1% Bostox Puiraarwoxic Civs.â€" This talented company will give two grand con certs in Gowan‘s Hall this (Monday) and tomorrow (Tuesday) evenings. Un the occasion of these concerts, the hall will be put in a proper condition for the recep tion of the ‘patrons of the club. (WTheir Excellencies the Earl and Countess % Dufferin and suite have promised to atten the cencert on Tuesday evening, on which oecasion the sale of seats incicates that the sudience will be very large, gud the side and fro::;menu will be reserved. Chairs will the benches. This is the finest combination of talent in Ameâ€" rica, and have been the leading artistes in the celebrated Thomas Orchestra of New ~ York; None should fail ht::‘w Bernhard h-m.na' the violinist on conâ€" this ay areâ€"from a Montreal exâ€" ahm * attendance â€" at : the Mechani¢s‘ Hall last night, leaving noseat unoccupied, and comprehending the clite of the city, showed that this fine combinaâ€" tion of musical talent has won appreciation hl-ï¬:l. The performance even :: most eager expectations, : the hearers in a trance of conâ€" tinuous delight. The first and last | pieces, Auber‘s Overture, "Crown Diz | monds," and an Overture of & Haxpsous AcKNOWLEDGMENT.â€"Uur re&d ers will be pleased to learn that the toâ€" perance men of this city gave a compliâ€" mentary supper to Alderman John.Henegy, at Mr. Gibson‘s establishment, on :x:tu day last. _ Alderman Heney has been a total abstainer for over a quarter of a cénâ€" tury, and has at all/times and in all plages prociaimed fearlessly against intemperâ€" ance. Therefore it was after his recant contest against a popular candidate, various organizations in the city t it a duty tbewmm of â€" perance to t servi of Honest John Heney.â€" Thg“room % tastefully decorated by _Bro. Bond with flags, and the tables loaded with everyâ€" thing that was good for a temperante sembly. There were present: Mr. J, M.! t °lmwllxmnm: . Eriscorar . Cuvrcu.â€"Ehe Irwarnter=â€"of the Rafi C uvi 1 Church have ; just issued ol"g:e'\%‘};p::" m‘ of the membars a statement of the finknâ€" cial position of the church from Apriliup to 3lst December last, v‘ich show$ a very ohmmhftgy st::o of .. Tairs {i:i‘:he new < eir being a slight ce on the right side of the ledger. _ At April there was & balance of $89 5l in fave of the church funds; offertory during rest of the year, $1,498 14; special scriptions, $145; general subscripti $39; 0 fund, $46; sale of prayer $9; ml,&ï¬ 85. _ The total experidi ture during the same period â€"amounts $1 749 73, leaving a balance in thahnï¬; of « the Treasurer of $75 12. ‘The balance is certainly notâ€"a large ut considering that the Church is onl??x’n?ha infancy, it is pleasant to observe that the expenditure has not exceeded the in¢ b On Thursday evening the chiliren at â€" ing the Sabbath School of the Church are to be treated to their first social, which is to take placée in the Rideau Street Tamâ€" perance ï¬dl. The entertainment will be a gratuitous one, the members of : the Church voluntarily subscribing to pay the expenses. â€" tï¬ A ntuiy _ 0 20 CCret lxv E:.hn was occupied n onetk whom acquittecd:themseives in an able : ner, and we venture to assert that chairmen over a similar meeting ever hn« such a fine list of toasts to submit to any assembly. . Bro. Gibson, we fear, was at the bottom of them.. All the speec were happy, and all those who wenuxlm uponito respond did so with credit to thaimâ€" selves and the cause they so ably espouse. May these meetings be more frequent, and -‘m temperance men of this ‘city will & power that every individual will have to ncknowlodï¬e We underâ€" stand the number of pledged total abâ€" stainers of this city representéd on the ocâ€" casion was over one M:x.d;;h; and of fl: Province over. twenty eight !.houz Alderman Heney and his family, as as his iation, may well feel proud of the dmhowur paid him . j wot M W. H.. Wailer, P. G gher, all of the (+ UROTESTANT HOsPHTAL. week are: Directors, Me and James Egleson, Cle Jones, D. D., and W. J. 1 Uify Cocx~1.