b4 tlers, the fault rests with themselves. Mr. Arch, Mr. Henry â€" Taylor, Mr. Clayden _ and other officers of the Agricultural \Labourers‘! . League; . have their impressions ,as to its | adaptability as a field for settiement by the English la bourer. Vigorous efforts have also been put forth to secure a large: share ofâ€"the ites, who are coming to America in such vast numbers, to colonize the orth West country ;. and all possible in nts have beem held out to German Scandinaviarl ‘séttlers, and more reâ€" tly to such inhabitants of Iceland as themselves homes in the;British Colonies» Centralizgtion in immigration matters will undoubtedly prove advantageous to the Dominion as a whole, and the policy of Mr. Mackensie‘s Government must com mend itself : to the â€" support of all loyal Canadians. | With the improved system of management which is thus being introâ€" duced into our immigration efforts, will come a more â€" thorough inquiry as. to the localities in which the agents can work with most advantage. . ‘Already,the agri* cultural districts of England have been worked up by an energétic staff, ‘and if the unionists under Mr. Joseph Arch‘s banner are ignorant of the advantages which‘ Canada holds out to them as setâ€" sire to place ‘themselves under the tection of the AngloCanadian fag. w The Speech from the Throne at the opening of the session contained a reâ€" ference to the arrangement entered into between the Dominion Government and those of the respective Provinces, through which 1e advantages offered by them to immigrants will be clearly brought before the people of Europe, without the agents themselves belittling the claims which their respective Provinces put forward to & share of those who désire to build up for We understand that . ~Whitcher, of the Fisheries d.putnï¬rw- earnestly requested to be present, but .cannot legve here during the sitting of Parlia ment. _ The Minister: of Marine and Fisheries has been pleased to ~muthorize Mr. Sanzuel Wilmot, of. Newcastle, to attend. A summary of the proceedings will appear in the Tores. . Mostings of the United States Fish ists take place toâ€"day in New York. We have received a copy of the programme, trom which it seems that niatters of con* siderable importance to the Fisheries are to be discussed. The following gentiemen are named as prominent among those who are expected to attend. the meetings Ok.NTSfor eagh wotu uver iwenly. The Usemente referred to are as Tollows : Any one specifed article~â€" Â¥For Sale or Wanted. | Lost or Found: Board Wanted.â€" Busimess for Saio. Business Waniod. Houses for Saile. Mouses i0 Beut. Mouses Wanied. wmmlm or Â¥arms Wantod. Farms for Sale or to Hené. Live Stock for Sale or 10 Rent. Wanted or to Loan. w# Wanted. ai Â¥acant, &¢., &6. OUK IMMIGRATION POLICFZ AND WORK. Bargains : Neelin Dr0s. Kentucky Library. Gents‘ Goods: Neelin Bros. Examinations: College of Pharmacy Bankrupt Stock : Neelin Bros| Bill of Fare: European Dining Roon The Tiimes. THE WEEKLY TIMES Carleton Club wun@ovon Friday morning, and c0 news of the week from all paits of t m.vmwnufl maiter; and : chief eciturial e( THE Daily TLME £r0i¢asiobBai apd DusiLess Cuidm MEBDMARN CC the iirst page for one year, when not exceeding twenty worls, once a woek, $3; tWite a. woek, $12; and every day, 