i24 #€01 £ L if BSHJ 0 1J1% | ;;""Il 4# K4 ts it Pr The carriageâ€" way is.a domain into which he neither carries nor canâ€"carry any rights of person ; and is not the _crossing a part accommodation. of.:/the > horsey">: porâ€" ""* SESmn Wl 00 uno. prevalung impression it Ottawaâ€"thiat a~person only needs to got mounted in a cutter in ordér to give ‘him a general permit to run.. down. creation. Reckless driving is : forbidden: m~every shult eity i ihe Pominiet® bit it Todka‘ie if it were perfectly lawful in the Capital, the:ownerof: a* rig‘â€"of ~any dlescription are atitd ; ahd pedestrians go upon the wetefiantitlh B4 riily he wien. rem tures upon @crossing without. first haying come, ventures with his life in his hand. ever, which is probably more needed in Ottawaâ€" than amy ~other,/but which. is Aliat ‘ it is practicableâ€":wo" niéan‘ & reâ€"organization . :of ... the .. police .force« We ~mayâ€" Mm’b say : upon Mid!vjoedbyqd‘bje. n‘ the «meanâ€" time we, call the attention of that body~ we mean the .: policeâ€"+to. the system of proving that they do not go about. their beats half asleep, let them.â€"give us Il‘ evidence of their "wakefal sondition by indkikting upon a céssation of the ‘danger ous practice to which we have alludedâ€" It seerns to; be theâ€" prevailing impression “hm E i »L Uz ‘J.!i:%‘ ‘)' f /:l .2, and to obstruct thmm neither : creditable: to ‘the humanity nor aeliicy or out City ‘police; | T¢ is how. aver, but one, out of ‘a host of \nuisances which. they. Jook upon.every day with the when they hays haggled. for an hour or two with.some incorrigible." drunk," and tiinér in‘ ITtiratite Vile>" ntlemen who aspire.. to & a62 dh&g IM uncil promises of the â€"reforms they‘ are going to Pafin Te We qhitatetjotl of ts winie governiment, if anly they, are electedâ€"a species : of . sophistry© which . sounds very prettily, ‘but which is neither more nor less There is probably, no.other city in . the Dominion of Canada where cruelty to the brnuemï¬ar,w:b the broad light of day, is; tlerited ‘#ilte" the ‘lilne indifference as.it.isâ€"in Qttawas. ; The man ner in which~boys areâ€"permitted to: torâ€" toit8 horses vitrdér their hpz"ï¬m'ï¬m t + e datin L. l“- i r)h £ Ahu. mages. of: ships.‘ . The, appointment, has Minister of Marine and‘ Fisheries, wi the. jurisdiction of _ whose depar """‘3( ient is the. Board of Examiners.Of Masters and We understand~that Captain Hunter, Iite of the ‘Cunard branch steath «Bets," trading to: the . West Indies, has beem appointed inâ€"theâ€"room of Captain John Taylor, resigned,a Gonnml:-i Â¥miner of Masters and ‘Mates at the "Port of Halifar,. Novya Scotia, in.acoudn.‘do{ with, the provisions of the 1st section of the "Act; 33 ‘Vic; chap.17;> intitled, * an Act respecting certificates t masters ani OTTAWA, WEDNESDAYX, DEC, 30, 1874 Glassware, &¢.â€"Ashfieltd‘s Emporium. Valuable Goodsâ€"T. E. Moore. Fifty Cent Saleâ€"T. E. Moore. ; _ Marble and Graniteâ€"W . M. Somerville Harm and Baconâ€"Joseph Kavanagh. | tubt newse Te week Troms ail, farte ty the, e ciloral infter o tite Bntoy #ibibs: price $LQG por abninn in adtinoe. ied class weekly newspaper. ; .,,_ ( Subseription Rates for the Daily Times, W hen paid weekly, Iwelve and aâ€"half Cents, W hen paid yeariy,im=â€"Doilars in advance. THE WEEKLY TIMES ybou ealne expee 1y t @mmï¬" Wivet ©~ BFRTHS, MARRILAGES, DEATHS. || Notiess ot BirtBs, . Notlees ot hirtge; Murriagas and Deatne, "06. Board and Lodging. } ‘"Cattle Straybd or Stolen. Y Farms Wanted. 