â€"The last meeting of the old City Council takes place this evening Tux Noxixatox.â€"The nom candidates for the Local Legisia place toâ€"day at 12 o'olou.khn the mherif Powell is Leturnihg OtH iresses t treet w n andidate M M )Kel | EMPE M W at ames Gra MC a temperan igne NJ ® nteorte E 3. A. Bell, M. A., E fm,ml Martin Bs ngham, Robert O‘ Reilly ®, P. G@. Leyden and M. l'\nmflh Hibernian ntly occupied Mr. air by Mr. the Fur themselives in an able . | the fa nture to assert that few | PAbd t similar meeting ever public of toasts to submit to apy | * cur . Gibson, we fear, was at 0°@s8 theu. . All the spesc naces, 1 all those who were p.]n stated lLdid so with credit to them. | *U"4Y rause they so ably espouse, | * ° tings be more freauent. and | the su, in at td Uisencee iffa W balance At April . fay o e ial o lowkl rch ( How H. 5 ppe &V m alla tle: Ald jar Central School West : Number of candiâ€" &m‘ lEOi.; nu;nber pnfud,al. Cu?'nl Se ; Number of candidates & number , 22. â€" Other than the Pub: lis Schools}; Number of mdndnl: 26 ; number passed, 12. . ‘Iotal number of canâ€" M:‘.lBonnn:ws, lmpmlon:.fd b<l:lhoola and presiding Examiner, presen is report mhï¬nnxto tbdhtr'nl;@ oxtï¬.‘::ï¬oupoto the Collegiate Mhztmu ed that this e ination had conducted in the Central\ Schools East and Mâ€ï¬ result was toaes Nr, LeSceur ‘presented the ‘report of the School: Management Committee. It relerred to the annual examinations in the different schools, adverted‘ to the closing exercisesg in the Rink Music Hall and the :ulond:$wo thoreat of their Exâ€" cellencies the Earl and Countess of Dufferin. | 1t stkied that His Excellency, HMis Worship | Mayor Featherston : an + others addressed the children and that the aflairflasagmx&-mcesu. The expenses in connection therewith amonnï¬l to $115 and the rgport the issuing a cheque in liquidation of the same. In reg wofivin‘, t to the compulsory | clans the Act, the â€" Comumittee ¢oncluded the annual raport of the truant , but in the m?&'::l:l:uhmhhod a samil beâ€" ware 0 ting priv them of educating their chi The report also recommended pointâ€" ment of Misses 1‘. Steacy, Meâ€" Master Agnes Forgie to vacancies at present existing .in the “'m ladies having all the sary qualific Haaten 194 Wotkd cat asee o wot, hor elegant toulotta ‘list the sympathies of x thvor, but Sx‘mo wlr:) .( it ilogc& ones who hestre | {ighly understand that \ve said in priaise of het : | de porler ov the conventi o" «musical | criticism. justi¢e to say that the Nature has lett untinish dnt‘s voire has been perf enltitation,| Every low, utters, each softly modul above all, the deep expre that wre convgeyed in eve impress the listener wit sh¢ is one with whom tw n interise pagsion, too it rajined, rnc“% r1{icvt\u for in | all ts 1 tion. 1t _ recommended | monthly _ raturhs Iu.ml applications . by . * blylnk â€â€˜l":)r: from _ the principals â€" of the . dit ferent schools, with | a view to L. It further stated that theâ€" term for whieL' the contract was given had expired. Tt recommended the propriety of delaying tite J;ropoued furniture ‘for the Otiawa Ward Primary School until such time as some uniform plan for all furniture for‘e now Primary Schools was decided upon, lt also asked that the comffiittee be em:â€" powered |to expend, the sur of $200 in getting the necessary number of uo;tta. of the latest ï¬op‘phwd or cenâ€" tral schools, as these mo- were nearly de-muwo;(rmoh * & .. YJn «motion ,llo% by Mr. Bmm%t.h.o report of m ing Committee received and adopted, and all sums ofâ€" mnoneyâ€"mentioned therein. ordered to be paid into the City Chamberâ€" lain to the crecit of the Board. F5 Wicitics UTDC. 42 WOR I the fact that their was luflc'n:: f&« hand to meet the requirements ‘ public schools for the winter. That six oqnds of wood were disposed of, a necessary after the change to coa baces, realizing the sum of $184. . It stated that a number of stoves and aundry articles were disposed of J siim of $33.50, . The rgyon showed the supply of stationery for the use o sthools for the past year cost $688.24 iestimat.e for! | the