13, cach word over.twenty in the same proportion. ; BIRTHS, MARELAGES, DEATHS. Notices ot births, mmm Deaths, . NC and deaths with Awerai attached g1.00, Suvec«r1p110n Kates for the Daily Times /W hen paid weekly, Twelve and aâ€"haif Cent« W hen paid yearly. SIx Doliars in advance. Amusements : Gowan‘s Opera House Music Halkto Let : D. O‘Connor. Bill of Fare : Queen‘s Restaurant. New Goods : Neelin Bro«. PC 2 menone NPW Doniv;. szod wustworthy Market Reports, Latesi om:rcw Parltiamentary Reports, and ail other matter incadent 10 a lrst class weekly newspuper, " Hon. R. B. Roosevelt, President of the American Fish Culturiâ€"ts‘ Associstion, Prof. Spencer E.Baird, L .. Commissioner otFisheries, W .F. Whitcher, Commissioner of Fisheries of Canads, Livingston Stone, Deputy U, 3. Comunigsioner, Charles: G. Atkins of Maine, Commissioper ~f th« Associated States, several of the State Fish Comumissioners, including £. M Stillwell of Maine, M. C. Edmunds of Vermont,°E. A. Brackett.of Massachu. setts, W. M. Hudson and R. G. Pike of Conmecticut, Hon. Horatio Seymour‘ of New York, H. J. Reeder of Pernsyivaâ€" unis, and others. Seth Green, Thaddous Norris, A. S. Collins, Fred. Mather, E. B. Paxton, George Shepard;Page, Dr. G. H. C. Saiters, Samuel Wilmot, of Ontario, William Clift, James Warrall, D. H. Fitzâ€" hugh, Jr., and B. F. Bowlee, editor Rc. OUTTAWA, TUESDAY, FEB. 9, 1875 Ottawa, 2lst Dec., 1974 FISHERY MATTERS. aMAL UE L PEPD European Dining Rooms cmoents TL M iR3 g-pm relating: to the troubles in the is romply hn :m ty whon an early day, and { these p-per‘ will : be down ; secondly, whether it was the tion of the Government to submit to the House any proposition founded on ’having’r:f.:nm to ‘the j 5- Yamnescywï¬.pm. in the dis t.urb::cde.£ th& -.ilmy‘un‘ with roference gf?ammelu.mbud. ï¬:? Hon.. Mr. m;cmnlhg' : he was uite prepared to answer his: #riend, 2"“"’?&“3: o n truiabie. noon to place. papers (on: 4 They were not :yet ready, »%1 they would be ere the House) som. < Government intend to dealywith both sub jecuym-tb:m-mw% House, and he place ia notice of modonmtbhfl.mcuh to proceed . with the dï¬o; question. ‘ | | yo mmw“hmdms lating:to ive wool:'lgen bridgas on‘ the Intercalonial «Railâ€" way. Haooncludodbylnayu“mlbo docmhk:d::ohbkh t Session in answer to an papers parative cost of wooden _m on the Intercolonial Railway,â€"be pr and ciroulated as public® accovnts usually burrowing i miserable buts, with their cattle undaer the same roof as themselves. Uhe ‘poorer the people, it appears, the more Inumerous the family, come having. eight, ton or more. : When fever or other sickness overtakes them, the oioF cannot ‘be s<eparated Ifrom those who ara well ; the living!and the dying are in the same | bod.. The people have small strips of. land, cwltivated by the most primitive instrumente in the most (primitive way. _ The new thatch [put on the roof _ ‘of their houses this year is the manure of the ground for Lhe next. Round the coast the‘ | combine fishing | with â€"â€"goncrally | speaking, tenanteat will. enorgetio | spirits have at length resolved to work out a remedy for this atate of ‘mfl, andJthe , subjéot is v the | attention of inhabitants® of the Scotch u«..n:.,&uwww i "":"': ‘N"| sn verakiye or 1818 :)« (/ . Me BSLORNEL melenl, 10 /A mas Mn