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Ottawa Times (1865), 2 Jan 1873, p. 4

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_-lh-ol'o ;:3::;.‘.7-&, H onna. Jockey Club, pane, and other perfumes of exquisite fragrance, _ i ons N-‘f:l.:u'ct'ol'u-o.hloo and Gly cerine, preparation for the Hal especially in warm ciimates. i KEugone Rimmel, > to H.B.H. the Irincess of Wale= . d, 128 Regent ttreot, and 34 Jm1 v‘. â€" 17 Boulevarc ges Itaiiens, b.*. . . i ng‘s Road Rimme ong Oll § ap, with ‘.Mm "pplh-d {||Bimmel‘s Giycerine, Honey, Costume auc Iq_llcnclan, very amusing for Balls anc ‘This splendid Hair Dye is the BEST 1N "HE WURLD. The only True and Porâ€" rect Dye, Harmiless, Reliable and Instan tansous; no disappointment ; no ridiculous iints er’-phâ€"nz odor. _ Remedies the ill effects of bad dyes and washes. Pro duces muxspiateLy a superb Black or Natuâ€" ral srown, and leavesâ€"the hair Cuzax, Sort and Bzavmryc. The genuine signbd W. Rimmei‘s Tollet Vinegat, celobrated tor i% cents per bottle ; three bottles for $2. 'F::-.h m‘:u-l-bd-nh at all the not houses in Canada. Ju..n?:fn'unlyl- Â¥. MacCarthy, Chemist June 12 htl BA'I’CHIU)R‘S HAIR DYE. Rimmel‘s Lavender Water, distilled fro Mitcham Flowers. A. BATCHELOR‘®. Scid by all drn Factory, 16 Bond Street, New York e " _ es | Mowsss. , . JUORN GARDNER, cnms,.lm...m $1002250 to Agents every Eq where selling our ® new seve@strand WHITE WIRE ROPE CLOTHES LINES. Nells readily at every house. Samples free. First come, first served. _Addre«s “bl UDSUN RIVER W%RB Co., lmf‘ Street W Ont. Uctober 3 1872 ."M&n Kestores Grey Hair to its Naturai Color and Beauty, * Skito, Back aud Head, Coughs, Coids, Son . Bprains, Bruises, Crampe in the l'&:fi‘(hd“lmmuq. &o. &o. I1HE CANADIAN FAiN DESTROYER lias now been before the public for a longt? of time and wherever used is well liked maflnulnsdm-mxflnn manont reliéf when used, and we have never known a single case of disatisfaction whore the directions have been properly folâ€" 1owed, but on the contrary, all are delightvo with its operations, and speak in the highest tarms of its virtues and magical effects, UV ._______ Ottawa, Tth Dec., 1872. Authorized discount on American In voices until further notice: 11 per cent. Asa family Remedy it is woll and tavourabl; known relieving thoueans from pain in the We speak from experience in this matter having tested it thoroughly, and therefore hose who are suffering from any of the comâ€" iniuts for which it is recommenaed may deoâ€" ud upon its being a Sovereign Remedy. The astonishing officacy of the Canadias I‘ain Destroyer, in curing the Discases fo: which it is recommended, and its wonderfu success in subduing the torturing pains 0: knoumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affooâ€" lons, ebtitle it to a high mak in the list 0: ltomedics for these complaints, Orders ar coming from Medicine Dealors in all parta 0: Pure Chemicals and. New Kedignes Seiscted, and Shipping Orders execul.d with}oeare 31, 33, 124 Southampton Row, the country for further supplies, and each tost uLiying as to the universal satisfaction 1 w1v0®, Neuallists and Jurors at all the Great Exhibitions 1he Cauadian F‘ain Dostroyer never falls io . Ive unmediate reliot, All medicine dealer weep it. . Physicians order and use it ; and no family will be without it after unce trying it, I‘vicg only twontyâ€"Av . cents per bottle, NOKTHROP & LYMAN. boid in Ottawa by H F McCarthy, Joseph Nhinmer, Jobi Boberts, J P «athorston, Geo Mortimer, and }} medicine deaiers PFEPSINEâ€"The popular and professional mediciae for indigestion is Mousox‘s Prrsixz, the aciive principle of the gastric juice. The mau-r--dm,vm-us- ":n.u i strength .:lum.- mack 4 once s ln’ro-h%; and as Wine hm pink cuu»w'lfill has now obtained such universal celebrity it can searcely be considered a speciâ€" mm being known to most practitioners. . Many of the Chioroâ€" dynes of commerce not being of uniform oWIM. Morson a Sum to comâ€" w . proparation. Sold in jâ€"os 1 and Lâ€"on wg WKLA TL Nisâ€"The puresi preparation of this nutriâ€" tious agbnt extant is Morson‘s. *EPTIC FUOD for inyalids and Infunts, digestiâ€" ble, nutritious and palatable. sold in }â€"ib and l«lb rins. All the above are carefully packed and shipped to ers, which must be made paysble in England Aro Morson‘s . Effectual â€" Remedics Rimmel*‘s Viciet, Rose,Leaf{, Rice, and other vilet Powders _A liberal allowace to shipâ€" Â¥TOPS ITS FALLING OF. [ HOS. MORSON & soON "AUSES THE HAlK 10 GROW Ottawa, January 25, 1872 1879d&w *XCELLS ALL OTHEKKS, AND poks NOT SOIL THE ~KIN ) IMMEL®S CHOICK PERFUMES "REY HAIR, IT RESTORE® 118ADIADPATIE DESTROY®A NVIGORATING THE RoOTs ,\USTOMS DEPARTMENT, June !& sSole Mapufaaturer and Proprietor UT SOILING THE SKIN GAIN, To ITS NATURAL Cotl MBELLISHED AND EAVING IT BEAUTIFULLY JL i RUSNELL LUNDON, Worksâ€"Horesey and llomerton CINCALESE SDLE MANUFACTURER® by &. 8, M. BOUCKH&TTE, MUNTREAL, Commissioner of Customs the world. PER MONTH G LtONN Y It» .