ndiedt... in t te 41 ALiB #nd Prody * to the W iAs e oNÂ¥ eas0Ft or km 66 A To | 931 it M 1TA W A entiified TNR woius 3 4« ud um this KR xJuiw $%; # year "Alte B8 ty t0 i . BARRISTER, ADVUCCATE &o. Fmeel" * 1 rcucect nds hased, and Loans negotinted.~ , *" c To) Beit‘s Block, Eiginâ€"st. Ottawa l & E:E.;:""""I Streek oflice ! a,.‘._-" and 2to m. m‘z f D& J. P. un;‘.é hiua~ m I" ' E"“g“_g‘r& near Gloucester W MRRISTERS SOLICITORS, ATTORNEYS, . m.\'\‘r.)'Asumxo‘mln.u:.hac. (fireâ€"‘»« !i‘s block, opposite Russeil Houze. $ ARCHA® £4 CIT ANDEEW LeAMY Noory . as . «_‘ “'z.,' m.“sdum;m im the Village nee o. (,jerec, for the transaction of ..‘Ine wutario, m“ln: ue you "“". M h&-c:b“-: sccounts in beth P1 D‘“w ie PTERRECCEY r§3URANOE & REAL ESTATE AGENT Having «old ou! the rfllâ€"-b Rutedt & w. I leave to tavks to heâ€" public for their ratronage be ast J3 yeats, and WiL eoniinas the wANUFACTURING, JEWELLRY AND waTCHMAKILXG BUSINESS s ty former worksbops, over Mann‘s Hardâ€" D Cooee. corner of Metcalfe and Sparks SiURIGTERS, ATTORNIES, §0LIOlâ€" T0R3 CONVEYANCERS, &e., ufl.\h_nu:‘:‘t:ml Finkey.) u.m..'i‘."f» J. Camisrr®, } M. P. Hruc. ADVOCATE, SOLICITOR.&c. Mustness â€" Gearbs Master in Chancery Chambers, COURT H008K, | ** 1« C. P. 8. L, C., M. C. P. 8. O, A-....=&':'£'Nu_“l Durham cavaily, 14e Bvilcitors in Chaneery, &¢. K. BELL s M.A. L-uanm. No. gm‘mn vyOL. VÂ¥IIL NO 3671 Ccicn fay BARRISTERY, â€" ATTORNEYS, y ADVOCATE, | * Temporary Office at Dr. JO8. BEAUDILN‘S, JELL & BKUNEL, BHull, March 9, 1974. FUNERAL â€" UNDERTAKING TssUEK OF MAREILAGE LIOENSES. yiceâ€"Qver Thos. Patterson‘s, Rideau Street c oo us Sa.m. 16 6 p.D4. «+ 12 St. J ts i1 31. James 8 ‘Cize .5 ooo onire Town. ~ 2 i) 0 0. _ _ _ _ lnw &“ 'n~~ knife, TZ "AfirLnih, +9e007 mt ahncer paiwreds bro" l Uegunireq. JBtavk 2t o tounax, pasitL O‘CoNxO®z. E. MARSHAL MATHESON, BARRIS "® sonstilted at his Office, corner of O‘Conâ€" ’-MO:L 3 % Sitews, Qcc. 2 19798, ; // > /. / $401â€"4m. M’L â€"\ Pnb d W jo + YBILDING, w60 Snarksâ€"st. PICTURE FRAME W MRRISTER, SOLICITOR, &¢e,, {puccessor i Willism Mosgrove, Esq.,) k. iscsgrove‘s Buliding, QUaw& 25, Jan 10, 1874. k BuXAS P. FOKAM, @bdtcal ~WGeros. fiy UG A M WILSON & ORR, arvers&Gilders ! j "0c08BkuL, DDA iLKER, CASSELS & PENXNOCK, BHEY, CHHkISTIE & HILL, Notary Public and Advocates. BUAAnDBDAULT & LEA MY ROBERT <~ANGUS, Luun & CHEYSLER, Burristers and Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law. se in Uhancery, Notaries, &c. ~â€"Hardy‘s â€"Blook, Kideau Streok TajLi0®. F. H. CESTSLEE, sgoW CASES MADE TO ORDER â€"____ In All its branches. fiins, Caâ€"kets, shroude, &¢ y Aiways on hand. 11. CONNOR & HUGG6, kLD Â¥, GRANYT, *. 2. CuULLER, B. C. L., begal GSearbs. peRs AXD ATTORNEY3â€"ATâ€"LAW, oITOR3, CONVEYANCER3, &o., Attorney. %>.:zar, &o. Officeâ€"Over ckeli‘s Flour .. ~ 3, corner of Sussex sticels, QUinWs. FaRaph ractukING LOOKINGâ€"GLASS and A W &A m{â€â€˜ & N. JOHX O CONNOR, QC,., MA IPACT URKRS, Mainâ€"St., KV ILL, P.Q @TTAWA, ONT BT BR B O W s, s SPARKSâ€"ST R.CAasszLs,Jr, | P. PEXXOC K | MALDONELL, iv ono o Abnunl Dentist * * -h_l Ottaws, Eay 21, 187 NADA w. YOUNG, %12 ly 2510( T649 t iooree eey af Ansdinass ~ Feotiem" Rod 1873. I ) (¢J 45. â€" 1@ï¬ Ottawa River Navigation Co. Passengers lea the 7 a,.m. and 5 in ataon aenen m uen o ag ho reato es for Otlawa and intermedijate liand.ngs. _ | On and after M Tth ber, the steamer Jessle Cnasetls willicave Ay!imer (Bun« days excepted) at 7.30| w th steamers of the line for and lntermediate ports. 