sIERRY W ,, 1HE FINEST EVER OFFEREL , jy THis CI f. DH 150 additiona! Constables and Sub,Const«bles required for the above Force, the following WMIMMUM destrous the Forcs : â€"Muitta Staff Officers . inâ€" °* omm topnbiots gngre and whon they can meel lhe undersigned. ) (@.â€"The ierm of enzagement is three years _ A good Farm of about 157 Acres, beautifully gflmu(’uzmnfln from ts Tows o: Copourg. Une of the best Dairy Farms Ec e OO s anok APWARD THE PSYCHOLOGICAL STARâ€"THE vY *T Hooote * KB Securedl Seals at Nordhsimer‘s. â€" *ï¬ : ~~ k ITALLOR WANTEDâ€"A frst ciass Tailor ca in the‘ FRANCIS TONTLUPF, of the Townahip of pleton, Trader, n Ingpvent. The insolvent has made an assigoment of ‘nola-:.':nd the creditors are M&l-.h meet wmamumunï¬ um}v-fl of Tempieton, on the SLX LAY Aru!u:x‘r.uu-muu. furencon, t receive satements of his aifairsand o agpotul un Amigne@~ /. . oo bar 1 will seq : iree) recipe for VEOETaAid SALM, rew@ving Plfla.‘-mh W omas BLoGc lt .b RECKLES, mw» TAN anu o Dissases 0# Ts Skt~, leaving it Clear et wito a cheaitby goow. Aiso sure process loe 0r growin of taik on buid heads er smox th faces, NHERRY WINE T e Provincial Land Surveyor, of experi eu._",fl:gl_w Address, * Surveyor,‘ ANNE DeMONTFORD. E’u:?u'ia:.m»‘u Purior g:: corter u m “. lockâ€"first door on Sparksâ€"st. nu'q,agp«,;if ~___ §§15â€"4in LK 1â€"Une uw bedrooms, mâ€". «i w plano; either botn. &onflw‘nmm 11, 1n24, CE e l . Patrick‘s Day, a Gold Snake L‘fl;}' sï¬-mmï¬n‘..w reâ€" '--" ® Tis fin Graduate of the Philadeiphia Dentai College,ar Smimie oike Foaindnive‘s Deain! Coteanant _ OrFICEâ€"Ub Sparksâ€"st., a few doors East of THE UNEXPLAINED MYSTERY OF THE 19th CENTURY. CowFiN‘s OPERA HOUSE “.' MeCONNELL D.DS, LD.§, Murgeon lD?entist Otteaws, March 144 1874 Otteawa, March 21. 1474 March 1, 1871 March 30, 157. ITUATION . WANTEDâ€" respectable L-u._‘â€"..-m" 1e or Butler, lest of references, if required. Apply at this KNGLISH DRAD SHELL VENTIâ€" LATED HATS, March i1, 18. Ottaws, ch 20th, 1871 _ Inthematier of JAMES BUCHANAN, of 1me City of Oiiawa, an Insoivent. A Dividend Sheet has been prepared, open to bjection unili 4th April, next, after which Montreal, March 19, 1874. Marct 18, 1974 -.M' opposite Heney & Robiuson‘s New March 21, to?4. 152y Widund will be paid. â€"The rites of payments areas follows D EV L I NS. VINO DE PAF ;1TO, NBOLVENT aCT OF 1869 TORTHâ€"WEST MOUNTED POLICE. Thursday, March the 26th inst. NSOLVENT ACT OF 1869 +&.. Caile AMPLOYMENT WANTED Apply u6 _ Snd employ ment by applying to, GEORG1 Mu.& Priscipal street, (lail. fab. 11, 174 _ Mesirest, Has _ , H A T s March 31 1974 GOoD with b‘o I‘I'-; a -.'.t“ o-plï¬: n-llb’\'hnm'-.uh-'pomh g!v-' « free grant of led acres of land to wll wel comiuctos men on completion of three yeask service. l':--.udâ€"-sh active, abieâ€"bodied a coustitution and &-mflm’ es ‘They. should " be able to ride weil, ani to read and write RM FOR SALE LAUNDRESS WANTED, English Silk Ventilated ________ TMGS b, CHAPmAN, â€" _ * Comran ue box 8 10 17 Broadway, New Â¥uikt, Hats that R Hats, AT DEVLINS X> i NML IPL1i@=®%. Sptablot .. ~ > 4 o dn JO8SEPH KA FaNAGH, t the Englisa or French language. 1574 ADVERTISEMENTsâ€" 4 GON P. DOMECY® * *** dnpaiiieioeer ie P NOONAN®3 R&STAURANT, Sparks Street West. FOR SALE BY w INC £8, Direéct . Importer of Wines. «Z, BY AS80 4 ALEX, MOFFAT, AT DEVLIN‘3 interim . m." Fines %2â€"7in Dr. Sthultz, M P., for Manitoba, arrived in the city yesterday evening, and is stop» ping at the Russell House. Mr. Louis Honore Frechette, one of the aweetest of the French C:nadian poeis, has arrived in town to attend to his Par« liament duties as M. P. for Lovis. Hon. Frank Smith bas been reâ€"elected President of the Northern Extension Rail ways of Ontario. f Information reaches us from Montresi that Louis Riel, the memberâ€"elect for Provencher,.is sojourning in that city, unâ€" der the care and protection of some oli college friends. It is not known whether he will claim his seat, in the absence of an ammesty for political offences commiitâ€" ted by him in his capacity of President of the Provisional Government, establish. ed prior to the transfer of the North Territories to the Dominion. In conneeâ€" tion with this subject, we see that Mesers. W. A. Farmer, G. D. McVicar, James Stewâ€" arr, D. N. Campbell, Geo. H. Young and Archibald Wright, on behalf of the prisâ€" oners confined in Fort Garry atthe time ol the murder of Thomas seott, publish a lengtby statement in the Manitoba Free I‘ress, in which they controvert many of the statements made by Riel in his recent manifesto. Hon. Isaac Burpee, has retired from the firm of 1. and F. Burpee, hardware merâ€" chants of St. John, N B. We hope our "parks street contemporary is now qui‘e satisfied that the " national interests"‘ are no longer in peril, and that the country is The Government have détermined to increase the lanitoba, or North Wes: Mounted Police Force, by 150 men with the corresponding secompaniment* of horses, The requirements of service are set forth by officiil announcement else where. Lisut.â€"Col. French, the Commis« sioner, is in the city at present in connecâ€" tion with this business. himself ever so much, he could not plesse all the crities with whom he came in con tact ; and learned, however late, that the wisest way was to suit himself, regardiess of the opinions or crotchets of his acquaint. ances, in larger maiters than those affectâ€" ing individuals, singly, this 1s often judic.