Agrievitural Laborers out of Employâ€" mentâ€"New Year‘s Reception of the King of Spainâ€"Volunteers Raising to light Carlists Bandsâ€"Upening of the Lortes of Lisbon, &e., &¢. Laondon, Jan. 2.â€"The Russiin Govern ment has with the greatest frankness communicated to the Government of (Great Britsin its plans for un-ms-ipilou- tral Asia, and offoered to British officers to accompany the troops in their 1, 000 agricultural laborers are out of em:â€" ployment here, because the fariners refuse to pay the wages they demand, and they are preparing to emigrate to Brazil. , GERMANY. Berlin, Jan. 2.â€"Lieut.General Von Kimecke wili succeed Von Roon as Minisâ€" terof War for Prussia. The latter is to be made Field Marshall. (General Von Roon has been specially lqpoi-led Preswient of the Prussian Counâ€" cil of Ministers. Madrid, Jan. 2.â€"The journals deny that the insurgents in Cuba have met with sucâ€" cess in their recent operations, and assert that the rebellion there will soon be At the New Year‘s reception of the King yesterday, the subject of colonial reforms was mentioned in the conversaâ€" ï¬otn-lluoxmdhunnl’ If as heartily im favor of the bill recently introduced in thq'OoruA,‘Ewidingfw the emancipaâ€" tion of the slaves in Porto Rico. the members of the former Sagasta mikistry did notattend the reception. _ The municipalities of Navarre are rais« ing yolunteers to fight Carlist bands now roaming through the Province. Lisbon, Jan. 2.â€"The session of the Cortes was opened toâ€"day by the Kh&: petson. His Majesty, in his mh th¢ throne, said measures had taken to punish persons who recently conspired agrinst the government. | RUSSIA. 8t. Petersburg.â€"The Czarowitch‘s fever is gradually decreasing. Providence, R. L , Jan. 2.â€"The schooner * Neéllie Percy, form New York, for Proviâ€" dence, went ashore yesterday and is in a dugomu- position. The ship +R C Winthrop‘ from Antwerp reports that on Nov. 27, in lat 34° 13 min. north, long. 109 14 min. west, whi‘e bear= ing south helf east from Magdeira, distance 10)!| miles, she encountered a meteoric shower, commencing at dark and lasting two and a half hours. _ In the first hour, as near as could be judged, there were trom (‘to 1200 meteors in the air constantly. About four fifths of the meteors appeared like small balls of fire moving through the air leisurely, but others moved with great velocity, leaving in their track a tail of Railway Accidentsâ€"(ne Person Killed |\ and Another Severely Injuredâ€"Anâ€" \ other Accidentâ€"Eight Negroes Killed |\ and Several Woundedâ€"Narrow Esâ€" Pittsburg, Jan. 2.â€"An express train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, yesterday evening, was wrecked by being run into by a freight train at Townsend station, and one passenger, a little girl named Armtmstrong, instantly killed. A man named Kearn was severely injured. MIDNIGHT DESPATCHES American News. ‘The ship © Pomona‘ from Liverpool re« ports landing at Fayal, the crew of the bark < David Banmon,‘" from Miramichi for London, fallen in with waterâ€"logged, A Washington despatch reports that while departiog for Honolulu for his health (Gen, Schofield received secret telegraphic instructions to watch the course of events in the Hiawan Islands, and m-mo with Gen: Pierce, the American Minister, in preventing foreign interests from doing anything inimical to American interests, Cincinnati, Jan. 2.â€"At mfï¬.“ on Tuegday nigh*, a woman n« N Marthington was murdered by her hmtm and her son was terribly mutilated, his skull being crusbhed with an axe. Ran Francisco, Jan, 2.â€"The steamer ©(lina‘" arrived here toâ€"day, bringing dates from Hong Kong up to Nov. 27. The new Imperial flag has been adopted, it is a triangular bunting of deep yellow, with blue dragon i in the centre. The late Mm“ to shipâ€" ping coolies to Porto Rico, somewhat "45'(' ts Aae ces i E The Superintensent of luigratio® at Macao relu«ed, point blink, 40 sign the cape of Madsme Patti and Troupe â€" Burning of the Fifth Avenue Theatre Late Advices from Mexico and Cubs, iABâ€"E NEWS. (By Montreal Line.] (G iEAT BRITAIN PORTUGAL. SPAIN or said be would d1 t if be diul not sign‘ Government at Lisbon. Finally, he took a two weeks leave of absence, and while ho Pun amer his Hanate stnned the G1F he was away his deputy signed tracts. "tates, southerly to westerly winds, with cloudy weather and rain. For Gult of Mexico, wirds veering to west and north west with falling temperature and clearing weather. From Kansis and Missouri, to Minnesota and Lake Superior, westerly to northerly winds, rising Luomater, fall» ing temperature and clearing weathe! ; these conditions extending southerly and eate:1‘; ~ver Tennesse, l(ï¬ms.vky, Ohio, and Michigan. Low barometer over norâ€" thern l!lino#, and will move north"east> ward over Lake Huron intoCanida. Atlanta, Ga., J n. 2â€"The up and down passenger trains on the Macon and Wes tern Raiiway came in collision acout 37 miles from this city this «am. Eigbt negroes were killed, and ten or twelve pegroes and three whites injured. Carâ€" lotte Patti snd troupe were on board. Iheir wanirobe amt piano was destroyed, but n mne of the troupe were hurt. New York, Jan. 2. â€"The total losses by the burning ot the Fifth Avenue Theatra wirl reach from twenty five to thirty thous sand dollars. â€" â€" 8St. Louis, Jan. 2.