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Ottawa Times (1865), 7 Mar 1873, p. 4

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{} Cusrons Deriztuent, Uttawa, Dec 27, 1872. Notice is heroby given that His: Exooelâ€" ency, the (iovernor (i.z:l ;y“-tm in Council, date instant, -mwm'“dhw the 3rd Section of the 34th Victoria, 11}, has been pleased to order and direct that the following articles be transferred o the list of which may be importâ€" ed into free of duty, via : Felt, Cotton and Woollen N.u? and Flush, used in the mannfacture of Gloves waml Mite, Wy* All newspapers will please insert above until the meeting of Parliament. PRI VATE BiL1®, will o?hc on WEDNESDAY, the Kih Uay of MARCH next. F% ‘A LERED PATRICK, * _ Clerk of the House. l arlies inlending 10 make : to Parlinment for Private Bills, ranting exclusive privileges, or confer: r‘mg corporalte powers lor commercial or uther purposes of profit, or h&’ny- thing tending to ailect the n’h‘n narty of other partioe, are hereoy that ‘Mymnvnmiby the Sist and lallo wing Rules of the House of Commons Rimme!‘s Viclet, Rose. Loal, Rice, and other ollet Powders A Hboral allowancee to shipâ€" EKugone Rimmel, or.1« to LM.LH. the Princess of Walee .\ «uL u d, 138 Regent btreot, and 44 Jw\ Â¥v‘Ia~‘co 17 Bonlovard dose Itallons, b.. . >« T. <¢ ag‘s Road a f h..nlbd’ol.o'vu& Rimmel‘s Ihang=!lbang, Vands, Honua, 'o!'loy 3», Frangipane, aud other pertumes ot exquisite N-.oq l’ofil?mm Watâ€"r, dist!lled fro Mitcham Flowers, Rimmel‘s Toilet cealebrated tor lt aseful and sanitary on se on lh-o’l'bhmwhq.m-fl Mmyu’-:l.q (ostame and ”b:l_vâ€"l.n, v-y-*'h-_--i HOUSE OF COMMONS, aune ousR®‘s orrion, Oftawa, Jany 30th, 1873 ursuant to the Kule of the House, ...fu. im :-n:::.&bh.h IMkiaiwa, December 28th, 1872 which are published in full in the Canada l.'u:}:c), t give TWUO MUONTHS NOTICE of ' and Mb antoticn Cw se flls â€" Janadse Gazette," :: also in a agws r published in or Unlon "t:m.u--.-u. J&- to have In the ’l‘o-hp of Thunder are °:i?'°,',9'".*.°-.~9¢_lpr- --:'-h '"p:".:'..";:b_pn" ':'u;' un._fl‘. M acCarthy, Chomist *‘ the General Mining Act of 1869." _ _ _ Applications to purchase to be made to JUHN GARDNER, CHEMIST, roronto. a Mair 10 its Natural Color Resiores roy..‘ .)H Elnu.nnn AND QGLAOMMY, + rTOPS ITS FALLING OF. ~e or more signatures attached. _ â€" All Petitions for Private Bills must be . rtio@, remented within the frst thrce weeks of K. 8, M. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs. UMttawa, Jany 6, 19873 2157 Parties intendin MA par bottle ; three bottles for uk UV n oo hromared Whviensl? at alt the ~AXCELLA ALL OTHEKS, ) |MUEL® CHOICEK PERFUNES AaAND DKX NOT NML THE SNKINX, Mawa, Dec, 3 ~AUSES THEK HAIK 10 GROW NVIGORATING THE RoOUTsS RECEIVING PETITIONS PARLIAMENTARY NOTICE Toronto, 19th Dec., 1872 N O T I C E. Is hereby given that the UNSOLD LAND Noloe Manufaaturer and Proprietor.] UPF SOILING THE SNKIN GaAIN, TU ITS NATURKAL CO*MA!R, OTICE, KPARTMENT OF CROWK LANDS (Accounts Branch). KAVING TT BKAUTIFULLY RKY HAIK, IT RKSTORKES (Nigned ) ALFRED TODD, . Cik. Commeitees and Private Bills ..‘t â€"__ _ __| â€" K of Cemman. Private Bills, 6 €* CNCALE » E Bold ~ W ma1a‘s. 1.t,* .‘ aendors, pyrtt unher io the protisions ot 18 feale thin To id R. W. SCOTT, r of Crown Lands, until divorce grantedâ€"wivice free, Cal DD, on or addreas rivate Bills, JOUNK J. FULTUN, mmons. Uounssllor at Law, 2133â€"94â€" law ° 3043 No 10 Rromiway, New % orkuity That the Onnar Sucewowses Rawsor aso Puuis, d&oml-hl“-h:h LEWIH JONEPHUN, of the UGreat of Shoshonees, British Columbia, is workins the most marvellons and astonishing Ourw the World has ever heard ol. â€" Never in thw annale of Canadian Modical History has suc‘ uccess attended the introduction of ar: fnfud (bewy en evetartinn Ne uniper, Quassia, Hmart wood , Wyoscyamus, Compound Erxtract or Colocyuth, Jalap, Soco, trine Aloss, Capslcaum, &o., &o,) which onter into the composition of the combined modiâ€" cine, are such and so harmoniousiy classidtud and compounded, that it is made the most searching cusative in the kaowa world, ansd monuot help but act on the system in a very wtiatactory and desitable mannuet. No matâ€" htm”dl“-yh.udlnm #anding, it will And the spot and mb;ton#--h'ihlmu _T Th Uniloies in pammeng td oo n This is pleasant and saifo to tako, uuâ€"â€"::uâ€", positively be reâ€" led upon to a permanent cure of all “-oflh‘hnu.