~ ous policy, No country can hope to keep up with half the schemes recommended .o it by its benevolent advisers, of course solely in its interest ; nor can any escape the objurgations of the sensitive, but selfâ€" important courseliors whose advice has been disregarded:. We find Canada at this time the object of the reproot of some forâ€" eign critics who, probably, never saw her shores, on account of the refusal of her Government to rush blindly and, we wiil say madiy, into the late Cabinet‘s intane scheme of building the acific Railway through a country but little knows, and within a period little more than sufficien t w-‘nuhwygqunl the region judging from therate of progress hitherto observed. in other words, a country which, with the Imperial guarantee of the money required to build the road, could not compiete 500 miles in seven years, Wnnd-nu_hdnnh way, and o easy communication with the sea, the Hon Albert J. Smith his resigned the Presidency ot the Maritime: Bink of the Domini The difficulty of pleasing everybody is uotorious. in all ages and climes it has been recognized and exemplified in popuâ€" lar maaxim and fable. The story of the mar. who, from being carried by his ass, reâ€" turned the compliment, and shouldered his animal, out of deference to other‘s opinion, is well known. The complacent fool found that, though he might fitigue Hateâ€"Deviin. Surgeon Dentistâ€"W. â€" «Connell. Farm for Saleâ€"Edwani MeCr: a. Sherry Wineâ€"Jose; !: K«vanagh. Queen Restagrautâ€"\l. Kavanagh. Insolvent Act of 1889â€"Alex, Motfut Laundress Wantedâ€"Noon‘s Restaurant. Northâ€"West Mounted Policeâ€"G. A. French Gowan‘s Opera Houseâ€"Aunie De Montford Furnished Bedroomsâ€"Wadsworth‘s Block. Thr Ottawa Cines Campbe!l & Almas CHAM PAGNES TEAS, COFFEES, SAUCES, FICKLES, and G eneral BRANDIES, MOSELLES; PORTS, SATURDAY, MARCA 21, 1874. QUEEN RE§T_AURANT. Lunch Bill of Fare. M A R C H -STlt, 1874 HENEYV‘S B.0OCK; March 19, 1874 SUITING OURSELYVES. New Advortisements. CcoLD : ldndfl«l‘..\ am, | Tong nlmdolllnl ~ mOT: 0. Currie of Turkey, Tripe a la Creme, Mutton Pies, 86 SPARKSâ€"ST. Shell Oysters, Oysters Stewed. Oysters Raw, Cartchofel Salad, Sand wiches, C 2 we m Groceriea sOUP: Hare M. KAVANAGH, 4 3 35 i8y of a London hospital shows that out of etlipes devag the tar" sparemly To smililpox during t children died of the disease. Of the 80 @ailoren 77 bad never been vaccinated, agd the other three, though vacsinated, only showed defectiva marks, No child showir g good vaccination marks died. by _ the _ information _ gathered, and . have met with the emphatic endoreation of the Domunion. Why, even as to the passage across the Rockies, there is still controversy. Capt. Butler praises Peace River Fass, 100 miles north of the Tete Joune, which wes and is favoured by garlier explorers and engineers Uthers prefer the Pine River, somewhat south of the Pesce, which is known only to the Indians, whose praise of its advantages is ardent and, perhaps, justiGable. Those northern passes would," it is contended, obyiate the crossing of most diflicult re» gions in British Columbia, including the traser, a Canyon one mile broad; and 1.200 feet deep! Fire hundred miles of rail way through the Pacific Province, the Switzerland of British America, â€" as Mr. Sandford Fleming happily styled it, is only « part of the operation soâ€" glibly recom mended by ignorant, carping critics, some of whom would rather see the _ country _ ruined _ than ~ their political friends out of power. The Dominion Board of Trade was more modest, for on motion of Mr. White, himâ€" self a vigorous opponent ‘of the Governâ€" ment, thit body refused to. assume the responsibility of offering it any counsel on the subject of the Pacific Railway, 1t is not now likely to be moved from its deterâ€" mination, to open up communication with the far Northwest, in the way best suited to its wants and the means of Canada But there is no danger of fmth not being kept with British Onhï¬ and just as little of the Dominion‘s in the pro cess, while the Mackeuzsie Ministry stands. one of the . critice that can â€"see no difficulty in the way . of _ the Dominion‘s instant commencement 0‘ this trifing undertaking, while being amazing ly clear in the perception of all sorts 6f moral short comings and political dangers in regard to the temporary connection of our North West with the American rails St Lawrence, and the oider, well pedpfed district, is called upon to builll a railway five times as long, through a wilderness whose whole white population would not reach 60,000! In the first plaee, here are but twenty persons to the mile of road, and they concentrated at a few points many bundreds of mileé apart. There is, for instance, â€"& v-lhp'u Thunder Bay, with a few bundred «ouls, with no settleâ€" ment worth mention for 400 miles tul Fort Gacry is reashe d_. Then when the Portage is passed, or the district sixty miles west of Winnipeg, you have a thou~ wan ! miles of prairie solitude, with no signs of human life beyond the few fam:â€" lies at the amall, widely separated Hudson Bay posts. We exclude the bands of Inâ€" dians from noticoe as valueless ia a coloni~ wug or business poiat of view _ Indeed the fickle, walike savages are a source of danger, which will diminish the strength of the working torce of whites in the Northwest, by reason of the police or mili â€" tary precautions nece siry against their lepredations. The London Standard is A return made by the medical officer Bix, â€" A funeral service for the repose of the soul of the ‘Tate R, C. Bishop of Ottaâ€" wa, was celebrated with great pomp and maguificence at Curran, Prescott County, on the 16th instant. From an early. hour the parishioners were seen flocking to the Churéh in their anxiety to pay their re« be had a stail or seat appropriated to him in St. George‘s b‘hm at Windsor. Oyer each of those seats, hangs the record of the achievements of each Knight, consisting of his banter, hel and orest, gorget and shield, 1 think that either the » dar. ur."lorll.h.