roteBiged P a K A #E, GQ#KR% Oniy 4 M UR yonkey» }4 lipag | 1 ® ApAY ) u> qverY HARLOE, wft Arci# miry 008 >3 % | uqi P &A discusmon ensues it LEFELLIER su, ported bmtllk’fllfl.l. worthy of enpoura; to epcourage hof ler said one of t axile ton tons of paper _ wmiler this bill produce wessures should not b Te nt? "was pr hil wa pre £* howeves., to th the hon. gentioman & Ur. REK*H ad ,a m, thoe eno o manulacture of gt Mr. SIMPAN u :~'.onlpnnapl C “m Colum ihis imporial meas ads of fish to the quintal, while the zxt off with only one bun« m itne markete of the . West ". iwnl! was read a second liimg. t Mr. CAVPBELLI moved ind sec= . r-lm' O the Procature in Criminal (we law Amendment Rill. Meexplained ibat «be bill was the joint work of the A+« General for Ontario: and the Preâ€" =b’-‘ designed to empower the â€n)ovm. in certain caags, 10 ‘h rem wal of lunatics in prison on ’dmm avill -'uw-l. to a place keeping. â€" Carried. ‘. Me. ï¬AOfllBl: UN movel the waed reading of the will io incorporate Uar (h.'“ purposed manu g ralwa gflum amd equipments of nl’\ and asked authority amo to sell and â€" Lacd s09" s C & the Domimon. That, he m‘“" it a company, whwb m wask incorporation trom | taie â€â€"Mit‘. on. Mt. m-o.val |ho‘ seooued rewl=~ aibkestrength of the names of the cor. ":‘u. RY AN disclaimed this object, gnw only showing the difâ€" hatwesen the character of the reâ€" 1 garglys e 1 _ Ik . ......u-.uw.-uyâ€"-um r could come under the general ie ... . .__.__ .‘ .__ e i e C @ELLIER su, ported the bull, as did gnt‘lll’lh‘.u. awd FERRIER as worthy of mrn as c«lou to apcourage manuflactures. said one of mrmadndy ten tons of paper a day, and aight *u.:l“lhru)uu W 1ums. These measiltes not be dealt with on a j r pricciple, but on their meâ€" bill was precisely sinmlar in é howeves., to that jast advanced hon. gentleman himself, the Car & Ur. REK*)H the bill, m feorire of great mporhanes.. r manulacture of great im e Mr. IMPSAUN urgel the adoption general principle regarding these instancing what could be done under the general Act, in manutactures within his own perâ€" rhlr. ‘They oughlt not to * matler on ils merits. What 4 te done under «l aL1O® k p‘hawpul by qcoï¬. . Mr, VIDAL concurred in the vi+w Hon. 4: ruoy. j Mallar 0 te done unde: j not be attemp . Me, VIDAL ¢ 'W"‘ * qasese ; lrat wl U it would be in W in the case ‘remainder ‘of Judge these | HOL 10e bow | mme calegor + M+. MeM A8ST agrinst the They we respect, ag! .“. ‘Theare c _ '!'uoi w ul could â€"How. Mr. wu-wt. Me Impoyrtayion Compiay Hon. Mr. Leoteliier de St, Just. Domimon Dock and Warehousing Comâ€" Billâ€"Hon. Mr. Mkead. & Colonizstion â€" Railwag |ine u.h7m0 .â€'_ this paper company and the s 'm' would require a ..,m 4 couk| be expected to proâ€" bill was rewd a second time. ; Sollowing bills waere also rtead a mooml time:sâ€" _ e ie ren‘e. Billâ€"Hon. 7 Expreas ( ) Me M a Muastual: Mar Billâ€"tion. Kyan : Mr, MaPH l erpliate 1 & an Atian that it was hom tnse \‘nite , MUF. 31Â¥ PXO * of the Joint (X u be con to lon. M . CAMÂ¥BRR f Parlia me: . Jt depen|e by» (ness House, on D;. OKANC mwod thait the House go :o-â€"muon» Whols on a resoluâ€" decluring it expedienat that the® m Mussum ani stait should be at the city of Otsaws. . He said that h4 moved this resolu.ion with a cans~ degree ol \ssitation, inasmuch i wighs be looked upon as being mule in purely:local intereste _ tlowavers mish was not is intention. ‘The Geslogiâ€" eal Museum established in Montreal under the direction of Sir William Logan, and n.:luuflhnd the (ieolog:cal Surâ€" _ vey ass! « Dominion character; and Re had come to the conclusion that it be removed to (stawa, innsmuch it was a departom ast of the Gov.rnment. ing over the HNouse he would like pirninined mt had on opget w ais composed had an opporâ€" beil, ad rarnou. .P;Wu smme ge meral ruls in . ases ; but at this late perio.l of lho‘ ;I.uu be invidious distinction 10 BJ W in the case b fore ys. For the, Hemainier ‘of the session, they * 10 U was composed had had an opporâ€" | V B g-’mmm“ mont» | for t Most of the hon, gentlemen were | consi Wnolibusiness c wpwity, men of common | prop ï¬:.u.wuy. and coming as they | giver did hom all parts of the Dominion, he | prov thought it demrable that the Ceological | duce n‘;ï¬ih.cWMilm lawi, year an o"ofl.mly what be afforded o them _ of . seeing | they the development that was _ g0ing | % U !hbflu scomomic nmpunerals 1t .h: :.' Opposition to his propasal t | Professors in connsction wirtnh Melill | men! wetsity at Montreal were connseted | Parl Rthe staf. But now that the work« | wo 1 + of this Department had been extenmded | latin be whols Dominion, it was more than | curr + ~P Recessary that the ofticers ol the surâ€" | ad 0 rm;vgl.f'mu Ind p age.) tiak Columbis, all of which uged perial measure. Canwila was the ytion: of the Empne hither , M Altogether the bmiil was F 86 (Hear, hear.) ï¬.-;lï¬'LBACK also expressed roval of the bill, m‘.“u it ave a good effact with ARaberâ€" Nove bootisa, who had to â€"paock up « fu great geologist and naturalist, and msmmhlï¬u& WSeatote took a great interest in this subs J#8 \nd no doubt with a landable desire ( M itrran as the bopurtment hare "o y of the Department were roâ€" Bd to Oirtawa. Kb Mou. sir JuHIY &A. MACDONXALD «i thast his hon L1emi bad made his mo m with is usual ability, and l Sn-nmv!&v!/dlfl- remainder of the seamon, iheoy Indge these Lills on their merites. I not see bow this bill couli be . mame category with the wol iss‘ . . Mt. MeM ASTER contended the ob ns agrinst the (MLNUM HOUSE OR COYX¥¥%Â¥ON® Mr, MACPHER ON .u’: ghe Mleman had + really rangth of the names ot the cor. . Mir, MaPHMRIIN moved the mn bill m.amx: & desirou 1 L" Ad-m Ho oexâ€" d that it was intended to lay it hrom wme U‘nite I Kingdom to Cana, ‘MF. SIMPION ambmitted the sisth of the Joint (Jdmmittes on Printing, u be considemd Frnidiy next variouse . railway . companies '"ï¬m: oon tuive mat MX . 1\.~um: Tone n apeepitenee / lu-l'ubo'hun..ot“ h Pataabnt mubl oo asle cas ie a e ;,M, to toa. Mr. R\Y 4 \, . â€" Mis honorable friend was him ensued in which Mon. Mr. ami Rorel R «ulway without an Aot Momday, May 12 ol .& Pn« imit he coubl n0t pack up while the He d 4 'whmhb‘cdvzhlâ€"fn'mp hldflhmflmhn‘-uthuhqm | wanted to have museum here, and if/ assimilated when they were not. the motion had been brought up searlieer\ . ‘The motion was then carried. in the session and referred to a comâ€"| Mr. BROJSE moved for copy of corresâ€" mittese, who could have reported nmnuh&.wmrmm | the House, an .’Wadinw mdnuâ€" of Ntormont and Coraâ€" ‘MNMMMI which Troops of Cavalry. mflmm&yhm The | _ lHe stated that the company ol Captain ]m.