3. 5) <*‘ A #ki r w :,‘ â€" a 2t IF» #Â¥ .#3 4. 6: PT "4» is an increase _ to tho _ amount <+f our ’M“"‘p b, ". .“. lic .. and the exhibition nade by Great nï¬â€˜lll; and . her . _ colonies . will undoubtedly prove the greatest . attraction to tisitors* A sutm of “‘),(‘l)Wil,&Q Extimatos to meet ‘the probable aexpenditure reâ€" quireé«\ in connection with having . Canada. représcuted at: Philadelphiny ‘and‘ it is understood that Senators ‘Wilmot and Petiny and Mr, W. F. Glen will attend..as Commissionery. â€".. Large as the grantâ€" may appear, it will proye=one ‘of the most Canadian people; and it must be remepp, bered that the figures do: not ‘rentesant reporits of special commissioners of the Witton stamp. For this neglect to pro mote the people‘s interest in a vitar particular let the Conservative Govern ment be held responsible. Fortunately the present Liberal Govern. ment is composed of able, practical men, who seeck rather to promote our welfare than to lind jobs for wornâ€"~out political hacks. As might have been expected from such an Administration, liqflh.v" been taken to have Canads adequately. represente.l at the WWI Exhibition,. to be held ‘at Philadelphia Every true Canadian must have felt his face glow with a feeling of shame and indignation when he read. the report that our rich ~matural wealth and thriving industriee were represented at the Viemna Exhibition by a few bottles of seal oil and a parcel of furs. . No act could be more injurious to the welfare of Canacda than that of refasing to send specimens of our mineral resources and manufactures to that World‘s Fair, so that the working people of Europe could judge of the prospects of employment and ultimate independertce should they emiâ€" grate to our shores, while at the same time capitalist~ could estimate the seeuâ€" rity afforded for a safe return for money loaned to our people. A few specimens of minerals and balf a dozen sewing machines sent to Vienns would have effectpd vastly more benefit than the repoits of special commissioners of the upon as a weak point. â€" But many of" â€" those _ who _ admit _ the â€" ex: pediency of _ __military training must share very fully the views of Mrâ€" Cameron, of South Ontario. This gentle< man on Monday last committed himself to propositions less popular than they deâ€" serve to be, but none the less sound on that account. â€"Heexpressed himself sub stantially to the effect that it is wrong to give to the children a ‘military â€"training ; that one of the worst uses to which a man: can be put is to make a soldier of him‘; that Canada is indefensible against the United States ; that instead of fostering a military spirit the doctrine of peace, love and universal brotherhood should be inculcated ; and that the settlement of national mis inderstamdings should be provided for by arbitration rather than \by resort to arms. (This somewhat ‘plain declaration of his honest sentiments by a candid _ and : outspoken gentleman, whether we can agreo with him or not, we think is to be commended. We are bound to say that there is nothing in this profession of faith by the member for South (ntario to cause surprise and much less to give alarm: We have heard all ‘these startling doctrines before, and we have found as faithful subjects and as good neighbours take one side as the other. Yet newsâ€" pajer writers are splurgng in remonâ€" strance dnd ridicule, and.some very few members of the House have taken to aiding the bunkum side ‘of their loyalty, all because one member has had the; courage to say im â€" Parliament what is commonly said and largely believed in the country.. Mr. Cameron is in advance of the agsw ; that is the only argument that can be .:~~| against his position. It is perhaps not practicable to entirely dispense with military training. Under some system it may be that we are bound to provide against that worst of continâ€" géncies, hostile relations with our neighâ€" bours. And, admitting the neécessity of the provision, it is the part of wisdom to adopt the system that seems in the greatâ€" est degre= to gombmo efficiency with wlaptation to cireumstances. _ Those whose views lead them this farwill have‘ no difficulty in coming to the assistance of Dr. Brouse in his earnest desire to strengthen his country at what ‘he looks upon as a weak point â€" But many of" â€" those _ who â€" admit the â€" ex® CAMPBELL & ALMAS kmown bra Give us The Times. IRESSMAN WANTED.