LIDAY TIMES3, "â€-N T CASH PRICERQ IRST CLASS Goopz LETOE, A AND SULTANESE, » half yearl divion© t per cent ;. annu 4 u..l.-.vfllb’r ‘H day of JANUARY, n 26, Rideay s he best brands, at oDONELL & MONGENARM® w«‘ Tug t“‘l#â€.â€" #2 | All real working * t euvi-p'"‘v- 1 troam muw-% ; in Novelues, a e t up i the unntlues "Rour d mt this m .‘.‘ llies. of all kindy in pots, tles, viz : _ :?t\lrmg 3‘:;\ 128, Apricots, M': bell & MecPU" " roILER MAKEBS ve ï¬m(lbflly.‘a.' i a), are prepiuwed to manuint riptions of hopsgate ruits anagers. ue us the 144 prosime, Atlil RFU 1 ‘ tities to suit, on Sotiies, at um â€"* * *k DONELL & MUNGENARM and ELDER3ERRY WINE of the Court. *‘ / w BRADRUBD: Bottles, from F lack and Red. NI NS DONELL & MONGENAIE H EESI EY BRANDY, laily at DONBELL lAIINS3 DONELL & MONGENAR in . do HO8, 1 ab ..:1 ml‘umpz:fl‘ "“"3 "% to be fixed bJ e 4 P rs of vamety of articles tos i ALES taisins of all grades, DONELL & MONGENARM De Argeot, () tTy, C‘Plu‘f‘ ‘ (irOCerias ISTMS «ppled in Port and Sherry Wigge tin ORT 4T ON8y ember 23 Jellien, Xtracts an, attention givon °* ""F cmber 23. 181% â€" 211224¢ and Lemons, . Capillare, aud Syrop 3 KEw isE 4, 1872 Jav®, { â€"Twam, Rogatil Parlor ~esmM Ts hoak #1.40 ; * BE new Currsaiy AL3%0 TISH NORTH AMS® do the 4th ,...nâ€"»"“â€"* losed during th** T L1 Y Dec 3, 1872 and Syrupg 1872 lh.m"l. PaATTERSON‘@, kmond R BOILERA Laguayr® do do rery dusgy & MONGENAIR do 18739 Whiskins, Jam McBride. q146 * A New Yra‘s Visit.â€"Several gentleâ€" men proceeded on a visit to the Governor (ieneral on New Year‘s day, and failing to lind a sleigh, took the street cars, and on artiving at New Elinburgh, were surprised t the cars stopping at their usual destiâ€" Ration, and insisted on the driver taking them to the front door of Rideau Hall.â€" The driver declined, and they had to take walker‘s omnibus the rest of the dir~ ©TOLRNX l ars.â€" A CUentral Hook and on New Year‘s Eve, dver twenty hats stolgr, and in ma At llous.â€" Mr Kavanagh, of the Queen, wus at home on New Year‘s day, and was visited by a large number of his old friends and customers. _ His tables were laid with everything that one could desire, and both host and hostess gave their friends a warnt reception. Larest Sryi®s in electro platé and silâ€" verware at Radford, Birkett & Goyer‘s new wellery store, Merchant‘s Bank Block, ;nrn St. us Loxvox Restavsast. â€"Mr. Mills gaye a free |unch to his friends on New Year‘s Day, his spread was really well got up, his tables being splendidly laid out, and his dining room beautifully decorated. He had one piece of prize roast beef weighing 66 lbe., and one round of beef weighing 40 lbs. Many friends visited him and were heartily welcomed by Mr. Mills and lady. Viwrowa Waro Eusomo® S«ttueo.â€"But if you wunt good Wines and (Grocemies, go to HARDY & BRU.‘s, Wellington street. Turker Swnomxo Matow.