*4 valuations will doubtless go to form the basis of the final verdict, whatever good and sifting one. Indeed, it is rather to be feared that it has not, and that the uniformitywith which several of the leading actors in that corrupt play have refused when in the witnessâ€"box to answer queries pertinent to the issue has had the effect of keeping back some of the vital facts. It will, no doubt, depend upon how much importance the Ministry and the majority of the House may attach to this phase of the subject,. whether or not the public will be bound to conclude ‘that the De. ‘boucherville Government are endeavour ing to elucidate the truth and punish the perpetrators of the corrupt deged, or whether they méan, while keeping up ar impgrtial outward appearance, to. whiteâ€" wash Mr.Quimet and his colleagues. It would be too soon to form any judgment upon thpdï¬ï¬â€˜-y;t,&w there is. a very general ion that the Governâ€" ment that is and the Ministers that very lately were have a good deal of affection for each other, and would as far as possiâ€" bie help one another out of a difficulty. ‘The amount of evidence taken on some points which are important but not es sential is out of all proportion to that adâ€" duced on others which are positively vital. For example, the value of the Tanneries property: has been estimated by ‘every witness put upon the stand, a large majo® rity of"them without the first item of eapacity, cither‘ professionally or by exâ€" p-hu.hhmiuq,jduauopï¬n en a subject of.the kind.] Of course there i~ the vlausible excuse for this that the We have been informed by the Marine Department {hatat one ofclock on the morning of the 8th inst., the director of the meteorological department at Toronto‘ telegraphs orders to the meteorological officers at Halifax, Liverpool, Yarmouth and Digby, Nova Scotia, respectively, to hoist the stormâ€"«lrum at these places. We have also been informed that twelve hours later the Minister of Marine ï¬* New Brunswick at the head of the Bay of Fundy) to his deputy in Ottawa, that a fearful storm was raging there at that of the kind is altogether regulated by the character of those who testify, and apâ€" mu@_hmy of. those whose 1e ed . -mb"nk «f Canada, SLH TEN CENTPs PER LIN@, no« patel M for each insertion. For Nokice® CENIS PEA LiNE, and for PjagtaDi Baitks: h ray«Obmi ie mt ons s, Raitway “-nht. Insurance panies, and matiers of ke desoription, 1U m; the _ Reading . Maiter, . ®lF C PER LLNE. The inquiry into the Tanneries * Land W"Mï¬mdnpdcn‘lbwly,‘lg- minding one very forcibly in its detailsâ€"@f the proceedings before the Royal Comâ€" mission appointed to investigate the Pacific Railway scandal. . There is tlever theless, a good deal of interest.in reading the particulars. So far as has yot been apparent from the reports, Mr. Church, the Chairman of the Committee, has of quiry, but as the qnutimsa'ndm are not given in detail, it would be imâ€" possible : to say whether the investiga tion has been At all a thorough and sifting one. Indeed. it is rather to 'm?u‘mm are M#. Bonfield has been nominated unâ€" animously by the Reformers at South Ren. frew for the Local Legislature at a conâ€" vention held at the village 0 Renfrew, on Friday. Mr. Bonfield is an |â€"ish Catholic, an extensive lumberman, commands large influénce in that section of the country. and will probably go in unopposed. It is rumoured that anothe of hostilities is likely to occ China and Japan, owing to power having offered some against fulfilling some of the of the Formoss treaty. is the plausible excuse for this that the real valte of the land mhay be arrived at the more easily by <aking the average over all, and the more and extenâ€" sive hflm‘bgflmu that. the final . estimate | shall be correct. ‘This plan is however, open to this fatal objection, that| ‘the worth of the aggregate opinion in any â€" cuse Condensed Advertisements on {Ne 2 " when not exceeding T'ent&\vumn TW FIVE _ CENTS, _ and N Eâ€"A NLDâ€" CENTS for each word over twenty . Th tisements referred to are as follows : Any one sp<cified articleâ€" For Sale or Wanted. Lost or Found. Wuanted. . | Business Wanted. Mouses for s~le. Mouses to Rent. . Mouses Wanted. Board and Lodging. Cattle Strayed or Stolen. Farms Wanted. Farms for Sale or to Rent. | Live Stock for Sale or to Rent Money Wauted or to Loan. Situations Wanted. ; | Situations YVacant, &c.. &Câ€" Reports, and ail other 1 cluss weekly newspap Subseription Rates W hen paid weekly, 1 W her paid yourly, Si THE * LAND SWAP" INVESTIGA ~ ~TION,. + M Household Furnitureâ€"J. Bern Furniture Wareroomsâ€"â€"Angus Customs Departmentâ€"J. Joh world ; oo ies chief editorial articles price $1,00 per annum London The Tiine THE WEEKLY TIMES Insolvent N Notices of Births, lll"la'“ and deaths with fuxeral lee 1 lished every Frida Tlule upws of the weok the first page for one year, twenty words, once a week $12; and every day, 18, ca« in the same proportion. EFFICIENCY OTTAWA, MONDAY, JAN. 11 Ottawa, 2st Dc Hew Aducrti smet BIRTMHS, MARRIAGES, DEATH® mplete aod trustw THE TIMES Hous st ed ov mcertsâ€"UuowAn 3 118 +â€"Rink Music Hall gTal for ENCY IN _ _THE STORM SIGNAL SERVICE. | ery lawftul normn*. Price 10 semtio subscribers in ADY part DOLLARS per annum . Trausiont . Advertisements is BR LIN® nooparell measute, i that another outbreak likely to occur between HU D Rout Wonly tw a 8i nty wad ‘b‘\l-A Dâ€"Aâ€"HAL ~t over twenty. The Adve Devlit six D iltural mal of THE DA in advance. . bermin; wan‘s lHa for the Daily Times Mar LW ments pml ts L Y TLMES the latter objections conditions seried R 18 1 $1 rts. | there might be justly expeécted from mulâ€" « tipl;‘ingtuumav is completely negatived | j y the