t Age sion and est _ sustain he World.** KA TATULA sie and Store A T ribers in the ORE, $400 Fd For Internal and External Use N.:n:'fli':rhxu .:“ SURKE & Ptll.:rl:(!l' CURK f of Piles, Leprosy, Serctuia, Tetter or Ring«Worte. Suit Racum, »nd all d sesres und to be an @lmost icfal Jhie cure for the iy‘r‘a‘ that the Proprictor guntantets a care ie rrntine n Shan, e _w%-n-‘u-..n-fvu n u-= entimonian, Pn.ving it» eficacy for the cure ky 'M-ha iis efficacy for the cure the .:vlul t:::'u in ree: for. s enc tiie n e ioi ta ow tam -’i'a"..-... There is ao w Ned "'d'llb-h-mon as it cures OM ,&‘ -uh..-u\om'oin:hy hewith éontlunaily igae :':'_'Ej“-’:.'.' UorTLE. .SoLD sy ALL â€"Drug+ PILE AND HUMOXK CURE. sSSIAâ€" POL1I ographs haviag been mentioned, nir expressed the greatest desire to all about the art, and gave two : permission to photograph any hey liked. One of the party, a Mr. T, took advan of this permissipn nd phow.anp:‘&o ancient citadel place, and the Emir, who suddenly pon him while he was dwwï¬ _ that his portrait and . those of his courtiers might be taken, a which was, of course, acceded to ately.. The party then left . for ind ~Bokbharz, . and ex;)octed to to Tashkend by the 17th inst.â€" W in FALE LAPERIRNCOER TY NEVABA. ashkend and Kokand, and Khodayar Khan and , at which the Emir exp: ht. (On the morning of ere received in State by ai fiotel, and on is it was feared ressed to them the ples had caused. him. _ Lient. litical assistant to Gen. ( ommander of S y rated mp]jm‘“r{ k cli«L . The Emir replied as hank you. I am very much coming has been very FOW LE3 y Migh= nvimenâ€"A Brave Wess FREE U liscovere & CARD ah, nery oad, &e. t 4 bioatmtetat i.A thardhe < ds «wms as ~the travell ul seven bands of i struck up various t d at Shubr Subz on the » reception of the travelâ€" : the 20th.. The even % the Emir photographs|o/ nd and Kokand, and Cu _ 0y heir being {tripâ€" by _ a _ rope _ extended rowd. _ The ‘robbers to heir game, had ukauqna. nary to the station. e antic with fright, tecane Y iN CENTRAL AsHA ming has been very \I1 you see here is at *xactly as it _ you were !;;phceuyw[h'l and he more e come us and tmtht Russia to see you, the both countries. There «dship, and that is my Cure all cases of 1 x fron theerrors and ervous« weakneâ€"s, carly te., 1 wilbsend a receirt E o# CHARGE, This ered by a mbsiooary in a se lâ€"addressel enveâ€" m T. Inwas, Station seuarer im Started h h y tak bag "Nor L to your as eatt el t occasioned conâ€" those who were when the cause riving at Diat here, was sto 0 made the us first but a | fow ndered viduâ€" the box m mds of the the stage at ense exciteâ€" iken to the ‘xamination that he was st ‘was Dfll) anciseo Chron: unt of a hight lacdy flu: AVITTY T "", oo AVING a-rumlol my Dryâ€"Goods Esiabâ€" i nO@e lishment, | <m now giving my persons! irther en _ to / my . Whotesale . Readyâ€"maie â€"] (iothing Buwness." My siock is now ready for work | laspection, and will be found to compare favearâ€" , bnat -h:{ with m,f in the market. * ; aving had & bk experience in the OluaWna WIDC | Trude. 