00&“‘.“: ““m hen i&% L? venudnit it to baild a ble proparty he manulas. Aarrel Head. 8€, Phï¬ . _ Nitu® close A 1ne )ruggiats, and r! ‘;t‘* “ ‘ & and dirt wilt Wmm a 'ua"u. La m o Canates un yÂ¥ ina, Stdmness of 0 last a lamily n be had from wing Medica rood, ‘peluies JW R, (Miawa. )Â¥ K. im Abime BKEKE 1N . CO,, are sellhng cur w a0Â¥.@2 abrmoi M K# LiN KA conommical ap« x; only about UEKU M ATIMM h l:. M‘Zflz usuia‘ Imws and Porâ€" l0 enc lnsim ; nog idiouloure bieam ocliuae Lime snbomel umpilen0® LK en e w4 wa ©mBnD n Pm ies on of this awtrle \atunte, Migesthâ€" ; of a large ich a a0100th «ll ith a ruroe dizâ€" its invealuable to that effect, Biaok or Natiu» ir Ga may, Sovt . ® . l*m IKRK (AK, ty S dmabe®s 1 Â¥ » _ iehwad .'-:- alr. sever rusts, LJm oum dnondtdnking â€" Agents eovery iish 31 13 3w of MONTRK . â€"â€" OommnztOF1, reliaf for Horâ€" whou) whhi 47# seâ€"d on appliâ€" any druggi=t w rghis * aAaV E* th. ampit whi & CO houe 1a7 tbA + Row ain § l0 L a A m s Mard wad Journals made up from the best class o paper, and at prices as low, if not lower than s 4ns other house in the Dominion ; §he Dsily ©imes *n mt (JaxaDa CENTRAL RAtEWAY, â€"’in STEKA M tutlage and Sleigh WELiwiays, BOGGLEN aND SLEKIOHS, of Huish andâ€" & ility , hich in point is se ko urability Jnd "Wia murs memioay ‘or one roan Mm!“dhu:&h.. ‘ yOL. VII NO. 2261 wi o made . orda whapproved styles 0f Viawa, Foeby3, 1873. @'Txis TEPARTMENT UDPPFAW A, April ath, 1879, a ...~‘ on American luvolcses uenne motes io. i. novemerer , Imight and Cartagh Agene3, E. Â¥XIELDBILNG, Rplssuer of Marriage Licensesâ€"8# MDEAUâ€" â€" â€"â€" â€" STREET. 0""" koi *‘ * ""*~~ A Conrt for revising the A ssesament Roll of the To Ein ol c mt Viage on Memaay ot \.:- t Lhe :.ur of welve Eu. 3 it the setablishment will Mll.\flfl% G."D‘Om‘*m * * i};U __â€"_FaAcTORYâ€" UDEAU STREERT, OTTAW .. In? Fine Hotei HOTEL DE PA RIS. daaehes, Carriages, Ooublassss, ,pVERTISINC RATES. MH, COm#UPLEER A Hail fop Mggpy, 34 . . Ripaiilii?oct, near Duinouate. t Street, opposite Russel House. hï¬ummvfllaflo :u-m; are authorized to grant relieving shippers m-" Spenial rates for Furnitore. t Webb and Jon: W eb! Main Street, Maretonm‘s P“‘E:x-um% MMMQN unong reading matter, D conts bm-un'&‘ 3 HAULT, Notary, Ge m. &o.. lImcuments in ntiscmen :â€"Philemon Wright, flnu-r:-.y-u-; 0'33'. United States, at. $ in + ~ S ol W ants, Housee W Boa lad at the shortest n0tloe. githorlngn. All orders exscuteal on W, L. BAKEK, J snd Lotging Cattle W anted, faw, | +* l > J, W. MoGUIRE, M!":| Westskieof the Canal Basin, pear the worke Skating Rinok, Music Hall. 1y ~ â€" Ottaws, Nov 23, 1812. 3033 6m .&o public z.%lnu they have received FAL! & NTER GOODS, The services of Mr. P. uu.l.uluufl known as a~ Arst cluss Cutter, haye reâ€" onb avenil. & Mtawa, April 1. 1W**» Eutm Wish to inform their numerous customers and Doalers in PDry Goods, Re made Clothing, &c., &¢. w-llrmnh“ Vrh'. Uversoatâ€" ag#, & Beavers, Pllots, Doeskins. v&-‘ï¬m &o., Puseds, Heotoh, Rugiish and Canadian, and splendid stook of Readymade Clothing, all of which will be sold c« tor cash, We do not pretend to sall our under cost price, but we sertainly sall them at a amail advance We ars uqqn-@qdz at a price to defy comâ€" UMEARA & Co. paetition. We hare ao ime in the yoar t ie Fioa ds time By calling and examining our stook Clothiag â€" Store | 3SUs3sEX STREET, OTTAW A, Betyeen York and Clarence Sreets ebsap ars in (Miawa), are S dh P P "are ait deeinigitans ot HATEAMX BROLLERA Wiy~ Keary ‘asthaonwon geven to rapan B w atad en hieem | us mw&mui Goods | Aape aun, wae faw "renoue se | pore T..