jncompetence of the majority of thowe expressing opinions. It is simply, e incgnceivable that men having any fair | * knowledge : of : the subject regarding | |. which they were called fupon to give eviâ€" :: dence should form estimates so enormousâ€" ) sid | ly apart as zome of those who have been , s¢ examingd as to the relative value of the ts Tannerics and the Leduc farm, and yet be :2 consistert with their own consciences. | L ‘There is but ne of two alternatives left | C us | in | the pmmiseï¬-â€"-eithor these witâ€" :‘ nesses, 0r] a large majority of them do not | y in reality know the relative or actual values fl of the) properties in (uestion, ot else | tt they willingly and knowingly swear to :\‘ stateménts which are untrug, and express | (( | opinions which they do not hold. We | al | certainly could conceive of * estimates, §: ‘Were they ashamed of their bantling? Hurely no Protestant of cither party wishes to raise a religious cry in the comâ€" munity, and have our elections contested on that principle, (If so, woe to the party which raises the cry ! We are a mixed community, and for yelrl.bwt peace M | good fellowship (have existed amongst us, which it is most desirable should &\ nue ; and although ithlnotbungdw stated that there is an olï¬'odo- Mr. O‘Donoghue on account of his creed, there | is not a doubt but that among ‘a certain class that is the real objection. ‘The Irish ‘Catholi¢s are a nu_mu and influâ€" ential body in city, and ‘tis but fair that they w/ in Parliament time 'm.u.,uwmu them the s Dkax Sik,â€"This is .aqi‘:nuon ion day for pur city #mber‘ï¬r the . Ontario ::zhv ture, ‘and,| notwi mflmatho â€"be hue and cty atte 81 | to be raised against r. OV‘ Dot me, the 4 Liberal Conservaâ€" ves" have so far fail | induce .one of eir to for to be sacrificed the altér of public |(opinion. Their reâ€" ticence is quite amusing ; they miss their back bone wonderfully, viz, the Irish Catholic vote. Umhr,;Lmd,ug,m, the Irish were patted on the elecâ€" tion time, and told what s id fellows they were, and in nine: ¢ t of ten Were Q.;Li with empty p which Wwere ngver . fulfilled, || an which were never intended (to b¢ ed. The knight of Kingston ‘had two parties to please that he oomtanfl{ coquetted with, ;i:.-: the (rangctaen and the Irish Cathoâ€" cs. (He managed frequently to:t the pport of lmhlhrou’h;wmu- rc., but the Irish Catholies h&_wm Out that while the Orangemen get the sub, M they get the bone to pick. . If the Liberal:Conservatives" were sincere in eir â€"expressod desire to do justice their Cathol:c brethren, why their obâ€" tion to support & Catholic member? had no objection to Mr. 0’% t ‘election. But ‘tis lTyoqd & t their support last election was y a bait to try and retain the asked to *ny what they think the Tanâ€" neries xm'?l Ledue | propetties are each worth, it is impossible| in | the meantime to say. | It is evident, however, that the subject is one upon w‘!ï¬crtlu- members of the Gevernment are â€" themselyes by no means agreed. There/may be no truth in the ruyraour that djoy? had a stormy meeting litely at Quebed, and can vonceive ho way in whkï¬ wouu';:ï¬)e imâ€" possible for any one to} cothe by a knowâ€" ledge of it ; but there car! be no |dnubt there is %lhblemddiï¬erâ€wedopinion, and that the situation is causing some unâ€" th nmihe easingss vater { th All Flannels reduced at Bryson‘s. Ottawa, Oth January, 1875. > ncthual valuo were these varying Opin is pug upon récord for their" guidance; t it *n simply mystifying the sgubject take the ml.i;im of ~every Tom, Dick 1 Harry that ;!I‘my be placed an the nd in connectign with this transaction, ogether apart “;:om their competence nparat THE DD0T »rnls: one, and that being cormupt it more or less successfully cartiest out. to be hoped that thit lengthening out he proceedings for the avowed purpose elucidating | points that . are | not ital importahee will not blind utpnb- 0 the main frets, which stand out in l relief, mdfwkich it is impossible for whitewashing to smaooth down. \ How h 11112 ev§d§ncq ig going to be adâ€" «<il,and how many more people are to be ther.apart from their compétence nlr any reliable opinion. If the tenâ€" to magnily this point -igniï¬â€˜:o anyâ€" at allâ€"perkaps it does notâ€"it sig~ that the ‘Lté Ministry| will hang ‘gputation $s honest men upon the i equality| in the value of the rties exchanged, and it may be surâ€" that in thig stand they;| will have o¢ less support from their successors, . necdless now to discuss whether or o Leduc farm is worth as much as mneries property ; it is â€"almost inâ€" ; the. intelligence of the public to of the thing, and this piling |up Of ce regarding it seems like carrying to the sea, [And then we havaheard watively littlé, and that little nothing pon the main subjectâ€"that is, the t intention |which stimulatéd the Corrcspondencre. UHE LOCAL MEMBER e tux TIMES portion of profit teape being a cont these t for the theret uld ass we hiad of * eatimates, made by men an easily tinâ€" ssist the comâ€" pu th 181 entative in | : ! Drs. Coleman, and : A &".';'JZ.’.'; Mmt%rm cce h )iï¬ aemameene t y m Euflvu.‘ {(Bignad y W C s _ Ginpexazs‘ Gurp® AXD Ca: 2.Guelph oi e e 3696â€"im _ [~ We have & " received from Mr, W. M O insUt ost use Mr. J. W. Langmuir, Inspector ‘of Asyâ€" lums, &¢., also makes the mw res:t on the institution to the Provinoil Govâ€" ernment:â€" > 1 F der. The dormitories were neat and tidy, free from vitiated air; the beds and bedding of which fourteen were made up in the Ihâ€" firmary, were clcï¬mand comfomd lt)lla; and apparently everything was done that can be done to proinote sio domestic comfort of the inmates. ‘But in view of the defocts hoped that the fmonat prosperity of the e i of establishment soon, as it Lornl, be such as will warrant: the, X? in obtaining more suitable premises for the purpose of the charity. There were ten inmates in the Infimary, viz. ; eight males and twp females; two of this number were received from the Ci? of ‘Toronto, seven frmv.rio\um‘o the â€" Province, and one had just receiv W N_in:h of G:)cl‘ l for ; in the house, .zremaining one was ‘ a free patient.