1 1 w..‘:l its requirements, and hays id ; | my (Clothing m un@faetured with a view to ment Iver» | the wanis of this market, . 11 is my intention to " (np.ul‘fllwbmtmbuldumb? [ restâ€" | both in pping ol‘qmw and flaixb, believing as wling. | ®, that hever in the history ot the tmde was the theve s hub{n-l for a drstâ€"class arilcle o l the Readyâ€"om4e Clothâ€"ng. 1 have employed J i 1 L |# W to inform his many M..lnduuï¬ ae, he hws auceeeded his w- 1 GRAHAM, #* propmetor of this Hotel, and that it is bis w make ali who patronise the nouse y comiortabie, Sae eeetee e aoene Nes deses mm O tia wa, Fob 14 Diamond Yeast Cakes' in your| patronage, w m- s- assure jou thet my par.onai * b.l! .n wh begiven 1n see lolb1 in 10 "Ls iof wll guests, whue my ay and we | knowa :r»- mence ju catirin« i a primrantee that my 4+ thg finert in the city. The Birâ€"Room, one, zwouuu in Can@daâ€"is su with tn i of Lqucreand clyars. â€" ; .1 from all Q-M;fll b.u-‘ to anil w 'l'h-.-‘:râ€" are large, alry, wall lighted, heared and vemti The Reading and Coffee Rooms are furpishgd with the best eany chair«, lounges setiae4, RC. | . j l Bs onl o mtb on oi in e in oar t tho o 1 )b One of the firest in the Dominion, is eapable o accommedating from 15) to 20) guests, The Drawing and Sitting Rooms W ~ emuirely rémodeli d | and re !Uflnl ‘so that ng is wantâ€" 10001-' the com 1. rt of * of Purliâ€"m ent, Tous and Comâ€" Em webtle mon*® willfhad alt facilittes for étr conven.ence a d comfort llnoqlu"::l hy uny other Lotel. | + , The at ove Hotel, oneof the finest and taost compandioas in the Cily, is situ» ted at the Corner of Sussex and George Streets, within three/to five m!@ utes‘ whik of Port (ffice ocm pral t P ness +2 © % “:‘P!!!“g'!?!'_“;fl'!".{ï¬'r&- ie ci} . OTTA W A, | | WILLIAM | MILLS, Proprietor. gpa® CLARENDON HOUSE, -“ï¬â€œm Daly Stroots, Ottawa OBERT CRAHAM. CALDW ELL & CO. Maro® & 1874 Â¥ YoU WANT G00D BREAD | UsE THE Mills‘ Supply |Agenc: _ City m&nn.-fb are a te w Q-bank. tarlo m of €Com â€"lep'&C.nlnl Sehoot Eant, & Ru«sell, G May, F=q., John Tilton, & Thompson, .%;‘:nmo- Exq., & Weswn, L u::':'M. and man § ; 1Nus pamphjeta es given on application H M WB & CO.. ‘Sign of the Anvil, 24 Rideauâ€"st. doaL SToOY Es 1 p.l.