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Ottawa Times (1865), 7 Mar 1873, p. 2

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Their EKxcellencies the Covernor Gene ral and the Countess of Dufterin had a dinner party on Wadnesdlay evening, at Kilean Hall, to which the following were Wovited : The Bishop of Ontario and Mrs Lewis, Mr Currier, M P P, Mrs Currier, Hon Malcoim and Miss Cameron, ol and Mra Kobertson Ross, Judge and Mrs Armâ€" atrong, Mr and Mrs Meredith, Mr and Mrs R ® Casselwand Miâ€"a Mamilton. In the House yesterday, after the readâ€" ing of the Speech and the awloption of a motion to take the address into consideraâ€" tion on Monday, the usual formal motions were agread to. Mr. Blake then moved mnu(:lahoflpoclw-hm be called befors the House with the reaturns of the Muskoka, Youth Renfrew aml West Peterboro‘ elections. Mr. Hcatcherd made a like motion with regard to Kast Midlesex, Both were agreed to without debate, The Houst adjourned will this afternoon at thres, The discusâ€" sion on theso motions precedes the conâ€" akleration of the address, and will probaâ€" Lly Inst.soveral days,. at Kilean Hall, at which the following Ministers and Government ofticiais were present : RKt Hon Sir J Macdonald, KC M 0, Hon A Campbell, Hon 8 Tilley, C B, Hon C Tupper, C B, Hon 4 Howse, Hon Hesctor Langevin, C BR, Hon P Mitchell, Hon Mr Aikins, Hon J C Pope, Hon Mr O‘Connor, Hon Ir Robituille, the Speaker of the Nenate, the Clerk of the Senate, the Clerk of the House of Commons, the Clerk of the Privy Council, the Usher of the Black RKod, the Sergeantâ€"atâ€"Arms of the House of Commons, the Librarian of the Parliaâ€" ment, the Chaplain of the Senate, Col Uumberland, A D C. Few papers by Canadians havre attracted more attention in England than the one The scene at the opening of Parliament yeaterday was ons of the most brilllant ever witnesse1 in Canads Crowds of people thronged through the terraces ; the steps to all the doors were crammed , the plaunk walks to the square were full of anxious speciators an hour before the time,. lnside the Senate gailery was full by one c‘clock ; halt an bour later it was jammed so that ingress and egrem were alike diflicult, if not umpossible. The Aror ot t?om chamber presented a very brilliant scene, the presence of Lady Dullerin adding much to the cclat of the apectacle. When his Excellency entered the chamber he must have been gratitied witl the scone before him, proving, as it dul, the people‘s regard for him, and their loyalty to the Crown, he so worthily repâ€" re«enis. very recently read by Mr. Bourinot before the Royal Colonial lnstituts, the Duke of Manchester presiding, on the Maritime Resources of Canada. The Standard, Daily News, amdi other leading papers have devoted lewling articles to the subject, and we ind in a copy of The Pleld, received by the last mail, the following paragraph : «A more interesting paper, as showing © how fully the Canadians appreciate their " splendid position and the value of their thanks of all loyal Canadians are certainly " due to Mr. Bourinot for bringing these * lacts so prominently before a British "awlience. In no better way can Canadians © henellt the Dominion than by disseminat~ =© img every information respecting its reâ€" * anurces throughout England." We understand that the Ven Arch deacon Mclean, D. D, will deliver a lecâ€" ture in this city on Tuesday the 11!th inst., on **Manitoba and the North West." Arclh Damcon Mclean has been a resident of the North Nest for nearly seven years, awd he is a very. able man. His lecture, therelorea, will be looked for with interest. had a Cabinet dinner, on Tuesday evening, The programme for the session is very Inckily set torth in the (Governor Gen«â€" eral‘a speech. Though the prominent measures are not of a very radioal charâ€" acter, they point to important improveâ€" ments in the laws relating to various anhacts, amd to the furthering of some 'pnhhe works of great magnitude, as well «a" Departmental changes, intended to remler the administration of the public sarvice more eaticient. WIll also contain the same rerorts and when nedussary, a : upplement will be issued. Tuoms UNE LOLLAR IN ADVANCE. Beontore a)«] M. mbere of the House. who sab soribe, wili recoive the Daily in wrappors, at their lodyinga overy morning. NMaskimainy tei Mnz _ ce Ranae «e M inkKon at Mtawa, Latitrie N. 4 4 4 *, Longitwie W,. 70 4 * from â€" Greenwich, on dth THE DailLY TIMES on-u-mm-m«wm-u Mouses of Pariiament, wil} be furnished by mail during the w bole resstion for o8E DolLLAR 1N A DV a NCBR â€" To Lotâ€"Times Office, _ Auction Salsâ€"A. Rowe. * Loctureâ€"Temperance Nail, Auction Snieâ€" HMector McLean. Choaice Biack Temâ€"J . I;.