motion. should be stedfastly directec., They would be assissed in the wark among the Highland population by a large portion of the wellâ€"to do class, who are anxious for the elevation of the people oflho!lcth;md when that ‘cliss landed in large numbers on the shores of the Dominion, ready to carveout for themselves homes and comforts by dint of honest toil, they would be heartily welcomed by their fartunate fellow.counâ€" trymen who had already acquired an honourable independence in the Canadian provinces. 3 ( The second field of operations whiclv we think, is worthy of much attention from our British agents, is that ‘of Yorkâ€" shire and Lancashire. These counties are the centre of the manubbcturing in tricts~ the ‘Americans have obtained s large proportion of their manufacturers, men who were induced to make their homes in the Etates and . commence making on their own account the textile fabrics which they had manufactured for others in the old: country, .From emall sphere of operations, and in course of years acquired wealth . Hundreds of manufacturers in Yorkshire and Lanâ€" cashire at the present time are looking about for new fields ‘where their comh & MOoUSE or w-â€"r-. * Mownar, Feb. 8th. msrxmï¬mapaspn tas Komthâ€"wsat : f Mr. HOLTON rose to make r of the First Minister ing tt & in the North Wost. In the from the Throne there was an intimation that tion from the Hom. John Mn'nd n en en in ind nni se use mtnz}mml:oah.m 10th inst.), at 3 paratively small capital of two or three thousand potinds may not have to come into competition with that of millionaires: Being almoet totally ignorant of the magnificent | water power and other Parliament of Canada. Hon. M. BUREAU presented a fmmA.LVdobudoM-dm praying to be incorpornted as the Banque &.Jem].%ï¬\o. 1 1« Hon. Mr. CAMPBELL presented & petiâ€" tion from Chas, H. ty-&l of Montrsal, praying to d# thecmeuwom. Hon. Mr. CHAPAIS) presented: x petiâ€" to the United States, and aid in improvâ€" ing their manufactures. If the advantages which the Dominion affords weére but made known to them by trustworthy loee into our prov flflmhw wealth and prosperity." The Immigration Department has a 3 field of usefulness, enrwidenixq(g,bomhthom is | lmn,h::.,ls'u. Fabre, gq.,hndboumnadbtho Senate, in the room of Hon. E. Panst, resigned. cities. Some proposed, at, first, that the peéople should get Messes, and remunera tion for bouses, improvements, and unexâ€" hausted menure in the land at (the end of the loase. But the landlards would not listen to this demand, boping, no doubt, dependentaffrom oppression -x:d prove abortive. As a last resort, people have resolved that! etnigration is the only remedy for the existing evil, ariP that they will seek an asylam in a land which will reward the toils and labours of the hus bandman with peace and plenty, and ultiâ€" mately â€" with independenca _ Canada chould Lbovuuse. use dbyTumiffle se Lsnt working, frugal, selfeacrificing High. landers who desire to improve their canâ€" dition, and to that and the labours cf our immigration @igents in the mother country listen to this de that this latest Mr.