7 | The steamer Prince I-%M j Fort daily (Sundays ) at T o‘clook connecting with s Jessiq |Cassell Alymer, wile ob 1 oR TEE iz t _ The ueum?r.gldr John You‘;( leates Bav lock on ®| on enlers satl Aranks fot UNntontl, 1‘3: extra. _ 6 Stoamare will magenin ruuï¬:@ passengers taken on Saturday ¢ ‘w ) o ons whuiks the mg‘:‘-‘: d-.nr&': %flm % wiu & l-n»flll'!&ul'dlhlflt through with desâ€" "-..c."" 4 Return Tic be I B. W. l% Ottaws. Eay 21. 174 I _ The steamet John P lnva Pemb dally (Sundays exce at 1 0‘ ‘r-ll m Js'.u-dgm‘ [ whak tigamer Juson uvek M e uis winch : ves Pemt ‘mmfl_n 1 orelock p M.; pacugers. arriving at P rtage du Tirtage Fokets. Froot, h points ‘ weey t REbDUUEU HATES.. Ce issued to per» ?-:'w' -lh:lm -t:focnunm and in London for all p c,&"uulnflu United States to o ukee, Chicago *Wior Rreight or Passage, apiity to A re, ap TEMPERLEYsS, CakRER | &) mw Billeterâ€"st gâ€"lao: 88 & | OU,, C DaAvID sHA ~--' ist Composed of the following and other firstâ€"class UNION FORWARDING AND RAILâ€" WAY COMKPANY. f Toturning, leaves. Chaprad Vilagy at. 4 Gél9¢K n C : â€" A counection â€"made on the Brockville und Ortawa Railway on the up and down trips, #t. LAWRENCE, t THA M ES > W DELTA, 08. The Steamers of this :oln.d.d to sail as fotlows during the: -mdu of :§14, to and from Lonudon, and treal, call» ing at Plymouth, 10f passengers, |_ FBUM NDON .: t TDADNLOS: » +428 ++ + «++ «+ + +) W , June 38 : golu,.... W June ,{ “fmu.....-...:: :............ :j†% p m.â€"same day TEMPERLEY ‘LINE, 1874. ~Bummer Arrangement. . 1874 a&mm%mmmum A.M, 0V m exce tor )loums’. Mw."ï¬â€™hmnu and m meulate ports, connecting a; Muntreal with the w days and Mondays excepted, __ ~â€"__ _ __ _ | _ ~ ALEX, MILLOY, Gen. Manager, July 2 174. * f HardWware Notice. need F _z Ancxpomw Sun::lah.a';-“ Persuas wishi se can dhtnin mmnmae cocmenie) ar moon, raige Tomk station in ‘Canada or the tickets are not used the a a small deduetion.] flw'lllpb od For ‘sale at the m OE â€" A compiqre assortment Of CABLN OF* ROYAL MAIL STEANXsHIPS, CIRCARSIAN................... . 3r8. Oo% FPOLYNE=~IAN .. .....J«. <4+«++ «100 « ummunavul!....-'.}..;.... in p 3.‘:%5%’.‘{%"""""" .iil".. t SARMATIANX "~.;A;Z.ZI Th NoÂ¥ RATES oF PAssAGE FROM QUKBEC. CABIN....$70tog»® . | STEERAGKE...~...;.$25 mm-mnmnvom.wl.:-“gï¬ to sail it n%rbocnwm Th tarourh ~ut the season | RATES OoF PASSAGE FROM QUKBEC. | . Engiand, lreland '";‘SeE‘" an “g"g" W‘ ray station in‘Canada or the tickets are not used the af is r , less oa. we, Aumi Â¥4 Shif and Heavy Hardware AT THE USUVAL PRIOE® _ CHANGE OF TIME. Ottawn, Sept. 1 , 1874 Royal Mail Line of Steamers. broveh iholetetmee Wfieeg and Afl J ONDON, QUEBEC AND MONTREAL DaY AND NIGHT LINE. 1,500 KEGS CUT NAILS, ‘Victoria lor Monuieal and Intermedia® OTTaWaA TO MONTREAL on n on U P aannert nidee. Steamsbitps. checked. Meals and Stateâ€"room .g:o |_ INTEMED: L_m“nurm{.“ «FROM qUEBEC DOWNW ARDS FROM QUEBEO UPWARDS, gm.tnw.