%uv-.lhqo Dl.uinOrh &o., as well as Borofuia the vartous Skin Dissases, H and all a--mx-.-:yda.m %â€"u * asing & Pllle, and containing Testimoniais and &‘l-u- of Uures, can be obtained by securing the Treatize, the Hand Book, or th: A ‘manac and mh...:nw‘-hh Price of Remody in large Pink _ than. B1 M”h.“..-..--.-‘ s us us t o ‘ All paorsons having MJ TE ~=>> to increase their inâ€" come, please send aldress preopaid LADIKA, $# '1,”2 . “m .l Dec 31, 1874 Proclaim the Glad Tidings J 0 Cha.aberinin, Keaqâ€"This is to certity =M~y-n-pl~“ mouths, 1 wasso aMloted for the want ot brouth that it was vory difficult tor me to .‘h.olgthom the clothes of and raising to the most aminont physicians in the County # Northamberland for about a year, without “mbflhflu‘u‘fl Ung worse all the â€"_ At lnst I was adâ€" vized to try the Great Snoshoneer Reomedy. ) uumumnumuu NAnished 1 boegan to feal a Htitle bettiee L continued to use it until | had takon thre bottleos, when, to my satisfaction, 1 fount tbat 1 was as woll as ever 1 had been previâ€" sus to my !iness and have been so orn expiration of two days her symptoms wers decidedly better,. She continued to improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was able to sit up. the continueâ€" amoso tt aammed cl n-z-fin.-l Buososxirs, April Ath, 1810. J QCiamburtain, Bts. â€"This in to cert! that my wile was vory low with Lang Disease The Doctor had given her up. He mit he bor. .hd .‘l uu.: . A#® resort f nmm:‘uu JOUN SILYEL. Bworn before me at SmithGeld this 6th day of #iydt, & D Hetk, : _ > «Cf° °4 WUNDERFUL CURKE OF LUNG DIXNEKANE Ti vurinrodufanee s «tA BBR L K L, 8 «dhitllse E "HiteT You may pablish the taots for the bunsdt of Cure ot Bronchitis fi?l‘lfi% .l-i-:* nediate Sss KA x â€"~{A y PREPARCO ONLY 8Y ~*Meame o Caflite Depaete .. W H Y ? § T Q. BROWX Episcopal Methodiat Minister tor Taots inht. snunerad t phuotal dCH Tis T & J N WELLINOTON, ) P all, and especially onb oxTA 210828 2 d&w without riak PATCH OF BUSINESH, to treat, do, act and conclude those Ihh'-ah OQur said P&t of Canada, the Common Council of onnflbuzh may by the favor of GoA be ordained. Iz Treamwosr Wuzrzzor, We hare eaused these Our Letters to be made hfi-\‘.dlh Great Seal of Canâ€" ‘“t)-llpth.;nl'dl'll; wesA, loved Cousin and Councilioec the PROCLAMATION, Whereas the Meeting of Our Parliament of Canada stands Procvogued to the Kwoutu day of the monuth of February next, ln-1h-hh eauses and conâ€" fiommhhfi.b m same to KADAY, the u&.mdm-m. so that of nor any of you on the said KIGHTH cd February next, no-(&dmh-.bvpurmbh held and constrained, for We vo w11 ruiat m.r“d and all others in this interested, that on W EDN ESD A Y mn.r‘r‘:l. day of the month of xaror Uttawa % onl youbetns thon An ht UBS. Central Canadn, PUBLISHED IN HULL, P. Q. WiP* (Juersonâ€"W aurrsuwros Besasner, Ortaw i. Particular attention paid to Plain and Ornmmeats! Priniag, h-hmcanha MA M M POSNTER To Our Beloved and Fuithful the Senasors YICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Rritain and Ireâ€" land, Queen Defender of the Faith, &c., (L. &A J tbat DUNCAN‘S OOMKPUOUND SYRUP UE SARAAPARILLA, and no other, is supplie .M agonts, EVANY MERCER & fl)fl.& to be obtained frem dealth Restorer accompany each Boitle, and purchasers should be careful in sesing It lna certain rew for Herotuis, mu@un&nu :u-uoâ€".un-.’-nm other diâ€" seases arising from an impure state of the AOOMPOUND SYRUP OB SAR BAPARILLA Ts the Qreat Health Restorer of the Day. 1t wlh'.