© SPEAKER Third Parlamentâ€"â€"Second Session, INTEROOLONIAL RAILWAY the dorm ~of a SEX AYTE. be ¢gmple to t m pension to Nhllzhof lllgmq 4 the the estimates which they thought would ©OURT OF ADMIRALYY POR INLAND WATERS, Hon. Hrf WIOO(}) asked if it was the intention of the Government to establish a "aurt of Admiralty for. the: Inland Watere of the Dominion during the predéent Session. Hon. Mr. FOURNIER. gaid a corres ï¬nduoe had ‘been ‘opened with the perial authorities on the subjeot, and from the answers . received it apâ€" peared that some legislation would be nocessary to extend to the inland waters the jurisdietion now confined to maritime ols Ay pamee td session mperi iPulhmon that the necessary logi-rdon Manitoba, (which still considered Mr Lepine entitled to the réespect of that population. . Mr. Masson oo&ï¬nued": lsuk' at great length against the injust of His Excellency‘s messige. ]lï¬ nâ€" tinued as follows: L need not say t this verdi 'chu'llber't:ce:lv:;dwlh!.lnm'l’i grief and sorrow by great majo: of . the people of this oountc-;y I readily underlt;:d:; whgh know the circumstances, w 03 0 country and . the , who Mr, Lepine hmnolfâ€"f?e%y understand ‘thatplge dxpht!hg.lht;h{ox.hof eight chfldra“;&,et&ho responsibility of whose sup uâ€" cation rested upon him, wnf?:l that the spering of his life is a great boon, beâ€" cause notwithstanding the humiliation which he will have to bear whether he ins. & parish in his country or an mm, he will always be in a posiâ€" tion i lnhxteyem_tonuppqrt his family.| “ifl say, as a political man and regardâ€" y this as a political question, this verdict His Ext icy is a step backwards. Mr. Speaker, I must give the reasons why Mr. WOOD asked whoether it was the intention of the Government to deepen the Wolland Canal. n i a. (Foagh M enriityâ€"onndith donnian it d ; i nlfiariih icb ag iss »: D 6 immediate ‘pardon . would folj.ï¬. The expression â€" would cause i content, _ deep _ sorrow â€" and . grief among the loyal French population of water. He said the harbour capacity of the lakes did not admit of a greater depth than that, as they could not possibly be used wit.lm-:lgmt outlay, and the outlay on the would be so serious as to deéter the Government from entering into such a great expense. <The Government dwqgm the plan adopted was the one they would have to adhore to. ; â€" Hon. Mr. MACKENZIE roslied that it was not the intention of the Government to go to a greater depth than 12 feet of miouA. Leping.in Manitoba, for the of Thomas Scott. â€" In moï¬onhodaï¬g:lto draw the i of the House h.;mt which been published 0 Official Gazette this country, and consequently under the suthority of the Government, which affected. public opinion considerably in the country. within the |last fow dndll.. Mr. Masson hére read the letter of His Excellency to the Minister of Justice canâ€" taining the commutation of Lepine‘s senâ€" tence, and then went on to say that he was not. desirous of discussing the conâ€" stitutionality or the unoonnï¬tuï¬uul':z of the document, but he thought it is :zhpxm“tmflyn?'mnhe ion : which â€"he | in the first p;; of the letter. ;te‘ W'm univonaldisappointr‘ ment toa large number of Her Majesty‘s subjects, who expected that if the pnn.;- implicated in those trials were brought to trial and justice took its course,. that as time and circumstances might t ify them, in doing any enlarging of the Lawrence canals, to the same depth as the Welland. â€" lion. Mr. MACKENZIE said pmfln