of Mails. l in * HOL CSHaAbLy at amay D A .4--\,!-‘] coned S : R yÂ¥ *OL neng vhiet TaCkeL, de, wâ€"--~3 t 06 stone vente â€"-z i siameP wWel jop ;?"\':_'!-“ OBRA LA se 0 0te y Jat ain@@tk at 190 IMNEY Foum & u) _ Bold by all medicine dealers. Price X ug N. TH N. Y. and RTHROP & i.vm"-r,..* On aiote ie gaoe m un trized. * T @1 on ... 3 121 T0RK» 30L8 rProramtox®. d‘iï¬mm o in "'l'""'ul q&z general agents fu&Dfl-,'m inâ€" ':l:boc_dqe-anh.w 50 pills, by powert askingham, P. Q, write: . #Send us one â€" O% We . find it ; takes remédy :f.‘m,-:-&h 'irt;.;. ';'n»‘n-u.' & ie oo m is * . Send us a ly without delay." â€"Lemoyne, Gibb, & Co., He e ie n ie epree aihes o rirarne s Vn HARFPEE & BROTBERS, Mew York in the back, and the same quantity a lame hckofcightye.u’nhhdi#, The followâ€" ng are extracts from a few of the many z:ondmb.:;hou received from the erent parts Canndgwlnch,wethhfl, should be sufficient to satisfy the most seeptical. J. Collard, of Sparts, Ontario; writes: "Send me six dozen Dr. Thomas Electric Oil. Have sold all I had from you and want more now. Its oures are truly wonderful." William Maguire, of Frankâ€" il,'rile-:“lhuoaoldnubowu\g it acts like uchnrmâ€"itwu-low.thl:‘, but takes splendidly now." H. Colé, lona, writes : " Please forwurd six. dozen d'l'hn-’floom()il, ‘l._im rum out ; nothing it. lt i, . reâ€" ‘n.d.db;qthouwho have n-I it," J. Bedford, ’I‘hnnuvmo.o}vrh.: “gno:uli ut once a further su Electric have only one MLKPRLL I navar ki mmmm 50 pills, Vnnbblnndl“ "“Nury:ot-l;.‘ Prensurzd, a viJthing zol ao wolly and givo wach gon so w give: such Umm†J. Thompson, Wï¬ -!.01 lh“So:dmonomo â€".g Sotric ve en out. e ouly, oo oo Noi ak" No M Thomas® Excelsior Eléctric Oilâ€"Worth Ten (imes its weight in Gold. the Wingate ( and retail by warded to an All that art c;naoo.:t;plishinbemï¬&- ing, strengthening preserving the human hair is effected by Burnett‘s Cocoaine. This incomparable hair dressâ€" ing imparts a glossiness is, health and natural. It is a i nphï¬oail agreeable and clean and dresses the hair H Sxm~ Dispases, of whatever nature, are completely eru%o.ud by the use of Fow’:'sl‘ilennd nmour&:nihcï¬nt is marvellous for Serofuls, Salt Rheum, Ringâ€"Worm, and even it has roved itself an almost never cure. &nnpoï¬lldbt.) l NEFOA i JOB Bvening Post Leaves Ogdensburg ! directions in the t around full particut “mwnhm _ going west, .............1.40 p.m, 1.01 a.41. , Leaves * * east. 445 p.m., 435 am wWATERTOWN, A* ENS nons, warem®uuif f¢ ""* ‘ Arrives iD sr. LAwWRENCE ANÂ¥ OTTAWA RAILâ€" Leaves..... 1045 a.m., 200 p.m., 10.45 p.m l Arrives.... 7.35 am., 4.10 pam.,â€" 7.10 p.m â€" CcaNAPA CENTRAL RAILWAY. _ Loages....................10.40 a.m., 5.00 $.ul. Arrives...........«......«. 1.20 p.m., 740 po GRAND TRUNXK RALILWAY. eaves Prescott Junetion f SOMAE WOSh «cxaerermruclof} Pndï¬ 10 CENTRAL VERMONT RAILROAD. PÂ¥ Cravcllers‘ Guide. HARPERS BAZAR MOSES® PEMALE PILLS. Hrxa«x Haiz.