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Ottawa Times (1865), 7 Mar 1873, p. 3

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Offices + ANK C4} :U‘.-.’f i the ue w and Lr028 JOHN, N.B. At the 'nm An_;cl." ‘ "«rURDAYX DHAW rl.'lfl meo Carlists in Spain. grows in Loadon that ty | bmw ch Offices It is ramored that the Carlists leader inâ€" J ANK , tend to raise a loan. o A Maudrid despatch stites there is in â€" uns ) tense excitement there and that a conflict @UEBEC : in between the government and it the the The latter crowd the streets, the ‘Government buildings are guarded AF LOW ER and troops are stationed at various ml-. ommmtmmmomee i1 .ll.bfllfiCumpnm-wd ve entire Cabinet and President 1aLUFAX ; vik rad Figueras it the London March G.â€"A despatch from 1ANK OR Berlin to the London Times says : â€"Many 3H NORTH (Coanpany‘s bee mnesifend "‘GKT:{&’ C e e ts “ “......'...:?::“ k w w n n t d*‘ L RAILWAY $ A TU ExC TÂ¥ AND RAPT ICTORLA AK KB, RKEYV N Mlfl _'L'"t-,t;ndu PNtS J‘ RALLWay NE B A XIâ€" NTBRE A 1 ANX OP ( LA WRelp, recel v cimp 1/wO8 xÂ¥ the TT iines, UDe o and WOR ud ( and Â¥ TCB DF a Ourtifionte N4 Stock, very quiet, but firm. The Bank if_ 68. of Montreal sold at 182 to 183; closed for ~ smilers at 122} ; for buyers, 182} ; Ontario, 1 «old at 1014 ; City $9 ; Merchants‘ 113} : to 113] ; Commerce, 121} to 121 ], Graphie * ONMBE Trae, _ jjgj to 122, closing at 116 to 117. *... Flour active and unchanged prices ; reâ€" l‘._«-n' t ceipts 500 barrels : 22,000 burrels, at $6 40 w 6. 30 for fancy ; 6.10 to 6.25 for strong ‘ animins. baker‘s; 5.90 to 5.95 for ordinary Canad W"“ .::-; for No. 5 * tfirnr; old mess held at $16;, *3 sew mess, #17 to 17â€" %). Dressed hogs, es N irm at $6 ) to $7. _ CC Pâ€"oâ€"mâ€"ommme Vmet i uit United States, and ing satisfaction that America ha! m to share with Englani the advantage of scientific Berlin, 6. â€"The Naturalization Treaty :ril Uermany an i the United States probably be «mended so as to provide that Germans who returned from A merica and remained seven years at home shonld 4 ue Ty . . _z _ "% O «Rerne â€" HHgiek, â€" td will open it on the Ist of June. An official document was received from Governor Dix toâ€"day, and the Shoriff‘s m‘ih«- removed from the prisonâ€" a cell. Corning, N. Y., G.â€"A fire in Bicos h""wâ€"-. h'th.mth% dioith a ho comPacee mescty use on was buildings were occuplied above the tirst hi‘m but n0@ one was injured. 2t $100,000. _ lnsurâ€"d probably . for Ne en & Tyndall on the success of his visit to At a meeting of the lostitu of Gomt lintain on Tyeaey ooo‘ The spess by Gladstone is the b““ml He adverted KRiucation bill, and intimated #hmlmwl’mpt available amendments, and would even consent to modifications which would not thflhm»mmw lon uf any worse measure. in conciusion, be said that when the hour for the dis~ solution of the ministry arrived he was mfil‘\m”'fllmu‘llmâ€" ly a our posts, knofone y.i _ _ ; o Mrewn with broken branches. "E‘fimuy. faiunt :“ the severity briaknes: of the About 500 citizens or militia who par Weipated in last nigho‘s -Rny.wmuv:v :‘."""" with 'N-Mf'u-o act of Conâ€" n.':'_'.‘ April Wth, 871. a oonsidered to have renounced their rights as naturalized citizens. wounding seven American News pidl . . hrveng viznt_atadmate. The city is very wiet “b;:!'od"z?unh will be made while t woops remain in char ‘ ..."Y.l.lmh;‘.. "â€"=. seven lireat excitement . guard. A large number of people this morning visited the scene of the aftray. last night the effect of the tire of the animminter watkh Wikihlts in brom w Akoass Wees in the square are builets und the en mes T‘! until Pt:‘enlnc of the wido® of James Fisk, Jr,, to the amount ‘.