“' R. & UASSELS, s ‘hm: Jw Jun -'2i Blst _ ** Th N. Taly 3 Jul} # Tt <â€" L/ 0/. j Leave | _«‘ C ’i & i KNo. IJnnoun-i - : : E) *~miaes = lny | press wl j M Arclornnt ie ie $0] Rx. “l no-w.u..'........l iob | | 7 | 220 a.x. Grand Trunk Express " earl 85 Be"thaln tom Brocicritle_makes En from the West, arriving m ‘.'? 8.00 lionk, anam Sophow with Sugen io mt nom 1#7%â€"4 _ @PRING ARRANGEMENTS, 18734 Pullman Puiace Parior and ‘ new rrdlmr‘h.(hllm all and Palace ï¬n“;lluul night over the Trains leave Montreal as follows : Trains leave Montreal for Luchine at .. _ _ zg;:..llsl..l.w pm, and ;. Trains lew for Montreal at â€" :.g ..:..m.. $.00 p.m., and 'nna.u!=-. Train runs w vo Au;-“-om!‘nnu _M*.“ mediate lbm‘&.......v....;:tg_%: Night Bfld Pond the & ~iiternelteney Hilatre O ..........u.oo'p.- @ tH. ldlmhwhn';::fl Rouse‘s mmmuy cn South ‘ Eagiern Counties Junction Rallâ€" ways,and Lake ChamplainSteamâ€" _ __ _ _ , Brockville, May 11 1874, every ataniny at 690 pam, tor Hallfax, N. E... rgnbing x'n:&"&uu ons un boaid ""?r:'n: Snd at aoy uw in . Tohss, N Br dn mix‘d Bure connections with Grand Trunk trains g:ï¬mmumw-. ehl.l::g:nuhyflmm. a ihratus 708. REYROLDS, _ _ CANADA CENTRAL TWO KEXPBESS TRAINSâ€"DAILY Beliet Toronto, Gueiph, Lonâ€"« futite t aopes m.:lll. pfl:.......‘ the trains depends on (nfoor with MMMWWl no be responsible for traing.not AFM at or ie o i e m ELNEA Py rerm Pre Py n ie se Brockvill¢ G. _ intermediate Stations.....«. :. ....._5.00 p.n. Mixed tain for Vyud:uflum“_ e | ooo 1 ’la w’ _2 2 T i :!'mouE, b. ves f vedutn Srailoar br se n 2b B o mt on Stawed wos oo t .0.\ Recretary & Treasurer. xc Th FPamieg, . onpe, rm on receipt of order or ts _ Coftins and Caskets of every deseription Brockville & Ottawa Railways For Ottawa via Brockville. RL UE Mon 0 6 . ui e t wW. n.m' "vg _ _ As He !A% s e e imve ) ~ Agent for d t And m}l | ON aAND FROM THURsDAY Inl’ 16th, n#. _ _ TFraine will ruo daily, as follows:â€" _/ | / ALTERATION OF ‘RUNNING TIME THE ST. LAWRENCGE Ibe old reliabl and best route. The mu&&ï¬mumwm No. | July 15, 1874. Pullman or Sofa Cars on Nos. 7 and 8. rior and Cheaper than s“"’.‘_"“ ,6?1\40 Oil... . STOCKS AND MACHIN® OIL OTTAWA RAILWAY. Utiawa, | Brockvilie, ~King=ton, Joacrtho, Auromig: Guclge Tam. s‘ . ROGERES, : U NDERT.AKE Ri 6 and 7 Nicholas=St,, Ottawa, th Funerails fornished with every requisite, Of uniform (u-i' ;‘t'th';'&ï¬nuï¬k Hardware KMorobanat lor.‘dou “;::.l * KAND THRUNK BALILWAY COMPY OF CaANADA. f .Â¥ o e o e t c ess for New York and Boston via ‘ermont CORLTAL & â€" ... .4 +»>«+++4 WHOLESALE ~AND KETAIL : ~ 10 B N T.:. Trade Mark. 10 45 A.M. «C M A Nâ€"N, Ottawa. 7.45 A M 2,00 P.M 9.30 P.X. 10.15 a.m. Siathtoms. T. Junction â€" 9.10a.m. 430 pm GOING SOUTH. Grand Triink Express | from the Rast.... ... Grand Trunk Express o nvat poonk aroress Grand Trunk Express "TLd) entralâ€" Yer: mont . and _ Rome & Watertown MJ s 4 ana 1 nfeudlaet., Diterme frORA WOBt: se «.«« ..« Est and West...... * nÂ¥ati‘ Rroup Cciawa munkes «/ + ~/ «10.16a.n., &2 p.m. i+ .'o'.'g'i& LW px., Connecting with. Connecting ‘with, Managing Director, Ottawa, a»s»«««, 9.00 a.m. »401«»«» 9.30 p.m. 3.15 pm, 3. p.m. 6.07 a.m. Junctio 1.80 Aj. T00 P.M. 9.50 A. 8,50 P.M. 8,30 A.M. unn*. 