-.h:.. in the night time frequently uv' the clothes off and raising in the to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent physicians in the County umm about a year, without ving any benefit, in fact I continued getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was adâ€" wwqmummw.l bt a bottle and took it and when it was about finished 1 began to fool a little botter. I continued to use it until I had takem throe bottles, when, to my satisfaction, 1 found that 1 was as woll as cver l had been previâ€" i . JOILN SILYEB. | Bwora !» fore me at Smithfeld this 6th day $Cagell, & UX 1PG. .0 . C .n C . vâ€"f = _ J C Cha..beriain, Esqâ€"This is to certity that about three years ago 1 became aftiicted with Bronchitis, which lasted about cightsen months, I was so aflicted for the want of breath that it was very difficult tor me to WUONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASE | Bzroogir®, April 5th, 1870. J O Chami»riain, Bts. This is to certi that my wife was very low with Lung Discase. &Dflfihflflwnhl’u Me said her hn mhmhd,ml-dd-ocul:.;: p her. As a last resort a of the Great Shoshonses md At the ixpiration of two days hetr symptoms were decidedly better. . She continued to improve go rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was able to sit up. By the continuâ€" asnce o «* s emed ol sperte i 4 nwyml , | mopsix twoul. . Price 5s. | pult qirections for use enclosed in each box. | * Mossrs. t ABKLEL ure partical+ry successful their system o@ AMALFIULAL ims1i, which hx hrmly in the mouth by moans of an bpuasill uual, without syrings, painiossly and without any operation." | A+l correspundenes must be addressodâ€" _ s | You may publish the facts tor the beneft of those stmilarty afficted. [ T. 0. BBOWN | Episcopal Methodist Minister. gimply because tae numerous valuable active \ inal vegetable ingredients, (some of ‘E- i Chony Sark, Pedogaytinm, Juhiper, 1d Po Mum, Junt w,nn-mi.lvfln-’:l: Qompound Extract or Colocyuth, Jaiap, Soco, trine Aloes, Capsicam, &¢., &¢c,) which enter urouucquflhdth combined mediâ€" ne, are such and so harmoniously classitied «ind compounded, that it is magde the most searching curative in the known world, and monot help but act on the system in a very satisfactory and desirable manner. No matâ€" ter what your allment may be, or of how long standing, it will find the spot and astonish gou by the rapid manmer in which you ti« reatored to perfect health and full vigor. CA booud Nb °3 U A Lbi l w ls"> d A 6 AA s L3 C AbatLK&L‘s | OBA 16 as 1 is As B That the Gzzar Suosmonuss Kawxsor aso Puus, flo.h-nlflhl“l-’hlreu EWIS JOSEPHUS, of the Great be of shoshonees, British Columbia, is working the most marvellious and astonishing Ourer the World has ever hoard of. Nover in th nnals of Canaiian Medical History has suc} success attended the introduction of * edicine boretofore,. | This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, «ind is warranted, and may positively be reâ€" Hed upon to make a permanent cure of all tâ€":ammmuâ€".m ve Organs, &c. .o..-u'dlu..::h:l Lmhlmd Blood, ng the Third Stage of Consumption. :mhu information, with full directions for | The west half of Lot 13, 4th Concession wa Front, with fifty cords of birch wood, 25 cordis of I-h-::'; loucester ; also, stock and implements, ermws reasonable. Apply to _ _ _ Proclii n tha.Glad Tidings using the Great Shoshonees Remedy & Pills, and containing Testimonials and Cert fcates CUures, can be obtained by securing the gvnnb-,fihlh-‘llwl,wtb-l‘_c.- reulars from any tospectable ggist in the inlonâ€" frge. ies of Remedy in barye Pint _ (les. $1 06 lis per lox nzeilsles 25 t > vl‘ t 0 SSE 8.â€" Comtort, @ saiety and relief for Horâ€" t Rupture, S«lc{'slhrd desirable pattern, :“5".‘.."&.’.»;.. stoal ‘aprings ( Conte -h.rhud rubbgr) cool, cleanly;' ixh. limber, break fior soil Used in bathingâ€" u“urm. Nok-u’!'t‘ll?:‘. lwl-(n.- 196 Un o eemtant 5k. Phiims ho mm-??t- + gold by all deators.. di4 Sm WJet 1, Mo: essts Cure otf Bronchitis FARM FU% SALE. my iliness and have boeen so ever Or "Sep.past," tie oniy real cure for 1uuthâ€"zoue, pâ€" epareu fu: general use after 1o years‘ experience iD thhies uy hild puinicts resrotionet lnhdbyuo painioss wl wme uerve aud lerms a l0pPpiDGâ€" ) rrice is ijd. w hite Gutia Percha Enamel! for Im-mum leudes teoth. Kenuers the woth sound and useiul hu'-mu-;u-uut Boow Jait | uecayed. . i‘tice 1s ud Uduntalgique Elizir.â€"The Coleâ€" brate« ssouth W ash. A lew diops in water produces a most pleasans, ’unl_- and . Peireshing Mouth ash; it bardens the gums, preâ€" vome the sccumuidbon ol Laitar, yives tmo breath a delightful perâ€" .ume, removing all races of twhaceo simuke of ubplcasant odour arsing lmu. decayeu leoeub, and is an oxâ€" | celient decergont. . i‘rice osâ€" Koya! Dentrifice, prepared from a recipe as used by lier Maosiy. W miiens and presery«e the lwoth, and hmp® is a wolierous fragrance to suln‘..nv-.l: leoth a poarl like whiteness, protects . the enamel. . Frice is ou, Usteo Ename! Stopping, w arranted io remain white and urim as the looth ipelf. This beautius preâ€" parmiion re»tores frout woth, and can be casily used. Duili=i@nt tw imparting a nafural seduess to the yuimus, whitens the teeth without leaving between them any «race of powder, and gives briliancy o the ena..ol. _ T100 18 0d W H Y ? Coralite Tooth Faste, tor cleansâ€" ahcsore. u A 1+ Lentisle, "% Ludgate bail, City, Louden. J M WELLINGTOS, J P J A MES D. MoLAREN, Rideaun Streeb, (th nproy ing . t Te dit uot padas, | F r@miry 4 ~O‘MEARA & Co.!"