- a the root d.oll Diuease rwind odradare werirad pvt Cns aniege trom Canada;, provided that Tea or Collce imported into Canada from any country praring in bond through the United States, abail be free from duty. r A-'â€"ulb-w conterm â€" plated by the above recited Act has coccurred, and Tes and Coffes imported iInto the United States from Canada are -&uu-%u,:‘u-nc-c.u “'“ dka mw wom countriecs east of the Cape ol Good Hrmhnh-hty. in excellency in Council on the recomâ€" under authority aforeâ€" M£=um&mn- h.b: a duty of ten par cent. and the mme is hareby «uthorised to be levied aml collected on h-i(‘ozu mtito Canades trom the United of America. W. A, HIMBSWORUCH, Clark, Priry Council. UMtaws Decs. 27. M |â€" 1 Omad Cash Prise. . ... .. ... ... . $15,000 1 Grand Caush Prize, ... . .. â€" 29,000 1 Ond Cash Prize.............. 15,000 1 Grand Cash Prize. c wax«x MnOP 2 Cash Prises, $3,000 cach. ...... 6,000 4 Caush Prises, $2,000 ceach....... #.000 2 Cash Prises, $1,000 each. ...... 20080 For balance of Prizes send for Circular. flahe Lon! Enterpris, is entormed i best business men. The hmited aumber of Tuckets on hand will be furnished those who apply tirst. All prizes will be in full, Agents wan text. hhlln’.;hnddn-m OMAHA _ LOTTERY To be drawn in | U <wnlnd uts‘ CAILY AND WEEKL Y Ottama, Oos 19, 1872 members elected to serve in the House of Commons of (ur said Dominion, «sumâ€" moned and called to a MWeeting of the Parliament of Canada, at Our City of (Miaws, on the Kwutrn day of Femmviat next to have been commenced and held and to every of youâ€" 6 NiBRABSKA STATE ORPHA (Mitaws, March 9, 18713 . 918 Jw ) be drawn in pubic, PR., JXL, i= j fii..l:lw&f-r“. Tickets sent by Erpresms C.0, D , it de J, MAATTEE, r Fevenkes 8 194 * _‘ _ Trans!ations made wilh accurary L. A. GRISON, u. tw * 4 i en uae |Agent. _ FUK ONLY FRENCNH PaPKkK 18 lbiaA.:n&unlvm, I‘IF.. wa in Chanoery, UNCAN‘S NOBLE CHARLTY UVTAWA, in Our Dominion, this Twwuxtrâ€".KFwoums day of Jaxvart, in the of Our Lord, one thousand -u{-:-hd awl seventy three, and in the Thirtyâ€"aixth year of Our Right Monorable Mr Faxozmw I=wxâ€" n-,hcldbvn? Vhfltq: mvunsbov-h lhoP-‘ngol :--u%aw p d Sitiefengh in the County Powih Honorable Order of tholfiuov- ernor General of Canada, Jov â€" anoer and Commanderâ€"in Chisl in and over the lsaland of Prince Edâ€" ward ami Vice Admiral of Canada and Prince EKdward, &o. At Oor tUornaxuzrut Mours, in Our City of'pult-l.w.ql F + Gearern®e , WAbh, 1872 $75,000 24 MK) 18000 10, (a%) 8,000 _ 4,000) JX3S R..... 1ABUKANONK QUMPANY, â€" FIRE and LIFE, ETT UMirrit: ubentandtt * *T SPECIAL u%m mnn.;.........:........ o.m lbun'-'l.a.nln-lm*d againat Loss or Damage by Fire at moderâ€" ato rataes., l.humy settlied without reter ence urfilm?nn. Assurances on on fhvorable large paid up of the Company, asâ€" uuuufl?n U{?Mfl af _ ":-l:: fiuâ€"dmml:-.‘u to the undersigned. ~ 1i fpopiteacion x: F. BEDoali, _ _ Chisf Agents for Canacds, A. PEKRKY, Fire Inspector. _ the recommendation of the Hon. s ‘l‘.lm,fito.~ of Customs, and under om(_:&;::h"nlh*“ m.n;&.ammwuuu and Kigin 17607 Act Victoria, Cap. 6, ratituled": « An 1: hog mm Aot Respecting the Customs," His Excelâ€" N.BR.â€" Ihe financial position of the Royal has been pleased to order, and it is --uv::.dnldlyth recent Fire at;-d. u:tot?oxvil‘hg.:dor Co ::.':'â€"â€"hum. hooflo'llrn-wzt,bo and the same R ntmementntniettem n ies ty l mm ommmmeestite hhmma and erected into an J T, Be. JULLEN, ‘m dO&.-uzphndnndutb .Ad ister mfimm Cystoms at the . &(7 o . | _ diltrient the ) Counctt For thea Provinees of Ontario, 4 a & vy Council, Uftceâ€" MaiX sth&Rt, @1 vp ,rmjmm. i 2185 3 ~ Â¥ 4 4 * ""_ > me ~«msngetebime N. B.â€"Special attention paid. to Collecâ€" YRV 88E 9.â€" Comtort, unz.hth m‘l.& and gfi -'uyuwng:; (‘msoa m ponaninnc ie e serep aemaitzre ns ULJEN im never "’f.“.’.‘,f"'."' ‘Mn m.. ea% hof soll. Used is bathing. DNrections for use on aach Pucket, dhu-:. lhe lessor Harman a Aliver Prize at the Wmlu 004& Ausâ€" Nholl“u: +> #du-"‘:.-d.; Jou:ln. h&.‘.