â€"A shooting match took place on the ice near Roches» ter‘s saw mill on New Year‘s day. There were 35 turkeys shot, the distance being 4X) jards. A large number otf people were present and apparently enjoyed the sport. What is the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals about ? Graxo Baier at Mrtcair® â€"On New Year‘s Day, a Ball tooklrheo at Empey‘s Hotel, Metcalfe, and vitations having been sent to a large number of Ottawa folks, a large party took advantage of it and _ enjoyed _ themselves . thoroughly. Nutherland & M..rrier‘s band was engaged and the sleigh ng pirty had a good time of it. __ "C" lears Eve, it was discovered that Jver twenty hats and caps had been stoler, and in many cases not even an Old one left behind. Several of our fire» men were obligel to go home bare» Momymm( man being seen runâ€" aing along Nparks street with his overâ€" eont over his ears, 4A sharp ‘look out shonkt to . Jewerrery of all descrintions suitable for holiday presents at KRadford, Birkett & Goyer‘s, Merchant‘s Bink Block, Sparks Streot. Busxzas 11 Busingss.â€"If you wint good tiroceries, g» to HARDY & BR).‘8 Wellington Street. Jewerrey axo waruzs repaired at Rap ford, Birkett & Goyer‘s,opposite T. Hunton tion & Co.‘s, new store, Sparks St. W atou®s of all descriptions at Rullord, Birkett & (Goyer‘s, Merchant‘s Bink Block, Sparks St, ___ MARDY & BRO,‘8 Is the place to buy them. Cwaistwas Novermes in jewellery at Radiford, Birkett &A Goyer‘s new store eppoosite T. H. Hun » son & Co.‘s new building. ‘ -‘h:r-na will be received at this Office Interest allowed at the rate of Four per cent. per anoum, and deposits can be withdrawn at any time Mosey to Lexp.â€"Apply to R. A Brad. ley, Solicitor, &c, corner of Sparks and Kigin Streets, Ottawa. Un M Bevora1..â€"For Wines and Liquors Fruits and Syrups Evemxo Frowzrs in great variety At Arrival and Departure of Mai‘s, 872. Winter Arrangement. 1872 &D @Xxan Money Order Offices throughout the Dominâ€" :::i Great Britain and Ireland, Newfoundland Prince Edward Island, can be obtained :t m:mt«- Aiso, Postage Stamps and Post ards. t Ofice, Ottawa _ } ith December, 1$72. \ FFICE HOURS FROM 8 A POST OFFICE SAVING® BANK Arcax, McKinxons & MoMorax LOCAL NEWS )FFICE, OTTAWA p‘> made of *.â€" At the conclusion of the and Ladder Company‘s ball, mde HARDY & BRU,‘8, _ Wellington street. At for such and Saving we every Mowlay at § pm â€"close orv{-ry Friday at fl:lo RDERS mean fellows, the ‘first one M, To 7 P.M. Banks Business P. BAKER, Postmaster el nly Mary Any Raycroft wished the Magisâ€" trate a happy New Year, bis me- sailmany of them, but not in the Police Court, The charge against M ry Ann was for stealimg 1 «& canter of whiskey from the preumses of James Montgomery. 1t mp.-nl that the prmorh:ul uu-: tgomery‘s & o whiskey, and musm gn-bcr Ne FC that 1 l.inm-omh‘..:d?;:ot‘hlwt t before ou mgon-tbommw“ 1 for one month at hard labor. Mary Connell was arraigned for commitâ€" ing an assault u, her husband. The io maree in i to case, and the magistrate was about to dis= charge her when it was discovered that she had assaulted the policemaa. (On Intiee charge, abo sand," ‘notting. w mt but would nto?.i:}. all of it‘ The magistrate allowed her to go on the Victor Laporte was & by the ’Lica-nlz-flw for m. ‘p. on Sunday, several witnesses were examâ€" ined. zl‘lnovidcuoonh.'lwmg to show that the liquor was not bought from Victor hpo;o but &onhhmm, and Mr. Lyon, who defendad case, asked that it be dismissed as there was no evidence