® Wish to inform their numerous customers and the public generally that they have received a complete stock otf warr‘ °& WINTER GOODS, Con«isting of Frowserings, Vestings, Overcontâ€". ings. also a large supply of Beavers, Pilots, Doeskins Venetian â€" Meltons, &e., Tweeds, Soutch, Euglish and Canadiao, and splendid stock of Ready made Clothing, all of which will be sold cheap for cash. We do not pretend to sell our goods und â€"r cost price, but we certainly sell them at a very smail advance We are always selling of and u.mho to defy comâ€" petition. We have no To time in the year to sell our goods at a high price in order to reâ€" duce them afterwards, we sell cheap all the time. By calling and examining our stock before p-ubninc‘ elsewhere, purchasers will be convinced of what we say that we have the largest and cheapest stock of Readymade Clothing to be found in the city. All being pur chased carly in the season enables us to offer }‘mtildm.olu. Our Readymade Clothing Department will be found oo-FIon in the following articles : Qversonts, Pes Jackets, Sack Conts, Shooting Conts, Boy‘s Overcoats, Pos Jackets, and Tweed Coats, also a largo stock of Pants, Vests, Shirts, Drawers, Underâ€" shirts, White Dress Shirts, &o, &c. We hare also on hand a large lot of White and Grey Blankets, Shantr Blankets, Horse Blankets, Cotton and Linen Bags, all ofwhich will be sold choap for cash. Inspection invited. NES & ToE 1hee S ie enc FALL & Blfl)llm.yuvln.,emmm new Tontine Savings Fund Asâ€"urance, just introduced by the Equitable Life Asâ€" surance Society, by which an Endowment Pmm:‘umuhm. ing Room, Russell House. R. C. W, MacCUAIG, General Agent for Kastern Ontario. Olhnouotl.lflt 2002y feet in soil with t and economy. . / he m@fi.& Sptues 5o ts lingford, Ireiand ; the great North Sea Ship Canal, psweueâ€" P ioa notaie t ul partiotiarly, ednfrnd dorar. m localities, be any part W. flgg!m& CQ.. We t +sA oA ag cmd 1 Cuth Prize.......:...â€".>..â€"~«+ £000 2 Cash Prizes, $3,000 each. . ... .. 6,000 4 Cash Prizes, $2,000 each....... 8.000 2 Cash Prizes, $1,000 each....... 2,000 For balance of Prizes send for Circular. This Legal Enterprise is endorsed by the highest authority in ths State, and best business men. The hmited number of Tickets on hand wiflhof-l’-hdthouwh-myfin& All prizes will be paid in . Agents wanted. Forhlrfl-lu-m J. M. PATTEE, es General Manager, Omaha, Ne November 29, 1872. 3038 To be drawn in public, DEC, 30th, 1872. Tickets $1 Each or Siz for $5. _ Tickets sent by Express C. U. D., il deâ€" Jan» 144. 1872 1 Grand Cash Prize. 1 Grand Cash Prize 1 Grand Cash Prize 1 Grand Cash Prize h and o ue "be sinngaas nHROR L _ Our ‘-l;ll;i:‘ Ep’fiul is, as usual, comâ€" plete in all its branches, and being under the supervision of a frst class Cutter, gentlomen may rely on getting a good fitting garment. O‘MEARA & CO. to whom «DE. BIRNBAUM‘S RHEUM Aâ€" TISM® asd GOUT REMEDY * has beevn submitted for trial, have, with a rare disâ€" OMAIA _ LOTTERY N. '.lfillul“:';'):l?}mfil‘ PiiA > ASYL UV M. The MEDICALâ€"FACULTY of MONTHEâ€" AL, particularly the following Medical interestedness ackn ged ita‘invaluable .........mum.a.a, m::::b ouboobhhedmlpp_li; undersigned or any druggis! in the Dominion. "DR. BIRNBAUM‘S RHEUMATISM u‘:d GoUT REMEDY "Nh recommended Rhoumatism, Gout, Neuraigia, Lumbaâ€" go, wandering and other Pains, Stiftness of Limbs, Joints or Joints, s:-i-, Numbness u‘nlrh.. &o., and is the most effec= tive reliable remedy known for these CHARLES MARIIN, 30 Victoria Square, Montreal. Sole Age~t for the Domiâ€"ion of Canada and the Uz ‘ted S#«**~, One trial will establish its vast superiâ€" ority in respect of both excellence and economy over any other Paste prepara~â€" It will go half as far again, and give :.:.llcimp hdllhll:-a-’i“flfingpolhh any other paste & Can be had of all Grocers. PRICE 10 CTS PER 4 LB. TIN. It is par excellence the Best Paste Blacking in the W orld. Wholesale of C. T. BATE & CO., Ottawa, Ottawa, Sept. 13, 1872 20734 Chancery, Conveyancers, Notaries, Comâ€" missioners huhmmu to be used in the Province of &e. ANGUS MORRLISON, W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, R. M. WELLA, ighs Stroom dpposite. Kusmett Uffice on Elgi opposite House, fourth door from Sparks Street. UOttawa, Aug. 1, 1872. 2037â€"44. UMrPuUUNDV sYKRUP OF SAR BAPARILLA Is the Great Health Restorer of the Day. It strikes ai the root of all Diseaso uhmummnp- in restoring the to a healthy state. io oo meagien foes tion, Jm Llrvy, Bronchial Alz; tions, Chest Compiaints, and all other diâ€" seases arising from an impure state of the uflfi*-muudhlbnu" that DUNCAN‘S COMPUUND SYRUP U ut.h-.m?m and no other, is supplie: to Wholesale agouia, EVANS MERCER &4 (x).. Montreal, and to be obtained fream \dl\‘ln'm“-“â€" BP BP IERTETNET POTCC MM\EI 1918 3m To Hor Majesty Queen Victoria. DAY & MARTIN‘S 50, SPARKS sT., 0O%TAWA, alers in Dry Goods, Readyâ€" made Clothing, &e., &c. April 3, 1s." CIENCE HAS SPUKEN The subscribers beg to call the attontion of A. DUFY. Uitaw»®â€" Oct. 26, 1871. Paste Blacking. NOBLE CHARLTY U NCAND URKRLSON, WELLS AND, CASSELS NAVAL AND MIL[TARY "&'â€"cv ~ â€"â€"-I.' Iway Company Peoltier, $75,000 â€"25.000 , 15,000 10 000 5.000 4,000 6, 000 _ 8,000 2 000 WR en o ie onCce Em ues mucict ne ren cce en g 2 of health and vigour, speedily soothing agovising peing, reâ€"animating torpid limbs, reviving the sluggish functions of life, and rmpartiny renewe energy and vitality to constitutions enteebled ty whatever cause, Mellicines and their deleterious consequences are thus entirely dispensed with, The daily increasing mumber of cures effected by . PULYEEMACHER‘S MED10OOâ€"GALVANâ€" IC #Y8TEM is so extensive and varied, that . tromoly efficacious in a mild continuous form on shock or unpleasant sensation being ex~ perienced, whereby it becomes a true fountain â€"__ PULVERBAKACHERS PATENT | GALYANIC _ OHAINâ€"BANDS, BELTS AND POCKET BATTEBIES These highly ismproved inventions render Klectricity perfectly nlrâ€"-_p?llc-gl& :n:l'c- t forcibly points to thts invention as the embryo of a universal remody. C uo . o t M ige ks acrest Adiat® rcrtb® ces en tL4 S N. B.