[St. i tap me h forgs wa# ish acmurs as He ms g having hed, 4 reâ€"igent of ght d of the out of P29 10 the » the U8F / 1 and Ho#) | POrily * n rvdates Papsâ€"dinnntatit Ssdb Actbsmsicas 4 Eardiey ;R Stitt, Kem tville; W B mo Allister, Eardiey ; P W gmub, S 8 Greenâ€" less, H Aylen, Aylmer ; B Y Lanark ? Geo Keating, Kemptviile ; W ! Thistle, Aylmer ; "H Roli, East Templeton ; Ref H Asb, Kingston ; J Mobr, Quebec ; John MeDonaid, Rome. aitend the ; going on at Smokers ! For the Myrilo Navy. Thos. Mansfeld, Mant Garrett, Bearbrooke ; W . ncm._, H Martin, Gle Initl=, Hichmond ; D M« vile ; J Fader, A Fader, chester ; Jas Armstrong Jokn Arrastrong, H ar Armstrong, E McDaniel _ _ " 5 20mond ; D MePherson, Brockâ€" ville ; J Fader, A Fader, H Hughes, Winâ€" chester ; Jas Armstrong, C Arinstrong Jobkn Arrastrong, H Am"fl&.. Thomas Armstrong, E McDaniel, fun y ; Wm. Ritchie and wite, Torbottom ; J Bruce and wife, N Fitzpatrick, Jos Hardey, Montrea! ; A Cochren, Kamsay ; A Craig and wife, i::lu:l_nd. Half:x, N.S. ; A B Cole, Sorthâ€"Gower Mr J F M Mrs E M 0°% A A McKee,B ockville ! MeDougali, 0 McDon Hymeâ€", Mor Prescort. °s S10:rison, Toronio; J W Monk, H Fraser. Watertown ; A P Macdonals, treal; E W Moore, Watertoma ; G te:dun, Kome ; C K Adams, Montreal Schmidt. bt John ; E Dowling, Cou Blaff: M Richot, Montreal: EB Hnrchi. Mayor, and Rev. Dr. < the second pars oi th ceeded with. in tui selle Rosa D‘Ering, sing, not ouly her those . of â€" Mrs. prevented _ from WMirima=chi ; A Brooks, Brocky iilnecs. _ Mrs. _ shepherd _ sing in g:nyh ** St. Patrick‘s Day ;" Madame bien sang * Oft in the Stilly Night ;" and Mr. Marley.played a violin solo, with pianoforte accomp«riment by Miss Turgeon. fl. J, A Fraser n=xs sang twice, piaging & only would it have added greutly to the song itseif, but it would have varied a little the programme, which consisted throughout of solos. . The performance concluded with the National Anthem. â€" The Stemards Messrs J. M. G: and Siattery, al greai measure which attended his orn accompaniment ; after which Mr. thepherd sang @©Cruiskeen Lawn." Ii was a pity that the m=ny talented amaâ€" teurs present were not requested to sing the chorus of this favourite melody, as it was sung in the "Coieen Bawn ; for not them to iisten to the beautiiul melodies rendemcd by lrelard‘s gifted sons anu daughters, than by occupying them with a speech, The magnifcent demopstration he witnessed there sbewed bim, that, alâ€" though separsted by thcusands of miles from their nauve shores, their hearts were still insepurabiy bound with the Green lsle;and be did not believe that an lrish man, knglishmxn, or Scotchman, loved is country less because be hau a heart in the prosperity of bis adopted country, Camaaa. (Appl:use.) Un some other cccasivn he would be delighted to address themon cartain prominent points in the historyâ€"oi Irelsnd. While we all might well re;oice that, st length, tardy jusuce had been done to Ireland by the Engiish perity wh was evidenci continued a greeted tfl_. pure. and "Moore‘s insane var parably les varably At the speci Premier, be hose exisia E McAndrew, Â¥rs J F McAndrew M U‘Rielly, J Tomkins, Buckiog J 8 Brown, Ayimer ; D C Games, y ;_B Stitt, Kemptvilie; WB mo I Aelly and wile, enfrew of which was inex HQTEL \AREKIVALS. Et. Lawrence Hall ass NMrs. Daniels‘ Hotel. ts.â€"If you. want cheap boots great clearing sale that is b Irats Bros., Wellington 2495 Albion Hotel. Union House. ,B.ockville ; H Svcnhvc«f’ V Mcuvsneil, ustama; eal ; A Anderson, C Wilson. ield, Manticck ; Rev Thos rooke ; W J Wood, Kars, Martin, Glcucester ; Thomas hthe National Anthem. â€" is were Captain wcCaffrey, Goulder, &gleson, O‘Cunnor, all of waom promoted‘ in a e> tothe comprete success ere nexi delivered by the the St. George‘s, St. Anâ€" «n Baptiste‘s Societies, the v.Dr. O‘Connor ; «fter which v oi the programume was proâ€" in tuis portion , Madamoiâ€" ‘Ering, wes kind enough to y her allotted sougs, but Mre. _ McGarr, who â€" was from _ attending by ies,‘ without any of those s which singers of incom« ity than shs, almost inâ€" ‘uce, _ and â€" in â€" which n ; E Dowling, Coun@él Montreal; K Huschison. ooks, Brockville ; J M W E L Bond, Montreal. ks an era in [reland‘s ht also hope that an prosperity were marked the mations of th> word. & good stioke, use See T. & B. on cach Coteriainment p an optical in<trument, r evenings‘ entertiin« well selccted liorary ‘or the use <fober Is > within the inst d over $60) to worthy mes. They had_now al estite and movable ant of over $7,000, a Fi _ loronto, e present ; uze made would bes. that â€" large _ allowing zgerald u. nev. Iv l ed to Parliamentt for Uxford City by 