- knoew that this sub« | Mattice hat been organimedi before that of jeet bad aitracted the attention of the Captain !L. 8. Macdonald, but that the ‘ ioverament had gone so far as to cause | lattet had been given precadance by the | an estimate of the cost of a plain building, | Government. ‘The consequence was that wb‘mldhnhp:ud at all events | there was "'".::’?.':." amomg the .unu duplicate iâ€" | latter company ; y dul not get meve, m‘n-.u be -.'d“fl- M\flmummnm ouity to obtain a sufticient quantity at| _ Hon,. Mr. LANGEVIN aud there was no | mnontreal to make a respectabis museum, | objection to the Kesolution ; but he was to which would be addeal the specimens | afraid the hon. gentleman, by the words that would no doubt be sent in ftrom all | all other papers, would mike a great deal parts of the Dominion. |t was also proâ€" | of mm posed that some of the chief models trom | Mr. MAC eaquired it the acting the Patent Department should be trans« | minister of Militia --rh‘ ta smy any= ferred to this building, But \‘n- thing about the merits ot the case $ which the edilice was estimated sost | â€" HMon, Mr. LANGEVIN was not aware of rather frightened the (GGovernmentâ€"which | the statement the hon. gentleman ‘was was economicalâ€"against asking the | disposed to make ; and was not in a posi u:‘- a vote this seasion. !is (%ir| tion either \?-n to or contwlict the John) believed, too, that the gentlieman | «tatement. any! injustice hul been who was at the heml of the surrey (Mr. | lone, in this case as in all the other cases, !bl'yl).u.ollulbm-onub- it would have to be corrected. brated predecessor, liaum Logan, Atter some further remarks, the motion had strong opinions the importapce | was carried. of keepimg the museam at| Mr, De ST. GRONOES moved for stateâ€" m;.a:x certainly to be | ment shewing the quantity of Tobaseo bheard betore a decuim was come to. | raised in Canada during the year preovious He could assure his hon. friend that the | to the imposition “mm“‘“‘bd asubject would receive the aite ntion of the | Lisense and Excise, as as «during the Government d-uh.o racess, and he| Hsoal year ending Wth Juse, 1~7°%. Oarâ€" trusted that with explanations his | med. t hon. friemt would rest satisfied, and withâ€"| Un the order that the llouse go into | draw his motion. Committes of the Wholo on Resolution Hon. Mr, MACKENXZ!IE saw no reason lor ssking that the museum should be withirawn from Montreal, which he thought was the most m'n'-b. place tor it, ks being the seat of \a great learned imnstitution, and more io the way of learasd and sacientille mea. & _ After a feow furthes remarks from De. UARANT and Mr, BuUOWELL, the motion was withdrawn and the order droppad. Mr. SPEAKEXK announced a message trom the Senate, informing the House that they had passed an Act to make further Mr, DOMV1LL.LLE movye that the petition af Thomas Hicks and others, on the sub r“"m‘l““"*“m" salect committee of saven members, Me felt that this motion was of import «nce to the whole Dominion. le did nat intend making any charge agains«t ciiu-b the government of the North -t’fum-ï¬-:‘ awkiny the concurâ€" rence of the Rt Hon, SirJUOUN A. MACDONALD moved the tirsat rewling of the Bul. _ Care the circular of an agency showing that while their information was given in conâ€" Hdenos, they refused to guarantes its corâ€" reotness,. Another great objection > these concerns was their utter u'mpo-::- bility, which precluded any possibility for »u{-iqmrum\-whhhm injuriqus to business men. in conclusion, he characterized the various concerns in hk o Ter proerent m Thate thik the was Mpm'ndbymum were fallacious and unfounded. le read m extraots in mh.:::-;l‘ agencids, conel Y moving that the potï¬- of Thomas Hincks and others on the subject of mer eantile agencies be refarred to a seloct committee of several members, with power to send for Richard, Horgin, Rrouse, Savary, C utnufnm.nm LOnMOrrow . motion was carried Mr, )S (Middlesex), moved that it be resoived, Thit it is desmrable that in fu» ture, uoless the public interests prevent, the Parliament of this Dominion should be callec to meet for the despaâ€"ch of busiâ€" ness on some (ay not later timin the 15th 'h’.“"mhqâ€"n- sowk 4 ca® w ww _ Right HBon. "ir JOUIN A. MACDONALD uid there could be no objection to this motion on constitutional grounds, from the manner in which it was drawn out. The hon. meamber for Rothwell had lorward a similar resolution on a revious session, with the exceptiond sertecl after the |ast week in , bocause a great -x‘d the m members . were interested in municipal electkons, and that a full attendance cauld not be oxâ€" pected if an carlier date was fixed. . lle was not sure that an earlyer date than the |5...¢l'm.d¢ht.flblld.-l be would ask the hon. member w change the resolution ; but not to make u-obrhuiutbl.'uh.lmï¬u reason, that the House might require a synopsis of the public accounts up to the Slat m;mu-.uzunu least a month to make up that synopsis u.'..u-mmunludbm be inserted of the 15th of Januâ€" amtumon or yu® Ivoung uies "m AiRRWRCRREC | act with. ‘ Rt. Hon. Mr JOHN A. MACDONALD mit the hon. member for Bothwell had a mania for thinking that many resolutions w&hmu.mmm with a and will to destroy the con | stitution of this House. lHe could wil the h..-iuhvm'dl-iflcnlhu ham that the resolution had no cannection with the constitution. ‘The hon. member Pn tw tor Tesolation sithoogh is not vote he J was in taveor of it, mum Uatatio, Nova Yeotia, and New Brunswick, Mr. ROYS accepted the suggestion. \ After some remarks from Mr. WOOD, the motion as amended was carrigcd. Mr CASGRAIN moved a resolndtion on the subject of the assimilation of the Com« mercial Laws in force in the different pro= vh-udlh.?add-. Holb:zih t .q..u Was cially to the Province Quebec. sould see no reason why they should not be assimilatedâ€"th> Dominion could be ru.u‘ by the same commercial law t had been done in other countries, and he thought it might be done here. Alter some remarks from Mrc. WOOD, MUr. MTLI 4 said that nothing was known ‘nmuurn.olvmhfl ‘r aone by Aul {leaw th tha asaimilation of the laws of Col, Giray in the assimilation of the laws of the Domihion, and thought that when the assimilation of the commercial laws took W«%umm& be He #» *‘ t‘a; the com stitution of this House aught be interferâ€" of their floh-râ€"lâ€" um&“d sonsiitution. The gave certain powers to wu-l“ to the Looial ments ; it gave to the latter, with some except‘ons, the laws re|sting to pro« m?dfllri ts. ‘There was a clause in the Act, leavrigg out the Provinces of Mmuqmum Which had the common law of Kngland lor their basis, There was a clause in the .