t â€" aanetedme ) Wourld .** ion and 44 n and Storeâ€" ibers im the OORKE, A TATU&A, tnt Casd at ror®, Kow Y ork all fruits. â€" We aff s can Consul‘s. Plent beef. I expect we : week and &: we at and try it, and the again, so we Ccan w not half so bad as pe most beautiful ; you & jacket on and don‘ rnjoyed myself with We have nothing : coolies to wait on 1 Rawley Island. wbout anvil 11â€"Started at daybreak up coast :.â€"Started at daybreak : anchor ntemamt ~Camecron‘s Report from hawele â€"Mis _ Yoyage Round t'o southern Part of La«e Tanganyikaâ€" Nianley‘s Englishmen Rolate their Experiences. NT s EXOLISHMEN® WRITE TO THEIR CTS.â€"SPICY â€" NARRATIVES ° OP â€" THEIR YDay LIFE IN AFRICA. = subjoined letters sent home e . Francis and Edward _ Po Englishmen _ who _ are _ acâ€" ying â€" Mr. _ Stanley in his ag band in Africa, will be réad erest. The first is datedâ€" before age to the Lufiu; the others were after returning to Zanzibar from EXPLORATION IN AFRICA eft home. We sailed up the 1 anchored at Darra Salaam on WARD J terest, I have, &c. _ V. Lovert CaxEros ies wh K‘3 LETTER { 1 in mouth of River seven & U pr iC at pal Everythi vheir line wiouitien t entrpamna e s [ f ut Y vm%‘;'bannmmmm' “?W reâ€" qnao‘brdbt e-;Itthlel'MI | Boots, Shoes, | Mitts, Rubbers, | Moccasins, &c. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GENTLEM EN by the late fire on W AprilEipfonrias fls absemset On Monday, February 2nd, 1874, | . Mr Wigar Brorusrâ€"IL write with a light heart "to send you good news, and that is we are eryoying the best of health, and I hope this | will find you all the same. . We arrived here on the 21st of September.. Since then we hare & cruise of fifteen days to the River Luligi which is 200 miles gouth of Zanzibar. L cannot tell you all that ocourred in the river ; but we went about 120 miles up to the foot of a mountain. It took us three s to get there. We were ten miles j thewrthe first clay than other white men had been. Jn the second day Chief Jumbe (his tribe called Mtupe) came to mbron;hg chicken and rice, plenty of! nut, eggs, goats and fruit, and plerl{ of fights, too. There were thousands to see us, with spears and arâ€" rows. . Ong of the chiefs was comung off in %urskmnfln k ;)ne«;li Ted Mloundol‘!! the ugle. | jtum over yin afraid of it {»ut there were thonnmï¬ rorikg hi we not hepired the e Migre spring we not hoi € re is & \deal of slayo trade done here, and the masters thought we were an English | of war boat. We were six days on the river, which is thickly popuâ€" lated with a good . sort â€"of .ï¬eoplo w ‘hx:cu afect. the ids o.fnd wi-hi:: whom ridiguled the i our. to see the river. We were chased from four to fivye miles by an hippopotamusâ€"a very large one. ltmabotcï¬o. We fired two bullets at him, which gilded‘ off him. He geemed to come on %the water like & 1 on shore, ien he got close & me put two bullets in his breast, which made him turn. They |are very numigrons in the Lufiji, as well as allivators, | After we had explored the rive? we went to several islands along the coast. â€" Fuitther south, one we went to was strewn with wild chickens and enormhous turtles ; another with goats ; another with coral and . . Itis very dangerous jon the goast, so many reefs and sands. Me and Ted take the boat to the mai 1, a distance of thirty miles, with goods and people fot the journey. . |. es cubt 11 BOOTS, [( NGrE s#oEs, . [~ [‘ MOCCASINS, . t .m MITTS, &c. || _ **$9S3. As Phoir Heads Must be Level. _ At9ote! a.ms,, and continue unti! the wh mum-fld- BRO8. ‘om itemerm ber the place, Tnmn-= Next door to Hardy Bros,, and 3 doors Philion & Lefebyre. 