58 | ~Farms for Sale.or to Rent, | Live Rtock for Sale. or to Rent. | | Money Wanted or to Loan. . . . . { Kituations Wanted. _ ...._ { Situations Vacant, &c., &¢. | { â€"business cards inserted * 1 i o mva i rapaneay 3 . o e ohics t twenty) aaiks, nifttae 5 aofimtnces nndrmace Cond .-ll. Reading Maiter, rlr‘m CR Euie Jutoin metam mm came io. +1 | Special Contracts.Are made for a definite Transient Advertisements ThR caBrE PRA t+wa, stnparen mentung pingannsh it Erngemivomn n sn tort Ottawa, dist Dec., 1874. Any one specified articleâ€" For Sale or Wanted. Board Wanted. _ Business for Seie. Business Wanted. HMouses for Saie. Mouses to Weut. Hew Aducrtisements. MYARINE APPOINTMENT RECKLESS _ DRLYING. THE TIMES â€", aro eP e ols plne o ENo O oneadheraie hansstlt ( must call the spandrills, : That is toray~â€" that while the bottom of the caisfon was m-ï¬mmagzn'_zg_geh corner to the mouth of ¢ the caisson, with carefally. magde, congrete, by mwhich means the cajsson was weighed down. It by weighting © down the ‘caissons themâ€" selves, in what, for want of a better word, we marked by great originality. It was to sink a large caisson, and to dredge up through: the openings| at â€"the surface the ldose sand, © gravel and «detritus whiclh bould ‘not be reélied" upon, the ‘whola W’i‘:ï¬w & modern .deposit of a few. canturies. :. Eachâ€"caisson was seventyâ€"fire foot in length and â€"twantyâ€"fAive: fest wide," and the dbpflrgmgrw thirty five‘ feet,. The difficulty lay in getting them ’ We publish in another column â€" the cor }re'lpomlem bflâ€"i.;‘ C ‘u O‘u $ workmgn who were en d on the f tions of the, IntercolonialReailway:Bridge. of the southâ€"west lhlï¬.i‘“* Joseph | Tomlinson, "C." Ks ‘the C Buperintepdent ‘D&Kï¬â€"m Dominign.. <This : gentlomany whos db avell knownlnourm-llxpfl' Mr. Fleming to mmï¬m question. . Owing to the nature of the bed of the river, special ‘sttention was hecessaty to obtainâ€" firm and unyielding i o ol 2ooo io wHhalk mumbers, . â€" andâ€" â€"if .â€"they .. are>s the best, neitiher do. they copstituto=the worst members of the commhnity.. TE difficult wi-zmsh-_r-gi.- is more to be deplored than the opposite, We fear while it es tials to be sented, it also_ proves the white men to a worseâ€"weo do not say, Chriptiana, for a l&‘emhd"‘c.m ty dbat not inalke ‘even °i . profeasi68| Of wb [ligion. | Tt also proves ‘that ,&@ that have been entertained off the * ‘Chi emigration are: in memwu in / a far "more‘ & movs i densdeuide the w S9lite than the 1 are. a means i the Chinamen. C 4& > bable rebnrzon TESTIMONIAL | TO.â€"MR.: ~JO8EPH | POMLINSON;, ) C =B c»mqure a lightening influences of Christianity wot * | not be worsted in a fair matched . st: s. | with: such, a solidâ€"bulwark of i * $ and superstitionâ€"whether ‘rather, the personification of thes$ qualikics » | the persons of the Chinamen, Christi commiumnities rouldâ€"not be demoralized: | | a far greater propertion by ‘daily "tor than , the | other j would |B. ole * for we have ._no.,doubt. that. in . | Land, be the odds never #0: ‘ f | | the truths of réligion and the Bible will trinmph. . Much, however, as we beli¢ || the presence . of . : the .QxIM'r‘ , } considerable mumbers in : any : commn nity to ‘be| detrimental ~to "itd"m@i lity, and much to be deptored as would $ any gemeral emigration. from,, Chine 4¢ | America, there: is no d-y1:lh§ A have been lnh\tmlym ) ~" '-"\ j |misrepresented in San Francisce by th | }very clase of people who have made, thei \| fortunes, out of them,> and: whose selfish 1 purposes are served ‘by encewraging thei Limportation. â€" ~Dr‘J. B. ‘Fraker, #‘gonl cently beenâ€"sent.