-v-i Two Bedrooms to Letâ€" Ofice. Rink Music Hallâ€"Lindlev‘s Combination , Lowa] Noticesâ€"~MeK|innon and MeMoran, RHarristor, Attorney, Notaryâ€"W. Marsha) Ma PARLIAMENTANRY DERATES, | efforts, and in some pilaces not without a «labates are not altogether without frut, however, They may tend to enlighton the public mind upon muny points to the mystification of which party spirit has directed its most earnest MNEFEOROLOGICAL OBSEKEY AFTLION® Thc Ottawa Cimes ® RUOBERTRHON, ROOEKR & C (ttawa, March & 173. NEW ADYVERTISEMENTS M f wb 8 boaaed, '.2‘.&‘..0. of . Wind Excellency the Governor General h FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1873. nÂ¥ lem tUE wWwuâ€"&LY TIMXE3 VHE PROGRAMME, t x Reduced to T emperature '} To.m. @p. m #p.8 «+ « » db D 1 emperat ours ended 9 «bo, ':'; <bik TS %). 106 30. 0O Dh altered circumstances of the country, why all the dutieme of secratary shoultl come uxler one department, whilse it may be foumd necessary to detach some of the services now performed by them, and conâ€" stitute a new ones. _ We havre nsver advoâ€" eated too smail a number of responsible Ministaers, â€" because, by the efaect of the _ administration of public aftaire virtually flls into the hamis of a bursaucracy. The true intent of Responâ€" a«ible (lovernment is that the Minister sahould not only be made to account for, but be able to direst the aiministration of his Department, and this he cinnot do if the Department be made too large for one man‘s administration. unduly of the country is happily a prosperous one, and while the new Parliament begins its first seasion under the most favorable conâ€" ditionsa, His Kxcellency begins the most important duties of his Viceâ€"regai func jeots with which it has to deal, and the variety of the interests affected by its awiministration. For the present session the indefatigable Minister has cut himse)f out plenty of work, and will ano doubt do his utmost to get through it. aufficient importance to engage considear able attention, and added to those alluded wirmmg cooempnione mece e _ uBP w' i( d extanmon of “dbmubu&‘:_a_m.;:‘“mh; Province of (ntario in assem blod, sessiofn mm m.:q mn:m mmoflh- ”: mo v Government of the cordial weloome which greeted your lnfll.:yg:.y-r lnto visit to this Kxealilency of the warm md: Mis Excellency briefty replied, thanking the Assombly for h'-'hfl. and promising a fuller writing, w'lhh:.'”- es sertad, but we presume that if such be the case there are reasons, considerinag the are but the imdices of the prosperity the Dominion will enjoy under his aeway. Gengral was presented at one o‘clock yos* Whather the promised readjustment of the dutlics appertaining to the Depart mants of the two Secrataryshine implies commitied such injuries on himsol! as roâ€" aulted in his death on Monday, 1t se0eme Mhzbr:.hldsull-b alpatec a week or more previous tw the night in *fih hmd been drinking very heavrily wase a the time of the commitial of the rash act, It is fortunate that the Minister ol Marine, Mr. Mitchell, has now a seat in the Commons, as the important mesasures relating to mlots, sailvage, &a., and to the lawa generally afecting merchant shipping can thereby be explained and detended by him in the place where they are most likely â€" to be _ attached. The De+ partment of Marine and Fuheries is more fittingly represented in the Commons than in the Senate because of the merâ€" eantile charaocter of . munay of the subâ€" brilliant talents, unwearried afability, aftairs of our Province, maay pub= io and social virtuses displayed by your toward Our Most m*!’._m"flb , was of sufficienst length to give all ho hnd the hm of mnodtieg 4our es Peleldt e t im to the country Un Saturda & young The awuidress of the Untiario Legialative Assembly to His Excellency the Governo, To the Right Homorable Sir Frederick Tem= pic, Buart of Duiff win, obe, ete. Mofrogh Fortyue thipped mm or ch d-ih-.c.:-flmu a tence corner. HMe then, in a perfectly nude state, ran across the Helds and through the woods, to the residence of his sister on the Mill M.