‘..From an: exami nation of the register,â€"it would appeur thit eight has© Bodn the .average of patients in residence duï¬n‘i‘:ho year, and last to the presont day.hare boon.Aly Add t to . d . during that period no less than g* _ sons have received medicine: and m-m treatment as ‘external m&qï¬. 'I“bau figures show very: clearly t luï¬mmrï¬mm it is performnimg® | j=al woode i to < Tae Orrawa Masox Loper Guipe ror® 1874, «o, Ottaw j Erinted by A. S (Woodburn; ‘““'{"E § lished by Bros. Turner and Carruthers. ‘This is another of that class of publicaâ€" tions | for ~theâ€" issue ol‘| which .the press of Mr. Woodburn has ‘obtained conâ€" siderable prestige, and the lnrl. is certainly second to none of the series. In addiâ€" tion tothohulual_ alnwnc,d‘ we mye uuerte(}_ opposite the proper dates the nights o n?oetlng of S\e xrrious C‘itly‘ mgh Hull Lodges, as well as the Carleton R. A. Chapter and Gedaliah Council, together with a list of officers of the Grand Lodge of A. F. & A. M. Grand Chapter of R. A. Masons, Grand Council R.g 8. M., Suâ€" preme XXXIII Degree. Grand Priory of the Red Cross, and private Iatges in the city and Hull ; also, officers of the Orange Association and Royal Black Chapters (Grand and private), Temperance, Nationâ€" al, Literary, Benpvolent and French Societies, with their nights of meeting, etc., etc. To thesé are annexed an: in teresting address on the nature and purâ€" “'l‘omnt& l&cix Apiil, 1874. > "In conformity wi requirements ?w "Charities Aid Act," of last 80071':1, is morning made an inspection of the Toronto Eye and Ear Infirmary. Although the internal arrangement. of the House is somewhat defective and limited, and its surroundings very (&lectionsble and conâ€" fined, it was found throughout in a vyery commendable state of cleanliness and orâ€" The Toronto Eye and Ear Infirmary, the arnual mrort, of which, for the year 1874, is now before us, is one of the most meriâ€" torious institutions in the Province, and as sutch ought to commend itself to the sympathy and assisgtance of all. From the report it appears that tluring‘ the {eur 535 patients have been admitted to the Infir; mary, of whom 483 were discharged, and 52 are still under treatment. . Of the total, number of 535 patients, 420 were eye and 115 ear cases ; 81 were in and 454 out gflionb; 421 were from the‘ city of ‘oronto, 33 from the county of York, T4 from other counties in the Province of Ontario, 7 were fmn;}other, eouut;'iea. ‘in- eluding imimi ts, foreigners, and alichs. 312 ware muaies 180 buchelors and bove, 121 married men, 42 widowers), 192 woére fenales (114 lsoimton and g’rl., 45 married women, 33 widows.) The 535 were memâ€" bers of the following Churches:â€"Church of England, 208 ; Roman Catholie, 164; Wesleyan Methodist, 78 ; ~Presbyterian, 47 ; Baptist, 21; Congregational, 8 ;° Bible Christian, â€"2; Primitive Methodist, 2 ; Episcopal Methodist, 1 ; Catholic Apostoâ€" lic, 1; New Jerusalem, 1; (Gierman Reâ€" formed, 1: Latheran Church,~ 1. There were natives of the following countries:â€" England, 190; Canada, 176 ; Ireland, 139 ; Seotland, 14; United States, 12 ; Continâ€" ental: Europe, 2; other countries, 2. They came from all parts of the Province, 186 being from Toronto, and 2 from Montreal, The average stay in the Infirmary was 40 days. Theinstitution has just entered the eighth year of its oxistence, the number of patients for the first year iaeinilm, with a proportionate increase since then. â€" ‘The â€" financial â€" statement shows an income of. $2,862.48, an oxpendituro "The total:â€" number of externx and intern pationts admitted as new (patients during the year ending 30th Septemberis 505, being nine less than the nunmiber admitted during the : provious ;sixtcen months, which was the period included in the director‘s report for 1873. . This shows an increase of about 33 per cent. for twelve months. © The modmnye statistics may be epitomised as follows: _ Diseases of the eye under treatment, 30; ‘diseases of the eye cured, 166;, diseases of the eye imâ€" proved, 144; digeases of the eye relieved of discomfort, 71;discases of the eye inâ€" curable, 9; diseases of the ear under treatâ€" ment, 13; diseases of the car. cured, 38; diseases of the ear imi)roved, 30; discases of the ear relieved of discomfort, 25; disâ€" eases of the ear incurable, 5; tau? 380,". _ In the annual report for 1872 the surgeon‘s roport was . as . follows:.. "The ‘ of _ the : Toronto® Eye 3:3 ‘Ear Infirmary, in presenting their ‘fifth annual report, desire specially to call the attention of the Board of Directors to the need of, ampler facilities for the effecâ€" tive working of the institution, : The inâ€" firmary is convéeniéntly: situated, but the accommodation it affords is quite inadeâ€" quate to meet the requirements of the charity, and its position is not at all adaptâ€" ed. to promote the efficacy of medical treatment. The surgeons would therefore strongly recommend the Board to secure a suitable isolated building in a central, healthy locality, with . premises lï¬e enough to enable patients to take suffiâ€" cient outâ€"door exercise." |This was writâ€" ten more than two years ago ; since that time the attendsince of patients at the Inâ€" firmary has increased. more than 80 per cent., and at the present time there are 14 intern or ‘inâ€"patients, although â€" the inâ€" I patioe oo::t‘orhbl ) %o f th 12 patients y. â€"Oue of these tients has boen n-id? An the blnldx’:; for about five months, during which time he has been nearly cured. times, and has had as many rm hich we can: only -u;l::w to his w surroundâ€" in There ocout, from to time, als, cases of feverâ€"and ‘iflfl'lml‘.h!:hi«th1 wmildbol:ll:hi:elynooénri! m‘ roundi the building were more saluâ€" hr;onil..