â€"How man this ‘ delieate and buuu†al omeâ€" by burning it with alcoholic washes aistering it with grease, which has mnity for the skin, and is not ab ._ Burnett‘s Cocoaine, a compound m-rnut‘hoil, &c., is unrivalled as a g for the hairâ€"is readily péculiarly adapted to mwvm ons, preventing its falling off and ing its healthy ‘growth. 3784 . nnot s ipest med ss variety, to.the in Ogdensâ€" i S rom Boston. 8.00 a.m., 12.50 p.m. oins (or I‘tLss) are permanentâ€" ; Mathioun‘s Pile Ointment, or nded. Pï¬cetlp:;got,un‘; Nold wholesale retail b: Cbcmicd&mm,lflï¬-l y all druggists, or will be forâ€" ny address on redeipt of price nhieu,l%NotuDa-o;;‘olu, UUSINESS NOTICES. s raptedel desighe for emoreid. c o the Bazar is n:i:.g, of The paper has acquired a wide es of the Fr (ur:u.nnexmunuuu. o ï¬â€œâ€™.“bvw. ‘oll in the ( the greai â€%lm-ï¬m rlz'hmit is used. It . i ever made. One red bronchitis.. Fifty cents d an old standing cough. ures Catarrl, Asthma and ents worth bas cured crick rs 1 If desire to get a anw&-’::vm. & g-. to select bryou.u“:"'fla ing to your taste y 1ey for wb:’mm uors and general groceries People‘s Tea Store, 36 Rideau street, & Ottawa. Ogdeds STRATED, East F rk.10.00 c... 6.00 joymentlt affords.â€" 1215 p.m., 5.30 p.m. Pleasuré, and 8,00 a.ra., 2.25 p.m nd Sapper‘s ridge p.., 7.00 am. 11.00 p.m» 3760 lent monthly proves its continued Adaptation to eros tm oi on month, we nmoon’dn.lu- of the educaâ€" tors as wellas entertainers of the public mind, for iW vast popularity has been won by no apâ€" naal to pâ€"A mt i+ h agnning sn quatsate sA .A LJ, **A»ow*s«co. f Have in stock the intest aod best COAL STOY K8 1 est rales. ‘They have also always on handâ€" all desoriptions OF Gentiomean‘s and Lasios id somd bas thie west whâ€"itel . Broplop‘g, Axccuted: Sign of the Anvil, 24 Rideauâ€"st. ait the rders of HAnrPE® & Addrem RARPER 4 BROTHERS, New York THOS. BIRK ETTS. Oot. 3. 4874; THOMAS SHORE & COMPANY, Assortment of Shelf and Heavy Hardware (Successors to LKE & THOMPSON.) _ leave to the attention of Public The everâ€"increasing &lroulation of this excelâ€" mâ€" m.q-. hapdreimtiedhBfsidtrmcmmas d um-hf-‘..-‘?.‘-‘.‘.'!&..m on Â¥ * . H. MRADOWS 4& 00, in pablic buildings umfr-;-‘.-nu ap CALDWELL & CO, |â€" â€"*= No.24 Maro® %, 1874 Are unequalled b ‘ Machine‘ Olls in the :Eï¬.“uw-n{.::rm w freeze. ('gia- s W. J, CRAVEN & Co,, o s 4 Pm o Faaban) Gootlent Mills‘ Supply Agency Ottawa, Deo. i1, 1874 N.B..â€"Uor prices and quality of goods Saws, lom Proking, r Graduating , â€h"z‘* BRas‘s e usuee: *‘ Also, Ageney &'E E) Gas Lionht GENTS‘ FURNISHING GOODS On band, wnich will be sold cheap for cash. + R recel crdar ?"3,%“““";".:'".:-::1:... e formeriy. § ~ Centrai Sehont h._'lnâ€".