| Amusements : Gowan‘s Opera House. _ _ Whitmore _ and , Clark‘s Minstrels. _ Ottawa Choral Union. â€" Bill of Fire : Queen Restatrant. BiX of Fare : European Dining Rooms. M «N Ottawa, Fob. 17, 187 Teas, Coffees, Wines, Liquors, &c. OTTAWA, FRIDAY, FEB. 19, 1875 @ Commencing Â¥ °: woNDA Y,,‘sin FEBERUARY, 1875, For Afteen days onlyiat cost price. 2 heir stook of gonds is one of the freshest and i selected inthe city, being a‘l bmught for a nâ€"cia=s family business. Their stock of TEas I\::‘?:I(Jdlfln, Biack aod Greens of the fin= grulos. Their Winks are that of the wellâ€" wn brands, viz., Saunderman aud Graham‘s is, Pomartin‘s and Misa Soerrios. A n\i:ï¬ wer 3 pe. cent. mu( be relied upon on anove specialities. Al other go ds atequalâ€" CANADA‘S â€"OPPORTUNITY. 86, Sparks Street, CAMPBELL & ALMAS, j\c:HcKinmn&l tion Sale : Amos T r, &e. : A. Taylor. M a call, and you will be satinfied Wi!l sell at their old stand at the office of this paper a good to work Universal 'nnl Gordon IFARY TRAINING lonet‘s Hlock, S6 Sparks stree AUud Removal to their extensive New Premimes, .. . vriisements. nevigable ; ... byi.. . < consting>/i;| wesseloy i;:" would .:; .permit .. .flnugm of all..the, coal. vessols %“‘ d‘Or,C and. thenee: to the: gmd AZ bm-&hl be -m.nfl-: : ‘nokalisfaak m.'"’sw S‘:’:in“: would likely: be.:carried on | sembling the . old Lachine: Canal : of 1837. That, preventatl nevigationi of this> inland: mwhhy._ol watery h:: soué 0 :or TQ thig ; canal, . was Mmfltndmï¬ navigable ; ... byi.. : consting=i;! wesselsy 1 | Hon. Mr. BOURINOT said it might be considered superfluous on his part to bring up a question already g)rmenml to the attention of the House by the hon. member for Richmond. â€"But he |(Mr. B.) considered the matter: of no ordinary im~ portance, and thought it desirable to asâ€" certain something about the distribution of the plans for axe enlargement of this Canal, Their object was io procure the widening of its entrance, for the accom» modation of vesgels of a larger class than those at present using it. ivog year 600 or 700 ‘ vessels of a: small ‘class g:: through, and 200 or : 300 boats.= channel might made to afford for vessels}; of m dela'm’ - Year after year larg have attempted in vain to pene this Canal. Now, it was worth while to give members. from districts â€" _ little ... gequainted . ... with Cape . Bréton . an _ idoa, of . this canal, and the facilities for nlvmm ib might be madé to afford. Lake Bms d‘Or, to which it led,contained 450 square miles, ‘ its borders possessing bfl& Ate rich mines of cofl, gyj â€"marble, . inon and other valuable m&. l&.iï¬- selfaboun:ill’u in fish.. . When ur:.dnl was finished, it would, improve proâ€" spects of the in lonial railway through Cape‘Breton wmhr; t ï¬m;;hauoï¬&mt ocean route, which: is i + ing wharf of América, to and from Europe on the one hand, with the western railway system on " other. The pro: posed rogd would to some :extent burt the canal and h‘#o. -:nul lnst {)rovi ed for the entizeâ€"work, for l.eo‘af mencement. (le regretted to see $75,000 ad'iidomlr for . this | year, or $15,000 al ther, for â€"a boquu-g was not set in this year‘s estiiates, so that the work might be at oncovâ€"enter: ed upon. As he mentioned already, when confederation. was bronght:. before the people of Nova Seotia, one of the grounds, upon which he supported :it, as a memâ€" ber of their Lo}-h&un, was that auchâ€"conâ€" templated‘works would: be entered npon &t once by the Dominion, but the{’fm(;fl federation, no Public . Works |of . import~ ance in the Island of. Cape Breton. yet been undertaken, 0@#“ sums: had been spent for works .of no ‘impert ance. He trusted this. im work 'M&:n quoted. from ";‘k' pub fu‘e:od by .-n r. B:p;aa tleman. of, scien b.,;?,.l““"’"‘"‘ .who. had. con tri io 4 [Whieg o and"a M it ‘the Tate ;&ï¬ urchison Charles . i he mm?