462 of a majority. At Chiselbhurst toâ€"day, in the mndlhnhqtvb‘m were of Living:tone, ud NC os" Loxnow, March 16. â€"Gen. Wolsely will go to Maita or Allen to meet the remains Remains of Dr Judge Bowers Biiss, one of the retired wd‘tgo‘mz- BScotia Bench, died this Ontario Prohibitory League. LascastE®, Ount», March, 16. A public meeting. under the auspices of the Untaiio Prohibitory League, was held here this eveniog, A. lnDoulJ, Eeq., in the chair, Mr. H. 3 Watson, in an earnest effective and logical ?noh, clearly ‘ show. ed that probibition of the liquor traffic should be made the paramouot issue at the polis. . Rev. Mr. Macphersn, Mesers. hoss, McDougall and Mclones gave earnâ€" est addresses. Strong resolutions were pussed in favor of prohibition being the paramount issue at the polis. Death of_Judge Blissâ€"Ashoreâ€"Sudâ€" den Death. ment for a number of years previous to his elevation to the Beuch. Work on the new railway from Sydney to Louisb C. B., has commenced. â€" Thpwmboonu}hlbc,'h-lhu- fax to st. Jo%'mt ashore at Poute Passage, near Digby, on Friday, and has become a total wreck.. . Some of the cargo may be saved. Theummer‘A]ph’ arrived from Ber. muda and St, Thomas this afternoon. A young man who had just returned from Ne;.YorT.tohhM in Boalard~ erie, C. B., whi rooeinngthowusunlm uon'.ot his mother the other y, fell down and expired. PBownraxvices, March, 16. Robert Armour, Registrar has*received the writ of election for West Durham to fill the vac: ney caused by the acceptance of oftice by the Hlon. E. B Wood, and it has been fixed on the 27th of March for the nomination and the 4th of Apri for poll« ing day. ming. aged 79 years. Ha represented mounlyintho Provincial Parliaâ€" l The following additional seats have been contested:â€"â€"North, _ Perth, Monteith: North York, A, H. Dymond ; south Leeds, D. E. Jones, a, ut °_ 5t Patrick‘s Day passed off, so far, quietly. The ll-l-im.- large, but not as large as usual, as some Societies reâ€" fused to march owing to a Union Jack being carried in the procession. High Masse was celebrated at St. Michael‘s C:thedral. D. J, O‘Donoghus, M. P./P. for Ottawa, drove in a carmage wil/ Father Shea in the procession. Hon. C. F. Fraser appeared in the House to«day wearing a green rosette. It is rumored that Hon. Mr. Mcâ€" Kellar will retire at the close of the sesâ€" sion, and that Mr. Chiistie, North Wontâ€" worth, will be taken into the Cabinet. The rumour gains credence. cil Science, $200; Normal School ana Education Uffice, $12,0U0; Normal School, Ottawa, $94,768; Osgoode Hall, $1,500 ; Government House, $2(0) ; Parliament and Department«l Buldings, $3,000 ; Court House and Gaol, Sault Ste. Mane, The House then went into Committe® of Supply, and the following items were passed :â€"Provincial Re:ormatory, Peneâ€" ianguishene, $8,870 , Central Prison, $59 â€" 492; Deaf and Dumb Institute, $1,618; Biind institute, $4.934. The following items were passed : School of Agriculture.$14,249; school of Practiâ€" 5(0 ); Lockâ€"up ard Gaol, Thunder Bay. $6.000; Lock up and Guol, Nipissing, $2,â€" UOO; Registry Office, Parry Sound, $100 ; Registry Office and Lockâ€"up, New District ot North Victoria and Parry Sound, $3 000. The Committee rose, reported, and asked leave to sit again, * The House adjourned at 12:15, a.m. Sir John A.â€"Contested Electionsâ€"St. Patrick‘s Society. Sir John Macdonald arrived in the w last night and is staying with Hon. G. W. Allan. APTER RECBSS, The House went into Committee of Supply. . ‘MU'inc-wu. and escort thein to Engâ€" Mr. Hall, Conservative, has been electâ€" alterations and . additions, third timé, aud passed, The Hon. Mr. Crooks n into Commuttee of Supply The following items were then passed after some discussion : Asylum for insane, Toronto, $32,0t0 ; do , London, $31,181 ; Inebr.ate Asylum, â€" Hamilton, revotre, Committee then rose, reported proâ€" gress, and asked leave to sit again. The House adj>urned at 1 30 p.m The Speaker took the chair at 3:15. The Bill respecting aid towards Gadl alterations and additions, was read the third timé, aud passed, The House then went into Committee of Supply, Untorseen and unprovided expenses, $50,000 were passed. Hon. Mr. Fraser‘s Bill to establish Muni« cipal Institutions in the Districts of Party Sound, Muskoka, Nipissing, and Thunder Bay, was read a third time and passed, _ tiow. Mr. Fardeé‘s Bill to make valid certain sales for taxes of landâ€"in towns not separate : from conntier, was read the third time and passed. . â€" f T March 17. The Speaker took ml 11.20. After the routine, Hom. Mr. , Pardee hll:;tuu a bal‘: specting the sale of pine by settlers Free tirant Districts otf Parry