â€"The following â€"testimony from the elite of the English medieal faculty has been received " We, the undorsigned, have much pleaâ€" 4 sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Pouvea 4# wiog®®‘s recent improveimentsin his Voltaic # Batteries and Walyanic Appliances for " Medical Purposes are of great im portance to 4# Scientific Medicine, and that be is «utitled # to the consideration and support of every # one disposed to further the advancement of 4 real and useful progre@s, " Dated the 9th day of Marcb, 1866 t 81BR CHABLES LOCOCK, Bart., M . D., < SIR WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. K. 8. , EKDWD. H. SIEKVEAING, M. D., M.ROS8 811 J. RANALD MARTIN, F. K. 0.8." i ULVERMACHER‘*S SY8STEM is also ap i0v «: of by an official mufin Aca i.» i de Medicine, Paris, College o Physiciang, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Viemna, and its curative virtues are con» tirmed by thousands of private testimonials of cureseflected. (Bee pamphlet gratis). ° PULYVEIEMACH KS 10C0â€"GALYAN~ IC CHALNS aro exceodingly effective without the aid of medicine, reet of diet, or the vast derangement of the patient‘s habits and lmiiy occapations, in the following maladios Th» eflccts of the application ot Pulyor= macher‘s Chaing in any of the above digorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain instantancous. PRICE LIbT OF PULYVERMACHER$ 318. N. UHAAIN BANDS lor Sciat | Rhâ€" umatie Nouraigia, and Gouty Pai‘®" Local Paraâ€" lysis, Cramp, &c., 188. to 2** and 408. B CHAIN BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion _ Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorders, No Gaivanic Belts are gemuiue but those bearing the fac simile ofâ€". M. FPulvermacher‘s signature on the label, _ | _ l These facts np;‘nllb(h good sense of every sufferer to avail himself of this scientific and urative progress, to which the inventor has dovoted a lifeâ€"time of stady and labour, a an ardont deciple of that great benefactor of wankind, the late illustrious electrician Mionam Farapy. . â€" l Fic Doloreuz Ludigostiou Doainess "pasins sham Doctors, &c., f l-pnsu purposes, and so seversly ulg-find by Vice Chancel= lor Maline in the suit Puilvermacher vs Ham» mond, alias Houry Jamnes, alias C. ‘T, Bapheoy, M. R. U. 8, alizs Houry Burrows, &¢, &c. CHAIN BAND® AND BATTERIES, B. CHAIN BANDS for lm.:â€"h- Head, Tooth, and Face A ‘he, Nolsee in the Head, 218. to 308. B, uHAIN BANDS for loss ot YVoice and other affections of the Throat, 108. 64. to _A pamphlet containing fuil parsticulars muy be had at the Drug Store of A. Christic, Sparks Stroot. i J. L. PULVERMACHER, Gaivanic Egtabtishmon ., ~~ 200 Regent Street, London, W Ottawa, w1 toraper 6, 1870 c\ ac‘ (worn as a belt), 22s to 40s and 55s, B QHAIN BANDS for Writers Cramp, / Trembling, Nervousness, &c, 22s to 308 \ and 408. B COMBINED CHALN ::ll) btn.mhl Paralysis, E , Goneral bility â€"‘ Functional D:gn, &o., 308 to 508. A complete Bet of COMBINED U.#' BANDS8,BELTS, and GHAILN BATT for restoring vitalemergy, £5 to £7. The public are most earnestly cautioned to boware of Pseudo Electric Belts advertised by of E. LaVIGNEK (Quebec.) A;outs 1‘“5 Under» signod in â€" vitus the public to examine the This new swing contains the mo» tive power in itâ€" 3 self, requiring no external impul~ sion to drive it, â€" z. » \bges and in it persons "Â¥, * e induiging in that B "~3 ~. tyz agrocable . exer~ nb dines cize are exposed to no accident or % Ladies porticularly can enjoy flm-u this Swing without having to contend with any of the inconvenionces met with in ordi nary Swings. . _ i i NLECTKIOITY 18 LLF® Patent SWig, _ This Swing may be seen in operation at the Canada Contral Hotel, No. 120,Bussex istreot and at No, 8, St. Patrick Street. _ _ _ oue bar Je i vosita the Mn uitce Bparks & ce 8 su._.gc.-m&n. Nlclto:'uuh ulm Maria Street, Centre Town. _ _> _ _ ;. °; _ _ Cancers cured without the use of -"mb-t ured ”..‘uo the h‘l.fz by a cess. Reference g1y parties successfully treatâ€" ed if required. P ® Ottawa, May 9, 1870, * R@y*Orders mmw to. C. C #@y*R. Carters give Railway Receipts relievâ€" #ay~ing shippers from all further trouble Special rates for furniture. W. K. JOHNSON, Amt Ottawa, Oct. 12, 1871 1 * Homosopathic Physictan, purgeon & Ac coucher. Residenceâ€"Albert street, Offict hours frow 9 t 1i a m., and 3 to 4 p.m. & Special attontion given to dissa 11 dianiace monts of the ateras. 17852 ____ Directions for use on each Packet. _ | . Maxsuracrtozyâ€"Gravel Lane Hw.nk City of London, England ragees t A on Dogs, Blight and insects on Plants, Moths in Fur», Tick or Scab on Sheep or Goats ; also on Cattle, &c., &c., in less than Ten Minutes. The Powder is warranted free from all bad smell, and will keep in any Climate; ; It may be spread anywhere without risk, as ibis quite harmless to Cate or Do â€" â€" as. they will not onl it. 4 § The above discovery. bas gained for Proâ€" fessor Harman a Silver Prize Medal at the Interâ€"Colonial Exbibition of ‘Victoria, Aus tralia, of 1866 besides numerous Testimoniais Agents for Oitawaâ€"Joueph Kavahagh, Grocer, PROF. HERMAN VERMIN â€" DESTROVER, Which is known to be â€" Far Superior to anythin ever yet Dis= covered _ Wor killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Poultry Ants, Bugs, Cockros hes, Black Bootlcs, Fleae _ Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cte. per Packet ; or 8iz Packets Tor Oue Dollar, Sbote. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wellingtonâ€"st. ; John LHill, Toma Pot, Rideanâ€" st,; Blocombe & Stevens, Sign of the Sugar Loaf, corner. of; for New “lblzh, J, W. Proctor & 00.; LL'I-., Mr. N. E. Cormiter ; the W holesale lot the Ounadian Provinces, are J. l-‘lg‘.“()o.. No. 1 Westorn Buiidings, Montreal, Â¥ay 12 1811 6T 1y SIBR HKNLY HOLLAND, Bart., M D ° 1. CHRISTIE 4 co DRUGGISTS, Full particulars may be had from the Sole YANADA NTBAL BAILWAY MPORTANT NOTICE. 09tf Scle A-!'th‘o?&!&'&”flm oight and Uartage Agenor k. 0. C, WOUD, K. 1,0GAN, _ â€" 1 AWA T LMBE, mints Femaieq Complaints Constipation Uramp | Sluggish Circulation Urinary Disordors be Puralysis Epilepay Norvous Debility F anctional Disordors OoTT AW aA 1456 12 §t. Lawrevce & otiawa Railwa CARTAGE AGENCY. The undersigned begs to inform the blio that his office : \this day been Mmmm rear iof the ?‘.ERA] Street, where oflz,il’m&?flbcfion and delivery of Goods will meet with promz: and careful attention. _ Payment Freight and Cariage will now be receivea at the Company‘s Office, on Wellingtion Stret. Ottawa, 5th Feb., 1872 PDB. BROWN has great pleasure in re» commending his successor, _ _ ~ _ to his mâ€"ny friends and patrons as thorough practical Drvoerst, well versed in all the mo t difficult branches of the business priarsoniZs Hixt. (Calling at Plymouth oatward for passengers) » ete., oto., otc. _ Contracts made for adwertising in aithes ar all of the ahove nanae= And Montreal. Composed of the following or other first class Powerful Tron Steamships : ‘The steamers of this Line are intondad to sail Weekly as follows during the scason of navigation of 1872, to and from Emperor Medway Thames ........Tnesday, 8th Oot‘r. Emperor ........Naturday, 19th do Hector..........Thursday, 3lst _ do Rates of Paesageâ€"Quebec to Londoaâ€" Cabin,"$60. Stoorage, $24. 2 tickete from .all poiunts West at Mepies € _"of bi 4| gut | friends to â€" Canada,. rough Bills of Lading issued on the continent, and in Londor for all parts of Canada, and in the United States to Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago and other points in the West. For Freight or Passags lrply to T.I::: ley‘s, Carter & Darke, 21 Billiter Stroot, don ; Wilcocks &.Weeks, Barbican, Plymouth; 67 HPARKS STREET. Uttawa, Oot 15, 1872. 3000 3m FIKSI‘-RA'I‘K MANGLE FOR SALKE. LONDON, QUEBEC, Medway N. FAULKNER‘S, York / Strect pro®t mss Boss & Co., Quebec ; or Â¥rom $400 to any amount, or approved secautity URUST . AND LOAN OOMPANY .OR â€" "!PPER CANADA 4 Non Conductor tor Covering Steam Boilers NONâ€"COM sUSTIBLE & NONâ€"CORROSLIYE ave 20 per cent in fus!, and steam passes through any length of Piping covered with the Nonâ€"conductor quité dry. Extonsively used in the Kastern and Western States and throughbout Great Britain, and by the British Admiraity and American Navy.â€" [flt circular.) a . B.â€"â€"It saves 30 per cent on the Russeli douse boiler, and steam is now raissd in half the time it took before the cov»ring was ap~ ;llod,vhllon-m a large per centage ef uel and Labor at the Water Works of the Parlinment and Departmental Buildingy, City Gas Works, Rochester& Co.‘s Steam Mills A Fis&‘s Fouwiry &0., &0. OflA'A HOTKL, 3t Jawmes Streot Mon treal, â€" The undersigned having assum. ed the management of this popular favorite, respecttully informs the travelling public and its former patrons, that the house has undergone many improvements, and that he intends by constant attention to the wants of his patrons, to make this the most confortable At Junction Depot of Grand Trins an« Uttawa & Prescott &R & All the facilitics of a First C House. Wt troshmont 222000 ” * waw o ® i % * Hotal in the city of Montreal. P. 8. RNTKRKANTE BY SIDK DOOR MR ELW ETLL, ufl MRS. FORBES, Corner of Neison and Rideau Sts. Ottawa. Get 23. 1872. 3007 a Office over Hope and Co‘s, Sparks streot Tss Office, Wellington Agent for the Oftawa Times. _ 148 TEA M 1606 1HAMBERSâ€"SPENCEK PATENT UK uJDNCFION i O8KY TO LKBD ~ _ ON REAL ESTATE, SCOTLAND, HECTOR, * MEDWAY TH A MES, London, Quebec and Montreal, CBALMERS & 00., .. Richardson st., Montreal : ‘P, 0, Box 8444, Bole Manufacturers in the Dom!nion UNROE O‘LEARY, Goneral Western Ageat. tawa. Now. 20. *87; v A. GHISON, Tempeorley‘s Line. Apply to Montreal. or to C. k UJUnNINGHAM, FROM LONDON. FROM James SBailiff, EMPEROR. Courrier d Outaouais. 44.¢43. Wednesday, 16th do Monday, 28th do Thursday, 19th Sept‘r. Raturday, _ 2lst do Wednesday, 11th Sept. A. J, TAYLOR, Cartage Agount, P WILKINsON, Trw» tffce. Ottawa do 0. 8. BROWNE, DaAVID sHAW, 3°D ©1.,9" NILE NIGER, TWEED, TEVIO 1. 