-..uuu:;mhm“'“h"“ propert qail n except those .n-t: thol‘donlsml. which provided that a motion might be intro» duced in this House with respect to those "; but which would have no effect whatever in any of these Provinces until currency * The resolumon was simply tor ...wonluuounwitb ox ruumm laws should made alike, and, at the same time, should be assimilated to the laws in the 4e ..'5;4 there was no Province ol the Dominion so far distant as not to be conâ€" .::xuquum. The last part of the resolution, however, he thought, the hon. member might well dispense with ; that was to refer it to a comumiice, MUr. MILLA called the attention of the fu.-u: C M.t:hu: he aboulid be --m‘h(&.lch)hd informed the House that they had been already assimilated. Et Hon. me JOHN A. MACDONALD :'ii&m.u L the lith of February wa inâ€" instead of the 15th of January. sason why the 1ith February had decided unon was that it must be he was willing to adopt; and e papors That was & The motion was then carried. Mr. BROJSE moved for copy of corresâ€" “%w the formation and wflh of NMtormont and Coraâ€" il Troops of Cavalry. es f _ NMon, Mr. LANGEVIN anud there was no objection to the Nesolution ; but he was afraid the hon. gentleman, by the words all other papers, would maike a great deal Hon, Mr. LANGENVIN was not aware of the statement the hou. gentleman ‘was disposwl to make ; and was not in a posi on either hrnt to or contwlict the atatement. any© iInjustice hul been done, in this cuse as in all the other cases, it would have to be corrected. He stated that the company ol Captain Mattice hut been organimed before that of Captain 1. 8. Macdonald, but that the lattet had been given precedence by the fl‘::.u.-l. Tu‘m.mwu\lu re was great diucontent amomg the Iatter company ; and if they dul not get presedence they would not serve at all. “lmx M acting &. J mred i the minister of Militia ::†ta wy any= thing about the merits ot the case $ Mr, De ST. GENOES moved for state= ment shewing the quantity of Tobhaseo nï¬ h“?qlhm pnvb:-' o imposition present duitis Lisense and Excise, :adl as «during the Heoal year ending 3Uth Juse, 1=7%. Oar» med . in the order that the llouse go into m-l‘.lho Wholo on Resolutmion respacting purchase and working by the Government of the wholo Telegraplue «ystam of the Dominion. _ it Mr, LA saul that be «satended to _ withdraw the _ rmmsolutmon _ on accqmint oft the late porkal of the session. Al anothaer session he exâ€" :aflumfl-n-luih-.n-lmu very glad if non. gentlemen wouldl in vestigate the maiter. lle went on to say M hhd Pelpentio U in conpection 'lillh.l’m«qu-. There was no reason thit for a message that cost nothing to transmit, a greater chaurge «hould be male than tor a letter, the coat : transmission of which from place to was much greater,. lle then with« dvaew the motion Mr;. FURKTILN moved for the appointmeant of a selact commitles to consider the reâ€" turn to the atdress of the Fith of March, iN7!, aaking for ennites oft the patition pre« «entes hy Joseph Houchette, on behall of the children and gramiohildren of the late Joseph Bouchette, is his lifatime Narâ€" vayor General ol the Province of Lower ‘The SI‘IAKlR_rlmI out that the regular course be to move t.rst that the journales be read, in order to put the House in possession of the matter. k M:. FPORCLN Mw moved that \brug be reachk, C 1. e, F)KFIN then mayed lor the comâ€" milto®, Efl'w.fl the returna ought to be hefore the House . Mr. MAOKENZE said he presumed the abject af the motion was tee payment of money, and no committes could recomâ€" mend that. Right Hon, Sir JOUN A. us:vm pointed out that the practice when the Crown refused to recagoiza cerâ€" tain claims was that an appeal was made to Parliament,. He cited several cases of the kimd, and sail that of courie ao reâ€" commendation ftor the payment of money could be concurred in without the consent of the Crown. F | After some further diacuwon the moâ€" tion was altered in form to make it in order and carried. Mr. WITTON morved tha, in view of the great importance to the whole community of the growing manulactures of this Do« minion it is expediens and highly desirable that the fullest information should be inpnticn it ren hakiticis in The varioms w an of raw imaterials in the vamous apecial ve .:Mï¬f. processes k n unbm. He traced the of the international exhibitions of bm amd showed that whatever might be cflhbhflnnh%‘lhuu- rum:r was worlhy support which canduced to the educiâ€" tion of the ‘The coming yY ienna nmmw in the fact that it was to give an ratdtyhmmcl the modes â€"Mmmuub‘g the subject deserved the careful of the Clovernment. .‘ Mr. WONUD attempled to eri the wording of the resolution, and wns ably whby Mr., Wilton. motion was carried. e Hight Hon. SHr JOHN A. MACDONALD said it was clear that if there were any anâ€" be t t migh a very t might â€"n-nï¬mmw w»-u:aa-d. lWis friend had in the press for some little time rumots of anticipated Inâ€" learn that al} the late advices were much more Jh. thin the original stataâ€" menis were the ro verve. "Ahe motion was withdrawo. Mr. TUBIN moved an addrass for cor respondanes between the Dothinicn Govâ€" erament or meamber thereof, and the M.}:LM o« l*_IIN D;th #¢~ tension of the railway from Richmwnd Depot to Halifax. &thm was now three miles from heart of the»t io amnection with all the rallways ol the |rmum.muw~$wv--¢ « blush to thy tace of apyone Mzh' station, tor i; was like a tertporary «hed, and a w-u\m. ie was anxious to for the intormation of his constitnuents and humself, copies of them, as be boped, that the delsy bad not rested with the Government. ie hoped to receive a promise that the ¢x« tension would be procseded with. This was one of the most important <uestions which now abtention at t sJifax, and he as theo schame had been provided for in the estimates, the exieq tdn to the heart of the city would uoi be Mou. Mr. LANUENVIN hai no objsouo®n to the motion, but would state wnat no d-h'hdml.nh-nqufwou ment wis concerned. They but done .ihl-v-‘-ddg Th C im K cte "ulf Uikme uâ€"-flm bave desire of the o Arrtibar the rail m~ ‘:IVN:: ie be on o m l t e ho k not 10 favorable L 4 #% bat they still hd-l:lw-“ what they had asked for. 1f they did nos, they would select the next best termious which they could get. In anatwer to Mr. Tobin,.. _ _ _ _ . _ . u!