248 Mr. Stanjey is much pleaseil with ug in the way w4 handle the boat.. _ He is #good :u;ot:) Ne hway 'lrlxt.h. w share just as e does in Rverythi We got on proper here. Tad blew l.hl:%ug’l.o to the. ï¬'llmn ofÂ¥anzibat. . Ie was very muehâ€"pleased. We went to an evening y on glmy evening, i shall ï¬? tomight on 1 Her Majésty‘s ship Thetis, where Ted . will wrlbrm.u '1 have plenty jof eve ing. e have just the same as Her ty‘s seqvice the American Con where we are staying. | L To Surveyors and Engineers. Hasa iory@ stock of Winter =:o4~ prising Men‘s Lon 4 + eit Boots »nd Mooke L * gK ï¬nldo.-ro { and I’z‘l. FelvCor Lujlids* t}aiu, ambroidered and Foxed Conâ€" ves:, | J + 4 'hilm' flnp Buttonéd and Lacgd :oupLu ell O MJ B JCRA h c ELA A lurgo s$ «it of Men‘s, Ladigsand Boy#‘ Plain u»nd \Fao Moose Mocexsin®, l‘l;p@ | and other cho‘ge winter fâ€"0>=wear, all. of w he is deter w offer during tEh at REDICULIDUSY iOW PHic®+, â€" to e nr_ ct u} elm.neo.lm br pdé T ere: , can saye money = chasing ~QW for cash from | _ | _ _ [ A good Horse, a Montréal built Cariole, Chased from three to five miles by a hipâ€" 3&h.4b‘mm the river went to the Isle of Konde, in another m w is haunted with wild boar ; a tiful like a prairie, | . R :d § 1Uth.<=Left Simbo ; wind gouth southâ€" east, light., There are uvorï¬"wuy- into: this rivar; one is about half a mile wide ; ; channel deép. { 11th.â€"â€"Visited Chogum, a little island ; plenty of wild chicken 3 enormous turtle. 12th.â€"Btarted at eight a.m. toward Mana Island ; \got milk, eggs, and fowl, then proâ€" | ceedad t" (‘hogux: : anchored at sunset: Have had $10,000 worth of BOOTS AND SH Zaxtiva®, East of Africa, Oct 10{2.â€"â€"j0ir. Stanicy went On shore to aketch the place, ay then we {ot under way to go home; wind southwest by south, under m all n!ght, Came to anchor off Burgam &; Layed all night; this place is oppo'r Zanzibar, on the mainland; it is about / thirty milés. Thank theâ€" Lord, the rive‘;Is done! Although a fine place, it ns ‘verty unhealt}x_v about . the many mar “vg:m; but we have no more to do and ~« have our hatlth first rate. Me and Ergâ€" haye to take the boat with goods and peofle a distange of thirty, miles. Mr. Stanley is so ple to think he can trust us.. I pay the slaves we have to work for us cleaning the boat out or anything else that is to be done. | [The men work all day very hard for twelyé pice, that is three annalsâ€"â€"four and a hï¬â€˜pence. The A)eo- ple hereé are all fasting for fourteen days on accotint of the new moon. I cannot say if wo shall go away before ti® next mail. If 30 the letters will be forwarded over to tis, We shall stop on the mainâ€" land three weeks before going in the inâ€" temior. || went on ghor l3!.h.-.L)1r. J .p. 9. 