‘n with EMER d en ntainte as | WTEA CHINEKY, . wll be furnished by this Com» * Campbell & McBride, Jan#., POPULAR DI8STRIBUTION OF New York UAtinwszs, Decomber 24. 187TZL 11%% 11. 50, SPARKS sT,., QiTAWA, â€"_ STRAM BOILER maKKK® . Athert Street,. Richmand Hoad, Ottama. " 2 > O |. PBpK YAnrte® Qck, 1w Om Stroudsbuâ€"g, Monrse, Coa., Pa alty W ood torSale. ERNJAMIN EDW ARDA, {10) . TEN DOLLARS (10) PR al. MNOTIC‘K Nine huwire® acres of Land near the $133,275. Mustrated Paniphlets or Photo Sawed and Unsawed. UAUVMKK ANDP XHARPENEK. h e 14 h s : . CAMERON S | 11; dn af Â¥ IS W Berlin Watch Iwim UHIRTY, e KOLLARY, KUFFR, ‘ made to order © la The Uhirt and oi Fabled is Otteme" * wet & reams ut P uh WiBuipu C l-“"hhltd, Sparks Otrest, (Kor) Metoaife, thitaws, Nov 2, 1872 s | '(')ni‘\\u HoOTEL, wÂ¥, JAMKEW WTREFKT, MONTREAL o. a, _ Browne, having frmed a oo partnersht; with Me 3. 3, Poner: uns extanlinment wil alyle of Browne & Periey '.'ti.'fm"' lemnmedt bt tw a term of years 1 e namy uj H P GEEY C bymmzb\hmd\h bravel« l~-.~|umw‘nmm present charaotor of the wa* ase the ols W,. MARSHAL MATHESON, Barrister, Attorney, Notary, &¢ Parliamentary Tonsorial Parlour and Wellington Street, ‘OUMtaws. A. K. GKENDREAU, , itaw a, March 121b, 1473,~204 W oadten Plows Roum No. 69, House of Commons mills at difforeut pmious, _ _ tools of tn“ winel -nu-l-."u"-’n lowest leru®e wimd cree. t. W M. ABBUTT, blbovge i W ooden HMarrows Seeds. Seeds. Enak»n=. WWING BROM, uP MONTREAL blamar t io sns n :o The recent MIN EXCEKLLENCY THK GuVRRNOR UENERAL IN COUUNCIL â€" + â€"A rely y Aqk _A >R > Kxcelleney -p_-‘-!_mg!} Master in Chancery Chambers, im the recommendation of the H Miaiater of Custome, and under the Port of Custo ‘ id io be attached to the \AtaWwa, A pril B, WATERTOWX & OGOEXSBURG RAILROAD, waine will runm on this roud as taliows, {aindays excepted ) â€" > _ A. CHWRISTIE 4& O0, Ottawn Apriliith, hk "**""*., Tok« 1179#, 187 33%. wWINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1473, and until mrther notice, passenger mn'r!_.' lm.t*-h.. N a m, artivte at Watertown Mn-.tâ€"’l.fl‘-. Rome 1.25 p m, en--g'm York Uentral EKxpress train all points Kast and West, arriving at Utics 2.0 p m, Albany sflr-. New York 1004 p m, J‘.h o4. Timike 415 p m, Hotherter ©06 p Bufalo 9.00) a m, counsecot Leoave (Tâ€"iuglw m, arrive as Watertown 6.08 p -.(!fl-'d-uh -r).wtla -.lflm‘.-.' U 10 48 p m, 10 a m, York 1.30 a 6. 50 a m, Bosâ€" ton 11.00 a 5â€"-1&5,-..‘- ter 1.15 a m, Bufthio 6. 20 a m, Suspension u.uplws-.cl-ocâ€"*'“d Buflalo sand Huspension Bridge Bar all points West. mw attached to this wain at W and run through to New York: Leave New York 600 p m.: 1Â¥ ,-.mmumtu.g minutes for breaktast), arriving 44 burg 11 15 a m. _ Leave New York too.-.n-’!O n us _ Roams 415 om. arrire a amlar bowt a"to g m Ugtenabury 12. Il."l‘. m’t? & ï¬'. NO & Wl in the watter of, MALEX [8 ooX vents. waule M .m nuum«A 5‘* at MORRIABU RG, on #ATUER wWo‘ctkek o. ta. They are assorted as lollows : im and after MONDA Y, Nevember 15th, OVERNMENT HOURSS, OTTAW A., Woaldnesday, Ind day of April, 1374 A tuil anpply of the popular Kinds of The subsoribers have rvesi ved (rows i of Mc INSOLYENT ACT OF 1869. h e poritlke aod A DbU Almo an ameortment of OPÂ¥I K wintion of the Honormble the PLB a«* of this popular Motel, Mr (gdensburg 12.18 a a. ye e uB LK es !