â€"A special dispatch from Lincola, Neb., seys that a block of three bnildi.fl.i.n that place were burned yesterday. twentyâ€"four thousand doilars ; insured for twelve thousand dol New York. Jan. 2. â€"Captain John Camâ€" eron, the oldest memhber of the police force, dropped dead yestorday while step â€" ping on a horse car. PS aP Ssd The stock of 3 A. Gorry & Co, wholeâ€" sale grocers, was damaged by tire yester= day tothe extent of thirty thousand dol â€" lars. 1 he loss is covered by insurancs. ""Ahe reimiins of a young boy was ex humed from the ruins ol the Centre stieet tire this morning. CUBA. Havana, Dec. 30.â€"All available regular troops in liavana went to Hoignins on ig roug" Un the night of the 22nd inst., the inâ€" surgents attacked Magarabomba, but were repulsed by the troops,after burning eight houses in the town. _The insurgent sympathisers say that Kybols will soon hoid an election for the purp se of replacing Lespadas, with 1g« nacio Agramonte, as President. â€" ‘The Mexican Congress has adjourned without finally passing the Koscrean pro ject. An English eomr-y has enterâ€" ed as competitors with Plumb and Rose cran‘s schemes. â€" City of Mexico, Dec. 24.â€"The Tcluc stage was attacked by a band of thieves, beiween C:E:l.t:poo and robbed. After which the coolly started into the mpiulnh-dol_thodui.enfo. 1 4 The Vera Cruz and City of Mexico Rail road hes been finished and prepared on a grand scale for its inauguration. President Lerdo de le Fada, during his rflutheehdudcum--'flm sending of an embassy to Spain, Gerâ€" many and Guatemala had been decreed, and that the creation of the Rio Grande Commissioner, was of the greatest impor, tance, as it would sustain the interests of the republic and aveid internal compliâ€" cation which the Government ought to prevent London, Jan. 2.â€"The revenue receipts of Great Britain for thebgw ending December 31st, amoun to seventyâ€" eight million of dollars, an increase of five hundred thousand over the praceding quarter. l lo (mes L2.l 02 l s dent only exchanged a fow 'lnnh with each foreign representative,. Members of the National Assembly followed, deputies of all «hades of ru]iï¬al opi were cordially and heartily congra noantadt eatrasres. Artaiierdaaives satr + at arks sts sl saved the hotel. Had the high winds lately prevalent existed, the whole block would doubtless bave been burned. Mr. Eno, owner of the building, estimates his loss at $25,000, fully insured. Mr. Daly, lessee, says that his immediate loss, inâ€" cluding properties, &c., is nearly $10,000, on which there is no insurance . The damâ€"~ age to the Hotel is about $7,000. _ _ W â€" Albany, Dec. 2 â€"Governor Dix and Lt.~ Governer Robinson were inaugurated yesâ€" terday. W enther warm, a thaw threatened. 1 Chief Bertram of the Fire Brigade was presented with an address last night by the men of the company ; also on New Year‘s eve Col. Bond ofâ€"the ‘Prince of Wales Rifles was presented by the nonâ€" commissioned officers with portraits of themselves . An old man 60 years of »ge was found frozen to deaih jyesterday in a yard off Comnion street, Quenec, Jan. 2. On Tuesday night the shaft of a cariole which was being driven close to the sideâ€" walk on St. John Street, struck Dr. John Abern in the chest, knocking him down and severely injuring him. According to the decision of the coro= ner‘s jury on the exhumed body of Julle Cloutier, Treffle Michand, her husband, has been committed to jail on a charge of poisoning her with itrychnine some six weeks since. Weather clear and mild, A Murderess Demanding her Pistol.â€" ThoScul‘hntgm Bulletin, ot November 4, says :â€"Laura I-‘A'n-uknglhfllnon Saturday to the Clerk of Fifieenth District Court for the return of the pistol used in evidence against her in the two murder trials, The gentle creature beâ€" came emphautic in her language whâ€"n the weapon was not iunmediately torthomning ; but it w‘ll be returned to ber to«l.y. The pistol is the same with which Laura killed No news of importance YBTIRIAYTS DESPATOS. BY TELEGRAPH. MONTREAL [Npecial to the Tixxs.] [Special to the Times MEXICO. QUEBEC 9 Montreal, Jan. 2. At noon yesterday a deputation from the (Uttawa Auxiliary Bible Society waited on His Excellency the Governor General, at his oflie in the eastern block. The gentlemen present were George Hay, Eeq , Presiilant of the Society, with 1 â€"n. Messrs. Tilley and Cameron, Rev. Messrs. Gordon and Gayin, and Messrs. Jenkins, Cousens, May, J. T. Pennock, Thorburn and Alex« ander. After the intr.duction, the President, Mr. [I~7, read the following AuD LMSS. To lis Excellency the Eurl of Dufferin, Governor General of the Dominion of Cunada, &e , &c. May it please You:r Excellency : PRESENTATION OF AN ADDREs$ TO LORD DUFFERIN, : tire population of this Dominion, hive experienced on your assumption of the (Government tf these Provinces, as the representative of our Sovereign. We hail the appointment of