~ thousand shares of the stock, are Ad judiontec upon, Ban Francisco, March 6. Steamship t Bc e nuae ons .'h~“' the disabled steamer "1 " crew and ‘ngers are well. New York, m 6.« Arrived, steam» "z "Ferisia," from Hamburg. Â¥ Murch G.â€"Mnuior Lalnumtk has IThe Spanish Gove:nment concluded to “_O.'h-“m. At the testimonial banquet given Iast night to Peter John Locke King, M.P., there were four hundred persons preâ€"ent, mlaa,, _ 7"" "muie in two or three places. Several iron columns of the balâ€" ""(,."I the building corner of st. Poter uk atreets are , and one ied [NilID§ of Juckson square is also im several places, and here and there buildings near it are chinnad " Ppa ; _ "" N Vrs, March 5.-‘"”“, ates m â€" ‘:m from Curdift. toh ays that the C :-_'-llh-m that the npo;: newspaper, now in the e Fhflvmu.'n: sent out of the =" he returns to the Spanish M'..M""" has en;joined the Swh _ PVmeol &_N Mobilinp Russiau officers and diplomatists left 3. Petersburg for Asia and it is probable that the Kbhedive campaign will commence at an early day, . ofenders imprisoned . U i rumored that the Margqu‘s of Indlhl‘t:qnl,whoh.nnp a«mied, because lloqr&m of mhnhol‘mwo-b nnli‘h- retreat near Windsor, and the Marquis has abroad. No authority is given for rmgnd it remains to be conâ€" â€" President Thiers has ecognized the bel. rights of the 'umm in Spain. rfidfll grows in Lowlon that (By Montreal Line.) caBiLE NEWws. GREAT BRITAIN, Lowlon, March 6.â€"Advices from Gibâ€" miter state that two thousand â€" Carlists attaoked the r prison, at San Rojue, seven northwest of Gibral .:M»m.fliuhm ot Uhrilcse.; that the inqurrectionary New Orleans, March 6 General satisfaction is expressed here wday at the appointment of lon. Mr. wtozlpuhnhip. The Novem: wonde says:â€"There is a "mtmmmvuhb imititute an sction for damages against Mr. G.. W. stephens for defamatory uticles published in the SMaily Witess. Foster, who last fall gave considerable wnmm aad bar before his extradition could be accompluhed, .ww&hm‘QMb hase been convicted at Boston yesterday ‘mahfll‘mh- ‘ The quarterly meeting of the new City _dlmo-lmd»y. Weather cold. y Harry Peske‘s, of the Holman Opéra Troupe, took a benefit toâ€"night and had the largest audience ever mside of the Theatre Royal. The Holman troupe leave tor Toronto on Saturday. _ LATBT BY TRIBAML ”"fim from New York says that the first samber of the Daily Craphic had a sale of 30. 000 copies. WIDNIGHT DESPATCHES ‘‘means, March 6. A collision be= the police and militia, yesterday, i in the killing of one man and FROX MONTREAL (Special to the Times ] GCGERM anv. UGrand Central Hotel, amti '!"mt this evening, and 0 further| demanstrstions while the United States was suppressert. and the Monireal, March 6, 1873. Lowe and Cardwell A lire in Bloos | . .. go, Sontataing 3 | kc her with the 90, a l.'ly:- years -lthnlho“.h one was injured.| A M»jor Leland has A 1anon assortment of black crapes lnuhd «t Allan, MeKinnon‘s .l= | Moran‘s, 2X The Vienna exhibition building: cost live millions, exolusive of the land. lnul..