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Ottawa Times (1865), 5 Jan 1875, p. 4

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Duffy‘s 50.cent sale is no humbug, He pmu:nhmgho--dv-or::u. [ sale, but all articles .Nmu.p’nn atâ€"Duffy‘ delivered ¢:| ::ob.‘ pré iffy‘s 50 ‘cent sale is no & wD:?.: nolk “I’..'.‘ bo,.?u-, buildings.; The "John Heney" men,. say tqu.dothomfimem:&" Firz on Ortawa Strest.â€"lLast night @about halfpast eleven o‘clock an alaszm was -u::od bfl:n box No. oz,“indi- in neighborhood fim«i Nofl;ou streets. m‘fifi r street Hose Com the finttom?dto'gmfl,m. the fire t: in a stable % to. a Mr, .James .. O‘Brien, .. northâ€" 4 Ottawa street. Tbeyi.mnodinnl‘lfinch- ed their hose to the nearest street hydrant, nndbognto lay upon the erection. The "John myxnemcwulmdmtha ground, followed by the "Conqueror," but owing to the locality, neither of these enâ€" scould beâ€"hrought into ‘use. The howevar, was soon speedily mm by the play from the hydrants, but not until/the building and a quantity fihy was entirely destroyed. Somg,. of the of the hydrants were frozen and anln:"th; -tn-mb:â€" sent through about e undred s Ts working of the alsem wen tnrpls perfect, it not been so there is rmty that a disastrous" fire m e been the result, the locality being. crowded with numerous wooden Deatrw or Mr. F. D. [&mw-kâ€"xro much to anngunde death of Mr. m!fi:onm.,m ol(!%»el l;:on Edwaneis t};urmu, K. H., of M ‘g A ¢, h plwowly‘ythhmm‘l?'umpco in New Edinburgh, after an illness of two weeks. Mr. Burrowes h:nef;r fim thirtsen years a posi in the Gmerm‘ém-doqnflhd woh for himself the respect and esteem of all who knew him. His numerous friends worth and kindly disposition wi gomuue.m The oamq:ky, tah-h' its nlfio| ar w + QM&“E herself, “l’n? nothing l‘t.ho‘ en whic su m Or. Lovere of The ‘@Â¥oll and offheb-knfifux] mll&::m Mfw.&hwyt’hfi-u mas by paying the company a visit during theirstay. t ; easy in the â€"polling booths some of the would have been arrested for furious driv Poq:mmpz to hav t‘ was a work 6f. risk to the street, so unexpectedlyidid the eomeJonanmdn such a dangerous Tars moue bit so duriow maing were m-de, but no sgeri ty Fuztous Dzryng.â€"The cabbies were i for the weary waiting for a " rat they often have to undergo. â€" policemen, however, not been i Tus Siarruo Orera Bovrre Borâ€" uaqt;:o Conrm.â€"'l‘o(:o:w- ight the Bouffe C y will comâ€" ;:nl:p ‘Olg; season ‘in »:m_ug’.erpors_, focencon, whils the poting akie Oy iee oon, while the poing &4 booth s whm%fimb‘: appearance Lm‘ ‘% M Mmifim l;dhm:“ m 3&‘5’. ‘..netm:" Arrived M"!'“gza'hdtb:wom he rtecorded h VGn:ho last of the three a1 his list being " Johnâ€"Heney." | Azzrivan or Sizr Joux â€"Macboxaro. l,.sfmghe the hsl;nl:hior_I:HM in t city from ten by the eloqk i It was 'I;K:xy understood during th day that a demonstration would t place, but nothing of theso:m ~Bir Jahn,on alighting at the station, i ~diately drove to his residence on in lave in tm o te We i\ Toiay n regias ;I.o & l_otdon the Bogp fi:‘, taw Bannaman 2"%3&?' The O‘ Mill was likewise bought by Mr. John R Booth for $10,300. igha N Prersoxar.â€"Mr. Marcus Snuth, and enâ€" i ing staff, arrived last night mm‘zi:,wbn %eyifih.‘ engaged on acific Railwa Survey. Mm:: the| city complete .their plans and W understand that. a vast â€"amount of wor! hnbeendmthiasummar,md th field for location has been red to row limits. . | Argivats ar Tus Russeus Hovse.â€"G, M. Lyons, J. I. Belcher, Chas. E. Good, & Doranger, George i)oroker, G. , Montreal ; & lgDa?H, Renfrew ; W, H. SmitJoln's,- «B. ; 8. Eyre i Toronto ; P#)L P. Daggow, Pembi ; Hon, G. A. Walkeni, London, England. Tus Wratur®râ€"Last night this morning there was another fi f snow, which will improve‘the sl the city. .Qutside the limits, â€" ver, the roads are not so fid' a consgid e amount of drifting having set in blocked up the tracks in mapy p Woon.â€"There is still large quantiti¢s of wood to be found on the market, notwithâ€" stanging ‘that farmers are begj};nin zmpllain of the diffic ultyof‘mq i eir loaded sleighs, owing to on the roads. | | Cxgar Sumionixe.