â€"as :a medical, missionar || Forosa, passed ‘through Saft‘ Fraricisc \f on his my.09t, abel bating been: dbtained ‘| there for some weeks waiting for a passen ger vessel to convey him to his=destina( [ tidn, h& ook wore paitis‘to "Snake NitaEYf acquainted with the habite and condiion mcdoa.hor that city, partly f ity, partly as a sort of initiation frito|| the wouk wihich Nes Befere: hi 3 Tip)| 1“““";-‘ The results of hisâ€"observations|| T.'iqu:buu-pq-dï¬sm ickn! Presbyterian in‘ a ‘seties of latâ€"||. ters that, notwithstanding the asâ€"|| they bristled, and ‘the painfulngss /with ||, ‘which Pr. Fraser kept himself before the ||â€" }N‘d"‘lmltï¬w.'u-:nhd martyr to || entétprize of his Church, || . aï¬ï¬ï¬wq“m‘t of| the snlient featires "df"the || { sémuhï¬ondhmmmq i‘-ï¬ph‘,&“tï¬w s 'ipnd, we || i i marinateren| incapacity; the Chiness of that‘city are || , more siniedd spsinit snn innhinig wl t | y no micans the worst inhabftants of . the || [Pacific .coast,. Seme.of . thermy400 ; l embraced Christianity, and <he assures us || ; that a great many more would‘ ‘i'.‘{‘:b 4 likewiseâ€"but for the ides which hm al | most indlelibly imapressed ie f 1 minds that the white â€"man‘s> mds | 3 kimply a synonym for eruelt; % l gion and injustice to theit racp. _ He giyes ::dpiomlo“he depravity . prevailing | $ anong all qlasses of San Franc and | j gays the people are dividdéd ‘ i by a wide gulf,.viz. :. the : ropedingly.sdeâ€" a ed and the highly n veligionse | B ;:W»h“‘d'; form & Tair propor® | ti There can he little doubt that it be aâ€" great calamity: to Christianity mmorality were the race of Chinamen W have got a footâ€"hold on the western sh of this continent, to attract any w C omignllon-'c:h:h countrymen and wo« men to bear them cotmpany, | Theit td and intellectual "facultios are of .aw degenerated cast, : that {it is more, doubtfil: whether the : civilising h« of pedestrians, but.fer: :endangering theam, by careleamiess.. Wo‘beg=toâ€"inform the tion already; that the streets and ‘ctogainige Vudimmdhthbm\' have happening within the las M which the reporters have Similar accidents are of w ‘if not upon our streets have‘ been dlowodby‘ the police to be confirmed in the belief M' '!l?;. ye f and that they may run, gors: with impunity. 1 insolence of our specimen driver ¢l noodntobechock’dby.ï¬.idbcnfm‘ regulation, . requiring .. him, .. to. .. Ab4te, speed at the streetâ€"crossings, & kolding | him to a strict ndoom are for the.conyenience of tho¢ ' zens| and not for the sole use of B and arriages. nip srtte 1. THE CHINAMAN IN SAN tuft are of s v6 , is mmore, Â¥ ililhg ufl" © 7 Wâ€â€˜ 14 on t} ched @t only k of i insep rathery 88850098 | unds 8. ghatlMe® ih | senir men, CA { lemoralized @;ï¬ boptacria ECX .u. @ Tes m. that. in, nated the :‘Bible WlM | poron, “‘" ‘. 3 ciplO 4 Chinamen , igve “’m â€" g ‘o ‘l A‘ u: . hu“ 3 as would ht Lo n lamd k C oritici bop drvetin"® | beiguss From the examination ‘I hare ‘given to the ""Polar and Tropical Worlds," I should '.‘"?