â€"u,â€" oll, G 3?' t Wobe e o Aoee Phempres work of the kind in the World." Ne.17 Sparkeâ€"st., Nee Russelt 76 Sparks Street Clothing Establishment ents for Otta Te 4 Fob. 19, 1873 ARDW ARL, V A WA HARPER‘8 MAGAZINH ILLUBTRATED. A large lot of H A R D W A R E. CLOTHINC Establishment, 59 Sparks Street. . â€"| __ CALL AND EXAMINE STOOCK, ud overytning in connedtion wito ME And willâ€"dispore of the balance Winter Stock :Mmod mc:hh diL $A OiL / syeavy Huaurdware, &t. In the city is to be found at CGOAL STOY ES 1 Notlces of the Press Opmarity has been won by no apâ€" mwdnmvdh..: The Largest and Best that they will have every satisfhotion ° in . buying their Clothing â€"AT THR®â€" The retail Clothing ness so long carried on by Joreph Mâ€"tcalfs is trenaferred to the t J3HN SMITH & Mr. Smith‘s know of the Ready Mad® ing bu.ine:s (14 years pxâ€" perience), and their d raination to keep boest class of Goods to be had, and to sell at the Iowâ€" t pmupqou,vui‘h a GUARANTEE to Mr. Metoalfe‘s old Customers CTTAWA Oxt NEAY Y Remember the CALDW ELL & Co., Sparksâ€"st Sparks Street, near Bank. ©lothing. Has reâ€"opened bis r*d by the leading Manuâ€" tapturing establishments of the Hominion, Tri1£ LLENT _A machin _ Ofl has for the last 12 years been $2000, withoot extra AT QUAL STOY ES | A RCTIC \U‘ BRANDS oF â€"ANDâ€" No. 24 Â¥i0y ies, cannog be too highty recommended. " ho Recriie, Sourey it Devamm mt tore Trade Markâ€"* Buoop MrxTun®.". . â€" The Great Blood Purifier and Restorer & or cleansing and clearing the blood from all im mgumhé l.ut.t-(knn- Leter®, lo.’ .hln-uql =l- :-h.u:hwmh-nquhfl'h done at the Capital _ _.__, _ _____ _ ". OLARKEYâ€" * WORLD FAXED BLO0D MIXTURE PAPER RULEB, AND Account Book l{gnhotnru. RIDRAUâ€"BT , OTYAW 4. Ruling, Perforating, Numbertnug Jde Malbais: (near Poreé)....... ... 100 do Grand Pabos, de _ .................. 200 do Little Pabos, do .................. 100 do Tobique (New Brunswick)............ 100 do Nunu&, do sexirnctvers. (BOW ::"l'(.w‘.“li(rnigu.ht searekiezent m * 30â€" Stimon, , * de ons â€" P * By order of the Hon. the Minister of Marine u:’ Fisheries. p § ~, Aoonhs W.F. WHITCOHER, â€" Commissioner of Piaherics L‘R Stuby lN THB UNDERMENTIONED Salmon Rivrâ€" r:li's'x"m be LEASED for a u-’:rpr'tlvx (Jom above u; ces at frivm cost. Applications be recei to lst MAY next. River BOOKBINDER, do do do , do pde do do do do do do do Stipulations of proposed contracts be had :t the Post JIcuo(thrOhHCl?-d the Dominion, inelndil‘OVlc\orh, B. C. ; at. the Offices of the British Consuls in New York Th ignPiinnonatinie ces the Agent, General for aund- in London, mll'ns Jeukins, Esq., King Streot, Westminâ€" T. « A WILLIAM WRHITE, ... It cures old sores, Tenders to state the price asked for the do:bh voyage from Vlc‘:l.‘l’ to San l‘nnlï¬og an or vice verss, payment w Tade at Tiftorie quarioniy. ’I‘INDIRI.?i addressed to the Postmasterâ€" ~ General of O ‘will be receired at Ottawa until noon on the 4th: Ma next, for the conve e.ofï¬orl.jut;!n Mails twiunmnlhmhnâ€"&pnolmlo- than 1,000 Tons, nor of less speed than 10 knots an hour, between Victotria, B. C., and San Francisco, for a torm of fiys years, comâ€" menging on and from the 1st August next. . Tenders may include offers for a service as abore, once a weekâ€"during the months from April to September incluiw and twice a month during the remainder of each year, BTEAM SERVICER BETWEEY VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA and SAN FRANCISCO. Pecemas o e Borek.., RESS NEWS AGENOY, l’"or'mï¬ '“?munu,â€"'â€"' * " quanâ€" :‘:gt;.l.