“‘ol:m" or â€" both : are also emblemat a a very handsome though somewhat / Brummagen‘‘ ..~ To the back oll:ln stail l:;':;:h m% vrass plate, bear ‘z % Gilbol: the occupant. t:n:.'h of the Knight, these insignia have to yield place to those of bis successor, and it is easy to understand the good taste and delicate sympathy which suggasted their honourable removal hmr:u‘ tite sarcor phagus in the Monumentsl Cnapel at OUhiselbhurst © °[ ‘imagine ‘that this is all that has been done. . Doing .homage to misfortuar, the Queen respects France, 1 ato, #ir, ymMgov-I. mamfals, . Orfawa, 19 March, 1874, > Sir,â€"In your editorial "of yesterday on the subject of theâ€"late celebration: at Chiselbhurst, so deeply interesting to the adberents of the Nkpoleonic Dynasty, you remark that * the Queen herself seem, to have contributed to. the interesiand success, at least as a social and friendly deâ€" monstration, by the despatch of her garter and other presents calculated to gratify and benefit the *young Napoleon." Al. though you very properly qualify their de. monstration as ‘~lli0nd&y. and social,‘* ’O:‘i: implies the ises, and i obtained, that Her mï¬â€™m-ï¬ :ho hflt;‘rdefr:!im Gn;::" on lboPm m0j . Qm noul::whlt The Order of the Garter is~ only conferred on Crowned Princes and or. persons of very Ts gheen is ind insy pimoe io The 18 the i urone of France, and I:lboo- scruâ€" pulously careful not to confound the deep and affectionate interest sho takes in the misfortunes of an illustrious I'l;ml‘lz, with the fortunes uf a dynasty,. _ ‘To the Order of the Garter on the Prince Imperial at this conjuncture would be to espouse hi cause, in the face of Francé and fllmyi. :._ny 1 be hofl'n ;-fluï¬u‘h is enigma ? â€" »Napoleon Th fl ot the French, was a !(mh:'h‘ton;r:rdupfmw;y such,‘ Aduiteration Act recontly passed in «Eugâ€" lind, therefore, should not we of this Doâ€" minion among: whom adultemtion / is carried to a much gro«ter extent put for.h some severe measures to saye .our _ 1t is to be hoped that our will pplu&thwuwfllm portant subject. * Siz,â€"Ths adulteration of liquors and articles of food has become so general in C:nada that the health of Hér Majesty‘s subjscts is seriously impaired ‘by it, A. writer in a public journal has: justly remarked that the misery and crime proâ€" dumdubypoiml'hhhy is . truly _deâ€" plorable. , _ Much good has been effectel by the + Our Brockville correspondent appears dissatisfied with our oxplzhstion ofm?l‘ was that Brockviile was made an excep mon to the general rule of a curate not succeeding his rector. We do gm- sider it very -mmm. for if rule were good tor Brockville, it ought ‘to be good for Cornwall, Belleville or .Picton, Uur correspondent is no doubt perfectly amware that the Nna.h:“hmm z years the propriety, ‘a , or necessity ol the congregations having a vo.ce in the ?rinunu of ‘their: own ministers; and it is within the knowledge of our correspondent that since the establish» ment of the Liocese of Untatio the Editor has consistently waged lwu with the sysâ€" tem of patronage established among us, but without success. S; George‘s, whici suffered most from the sys got up an agitation, not against the ph‘ but against the eppoinfee. With that agitation outsiders couid have little sympathy; The other parishes, gave & faint support to the agitation, but never tonk it up heartily until they suffered themselyes, when they cried out quite vigorously.. The r-un miun‘: a goodâ€" opportunity to revive the agimation, although, judging from the past, we have not much hope that Bishop Lewis would relax his grasp on the power which bus caused s> much disturbance in the Diogese of Ontario for the last ten years." Tire Trares wiil. be held bhy ow;m:xmww 4 w Wo punish even severely for the ~most trifling offenc‘s, while we allow those who poison their yvictims and rob their pockets to go free. » To the Lditor of the TIMRS. To the Editur of THE TIMES. A good deal of interestis manifested in this subject, in Kingston, an‘4 the conduct of Rishop Lewis, has been freely discussed, of late. The following editonal from the To the Rditor of THR TIMES: News, gives a sample ot the opieions<ex~ pressed by the Bishop‘s critics : _ OUar reply to the above need not be long to be effective;und it isâ€"First, the Times did not oppose ammesty to Riol, it it was promised by the late Government. Se« cond, the present Government could not, in view of the submission and subsequent good conduct of the halfâ€"breeds, break taith with thens, even would it not. be foolish to do so ; and third, we have pubs lished Bishop Tache‘s solemn asseveration, trenelated from his own organ, lz AMetis, that ammesty was p#fl on the part of both the Imperial Federal: Govern. ment. Is this not enough?" ~* & Lhe Ottawa organ ot the Dominion Governmen is trimming agaiu on the Riel queston. Recen lyit strongly opposed vae granting of «n ammesty to the mur. derer. : Now, however, it would not justiâ€" ty a breach ot taich wnth thigm: ua? of faith indeed! _ Breach of . fiddleatioke. Jadging from the tone of the lhp on Saturday is woGld appear thas the French influence bas predomi.sted m the Cabi net ani that the graucing of an adinesty wili be advised by the Government. ~The Times usés these siguiticant woras. * Waatever blume ms{u be due in the case, will toen justly fi to them (the late Government)and