were invited from the various manufacturâ€" ers of cars in the Dominion for a certain number of cars, and a firm in St. John sent the lowest tender. Ha was afterwards told that a firm in Halifax had not sean the notice, and as the first tender did not ï¬ï¬‚“ all that was required, he underâ€" that the Superintendent gave a con:â€" tract to the Halifax firm at the same rate as the other. .: _ Mr. BLAIN asked a question having reâ€" ferenpe to the result of the survey of the . Hon. Mr. MACKENZIE replied that a eareful survey had been made, and the Om“ant wmi:lpmf‘ ion of the cost of attaining twelve feet navigation. They were not.in possession of information as to fourteen feet navigation, because it was not contemplated when the survey was undertaken. The cost would be an _ Mr. MASSON moved !ornxyof Exoellency‘s â€" commission, \of â€" the Royal instruotions which accompanied Carried. be presénted t His Inoetionay f to His 6 s ernor General for copies of all f orders in council and correspondence reâ€" lating to the commutation of the nntax Mr. WOOD asked whether it was the intention of the.Gon";‘nf:nnt, during the present session, to introduce an act proâ€" viding for the appointment ‘ of uupooflm dmmï¬i;- both fire and life, Hon. Mr. MACKENZIE said thatin the .Bpooohf;untho Thronomooftll:lo' oreshadowed was *a general Inâ€" mkct. That Act will provide: for a general inspector of insurance affairs. INTERCOLONLAL RAILWAY Cans.‘ | unreasonable one, and the Government !gnldnotbemnhed in attempting the . Mr. WOUD having asked questions re garding the St. LQ.W.E?.'ES’.‘L"“J&; D&hm to some questions “h'or i!:dn F, relating to contracts for nd.rfl?.:'.n for the Intercolonial Rail TKE COMMUTATION OP LEPINE3S‘SENTENOR, WELLAND AND 87. LAWRENCE CANALS, 1NBPBOTORS OF INSURANCE COMPANIBS, XAVIGATION OF THB $T. LAWRENCE [dowtinviip on Foviire raomw] THE TIES: OTTAWA, TURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1875. ;ï¬h'{dom[. Sotels. _ A"| Suchion ï¬iaï¬ w _ | Battors 4 m luds l!h a nover ‘u’.'.d-,: It onres old o T oo cieerered anirrrant No riodk, 36 SPARKS Oct. 1% 1474 ROB ANGUS, Jr. Available Punds to â€" mest CAPITAIs:, . BIX MILLIO® DOLLARB, #K. o ktirate Dinveid Propared anton " "* _ ie uo Aufk clant h -3 yee e + _ | ; Gentlemen Boarded by the Month. â€" 10e Oromm/ Salsaon open th 8 umwaer Months. TII * Uierionleirest pRevrgre Res‘a in mode, muf‘-ï¬h: Fried ‘ .. um?m Boof and Onbbage. Pork and Boof ‘ 8 l‘&â€"w&n‘"m;m Leg of Mution y°!! cAnaomax INSURANC Pudding and Pastry â€"Paradise Pudding __ Raspoerry Pudding and Wine Mance. Apple Pity Raspberry Plo. feaats Dessertâ€"Fruits in Séason, Almonds, Reist® Tow Lhd Cotite. ¢ This Compan in Canada mummnh ï¬'mn rreâ€"etâ€" to reept‘ve applications fo General @du Ortawn District f competent and trustworthy parlies, who Insurance _ Co. EUROPEAN Dining Rooms, 80 Sparks Street. â€" J, W. ARLESS, Proprietor. Genera;l Agent Citizens Insurance Co‘y. Vlean® the.bidad h6 20 per Gent. Below Combination Ratés Fize, Late, Acomar 2o Goanavren. Feb, Jm. 9, Ottawa, Jan, 88, NSURANCE <CO .FIRE AND MARINE. | 1 : H ,..