same baine \ & Important â€" Roeports~School Censusâ€" Nehool Auo-‘;-m â€" Financial State» mont â€"Non . Resident . Feesâ€" Rules of Order+â€"Ad jJournment. m A| special repoft was presented by the Comtmittee of Nchool Management anent the charges againkt Mr. J.. R. MeDowall one of the teachers in the Central School Wast, for maltreatment of one ofhis pupils naitied Miss Abbott. He wasiexoncrated of the charge of séverity to the child, but was remionstrated ’n&h for harsh , to Mr. Abbott, the father of the girl. â€"He apolbgised tor thisafter which all parties surlunoged to the investigation. were: dis Tb' ;‘k::rouveEir the lora| . Solo, the Fantaisiq for / t and the Concerto f played by HZ:LD. ons. The appointment of janitors for 10 new Primary Schools was &r for irther con<deration. k $ P AlA B (n motion of of Mr. Le Sueur, seconded y Mr. , the repor® of the Sehool lanaggment Committee was adopted. â€" .. nbo:: 0# ts FURYISHING_COMMITTEE.,. _ Mr. Ronxgrsox presented the report of M f the teacher Wast, for maltre rjed Miss Ab f tihe charge of mut monstrate O bir Ahhon,t ipolbgiged for t ,-.1;mno,‘rd to t harce h¢ Orit LT ng $ porige m-:h sger iving th )h mation of )? Barsee, seconded by .| Roauetsox, the salaries of Meum." vjn and Nwinbugn, Janitors of" the ('en~k 1| Schools were increased $2> each, ing their anmual salary $500, h application from Mr. James Walker ie position of Janitor of one of tho} w Primary Schools was read, and on »tou ai Mr. Robertson, was réferred to >\Committee or Rchool Management. â€"| Â¥ number. of acdi were referred to »Finance Co , and the Prinfing mmittoe was instructed to report as to /officialâ€"printing of the Board. t ight i motion of Mr. LeSuxur, geconded Ir. Graham the report was »received alopted. f xhibi BOARD 0P PUBLIC TRUSTEES. M L‘t’ y M H |journed Special Meeting of the ‘l“ï¬l‘ulik Rchool Trastees was held i\ Hall on ‘Saturday night. Preâ€" liram Robinson, Chairman:; Messrs. otion of Mr. LeScst®, the Inâ€" was insntw«ll to n;:h PH t‘e [ the printed m:;xtea of this Corâ€" . and that. unl such| facilities en him. thatâ€" the said l{illlllfl be F SCHO ABBOTT iouvornilr de g‘:lllini," (Piatti), rm . Solo, * (Cnjus Animan," Lin‘otr‘ the Flute (Terschack), ‘oncerto for Violin (Beethoven), y ){-'Jnn A. Hartdegen, A. Belz, r ml\,n A,. Distemann tively, uit the rare powers of %e. genâ€" m) their: favorite iustruments. y Bryant was ch.rmiur; in the inotta e bella" (Guglielmi), and mm:‘\unly eneored that she took er adiairers and treated them to »t NBWPTUITR â€" EXTRANOE: EXANM1®A ipplaude cations for the position of ‘:xd xeferred to the tchpol Management. f n‘ from | Messrs. Gavin and ig for ail increase of salary comumittee. It set forth heir was sufficient f:‘ols e requirements of )r the winter. That fortyâ€" @ were disposed of, as unâ€" UNICA THON M ip NINUTES s &n w}ui< NaAGENENT COMMITTEE Lt Â¥ AJ ltreated the bi, in its turn, Her other X $134. It also stoves andâ€" posed. of t io port showed that for the use of the EUR, Mr. Jame go to coal fur DIEFIOCLTY nbertson Ne SCHOOL being : $1000); 1ds Walker one of the ad, and on réferred to the , 'n:winooting then wdjourned till Tues day 12th inst,, at 7.30.p. m., when the $ of Order will be considered, and the m@whn fixed for the ensuing year. At ithis stage Mr. Graham gave signs of great uneasiness, and left the hall, leaving the Board without & quorttm‘ ~ _ â€" hs.cuid.y’s Gazette®*ooritains the follow intments : _ . ;.; §nFI. w. Binney of Moncton, N. B.; to l;leslandin waitex :flw:' hï¬: josty toms, W. M. â€" Shaw, m‘m&nï¬&' xiA s 24 had best en( »Behtee on Coptes iven to co them, C had ro }?l::::l in the hands of the memâ€" bers of the Board for soveral weeks,and as there could be no serious objection to the revised Rules, much time would. not be lost ih the consideration ‘of them. M Barber 'tboufht. Mr.