‘y_u the office of ï¬% ) signed and endorsed "Tender Pacifc R+llâ€" way " will be received np to noon of the m«mm&’mwmm (}til‘o%ma -xundl.; from the L:l“%;{:e C e Woods to Red River, x 4 pasi Eiet Sepeenmat Omnade, SALMON ANGLING. spnpheees mmpemn ns â€" Inveloes unlil further notice / 1# per cent. Tenders for Grading. Lake of the Woods to Govuerutn Quebes, in Journais of The of Assembly of LOwer Canade, from 1798 to 1887, uy (x"nqh.no:- n..d y + Upes Journals of The dhu.u'oomu of Canade, from to h â€ï¬‚“ Slatuie of Oanadae, from 1841 to 1374 | ... EALED TENDERS® addressed to the under Cadastres com in 7 vois., folio, ve_-m.n"zï¬â€˜- Index to the Statutes ® Sparks Street. Ottawa, Fob. 17, 1875 Nataskhquan (NortA Shore)........... $800 Trinity (near Point des Monts)...... 100 St. Margaret (en bas).................... 100 Trout (neer M)_‘..... i eerruesvers | 90 Mistassini (neer G Books & Stationiery. Bookbinders. CANADIAN PACIRC RAILWAY, ooxks on sALE AT P. NAUGHTEN‘8 RIDEAU STRERET, a. MORTIMER, NEW BOOKs. By order, ALEX, ROBKRITRON) _\ rent lotices E. BRAUN, ~ _ THE TIMES: OTTAWA, THURSDAY, MARCH, 4, 1875 Secretary Becretary oo â€"andgmetipnmen /7 â€" «~BROWNLEE &CO0 © Bank of . America, @%kzb:n:dmt ug‘ desirous ot seouring good rï¬ m Mvele PRhes ud Soprernble betee will pMs® thelr ascouais.s i: noe. Oth 11 I-.lhon-ovï¬l ve placed in \C: & clleotor‘s hands for immediate RAJOTTKE & Uc.,. Pootey °l rkige, and sottle lnrythh:’m \lmr' line constantly on domogun ns Remrnatna n ioret Margh 11, 1574 ___‘" NÂ¥ 1@ Ridran=St., Otteawa, Importers and Desiers in Boots,~Shoos Has a large stock, of Winter Goods, comprising **"." Ruibreidore nadPiaiy oo e x e D © Ladics® Plain, Embroidéred and m Tadies‘ Fing Buttoned and Laced Eelt Bals, Felt Overs, l es .ï¬h‘po-ukonlhn’-. Ladiesand Boys‘ Plain ancey Moose Moccasin®, m% end-ummed to offer dlflfm . REDICULOUSLY LO _ » â€" ro as to *n coreiorecpouwonn ants Jpt. f mondy by pHe A o mgwhm-r fvom 2: c . 5.0. Â¥eb, 23 1476 mm. < 60 § * 'mj CLAIRVOYANT : PHYBIOIAN: | \‘ May how be consuited to his~‘* / ) ROOXES. RUSSELLI H#0UL E nn?un-muox ted. as "I deal excoluâ€" sively on the cash ly-&“. which bas -gd mhmyu»wp@&* « | Stock of Spring: Amportations. In order to reduce pflu m,‘ CORNER OF DALHOUSIE STRRET. Januazy 2ird, 1$75, ®105/ ~~ gonn Hoars from 10 a.m antil 5 p.us. Jan. 9, 1875. WILSON & ORR, Oarversaik CGilders Chemist & Druggist, ‘ BHOW OA8SES MADE TO ORDER. March 12, 1874, 26 Caruers & Gilders, SELLING AT COST, @60 HSnarksâ€"st. Drug â€"Store. .T. SHEPHERD. Lt TAKE NOTICE. ‘Mitts, Rubbers, » .â€" . Moecasins, &¢. WHOLESALE AHND RETA I 1. 