‘hgmwu. ;-"N“ UWNE & PERLAY, AEKK cuv% AKELM, &« Â¥ a BROTHERK, aa Propebatit 14 too y & Wine and Sherry Wine, for medicinal purposes, roun ka‘;‘R.:n .ffx'Kbn':;'o:c::Am. &c, &e., Pm?hi{' aUOAs, . Jeilies, Fruits and Syrups. . # «* € Fancy Goods in Variety, fee, Fresh Ground WM&H&;&E_EE premises; Potted Meats, Crackers, Cheese and Table Fru The yery best to be had at * Oitaws, April 8rd, 1873.â€"28227. Beautiful Spring Dress Materials in all the New and Choice Fa brica for the present and approaching seasouns. at TtH® REGENT HOUSE. 1873. SPRING DRESSES 1873. OTTAWA MONDAY MAY 12. 1873 Direct Importations always on hand, in Fine Goods, Brandy, Port Likewise the finest grades of Teas, Black, Gireen and Japans, Cof: §Spring Importations, _ i Also, a large stock, Rxtrs Value, in Ihree Ply, Kidder, Union and Hemp, beâ€" dhuflvâ€d’d.ufl“dl-ul. OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT Repps, Terrys, and Damasks, Cornices, Window Poles, Htair Rods, &c. MW“M‘ flrwmwm THOS. PATTERSON, urreyor to His Excellency the @overnor Cieneral, Earl of 6ufcrin, Carpets! Carpets! J . R â€" SLTITTT & Co Brussels and FTapestry Carpets, THOS PATVERSON, No. 26 Ridean Street: splendid assortment of the newest designs ‘in HOUSE FURNISHINGS, me hn of tee pubass, (Weileving the t veminn q ie hmmt‘. any im Laese Curtaiws, Wesel Damasaka Weel Repps, Creton COhintses, Towebs and Tewellings, Curtain Pole. Kie , Eite, ie KAVING NOW COMPLETED OUR Allan, McKinnons & McMoran, OMtawe, April #th, 147 Ohur stork of above goouls is now Carpets, ce dn W lny NEW AARH D in rmmice, O ie ®® ‘Wirh mauin gurtves pew gngdes, sitable N* "o 6 mm tathel ans durable meteria‘. We are preparel to show in lag weer yases e imlses chnt 20 Oparks Streot. $ 0 SPARKS STREET Wl ‘sad tmiported©Aitect by us, . J ams, CANADA | CBNTRAL Brockville and Ottawa Railways BUY YoUR TICKETS For Ottawas via Brockville, LEAVE : Brockvilie, 7.20 a.m., 4.00 p.m. > Uttawa, 9,30 a.m., 4.45 pm. . Renfrew, *#(W) am., 3 00 p m. .. ARRIVE: (OMtaws, 8 0) p.m., 12.30 p.ou Renafrew, 20 p.m., 9.45 p.m. Brockville, 1.50 p.m., 9.4:'p.n. Wiy* ‘ hese Roads are of the same gauge as the Granod Trunk, and there is conseâ€" quently no transhipment of Freight, when in car loads THE ST. OPraAWA <~HMAILWAY. The old relliab‘e, quickest and best route shortest line to all points Rast and Waul. ALTERATRWEX OF RUNNING TIME. uN AND FROM AiATURDA 114 men Wiaige @h rumdaily, ns ie ho m for bertha, &) cents. Abomicemes io Mure connections with all the Grand ‘Trounk as both Rast and West. ,*my,-u-ms Presoott Junction far reâ€" OLRTAIN Crand Trunk Raitway CGo‘y. of Canada. Pullman Palace Parlor and Handâ€" some New Ordinary Cars on all. Through Trains, and Palace Bleeping Cars on all Through Night lrains over the whole Threo Express Trains Daily 1872. Winter Arrangements. 1873. No May 7, 1873 FRAINS now leave Montrealas lollows ;« Wlkitrle Gu.NnG wWEST. 