ï¬m facts should speak for fllon-] selves. â€"â€" lhont P | oprait ; poses of masonory, (lelivered by the Rev. ‘V. R. Meredith on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of the Montevallo (Ala.)«Male Instituté, on June 24, J851. The Callendar is an excellent and comâ€" plete one, and is wor(,h{ of the patromage of the order on whose behalf it is iskued. Revenitm Axxcau Rerost or tug Toroxto Ers axo Ear Iy#irxary. & of ‘ $2,727.84, and ‘ a <balance in hand _ of $134.64â€"the latter being but somewhat less than oneâ€"third of the balance remaining last year. _ There is reason to believe, however, that the Govâ€" ernment will assist in some moeasure next year, the institution bein}g a . provincial, not & local one. .. [The. following is the surgeon‘s report, which gives an excollent idea of the condition and work of the infirmary : . flnflth very large incroase this year in subâ€" ;-eri'prtyionuhmwudl the ‘:ï¬â€˜ of the Inâ€" the amount; troble mmâ€f-m?a "L’? ement, donbtless, is attributable in a ?lg;mo degree to the zeal and energy of Mr. PUBLICATION®. THE TIMES : OTTAWA; MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1875, ENDAR AND, y OttaW agy _ South Oxford. The Reformers of South Oxford have beon unable to agree upon a candidate, anid Mr. Adam Oliva comes out upon his own account. Mr. Benjamin® Hopkins is the Tory candidate. For Internai and External Use : WARRANTZXD A SUKE & PERFECT %t.ru For all kinds of Piles, Lepr.ey, Ucmï¬ tter or-lï¬.ng;zorn, Salt Rueum, and all d seases of the & 4 One Botitle warrauted to Cure all en.g Piles ; !‘mm" 011: to ‘three Botvies in all ~of umors, h9 L0 59 This remi has been {«ithfuily md to b:divn almost infal Able Mï¬ uni ounm:;.‘m ".wf ri m m'o vâ€"ras Pro;;:le to uuuwwlw will use hi medlglne, E E case. of failure to refund the movey paid,; 4t was first introduced he has received W of tl'ldnwnhh‘i proving its etfi the cure %(ihe awiul disemes it is rec. led for, The Pile and Humor clre is entively Yegetable The Pile and Humor cure is ebtively. yegetable in ;is composition, and can be nflh perfect safe‘y in all cases. There.is no 0 of ‘ its driving the humor in, as it cures OR surface, anitthe pattent‘s bodily . heaith im» ves while under this Lreatment. . ; PEICE $1 Pak borrish â€"SQLn BÂ¥X Abt Drugaâ€" H. Marcon, seedsman, Guelph, a copy of his Gardeners‘ Guide and Catalogue of Seeds for 1875. We notice that parties in various parts of the Dominion who have bought from him recontmend his seeds very : highly. The work is beautifully printed on toned J;aper and illustrated by electrotypes of flowers and vegetables. Gardeners and farmers who wish a mgf’ly of fresh reliable seeds would do well to mmll for a copy. â€" It is sent free to all who apply. { 8 ; North Lanark. Mr. Caldwell is making aâ€"quiet but sucâ€" cossful canvass, and his reâ€"eclection by; a large majority is already more than assured. Dr. Mostyn and his friends are working hard, but have already concluded that ;here is no hopehof success.‘ They may, owever, to the polls. ; es East lgann. Mr. Thomas Gibsgn is the W candidate again, and is opp % Van Norman, of: Brmtfonfo‘:d proÂ¥euod Independent, but a Tory of the dyedâ€"inâ€" theâ€"woolâ€"stamp néevertheless. _ .â€" | Southâ€" Huron. . Mr. Biaho& recently elected, will be alâ€" lowed to walk the course in this new conâ€" stituency. Rulp c 17 1s | West Lambton. â€" At a 'I;or{)g.uou; on lFrid.sy, held : at Rarnia, the following resolution was â€" ml:â€":‘l'hnt._ it is del?mble, in thé bolm terests of this Province, to uppose the Yre- sent Government at the approaching elecâ€" tion." Surely the Tories . of Sarnia are behind the ago, for their leaders in Parliaâ€" ment have been quite agreed upon this point for the past four years. â€"Indeed, it is the only ong upon which they have been agreed. ‘The same\ caucus then nominated Mr. R. Chalmers to oppose Hon. Mr..Pardee, which it is to be presumed they did for the purpose of carrying out the said resolution. _ The contest, of course, will be got up merely to put Mr. Pardee to trouble. Mr. Moses Springer is n%in out in the Ministerial interest. The Tories have had two candidates in the field at different times within the past fortnight. The first withdrew him.ol#,‘ and the second is likelï¬ to be withdrawn. Success will neyer perc itself upon the Tory bannor:in Waterloo ~ South Grenvilie. > “l'{‘hiau;l'ory nomination }:’z: SOubu.:Q Gret;_- ille e aâ€"begging, in n ofâ€" fered to &:fle {»ouons The fut, who is theâ€"weakest and worst of the lot, is likely to put Mr. Fraser to the trouble of a conâ€" test, out of mere spleen. His.name is Mr. J. C. Irvineâ€"we are particular to mention i(: because otherwise no one would think it in that ‘connectionâ€"and he tried in vain the other day to get elected as Reeve. ‘ West Toronto. 3 The contest is hot, although there is no compari as betweenâ€" the candidates. Mr. m will make & splendid run, and is likely to be elected. _ > 4. A Erukeizy, Popt, 18690.â€"Gentiemen, I feel it a duty i owe to you toexpress my tude for the great benefit I have derived by taking "Norâ€" D« J Hay,] Toronto, 4¢, &6, they ;:.