1.30 . M. 1.35 p. m Je‘ ) CALDWELL & 0O, â€" â€"!! Managors‘ Now opening, a large and varied stock PORTED HARDW A RE, also CHAN DELIERR in great Fariety. " _ GALVANIZED moworuw. &o, &o., A smcxu:fr. 2 ICE CREAM FREEZERS, $ xmgx LAMPS, < TABLE & POCKET OUTLERY _ LAMP GOODS (all kinds) Marc® 26, 1674 \ Miinufactured by the bost Houses in Canada and the United States, {which they will sell at a . mar s M aAnL ADyVaNoxk oN\ 00# T: & 2 Qait ai t i1 l ro ‘ff â€" } ts 09!‘;)%,‘-1:’. for: yorrselves, lom.hnn-mâ€"nul*l&pï¬o | Ql -m ‘?t C | o o) ~~| Atthe premises adjoluing Mr. 1. 2. Taylor‘s Printing Office,] _2 9 R i d e a‘u &# t r e o i7 fl;mww and Oanadian Tweeds, ucmu.vr-v.vm.n. * 00 RerAiReP ow hom dlasgow 0 0 > * â€"A aUPERIOR qu.«!.urimi:hor-‘,, f~ Old Brandy, Port and Sherry Wine, Glarets and â€" éautemn sco10H AND IRISE WHISKEY, | _ _.â€" _ chaste designs _ GRATE clther PiaIS of Mounted. May ), L374 TAILORING ESTABLUISHMENT Mills‘ Supply Agency mMUST B Monuments, Headstones! Obelisks, 4 &o,, in Marble, Boot y l4 es | +o4 $A The newest design in CEMETERY FEN ING, suitab e for the Cometorics. BM . , . A rclicarzanged stock of MANTTES, in A merican, Ttaiikp, ang Coloured Marbles of new and Has constantly on hand and to orderâ€" 4 ‘ DOORS, | :ï¬o‘lm 4 4 B | ETING, tol ie _ foke] f SHINGLESâ€"X, XX, XXXâ€"IHE IN OTTaAWaA. n.nâ€"mutfotmungo"mmhqfl ng. [# RIDEAVâ€"St,, CORNXER OTTAWAâ€"St _ | nmumngummmmmmmuwo.ml%wsmhqm‘w HAVE OPENED A m.,xs'rnmnuï¬ NT ONSPARKSAr > .â€" * With a wellâ€"assorted stock of FIRST E)A ‘~> Orrawa MarBi» & Granitg Works!P" uue 3# 10M SHaws, Bo! Hlflvl wa, ,“"' "‘"""m':-‘? coonie $aede.: Glant . fnjeotors . " Also. Agenty of the GLOBE GAS LIGHT par 63 [Axl{zg Qe‘o.:' m;‘v‘e}::r ?l;:“e'::l;rgomutotm pruontlfnnufï¬ are prepared to exteun Plumbing, Gas and Steamâ€"Fitting l Ne.11 Aparks st., Near Bussell Houss. .“j..o;mrm A’ND'JII'MH & *3 TEASâ€"GREEN, JAPAN and BLACK, fine gtades. COFFEEâ€"Roasted and ground daily. BPECIAL FEATUREâ€"A good At Feb. 18, 1874. Aug. 22, 1874 June Â¥#% 1674. June 18. 1874 OÂ¥SEY To L0 ANXâ€"In iarge or amall Su2® no" Beal Kslolefeolit c 0 w on3 5 TTAWA C. COURSOLLE, _ W. M. SOMERVIL Fa.! Mantlies, Gm;:o::x:l DPx;:: us Cla i a And General Building | Juiy 18, 194. June 17, 1874 OTTAWA, MONDAY OCIOBER 19, 1874. Plain a_n-(“i" â€"I:‘:ln;:ay fl‘urnitureo Begs to inform his friends and the general public that he has opened a firstâ€"class §¥ 406 PER CENT DISCOUNT, HARRIS & CAMPBELL @CTTaAWA Oxr., a wellâ€"assorted Stock of FANOCY (GROCERIES ! , FEA! 0, FEA! _ BON GBE,, MAL GRE JUBT RECEIVED, per Ship Superior," from | Terea, Spain, w per Ship "Carolina," front Oporto, | _ > P. A. TAYLOR, x uonm 01 .. The largest and â€" «selected ent pf _ _ JOSEPH .DIMBLEBY, REDUCED â€"PRICES CHAS®S. BRYSON‘® Aug. 14, 1874. J uie th W tb BLANKETS ‘in, Stove and Hardware Depot, 81 and $3 Sparks.st., Ottaws, Ont. GIVEN TO THE PEOPLE At Pricee to Defy Competition ! BLYTH & KERR, For the Balance of this Month ! A good fit guaranteed or no sale, $# A\l Goods Warranted Shrunk. Wl 66 sSUSSEX STREET, al 4 58 SPARKS STREE®T. ESTAB 25 RIDKEAUâ€"ST., AT AT The Scieuce of Law, by Bhéldon Amos.. ..$1.75 monedve saeram sog n inss ioras s Kns ne B manaliet Beol Weten ty mivare "'m,. ",m,â€,,'" § than 3 ce lz 176 f aettere l‘.g Felt and Silk Hats NEW BOOKS! f j For Baie by } HENDERSON _ & 80 SPARKSâ€"ST â€"| e B Hogh. 23, 1874 [ H. HODGES, ABJUBI RECELVED ine latest styles ot woives. 