-â€"l or prices and qu=tity of goods detics corn petition. | Remember th« Baws, Selting, Nes, | Pac » «d "ad, dudaon‘t Bigodand C6) :-n“':n':&l o U it w Al geney of the G LGnHy 180, & COMPEAN I AB lof THOS$. BIRKETT‘S3. Acsortmentiof Shelf and Heavy Hardware N3.24 Oct .2 1874 Hot Air Furnaces fitted up th: buildings berng whoa uhiA .| o cghnl _ This circuint mere! tioned show Il:l 1t m l{o';:‘:e tm u‘: Wu' lb..“- is ng Lo niget: the grqv\u. Ottawa, Dec. :1, 1874 Ne. 17 Sparkast., Near Russeli How: P&mfl%fl‘m known Jnunugno-u the ALBION HOTEL, |WELLING®ONâ€"ST, Mr.GEORMRCGE DLIKXKON W H OL ES AJLI i Hoadyâ€"Made _ He aiso has a knowledgo $ of the grow! 'nnhr I.o( Uubm * arket, . (Phe party to vlnnï¬ ONE OF THE BEST CUSTOM OUTTEh Rem, For eule by all Qiimen Dec. 4, 1874 I Rapt. DJ 1974 C LOT HING. TT A WA 76 |Sparks Streei. The Latest and -ru Stylish Fit guaranâ€" ‘teed in the City. © & Clothing. ___| TAILORING ESTABLisHMENT | J D:l‘ml:nn.(;ï¬)tu, a | large and splend} FALLIL | GOODS _ _ (Thos, Lawrermreo Nept. 10, 1874. 76y & R DW A it3c, H. A R D W A R E. MEADOWs & Co., ° Have in stock the latest and ist Htarilware, &c. Ever in this seetion, as Forema: The Diningâ€"Room, Iu the eity is to be found at COAL STOYES 1 Whe Largest and Best §M J. METCALFE, QrTawa . Dap‘t trget the plage, it !s Hotcls. FLFTEEN YKARS. ‘pPHIS ® X CELLEN l huc&ury Ou hnf ’::’un Inst 12 years been by the leading Manuâ€" theturing ‘estabilshments of the Dominion. A M CE Ost (AL STOV M3 1 ~ | Manugare uy Suck 33 Hussexâ€"=t No. 24 ®TYI K10y Coan O GoLD. wWaATOHES, : SILVER WATOCHES, GoLD CHAINS, â€" GuLD RINGS, i PERFUME BOXES, HANDSOME MIRRORS, HAIR BRUSHES, ABEAUTIFUL SHILP(worth $15) colleation, be placed i1 our Collector‘s hands for immediate Are hereby requested to call in mt Mesrs, T. which they are offering t the Public at the low» est rales, They have also always on hand» abl w of Gentiemen‘s and LadiesRide “l and onryuun:m conuection .vh?wm line z'hnl_ ic llndn? neatly and prom ted None bat the be: t work men r.fl'&il.“:’" *" TRHOMAS XHORKE a CO 3 C. Spmrks street, near ï¬&nk. gqm’rumm Feb.® 1874 11‘ asa Gif:s of $1000 each * Cash| 1t« of, 5 each.. §3 Cash Gitts of $230 each:. 7« Cash Giits of ; 150 each. .. 150 Cash (i1fts of $100 each . .. ‘37% Cash <ifis of $53% ench.. 100 Cush Gifts of $10 each., ~ OR ONE MONTH ONLY. elr ascounts at‘once. Othorwiso, the same will FTor 50 Cents AJOTTE & Ca, Poolays Bridge, and setie $ 2 50 , 00 0‘ ne Grand Cash Gift of. me Graud Cash Gift of. ne Grand Cuxn Gift of me Grand Coâ€"h Gift of me Grand ©an Gift of. Ine Gran â€" «ash Gifl of. meGr» â€"d Cush Gift of. 16‘ aso Gifts of $1000 * Cash | 1t« of, | 500 ea cinutincml.gz.:lngn tull list ot prizes, & de seription of the nher of drawing, and other io intwation in reference to the Distribution, wi besent toany. ine onioring them. . All ietto, mist.be addressed. to Ne peredh 1%. Moner ‘Mr, T.