85 SPARKS . STREET The Victoria Stables Furniture : Warerooms, ANGUS%CcoO. Dealers in ‘¥ ore, Beds, Maitresses, Lookâ€" Mflmaï¬()w LOOKING=â€"GLASS and PTOTURE FRAM E For One Month,.for Casb Only, ï¬l)ulâ€"pdi-rld‘*., s Jj 4;0, NEEL Roots & <0es, Opposite Heney‘s New Block. Jan, 11, 1874. } d W.:A. LAMB Druggists, All particnindebtéd to "ARarnithie"" /‘ _ MANUFACT URERS nevesns "Hrawa. ; RAJOTTE & 0d srace| o NrRRCAR t R 23 Hussexâ€"st OA WA 228 ‘aiâ€"Dands, Bo can have on reseipt of or and Catketso every dameriv AT THE OIL DEPOT, »gï¬s‘_pg;g.gp, us :: a~ oys _â€".0.8, SHAW 4& Cco. â€" Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting, Tinstriths and Galvanized Iron Roofers. I Lamps & Chandeliers Dealers in Coal and Wood MILL MACHINERY OF EVERY f 70 SPARKS BTREET, OPrAWA! | | :00 | â€" Manufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in Iron and Wood Working. Machinery. Exemzs anp Bomsns, Naw axo» S#cox» Hax» |____ .. Goode, Baskets, Wooden Ware, Bird chseg Chileren‘s .*‘ *‘ * *‘ General Houseâ€"Furnishing. G o 0d s ATHS, WATER CLOSETS, BTEAMâ€"FITTTINGS, . York Street, North Side, fo%" odecn dn hontedthidnintsrmntticinnd y * ids‘ ire mï¬m. m A 9 ... o s e aaammes 14%88 “szumwm ie Dll'ect Imxgorâ€"qmnn--: Ottawa Branchâ€" â€" . . â€"~. . 3gg, sfKk3 Stroot ENDIES, ‘PORT AND SHERRY wWiNE, ‘@ â€"__â€" CLUFF & MILL, | GENERAL Acents. C O Oe ee "Trmes on nsl terints s sprorat worrox, 4 WHMOLESALE AND a live dettaly to soatihre" irnand en in goretnilt it the Ovteren dtvtice, wat sote Commmay | " â€"suadics, Oibzizm and Faransâ€"Fined 0 ies ic deaaee iess ecirareit rarriarie |. "Deos,â€"n40e dimemen rnrimeâ€"Fen o . ___.SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, _ MACHINERY DEPOT %' 0"'1‘? wfl%r‘m Ev] [Bend for Cirgulars and Oataiogues OÂ¥FIUE AND WAKEROUSR... .. se CANADA:" . °. 0_ Agrlcultm‘gl Insurance Co‘y Ottawa, February 13th, 1875 y And Lawn Mowers. CORNER SPARKS AND O‘CONNORSTS. e afiay. pvery dovenpare ah wid Onskoino Svery doveripdon alia M O O R E Jan,8, 1876. orFFIOR, Plumbing, Gas and: Steam Fitting CoL. A. C. D,L mwmrg wn.uuj ANGUS, workmen. . Partiouiar aitention: in requested ho yar Restciaty shey" of OB * ul . T MABON & 00. / al and Wood , P Goods, Bashoto, Weoden Wass, nivg OF THE BEST CANATIAK, ENGLISEK AND AMFRICAN MAKE § and T Nicholag=st., O, Durochar, James Mat Poter Kourns, Snd Fintine, Hot alr Purasose â€"â€"" w Byin New Improvel Rureka Hot Air raft Furnace. PLUMBER, GAS &â€"STEAM FITTER / __ SBaARKS Stritet Nes TIN AND COPPER SMITHS,© 3 O N.:~. & with every requisti The Largest A 84 SUVUSSEXâ€"~ST. 25 RIDBAU STREET, eral»" iye ESTABLISHED, FERBRUARY 6th, 1s75. BUILDING â€" SOCIETY Bervices, Baths, ., Wwith ‘Hot and Cold Warer :.’.'E‘A"mm.e.._ ‘m-mwflhw of the HEAD OFFICE,â€" MONTREAL Plumbers, &x. prestpeie ols leapiteGermain. CAPITAL, â€"~â€" 81 000,000 Machinery. Coxal Oil. P. B. FERGUS$ 0 N, m:éï¬dz § (AEKEY ard DOOR WEMF 0P HANK sTRERT, Kite Assurgmee, . _ Hardware. OTT A W A. OTTAW A !w IQ" l‘m “fl CIHC, h _ sithrme morns, se © . es s s ponppaae " Desember #, M _ _. 