6t C ad Sroce vite. Klagston, hellevite. *Fvery day, Monday® excepted. Comortable Sota Cars on Nos. T and 8. Charge = _ «> > . PTHO8 RKYNOLDA, Managing Director, Ottawe February Â¥#th, 1872 7 counections with other “uu not be responsible for trains not HEte NC '-F-â€".";&â€"â€" s menmundt: | 1TCC +c -:, ifondpiesi mss i Prany uin in connenunn "ien: Tor Halilax, N.6.,. every “Eï¬m lwcued at the S*ompany‘s prinâ€" and Departore o T raog al th wo:.'z&--ni j Resarai‘s Ne acges HE â€"MHAFREAHMENT AT . TME They Hamnote, mmange Resiooti e en ie comPanr i Eretaret io mcive hamiet‘ Applications to be sent in !e.'!m Ganrd Truok Railway OoOPF CaN ApA:" Toronto â€" Station Refreshment e ioi h on Raillway Office, Moneton, N. B, es Line. st, Milaure ard A1, Hyacipthe," ‘ «t Miiuight. Ad the ptinctuality of the Trains dépends on Mantres, Oct 21. 172. it than HATURDA Y, the 16th March. Partioulars of the tertas apon which the leave | p with, prameo(1| Connecting Leave C 00 W t , Baggage Obocke(l_ '.l‘hrotgh. 10,00 A.M NTKROOLIUNIAL RLAJLWAY, #B0 A.M ul ax 1.156 P.M £00 &.w 1,10 P .M Aro ran on GRAXD TRUXK TRAIXs. esn tonn ngarnon at £00 p. m . hlï¬m. "any 18, 107% gGoing NORTH. Going soUTH. T timtSs Grand Tronk Mail :.l:g:lt:_:lhd..' w"-.....oo.. # { I» do Mail from the WORL . . . ;s2a se sareaes o do Express from Grand Trituk for the OQ.T. Kxpress for East ’u-l do arcommeodaâ€" train for all way -oq" iationms Wont G4, K. tor W oest. 6. %. ne for Connecting with ho n ieicecathcontsd. H, ARBOTT, Phifinel diponte! is rible, ‘however intense ed Through.: "| nowever utter his reck! , und af ww t effect at the ‘nocused of a orim cet %‘-fl- :-‘l:-t hmbln o i. * " & j nï¬m m’hm a o TNM*â€"TFruofsâ€"=~‘Ifeits. . For it ‘is Hot t .. J. BRY DGOKRA, AMlanaging D1reotq a» +# + +2+8,00 p.M, Arrive «» ««»1MAW p.M |Arrive atb | Prescott 1245 P.M 4.15 P.M.; #55 A.M. ©.00 A.M 100 P.M. 146 Â¥.M. 1.00 aA.M. 40 p.m. 80 p.m 145 p.m C W.m 8.40 a. m The rugd beâ€" in london May 9.â€"â€"John Stuart Mill is dead.. Intelligence of his death at Avizâ€" non, France, reached here at two o‘clock Queenstown, ‘ May 9.â€"‘1lhe steamships “()lyl‘:(?m,".from Boston, and the "Cuba‘‘ np::; lympia," from New York, have arâ€" rived. | Washington, May 9.â€"Probabilitiesâ€" For the Middle States and lower hk:;.lo- gion, dimin préssure, northâ€"easterly and M!hw! winds, higher temperaâ€" ture and cloudy weather, with occasional sales, 8,000 barrels. Whentâ€"fitm, Recei 36,0000 â€" bus. sales,. > 80,000 ....i.’.‘?. lat _ $1.68 to $170 , for Number 2 Mil» waukee in store and afloat ; $1.63 to 1.66 or No. 2 Chicago do ; $1.80 to 1.95 for winâ€" ter red western: $1.05 to $2.95 for amber western, Cornâ€"dull. without decidedl change. Receipts, 50,000 bushels ; ï¬.., 51,000 bfl.hélt 670 to 68 4c for mixed western ; Clo to 6116 for old do in store;, 70¢ for now yallow western. t Barleyâ€"@uil and unsettied. #1.18 for Canadsa western and new black do. Mo to 560 for new white do, ; 40 for mixed in Osts~â€"dull. Receipts, 35,000 bushels ; sales, 36,000 bushels, at 48%c o Sle for new mixred Western 50c to 521c for new white do ; 470 for black; Llle for white steam ln.don.l:l?, 11 a. m.â€"Consols open ed at 93} to 93} ; accounts 93i to 931. Bonds; ‘65, old, 92 .." CHICAGO MARKEETs Chinago, lg 9,â€"Receipts of hogs 10966 shipments, 10075. Liverpool, . May 9.