‘lu.l:tdoduuhbul:’d Uiol, not w1 mon. ow Wmhm-’fldl The Kaiserglooke, which will shortly be “wumwmquuu worlkiâ€"for those cast at and Mascow, which are larger, are hxed belis. The diâ€" ametler on the lower rim will be thirtsen feet, .ad the weight 50,000) pounds, ’l‘hur- of coal from the United Kingion have been as follows> In the An agent who was sont by some Salt Lake parties to the east const of <outh America n.o.-lhnpuhv.uttum of wonderful goid discoveries, returnad to that city lately with an ex con« Urmation of the story. The & mmlmm but it is known that some of lewiing mine operators and oapitalists of SHalt Lake left suddeniy for New York a fow days ago, Congresamen regard Oukes Amesa‘s lit» tle â€"T:::-..- book M.:.lhz Mld.‘“.. -!'o- a prize package Hematite ores have advanced in the Whitahaven (EKng ) district 50 to 70 cents per ton. Lake Michigan is said to be froren over at a it m eightyâ€"Hive miles wide, the los being from % to 6 feet in Nirangers visiting Augusta, Me., while the snow is in the streets, are ly mutioned not to kick nch hum may notice on the path, as several zns have had their heads bruis. ed in this way before they were out, year 1870 14,1793,0619 tons, of the ?h.d £5,038,371;, in the year 131. 12,741,989 ton«s, of th« value of £6,246,132 ; and in the year 18472 13,211,961 tons, of the ralue of £10,433,YÂ¥31 The change in ralue in 1872 is nearly 60 paer cent. IAJNDON MARKETS, ° London, March ¢, 1 p. m.â€"Consols 0 to O‘A\‘; Bondsâ€"65‘s, 94} ; 1040%3, 891 ; new 35‘s, 90} ; Erie 334. LIVERPOOL MARKETY, Liverpool, March 7.â€"Cotton quist and steady. Uplands, 9{1;, Orileans 1txi, thicknoss. Ahhodyahnymtw N.Y, Saturday night, in which six men took part. Richard Cummings stabbed mmmmm:o'n measuring over eleven inches in length Boih hve been arrested. It is wmnl-“rcmn. western churchyard, displays a high presiation of honesty in mhll.tnl: “n‘n'm umnu.a-:,.w' . L And whas‘s more'-m A.Mhb.nmdy’o.flu Troy, N. Y. State. The wile of a prominâ€" -camwuuu bad come, called her to her bedside which and unburniened her mind by that «he had been lalse to her -zzn.. her paramour being a near neighbor whose name she gave. She did not die at all, and now tho prominent citizen is making things quite lively for the near neighbor and procAaine ami. The (Great Kastern has now board 2,567 us the ingript es croumicg cable, of the lollowing tour ateamere, via., +(Great Kastern,‘ + Hibornia,‘ +Edinbugh,‘ and ‘la: Plats, with the additional cable which is to be laid tor the Angloâ€"American and French cable combination on board, willui:dlho last week b"thd it in OX that the cable wi working onrhdonth lat day of Juily,. The mbie wmill be laid to Halitax® and thence to New York. Un ‘Thursday last, says the Eepres=®, N. Mary‘s wis the scene of a lâ€": marriage. . Love, triumphing oâ€"er fell destroyer, time, and the opposition of relatives and friends, drew together two kindred hearts, beating respectively, in the bosomse of a young gentleman aged 90, and a cheertul miss just twoeniy one years. . The bridegroom has a grand olhild a feow years older than the bridea‘s father. Barley â€"QQQuist and steady, bM-M.d’muy in the buyers C bushels ; sales ”.