â€"Many a one gpt a sleigh drive yesterday. and enjoyed the shi:snand furs who can‘t afford snth a treat every day of their lives. 4 a pity for them that there is not an eledtign every day. P | I Sare or TrwBEer Lours.â€"Yosterday Mr, Ackxowurpexe®xt.â€"The win&. i of the Grey Nuns begs to acknow with thanks the receipt of $40 x. HU. V. Noel, $20 as a donation e General Hospital and $20 to $t. Joseph‘s rphan ‘ Assylum. â€" RuNawar.â€"A young golt at to a cutter bolted yesterday lfie::u i St, Paul street, and for a time e ngs lively. The streets were crowded at the time, and the only wonder is that some one was not hurt. i. * 4 Bororazy.â€"On Sunday night the shed at the Rideaun Rifle Range â€"was en by burglars, and a quantity of arms, treâ€" ments, and other stores taken away.| The thieves gre still at large. y ) J Mr, McMillan‘s lecture is not t be delivered before the Y. M. C. A: this even: ing as annpounced in our last issue, pwing to the various prayer meetings throughout Boux» ror tus Sno?rmâ€"eY_hid.yb: very large number, of teams were to seen passifig through the city on their way up the Ottawa and othzr "Lm to the shanties. A the the Pusuto Sokoors.â€"The publi¢ schools ‘o# Local Zutelligcuc«, m‘l«. Mtbuuihfleu, with the probability lt(h;“l.p ullet was about to . enter .. Lawrence mmffidwaom nihnhoflew%.t:benkhuohwamn, ‘““Mgd"‘““‘mu"‘" "the ‘air. . She sly in ‘ air. proved to be the defendant in a case he Cauncillior Lawrence, of San Francisco, is so nearâ€"sighted that with glassés" on he cannot see m‘ythin‘ufilitoauwithin three or four fget, ndv%mho can see nothing farâ€" or near. â€" walkâ€" ing to his office he was startled by the muzzle of a pistol suddenly obtruded within theâ€"limited space of his vision, and he dodged so suddenly as to throw off his Fruse Overezrs: in Sweur.â€"Have made ITecid arrangements for a constant supâ€" ply. Families, invalids or â€"parties requi img them can always be accommodated. Noonan‘s Resturant, Sparks street west. 3735â€"3in son, with their friends, who drove to the resieences of those pnthmm%m complimenting them on ‘their "ro tion to the civic board dispersed. In By Ward short speeches were made by the successâ€" ful aud defeated candidates, â€"who thanked their friends for the support. which they had giyen themm. . Similar proceedings took piace in the other wards. * precession of sleighs was in which were Messrs. W-g;, Nm Robertâ€" fi: or two of the elected gentlemen, but electors had decided oiherm.:l' and he was quite content. He thanked the ratepayers who had voted for him, but his heartier thanks were probably due to those who had not, for he certainly would be saved a great deal of trouble and thankless labour. He hoped the Alderâ€" menâ€"elect would faithfully discharge their duties, and he wished them a good time. â€" Considerable enthusiasgm prevailedd. at the 8St. George‘s Ward pdh:i place when the result of the days work was made known. Hearty cheers were given for the successful candidates, who each briefl thanked the electors for thehomurwhicl{ they had again conferred on them. "A. Wien pnwn‘fiond the results had been made by the Returning Officer, the three elected tlemen were asked to speak, and in mw brief sentences exâ€" g;uqed their| thanks, and promised to have in the very b«u:yn. Mt. LeSueut was then eduym, and uidel:’e very much ‘mwdhnvm.m sioned a contest, wi i6 consequent exâ€" runmdlouoffimemsnumber of his ellow citizens, but he had come out at the request of gentlemen in the Ward, who assured him that there was a strong desire for a chan, They were mistaken, As provodhz'tfi results, but he gr. ing the 7 ""‘b&':‘.;*‘? orag: . ing the feeling election. He had believed, and sti that could havesarved’tg? ard bemm".'.?