&:odonr two :h;. [ arriv mt aister‘s â€" house, : fl“d.: mb‘ During her & absenco mfi'\b window, wok a plece of glass and dreow it acromw his abdomen, cutting himself in a feartul on delirimum. About 9 o‘slook on Suturday night, when on his way to his bhome, he ces tain degree of temporary success. The establishment + of a proper syster «* for the ncourate colle. tion and scient:6 " arrangeoment ol statiâ€"tical informatio e a much neese1.ref»m &+pecially a i a new country like Con«doâ€"th owdiu n of lha peopie and <be amount and rariety of lts wade and imduâ€"tria ao su‘tjeor to great amd sou» timt vâ€"ry saput abanges. dlatintic»e n Oo!, be mute um ful! +z suth + awmentlid= apuoy meâ€"as" as ell remier th ... now oul. eney of secess but e +7 of comprehewnâ€"ion «ad witn the an~ 0 plon of tbe deo a i1 e neus «od aun of the | o, artmwentâ€"l re of â€", Canâ€"dea ar boest but .. le im the a#»p of a+ s1t1@et recornis of any practical value. The mesâ€" aure _ promised _ on this _ aubject will therefore receive, «e _ ; k deserves, earnest consideration from both sides of the House, and though we may expect to see the Upposition take excepâ€" tion to some of its details, we slmill b* disappointed in the patriotisam of any aide of the House which would treat it as a party question. 1t is eminently one upon which the (Government without surren» doring its own responsibility, should accept suggestions from all quarters+; and in its consideration no political teeling ought to be permiited to interfare. mannor. ummm-.u.n. cured a large butcher kaile, and #«ith tre mendous foree struck it into his abdomen the entire lenyth of the blade, turned it round and then pulled it out, thus inâ€" tioting another terrible wound. Upon his sister returning with a neighbor, he was found lying on the Hoor in a pool of blood, and nearly exhausted, with the wal ald was immed y sent for, , but soukd be done to save him. He mmwum most respectably connsoted, hav.og a laâ€" ther and brother resuling in the towuship. We, Hoer Majesty‘s dutiful and loyal a1nbâ€" Housshoid Linens, ::n:-uubh-.u-â€" Cloaring the two Secretaryships implies Igamation is not posstively as» diel. Young McMillan was io they feeal to Her Majosty for Mer Mepresentativre in the I-M n-h.:..“ NAD AFFAIK, A will prove advantageous tances which, we trust, ot (nmtario cherwh 2166 im ! Mamilton (of M: Mra and Gentlemen of the House of Commons l“ Mire “t’“, 10. 1 have given directions that tho 40 > | son, Miss m"-m Kate be laki before you without , You uam.lnamuuub. will be gratitied to learn that the finances Miss Kuston, Mre McCurig, Travers, of the Dominion are in a prosperous condiâ€" Mrs McPbarson, Miss Dever, Mrs and Miss k oo eoeue Wl o es P OOL] | Fniriok, Maduihe P T Yeoklds. Hegdry, nlul‘“m":“-t.“.-“ Mrs A G Forrest, Mrs ll.-" Mrs Cl Reed, the Misses Mitchell, propared with as much regard 10 6600007 | and the Langton, Mrs as is compatible with the efficiency Of tho | and Mizs the Missos Mres ho nil ho of tpitihe thit thst amotme K Drinkmater, Mrs It Camert® h opinion suppli#® | Mizs HKichard, (@Aampbell ’-M.y Government will aik you 10| us uell (M;hm vote, can be granted without inconven> Mis Cherrier, Miss Trarers ( & iance to the people. h. Kaitan sim men of the House of Commons 1, In addressing for the first time the Partiament of Canada, 1 desire to exprem the satistaction | teeal in resorting to wivrice and ammistunce, as woll as w: «use of my own good fortune in being permilted to sssociate myself with you in your labours and aspirations for the welfare of this Dominion., I rejoice to think that my assumption of oftice sbould have taken place at a pariod -:.?Md lboudz‘n"ur ad when amity T rovicl snfengat sit neighbowing mations -l-hun-:‘.hd-fl-mm ot the amccess which Canada hersel{ in comsolidating hber political unity and developing her material resources. % In accordance with the decision of Parliament, and to carty into efeot the lngialation of last session, I have caused a charter to be granted bsad(h- a-'&hhnb of the aftords _ Athat _ antistactory -wm{b .‘o.‘h the pondeance relating bmw-\nh hasoemed with a great measure ol success, awi that the numbers seeking a bome in Canauda hare been ’dq augmeniecd .b:bm.p:.flnhm steailily increasing stream ol settiors that ‘uhcqu-d the Arst consus amd this would therefore, seeam a Attins timme to provide for the establishment of a proper system lor the accurate collecâ€" ton and smentific arrangement of statistiâ€" oal information. 1 commend this subject “mb that abould vermt t Cantmen ante tron mar seald ment of the laws, now in toree in the serâ€" tion of the people in Parliament. A mes s«ure for this purpose,and oce for the trial of Iâ€" Your sttention will be inrited to -â€".bihn-‘:-h-udmhz ralating to Pilots, ami to l‘v:t‘l--dlm-‘m a« wall as for the improvement ot the Laws : %% Aâ€"aul-mzb-ll tw c.b'cxnl l-:qnlblb amendment and comolidatiâ€"n of the in« apection Laws. will be vigorously prosscuted, and a favorâ€" wdhmâ€"h‘hrm :dm-l;hl: Mis Excellency the Governor General ::.ulnolno“.m the causes of & it canmin mt d fetmenr or ie fiows of Commeons shall have been chosen, accord â€" ing to law ; but toâ€"morrow, at the bour of ”dwm His Ex cellency will the cause of his callâ€" hil:bhfi_-l. pleased to nfi:'ni the H of