Sound and Muskokna. Hon Mr. Crook‘s Liquor Bill was read the third time, and passed. . _ The House rose at six o‘clook West Durham Election. BY TELEGRAPH BOWMANVILLE, OWEN sOUND. LANCASTER, Haumwax, N. S., March 16 ENGLAND. HALIFAX Eocal Logislature. TORONTO. rooks moved the House Suitable for the 2“ Navigation, The undersigned offers for sale the Steain1 dn h nteaniane in ie wolmsen, ues Procj,of th Innires Thâ€"se wul:.f- l:ï¬:.iam and par MT or any can have immediatqwartedsicn: """ * For particulars, ’l‘i’um.j EVANS, No pfof idte, ing town of Tesbitan. A mob in Sayuge, acting under similar religious frenzy, al« hekodthoulun .nni-:d of the town, burned ic archives, i the h oT the Authort pillaged Citr or Mzxico, March 10, via Harana, March 16.â€"At Abualulco, in the .State of Jalisoo, last Sunday morning, a priest de~ liver sermon, in the course dm the extermination of Protestants, that so excited his hearers that an armed mob of 20C persons gatherâ€" ed in the evening and proceeded to the residence of Kev. John Stevens, Congre» gtiolnl Minister sent out by the Boston of foreign missionaries wiih cries of long life to the priests. ‘They broke into lhmuuduuin:ï¬duummm his head to a '.auy, chopped his body into pieces, y afterwards sacked the house and carried off everything of value. Aftr much delay, the riot was suppressed by the local authorities. The Government has sent a d.wi?nont of ï¬p- to the place. Rigid investigation been set on foot, umr‘hmmco! all parties in Abualuléo and the neighborâ€" Bosrox, March 16 â€"The obsequies of the lute Chas. Sumner took place at haif. past three o"clock this aftenoon in King s Chapel. The remains wereâ€"conveyed from Doric Hall. in & bearse drawn by four State blu.bl’:lznod by a procession of lxocm.xn‘l and l“l‘l-bd':nd mlh:fllh-, Congressional Commitiees, a delegaâ€" tion of United States offisials, Municipal authorities and other bodies. The casket was borne from the Hall down the steps, the band playing the " Dead March in Saul.‘" In sccordance with Governor Washburne‘s prociamation, belis were toll» %d all the time the procession was moving ast crowds, numbering many thousands, gathered in the vicinity of the State Houseand King‘s Chapel, and lined the route of procession. Fob, 14 1874 New Yorr March 16.â€"The barque + Juâ€" piter,‘ from New York, arrived at Gibralâ€" tar, having ::rrhnud heavy weather and lost master several sailors over board.. Light House Arrangements. Wasmmaros, h.ï¬ .â€"The Li House Board gives no: oog-t on and nï¬ the opening of navigition in the spring of 1874, fixed white lights will be exhibited from sunset to sumise on every li'g: thereafter during the season of naviga from thenew light house at Biuff Point, Vancouver Island, on the west side of laze Champlain, Funeral of the Lats Chas. Sumner. _ Oswzeo, March 16.â€"T. J. Dorr‘s hard« ware store, Maenster Wort‘s bakery, and Kerr Brothers‘ grocery store, were burned i'e;s&r)g-y Loss, $30,000; insurance, ,000. The Feteat Chiselhurst. Ntw Yorr, March 16.â€"A London desâ€" paich states that some seven thousend people were at the Chiselburst fete to day. An address was read to which the Prince replied. He said the presence of such a lirge assemblage on this occsion, showed alarm of France for ber future, He con« sidered a pichiscits as the only salvation ot the country. If decision was lï¬hn Imâ€" perialism, he would accept it. in favor of restoring the Emg:n, he was ready to accept responsibility of the Governâ€" ment. . Mis address was received with enâ€" thusiasm. not in the official portion of the Executive Mansion toâ€"iay. Judge Dent‘s Condition. Judge Lewis Dent still lingers, with no apparent change, but he is evidently in an irrecoverable condition. Post Mortem Examination. Bosto®, March 16.â€"An autopsy of the body of Senator Sumner was made this morning, and the report will be puvlished. Many thousands of natives are depenâ€" dent on the Government for food. Ic the Ticherrot district a lnmd thousand perâ€" sons in an emaciated ition have made application for relief within ten days. k Mexican Commission. WasBtmotox, March 16.â€"The United States and Mexican Commission are busily at work, having last week decided 39 clims. The Umpire still has under conâ€" sideration the Mexican claims for indemâ€" nity, owing to the Indian incursions ; the ï¬-ound asumed by Mexico being that the nited States, under treaty of Guadaloupe are responsible for them. fl ~Feturned thanks to bis countrymen { for their faithful remembrance of the late Emperor and in conclusion said: " Deâ€" spite the confidence inspired by the loyal, ty of Mc\shon an irresis:ible current of r:bno upioion has been pronounced in avor of a plebisci‘e, (1 am ready to accept its vedict." Camden House, residence of the Prince, is gaily decorated. Among the French t were Ollivier and Roher and Dngo de Grammont. A thin vapour issued trom the top of the mountain. A low, rumbling sound is audible over the entire surface, and the snow melts as fust as it falls. The Famine in Bengal. CaLcutra, March 17.