‘ if he had held on to the end ; but as it mnngreoment tatiem the hruds of the an nt een the fri ® old to them all in again, it was neediess to prolong the contest. . _ _ Mr. LeSueur retired garly in the day, so that the figu hig vote does not indiâ€" %!flswq-fi-@mhw been The polling in Wellington Ward was likewise condv.god ‘very quiet. There was little or no rush at any time, which nl:ay bobeacomn_ted for from fact of there being four polling one at the Police Cpurt building, one on O‘Conâ€" \ , ST, GEORGE‘S WARD. | _ There was considerable interest |maniâ€" fested in the result of the election in this Ward, . The contestants were the thre old meni leuq. Waller, Birkett lii; Robertsdn, ithdgi-._ Webster, who was a veri strong te, and was considered by his friemds to have. a fair chance of being elected to represent the Ward; The polling was conducted in an unusually quiet â€"manner throughout . the day, and not the slightest disturbance took place. Mr. Wzl:'m, it will be seen, againsufâ€" fered ‘defeat, the three gentlemen who represented the Ward last year being reâ€" elected. : The following was the state of the. poll at the close : BirN@HH «1: 8. c cle cofac oo n ale en snn ot ( EOO Web§ter ........................,........ 230 Messrs. Coffey and Bedard were only gentléemen . in the field for Ws Commussioner. It will be seen that former beat his opponent by 107 votes (‘btl'sy.;...’.............;................. 34 rosecuted, and : she had intended to THEDLDALDERMENREâ€"ELECTED State of° the Polls.| DISCHARGE thabot . .. %cbwgfll Henéy ... Ntarre ..... ls Municipal Elections. WELILANGTON WARD w ATER COMMISSIONERs 192. 489 304. He was fined $5 and costs, or one week | divided the bookmof :‘ the Bibleintoâ€".chapâ€" mNL . costs, or one w ‘ _ : M K l .‘! ~tk‘::’.‘ .”S_‘ ASgAUVLT, R figures, > W *."'-4',“ n :4' " John . s re Ubscurkan * Tho prosseubion tnthirer the uhn t """.,..‘igm!rw;g,w ped Paul Charette was charged "with being drunk. His face presented the appear: muflmmumit for half an hour with a pair of hobnailed boots, _He;an fined $5 and costs, or one week m ‘ © His Worship said, so fat as the quesâ€" tion of Government was concerned it did not make ‘any difference as to whether they were dealing with the Government or with private parties. The evidence of Mr Wnrl:oo went to show that these claims had boen wknowledgeti:;d the prisoner had always admitted Ao thought the entries mmidhu been made in good â€"taste, it was pretty clearly shown that the prisonér had some ,;xf for making t.l;m.'udA:h: :‘I.u wording the ?Qulte, i & simple. disposal of the %ym a crime the words “fm*:l’ ent disposal" would not be there. e next question was whether he had sufficient grounds for withholding the money. He thought the claim against the Government was suffiâ€" gient, If it had not been he would have felt bound to commit him for trial, but as it Before M. O‘Gara, P.M. Mr. ()‘Dogherty, on the part ‘ of the deâ€" fence, stated that it was not his intenition m%upy the time of the Court for any lengthy period, but merely refer to one or two. prominent facts in the case. The fact of its being a Government prosecution did not in_mmny alter the case. The ‘Government no more rights before this or any other tribunal than â€"a private party. . He said it was not necesâ€" sary to show that : the ~ claims were Gonaâ€"fide, but the colour of a claim was sufficient to take the action out of the ch]a;ge' &r“ embezzlement. |He argued. toâ€" show t the survey de men:d‘mx a disbursing and not a oom ing bureau. . 1t was therefore the exceptâ€" tion that collecg'ons- were made, and the sums collected by the prisoner were proâ€" bably the only ones made. ~‘The Kuou er was also as much entitled ‘to hold the money as anyone else. He said it had been shown that the prisoner was entitled to $410, and rit alone must dol;vuy with an; clnrfc ol ‘efinnlemont. e argued .t’wmo ength to shew, that the claims '°'&§"d° bofo‘r; the ch"s.;i were preâ€" sented against the prisoner.