\nimflobwotrlndud western;, 45 to 480 for new black do ; 49 to 52 for white western ; 50s bid for old du in store. Porkâ€" Very lirm $15 75 for new mess. lardâ€"Firm at 8#}0 to 8 9â€"16 for steam ; 8] to 8%o for kettie. luu-:hb;‘k’_;o. Uhesesseâ€" l4 to 17. Pm~0|fion;nl.d/l9. Cornâ€"Staady and in f-bm.u,; reâ€" ceipts 13000 bushels; sales, 43) bushels, at 63o to 66] for new mixed western ; 66 to C6le for old do afloat ; 64 do in store. The debate upon the bill for the aboli« tion of slavery in Porto Kico was resumed yesterday in ths assembly. NEW YQlll MARKETS, New York, March 6 â€"Goid 15}. Cotton â€")}. Flourâ€"Steady ; receipts, 8,000 barrels ; aales, 6,000, 4 :,.Mâ€"Qniot. heatâ€"Firm for Prime spring ; Sales :pn.'w’ o w “m':hu“{‘:u':)' ':'n h g store to &4 ur& 1 do; $1 80 to $1.95 for winâ€" tor rel western ; $1.80 to $200 for amâ€" ber western; #$! S0to $#2.15 for white western ; No. 2 Milwaukes quoted at #1 6+ to $1.06 for afloat ; $1.64 in store. Rye â€"Dull. to Virginia, fal barometer, rising temâ€" ,m“th“‘r.fym and cloar worm ther by Thursday sight. Madrid, March 6.â€"Senor Vossage, the Npanish Minister o France has notitied Senor Castelar, Minister of Foreign Afaire, by “lr'i. that the representatives in Puris of the different powers of Kurope have decided bnrnedlnunmn the Government of Spain deciaring their belief that their respective governments will cemme to hold dl‘fl-u'n relations with it in the event of prociamation of a Federal Republic. Washington, March G. â€"Probabilities â€"~ For the rest of Thursday over New sng â€" came upon their rear, capturing and dis« arming a large number. ‘The police staâ€" tions are flling up with prisoners. A company of troops came up just af er the mob were driven off. ‘They are scattering to their homes. The mob were distinotly ordered to disperse before any fring. The atiack was commenced by them." Paris, March 6.â€"The report was current last evening that Thiers was U , but it proves to be untrue. The & is ouly salightly indisposed and it it anâ€" nounced this morning that he has recoverâ€" An lows man aays "New <mleans, March 5 â€"An armed mob of several hundred attacked the Tnh:th. station and court building. We »bout oulmodndwm repulsed the mob, drivring of. it is reported that several are killed and wounded. General Bodger, with a torce, bors tell us, m *3 He brought back borrowsed umberrelâ€" tollowing despatch was G"T;'*W * prive the treasury ot $150,000, now paid in duties on mackerel and cod, but m-illmhm Arti= cles of diet. Washington, March 6 â€"The President will now huvre to ?pdu members of the Fâ€"hing Joint Commission on the part of the United States, and, if rea= sonable expediti n is wâ€"ed, our fsheâ€" men can o+jjy during the fl-u uin the p iwilege of inshore in Canadian mmthnhv b râ€" rassmi by the Dominion ‘;L o abhall also have free trude in fisb, : will deâ€" YTHDYTS BSATE writer of the tollowing epiteph, MISCELLANEOUS3 Max Strakosch has the honor to anmwmwnase to the public of rttaws and vicddaity, that he .A give in this elry ONYE CRAND 1 QNCERKT igvgl.;‘li Ni rvutis URNMYPiRa N 26 :: * Ottawa, March 1, 178. KLLE TERESA CARRE®O The Cslebrated Pinnisic rIGNOKX EVABIO »0O0LARA KLLE. CARLOTTA PATTL BIGNOR MARIO, Oonductor...... 