‘u Hon, Air JOMN A. MAUDMXUNAALL id it was the intention of the Govern whflh'ï¬ as a (Clovernâ€" ment day, but there be no difi ulty in giving members an opportunity to got LE dn mt € To mhner to Mr. Mactatale, .. Aesmestremi formation {oâ€"morron " as" to the couse 0 public business. _ _ _ _ _ . . | ters but postponed it for the Napiervilie, was not in his place. _ . ho M T(LLEY moved that House to morro# go into Commities The Howsse wtjourned al 1 LANUENVIN had no objection a, but would state wnat no curred, 10 tar as the Govern annazwvanid. Thnt tbA Axnt He would be glad to Mitawa, May biJ Vienna .th:‘hdquomh‘zdï¬c- Â¥ it expedient to t e sum ve wwmwm the Norâ€" Mlhflwq&m‘n of Canada in full discharge of the Jï¬n bundred and seventyâ€"iive thousand pounds sterling due ugidoes 12 may ue spproved" by " the ons as may Â¥ Governor in Counc‘!. Mr. MACK ENXZUE contended that some informition ought to be given to the Mouse betore it could be expected to enâ€" tertain such an extraordinary proposition. This waus a propoual on the part of the Railway Company, assented to by the Go« s enaney io m ) w At n:&nouhblbmh p_:yï¬ interest on the debt. _ In his opinion the proposition was wholly inadmissible. _ 1t was maude entirely in the interest of a fow mock jobbers who hut goat control of the rowl, and not in the interest of the hbomd hoklers or the Provwace. Hon. Wre. TILLEY sasd he was not a lit= tle surprisead at the position taken by the gentliashan ht placed a on the paper for certain relurns in reference to the Northern Hailway, _ !{s never mored the motion ut in advance, he had handed to hiwe ( Ur. ‘Tilley), a memorandaw, giving in detul, wmore fully than in the notice, the returns which he wantewl. _ Those paâ€" mhlhuhdulhhflo.’vh.tb liWios amd assots of the company, the debts and to whom due, the exient of the revenue, the bomis, and all other information which hed been asked tor" These papers had been on the table for a week or ten days. The hon. gentloman spoke of the interest of the Province. id he mean that this debt afâ€" loctawd the Provinces of Uatarie and \lyeâ€" beso, becauuse the had no right to a single dollar in connsection with the deobt otf ths Northern Railway. That was seitlied clearly in th» dArst place by the constunâ€" on. ‘The debt of the Great Western had been in the same way cluime! by the then leader of the (iovernmenat®in «‘ntari0 as belonging to (intarto snd «QQuebes, but the Lovernment held that under the constitutiam _ thos»e« Proviece hut no right to it whatever, and he (Mr. Tilleg» hul statwl that under the agreament maule at the «Qasbes Conference :t wa dintinctliy understiood that these assoets «bould go to the Dominion. _ on Ur, TILLEY ssmb it was first in the Constitution iteelf, and in a«Adition, a an evulenss of the clear and distinet underâ€" Mandiog which existed on the sutysct, a communication was aliresed to llon. Ueorge Brown, who was one of the dele yates at the conference, to Sir Alexander walt, a member of tas Finance Commitâ€" we, and Dr. Tuppar, also a member of that committee and not then in the Go« vernment, and the anaswer from these three geni|jsmen was that it was distinctly umjerstoow! that these were to form \part of the assets of the Dominion of Canade. h‘ummuum had under the hand of the then Treasurer of Ontario mrunwhlhdm that was y maudle thess were not taken into account as assets of the Province, lbut as those of the Dominion. 'l'h,ut:nhv- ing the control of the Northern Railway Mr. MeKENZIKâ€"Where is the menkt * Of M-&:bt&(mtbuynp their on that roud. The Governâ€" ment had bonds for £50,000 upon which mhdnndnllbm regularly, they had a right to £50,000 more for which they had received no interest whatever. Finding that %.'n re . seiving only the interest on £50,000, and to yield n&:h.vhmd. U was sug»â€" ru-nu is matter shoold Le taken to consideration by the Government and settled by‘ arbitration,. ‘The Government descvied not to retilae it by arbitra ton, Lbecause lhx."d'al not wiuh to place it out of own hands, but the Northern RKailway selected a gectlcâ€" man and the Dominion Government apâ€" lasks up an eatimate Fom their stafdpoint make up an e# of the assets and he had a statement from (@ oniy the intaresl on £,000, anda ...'.1.‘.{...,: £470(XX) was not likely of Mr. Langton in bhis hands. lle | grmr- m:... P""‘: hich it appeared r. lLangion Cuets moceen m is mertie af the ted by the wdz :':‘ pnm’ b,“.dthua.- ,mntmh-fld '::lmhudobl?&“ the Government hbeli £50,000 the 3rd pnhnuou-h.d-nAbuo,Mnd the third preference bonds, class B, worth par. | ‘To the second ~£40,000, how. ever, it was very difficult to assign any Te t ud themnatte uoo iinh anhornt en ite o+ ami as to the value of that lien, .I‘ real question was what the company could snominal valuation, -ï¬ as â€" £23,150, udholhvrquu in ihat case the comâ€" pany raise £54,000, theamount reâ€" quired for improvements, which would enable them to pay interest not only on the £0),000 so raised, but also on the 424,14) pari to enable them to raise it This document was r‘b’ Mr, John Langton, an ofticer of the Department snd .w’uty.‘l\osp-mad the gentlieman seleoied by Northorn u..,o-,q-um.amm be given for the release of the liMbilities. Thesse were the circumstances, and the Gurermment came to the conclusion that the statemment made by Mr. Lazngton wa the best equiralent that could be got. THF OTTAWA TIMES MAY 14, 1873 matter, and all the conpsoted with f":."‘"".....