â€" Robertson :goou Téave over for future e&nndenhon & of Order,.owing to the great poâ€" litical excitement that prevailed. _ _ congus, at leass 150 were at school for a longer or shorter period during the year. of ï¬â€˜o remainder manyyaremowly arrived emi ts who have not got actLuAin witlm localities of the schools, but w proimise to send as soon |as ‘possible. t will be seen by this that cumpamtiw few Protestant families neglect the â€" catiqn of their children. C1 motion of Mr. LeSueur, the reports of the Inspector and ‘Truant Officer were mf;i\d to the School Management Gomâ€" mittbe. Ao : The Secretary presented the usual anâ€" nual financial oxi:ibi of which the folâ€" lowi*g H-M o | RECEIPTS! ‘Mr Grahang moved &h adjournment,but couï¬ï¬‚nd no seconder. 5o . ot ending;.Dec.. Sist .1874, sho be u*fdlon":'-(h:'m, Bxcise, "$505,712 14 ; ‘Post 170 82 ; Public Works, inclu Balan« IN3â€".....?..lcclcgecns.lâ€"o1â€"‘}:>/§O0p900 $8 City inssessimment, 1874...... ... ... (26,000 00 Governthent grant, 1874........, 1,476 00 Debentures for Primary Schools 20,000 00 Non4esident fees................... B 30 W.ppfl roceeded. to take up the new Rules of Ulr‘de;- left over from & previous meeting. _ T4 Uf the 219 Protestantâ€" children not at temding school at the time of taking the $18.30; Sep 25; October,$13.75; xovWï¬ig-M'&uï¬ making a total of $167.25, which was pail into the hands of the Chamberlain to the credit of the Board. & : On motion of Mr. Robertson, seconded hy M ronthn thopegort jps yecoived city. He commenced this work on the 9th day o{h November mddmok all children between the ages of 7 arid 12 y resicâ€" ing within Oh:ï¬inib of the mumpdity. distinguishing sex, religion, attendance at ool and nonâ€"attendance at | school. Seven weeks were spent in this direction and 4,583 dwellings visited to acquire the statisticaMinformation below appended. §4 4 rqt,;ll.,... .â€.A.Y.A..,....ss‘t,.lwula â€" _A resolution was passed confirming thie statement and ordering that it. be pubâ€" liShOF "‘h the tiinutes. i4 } t*4 wil Néxâ€"Restoext Fess. Inspector next presented a report in&wl to nonâ€"resident fees for the past yeéar. It gave the receipts from all schools for: January, Febru.r’{hmd March as $47.45;, April, $17.25; May, $20.25; June, O LCE C3 CC Eon eqit N0 > C dikeg chap.‘8, which cameinto force on the 1st &nt, to pnï¬*&*ï¬lm of food, «drink an:,td;qg,:n compounders of SP‘, mnatwbring themselves under the uupertnuon of the Department of Inland Revg:_:ue, by taking out a license for the carrying en of théir busingss as‘ sach. The mahagement and su rvision of the méeasurement and mgipflnï¬: of shipping belongy to (the Marine ~ and ‘}ilï¬elh Department from! the 1st ing.ant, | |R®V brruky, ; i ~,., acdiopt SnE prpamrbrrome . ) . . .. out of the 65 passed : 20 from the Public Schools and 4 from other institutions. TRUANT OPFFICER‘s REPORT. | f Mr. Davis, Truant Officer, in accordance with instructions given him, :rorvod as to the census taken of school children in the 31kt Dec., 1874 35;;.. =2... q. Prizes and exhibition expenses Board Of EXBiDGISâ€"~»~.â€"ssâ€"â€"@«» Chemival apparutns,...... ... » ... Paid:on Primary h,c‘i‘mols H. Meadows, for coal furnaces Mrs.: Wright, interest and inâ€" debenturés and coupons...... Balance in favour of Boayd on llinkh‘.! Ent. PSTS.:.. ...E L. Feachers and official salaties to Total SECRETARYT‘S FINAXCIAL REPORT 84147801011 JO an, piy7®â€"tior CANADA GAZETTE $100(198 ‘qu §100(98 m hand 1110380401 RULES OF 001# 0 x 19439,) BXPEXDITURE uelp[I(,) J84U] ‘|O JUOAUC @10 AM 1874, shows receipts to ?“"':"a-: ï¬ï¬m m‘? oo ) ${IS) s10¢ M D $84,136 13 $18,012 48 00 141 00 ..~~~801â€"44 â€"â€" 310 00 14,24 37,9004 60 1,026 817 20L THE TIMES: OTTAWL° MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 18765 08 00 60 x) . K Sagurpay, Jan. 9th, Anngmw »tholvd‘abo. : was :: ic aepanae named Nestor, was gned "before the Magistrate and toleave the city concluded by nominating Mr. James Egleâ€" son as a fit and proper person to be a canâ€" didate at the fon,hcominï¬llmad‘ election. Mr. G, H. Preston followed at ‘some length in the same strain, but su’gented nomin.tin% Mr. E. McGillivray. 