-w(â€"-â€"v‘â€"v ‘-:-â€"' 1*¢ Greea Blood Piwrticr and Restorer Queen ‘Restaurant. WELLINGTON STREET. »Hiecellancons. LDâ€" FABSD 814000 "ExtoRt HAND IN HAND LUXCH BILL OF FABE BROIL ED. Lanb Chops, Becfsteak, R C W. KacCUAIG, 1875 mmum. Ensurance. q Fessieaae is fble flï¬:z:“&@& BOUP, Mu izatawny, ENTREKES. Veal and Ham Pis. Temporney Office: KLL\OFFARE: â€" _ ._â€" SUORSDAY, Pth Fin., 197. Venison Steait, oTrAWR. A40ENT, JOINTS, Claims, yover Halit \a sn e ns I Managing DMrecogor on the face, OTTAW A gn to inform their friendé ‘and the public mmd_mw' ‘ull well heated. : :: >_ : 09 _ _ C CWELy The Barâ€"room is with the ;sbost W oo e t Paenons Revarstaeat Ottawa, Feb 14, 1974, â€" aigg | / ')w!"mnv r-.,. .‘v-â€"f:. (OPDoske Poritament Houses,) _ / â€" ow open, out the best in metits lmm;'f,%‘?"mï¬&"“flw@,“wh | 0 _ . OMR m' ,I THE DOMINION RESTAURANT C AM N etone : M $HOOLBRED." & .:co. Brick House and Lot ON EASY TERMS. lflnl b"‘.fli;'_ The l:""- 'Na'?'c [A Foge MMuiihiaely s en Mane Oltawa, Janmexy 4 25. i ns m u # No. 2 and 2 south on the Twelfth Mange of (be e atoolt, e War nmanid parsiomehs epply to dAaMES PABUHARITA, on the promines [ solidly built, contains pa 4 ~ inIbE roome Almiigh aod pastty, with a hail Wishes to inform his many friends and the u%thï¬.ho has succeeded his prother, lï¬_ gumï¬%’m‘ mm“mw "In thehouse ary ladion n nte‘ Phriors Eio vebihdteego of the Tognalioed h on the UimnM® POOMT, RIVPTOMH MWM PMMMP MOCI C NC ogflutw‘-lo. "The second fliat contains five. snduvln'nu-.vnhhou same as below, An excelient boarded cellar and a large and neverâ€"failing dlbm.‘mmr kitoben,. Tesesary bufbatidings."" The property is vory & O Anoly a ot Â¥a excellent yiew of the city a eountry, and will be found & comforiable family residence, be cheap, on easy terms of mn'. Further particulars can be obtained 14 _ J. BERMINGHAAM, Ausctioneer nnd Land Agent, Kiginâ€"et., _ The Table will be furished with all the deliâ€" eacies of the season ; the Bur with the cholcest brands of Liquors and Cigars, Ausctioneer nnd Ma -na % BALEâ€"K. M quarter of No. 2 First Eo ibftmnnicn 0 PRoebuli parg more Sn lows «7 of wWhidh are in a line flate dmw’a e o p ie maobihe Shrough from to ond. Termt 62487â€"AIPIIO uym oran, a GHA! Am-ndtquï¬z. T qurel, Oiliwe. TIMBER LIMITS, cormfned Oe oanoorn opaeleg m 1e Having received lostruotion® from Robert Bkemi.b Feq« ~will soit b& Public ‘Auction, at the UN1ION HOUSE, in the ouy of Ottawal onlAAgnAY. 20th DAY OF FEBâ€" RU: .m at the of twelve o‘clock noon, the ov'lncnpellor'nmber Timite ; ‘\ License No. 161, season of com: ng an area oltm:â€"mu' ne nm%;'.ï¬ï¬‚o. 162, of same season, comprising an are& of fifty square miles, both.being situate on the Peteâ€" , elgaamanpis , anigamiymemniie Monday, :slst:~February HECTOR MLEAN aenantaneit Vielle Branch, ml’ofl:ln ‘and Great _ These limits are known to be timbered with M’.:d:?g\o Pine of dmu.mm q , invariably oa:ï¬undm( ln!u‘h.b“mln Torgl.nd conditions mxbgown at the oo ake. JOYSEPH KAVANAGH, The Clarendon House Nicholas and Daly Streets, ‘Ottawa‘ ROBERT CRAHAM. HAMS AND â€"BACON, Different Kinds sf Game Jen, 18, 1875 Anm?‘nlmmmd Aore ofLand, yposite Mr. m'lrddono:. alose to the FOR ~â€"SA LE ! o:~ Gr#ocer and.â€"Wine Marohant, Dec. $0, 1874. One Hundred Dozon ENTRAL! CONVENIENT:! Auction Sale TTAWA Owned by ROBERT ESKEAD, Eeq ALBION . HOTEL, $JI8Y BY J. BERMINGHAM, i5 1J share of the public patronage is OF VERY VALUCABLE Warpeis. .;!