one who occupied & distinguished position in the Imperial Councils to the high oftice of Governor General as a proof of Her Majesty‘s appreâ€" ciition of the iniportance of this depern~ dency, and of her desire to perpetuate the strong attachment now happily existing amon; us, to Her Mjsty‘s person and throne. We have been deputed by the Oitaw« Auxmliary Bible Society to express, on behalf of that association, the satisfaction which its members, in common with the _ The institutios which we have the honor of representing is auxiliary to the B:itish and Foreign Bible Society, whose «im is to;provide the sacred Scflgtumfor those destitute of them throughout the wide world. lt has already circulsted sixtyâ€"five millions of volumes, and is em» loying two hundred. and two different rum;usgu or dialects, Whilst 1rc endéaâ€" vor to aid that socic‘v in its" v.. : enter» prise, we are specially tharged with see. img that the foruhm of the Ottawa Valley, particululy in its nearer and reâ€" moter settiements, is nbcndnt‘lf{lmppliod with the sacred volume. . By diffusing thus the great principles of truth and righteousness, we believe that we serve our country, promote a spirit of loyalty, . «nd contesptment among people its fur« ther their highest interests, and minister to their true happiness. Persuaded that you will regara with favor the service which we are attempting to render, we venture to ask Your Excellency to accept of the honorary distinction of Patron ot our Ottawa Aauxiliary. 1t is our earnest desire and prayer that rich and . abundant blessings may attend your Excellency, the Câ€"untess of Dufferin, and your family, and that you may find in the "Book of Books,"‘ the counsel and comfort which all require amid life‘s *responsibilities and duties. The address was signed on behaif of the Society by George Hay, President ; Daniel M. Gorcon, B.D., Corresponding Secreâ€" tary; Richard Gavin, A M., Recording Necretary. Lord Dufferin replied at some length verbslly, expressing the pleasurewhich he felt at bom&t:onclpunt of an address so flattering, from an association unitea for such a laudable cbject. He thanked them for the honor done Hl:h-d mmoth" pleasure in accepting i pÂ¥ tron of the association, m been filled by his predecessor in oftice. He assured them that he took a lively inteâ€" rest in the work in which the Bible Society was engaged, and expressed the convic= tion that the advantages conferred by the printing of the Scriptures in various lan= yuages, were very great, not only in view of their proper object, but as hvh&: marked bearing upon the love of literature and Lw of any country where they were so circulated. He beâ€" lieved that the purity and refined tone of the English language was in a large deâ€" nlo due to the free circulation of the e in all classes of society. In conclu« sion, he expressed his warmest wishes for the weltare of the Ottawa Branch of the Bible Society, and ‘assured them of his personal sympathy with them. _ _ His Excellency then entered into conâ€" versation with the deputation on subjects generally relating lou'th: work of dnofuo- ciety, suggesting rie‘y & thorough translation of mbb into the languages of the Aborigines, It was exâ€" lwo( the Aborigines. it was ex» P to him, that as the Indians gene~ raily used the French language, this was unnecessary. A Trunk Turtle Captured.â€"About one week ago some fishermen near Cape Cod captured a fine specimen of the h&g or trunk turtle (sphargis coriaces) and sent it to this city. _ It weighs, about 450 pounds, but belongs to the t species ef turtle, which attains a length of eight feet and a weight of more than 1,100 pounds. The head is very h:r, narâ€" rowed in front of the with small mdcireuhrno-trih,ndmo glz: with lids opening almost vertically, jaws are very powerful and extremelyâ€"sharp, cutting like shears. ‘The mouth and throat are lined with sharp, horny teeth, projecting inward to keep food from esâ€" capine. The shell is strong, has seven loni.u:dlnl ridges, and looks like a clinker built boat. The fiesh is useless shell is used for small boats, drin! tron‘fh- for animal!s, and bathing tubs children. for food, but along the Mediterranean its Fighting Editors â€"The elections in the States have set the papers by the ears to an almoet unmdenud extent, but there have not many shooting, stab~ bigg, or clubbing aftrays se /.s _ Still, enough has been done in this way to reâ€" mind the Memphis Appea!l of a violent controversy which was expected to end in bloodshed, but did not. 1t arose from a difference of opinion in regard to a matter of purely local interest. _ ‘The‘ discussion was carried on in the columns of two jour» nals in that city, one edited by Mr. Bankâ€" head and the other by Mr. Yaney, Both editors were away at the time, and each one had engaged a substitute to fill the editorial chair during his absence. The public became ‘rutfy interested in the controversy, which grew hotter and hotter \ o-c‘:‘ :::uoding d&y; ‘and crowds daily gal round offises, in the expectation ot m:. blood â€" shed, in case the furious writers should happen to meet. . The _ news of what was going on reached the absent THE OTTAWA BIBLE S0IETY. ©LIDMIED, MIWI EHMS AERCERER . AARHOY CWOR thinking his substitute was in danger of his life. They found popular excitement ufonr‘:ou. bnt'ru relieved Md.if- anxiety in regard to consequences on oov-m that, unknown to each other, they onrpd the same man to off:iâ€" ate editorially in their sib:odooâ€"q:.lbl.; and en ing youn wyer, who h been m:g both lfd.