“:::MY m‘t_}itgdltho ouu:‘.ud., l + orf€hie "Polar ah@ Tropical and ‘the froshness ‘BFthis new it es the ing botl pleasant wfl%wflmflmu@ lent, and add much t0‘the bedfity of the wur'iu ‘This mwmv'ï¬hu. lovers of good reading "To® ‘whatéver time and Mm im i# Fâ€"notiee that the binding of " this work ‘ is t* #ors‘" the fl"h?m,dnqyd'tlow‘ e oeculea to taly on the marite of ie book Heqlf for S »bi@uPglar, and. . Tropicalâ€" Worl de‘ Uanadian enterprise; ‘and~ so faras. E:sm p&‘uâ€â€˜:mmmanwxa instruct the reader. oums! & duvowds . PBOM THR, LORD.. AI3KOP OF, QNTARIO. .\ I wish success to Dr. Hartwig‘s "Polar and Tropical Worlds." It is creditable: to %Rx::l&ncy*mt?d o: Dufferin réad ‘with mac :’: wa'kb’og tgol“Pol-‘; and m ‘ || » P. ‘.u.r.' th cce es Lo M; C: Freronkr, 0s ues Mmï¬orboo:.inoum;(: + 4 a Peallygood rodicaubsortse dor J ce ©.~"" 108" ~"a&reâ€" recorded ~<in~ "this ‘most excellent ~work : we‘ > may â€"©‘mention Squier, who has traversed â€"the plateaus of through. great 0 the &n-m ï¬mm r waters fo_its mouth ; Agassiz 1 9e y tions to gue knowledsa !'l!of ?WE t fx:’d‘o:.on ï¬hm ive had their hunï¬nt‘:dvenhnu in Southern Africa ; gnrth; mdm'mé%vem S;Inn; ‘ e Eor_::omoeof the Nile ; DuChAl.l{\-xt:z ;m&amï¬qï¬m the line with the ‘ , and deseribed. the. mysteries of. the home of the gorillia P the most interesting part of flmmml World" is W“Agllwy- description â€" of the Malay Archipelago, n‘ï¬up of islands W‘ «inâ€"@xtent: all the imhabitable wiitt stornss, &6)) "Thic * Tropital: World" mmmemmamm savannahs, table: lands "and luxaâ€" it ‘forests, and â€" incdleod alt "the‘ feathres to this part of the world'mm tured with marvelious aotursey i beasuty, / Among| the‘‘ .noted * men Germany,. is well known in.. the .qinolés\Of! lence as: e writer as 4o ncu:q‘ *hï¬gg Pubie s Ods Ob aentb=06 H Tus Potir axo Troricar Worio#. _ Dr. Hartwig, President of H. University. : Guelph : J. W. Lyon, pu «The‘â€"Polar and Tropical Worlds® is 4itla of a.book published by.J. W..Lyon *3 “O, d h\: “ Rresident:>0f, | Kai â€" University, |armed with strong teeth to dislodge any fallen timber, which when occasion exact: ed" by ‘help* of ‘the diver was brotight up J lengthways. ‘The sarme operation occitrred | with ‘large boulders:‘ ‘The top of the caisâ€" sol" Wwas "sutik‘ until‘ fourteen fést belaw ‘thigh tide Tevel) and on m.w..mr ‘| dait"was placed, bolted to its side without projectior, so that it would be freod from ‘I Witer ‘by the pumps, and the foundations the masonty commenced at that level. Tt‘ too long to enter into any minute | of this remarkable work, but we 78 siid ‘sufficient to shew its dificultios, nd* the Ropstanit Â¥train ‘it éxercised on Resoutces of tho enghteer ‘who carriet on the oparition.‘~ ‘Nor were" thesé ‘the only â€" obstacles. ~ "There were ‘othe inseparable â€" from _ every gre undertaking â€" viz. : the effect of in stilling into others the projector‘s theory ‘the ‘stolid o;)pofluon on‘ which spring Wl waal Of dhderstanting ind a. yR or epmuafhy xn th it hn is ceson tint and noond sary,â€". These points .were equally don nated by the patience and .imperturbab ’dplobbémflsm‘fnd' I‘Edule ts d ie emanne c neate has come from a body of:: men.whacléarly understand what they mean, and ~who chtrictie and‘ convay3"thÂ¥"hikhlcdt onl | ment which could have been paid to Mr) | Tomlinson,and certainly no man could ha: F been more deserving of it. * | } hlmn] ‘in@: threofift w We ®0 . q urte | t & L W’ worked in ¢lay, it excavated a tion to the extent of its operation, and a tï¬oM did not fall, in b‘ gravity f es pecmeenly 19 thee it 4o in shiek ‘work a ‘diver acted to set the tools in V VHB L0 en & ¢ reningagd Al2 DOJ position, which were dtn.d\y fourll’un at 4 crab. "‘The buckets themselves raised the material‘ as it was set at liberty and 'w within their action. / Each, set of ‘Buckets was accompanied by two drags *o work on an endless chain by a steam @ngine. and shafting, . a..peculiar . contriâ€" vance being had to dump out the material an the shoot. The sinking of the caisson, was byflnouix_jgh of water, lm&rï¬d““g t.t;\‘.