to show that the liquor had been sold by defendant. The Inspector, how~ ever, amked for a remind, and ihe case was adjourned till next Wednesday. Patrick Sallivan, was charged with throwing a piece of ice at the head of a young man named Gilmour. Mr. gilmour that he was Cumâ€" :M'M“ms when ;d::‘m.h‘mm bead with a piece of ice, and on turning round saw &l%n, who acknowledged the act, and on Mr. Gilmour remonstrat ing with him, Sullivan struck him oa the nose, causing the blood to flow freely. The prisoner, on being asked what he had to say in the matter, said that ho had comâ€" mitted the assiult, but wanted to settle the matter before it was brought into Court. The magistrate fined him $5, and $2 costs, or one week at hard labor. A fellow received a thrashing on the Nappers‘ Bridge, on New Year‘s ovrinl. tor insulting a lady, We congratulate the gentleman who gave it to him. Yesterdsy morning there was a lirger number of cases than usual before His Highness. But not as many as was anticiâ€" cipited on the morning after New Year‘s Day. Jerry Eyans has lost a splendid and tan terrier. Who _ is pn’m i of the Norning Heraid? Mr. U‘tUara could not tell yes terday morning. _ Hogan & Mudge‘s Minstrels the fiex tomigurs |â€" Lo o0 A2o Mr. McGaw, the well known contractor left last evening for Philadelphia, Patrick Kelly, charged with being drunk and disoruerly, fined $3, and $2 costs. The Otitawa Bible Soci‘.ly presented an address to Lord Duffarin yesterd wy. Uver one hundred and thirty pensioners were paid ‘yesterday, master lesâ€" kete at the British 3 ly Airi Hogian & Mudge‘s minstrels in the Kink this evening. sopeat Ayimer had a snow shoe race on New Year‘s Day .. â€" The city printers amaigamated on New Year‘s Day, and after culling on their friends, amused themselves by roiling each other in the snow. Johnny (Graham makes a good schoal trustee ? Robert Lyon denies that he has retired from the contest in Nt. George‘s Ward. _ Beil‘s Corners had a Ball on New Year‘s Day. _ | Runaway items help to fill up the colâ€" umns of our evening contemporaries. A Turkey shooting match took place on the ice on New Year‘s Day. Gowan‘s Hall Readings takes pl:uce tos= night. _ _ Uaptain McK«y, of the Sipeurs Comâ€" pany, has been presented with a pilver badge. _ . f A Sunday School Festival took place in the Rink on New Year‘s Eve. a Mr. roole, of the Carleton Place Heraid, was burned out on New Year‘s Eve. A cock fight took place in Lower Town on New Year‘s Kvening. _ The Right Rev. Bishop Guiges, w.s preâ€" sented with an address on New Year‘s Day, by the members of the Irish and French Temperance Rocieties in this city. ‘am The different resiaurants gave a free spread to their friends on New Year‘s Day. Only two cases of people unable to take care ol themselves appeared before his Aighness yesterday morning. Mr. Wills, Immigration Agent, got a goid watch from the Immigration Aid Nociety. Mr. Edward McGillivray was presented with a handsome claret set. _ Tas Carprto® Prace "Heraup."â€"The 'M number of this wellâ€"known weekly that we expect to see for some time at lhm,w.. yesterday, it was saved | from the flames of the burning oftice, and the chair Tue ©Werair Tixzs."