“ the venomâ€" ous controversy with a degree of vigor only equalled by his ilnrflhlity. It is needless to say that no duel grow out of G od wild Beast Story.â€""A gool wild | the ‘blind man‘s bridle.‘ Eich beast story‘ is almost as delightful as a | however, he asserted as he too good ghost story. ‘The French papers | the station really was his wife, have just received a very pretty one ftrom | change her voice to deceive a celebrated hunter in Algeria, Constant uxmbm-tto-lod‘lngl Cheret writes from the military hospital | on g the voice of the pro at Pailippeville that, being on the 25th | that establishment, immedimi of October m a lonely -%IM. embraced her.‘ Un heing pu colonist complained to him of having had | be struck her twice, tor whi a cow killed by three lions. Cheret, | he was himself taken into cu nothing loth, went out two nights to watch | committed to prison. On for them, but saw nothing. \n the 28th | leased he made application to he chose a place where several roads met, | irates for a warrant agains: the v ensconed himsel!t behind some bushes, the | owner of the lodging house, branches of which were thickly interlaced, g-i-hud was his wife, i and lay there Hat on his face. Me saw no police superintendent said lions, but a panther saw bim. Saddenly | Was hiswinnd that he | an enormous mass fell on his feet, which for eleven years ; also that projected beyond his ambush. At the t seized every woman he n same instant his left foot was seizsd by the t. ‘The Mayor t:d‘on panther, and he was drawn out of his hid~ 1 the warrant, and the blin img pla e as far as the branches would Court. Fortunately, the | allow _ The pimther kept grinding the noor-;:inaflhimi. u::‘ toot in her jaws, and c«using the unfor} #4i2g bis j>urney northwards Frrnt siin fho Saneh wommistics main wene5 9 Wheenbatly yistt. Adinbuegh FOREIGN NEWS. OTTAwWA TiMES, JANUARY 3 1873. REPLY for mod by the brushwood, at random, and at uttering a loud shout. T flash frightened the beast, g:.ddod by the brushwood, At length be at random, and at the same time uttering a loud shout. The noise or the flash mh“nod the beast, who let go her hold fled. Great as the pain of the panther‘s gripe had been, it appears that, owing to Cheret‘s boots being particularly strong, the foot was not very seriously inâ€" jured â€" The bold hunter expreses him self much gratilied by the amount of ©rensation‘‘ he has experienced. The "Jadge" and the Editor.â€"Logine= port, Indiana, possesses two +promizent‘ citizens, the cme named Dykeman, judge of one of the local couris, and the other the editor of the Aun, "Major‘‘ Moreau. Un the morning of the 13th ult. the Sun contained an article displeasing to Dyke. PA neeme n oo en e en oa / :3 man, who thereupon prepared his shoot~ ing irons, and «went for‘ Moreau â€" ‘The latter bad expected to be attacked, but he was not so quick as the Judge. They met in the street, and the Judge promptâ€" ly shot the editor through the cheek, in â€" flicting a severe wound. . Moreau had two Colt‘s revolvers in his pockets, and a shirt of muil over h.s body at the , time. Probably the Judge was aware that bis antagonist was armor plated and thereâ€" fore aimed at his face, which was only defemded by its native brass, At last acâ€" counts, we are told, the excitement hwl subsided, after a short revival of interest caused by the attempts of a gang of Dykeman sympathizers to tar and feather Moreau. A Vigilant Son.â€"The man who tel‘s preity stories for the Savannak News, sharpened his pencil the other day, diâ€" shevelled his hair, and wrote as follows : â€" © In the twilignt of a beautiful day in the ides of October an Apling county man set his son and heir to watch a favorite corn patch. Returning a little later to see if the infant was at his post, the jocund faâ€" ther happened to create a little commotion among the dry stalks. ‘There was a flush and a report, and the astonished prrert tore,down two panels ol fence in getling away. To his nei rs, who called to see him in his bedrid '*ln.ion, he extols the vigilance of his s@fâ€"and his accuracy with a shot gun " Green Turtle.â€"At Rockport, Texas, a company is putting up fresh green turtle in hermeticaily se«led cans. ‘They catch their turties, Jmt them in pens lik>cattle, feed them, and when ready, slâ€"ughter them like hogs and put them up nicely in cans for market. ‘They are selling these cins of green turtle in the hotels, the restaurants, on steambouts, and to private families, and this will, doubtless, be ranked soon with the growing and paying interests of tie \Gulf coast.â€"New Orleans Picayune. Josh Billings‘ Good Resclutions for 1873.