18 00. 1D. McDODINRBLL: AMERICAN . ASD ENGLMSH .. . guralke for Fall rAd®.. .. | main bag The: plage ;Oall apt ‘ 102 86 SPARKS STREET, DORICON ‘ x'.’gmn.' #e. BAWN and vol, for 1874.. Ti8iy gir ?F,A-,u.i Un oox ® s, Corner of Kent and Wellington ‘Sts. | â€"‘â€"*& Nill stockof_ . * s ‘Matter posted .m. Wili De Tot mpfl.d Eastand Wa‘u& ?um:'nry packs 3 o n es o sivIAE MALLS. _ . __| via Now york, si0%e fl-‘fymr,loflq Posr QFFICE, OTTAWA. Arrival and Departure of Mails "Shil" A. ng;:mun bag. jor O 1n0dia: “;:vlu :ï¬g:mnc¢w) on Meney Ordat Oitisbe en ronghout u> t oan: ® t and. New on ons es Aouc enc n. ol P(.BTO!’;#.!I BAVINGS BAN a, Hmt be received at vgais Offic ed at the rate of Four per cent. ;« apbh denosits can be withdrawnat as; mnclulg General Agents for Contral Canuda, %.TM The . under has opened L > s i P hore nan ang m P 2t '§ Yog'. is in CLA BON PLQUGHS Mada and k . ..:uson'ï¬ QUARRY TOULS Maie ana Sn Einds of GENERAL JOBBIENG done with Promptness and Dispatoh. <â€" | â€" â€"=| . ~â€" . ~ OFRICE HOURS FROM 8 A.M. TO7 P:M, l‘or-w:.v-oml:::d SBaving Banks Busines: es * 0. P. BAKEB,. FAMILY GROUCERIES ig the Bank of 6. N. ‘America, WELâ€" E&a?iï¬cmhm best and most convenient ot secur P [ Eerendeatrovs ornocuring good vign profipt KWW"‘ pned with a call, . |â€" _ _ ____ _ mg.:'m&:,..t:.flms‘.m? 4 BROWNLEE & CO. Respeotfully informs his friends and the publi® generaily that he will shortly open bis which will be fStted on the most tmpreved prin ciple comprising Ladies‘ Hair Dressing Rooms wlflMM.MWa Hair Dressing and Shaying Rooms with n and trusts by giving his ‘best attention to the munagement, to merlt a continious support and attached. He Will alsohave an efficiony staf to alland to the fh e ce e Houainprers bnoy ame, rompnlst P. 0. Ho‘# 4900, C + 4/ 290 Bs i EBXRE uc rus‘" t I#74. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. 1# $&" A\lMails are closed Montreal tiunt i minutes faster than Ofl.n'nm March % 1874, Ottawa, Aug. 16, 1874 ‘Tust recelved, Also a large supply of CROCKERT, . GLABSSWARE, de. win_Strict attention pald ‘to ‘the supply of | BPRINRG 1874. ol EDWARDS & RUTLEDGE, March 11, 1894. Oot. 15, 1874 1A 5 WALKER & MILES, PUBLISHEERS, Montreal and Toronto. 3 T. ~â€"E. MOOR C HE DOMINION ATLAS, EW ‘BLACKSMITH‘8 SHOP. NANHOODâ€"RESTOREKD ONEYâ€"WAGKES SSz 5 abod us as The Victoria Stables HOT AND COLD BATHS SEPALATE BEPARTMENTS §4 , _ 93 able with no risks. >A 16 â€"pige o m\-W * "2 9 WMiE tss o o on A sthem 1â€"» sal urmiled free. Address # 1.ATANTON, Hohniorn. N 3 Adwakos a nofaber, OHARLE®: ynmrnm. Sparks Stroot. Timts -:.'.'o'd! 6!3 -mï¬ Kent and Wellington Sis, Ptat24 4 & 99 §Q . . MOORE, ... 76 Sparks Street. $1, a week. Proof 13y 16 d 8 From the London Empiré. An occasional correspondent of the Times writing from Chicago on the 26th August, gives a long catalogue of ~crimes recently committed â€" in the United Siates, Facts from that quar: :r are of peculiar interest to British colonists, who not unfaturally, nnuptwmtmiaimmchol thotr own future or ~the finger posts of guidence, . The industrial, social, political ‘and religious Gevelopments of the great American Republic, once a deâ€" pendency of England, are