use ;â€"m. Then, on motion of the Hon. Mr. CAMPAELL, seconded by the Hon. Mr. AIKINS, the MHouse atjourned untll to their Spaaker, the Honorable James Cockâ€" burn, appeared at the Bar. The Honorâ€" able James Cockburn then informet His Excellancy that the choice of the House of Commons bud tallen upon hbim to be their Speaker, and he prayed for the memâ€" barse thereof the customary Pariiamentary After which His Exceliency was pleased to deliver the Tollowing . T the Froainare, mt in reathanel Th «ivantageo: to the public service. Mhil on the subject aill be laigd t The memhars of the Heoants baving asâ€" «amhbiaw! in the chamber at the bour t 10 day woâ€"a Yesers Chsureau Wulhesd and Co hrane preemed Her M jears‘s Wolne. wam«mag them :o the Seame,. and sub wquently cmme to the t.ble and nb Hiz lency the GOVERNOR GEN. KRAL, at three @Colook p.m., this day, hoh hay en iinn seat upon hm;lm-q--‘d the attendance of the House of Commom. The members of that body, preceeded by Chair on the Throne. i Hon. Spaaker command the Gentiâ€"man Usher of the Black Rod to proceed to the SPEECH. wou the clmir as the foot of the throne. Aummmwm. hgm,d-h-umm His Excellency the Rogbht Honorable Sir Francis Temple, Ewl _ of â€" Dulâ€" aerin, QGovernor.General of Un nuds, aml (Govrermor and Commander inâ€" Chisf in and over the lsland of Princ»e Edward, and Viee Admiral of Canada and DOMINION PARLIAMENT! -bnmmu-uu?m. be ommuniâ€"lon of Honm P.J. 0 Chan veau 1e Y3p~ ker w#as thena re«1. and when be but taken the prewrined ouh be Houseâ€"* 1t is HMis Excellency‘s pleasure the u.l.-i bhum m.- ihis Who being come, Hon. Speaker said : â€" AMrtore some formal motlions the Housse UBOOND PARLILAMXENTâ€"FTRIT sksatox . Gentlemen of the Senals ; Gentlemen of the House of Commons. p hovenftar be anmualiy expested to , a&t hallâ€"past two o‘clock in the THE SENATE Wernssday, March bih. 1873 ees that this great work and sacquaint that to the represaniaâ€" will be inbenitted in the <«MWioses of Mre J MUrs J Tomlinson, Mrs Ketâ€" luqlmuumom Mrs, Heary T. Corbett, Mis Howard r * Belis«llle), Mises Pootiter, Mrs K 8 Can | Mrs Henry McKay (of Montreal,) Misa full lsogth _ of _ the Chamber ware eight rows of seats four on dthr-h.lluwhldh-hm :mq'udumu~o’“ s lan room could acarcely be obtaimed Among thiss lndlos who seats unut:h-i;rn.: ll:d Clandeboye, H on Terrance y Titk Lakp Reeminnd and trie flansuickd with Lady Howland -‘11‘ c-ltha:l-c“ Crawlord and the rawfloed, of Toronto, Hon Mrs Tilloy. Miss H‘d..%n mlmbfhwh Hon J aud Mice Mboad, 34 C l-fi. Mim Monssall, Mro anti the Wisas k Mize Boott, Mrs Whitcher and Miâ€" Beall, woene o rarse beauty ; and cuch an one as we but seldom see in Atae=s, even on likew occasions. The Renmtors‘ desks hnmi been‘ Mim T C Patteson, Mis PaloWNA Mre Omtard and Miss Godard, Mim Lowse, Mrs and Mine Cooke, Mrs and Mim Maredith, Miss Hincks, Mise Patrick, Mrs. Berestord, Mime Nobertson, Mis Mine Cluisâ€" hboim, Mrs D Bla‘n, Mizs Mis and Mise Kingsfond, Mrs H V Noel, Kantâ€" Trevam, Site Lawis sad ‘Hthe freugh, Hhie rmmvore, Â¥ B8 Cumberiamt and m U\, Mrs Cumberiand and Mrs Campbell, Misees Himeworth, Miz »a, Mre and the mm dlumlholbw&! K Drinkwater, Mras HH Cameron Miss Kichard, Mrs A Campbell ) Mise is oll (l-md).lnhm:-, Miss Cherrier, Miss Toavers ( ) Mize Easton do. There wore bosvies soveral clergymen and prominent citizens on the fHoor in front of the Clark‘s table. would make his motion of at "ally an hou: at pracéable iounorrow. _ .}":m m'::u npflblb y report atate the Libary of Parliament. The Houge ad journad at four o‘clock. FUKRTHEK CEREMONIES CUNXNECTED WITH THE OPEXING. Thusday, March 6 187* The House met at h If pas: tw â€" o‘clook. and sharily afterwads remived 1 meâ€"say® from liin Exoellency requ ring the atiend» «nce of ihe members as the Senate Ubamber of privilege in connection with these returus they sbhould be printed in the votes and procesdiings of the House for that day, that members might have an opportunity Mr. RLAKE moved that the returns just mumg in the votes and pro The Clark of the Crown in Chancery :cudhhohflomdwh returns asked for. Nir JUHN A. MACDOUNALD Said that as the Hon. gentlieman was to move a question Last week Mr. William Pook, of Stanley sold two fine heary draught and general purpose stailions to a tarmer in the townâ€" «hip of Hibbert, near Carronbrook, The «nce of ihe members as the Senslt]| Agomno Sarys oo Foontom â€" We Ubamber wouls call the actention of our reâ€"ders to= Tbe 3: EAKXR and mambers bavrin, 1*â€" | gpe auction sale of bousebols furniture *« turned from she enate ‘hhoabeâ€" be held by Mr. Râ€"==s suinser, toâ€"das Ihe sPE KEK ma«de the usual for= | a; the dwâ€"lling of the Rer J ay ~pa ks m «| declwna..ous at the ovan as of Parlst» | ggreot. The furoisure is all in good order ment.. The reasing of tbe asdress hati9¢ | and the sals wil be 'i'h‘x rese: ve, b-o»dahoa-d mib, therefore pariies w rting anyubing in she Sir JuH * a. MAaCDNALD introduaced | apove line will do we‘l to atten:s the s le a tuil respecting the admiâ€"»tration O , which will commence atten o‘clo k a m . oh. of office. l reolsely . tur JJ1MHX a., MKACOONALD «lso moved K . C lhtlr.WN."'n‘fl“' write lo» ibe elecuean of a member to th nmb‘h’un&muw‘ rendered vacant oi uomP.J.U.