â€"That i wont smoke enny more ciâ€" gars, only at sumbody else‘s expense. That i wont borry nor lendâ€"especially lend. That i will live within my inkum, if 1 have tew be truste l to do it. That i wont sware enny, unless [ am put under oath. That poverty may be a blessing, but if it iz, it iz aâ€" blessing in disguise. That the world owes me livingâ€"provided i earn it. That i will stick tew my taylor azloag as he will stick tew me. ‘That no man shall beat me in politeness, so long as politeness kontinues to be as cheap as it iz now. â€" That if a lovely woman smacks me on the one cheek, 1 will turn her the other also. That if a man calls me a phool, I wont ask him to prove it. ‘That it is just as natral to be born rich as poor, â€" but it is seldom so convenient. ‘That will ury hard to be honest, but it will be just my luck to miss it. That i will love my mother»in law, if it takes all the money i can earn tew do it. That i will brag on :Lwifo all the time, but i will do it ntly. That i will despise most things that i see, not out ov malice, but out ov wisdom. That i wont hanker after happi« ness, but if i see enny that i think is a bargain, i will shut one eye and go for it. Thati will laff every good chance i can lpg whether it makes me grow phatt or not, Finally, i will search for things that are little, for things that are lonesum, avoiding all torch lite proseshuns, bands or brase music, whimmins‘ rights convenâ€" shuns, and grass widders generally. A Domusstio "Inxcivext" ix Franos.â€"As M.P., a market rrdaner, was entering the m the house he inhabits, Rue de he perceived shadows that fled at his approach. He went to his room hastily, convinced that robbers hod entered the garden over the wall, which in some places is low. He shut himself up in his room, loaded his gun and placed himselt at the window, waiting for a proâ€" pituous moment to fire upon the nocturâ€" nal ramblers. At last he discerned in the darkness twoflgnmunt were advancing towards a side door of the house. M. P. took aim and fired ; but he had leant so far out of the casement that he lost his balance and fell. Seizing a flower pot that decorated his window, he remained for a few seconds suspended at a height of eight yards from the ground. His servant, who happened to enter at that moment, heard g:. masters cries, but could not reach him in time to save him from falling. The flower stand gave way, and M. P. was precipitated on a stone bench, and so fractured his skull" Two hours later he expired, aiter relating the circumstances to his son. ‘The servant then contessed that his master had fired upon him{l:tuhowuonterin‘ the house with his mistress, as he was often in the habit of doing, unknown to M. P.â€" Paris Correspondenge. 5. Marmuaos or as Easterx Prncess.â€"TLle marriage of a young princess is always a subject of interest, but the approsching nuptiâ€"ls of the eldest daughter of his Highness Mustapha Pacha with Khalil Sherif Pacha has, in addition to the feelâ€" ings such events inspire, the halo and romance which life in a harem throws over the fair inmates. Four splendid carriages have been sent from Paris to complete the number of the bride‘s equipages. Thirty gorgeous robes are being made by fashionâ€" able modistes. ‘The wedding veil, of Brussels lace, has cost £800. Besides the _ jewels presented to the bridegroom, the Princeéss will wear on the day of b&r marriage, a tiars and necklace of diamonds presented by her father. Thuemtgopm have been purchased for £20,000. that the lady will be right mydly.ppudw it is a satis~ own ; cannot eprived of them her husband or any other person, the Turkish law being careful to secure a wife‘s property. Two of her private apartments have been furnished by aâ€" H‘aâ€" mhohum al a cmh:. or £2,800, not clocks, vases, *, and other works ol' art and ormt.P * A Bt.lll:d Max is or uis Wirk.â€" A met di e tourist is, it seems, hv‘uh;m emlntryl,.'md fo jadge account given of his proceedings other day at Preston, his arrival in London will not elicit such manifestttions of as those which ted Serâ€" ocm bae wik mh hig in munny The traveller is a blind man led about by a boy, and the object of his tour is toâ€" find his wife. His practice is to cateh hold of any woman he may meet, under the imâ€" pression that she is the missing lidy, and give her intd custody. At Preston he seized hold of several women, and escorted them to the police station, where he demanded that they should be taken in charge. The floï¬oo, however, fortunately refused, and berated the women, who indignant‘y denied any title to the honour of being the ‘blind man‘s bridie.‘ Eich of them, however, he asserted as he took them to the station really was his wife, who could change her voice to deceive him,> The uxm- went to a lodging house, and, on g the voice of the proprietress of that establishment, immodisury ‘ran and embraced her.