anxiously studi. ed not only in the ‘neighboring Domidion of Canada, but in the | growing: nations of the Southern Hemisphere. When the Australian and South African colonics think of what tb:z may become, what they sbhould imitate »nd what they should avoid, they instinctively© turn to "the marvelions country which not many generaions ago was what they are now.. Io no Hrituh colouy is there a general desise to copy the American model; but in‘ 11 â€"the Briâ€" ::ï¬ahda u:“'iu uudmw itionse may uce â€"a ath raily likeness. .. This fear is m: by the class of w _to which the Chicago t of the Times directe attention, â€" The statements he makes: aid T.bt;"“q‘u hm will and Te t -uja atos : pas~ ciolunh g;fef’hpmmgm under the restraints of law and* order. The writer of the letter from Chigago is evidently under Athe t:r-dm that the facts about which he tes are symploâ€" matic, pointing to fsults deep seated in sections, at all events, ‘of the Jm mage mz?::l‘ e and operative which are y existing although might pot have been discoy. ered and described. ’l%- oatalogue of orimbe is not a mere list or inventory, but a classification of facts from which it may be possible to arrive atia generalization." He netubnn&mh that one hundudr y deaths trom violence Toomrred the in o apiati sn wot une 9 8 proâ€" eudnumlpmmm»hl,g :n‘a im boin.‘ ::dm im A:uld. We in nemntanim n ons pe even Or w nongantiersare fer me ds Sn coni as t . tions of the States. lownm?.p balieve that freeâ€"love and easy divorce hnhrmdrmwm.fl- The dust, we are toid, is abo becomirg a. recoguized means of . € Cuputes or avenging insults; . slavery ‘is to : rise (trom ~ the in the : more horrid formâ€" of ‘a war: of the races.‘ . The.very children are #u d to .l";mmd from s mania for hter. The men we are i their exâ€"ited int:.'nt to the ufl' setts boy who cut zhh comrade with a carving knife, and the New York girl who bnrnthuplgfobu::h lum mv;:‘\‘ L is not supposed responâ€" dent that the ~wonderful‘ of vï¬i’:'o whhnthh::mrhbmrqtpdmtp great Kepublic â€" spreng| up. without seed _»dwithofluyo‘flumdhioqpur;h aud air. . He does not dllm h-.r:h of causes, but he suggests "At maty well to do ‘both. driminal ~clasees, are numerous, and. are cedure 0! personal life, as if they were crimes, The doers of these things appear in many câ€"ses to: be satisfied with: their conduct as being in the â€"line of that per sonal berty which is, in their estimation, a privilege if not a right securec to them by the broad charters of their modern inâ€" ‘titutions, "When the Caniadian, the Aus tralian, and <the South : Africm see the startling facts of : lynch law, kukiluzxism. rowdyism, free love, and know»â€"nothing« ness, they ask themselves with apxiety Whether the mirror into which they 100 is for them one of prophecy and fate.