(.‘hunuhmm d morle ,,.,.u...“° hiing Tor he pricting motion, ol the votes 1r0ceedings, the »ppointâ€" usawumw trial of controverted ete. H: also moved that the address be taken into consileration on Monday next. h the iloge % s ...w-..n'; tw move might be ambmittad to the House. The motion was thean carried : “I‘;..&:Al\:?-m-nlhu the clerk Crown in Chanoery requssial to ivizion of Kast Middlesex, together wi all documents and letirs that he maiy hare Nir JOHN A. MACDONALD said that after the statement maule by the bon. gentleman, nt:.-tmol eourse, thatl the o the Crown in Chancery sbould be in aMtendance, in THE OTTAWA he Cochrane, Miss Thompson, Mizm HOUSE OF COMMONS. â€"hnesva, Miss in tin Â¥"3 Aiteo, Te hettrap, Uongress ha through with the Mw:th.ufi';n its sstisiaction, took up with fresh qusto the question of Lnuhn brief speciâ€" men of the highâ€"toned debate : â€" II-Mâ€"-(I-&.ON-)Mmt suilisiedh to ‘eecare the sarrines "of good to secure the savioes :fnr-‘ and proper men. He was satisfied his ® .‘1'(: uau.’('l.p Pa)â€"Speak for your. .-k.." C ejent! tai fom tn. 1 i ctlave you, too. U is emough for (Laughter.) 1 be« Neve is all you are worths" (Lolighter) Umox Hoosm.â€"J H Cebitt, J Min‘: Kendall, Rockland ; C Deviin Ayl-;.? E m Jlun;.(:lnvvl};un-:hd' P Aylmer; J J Smith, nonu;.u::’- Nee ies Ner or Mhoming rea ;rqgumu â€" W » } & -I mq lmi,ob::‘- Robert calle, J H Rolfe and wfo, Templeton ; °P %â€"c:fi' bv"t.flv-::. Kempt« Mise M'm v.u-: Point Clsire ; A Rougissic, Beauharnois ; U M Mcleoan, Eardiy ; J M Coutloce, Aylâ€" T® o mnnte2ts, in , C "Z VVunBo, i mer ; W H {Botom, Kemptrilie ; S T es on Wns Paclnaam ./ 4 John Wilson, ; Je Henegy, Nepean. woen! wilh VOngrem, ([laughtor.) Mr. Stevenson his regret at .1..“. ‘Ailssolute," and be â€" wi barew it agreed with the delegate from the distrot of Colum>ia I woulbl not hire you for the balance of your life 1t that rate. _ (Loud m.) Mr. Vickeyâ€"You never made in ::‘lbuuuod your salary as a mem« Mr, Btovenson â€"! hare made $10,000 in a single case, and I doubt it the gentleâ€" Mr. Htevensonâ€"â€"L believe that if all the present membars of the House were turnâ€" ed outâ€"and half, of us are being turned out (laughteryâ€"we cou‘d not on an averâ€" do as welil at our business as wo are here, As to geiting all that we h';:-ll-..t‘h‘"h out of the question. people ashington are im one grand canspiracy to take all that nhnpc-ldluncn.u.- l-un‘rl-n‘h for plain and honest living, if we are only satistiet. We can never get enough for exiravagant and fushionable living. There is no end to that. lucddr-‘mwiu the eurrent of extravagance, n and folly 'kllh-o.::u volatile and dwsolute people , we sbhould rather retursn to bm-u. nlu,rlch. aubstantial habits of our fathers. 1 seni to be read a letter from a plain and humâ€" ble constituent of mine, so modest that he would not sign bis name t> it Dmamwe made to orier in the latas: »tyles at Allan, McKinnon‘s and M~â€"‘s, P MA)A n;'JItpa&thduAu McMilian, Montreal; J B tiss, Ayimer; H Cole, Ayimer, IL Harris, Kemptville, (Waiter Foew of our civic bodies can beat the following scene even in their wildest moâ€" man ever did the like, Tbloucmn-da-‘umnofhu‘h- ter, confusion, and bantering about acting on mous letters. m_.,amnmauum. nq-hhddnodun "fair women plous, moral men‘"‘ of Washington, all olassed by FPteven=â€"on ‘under the :n; t\rtd‘dbahu.”nd:m . «sbington compaed favorably in its ratk s cit in the couaiey.. The bards of any country . proy, the men and women of bad repute who Aooked into Washington, came and Rowm: : Houssz.â€"C BHaillie, Montreal ; C & ld.;'lqnâ€" alâ€" G V Kome, N Y ; G U Monk, March ; P Belleviite; A Roach, Montreal , v-:ln Renkin, Pembroke; Capt A , Kinburn ; E K Holbrook, ; J Rhynas, Montreal ; C S interesting entertainment was held in the bmmement of the *t. Andrew‘s Church, Wellington street, M»-h*-udm very numerousiy attended. ladies who assisted at the refreshment tables d--ng-l praise for the very elegant manner in which the latter were got up. After refreshments had heen nrnn{ l..n:lun.!