4 # t in the Olty, EDWARD A «... ®9 SPARKEST., OTFPAWA MA. Tsale Righer, A.Obevrier .. _ Auguste DeGuise dn Orey® . Kysay | Da‘y 10 a. m;y tUlA p. nm. | OTTAWA. OFFIOE le. g-'unmm on.': .......'a.':‘.'f hent Iw. »inted maiter Jby: the Jnd w MYRTLEâ€" NAYV XY, ss_llmx Diamond Yeast® Cakes Monuments. Headstones Obeli mumuluu.tn PaAVIB & 00/4, 3, a:;g;n’ «0 ‘Wt (aN # Ob s, THE MAT ‘B $ W. # 00. noxl L Of the above list we might ‘single out The Hallet, Davis /s Piano ; and The W. H & Co,% oo onl remg srof iss * ; * hlbq“-.‘v very best stteen A :rt ht â€" ,e:.nndhomd, mi‘:m the purchaser dhummw at in ‘ov , ‘ Drunkenness Cured. F YOU WANT GOOD BREAD Gentlemen‘s Underclo";;â€""*‘_ carfs .. in Marble, Seotch Granite, or Sanastone. ittagt MB~The newest derign in CEMETERY FENOLNG, sultab e for the various Cemeleri =»»2 Stock of Fall & Winter Goods F Ever Every Nieomidt se nt uon Farabent .. .. OTTAWA"MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. For a Good Smoke In the above Establishment, will All Parties living East of A Large Consignment Fob. 8, 1875, M Hee T. & K. on esok: Piug. We are offer: W“&.‘sz‘“ l (Foak ind Buges ha WA S%ï¬m"gumw "':“ ~.-‘ %&L-"dl‘:l ‘u.‘-l: not hearsay lead you to this pince or that Linuw"" $°.COaWiners. Protect your own inlereet: is. LONDON At Redunced Prices for Cash. Also, a large and wellâ€"assorted stock of | i3 ukh TAILORING ~ ESTABLISHMENT, T8, SPARKS STREET, OPTTAWA. (| "\«~ !@«o« DEALERS iN _ tu. PianoFortes, Cabinet Organs, Organettes, ns Music Books, etc.,â€" g +A The remainder of his large good fit guaranteed or no sale. uwm.‘, 1. 196 f DRYâ€" GOODS ‘AND CMILLINEERY Dec. 3# 1874. WMeLESALE AND ®R ET a %4, ‘T C2RS,â€"BLAUKS GHERENS ana JAPANBâ€"Finest Geaéea, . / ‘~! Â¥!!* COF[G@sâ€"iremn noantitih Grount auty in tae prominet, tikighil or ~._FANCY â€"GROCERIES IN GREAT Vik_%#Â¥" No 234 WELLINGTON STREET * WR YAXRE: :C mm'm‘mw scÂ¥the THE PEOPLES TEA STORE 1H08.._ PATTERSON ESTABLISHED 1854. hfl â€"Usk THEâ€" w t P oo Cc uo ies thelp |~ ~*"T 0t 6 1000 nb farch mwmmuurâ€".ua*mym USE THE P. A. TAYLOR, Proprietor. Cor nwall ,..99“9"‘1 . S. MKINNON & C€O., T8, APARKS STRREET OPPAW 1 Amount of Two Dollars JOSEPH DIMBLEBY, The largest and Bestâ€"ssiccted assortment_of A FULL AND NEW ~STOOK OF Marble Whorks. Duflerin: Bridge and West of Pooley‘s Bridge who Eadies‘ [ESTABLISHED 1860.] Bry Goods: â€"â€"IUST _ RECEIVEDâ€" FPOR SALE CKEAP AT Always on Hand. 20 RIDEAUBST., Is now offering at bis THE PEOPLIE Lma ©10KK, 30 R1}) ï¬tlh. been feithf@lly tested :« found to be infalAble cure for ti above named Jus has begi « aniversal the DLEG® & ,0ure to inose will use e, or in‘ Clike 6. faiture to the paid., : Bin0g #t) w o« Arst he has -um-u of Je the oure the awful :m“ for, &!loï¬ . cure fl vegeil) >« Aets N Un taker. Phare is so enarfl. Ova’- v o .“-w and t aljent‘s llly heaith C k Dec. 14 TB . nmmu:-vuu: 4 . LDBE & PERrFECT * e tanimnes hn One Bowle warranted to Oure ail eases of >‘ From Une‘to Turee Botties in all ~Casé P V IRST Of FEpRrUa®RY, 1676 on STOUK) ® c hould is j i e aain e mediate returns, and 4 6 PILE ANXD EUmox "cur® ONEY! KONEY ! ! KONXEY1!! darg, UHortu®, Sou® sY ALt Dapg» 4 * eetmy ,:A‘h“ m ,"‘t!A.l.-'p Â¥ * & FORGIE‘S, , Ties, Collars Producers W# BROS. â€"I Ay 487 45. / Trilie to the Ntreet