â€". He thought the prosecution M%Jo make out a caso. o + alir. hobert Cassels, junr.,. on . beâ€" half of the prosecution, made a very exhaustive speech, givinl[iuczmuo the particulars of the| case. e stated that Mr. Steors, a clerk in one of the Pubâ€" lic Departments, had collected money to the extent of $1,089, paying over only the sum of $150. On these charges being fiuresented against him, it was found heâ€" 1 retained a sum of some $850, and had presented a claim for extra services in orâ€" The argument of counsel in the someâ€" what celebrated case of Thomas Steers took place yesterday forenoon before the Police Magistrate. Pacific Survey Case. Mr. Robert ( repatho P vem‘ ut t Somin P 0B ininie s Snd : Roien! he felt it his duty to discharge ARGUMENT CF COUNSEL. POLICE COURT DRUNK Moxpay, Jan. 4 PRISONER. THE TIMES :~OTTAWA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1875. rarent Nieg enc t +4 roke Nouya yee Another obioctm' usaysâ€"" Have not ment becmige it ARIT sulp tfolr image men ‘t. suit thei worship ?" ‘ Catholies .hgnve mot, but Proâ€" testants have made a new divisigon of the Commandments, and made,..or qttempted to make, two out of the first, and then to be even jith as they wako bf gut Ninth and Tenth one e 4 jonly, and one not very wu‘%:{ the ladi as we shall see. . .. In.our Shorter Catechisms for ‘chil it has ‘not been ries ‘ with every of the17 verses which oompol::iho Commandments ; but in our Bibles longer works of instrac«‘ tion mry word of the chspb;fiwh ;)on tains C(Inmw XX) 18 given.t‘ml In the fls 'éduhn‘ ism the essenti & , nents is alone given. f‘d:{m-unqq ntthe Rinst thy God, hoh shidl. io have sthings cade t A 8 ) boÂ¥oro me." . > This 'f‘u.. entire sense of the Commandment, for if we worshipped o o o ts we ‘ $ Commandment. m;m_ con:â€" densed the Cmmdmen‘l‘t%t:otgo gwb > f 1 ve e Lord â€" ‘ heart, and wi:%w :th-yxd with all thy i oop peanimnen nei As \ â€" 4 AS welsrl:tdn the sense, we m:’m% the, raed mfldea @fcording To the dis rated an * â€" tinction of obligation imposed. h’l diviâ€" y Ofeht::g..m Eha:n:,n t un _ Fox" ve :nCommmdmnt, * shalt not steal,", or " Thou‘ shalt® not" Xill." Mw ants attempt to make. two l:rnb a distinct Commmu ‘out of the mt, which really & but" ons bitic: on mss en inconvenien ‘ "only ‘on r inonefooit o o ht on ts on ‘Our Ninth says, «Thow shalt u»ocm thin finuin stres ty Snd iowe goods"â€"â€"two distinct‘brimesâ€"but" the Priy" variable, ‘h ite ~ idrity over any aivision‘ uied i. pantiingoen of ant. eb ho ts on the presentâ€"division of the ¢ oo into vorkhe mince mt mm‘ testants, by their division of the Comâ€" mandments, make i.the. coveting sof a neéghwbour'n vnf:* and . the oovokinnnf :'f & 8 OX Ahe sgame & ::::‘:, for tbm.m,n-d- * Thou shalt, not covet thy s. house, thou khalt not mm. m nor his manâ€"servant, nor bli:. i servant, nor‘ his nor i ~ nor u:’ythin‘? t!;h: i"thy nei@bom’fi thus putting the wife on a par with the ox and the ass.).I said that the numâ€" ber and division of the. Commandmeuts with regard to senseis absolute and inâ€" be ends m"d;iw Jo hg W sequoritly it canâ€" not be a rule of faith. | in whicish a man could not l;n;“tttio hl;l' way. It is a most venerable, mos multifari o! of tha of ie Dirine toteid 1 a Adieviithiof an infinite variety of cosmogony, theology, h“wrzfi"“ 1 Y, ty,apolâ€" 6 U : [,© 2 :g:ofigh'mout < by erent authâ€" ors, and different ages, and, for| different the39k§fnho:â€"{9.‘h$ori ture is no one doctrines reguflrl wud, :nwhiozummbould notnynil his Another writes::*"Is mot Scripture clear and lucid, and eagily understood?" Even though it were so fools v,_v}q_‘;l%tgkg‘q wrong meaning out of it. ‘Theso cnghmnuunces, are very clear e i ‘This is body," and "Whoss sins 4 ou shall forgive they are forgiven them, and whose sins you shall retain they ard fiM" Yot private interpretation has that that was His body; or that sins are forgiven; tholugh the text is ¢lear and plain. Some parts of Scripture ‘are very clear, but there are othier parts which Sb Poter Aséures us are very . difficult . to undm The Bible is a vast Qoll%d' nt treaâ€" tises; as Burke says in his reply to :’Pofi- tion by a large n ofuh%tho Church of L that., tbo{ be allowed to s ibe to the Bible and not "*Search the Scriptures," are we theroby told to put whatever construction we please on them? : This modern plan is tbecameoffamnnmm‘ ndmbgo(ufi; tradictory faiths at . present in the wor as ‘well as of Mifi&eflt’y which we see every MQWMO ...