~. RAJOTTE Five Price» $190 4 1 Horse & Bugey, withSilverâ€"mounted Harness worth $600. One Fipeâ€"toned Roseweod Piano, worth | Three Gold Watches &« Chains, worth $300 ; Three Gold A.cfla%}mnnn( Waitches, w C Jl each. s Ten Ladies‘ Gold mlln.h s\Vat::hefl. ‘wor th â€" 100 | eac 1000 Gold and ®ilver Lever Hunting Wate c« (in all,) worth from $20 to $500 each ! Gold chains; Stiverâ€"ware, Jeviery. #o., &¢ Number of Gifts 7,500! lexket{limited to 740 {ENDBR EAU‘S u?_ m; wanted to sell Trogels, io w ale" Tiekets $1 . Siz Mokete $5 ; Tv o / i 8 ; mabe n Faealp nve mragouk Sal #rand â€" Gift Congort j EN alD or Thak . VMasonic Reliecf . Association JFr |NORFOLK, VA. _ DAÂ¥ POSITIÂ¥VELY #1X) D. ‘UESDAY, 29th DEOEM BE R $5,000.00 Each in Cash. Ewo Hrizes, Jue i‘rize $1,000 Auuxm:l)afl\‘mlgï¬hc Virginta Logisiature £0,000 TICKETSâ€"8000 CA SH GILATS, _ To be distributed in L. D. SINE!H 17ist Regular % Nonthly |* The only reliable 3.‘.'.3,,‘{,',;3‘_""“'"â€" in e § $ 7 5, 0 0 0. 0 0 L. 1), HINE, 0z 482. Uineinpati, u. PFFICRE: Excelsior Bullding, corner Race au cworlh, *. . 2 1871 . | TÂ¥ daw M Februa 1875, t To be drawn %p:uv“?n a,lnu Whole Ticket J ‘Hnlve.;.’l ;â€" Tenth, each Coupon, a;g‘vgn W _oâ€"i‘mkou-. MI L\o s‘ vX* 2t icX {at.""T2)\ 60 *Cmm NAVH ts vs O C x 4 £S e ®} ,. St[> '.1 & \ike 185{ se d is ta) ul p sc Oul. >g CFT Fi Tl:?! GIFT ENTERPRISE, orICs _ 10 Cash Gifts 15 Cash Gifts 30 COnady Gifte 25 Cash Gifts 30 Cash Gifts 50 Cash Gifts 100 Cash Gifts 210 Cash Gifts 500 Cash Gifts 19,000 Cash Gifts One Grand Cast Gift ........ ... @Qne Grand Cash Gift .. .:. j One Grand Cash Gift. .. ......... One Grand Cash Gift .......... One Grand Cash Gift .....~}.... ..__5 Cash Gifts $20,000 each To Invest a fow dolars, with le returns g’ t is offered by the pestponement Public L4 of Ky., to th¢ 27 h of February next, of their fifth and last cert and Drawâ€" I~g. The mansgement are p lre.i to the reâ€" turn of the money if the *Drawing should not Hair=â€"Dressing 8 EKCO N D A ND L A 81 ome off at the day now appointed CALL AND EXAMINR 8STOCK HaMmsecclliaieo: Gift Enterprisces. NOTHER at« and Cirguiars. &e . ad HEN!@V NMUOIE, He 18M LV BE GEVEN Ah AY All partiesindebted to YoU CaN OBTAIN LAMP3, and a hundred: and one NOC astioigs. OPPORTUNITY In Valuzgble Gi‘ts, UEC& 29. LABi CHANGCE THOS. E. BR nt and Manager ;, Each in Cash ATâ€" T. RAJOTTE & Or; # 5| 11,000 each 10,000 each 5,000 o.e: #, 3000 ench 2,000 each 1,000 each 50 each THE TIMES ; OTPAWA, WEDNRSDAY Jaxtary ; V J. AMLETTE Loutsvilie, K NE w B w be ol oe w U d i Twety TI 100,000 100,000 120,000 50,000 950,000 230,000 100,000 75,000 30,000 25,000 100,000 110,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 000 #e) 100 x0 A good Horse, 4 Montreal: Bullt. Cariole; F:} I‘l.!l_l:“!