& H#,; Wocombe & Rtevens Sign Aitho Suger ""sou Jo Pedpily 238 "ay por Packers or B » hok io Pedbae a% c per Elcket ; of The Powder is warranted free from all bad mmons on en bent in hot Cunteece e harmless to o Do _ as they -m": aamt 1t vince of Quebesc, Jot 19, 1872, Anta® Bugs Overreactien, Wlacs Bestioe, Fioce % OMA on Dog», Blight and fasects on Plants Mothe alito of the EKaglish medica! faculty has been @ We, the undersigned, have much ploaâ€" "-n.h testifying htlt.l..khw- @ waownn‘s recent improvementsin his Voltaic mr:v.p‘-u-ndpu‘m: _ hu:lâ€"ul-.::"u-.d " to evety “mrbmm.m.-td © pouml useful progress, # Dated the #th day of March, 1864. Par Bupartet oo anythin ever OrtaAwW A. (Ottawa, Hoptompor 6, 1810 1484 is PROF, HERMAN vemmin.."Dustnover, No Gairanio Bolts arse genuine but those bearing the tao simile of M. Puilvermacher‘s «ignature on the label, A pamphibt containing full partionjars may be bad at the Drug Btore of A. Christic, ( se J. L PULY 3 ““%‘l 200 Regent Street, Logdon, W ‘mmquumn- & ‘ A. OHRISTIE & O0., â€" :"'""im"l Tice Unanest ‘.“ -nrdmn?u.- fi@!%hfim * c-unm.b'hbhho lnventoo has devoted a of study and labour, m an ardent lul't of that grost benobacton ol maakind, Into Allustrions electriciae Mrowass Farmior. PULYERMACHER‘®S Â¥KDICOâ€"GALYANX»â€" 10 CHAINB are WM the ald of medicine, of m the loast dorangement ol the patient‘s and daily occupations, in the tollowing maladics Rhoomatisom Fomale Complaints _ Bclaticn Cramp Nowrmly in Udnary Disorders :l:-l atd Tu-.:bo Paralyaie ver Complain Epllepay Tic Dolorouns Nervous Debility The effects of .onzlhlhl ot Pualves: macher‘s Chaing in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptibieâ€"the reliol of pain 1 "rau 4 48. s ouni® wanBeth: iMubage, Padipretion Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorders, &o., (worne as a belit), 222 to 40e and 854. s OHaAiX "BaNnDs â€" fr Wrters uma and 40e. e B QOOMBINXED CHAIHX BAND ftor Unmatl Feaciont arioate 6e "" A Bot of ~D~ 3‘1’ 'E::,mnumgwnr '~~ '”q. # . p::_d!n:l-’b_“fl*n CHAIN BANDS AND BATTERIKS,. _ B. CHAIX MID‘~ for Nervous .l:-;t:l- in the Hoad, 211. to 308. H UHAIN BANDS for loss of Yoloe und 'ummdmmm.u.n N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciat _ Rhoumatic l-h;ummflwn.- lysis, Lo., 186. to 2**> and 404. PRICK â€" LIDNP . OB PULMYERMAOU®EKE®s I Leonta®s® sorick. THE OTTAWA TimEs. MARCH 1:, iss Â¥IRK DEPARTHXRENY Funcotional Disords; © (MAreulation ollec: | rjr;uai‘aâ€"dfugn, | aatoty and relief for Herâ€" # u 1~ â€" se moiiien som fos | steol springs | , R 'uhm h @-" pltas %‘“"i? ; 004 .A:u=L * ol | A pupil of u::c n ts th li, e celebrated teacher of Vocalization, wishes to give lessons in Vocalization. She will Mmb at their residences, or receive at her bouse, between 2 and 86 o‘clock pm. Termws made known on w Residence Joyce‘s Cottage, m&.d‘yfliu. (Mtawa, Nov. 23, 1872. 3033 June 14, 1872, CaARTAGE AagENCY. The undersigned begs to inform the io that his office has this day been movxn to the rear of the GENEKA} OFFICES of lhoUom’p.q,y. on Wellingtow Street, where orders for the collection anc delivery of Goods will meet with pmuzt and Careful attention. Payment for wnon CGonduclor tor osering Steam Horlers and Pipes, M NONâ€"00 M "USTIELEK & NON CoRROSIVE ave 30 pot cont, in wmol, _ an«s steam pmisoe through aoy length oi Pipiug covered | _ wlkh the Ponâ€"counducter qust «irs St, Lawrence & Oltawa Railwa and oarelul saitention. Payment for W and Cariage will now be receiye~ at Company‘s ()Mfllce, on Wellingtorn: Strew i. vocn_. MUSMC, TO MILLOWNERS, &c. 100 LN Pm ermemmemmentmmmmmansmmmen mmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmee MA RIGHT & CLEMOW, Barristers, At. _"*"* jorneyesatiaw, Solicitors in Chanâ€" Patent Dredge Plant, fad Ub onetipan ts detreredproutnbart D Tort EFURE assuring your lite, examine the gn‘lcdhob‘;.hp::dhm -nufloa'uy.?ywlhh an Endowment wmhw oo Houbse." ' K. C. W, MacCUAIG, _ Ommnor Eastern Ontario. (titawa, 8, 1872 2092y Dllwuu N. FPAVLRK.NEIE‘s, York Street | p ARDINES UTI‘A WA HOTEKL, 8t James Straot Mon troal. The andersigned hbaving assumâ€" od the managoment of this popular tavorite, :dl.ny Inform#® the travelling public s former patrons, that the house has mu many improvements, and that he by constant attention :o the wants of his patrons, to make this the most comfortable Hotal in the clty of Montreal, At Junction Dru w Qrand Trunk and Ottaws & Prescott K. &. All the facilities of a First Class House, Passongers rofreshmont _ N, B.