8SIGNOR MARZO Go w aAaANS H A L L The Queen of the Councert HRoom K188 ANNIE LOUIGE CARY, HREAKRVED AKATE ($2..... ..TWO DOLLARX 'lnsf.u g ue m.'b‘d:n- RWw _ to MIIIITIAI Jrders from the THI3 EVENING, MARCH 7\rs, EStreots of New YVork G Y M NASTJICS MARCH 118. AT 8 OCOLOC I VLOVM 1 "m‘ MARCH 1li1s, AT 8 OC + _ When the tollowing celebrated artists wil frices 1+ tuanl Luris it Heniholem‘y CALISTHENIO S DANCING AND MAINTIEN Harry Lindley‘s DRAMATIC ORGANIZATION MONDAY, 3#@:o MARCOCH 1373 Pattiâ€"Mario THE RENYNANTS will be sold at HALF PRICKE. WO 1w Return for Three Nights Only SK41]4G RIKK MUSC HALll, MKONS. EMILE SAURET N. FAULKENER‘S, EB13 Y, 20h OFf FEBSU‘RY, PO% OWB WREEK ONLY, 1 MAPLE LE sUSSIX sTREET CRAND Remnant Sale TUZESDAY EVENING TUESDAY EVENINEG Noats tor anle at Mesars. A. & 4. NORDNEINM Mwm;flfl'flldm.fl Do You Ksow Axrrumo or It! is Nor, ir w Twz You Dio. WORTA TEN TIXEs ITs WEIGHT in GoOoLD. &E Wellinzgton Street, UPPER TOWwWN, 2206 Next to Market Bquare. HKHK. J. DB. ANBHLBEWS Finest Souchong & Congou COMMENCINO (TOâ€"DAY) ihar Prinnam fre uhoh in thask Concerts. Thomas‘ Eeclectric Oil INK KUSIC HALL, N. B.â€"Liberal Discounts to purchasers of Five Pounds or over The Strakoech Concert WITH GREAT FIRE ACRNb Aluo the following Classes in J. KAV ANAGH SIGN OF THE AMUSEMENT3 The Fuvorite Americaa Couiral\s The Famous Basso The Eminent V hitnâ€" V irtmom> A W U The Worldâ€" Renowned Tenor CHOICE BLACK TEA Ever Imported into the city. Has just received some of *A L. y V4# HEALED THNDERA, abiresset w the anderâ€" «liyaed, and endorsed, «Tender hx New Oastom Otfice of Te C Waskieret, Taq., Archt 0h 3 dBnovery Ewiriens bmeney i t osmet mas t rvdeays MPhe »Department will not be bound to accept mmse, Tog ," wil be x , & ied pbeneretpeoe pocinii of a new * in calied to the combination of _ LIFE A8HURANCEK WITH GUARANTEE Whereby an Official Assuring his Lik in the THE CITIZ&ENW llsul(,‘l UoOMraxY JDF CANADA.) Mir Mugh Allan _ â€" â€" â€" _ President. (Makaip OrPICR® : MONTREA L. The GUARANTEE BONDS of this Company being accepted by the IXJMINION GOVERNMKNT. CITIZKNW INSURANCEK COOMPAN Yv, ls guarantieoedi for a proportionate amount PFREE OF ANY «AMBE WHATEVEE Full particulars may be obtained of UHARLKES DERJARDINE. Agent tor (Xtewa and District RKDWARD STARK, oc ai ts Ra""! quently n» transhipment of Freight, when IMiawa, 1 m., 8400 p.m Renafreow, :fi:.-.’, 945".-. Brookvilie, 1.50 p.m., 5.10 p.m., 9.45 p.m. Wiy* ‘Lhese Roads are of the same gauge as the Granad Trunk, and there is comeâ€" LEAYE : Brockvilie, 1.: £LM., :.zp.-. Mtawa, 9,30 a. Renfrew, 8 ) 0:8 16 p’:. ARRIVE : CANADA _ CBNTRAL Brockville and Oftawa Railways BUY YOUR TICKETS For Ottaws via Brockville, Printers‘ Material Generally 15 CMENNKEVILLE STR EET February, l7th, IKS. 4100 . 2w lailo and Gusarantse Department, JQuaruntse Bomds lamed at LOÂ¥EN RATH O TYPE FOUNDRY EXTRA TOUGH METAL TYPE THE OLTAWA TIMES, MARCH 1, 1873 »PECIAL TO GOVERNMENT oFf . aoe FICIALS. Fab, 18, 1873 Ofice and Depot, No. t Bnoive.r, Newv Â¥o0LK Pur Sale by all Druggtsts. UNIONS, LASTINGS AWO sERGES. & " UE C CC °C Three Erpress Trains Daily WM. & HonukY FPOBYE, DENWNOLM, CNHOQLAND. ermiLta srmm.rBOs oUuRAÂ¥TORX Flilled with expedition aml accuracy ONT REA L TU} COUNTRACTORA W&/\HEF ALI, UORDERA FOR 1i% mital 10 p.m., 9.45 p.m. ?;&‘?} Ese 2 post or i. ABBOTT, &"E«T Manager. | ‘ine. " *"** *** £. uraAUNX agresments, â€" Any parson doing so will be Bold Everywhere. Price #3.75 UMVER DITSON & 0U., CHAS, H. DITSON &40., 711 B‘dway, New York, 15th Feb. 2189 The DEALER Kinburn, Feb, 17, 1873. U Incomparable! 86â€" admitted :E.Emma _ 55,000 , and its annual sale of treatifies to the fact. The TRACHERâ€"sannet use a more thorâ€" ough or eflactive method. The P U P | 1Lâ€"cannot study from a more concisee or attractive aysâ€" 1 hhobyb:fil parson or uE' x wiluiam “"“'gm" ‘OOLURMBE, ime above having ; ay eployment z* “UTII. Tfll undersigned is prepared to pur. chase and on commission, any amouant of Plfl HAY, Involoed at Douset‘s Landing Htation of the Grand Trunk Railway, the City of Three lu-:-uu- loading extra, to any part of Canada. NE W METHOD Banlieu of Three Rivers Hay Billiard Parlor. ‘The only .