“::h.qr l.: ht &. l.lofllmvny.dnr.lmt. ¢. K: vallent music was furn by the Yt. A“o(:-:chdr. n.ld:thosblo w; . JOrme,. oongregaâ€" tion may y congratulate themse!ves on the success of this their first entertain= rt. We h.loi‘on l:‘ is the intention of managers of the Churoh to give a series of these pleasant reunions, iry gentlioman farored the audience with some good songs and drew forth rapturous encores. ‘The old couniry gentleman brought down the hbousse. interesting readings were given by Messars, Cubert, Kyan and MoCarthy, Miss Heney exeâ€" outed a brilliant solo on the piano and was warmly encored. A number of very beautiful acoentific views were then shown, :d“umom‘nqi:mhr. chairman promised another proâ€" gramme hruxt'rhnnhynung. Cunmut Cucecn Kauwwosâ€"We recomâ€" mend every one to go to(iowan‘s Hall this evening.. Besides the usual attractive programme of muiso and nsdinf:, we oheerve that Mr. Thompson, M.P., for Cariboo, is to favor the audience with a recitation. We are told by persons who hve beard this gentleman‘s rendering of ‘Tennyson‘s *Charge of the Light Briâ€" gade," and other pisce , that toew amateurs «n approach him. Among the other Milior :m dfiodihnr:nm. % * W“fl .MD“ * vis, Brodie, Blyth, Cochranea, Adamson,ete. Doors open at 7:30 ; chair will be taken at 8. â€" Admittance 10 cents, Br. Parmor‘s Harc.â€"The readings at the St. Patrick‘s Hall, last evening, were well attended and chor.n-no was varied and interesting. Miss Heney with m.buhl.muthphno Mr Mggleson and Mr. Smith, and an old coun« onb W1 11%o. A lecture to Chriâ€"tians will be delivered in the ‘Tem, erâ€"nce Hall n Baturd«y evening. 8th inst . at T4 P x Nubject: ""Ith and 8ih elugwrot the xltb to the Romans." The Goepel be also preached in the same place on 1 ord‘s Duy, the evening of the 9th at 6} Warer Wores Commmsmoxeas â€"A meetâ€" mdo( the Watrer Works Comanmsions was in their rooms on Wednesday evenâ€" m‘.:f potsrok sA machi ty weare inery were recaeived: W, P-":gl:‘y. Monitreal, $46,â€" 546 ; Joseph Hall Company Oshawa, *40, OO ; oun:' MoCulloch & Co, Galt, $49,â€" 000. The tender of the Ushawa (}t::cny being the lowest was accepted, the srcpu notifications were sent to the tenâ€" “. A LUVELY SCOENE 1N CONOGREEH, Ruzee is He, Axouew‘s Cucorou.â€"A very LOOAL NEWS. HOTEL ARRIVALA. . 1818 4) Ottaâ€" *» . DINNERA at the || A Mnm Nervous Prostration and General Debility, is to the Digestion und:â€"lh- tion of and the formation of Healthy Blood. Dzu. l..'t&..::&:nov Puosrnates anpo Canmara the agents known that act aAs oX ,”dmam'swm&- to the Stamach, Liver and Pancreas, the great tripod that prepares nourishment for build. in.npt-b?-ndti-u-olsbbody. mufi'uldi-r‘?h and i8 Tisalizing the ooustitution; wbothdrifipais . it is -‘-l: mic women and de 15th Feb., 1873. The central idea in the treatment of all Chrome Wasting Direases, resulting in woman pasing through | Metoaife Ml::tnnl.m“ overtaken by: man who placed his hand over her mouth W. MARSHAL MATHESON, Barrister, Attorney, Notary, &¢ OFFIUE : | Master in Chancery Chambers, OTTAWA, â€" â€" CANADA, assistance and the sciamp ran away. 34 SUSSEX ST, 34 inflammable atmosphere, for the fliames of his lamp cannot come in contact with knapsack was first suggested to him by t Airing "Call itnhtin "haifers hm GIAND UOPENING. r Nreveusâ€"u 1 do not know why the yen lem=«n from» kennsylvania endeavors u in| 0: no, sense into everythigg in thi» Hovse [iaughter.) M . Un. keyâ€"I sbhould like to injert +ome seuse in:0 the gentiem n from Ohio. (Lâ€"ugner J f Mr. Mtevenson The gentletnan might eng aft. 1o ue sense in me if he had «ny huueelf _ I[+ 1 o uld buy the gentlemra at what he is really worth, and sell bim ag in at weat he thinks he is worth. I never would4 need any swlary from Conâ€" g 0 °+ {[Laughter ) ' Mr. Hour (k. p. Mass ) made the point of urâ€"er that this debsate was uuworthy the cusraoter of the mouse, and ought not be permitted to pnmdi and the chairman sustained the point of order. derstands that he must draw on the reâ€" serve hndfivlhl air, from whhhn:o replevnishes portable gasometer. â€" drogen and oxygen gas are nekt turned in upon him. But he is not hurt by the it. _ The whole contrivance is so simple ummuumuw invented. Captain Denarouse‘s miner‘s Inwvi nUTRmoN. HOTEL DE P ARISY. y F REN C H cooxnn@ “'I'-'o ‘Mr Dickey â€"Is not that all derived from the act that the gentloemun lives at the A lingron. | [ aughoer J ___ _ o Wears up the ground and moves about heary blocks of freestone, crawls on his hndol?dknm.uulmlnifhmh a mine instead of in a glass, chamber in the Catacombe,. While he is so engaged the Captain explains that the knapsack is & sort of gasometer, containing a supply of vital air, and that the cylinder contains a reserve