@;‘:g! Tatite ho afforngh "of poc chaser®, regards Work Quali ‘nnd Good Vum,Pun are seliing Almx Adv nee on Mill Prices, a o sÂ¥ ooo s Desife to inform their friends/and the public th«t they are now receiving teg! consin« ments of KFurniture of all deserl Ttomt great r mod \'vu'dhdo'nfudlby-w ssionary in s:m- Amen:t;'t. Bend a se !-uxi‘dmd enveâ€" y fuvie House, Rew York ditys = ai, " u.‘ bie ow % ix) UOct, 7, 184. © $60ly déw. CARPET <AND â€" FURNITORE / HOUSE: SHOOLBRED & CO. Flint Glassware, ‘n r fancy, speciality suriog the hdkfau: hose ba{nu.- ful goods are mmdumhu&nn(w.nd i-;lno.w. lll‘o.'.cl stook. %1 w ahes, A‘ covered e Lishes, all ; Water @ it 2104 ) ‘Dedintors, Goblels, IF iE o $6 ? East Toronto. , | Mr. Crooks‘ electionâ€" is beyond doubt, and Mr. O‘Donohoe is also mesting with the greatest encouragement. ‘The joint ticket is likely to be successful. . ‘. | East York. Je Mr. Lane is the Ministerial candidate for this riding, and so far there is no one in the field inst him. ‘The Hon. Wilâ€" liam Mcmuï¬ went out there" to speak in the Opposition interests the other day, anid offered, the Mail says, to " contest the constituency as an Independent candidate, in the event of a numerously npud re quisition being presented him." ‘Well, well, al.xlxd it has oo:![xe :{o that. ’l‘hï¬l’l‘a‘iï¬ are willing to use Mr. MceDougall, but are cither,afraid to give him nnam'n& or they cannot get any .consti to accept him. But that he should vely solicit a ~requisition is shaving the mark of honour and selfâ€"respect v closely. _ The Mail urges that he vafl if nominated, carry the riding, indicating that he will be chosen, if chosen at lui‘t‘: lead some forlorn hom No one of stripe would have a ghost of a chance in East York. f To sli who are suffsring from the errors and I‘;xllwn:lioua‘ of yo:om.wnmolm wealkness, evly‘ ecay, loss of man! that wi I curs you, _I_l‘ltkh‘. bvï¬gmm Mr. Waldbrook is the Opposition canâ€" didats for this riding, but il" chaneds ‘of election fre alim. f The news from Glengarry is very enâ€" couraging for Mr. McNab, notmthh:\dmg the extraordinary exertions being‘put forth by his opponents. His chances of succesy are improving every day. 4 (Xtp wa, January 4, 1878 A Large Stock of Curtains on Hand BSHOOLBRED & Co. . â€" _ EMPORIU M : TTAWA SHFIELD‘® PILE AND HUMOK CURKE. ELECTION NEWS. 18 Warpcets, North Waterloo. Haldimand. Glengarry. FOW LWB A CARD. 198 parks Street 1 ~ 8 /3 BBOGOE .+. {sysesivarenges Durham, K. R., Rosevear........ Brant, N. R., Finlayson..... « * & Ro Hardy «... Brockville, Fitzsimmons.... & Colo .:.j..;....... Bruce, N. R., Sinclair (Dr.) & 4.; Sinclair :..... * "g. K.] Wells !......... Cardwell, Bowles ............ s sif 6 Flesher........:... ‘Carleton, Monk....... Comnywall, Melntyre . Dufferin ', Elg‘l‘n,bE.“R;., e;'koll s o Aigke Essex, 8. R., Atkin,... _| Â¥ 4/ Wigle ... Essex, N. R., P Frontenac, Calvin Glengarry, Grant â€" 4 _ . McNabi..... Grenville, 8. R., Fpaser Lo 4 Prige... Grey, N. R., Scott Addington, Deroon.<â€" ... Durham, W. R., McLeod. o -u y u- ‘M_qutmg w * ~. i / McFayden.. Grey, 8. R., Hunter ...... Grey, E. R., Lauder ...... & «.. Patterson... Haldimand, Baxter ...... * Waldbrook writes: "Send me six dozen Dr. Thomas‘ Electric Oil.: Have sold all I had from you and want :more now. ts cures are truly wonderfal." . William Maguire, of ‘Frank: lin, writes : " L have sold gll the agent left; it acts like‘: a charmâ€"it was slow at nn;} but es splendidly now.‘‘ H. Oole, I {. * Please f?rwu'dnx dozen of Thon Elocg:'i:' Ull,"ltm‘.nadl ‘rum out ; nothing equals it. It is highly ro. ornmended by those who have u-ed?it" J. Bedfo .'nmnuvfllqiwg:: " Send at one R ermap $ trie Oil, I have aonly one bot I never saw nything & n:dlj »give nnhwpu ford, writes: "Send me some more El ectric Oil. I have sold entirely . out.. | Noâ€" himg takes like it." Mil Reod, ULâ€" ton, P. Q., write?"*"The Electric Oil gothing a great reputation here, and ‘is s ed 1 Bend uf‘s M ‘ M) Buoietigham, P. Q.. write : â€" "Sond us ond pocanghaen" 3. mi, ntume M t | ME Y OPMAYMTG + serrerreseses k k 23 * * on s gnmnu“_"n: w.Biz",, D:viSIm Pain ‘cannot ~stay where it is used. It is the cheapest medvjcinéevermnde. One bottle l::. cured bm;gi,iut:fl Fifty cents worth has cured an old s cough. It6: podï¬vlgl‘ cures w, Alzns and Croup. Fifty cents has cured crick wbmk,mdflnuqeqummnhnn of eight years‘ standing. The followâ€" ing are extracts from a few of the many lo_tiput:nth&_vqboen received from the Wf(%'hch†mbe lulmoatq uï¬dyï¬ho% sceptical, J. Collard, of Sparts, Ontario, «./ Baker....... *b Hanly ... T gorg.n “: w;‘R., on «! u* " p Bimcoe, S. R., Boult i * > 4 â€"* Snallh k o+ Grooks :|..... Toronto, W, R., .Bal.l.....,....... i Victoris N. R., McCrea ...... Victoria, 8_.__11:3 Wood .......... Thomas‘ Excelsior El Oi1â€"Worth Ton timer Hapreight in Guofd, London, Meredith.,.... & ‘ Durand........ i N. R. Macdougall.... M eset® :; Smaith.scmssscn.>: . . . o. draie metonn, i W R., Carrie (N.).... Nuddloséx, W Watterworth=â€" s ts Wellington, % %.,’ # Wellington, C. (Htoo Wont‘v‘vorth, N;‘R., ho Wentworth, 8. R., Sexton York, N/ R., Jackson ..... York, E. R., Lane. ... ... York, W. R., Patterson.. Lincoln,. Rykert...... y T ey......'. T o s in : of Muskoks, Long (J.) 86 ) |; MIANOF:.zea¢q serrsetiridrres Norfolk, N. R., Clarke............... a B ‘ McKnight.......... Norfolk, 8. R., Richardson,......... & 4 2 Auultin.s.......¢<+<t+ Northumberland, E. R., Cochrane 66 | «C Ferris...... Northumberland, W. Ry; j y N o9 Pigin. oo int Ontario, S..R., Brown................... Ottawa, O‘Donoghue......... QOxford, N. R., Mowat......... Oxford, 8. R., Oliver......... # . _._ .} +C Stratton.. t * Anfees...... ./. i Striker ......... i . * _ . Moffatt.)...."!~. Renfrew, S. R., Harrington...... N. R., Daly.... # _ _ "| Stewart........ Fugat, Feghent s ... ~ ~O‘Hanly ......../......, " &‘ . MOPZAM.+..»....).«».+ ï¬n}‘qoo, W;‘R., @ (T.y:*% i 14 y ce+ pSON |....... Bimooe, S. R., Boulton:,.}. . .» *~. .. * .. Devhn... Posl, BOYyON...s««. 4«+««6« &4 4 _ «> _ Macdonald ChiGONN+.+ises sx veee " _ Hay....... R., Leversage all medicine dealerss Price 50 6 THE ELECTION®. List of Caudidates. Pattcrson Widdifield Smith (Seth) Farewell N Al and Klee #MHM °~ 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 aaind in t 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 I 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1. 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 00 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0°0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1. 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0. 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 131 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 i 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0:1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 and Onâ€" ng@wammnw celye ontere i0 " Loo ispring of 197 GrexturxEX,â€"I beg respectfully to anâ€" nounce to you that I am mndigdo for ï¬our suffrages at the impending General lection for the Ontario %flm My political principles are well known to you sssï¬oonta.ined in de‘t:} in my sddre:"of 1867 ; . and time experience e added fresh strength to nx convictions of their soundness. As the standardâ€" bearer, who first unfurled the banner of Refornrin your Riding, I cannot but reâ€" joice that the good seed then sown, under vexly advemdcu-cumshn‘:::, Ilaloâ€o, has not only taken deep root, already produced fruit. ] TREES, SHRUBS, &c. Teool dop. Auinots, Province . ies me i on enimnsaiegs â€"GENTLEMEN,â€"Through the dissolution of the Loca! Legislature lnulgofl. umw will be called upon to elect a representative to that House for the ensuing term., nwgamp majority when I lnu‘ the honor to your -unngubemlmtmn my conduct while in Parliament will meet with the full confi« dence of the whole people at the ensuing elec« tion, and as a consequence I announce myself as & candidate for your suffrages on the occasiou. AShould I be deemed woruvof‘onrgwonl in the future as in the past, my bum support will be given to the pruent'gufnnnt in all meum::.tnr the beneft of whole country. I ask istance in oxuodnc chicasery aud doubleâ€"dealing, and in favour of one who will i o u1 u_ arghadny meet you al mï¬?ï¬m]fo-lble pe{wn.,lly. be:ore the day of TO THE polling, 1 congratulate you that many of fllo‘ measures I advocated before you, partiâ€" cularly those relating to the purity of elections, and without which oflcï¬n inâ€" . stitutions were little better than a farce, are now the law of this ?“' ?wvinoe;f and I am glad to be able to say that some, who then sneered at ml. lmnbh‘ efforts for the people‘s good, have since seen the error of their s, and become zealous workers in th:&ï¬oumo of liberty. _ It is cause of thankfulness that every man can now exercise his franchise without let, hindrante, or fear of conse_ quences, according to his own honest con victions, uninfluenced by any consideraâ€" tion but the general W witnessed by no eye but that of hi er. To the Iiberal Government the country owes all these important and benéficial measures. There® are many. other, useful and necessary ‘reforms which will follow in their wake, if the peï¬ â€˜mre true to themselves, and renew their gonâ€" fidence in the present Government by electing men to support them en whom they can relyâ€"men who have a to point to, whose fidelity to their pri is above sll::pioionhmon who _ h:: n 7 na:,l{ to follow them the voolE shades of opposition. This is the kind of m&part they deserve at your hands. Send them not one who veers with every change of doctrineâ€"a Conâ€" servative y y, a Reformer toâ€"day, and a Tory again toâ€"morrow if most conâ€" ducive to his interest. or ambition. . H. M. ROWE & CO.‘S I shall endeavor to non;myol&: as it is possible for me in the limited between this and polling day ; and frankly avow my views on any other subject that youmgdeaireto be informed. Those whom I may not, be able to see, will, I e memmihg 4o the printintes herues e (aF 19 C e enunciated. On the li-ptoogduflns I was before you I addressed, with as much sincerity as ever.I uttered a sentence, to large assemblies which happened to be exclusively composed of my own > men, and the same I shall now,-.yï¬oz, as follows :â€" i 4 "You nhaxldbm-h&g: your minds every consideration except the public good. Ymshmfldmtmhmmb.-: :ho.:id.:lrhnll ;nd? ko ns to'tln + y me acc E:liticdprinoiplu enmn you approve of these, you ‘should supâ€" Ti Inigmores of then, ho is it daty bound to vote against me." BALTIMORE OYSTERS 6 ha‘f m oz st oK Y ds * e <~~ very trtying circumstancesâ€"to . the cause of good and cheap Governâ€" ment ; with a record, private and public, extending over a quarter of a century on in coporanappnes man need and can honest criticism ; with an ambition direct ed as unerringly as the needle to the pole towards adding my little mite to the stock of human happiness, irrespective of race or creed, clime or color ; with a mind free moning papuintons; 4 appost with use noxious e ons ; I a confidence toâ€"the I’Abor&d lha-m sustain me, and place me in a position of increased usefulness; and I can safely as sure them that their trust will never be betrayed. On Conservative support I base n%clï¬m,nvotg:nofapho-tmz,. who mpez? e nay, pr?'u‘dicu, those wm from him and who in his public capaoity shall know none but the people as a whole. s In Mr. Mowat‘s Administration I hayâ€" the fullest confidenceâ€"a confiderce inâ€" spired by their principles and. confirmed by their acts. I heartily endorseâ€"not only their legislation, but the economy and efficiency with which they have adminâ€" istered public affairs in promoting educeâ€" tion, encouraging settlement and developâ€" ing our internal resources ; and if anteceâ€" dents be f;ny criterion wholeo may judge our future actions, they conâ€" )l.in_l_le to have my cordial support. X 4 Every scheme for the encouragement Mmd\RdMMhnnmJ fied support, for these are the ~veins and industry shall use ev legitiâ€" mstems to influence aida"L such enterp in your Riding without regard to special interests or particular localities. 