‘h:h.’ English Lemonade, Soda, Potash and Seltser Waters. 2190 or _ harbouring _ PIERRE _ RAJOTIK, NAPULEON TaRDIS, MOuTISE COFE, and 'I'IIOIA‘B“ MAGARTY, tos atove men baving our employ contrary to their r-fi. Any persons doing so after date will be prosscutd to the utmos mgor of the law. * WM. HURDMAN BROS. lith Feb., 1873. 218 Grocer, Ottawa, Insolvent. l':%“ TYRE, of the City of hum appointed A-‘:oo in this matter, â€" Creditorsare requested to fyle their elaims before me within one month, and are WOtifed to meet at the Russeli llumn of Ott«a wa, on TUESDA Y, the TW K = A day of March, 1873, at ELEVEKN o‘clock a.m., fr the examination of the insolvent, and tor the ordering of the aftairs of the estale genee 0h JAMES TYR A-lm.. Montreal, Pob. 18, 187X. g' 2w (Opposite the Post Office), L. K. CLITGBY, Proprietor Apply at the Office. In the matter of J. M. C. DELEADERNIERA, mw: HOU”.':OJ“I A. M . N‘I-P‘I”- hrom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. :'Mum . T M-wr NUI‘ICR. ‘ * siefanet whtt be c oned mt (2109%., in which onty anregistored matter can be sent. Jn Under Offices throughout the Dominâ€" : Britain and Ireland, Newfoondland Kiward island, can be obtained al Lh Alao, Postage Stamps and Post W Pressed Hay for Sale. Three Rivers, P. Q., R Â¥eb. 12, 1873. 2189 106 puyst oreios, ortawa. _ _ Arrival and Departure of Mails. 1878. Winter Arrangement. 1873. Mtics, Table D‘Hote end Private Stails. Cholosst Brands of Wines, Liquors and NAOLVEXT ACT OF 18® Hot meals at all hours. We forbkl any person or C L CG N § T s € € T , RH" All Malls are closod by Montreal time __ 8 migusts fuster than ou:nu-e. § #u IKCH ARDAON‘8 EDROOMS8 and Recention Room for E Feem @ i Bers & YOID qo aAcCK s ;; Y. .‘_l.fl! 1on, Monday at 8 every. Mon« 1 @*"‘bu. close every Friday at fi‘:w ‘"â€"-q" ture decay, &0., heving tried in .'.'m.‘fi...:"‘mflé ?u."l'l“v&n's T aaklie: | vietim of early indiscretion, causing rervous ANUEDâ€"~A Good local Rkeporter Apply at this office. ' posted up to :3 . will be forâ€" Ifl:fi‘ W ent rl lunnlol::‘nury packiuge POBT OFFICE 8AAVINGS BANK. lmvm be received al this Office % at the rate of Four per cent. per , and deposits can be withdrawn at any PX A N O ! w ..;.'";i CaANADA EAST. ntlemen during the Mession. MONEY ORDERM, GEO,. E. HART, N. P. % mas ‘lhoflnn, P. q. @8 822 York. 5 B33 8 @#E% ALLAN FRASER. 8 t& #5 03 4 ;‘3.51 sss #s@ 2193 Â¥Full Asssortment of House Furnishings, in e riaa e t ienss ean be had in quantities to suit, on draugus LOWEST OCASH PRICES ProRr PIRST CLaSS Goops TRO8. PATTERSON‘8, Ottawa, Dec 24, 1872 WI swerke (R!JS. Old Tom, Scotch Whiskies, Jaw SULTANAS o-d new Curraate Pine A De Argeot, Orange, Stran M,Gmm.womn'd pases wmks the very choisest P(lfl'll and ALEKS, A great variety of articles for HOLIDAY TIMES, Blackwell‘s, of season, such as : 1::-.“?:,‘"&“ all kinds in pots, Fruite m m:-w Raspberries, Red Currants, Black Currants, ARt is now an estciblished fact if you want any Orstâ€" alass Brandies or Wines and the best Family Or+ ceries, you must o to TH. MMHSSYS PUDDINO RAISINS3, very ducey OAtaws, May 4 1874 1 C cuitiige jJJO00 * Poouite "Rall Citeer uied Meantime we ofler the few Gents, Ladies and Childrens Winter Boots and Shoes reâ€" maining on I| at tremendous bargains to get rid of tham. JARDINES‘ For a Gnumm and udy,du suite .:.