&..m to show : . he was m high (homfln:" the f o ies onl ie promontory o | § Cape North, the coast line exhil 'Ms‘ ugcenl:ngovmd with scrubby sp m&o.&dhelghg;nmfm % to 1,200 feet. (Grand and ‘very beautiful mmmmd ravines which furrow these and g::- between St. Ann‘s lnd]n‘onim' first fllï¬â€˜b“:" rays of the wising sun light up the recesses, and in an instant MSLW and distinct whiché‘}utbhhe'ï¬ id in the dark" shades twilight. . ï¬& W..i“‘““‘hm"“""‘"of"â€'“" Cape a ped ‘with the e s mnï¬ it derives its name, with m:,z lofty headâ€" lands in the b.cl‘:frou:ii, the peak of the Sugarloaf® Mountain just i sbove,ghr distant ‘horken." On the Western coast, from Cape St. Lawrence Margarie, scenery : of a similar occurs ; but it is the â€â€œim rising sum, rove.l-cllltcln'ddo:l*I ty 4 As great ignorance prevailed o island he (Mr. B.) would recommend‘ hon. friends to read this book, whi would induce them, he was cet t visit it, and which, as they would was not only ntbl:tive on account of great resources, possessing those urdbuuduflnlymbemotwi&m continent.? e gent. concluded moving in .mm., with previous tice., that an humble address be present: ed to His Excellency the Governor ‘Genâ€" eral ing that | His ©Excellency of th â€..M“f"} My. Perley, C. &o, o of the | & y, C. E., on enlargement of the 8t. Peter‘s Canal. oftfices, 1 officials, t and . q |half _ millionâ€" | dollars a# compared with the previous year. Of the Exhibition itself, it is sufficient to state that its suceess is already assured,,. The grant of two and a half million dollars made by the State of Pennsylvania has led other States to make liberal offors of aid. Men of wealth, like Mr. A. T, Stew: art, who givyes ten thousand dollars, and railway and other corporations have sub, scribed freely to the stock. All the lead: ing nations of Europe have signified their intention of being represented; the South .\mericnnllthu& and Brazil have resoly: ed to contribute of their products, and) with the great display which will be made to by American manufacturers, the space at he Centennial Exhibition will be fully occupied. The Art display promises : to be unusually fine. _ All the nations which have produced great artists will send their productions. . Although the smallest of these nations, Holland has done by no means the leaet to proragte the cultiyation of art, and sighty provs nent artists of the Dykeâ€"land have M to send their most valuable and best pictures to Philadelphia, so that Dutch art will afford to American students of paintâ€" ing its finest models. Parliament of Canada Third Parliamentâ€"â€"Second Session, frame show P (Coxrixvario®.) Waenxssoay, Fob. 17, 1875 THEOST. PETER‘3 CANAL Lt SEN ATE. m m Pm ols o C m AP" ® k\ & off usecless avd m'iFeg Mw‘if’h wu&\hï¬)e n:;l- rnment hare been able a;“ ‘ the Bras: d‘UQr, a o t Estimates 80 _ .a%) r...s.‘.â€.:..- ....l.;l:'du.:e Paia nm‘?‘.m:\i: He continued to say that his object in nkingforthepl?enw-to bring to the notice of the House..the unworthy and discreditable ‘action Of th6e present Goâ€" vernment in Wm &. several pergons in Lunenburg, -rpdmdb the late Goxermment, about the aou{ October, ‘1873, bm to the notice of want of of that Goâ€" vernment . »placed on ‘the table of the: House ‘of ohs,: and to. obtain such an expression from ‘this Houso as the conduct of the Government ‘merited. He did not|seek" to Brovoke‘ discussion now, but simply to sufficient ground for . the:© present and the woming=down, ‘upd the m ""‘m:""""‘"m"â€â€œâ€˜â€œ"’-;}‘?:fl* the Government. He m:o ' pative:â€"was lefywhim‘n this 3 it was . but a duty he awed‘*to mmav onsly > iijured, : to~ t‘ wud ‘ the. o-’try,thnh-ouu. hehix; the keeper appointed to the new light on Green~Island==th6 Aitiation was acâ€" gepted, v rovisions and furniture for imm B M’~ 14 4 J'Q%cg to got to the island. as soon As A., . was . of jto land gn it. Whilst waitir weeks . for t opportthity Phe > "a lette frg m & w gotnity, id T the Tess sa &“NM& ï¬hï¬ the Govern: ment, or the leader of it,. had giysh hi l-‘*gu m 6 Â¥o r"ï¬%’? which! i6 swad ply, ‘ ‘-:". C Z:‘“ reasonsifér }' Unas ‘.I;H,'.r“-r'o:.l.’ =}ilԤ ‘ * ~ W foftny rÂ¥idt s .?y‘ member for w4 4774 _f},,-‘_‘ ° C merle e 1. L( p pointed ligh thotine® ledé ï¬.:f Atvat‘| lmiitide Hotse ho bosn Securta 071 be, laid.before thas tiouse copies of all appointments to, and rur.dom and tismissals from, office: in e â€"County of Lanenburg, N ia, sinceâ€" lst Octoâ€" ber, 1873, as well as all lotters, petitions, or other.papers or correspondencerelutive, or in connection with said appointments, mnquu'ouudd-mh-h,nd appointâ€" ments of successors. C ho ni.tgtore this tlouse) suptes of nil action takenâ€" by â€"the Government in the mtw“v::\.xld !‘)i. as the ""t:“ ot(.u,,' inhabi &n ® interests o trade and y m'.ï¬vely‘ deâ€" m b j a 4 #3% L4 43 . Hon Mr. KA%CK, in accordance 'ful.'-h“l:m of motion, moved Owing :â€" s J edarnd That an humble Address=be presented to his the : Governorâ€"General, praying that His Excellency will cause to ports. Such a state of things would be of immense advantage to all the Eastern sectionâ€"of the Dominion, . and»â€"ofâ€"incaloulâ€" able benefit to the districts possessing immense deroam of coal. and iren. . He hoped geftleme®tâ€" from Ontario .would visit that country, as heâ€"did, and do;xhwd not their.i r-nou uboihï¬gud uture . would !3 le his own, and ‘that they would ‘agree with him as to the very: reasonable nature of the request of hon. ;;em.lemen representing that region, for acilities mql»,hehl,inugqvolom it, and hastening its prosperous future. He be lieved this Saction, of the Dominion had a greater fiture than} Oritar:6 or any Western section, advanced Lboofll it might be at présent.‘ ‘He would rather trust the forâ€" times ‘of Nova Seotia or Cape Breton, and predict for them t flonrishing)l\m!ro, than rely upon the prospects ‘of Ontario, pros ‘Ton. Ne LETBLLMER m.‘,...d‘ on. Mz, LET] e some as q&:e_n_tattho tone . of the hon, \ge?ll just sat down. For ‘six yéars he was in oggo,}a‘hd‘sho hon. tleman beside hiti (Mr. Bourinot) was m-untly asking money, toen_laï¬t.his caunal ; but ndothing:was done in ‘time. Suddeniy, however, that h6 ‘wis* in"Opposition, his eyes atere.openitl, and he saw the valugof this work at.. the| : mement the . present Government werd proposing a vote dar it. His (‘-ovelr‘n:nm:eglected the matter for; yoars,» while.. the : noment :the.: present ussumed.offics, it decided : to: seo: tothis improvement,â€" ; ‘The: hon. Aeader â€"of. the Upposition M&oonn%l very late the The:engineers are now, at, work, and : the improvement will be ¢ffected &s: they: reâ€" commeond. Boflmd to:the motion.: ~:‘ Hon. â€" Mr,CAMPBELL â€"admitted: no actual. work was don.ltthe late Govern ment in this.direction, but it was but fair to say they sent down an engineer to ex> amine into the possibility.of enlarging the \canal, Difficulties in the way were reported owing to the character &emo form ‘ing the: banks ofltho.&d._ ad: . it was P .‘ works i u;*-".’." D DrOÂ¥vinces! A mtwth mi? would perhaps d u:nuch for:omo of them uiltâ€hull()i.on: T eonkegim uk egubenint ithe doau . 8 :wump ;g(.hnolhm‘-nd the value of that country to the,Dominion. If more n e ce overloqked in â€" to ite public pm q nit; had not made i :mum other. portions of : the Dominion, . Having,spoken.:so recently on this subject, wm&umdnm to enter into any digcussion of: the clai of the Island in this, Parliament in the foigritnited Sarectle Sake sn . 86 of Nova‘ Scotia Uhon thp Invourable ox pression of op on sides . in refer: to a subject in.which he. had > al Snee 6 e munboete thidh ba maulyony | . Hon; Mri MLLLER . was m,mï¬nd the interest shown . by : the : leaders of ‘the Government and Opposition: in | the 8t (Peter‘s Canal. mwn glad to . find: that they were both aliye to the import ce of finishing the canal, and he be~ ieved he had contributed something by i n;lvocacy of <h6é Ae@stites during the t fo Ce t reault. mflfl\myw&r ‘queohoii"i‘:' fore Parliament, and ‘would continue to do stâ€"antilâ€"the and desired was Moj,, His‘hon! friend from Cape Breton had alâ€" ways been:an advocate of every ‘meastire that might ï¬romoto the prosperity of the ‘Ishnd.m_d ‘gwasdï¬t%:‘ohimdhcun- ‘sing the qz:ltim. a also much leased to find the able advocacy of the ï¬on. leader of the mdhon en(vi-tod on :heirsid.o; ulbo visited the Canal a ew years ‘isnd "could speak‘from perâ€" M»um.?'m:-&r remarks were enâ€" titled:to special weight | (Phd late Governs‘ [mmm.