125 NDEPEND ELEC po Inp ENnEPEXDeyE kLecrons "â€"_ »wARyEsS8, May be seen at BU 108 SALE a Arstâ€"c200" Theodolite and Level. May, be seen at BUOKUEXIS4 hutes. "/* ; LL TAKE NOTICE. MBoots & Shoros. W. A. LAMB FRANCIS POCOCK‘s LETTER Staniey Epwarp Pococt sHOES B sussex+st *=> 1874 LLawa. their accounts at once. Otherwise, the same will be placed in our Collector‘s hands for im niediate Five Prizes $10 ( 1 Horse & Buggy, withSilverâ€"mo unted Harness worth $600. One Fineâ€"toned Rosewrod Piano,. worth Three Gold Watches & Chains, worth $300 Three Gold A.eflulnâ€uumgn..WAu-hu. w each. Ten Ladies‘ Gold l’nnm:lwmhen. woith 100 eac .000 Gold and #liver Lever Hunting Wate es (in all,) worth from $20 to $300 each ! Gold Chains, Sliverâ€"ware, Jewelery, &o., &¢C Number of Gifts 7,500 ! mc.:au Hmiled to 75,0 > 3 ue wiunled to Tickel8, to weo uï¬z m:n- will be paid. f Tickets $1; Six Ticket« $5; Twely $10; Twentyâ€"five m&um containing a tull ot .m!..lde- seription of the manner of drawing, othorin formation io reference to the Distribution, wii ve sent toany one ordering them. | All i6tte: must be addressed to L. D. BINE, Box 482. Oineinnati, u. ® O#FICE: Excelsior Building, corner Race au . worth, f "Toc. 3, 1971 2554 daw y e THOMAS SHORE & COMPANY,: _ . _(Buccersors to LEE & THOMPSON.) . Beg leave to call theattention of the Public :Pdr lnrpnnd vart»d assortment of all descrip{ FINE AND COARSE Are hereby requested to call in ai RAJOTTE & Oo., Pooleys Bridge, and settle »300 Cush Gifts, COAL OIL To be distributed in L. D. SINE‘3 17ist Regular Monthly Hair=Dressing Parlor, W ELLLNGT O Nâ€"ST., GoLDp waAToHES, . _ SILYER WATOHES, . | GoLp CHAINS, _ GoLD RINGS, T1 PERFUME BOXES, HANDSOME MIRRORS, HAlR ‘BRUSHES, ABEAUTIEFUL SHIP(worth $15) $5,000.00 Each in Cash. Whole Tickeâ€"ts $10: Half tickets, §5; Quarte {icket, $3 5; I#ieven tickets, $:00, : GENDREAUS EwoPrizes, 1500 Mlasonic ‘ Relief _ Association IF ‘HOE_I':)_LK. vaA. & DaÂ¥y POSITIVELY H1X} D. ‘UESDAY, 290th DEOEN BE B $ 2 30 , 0 O 0/ $ 7 5, 0 0 0. 0 0 ! ne Grand Cash Gift of. ime Graud Cush unR of. ne Grand Cash Gift of me Grand Crsh Gift of me 8nnd Cran Gift of me Gran > Jash G1tt of meuira~d Cash Gifl of. . ...« 16‘ asn Gifts of $1000 each is Cash «lits of 500 each.. Ԥ3 Cash Gifts or $250 each. . 7+ Cash Giits of 4150 each.. mmugmu;m ench. . g()lh Gifts .w-cn DJ Cush Gifts of $10 each.. me A‘rize $1,000 #zand â€" Gift Concerit Whole Mcke ; Hal ; ‘Tenth, or each :mm‘a;‘gonn.\:r.:dï¬'hou. $500. Feb. 18 1874 LAS! CHANUCE Authorized by Act of the Virginia Legisiature mssed Iun:;ul. 1878). ret * 6 To invest a few doll with possible returns of t 18 o.n.{.b the ;flpouomut of Publte L4 â€"of Ky., to the 2 hofln':nnn'ry next, of their fAfth and last gm:cen and Drawâ€" ing. The man«gement are pledged to the reâ€" turn of the money if um-umwfl.g shouid not e0â€"me offat the day pow appointed. Now: 25. 1874 For Tickets and Circulars &o , address, HENKY V, MUORE, Seo. etary, GIFT FNTERPRISE G@OLD STOPPER To be drawn Monday, Febr GIFT ENTERPRISE, %?;.S i?{E& T ï¬ï¬m For 50 Cénts For Tickets, or i formation, addréss Agent and Manager, Loulsyliie, Ky. pec. 3, 181. sw inw kdkw Mr, T.