â€"1t saves 30 pot cout on the liussel! douse boller, and steam is now caisod in bhall tbe time it took belore the courâ€"rlug was ap» u. while it savos a large per voblage and Labor at the Wator Works uf the Parlinment and Dopatmontal Buildines, City use Works, Hochestor & Co‘s Sream Mills A Pleok‘s Foundry &0., &¢, Extonadvely used in the Kastern and Wostorn States and througbuut Grost Britain, and by the British Admiraity an s American Navy .â€" fBoe circuiar.) aovERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA Thursday, 6th February, 1873 NUR SALE a oareful attention. Payment for | iJn the recommendation of the Hon. the t and Cariage will now be recoiye~ | Minister of Customs, and undor the proviâ€" Company‘s ()flice, on Wellingtor: | sions of the 8th Section of the Act 31st pect. Victoria, Chapter 6, intituled : " An Act A. J. TA YLOR, |reopectin‘ the Customs," His Excellency Unrtage Agen:, | has beén &l::nd to order, and it is hereby taws, 5th Feb:, 1872. | ordered, the Town of Sherbrooke, in =â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" | the Province of Quebec, be and the same P,. 8. ENTRANCRK BY SIDOKR DuukR â€" |‘is hereby constituted and erected into an and Blankets (Mtawa, u-::? 1872 The subscribers beg to call the attention of NWHK @JUNCOFIO® HOTEKL,** CHALMKER® & U ., Michardson st., Montroal P, Q, Box 84414, Bole Manuisctgrers in the Dow!inion UNKLOGEK O LKARKX, Mynoral Western Agous; Miaows, Nov. 20, 187; # OKRY To LuKD, * Teake UN REAL ESTATE, ' ) any amount, on approved secarity M s1 ers. as been already ed to the o n opndamsictioon Â¥ fptian @orernment, the Canadiat Dure‘sBook Store, Sparks W. SHIMONS & Co.. ort Railway Company he H of Hartispooh F.’ k , Ureencoe! riseâ€" cers, Aotaries Public, &c., Provinces of Onrtaro and Vents, VU, 8, BRLOWNE, an experienced Managor, W6Gs 11 S. C Eq m:.-un lcun:t‘::': mfik? e inas | The Inspection , Distict of Toronto gomprise the Inland Revenue Divisions AB2 ons WisekrSeppary Bridgs, j ¢ ‘s ,8e ‘ Br ommb Aesrocmaan : A‘n-.l r..o‘u'n'; nuln't the Provinee &M\q to be composed I portions of the presert Inspection Disâ€" :rlondm-flmua and known the Inspection Districi of , and :nwsuanolupochm Dis r-g sahall gespectively conâ€" fihlmm: | The ln?oe&n District of Windeor to w-'o he Inland Revenie Divisions o! | 'l\ol-rtu- District of London to &ppi_o 16 Inland Revenue Divismions (# sb.l:d uu:“ Kinio:r of Inland rRo;; and in pursuance of t 4 of the.6th Section of the Act Vie., Cap. 5, His Excellenty ‘has been bcdor‘dhimhalouluml. t a new Inspection District be, and the % is hereby set off and established in Theos Fuller, Req, Architect, A in 0A deanten Â¥râ€"Olaaud‘s Ihoe Rernoran,june ;uut Port of Customs, and placed under | the survey of the Port of Coaticook. ‘ W, A, timsw usiid, » Clerz 2#wvs ‘ «+ uncil. | GOVERNXMENT HOUSE, â€"OTTAwW A. | Wednesday, 18th Dec,, 1872. | EX nmw 'ru:x VERNOR I3 EXC ' GOVERNO f‘ dU#ENERAL IN COUNCIL. )N the , FARMERS compare our PR!CE 1AST for all descriptions of BOOTS AND SHOKS, with what you have been in the habit of | paying other Shoe Stores in Ottawn: | Men‘s Long) Boots....... .. ... .. . . .$2.00 «* â€" Kip o onsA sr t 4s .8 «s 2: : a s Coad __"* _ Extra high Napoleon Boots. .. 3.50 ‘w-' t«hoo:hchndd....... â€": x+s £,00 | Women‘s Strong Balmorals . . . . 1 00 it+~» Splih Bubks. «is . «x . :90 _ Find us out when you come in to town | _ 83 SPARKS STEREET, Provincial l*l Burveyor and Draughtsman, pommissioned for the Provinces of Quobec and Ontario. | ()ttawa, Monday, 30th day of Septens * ber, Im His Exce.lency the Governor 1 General in Council.