%1»0 vour of the most absurd doctrines, as a conseâ€" qm&fixnl:uo Ronfidence in the Scripâ€" tures, and y in God, ending by falling rapidly into infidelity. «_ | There are here a fow og&_t_imn that some joorle want solved. ‘ iOne says " Are we not told, search the Scriptures, for the same aré/they tha‘vive testimony of me ?" John v., xxxix. e will not give a refuâ€" t@onm’thm&’nt the text is in the Greek and Latin. *You search the Scripâ€" tures," indicating what they were mfuflK Chas x‘“m‘“m‘gn;..,"' ryy that in to Christ 3 i to. ie mdies ns dhom e to. the V | &u:.l.lfi' “‘R.d.“"fiw”:.\#..‘:l..l v'vl..';'.‘_. n.-..&: (From the Globe.) | Last Sunday evening bishop Lynth continued his lectures om 'sfib;oci.mllilis Grace said :â€" ‘The prisoner was then committed for trial at the next assizes. James Patrick, a letter carrier at Ash» ton, swore to having carried the mail ba tu';t.he meil.ill and to h&:n]xg hfinded,ét r 0 tray xppd r e not meog:gue fii‘;&p&ld’to'whom he 6 o ‘ Ix] | The case was_then fil‘tm *mfil 3 p.m., to aliow of the production of other Wii 3.50, the Court npin pankit! t 8. 0 was James éonn, Postmaster at fi‘ corâ€" ml()iorated the h:videxace of l[:d o o ‘:; and swore to eg).tob ed the l¢ to Ottawn in the feaat ay. * | | | Frank Hawkens, Assistant Pcnn)u?r, was next called, and on being sworn deâ€" posed that he went to Mr. French‘s offite on Tuesday morning, 20th December, . he told me he had sent Mr. Cochrane to Ashton to mail the letter addressed sworn to ; if mailed in Ashton it would arrive in Ottawa about 1:30 p:t. samé day; Ashton does not mail direct from Ottawa, so that the letter would be in ‘the Conâ€" ductor‘s bag on the way from Ashton to Ottawa. _ The prisonér is the Conductor on that mail, according ‘to arrangement | with Mr. French. He came to the office a ‘ew minutes after the arrival of the mail to: see if the lettor was or was not in the mail; opened the mailâ€"bag myself, and also the ‘ letter package, but failed to discoyer the letter ; fi;tm;ated hthi. m&h K’ 8i ; Mr. French | was i the plrti::xlner, and asked him to into my room; 1. followed ; he ly fi:t the question to him as stated in Mr. French‘s evidence; the money was found‘in his possession, and handed over to me ; the pl:i;mor was then arrested. | The pjuqner said nothing. | The case was_then l:é)otumd Juml 8 p.m., to allow of the production of other .. George Cochrane was the first witness called. â€" He corroborated the evidence of llir. French as to the posting of qlo etter. | m_n,lndflh;.h'cuf again tn.kenixopxn d is employer promised to take f THE LETTBR STEALING ‘CasE.| | Ezra M. McCrae was again brought up for examination. the case was dismissed with costs. | â€" William Dean, the young lad c ed yiththgqugpyof”ifml;('- ml' Adoration of Saints and Angels. ..-â€"-vi;- Celffemme srtermes amatank llfll;“ #OL e dafe Aaog S t y cd on t8llers, or that wodkoth the truth from the the fite o. that, consultoth foothififers or and rushing down a hill into the. sea, were > drowned. ~| But s the most remarkablé instances o W nionmtobémnintll:e h ol les. Intherespomenfi'ven y those oracles we see exemplified all we have. said of devil‘s fi%wledge of futurity. Anilng& ‘and equivocation have‘ ‘always: :been the devil‘s best weapons. Ofisn,hio,’?he has said what was in : direct tion to the{:rnwhnt om,mam pâ€" haps his desire to ‘deceive, perhaps fnmwflonme The art of ~communicaâ€" tion the devil has never died, out it has always been practised i n counâ€" tries, especially h?flfié%’l‘hfl art is now undergoing. a. ‘revival under the spifitualists of our days. ‘ . Be: Wmmfi:mfifl’ ssassion th is but one ce, that. isâ€"â€"a.â€"differâ€" ‘énce of time‘; une is © ary ‘and the o ies s rnd @ e other _ _"' 6 ovil letéoted.©* They ‘aro‘an inkult to an an injury. to mian.~ ‘There is a future which God had forbidden to man ; there is a similar condition of exi-teuoo] into 'tl;?: we must not -zer. God has: permi those things to be seen roâ€" g}lek,blit'filoyhve firni pr ofi"cfiou- divine mission by mi y . £ru8 real ®) f a § to which: the dovil’hu e â€" when counterfeiting the works of God‘s. minis the Church have alike condemned the doctrine. The spirits of évil, or devile, were spirits who m,halied heaven | enâ€" joyed Gox,bus tor tige sin of price they y their sins. Christ ex?nuly says so (Matt. xxv., 41).. St. Paul says the air we breathe ‘,in&lofjihon infernal spitits. He says, too (2¢Cor xii..7), that] he was . tormented _b‘ Latan. _ St. (l}Petef:v )cd]lh‘ e'aofl.!./ ing lion bywmchlgmle' he represents the fierce is ot‘ll;issttwh"o_n us, but thelLH.