â€"RAJOTTE O R ONE MoNTH ONLY. 50 000 TICKETSâ€"68000 CASH + GLATB, E5 8 ECO ND OA ND L AsT The only reliable (G!ft Distribution in t e Counatry . OTICE Gift Enterpriscs. NOTHER A4tliscelancous. , OPPORTUNITY KV BE GIVEN aw AY In Valugble Ci‘ts, D BE C; 29. ADJ ces &R Plorers. AJl partiss indebted to Â¥OU CaN OBTAIN Grand Capitals HOS. E. BRAMLETTE, IN AID OF THE ; Each in Cash SCENT BOTTLES, 3, ut c e 1,v00 eacia 500 each 100 cach 50 each 1dfast i T. KAJOTTE & Oo. b Norfol®, Vs 20ON&w 1873, two THE TIMES : OTTAWA, MONDAY, JANUARY 11L 1875 $250,000 100.000 50,000 950,000 000 * 2r00% 1854 10,70 11.%5 m; . Em 2 tX 18 uot 000 000 6 and 7 Nicholas=St,, Ottawa. f Funerals furnished with requinitc ordern. "A Repository l:: Fashion Ml“ the country.â€" ERMS : ; is tables, w Postage free wsï¬&px:rimumzv-bll K“&%mwm HAarp A «»2»+«»«4, â€"$400 _ | itPholan & Collender um‘fl;-‘z-wm‘*' Sole omeliegmee Combination Cushions‘ :’&'uc,nm.?du to uan‘.gn'l P | oo "‘umhm:-ln. 10 w% or, two of Harper® fuer‘s Pertod.6als, dond ï¬o&' A Aavhod nod detivered on S n ra e ie tag wan s | "" _ macden comergen of 4 sucsessor to ; mm“daru-*;i' ‘wili bo sent by i > > Th brawiwar, Nam t as free oi expense, for $700 each, A con emmmmiem on aitrmente on ncotar i e nnmpntiartoneny ner on ienss .. No ioioien pop moih arammiagee" r wo&fl-’:'mgnmm was s ~] C poity" ue T ighoananntiubive EPB EP O Anad and its pictorial illustrations are u: orative arguments of no small force.â€"NÂ¥ Â¥. 1ts papers on existent question and i intmit= able cartoons help to mould the sen of N »tices ofthe Press, The Basar is edited with a contribution of tact 20 ho hcmams 1000 ie oornmgasr o use groat <@l world o!mâ€"m_hï¬:†gel _ ‘The Bazar commend» itself to every w’ ber Srouy ictures. w.t.-:o‘ y'::n:mhcb bybL fashion~ a:’o,gn endless variety, to the provident maâ€" tzlhpuuom for the children‘s clothes, to paterfamilias by its tasteful monhtdd- ered r;l.lsrn and luxurious owns , But nrome nfl-:xnn:ew'l"l):omporhlnfl. nrod a wide ce % ypm::uy for the m-S: enjoyment it affords.â€" . Â¥. Rvening Post. * \Notices of the Press.> The Weekly is the ablest and mo«t iMustrated , eriodical publisbed in this ArY, its editorials are nehohrl{l aod con carry much weight. 1t» illustrations even‘s are full avd fresh, an:) are b: g best With a circulation of Weekly is by at leist halt a million, ces nduence as an organ of opinion la simp; Jitttesfal Family Paper in the Union.* â€" HABPER‘3 WEEKLY. ), ILLUSTRA TEO. PB UTTETTO TL L TAZLY hal a aailfianl sanch w re ind atnca en at, oï¬ ot praagront ie saie ly!nmu::’u:.x The We 'fl“l“:“:‘:‘ : TERMS : Postage free to .u::‘.m- in the United HarpEr‘s BAzA®R, one year Soontag $9 Jl&!';n:;lndu payment of U, 8. postage by the Subscriptions to HARPER‘s Macaz¥®B, WeExLy, and Bazar, to one .dm for one year, $1000; or, two Aarper‘s to one wddross for one year, $7 00; postage free, â€" > ""An extra copy of either the MAGAZIN®E Wrexxuy, or BAzAR will be supplied gratis for every Club of FIVvE SUBSCRIBERs at $400 each, in one remittandt; or,.A‘x Copies for Jm,m out extra copg.,':mluï¬t se. Back num can -urnlledut time. The seven numbers of m'znl. for boond Tn Ereon inotocod cioto, will be tont by ax. tesymint prog i Coucl Sevmine ment without the express of HaurEx & Address HARPER & ERUTMER®, Mew York, # A Complets Pictorial History of the Times."