‘.:'::':...t Tokve the Tw _ Non. r. uo:mu-.ucï¬a- the House was lovited to consider this Mr. WUBINYIN said be had bhad some in tarviews with the Finance Minister, and he had been unable to smy what papers were included in the motion o( the memâ€" ber for Lambton until that gentlieman seot him a private memorsadum. . The delay -:'nunl) o;:. i _ the of the -hlï¬bï¬m WwAas & Mq.flt&r‘&uh printed at once and distributed toâ€"morrow u..h: MAUKENZIE mmid the Howse had never been made aware that theare Hon. Mr. TILLEY sail there had been no arbitration, as the Government would not consent to it. . Hoo, Mr. KMACK ENZIE said all the the information had been conceaied from the Houss, When he gave notice of this moâ€" tion he had no klses that this proposal wwkk y We Helk . _ _ .c 3 ol en n. s Hon. Mr. TILLEY denied that the icâ€" mâ€"m-g:-l“ House. Ttohu.’g)_ very well that “‘m' -N#.u.,“.d * rmwolumons beafore lhe nlahed to him was given. Hon. Mr. TlLLlY.HM‘I‘: inâ€" formation asaked for ; buy in order the tHouse should more clearly understand the proposition, it was read to the House. Mr. ncooum(oml:flfl' was 1oo important a matter to consi~ dered without any information. Heasked _ Mon. Mr. TILLEY gpaid it c0 introduoed till the resolutions Mr. MACKENZ(Eâ€"Thait i no in Mr ~lr. OLLIV ER could not mdlfl! m‘: granting such a large sum ofâ€"money this o.::-y. He contended ‘that the rauilway had killed off the villages m l&-moluuon w an & some arrangement made whereby the railway would be forced to do its duty. w do l.:&.z Mr. M NZIE rose to correct the statement of the Hon. Finance Minister ; that the bill had not been introduced, and therefore could not be distributed. le (Mr. Mackenzie) recollected having given way for the bon. member from Algoma to introduce hbis bill about a week ago. and he happened io know that the bill was printed a week before it was intro Mon. Mr. TILLEY Adid not know that the bill ha 1 been introduced. Mr, WOK)D did not propose to discuss tho.orihdtbrm-oduo- until he usn derstood them. He quite agreed with the hon. member for Lamhbton that the fullest information should be given to the Houss, He difared widely from the riou ol the hon. member for East «lord. Raila®ayps i:hl.lm sountry had never profitable investments to the -fl::‘ sock. Nearly all those munloipalities that had taken stock had Lhiilwi ~ to realize anything upon it; ::t he en:‘udd that lh‘y“hd proved great advantage to country, furmers a market at their own doors and o g the cost of transport of merchandise, had proved of inestimable benefit. In no country in the world was the tarid of freight lower than on the Great Westaern and Gitrand Trunk, which railwayn bhul done all that they could in view of the United SWiates competition. _ fur :E;uj-a-:bu“. JA 4E8 scb;‘m~ presented report of ine Kiut Toronto Klection CJommittes, reporting that the Committese had resolved that James Rearty, E#; , was the duly electedt m maber o represeat the Eastern Electoral Divimon of the City of Toronto in the House of Commons ; also that the petition Â¥r WiX}D then resumedl his speech, contendiag that the debts due to the wovernment of Canada b‘ Railway Come panies were assote of the Provinces. Mr. WILKIS would not touch upon the wider question. He proposed, however, to enter slightly into the merits ol the muq and quoted figures to show the position of the Northern Railway Tnuï¬umnlhhhouu be given to it by the Government. _ is not frivilous and vexations, ad also that the defence of the sitting member is not Tmvilous and vexatious. * Hon. JUMN YOUNG contended that there was no reason for the Plopond ar mmngement. The Comp:«ny‘s prospects were vary good, and the deht was a par» l.uyrneu. ° R+ Hoa. Sir JJHN A. MACDINALD said that afier the announcement that had been made thait the papers would be brought down and printed, the rest of the debate had beean .ommt:u a simple waste of time, without doing any good whatever, and he would not now have mseen had i; not been that he wished to guard himselif ftrom bdn* ouwnnd to agree with the hon. member West Dur» ham, in his interpretation of the British North America Aot regarding the property of the railway debts. According to the construction which he (Sir Jobn) put upon this Act, the railway «debts belonged to ‘thoho.hio-.udh econtended that it would be a breach of faith to all the ather 'Pminudlhboninhn.ud eapecially to Nova Seotia and New Bruaswick, to put .".,"o.'â€"m""ï¬m“‘ mction upon it. 1t m(a&:‘dh&l understoo1 at confadeâ€" the Jum-o Provinces gave up their railways as an offaet against the nilnydouï¬uloun Provinces of old Canwia: and late members of the adminâ€" Sir A. ‘T, Gait and Hon. George. M were bound in mhmmm state that such was the case. _ Even if the Z;""M:"" wreck i:}q ""“uf‘ -â€œï¬ asking the concyrrance of the House the araendmente. M‘ Hon. Mr. ILLEY moved for Committes of the Whole to morrow to counsider rasoluâ€" tions declaring it expedient to authorize the payment of the several contractors ....Jz' ons Nos. 1 to 7 of the Intercolonigl Railway, inclusive of sums not exceeding those recommended by the Commissioners tor the said sections respectively, on acâ€" m*x‘w extra work, and in Hoo . Mr ‘llu.l\'-ldt&wub'nug before the House on account of a peti MN?‘::NM received in They could not go on with the work a«nd the «Government bhui to take the ecostracts out of their hands. NWM the petition .*“ 4 «nd be and the sommenlasiamart resommentied that, under :mmmhmm contracts had bean taken, they should he alloweod the samse rate as those under n considerstion, they had. deâ€" w do this, subjeot to the approval ot this House. Hon. Mr. MACKENZIE did not intend wâ€" the maitter at pn::dt. The .m‘ matlter, stated zfl\ytbph&uvflch this de had been arrived at, In order that the House might arrive at the basis for uwgmummm to bring down lhomto(wkdaa giving particulars of tse quantities o ï¬r'.odudn&- addituonal §15,117. What he desired to Hind out was whether u:.m :‘uu recsive Hon. Mr. THLLEY ‘zcd that the House go into Committee of the Whole, terms and conditions under which the Provinces of British Columbis and Maniâ€" tobs, were admitted into the Dominion, UCumada became liable for the debts and liabilities of each Province, existing at the time of its becoming part of the Dominion, sutjact to the provision that each Proâ€" vince should, in account with Canada, be charged with interest at the rate of five cent per annum on the account by mh its s«il debts and Labilasties ex= seeded, or should receire interest at the smame rate by half yearly payments in adâ€" toâ€"morrow, to consider the following re "'..'“#:.'..........-u-.m.m North America Act, 1867, and by the vansse on the amount by which its asaid debt and liabilities fell short of certain «ized amounts. 2. That the amount fixed as aforésaid .-.