4th Oct‘r. 2068 tf do Ottawa, Monday, 30th day of Septem» ber, 1872. | Uttawa, Monday, 7th day of October, 1872 His Excellency the Governor General in Council. n the recommendation of the Hon. the Street, and Lower Town Market, Minister of C\tnhwmn, and u;m'lt::o thAe prov) k oTTaAwW A. T apu sions of the 8th Section 0/ ot 318 I tiginal packages always on , and Victoria, Chapter 6, inté,tnllied : E.x‘ Aa 4 ‘ a.n(y)?;mtity of goods to suit purchasers respecting the Customs," His Excellénéy | packed by a competent packer. hupro::n pleased to order, and it is hereby Onekary,md E.Iunnre for hire ut very ordered, that the Town of Sherbrooke, in | low rates. the Province of Quebec, be and the same| Lamps, Chimnies, Wicks, Burners and is hereby constituted and erected into an | Lamp gx'ump, Lamps repaired on the UOnt Port of Customs, and placed under | shortest notice. the survey of the Port of Coaticook. i#\ â€" R@~ Goods sent to any distance. \ W. A. diaansWÂ¥ gBaad, = _ Being the sole agents of Mr. JOHN Un the recommendation of the Hon. the Minister of Customs, and under the gro visions of the 8th Section of the Act 31st Victoria, Cap. 6, intituled : " An Act re« specting the Customâ€"," His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that Bay St. Paul, in the Proâ€" vince of Quebec, be and the same is ber. by coustituted and erected into an (ut Port of Customs, and placed under the survey of the Port of Quebec. JOH. 0, COTH, Assistant Clerk, Privy Council His Excellency the Governor General in Council. Allâ€"descriptions of m insured rates. e e at ate Losses promptly settled without refer ence to the Home Office. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Assurances on Lives granted on favorable Un the recommendation of the Honoraâ€" ble the Minister of Customs, and under the provisions of the 8th Section of the Act 31, Vic. Cap. 6, intituled : " An Act respecting theâ€" Customs," His Exccliency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that Lardoise, in the Province of Novsa Sootia, be and the same is nereby constituted and erected into an Out Port of Customs, and : placed under the survey of the Coliector of Customs, at the Port of Arichat. : W. A. HIMSWORTH, _ CABITAL............. .. . . . . $10,000,000 ANNUAL INCOME, over..... 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over.... .. 9,500,000 SPECIAL LIFE ASSURANCE FUNDh ««««+«+++«4s; x++*.»» 60005800 There having been added $736,200 to the Life Fund as a result of the business of Un the recommendation of the Honoraâ€" ble the Minister of Customs, and under the provisions of the 8th Section of the Act 31 Vic, C:p 6, intituled: " An Act repecting the Customs,"" His Excellency has been pleased to order, and it is hereby ordered, that South Bar, Cape Breton, Nova scotia, be and the sime is hereby constiâ€" tuted and erected into an Out Port of Cusâ€" toms, and placed under the survey of the Collector of Customs, at the Port of Sydâ€" the past year. offered to p;h:{uh:fld:: Besides the Parers hive" additionat recurity" in‘ the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a Wealthy * "Tabigs ‘of Rates, Proposs! Fornis suil fut ney information can be obtained on application to the undersigned. His Excellency the Governor General in Nes . T. M. CLARK , Agent. fi?flglfilm oornclr_ml,q'nrh N.B.â€"The financial position of the Royal s in no way afftected by the recent Fire at io nl ce t * * Ab4 His Excellency the Governor General in Council. ‘ CHRISTIE, Commisston Merehani ari *"e â€"Goneral Agent.: Sole agent for Read‘s mflm andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes" Laâ€" on.‘:‘.“-“.‘s"-.-g"' i Gery wene oo Ranaols t seee ouse, Ottawe city, 0. . 4BDe: Bell‘s Block,Sappers‘ Bri n:-n,'ar.:.-l A Sime, ..,..2:.... Philaâ€" t ) A OraSte® Purditent; mnmm Mansging Director 0. & St. L. R.Â¥. 1406 prepared ox tor the Fateni anue Ci6ADâ€" ll(nulhomnw and Ba â€"Leathet i wive a Wiitton prine weal is y corley ve a & ual to new ou! Packets, 34. each ; nd.&n. 64., 1s., u_x and 4s. each. prepared expressly tor the Patenm nuus Provincial Land Surveyor and Draugbteman, commissioned for the Provinces of Quebec ad Ontario For cleaning and polishing Silver, Rlestro Piate, Piate Gizes, Ap. _ Hablets, 64. each, PR (Ottawa, Wednesday, ?nd October, 1872 No 21, 3. Rideau s$reet, Ottawa. No 1, 10th Coucession, Osgoode, + Apply to DB. MoDOUGALL, Bideau stree Ottawn, Dec 37, 187) 18556 10VERNMENT HOUSE, +OVERNMENT L110USE, NOR SALE, A. PERY Fire OVERNMENT HOUSE, UVERNMENT HOUSE, QÂ¥aL INSUKANCE COMPANY, BILLINGS, Jr., Architect. wileeoâ€" aâ€" Bell‘s Block,Sappors‘ Bridge. _ __ _ Monday, 7th day of October, 1872 C,. RALINBOTH, KIRE DEPARTMENT. Office. Aylmer, P. Q FIRE and LIFE, W, A. HIMSWORTH, Clerk Privy Council. PRESE®T PRESENT H, L. ROUT I.F.BIDDELL, Chief Agents for CGanada, Clerk,_Privy Council. Clarc Privy («uncil. 122 tf Lord & Kelley, ensure ready sale T M 0 & 2) _ THREE SCHOOL q " C xX "o | with Model School ur:“\’a%m P . | with Elemen: iplomag two Importers of China, Glass, Earth | Elementary hoh;’odmr.h “‘.“‘b enware, Cutlery and Fancy | teach both hnguagsâ€"l”a"‘d to G'O(gs- | Apply to JOHK uu“:m ;lflomsux AND RETAIL, 63 SUSSEX | _ Secreiary Treasurer q kAMs Img, Chimnies, Wicks, Burners and ILamp Fittings, Lamps repaired on the shortest notice. R&y* Goods sent to any distance. Being the sole agents of Mr. JOHN MOONEY, of Prescott, manufacturer of Earthenware, we are prepared to supply trade with Milk Pans, Liquor Jars, Molasses Jugs, â€" Butter Crocks, Preserve Jars, Spittoons, Drain Pipes, Stove Pipe Tubes, Chimney Tops and every size in Flower Pots made from designs by the best gardâ€" eners in the Dominion, at prices that will Begs reepectfully to intimate that his Stock of FURS this season is very comâ€" plete in every dep?rtmen'., containing every kind in general use, from the high est priced to ruch as will suit the taste aed means of all. RED - IIAT. Purs! l“lT"S! ITur=! Besides the information already publishâ€" ed, the proposed Second Edition will be and very much additional news of the past and meny views of the present will be fl;:n. It is also intended to bind this ition in cloth, with_the neces«ary outâ€" side gilding, and the price will be made as low as possible . Oct 11, 1872. N. B.