â€"**The Best, cheapest, and most Garversié& Gilderes For Comnings, he begs to say tha‘ alhough his price m:{ seem r li‘tle higher in ?noum tban some others, ‘when ladies take into conâ€" siderationp what they receive for their money, it will be found cheaper to buy their woik at this e#tablisbment. . CE RRCUIEDUIUTE T. K. M. aiso buT to say that be will continue as a 8\ stem of business, his sale of Maglc Pluno- (rupnuw!:)‘r cglqbl. mhu.“both 1or ladies and a-':. eâ€" me 1 ves wnhner & présent vary iny from §r0te up gi, ""O" 4M€ * _ Pertumes, Cosmetiques, Combs, Brushes, and g1li Toliet &h ods in .'.'.3“1.’-"‘. vuu%. ne*, Dealers in Furniture, Beds, Matitre®ses, Lookâ€" ig Glasses, t ornices and Curtains, 85 SPARKS STREET. O‘L‘\.nnoal,‘:g'd g» Tb. Pnsl ns elther 1p antoes % Dominio For the Gents‘ Room hbe tus every comfn: possible to vbtain for money. With fve etHcie: . workmen .gentliemen will mot bave 10 wasl» their time ‘l?w'du“l.\: this ecvablishment. . _ e Manufacturing Department employs se hands, and with the large amotnt of mm';o now has, will be able to mee! the increasing deâ€" mands of his patrons. 8 doe odonc‘s Aiie N*" j Furniture â€" Warerooms, ANGCGUS%CO. 74 AND 76 SPARKSâ€"8r., OTTAWA. | ° The Proprietor respectiully informs his numer» om.p-uou that his y HAIRâ€"OUTTIN3, DREIYSING AND _|â€"_ BATH ROOMS, : New Establishment is now com plete in every depertment Caruers & Gilders. sHOW CASES MALDE TO ORDER. March 12, 1874, 261 Opposite Heney‘s New Block. Jan, 11, 1874. PE TY 1ts articles are models of highâ€"toned discussion, Oct. 28,£1874, w60 Snarksâ€"st. S‘ ROGERS, . U NDER T AKE R PICTURE â€" FRA ME WILSON & ORR, hE BURLINGTON 8 Bs HBMisccllanucous. Hnir Cuttiug. LOOKING=GLASS and HABPER‘S8 BAZAR 1LLUSTRATED. a. ol per 3 urniturs. M ANUFAQT URERS, T. E. MOORE, 10f be surpasse: n price he gnar y house in the 26149 STANDCARD AMERICAN BEVEL TABLES The Largest Assortment in the City, AT THE OIL DEPOT, SUSSEX-ST. s CR C. 8. SHAW & CO. 4 _Colds, Homisen:ss, Loss of C3 eecraerass You will alwa s tind a full stock of Groceriew UGâ€"A#â€"Ware and CroQkery ut prices that can‘t be Oobtained elsew ere. * Goods previous 10 advance in wnolesale iedanferma in auittanine 6 n qua and chea To an Thke oaiyiot in eitpanned hnting dhigy, wik. s Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting, Tinswriths and Galvanized Iron Roofers. Uncolored ‘Japan Tea, Thanking their numerous friends and custom» ers for the patronage bestowed upon them since commencing business, would remind them that being in a position (through purchasing their OLD PRIOERS. $im: &‘-"‘m‘k::zflé ?:7:\'. Peel.. ... .3 Mitfed Spibes. .. .. S00b8 A Perfect Substitute for rg‘e uorsEKEEEERES ! m_sedPOLI-O, * **.8hop Windows, Chiua, 0) &o. Met«‘* HANB SAPOLIO, For Cleansing pyurposes. A moâ€"t destrable sub * Mhpmupehm for artizans mechanics, | ‘ Apply to any Grocer, D:uggist, or Kardware CAMPBELL & ALMAS. Agents for Ottawaâ€" Use the British Egg and Butter Powder | CROCERIES. Lamps & Chandeliers Dealers in Coal and Wood Stoves, Bedstends, Tinware, Mardware, Cutlery, Plated Goods, Baskets, Wooden Ware, Rird Children‘s MILL MACHINERY or{svrRy 70 SPARKS STREST, OTTAWaA. 