‘ ~amm(u=.:luo-m ::ï¬â€˜l“fll as thereâ€" ofore formed the Province of Canada, was sixtyâ€"iwo million five hundred thousand doliars ($62,500,000), and that the debt of the sard late Province, as now ascer= taimed, excesded the said sum by ten million fire hundred and sizx thousand and as respects the Province of British Columbir and Manitoba by the terms and conditions on which tho{ were admitted into the Dominion, shall be increased in the same proportion. . R ks and ;lh’hty-d;hs dollars eighty.â€"four cents (10,506,088%.84) for the interest as afore. sa d on which, the said two Provinces were chargeable in account with ‘(;hmds. 3. That it is expedient to relieve the said Province of Ontario and Quebec from the s1id charge, and hereafter to consiâ€" der the fixed amount in their case as inâ€" creased by the sa‘d saum of _010,506.(!&.88. 4 That, to compensate the other Proâ€" vinces of the Dominion for this addition to the general debt of Canada, the amounts lixed as aforesaid, as ro;roc« the Proâ€" vinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, by the British North America Agt.‘lpg'l, l‘rovinces, in .lnx,.ln:s, sDALL no:ol accordance with i Hon. Mr. l‘lLLE\'m ti arrangements were made with reference to the debt of the different Provinces, it was supposed that it would involve theâ€" Dominion in too large an annual expendiâ€" ture if the whole debt of OLl _ Canada was assumed by the Dominion o?\uu. lent given to the other 1‘ Theres fore it had been proposed that the debt of Untario and Quebec should be stated at sixtyâ€"two million and a half; and that everything over that should be assumed by the Provinces of ntario and Quebes. Nme years had passed since that propoâ€" ition was entertained, and the practical effect had been that the subsidies received by the several Provinces were notequal to what they fwere, by fifteen to twenty«five per cent. The result of the increase in â€" 5. That the subsidies to the several I‘rovinces, in July, 1873, shall be paid in coet of every article was that the Dominion had received increased revenues which the logal Provinces did not possess. The proâ€" position w« to put the Provinces in the ml prsition as they were befre the ‘niou. Hon. Mr. Dorion said a similar propoâ€" aition h«\ been made tho years ago. At that time the difference in the price of everything could not be so well determined as now. The motion was then carried . Hon. Mr. TILLEY moved thet the House go into Committee of the Whole to=morrow toccndt.oorhm resolutions roviding for the of tive per cent: ll,)unknion debentures to the amount of }on,mn,u» for the relief of the Qaebec Harbor Trust.â€"â€"Carried. use t o Right Hon. Sir JOHN A, MACDONALD moved that for the remainder of the sesâ€" sion, when the House~ adjourned on Friâ€" dlays, it should stand adjourned till the following Saturday at three, and that the order of proceedings for Siturdays be the same as on Fridays.â€"Carried. _ _ Hon. Mr. LANGEVIN, before the orders the day were called, wished to make the statement he had promised: . !{e took the case of Charlevoix first. The other day when the question came up, he thought when the document was read that it had been said that Mr. Xavier Cimon had read a letter from him at a public meeting, and of course he was under the impression that it bad been written by him to Mr. Cimon. But afterwards, from the explana~ tions given, be found it was written to Mr. Slevin. He had enquired about Mr. 810:: and was sorry to say he was dead, therefore hecould not ascertain apything from nim. He had obtained from Mr. ‘imon, the party who was the candidate mponed to the sitting member (Mr. * ay), the following letter :« â€" _ s _ Mr. Simon‘s letter stated that bo&ï¬ never read such a letter as that # by Mr. Tremblay and others to have been read by him. ltmmnihla‘ moreover, that Hon. Mr. Langevin would |! not wmwch aletter, as Mr. Tremblay | had dec that he was not a Rouge, nor did he bok:rdwtho Parti National, and that he wo m&ttho Governâ€" ment _ an i support. Hle had alsoâ€"obtained a letter from Mr. Gagnon, the local member, and who was stated to have been alongside of Mr. Cimon when he was reading the letter, which the hon. member for Charlevoix hi followed with his eyes, The letter stated distinctly that the writer was prées sent during the n-dlnï¬l the letter by Nr. Ctmnh;nd that itdid not contain the threats which were alleged to have been made in it The statement made to the ettect that it did was false. One word more about that election.. Mr, Slevin was the agent of British capitalists, who had bought the iron mines of Raie St. Paul ; and was the gentleman most interested in hviughrmt there for the protec â€" tion ships, If therefore that gentleâ€" man had received a threatening letter from him, me would certainly have found it to be to his benelit to support the Government candidate,. But he had supported Mr. Tremblay. ‘The hon. memâ€" ber for Charlevoix, when he (Mr. Langevin) read the letter dated 13th July, addressed to Hon, David Price, had stated that his (Mr. Langevin‘s) letter was dated the }3th July, and that the meeting to which he had alluded had taken place on the 7th. Mr. Price had sent him a letter in relation to the statements which had been made in the House on a previous occasion, aifrming that those statements were base | fabricatons ; and wuumium« read } by him was that dated the 1 of July, |and was the only letter received by him from Hon. Mr. Langevin dwhuo conâ€" test. 'l‘hobtt:fld:rdduodh’ which went to show . Tremb mmdustupmdthouwm Me hbhad alao received a document from leading men of Chicoutimi, men whom hke did not know nor had ever seen. ‘This document certified that the signers, 12 in number, were present at all the public election meetings held at Chicoutimi, and that it was false to say that such a letter :xlnfumwunï¬by&on.bnid‘ or any other person at ll.‘# of the 7th of Jniy, and that the only l6t ter read by Hon. Mr. Price was that dated 13th July, which had been read by Hon. mlï¬dvh in the House of Commous. He only one more word to say. The other day the member for Chicoutimi, when the House was at the Estimates, put a question to the hon. Minister of Marine and Fisheries, asking when the Light House at Seven lslands had been burned down. The Minister of Maring and Fishe» ries being taken by had said about .ymouoqo.m memâ€" ber _ for Chcoutimi had _ turned round to hbis surprise and . said ao..uuubonnu.:mm of Public Works to ask to appoint his brother lightâ€"house keeper when the light bouse was burned down before that period ? He (Mr. Langevin) had procured the following notice issued by the Depart» ment of Marine and Fisheries. Mr. Lan« gevin then read the notice, which was issued on the 22nd August, and set forth that the light house had been burned down on the 13th August. _He thought he had made out his case, and would say no more. marks, which were followed a sharp discussion as to whether )Ir.b{)-hhy should beallowed to speak. msrnxuqruumm. gentleman should beallowed to speak for a few moments. C * MR. TREMBLAY denied the charges made against him in the letters which had been read, and stated that he could bring * ane Hon. Mr. LA&NGEVIN mored that the documents which he had read be printed in the votes and proceedings,; Carried. Hon. Mr. DOR:OX then made a few reâ€" the chair :fl';edâ€":poniumthtwhl»hhd said upon a previous occasion weas true. Mr. ALMUN appeared at the bar of the |l-o.ndmum:h;-: from the .