( Rooms with vate board, du coming sitting of Parliament, T«‘tln- to this office. _ | | Ottawa, Jany 25, 1873. 173 ever belore seen in the City, comprising English, French, American and Canadian AGB‘N‘I‘B WANTED. $150 per month. To sell the TINKER, the most useful Household ever invented. Address H. K, Axpzrsox, P. 0. Box 360, Montreal, 1872%. 1878 W We show the Largest and most complete assortment of Hotel Poprietors will find it to their dvantage to examine my stock. ILst MA RCH 1873 CHIN A, UM EARTHENWARE AND bUTLEBYfN . To be found in the Dominion. BOOTS&SHOES w ANTED, The inhabitants of the City of Ottawa are respectfully requested to visit the "HOUSR‘OF LORDS," No. 60 Sparks street, te the British Lion Hotel, whnh*m the most ex. tensive and varied stock of : AIl ____. JARDINES MAMMOTH GOLDEN BOOT SPORE, CUSI OMS DEPARTMEN!I, OUttawa, Jany $1, 1873. Authorized discount on American Inâ€" voices until further notice: 12 cent. K. 8. M. BOUCHE‘I-"I'I, Commissioner of Custems. Single Belis of this will do the work and last as long as a Double Belt of Canadian Oils, P and Col Varnishes, aints Colors and Oakum, Pitch, Tar and Cordage, Anchors and Chains, Dominion and British Flags, Grain, Bags and Canvas, pig iron, P, 8. ROSS & BROS., 10 Grey Nun Street, 2195 Gm } Montreal . ENGUBH UAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING AND TAN® $A00URE) ANJ CQ 83_ SPARKS STREET, Ottawa, Feby 15, 1873. YRUPS3 in Bo from Fruit, vis: Des 9, 1872. Ottawa, Jany 25, 1873 TTAWA CARPET HOUSE, Ana : x y3 xOE Formerly, of Lin?ol, England Ottawa, 10th Feb,. 1873. RENEKAL Groseries and Christmai goods, Including the best brandse RANDIES, Port and Sherry Wines, OTTLED Fruits and Syrups, B@â€"DIRECT IMPORTATIONS "@a Curtainsand Curtain Material OSELLE and Clarets. Jams and Jellies, mfi.nflm.mrmm. IRRCT IKPORTATIONN8 PENJNG UVF PARLLAMENT, For Spring and Summer wear, No. 26, Rideau Street 8, Red Currants, Black Olrnfl Plums, Apricots, Rhubarb Always on hand. «J ARDINES‘ NOTICE 51 lmw 2181 davits and transacting all other always on hand and Sausages, &c. Ererything in his line of business wil hgnlduthgrmm is . Please & om‘?;yl.lfi. U7Tby B U TCH E R, Stall No 16, Lower Town Market, Ottawa. to inform his friends and the pubâ€" he has opened a Stall in the Lower Town Market, where he will keep Fresh Beef, Mution, Lamb Tail in aray Sepwhorth sodfmieg every kind in from ettned io Fhat‘e witl wl Mtcunhe aed means of all. Ladies‘ Jackets in South Sea Seal. Ladies‘ Jacket« in Beaver, Ladies‘ Jackets in Russian Lamb. __ Ladies‘ Jackets in Ermine. lea their oraers with mmhb’nydmwo m‘ can h‘hv:'thn made in any style as respects trimmings or %.M may rely on getting a su»~ pmarhchtotb-hmd. Gentlemen‘s Buffalo, , Raooon and Wolf Conts and Robes. The highest cash price paid for Kaw ‘g-muh&apam HAT, 33, Rideau Ottama, Oot 22, 1872, 3006 W. L. C ANE Soliastor, Furs! Furs! SIGI oF THE s f3 THAN THOSE OF LAST SEAsSONX, A wE WOULD CALL ATTENTION PARTICULARLY TO THEM i j Raussell & Woatson, Remnants of all kinds offtered at prices that will i saure their immediate Sale. Allan, McKinnons & McMoran, i 20 SPARKS STREET, OTTAW A GENERAL GROCERIES, WINES, iLIQUoR®S, And PROVISIOXS®. TEAS in particular, guaranteed