“ To Surveyors and Enging@r$. midl Aaayarniakeit oo Fiod oo the ) / Pobe fargest and beat of . Pouitry over Do [ w 4o Ottuwa â€" Remember the piaceâ€" | w. Over 5,000 Pounds of Poultry ! At9 cclockt, a. and continue untii stool is du.ï¬me':?t a the whole Has now on exbhibition a of fine Meats Poum',:'. #e., second wnoz:'l‘:& clty. MUTTON, PORK, YENISON AND \~ _ PoOULTRY 2. Western â€" Prize â€" Beef CHRISTMAS MEATS. Slightly damaged by the late fire on Wellingtonâ€" which t be soid at once, and therefore :?er uum{"‘râ€mm.\ms; BHale will commence Philion &Lefebvre, b‘.wr_vthlu’ in their line constantly on lm Mens‘, Boy®",.Ladies‘, Misses‘, and Chi ghodn of all sinds. _ AH goods martked at lowensk Flll 1 FIRE! brie Boots, Shoes, | s Mitts, Rubbers, _ _ â€" Moccasins, &o. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ‘Turkeys fron 10 to 2 pounds, § Geese from 8 to 18 posnds. Ducks and Chickens in great variely J.t 6. NEELIN, ~ â€"_ No, 18 Ridean«St., Ottawa, Importers and Dealers in h BOOTS AND SHOES A very large quantity of GENTLEMEN Your vote and influeate ar4 rbapectfully reâ€" quested for the candidates that buy their Â¥ _( huvf sc toâ€" 1t 1 Wellbinton«al Next door to Hardy Bros., und 3 donre east af Theodolite and Level BOOTS,! . > S SsHOES, â€" | MOCCASINS, x MITTS, &c. 'rflererore.&on can save lot chasing NUW for cash from Hasalarge stock of Winter Goods, com prising Men‘s Lon: Feit Boots 'ndlour Boots, > +/ . Embroidere:! and Plain Felt Oongress, â€", ‘Lwlles' ‘lain, Aimbroidered and Foxed Conâ€" res«, ladies‘ Fine Buttoned and Laced Eelt Bals. Felt Overs, _ | i ;A large stock of Men‘s, Ladies and Boys‘ Plain and |Fancy Moose Moccasin®, mmmd other choice winter feoiâ€"wear, all of w be is determined to offer daring tnis ‘month at REDICULOUSLY LOW PITON. 10. as to efft=ct an + ntire clearance. On Monday, Fobruary 2nd, 1874, Dos, 24. 21874 Carvers&kGilders As Their Heads Must be Level. Deo. 24 1874. _ %@Â¥r d&w 1 Christmas Reef. Terefore, 3 SHOW CASES MADE TO QRDER March 12 1874. Lo y Corner Bank and Maria Streets, Carucrs & Gilders: Jam. 9. 1876. R. C. AUCLAIR, Butcher, l UANU’.AOTUBm lï¬â€˜in S vbarksâ€"st. 85 SPARKS, STREET. Dealers in F urniture, Bedsd, Mattrésses. LOokâ€" 1og Glaseps, Cornices and Curtains. O THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF OTFAWA. N"** ; Furniture Wafempms. ANCGUS%CoO. LL TAKE NOTICE. A U CLAIR®‘S8, PICTURE FRAME RATT BROS. Moots & Shocs. Opposite Honey‘s New Block. Jav. 11, 1874. * Call and Inspect our Stock. WILSON & ORR, em ber the place, PRATT BROS, Have had $10,000 worth of W. A. LAMB FROM GUELPB, LOOKING=GLASS and * P igaanad ar, vimture. 