89 * Mr. William Mosgrove _ was next ealled upon, â€"and | spoke ; in vigr- ous . terms .in denunciation . of e meeting and those who endeavoured to foment sectarian cries in a mixed comâ€" munity. |. t e Thig edl Eoo 4+ Before M. O‘Gara, P .M. * ANOTHER ‘ALARM. Yesterday evoni;?, Vafler five o‘clock, the alarm of f giyen from the neighbourhood of 'ti*&," o on g in fead d siatons spot, and the 7 llnwu found to be in ï¬t.gflflflxr- ied by the expiosioh ob ob o leing. The flames which partiilly| burht the floor and carpet were quickly subdned: .. Com:â€" ing so soon after th previous night‘s alarm, it caused a good deal of excitement, ic Siany runhod aloug id strools, Lut bprip‘ ® 4 ‘that the seene of the previous i was (mol 2o Mr. James Lang was the first to address the meeting. He spoke at?: some lemh, advocating the claims of the Protestants to representation in the Legislature, and An attempt was made on Saturday evenâ€" ing to held a mass meeting under sectarian anspices in the Rink Music Hall, but it ended in a fizzle. ‘There were about 150 people present, many of whom went from curiosity. A considerable number of Roman Catholics were also present.. Mr. Wm. Porter was first called uï¬on to act as Chairman, but refused on the ground that he never took any active pmiwl.iï¬os. Mr. E. McGillivray was next asked to. 51: side, but he too refused, from the fact that he was ignorant of the object of the meetâ€" ing. Mr.W. H. Cluff finally consented to act. Mr. E. McGillivray, being loudly called for, next addressed the audience. He also denounced the character of the meetâ€" ing, and deprecated the sectarian issues it raised. _ He thought the meeting was iMlâ€"advised and very imprudent at such a critical juncture. _ His remarks in this respect sgemed to meet . with the accord of most of those present. He believed Mr. O‘Donogliue was not the riï¬t man to répresont the city in the Local Legislature, and asserted that many thought as he did.s He would like to see a person with more stake and interest in the city selected to be sent to Toronto. ; L The fire was a terrific one, and from the. combustible character of th.b\uldix almogt defied the heroic exertions of brigade. ‘THe two steamers and four hose companies soon brought six splendid streams into play, and enough water was thrownwruï¬r:sllt.hemiléab;zl’thb Mted. diere, yet the fire stu | resis ‘The water ran down George lt:::t and over the bridge in a reflxln torr::kbut owing to the severe co| m _m extraordinary inflamable *of "th buildings, it made little impression on ra fire. Everything congealed ‘into a 80 mass of ice. The working of the steamers was also interfered with by the intensity. of the frost, but fortunately the water works stood good to the an% and the reels did fine execution. ~Had it not been for the plenteous supply of M,mdfl)t gallant exertions of the bm is no knowing where it would have ended. Yesterday, the scene of, fire was visited by numbers of people, gazed with interest on the still ing ruins, which looked all the more fr the icy covering that u% o% thing. Had the houses been built 0 snow, and subjected to a sudden thawing process, they could not have presented a more unique appearance. . At the rear of the buildings, looking down towards the ï¬ully, the remains of the building looked ike walls of ice, from which projected and hung beautiful and fmt&lï¬molhsfled stalactites. ~Some shrubs in the hollow T iick anfaense thent, and Uts Porcamakt ich enve em, An e tele wires were loaded with ice. . _-.Indoetï¬n &o whole scene had a very Polar looking : asâ€" ct, and presented a strange contrast to {h‘:t of the previous night M“rlv mornâ€" At this stage of the proceedings | a good deal of tuï¬lt mdpoonfun‘igflansued amidst which the gallant |captain called for three cheers for Sir John A. Macâ€" donald. _ The audience. Tdod by making a rush for the door, which sumâ€" marily broke up the meeting. ing. | 5 ug Several of the -g&we‘%dread- fu%'ï¬omtheoold, it was with great difficulty that able toâ€"continue their arduous work, ed till about six o‘clock yesterday morning. They were also engaged a consi ;mm' of yesâ€" terday lifting their 