> Are uuya:otn m“np into huge assemâ€" blage poop&- ving & stron, m» sity to burss bounds and dou&qu This anziety is all the greater in thote Coloniesiin which there is a large mixture of races, and in which also.the industries Aphem thd rady reakh hriep ste Fravk: J ate prevaâ€" pl.l:: u;[)iuh‘i’zl‘ï¬&md Tife, and tation work, their peouli«r. ut-ou-u'fwmm.d tulrh‘lx Colonies have their experiences, making thers all the more nervous in the regards they give to the objectionuble phases 6f American life. +4 ies 45 Aots of viblence, not atall corfined to the A letter from Chicago is not to be taken as accurate curr=â€"at history, .. Byyitsels is would be of no importance as s It is, however, almost mfypi';l.h“m T.om the States which this one from the Civyofflme:ldr-.. Nor are ithe cor« respondenis, of Autlith Abe witnessses to this grecsive orime in " the hm':tfl:’ The local mn',:pou are â€" fuil: of umau::m ualism in the #â€"ates, to vie an .ugly word, is endangering. somnety its and . defying the hwwn%umm muniioce tations «being "what "in" Engliand . are still c.lled crimes .~ "It may be said that jast mt present there 1s an alarming prevalance ot brutal assault c:ses in England for :.mpumm:" is s l:o;‘d, ar country sets no x er example to its calonies than does ameâ€" rica. But it must be admitted that in lnfhnd kicking and wileâ€"beating are still con:idered to be punishable breaches of the law, and the law does seize the ‘of, tond::nfl::um nn.un:.‘"l‘hu-h noth in gland ‘ appronc 1. an um.-‘qootuuofvm It ‘.»:i dence America '-lvo hï¬mtmdmm to a subordi. nation of law to person«l liberty, men and ml_m&“l great exient what is scems right for them to do. ‘The brutaliâ€" ties otnfl-o'.m;u &re not those to which Briflnhmlomaplhblo; but it would be a risk of the truth to say that the Briâ€" tish colonies may not cultivate an exag« geration.of the sentiment ‘of perronal liberty: and: encourage the . jealousies 6f A Breiavrirue Hores.â€"There: is nothing hat can contribute so much to render the horse besutifulâ€"and elegant, mfl:n. his: condition »mnd make ‘him all in desirable, as * Darley‘s Condition Powders .uu.&-mu-':y."uum used by meny: persons own valuatle carringe apd.other horses with dm »uctess, snd so well pleased are they r it tnat they always keep it on hand in case of emergency ; it may be giren at all times with peiiectsaiety. â€" Kemember the name and see that the signature of B:tl & Co s on s on each package. Northrop & Lyman, Bram: Workty. â€"JAany . ol us pray to be delivered from sudden death, and do we not «@orry ourselres into it ? And it we do unnndhd:ifl unuu\u;n-ng die of Heart . e as often as it is sup« Voronto, Untarto for C:nade "310 udm:“ 367im Iuv:nw se e titr C Em OR T eE CR PnJ 1 F 1 & P i 10 nen cfnncs pnototomane nor uluste" | emili¢nt, Phrscaat, who. afferacd ner no ?flcbynlmm» 3#7)m nli-l,:owupu-ld ".Um Brane W s , ot . as 4 o be mnmmm-::m : orky â€"Manvy pray delivered from sudden death, and do we she would be cured. Her physicians were not w@orry ourselres into it ? And if we do mrhdulï¬hw-om can we not help it ? « Men do not ‘really advised her to continue its use, uofmh‘-.o uo:nmin-:.‘ lhdld_u':ulwmm ‘!;o the u-.h:nm', do not die of . brain m':-xhcunn "‘EWW“‘ Wmmma..‘w "aas | Tho are aiiicten wiem u:i:’u'a:: bebly Thackeray.‘‘ ~â€"Londen .. ’T. trouble to use the without emectenfarnb,.~ e es ks akik --.'(-...4..-...... Ack het much prostrated, mas ‘advrised by the means of sustaining ana increasing h’wnu&wub‘l nervous heslth is no her ap. . Before taking half a.,botile she “.uu'w extreme mentai o use it, 1 belie kind .h'bpo.lqlfll-fl'hh i m %“ sed oply. . g y : _ mP of ism earmics tss |rafobes t ons on mea erten n over .the BR JH‘M.M“-‘W salely the rapids â€" aad | 4 g 3t is widely used i m.m-.