*smua f_ rFN 112 M3 Ua alose to the is well and actioncer Si‘y IMabdav. ie clgoch doy of Aper oo magree Coprry r yieue o a uin 4 Or CARLETONR : Mrw-mowi%'m:m" o seription of the « munw:m be sent to any one must be addressed to ... ... .. *‘ **"" Gfand Copiiane? . _*_ * * $5,000.00 Each in Cash. One Prize $1,000 ~£~â€". . i ’ Pyoraam soo E,Eat:h in Cash fim en fereninn aes, Tortaie non (oaaiy, hrebe: wous w gold 5m&7 ware, J awelery, d0., tn . e norrenl raltaiee i. 416 Notre Dameâ€"#s., 11 Rideauâ€"§¢t.. . . . LADIESD‘ lom-u SRhtA JACCTCHEN, Ladies‘ Persian Lamb Jackets, White Rabbitt Jacketse, In Valuable CPFte$ ;. To be distributed:in L P. SINES 1fist Reglap No. 83, RIDEAU STBR PR yB" A a lmde.d -oï¬tmm :r ~h iesd es in on p meror en Hutters & Furriers. Fur Depots The and cheapest assortment of Ladie hxk dGentiqincnrs Fute in the chagy * can be had at the To the amount: of ‘Two Million Five ALL OTHER FURBS, CHBAP FOR CAE SIGN OF THE RED MAT, GIFT . ENTERPRISE, Jan. 11, 1875, HERIFXF*S SALE OF : LAXDS Dea 20th, 1674 GENTS F U RSYS ! ! H. HODGES, EYLLN®S 56 SPAREKSBST, Opposite the British Liton @Bxéde Gift Enterprises. BUFFALO ROBESY BP Joun Sdtadsets by Sparth Ladies Sea Otter Soan DOLLARS ! R. J. DEVLIN, ... cA s B pdaad murous. Wikad a w : _: All Labelie str -" n;' cam i Labelie street. Te on ty tonies eb reare nene oL in more Yor three botties. H#y Teicgure, which he will s2nd yxen io His Iellow *Funbfaiimrrefenos enuaing prommtare | [VIR * =U" A 0T0 RING M a y M C wefferers. Address, Ol. ~BOX ogor.u.ns B 41 PILLS Stompsont to oo att gemmam Pom ts b¢ 19e Un ty en en dndanstnet., Paole Eud onp ied hrrnoind DY a caretul, experienced icnselentions physician, in obedience to the de«/ dnumhorl-o‘l'“lt:uu profeasion in the the resuft of a !ifettme â€"id is ooo or s iftetzme of sctentifl stady Purgofne, Brubridg® 4 0o., c 2EX w The Loadon Wholosale Houres. . newgern Ganape. Montresaiâ€"Evans, 4& 00., W holesale Prop» Inpoinin, Aahaving tous reeoved o wiue of twenty i in the Lonâ€" to mé e rmanreciegs DIEAMOND al the World. miteieppion fanba iess %m’.â€"m" Jo¢ Bat Sad Rimmel‘s Viciet, Rose, Lea!, Rice, and other vollet Buwders. 4 lipors) ahotennce o anlppem Pripcess of Wales, 95 Btrand, 123 Regent Street, 2 Comnill, 1 maleoes oo Thens Ppoy and 9t Hingh Rowd. brichion, _ RAmmel‘s Oil Boap, perfumed @_,,, h+ m xnanoennetieet the â€"~ Mogmaeaentral omerome e raik Aguiie ty mss Lrcosiu! ‘.,_‘“" “f‘ "‘,?,naifl;d'" in Powder, Lo#â€" 2 | mgm-muh m&fl&mmgqp THOMAS MORSON & son MedilHizts "and _Jurors® at all the Qreat : Exiâ€" Bï¬ igh maohibrtay ordess escouss ..l“l“ dertatob qwiere Pancreatic Emulsion and ««««« Pancreatinoe. 81, 88 & 124 Southampton Row RUSSELL AQUARE, LONDJA hive a7ads anoruifeotlngin rmeon aueino, The and the general condition 0 Sold in Botties by the Manufacturers, Morson‘s ~Effectual Remedies Jao. 2, 1878, " .K > e e foes Torosie, General Agen: for the Province of Queber â€"bele .l bes U ie Sat Prmyinne of Que Rimme!‘s Extrast of Lime J uice and Glyberine, »,ng& for the Hair, especially in SAVORY & MOORLE, ‘Worx»â€"HonwskÂ¥ aAx» Hox®s Bole Proprietor, F. J. OLARKE, TION, WASTING AND INDIGESâ€" and sympathize with my follow emeMAres. J. H. REEVES, TB Nassauâ€"st., New York . celobrated for its u e t ~me __*_ FOR, PAINTEE,. .