Bot to,l-x Bluicces, sors." The country wout look at the subject in that light, however. We have already defied the Grits to prove that Sir John A. lm or his Government mised ir influence to secure muty to Riel; and if tiey did, promise made by them would not be * ing upon Mr, Mackersie and his The (gonment organs would to vhrow the responsibility of the Riél ; ness on the late= Governmen‘, m‘ cannot do it. Une of the two . lomm,ndwhiohoflh.oorlfl be mud, it is alleged a subject waroa discussion in the Cabinet," 1 The Kingston News as well as the. (itiâ€" zem and other Upposition papers have misrepre:ented our position on tho â€"above question. Our reply to the following ra« m irks of the Nass will suttice "or all } cur guorant or uscandid opponents. March 19th, 1874. THE OTTAWA TIMES MARCH 231, I874, The Late Bishop of Ottawd. CHURCH PATRONAGE. CORRESPONDENCE. Your obedient servant, ~ Orfawa Teaor â€" Soomty,â€"The annual meeting of this Society will be held, D.V., in Knox Church, Eigin street, on Monday tirst, the 23rd" inst., at 7:30 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Hunter hes promised an address :on & 'l‘b:ll’u-;'; and Gbodkov. lru Mos zie, Almonte, on * Keligi tera ture." _ ‘The Rev. Mr. Gmmwlll also speak, and resident city Pastors are ex« pected to take some part in the meeting A collection in aia of the RSociety will he taken up. _ A hrp-oolhf.h earnestly desired, . All are cordially invited to at tend. â€"‘ 25314 Mr Ganax‘s Leorves®,â€"The Lecture on * Canada our ‘Common Country,‘" which was announced fo:dd;a 28‘:! Inst., is un avordably postponed for a few days, owing to pti'mg:inuq obliging Mr Gahan to absent himself for a short tim», ‘The tickets issued are good for the occasion, due pptice cf which will be given in our solumns. As the object of the lecture is to foster a truly national spirit in the Doâ€" minion, we hope to see a largs attendance of our patriotic fellow citizens, Mean~« while tickets can be gmnd at Messrs. H. & J, Gowan‘s, Spark street, C B"A::."â€"‘ shoriooe, sateing bau: yesterday caus considerable damage. â€" The horse .urlt:g from a house at the west end of Pooley‘s B{‘r‘i#., rushing through Dake street at ‘a ul rate, clearing everything in his course. The cutter was great‘y smashed and &: horse himself when .?lm‘ht nhowe‘.‘: signs of a hard being all covered wi mud. â€" Some q::: nmud‘ him _ near the Suspension Bridge and returned him to his owner, This is but anotue lesson for owners of horses to see to it lh‘\tï¬::l!: horses are properly secured when standing in the pnb{la itroet. 5 Smokers ! For a good smoke, t:'‘r.&lon:ï¬ Ug» Sap Acomant.â€"Mr, Thos. R. Davies met with a severe accident yesterday in E. W. Currier & Co‘s. sash factory . Itseems that in workmgffl‘n“ *Bticker‘ in mfli:: with one 0 planing mills, caught foot, severely catting it. Une out is over the instep, another a little lower down, abd a third has nearly severed the large toe. t will keep him from work at least two months, if something more serious does not happen. 8t. Jeax Bartists CiUron.â€"Mass: at 6 @‘cl cl\n.n.: luuuu.n.‘i Mass at 10 a.m ; Vexpers at 7 p.m. . Purish tricstâ€"The T. iC Clereymeat aud others.intereated . are % el mon w%wwm the Local Editor ut any changes or alterations that â€"may be reâ€" quisite in the abave Dirsctory eah week. Muswenisnw.â€"Miss Annie DeMontford gives ber first entertainment in Gowan‘s Hall on Thursday the the 26th Whstant. Of her the ‘Toronto Leader says:â€"* Miss DeMontford gave another of her mesmeric entertainments last night to a packed auâ€" dhu,inM-mt many persons had \b‘ohonothoh, g unable to gain ad« mission. ~This acquiited herself with perfection and proved to the entirs auâ€" :‘h:.:: t:; sho was a f“-:;mor‘ilt of the t order as their uent applause testified. . She is, mdeed, the most powerful mesmerist that (we have ever RaxworateD . EriscorAL CHUnCIâ€"Motning sService at 11 oelock ; Evoninz service at 7. Tae serviees wiil he held {n the Court H: use, and the mnev, Mason Gallagher, 1).D,, of New: ) ork, Will officlate on the cocasion. 7 is there will be public lectures by the Rev, Francis £ Notk® DaM® CATHWEDRAL â€"Mass at 6o‘clock, «.10.; Mass at 3 m. n ; wmuwu Mo mu""‘ï¬.ï¬ï¬‚;‘u'{- r General . io s e Se. .luonmlcu.â€"u- A+ 6 d“‘v AMm. ; Mauss at ; High wu-uu-.m cspers nl"l. TIgclock. paua, Parish Pricstâ€"The . Fathor atlier. _ Cnavorers M. E. CitURCHâ€"Morning Sorâ€" t'r'h’lzc :x mcloo:., Ev.;;uu lermnst 6:30 el + torâ€"KReyv. oung, Barrist cuvnmt.â€"-hrmg Mw Oclock; Evening Service at 7 o‘clock. Rey. A. A. Cameron: : fo 0o dnvilftinnas : CoNGREGATIONAL eâ€" Service at M oclock; m&vm"o'm Postor=â€"Rev 3. G, Sanderson. * Frexcl lv;n‘oz,uuc::' lnv‘ul;s?'vlco Babbath ut c m., in NE Scbiias Amzeinnd tooun.â€" Rex® S ml, + CarZiforto «Arogrorc Cuvacit, Albertâ€"St.â€" Daily pruyet (on week. days} mom mb 630 a.m,; evening, at 5 p.m, On the ‘s Day, forenoon and ti0ly. &run_-‘t,va-_q)yp;m. 3 evening prayer at b p.m. . Every Sunday in Lent thero wgï¬':{ï¬.'&: ro:nru by the R:'and- CITY AND VICINITY. Mercaure StaeEt WEsLEYAN CEKURCH.â€" Morning Service at 11 o‘ciock ; mmm at 7 o‘clook. Pastorâ€"Rev. W. J. H r, _ _The Rov. Mr. Wm. Hall will officlate At the Mornâ€" ing : Berviceâ€"and the Rev. W. J. Hunter in the " Kisxe '&rï¬ o";::kl‘“" Cuvron. â€"ll:n; ervieg Eveniug Service odlock. Pastorâ€"Rev. Win. nall, The Rey W. 3. Hunter will officiate at the Morning Seryice, and the:Rev. Mr. Hall ‘n the evening. ____ °_ Servire in Temperance Mati, Pooley‘s Bridge, I1 o‘clock: Rvening ug::th;“aui prool muux. at 3.80 p.m. torâ€"The . Dr. Cuxtst‘g‘ CiURo®. â€"â€" Morning Serv.ce at 11 ?clock ; Evening Service at 'n%lou. Rectorâ€" The Rev. J. 8. Lauder. P io8t _ Bisuor‘s Crta»®t.