‘â€"Our weekly edition is out toâ€"day, and is literally crammed full of interesting reading matter. 1t contains a review of the past youar, as fir as politics are concerned, and likewise contains a description of the different large stores in the city, and the business that is being done in them. It also contains all the litest telegraphic news, including the greit fire in Mon« treal, and a full account of the extensive fire in Carleton Place. The Werkutr Tixzs has no#w the l.rgest circulation of any weekly newspaper in Central Canada, and is delivered every l-‘r‘dL:ornin; to any address throughout the try. A Euio®wt Mistixke.â€"Our evening conâ€" temporary gives its readers an account of a Masonic Installation at "Richmoon.‘" This may be a typographical error, but as our contemporary‘s reporter was seen me»~ andering over the bridge on New Year‘s Eve, dressed a is Beau Brummel!, but with his coat over his ears, and humming the old Seotch air, "It is the moon, | ken hber horn," may account for the error in the report of the entertainment at Rich» mond. is |as fh‘l of interesting reading matter as ever. Immediately after the fire Mr. Poole the proprietor proceeded to Montâ€" real for the purpose of obtaining new stock, and we hope soon to hear of his starting again and to have the pleasure of the contenis of his really good porusing weekly, Hon, John Simpson will preside in POLICE COUR HOLLDAY ITEMS. «mailer plece of land contiguous to@bove, conâ€" taining ; rood and 2# square rods of land, more or with mines and Mmm ..-':hyuym.-dm.uu-.. may be, or may be found thereon. Terms Casi, Pizgs to be seen at the place of saie. By Ornder, ~ _ _ ___ Ord, Lands Agent, Ottawa. 2th Dac. 1479 W . H. OOFF1IN ts Bridge, Ottawa, between the said Sappers mc::mn-dmn-.u:q Lot “‘f:m‘*d.“m% feet mare lc-.umen ‘3¢ . to be erected thereon two years in llmtlhflu:‘:r-‘mmnmw .’t-d A ro'd Ordnance Land known as broken lot oll.txn.b..mcr,foryd and 24 square mais, more or less, together with a "iie of ‘wo severa! whart Lota, l‘:_ the west side of the Rideau Canal to the south of the Sapâ€"~ SATURDAY the ist d "-t-'h';ï¬:nwu; Salesroom of J. -%a wa, and at mhnrumm be for sale, the folâ€" buï¬â€˜l:n-d t Land, to wit : af lease â€"one from day -_q.ul_lynmv':rt‘{oo. fn.-'.'- the west Auy of the above paid, for the Retail ; Flute, Fligeolet. Price al gach book 75 ta, * ï¬\amu.m are great fazorites, mwmc&nmflwo{ufly and lively music, and have enough of inâ€" structive mitter for the wants of amaâ€" WINNER‘S NEW SCHUOLS lodeow, Gutiar, Coreot, "Vieto, "Fife, 2¢â€" altar, q. audq‘. German Accordeon, w Flute, Flageolet. Price at gach 1 The surprising success of this brilliant book eonnn_uu.h B‘hz;aon after odit:n “: eagerly called for. 250 large best Strauss Music. Pri.e, n‘;†50 ; C1 , $3; Fine Guilt for Presents, $4. of evening and other Singing Classes. Widely used. Costs less than a Church Music Book. Price 75 cents. â€"_ EMERSON‘S SINGING BOOK, has abundant material for the instruction ‘this n method, has qmm as one of the very best Instruction Books. Sells largely. Published with American, alsa. with Foreign I'hrb'. Price $8. (MDMQ A CMra TTOcta e GEMS OF STRAUSS!! Daxie.s‘ Horer.