â€"The distress from tboul'unmo_in Bengal is increasing. _ It is stated that farm houses and cot» tages along the sides and base have been prostrated by a subterranean convulsion, «nd many of the inhabitants have flâ€"d. A Volcans in the United States. Raumn, N.C., March 17.â€"Bald Mounâ€" tain, in the western pirt of North Carolina, is in a state of volcanic eruption. _ _ Contradicted. BerLix March 16.â€"A report that Prince Frederick of Prussia is to make a tour of the world next summer is contradicted. Maprp, March 16.â€"Theâ€"Carlist leader Trastony, has been thw in Taragona. It is reported that the ts have raised the siege of Bilbos. that Glnbotn while a member of the Government National Assembly, purâ€" posely refused arms to Bretona, that they might suffer defeat and bo unable later to light the Commune, the rise of which was already anticipated . t Paris, March 16.â€"M. Keratry was @x= amined by a committee of the Assembly, to=day, in relation to the clwguix.r; ferred against Gambetta. He testific i ion of DeKeratry. Baronx®, March 16. â€"The Carlists under Sabailo, captured in the Province of Geâ€" rona: a column of Republican troops, amhin. to the rehef of the town of ong. _ Capture of Republican Troopsâ€"Ex: after which the Duke of Padua addressed the Prince in the name of the people of Fracce, congratulating him upon havieg attained his majority. ‘The Prince in re« TEAMER AND BARGES FOR SAl The President has a severe cold, and is Ecclesiastics in Trouble. UNITED STATES. Carlist War GERMANY Marine FRANCE. SPAIN. TO L dayike Kenedy R Killean Q’ B Lane tGeo :mgxl.! .I::.“.oan ‘A gan Long A Martin F Mateon Miss E Hutson W D . Hume Jas Hagher H 4 OJ Humphries Mr Hugaston W }:vm J:oh ngram John Irwin James | Johnston A Jones A Johnston Miss M Johnston B Johnston Jno Kain Miss R J Kerr Mre J Kelly P Kenedy Wim 2 Kernham Geo. Kent Jos Hobbs W gomt 3}0 8 cer Jas H:Llun Miss M THE OTTAWA TIMES MARCH 18 1874 Freeman Miss N G Thompson Mrs D Freeman Jno Turney Jno 4 Freeman R A Trembley Jno2 Fraser George Turner Miss M C Gallagher Jno ~Tucker Mro A Garvey Miss E Vaughan Jas 4 Garvey Miss C 2. Venuetten T H . Galicenstein 8 Watcon Miss Gaddes Jno Waters H. A Groom Mreâ€" Watson L B _ Grant Alex Watson Jas 8 Green Mrs H. Wawon C Grant G A Watts Jno j Grafiin Mrs Wadsworth Jno Green A Wulls Jas Herrington M Webster Chs Hentietta Mis M A Wellin«n Wim ~ Hayes Ed Weir And Henderson Geo Wollmfu n R dewett R Whoople War tielfertie W White Jao Helmer B White Geo Hemphill Chs Whelan J J 2 beron T Wilson Miss M . Henderson Mirs MJ PW iJey & son Jao Hill 8 Wilkes J A Hill Miss J Wood P Hillman L H 2 Woods A Hobbs W Wright F gml go 8 ;Vy-n. .l')r& cer Jas oung H:Lhn Miss M _ Young Miss A gubonJW D :“M‘MGoo ume Jas Miss C Huckins H . McCracken & Hotfen:s Esdale Geo Essex Mrs A Ewing & Black Fagan Miss M Fergusson G B Flana Mrs T C Flemming Miss M Fiain Jno Alexander Miss M _ Marshall R Allen Jas Mentio Miss L Anderson S Mitcheil Wm Barnott CJ Minore D Barras Geo Mitchell W H Baker Mrs M Mitchell Jas Bartiett W Moody H Barclay Jno Morrow Miss M Balland Mr Nevil Mrs Widow Bennett H Nichol Mss M Beau M Nicholson J C Black Thos Nunn Jno 2 Boyne Jas O‘Donnell Miss M Bonarty T U‘Neil Miss A H Bond W H Pattersoa P W Boyce Alex 2 Patier:on J Boyde M Patterson M J Both W Purker wiss C Boucher Miss M J _ Page S D 2 Bryan Chas Petre Miss M Burroughs Jno Perry Mrs C Burns Jno 2 Peniston Mrs Burk Miss C rhinney Miss E ‘L‘Ampbeu Wm Pearth Jos _: Carvary, Miss H. gomhllac C Caisey, Ed rayley R C Christie Chas Quinn Miss K Chishoim Miss J ‘.~ Quail Miss N Chisholm Miss M A khyman Alex Clark Jno Mrs Remuson, Miss J Clark Ned Regan, Jno Clark T 3 _ keynolds Geo Clarkson ‘I D Renwick P Clark Jno Rowet Miss E Clarkson G C R ngland W Coweison R Rickson J J . _._ Coughlin Miss 8 Rooney A P k Cook ‘I A Ross Alex 2 . * Cooler Jas Robinson Capt Couley Jas Robertson W C Colwell R koche W § Crooks Jas Savage J 2 Crawford T Sars R Craige R Beott J H. Curley Iw§u N bhold;o D Dale Jas Ehaw H B Davis Geo Sheridan Chas . Darby Jno Shaye Mis B Dickson A Bloan D Dodwell Smyth C :pt Doyle & Co Messrs SStapieton Jas Dunn Miss E Steowart Miss A Eqawards & Laird Street Jno Egan M Stetam Mre L Ecoles Ed 2 Steacy A B Ellard Miss M Stocks Jas Esdale Geo EStephens J Essex Mrs A Stackpole T Ewing & Black Stevens Mr Fagan Miss M BSwitzer 8 Fergusson G B Taylor J Flana Mrs T C Taylor 8 J 2 Flemming Miss M . Tayior C J Fiain Jno Thomas J 1 Foran Miss M Thicke A Mrs Freeman Miss N G â€" Thompson Mrs D Freeman Jno Turney Jno 4 Freeman BR A Trembley Jno2 Fraser George Turner Miss M C Gallagher Jno ~Tucker Mro A > Garvey Miss E Vaughan Jas Garvey Miss C 2. Venuetten T H Galicenstein 8 Watcon Miss Gaddes Jno Waters H. ie Groom Mrsâ€" Watson L B _ *~ Grant Alex Watson Jas . 