‘ Un heing pushed away hbe struck her twice, tor which offence he was nimself taken into custody, and committed to prison. On being reâ€" leased he made application to the magisâ€" trates for a warrant agains: the unfortunate owner of the lodging house, whon he in insisted was his wife, for perjury. g.p&on intendent said the womsn was not his wiznnd that he bhari knowa for eleven years ; also that the appiiâ€" t seized every woman he mat in the t. ‘The Mayor tmd‘oro refused to i the warrant, and the blind min latt Court. Fortunately, the last intelli~ nce received of him is that he is conâ€" nuing his jparney northwards, so that he Falsebood,and Truth, "upon & time," Une day in Juneâ€"delicious weather, (‘1 was in a distant age and clime) Like sisters, took a walk together, (n, on their merry way they took, Through fragrant wood and verdant meadow, ‘T‘o where a beech beside a bi0ok , Invited rest beneath its shadow, ‘There, sitting in the pleasant shade. | Upon the margin‘s grassy matting, , (A vely©*cushion ready made), The young companions fell to chatling, Falsehood, at lengh impatient grown With scandals of her own creation, Said, " Since we two are quite alone, And nicely screened from observation, Suppose in this delightful rill ~ _ While all around is so propitious, We take a bath ?"â€"Says Truth, " 1 will â€" A bath I‘m sure, will be deli¢ious !"‘ At this her robe she cast aside, And in the stream that ran before her She plungedâ€"like Ocean‘s happy bride â€" As naked as her mother bore her ! Falsehood at leisure now undressed, Put oft the robes her limbs that hamper, And, having donned Truth‘s snowy vest, Kan oft as fast as she could s¢amper, ‘ Since then, the subtle maid, in sooth, Expert in lies and shrewd evasions, | Has borne the honost name of Truth, And wears her clothes on all occasions, While Truth. disdaining to appear | _ In Falsehood‘s petticoat and |boddice, Still braves all eyes from year t> year, as naked as a marble goddess ! he Daucacrastâ€"Erra‘s CoOOAâ€"(GRATEFUL AND Courortmxo.â€"The very agreeable characâ€" ter of this preparation has ren@Wered it a general fayourite. The Civil Service Gazette remarks:â€"* By a thorough knowledge of the natural liws which govern the operaâ€" tions of digestion and nutrition and by a caretul application of the fine properties of well selected cccom Mr,. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flivoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors‘ bills Made simply with b iling water or milk. Sold only in tinâ€"lined rp'\cket.-s, labelledâ€"James Epps & Co., Homcsopathic Chemists, Lon:don. d1509y HOUSE AND SIGh PAINTIMNG, LONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. All kinds of PAINTS Mixed, Window â€" («lass, Ornamental and Stained Glass, &°. {&â€" Shop opposite the Post Office, Sealed tenders addressed to the under. signed, and endorsed © Tender for Carilion Canal, Dam and Slide," will be received at this office until noon of MONDAY, the Â¥Hth day of January next (1873), for the construction of a Dam, Timber Slide and Canal with two Locks, in the Carillion NUI‘[CE TO CONTR ACTORS. nesday, tha l5th day of January next, when vrinted forms of Tender will be furmshed. f Phusnd-codflamflthowhm be seen at this office, and at the Lachine Canal Ofhce, Montreal, on and after Wed All tenders must be made on the printed fo: ms, and to each must be aitached the a~tual signatures of two responsible and solvent persons, residents of the Domiâ€" nion, willing to become sureties for the dumlï¬luut of the :ontnct. Thi D«r.mnnc oes not, however, 'l;ln:d itself to accept the lowest or any ‘ender. â€" NAURIOL & PRUNEAU, Ail persons having ~leisure, and wishing to increase their in â€" come, please send address prepaid to unâ€" dersigned. (ccupation easy and honoraâ€" ble, suited to all, and especially TO LADIES, â€"$2 to $10 per day without risk Department of Public Works, Ottawa, Dec 28, 1872. or expense. __ C. L. BOBSE, Montreal. Dec 31, 1872. | â€" 2152 2 d&w s And Importers of FRENCH,â€" ENGLISH & AMERICAN Ottawa, Jany 3, 1873 PAINTS, OILS, VARNISH, HUMPHREYS® HOoMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS l,{ .:\'l PIOV‘I.D...PRO THE MOST AMPLE â€"Eifficient ‘and Reliable, the only la(m cines perfectly useâ€"so simple that mistakes can them ; so harmless as to be free s so efficient as to be always reliable. ‘They have raised the highâ€" ts commentation from all, and will always renâ€" der satisfaction. m 10 1 1X 24, POND‘®s EXTRACT Cures Burns, Bruises, Iâ€"mï¬nâ€" ness, Sore Throat, i ooge ie te Ramiges mm lnmmD, of the N uoï¬:. or of Piles; Corns, Ulcers, Old Sores. Price, 6 oz., 50 cts.; Pints, $1.50; Quarts, $1.75. F1 TRACT. and single viale &fe\'lmflwy edicine ure sent by the case or single hux.lo%i!fl" the country, free of charge, on receipt of the price Address, Hmru)hwys Spectic ~ Homeopathic Medtctne Co. Officar~> Dbepoi, No 3 Broaswar. New YoRK Lwor bate by all Druggists. Brushes, &câ€" TRUTH AND FALSEHOOD. EIMILIA SIMILIBUS OURANTUER. APER HANGINGS. TT A WV A e By order, Ear 50 amerat & Galcnl.l;flluy. eakness 50 se--sd-'k-ou.dcheuï¬v-ruh( 50 Kld-cy-llooï¬;'un\'d.......... 50 Nervous â€" De y, â€"Semimal Enissions, | involuntary Disâ€" CAE . . . 21 +144 . +. .« " @3 «ie + pu008 i Five mlun. \\"lh one t vial of FPowder, very necessary in serions CRSOK. : . s« » : ix) 2 s earrâ€" ++« +*rreveall Sore Mouth, Canker.............«» 90 llrln-r{ Wealomess, w bed. 50 .