1 shall devise© and promote with my utm»4i a. :lity a comprehensive scheme for the rnimofyour,whda county, by which the rich bottomâ€"lands now lyi wasteâ€"preserves for deer stalki be converted into blooming fields of golden harvest, increasing your population and enhancing your property. ._ > Wime lonl;dovotaonâ€"olhn under Jaunary 6th, 1875 Ottawa, Jan, 4, 1874 R _ rRUTRSTANT HOSPTTAL, will . imce about the third week in FEH x ‘ull particulars wili be given in & futute 4 Yimuary 715. ;20" t Pamat Copunitine Election HRotices. Electors of Ottawa. Electors of Russell. Ottawa. 26th December, 1874 TMiscellaneous. THE tiawaâ€"st., bot woox James Buchanan‘s Auguste Dupuis, Heq., AN aGENOY IN OTTAWA J. L. P. O‘HANLY. To be had in perfection, at Ge#mobedintmmt, 1 remain, Yours respectfully, DAN. J. O‘DONOGHUE. CELEBRATED pouhibgntcn0s. n Rhcad 3 in maipoge. | "Fiims i meie in note g ~\L. ‘ Apply to 1 F o iare WALKEX, 0A w. COU®SEN, The kouse an J comi in each for a K. AVERILL, of New York, will apply Do mht'ho!uu.nomdo.xmd-.'a: its Dext #ession, An Act enabl in to obtain Letters PIl.::tPt.\‘f l':vu?‘;, for certain imâ€" n provements . n ons MM“A@ Deo 26, 1874. ' laws éscaped Haw Timber and Lumber, a d to ldvyudodnf:glllhlho maintenance of the same with power to the Company o sequire .u?:lrw lands necessary ‘for the exercise of oorgue re. cou UBE. WRIGHT & CLEvOW, Solicitors for the Com pany. Dee. 24, 1874. $727â€"2e.w keim OTICE is hereby given that Edmund Burritt, of the Township of Waiford, in m}nl.),oualy of Grenvilie, Uistrict of .phnston, and Â¥ince of Ontario, ksquire, has made an nm-umw the Court of Chancery for a Certl of Title w the aboveâ€"mentioned mony under * the Act for Quieting Tites 10 kslate in Upper Canada," and has produced evidence whereby he appeâ€"rsto be the owner thereof in fee free irom ‘@ll incumbrances, wherefore any other person hnvin‘:r pietending to have any title to or interest in the said land or any thereof, ‘uro%?muun or befwe Tusday, the Twelfih day January, now next ensuing, io file a st.tement of his claim, verified by afflidavic at my Onambers, Osgoode Hali, in the City of ‘Toronto, and,to serve a6ovy on Messrs. Blake, Kerr & at their otice, in the City . of m.nm for the raid Edmund n-xm-l'm,,.mi &mmq neg‘ claim wiil be barred, said mund llllrl"u ‘h-eqmesholunlnd lmbh at Law and in oi only reservations men qaï¬hm-m of the said Act, and grsorvert aor or Nonc:.-n;:u«-m will be made at the next ession of the Do&:nlon Pariiament for & Bill to Incorporate Lower «ttewa Boom company, the object of said Oomrny being to Booms in the uttaws River wherever same may be deemed nccessary Mvuntho(m{ot o&n and the Villaze of Hawkesbury, for the purpose of catching in the matter of THOMAS EDWIN Moo a9the An Insoivent. RE, ~ Imm. A large assortment of NEW PAPER m:n.u..unmum.m now on view §Opposite the Post Office : Kiginâ€"8t _ Etouses to F,' SELLOR REXT. In the matter of Lot number ‘Twentyâ€"four, ual“l’!lll. HuUS% DECORA mmm.\.m on the shortest notioe and in a workmaniike style Cl er uested '2'3“.’.'2:...: o\-h.-dmm':: are nicl ma-du us porsible to en :ble him t:‘:lzguthomdmmmolumuu Wwith» d W . H..ONOPER, therein numbered,one, two, three and four, _ Also ‘eases, for the same verio‘, of two wharf lote and d thâ€"ea«t side of ï¬hm %'o:, o‘n. .\Tl.l:!rf‘e":lnd“A » bert streets, ® Currier‘s ~ash Fagâ€" tory," known as "&frï¬ and ‘Three on ‘:llnfmunuol 02 feet, in : of No. 3, of plans to be seen at the rooms ol lhe A%-r. and at this office. ; ngs to be erected on these lots, severâ€" l"!.»'ltlln-tbv-nu‘y-u. in contormity . with mhh ed to, and approved hy tais with po'autho Department 4o resume possession on paying vaige of im proveâ€" m.rmuo-onlhwdnh. 1 n"l“"nmon'n, d of the \ Lat srt ar. ‘ v_luanm.oonï¬'.'."'““ e Pmlolmclhhmb gvon that on Wednerday, the 81d da; J bruary next, at noon, t the sales room of Hector MacLean, “OW'I.AW.'IHNM I:ruh‘h‘ The M we â€"one years, from anhde.onwon:x«y |y’llrm the west of the Rideau Canal. to the nouth ot the %qu.humunuu- Sapâ€" the stores of the Messrs. Bates, bum 15 and 16, each lot having a. frontâ€" M.M.’.m of lm’ou. more jless, as shown on plan, _ . _ [ss HI3 EX COY THE GQVERNOR "GENERAL in‘ doundil, Whereas, ‘by OrdeF of the Councii of the 7th qa:-,n’m,n-mmmn-mu cuses nqi’x‘:d prel‘imivary to ihe tafiaineton, it free otf duty, of machinery: manufactured in theBominign for tse in Onbeadian mavainciures wnd Wherens, by <ihe %m.gm same machinery is made to an ad valoâ€" rem duty of {en per cent. to takeefiect on the Mï¬-â€-mr‘ï¬uu'br-lu 1s deâ€" m-u'om-dnormuln‘w&o the seâ€" curity n1 the revente. . Sn 5 4s Government Hotices Baturday, 12th day of December, 1874. ns Pregext : BI OELLENCY_THE V ERNOR * %nznu‘mn%om. Onuuzo.mof the Honotrable Tigidhin of the rih and bHE nestions of the ‘aut B'-'-"b.'mm 8 o;uur-d “M"’l chwnl 4 % intituled : " An Act l ï¬odr::d the J Privy Oo-.:o‘u n&m-a.mmï¬m\w.; nmnvvmw' ian.. Out Port c Oustoms be is constituted a ~Port of T aa hopt fom the Atmk ty of Fanudrs maws, k R W . ;:mngwou?u. _ is Exceliency the Governor C.oneral in Coun: eil on the recommendation of the ton.Minisier Of Ounioingrand under the providion of the 1251 Dated this fourth day of December, 1874 â€"Commission "‘-'"‘,ï¬â€œâ€œ"'-fl and Mllh!