â€"The fullest attention will be paid to advertisers Advertisements will, ac» MI‘:, to agreement, be embellished or prirted in varied colored inks. Free Iress please coou. Ladies‘ Jackets in KSouth Sea Seal. Ladies‘ Jackets in Persian Lamb, Ladies‘ Jackets in Grey Lamb. Ladies‘ Jacket« in Beaver, Ladies‘ Jeckets in Russian Lamb. Ladies‘ Jackets in Ermine. ladies, by leaving their orders with measure for any of the above fashionable Furs, can have them made in any style required, either as respects trimmings or otherwise, and may rely on getting a suâ€" perior article to those imgorwd. The highest cash price paid for Raw Furs. R@~ Remember the place, Sign of the RED HAT, 33, Rideau Street. Ottawa, Oct 22 1872. 3006 We have just received per Express, from le.lobn&ur:mwor in Holiand, a large and choice assonrtment of the follow ing : _ Gentlemen‘s i}hffalo, Bear, Kacoon and Wolf Coats and Robes. Narcissus, Hyacinths, "Octawa Pâ€"si and Presen‘, By C. ROGER. DAILY AND WEEKLY. LTHK ONLY FRENCH PAPER IN §Central Canada, Class Tweeds. â€" They regret. however, having again to draw the attention of t.hougnbliew the mp-upud&qdm umo( importing English ete ing them as Cunadian. These Blankets are made largely of Shoddy and Cotton Waste mflsmfldfinnupofpum Wool,nné though slightly in appearance, closely purcs 101538 & B@" Orrionâ€"W suuisotox Stezer, Ortawa. Plain and Ornamental Printing, 1+ y have pleasure in intimating the m restoration of their works at Cornwall, which are now in full opera. tion,mm‘ large quantities of White and Grey Blankets, and Heary Medium ticketed ©Canadian Manufacture," have néither warmth or wear, but can be sold at a lower price than the Cornwall Blanâ€" kets (which are made of pure Wool) can bm‘u‘dbr. mfiflhmmfioned against this tempted deception, and respectfully frAHE CORNWALL MANUFACTURING informed that the name of the CommwiaLlL Mixoraororme Couraxy is printed on the ticket of -vzl:-btn& by them. ‘Cornwall, 11, 1872 211 2m BIY EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOXâ€" GENERAL IN COUNCIL in the recommendation of the Honorâ€" able the Minister of Customs and under gpd in virtue of the authority conferred by the Act 31st Victoria, Chapter 6, intiâ€" tuled "An Act reepecling the Customs," His Excellency in Council has been pleasâ€" ed to make the following reguiation ; In addition to the Warehouse Ports nouh:.d_in t:.smmh?goth; Act P‘d uring Session o arlinâ€" ment of Canada held in the 3lst year ol Her Mejesty‘s reign and intituled : " An Act respecting the Customs" and also in addition to the Ports named in Lists sancâ€" tioned by subsequent orders in Council passed under the suthority of the said Act, the following Port shall be and it is hereby deciared to be included in the List d'-?( Poits in the Dominion of The Port of Wallaceburg, in the Pro~ vince of Ontario. W. A. HIMSWORTH, 21232 Clerk, Privy Council, Aug 27, 1872. U "RR KITHAINNS UJst , 1872 Ottawa, Oct 19, 1872. IGN OF THER HORTLY TO BK PUBLISHED, MAMMOTH POSsSTER Translations made with accurary L. A. GRISON, Agent. _ :uvmm P HOUSE, OTTAWA. Monday, 25¢h day of November, 1872. PUBLISHED IN HULL, P. Q ILLUSTR ATE D,% JAMES PEACOCK From the smallest Car» to a &c., &c., &c. A. CHRISTIE & Cu., &A SROOND EDITION OF CAUTION. LORD & KELLEY, Manufacturers Agents, 63 Sussex Street, ttawa 12. 2059 Tulips, Lilies, PRESENT Gladioli, Crocus, Druggists, 3004 | w Authorized discount OB Amer." voices, until further notice, J] Qh R. N. M. Boboakng â€" 104 eannot i forward to my nu 'Ex;ninm“' fflTn ;Pr;v:b;;‘ Letter. T‘n. can sent regulary » Tofi hanke s d m o t Randnts b"l"l and gupplements :â€" all Chize puyd netralia 222 nâ€"__4" C Anw’di? Brazil, Canada, Gibraltar, Jamaica, Maita ) Natal, New Zea‘land, St Indies. %is, or 4!x thin poper To Ceylon, China, Constant West Coast South America. . Office opened temporarily in the merly occupied by the Streels, in the Prékdings. _ _ ©_ 1 n e m ns " Sn week. ittells me just as . in is Halucs ".z::r.rk“.'-'i:":m: wre not only wil h but are treasured up, and 90 ts ary, St 5y tarming over 2000 faby aun ind Bolicitors in Chancery, Notaries, &e. & wolioâ€"lwrou':;z?ldnw. &m x. Mosorovk. . FaiLo®, * July 2, 1872 f e uiss ‘v RIGHT & CLEMOw, Bur vate san( Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law., soliciters hlh, Conveyancers, Notarios Pablic, £6,40,!8 be p.. vinoes on:no and Quebec. Office over Durie‘s Book ';c'm‘ OQt eWA We citorâ€"inâ€"Chance ', Conveyanoet. hu:» Public, and Patent m?zsam wediately opposite Kussell touss, Miginâ€"st. de | Lil? & GEMMULL, Sarrrien, Aflam W Solicitors, Conveyancers te, Court House, Ottawa. I Roseet Leze. _ ¢sati 3. Guams | w ~nDwarp 9. *# ' ot and Cornty Counties of Presoott and ‘u:: Offceâ€"ls ( Court House, L‘Orignal. t L‘ lcnol.l;l.::‘n.m HOC) neyâ€"utâ€"Law, ou\m «noer, y&o Officeâ€"Lang‘t *,' Wihic pposite the Post Office, Ottaws.. wre n Orrioes â€"Lang‘s Block, Ottawa. A. J. CHRISTIE. HA| N. B.â€"Money to lend (Ottawi. Feb 29. 1872 M POV merSuprodes otthe Pence and County A: E Counties of Presocott and mâ€"b‘ Court House, L‘Orignal. Sm th est designs for filfluu:u?.t:o advance in gu«- -‘. exent, bemuty of des and good ~'“‘.“~ "““..'-"Xf‘l‘;!’.f.!!"u‘z"h od in this city . Have pleasure in announci their new store, 44 N.wk.‘.