â€"January 2nd, 1872.â€" (George (G May, Napanee; Thomas EK Thomson, London ; m- Headiam Pres cott ; 3 Adams, Winchester, Ky,; 3 Moâ€" Domald, Cornwall; E F Benedict, Berea, Uhio; L Tanerum, Lacolle; J Stewart, Montreal ; H Matheson, Clarence Centre ; H J Church and Lady, Pembroke ; Misses Church, Pembroke; William MacGammon, EKdwardsburgh. Uxiox Houss.â€"New Year‘s Day.â€"W McCoy, Montreal ; J &nld}.'m J R Mclaren, Carleton Place ; W Cla‘nndé Kemptville , A Brownles, Clarendon ; Pearson, Merrickville ; T M lefldi Springtown ; C A Seney, Montreal ; A Cormier, J Rainboth, Ayimer; D S Baird, Ga; C L Cope, do; (George Bryson, John Bryson, Manstield ; J-Bm:’ndc', Montreal. Fitzroy Harbor; W B McAllister, Eardiey ; J A Smith and lady, Kemptvilie; Silas 3 Huntington, W H Perty, March ; M L Russell, Renfrew ; J Chatterton, Carleton Place ; Hlenry 8 Marion, Pembroke; Geo Black, Armprior; G Lorenz, Martin Whoâ€" lehan, W S Buchanan, Miss Collins, W F Russell and family, 8 Thiebait, K Brewer and lady, (G Levin and lady, Ralph Hardy and lady Garry, Mr and Misses Russell, and many others. The Guard‘s Bind accompanied the dances throughout the erening. _ 80 p en oys 00. 10 CSane eeRAUTIst Hon J Ei Pope, Cookstown; John White, East Hempleton ; D R Salmis, Prince Kd. 'ud;ChnBRobi-a:.AilI-c-Aul‘d- wards, Rockiand ; S B Milis, Savannah, )Â¥ aep veed Aadinamrmaint rax Tros bowsct Y d ds }glg%mcxxp.,mimo itzroy Harbor; W B McAllister. Ear PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that un RDNXANCE LAND8, Uur expression of the wish, that this, the first ball of the season, should _ be what its many friends anticipated, is in every respect fulfilled. At this hour (11 pm.) a mo«t brilliant scene fascinates the eye as the "tout ensemble‘‘ breaks upon the view. Selâ€"‘lnu so a scene, the varied dresses of.u;:u’lonly belles un:h.giido so grace through mszy evolutions of the dance, chequered by the bï¬li-ntmoluu(!mrd." or the more sombre dresses of the civilians, is pleasing to the eye, and cheering to the \YsUEM FOR BRGINNERs llou:hinmb.r for a few minutes, and on nmlnzum'-m taking the decanter wi Mtbouh. was soon after rehended, but stolen article noth:sxr;a&bnn found, she was remandâ€" ed, that detective might have time to trace it. The Court yesterday morning was so well ‘heated that one reporter sat all morning with his cort collar over his ears, and another took a seat on the stove, and was nearly frozen. It is certainly a nice place to spend an hour in. GUARDS ASSEMBLY AT THE RKUSSsLL HOUSE LAST EVENING. lussert House or 1 a OLIVEE DLTI08M & Oo., Bosion. CBAS: t DEPSUN & 00. Nes vork ON THE PIANOPORTE, sy ‘Q&ID HOADLEY, ilUTEL ARRIVALE, ____E. PARENT. Under Secretary of State. Young & Radford, PRACTICAL Witconialkcr \TEE'GITAWA TIMES. JANUARY 3 973. YOUNG & RADFORD William Young MANYFACTURING JEWELLER, 7 ? 