*«infal Pertods, with «»«, 50 %.. Aertmars at change of life.. . ... .. .1 0# Every description of Nem. 1« u‘l\" READY F>R UsE. DEAUERS 1N 1 W iu, HEARN, F. BRAUN, 2154 1m 2154 3 Un New Year‘s evening, beiween Bank and O‘Cennor Streets, a ROBE, part Bear Skin and part Wolf. Any person returnâ€" ing it to the Tixgs Oftice, will be suitably rewarded. Any person or persons hiring or harbourâ€" mg Roï¬rt Kinsella, â€"who has left my emâ€" ployment,â€"after this date, will be proâ€" secuted. Un Monday, between the Swing Bridge and Captain Litle‘s, Bank Street Road, a Black and TanSlut, with brass collar on neck, Whoever returns her to Jeremiau Evans, or to this oftice. will be rewarded. Ottawa, Jany 1, 1873. 2154 2 A French Cook, having been employed in some of the first houses in France snd Belgium, an engagement in Ottawa having expired, he is now desirous of obtaining employment in a firstâ€"class llotel. For School Section No. 8, in the Townâ€" ship of Huntly, a First or Second Class l;fe Teacher,(Kkoman Catholie preferred.) Apply to |, 000 0000000 Nelson Street, between Pitrick and Parry Streets. Ortawa, Jany 1, 1873. 2153 WANTED BY A COOK Serviceable Boots and Shoes at Reasonable Prices is a Quesâ€" tion often Asked. Purchase your Boots and Shoes at J A DINKE‘8, Mammoth Golden Boot Store, . 83, SPARES STREET, By so doing you will have found the cor» rect answer to the question. 1 Our New Year‘s quotations are as fol lows ; Gents‘ French Calf, hand ewn, Conâ€" W gress, with Cork Sole, for ... $5 OU Gents‘ Felt Overs, Flowered.... . | 60 Do do Plan.......... 1 40 Ladies‘ Pebble Balmorals, flannel lined...... 22.l.llll2222... 1 00 Alnoâ€":rcnl' for this week : Ladies‘ Prunella Congress with Rubâ€" _ Z2 bers to match, for.......... 1 15 To be had only at the Mammoth Golden Boot Store, 83, Sparks Street; the Branch S ore, 79, Sussex Street, and 665, Craig Street, Montreal. WUERE TO BUY _ In new Songs, Dances, and Funny Sayâ€" ings. Cards of admission, 25 and 5) cents. Doors open at Seven o‘clock Frouble commences at Kight o‘clock. J. T. MORSE, _ HOGAN & MUDGKE. Agent. Fole Proprietors (Ottawa, Dec 31, 1872. 2152 3 y U8°C HauL HOGAN & MmMUDGE‘S MINSTR ELS Eka’r(m to Canadian productions, we will give, from advance sheets, the best Ottawa, Jany 3, 1873. # The Favorite" Plan.â€" We have planâ€" ned out a paper which gives more reading for less money than any paper in America. We propose to furcish a better, fuller, more in;u:oung. morow:rornll; edited paper at $2 per annum imported Eaper which‘ gosts you $5 00.9While giving * AUTION stories i in Enflnnd and the United mhao wili have the latest and most interesting items relative to the Farm, the Garden, the Household, Scien~ tific and Literary Intelligence, a column of Wit and Humor, &¢. Get a sample numâ€" ber at the Newsâ€"dealers, or write for one. It will be sent free. ) "The Favorite" Shape.â€"The elegant 16 page quarto form we have adopted, while more convenient for rudi:znin sheets, is also better adapted for binding, and con â€" tains fifty per cent more reading maiter than the unwieldy folios heretofore in vogue. At the year‘s end, each subâ€" scriber will have a volume of 832 pages, containing the equivalent of at least 30 fifty cent volumes, at a cost of UNLY TWO DOLLARS. " The Favorite" Issue.â€"*"The Favcrite" will be issued :â€" in a handsome cover, at 20 cents. N. B.â€"â€" ubscribers at $2.00 will be servâ€" ed with the weekly issue for one year, unâ€" less they specily that they prefer tha JONATHAN WATSON Bearbrook, Jary : ‘273. 2154 "The Favorite" Maxzim.â€"Canada for the Canadiansâ€"whether by birth or adopâ€" tion. Let us help each other, if we aspire to be a Nation. "The Fsv:z:iu" is a genuine Canadian enterprise, â€"Canadian in its e-nm:)'n, its phnl’ its execution, â€" written, printed by Canadians, on Canadian paper, with Canadian type. Give ir your Surrort: ï¬gub terms and sample numbers mailed on application. Gzeat cash inducements to clubbers. â€""*The Favorite" is sold by all News« Dec 31, 1872 dealers and on all Railway trains. Publisher of "The Favorite,‘" the Canaâ€" dian Iliustrated News, L‘Opinion Publique and L‘Etendard National No. 1, Place d‘Armes Hill, and 319 St. Antoine Street, Montreal Dec 30, 1872. 2151 8 2aw d&w P«rties intending to make application to Parlimigent for Private Bills, either for granting exclusive privilegei, or conferâ€" ring corporate ers jor commercial or other ':l’;loï¬t, or for doi:, anyâ€" ttee raciier to Pooee uon roguis of £e. m»yof other parties, are hereby notified they are I?GM by the 51st and following Rules of the House of Commons (which are published in full in the Cinada Gazette), mv\'u MONTHS NOTICE of the (clearly and distinctly rdlyh; its nature and object) in the Canads Gazette," and also in a rw- in the County or Union m, such notices to have Ottawa, Jany 1, 1873 one or more signatures attached O8I SILVER CORNET BAND. FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, January 3rd and 4th. s@â€" 20 STAR PERFORMERS. @a All Petitions for Private Bills must be presented withm the first three weeks of the Nexsion. ALFREO TODD, Chf. Cik. Committees and Private Bills, H. of Commons. ._Oittews. Dec. 3. 