“ *h hoesâ€"with <a nozzle of ‘an inch diameter, reaching to the leval of the material to be excavated. When it happened that the a J. 8. Lavore®, ~ Archdeacon of Ottawa. PROM PRINCIPAL THORBURN. . N ’li’ofl;&fllâ€" |’-‘ Wkow titm ‘sritior 6F orra¥¥ ° > t soulto . > hok THOMASE aor1 346 : s Bishop of Ottawa, FROM ARCBD®EAOO® pdarplgs: c ;) . BOOK NOTICE. (Gov «Gen. Sect‘y i _ each . of kets were set THE TIMES: OTTAWA, WEDNE&DAY. DECEMBER 30, 1874 o uen lmq’ fow Hatige€, | _ TMach further, it will remind __'qx “.‘w nd tions I must uhqn‘fl ards â€"those i7 | who so cheerfully aided‘ me with their 8 | Siki mdmflm& n m"“"flt,,,,.,,,,, y work h megnlinda Mn BRIDGE OVER TE OFTAWA RUEA, Thureday, the 14th of January noxt, Fer Sne tonititiok it & 5.1 * SFALEKN TENDERG signed, wu; be m“'.: wones Bridge ‘of : the ~South West ; Such a mark of the estosom of my â€" worhmni-y.,%g‘w._“fl retain in my memory &y pleasant ass6â€" further, it will remind o â€"of "the ‘oblignâ€" tions I must mflmu who so cheerfully "mo : with their wkill and perséverence in" successfully an. e so kindly presented me~on beâ€" have so presented meon foundations _ m!' of © the ~Bouth West> cht.; Miramichi, N. B, d#‘ ,â€" Ozxruaxex,â€"Allow â€" me / i thank you for the excellent To Messrs, P. the sitizens and employdeg OM"the aone e es i en oo oo alâ€" ow us sented to you :by the mechaniomef ‘diffe ent countries;‘ vg istimulate >: you‘ ‘" to ter exertions f s y “._. beneficial to mankind. ©>©*~ axemignora, On behalf of the workmen,â€"~~ > : TO CONTRACTORS. Drar Sir,â€"Pormit Q‘W&"% tion of the h n †CC through your ® perseâ€" upon, which the lhbi\i : whole structure depends, to testimoniy to our appreciation _ ef your â€"wisdom ~and &mhe;, as displayed in cconnection with 5 ; We â€" x liat thet never, ropie d tthink rre have you, by Wm vith" the Aoct .‘mï¬ï¬w resented to â€" ~by the citizens an@ emploj r,‘_ the soni pletion of the K s Cityâ€"Bric fouk. occasion of . their presenting chim‘with:~» appreciation of " hig &Mw inmeptenie ib ompich i nigind hnsl s S . T Annexed is the mp&.“ passed between the representatives of workmen engaged on . the b‘wï¬ rgolonia Railway Bridgo over the southâ€"west Mir civil. engineer under whose directions the 11108 I'oJonpbw i ifm,tm xd vassorn "a have "ever scen. _ The "Comâ€" Eho e meoin e wpoinah valugble to agents, besides advertisemen Tuze Acnn‘t‘s "ConÂ¥ixi1oX.~ LoAdDD, C iiaotarsarmdnenis The " Agent‘s n y Com; ,f‘nnda: i) ORtario, have Rot 1 ‘h"f_‘:"nï¬y“{““‘“u!ar m-j†uns instructive work, admirably; i}] 4 containing the results of v * cen: E‘tho: t is Eb‘ '; ho pughlyâ€" lenit. book issed "lit ‘nuch" an ~abiract form by:Mâ€â€œ__‘"}mu:’ ts I have been very much pleased Ine ioe e t Ne Guelph. "It is a dbeply imtorestilg ue «2 *R PéavoradÂ¥Vorxes, LL. St. Albans, Q#6@M#®« . a~s*=~+>: 3 ; PRON THR ‘RuYv. b. i. gorDox." evenings this book rannot Shou itope do justice 40. the, mabter aboundi shovelnd n Nltiet S We Aotatel “d! co kcr hi naine en P widocw