1 was firml mbed?ied in the ice. l ow Capt. Bowie followed with a few obserâ€" vations, and concluded by nominating Ald. Rowe. Fo £BGEL . \Mr. Porkins is the mï¬otw of the premises consumed, an. l lose heavily, as he had only an insurance of 3,000 dof. lars upon the buildings. _ U 4 + “Em Venn, milliner and | dressmaker, next visited with the fiery element, and her establishment soon succumbed to the flames. Sh '00‘):: a loser to the ex. tehtof:l,(mdo:fus, t her â€"loss is parâ€" t.in\lly c;ogei_od by il‘)fm-, h it 5 4 Mr. Joseph Turgeon, boot and shoemak:â€" er, in an adjoining mmm., was also burnt out, and will suffer to the extent of 4,000 dollars. He has no insurance, and knew nothing of the fire until yesterday morning.> / | PV wl it 44 §u4 . EPP THE PROTESTANT MEETING. furniture of the lem,j ce Hall. (Mr: 0. Cayea, wmm and jeweller, was also a sufferer to the extent of, 3,000 dollars, upon which he had no insurance. THE (MEETING . DENOUNCED. IT ENDS IN A FIZZILE. A SERIES OF FIRES, POLICE COURT 416 Notre Dameâ€"St., 11 Rideauâ€"8t.. . . « ed np to 10;10p.m. will be i wiiied bnithid W ost in snpPiote thinty pa: beg nekame $#) bemes maics. h ciose r.v!nl*rdn.v, onday at 8 pim., . er Ca # .‘banflcytfllwnlfl In this city, on the 10th inst., Ella Eva, eatnughter Of Mr. N. W. Curtis, agod 4 yours. White Rabbitt Jackets, LADIES‘ SOUTH SEA SEAL .uplm‘l". Ladies‘ Persian Lamb Jackets, é;j] 4.,«3 § drunkenness, for which he waf fined $3 im ï¬umot: Green jmx that tri reen was char, with keepâ€" ing pigs within mnbedï¬rllnh H eingiaon till Monday. ; . ns1 ... " Joseph Beaubien was up on & charmf stedmï¬' acap and coat from Jonah â€" nil:{. e was adjudged " Not Guilty," and was discharged. AT REDUCED RATES. Mink Sets sold at Cost. ‘The largest and cheapest assortment of Ladies‘ 1 and Gentiemen‘s Furs in the city, t can be had at the | ALL OTHER FURS, CHEAFP FOR CASH. Stock of Winter Furs J4@~ A splendid assortment ‘of Ladies‘ Fur Caps and Jackets inâ€"all the newest styles in constantly on hand, and also made to odrer gposrerrck orraAwa. h Arrival and Departure of Trains. F U R RI1 E R, Henry Dunbar was u'nigxed for asâ€" saulting one Wm. Briggs. He was fined $1 and costs. He was reprimanded for throwing stones at Mrs. Briggs‘ window. Jaimes Stewart was up on remandâ€" for selling liquor in his store, in violation: of the Act, after the hour of 7 o‘clock on Saturday night. He was mulcted in the sum of $20 and costs. > SIGNOF THE RED HAT, Fur Depots Etatters & Furriers. Opposite Featherstona‘s Drag Store, 1874. AUTUMN ARRANGEMENT. 1874 Jan, 11, 1875. Jan. 4, 1874. Dec. 20th, 1874, BB&T* AllMails are close! by Montreal tim 4 lï¬nmmrm Otlawa time. GENTS FURS !! H. HODGE 8S, Opposite the British Lion Hotel. ADYES FURS ! ALEX. BROBERY, BUFFALO ROBES EVLIN‘S No. 33, Is offering the balance of his 45 Rideauâ€"st., Ladies Sea Otter Sets. 56 SPARKSâ€"ST., Â¥ails. R. J. DEVLIN, RIDEAU STREET. JAMES PEACIOK, No. 83, Rdeau Street. a 72 ml Manufacturer. & 288 5 wb Mantreal. Ottawa. Diamond Y hanea laus AcoR To yonta‘ Pariors &,mlmwumm ‘Barâ€"room best Wines l«w«‘&'&f-‘.‘“"&fl.m "eps it tcn PfvED veams. Ottawe, Fob 14, 1874, 2001 ez ns m%3 d thek o Soe encecened fln brother TOHN) England, Ireland or Scotiand, to any railway flï¬wln gâ€"mgmuuu Mex. [When :-k:kmoulilsdr.ednmuodtho amount is loss l’bl;‘gwough lckers ana information app D. W. COW. & 00, Li _ _0 ____.__ Agents, 17, Sparksâ€"st, .~. ‘Trains and Boats. _ _ _ _ _ In soliciting your patronage, I would le@ve to assure "y6u that my Parsonal -36.: Mmmnmwn%w all flonce in cateriog is a pumra Table uw&"'fl"““‘m" _ xâ€"B.â€"Due notice will be given as to date of tA F4 A M proprietor of anc Nllnmm , Cabfn $55 to $80 gold, according to accomoda Retiirn tickets issued at reduced rates. . other to uisieenntinciees BouliaGreenchan Picks '%unnua MUSGBOVE, Ottawa the finest in the city. ‘The Barâ€"Room, one :‘nmmtmomzunnlu with the Choicest of liquors and cigars. Omnibuses will Run to and from RATES OF PASSAGE, . CABIN.,..$7010$80 | STEERAGE........