-&rho & Ottawa, ist Jany., 1875, IN CHANCERY. ORDNANCE LANDS, OTTAWA Dec 26, 1874. (8d., . GEO, 8. J ~TE emel * Helores of Fiues CUBTOMS DNEPARTMENT OQuaws, Jan. 4, 1974, UTHORIZED on American . Anvotoes untii m: 1 eent, e > # Jonlflrf OVERNMENT MHoUSE, OTTAWA, Friday, 18th day of December, 1874 PRESENT: OVERNMENI HOUSE. PRUNEAV, Junr., Legal Hotices. 814 Paxuters. \g*" Commissioner of Cusioms. Clerk Privy Coun Luterim As«ignee ry ule l’fll WEEKLY HERALU is published every Baturday, «L five cents . Aumual subseription price ; wet o4 ON6 OODY .. + +4++++++ ++ »K4¢ 2« x ++ 4+ »4» +» + + » 4+ #0e 2WB Postage cents 1 y three nmouths, ..>dfel toâ€" of sut» “whr':.uâ€".t.uin-d pames of s Auml‘w&hnnbm club ef ten; Twenty, â€" to .‘u::-, ane year, $%, * ‘Dmgfl'm:o-euluo&nnl (wenty, Ov-ilnulv at club m&.‘m the Waerkiy H.:‘:;u- the Terms cash in ad umwm 1 by mail y y men mow wWill be at the risk am wih "be approprnten to Asdcute, Mor ol n'm‘%‘% mnasitv gee M'ghmdlk:fo ..‘:1- of the Marke‘s ©\8, The aim will be to make the W X Hatka io superior to uny other w famainy newspaperin ithecountry. . . _ _ _ _ 000 >. _ Every number of the WEEKLY Haexai lo:udn‘:‘m-:ty and the hluluu:i news by télegrap» from all> “‘!p:"?“!l“‘ “P""‘!!!M‘v._ During the session of Congress the Wk»xs HxrALD wiil contain a summary Of the pr«â€" l#-ndflnhuu News by relegroph » ashington, Pd:u:ï¬ Religious, Fashion Artistic, Liverary Sportimg | intelllzes Obituary Notices, Varieties, A-.tmoxg « torial Articies on the prominent lopie® of day, & review of lh(ha.u-d mm M un.hnmu‘:.a‘-â€"afl ence a accoum(s m~ interes PI.IPIO‘I'IJI _ The HrRraLDempitys no agentsin the coun :gmhm m‘.m punu. pret uz atm s UX bounm.run‘uu! Inuw::.un ba m-&unm ewindier. ‘The club systoum ::‘up. the agency system . 1i is sailc and The r ver M Orders. It is the safestâ€" mode of trua‘ ‘ing money by mail, __ _ _ ts " c Ad nte, to & Hmited , Â¥eill vmu. ,.,v'. un'i-herï¬ be _fliulï¬bï¬r.hmmnm thotâ€" #osk Office Urders cannot be obiained, mor es remitied in Hagintered Lette:s." "| _ ___ +';‘_ . Write the address on “ï¬.'" New| Yor um.luum.vn uE.u t =:odmhmhen , 0 1Post in m‘H Mnm Mlom add Papors will be linbile to occut, . _ _ | _ _/ . _ _ Price of the DaILY,HxrRALD, foyreent: $ «opy Annua) subscription price, $1%, a‘ways in" ad ?.vwk originally pu:lisbed iimder the t ie ol Tux NEw AMERICAN CYCOLOPA DLA was come n‘am in 1868, rince wnichâ€"time‘the wide @irou» uumvnm 1t nn:’u&hnd in wil paru of the IM i Dull‘l | t ® hich Men’hu in every branch = science, literature, and art, h-vhu-m. ©8 the editors and 40 #UbMIL dt Lo ul px>4 and revision, and wz- Dew j ds sou JAMES GORDON BENN&TT, Proprictor w“‘l:mvery. Mflm&% “e‘:m; cove « t 4 & n.d?amv work of refereme an imperulive 'l‘honov:o-. of political affaire t mfll discovelies of 4 appiicatton to the aud arts and ine convenience of reflneimeit of social life. Great waurs and consequent nvd-nï¬ have occurred, involving nauonsi changes peculiar moment ‘The civil war of og.o'n country, whicn was aiits beigh when last vcsum» of tae old work hes . bhappily beev ende‘, and a hnew Cours coma« relml aud Industria: activiry has been Gulh meno.d.. -_-u--=¢â€"h-= Tond Postad Gard it m 'Wm.unm- Eniirely rewritien by the ablest wriler Tirerigte es Bweriog ing s and C « ; Pancreatic Emulsion and Pancreatine. « replciget j gorokt s _ The great poiitical revolutions of the last deâ€" d.,'hhtumuuflrmdmhwmu-a have brought into public viewâ€" a mulidtude new men, 'hnnua-.-hvvtv,fl‘h rm%d'huollm e;u'y‘ono curious know the ore, Great have been of n eirieiininne neramatiar h the newspapers or in the transiont publicali of the day, but which ought now to. Lwke Liel place 10 permanent and autheutj6 history ... . Price 80.99, including portsgy hb 6 unsof any "»aaionar‘y Ant. tot eufihds .. Bubsoriptions to M 0 Agitie T foion Hot daoe afimacact wike m"gzzflï¬â€œ. u‘nnflw T n one fomit u'; C’,-l m exicg M oi i w in h t t now com pr 4 yc Peain tine ag "I'. cpress,freigh u"mo k mdloerfanes ure n P e Whte actoertioe d»i~s, and to furnish an mccurate mocoums Mm-nuhma di;:ll inv® ai in the pratioa} fl‘,«n&:‘ give a succioe‘ and original record. of political and historical events. .. P are time in tm preeet miluos chave, bes added not for the .L"‘_.':‘..h'fl".:.. but to Sm Pn en t ntte wige ol promiiaiee sclence and of nitur. aud depiot the mosl Ia mous &nd ronn::hh%u- of soen» ery, .nm:mm ï¬.:.‘ mmâ€" A 11@@@B ted fur lmuuu: rather eeronaaine "r.r.':;.___?k': they :IT gfl a we mn-u:“ s -wxf able feature of the &m.flh. w oi its pecpeaacgey thousand. W ood aud numerous golored Lithographic s _ Price and Style of Binding. * two months, Bpecimen pages Americd lent o Grel ite oi aepeation t BB en ness toan o reecinir e into how many homes it every month, we must consider it as Of educa ::m-%« m:u Rpailto Suupid projuider or Geptaved Paates:" iglgg baye pev c made by the mndenuigutle on _ In prepuring the pres ""c‘\lj}"’ fur the press it l%dfl the editors 10 brin. down for to the latest pass!bie new type, forming in fact a new Oyclopm cessor, but Wi -hrfmnr soalt uit faok mnbooren y o perience and eniarged knowledge, _ _ ___ _ ‘~ ols Hattonk Eult . Ipaar . Abstrrdint x TERDDs : Postage free to all O‘.ï¬.h~ United States. pilt anks Srman 2D 3 porics us the publishe rs. _ C by Caftes d *n begun «Luer 1 ful. Prelimmizar s incor, thd wiki th l‘mluuflym‘ it on 10 m # no N«me of the . Nimgof the original atereotype YHIALMAGES PAPER. 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