Wm% great book for boysâ€" | work wig‘s lbooh' as a valuable to our xu&mg mation on omï¬m and exploration within the W & lers of this Wtandard work; ~ Canada PROM THE RRY. ME JON¥§%8, y |° Already familiar _to me in in its D Tioet Â¥alueble wish it a eerfullyâ€" add ‘teati m‘y to the nulfln:r};u:‘ &.5‘. Alra;y":" C aï¬b ox. Trovold actron un lnon ks WE laay t fven in Pm ie oo g'l::“ A ‘rh‘! ut the=""Wietio Seas. I hopé that:Mrs 1 Et inE thesai ceasful Signed, The . literary. its of the book are -u!ldneg' by the ability of Dr. and Guernsey. It presents a fully â€" account of the various exploratoryâ€"sxpediâ€" tions fitted out to dissover anmmortis ®rest INYTERCOLONIAL RALWAY Pastor of the Metcalfo Street Methodigt urch,. Obtawa. co 2. co=tie atyrro | ‘a book as _a valuable _ additic hup 1i LFrigits the TaÂ¥65l ho :ion(_m'xomh‘jéc of Arctic advent and President of the Otwa*Tfter «id ‘Bcféritih@ Bocié¥y®* AOLaIte shonle brad w64 ‘_.dmod is eeci5 |FROM \THR ~RRX, W ..4» , HUNTBR, > «:\ TENDERS addressed to the undét _‘ Ottawa, Doc, 24, 1874. THR WORKEN‘s M‘m"' MR "ot which" tho" lewarpress ut itted out to discover a~nportiy wwe ."flolm_iin,_lndrlhowm E i' fw Cuiragx, Dec, 16, 1874 TX *3 J“w-. €.W. Loners. P. Carzour, ‘s Church. e pihobd thi bur Consctor‘s nanita tor thetr aecounts at onse, Otherwisé, the sam Are hereby requested to call in at Mesars," T. Feb. m 106 St. George‘s Ward. Ottawa. 26th December, 1874 political principles I enunciate before you. i you approve of tress, you snould page port me ; and if there is one amongst you who :of'dulnj’?lwiuhr uty bound to voté ##ainiat me." ho tu®rrrcrons orf :*You should banish your minds every consideration except public good. .YE%W#&&W 1 am an friéghman~ or @=Catholic. [You should wholly judge me sccording to the Bt90%3 mlainniy nompornt ot ht on rmagy® m h m,*s;g’m same I shall I say to a as followi :â€" e m d to the "principles heréin mmunnistess «Un the lebt dociaim onid t was bduo‘Ml;Mï¬th as mugh gincerity as ever I uttered a sentence, to Dec. 1Â¥, 1674; whom 1 may not be able to see, will, L hope, excuse: me, and < pass sentence on I shall endeavor to see as many of ns it is poseiblé for me in the limited time between this and polling d&y ; and frankly avow my views on any other subject that you may desire to be informed: > Those sustain me, and place me in a position of en ons mmm:%&m noné but the people as a whole. â€"“ mm.- 1 ‘ corifidence‘ 10 ‘the Liberale of MKr, T. RAJOTTE urth-dmm' > of your whole ‘county, by m“ W n?w i be converted into blooming fields of gokden cntwaroing your.propayey, * * ""4" _A I shall devise and promote witk utmost ability a comprehensive schems Every scheme for the encoura of Aedistgipdrt forithose aro Fterids‘ through which flows the of industry ~I shall use eve; tiâ€" uuntemesen, in inflibnce. side To Tick in without to Spaeie io Tok Atalt without regntd In Mr. Mo#wat‘s Administration I hay: the fullest mï¬dmooâ€"l-. .:u‘li:fldnoo in their principles confirmed ?kpflm"w 'IP b z?l&. ‘eoonanym o:-lg; ut "the . wl‘,:-wrm v'muthoym adminâ€" istered public lï¬ifl:inpfm.ing educaâ€" tion, encouraging settlement and developâ€" ing our.internal resources ; and if â€"anteceâ€" dents be any criterion whmbi we may ju"‘ our MIN wï¬.ofl, thq conâ€" tinue to havemy cordial support: J mands. Sefid them not onée who yeers with T8 ; a â€" Reformer lo'dly' and‘a Tory‘again toâ€"morrow if ~most "con: ‘@ugive to His interest or ambition. _ . ? in * their., wake, ~ if «the.