fund. He then turns a cock, which he says is to fill the glass chamber with cart onic acid gas. mmy minutes ohso’.th vain bira shows signs ) discomfort, turns blue at m_,mrmmmum, l;phh wings languidly, droops, goes off into a feint, and gives up the ghost. The rabbit‘s struggles for lite are more a convulsive, and his kicks go on for longer time. While death thus invadesthe oh-ib:r.,“.th. miner works :K:y not mind poisonous gas. His lamp, which also communicates with the knapâ€" four torches in the glams 1com fare goue four torches in the glass rcom gone out for want of oxygen. The moment the light in it grows dim, the man unâ€" This Fine Hotel will be opened on the lst §152 â€" Aucax, MoKmwoxs & MoMora®, Late Chief Cook, Russel! House. _ | I)AID-" wmmm‘» that that population was A Parisian correspondent of | the Daily Niews gives the fomowing account of an experiment recently made. in the Paris Usiscomts : Captain Denarousze is proving to the Suavans of Paris that it miners benceforth perish trom chokedamp it will not be through the fuult of science. His demonstrations tw this effect are made in the Catacombs, under the Bue d‘Sufer. The theatre of his experiments is a space formed by the intersection of two low gal; leries propped up with squat freestone pillars, and lined with skuils libins. 1bese details are vhibhbyth:nl‘iat of #wing torches, such as one sées in the Bercy wine vaults. . in the cenire of the opening stands a large glass box, or rather cuamber, which mignt n«vre been bosrowâ€" ed from the managers of. the Brighton Aquarium. | 1ts innamtes are not fishes, but a lordly dungâ€"hill cock, nrym ot his somrlet throut decoratons, a rabbit which might be t:iken tor an emblem of unintelligent vacciliavon and tinnudity. At the extremity of the glass chamber turthest from the seats provided by Captain Denarouze for those who wish 10 look on at the experiments, lyes a tin cylinder, closed at both ends. An India rubber tubse is inserted into the cylinder, of which more presently,. When the performance is about t commence, a lew more torches are lighted. A dressed like a miner, then mh::‘. enters the glass chamber, which is closed on him hermeticâ€" ally, and (then proceeds to work with a pichu.‘lo‘::c evident annoyance of the cock, and bewilderment of the rabbit. He has on his back a tin box, shaped like nt-m&,md fastened to his breast a little lantern, with very powerful refleoâ€" tors. As he stcops, we observe that his nostrils are shut by means of aspring reâ€" sembling the central part of a pair of spectacies. We also see | that he holds in his mouth a bone tube, from which proceais another of gutta percha ending im a kaoapsack. The man is in no wise embarrassed with this apparatus. He A GOOD LAUTG MR COSTTIER Oteawa, March 6th, 1878, (tiawa, February Captain Maxwell, who took (the first Mtb&.hvmnm m-m lv‘-‘mMI-hN'vul!uy, ; POULIA‘3 SAMPLE ROOM, Phunny Mirror‘ Bunday evening last as ‘a young 4O AND SEE THE CHOKKADMP ANTEDâ€"A comfortable ' ._W toom, Within a' doors, '_uafifi‘fi"“m-"'"&:fifl mer and , en nretâ€" cines celary »heds aad O> tabler, aud ve tarters with evetiont hare resigence h Nerab in e€veliont hakee residence _ The buildinglts finished by the bést Enmerimared dnuie i anes hi‘ brgpplono sountinamintwine: : 1+ :+ .+ / ~~ ) *R se At his Rooms, No. 18 Sparks Street, splendid property situated Tmc REFRESHM ENT New Passenger Station i. wew Passe Station at Toronto will be Mu:ounpm: about the Ist of June next, en Int Company is prepared to receive applicn Aflmnh_.._gm‘!m, At the hour of 11 o‘clock a. the subecriber marw.n»mu:lq * mOock of 0JV Acres in the 8th Range Gore of Locharber, heavily timbered, but no Pine. Strong indications of Iron and l'lnm The M. & 0. R.KR. will probably run n three miles of them. ';ll‘lln“(EI‘AWA N\;‘!,:ra NAVIGATION Co, w old ods or sn for their Steamers, wmnnn’h'-l(tvn order f:o... the Agent at Office, l By 7 £Ottawa, March 6, 1873, An Island in the Otteawa River To i cqr Gft n UIKIMWAR Htiver, containing 35 Acres well timbered, lym“qa.: the Gore of Locharber, about three Thu TITLE direct from the Crown . reo, 'n;‘""‘. or four Members can be accommodated the coming Session with comfortably furâ€" nished bedrooms and parior, with or without board, in & private house, close to the Parliament Builldings, where no other boarders are taken APP‘K to the Office of this paper. March 4th, 1873 Faboreira 7 Tfront of the TIMES Office, on WMMB' Afâ€" ternoon, about 4 o‘ciock, A LADY‘s PANN KR. 1t was discovered by two gentiemen, who lifted it up tenderly, aad carried it into this Office, where it .wu’lf identification and reclhamation, gume um eseus acls lau2 4 aRomt 4 Notice is hereby given thaÂ¥ in consequence of tho-e-wbomo-m.