‘“’ Q,m cxccutinm uP the \lâ€˜ï¬ m'.ix O‘clock, the Speaker left AFTER RECES® P the Lime the er (Mr. * i that he a that s# hers to have was mnihla ingevin woul Mr. Tremblay not a Rouge, The Customs receipts were .17'8‘“- | Shooting is becoming alarmingly fashion able. Last night two men, on being re fused admittance to a grocery,fired through the window, the ball grazing the head o! the proprietor. No arrests. | _ Several Government and public theaâ€" sures were then advanced ana the House adjourned at 1 a.m should be reduced to tive years. _ | _ | A long discussion followed, and the reâ€" solution was finally adopted without l amendment and reported. _ _____| | LATGSE 81 TELBGMPL hn Sn es n Another man presented a pirtol at a | T. policeman wao was arresting a rough, and | *‘ threatened to-hoot/:im. He was secured, | _* and fined $20. °* §3 _A clothing store on Notre Dame stree! :l‘& burglarized last night to the extent of ) f Yesterday evening two Grand Trunk ; employees named Armstrong and Quigley | got into a quarrel about some trifling matâ€" | ter. Quigley rushed upon Armstrong, | . and gaÂ¥re him such a violent push that he fell backward, striking his head against a trunk, and breaking his neck, He still | lives, but is in a precarious state. Quigley | is under arrest. The steamer "Renaud" left Cornwall yesterday morning about five o‘clock, on | her usual down trip, and Beaubarnois at | * 4:15 in the afternoon. About six o’clocki e in the evening, as she was approaching the Lachine Rapids, she struck with her F bow on a suuken rock, bounded free of the obstruction, but immediately afterâ€" 1y wards unsettled in her course, and dashed | A; up n another, _wh_ou she remained firm. ) #! The water rushed in torrents into the gaping hole, and shortly afterwards, tilling, she sank to the guards. About a hundred | He and fifty passengers from Cornpwall and : the various intermediate towns, were on ] board, with a considerable number of live stock, cattle and horses, belonging to drovers and dealers, and the ssene of consternation and confusion which ensued© can be imagined. ‘The Ci:ptain, Mr. Kanâ€" kin,. who also acted as chief pilot, in virtue . of his lengthened experience and ability, as soon as possible launched a Loat with a few men, and pulled to the shoreâ€"an unâ€" dertaking of some difhculty. This they reached safely ; but their hopes of renderâ€" ing assistance to the passengers were frusâ€" trated by the impossibility they found of returning to the wrecked vessel. Mr. McPhee, of Beaubharnois, and partuer in the firm of Suaw & McPhee, produce merâ€" chants, Foundling street, was the next to get a boat launched, and with a crew. also pulled to shore. Jn the meantime a large number bf canoe men from Laprairie bad collected at the spot, ani went out to the steamer, and by an early hour this morn« ing had taken all the passengers safely to land. When the bort struck, the water rushed in, causing a great volume of steam to issue from the boiler. Mrs. Hedge and child, of Valleytield, and Mr. Pickerhim, UBind, O° yaAnOpuoOul wl APE. ./. PWTRRERENIET of Lachine, were badly scalded. The value of the -m(.x:rut from the cargo, is estimated at $10,000. ‘The cargo, conâ€" sisting largely of paper shipped from tbe{ paper mills of Buntin & C>, at Valley» tieid, is valued at some $15,000, The steamer was ho:.:‘ily laden, and is md‘: have, while on point of entering rapids, given a sheer, refusing lortm to her helm. Immediately afterwards she struck;: Efforts are being made to get as much as possible of the cargo ashore Btocks quiet. a _ Bank of Montreal sold at 19ij, down to 190}4, and afterwards recovered to 191. Merchants‘ 116 to 115} Toronto, 202}. Royal nadian, 103{ . Montreal Telegraph Jompany at 190} to Filour moderately active and steady ; reâ€" atipts, 7,451 barrels ; sales, 3 800 barrels at $6.87) to 6.90 for extra ; $6.50 to 660 for tancy ; $6.2) to 6.40 for strong bakers‘ $%6.0) to 6.05 for mediam ; $6:0) to $6.40 for bright superfine ; $5.65 to $5 82; for No. 2; $5.00 for fine ; and $4.00 to $41.25 for middlings. 190 Yesterday afternoon shortly after the 8. 8. "Sarmatian‘‘ reached her wharf at South Quebec a most melancholy accident oc curred, J. S.Bnrr;:, hu-ri-tu:i Dublin. a caâ€" vin passenger on hisway to Toronto, went on shore to look after the lug of a lady passenger, coming to.thocs:.of the pontoon, the lady being on the deck of the steamer, made a sign to her by waving his umbrelia that ail was right,. While bholding n;';.hil hinds he walked |over the edge and fell between the pogtoon and the steamer into the river. Heevidently Mhnnmokfln-idoolmn-ol in his descent, for while ropes were lowered and every elfort made to save him, no# thing was‘seen of him after the fatal plunge but his feet, which @appeared for an instant on the surface. The body has not been recovered. Tha sad event created intense excitement. terday. The rush was made for the oftice in Place d‘Armes trom noon onwards and before the hour of closing many hundreds ot shares were taken by citizens anxious to see the road progress. The takers were of all classesâ€"merchant princes from ::lnwu’l‘own. tnr}omon from St, John burbs, profession«l men, laborers, gen« T on eresfert atuivily was anpliged y the ty was di Y mdl-,whflo nvcnlpoh{nnindod members of the civic body subscribed their names lor amounts. ‘The stock takâ€" ing of y cannot fail of largely afâ€" fecting the next election of officers of the Company. * 3 Arrived â€"Ship « Lake )(hhcm'- Buâ€" chanan, Liverpool, April 9, Canbray & There is great excitement in town over the closing of the North Bhore Railway stock transfer books at four o‘clock yesâ€" Terrible Colliery Explosion. a2 MEN CAUGHT IN THE PIT meet at the place of business of said i at the vuvod M:lnu.m the sixth day of ie monthof May, instant sixth day of ie monthof May, instent, at eigut o‘ciock in the afternoon, to ve statements of his affair«, aud to appoint an a 7 REAU, P nterim Assignes, ‘Werrible Colliery explosion to day at Prummond Colliery, Pictou Co. . Mr. Puan , and the assistant and Mymumlnthol’u:ith. Slope is on fire and no means of escapeé ; great anziety is felt as to their safety. No further parâ€" tioulars yet received.. | A man named William Dawson, in the employ of K B. Eddy, Keq., M.P.P.of Hull was drowned toâ€"day between eleven and twelve o‘clock. The body was found half an hour after, but life was extinst . The insolvent bhas made an itate to me, and the credit weet at the place of business May 1° ROM MONTRAEL NSOLYVEXLF ACT OF 1869 In the matter of FROM QUEBEC [Special to the Times.