““ Yours bat an hed fast. . wuly, Joers A. Bram. sert Crime in the United States. + l‘hmww on Wednesday, 1st l K C > :. Mr. John Paris, of ‘ about week mgo was seized 1 -‘r-i-m': stroke. nigns ; ‘Two stores in Arnprior were‘e.dbred on Fridey night by burglars, and_ a quantity of tea and clothing tagep.. Lisut. ‘W. Dougins ‘has »been> Captain of the Perto lofantry m vice Spiliman who has been permitted to retire, retaining office. _ The Pakenoham, fall, fair, M“ last Thursdey, was largely attended. umber of cattle were and‘ hn‘:x :«: prices ; $25 to :g‘h( received for three year oid beeves. +3 Mr retiring agent‘ot the Bank of m}_Mm America, Renfrew, was -Jc:o.byulndnuhd-m pre« sen ‘M ~aâ€"valuable gold “5 diamond | studs. â€" Aiter L t the y Piaper bae se paro eoreus (From the Ayimer £imes. Tam wrac swamps are at ,‘pn-‘nh deâ€" masd in guumnuy wphm :‘ & a0 € w ties -mownwm Raiiway . N Pulia, Wilbe .:‘:".:..'.'1"""'...‘,_.:,‘" p, Iha % on int , about one o‘ciock. p. m. Smith‘s Falls Rumss Band will be present, and other prepiritions are â€"â€"being <mage: to muke the launch a matter of intsrest to every. on®., r Mr., Alonso Sliter, who "has for many ye«rs filled the position of tiead aster of the Pakenbam Puolic sonvo!, will remove to Lyo, where he bas veen Lo m ds:::frnurba M’m‘m will have n.utllhux hw-.u-mwuhauflc efficieft and as competent us Mr, Slizer, | ThoA:gnbuhlmh the County of Pontiac immense demage to farmers hk J lti-hd:h‘ i-l-“ A ‘m was om-ï¬M. aumiler loss. The latter was insured for $400. . retuimed! from a‘timing ur up the Ouit neau. ‘!hy-n-uhnh.ar&m cessful in their illegal sport, having upwards of two hundreiâ€"speckied, trout, the most of w:hm.b:t“lt:: feoes o n reg shoorieh mine o0 is really teo bad. We learn from a gentioeman who bad just returned itrom Pontise, that: the contracâ€" tors for the Culbute Canal will be. obliged to â€" sink the channel three teot deseper in consequence of the <low waten mark not baving mmuâ€"u?u Te extension of theâ€"Dominion Tele» Mn itc tendence ef Mr. Thompion. ‘They are have ths line fntsbed about the miadts af (oct ds o itmaipeer Game, Pouliry, Cold ments, and all deâ€" loacies of tha:season already cooked, are always procurable at Noonans‘, â€"â€"8637, excessive use of the sens due intervals of réest for repair. "In Order to nd-hh&onn:‘.ag,-h.o: matter ud::* ‘h elements is conâ€" Mhm-zï¬uzw “"’.’:..«."‘“m....""" on The fopedionts sult n,pph.‘ l-u; uum: M&yb&,m‘nhadm and senses, and .will, consequently, not only prevent this exhaustion, bu% in most qases restore suc‘t as is lost. 3829 Seh For Bunneli‘s Patent Washer, & CO)‘s Royal Cansdian Wringer, Turning, Furoaces, Stoves and Buote fitred up in a workmaniikeâ€"manner, go to U.â€"P. Dosion. Also on hand and for sale u.vP.Dmtoni‘&houhql“hrd- at . »Bur .rn'.;‘a:m P. Unt. $ m * Inrcaxamox or #us Liwxes.â€"Clifton, N. B., 17th February, 1873. Bu: Jn bebaif :m'xl"::% owe * * tion of the Lungs, had raised lurge quan â€" tities of blood and purulent matter, atâ€" 8. K. TBOMAS * . A d NUBTHROP & LY% enierchi sxlie mersed hedkcev R Nore â€" and Blecisized id by all medicine dealets: Price 5 From the Almonte Gasette. PRICE 3 CENTS3 is Oil. We find it to | mke