- enginedmto inspect the \Canal and aupke m report mds tocrequited improvemen ortly, .. afterwards they yent w?&‘i:a'&., o TMr. Miller) m is d uy 1‘})'-&-0.' dvérh wate Heterfthed to forward the work, and he was satisfied with the assurance his hon. friend [ Hon. Mr. Letellier doBgJu]mnd'm_,bhnp few days mgo as to the intention of the Government. He trusted gre would be no further unniecessary delay‘ Many hon. members l'm? the Up vinces did not ‘r.ealise‘th. + tmpqmm;_o many of the of Mr,..Perley, the engincer mentioned that the present Covermment were about to take action. «But, froumt whatever party nction«mnwhh-o view {to this improve | ment, he [ Mr. C.] should be very gnd,: fled is m ten nork mobmpnthee sone | to seo the: : 20complishe that. would give such W to the trade of the country. | [ Hear, hear.]: > ; found necesseary .to examine into *hat matter before asking . the. (Legialature for. money. : So the lion. gontleman was mige taken. in â€" saying nothing: wasdone..He (Mr. C,) presumed it was upon.the report Jn Jgent oJ Lobsouitube dousM dJ%1 ols 4o expd THE TIMES: OTTAWA,. FRIDAY.FEBRUARY 19, 1s;%. 1Â¥ mo urgte | thian, | usually are.| (veann don mt in maey ‘or the | reports of the Departments which might be expunged withoutâ€"losa1 io. the m 1 and at a -vinghofoouidonu.vnpomo, 5 &and the space thus saved fillad with more | yaluable information. . He also had an ob jection to take to the length of time which it took to publish miny of these j qfvoryâ€"liths ralse then fibr ain i i ewu;hdtonn’“l*ï¬jh‘yurnolu‘i K l}&“ bidn | & w 1 »after â€"the session "opened. fu&?&,mlgmm on what ! c hr.x-m.d to the Hor , it met,. ‘The defeoté in‘ the |â€" were ~ spparent, ub| ervaas practic y nts would be the way suggested >â€" fulor Li itiines e » Pplg prered of y general ayvthere were a umber m to be i nmmm ties t tor 6E RHieP) W tick m-‘en:;&fwwm or e A . ain our 20000 ieE Ofzour: dore gm as the stbject" Was °B l ue e and as ‘accurate statishics 4y e Myvors iw the "Countigy "of" RY, ‘Ohiâ€" mt es rouee ot, &e., e intafomindceten 9t tovonue derived ertopenes Mr. d T intolL ietdouls .i, a c + ?’f‘;““ï¬m paper MEE known that the subject had been have takinen irt § lfor ml;::' than . o} ropounding o e policy rhe . Government. (Heat, _ hear.) He was convinced that the hon. member from Prince Edward Island would _not have withdrawn his resolutions, implying censure on the Government for dismissals, had it not been for that declaration of the Government. [Hear, hear.] He believed the hon. gentleman from the Island ‘had / done goor service to the Government, bad strengthened its hands against undue pressure, and that so long as the ooulm sustained the Government, each man holdâ€" ing office was assured that he 'r proâ€" tected by the Government from all undue pressure by'poliï¬oal‘pc!ï¬â€˜nns; His faith Mr. , CIMON: moved ow returti@=bf Rivers in the‘ "Countics f SaguétiRÂ¥ ‘Chiâ€" in the moral streh:gth of the Government | in this respect | been deoh:rd, the Government h‘:lt(iivioh.tod ilt’: pl f‘;. A&(: licy, and could not ibly justify ?.&lehom office oÂ¥ Mr. &on-h, Proâ€" tective officer, and Capt. Youn% Shipping Master of the port of Lunenburg. Mr: Mornsh, an eflcgzt officer, whose word, honour, vigilance and fearless discharge of duty, were such as to deter smuggling and smugglers, was dismissed through â€"the Customs officer in May last, without preâ€" vious notice, Or cause assigned, or *pny ment of salary to time of ejection from office. Had this offier been less sober, honest and independent, the Government would not have been forced to dismiss him. His dismissal has not onl{’hboen‘ injudicious and hurtful to the public in terests, but to the revenue of the m Capt. Young was also dismissed wi t notice or cause assigned, in October last; having been in office one year, faithful‘lf' doing his duty, striving to make all ga;ueu conform t; mu:: pmml;h'onl of t‘l‘l‘; hipping Act, an i quarte repgrta to the head ofmï¬h de t. No mian of that part stands hl;fl' er in his ition than he (Capt. Young.) He had ‘sz;elervioe to his country, and to the cause of humanity, that might have se cured him lasting honour, had he sought it, _ When the Indian, of the Allan lins of uteameu,Gfonndferod on ht:;e c::)nk{'n reof near the Gut of Canso, t. oung, regardless of , self and the nb? of he vessel and ‘cargo, ‘(other vessels fearing to approach) rescued the greater part of the steamer‘s passengers and crew. â€" In doing so he sacrificed his own vessel and the charter amounting to $7,000. When the will be ~submitted ‘to he he . hoped to â€"show clearly e tyranny practised over that officer, how he was ignored by the officer . of émtoms, who knowingly violat, ed the law, clearing {vessels, without havyâ€" ing the necessary certificates from Capt. f Youn&of shipment of crewsâ€"who ed at the mmg office and now m; it, in con: with his own office, with the additional fees and emoluments, the Government ‘not venturin& to flt any other person to the office, vâ€" ing been made aware of the tt of the Customs h'moxfl‘cer The Gov t struggled against ‘ejecting t. Young, | but. at . ly. yielded to the tm' â€" pressure, used by a of the who threatened annihilation of the lm sentative and the Government if his will [&?Mo.hyod, and: who had violated: laws time and again, allowing ‘and: d‘roctln.i::l {:;lol:hlwgo to sea and reâ€" turn without ipment or discharge of crews, by the shipping master (Capt. iYoung,r.nd who was. again and Tnulback) conciuded ‘by saring that ie Y mdt::&y fully nhow:o mnt ouux: i papers‘should mï¬ ud he was prepared to charge home the wm&:nd injustice done to: the: ejected :::g‘ equntry, and 'W{ hon. Mflh’r’ the vows x ‘ Mm,.: q vige !:;ie that 3 some 1 the Government, on ‘reviewing its action, floid ts Aquityrand: with Lecoing ty, i gnouuh_nt_o office the men .so imâ€" mly dismissed, I Mr. mUlgOT seconded the: motion of the Hon. Mr, Kaulback.. > > â€" Hon. Mr. miï¬i:iv‘wï¬â€" that the Hon. Mr. ndut::b.&oicht(w 6 of is to onâ€" ¢ Benate and House of Commons on &: Printing of Parliament, and that the Hon. Mrf] Fni::i'bo appointed; in u.i.t“‘d motion being carried, it was ordmthuthe l«emmdnhon be gannmnieuodbtho of Commons y one of the Masters in Chancéty:â€" BILL TQ ‘AMEND INTBRPRETATION AoT. tituled " An n'olbulx;on' e I:tem tion Act, As respectsâ€"the (Printing and Distribution of the Statutes, Mm}ï¬u ritorial application of Acts amendin preâ€" vious Ac{s" f wWwiks s as } 34 The ‘Tollowilg is theâ€" cont w“n rad '.p\»d-. hy l 4’. k x c ind ) ) 0 I e mb ‘lJil"l'iwm“l&‘ This bill noti first 1 h Cp Sut Son Boeit duation repd a ftst next. | The House then ‘Hon. Mr. SCOTT had no objection to the motion, but the hon.mmmm had i}l{lhhul;om 'v;:ldnoclueto i moï¬ve:.f e [ Soo(f taken some hi:obnrvï¬fa]u. Hehdm.domwe to these particular cases; but his referenâ€" wes were of such a character as not to ndmit of an immediate reply, _ He thereâ€" fore thought it better to wait until the came down to the House. R ï¬an: Mr. 8COTT moved, seconded by Hon. Mr. Hmd% the Hon. Mr. [Fabre be relie "dttoo further Mb + ance on the sommi 'PEdll‘d" ox mine"u’g‘.roportnpm e, contingent mecounts of the Senate for t.be?m -equ the Hon. Mr. vru:r apâ€" ing put and carried, ‘of ""the Governimant. moved, seconded by ) ï¬i)"fl“fl :’-%iiiï¬?‘nm' g and permanen > 1t oures old sores, | f #or ceansing ‘om an 3 SPARKS "STRRET, Oct. 12, 1674. ROB. ANGUS, Jr., FI8H. Boiled Salmonâ€"Trout, Parsley Bance. Bear Steaks, Venison Hloak Beof Bteaks, *~* Tamb Ob'a' * ~ JOINTS: COcrned Beof, . _ Ronst Becf, Meln H am, Oysters Fried, â€" ~Stewed, w. CLARKE» â€"| ’ woRLD CFAMED BL00D MiXtiRe CAPITAL , ; BLIX MLLL1ION pom{a. Available Eunds to -;t*adqpur'&b a ; The Great Blood Purifier and Restorer Soupâ€"Jardiniere, .. _ ... ... | .. (. ;s . En â€"Oyster Rolls. â€"Mutâ€" tor Pike: S nespred eepapiin es a ie mods Boiled â€"Corned Beef and ‘Cabbagb. Pork and Roastâ€"Beef and Hoâ€" se Radish; Legiof Mutton Tea and Coffbe, Vm â€"â€" P}!htou'.] Tarpips, , Carrots, Puddi Pabtry â€" Paradise Tnaprorcy Pudding aild4 Wino Eguos. Apple Breakfast on Rundays at 10. â€" Dinner at 5 p im: | _ Private Dinoers. prepared to order. * Boglals, Parties, and Wedding