> _ :’tn‘ tor the Paten: mnuie uiean 1 1 Rubber and* Buf Leather fl“‘ Roards. ves constantly cleaned with t have a brilliant polish equal to new outlory Packets, 34. sach ; and .&Al, 64., 1s., 28. 64, and 4s. each. r: lo...l..' near the Russel Dhrflu Machines, Ora t Ma, > Cultivators, Reaping Machines, ‘1 da El:m ny do ‘Bul’” do i indera, : ndac Mills, t Cuttors, Grain Crashers, C T rak Ploades, C And in short every improved farm implem»«* %u&l imexchange en v . Ottawn. tktmt 23. 1872. 33 um FThe South half of lot number 28, in the O9th Range of Hull, containing 100 acres of land covered with Maple wood, hitherto never cut upon. «â€" 41 80â€" The North half of lot number 28 in the 8th Range of Hull ; Abhere being on the lot 25 acres cleared ; a new house and barn, 150 rods Cedar fenceâ€"and 30X) rods of ditches, at a distance of. 10 orâ€"ll1 miles from Ottawa City, _ _ i For further rartlauhrl. apply to Mr Sheriff COUTLEE, at Aylmer, or to Henry CRILLY, near the premises. o For cleaning . Plate, Pipte ©3400, 45. , Pablets,64. each Pew CAS KB00T & SHOF STORtE 2 doors w.rol O‘Connor St., Sign ol the \ Golden RBoot. NV im, Abbott MARKET SQUARE.. . ... _ ..OT W, A. amsw‘)al':ui’ 6 December 26, 1871, 2149 4 u' "OVERNMENT HOUSE, ____ _ Misceltancous. 1_ 6. RAINXBOTH, No 21, 8. Rideau stroot, Ottawn. No 1, 10th Concession, Orgoods, Apply to + i8 e Nov 22, 1872 NOR SALE, OR SALA (taws Da 27 1871 GRICULTURAL IMPLEMEX 13 Guelph, Bellevilie. Office . Ayimer, P. Q PRE8SE®T dation DH. MeoDOUGALL, Ridean stroot. 87L IRABt Metal Ploughs, Horse lHoes, Potato Diggers, Corn Planters, Horse Rakes, Urass Seed NSowert Machine Casti md Rollers, e Fleld Rollers, Btraw Cutters Horse Forks, of the Honor» oTfaw.a N* 191 t ' &e., &o., and is the most effecâ€" ve n Yelllic rotmely hm for there diseases . or Uhakbns MakTin: ® . 30 Victoria Square, Montreal. Hole. Age~t% for the Domizion of Oanada and the U1‘ted Btates. »* WHITE WIRE ROPE CLOTHES LINES, Belis readily at every house. Samples free. burst come, first served. Addres 4 HUDSON RIVER WIRE CO., 16 lhnf Street West, Toronto, Ont. October 3 1872 â€" 2090d&w3m S110:%0)==> a A)\J matrisges "DKk. â€" BIRNBAUM‘S RHEUMATISM ?nd goly BE&GI.D;Y * . im mo.-.d: or Rheumatism, Gout, Neuraigia, Lum go, wandering and other Pains, Btiffness o Limbs, Joints orJoints,,SKnin, Numbness pwellinys, &c., &c., and is the most effecâ€" interesteduness acknowledged its invaluable merits and given certificates to that effect, copies of which can be obtained on appliâ€" cation to the undersigned or any druggist in the Dominion. The MEDICAL D“:.CULTY of louli'l; Gu.:nhm-: â€"â€"â€" Bn. &::I’I‘:.hi Peltier, Munro, David, Girdwood, MacDonel!!, Rotâ€" tot, Brosseau, Robillard, Leprobhon, Besâ€" sey, McCallum, ‘Thompson and Turgeon, A0 whom " DKk. BIRNBAUM‘S RHEU M aâ€" IISM and GOUT REMEDY " has beevn svubmitted for trial, have, with a rare disâ€" koacll. 3, 15 DEPARTM ENT OF AGRICULTURE, â€" Parent Orprioe, Ottawa, 16th January, 1873. Notice is hereby gi that in moftho,rom'?thmvzrd-o: Chap. 26, intituled, ©An Act respeciing Patents of Invention," His wvho Governor General in Council has B“le.od to approve of certain additional les and Regulations, as have appeared necessary for the pfurpoaes of the said Aot. And notice is hereby given that i8s of such additional Rules and Hqumm may be obtained on application to this Besides the information already publishs | ed1, the proposed Second Edition will be . and very much additional news of the past and many views of the present will be given. 1t is also intended to bind this khdition in cloth, with the necessary outâ€" side gilding, and the price will be made as low as possible . a * Oct 11, 1872. | N, B.