| people . aré true to themselves, and: renow 'tg éi;-gm fdgnoo i the â€" present ~Government by electing man‘ to "support them . on whom they camrelyâ€"men who«have a record to !dnt ta,: whoseâ€"fidelity»to their pml?r "wbove suspicionâ€"men who 11d, if iresfen i mar mg d OP This is the kind ofmupport they:deserve at: your 1 congratulate you that many of the n anpmg man metrnges, c re 6 olootiodp, and withoh:tx‘yv_hjch' »_efegt_ivq inâ€" stitutions ulwo;e litfl:tkoï¬w%ï¬m are now the law o +t j «L to ; be able sa ï¬g%m nm.tt’z.. huknble efforts for the soople’. good, have since: 'ndo:. workers "theitrh.md of in cause liberty, â€"It is cause of thankfulness that every man can now exercise his franchise without let, hindrance, or fear of conse< quences, mmq to his own honest conâ€" victions, uenced by any oon‘aï¬ tion but the ï¬d' and witn Hnoog" that of his Maker. Toczg beral om::u:td the country owes fln Fekke es on Senabicitl reonautes essaty â€" reforms ‘ which, . will_follow in thee, wake, "if niky fiegiot of their wuw As tio standardâ€" bearer, who first unfurled the banner of Bn&imtna:\u _Bld.ialunnot but reâ€" joice that m-. then sown, under emeran io wey . P b Y ~Garrterux,â€"I respectfully to anâ€" 1 '?'un mndliuo for e ko y i e »known to you ie colthonte n Th in oo waved t3 1867 ; and time and experience have umoed odheDd bas cuibeod o1 Electorsâ€"â€"of Russell. . T our abadi¢ut sdrvant, L. â€"P . ~O‘HANLY: °P _ ROBERTSON "f 12BAT‘B SYRUP OF &E COd ne Cns olat t City refer iven.â€"The COAL STOY KS 1 seaiottin bral qiimes, Sign of the Anvil, W g Ottawa, Dec, 21, 1874. . __ * > â€" o deaol Oo PS pai anality of goads Oct .& 1874; THOS. BIRKETTY Assortment of Shelf and Heavy Hardware * . 3 T Private aueliiiign. * *4 0 City reference given.â€"The following are afew: No.24 | . Third day of JanuartyNext. _ . Pransfer Books will be elosed from this day to the 4th of January. i gmwn_-__ wer |N@EICE is heréby eiven"that *« "dividena of Notice is hereby given that h Dividend at the I‘érh:l‘!m"& -W " ItfllQ Vempany, hoiders will be held at the 2600 | x of Wolllï¬mmdhwmu* W DAY, T 10rg FEBHKUAR h 42 olelok noon, _ _ s N. 8. Blasdell & Co% Victoria Foundry & Machine, Shop f Chaudiere, Ottawa. & TELEG R APH :C December 28, 1874, Firstâ€"class mate rialy id pork ip tory of Machinery aiready sappriel the prinet | hk B lishments in the Ottawa /0 * o ds RINARD, DC V Ottawa, December 2§rd, 1974. %« Wmmna&dhp.e: Toronto, 22nd Dec,, 1874 Gorden, PRINTINGâ€" PRESSES|! Manumect,â€" 2o IiPkIDg preparations for the and soon will be in a position to suppi Ythocu‘:'ukotvirh' * Societe: de Construction : Canadienne * * ~cdttoma First Dividend. Borwhich they haye amaimost unrivalied stodk Steam Engines and Boilers Ofall sizes and descriptions; likeWis, _ *‘ .__ Mr. ALEXANDER HENDERSON, h lore and faydurably. ho w as P0R ®: 1 % #fl[» Fabhth * Fepart 4 lJ:ANY %.o.%l‘!' i I?i' ¢'L."J.":: ico nish heavy forgltigs and manulebtare""" ** Bmall, Improved :\ By ordet of the Board ENGINES for â€" 1 NCO [OPymisy G&. To be found in any simijlar establisknient : mbmnhn,ufon-‘ s wN 13aÂ¥ aunltD Fuxt‘t werful Steam Hammer and Bolt 1 i0 briuliâ€"eme t00is rossteva 3) Ni i w Ahqthqhvoll.