4 5 Manufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in Iron and Wood Working Machinery Enoinss axp Bomsrs IXTUR Jan: 9, 1875 Rold in Packeteâ€"1l0cts., by all Grocers Ask for, and insist on having it, A Gem worth Reading!â€"â€"A Dismond worth Seeing! save your Eres! t ue io. We Dec. 24, 1874. trated PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY of the RYESIGHT. ‘Tclis how to Restore Impairâ€" ed Vision and Overworked Eyes ; how to cure Weak, Watery, l-l--.‘,.-l .“.-:m.“; Eyes, and all other Dis« WASTE No MORE MONEY BY ADJUSTING HUGE GLASSES ON YOUR NORE AND DIS. FIGURING YOUR FACE. Pamphiet of 100 pages Mailed Free. Send youraddrcss PM purtictiaet sedteiee. Write Inmeaiston:; *o _ DR. J. BALL & 00., @.0.Box #14 No. 91 Liberty Bt., New York Oity, N. Y. Only £0o, per lb. & Apples wholesale ard retail. _ EDWARDS & RUTLEDGE, Agents W anted, HINKRY OF;HEVERY DESCRIPTION, ROCK DRILL TING, ® *A MAMe ANeAKIEE . . o onh “Tu‘ ater. RILL®, Btlf U, FILES, aAND ' PECIAL | AGENCIESâ€"Oameron SpÂ¥ria! Steam 11.A F :o'od.‘?orkln. Machines; American Baw Oo‘y., Trenton, N.J.; ,ou'h mw. \" Hend for Olreulars and Cutalogties t OYFICE aND WAREHOUSF~.~. . ... sevetmsces:sccees::»»++ 10 SPARKSAâ€"ST., OTTAWA, Oot. 17 1814 . » i4 â€" _ 01"____â€" AGreat Saving in Butter ! POR ALL COOKING PURPOSES. EDWARDS & RUTLEDGE‘S General HouseFur nishing' G o o d s To Economical Housekeepers ! ATHS, WATER CLOSET3, STEAMâ€"FIT!INGS, & fitted up with Latest Improvemen ’,{‘-.'?Eï¬"»""““‘“ Particular attention ‘l‘ns'uq";'oma 1: our firsiâ€"class stock of HRISTMAS CARD. . SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, MACHINERY DEPOT us also. CORNER SPARKS AND O‘CONNORSTS. Jan. 7, 1875. * | : M 0 O R E Jan.8, 1875, SYRUP OF RED SPRUCE GUX , 1874 A. S O N Plumbing, Ga§ and Steam Fitting @rocers. CHAS. STEPHENSON & Co. 8 and 4 Victoria Chambers, Wellington Street OF TAR BEST CANAIIAN, ENGLISH AND FOR YoUR FINE . TIN AND COPPER SMITHS, NEW PRICES. 8 Ihs. Raising. .... l'l:uâ€?‘ï¬lnu..; u+ »viw l Lemon Peel ....«1 :‘?l'.l". g.mm..1 < in PH+ s we« lfx‘d &..?..4 84 SUSSEX.â€"ST. YVTH & KE RR, Plumbers, &c. EXECUTED EXPEDITIOUSLY BY $730â€"3a w k 25 RIDEAU STREET, $727â€"3m Coal ®i1. And Lawn Mowers. Htardware. achinery. in ieiopaaponaimne 1e is AT P. NAUVGETENS 1 onl mrodeed engrarings 0 00 OLIVER DITSON & Co., Bosion, ghdY bapuiks boilurntes." W . 0. Porkie: BONXG MOEARCH. C "ct.] For Eirgine Schocls. Not much Pacred is sep en anemorees mo.,u._ . Puimer an : L. u. Fmerson, slonnm For a _§gqg__ Smoke YRTLE NAYY 2 & n sneetevioer of io Rppoipat Gnedin 4h it rom T ondam L‘-i‘ Mr ; m%‘ln January, BIYVER OF LI FE. (55 gus ) _A most beaniiful Sunday School Book, LEADEE. 4 1.48.) © Full collec‘ion of (oBl TV Riegroont Soere. Tok g'h:;l. J.&Tu:mo JOSEPH KAVANAGH, Grey E@d(‘mm-. 2 vols..... .. . $18) {'io’. tllinot Life .4....................1. Joh iil‘s Posthumous Kssays on 250 Popoprhe lon'lbtcu"i '3 Proctor‘s The Transits of Venus............ 3 A’m_n_gg_t_hgl'n Tauble, by Talmage, Hius» _ __ Different Kinds of Game HENDERSON & Co‘s. HAMS AND BACON, All books seut postâ€"paid, for re‘ull price. â€" ... oi o d C RBRooks, â€"Books ! Rooks & Stationery. 3 Sparks Btroot. Oitawa, Jan. 8 1872 One Hundred Dozen Dec. 80, 1874 OOIS 1 ACRED MUSIC BOOKs FOR 1875 WAbOC:.