*-‘h“* upea with @ full and complete assortmany 4C * i\ ECRARISHING we will _ be enahied t 2. personal attention o the whote of war froa in ope to give f favor us with entire.rders. to all who @4 Ottawa. Mev 2, 1872 Sm 1 HRISTIE & HILI, (late Keunedy 4 C Christie) Barristers, Attornies, So, citors, Conveyancers, &c. Carpets, * Aele=itangpallc 0C AWGG. > "onfi â€" prfion d opmung _ qurselvee entirely to mops 1CHOLA 8 5 P A R I.#, Serrisier and L‘ neyâ€"utâ€"Law, Solicitaminâ€"Obansery, «ncer, &o. Oficeâ€"Lang‘t Bulldings, pposite the Post Office, Ottews. E A« MARA, Architeot. + © Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Oltews. ~96ly _A Savings Bank Departmer 14 ring five per cent interest Full Asssortment ”ocrou HENDEKISON, {Mel 0 nrd.tyl{:‘ydun.bvl‘% toch, Ek’o -gcnuhn.’o::':.“ ."1 D* ROBILLARD, nfifi Accoucheur, Oficein Mr, D Store, Kasi end of Sappor‘s Bnam, Ob u:n.fn_-dfin.-l.udp.-. . B. al attention dcmm EY & and m be seen at als residence, Aurray #BMk Dl. OLIVER MA RTIE, Dosid Bparksâ€"street, Contral Ottews. _ R, MoDOUGALL, therton s Drug Store Regide * ” O*CON N O It , A tto: ney â€"atâ€"Low,Bdligs ©in Chancery, Convey anser, use treet. Office, Union Bnfldua.oh:’ b _ Trinity Col £ ‘ and Asorierom nlo hnd waiter it manh NC-IY-IM at his nndour..ufli e Arigr v/â€" 9 / . cpal ‘ ‘The only Daily Morning Paper is hormeeqe t ock _ able in vancé, Of In the city. _ 11 is mailed to subscribers usmu;:.ormdcm&-n‘v CIIABLK& MA RCIL, ‘ Office at Mr Tetrau‘s, NP; dence in rear of French Business attended in Otte®® trict Courts of the County of For ordinary advertisements in I_-cuiu.lwm'.:rhu; u&” u?..'»m . .. dfi ath _ Puragraphs among reading matiet, 2999# Cattle Strayed. Bpecial Notices, 12} cents per ces, 12} cen Condensed Advertiseiments, :. Situations W anted, Situations Vacant, ~ HMouses for male, Houses to Hent _ _ C NAman C 22 l &v-'.i. rexram ; each additional word over t cent dobnite tert at SCALE bad ks, Mh-%-" "i'“"& ton at the oloo.o:vi our Agetil . _ Professional and Businest ! MMU _ _ 2# nzlm in-‘rlod..iubcMâ€" _NOTAKY PUBLIO. nfi next the Post Office. it b+ ; OOE (g H.LBu N A limited number 0° A dvertis@000 _, jg 9# in lho“W‘nkl...y;l“l- l‘fl 10 0"‘.’ was tion, uer |-!lll? LETIERS, prepaid and REGLSTERED, (in w aich onst risk f the undersig: od , may be = JA Mik» BA 9 us zen lt x Arscadund womsth IHE TIMES is printed -‘l“j Tas Orrawa Times Prnué a® uiseine Comra®t, 4 the ‘fi Number 12 Waumfin Hor Majosty‘s “"“‘.‘..-‘s b Ottaws, June 2 1872 . .-â€"-..w *USPOMS DEPARUM ENX I January 1, 18 SHOOLBRE] AM q O ENGI A BANQUE NA i| PPAWA CARPET Bonge THE WEEKLT MB TETREAU, l-uuz Public forthe / © vince of Quebec, BHull, newr the h IMES PRINTING AND COMPANY. July 18. 18 UsSGROVE, TALLLON & CHEYEp, _ Barristers and Atiorneysstia, R. K. P. LEWIS ADVERTISINC RATEL ANTED Tdf DAILY TB Â¥Fioor Ojleloths, Curtains and Cupigig M Cornices and Cortise ‘,&.‘m" and a Asssortment of House Furnishing»“'“ Utlawa. JM“M £~ 0. ARCHAMBAULT, 10 24 H. HAYCOCK, Miscellaneous Wants, .fl' 'h-num"_;_‘ 25 CENTS N 1 ith humber of Te FGtt pleasure 1 Articles Los. Articles Â¥ U@ltawa, Oct 1 FAMMJR® uo Ammfif"‘ RE&ppy, Les as e Vide. a‘eiver Shose Ned ts n po l'umlnnd* eric 6 l* lh :nur\pf 14"‘.‘%.- rer, h‘i ClaÂ¥e 0o M anagin6 D* ege Houses * snltlh j ment will be t st "a 0 T2 im‘ m !.’..&'.'-'-B"g' fi nt (on8 #BME n reduin® ies sn ruon wet nve ap y 3 al HANNET P. gy, A ttorney â€"4lâ€"lLaw , io i Ct 9 Good Bs o oi u0 03 (Rlorins ' oraice Poley R@y>ee 1. &A B. on eact 0 br. Mel ova" y â€" «n Aimes Ph in Mr, er‘e P vem AK. At C on rn..‘= s Catthe 8 Bfeâ€"~ NTE ral word 16 % oGmite term 9 y be ur Agett Canksâ€"ndl ”‘u 1 12 tre R@~A\ll work warranted # and all kinds of repairing 6 promptly done. A very large amount of 1 proved machinery has lately | and as the whole is driven by i (uuonlyuublhh-o-tnaz section of m::yk). we are to produce more mmn-y-.h.'" The proprietors are practic wad vopouoadnrvi- t‘lnuwg March 25, 1872 At this establishment vllll hand, or made order, th. wost approved «tyles of _ #OCK A W A YS, BUGGIES AN Which in point of finish an« wre not surpassed in any mark 1@( ~FP. 0 _ WILLIAY PM W. Stockdale, Brother DANIEFLS® H4 CENTRE TOWN, OTT Good Nample Rooms and « modation for travellers. Th Kited and refurnished through And i MYR TLE N ("I'I'AWA SUK A M Carriage and arriage an FACTORY RIDE$U STREET, 0 udeau Sireet, ( would .mu-muo:m-u and the public geuerally, to | Miock of Day Books, Ledger and Journals made up from of paper, and at prices as low than ut any other house in t wholesale or retail. IiarAN, YOUNG uruol‘ IMPERIAL, and TW ANKA knd BRLANDIES, GINS, EU Finest Brands of PORT. 8H 136 â€"McGILL _ STREET A« Acceunt Books adapted to of business ; if not in s40¢ bound to pattern, on the «k A.. Book binding exscuted in the plainest and cheapest to '-uknh::,‘po.â€"fmfin;or nu y prompty aitend most reasonable rales. P-pcnhdwqfi.l- Maps mounted. All orde the very shortestnotice. Uttawa, June 22, 1872 Blrs. 1 Mrs 3 Alessrs T The 1 sented 1 1 be vommiide ot M ARC ged town the Nt. A Countess of D Otte w a " DOMINION BUIL KWX Altosen ie rinkex sell the T Housebhold article everâ€"in H. K. Aupursos. £. 0. Bo M MESSRS C T BAl Coaches, Carriages, Om Uawa, Sept 1 V OL. VII CA CA C MORTIMER, _Bookbinder, Paj it Book Manulacturer Group of Books, Ka Sireet, Ottawa, would (LATE ST. JAME US oi POR A G@OKID SMO langton, Meredith W ke Wine and 1872. Moerchants PROPRIETORS keteed M ns may also he Si, ALBAK H sk o THW A . M M M Mrs Mrs M x 8 TKE M W

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