8 Green Mrs H. Wawon C Grant G A Watts Jno ; Grafiin Mrs Wadsworth Jno Green A Wulls Jas Herrington M Webster Chs Hentietia Mis M A Wellim«n Wnn ~ Hayes Ed Weir And Henderson Geo Wollmfu n R dewett R Whoople War Helfertie W White Jao Helmer B White Geo P Hemphill Che Whelan J J 2 Clark Jno Clarkson G C i 21- 8 Coughlin Mi Cook ‘I A Cooler Jas Couley Jas Colwell R Crooks Jas Jmg . Curiey g';'- N Dale Jas Davis Geo Darby Jno Edwu:-&hird Ecoles Ed 2 Ellard Miss M Caisey, Ed Chrstie Chas Chishoim Miss J |â€"° Chisholm Miss M. A Clark Jno Mrs Clark Ned Clark T 3 Clarkson ‘I D Boyde M Boh W Boucher Miss M J Bryan Chas Burroughs Jno Abns $ Adams Mrs 3 Alexander Miss M Allen Jas Anderson 8 Barnott CJ Barras Geo Baker Mrs M Bartiett W $ Barclay Jno Balland Mr Bennett H Pain m':’ where it is used. Tt is the cheapest medicine ever mide. (ne dose cures common sore throat. One bot. tie has cured bronchitis. Fifty cents worth has cured an old standing cough, 1t positively cures Uatarrh, Asthma and Croup, Filty cents worth has cured crick in the back, and the same qusntity lame | back of eight years‘ standing. _ The folâ€" lowing are extracts from a few of the many letters that have been received from dif. ferent parts of Canada, which, we think, ‘ll:ouhii“blo l}flcl‘nï¬ to satisfy u:)on most skeptical,. J. Collard, of to, Ontario, writes ‘send me 6 dons:.i)l. Thomas‘ Relectric Uil, have sold all I bad from you and want more now; its cures are truly wondertui.‘ _ William _ Maguire, of. Franklin, writes ‘I have sold uil the: agent left, ‘it acts like a charmâ€"it â€"was slow at first, but takes splendidly now." H. Cole, of Iona, writes, «* please forward 6 dozen Thomas‘ Electric Oil, I am nearly run out; nothing equals it. It is highly recommended by those who have used it." J. Bedford, Thamesvilie, writes â€"Send at once a further supply ot Eclectric ()i, 1 have only one bottle left. 1 never saw anything sell so well, and give such general satisfection." _ J. Thompson, Woodford, writes â€"*Send me some more Electric vil. [ have sold entirely out. Nothing takes like it." Miller & Reed Ulverton, P.Q., writes â€"« Te Eclectric o:l is got::r & great reputation here, and is daily called for. Send us a further supply without delag." Lemoyne, Gibb &la., Bnckin&:n, P.0, writeâ€""Sasd us one ‘Ifll"u. tric Oil, We is i to take S Oltawa, 13th Feb., 187. UTHORIZED discount on American Invoice Eleotricity ! Thomas‘ sxcelsior Eclecâ€" A untll farther notice : 11 per cent. « __ _ KB . bovGazers, f Commissioner of Custom®, ONEYâ€"wWAGES I IST of LETTERS remaming in the Ut« | tawa Post Office, March 15, 1874. tric Oil!â€" Worth Ten Timeos in Weight in Gold. 4 . Bos m?.;dmlmn:md _ Bosmess wwov-am:mumm' 'l‘homnd-“‘ ‘-fl.:l"un in~ tor 851 malled free. B J. BTANTON, Hoboken, N.J, (Signed,) G. P. BAKEB, Post Master 1106 McCuaiig Rey F McCabe Jno McCrink Miss B McCarthy We 2 McCcnne‘l D Marks Mrs L Major F _ Fvn’iun;n Dodroomnllkn.i Puï¬ w ol corner of Bank and Spar stree! ‘adsâ€" Worth‘s Blockâ€"first door on Sparksâ€"st March 13, 1871, we 515â€"6in .SHOOLBRED & COJ Ottawa Carpet Hous: Our stock being even More complete and +s tensive than in any former season, and > prices willbe found as low or even lower t elsewhere. Consisting of Drawing Room Snites, Easy Chai Large Mirrors, Carpets, Cunnmmmm Sots mmpn\&‘llednh.&, Burean and Gasses, Table, Sundn‘ -lr} Dlnl% Room Furniture in Sideâ€" board, Dining Tab e, Cane Chairs, Couchés. Carâ€" pets, Oookmï¬uswn and Uiensts, Hall Coal sStove, (Hase Burner), Crockery. Glasswar», Hair and Stzrew Mattrasses, Feather Beds and Pnlnwa Blankets and Bed Linen, and a quantity of sma articles not enumerated. % JUST OPENEDâ€"2i bales of ow patterns 3 Brussels Tapestry, &Ply and Eidderminsts, Carpets, Hemp Matiings and Ollcloths, dit > from the best English makcas, to which we :00 fAdently invite the insLection of purchasers. CARPET S. Where the Goods have been removed for conveâ€" nieace of Sa‘e ; alarge quantity of Feb, 10, 1874 TEAMERS sail from New York every WEDâ€" NESDAY and SATUKDAY, Pussenger acâ€" commodations unsurpuassed, Rates of e from Sus lon Bridge or Buffaio, wam Liver or Londonderry Uublual $65, $15 wd \ gold, according to locatin. _ intermedifte, gold. Steerage, $31, guld. Drafts issued at est rates. rorï¬.tugr or further informa~ tion, apply to HEND SHSON BROTHER~, 7 Bowiing Green, N. Y., or their Aï¬mv. G. B. DRUMMOND, The best from the . for medicinal P° e quality producer, par (V, V. P.) from the largest producer of wines in Jeres‘s. Reasonable price‘and good arti .. DUBLIN PORTF®, GUINNES & DAWES PALE ALE and PORTER, CLARET BPARKLING Ml.mâ€"mmu and quarts ; SCHNAUBERTS, gli."RLNGE!' t Pickles, Sauces, Jams, Jellies, Table Fruits, &c , Tin goodsâ€"French and ish in variety: Me c Smbon Crackers ; In bun-g, McKensic‘s Royal Alberts of nanvergh? in Sins w i vanety of other kinds; New Cheese and Meaisâ€"all kinds; Lemon, ;}l’llQâ€"Cm:..:aflukwdhs flumm kinds : very superior from Fm% 8 .’x‘.‘i‘-’?"“â€' Tp..Putent ex‘> udl{om% m' Honey in glass boxs«, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Wine and Spirit lonhuu. Ottawa. All desiring Go ds in the above line will find it to their interest to our Goo 4s befrre elsewnereâ€"TEAS in particular, #O~Wines and Brandies dmy imported . by z.“ 4 wuaranteed . 10 HHDS, PALE SHERRY WIN®S, Terms C .sh. â€" Bale to commence at 10.30 a m Purveyor to His Excellency the Governor General, Earl of Dufferin, O‘tawa, March 16, 184 3 peonopa wgit be soid mt reasonzble. piice: " ieÂ¥ are word tolog: Te will recommend en dys 1H08, P14TTERSGN‘$, _ Hiis stock of Cloths, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Meltons, 1y any in the city, FRIDAY, March 20th, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT NEW RUFFLING, March 3, 1974. ROBINSON AND HENEY S BLOCK, Sparks Stroet. Japansâ€"Greer . Black of he best grades. Coftee daily and roasted e premisesâ€" M hh â€" c So s riratind formaiiopas tavur., * e ser HCUSEHOLD FURNTNUVSE, XTENSIVE Special Family Grocer GROCERIES, WINES AND LIQUORS. DIRECT _ IMPORTAaATION, WHAHOLESALE AND BET@IL, Feb. 9, 1874, Feb, 18, 1874 RECEIVING NEW GOODS. SPECIAL "Uaws July }7. 17 BASEERVILLE & â€" BRO® ~â€"RECENT House: Auction Sale PUBLIC AUCTION March 3, 1374 ANCHOR LINE. Prairie _ Hens ' Oysters in Bulk, Wild Turkeys, Oysters in Cas Partridges,] Cream C i I og FROMAGE RAFFINE from the Island of Orleans. O LD â€" PO ET Ten hhds, Fine Old Brandy, THOS. â€" PATTERSON Ex. Ship from At the unoccupied Store in The Subscriber w1il sell by Begs to inform his friends and the general public that he has opened a first CHINA â€" WAREHOUSE. 1874. IMPORTER OF FRENCH, ENGLISH, SPANTSH, 39°SPARKSâ€"ST. SPRING 1874. cans, FEATUREâ€"A good fit guaranteed or no sale, Z4 All Goods Warranted Shrunk. g@t COFPFEE GROUND DAILY ON THL PREMISES PALE and DARK, from the producerâ€"Firstâ€"class bravds JOSEPH DiMBLEBY, At the premises adjoining Mr. T. P. Taylor‘s Printing Office, R i d e a u S t r e NEW RIBBONS, 30 sSsparks â€" Streecet .R EPEI‘P M c D O N E L L. 6ewsSUSSEX STREET, 66. Joffees and Sugars. Auctioneer, 2517 Mourksâ€"st 258 NEW PRINTS REMEMBER . I, yeone requicing C ffin Trimming, Ora WM &c., 2.:: have nf'non ‘r ready prepared on receipt of order or telegt : 6 and 7 Nicholas«St,, Ottawa. Funcrals furnished with every requisi Couiey wreert momnnt atpaili h *" Will sell at 3 PER CENT. UNDER Co=t PRICK. The stock is well seiected. una consk ts of Men‘s, Laidies and Misses‘ Overshoes, Boy‘s d ), Felt Bootsâ€" wool lined, _ Kubbers of ail kinds. A 1 ‘ assortment of Boors and Fhoes of every imty and style. B!ippers, Moccassins, Euez. ekin Mitts. &c. Country friends are invited to inâ€" #pect. A mostsuitable assortment. Boots and Shoes At the hour of twelve o‘clock, noon, A.large quantity of the Bonts and Shoes and other property mentioned in eaid Mortgage, _* Under and by virtue of & rertain Chattel Mortâ€" gage, dated the twentyâ€"niuth 0;1 of November, A.D., 1873, aud made bnlnml oreau,of Ottawâ€"» to T. Laurin & Co , of Montreal t.bsnndonu.n-d has been authorized by the said T. Lawrin_& Co., to offer for saie, ut his Show Room®, in Rowe‘s Bulldings, in the city ol Ottawa, on BOOTS and SHOES, &c. The Nineteenth Day of March, Inst., _ AD&s 200 8eM108. . «1. «3+ «. 000022 ++++4 60. ++ £0§0078 )(el.hn‘dln Temperance Magazine for 1878 % History of a Bo&. by Annie Carey....... ... Pbeg:‘éy_tgndlhr Folks at Home, by C, L. _ _ Moteaux ..... dE t rrier aint en nrins io Publicans and Sinners, by Miss Braddon..... 0. Wild North Ltodvl:; Capt, Butler.......... % Boys of England, VOL 14 .: 2... ssase2zmecaless 1. Young Mea of Great Britain, \ ol. 12........ L HENDERSON & Co. No 3 Sparksâ€"St. Henry Ward Beecher‘s Lecturss on Preachâ€" OfPreston & McLaughlin, at the old stand, R@No. 12 RIOEAU STREET, gg 108. NEEL‘N, [Late Preston & MeLaugh‘in,] Preston‘s Old Stand, 12 Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa. Feb, 11, 1874. 