38 Mussoxâ€"st MR EBH ze | Agents W anted 1 i._-'_' "Tâ€T eild cttaraes uon haying tbeteguniet * m,z“:.,mm%“f,; STANCARD â€" _ AMERIOAN BEYVEL TABLES shop, t HAND POLIO, For C Tposes, ; A most desirable sub -m’-&& €8) ld?;..l’nr atizans â€" 1 ; _ Appiy to any Groser, D t, or Hardware "l\o ldtmnm_nri? For Polis and Cleant rposes, for Metal! i ponenore ano adontipe paenebe for Meins Agents for Ottawaâ€" Use the British Epg and Butter Powder| A Perfect Bubstitate for . OLD PRIO®ME «* wW§#Â¥W prrons, .. 8 ihe, keess 8 Jn 3 Th Bnintomc: â€"Bets |9 Ls: Ratslon.. â€" Beie oysngm...... urauge Poel ..... $Sots t em Lemon Peel ..... Sets :_lil(:l‘? Raisins. g gulmt:u Raisins. . & ced eaicens . :: Suous. | Eie in smeere. «. Sbous Thanking their Gi ends and onstorn? ers for the mu.'}‘."" e‘yflm‘}ï¬-flnï¬ m;flubu E. re i m that :Fev!om 16 ! n W: plecale m&%ï¬ï¬nm alue ln‘u‘sllulnr‘el‘:-nm* n a-n'{n eannot t ned“u the city, viz. :p- CAMPBELL & ‘ALMAS You will alwatk Nad‘a fa]l stock of Groceries® ason en o ul LN d oek of Grgecries obtained elsew: ore? T on r(l‘&m Uncolored | Japan Tea, Dec. 24, 1674. c Packetsâ€"100 t Grocers ï¬g. and inslet. o:l#v,i: It. t® CROCERIES. 4) e AGreat Saving in Batter } FOR ALL CooKiha PUorPos®$." Lamps & Chandeliers Dec. 2ist, 1874 Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting, Tinswiiths and {* 1 Galvanized Iron Roofers. Jan: 0, 1875 Only £0¢, per 16, #&~Aprlés wholesale and retall. } EDWARDS: RUTLEDGE, ; Cor. Kentand ‘Wellingtonâ€"sts, omm EW ! Log decicd o . | To® Economical | Housekespers ! Dealers in Coal and Wood Stov Tinware, H %a Baskets, Woodcn Ware, nisd Cages, ; Et Carriages, Iro mp-. ILnupe, EDWARDS ai RUTLEDGE‘s M FOR NOUR .. _ frstâ€"class. wor! pyfredss MRISTMAS: CARD: Dec. 29, 1874 I t m 3 J&h:;‘;l:,hudm“ o + i _BAI.I. P. 0. Box 967 We 9 m-vls..r-t!-i'l(lv.l.!. 3 MILL MACHINKERY or "__â€"~~ PBRD dIRLEET, OTTAW A, [ Manufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in Iron and Wood Working Machinery. l, OF THE BEST CANAIIAN, ENGLISH AND AMIKBRIGA & ue ao Exames liND Borrns TEEND Generalâ€" Hous e ATHS, WATER OLOSETS, STEAM CeON D) mmpuy to fttng tup -1«« Mervices, Bi 'H . Hw‘ "x .1 I'lll‘l:l 6 LIP-..?-_:np'&n_- tares, Hop Air im MA ( _‘ Bend for Ciro and Catalogues OÂ¥FIOE AND WAREEOUSR.... Oot. 17 1874 © * CORNER :f.mxs‘ AND O‘CONNOR§rs. Jan. 7, 1878. S Aâ€"P 0| L1 0, Jan. 8, 1875 THE "OIL_ DEPOT, SUSSEXâ€"ST. fan 8. w75.