â€"The fullest attention will be paid torduivartisen. Advortbiu'menul lwill, Ac« cording to agreement, bo embellished or printes in varied colored inks. Free Fress please covy. The Department will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender. y ede, ** * ***~‘ *4 Department of Public Works, Littawa, Feby 1, 1873. We have just received per Express, from a celebrated grower in Holiand, a large and choice assortment of the follow ing : Hyacinths, â€" s Feapled tenders, addressed to the underâ€" signed, and endorsed «©Tender for Bulkâ€" head," will be received at this officauntil TUESDAY, the l1th instant, at noon, for the construction of a Bulkhead at the outâ€" let of the Hull Slide, opposite this city, _ the office of the Superintendent: of the Uttawa River Works, on and after Wedâ€" nesday next, the 5th instant, where print. ed forms of ‘Tender, and other informa= tion can be obtained. Narcissus, " Ortawa Pesi and Present," By C ROG R. His Excellency, on the recommendation of the Honorable the Minister of Customs, and under the authority given by the 4th section of the‘Act 31 Vic. Cap. 6, intitul â€" ed ; ©" An Act respecting the Customs," has been pleased to order and it is hereâ€" by ordered, that in collecting. Customs Duty on the importation of Old Tom Gin, the same be dealt with and treated as a Spirit tw nty per cent. under proof, or containing eighty per c nt. of proof spirits. * W. A. BTMSWORTH, In addition to the Warehouse Ports mentioned in the 5th section of the Act passed during the Session of the Parliaâ€" ment of Canada held in the 3lst year of Her Majesty‘s reign and intituled : " An Act respecting the Customs‘‘ and also in addition to the Ports named in Lists sancâ€" tioned : by subsequent orders in Council passed under the authority of the said Act, the following Port shall be and it is hereby declared to be included in the List of Warehousing Ports in the Dominion of Canada, viz: # UOllawa, Saturday, 25th day of Jany , 1%73 Whereas the article known as Old Tom (iin, being a sweetened Spirit, cannot be accurately tested by g{h" Hydrom eter in the mode p bed by law for testing spirituous liquors, ‘and it is expedient with a view to uniformity in the collection of duty thereon, that an averâ€" age strength should be adopted as the rule governing entries thereof. Un the recommendation of the Honorâ€" able the l(lnhurta: Customse and under and in virtue of authority conferred by the Act 31st Victoria; Chapter 6, intiâ€" tuled «"An Act rm the Customs," His Excellency in has been pleasâ€" ed to make the following regulation ; AIS KXCELLENCY THE GOVERNORâ€" GENERAL IN COUNCIL N OTICK 10 CONTRACTORS D HORTLY TO BE PUBLISHED, J, H, POPE, Minister of Agriqulture and 2180 3 Commissioner of Patents. AKNCR MAS SPOKEN. JGk ©â€", 181% 2180 3 1()VERNMENXNT uUOUSE, OTTAWA. *OVEINMENT HOUS , Monday, 25th day of November, 1872 His Excellency the Governor General in Council UTCH BULBS, &c Â¥ L L U S TK A CCE D, &Cc., t% A EROONXD EDITION OF "Q &c., &c. A. CHRISTIE & Co., Clerk, Privy Council. PRESENT PRESENT Tulips, Lilies, Sparks Street, Otiawa. Tax PER F. BRAUN, Gladioli, Crocus, 2179 3 KONTH THE TIMES is printed and J ROBERTSON, ROGEER # Office. Lot Number 14 31 Pure Chepicals BULE MANUFACT [ hos. MORSsO Medallists and Jurors at all the, U ELA TILNEâ€"The purest eapiiC »0OD io Invaiste ant I «lers, which -.:t be made ral srown, and leayes the hat and |Beaorwror. 'l‘hor A. BATCHEWRS by Factory, 16 Bosd Street, NO# liawa, January 25, 187%, Morson‘s Effectual _ in }, 4 and !â€"pint )u%'u t':-'! ty it can ality, its composition | ill effects of bad dyes and wabH BW" gpecial attoution givea R11 diszsiacements 0f the teru. i i t coucher, . Hegidenceâ€"Albert am hours frow 9 to 1. a m., and 3# i5 Price $2 50 in board covers $4 00 in gilt. ‘Soid by all Bo Song Book, by L. UJ. Emerson. -uwu,amn’m& ue it Sent postâ€"paid, on . OLL CHAS. H. Marriage Belis, Wiener Fresken than any one on Arusts fie Whoe Wiihihe $re porsanel sut â€" Artint ' Song, Publisher, B C Hw."_!“_m.____? sire ut Leom Chered wl\ MONDMER . Other of his best Waltzes. _ **_ l ccount Book Manut Pizsicato Polks, ‘Tritwch TsMA MJ the Group of Bo Morgana, Mazurks, Belie Heles ~ Suu:UMn rille, Clear the Track G ',',."’