‘ e old serpent "*is crafty as well.‘ so well pla on .man‘s credulity as to hveuc‘ra.&otfgudto him (1 Cot., x.) He is bold ; he tempted Chri fter) |B fast of forty days in the Heo h agents on earth. St. Paul found at Saljini hurled out of heaven, still retaining, How» ever, théir.original naturc... They (were oméemned to evarlasting to_rmont& for _ Having spoken in our last l of the g;:f inpg.;h, whose office and deli it is to watch over man and, fulfill x will in this regard, we now turn the other ‘picture to the evil spirits self?poinbedoflpemdjoyltisw ork our destruction. ~Of the existence. ch. enemies there can be no ‘possible doubt. Christ himself ll&;:ksof Beelzebub, of Devils, in xii., 27. The F cheans, a sect of the fourth century, went so far as to assert that the spirit of evil was eternal, was in fact God. 1 land We are asked ?m why we have lights on the altar at midâ€"day. Lighw the sign of our faith. _ Lights have from } the earliest times tod show honour and respect to kings and great pe es. 8o, out of respect for Christ, we burn those lig‘xu on His ~altar.~ We m%\- and torchâ€"light processions in horour of grse.t. events ; so‘we have our lights in onour of Christ‘s coming. in they are most appropriate to ~the:most holy sacrifice of the mass, when we lrte the death.of :Christ. . St. P "As often as eat of this b: ,l& drink the chag:: ou will show th. th.. of the Lord until Â¥xe come." _ (1 oh. xi., v. 26.) Now, during that and awful sacrifice the sun was ed ; there was no llfi:dl.xpon the world |and the earth trem| Lighting in day time puts us in mi the timg when the light of day was extinguished when its &uthor was sacrifi¢ed. SAEB & We are accused of committing &dolst‘ry when we kneel to the altar andto the Host. We don‘t kneel to the , but towards the altar, as Protestants kneel at the altar when receiving union. When we genuflect towards the altar, we. adore what we believe to be the sacred body of Christ really present under the form of bread and wine preserved in the Tabernacle We don‘t adore brffinf: that would be idolatry. We adore i in the most Holy Sacrament. Wé adore Him under the nflfinmeeofb ad, as the Jews adored under the appear. ance of man. ‘The Magi adored ufi: the appearance of a child. stante would commit idolatry if bu.llei’ ‘adored their sacrament, whic hthogm eve to be merely bread and wine. we believe mtmoo,of bread and to be o and Christ to be really present. We take His word forit ; it i:‘:‘?cient for us, though we don‘t understand it. of recklessly overlooking the sense of Soripture to conform to an arbitrary diviâ€" sion. We never hear of St. Paul or the early Fathers quoting Scripture by chapter and yerse, for the simple reason that fiey did not exist. i Tor. ‘the. Lord shhoceth an mose gdfi'“fh m‘fif‘:fi Hence we see the absolute folly . and. inddldgblo onuu? we see another ssly overlooking the sense of instance of the wisdom God’:.&dimuoe werful_ remedy, they contein ; nothing erseerene . BC . Pu :'fi‘:':... o n t necine oys ty M&y, 3 shything hurlii to o couetin: each pwhg,':hil:h?wd carefully ‘‘For fall igulars, obtain free, of the ngent 8 peimphit or refie to adveribe :. $1.00, and 124 cente for postage, dlisipe: 6 16 Northrope & J sure a fimbw:u-m::qkmg 't-bhpor-i- on ol â€"toairond e mmat any cause whatever;> and @ h: ‘a °C W. A. HIMSWORTH, I, A," thonnmdm following déécribâ€" To ns mne hasonint eeraintioe &msgmz"flmfi shall be ' ledge and desoribed, is manufactured in Canadi a innorr t in Tags the "Mhromstor or oi of the propristors, or legally auttorized ) " Euen leS orons 2o 10 ho ottered for anie. day of â€"â€" 187 i. ons tached to th Jur Dakid -;':Eh- cm-&;- Frivy Council: Bereby Ordered. then tee o w in the mvm.fl%::heo, now an Out Port taice effect from the fow: day of Jpoukermar: Reign, 'oh-nondxo and intituied: " An | Aot rmd.fl.