‘ » 4 . o's-smw & CO. CHAS. STRPHENRON & Co. \Plur SPECIAL AGENCIRSâ€" rking Machines: America 8 and 4 \'lrxn- OChambers, o i ellingtou Street @racers, T8 BroAdway, New .. For ) O RE . BR 0 s SCOTT, CAYLEY & cavLey, _ _ â€"HINERY DEPOT mbing, Gas and Steam Fitting TIN AND COPPER SMITHS iaiimmval&mln,ï¬ï¬‚ Air raft Furnace, OSETS, STEAMâ€"FITTINGS, a¢. en. . Particular attention (’!.B,m‘ S O â€" N The Largest Assortment in the City, " KVERY DESCRIPTION, m K DR GENERAL MILL nérmfm -â€"v-â€":-â€" ENCIESâ€"Cameron pecial Steaim Pum ; American Saw G«r:, Trentou, NLJ.! j 84 SUSSEXâ€"ST 70 SPARKS STREET $730â€"8nw k Plumbers, &c. EXEQUTED KEXPEDITIOUSLY BY 3797â€"3m 25 RIDEAU STREET, Coal Oil. seâ€"Furnishing G o 0o ds And Lawn Mowers. w Htardmware. inr webanes sns achinery, AT P. NAUGHTEN®8 "‘The first weok in Januaiy A will offer for saie â€"inset !0; andfleoond ind Sockh. Antient Tue mudingh esd it astsoningd ow nlew For a 4;% Smoke noRtek "xavy. OLIVER DITSON & Co., Boston: mu > 2) |;... . NO MEON ARCHL.. (Ziet=,l 4ior Ainrgine Scbrcls. Not much Frcred Ausic, Dlit an admirable p eparatory course, ‘;mh n‘}- 3‘.‘?â€"“"‘" e::lu".mnde 1 r pac» ‘m books sent pat-w,‘}nr'réun price. {$16%] Kasy Anthems. Very full goot, and al« ‘&uym.rmumm. W.O. Perkips. i uhy servicos of tas Rppospal Cbures: B 1, THOXAR‘S QUARTETS ANXD ANTHEMS )Perfect musicof the best clas®,for Quartet m“l.&?bnq f @ t RIVER OP L I FE. †t * T; 3. Porkina and We W Honuey. LEADER. * s t "« f = (81:38.] ’Nl'iu‘:l.looun Metrical 'Nnuh.Aa_ P:_, ’E‘!@QA--QS-M. 5 Books, _ Books ! SA!"" MUSIC BooKs ; FOR 1875 HENDERSON & Co‘s. on o REOMETIOT, . . 1 . a 1 o 1 10 1066000 + 00 + n i o e rnliaey ‘Drapers" The Conflict between Religion Proctor‘s 'l‘nn:i:h?( V-’mu‘. .‘.o‘...“f mu:gdmm Tuble, by Talmage, io Grey‘s Creed of Cnristendoma, 3 vols......,. 1 Dg KDIg MA Of : TAMC ... 00. 0. ... snn se en ol Johgg'unnlm'- Posthumous Essays on JOSEPH KAVANAGH, Different Kinds of Game MNOKERS : Hlool B9 Sparks Street. QUawa, Jan. 8, 1872 WAMs AND Beox, & K ER R, QOne Hundred Dozen 13. DANKS‘ ANTHENM}SERVICES. PERKINS‘. ANTHENM BOOK. 49. ftted up with Latest me b 'N‘edad u'; our nrs‘r-dm .'."?hl NEW BOOKs. Grocer and Wine Merchant, JUSBT RECEIVED. Also MA k CHAS. H. DITSON & Co., T11 Broadway, New York D AMERICAN aiaK® DRILLL®, BELTIN3, FILEA ... T70 SPARKSâ€"ST Gaime. , Hardware, Catl es, ofpff4 F423 ""1Cry» Plated For sale at ; J. A. F & Rigoph unï¬â€™mm: &5‘;:‘ J. T MASON & Co Statiortery. SEooxp Hanp WELLINGTONâ€"ST, OTTAWA & OTTAW A, 8t78 $151 BM The newes\ design in OEMETERY FENCING, suliab e for the various, Qemelaries. wz Monuments, KHeadstones Ob‘li-k-, AND Gentlemen‘s Und'orclothi.ng, Stock of Fall & Winter Goods Béayer, Bine Black and Brown 1°, Jéckets, from | " SX $iikeit Brown and Blus )Rercoats, is ~! #7 upward (~ 00000 C000 0C * + +CCROU®, from Black and ifrom #8.60 ï¬op::umtm in d c wieli se 24 _ _‘uile 18, 1574. S anadinlt ho-dï¬ ï¬ï¬;}i&'ï¬ $18 Tike and riaee irautedt