Breakfasts furâ€" hishea‘in frst.class ty lo. | Gentlemen Boardeâ€"i by the Month. ~ Montreal, Jan. 16th, 1875. Pubile Notice is hereby given that the Branch Oflice of this z:nru‘!. located at. No: 34 Aparksâ€"st., in the City of Ottaw», is closed from and after this date ; and thz. Mr, Martio W holeham is no longer authorized \odwt charged from . _. Our and rnmulnun(m.um hom‘b ng business with our;Ottawa Branch are there mh‘.':"-gumm" o, nsurnnce To war Head t)ffice, in Montreal ; aiso, All monies and notes for premiums duotbwmm u:l' rivka, must be cither paid into this office or to This Company, w hose noy in Cagada was established in {&1. u\d‘:h.oo income in Domtnion is nearly $200.000 from Nlonevat Arepary‘ do roro‘re anpllestions lorthe General o for the Ottawa io competent an who can make the ousiness & mmn it their entire attention. INSURANGCE .CO: Dessert â€"Fruits in Season, Almonds, Raisins, one of our regular authorized ‘agents, ~orâ€" the Comany will mhM%n same. PUILIC NOTLICE, Pncnx Mutual Lifeâ€" Insurance Co., HARTFORD, CONN, EUROPEAN _ _ Dining Rooms, 80 Sparks ‘Street, J. W. ARLESS, Proprietor. Tlll Citizens Insurance Co‘y. caPtrat, _ . _. $2,000,000. : â€" Frem, Tive, Acotant axp Graooat â€" HAND IN HAND Insurance=Co. 20 per Gent. Below ‘Combination Rates Feb, 19 1875 Ice Cream Saloon open in S ummer Months A8SETS OVER . . â€" !~ ;»>+â€" DEPOSIT AT OTTAWA, â€" â€" Ottawa, Jan, 23, Jan. 9, 1875, Ottawa, Jan. 23. Address with references and experionce, If Canads Agricutintat 1nmmanes Company, 245 Bt. Janies Street, =* and Cranborry Rauce, FIRE AND MARINE. HAS. DESJARDINS, OYAL CANADIAN Queen Restaurant. WELLINGTON STREET. LUNCKH IFOI' FARE. «l0res uiceraied sores ont 16 neok,. Cures uloerated sore Gures binckheads, or piaiple, ‘ot the e Miscellancouns. Trade Markâ€"* BLoop MrxTUR®," Pr 28 T PX d eA e Wt SiipdzngnE snn d in Btill continue to take Risks at General Agent Iusnrance. BILL OF FARE. ____ F RIDAY, 10th FERB., 1875 BLMPâ€"ON & BETHUNE, Managers for : nnada, Poa, Vegetable. 30 tels; R. C. W. MacCUAIG, Agent, Ottawa and Vicisity, EDWARD H. GOFF, _ Managing 1irector. OTTAWA. AGENT, OTTA WA $750â€"1m |#tatters &« Furriers, Ef' 'Mi:-f"ï¬' ::’ulg'r†; Twenlyâ€"five Tick agiaaee * spotrieaenr en exnterane sn AP o Feb 13. i 6 ## t 8769 To be dirtributed in L. D. SINES 46th. Semiâ€" [ * Annual £ 416 Notre Dameâ€"St., . . «Montreal, 11 Rideauâ€"8t.. =. . =. :. © Ottawa. $10;000:00 ~IN "GOLD. White Rabbitt.Jackets, Ladies‘ Persian Lamb Jackets, LADIES®‘ SOUTH SEA SEAL JACKET®, $ 10 0 , 0 0 0 .0 0 1 To the amount of Two Million Fivs Hundred Thonsand are io be amw.a“ux,nnnnm Te Svomian umm Cdkoert"" gy,A»t»s rirs : ALL OTHER FURS, CHEAP FOR CASH: Drawing Certain, or Money Refunded. D 12 ‘I & plendid _:ENM' Ladies" Fur Oq’;nel 'mloa in all the a&‘nn styles in ‘:;nnnayou hand, and‘also made to odrer «_ JAMES PRA g t nmetupet memam " No fl%m; SIGNOF THEâ€"RED HAT, U immnmrâ€"â€"=p nesichii * * PablHec Library of Kentucky." â€""‘ * wh«w.mmâ€"mdgm HipieSUs o alp Mï¬ Temay Ata meeting of the Trustees of the Public Library of i.oweky. Jan. 16, 1875, it was resolved as under the fooe Po e beo t M Pss find . who under the El:v:nml:m ?l. 5: g‘:b‘l.l: l.‘.Ilsmy o(wxe‘n.l.tl:okâ€"’g., Plio m ie mmonthmens o e darim $hint ing announced for February 2/th, Pay iibom Sny eaner oo pee e toe n hnd vhivn Dontert ahould pe wadremred to the andar sinuctone oo revrenn) Th ot thanprory 99 lar paid ï¬m' JOTT C. M. BRIGGS, Agent and Manager. Room 4, Public Library Building, Loulsvilie, Ky , without any further portponement or ah?w uy aeovuntrnneven o weide. FurDepots i HERIFY®S SALE OF LANDS. Jan. 11, 4875, GIFT ENTERPRISE, Dec. 2th, 1874. $ flqs! FzZ C l & f Cb c‘ e C sffit| a f/‘/ï¬/ v-’ 4 o j} " $ 24 p 5 Sea C \ ‘ t ‘ . e is c 4 j‘" ( 7 C13 For Tickets, or information, addressâ€" GENTS ‘FU RS*+ H. HODGES, * . e srand Cathwnl? phisgp it * * 56 SPARKSST., EVLIN‘S The only reliable Gift Distribution in the Gift Exnterprises. BUFFALO ROBES and Gentiemen‘s Furs in the city, In Valuable Gi"ts; Ladies Sea Otter Sots. 1874, DOLLARS ! THOS. E. BRAMLETT worth, $] can be had at the R. J. DEVLIN, ( $ $72 mi â€" »a y A" ,.n'-‘â€"q‘ h penneneranes feced ut enitl [ l obse r i1 lars are saved ?1__""‘ es aree mniacts | enï¬ e [ k â€" m--«-: pereanet [ h, .,"‘-‘-ï¬.... en '....1 s = . A Ml:".