%ififmfi;};fi H} . ®8q YÂ¥ THE governor‘ *EChaRaUry counen "=N0®! On the recommendation of the H sih:iomol m‘;‘moi'-'num maa& ftti hoii thertie rome ermganrat n ear Relgn, "chaptered, 6 and. intituied ¢ 4 &L;." resume UBLIC NOTICE is hereb; that on k’zflo&gly. the sa day J%fl next SAios Hector »cLean, of Ottawa, AM“! be offered. hldn‘w The lease, for twentyâ€"one years, from d in ow meate ol se eote fappors! Bfll:m Ottaw. between the said j pel %fi the stores of the Messrs. Bates; numbered 15. and 16, each lot hvu".z w age of;33 feet by a depth of . 100 < or less, n-hor::;tg:m.” clive »31TG o ““’ same bore .u,..f.“.,fi.f...':g,eflo,,,,wm_.m” By* tory," known as lots Nos. Two and Thres.on WIED. On the ;flgflo‘ m*‘u‘%‘ of Ool. Burrowon, . L. late of mt Majeent‘s m.&gn,w’;lqu. & The funeral will take place from his residence in New Edinburgh on the afternoon of W edâ€" nesday the 6th instant, at 2 c‘elock. Friends and acquaintances &r6 invited to attend. . * Government HXotices Mn aiooieeeoooe io P avore Pile for wind II‘l‘tho lu')ml‘::, r'r%;:: w:{lml} hx.n I excruciâ€" & Nn f a tried nfly every n.nodny‘ buw:m Four Talusble bile‘ 1 ns unite resppreu romd M-mahuu. Plungiolhhpuhuflz SX o m w c cmd ‘Proptictors m Camoâ€" MrL®E ProLS, wans . Admiraity Lands on Semubfy lants. BERKrLEYy, Sept. 18690.â€"Gentlemen, I feel 1t a duty I owe to you to express my gratitude for the great benefit I have derived by laking "Norâ€" Z m Breat Denefit 1 have derived by ton‘s Camomile PilIG."" 4 appmied e ol O Coamating ‘Pver 10 pllls, hy hw’»‘m‘m t . 4, 1875. UrRomteed fegr on amorion in A Dormant Wasp.â€"Says the in lHawkeyc :â€"A, West Hill m':m y and wittth miew to maynarmg t ie , and with a view to ‘adyancing the inâ€" teryeatsof science he cur!:‘it into the house "and held it by the tail while, he warmed, ‘its ears over the lamp chimney. His :object was to see if wug- froze to death, or merely lay dormant during. the winter.fiflaisol fl:;g’mi:x thut%); ‘kindu;flgit, and when &y revive he says the tail thaws out first, for while this one‘s head, n‘fht over the lamp, was. so stiff ‘and cold it could not wu&, its probe worked with such inconceivable rapidity that the minister couldn‘t E:p fast engugh to keep up with it. He w the vicious thmkdgwn the lamp chimney, and ‘said he didn‘t want to have any more truck with a dormant wasp,. at which his wife burst into tears and asked. how he, a minister . of the gospel, could use such language, right before the child: JOB MOSES‘ FEMALE PILLS. the eternal fellowship of angels ORDNANCE LANDS, ‘OTTawa OVERNXMENT HoUSE. Th face mase, fanla‘s mt Baturday, 12th day of December, CUBTOMS DEPABTMEET, Cow missioner of Customs [ € €2> Clerk Privy Council areof to be atâ€" Bd tor mai fv’onm-lgoom'n'i‘mmzta As attested by from Medical Men who m the their lp.:.d..l # + ;N égfimffim' sls ,!i;unp}fiubymm «BAVORY &â€"MOORE, _ 143 EW BONDâ€"ST., LONDOX: w. mon. Wfi'no AND INDIGESâ€" Pancreatic Emulsion and , or Bazar will be suppited gratis for everyClub of Pivedubettibers -% in one remit %& w 00, without extra pu be;nppuod at any time. ] (‘H ce Pooiee d , ;:n‘ r u:fsu.,x:’, Ewci& Uloth cases, for bindâ€" s ‘ire. not " to. conyy This _ advertiseâ€" the express oz of HARPER & HARPER & BROTHERS, Now °Y ork .&nu's mBT:E‘: :r.;.; publishers. _ 4 en uae fodp rrroeg notennie) atarmtenas i ho 6 n«n&h,wématmnét::.”u u\om old Toh mt ns Vn Jn ie un oo peal to stupid prejudices or depraved tastes ) g& B E A UTII’UL“PRIEIJ‘UHS. amingted Portfolio of Twelve Géme ‘5. oehiflxg in, or the lll..: kind. | Without Premium, $3 per anpur kind, | Without Prem jum, $3 per annum. + n.,,,. AILENTION, AGKNTS, â€" . Lavers commistion ahd exciuaive‘ territory. “W best sustat work of the in the World." ies eepeeterameter omerne BB rirsiâ€"class canvassing Agents ‘Wanted. Address the Publishers, T“-.Afll'l PA:I;I. :g__ Alustrations which are introduced for the Airgt in the .mnm edition have: been not for the of pictorial effect, but .40 mm'.