} FROM HALIFAX. The Slope on Fire DES JOACHIMS [Special to the Tikes,] POUGLAS ALLAN, Montreal, May 13. Des Joachims. May 13 Halifax, May 13th. . â€" The takers were | â€" credit Stores sell Ladies‘ Prunelia Boots for hlï¬zfllf. St, John W‘.:'-.mum‘-mhuw zell the rom St. c Lame article for OXE DOLLAR. * l: “"'::’5' credit Bwores sell Gents‘ hand sewed Boots was the | w ied tletanied | onin perompmmtetdingaitel body subse their “.,‘.‘;“""ï¬â€™f‘ per cent less than Creâ€" ints. | The stook takâ€" | our stock of all descriptions of Boots and Shoes a0t fail of largely afâ€" is now nearly complete for the senson. tion of officers of the | Ladieswill find alarger assortment of Misses | } = %’mflm stores, ul fat Te Eie i i xo Prormener mrinn ooo Az'fl % & $ PA Prease rememiber the address, 1 Montreal, A 83 and 85 SPARKS STREET. r " Lady Young,‘ “'lmu I-I'M"O}Wu:_!'u to the DOMINION 6e ic ueachs .'qtu- -..’: (Atawa, May 8, 1873. B 2M Quebec, May 13. An Insolvent. NXotice is hereby glv« < will and ent of To« lifetime, of the ° _ 5 of Otfa». escased, has been granted, aud tha. eouto» of the said will, All partios h» ï¬m h6 estate of deceased are notin claims« with mewithin oue month . date, and all parties indebted to the eaid estm« are req to pay me the amount of {heir in« debtedness without further notice, * Dated at Ottawa. 30th April, A.1}., 1873 "OLIVER DUROCHER, _ Hair To SPARKNâ€"St, TUE BEST POoOLS® to work with. Laryâ€" 4 est Cashm PAY. & s_A _A L.A _i 4 B B AD. d Either travelling or at home. _ Exclusive Terriâ€" tory, New Plans, &¢c. The most easily worked! Ageney. very subscriber_ receives * CCre," and a share in ©21.000 in Cash and other preâ€" and a sh in $2,000 in Cash and other rw- miums, Experienced Agents make $100 to $2X) per week. Rend at once for particulars, terms, per week. at once for Earucuun, verd &¢ , to OUR FIRESIDE â€"FRI ND. L. C> THOMAS & SONXs, l, Brookiin, Out, MaÂ¥ 10 18732 20 4 .Ringle Beks of this will do the work and last as long as @ ible Belt of. Canadian Leather. Uiis, Paints and Colors and Varnishes, « rakcuom, Pitch, Tar and Condage, Anchors and Chains, Dominion qhml Britisn Flag«, Grain Bags ana Canvas, pi¢ iron. P 8. ROSS & BROS., * | i10 Grey Nun Street, #19% tm | Moutreai. The Court of Revision for the Mameipality of the Township of Fitzroy, will hoid its Arst sitâ€" ting for the current year in the HMall of the suid Township, at one o‘clock, on SATURDAY, the seventeenth day of May next. __ _ â€" fow xsMIr CLERK‘s OFET $T. LOUIS HOTEL D l , REROPENED FOR BUâ€"INESS MONDAY, 28TII INSTANT r day. Agents wanted‘! Ail ‘5 “ Ԡp::‘lum of ‘:orklng people. Of eithar sex, ymrï¬:rou. make more money At work for us in Ir ® moments, or ali the time, than at anM{:eehe Paruiculars free Address (G. REINSON & CO., Portiand, Maine. May 10, 147 M #5 Deeds and a Mortgage. Any person leaving the same with George W!lmn{ on the Richmond Bal. will receive the above reward. awa, May 6, 1873. 2250 4 ,'Nuu%u OAK TANNED LEATHER 4 BEKLTING AND TAN®S. The 8T. LOUIS HOTE!,, Quebec, having During the. winter months, will be on leaving it at this Office *UuWNSHIP OFFLTZROY Quebec, April 21, 1873 O8STâ€"Between Rideau Hall and FEigin street, on Wednesday night, a Silver Watch, with Chain, Locket, and Guinea attached The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this Office, E M 0O V A L. BEI'ORE assuring your i:te, examine the new Tontine Savings Fund Asurance, just introdaced by the Kquitable Lite Asâ€" surance Yociety, by which an Endowment in ted at ordinary Life Rater. 'm, mi.n‘ Room, Russell House. R. C. W. MaoCU A1G, General Agent for Eastern Ontario. THOS I8SMAY, Local Agent. Oitawa, May 5, 1872. a snb d May 7, 187. Barristers, Attornies, Solicitors, &e., 0 T T A W A . DTE OOMY !! DaAXTEL ONXNOR. = Ouoxl April 18th, 1873, 19 ) én gaged a 1873. DRESSMAKING I87: Iâ€"~;, t the C =$£?u?{ Omce, .Eigin Street, opâ€" %f 1;:. L RICK, |_ Improved and Refurnished J. R STITT& CO. ‘l'hogomhundo an assignment of his esthate to me, and the creditors are potiflied to Mmumdmlmdnulwmm the orof Hull, on the fourteenth day of the th of M1y, luxtaut, ut nine o‘clock in the forenoon, to receive statements of his affaire and to appoint an Assignee. c &““lï¬inl?mm" of Huil, N f » # Phe.; have appointed as«ignee lm EVCOE Y uï¬â€"mwmm their claims beâ€" fore within one month, | N. TETREAU, | In the maiter of JEANX BAPTISTE LAâ€" Hull, Aprit 30th, 1873 | TRY BUCHANAN‘S vx®RILY aLELE D ®oXorui®: May 5 > Jm . Really Good Coffee | +s 0 THOSE WHO RELISH O8STâ€"On Wednesday evening, on Kideau, {ï¬pr:alm or Wellingion streeis, a LD E. RING, oval, with an acorn shaped ndant. ‘The finder will be suitably rewarded D LEI'.-'I‘lwmllnn-e NAo. 2 P‘O"ll P. 0.’.' poly 45 oNnEYÂ¥ TO LEND ON REAL E~TATE s Otaws, May 2, 1873, FROM 51 RIDEA! STREET In the matter of % |_ _OCTAVE LATOUR, of Huil, NsSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. ANTEDâ€"A Gardener. Apply at the Grey Nuns, Boiton Street. 2223 NSOLVENXNT ACT OF 169. lim ‘CUOUNNOR & W ADE, REWARD.â€"lost on the road beâ€" tween the Carp and Ottawa, two Dressing â€" Establishment Fitzroy, 21st OrICE. ‘ | ermemememerens NAVIGATION epen through to the T. C U K TJ 8 PRESSM A KE R 4t EB EC . Gulf Ports, has removed his wW, P. TAYLOR A CUP OF neat HRISTIE & HILL * Rarristere, â€" Kigin it \, 1878 No. 2 Prinog‘s Terrace Tow uship Clerk having en B A N h 5t N. TETREAU, Interim Asgignee, Executor. Daxter Wan®e 257 lyd&w Au Iosolveni 240.2w Ax«<iynee, wii been td $ t sit