at $5 cents and upwards. M&* REMEMBER THE ABOVE TWO STORES ONLY HOUSEHOLD,LINEN3, Sheetings, Tewelling, Long Cloths, Blinkets, Quilts Cottons, Prints, &6. â€" These are worthy of ‘special notice. ‘The prices being so very much beiow their value. Y pec P. Baskerville & Brothers, ._Decided Bargains will be given, in order that ance may be effected. & C REGENT HOUSE. § Will clear out the remaining portion of their AUTUMN AND WINTER sTOCK aAT cost. pertaining to the Courts of Law and uity in the Provinces of Untario and ebes, 85, Gracechurch Street, London, fany 13, 1873. 264 LO YX ELEX XN PRXCESS These Silks are all fresh from the Makers, and }» Direct from LYONS, including the Celebrated Makés Bonnet, Jauberts and Gourd, Croizat & Dubort COMMENCE IMMEDIATELY . reo f#@ nar Russell Eâ€"Watéon COTTON®. Ottawa, Jany 17, 1873. ‘INJAHIN ID'AI!I!‘ sURPLUS S TOCCI _ COTTONS AND REMNANTS, _ Annual Clearing Sale Ottawa, Jany 9, 1873. BLACK SILKS, Colored Silks, Japanese Silks, at Cost. MERINOS, Empress MILLINERY, Jackets, Shawls and Costumes, at Cost. DODne Case of Black Sillks HO3IERY, Ribbons, Laces, Gloves, Trimmings, at Cost 36, RIDEAU STREET AND DUKE 3T., CHAUDIERE JIAMES PEAUVOCK If you want value for your money, call to the above Stores. > None can exceed them in Jouvin‘s two buttons Kid Gloui, 75 dozen at 90 cent= per pair BLACK SILKS! Feb. 18, 1873 "Râ€"RCEFEE & Cc PRINTS HAVE JUST RECEIVED P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHER®, DRESS GOODS Wincies AT THE It is cheaper to buy Standa~d Goods directly from well known Manulacturers than to buy of Dealers or gat low priced or poor goods. ‘The fullest information All of the TANITE CO.‘S goods are direactly made by the Co., at their own Factory and under their own Patentsand on all points connected cwith Emery Wheels and Emeryâ€"Grindingâ€"Machinery will be furnished by this Company. Tw3m Cobourgs, Satin Cloths, Lustres, Alpac af, easily operated and running Wheels from 8 x { inches to 12 x 1 inch., â€" PRICE OF MACHINE, $15. Wheels with bevelled, double bevelled and round face from $212 to $7.35, acâ€" ald: to thickness. Heavier Machines #710 $90, running Wheels up to 24 inâ€" ches in diameter. For illustrated Pamphlets or Photo. THE TANITE Co., "w Om Stroudsburg, Monroe, Co., Pa. . R. STITT & Co. UNION FORWARDING ° . And RAILWAY CONPAXNY, Ortawa, Feb. 13th, 1873. PUBLIC NOTICK is hereby given that :fmfluuwemmr.flum¢ the Dominion of Canada, at its next hd-b:o increase the (hfl.:.l Stock of the U Forwarding und Railway Co‘y. R S. CASSFLs, 2189 2m President McDONELL & MONGENAIS, is this day dissolved by mutuai consent, the said D. MoDUN KLL retaining and carâ€" rying on the business in hisown name, and all debts due and contracted by the said firm is to be settled and paid by the said D. McDonell, and all debts due to the said firm are to be paid to said D. McDonel!, said Mongenais relinquishing all claims to the said firm under m-oa:dfimor ps®owmnmox or rarraersere. A cheap, simple and durable Machine PECIAL NOTICE, Oitawa, Feb. 1, 1873. AW GUM»A»E: anp SHARPENER CArftPETSs axo | ° MILIAXERY HOUSE FURâ€" l AXD _NISHINGS. | maNTLES, Remnants of Carpets and Floor Oil Cloths will be cleared out at Cost. 29, SPARKS STREET D. MoDONELL. L. A. MONGENAIR ing@ much i Speedy Clear In this Dmt there will be awee ping Reductions 9i will In. M . SS TB Â¥4 § it $

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