“.?:fi‘‘"&m‘: science and of 1 hisiory, and the as Lrairear se e woraiad ocm Réemied, for. Instrhnetion »ather than in ana n ues mt ‘ebormous, 4and. it is beiteved that a we‘come rec 2s in qst ronaareremenit _ This work is & bsori F elivery. of onel somame." a "alt Soxgae in sixtegn large octa vo io e inss tand Poptonatiy Nume of the original stereotype piates have b'eu:-&mewry ehutn‘:n uted on new m:mnm- with. Marnnmwnm-ulh cessor, but with a far e on as have ‘been suggesied by iouger eX Denlkn e dent Hoen cuszoiedâ€"by donger. e The work has been begun allc h pelmoars in meu l mingtion . * ou 40 # °. in pre the presens edition for the press &m»v hmnth‘enu-oflh editors ;m‘down the information MNM and to furnish an ae:mu ; of the most recent discoveries science. ( fresis in literature,. and of tlie n:a givE h Succinot snd Ceiginal Pocord Ur thp progrese and historical events. . ‘The work has been besun atter io=c.and aoma. tétige have "°°:’” Soou made by the mnmibiatigubie Cp, Wu revolutions of : the lastdeâ€" th natural result of the hnuu% wmm public view n munm mvm names are in .every uf whose lives every Oue is im imnonit cogses uin m it ie o n maeroayts ‘the newspapers or in the transient pu of the day, but which ought now to take thel place in permanent and authentic history . PSonlat moment...._The â€"civil. war of Our OWR which was alits heig the Beay ende!, and »a now ‘Couse of h ustria! activity has been commene: Am her nfl...'&:...... %:fi‘i‘:‘i ‘ém.“““’.‘hg‘,'.. Noxhus In Fuil Moroceo, untiquse, gilt egos, pér: THE CBBISTIAN AT WORK Alal sobscaption price, SlG mpeage ie L Setaite the aadress on lettons We ins maye Yorte an ie manl toays t ons pin pontg papore will be Hable to occur. j AMERICAN CYCLOPHDiA. NEW REVISED EDITION, Enlirely rewritten by '3;. %'E: evel Prini from and Mnronniotin Geren: Thowsere Cioprer : ;Advertisements, to a iimited number, will be figdlgshtwui:x;:vlfluz;m '.‘. _ The price of su whenever | t e is Pusves osntanl Ros omees in the oomatty rhev pes femilted in Registered Letiers. * _ |__*" *Â¥ »* . The HxrALD em ploys no agentsin the country fl&m‘duuwmmm = be an agent for the WEEKLY be treuted as a common swindier. Theclub ‘ H_n;aolshodm agency systemâ€" ili is tonal Articies on the prominent { of the day, nm:.u vhe gK' aud -‘...h Do puramial od.Com mestoin patinerpce tnd H _A generous portion of the WEEKLY 'lugo!ppmpndr to: Agricuitare, gure, loricuiture, Pomology and the geâ€" mivsldomel&h animals. Pg« n atien~ uon l'bepdduhotoxwu the '“P" .,:"u, b':&erw Newspaperin the couniry® *_ _‘ * And The work originpally puslished. under the tiile W UBST SUCORSSFUL REMX®KDikS "THE BEST RELIGIOUS PAPER. A CHoro® or P”l?l:t;‘l‘l L HARPER‘S8 MAGAZINE ILLUSTRATED. SoRT Notices of the Press Publications,. ‘__TEKMS : Am u13. S]) Enbscribers in the D. APPLETON & Co., 800 & 5)1 B cadway, N. Y. HORATIO 0 OP THTE York Weekly Herald. & World,>who also su Box 5105, New York E. postage by the aad care= "t ample $6 00 give botice ther ther bove fu nidied thei cucres es iess CAUTION AGAINST PRAUOD 6. Mb‘(fil- OMl "ipe i yetoning Porregizee m t mt nhmqw.l- Name on TLabel, â€" Bottle, P ‘Or, Ottawa P. O Hept. & 4874. e frnst.â€" :: gvery FRridey), by <Alexancer : MacLea® k or deansingâ€"and d tr estreel ofai kinds iL is a & and, pe j _ ltioures old sores, | xoures cleerated slores onl mc nerkt, ) . |, ue $ blaod from all im e y o oo t cravmamiad massail Emt A“- (,‘3&& * or _ Whoissale Dra Halltaxâ€"A very & Woroqisenie and for Ens it the Arofa ons WoRLD â€" FAED 8tood axkrund at their coffice sn W eéllin 1,700 Aores of Good Farming Land Morson‘s ‘Effectual â€" Remedies d0, B e snn en se h :e“:-...:”--'..:::-.'.-‘-‘;--"""‘"m AND FOR SALE, Bold in ting, 0 Pastiles, for i y SAVORY AND MOORE : ... uie so m ble : Ggbors) ‘ Abomnder oanie is admitted by all who have The Great Blood Purifier and Rettore R ..,:. c‘.u PERFUNES, !@Rg E Trade Markâ€"* %M" The in foekprialou e »ntantler 1 CLARKI‘S gm&m l Q I' 4 t::umui‘.u:im rincielpane, 2nd ober perrampenay agntedics rid, w ho minomuppiy e conp@ hn e ty rey t m e in tried It, to than s ue m ‘5l WoOmk signed, w Office of ness in 6c done &1 t ym «sponden. tender P tm REF TCQ Tél O tayr n oTI 14 A N J

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