43y HENDERSON & Co‘s. March 2, 1874 JOSEPH â€"NEELIN 5‘ ROGERS, UNDERTAKER NEW BOOKS RAND CLEABING FALE BANKRUPT STOCK ORTGAGE SALE OF Oysters in Bulk, Oysters in Cases, Cream Cheese. NEWj[DRESS GOODS, &c. P. BASKERVILLE & BROS. s and family useâ€"Warranted pure and Having purchased the tock of Ten hhds, EXTRA . FINE} bay , Fancy Vestings, &c., is unequalied , ITALILAN and SCOTCH N I N B ! CA CA AJ 2 No %® % RAags 0.75 2,09 159 ility, premature decay, &o., having tried in, ineaamnnceth mltoor. Sippeq dn aeanet S0ifronte, which he relll sed Being firstâ€"class workmen, and having a i upflmnumm lolynmnuuu:lg of our t We are preprepared to give our enstomers the hu:lt'xlmmvlnmn:mhh mnes reâ€" : gei~ All work warranted for One Ye,r. WR MASON & CO PLUMBING, GAS & STEAM FITTING The undersigned beg to inform the public that they have opened a Shop = At No. 54, Sussex Street, Where tbey will be prepared to execute all work No. 54, SUSSEX STREET, OTTAWA Plumbing, Gas & Steam 3 Fitting Shop, it gives full and entire sa!i¢faction The subscriber will sell at the St. Lawre Otfawa Reilway Depot, on In terms of Acts 10 and 11 Vic. wudermentioned goods, viz:â€" One Rarrel of Oll. One Onse of Saws. One Box Sandries. the Domiaion of Canada at its next session, for an Act to authorize and confirm the issue by the Breekvilie and Ottawa Raliway Oompol;y of mortgage debentures or bonds, in liew the morteages Mm’lv- oy said Bluvx ComW(fla&)[nMConnuudhn and Ren! , the Township of lizabethiown Aggunllb'l“: Brockville, ::{sd to authorize a contirm. said morlgage debentures or bonds gy the holders of said morigages, in lieu thereof, and for other purâ€" UNCLAIMED GOODS. OT"CE is hereby given that will N hmwm‘}h‘mm at its nextBession, to amend the Act relating to the Fredericton Boom Company, in the Province of New Brunswick. March 2, 187‘ & 2505â€"2m OTIC= is hereby given that loation will N be made to the &r?hmen'.:rgundaum next Session to incorporate the "Dominion Agriâ€" cultwral losurance Company." OTICE.â€"Application will be m2ie to the g‘ Paritamentof Canada, at its next session, an Act to incorporate "La Societe St. Pierre d‘Ottawa." FELLOWES, O‘GARA, LAPIERRE & REMONâ€" CUN!UHP‘I‘[ON. SCROFULA, .ENLARGEâ€" ment of the Glands of the Neck, Eruptions of theSkin, Spinal Disease, 'hlm Liver with constipetion and head acher, tation of the Kidneysand Biadder, Nervous Prostration and General Debility, all de W depraved nuâ€" trition ard lmpovmd:er wrising from inâ€" ekuuou{“ Ur _ Wheelers ‘g-n-puu Ellxir of ‘mosphates and Calisaya immediutely reaches the prima«ry cause of these diseuses, Dysper anda-lmlhumm id m;' :‘hl va a t quau ~ ment to build up the tissues. APPLICATIONS TO PARLIA MENT CF.â€"Not‘ce is hereby given that appliâ€" N ogu will be made .";{h‘- Parliament of eo:lection be placed in our Collector‘s hands for {m mediate & w» x ;'â€".».;‘ 2 .’1[781‘\))( HOUSE SALE Are hereby requested to call in at Messrs. T. RAJOTTE & Co., Pooley‘s Bridge, and settle thcir accounts at once. Otherwise, the same will 5 *rutop» of Mechanical Genius, Warranted -m‘nan. will Coie -.1-.- Stirch ce m‘r‘-&?mm,mm Jlon-. Bocks, ‘h‘l‘&;w. Oaps, . Buependers, Wristers, Tidies, Tuffed Work. Lo ues S JAS. BAILIFF Family Knitting Machin: A mï¬-pn of Hechanical Genius, A victim of early indiseretion, cnusing rervous **. Anetioreer. Oltawa, March 16, 1874 Ottawa, March 2, 1872 Sale at l1 a m. Terms Cash Monday, March 23rd, Ottawa, Feb. 26th, 1874, latrusted to their care, at the SHoRTEST Norror. Br ckville, Feb. 25, 1874 March 7, 1874, 1 EW YCID QUACKS. Feb OTICE is hereby given that application w P Mr. T. RAJOTTE, OTICE Bm OFFICEâ€"ttrodale‘s Block, Rideatâ€"st â€"Oftewa, Ont (Sth, 7X __ | _ _ W.T. BUNNELUL, No. 3 Webster‘s Terrace. Ottawn â€"st 74. All p=rties indebted ROBERT CASSELS, Jr. _ . solleitor for Appiicints â€"Opâ€" RIDEAU STREET, Solicitors for Applicant. 25 1â€"2m T. RAJOTTE & Oo. C. H. REDHEAN, % WILGON, Co‘lector The undersigned HAS REMOVED to D wWasHER, The Sisters of our ‘19' ol certify l.ln?g' seven years aadcms Provement in he _ washing line, and have found nothing ;:nnnnuwz. %luhlu.u all _ foregolo i008,in nvorï¬ 4 Chap. 31, t New Yor« UNNET 1B â€"THE iMPBROVEDâ€" , OPPOSITE DALHOUSIE Mrs. MclxTyR®, Wadsworth‘s Block, ession. Bedroom mflc N. B.â€"Thesale to coutinue till the whole is diposed. of. d n h the ons Tâ€"o'lmmm _OF _ PARLILAMENT AND UTHERS erm®, $100 and uader, cash; over th e trioaytye: on a paper, Partion to redeem their ao so Within two mâ€"nths free of interest.. t-ï¬xtyn', '.’iijhnu" "ï¬}ï¬"&'fluï¬' ge, one m-um three sets double harâ€" ::::.:.I:)nknm covens, :qnnlq haluers, fle‘; dweiling, and Bar Furniture und Fixtures P w Relaimac) C Ohl To _ ‘AHemenune" & " Belaire One span black Jack uum matched, 6 years ; one Black Jack Mare 6 years, io foal to * Membrino." tour driving horses seven single Cutters, seve« Buggien (new). one Oabmat‘s Hielgh, one L«o scaled i Jerty." 