%..' # «eouy, â€"nervous debility; ‘&e., tried in vain every known remedy, humn simpie s«lfâ€"cure, Which he will send yREE to his fellow sufferers, Address, * ' J. H. REEV £8, Do c .. ___ _ 76 Nassanâ€"st., New York loual, Sewiel, mid qming. in the maok.. dold in r MontrikaL, 18th June, 1804 ï¬g&:m.m rams: 4 am t ï¬m is en memavernennvens rene Emmman-flmmm nary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitu» bozes, 4s 64 each, by all Chemists and Patent Imv-m.A,b’ . «w xX kig s c monmeted i apmte inmtenopatiie is CALORODYNE is that it cap se « Box have his. Sold ir QMMW'M * curgony Hiinmel, Portumer to H H. use } es m 'g;imm':;a‘z lmhd-flv_â€".hggmwmh- Fesgay ehiviee hn renovd Th wian The exp of twent; in the Lon Halltawxâ€"Avery Browu & payable in gomeOeron, 4 Aiiite Anp in Diuks Pancereatic Emulsion and pupunapensnnge 5 PSA TT acgrain pirbee i iapedvens m ger PEI‘SLNEâ€"The populur and RE CHEMIOALS AND NEW $ Siovieg, ani Shibpleg orders sssougee _“,__“ 13. _m-u "UEEs Mie 'I- esn ie o is petges wn..‘. pM ystem and, after supplyin Mrinute prauciies ‘of the" Fenohs "ayilem Byn-nnot:#m" in m and thfough the body it not alwers pure of free iruas through the body is not en se Fefss HBien wet may stop their outward esctape, and the in J rainage m a o nAouye hen influence, cause tho nten de -nnh:.u ecom Medallists and Jurors at all the Great Exh Ni 81, 88 &. 124 Southampion.Row, RUSSELL °SQUARE, LONDDN 148 NEW BONDâ€"S8T., LONDON, W And Retail of all other Ch ind Store P Skv anP MookEs barUsa tardos s ootinie tor Anihima, IFonoiitie tie. Morson‘sâ€"Effectual ~Remedies Are sold:‘by ‘ ‘Cher muhw:l“ii. 1THOMAS MORSON & SON Jany2, 1878, A BLESSING TO THE POLICHK, esr ahove ontford suces Lonaot. Rimmel‘s Vioiet, Rose, Leal, Rice, and other SAVORY & MOORE, i Forton‘s Camemile PilscLondon NE BOX OF CLABKES B 41 PILL# RTERLAL blood contains the cisments o _ Vitality and Nutrition, which is emptied ANHOOD RESTORED.â€"A victim of _ youthful imprudence, causing premature se aese and the is from congation, of ipressure 0f(bioodtherein. WoRksâ€"HoRNSEY AXD HoMERTOX UST SUCCIESSFU L KEM KDLES RBEUMATIO HRemcdics. INCHES ! Dying â€"BYâ€" TITEY F. J. OLARKE, Orders made WMmmLmr iimiene hy "oe breiad MANUFACTUING, JEWh m_ï¬ï¬iâ€"_mm' N Fine â€"Jeweller, Practical W, R@~ 36â€"SPARKR Just réceived, a magnificent @ssortms hich are sent ree, | " Beovene innenl in a teeme Orders can be sent direct ta th Matier po 26 ap. w PM warded Kant and jary ages the same “ f & m Via Niw Â¥ ork, close every. Bataiday, and P , Per Cansaiai Ateri Loor, WAghtP ut Kxorrr100AL TaGi 6 New Ed‘ ugpasd Root i * W from § @.m. 40 7 â€"plie piag. :: _ Wl Prige Medali f the London, Dubit: Rxhitbitions. . C ‘":‘:'.'?E..:‘...‘_'.!- r â€" dn Aty â€" Kok bnt Priapionmente n Hnéms es ols Key leas,‘‘«ntreBeconds Continental o« hx & Loh BiILVEBSMITE koA posr oerrs orrawa, Arrival and Departure of AGK STA MP CAatchmakers, Déé 2, 1674 1874. _ WINTER K.. _ $ & aEg AO"EEtfEees .8, ETT TI A6g ELARRAEEE Amg, . ACRERSEAR Office, Odava, Jan, ®, 17 lish Ormaoiu Cloci #1!}, or through mentie and Patuters and City Houseâ€"8 and THails,© Jewelery uid A 2ilG Wal bu. 2itck . ) [ï¬ o wike Ob warded to any address c refunded. _ Pr ; 5. Sold hok is marvelious for Sofé io pianed i,:: :i-m"',"" fU â€" Bell, Herkgley House Keepers® "If: profitable tes call to Ba ie $ mt Pimwg t tesa is not ag to y mdm { People‘s ;"fl-‘ Goger‘s, 384 Fowlo‘s ~ PM ï¬ï¬‚hb-bhfln Apply to R. m lndy with the red notse Fams® M ovesty,â€"Fo dingase to become semie “MI “ do for e ns t his now tduaorel Street, near Dufferin â€" . Those in search of him at his new shep or opposite the Parliamer Bolid bry _ Latesr Arrea â€" saie: of geots‘ Turmist city; butfrom Upperi nolw hontoried midtoaas Kote.â€" Mlsctric sixi STHLL EOPULAR.â€"â€" 114 white shirts for $] at where $145. _ @ 3 & Chaimer‘s Chalmer‘s Exsmine the Shaw laren & Chalmer‘s. . Mofly. B MOSic Black silk, 50 aLADa 3 neotntiin tss A. L. S i M Hennt. M, CONiLA Th a 10F the ne Ph. W