â€"Morning Service at 11 o'?oel; Evening Service is 7 oclock. His Lordâ€" Ee m&:uu .officiating, ussisted by the 8T,. AuBAX‘s Cuurn.â€"Moruing Sarvice at l1 @1 e ; Eveving Service at ; o‘ciock. Rector â€"The Mev. Bediordâ€"Jones, D.D. vempnts ;(i}l'}ix:u'. Cmi%:-xu:‘ .:'n 6 oï¬eloek'.vn. m ; ass A 8.100.} Musa i. $ espers aut oslock; Prih. "Parish Priestâ€"Ins" Rey. Mr. _ Dauy Emmker PrespyrEriAN Ouvrom,.â€" Morning Service at 11 «‘ciock ; Evening service »t7 o‘ciwck No Ordained Ainister yet, The Eï¬;}‘ Ho{u-li %;'unm, will preach at th Morning and Eveniug Services, ~___ _ ___ . Kxox‘s PiotsByrEEIAN Ca@gnroit;â€"Morning Scryice at 1 ofclock; Evening Heryics at7 ociock, No Ordained I.lnhlnrliot. Rev. Mr. lt.& en of Ingereuit, wilk prough ns both Math aud Evening Services _ Youk SrReet M. E. On â€"Moial Sorâ€" vloou:v, Ilc:"::x":; Emu â€?M Pastorâ€"Rev. J Pope. . § Br. Am‘l Paessyrerran CiruRou,â€" Morning at 11 o‘clock; Evening Service at 7 oelock. Pastorâ€"Rev. D. ‘M. Gordon, B.1. At the potiuiorl bo::nnin’ of ‘the Proâ€" vince of &unitoba a ruu‘tion ? of three men was sent from Red Kiver to treat with the Governor of Canada at Ot« tawa ; Black, }oottand Richo!. Aniat the nutzag or treaty, there was something composed in writing called the Manitoba Aot, in which three parties were con: cernedâ€"the Hud:on Bay Confpany, Na« tives of mixed blood, and the Indian. The former and latter have received all which was stipulated in said treaty, but now about the satisfaction of the third rm.y t how, therefore, until all the stipulations specified in the Manitoba Actâ€"passed in the 34th yer of the reign of Her Majesiy Queen Vistoriaâ€"are fuilfilled, the said st must of necessity remain a dead letter, whereas all natives of mixed blood a‘e free men, a © bargain is a bargain," and so an mttllnu:ltlum-ln such for :l: consequently all persons conceine i‘n‘::l'd treaty dught unfl: and compel the Government of the Inion of Canaâ€" da to settle at once and for ever the said treaty, so that we may be aunited people, without which we never can be anything, f Yours, etc., > & omm ind Oe y TR m mu, P.«P., of St. Angelique, Q . as¢ended the pulpit, and in very appropriate terms re, capitu‘aied . the whole life of him whose Iolnm occupsiion had been the care of his lock. spect to the memory of the lamented Pre" lite. The weuther being favorable, the ultendacos was very large; the grandeur of the church with its many Dangings of mournivg which wege tastefully aranged, was truly imporing. â€"In fact, nothing that g aid add to the solemn grandeur of the buildiag was left undone. Theâ€"Rev. Mr lBourusu. P. P., of Monteballo, officiated, «ssisted by the Reve, Messrs Boucher, P. P. of Cimrence and Philippe, P. P., of Fournierville _ The Kyrie snd Diesirae and other portions of the muss, with Rev. Mr. haine‘s organ accompaniment, were ren~ dered with much impre::lon. At the con glusion of the muss, the stev Mr, Lombard, | To the Editor of the Manitoba Norâ€" Wester. Whestiern‘ Wesueyan Cnaoko®. â€" Morning Curran, March 18, 1874. White Mud, Feb. 11 DIRECTORY OF CHURCH SERVICES.. Unfulfilled. A Pamsmoxme | Buckingham, P.Q., writeâ€"*sasd us one wwell. Eleotricâ€"Oil, We fi2 i <to take }\ Sold by all medicine dealers, Prise 25 cente. 24Â¥ www n t it__._ No one should ever make uupï¬:uon to the eye, for any ailment whatever. stronger than lukeâ€"warm water or milk, without the express directions of lrhy‘- cian. -I:dhuorpn so delicate ht:‘m:‘ ture, so easily destroyed, should not be tampered with by what are called simple remedies. A lady was once advised to put a poultice of rotten apples on both her eyes one night for some weakness, &o‘g:n-o, and w-:lind next mornin, was no resâ€" mï¬on.â€"&hlqndolm Pdnunmt:xwlnnuunnd. It is the cheapest icine ever made. (‘me dose cures common sore throat. One botâ€" tle has cured bronchitis. Fifty cents worth has cured an old ohndh&ou'h 1t positively cures Uatarrh, As and Croup, Fifty cents worth has cured crick in the back, and the same quantity lame back of eight years‘ standing. _ The fol Wn‘mexmhmnfwoflhom, :'otun that hafvew‘.bowivu: 1mn‘h=lk'- ferent parts 0 wl we skeptical, J Gollard, ‘2«"""’».;"" imile, skepi . C f writes ‘send me 6 dozen Dt. w Relectric Uil, have sold all I had from you and want more now ; its cures are truly wonder{ul.‘ .. William _ lnï¬ln, ol Franklin, writes, ‘L have sold ull the agent left, it acts like a charmâ€"it was slow at first, but takes splendidly now.". f1. Cole, of Iona, writes, © please forward 6 dozen Thomas‘ Electric Oil, 1 am mearly run out; nothing equals it. Jt :I.Hd‘hlyrooommoudedbythu'hhn it.‘" J, Bedford, Thamesville, writes â€"#Send at once a further upfll.yn‘ot Eclectric Oil, 1 have only one bottle I Jh:::uwuythh; nlla: ?ll.u\d give such general satisf . Thompson, Woodford, wï¬mm me some more Electric Uil. I have sold entirely out. Nothing takes like it." Miller alhm Ulverton, P.Q,, writesâ€"* The Eolectric upt:fngml reputation here, and is daily called for. without delay," Lemoyne, Gibb & Co., 8. N. THOMAS, Phelps, N.Y. And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto, Ont., Sole Agents for the Dominion. Notzâ€"ZElectrioâ€"belected and Electrized alightly imperfect and offered very low by‘:lh,n, lwclhuu & McMor:an. _,‘__ STGoenloeu.Aylmu;GFGwojlon- treal ; John Roberon, do; R ames, do; J G Shortlift, Toronto; i A Seymour go)o‘ru;‘l‘ .Donnegy, Feterboro ; w:ox histle, Aylmer;â€" Mr _ Chamberlain, do ; Mrs Cham in, do; Wim Caldwell, Lanâ€" uk;rnm&;A McAllister, Coâ€" bourg: A A Hamilton, Ogdensburgh. Albion Hotel. ¢ J GCooly, St John N B; M P Lewis, Pressott ; J A Mowat, Guelph ; Jâ€"W Cline, Taylor‘s Comique Troupe; D W Tully, Presoott; . T G Bnnorvlm, Arpprior;â€" R Homes, City, Miss Johnston, Gloncester ; uarie ce‘ fubet td 100, Wm Co J Bagley, Jas A Walsh, Johh:" Shannon, Chas Ely, N R Duaton, W W Fulton, Jas Shannon, H R McAulay, Chas Hl‘bej'l‘ G McGirr, J S Warner, D R Millard, J B Gillson, Joseph Behse M E Pettys, Ogdensburgh ; B D Bragdos, Carton ; Robt P Niven, Montreal ; A A Pdw, Ogdens. lg::ï¬h; Sam McConnell, Winchester ; iel Richie, Torbolton; Geo+L Chitty, G.uuwlilh;JolnG-Lh,Km. Eleotricity ! Thomas® sxcelsior Eclecâ€" tric Oil!