â€"Cotton steady Uplands, 8}d ; Orleans, 9}d. _‘ Cotton J:-’t 588,000; American 200,000. Receipts of wheat ‘for last three days, 214,000 quarters; all American, NEW YORK MARKETS. New York, May 9. â€"Gold, 171. Cotton, 194. _ 2. Fiourâ€"dull. Receipts, 7,000 barrels ; [New York World .] It is not for laymen to express opinions wntboloul merits of the decision of squ-o Court, delivered at General Term in the case of Stokes, : â€" There is still r“bahuwhhhdncuo must Sor final review, since the infelici« h is placed a court higher than Rye quiet and lirm. $1.00 for Canadian livered some months ago. . . Stokes killed Fisk in January,, 187 wias not sentenced to death for the killing until Jan. uary, 1873. Here it i« May, and the slowest and longest step is still to be taken which will decide whether Stokes is to have a new trial or not. How much longer time will elapse before a final decision is had no man # year & from ing of bisk.befere the sentence of the law, whatever that sentencea may finally prove to be, is executed upon, the man who adelay must seermn a reproach upon the mw _To foany men 1t must neero a i not to be borne h-dobhd“hh{.“thiifl fear which he would feel if he knew that if he killed a man unlawfully he would be put to death according to law within & week, if he were told that for such an act he "might be put to death within : two years . But Stokes is not a coriminal of a common class. . To the common criminal a man without reflection and without imagi~ nation, the Tormer threat would be terâ€" Krie, 50}. rible, ‘however : int@nse the â€"passion or however utter his recklessness might be. | But the latter threat would have scarcely deterrent effect at all. ‘Toa manun= ;ym-..dd.ui-od“vh.flhom cenfident : he coul innocence, . and to # mdohywmt% m‘?flmhmml have no fears, For it is not the prosscution but: the defence that fights for delay, and no mhh@dflfllwfldh t to him without obâ€" ;mn, mgi gires too many Avmiltoes 0 the paslshment is one of the swittness of is one of U“TM&&& 1t is to: be hoped , law . may be amended. But the practice is more: in fault than the g‘. And in detault of new laws we have right for the protection of society to insist that existing dawa shall be so carâ€" :u-sunumwmh ;h;ll â€œï¬ of Tar more opo:(fly ies Tus inflotment: of Ntokes for the murder of Fisk has been. ntricitys are most alwus ndthqbdg“un hondwm ::y:.mamm result ov diffiâ€" If i want tetrâ€" at . the trow karakter ov e man, i study hiz vices more then i do Most like hull o tsRA is bokd waay uty eloe P 0 «mmm:‘m hn'th:“r what hinks thame bile is the sorest bile in g ‘w ‘man ‘amoug big men, is a man‘s knracter~â€"to be : & r among tadpoles, don‘t amount _ Whats blessed thing it iz that we Toan‘t 8SPOKE3 AND THE COURTs: LUVERPOOL MARKEI®S. IONDON MARKETS3 891. JO8SH BILIJNGY® PAPERS, TELEGRAPHIC. 891. To all men but lawyers such 4J PRICEâ€"3 CENTS Jealous people saiwus luy themselves more than they. do those whom they are jealongor, _ * oÂ¥ _ _Cariosity iz the germ ov ail enterprires â€"men dig for woodchucks more for curiâ€" mmnn they do for woodchucks. ‘Thare is only two men in this world who never; make any blunders, and they are y« and we, mi triend. The purest and best specimens or hu~ m*uufluuho wor d haz ever seen, or evér will see, havy Lbin the virtewous b‘“- « fen don‘t fail so often in this world from a ov right motives, a, they do trom l“.