[ 1 the attention of One Soul, Lob der * NBE pd the public geuiers Siourkss, and quantens P uD on Setenn? meake® © Embeliished . with BM PMEMIEZ paper, and at price Btrause, and filling 250 b P ye at any other it is a musical gem, wp® * or ( lovers of Strause‘s dance Account BRoolks« 2e UZ versity ‘\.‘nm’.' '."‘".,'I "’..l‘- W lurmyâ€" recently occupied wouthe looh, Duke st, Ohaudiere, Ottaws. â€" ie ’:‘ E. ROBILLARD; Pryrion, y 3 ::otuio‘u.“:l’:nl ’lr. beary‘ ©, on Bupper‘ lo;u.l’n:s' a. m. to 4 p. m. * soohke » B. & on =¢m€&:‘fl":u m.“‘ seen al ais residence, IWE Du. MeDOUGALL, / *~>i [ Oflice, Kident Streot oppotite therton s Drug Store Regite -..' eCV BP _,' EPBE CetiP Violin and Piano, $1. Bparkling Rubics -otTgo.u&bbd and bath Scheol auvlnh. Try Cheerful V oices, _ Cancers cured without the use of # new but certain, speedy and â€" oess, _ Reference given to part ‘ ed if required. A'if' P " You cannot lm“i. "‘ forward to m{'numhd the © I woek. ittells me just 2s much b going On at home as I care to : h are not only looked at with know but are treasured up, and hprl,“?..- ast by turning .\nu!' and over," Extract from Private Letter. iedimrnges Sot roin erfanter udi 4 bers u?_s"upg\»omeah :-‘.“ and ol 0 h NoOTAkY PUOBLIC next the Post Office. Cnlu.ns MAROTL, â€" Advocate, > ‘I’l‘l‘gfl Omoostlr‘r.a-‘up; FAO dence in rear of hâ€"::(hthdn.l,-l‘ ( Basi attended in Ottaws ts trict Courts of the Connty of ouces""" RIDEAU STR Ont. | Jffice opposite the Tixt: ?ov.. !.i. l:: 3‘:’ Maria Streot, Centre Town. Office opened temporarily 1 poriy 225. 1Ned by the Streate, i1Â¥1. ‘B::rinhn :;v‘ itors in Chancery, K. io(l)fihoâ€"lzonon':}griw;fi J BGROY E. & * "July 4 Igzg, * Taucoms repime I¢ockp atings tar on ho m * DHE WURLD, ‘The onlf Mik® k‘ Australia, Brazil, CaDAds, Gane w a â€" Gibraitar, Jamarea Mare 40598 0 Gay famt, Ner roced uon moces hest ndies, 36s, or }!s thin paper Suer, i TCHELOR‘S HAIR DNE £0,000 Trinity Coll ‘oronto wou and Acowohour..'t;nl.“ “rzt ba pr y ues bitreridence, Liovd Sure it (« DL W t Apr'i'l 15. d%79 ""Nm s M [J p , 2*CONNOH) Atoog gyz: Do in Chi&neery, oo e Wl + *‘ i_ A« MARA, Architecst, 4. Bulldings, l.l“ai..ih 1 TETHEAG ‘iouz“" m\ L\ *© Â¥iace of all, ~.= LK K E. LEWis ~* *~~â€", Ottawa, May 9, 1870 Physician, Surgron and ; VVs; A41 4 WV W RUSSELL m% Worksâ€"Horusey Now contains : â€" Homeopati i( Now Atreet, (late Centre Town, in £ Withe 7 Aefcitsremnceiieesp / 1 1Cs wing five per cent interest on gy, Ottawa, June # 1872 * stranoth. hes induced Mi Tuokd thayt proparations 2â€"uz bottles. i5 i juel t (p r&nfn;"liil'rzw”' dar uht dypes of aglive principle of In Powder, A BANQUE NaTIQ + NALE, R. 1L0OG AN, July 18, 17. 0. AHCHAMRAULT, UNGROYE, GEMS OF MIRADM )00 c°REs sOLD . K C WEEKS! . ; ., . Greatest Sucoess hl‘é or nitsay £00‘8 _ ENGLISH FAMT jpg ABRUADI_‘.' CÂ¥ 190, s by t extant is Ry . Americ i tw‘ saxin Co o in Chr'u'z.:::fi 1te :â€" t o*in,, Ca54 oC Gay v a superb Phvab » \ 'lAlLIA)N‘ ~a rs and 4 ioCHRTiG 128 #n imn, jmegeos & i â€" |MWeow 3 â€""*MYRTL â€"Bquipment sec gflmfl:ufl ; and dJor Ooths this 4th day « most approved «tyles team En Jany 28, 1873. NANADA CEn1%s W. ‘Stockdale, ecount Book Manut [ the Group of Beo il the attention of 1 ad the public geueral SBRANY TEONE 4 Freight and ‘ound â€" ~M Account Bo;h .fl.‘ Steam Ho ricks, Ipland Ex mcaen s herthy i rFaper ruled to .l-p-u-u-: V M‘ m:.’. Jube -’Z‘u k of Day Books, d.lmn:-uou paper, and at -_“_‘flyoflnm hich in point of e not surpassed in B&~All work was d all kinds of s« d as the whole is dri es l eeven ooent 5@ flm- AILWAy Caitle CKLAYW 4A X 8, BU N MOKERS! Roome At HE GRaXD TEw is '.bh‘:' every m “-..' woek, delivere to l-;iu‘ in the 4 .r Canadian poslage® ine» nagial Notices, 12} « C.adensed Mmz. onations V ac#D! February ul 4 plainest an« ipsermion, 1" * 5 comts. _ Paragraphs t reasondble Chr 3 ADVERT! Board W antedy . situations® ardinary W anted Y OL. PORâ€" A A~~, pupor promptly for three nary advert» 10 cents per 1 CRENTRA Houses for: House Or ‘Ca ACT, 1 alt

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