â€"Worth Ten Times in Weight in Gold. | Shaw, Toronto. St. Lawrence Hall. C Maddison, J A hmnfh, Ottama ; William kose, Montreal; James Hays, Nepean ; A Potter, Vankleek Hiil; Miss John McGillivray, for assaulting his wife, one week in gaol. F John Barrison was charged with stealing a coat from Henry Armstrong. The evi< dence went to show that he took the cont to Mrs. Hayes second hand clothing store on Wellington «treet, to whom he gave the coat for 75 cent«, on the understandisg that he could get it back again. . He went the noext day for the cort, but c»uld not get it for less thin $1 50, He took the coat on Saturday last. He was sent down for a month at hard labor. ( JT B&\zgmn. N Â¥; L H Fre c’““" I m“f Albert J haw, Toronto ; Wz‘lmndb- ville; & Stenson. Adam, N Y ; nnna Lindsay ; ‘.L Fbxihm;,"lonuul; J Brown, Ogdensburg; McGuire, Trenâ€" ton ; Mrand Mrs Fraser, Kinburn; W F Currier, Toronto; James Keynolds, James Flinn, Prescott; C F ow. livan, C V Price, Kingston ; A C E R Ware, Montreal; A C lw'._.m, Dr. Schultz, Manitoba; J H Brock. Usha, wa; J F Lafontaine, Roxton Mills; W The case of larceny, in which" Marrion was remanded, was resumed. Mr, Marcilie, of Hull, appeared for the defenice. It was :ob:rly ppovnnl.hnl::'hxtook&ho presuming u acquaintance with Mr, blmwï¬nnflt&&bb tended to pay for it. e was discharged with a warning. Preoocious.â€"Two young lads somewhat in the humour for a drink, stepped into a ‘hotel, yesterday, and called for a . drink. The _ barâ€"tender, thunderstrack, asked them what kind of a drink they wanted ? the larger of the two boys, one aged 14 and the othér perhaps 12, srid port wine Lemon syrup was offered, but at first reâ€" fused ; they, however, afterwards deterâ€" mined ui)on taking it. ‘The barâ€"tender accordingly poured out the syrup; but after doing so, one of the precocious youths again remarked : so you will not give us hard stuff, a negative answer again greoted the request The} boy then reâ€" plied : well, you oun drink that yoursbif. They skedaddied in a pretty lively manner. This, to our mind, was a pretty Oom speciacle, and if only wituessed by topers, would be of infinitely more service than all the women crumsdes and temâ€" peranceâ€"lectures that could be devized. Hogshaw, Miss H Hogshaw, M McDougald, willon _ Glathe;" A" Iohuaun Fou .;‘Tf"";, Montreal ; Michael Doolan, Osgoode. Before M. O‘Gara, P. M. Nathaniel Floyd and Albert MoCormick for assaulting one James Wis, Dean, weré fined ¢1 each and $1 costs. Tus Bart to tas Goverxor.â€"To the hdi:: of Otuwn.;'l'bu. E. Mc'n:nfp;,l, Sparks street, with respectable ments and sincere thanks for their very libersl patronage, solicits an early call to inspect the elegunt assortment of orna~ ments in steel, peail, jet, and Tortoiseshell, which he has just received, and which he will sell at as low prices as r&oflhk, con« sistent with fair business principles, Fresh importations of all the new :lwd- monthâ€" ly at the Burlington Hairâ€"Culting ml way up from the depot to his new home on the corner ot Wellington and Metcalfe sireets. _ Tuat Tuat.®*â€"Mr. Kavacagh of the ®©Queen‘ was the recipient of a Monster Turtle yesterday by train. It is bis in~ tention to have it duly prepared for the opening of Parliament on the 26th inst. Ihe wisdom of the animal in question was singularly manifested yesterday, in saving his new master the nse of either cib or express waggon, :dâ€˜ï¬ walked . all the Freer Arrmarixos -nu‘hdhz'c carriage was out for.the first time this season yesierday, Tho.ï¬von and footâ€" :u-n appeared gay in their summer livery ress, Canadian Lustres, bought at auction HOTEL ARKIVALS. Russell Police Court. Friar, March 20 HL thtk . @haaser for® tosst which e felt a toast t sure mls::ufl, received, out of re» spect to their guests this ov-hf’. He mfll *The President. of the United t.hru'u‘ "ï¬,lrdm“( in the choâ€" & rus, «©For he‘s a Jolly Good Fellow." ille, Mills, and ~many other proâ€" mineel Bmben or Te oreer is ie i. t{l\ofl-‘hflu been asked from Mu,.fl:n&:omtkin&flo;fut to particl good things before them. mndphyd during the whole ummn‘aï¬um of.. music. After the battle of knives and forks had subsided, the cloth was removed to make way for the more sentimentai part of the programme. * nudphyh. «‘The Roast Beef of Oid Meginnd". : â€"____. â€"=.**> e t Champagne Jelly, Sherry Wine Jelly, Blzac Inn.o,l'ludg_l_dmd,l’ynn’llq Anonï¬h(flollnrry,nc, Porter. The grand ade into the room uhq&;)o'dock.::’::u& (:arrho:‘ut.l. ons en octe lism Tell." â€"Right 'cnurï¬l Brother Butterworth, of the Builders‘ Lodge, 60â€" cupied the chair ; on his right were Right zu.dmbn and on‘ w«-upm“nnmmdm i aammce Ratd dar ain were n Eastwood and Dr. Dlns:z-u. Ino(u,: paris of the room we observed Bros. Gem» The first toast proposed from the chair Tas right lopaty homnraly the bent phige was K ing ~The Metiorul authoinst plats The B:.n toast was given ifm- gn v:o-' Cheir, Eddy t with a i nifoannios) rerwuhs. he maed a baue 'L‘hi"lud then struck up « Hail Colgm â€" mell, W T. W. Currier Lean Ww ation, Mogers. Hictacis, Waied, usainie â€" P '777 77" ! ‘ ‘Il.. PUDDLEGS AND PASTRY, Plum Pudding and Brandy Sauce, A Ph,l;zb.nyl’io.