5years, 15j â€"bands, a besuriful chest mu..';{(h sphafl-‘l:‘flhg-d:nq“uï¬m. tJerry " was wired by * Niger * a pure " 8t Lawrence,". out of. Ciementuine" " a pare AT TEN O‘CLOCK, A. M., ¢ shiso "PrÂ¥hxs pess is aoam uid Ek grey, 16 h vods high; he is a porfect moged, wite ,:;n!y of bone and musole, & -213 und troter, without any . He is on "ni."E:'lfl."':‘gï¬"’al ie as 2J : giembrino Ohlo= ‘ by " Membrino Pay m«sier," be by ::e"nhn-f' whose gire was m;flh * Messengets â€" Thoroughbred Froiting pecane at the of business of the In/ Hi1Q St â€" Patrick Street, llï¬;h%mg.n TUESDAY, 24th MARCH, Oitewa, March 13, 1874 Thoroughbred Trottifg Stallion, Blood Horses, Sleighs, Harnese, Houseâ€" hold Furniture &2 , &c. o o ness, two sets second 1 un e Huu;.nmu «0, Aeh‘:'-bont x(Y o lndCu\lWood.oncu. rels and other smalier us " 0‘ handsome mahed Chestout Hom 3rm go d traveilers; one Brown Draught Hot&rllll.lymnhu:" Hor it Folo and fnk p."""o.;':'.,“,‘“z'.‘f:“" three Buffalo Rope«: 11 e ht * Riugie Biegh, evers MPHTiewna w l 1200005 AuCNON Avome every THURSDAY during the commenâ€" eing on "THURSDAY the lls'ï¬zu cleven n'za,-l each THURSDAY at same hout, Persons having Becond H«nd Furniture todisâ€" pose of will do weli to send it hnahâ€™ï¬ sale and in time for each weekly . _ Ade yances if required, will be made on Furniture, mnlnuur’?«m-u h.l:t":r.crâ€"h in toto Bulid «nd lats in the City ou Buidioge 200 Builaig Dessieaveloreturn his best thanks to the peopie of itawa sud adjacent Counties, as well So e flons al a distana», for the extensive E“"fl"fl '-do-m-hfmum e can reter with ï¬-«.m the Wiopracafacntehe bas, reesiceftirng se who a :ndlonnuui.m‘u inteuding to -..,g ldo-.exmu-nunq,.u 1.&.. are his ereden Sules at private residences wil meet with best atiention, and in the fGuure «s in the Pux, it wili be his unceasing care to stady the interests of his patrons. He would ae» mâ€a wa eurly gall irom ‘those about to sell out in order to bave a cau named, ®nd necessary arrangements mude for saie. His thorough knmrh? of the value of H HOLD _ FURNIT Â¥ ORKS â€"uF MERCHANUIBiH, BTUCK, ana nfl’m‘l‘t.-)v"anmnllfllomht& locx‘ity and eisewhere, that it is unnecessary :0 Shy euymore on the matter. He wib merely uid.umm--:-u mln‘&‘n m%:: characterized his snies will to thos« in the future B-hnmumm avewe Murmbendas PCTTTE RU AUCTIONEER AND REAL Ottawa. March 17th. 1874â€" HORSES WEDNEIDAY, 18th MARCA ISSTANT Comm at 11 uapity of nest 3 encll? a nost valuable woods, as above o as well us all sthuie $y a pervon lesting ue oi for es mediate and unreserved saie, Pariies having secondâ€"hani Furniture to disâ€" pose of will do well to sead it to my Saile Rooms «i Once, so that it may be in tUme for this sale, Arenliveenine tap itinindar, the tach fac, ® i# J. BERNMINGEAM, China, Glase, and Crockery Ware, Pictures, Students‘ Lemps. Bronze and other c"m,_gv--bm,hn-w-n‘m-fl Garpets, ‘:“!'Nn. C&'}. Carringe, m Oradie., Blankets, Quilts, &o., &e. _ > * _ The subscriber begs to announce that sellat his Sale Room, Elgin«t.. on» Sutmda® Sm ul TCTCE o . Sat , Â¥ithâ€"Sale “u“l""‘â€.:†ay, And of m‘«m&&m *~"Tedocpianee sen ol atianle Hame: mn“-daa. g-um Furveye ® kolhefl-wu-mu announced in a mfl. 1894 . mur Eussell House, on THUORSDAY, Thursday, ich 18â€" Pkwr'-.a-&-u mrimin mev ad Eiginâ€"st, at 11 o‘ciock. On Nomg:.. zlâ€"hlg dun-y am T“';;z‘,"_@f.d- OF Mokses â€"om P s thâ€" of ses . 'w_"‘;_ m { â€"1. ~,â€" Bmvanel a d ic Thonsiay, #}â€"Sale of Houwbold Furnirare, &s. riday, Z7ihâ€"Sale of Dry Goods, at Store. » a mentLal m L D March 17th [TXTENSIVE CRELIT SALE s pecher berttnenl hy Pubie Apetion. st GENERAL AUCTIONEER , HSTATE AGENT March 17, 1874 PUBLIC AUCTION, PRING CIRCULAR, Four Houses to Rent HUUSEHOLD FURNYTURE UCTION SALKE UCIION SALK OF ES, CUTTERBS, SLEIGH® HARNESE, WOOD, &c. _ Bole Agent for Ottawa and BY J. BERMINGHAM. The Undersigned will sell by APPROACHING SALES At Eleven O‘Clock, a J. BEAMINGHANM, # lae dbsials" curs hands; one Ba "'â€"wâ€" ds; "one new Oushiongd Cutier Bhaft, one new nns: -«n‘g, be, turee sets x‘.‘.' igh Harâ€" re, Burcingie®, Br On-..' Sacue o gorile wre BERMINGH A M. Degsiounnounce that he will Room, Eigin=t., cpposite the THE 190 INSTANT, â€"orâ€" Kait 20,900 Stishes in 1$â€"Houseboid . Furniture W..H. FALLA, Apponst‘ W. H. FALLA, ESTATE AGENT AND REAL e L!lu‘: 25i&d. Vicinits Anciioncer 217 1NST at store