‘..kl_xfl‘rip'. % C n m Yung man, yu kan‘t learn ennything bi hearing yourself talk, but you may posâ€" sibly by hearing others. There‘iz lots ov folks in this world whom yu kan blo up like a bladder, and then kik them az high az yu please.. _ 1 hay alwus notissed one thing, that when a cunping man burns biz fingers everyâ€" U::Mu fer joy. 1 sumtimes distinguish between tallent and genius in this way : A man of tailent kan make a whissel out ov a pig‘s tale, bhnlt it takes a man oy genious to make the @. | iz » l&n" tell now whether a goose stands on leg so mutch to rest the leg az to rest tho"&ouu. I wish sum scientitic man would me all about this. Thare iz a mitey site ov difference whe« ther Mr. John Slmf;mll appear at Booth‘s as A) o, or wEtIpr Othelio will as Mr. John Smith. I bhad rather be a child again than to be the autokrat ov the world. l‘l}u'o is newmerous individuals in the land who look upon what they haint got as the only things worth having. _ _ I iz those who kant laft with imm- nity‘; if they ain‘t stuft and sollum they ain‘t nothing. _ l td R A|tu branes in a man‘s hed are as noizy az shot in a blown up bladder. i % "(;)Eoinvisn ov gcnilfo to 97 thousand four huni@red and 42 men ov talent iz just about the rite proporshun for aktual bi mï¬h-hun iz a good thing ; but when a man can‘t lay dowa and sleep in a 10 aker lot without taking lengths ov fence wml:(h the wind in, he is altogether too airish. J think that a hen who undertakes tew lay ? eggs a day must necessarily nezlect sum other branch ov bizness. * There iz ‘‘menny a rlip between a cup and a lip,"‘ but not halt a> menny as thare oumw be . 3g he most important words in enuy lan« guape are the shortest:â€"*» Yes" and Une |ov the most honest and reliable i ov at the present time iz "(Old m.biliï¬z;" he is an ornament and hornor tew his sex, hi " Nb Rather than not hay faith in enny thing, lut‘wlllm‘ tew be beat 9 times out ov 10. 1idon‘t never hay enny trouble in reguâ€" I&: mi own kondukt, but tew keep other pholks straight iz what bothers me. There iz nothinild delicious to the soul i# Aaz an otkasional moment. ov â€"A'a r # ’Iluy. wd?m'd TEn® 1'1501?‘ Dl:l'fl WEIGHT iN Do Â¥ ou Ksow Axrrame or it? â€" is Nor, it ' Twr You Diw. uawimg.w?m-ï¬:.nnm“u- ple for any great 1 of time, ouo_(_uu?;- m:rnn‘:mfu‘o Vlle pmd “l-.'{wnhud u.:(.-i‘ x PÂ¥ K dmdn“ q‘:hud(:it:' fhik, :r: M“Md:':o i own . thuT.dieim may be tmm inâ€" ndln:“n cer.ain Axed m&n du: sult from the use of any one of them, cmt‘;:ï¬m 1 U ainaatmhange h Hack faibe s cogprond eould not by any possibility be made tfrom PORNITURE ! _PORNITURE, OTTAwWA CARPET HOUSE m-u;“ba: makers in the Dominion, con PARLOUR SUITES in Striped Repp. BEDROOM SUITESâ€"a larg a.n n W Kasy.Chairs, and Ex+ BLACK WALNUT FURNITURE Â¥iIntending purchasers will do examine our stock, as We m':."u&“:z 3:awa Watér Works, OTICE TO CONTRACTORS®. @n,wm»my:qnn noon Of : â€" ... .. 4 H trnnur. THE 13ih IN3TANT, t â€"FPOR TWE Thomas‘ Eciecttic Oil Aud the Erection of a Stone Building BUPPLY OF ALL MATERIAL We bhive now on hand a complete stock of on the Corner 1.0¢t at Bridge, between m.m-nhnun the missioners‘ corner Sparks %unfl“ y next, the 6th inst. work to be commenced im (a acceptance of the tender, and com on of the lst August next. he lowest or any tender will not ncocessarily Pr »ss House, &c. be accepue Hats that R Hails D EV LLN‘S Doable Feaked Meimet * Cap»s ‘ Com missioner‘s ® m’&“ May, ‘&h Christy‘s Ventilated PDrab ~ Nhell Hats Oltawe, May Ist. 187%, March 12, 1873 do SHOOLBRED & CO,, By order, ‘. K. CUNNINGHAM, AF DEVLIN‘H. 40 Sparks Atreet, AT DEVLIN‘E.