‘on the erection of the new Presbyterian Church not having been yet paid, the members of all Trades Unions and MMMMMMwm“m'MW contractor who now has it, nor any who may w:rhnluunmmmflr. y Order, AM, 220 1 w Sn a snb es veas Toronto Station Refreshment To LETâ€"For the Sessionâ€"# and two Bed Room«. mr..n.l:'g..n‘. Currler se . 0.3 3 (_% Pan be accommodlated with Rooms, and Breakfast if required, in a desirable location. Apply at this Office. 2000â€"3t To MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT. The Partnership heretofore existing between thonndo.l:neduthocuydmhuu-hou- TB wu-m, under the firm of M & Che , has this day been diasoived by mutuai consent; the said business to be carâ€" ried on hereafier under the name of W . 0, Mcâ€" ‘K;{. who vludny all linbilivies of the said firm, to whom all debts due to the said late firm are by the t‘erms of the dissolution made payable. W. U, MeKAY uitc as___‘ . â€" _ JEDNUND CHEYRIER. cbd Mnurkl, i/. __" 1"5°""CTUN DIOck, corner of Banl a0d Sparks Street, has room for Three Members aA wersk. an _2 2120000 Can oC HCâ€" J. commodated with Furnisbed Rooms within five miuutes walk of the Parliament Bulldings Apply to R., this Office, Apply on pay ment of this advertisement. ryA0) ry*IMBERED LANDSFOR SALE CHEAP Grand Trunk Railway '.r'b BEDROOMS and Pariour furnished, to let. Apply at this Ofi ce. Two OR THREE GENTLEMEN JA Commodated with Fnrnizhad 1>. Parlinment Buidiugs, CHATO® NOTICE. Ottawa, March 7, 18738. A Block of 600 Acres in the 8th Ottawa, March 4, 1873. , 0, BUC N Montres!; March 3 15%, * HANA Three Members can be In front of the TrMES Office No. 97 Ht. James Street, N TUESDAY, MARCH lirs, UCTION SALE oF UCTIUON SALE OF PARTMENTS To LRT () LV ENT TIC EK. THE MECHANICS® * oF DOMINION, Merch 5 CAN A D A.. uarter of a mile of the Apply at this office. ALEX., BOW 1E Apply to JUHN oan be acâ€" 4 fa ie orie magh 1 1.15; P.M rand l '“ *4 *X Siry ited with 3 | 630 a.x Do do Expre8s fige, ; desirable I nide m 3 Trow .“ § 4:10 P.x lmw“ Mail h-o. * NT. ~~ | +# | 195 ax/ng :fi-‘“"'q.. L f | n“...--ol...-o-.o-' “ nmodated | *Every das, “â€"\"‘""‘ cce Â¥ nmodated GoIng soure r without ‘ariiament â€" I e | ‘onnecting | re taken. | No U“l::":l C y eA * laainlk Truuk â€"â€"â€"â€" 1. 2 110.00 a.uiGrand l s (wrx !0Â¥~.....--«?-. v ~_** (ana" do rematr t is., hegivg To L ‘ raeshom | s $.00 a.x / G. T. R. for Weq . l § | JWIE _ | with + # ’ !u, T. K& fi‘__im “Cu- 10.00 P x mut.. l% ‘ . Comprtable Sote Cars on Ne isgo ”m with all ANNTrH: | inaine soun Fooetot, THD 2l the Orgy 21908â€"] m 226â€"1 w *« Lour aw, 4 5 !ngo;}THE $ST. LA mf:’: wL _ AT HALIFAX; At the MELRCHANTS‘ BANE OP Hill uons to be accompanied by s ortifes, mto{m Pak 0&70"* for in the Bunhc‘k- after indicated for that uk‘ on or before the Sl-i\'m,‘..' Interest on the deposit aLthe CE®tT,. will be allowed unti :2 Bhares is made, and any portion of the as follows N S ERSHeT TT ae i nggimiers thaed o i wen nutes al le Tnd":u ame in am uio 6255 hy Cl C El not ubsorbed by a ten per cant depost Shares finally allotred, will be retumed Aannaltar ALTERATION or m.-'fll be recel R. mh&-.muvn.cvl-fifl FEUILLE, Esg., Monutreal, Interig of this C":(Il'-!.lnt allotments of ers are dispose tions to be accompanied :-.â€"- AT TOROKTO, OTTAWA, HAKp LONDON and WINNLPE; At the Branch Offices o iy { MERCHANTS BANK O with AT QURBEC: â€" â€" At thy* "0®% : UNION £ANK OF LOWERCN3 OTTA W aA MFERCH ANT3) No 31 ) “'""r'x?'m% , Februncy gu,, 1504050 Direcker, 0%, ANADIAN PAQILFIC Every day, Mondays ab‘e, quickest m"&&auu.m! Leave : Uttawa, | C 10.00 a.x Grand 6:30 aA.x 4:10 P x 8.00 A.yw 110 P.x 1:15 A.a ts may be made NOTICE AT KMKONTRERAL â€" RAILWA“ RAILWay wl We 8 $60 on * ‘I'I"â€"- x ?-r»'-".'."i vovrernor Dix 4 -’c: â€" Coming, N. : burg burned 35 places of busines Motel, which con ’.r-.‘“&.c': open it on _ An official doc: lhe -l:.'h.."" i C and troops are It is stated it 1 the entire Cabi will resign. | Petersburg for the Kbedive Barlin to the 1 ter, and attempt ot Don Carlos ; demonstration arated, becau temper, that t ofienders it is Rojue, seven ralter state Pork, â€" tirm ; rew mees, #17 firm at $6 5) to *mw zo 6.50 for janc baker‘s; 5.90 to superfine ; 5.75 Rtocok, very 4! of Montreal sol selliers at 182} ; sold at 1014 ; C to 1131 ; Comm H6]} to 172, cl« LATBT articles publi«! Foster, who his .;u.ditaon i.n'mb" of forgery on 1 â€"‘The quarterl (mdl comme W eather colâ€" Troupeé, took Th s far Toronto on institute an ® the first numbe”:w General sa tdsy at th Cockburn to | President MIDNIGH Money York,. Ma the sev. FROMX (By 1 CA BR end ho @9 li

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