-m.rfl-d MEADOW‘S & Co., | | Have in stock the latest and best mpaaks . z. * ~~ ARDWARE, And added to their They: are now 1wenty years ago, beg to informâ€" HA R DW A R E. EXTENSION OF THE WORKS! NiE abrafiems n rimine, praoke, t Hithint apanet aresmetnenomet e business 16 ‘now u, wards of t wantsr wanweâ€"sas. OMINION tron . Planers .and., Turning ..Lathes That they have recently Extended their Foundry ana Hardware, &t. Factory, TO.NiY . & d (xsym0?) €1 Comprinlhy ‘three sizes of thh célébrated _Saw Mil M ACHINER Y ! VICTORIA FOUNDRY, Shingle‘ Joi In the city is to be found mt COAL STOY ES 1 Rividends. roprens | adpthoeks‘ Aito DIVIDEND No ind im proyet t Grist, and Remember the Machinery. .¢ ‘l i "'t ud & mitle & k mzr ; x stah Tflll EXOELLENT Mashinare OM mas ind Viliages ; and fron Bridges., PRINTING OFFICES, l;-“l:h!ncylll Tools some Splitters, HArdtayilie Pumps, ~No.24 and Work> Machinery the Lamb, onl the former Bm e on o t it * Termn of sate o4 »ounl Wt ante rerpbgta=f" haed t in :ï¬â€œmat&:‘a‘:g Dated this fourth day of Decéimber, 1574. . or ding to hayv Iv titie aunary, Bow next ensuing, to file | Lie 4 â€"of Cl C t o the aboveâ€"mentioned yy * the 6t for Quieting Titles to Real Esinie in Dan mmmm he appeststo be the owner thereof in fee free from,, 41 incunnbennees whereior Mey (o on ooo Smd i Sef ndnan application to ‘The Mouse and In ‘the Of Lot number ~oslee | éï¬!_';."::ï¬u e i @&m.m en eoreei o C Oqmditss ona en _ Nes ("Covksoak, Wiiear « dLewow,, U en en n oitee Ogolhl-nw that the thirtrtifin your Of Bibs Ma)ooty t reien. and T OTICE is hereby gi .__ ./ ORAUat, OPTAWA. ... ** lefhing, Portopering. No wnorme F i otoaroran zuds “5 m ©ENERAL BOOKBINDINO E@TAP W“-ï¬m priuied: headings es * > Setinvs uf Pitles Cib8uwâ€"lawit s .; Silu% â€"aes t Account â€"Book : Manufacturer; Fitzroy December12, 1874. OC%. 30, MBTA » : is 2 . Prrue ht cce en éunu& (Caan memad :‘ be Conngy IN CHANCERY. JOSEPH . KAVANAGH, Different Kinds of Game BOOKBINDER, Dec. 30,â€" 1874 HAMS AND ~BACON, Htouses to Ect. Dissolution of Partnership pAincox‘s SELL OR:REXT. Turkeys tro=. 10 16 2# pounids, " { m".‘:w'fl‘ it waribty . o s ce mt t m en on Ottawa â€" Remembepthe placeâ€" . f «~â€". . «POULTRY, # Over â€"5,000 Pounds _ of MUTPOX, "PORK, " YENISON ~ anp One. Hundred Dozen Western =Prize> Beef Ml. C. AUOLAIR, Butchér, CHRISYTMAS largberk, Oagoode Hal h & and the tiile of the Suid biunas uit . ORestmas Bert. » FRON GUELPH, A very large quantM}6} ~ â€"â€" KLepal HWotités. vigmer D. .2 , 1874 Grocer and Wine Merchant, Ool‘nh-t-‘l.hm Tc t es ceWns h L500 ce ind O siin, Ne es Bow op exbibition a variety afains 1 MBookbinders. PAPER RULER, AND A UCLAIR! 8, . &0,, second tomone in the alige" "*** JUST RECEIVED. Also a. MORTIM ES, Corner of Bank and Maria Streets Ganre. (¢ LiR B ME â€"0 12 WELLLNGTONâ€"8T by Mr 9 laws L : Rurrier, A..K. 68 xm t s w 5’- RIDRA . lug ce in atcnn oi * C CEnF i being gond out very obeap to aake hok se\ wWINTER GOODS! :",'"‘? % SIGNOF THE RED HA DE V L I NB 1} Des. 20th, 1874 _ 26 iX "BUFFIC Auk\ : P f '...‘ L ‘ y $R 8STOUOX OF FUR DEPO Ryrre A~4 , &'“-#-"-'â€""â€" pou t during the Hotidays, Yei¢ o duand H. HODGES CAMPBELL & From # 00 a.m. 104 Cas®Btxas cakp Orange I ow (s F3 w P EmtE 42 GENTS FURS!! 8 ths, Raisine Mized Apices.. Dec. Sist, 1874 BUFFALO ROBKS Post Offine, Ottaws | % ADIES FURS ! r-"'"mi‘. is Arrival llwd atters & F ur D PRICER t" Ail itails wre + ~.;‘i 3 utineteg fuater Sn n h «LA R@Bâ€" Gro nesss 8 llots, AND Mails, ARRANQ veue 384 laren Coyer Cutter mppol reduc T uliw #D peopl th rus those from (G the rrwey A8 untly ©106, the Ti rove fo Bs with xY dmle For sol but 8i M te