&mhuq pple & M 5 Tartlo: pple Morang.: R-qab-nv * Ab Ovo Usque ad Mala. was of such a character as to call for the commendation of all who had the pleasure of enjoying the festivities of the occasion. T ie m 35. Ti "mey men Anories known in the Russell House, and our simply noting this fact will be a sufticient guaruntee as to the success of the manâ€" agement: _ _ > might be observed other devices peculiar témurdu.whhhmmhmuigbhlo auy but those who were initiated into the Urder. ‘lhe tables were well arranged, omrn-t:o width of the room as a head table, from it projected three tables running the entire length of the room. Mr..Grahsm, who has been but a short time in possession of the Albion, deter« mined that the dining room should be kept in acord with the character of" the @ntertainment; .and we venture the asâ€" sertion Muvub-?whan there a spread a such success -um&&awwu before his some 300 gueste last night. The tables literaily gromned with the good things vuo'd.'nmu.:‘" of th.mwsmplmdod,nnd-h- the most fastid migh & whnï¬odlppoï¬umwhflnd‘.;u",-. Lobster Silad, â€"‘Winter Salad, Chicken to escort them to ‘\J:‘Al&oneflu. At tho Albion,.mine Robt. had evarthing in order, for the o:a After partaking unch, repaired to the Masonic Hail, where a cordial welcome wus extended"them with due Masonic honours,. Ilhonndonmhold,dm :emch‘ mwp" ;h-â€p‘:th‘& ree. sus hb.our-lulntnmodï¬omuhbn with ;hojuuu,whom still further to be eted . form a canopy, with a beautifuily worked device of the indispensable © Square and Compase" aad the mystic &*Leiter G" above.'l‘howhfl.nmuud\ytbhapip mmhhrrbmol“"dm to our Guests." Upon eschâ€"side respecâ€" tively were very _ besutiful . steel vings of "nnnln of Her mty Queen Victoria and George W-Mnï¬m, the first Priesident of the United Staves. There was also trhnd upon each side ively, a British Lion Mhmmw, in Oother parts of the room the Union Jack and Stars and Stripes intertwined, and here and there visit our city. _ In response to this invite= tion some 50 nunbonof“'!\ost.h", rence Lodge" of â€" Ogdensburg, came to the l y yeiterday to partake of the hospitality so generously proffered by their brethren here Upon arriving at the city station of ‘the Rtâ€"â€" Lawranan â€"and station . of ‘the © St. Lawrence and Ottawa ldlny, the .guests were woloomsdwby a Reception Oomnith;“ co:: posed ui Worshipful Brothers Rady, worih, Rogers, Wilson and T. W. Currier, of ie Builders and Eddy Lodges, who had the necessary means . of conveyance ready At about 90‘clock p.m,, the dining room of the Albionâ€"became the great centre of attraction ; and well it might be, for the Oomnnuo;: Management oompogad of Brothers tterworth, â€" Wilson, . Rogers, Graham and Bichler from the Bailders‘ Lodge, and Brothers Millen. Cusnman, Grant and Buck from the Eddy Lodge, ::ndmithq time nor: labour to meke aflair a success. ‘The room was super â€" bly decorated. . At the upper end of the room were two flags, one Briiish the other Yesterday will mark an epoch in the annals of the Masonic fraternity of this city that will not soon be forgotten. The happy interchange of sentiment that pre» vailed, owes its success to an ides that prompted the Builders‘ and Eddy Lodges of this city to invite their brethren of the mystic tie from the city of Ogdensburg to CANADA vs, TaE UNITHED STATES Grand Celebration. Spring Chicken, _ Partridge MASONIC. , Apples, Raisins, Walouts, Al monds, Celery, Cheese. BEVRERAGRS, A Suonessful Banquet BILL OF FARE TBE ToASTS Wild Duck. THE BANQUET, Oyster. Trifies, Ux Tongue Ham. GAMML then asked affto Turkey, The country aDOWE AMEMT MTDTDL seb & pretty thorough.test 100. Qncé it ### fefule; but the forests were swept 8M and barrenness soon â€" followed. 3 then, ‘nowever, millions ‘of olire es have been piâ€"nted and carefally s .m.;.poa-m-nmfl-"' & I have used it considerably mysell, ® at intervals during several years past, §i it to some members of my tamily. . 1 have also recommended it 10 OM Sogeiit in thuse sompiatnts‘ for whish benetit in those ts B uf:ï¬ll;n«.n.‘od. Â¥ in arresting incipent consumption, # leesening the ; distresaing +3 o this disease in its hopeless sta _ as in cases of nervous debility. f tone to the system, it is undonblesU® valuable remedy _____ "I am, dear sir, yours truly, _ JOHN MoMURRAY, Methodist Minisl Newroxs, N. §. _ °. _ â€" â€" "a8 Ahmmmmmï¬ï¬‚':y proiests agrinst who allow patients mmr consumption to go to Colorsdo, 40 very few days. The air is raret, 90# less oxygen, and is too trying ‘if h09# me years pper EgypPt numflveouix.‘:dnyll!' in the mile of a year; but the Psâ€">= planes. lions of trees, aad the Mï¬ .....,K: been incal w‘aby s Tumnmmmb_ a pretty thorough. hmb;’bn'll' forests were swept SR Jaxms I Frcows, Eq â€"Dest S have recently heard from an invalid iyrep of iypopurephings, aaly many other instances marked th* h.olaih‘l.nnmvï¬cnluul‘ regard as a matter wm rovidence. _ nale whose e ’.,..., iss ol would fit out an expedition to land, to discover whether there be more alive or no. so that the question‘t be deGnitely settled. mdh«m-’ reptilisn orsmium and a powerful, :flhormh.nhqï¬. tb mh:'h;wuhfl tious roots gigantic ferps, such a charaeteristie of the Zealand. These it obtains by s@f with its legs after the. mannot barnâ€"door fowl. Its ment, according to Owen, m io iene the u:normofldnlm Th.dhmn-' can have neither the abil mrh:ï¬natodc:’l:‘l‘.