384 SPARKSESTRERT: Ottaws, Dec 1872 Practical Watchmaker TOLNG 4 RLDFORD William Young Manafactaring .lewdl). PRACTICAL WATCANaALE : Manufacturing _ Jewelier 884 SPARKS STREET 38} SPARKS STRREr. L 4A TE LiaTER AND AND .. HNotice is hereby given that an applica. Umon House made to the Legisiature of the & Dominion of Canada, at the next sitting xm thereof, for an Act to continue the MR. WHOLEHAN begs to announce _ GRANJ TRUNK ARRANGEMENT3 |that be has leased the Stables in connecâ€" ACT, 1862. tion with <the t'Nt(m. HOUSE, and Or such clauses thereof as may be deemed | (houi6h0‘t the Winter will be prepared ao a hawsy on mt _ ths n ~HORSES " $ &A m«hâ€"l of AND SLEIGHS, m.-cbudn, or the creation of some “""'::‘":‘.‘Pms 4 * I R .“.cq-l’u-(c’:mm& w:dm_ï¬o mmh"‘ eigh ride, hag Sterling ; and for ’I"Il GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY COMPANY lowled with despatch, and “h“‘.“r;..f‘.{:‘:m&“ onntm Gn:: j * e rASOTE _ with the Grand Trunk Eastern and Westâ€" ern Express trains. Brockville, December 6, 1872. BAND POLNT { Arrive. CARLETON PLAOE reata .. A""* ... CARLBrOX Pria0® 9ANDI‘01N‘:.:......| RENFREW OTTAWA .. BROCKVILLE BROCKVILLE & OTTAWA RAILWAY. OTTA WA BROCKVILLE RENFREW .... BROCKVILLE Un and after Monday, D ‘Trains will run as follows :â€" ASK FOR 1ICKETS VIA BROCKVILLE CANADA | CBNTRAL Brockville and Oftawa Railways From 15¢ to 50c a Yard. Reduced Specially for CHRISTMAS PRESENTsS, mun l ces s J. R. STITT & Co. Fâ€"a>~NBâ€"MY NEW SHOW ROOM will be OPENED 220 c ;. TOâ€"DAY, MONDAY, Dec. 23rd. REGENT HOUSE, #@â€"Before pnfchasing elsewhere, please pay a visit to the Maple Leaf Store, Sussex Street. No, 1 and 2 C. C. connect at Brockville, LADIES‘ HATS AND BONNETS, AND JACKETS IN THE NEWEST STYLES &taple and F‘ancy )ry Goods Christmas :New Year‘s Gifts N. FAULKNERS. Sign uflheMapIe Leaf Dec. 23rd, 1872 And a Seasonable Qift 30 Sparks Street, For Christmas Presents. CANADA CENTRAL RAILWAY 1,300 _ PLAIN AND FANCY Dresses., ARRIVE. LEAYFE LEAVE. ARRIVE, LLK...: DRESS ! DRESS ! road Gauge Ioute To OTTAWA. To be had cheap at the MAPLE LEAF STORE 14, 1872. No.8 lNo. 1 | No. § ;xpu-’pru- Express No. 3 EX mx-ns{ EXPRESS . ABBOTT, If you want a FASHIONABLE PRESENT, call at the MAPLE LEAF STORE, where you can select from a New Stock of 12.45 19.00 215 210 800 Dec. 16, 1872 _NSe.l . EXPRESS No. 4 EXPRES3 5.00 9.10 $.30 9.10 AT THE WRI.LAND CANAL ENLARGEMEN p, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Contractors are hereby informed that the time for receiving ‘Tenders for the other we;h,“ u;.bfm. 'ww;' :: on portion of â€" Welland Canal, botwo::‘;hnld and Port Dalhousie, has been extemded to Saturday, the 25th January next. $ _ _F, BRAUN, Department of Public Works, ) â€"__ _‘ * or ttawa, 26th Dec., 1872. ; 2149 NIW LIVERY STABLES ihe Inspection Distict of Toronto to comprise the Inland Revenue Divisions of The tion District of London to comprise the Inland Revenue .Davisiom,} ON the recommendation of the Honorâ€" P ed meenr manl in prpramce o is enue, | pursuance pmininmoflhol lt!