P oo OTTAWA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. Cornwall Chark, the ¢ only mothod n%"i :&m """" vHeapest. Fancyâ€".Uress. wilksâ€"in the City. : _ UNEQUALLED_ FOR: ‘RiGHK®ss, |. |. ... j THE DRESSâ€"MAKING DEPARTMENT t At Reduced Prices for Cash. Also, a Inrge and wellâ€"assorted stock of The Cheapest Fancyâ€" Dress. Silks in TAILORING â€" ESTABLISHMENT, TAILORING| ‘opa ht ntorts from Bicld on " 9 ’W_& MACLAREN & CHALM LONDON A we in io 21 ploxhment one of the ‘best :0 CELEBRATED douly wellgot up, but is the en ir Qiothiag is made in fifmlâ€"sla8 style. mfl"mmhuwm‘mw."""" +( OFSEEKEEPERR, REMEMBER PROPLaPS 1 dduotnenanetin Oe enc Aapooreat cu Â¥ best quality. and our Goodr gengreny 1eed to ount Mbï¬mw ku'-mflnhmorme.. Trv th, \ PURK AND UNADULTERATED, sor Family useand Ae 3 : yo t 1 uwl senemnmamines e 1 'I‘eas.--ucm GnKKNS aad JAPANSâ€"Finest Grase Cofleesfm wmmon-u-me,m.p â€" earteurnfRisth td oa th DaFveriuc Brrmes Surrupe umt mnstrecis | ontdiiare w‘“’r'n'.eu.u?u' wano, celatine‘s Proite, f Tipimie Water, 4 mace 4 .. i0 2k# English Soda Water, Potass Wator, iGe, Ginger The remainder of his large Colored : and ~Black: ‘Silks;Velve Dréss Material Sfall Gradog, Nes. 21, 24 To I > Feneteiied ( 104 200 Sn 190y nE pmposen on 20 oo O Ooooanit of rmions noring 4 M .' f booatued ] ing ug 4i ~lntaad 4 J."W.â€"RYANE _ > in France, RANDIES, PORT ANp : MEmeE Rocerine > ‘ H BH AN *AMs oood, C o oA Mosrrare, Ja&n. 11,18756 Dee. 24 1874 THOS. _ PATTERESO THE PEOPLES TEA ShORE 11 ESTABLISHED 1854 Direct Importations from wa.TOo BX HaDb or NOTICE‘ TO LADIES OFFASHION Irish Friese, from $11.50 to g1 ndow #tha e s O 4 o inA s P (Sppar uh """â€"“lb!nolu_-qmo.... : rovick FANOY GROOCERIRS IN ‘GRR4T V'A"M'r P. JACKETH. | enttiun, from $12 upwards * JOSEPH . DIMBLEBY, Pay~ 55 SPARKS STREET REME a BEMEMBEKR THE PEBOPLIS wine eorse TAYLOR, Proprietor. RENAULT & CIF yemuen meset weu! altaniel t (ESTABLISHED 1860.) Note the List of Prices. cadi¢s‘ WWars, ALL GROUOKRS AND Â¥limt Bry Goods. Cartlorig. CGroceries, 29 RIDEAUST,, Is now offering ht his . England, mx#qq;n'nd Spain, SHERRY WINE, CIN We are showing W Ines, Linuor" Eun GRORE, rrateed jo ome "au of the : Goode, sind judge & | k warranted shronk, .A-'. ‘ E" C tian a s ('n;hunxlrfpummm Blve and :B Otlers in ‘this sountry; we HXNEY & rosare. _ + v w ITALIAN W AaRRKKOUREX EN TAXHORING. BRAN DIES. PANTS AN» use and Ne Jiciug pnrpotre, BASKERVILLE & BROS OVEROOA TA * ‘ATt bHAK shÂ¥50m%. , Ties, Collars LI.A., F.G», ‘BAYB! «Fine in valids WithEnouk AnSSens AT CHAB. : BRYBON‘R AT CHWAR BRYBON‘8. AT CHAS. ‘BRYSONY8. AT CHAB, BRYBON®8. AT CHA®. BRY8ONCâ€" Gradea, drom $7,50 upw ; d Produceéers OTraAWA,"18745, udn al usua) pric