“"'_ te blter io tecen h e rewre Ba bao 10 me®saitt t 00 0 MMttel the subjent when the akeletons The Fatural History 4 m.-bomwbo bya skele: ons of the wonderiul of New Zealand. Seven varietiss bird have been established the largest one. danornis ing 16 feet high, an 1 tue otidiformis, mbout the size> bustard, The dinornis is a to naturalists because they ~ whether it is to be consid not. The skeletons, it "is have been tound, but these in lnvo;egndhwnnd inl,th- beds of ri w slight mud. Tmlnhno. Tap paleontologically + yariably _ recognised .7 have called the bird mes it ;wmu-:'mdu & ow generations. among a people have no witteerecnde the extinction a bird would very speedily tinction of the name :-flh it known. """J M ne the possil 'bmtyd' dfl in the interior bf ‘ the sds F i #4 R 'mï¬::.p& bntlp_ some 4 frocs fomee years. that mfun-a in‘ New Zesiand, rudimentary : condition‘ of lb1 tail, But in every case they huve. scared by the apparition of the : that they have turned their horse After toasting the Builders® s Lodges, and mine hest Of the Albic successful entertainment was b a close by the singing of the Anthem. @Pailont ie whics m with great applause. ~~ _ .. Cole. The Chairman next proposed th of " The District Deputy Grand drank with en all chorus, ©For ho'uaJ:ly ln the absence of D. D. G. M Aimonte, the Chairmsn calléd Featherstone to respond on 'fla:hduh-nq.b'o was much applauded ~o Smer CiF Seige . I tor City . times three, followed by the they are Joily Good Feilows," played *"Merry M»sons, were given by Bro. Dr. Doric; Bro. McLean, of the _ ihe next toast proposed is Chair w«s "The Press." â€" it wa astic«l‘y received by ail, bers of the fourth estale, visions of speeches distance. Responded to by ertson of Tz Imuzs, M Citizen, and Allan and N mod aod Eastwood, * & Bye," which w:â€:ndnd e Ladies" drank .with grest enibos :fomm,‘;f Ogdensburg toast by singing * Dinna Grom Burn Willie,‘ and to an c d I‘ress; Mr. Nichols *‘ Simon, * im c the Cellarer," in Letter from kev. John McMurray, The next and last of New Zealand Mon ster, away. (It u. very The { ) 6 s alÂ¥" e rom TE on ‘ésain <ecl Tus bill incorporating the munt &ï¬' uce mds rrbogg bariving ons Te granting aid to the Norfoll to, the extent of $20,00 . or $19440 per mile for .: for the line between â€" Brantford Burwell. . Carried. . _ After some discussion, _ ~_ Hon. Mr. Crooks moved & of time Norther Hon. to. the the fees of the been devoted EM debite â€" nue Mr. H Ouse Bills 19 as. snf d 10 consotign ® ang High Ading , allowed way for tract for extende The debate was The House divi the amendmen 2it, Boulthee per mile, POt. r.f‘ x adaay th :;-onuf: the railway rate of $2,000 per milt . | Mr. ykert objected to" grambi m._ubdnrl&o iflw propmation had ( een already exo Atto On the item of l'"m-wuu lllkdfq\h__' Mr. Graham moved in . The ll.wlllh‘n-. ‘The Speaker took the C After routine, the At moved a resolution grAD branch line of _ the Canads wiv, Lower &'H _ Hon. Mr demand oi way aid ar meet. The um After routine, the Weliin Bruce Railway resolution was lr.lyhg:-udhâ€" while this '-’lr- o grant aid to the Welliny ruce Railway, to the tull e ubsidy Aot of 1872, yet this 0i consent to ratity anv ordi rried 1 The o use was of n mot 6 C The ii, C summary Administrations . mu-qu:um minution of crimina} Courtâ€" of Assize, the amount id for Crown Counsel and pr a a d ui s k The debat The 13 «These T changing 9 sumed Hon. M 8 , Arrives pD i with nt in ) action desire t t the w e blish # ‘m'.m the benefit of 2ad sumngers «ho y ol Te mt cmct stt Sm miagns Sor alt places Bash South. The POP 4 SOt""" _ __ af thi Mo’ï¬hfl.: a St Leawronce Ottaws Ra ratare ons ake Seoads Central ab 12 . 9 Gatine EPS® ranting aid to the W ruce kailway to the extent ile, or $194.40‘ r 20 years, for the line betwee on sn Wingham. At 1:40 the adjourned. vision.. id 1 tuere The ar 2 the item m the rs sh The "° amen, Ustice B tion was carried. Hon. Mr. Crooks moved tht owed u;.anumx uforfumlui);:uwzu ct for the c tended to July lst. Carried. llon lir Crooks mored the time fâ€"r the same parpos rthern lixtension Reilway. . C Richi by & into Compyi :flm t been made in AC, whereby amendmen Cravellers‘ "0g the “'l!lnhll BÂ¥ TELEGR h the explanation J BOURd mase .It: Dw:: msolidate Laws of F m Speaker took the chair mk ed by 49 3 2 'll." on. Mroo« .20 C nE drainage by relerence. to g.;i :"l‘;'_"m--:u ginal motion as eng,, o0 NX 30 to 14. â€" y i oo on the Admaie wese 11 'm the sale: free grant settlers in M Date on the second (r ‘-Mmmq Cas $.30 8.0., 120 pm au Buige loaves SV uh"ufl-thw ond GStage leaves the Post encourage emnigration : on the Treasury which and Railway subsidy . Ment w "ne mored to the Nï¬izcl th at lb1 med .M“ d opiniot tont e 1d be so conducted ‘Ol. _ {or concurrence criminal justice, Mr. amendmeut that th ‘t, notwithstanding . 4 to â€" Lne Governtaent was ‘Crooks said that the { illing to withdraw i oted to,. ~‘The bill was ubol?lu.uudd e bill was resumed. Btage 1e further discussion tray APTERNOON SESSION, * Wwas lost by 34 9 n‘h:m&â€â€œ h""" adopted " a» ommitiee of moved an ne rooks moved & be extended for ay to the 1st ils ULouse at you for the f 4 to that purpoe 2 purpos & the House rcas $ r Amiuly pemaky January, 1872, * resumed. ided on the nt, which was Schoole, ©ORONTO. tiobs in assed untilâ€" Mar ::n":“m ut was then put $41,690 for the 1 to thme 10. none, id °_ ‘Toxowro, M took the chair at leaves the Post ( leaves the Post assed a third sutdorized by $143,454 for ‘ublic ‘Workse: & m pensa S FHF differant nOt exceed parks Street n amendm Ii. ‘ dopted an UGH CoU he moved e o ublic