1872. 2134.0â€"law Ottawa, Dec 31, 1872. 2 In monthly parts of 64 or 80 pages, 1. In weekly numbers of 16 pages at 5 ANTED RIVATE BILLS Address JAMES VAUGHAN, GEO. E. DESBARATS, Powell, Post Oilice 2152 3 AND M. COSTIER, 2151 153 class Brandies or W sceries, you must go ; 1872. | Sn v~e! % 0f this season, mflâ€": k Jams and Jellies, of all‘ king, i Tart Fruits in Bottes, viz ;§u.~,.~: Raspberries, Red Currants, Black o~ Chermes, Flums, Apricots, m.u..;~ Apples. S\'BUPS in Bottles, from Fri Currants Black and Red. t Pine Apple, De Argeot, (Ora berry, {ooseberry, Capillare, a Lime Blackwell‘s, of this D 1,000 * ENERAL â€" Groceries G goods. â€" Including can be had in quantities to suit, or bottles, at the LOWEST CASH PRICR MISLETOE, GHRTS TMLU l‘ABLE RAISINS the VEry ChGiagg V LTANAS and new Curramy E. NGLISH ELDERSERRY WINE 4 VALENCIA AND SULTANESK HA J UDDING RAISINS, ETEAM BOILER MALBSA Albert Street, Richmond Road, OM&®K ‘The above firm (the w‘ ers in Ottawa), are pnpflâ€â€™ ture all descriptions ol STEAM BOILERA& _ B@F~ Every attention given i# mpl work. Otiawa, December 23, 1872 H1228F rate of eight per cent P 0 sie t Capital of gln‘k%" : the FOURTH day ot JANUAR®, thopt:opriewnohnr-l‘â€. The Court of Directors berebJ notice that a half yearly dividend :s Co‘oni:-. ab The dividend will be of exchange current onw January, 1873, to be Giged bF M Oor w’l. No transfers can be m'“.: 21ird instant and the 4th pw-'b’“ books must be cl‘::nd during that ty arder of the Court. k W. BRApPORD, _ JORTER and ‘A LES s Rideau Ottawa, Dec 24, 1872. /‘.‘ No. 124, Bishopsgate i + Dominion‘ Parlor ~Me@M 4# Little Ortewa‘ Tug boat $1.0; * Steambout $2 _ All real worki pno. A idress Moixtoss sale Dealers in Novelties, Dec 6, IbTZ W THKS. MiTigy; OTUTLED Fruits l.ndâ€"fl‘ "REAM CHEESE, Campbell & McBrid#é. IRECT Ground daily at McDONELL & MONGENAI® Ottawa, Dec 21, 1812 _ â€" 24 Jams and Jellies, Flavoring Extracts ar RANDI ESI Port LHCCOLITLLYÂ¥ OFFEES London, K. C., Dec 3, 1872 ENNEYSEY BRANDY, At FOR FIRST CLASS GOOD At At ANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMMMC Incorporated by Royal Ch@l#t» P. Martin do _ ~ All of the best brands, at T ONDERFUL! A great variety of articles to: Port, Shersies and _Uhmptpo, At\ Layer Raisins of all grades, Malaga i rabges and Lomons, Assorted American Canadian Besâ€"duâ€"B im extablished fant HOLIDAY TIMES, No. 26, Rideau Streey Dozen put MLDONELL & MONGRNA®R McDONELL & MUNGENA® MoDONELL & MONGENAR }QDONELL & MONGENANR IMÂ¥PORTA 171«»». MoDONELL & MONGENAR® Al'ly. on fiang J'HUS. PATTERSON® quantities from LIK EW ISF Including the besk bruya Java, AL8O do do do &n 4 ND from F n:l_u'g i do do very d~ fm.~~~ Bn..,-‘““ 1879 yrupe Nherry Wiee 1 P Obleg Wihieki ) e E . S ant L Apad *94" #| Torker Sm»omxo Marou, match took place on the ice ter‘s saw mill on New Year‘s were 35 turkeys shot, the 400 yards. A large number of present and apparently enj What is the Society for the| Cruelty to Anitais about ? Business is Busingss.â€"If you (irocemies, ga to HARDY & B1 Wellingtoi At lious.â€" Mr Kavanagh, of waus at home on New Yeur‘s dq‘ visited by a large number of his and customers. . His tables wet everything that one could desird host and hostess gave their fries reception. ‘ Vicrowa Waro Enzcrio® 8y if you want good Wines and G to HARKDY & BRO.‘s, Wellin; Guax®o Bat at Meroause Year‘s Day, a Ball took. place Hotel, Metcalfe, and ‘invitat been sent to a large number folks, a larg» party took ad» and enjoyed . themselves Nutherland & M.rrier‘s band * and the sleigh ng party had of it. Latesr Sryixs in electro pla verware at Radford, Birkett & g:'dhr_v store, Merchant‘s B ke St. ___ MAKDY & Is the place to buy them. Jewerrseky of all deserioti for holiday presents at Rad{of Goyer‘s, Merchant‘s Bink B Btreel. W aroums of all descriptions elt 4 Goyer‘s, Merchant‘s Fi, Tus Loxpox Rest:ayrast.â€" gave a free }unch to his frien Year‘s Day, his spread was real up, his tables being splendidi and his dining room beautifully He had one piscse of prize weighing 66 lbs., and one row weighing 40 lbs. Many frie Mills and lady. Mlltfl.â€"‘t;m Central Hook and Ledder O on New Year‘s Eve, it was d Over twenty hats and ca; stolen, and in many cases O}d one left behind. â€" Savars dewercey axp warouss i ford, Birkett & Goyer‘s,oppos men proceeded on a visit to General on New Year‘s day, lind a sleigh, took the street arriving at New Ed4iuburgh, at the cars stopping at their nation, and insisted on the them to the front door of The driver declined, and they walker‘s omnibus the rest sing along 3 Cm@istwas . Noveltus in j MHadtord, Birkett 4A (Goyer‘s eppoosite T. H. lHun » son building. Moxey To Lax». â€"Apply to ley, Solicitor, &co, corner of Kigin Streets, Uitawa. Brio11.â€"For Wines and 14 Frpirs and Syrups A New Yrar‘s Viurrâ€" Arrival and Departur #hat" M rded i vexixg FLowk®s n At sth Decen over bis C i6!t bebhind. Several were obliged to go 4, one young man bei Aicax, McKinnons & 1LUOCAL NE ©xam W BRITISH Ma ept for such ple madeâ€"e! parks street it HARDY & BR« Wellingt an caps Wi