$25 THE STEKAMERS OF THE are intended to sail between ‘the COlyde_and Portland during the season of Winter Naviâ€" on. e RATES OF PASSAGE. CABLNL . 2. . 11 «x6 rexfsuer niays iss or ts w iR INTKRMEDLATH . . 6 222848000 s«»200«0# 404 BTEERAGE . . .... c nmmmate cb en rer i ne + $ Anexperienced Burgeon mï¬ï¬‚“ vesse Herm‘:emm% « Persuas wishing to serd for friends can obtain passage certificates at lowest rates from PASBLNG ER A000MMODATION UNSURâ€" CANADA CENTRAL Ottawa â€" _« â€"" â€" _â€" 1XÂ¥ p.m, 7.40 p.m Renfrew @ , /= @% ig&:"’!'- e = = * @ “fl-- B'g%.w a.m. Train from makes elose iconnection with Grand Trunk Express Train for the West at 2,10 p.m. ___|_____ ____ _ _ gt~ 4.15 p.m. Train from Brockville makes elose connection with Grand Trunk ?- Train from the West, arriving in Ottawa 7.40 are large. airy, well lighted, heated and ventiâ€" The shorlest, cheapest and Liverpool, Londonderry and ( Liverpool, Londonder 'â€End’daov*â€â€ . The fieet is one of the u:ng:{:‘-u safest in the world. Vessels will be despatched as follows:~ | LEAVE * Brockville G:T. Junction â€" 9.302.m. 415 p.m. Ottawa â€" â€" â€" _« ~»104am, 800p.m Rentrew « . _»~â€" 9,332.m,, 410 pm. \ ‘The Drawing and Sitting Rooms m»dmvwfl with . @lt Brockville & Ottawa Railways For Ottawa via Brockville. TWO EXPRESS TRAINS DALl On u% FROM THURSDAY , 17th DEC, 1874 ï¬m,â€" c GoINQG NORTHL: | The Diningâ€"Room, &;:jlflf I#gghhgl&m is capable of OF ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. at Prescott Juncetion, Vikg Pullman or Sofa Cars on Nos. 3 and 8, Sue connections with Grand ‘Trunk trains to and from both East and West. Time faster than by any other route. 'l‘nlummonl&’w-lm THOS, REY NOLDS, [ o cmance Managing Director, Ottawa., embers of Parli+m ent, Tourists ie -mwl CGentliement will fod an follities Tor their convenience a, d comfort unequalled by any other hotel. THE S$T. LAWRENCGE Tt reliable, quickest and best route. ‘&Mm&mmu“'ï¬? ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIME | |And secelleration of trains, Corner of Ml and mm lh....om to five mia utes‘ of 6 4d Parnnmront Nutki n an. and in the comprent The ahove Hotel, one of the fi nost eomnodla; mmmv.hnmwfl STHAMERs FROM NKW YORK EVERY BerUnpay. OTTAW A, a WILLIAM ~MILLS, Proprietor. CLARENDON HOUSE, ALBION "HOTEL,‘ Hichoins and Daly Strosis,:Oftmie: ROBERT CRAHAM;;;;© PERUVIAN 2 2 02+ + ++ +000 10# + » 80M BARMATIAN::.::.:.....l..!..... 6th Ottawa July 22 1873, POLYNESIA N Brockville, Jan. 11, 1875, *Passengers by this trainâ€"have time for dinner Â¥ YOU WANT GOOD EREAD t Every any. OTTAWA RAILWAY. Rates of passage from Buspension Bridge Of uniferm Gauge with the Grand Trunk LLAN LINE Glasgow Line To .mm. i]v’eriq: 2Bth, 1874 ANCHOR LINE. Rtcamships. BRatmays. 08 FROM PORTLAND. GULING sOUTH Htotecls. UBE THE ARRIVEK 6th Feb. ï¬ï¬h do not.::nt:ilnum, u?omol,l antiâ€" , or anything hurtful to the constituâ€" tibhs, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue â€"alight unï¬zl’d tau:i:’ of the %gyhh w&..,mo..m will! effect a cure when all other means Only to be found in a firstâ€"class Taiioring Estab lishment. tion, but a sure :d;“;d‘e ï¬od";;z;-r @" remedy,; they contain tohnmï¬tntaq. * In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affecâ€" u-‘ou-..nuunnuu my Btock and judge The Latest and most Stylish Fit guaran« CALDWELL & CO, â€" â€"!! Managers‘ ment. . _| "sa kiugel .ai12> ,.,,,. | o *nany Arocers and OUimeN HhIÂ¥OTRAIIY: JOB MOSKS, NEW : YORK, SOLE PROPRIRTOR. lw .81 THE " h Wnn 2l gonte for postage, enclos. "g“lnmwm"r‘“““" sure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by . §D4./Ohn Charles Roger, sol6 propriglons THE LATEST NOVELTIES® fflmhhu |h'| w" .‘m com Has exhibition fine Moats P ouiny" an, Sedune to none in the pity TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT 76 Sparks Street, Mare» 261874 Western Prize Beef ‘ nflfl«m olorl '%â€!