} sa0+ 2200« DANEKS® PERKINS‘ NEW BOOKS. Grocer and Wine Merchant, JUST RECEIVED. Albso 3 AND bEOOND HAND D AMERICAN MAKE PARSON‘S Gamse. For sale at J. T. MKASON & CO. WELLILNGTONâ€"3T,. OTTAW A. OO "AL A wellâ€"arranged stock of MANT! in A mer charle deaigns .( 2RA T en frow the .".’.'{'A'.‘..J'.'Y... Monuments, â€"Headstones Obelisis, #c., in Marble, Booich Grapite, or Sanastoné, ied Gentlemen‘s Underclothing, Scarfs, Ties, Collars Canadian and Irish Friexe. from $11.50 to $17 A ~ J PW00.0.0 .._rrv, â€"flr':l’l-:)d-l"- --_l u-‘u-- VR \waPacs rusuindl A Mircird Iz’ umw_dl“!nuummunq‘fraué.‘ ® saarid MACLAREN & CHALMERS Special Bargains in Shawls, i# 3c ud Berlin Wool Needlework, cheap * Oe ols : PC * ar on‘as. Buysoxm Hat Scarfs, Sashes and Handkerchiefs, â€" > y AT CHAS, BRYBONB. All the Novelties in Ladies‘® Hats, ar can mataonk Barlin Wool Shawls, n«w styles, J m 18. Kk | f Noveltiesin Gent‘s Ties and Scarfs, â€"© sC8 Aatols Bine and Sieck Prnedeloth. ho p!t upwards. Stock of Fall & Winter Goods THE DRESSâ€"MAKING DEPARTMENT is under the su management of Mi 8. M. A. Amw l Omm(hnmtnly M!lvlhh-porb_ingc!-_!._._.-g’ The Cheapest Fancy Dress Silks in the City. A good fit gusranteed Cidols warrnbted Shtunks Jan.7, 1875. â€" pemokale: Al «valm. L "The newes\ design in OEMETERY FENCING LONDON â€" HOUSE! KEEPERS, REMEMEBER T xas ; epermtentonars funl decper frearrerecart -uumhmwmma.’duw;}ymouï¬uâ€â€™:m * sez Lk P. BASKERVILLE & 3 ' CELEBBRBATED BRANDIES. H OTTAWA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. T AILORING ln!‘meo.mnd_ml'“ RANDIES, PORT AND sHERRY WINE, | GIN, 8 we have in our employm sat ols of the best Cutters in this country, we } At Reduced Prices for Cash. Also, a large and wellâ€"assorted stock of TAILORING | ESTABLISHMENT, Colored and Black Silks, Velveteens, FAR WHAT Dz SHERIDAN MUSPRATT,â€" F f . . Pale Oup.o.lâ€"hl'c-uv- ur Hennessy‘s is u"'m%"“gn _ ey.TO BE HAD OF ALL GROCFRS aND ITALIAN WAREKOUSEEN Dee, 5, 1874 Â¥1/im1l e TO BE DisPOSED OPFP Al1 GREAT REDUOTION OFf PRICK® Bon/ne & THIS MONTH OF DEORusBR, AT 1 I +) hi The remainder of his large Jan. 11, 1878 THOS, _ PATTERSON THE PEOPLES TEA STORE ies ies e trexâ€" ESTABLISHED 1854. Direct Importationsâ€" from Dress Material of all Grades, NOTICE TO LADIES OF FASHION A eir FANCY GROCERIKS IN GREAT VARIETY P. A. TAYLOR, Proprietor. JOSEFPH DIMBLEBY; B@* 55. SPAEKS STREET The largest and Best=e:ecled assortment of RENAULT & CIE. UNEQUALLED FOR ‘RICHXESS Marble CMorks. (£ are Endics‘ TMare, Note the List ot Prices. Bry Goods. [The oldest. Bottiers in France.) (ESTABLISHED 1860.) Tailoriug. XOCEYiCS, «CC Is now offering at his 29 RIDEAUST,, "Cdaby â€" We are sh :wing J. W. RYANS §b to $LGG ___ ._"_ _ " T. y P sod Cannaiam Tweed, $8.00 . Dist nna Black 'v""muu:sgus §150 upwwa Beaver, Black. Brown and Blue Overcaaia, it Canajian and Irish briese Pantsand Veosts, trom a0, Calien, and t'flw mt and {‘niuâ€"dlan Sbotien, â€" ug O a y HANEY & FORGIE. anltah e for the various Oemeiaries. WR y mily on the pronuses, al Ussal pis TAILORING. PANTS AND VESTHj â€" "Ping heri on " P s ud Th 4.( d i AT CHAS. BRYBON‘E. 234 Wellingionâ€"8t Producers OoTTaw a,*1811 5. we Nse is the