~~* :. ~SDAMGERE,) &o «/ pï¬w% BORDEKRS, &o., Just reco!ved, and » Opposite the FPost Offise : * ‘Det %, 871L re | CHatchni s1as yauren novse Hailord® & "Gorer I ; & Pn g ho Tok Lo ce the last 18 yeaiâ€" and will eo MANUFACTU "INQ, WATOHMAKIXG ia my former wor i ware Btore, corner Post Office, Ottaws, Jan. 2, RSECEP Ta Gxz.â€"Po “1 P e is C nds and dsposits can be wilhdrawn at aBY On Money Ord OfMeé Yirotk Are no r soldâ€"mtâ€"ithis offl( parchnt) " sw any (of the db Matier posted up to 10.10 % Via New York, close # Pbr Canndins L46e, titke every FFi C adg .._A'_.v‘-y_-.:gl_n m o Opore and vm"c‘;.ï¬ Suiphg» p o) 8 compigte mas ATOH AND OLOOCK a o inine Soueald mmcm' Maker to the * mad all other Raoés and Manufactory and Oity Hovseâ€"55 eid@) Thol ordore s Apetely ty chals nfl Clocks, Chaink, Jewellery and Mannx:' free, »s not discounts a selection from the largest in the worl Orders can be sent direct to 1i Ludgate Hlll, or through merciar W Establishmentsâ€"25 Ol4 in Engiang g 'fl HES % ’h-;. ® T origimitnn Butiex, l;?: 1 Car P C / s â€" * Satngnidian Fine, Jeweller, Practical "'" »@r 36â€"SPARKS 8TRER2 mm‘@m 2 ) @m c s “(\::drhy 4. They can anly be mm i BRONZES AND sist daily wear and tear is really cheap at sny pr Hones as provided by (Me Sm Eivom, dnpeen ere ies men Word mrver Jve on changed. Merchants, Shippe Tess Snd hil Hlads of befoutentecine Pon' OFFICE o'n_A!A. J E W EL LE 184. WINTER ~ARRANGEN BC i8 Arrival and: Departure of agg EAMMARAAE .55 S°RaE5@EE Po®T OFFICE 8A VING® pointment]; ‘and to sev EggRAEEEE gg :315!!?!! closed atl.%â€"p.m.. in whith P overn, Potoai en en ho ï¬dlï¬. -n= ‘. AG £3 i“ Pamlcrs. ghke d a d 4 #°8 o-'.'s uhrkg onvras d Jewellery, of the Mails. _ C6, i dg Charee. 15 éigï¬' shrdrd gakf obe 2 ouait Â¥i0l, t for ::flg.m-. one, Pair on «slight aihtiet ofllm e, serd © of since she company of the concubine Whatever her life ha odrd ‘ of it has "rendhied c;au:â€w,mu. ub up the Matchu dynasty i prince to select an :‘."4 children ofhis thrak wivs in t to light in hlj\mecuh‘rnll man whose life been, Te m raes Ld;o ald not tlotwo.n:hm for some months after her she sould bui ffeis but ber rights wereâ€" sha rior wives the boyhood ."'.:Mhdh- let apyd seal shc dï¬hh Tor much the same reas of ‘her future husband‘s Siow t t is ouge were ; for the : ghwhu b‘,!ldmddhm iwo years older natural talent ha Chinese politics. ‘Death the executioner or suici alternative left to the les servative partvaftar Prins $1.00 ©qunstation" ® Ts hus 7 deaieaatont, M6% wa&r ers, and who had ‘atten to make their m;: %‘Mu to marriage he hac h.::hd between §=| ~Â¥ c ye= throne, -'w-‘wi . wizï¬o Ma;jn-y*o réign, and Saishange lopt ioh nen t years ago at the head of tnid rahidernie t as o(&.wwdcn‘lnnd an absolute prince, it w have sharing the thror .o"l:dohâ€"uwtqh deseent, and aside from was connected with the in China, and her‘ selec rantiwites Fer sale by all drugge feminine half of the ir ous titles that attech to d(huï¬.m foreigners style the 'mm « the ~~Chinese© clastic =o-. to ‘ucl acting through them, cl PILBE AFHD HUMO in natural and inevita was the nomitial head . ministers. She was se J0B MOSE®‘ PEM A London Hnmaaras ina confirming the of the *-Md' SE tant. of China, follows the de Fain in the Back and ght exertion, Palp! tive partyafter Prin l m id ©@17 "®@" _ POV UOWRTE,.ODL pamphlet, or ref A CA M3 @BITC 167 Aâ€"Low