&"cxw& the oa-'n.'uno::nmm:.'ufâ€" .' ht o CHRISTMAS MEATS. MUTTON, PORK, YVENISON AND POULTRY. _ Over â€" 5,000 Pounds of| Poultry ! J Camorencer m * lang® And Anplendl? FALL GOODS Mills‘ Supply Agency Nall “::";‘mm House. W H OL E. & A.L . E6 OXE OF THE BEST OUSTOK OUTTEk ( Ever in this section, as Foreman, . mm‘& rm'n:u“& y oug CLOTBHING. Mr.GEOERMRGTE DLxEOM ~This ciroums is merely mentioned to on n in wooke J. METCALFE, C Remember the ° Sign of the Anvil, 24 Rideauâ€"st. Ottawa, Dec. 21, 1874. H.nm“ & ©0., Have in stock the latest and best JOAL STOYES1 and of J.l.â€"l!or prices quality goods AwyA® Assortment of Shelf and Heavy Hardware THOS. BIRKETTS. No.24 ame, agosey qhibe digak Gan uionr / \~ >‘ ‘%eed in the Ofty. _ ; â€"=__ . "eevemeed ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STYLES! Don‘t forget the place, 1t is Thos. Lavwvwrence Bept. 10, 1874, 6y Turkeys trox 10 to 22 pounds, Geone from § to 15 poddis,. _‘ A very large quantity of Ducks and Chickens in great variety This wellâ€"known medicine is no imposi um_ru-_,-m-v-nw.mnâ€" Y For sale by all Oilmen., Deo, 4, 1874. For full, particulars,. obtain free, of Sept. %4. 1874. Christmas. Bectf. Corner Bank and Maria Streets, E. C. AUCLAIR, Butcher, JOB MOSES‘ FEMALE PILLA H A R D W A R E. Hardroare, &t. A U CL AIR*‘S, y in iman P n e L rntifict â€" Mcmseifnt sn “Fï¬ abthing hustful o the eonstite: ; tetrny pefofegtsmisnar io whids t ‘ 4 Ask for LEA & PERRINS Bunce, and 00 feabunituet|~ Cestie: _ ‘inpaienr or Sahe cen echonihd | prnatit bettoront by die Eropreet. In the city is to be found at Clothing. COAL STOY ES 1 Corner of Bank and Maria Streets The Largest aund Best Tnm EKX 0 EL LENT Machinery .Oil has for the last 12 years been 'fldh’thohï¬llulnllâ€" «acturing ‘"establishments of the Dominion. known. . throughout the QUA L S8TOY ES No. 24: K107 Tea and. Perrins h.v'é’b'&u‘m"‘ i. °L. and P The success of this most igtous "and use rivaliad Condiment Q&mdm!u th o':hwd“ the PublJc is reâ€" ecmn m-: that the »mly way to novn“ Mm:um. .flwvv-"â€"_;.. € $ ons t d nam e ces # TiAbacesi INSURANCE CorÂ¥. 3 f (FIRE AND LIFRE)y | _ . Authorized a}: I% . ' nopmRion AvAM, Ree vaaey 15 aep i o n I c atamfaputetin is ait e dirngirot & and efficiâ€"nt Agents in the jprice and on baving the nere by law, M&wï¬ï¬â€œâ€˜x’y‘= __A!I_l:ll!n willâ€" he 240b NA (a sp on PuviorORs w 6. se =.==-..,:°:;'§§.f§ CAUTION AGAINST FRAUD T-l 20 per Cent. Below Combination Rates | _ ABK POR LEA PERRIN® 8A ¢ hnd 2o 6e thit thepr naipor tos dpon the arapite OCONNOR & WALLER . . AGENIE ROB ANGUS, Jr. 3 SPARKB STRERT, Oct. 12, 104. HAND m HAND Insurance Co. INSURANCGE CO. Availabls Funds to meet "THF â€" ROYAL" CAPITAL .. . BIX MILLION DOLLARE FIRE . RISKS AT REDUCED RATES. .'n‘""""' Talet v Selebrated for 1w u e the v mï¬m i8 P Soap, pertuned. with _ BimuseDPw â€" prine, Honey, OCostumâ€" and tioners, . Many of the Chiorodynes etanon es exrarns . * k [ whowe PS uble ts foghni ns N t B-ruu:?!tln, 's’r‘z y= And .um m 81, 88 4 124 Southampion Row, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON is warranted to cure all nary either Hane, Olare & 00,"â€" *\ _ | mzfm@r&.g.- Halltaxâ€"Avery Hrown & | > PEPBINEâ€"The popular orlt prc '; â€" x®, the abtive principle 4f ' o#s ‘A"" m oamuom‘nEn-Ln pelcvrity that i1 ourt nonrcely be contidered n «peotsity i fomaim Beproot en Mc amd Montrealâ€"Evans, Are sold by Chemists and throughout the world () Morson‘s Eifcctual THOMAS MORSON & sON., . Medallists and Jurors mt &li the Grewt Exbil« Jan. 9, 1876 Ottawa, Dec. 17, 1874 Spisvicd and Snitping proscy m e nd despatah " WORCESTERSHIRESAUCE. On every description of insurable propert Caretully ; FIRE AND MA RINE OYAL CANADLA N wl W orka, Rimmel‘s _ Yauca, _ B +0% fl?ï¬%flhm- #uly . 194 NE BOX OFCLARKEK® B a1 THE ONLY GOOD 84 UCZ. LEA & PERRINS‘ W oRksâ€"HORNEET A%p Hoamks DECLARED EY CONNOISSEURS Btill continue to thke |Risks a 18, ne, Burbridge & Co., € ConmnUEs To TAK®E Ensurpknucs. â€" Bole Propristor, F Remedlics. R. C. W. MaoCUAIG Agent, Ottawa and Vicin & T. M. CLARK, Acert, Corner Sparks and Eigin St AGENT, distilied 1 m over ~Halt a 1°CA W A ER on lty a uik "Te I* make 4 spane . 1 pac Ki W C# and has T #€1 * W TT WE “T M“‘ PATTHT F or The abov "Ilaws Th m ol IP % @ Jn Al mt