ï¬on of .t-lu Act 31 Vic., Cap. 5, His Exce! been flmd(t:gtdunm it is m, ordered, that a new Inspection District be, and the the Arpridhe 2f Uniatin, io De wnefmiend of portions of the present Inspection Diz. tricts of London and Toron%-nd Xnown as the Inspection District of Windsor, and that henceforward thethres Inspection Disâ€" tricts aforesaid shall â€"be respectively conâ€" stituted as follows : § The Inspection District of Windsor to comprise the Inland Revenue Dirisions of Windsor, C O BCY CL & 45. /T. PV & l' Commissioner of Crown Lands, ottawa, December 28th, 1872. Ooi for Pris at Dne D lia: per sexy neals or a per acre under and nm:o the fmman of *‘ the General Mining Act of 1869;" the "Comm roronto. DEPARTHENT OF CROWN LANDS (Accounts Branch). __|__ _ Toronto, 19th Dec., 1872. Decembeg 2, 1871. Applications to purchase to be made to UNSOLD LANDS (Signed ) Belleville. Is hereby given that the o W. a. LIMsSWoRTH, By order, AT E apo lof all kinds. Also, yet on handâ€"3,000 lengths of Stove Pipes, and E e " it immense quantity of Tinware, Cuttlery, Electro Plate and other i A “lkuet Stands, Lamps, Chimneys and other goods too numerous to Z L ‘‘mention. e r of Crown Lands, 2149 4 law We will show on THIS and following DAYS, until cleared out, a very extensive purchase of SILKS, embracing Black, Plain, Colorâ€" ed Fancy Silks, and Mantle Velvets, which we have securedmuch under regular prices. . io Amecï¬meefor parties making Ohristmas and New Year‘s Presents. We beg to draw attention to reductions given below : COLOURED BILEK Dflmu e Former Prices. ‘ Reduced Prices. Lot No. 1 .83.00 i $20.00 Do 2 .00 $19.00 Do 3 $32.00 $22.50 Do 4 $30â€"00 $15.00 Do & $24.00 $16.00 Russell & W atson‘s. $&@ A SPLENDID ASSORT)(EN'I\QO\R _HOLIDAY PRESENTS. :bonnï¬m.l:dof)udlcyd -d'-‘ ddp..wmbo“ by Mr , of any every on P Y * » GO &&m’b{;’:ï¬u known as a skillful working Jeweller. Hite Beg leave to announce to the public of Oitawa ani vicinity that the new firm have opened their new store Radford, Birkett & Goyer, Very fine Writing Desks, Work Bores, and Glove and Hand kerchief Boxes, lined with Linalo wood from the Holy Land, and some fine Vienna hand made Bags in Russia Leather. Fine Swiss and English Watches, from the best makers ; G@eld and Silver Jewellery, in all styles ; Silver and Electro Plated Ware ; Mantle Clocks in Gilt and Marble ; Fans, Opera Glastes, &c., &o. Having now completed my importations for the Holiday Trade, and invite the public to inspect the same. Also on handâ€"A lot of I C, L X and D X disposed off at a reasonable rate for Cash. Remember the Grand Clearing Sale. Com goods, as you will save money by calling at _ 60 SPARKS STREET. > * Before removing to my new and commodious building now in course of finish, on the late DESBARATS property, Sparks Rtreet, will be sold at cost, at my old Store, UJpwards 0 PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS & MKANUPACTURING JEWELLR®AS, Sparks Street, Ottawa. NE WY GOODSS. (Ottawa, Dec 20, 1872 CHRISTMAS GIFTS ! C. P. DORION‘S, <» T TL EL ©&, llks! Silks. Great Reduction in Silks Ottawa, Dec 13, 1872 Merchants‘ Bank Block, Sparksâ€"8t. 261 STOVES, JOH N LE SLIE, GoLD warcaEs, GRAND CLEARING SALE TOR TEN DaAYS ONLY, MONDAY, December 16th, EHLOLIDAYV S To Tinsmiths and Contractors of Tin Dressing Cases for both Ladies and Gentlemen GOLDSMITHS‘ â€" HALL And are prepared to show a splendid stook of ORITE T. HUNTON, SON 4 0CO.‘8 BYILDING®, CcHaIns, JRWELLERY, â€" CONSISTING OF :â€" â€"& P A N D â€" ALSU â€" ELECTROâ€"PLATED WARKE, Tin Plate and Cansda Plate to be ne &n W atso all that require the above P. DORION‘8, 60 Rparks Street CLOCKS, &o. 2144 10